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Download Download COBISS: 1.01 ORIGIN OF THE JEZERO V LEDVICAH LAKE; A DEPRESSION IN A GUTTER-SHAPED KARSTIC AQUIFER (JULIAN ALPS, NW SLOVENIA) NASTANEK JEZERA V LEDVICAH – GLOBEL V ŽLEBU PODOBNEM KRAŠKEM VODONOSNIKU (JULIJSKE ALPE, SZ SLOVENIJA) Boštjan ROŽIČ1,*, Tomislav POPIT1, Luka GALE1,2, Timotej VERBOVŠEK1, Ines VIDMAR1, Matej DOLENEC1 & Petra ŽVAB ROŽIČ1 Abstract UDC 556.55:551.44(234.323.6) Izvleček UDK 556.55:551.44(234.323.6) Boštjan Rožič, Tomislav Popit, Luka Gale, Timotej Verbovšek, Boštjan Rožič, Tomislav Popit, Luka Gale, Timotej Verbovšek, Ines Vidmar, Matej Dolenec & Petra Žvab Rožič: Origin of the Ines Vidmar, Matej Dolenec & Petra Žvab Rožič: Nastanek Je- Jezero v Ledvicah lake; a depression in a gutter-shaped karstic zera v Ledvicah – globel v žlebu podobnem kraškem vodonos- aquifer (Julian Alps, NW Slovenia) niku (Julijske Alpe, SZ Slovenija) The Julian Alps are composed almost exclusively of Triassic to Julijske Alpe skoraj v celoti sestavljajo triasni in jurski kar- Lower Jurassic carbonates, which results in a karstified high-al- bonati, kar se odraža v morfologiji kraške visokogorske pokra- pine landscape. In such settings, large water accumulations are jine. V tovrstnih razmerah ni pričakovati večjih površinskih not expected and precipitated water drains vertically, gathers in pojavov vode, saj padavinska voda pronica vertikalno in se deep, large-scale aquifers, and outflows in large karstic springs akumulira v obsežnih globokih vodonosnikih, iz teh pa izteka located in deeply incised valleys. Some small lakes, however, v izdatnih kraških izvirih, ki so v globoko vrezanih dolinah. exist in high alpine areas. Most commonly, they formed above Kljub temu v alpskem visokogorju obstaja nekaj manjših jezer. impermeable glacial sediments and are generally characterized Večina jih je nastala nad neprepustnimi ledeniškimi sedimenti by stagnant waters. Jezero v Ledvicah lake, which is one of the in jih lahko opredelimo kot stoječe vode. Jezero v Ledvicah, ki seven lakes in the Triglav Lakes Valley, is an exception, because je eno izmed sedmih jezer v dolini Triglavskih jezer, je izjema, it shows high subaqueous water inflow and outflow and occurs saj ima močno podzemno napajanje in iztok (je pretočno) ter among highly karstified and permeable carbonates. Combining se pojavlja med močno zakraselimi in prepustnimi karbonati. previous research with our new, detailed geological mapping of Na podlagi predhodnih raziskav, izdelave nove geološke karte the lake surroundings and sedimentary research on the Lower okolice jezera in sedimentoloških raziskav spodnjejurskih plas- Jurassic strata, we propose a hydrogeological model with the ti predlagamo strukturno-geološki in hidrogeološki model, da aim of explaining the extraordinary behaviour of the lake. We bi razložili nastanek in lokacijo jezera. Naše ugotovitve kažejo, propose that Jezero v Ledvicah lake: A) is part of the “gutter- da je A) Jezero v Ledvicah del žlebu podobnega vodonosnika shaped” aquifer with perched groundwater that is situated z visečo podzemno vodo, ki se pojavlja v jurskih plasteh pod below the floor of the Triglav Lakes Valley; B) barriers of the dnom doline Triglavskih jezer, B) da so hidrogeološke bari- aquifer are structural (faults and thrust) and stratigraphic (clay ere vodonosnika strukturne (prelomi in nariv) in stratigrafske interlayers in Lower Jurassic limestone); C) the lake formed in (plasti gline v spodnjejurskem apnencu), C) da je jezero nas- a structural, hydrogeological and morphological depression talo v strukturni, hidrogeološki in morfološki depresiji znotraj within this aquifer; D) the groundwater of the aquifer is re- vodonosnika, D) da se podzemna voda ne napaja izključno iz charged not solely from the surface directly above the aquifer padavin, ki padejo neposredno na površino vodonosnika, am- 1 Department of Geology, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Aškerčeva 12, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, e-mails: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] 2 Geological Survey of Slovenia, Dimičeva ul. 14, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Received/Prejeto: 06.06.2019 DOI: ACTA CARSOLOGICA 48/3, 265-282, POSTOJNA 2019 BOŠTJAN ROŽIČ, TOMISLAV POPIT, LUKA GALE, TIMOTEJ VERBOVŠEK, INES VIDMAR, MATEJ DOLENEC & PETRA ŽVAB ROŽIČ but additionally by subterraneous inflow from the overlying pak dodatno s podzemnim napajanjem iz višje ležečega vodon- Slatna Nappe aquifer; and E) groundwater outflows from the osnika Slatenske tektonske krpe in E) da podzemna voda izteka aquifer at the southern end of the Triglav Lakes Valley, where iz vodonosnika na južnem delu doline Triglavskih jezer, kjer se the Lower Jurassic limestone pinches out. plastnati spodnjejurski apnenci (in s tem vodonosnik) izklin- Key words: high-alpine lake, karstic aquifer, Julian Alps, Tri- jajo. glav Lakes Valley, Jurassic limestone, Southern Alps. Ključne besede: visokogorsko jezero, kraški vodonosnik, Juli- jske Alpe, dolina Triglavskih jezer, jurski apnenec, Južne Alpe. INTRODUCTION The bright colours of the Julian Alps are related to the size among them. Owing to its shape or the shape of the range’s carbonate rock composition, in which Late Tri- boulders along its banks it is known as a Ledvička (which assic limestones dominate (Buser 1987, 2009; Jurkovšek means little kidney) Lake or, as is commonly referred to 1986; Šmuc & Rožič 2010). The geological conditions in literature, Jezero v Ledvicah lake (which translates into there resulted in the development of a high-alpine karst “Lake inside Kidneys”). A quick overview of the Jezero v characterized by extremely deep abysses, caves and sur- Ledvicah lake’s (JLL) banks, however, discourages a gla- faces without surface water flows (Kunaver 2004; Hrvatin cial-related interpretation of its origin. The eastern banks et al. 2015; Zini et al. 2015). At higher altitudes, springs of the lake are indeed covered by tillite and post-glacial are very rare and commonly connected to fault zones. The scree deposits, which could cover the underlying tillite. water from rainfall and snowmelt is drained vertically In contrast, the lake water on both the western as well into relatively deep bodies of water that feed large karstic as southern banks comes into direct contact with karsti- springs, such as the Soča, Boka, Tolminka, Savica and fied limestone, mostly the marly and nodular limestone others (Trišič et al. 1997; Janež 2002; Brenčič 2004; Petrič of the Ammonitico Rosso type. Researchers in the past 2004; Brenčič & Vreča 2016). In such settings, prominent have noted this fact, and it was proposed that these Juras- high-altitude lakes are not common, but several small- sic beds constitute important water barrier (Gams 1962). scale surface water accumulations exist. Their rather small Later, they were studied sedimentologically and described size notwithstanding, they are interesting owing to their as the Prehodavci Formation (Šmuc 2005; Šmuc & Rožič mere existence and contribute to the overall beauty of the 2010). Investigations showed that these nodular lime- Julian Alps. In the central Julian Alps, the most celebrat- stones are actually very pure, and therefore cannot be ed are Krn Lake and the seven lakes of the Triglav Lakes considered water barriers. A second piece of crucial infor- Valley (TLV) (Brancelj 2004, 2015). The origin of these mation that illustrates the extraordinary nature of the JLL lakes is generally attributed to the impermeable floor comes from a hydrogeological tracing experiment, which composed of glacial sediments, such as tilles (Hrvatin showed that the JLL has prominent inflow as well as out- et al. 2015), or to the filling of pores and fractures in the flow of groundwater (Urbanc & Brancelj 1999; Brancelj & basement rocks with fine glacial material (Brancelj 2004). Urbanc 2000). These facts encouraged further research, This is a fine generalization, as lakes all exist in valleys and a detailed mapping, sedimentological logging and that show a clear glacial morphological overprint. There mineralogical analysis were all performed, which culmi- are seven lakes in the TLV, and the middle one, which is nated in the new solution to the origin question of the JLL the subject of this paper, stands out for its extraordinary presented in this paper. GEOLOGICAL SETTING The studied area belongs to the eastern part of the Southern of the Julian Carbonate Platform (Buser 1987; Jurkovšek Alps (Fig. 1), more precisely to the Julian Nappe and Slatna 1986; Ogorelec & Buser 1996). This very thick succession Nappe (Slatna plate in Placer 2008, or Slatna tectonic out- is locally interrupted by rather thin, laterally discontinu- lier in Placer 2016), with the latter representing the high- ous ladinian vulcanites and hemipelagic limestones with est (or second highest) structural unit of this part of the chert, and latest Carnian/earliest Norian deep-water Mar- Southern Alps (Placer 1999, 2008; Goričan et al. 2018). The tuljek Limestone (Celarc & Kolar-Jurkovšek 2008; Celarc Julian Nappe is dominated by shallow-water carbonates et al. 2013). The Julian Carbonate Platform is overlain by 266 ACTA CARSOLOGICA 48/3 – 2019 ORIGIN OF THE JEZERO V LEDVICAH LAKE; A DEPRESSION IN A GUTTER-SHAPED KARSTIC AQUIFER (JULIAN ALPS, NW SLOVENIA) a very thin layer of Middle Jurassic to earliest Cretaceous sist of Julian Nappe carbonates.
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    Strasbourg, 6 January 2003 PE-S-DE (2002) 22 [diplome/docs/2003/de06e_03] English only Committee for the activities of the Council of Europe in the field of biological and landscape diversity (CO-DBP) Group of specialists – European Diploma of Protected Areas 20-21 January 2003 Room 2, Palais de l'Europe, Strasbourg TRIGLAV NATIONAL PARK (Slovenia) APPLICATION for the European Diploma of Protected Areas Document established by the Directorate of Culture and Cultural and Natural Heritage This document will not be distributed at the meeting. Please bring this copy. Ce document ne sera plus distribué en réunion. Prière de vous munir de cet exemplaire. PE-S-DE (2003) 22 - 2 - INFORMATION FORM FOR NEW APPLICATION FOR THE EUROPEAN DIPLOMA OF PROTECTED AREAS Council of Europe European Diploma Information form for Candidate Sites This form is also available on diskette Site code (to be given by the Council of Europe) 1. SITE IDENTIFICATION 1.1. SITE NAME Triglavski narodni park 1.2. COUNTRY Slovenija 1.3. DATE CANDIDATURE 1.4. SITE INFORMATION COMPILATION DATE Y Y Y Y M M D D - 3 - PE-S-DE (2003) 22 1.5. ADDRESSES: administrative authorities National authority Regional authority Local authority Name: Name: Name: Javni zavod Triglavski Address: Address: narodni park Address: Triglavski narodni park, Kidričeva 2, 4260 Bled, Slovenija Tel. +386 4 5780 200 ............. Tel.......................................... Tel. ......................................... Fax.+ 386 4 5780 201............. Fax. ........................................ Fax.........................................
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