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Ebrary9789280812077.Pdf United Nations University Press is the publishing arm of the United Nations University. UNU Press publishes scholarly and policy-oriented books and periodicals on the issues facing the United Nations and its peoples and member states, with particular emphasis upon international, regional and transboundary policies. The United Nations University was established as a subsidiary organ of the United Nations by General Assembly resolution 2951 (XXVII) of 11 December 1972. The United Nations University undertakes a wide range of activities focused on knowledge generation (basic and applied research, and foresight and policy studies), education and capacity devel- opment (developing human and organizational capabilities), and know- ledge transfer and sharing (communications, dissemination and outreach). The University operates through its institutes and programmes located throughout the world, and its planning and coordinating centre in Tokyo. The people vs. the state The people vs. the state: Reflections on UN authority, US power and the Responsibility to Protect Ramesh Thakur © United Nations University, 2011 The views expressed in this publication are those of the author and do not neces- sarily reflect the views of the United Nations University. United Nations University Press United Nations University, 53-70, Jingumae 5-chome, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-8925, Japan Tel: +81-3-5467-1212 Fax: +81-3-3406-7345 E-mail: [email protected] general enquiries: [email protected] http://www.unu.edu United Nations University Office at the United Nations, New York 2 United Nations Plaza, Room DC2-2062, New York, NY 10017, USA Tel: +1-212-963-6387 Fax: +1-212-371-9454 E-mail: [email protected] United Nations University Press is the publishing division of the United Nations University. Cover design by Andrew Corbett Cover photograph by Logan Abassi / UN Photo Printed in the United States of America ISBN 978-92-808-1207-7 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Thakur, Ramesh Chandra, 1948– The people vs. the state : reflections on UN authority, US power and the responsibility to protect / Ramesh Thakur. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-9280812077 (pbk.) 1. Intervention (International law). 2. Humanitarian intervention. 3. United Nations. I. Title. JZ6368.T48 2011 341.5'84—dc23 2011031854 Endorsements “I am a regular reader of Dr Ramesh Thakur’s writings. I have been im- pressed by his clear thinking and analysis of world politics. Dr Thakur has challenged me many times to review my own thinking on important issues.” Martti Ahtisaari, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, former President of the Re- public of Finland and Chairman of the Crisis Management Initiative “Ramesh Thakur has established a solid reputation for himself as an international public intellectual. The articles assembled in this book have contributed in no small measure to that achievement. Between them these articles show a keen understanding of the main currents of inter- national affairs. Ramesh’s subtle analysis is well served by an elegant and limpid writing style. Academics, diplomats, journalists as well as the wider public will all welcome the fact that these enduring essays have been brought together in one book.” Lakhdar Brahimi, former Special Adviser to the United Nations Secretary- General “In recent years Ramesh Thakur has provided the world with brilliant commentary on the passing global scene. To have this wisdom and insight gathered in a single volume provides an invaluable resource that should be made required reading for leaders and citizens alike.” Richard Falk, Emeritus Professor, Princeton University Contents Foreword . xii Gareth Evans and Mohamed Sahnoun Preface . xv 1 Kosovo teaches might is right . 1 The Japan Times, 19 April 1999 2 Kosovo’s lessons in racism . 4 The Japan Times, 21 May 1999 3 The UN at millennium’s end . 7 The Japan Times, 23 June 1999 4 Defining new goals for diplomacy of the twenty-first century (with Steve Lee) . 10 The International Herald Tribune, 19 January 2000 5 NATO in the Balkans: Between failure and disaster . 13 The Japan Times, 1 April 2000 6 Peace’s high price in Kosovo . 16 The Japan Times, 9 April 2000 CONTENTS vii 7 The UN’s impossible task . 18 The Japan Times, 28 May 2000 8 Partnerships for humanitarian crises . 21 The Japan Times, 22 January 2001 9 Vandalism in Afghanistan and no one to stop it (with Amin Saikal) . 24 The International Herald Tribune, 6 March 2001 10 Injustice across borders? . 26 The Japan Times, 13 July 2001 11 When to intervene: Collective might in service . 29 The Japan Times, 20 December 2001 12 Commission a model of global cooperation . 32 The Japan Times, 28 January 2002 13 Help the huddled masses . 35 The Japan Times, 25 February 2002 14 In the wake of India’s tragedy, six reasons for hope . 38 The International Herald Tribune, 25 March 2002 15 Peacekeeping: Diplomacy’s odd couple, the US and the UN . 40 The International Herald Tribune, 26 June 2002 16 Reforming the UN: An encouraging start under Annan . 43 The International Herald Tribune, 19 July 2002 17 The ICC: When guilt goes beyond crime . 46 The Japan Times, 24 August 2002 18 Testing times for the UN . 50 The Japan Times, 21 September 2002 19 Intervention could bring safeguards in Asia . 53 The Daily Yomiuri, 3 January 2003 20 War vindicates UN stance . 56 The Japan Times, 27 April 2003 21 End of the old world disorder? . 59 The Japan Times, 10 May 2003 viii contents 22 US considers UN approval of force optional . 62 The Daily Yomiuri, 9 July 2003 23 Why India said “no” to US . 64 The Japan Times, 17 July 2003 24 Chrétien was right: It’s time to redefine a “just war” . 67 The Globe and Mail, 22 July 2003 25 Reforming the United Nations . 70 The Japan Times, 8 December 2003 26 Celebrating Human Rights Day in an oppressive world . 74 The Daily Yomiuri, 9 December 2003 27 How the legitimacy of US goals has been undermined by its war on Iraq . 77 The Canberra Times, 11 March 2004 28 The Iraq war in retrospect . 79 The Japan Times, 28 March 2004 29 Stepping in to protect oppressed people . 82 The Canberra Times, 12 April 2004 30 New jailers, same prison? . 85 The Japan Times, 15 May 2004 31 Save us from the humanitarians for war . 89 The Daily Yomiuri, 9 September 2004 32 Choosing how to intervene . 92 The Japan Times, 10 October 2004 33 Did Kosovo illuminate Iraq? . 95 The Japan Times, 17 October 2004 34 Reshaping the concept of shared responsibility for global security . 99 The Canberra Times, 10 February 2005 35 Freedom, when it suits US . 102 The Japan Times, 12 February 2005 contents ix 36 Peer review of human rights . 105 The Japan Times, 29 May 2005 37 The UN at 60: The place where humanity’s divisions meet . 108 International Herald Tribune, 25 June 2005 38 Balancing security and rights . 111 The Japan Times, 30 July 2005 39 East Timor: When peace and justice collide . 114 The International Herald Tribune, 31 August 2005 40 UN’s “Einstein” moment . 117 The Japan Times, 3 October 2005 41 From national security to human security . 121 The Japan Times, 13 October 2005 42 Tyrants under the gun: The reduction of impunity . 124 The Japan Times, 10 November 2005 43 In selecting new UN secretary-general, leadership most important factor . 127 The Daily Yomiuri, 3 February 2006 44 Scapegoating the United Nations would erode its legitimacy . 130 The Canberra Times, 6 February 2006 45 Action must be taken against peacekeeper sexual predators . 133 The Daily Yomiuri, 6 March 2006 46 North–South fault line in global politics . 136 The Japan Times, 10 May 2006 47 UN is still the world’s best hope for peace . 139 The Canberra Times, 15 June 2006 48 A war that was won by not losing, and lost by not winning . 142 The Canberra Times, 30 August 2006 49 Know the goals of military intervention . 145 The Japan Times, 20 November 2006 x contents 50 What Annan has contributed to world . 148 The Daily Yomiuri, 26 December 2006 51 The responsibility to protect revisited . 151 The Daily Yomiuri, 12 April 2007 52 Law versus legitimacy at the United Nations . 154 The Hindu, 11 May 2007 53 Unintended consequences of blue berets’ actions . 158 The Hindu, 25 May 2007 54 Human rights, national security and terrorism . 162 The Hindu, 20 July 2007 55 War in our time: The myth of appeasement . 164 The Hindu, 1 November 2007 56 Protection and punishment . 168 The Japan Times, 12 December 2007 57 Operationalizing the “responsibility to protect” . 171 The Hindu, 15 February 2008 58 Kosovo’s new status will not erase centuries of Serbian history 175 The Canberra Times, 22 February 2008 59 Let the Asians push aid to Burma . 178 The Japan Times, 12 May 2008 60 Burma and the responsibility to protect: First, do more good than harm . 181 eInternational Relations, 20 June 2008 61 If you are an Iraqi, how do I kill thee? . 185 The Hindu, 31 July 2008 62 Post-Cold War era over, but not US primacy . 189 The Hindu, 11 October 2008 63 How to help Zimbabweans . 193 The Ottawa Citizen, 22 December 2008 contents xi 64 Ban a champion of UN’s role to protect . 196 The Daily Yomiuri, 10 March 2009 65 Bringing justice to torture enablers (with Jorge Heine) . 199 The Hindu, 16 April 2009 66 West shouldn’t fault Sri Lankan government tactics . 203 The Daily Yomiuri, 12 June 2009 67 Next word on intervention . 206 The Japan Times, 31 July 2009 68 Responsibility to protect is universal . 209 The Daily Yomiuri, 17 November 2009 69 The growing threats to human rights .
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