Aerial Photographs

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Aerial Photographs SOCIETY NEWS qÜÉ=k~íáçå~ä=^Éêçëé~ÅÉ=iáÄê~êó ^Éêá~ä=éÜçíçÖê~éÜë ÉäÇ= ïáíÜáå= íÜÉ= k~íáçå~ä ~åÇ= a~ãá~å= dê~ÇóF= éìÄäáëÜÉÇ= áå e^Éêçëé~ÅÉ= iáÄê~êóÛë= ÉñíÉåëáîÉ OMMT= ïÜáÅÜ= ÇÉëÅêáÄÉÇ= íÜÉ= iáÄê~êóÛë éÜçíçÖê~éÜáÅLÖä~ëë= ä~åíÉêå= ëäáÇÉ ÜçäÇáåÖë=~ë=íÜÉ=çåÉ=ä~êÖÉ=ÅçääÉÅíáçå ÅçääÉÅíáçå=çÑ=~îá~íáçå=áã~ÖÉë=EçîÉê çÑ= íÜÉëÉ= áã~ÖÉëKÒ= fåÅäìÇÉÇ= áå= íÜáë NMMIMMMF= ~êÉ= ~= ä~êÖÉ= åìãÄÉê= çÑ ÅçääÉÅíáçå= ~êÉ= êÉîÉ~äáåÖ= É~êäó= ~Éêá~ä ÜáëíçêáÅ~ääó= áãéçêí~åí= É~êäó= ~Éêá~ä éÜçíçÖê~éÜë= çÑ= î~êáçìë= ~êÉ~ë= çÑ éÜçíçÖê~éÜë= ~åÇ= ä~åÇëÅ~éÉ= îáÉïë ÅÉåíê~ä= içåÇçå= ~åÇ= áíë= ëìÄìêÄëI í~âÉå= çîÉê= ÇáÑÑÉêÉåí= ~êÉ~ë= çÑ áåÅäìÇáåÖ= tÉëíãáåëíÉêI= pçìíÜ _êáí~áå=~åÇ=çíÜÉê=ÅçìåíêáÉëK= hÉåëáåÖíçåI=_~ííÉêëÉ~I=íÜÉ=pí~ãÑçêÇ fåÅäìÇÉÇ= ïáíÜáå= íÜáë= é~êí= çÑ= íÜÉ _êáÇÖÉ= ÑççíÄ~ää= ÖêçìåÇI= t~åëíÉ~Ç ~êÅÜáîÉ= ~êÉ= NMMë= çÑ= Ää~ÅâJ~åÇJïÜáíÉ cä~íëI= ÉíÅK= qÜÉ= páããçåÇë= ÅçääÉÅíáçå ~åÇ= ÅçäçìêÉÇ= éÜçíçÖê~éÜë= çÑ= ~Éêá~ä ~äëç= áåÅäìÇÉë= É~êäó= ~Éêá~ä= îáÉïë= çîÉê ~åÇ= ä~åÇëÅ~éÉ= îáÉïë= Ñêçã= ~êçìåÇ tÉãÄäÉó= 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páããçåÇëK=o^Ép=Ek^iF=éÜçíçëK NU The Aerospace Professional transport, time and aeronautical applications in the European and neighbouring regions and Library Additions is designed to keep members of the Royal Aeronautical is a first step towards Galileo, the planned sec- Society informed of the latest acquisitions of the Library at its headquarters: 4 ond generation navigation system. Hamilton Place, London. The contents include those books, symposia, pamphlets, Propulsion papers, videos and reports added to the Library in the two months prior to publica- Proceedings of the 3rd International tion. A retrospective pdf file of Library Additions, the bi-monthly supplement in Conference on Green Propellant for Space The Aerospace Professional, is included in the ‘Library’ section on the Society’s Propulsion and 9th International Hydrogen website: Peroxide Propulsion Conference: 17-20 Access to the Library is free to individual members, members of Engineering September 2006, Poitiers, France [Held on CD- Council institutions as well as employees of member companies of the Royal ROM]. Edited by C. Walker. ESA SP-635. Aeronautical Society’s Corporate Partners scheme, while others pay a small daily December 2006. Euros 50. ISBN 92-9092-946-4. access fee. The Library’s extensive catalogue of books, proceedings, technical reports (since 1980), photographs and slides is available to members via the ‘Library’ section of the Society’s website, For further information about the library or Library Additions please contact: Brian Riddle, RAeS Library, 4 Hamilton Place, London W1J 7BQ, UK. Tel: +44 (0)20 7670 4362. Fax: +44 (0)20 7670 4359. e-mail: [email protected]. Donation of early rotorcraft photographs Below left: Alan Marsh in the Weir W2 near Hanworth, 1934. Left: Avro 671 Cierva C30A over Hampton Court (pilot: R.A.C. Brie) c.1934. Below: Juan de la Cierva in the cockpit of the prototype Cierva C30 autogiro, 1933. responsibility for all prototype testing following Juan de la Cierva’s death in 1936. He became the company’s general manager after WW2, during which he took on the command of the Autogiro Radar Calibration Squadron, later known as No 529 (Rota) Squadron. he Library’s photographic archives in Alan Marsh, AFC, AFRAeS, died on 13 Tthe field of early rotorcraft history June 1950 during flight trials of the pro- have been recently supplemented totype Cierva Air Horse near Eastleigh. through the kind donation by Neil Marsh The Alan Marsh Medal and Award were of a quantity of photographs of various founded in 1955 by the Helicopter Cierva and Weir autogiros and other Association of Great Britain (of which early rotorcraft types with which his Alan Marsh had been its first chairman) father, Henry Alan Marsh (1901-1950), and are now administered by the Royal was closely associated. Alan Marsh joined Aeronautical Society following the amal- the Cierva Autogiro Company Ltd as an gamation of the Association with the assistant pilot in April 1932, assuming Society in 1960. May/June 2007 3 Library Additions SOCIETY NEWS qÜÉ=pçÅáÉíóÛë=iáÄê~êó ^îá~íáçå éçëíÉêë ÜÉ= NVOMë= ~åÇ= NVPMë ÄÉÉå= éêÉëÉåíÉÇ= íç= íÜÉ= pçÅáÉíó qïáíåÉëëÉÇ=~=ÚÖçäÇÉå=~ÖÉÛ=çÑ ã~åó=óÉ~êë=~ÖçK=få=êÉÅÉåí=óÉ~êë ÑäóáåÖ=~ë=ã~àçê=~Çî~åÅÉë=áå=~áê Ô ÑìåÇÉÇ= Äó= áåÅçãÉ= ÇÉêáîÉÇ íê~îÉä= ~åÇ= áå= íÜÉ= ÇÉëáÖå= çÑ Ñêçã= íÜÉ= ë~äÉë= çÑ= ãÉêÅÜ~åÇáëÉ ~áêÅê~Ñí=ÄêçìÖÜí=~îá~íáçå=íç=íÜÉ EéêçÇìÅÉÇ= áå= ÅçåàìåÅíáçå= ïáíÜ ÑçêÉÑêçåí= çÑ= íÜÉ= éìÄäáÅ o^c= _ÉåÉîçäÉåí= cìåÇ áã~Öáå~íáçåI= êÉÑäÉÅíÉÇ= áå= íÜÉ båíÉêéêáëÉëF= Ä~ëÉÇ= çå= çêáÖáå~ä éçëíÉêëI= ã~Ö~òáåÉ= ÅçîÉêë= ~åÇ ã~íÉêá~ä= ÜÉäÇ= áå= íÜÉ= pçÅáÉíóÛë ~áê=Çáëéä~óë=çÑ=íÜÉ=íáãÉK= iáÄê~êó=Ô íÜÉ=iáÄê~êóÛë=åçí~ÄäÉ qÜÉ= oçó~ä= ^Éêçå~ìíáÅ~ä ÅçääÉÅíáçå=çÑ=éçëíÉêë=êÉä~íáåÖ=íç pçÅáÉíó= iáÄê~êó= ÜçäÇë= ~å íÜÉ= çéÉê~íáçåë= çÑ= fãéÉêá~ä áãéçêí~åí=ÅçääÉÅíáçå=çÑ=~êçìåÇ ^áêï~óëI= hijI= iìÑíÜ~åë~I= ^áê NRM= ~îá~íáçå= éçëíÉêë= çÑ= íÜÉ cê~åÅÉ=~åÇ=o~áäï~ó=^áê=pÉêîáÅÉë NVOMë= ~åÇ= NVPMë= ïÜáÅÜ= ïÉêÉ ~åÇ=íÜçëÉ=êÉä~íáåÖ=íç=íÜÉ=oçó~ä çêáÖáå~ääó=ÑçäÇÉÇ=~åÇ=ÜçìëÉÇ=áå ^áê= cçêÅÉ= ~áê= Çáëéä~óë= ~í çåÉ= ä~êÖÉ= ëÅê~éÄççâ= Ô ~ eÉåÇçå= ïÉêÉ= áåÇáîáÇì~ääó éêáî~íÉ= ÅçääÉÅíáçå= ïÜáÅÜ= Ü~Ç ÉåÅ~éëìä~íÉÇ= áåíç= ~å= ~êÅÜáî~ä áåÉêí= éçäóÉëíÉê= Ñáäã= ÜçìëÉÇ= áå ~êÅÜáî~ä=ëíçê~ÖÉ=ÄçñÉëI=ëç=íÜ~í íÜÉó= Å~å= ÄÉ= Ü~åÇäÉÇ= ~åÇ ëíìÇáÉÇ=ïáíÜçìí=Ç~ã~ÖáåÖ=íÜÉ çêáÖáå~äëK qÜáë=äÉÑí=Ñêçã=íÜÉ=ÅçääÉÅíáçå çîÉê= SM= ãáëÅÉää~åÉçìë= ä~êÖÉ éçëíÉêë= ~åÇ= åìãÉêçìë= ëã~ääÉê Éñ~ãéäÉë= çÑ= ÅçåíÉãéçê~êó qÜÉ=cçóäÉ=cçìåÇ~íáçåK Éñ~ãéäÉ= áå= íÜÉ= iáÄê~êóÛë ~îá~íáçå=ÉéÜÉãÉê~=EíáãÉí~ÄäÉëI fí= áë= ~= ëáÖåáÑáÅ~åí= ÅçääÉÅíáçå ÅçääÉÅíáçå= ÄÉáåÖ= Äó= íÜÉ= fí~äá~å äìÖÖ~ÖÉ= ä~ÄÉäëI= íáÅâÉíëI ïÜáÅÜ= Ü~ë= ÄÉÉå= éêÉëÉêîÉÇ= Ñçê Öê~éÜáÅ=~êíáëí=mäáåáç=`çÇçÖå~íç
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    P1: SYV/SPH P2: SYV/UKS QC: SYV/UKS T1: SYV CB268-FM April 26, 2002 17:42 Char Count= 0 Principles of Helicopter Aerodynamics J. GORDON LEISHMAN University of Maryland P1: SYV/SPH P2: SYV/UKS QC: SYV/UKS T1: SYV CB268-FM April 26, 2002 17:42 Char Count= 0 TO MY STUDENTS in appreciation of all they have taught me PUBLISHED BY THE PRESS SYNDICATE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE The Pitt Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge, United Kingdom CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 2RU, UK 40 West 20th Street, New York, NY 10011-4211, USA 10 Stamford Road, Oakleigh, VIC 3166, Australia Ruiz de Alarcon´ 13, 28014 Madrid, Spain Dock House, The Waterfront, Cape Town 8001, South Africa C Cambridge University Press 2000 This book is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. First published 2000 Reprinted with corrections 2001 Printed in the United States of America Typeface Times Roman 10/12 pt. System LATEX2ε [TB] A catalog record for this book is available from the British Library. Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Leishman, J. Gordon. Principles of helicopter aerodynamics / J. Gordon Leishman. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references (p. ). ISBN 0-521-66060-2 (hardcover) 1. Helicopters – Aerodynamics. TL716.L43 2000 629.133352 – dc21 99-38291 CIP ISBN 0 521 66060 2 hardback P1: SYV/SPH P2: SYV/UKS QC:
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