
¥> 7% % \ WW) THE I MERCIAD Published at Mercyhurst College, Erie, Pa.

VOLUME II MARCH, &1981 NUMBER 3 FACULTY NEWS BELLS COLLEGE SPIRIT EXCHANGE COLUMN On Sunday, February 22, Miss It's a great life! From five- College spirit is the "esprit de "The famous graduate of 1 Yale, Whalen had the pleasure of a visit thirty in the morning till nine at corps" among college men or wo­ Rudy Vallee, who several weeks with her father, Dr. W. F. Whalen, night we hear bells — all kinds of men, the feeling shared by all who ago was beaned with a grapefruit of Peoria, Illinois. Dr. Whalen have breathed the same college at­ stopped over in Erie for the day, on bells — big bells, little bells, i loud mosphere. It should be one of com­ n a theatre by a Harvard man, is his return to Peoria from Wash­ clanging bells, soft tinkling bells, panionship in worthy ambitions, of a generous soul, after all. When ington, D.G., where he represented silvery bells, pealing bells, tolling ull-tempered Jollity. The best def- he learned that the student! had the Illinois State Dental Associa­ bells, clashing bells, — las cloches, nltion of college spirit ever given been fired- from Harvard, he im- tion at the national conference on es grelots, las campanas — though s that of Ulrich von Hutten, mediately sent a letter to the Cam­ child welfare held at the capitol. 'Comradeship among f reef spirits." the language may differ they are bridge authorities requesting that Mother Pierre and Sister Colette We must make our college work, have been doing some intensive still bells — annoying, distracting, very part of it, real and full of life. the offender be re-instated. Noth­ week end traveling: since the begin­ intriguing, and delightful. All we Co-working comes from working. ing like that womanly instinct!" ning of the present semester. lack are the cow-bells and sheep- Without habits of industry there This from the Notre Dame Business took Mother Borgia bells — and I 'spose if we looked can be no college spirit. Vices and Sister Mary Alice to Pitts­ divide men; virtue brings them to­ Scholastic burgh several Saturdays ago. a little while we'd find those not gether. Snobbishness and "knock­ This time, really Notre Dame is On Monday, March 16, Mr. Reli- too far away. ing" are opposed to college spirit. .he generous one! "Harvard man!" nan addressed the students of the But let's not bother — our sup- There are other kinds of'spirit — throwing grapefruit. Not say- Ursuline High School, Youngstown abroad in college life and < some of ply of bells is sufficient. i You ng much for "men" at Harvard. Ohio. This school has recently know, a bell is an instrument of these the ignorant mistake for col­ been made co-educational, with great antiquity — we hear of them lege spirit. I have heard of spirits Harvard "boy" is better! Father Edward B. Conry, princi­ in the Bible — they were used of mischief, of spirits that dance "College Parade", contribution of by nite. There are some who think pal. rather extensively sometime in the M. J. Relihan, director of teacher one of the Scholastic's scintillating Mercyhurst will be representee that spirits of such sort are all third icentury. And m' goodness, training at Mercyhurst, who was columnists .contributes so much at the 12th Annual convention of how the name does fit the instru­ elected permanent chairman of the that a college can produce?and at apace to the ."New York Crooner" the Catholic Educational Associa­ ment. Bell is derived from an old recently formed Mercyhurst World best another name for deviltry. tion of Pennsylvania, at Pitts Saxon word — beUan meaning "to Events Club. The worst training one can have that we're beginning to believe burgh, April 24 and 25, by Sistei bawl" or "to bellow". And our it that of physical idleness. There that such popularity must be de­ Philippa and Mr. Relihan. Sister bells do bawl and bellow! Perhaps s no education without effort. Free served. When will "boys" learn Philippa will discuss a paper.?-of they are made of bronze, perhaps of In the poetry contest recently education should be reserved for that such ridicule affords "much "The Type of Scholarship Demand­ conducted by The Merciade, Helen those who have the mind !and the gold, perhaps of silver, or perhaps mirth" to the opposite sex and re­ ed of the College English Teacher." of ordinary bell-metal — but never Huether, '31, whose poem is printed will to 'receive it. Final success and Mr. Relihan: will present a mind — no matter what the mater­ below, received first award. goes to the few who throughout veals, maddening as it seems, that paper entitled, "An Adequate ial in'them may be — it is certain I life keep mind and soul and body ittle jealous feeling. A little bit of Training in English for the Grade SOLACE clean. their effects are instantaneous and I wanted to sing — competition is the spice of life and Teachers." devasting. "The comradeship of free souls" Rudy seems to be contributing 1 For my heart was free, is the meaning of true college Miss Heil will attend the annual Gee, how I hate 'emj— not al­ much. -Surprised at Notre Dame — exhibition at Arnold College of And the sun was shining ^ that spirit. Freedom of the soul means ways — but* oh, mighty often! It day — That he-man college? Physical Education, at New Hav­ is not too 1 bad when at five-thirty freedom of the mind. In freedom en, Conn., Saturday, March 28. one hears the tinkle and the toll — I wanted to sing, we find abundance of life. The But my song was flat, scholar should be a woman in the Ursuline Quill, Ursuline College, TRANSPORTATION it's very easy to roll over and lose Cleveland, Ohio one's self in luxurious sleep. But a For the robin was King of the full life of the world — a lover of Man's natural, God-given loco­ mere hour later — is there no rest I Lay! | f | nature and an artist in the building Debates are always in order motive powers are the most an­ of the lives of men. for the weary ? That terrible clang­ His song was clearer, especially debates about Chain cient, the most-' persistent and the —Elizabeth McDonald, '34. Stores. We have been watching ing, clashing bell — has it no dis­ And its message was sweet most reliable ones we* have yet cretion? — intrudes itself at any­ •for]the verdict, but didn't find it. been able to discover. Centuries of As he echoed the song in my The debate was significant in that thing but a propitious moment — heart, 1UMORS AMONG progress and development have not f * J THE ROOMERS two years ago members of the sufficed to eradicate these powers; and the hero of our dreams makes a hasty fade-out as we are rudely And tho' my tongue was mute — Teresa A'Hearn received the freshman class at Mercyhurst de­ nor have they evolved a substitute bated on much the same phase of awakened. And with the shatter­ My soul was content, most artistically arranged Easter satisfying enough that man would For his — was the greater art. basket the other ray from "Pals". chain store monoply, before a be willing to give up his two "hon- ing of our dreams those bells get group of distinguished judges. We to work in earnest — that awful Rather early, but it was appreci­ est-to-goodness" legs for some in­ I wanted to weep — ated. hope that the'affirmative did Jus­ ventor's gadget which would take clanging bellow disturbs our seren­ For my heart was sad, tice to their argument and gained him where he wants to go in less ity and away we go — not as in And dark were the clouds that iie favorable decision of the Judges the early days soldiers were sum­ Mr. Relihan has much fun trying time. mourn; to find his "History of Education" as Mercyhurst freshmen did not so moned to arms — but to education ong ago. In spite of man's loyalty to*his — where we are exposed to the use I wanted to weep, class. The other day he almost walking appendages, conditions, But my tears were lost gave up, but finally discovered its changing with time, have made it of the arms most effective in to­ five members sitting in the corri­ rhe Tatler — New Rochelle College day's sinful old world. In the raindrops downward 1 incumbent upon him to resort to in­ borne, dor behind the class room door. The Wickersham Report and vented machines, which from the Yup, it's a great life! We all "Relie" certainly can take a joke. Prohibition have broken into head­ time of the horse-buggy, through admit it when breakfast, luncheon, And as gayly they splashed lines in the Tatler. Too bad the all the evolutions of the bicycle, the and dinner ring out (you know, In rude disregard — Cleland is there with her fists column insisted that it knew nothi­ automobile and'the railroad train ring is the word that tells what the Of the sorrow I nursed in my when it comes to Volley Ball; it ng about Wickersham Commission have been becoming speedier and bells do) — but then, who needs a breast — looks as if she might have had a — one never would have known it. more avid of distance and space. bell to tell when it's meal time—no >rize fighter! among her ancestry. Toe E. Brown came in for his share Having conquered dry land and college girl, that's certain. The darkness somehow L the write-up; and with Heflin — wet sea these machines took an Most of the bells are — well — Went from the world — Ziegfeld should see Alice Reeder nust be "Senator" Heflin — get- ambitious rise — into the air. unpleasant, but not particularly And a rainbow appeared in the ind Dot Mooney put on their kick- ing his well-directed digs; and the These last are now extant in all harmful — most of them, I say. west. ng act, under the name of a "Folk column agreeing with Will Rogers, different forms and shapes, rang­ But oh, the curfew — it's sad, sad, —Helen Huether, '81. Dance". Even Sister Geraldine ap­ t really should not have accused ing from the cigar-like Zeppelin to sad! At eight o'clock^ the curfew plauded. tself of being totally ignorant of the "flying windmill" of Cierva. sends out its loud, clanging mes­ INCREASE YOUR t's subject matter. sage. Woe unto the one who heeds i VOCABULARY Mary Ann Woods must be sav Considering the perfection and not this message — no more ng up for her hope chest. She has —Grace R. Kane, J 31, speed of these machines one won­ Germ—See microbes. In order to "cocs", no more sundaes, no more see microbes you'll have to get a an unlimited supply of dishes un- ders whether man's inventive abil­ sodas, and oh, no more Alio way's ier her bed. ity has not come "to the end of its magnifying glass. for three whole days! Horrible! Applause—The fuss which we NO SALES tether"; at least, in so far as loco­ Unthinkable! But true! Will wonders ever cease? "Sally motive craft is concerned. It seems think the world ought to make Ann" had ber bee-u-ti-ful coils Hearts are such foolish things that the next thing to conquer is There, goes j. a bell-now —i. will over us for doing our duty. shorn! so easily torn, space in?relation to the planets. I they never cease ? Will there ever Breeze—A condition in the atmos­ Each trivial tear — scars as tho a cannot go beyond a trip to Mars be a time when we will not hear — phere which generally arises on Just a tip to whom it may con­ thorn. in the evolution of locomotion, if' school bells, call bells, tinkles a cold day to make it colder and cern: When hunger overtakes you, even in the wildest flights of imag­ and tolls are silent — church bells, stays away on a hot day to make call on the Summers' sisters; only •Now by a baby's smile — now a ination. But I will not say that a loor bells, telephone bells, fire it warmer. % don't tell them I told you. bridal blush, trip to Mars is impossible. I can­ jells ? Who knows — I don't. But Conscience—The alarm clock on a Now by the blight of Death the man's mind which is seldom Another tip to whom it may con­ not forget two paramount facts of 1 do think — and don't you — that cern: Don't be late for Chapel. sunset, and a thrush. history: Columbus too ka chance; heaven will be a most wonderful wound up. Seat—A mythical place in a street The "Scamp of the Campus" has the contemporaries of Bell thought )lace if when we get there we find All who seek to woo them H for- he was fit for the insane, asylum. that the only bells are the ones car where many are called but gone in for play-writing in a big r few are chosen. way, and what a play! She's poet­ gotten in a day, But today we have America and we that they ring when they welcome Alone again and trying — to give have the telephone. Some day in Lady—A gentleman woman. izing, too, this time about' her us home. No more bells! Whee! it the wretched thing away! the future we may have Mars. .will be grand! Joy—Gladness with the lid off. room-mate. —Mary Nowakowski, '31. I I ! |—-Betty Danahy, '33. —Bertha McHale, '31. 1 T —Virginia Buck, '31. —•Ruth Sterrett, '34. Page 2 THE MERCIAD March, 1931 THE WAY OF THEfCROSS ENGLAND BUYS IW | AMERICAN BOOKS An age old devotion, and one of exceflant merit too, is England — they say, is demand­ THE MERCIAD that of "saying the stations" or more correctly termed, ing American books! I gleaned my The way of the Cross. bit of information form the Book Published monthly by the students of Mercyhurst College | We must not get the idea that Lent is the only time Trade Journal — "Publisher's when it is possible for us to perform this devotion; but Weekly". "The American Publish­ Address all communications to Lent is a good time to aceustom ourselves to it if we have er and author is watching;with in­ THE MERCIAD not already become accustomed! terest the increased attention to "Saying the Stations" takes, such a little of our time, American booksfln England." This Mercyhurst College Erie, Pa. even in this machine age when time is so precious. > It is interested me — I went on. "Of 155 such a meretorious practice; there isn't another devotion best sellers in England, |ten were in the history of the Church which is so highly indulgenced. by American authors." And still many of us never think to "say the Stations" Subscription Bates we pass by churchjor chapel, perhaps we may go in andjsay The first to appear was "Woman ONE DOLLAR THE YEAR a prayer or two —» but not the stations — oh no, that takes] of Andros"f— it was twem,yfflrst too much time! in place. In I forty-third in I place I'm sure most of us know but often forget that a person comes Mark Connelly's play, who performs the devotion of "The Way of the Cross" de­ "Green Pastures", then Theodore MERCIAD STAFF Dreiser's, "Gallery of |Women", votedly, and is in the state of grace, gains the same indulg­ ; ence as if he had visited the actual way of the Cross in Jeru­ Edna Ferber's, "Cimmaron" final­ EDITOR-IN-CHIEF ly "Page Letters", f"Phffiipa" \ by Elizabeth Hamburger 'SI salem. With this in mind, why couldn't ^we beginjnow and make this daily devotion in honor of the One who wrought Anna* Sedgwick, "Henry the ASSOCIATE EDITORS W the Redemption of Mankind ? I say this — because we not Eighth" by Hackett, Hergesheim- Bertha McHale, '31 M Nellie GuiKoyle, '31 only gain great spiritual benefits for our own souls — but er*s "Party Dress", and the also for the souls of those in Purgatory! I "Strange Death of President Hard­ I NEWS EDITORS* 'g|| If you are serious about this I'H4let you in onta short ing." I | | • | I f Cleland Driscoll, '32 • * Margaret Blair, '33 way of saying the stations — which was once-submitted to I wonder, If, as'you have been 4 Ruth Sterrett '34 * me by a nun: you know we are not bound to read1 a medita­ reading these titles, any significant tion at each station — or obliged to say any prayers, so here thought entered your mind, I won­ EXCHANGE EDITOR der if you were struck by this line­ Mary Ann Woods, '32 is the method: W l • § Merely go around from station to station, stopping a up as I was! ART EDITOR short time at each, meditating on the Passion of Our Lord in "Woman of Andros", without a Madeiyn Hall, '32 general or on the particular event which the Station repre­ doubt is one of the finest of liter­ sents; we should say the name of each! station; genuflect ary pieces. J The style and diction of BUSINESS MANAGER, Grace Kane, '31 only at the twelfth. When finished it is necessary only to Thornton Wilder is superb, but his say one Our Father, one Hail Mary and one "Glory be to the philosophy is somewhat fatalistic Father" in honor of Our Holy Father, Pope Pius the and his story element falls a little THE EASTER PROMENADE Eleventh. IP W short of his previous novel "Bridge Bertha McHale, '31. of San Luis Rey." However, from "Ah — ah„ ah — ah; would you like to take a walk.?" the books chosen by England's That's what the whole world will be singing Easter readers I think it deserves first THE DIARY OF fc mushrooms. The guests are pour­ Sunday. And all that is feminine pulchritude, natural-born anking as the American leader. mannequins, will eagerly respond: "Urn — um — um, we ."«. BERTRAM BACILLI ing in. The Reverend Timothy Ty­ v Thornton Wilder injected an ele­ phoid is coming up the paring. My would like to talk a walk ; for haven't they been waiting ment of' foreign atmosphere into all winter long to burst forth ^from their somber browns* Wednesday, January 10: dear friend, Imogene Influenza is We are getting a big hand in his story, therefore Americanism anil blacks, and conservative greens into breath-taking going to render "Lardo". I can could not have drawn the readers. splashes of color that are designed to mark and individualize this house. My brothers and I hear the organ beginning to play. them so that they can be distinguished a block away ?•$ The made the trip on a stalk of celery. Here comes my Susy. She's a "Green pastures" ran on the le­ trick lies in having one'fc "splash" more vivid than one's Of course, I hated to leave my dream in her sea-weed gown. The gitimate stage in New York for neighbor's. mother and father. But with a Menegitis twins are in back of her several months. Too often within ^ Women get this desire to preen themselves from Na­ family of;, ten million left, they Susy is calling me — I must go — that time Jit was assailed by con­ ture. Her special protegees, the trees, and even the animals won't miss„us. scientious^ critics and since then are fondly admonished, with all the precaution of a motiier Dear friends, that is the last that one can find it inscribed TontHe" of debutante daughters, to cease blooming, or to hibernate, Thursday, January 11: the hand of the unfortunate Ber­ Catholic Index. so. that they might store up energy and vitality enough) to Spent the night at The Sugar tram. Bacilli lever wrote. Some What is your opinion of ; Theo­ make a startling spring appearance. tCube Night Club. Met a wonderful kind friends, at the conclusion of dore Dreiser? Mine is that be is . That's why Old Bruin emerges from his hole with such girl. I think I am in love — her the ceremony, made a mistake that often rudely outspoken, clever to a a shiny coat. That's why the squirrel,, in -her effort to sur­ name is Susy Spirilla. She lives cost the lives of almost three-bil­ fault, but a mighty good story tell­ pass the splendid foliage of her winter landlord, the tree, with her-family in a stunning ro- lion of the guests. Following the er. Somehow I think he takes comes out of her rented home with the immaculate appear­ quefort. We danced, most of the ancient microbic custom,of throw­ great pleasure in snickering behind ance of not having a hair out of place. j: night. The Club was crowded — ing agar at the departing couple, women's backs. "American Trag­ I suspect them all of waiting until Easter Sunday for about twenty-billion. Ann Amoeba they^ threw handfuls at them. Ber­ edy" was one of his better novels. their entree. I know we humans do. I can remember sit- did a snake dance. tram and Susy wilted and the re­ It was significant in its reference, ting up half the night, one Easter, praying that the next mainder of the group passed to the frank, exceptionally well-written, day would be fine that I might wear my new spring outfit,. Friday, January 12: Great Beyond. Detectives later human and a \ little above most of and wondering what I had done to God that He permitted Susy and I went swimming in a discovered the mistake lay in the his other works,., but "Gallery of the deluge that came the following day. drop of water someone left in the fact/that the merrymakers threw Woman" falls to rather a basis of So if someone comes up and asks you if you'd like to sink. Thirty-five milion of my sis­ handfuls of bichloride of mercury. non-exceptions. take a walk, don't suspect hirn^of trying^ to intrigue you ters were drowned today. They ac- —Jeanne Elliott, '31. "Cimmaron" deserves every hon­ into the somewhat well-known, and unfortunate process of cidently ran into a bottle of lister** or accorded it. It is a splendid ac­ being taken for^a ride, but merely smile, don your Easter ine and were submerged; I am THE TOUCH OF YOUR HAND count of "Life's" J struggle—strong bonnet and talk the walk. For they'll be doing it all over thinking of moving into a head of in theme, sound in philosophy and — down Fifth Avenue, New York City, U.S.A*;. Trafalgar cabbage. Too many families oc­ Pray! what is there in the touch of & fine book. ;- t W ;'}'- He left about two-hundred and fifty Dreiser can be said of Hergesh- dew? I —Nell Ouilfoyle^Sl. billion descendants. Susy had a eimer —• except Hergesheimer has harrowing experience today. 1 left yet to be called clever. "Party o | her practicing dance steps on a Say! what is there in the touch of VITAMINE D a hand Dress" is thoroughly modern and curd of sour milk, and she slipped in exemplifying American life and and fell into the whey-. I heard a | That can change the rain into Time was when the young maiden went through a tears ? modernism has chosen the uncalled strangling spring-time of sulphur and molasses to attain glump and Carl Cocci beat me to for exception. it. We threw in a spiderweb and And the full moon looks like a ball that rose petal complexion of the Nineties and to secure en­ in the land Coming to the last on the list we ough energy to sigh through a summer of croquet. With so Susy held on and we got her out. jause a-while — American politics I dashed broth in her face and she That you've waited for years and much-- evidence of spring fever, peplessness and laxity hi years! is being well aired in England. Po­ general it is Interesting to note the extent to which Vita- came around. litical and presidential scandal is mine D is being popularized among the collegians. To-day becoming well known. The truth Sunday, January 14: The touch of a hand can work it is not an unusual thing to find girls discussing the prop­ magic surprise, often hurts — but that cannot erties of salmon, sardines and cod-liver oil. X « Susy has accepted me. She loves The Sunset's hues are far deter the merits of the book. It is "That tired feeling" seems to have invaded each and me. I proposed to her on a pork brighter; a well-written account, carefully every person. The early spring is here. Yes, and most of chop. She was so shy and trembly. This work-a-day world becomes told, the authenticity, of course, us feel like j umping off a convenient cliff or splashing into Said she'd have to take the family Paradise, unknown. a cruel lake.; The period of dissatisfaction is upon us. We with her (approximately three Our weighty burdens are lighter. So, we have England reading our want a new life. A cod liver oil tonic, like an operation, is a hundred million). We are thinking books. What do you think of her delightful topic for conversation, but after all who really of taking an apartment in The Tonite a brief moment your hand choice ? What is there about them wants one? I Swiss Cheese. They are so roomy. touched mine, that has drawn England to such Retreat is just around the corner. Why not attempt The midnite sky waned into Monday, February 1: writers as Hergensheimer, Dreiser, extracting our Vitamine D or bottled sunshine from that? j blue! Connolly, etc.? But then what is Believe it or not, religion has a truly invigorating effect. Today is the wedding. I am so The thrill that my heart knew was there that has attracted them to The Great Doctor surely knows how to touch up His Crea­ excited. Sally Streptococcus and something divine, Edna Ferber, and Thornton Wild­ tures. Let's go to God for a bit of animation. And in the Ann Amoeba are bridesmaids; A From the touch of the hand of er? Would your choice have been meantime— "Happy Easter Everybody!" long potato paring is stretched in- You! England's choice ? Think about it front of the door with a canopy of (Elizabeth Hamburger, '31. —Kay Barrett,'34. —GraceJS. Kane. '31. March, 1931 THE MERCIAD Page 3 KAY'S KOLUM common—(both last names end in way blue sets off Nellie's eyes WOULDN'T IT BE QUEER THE ART OF LIVING | Wander if Cecil Beaton the —i-n—)—but then that's mere­ and Nell Morin is particularly love­ If Dot Cronauer should lose her "Life isireal! Life is earnest!" well-known London artist were ly a suggestion Alice Reeder is ly in this color as well as pink love for basket-ball? Does this mean that we must take to choose the six most beautiful one of the few girls we know who and speaking of blue Jane If Pat; lost her charming ^accent? life seriously ? Yes, but we must girls at MERCYHURST__would really has one of those much Kelly confided to me not so long If Mary I Ann Woods t missed her take it playfullyftoo. he agree with this writer? lauded "Schoolgirl Complexions" ago that no matter how much of week-ends at home? Did you ? ever stop to think Unat dunno_ but I rather think he Costello. Ressler reminds us of a a rag a thing might be if it were If you discovered Ruth Anne nothing beautiful ever came into would pick the following Spanish Senorita and since the BLUE all would be well with studying ? life until people began to play? In 1. '-'Miriam Shalkham—"Because Christmas pageant we have her and Kay Ryan is irresistible If Ruth Sterrett weren't original ? primitive I days, cave men ^made Michael Angelo alone could repro­ come to classify Margaret Clark in that green and yellow outfit of If Midge Hall grew tall? pottery because they needed recep­ hers Ruthie Sterrett has a way duce her." with the Madonnas -Margaret is If Grace forgot to giggle? tacles for food. The crude and a striking and unusual type of girl all her own of "hitting the nail on If Nan and Carmie weren't to­ formless dishes were strictly for 2. Helen Huether—"Because she the head" when she tells fortunes is a lovely, simple, country woman One of the sweetest persons gether ? utility's sake. But as time went on We hear Bianca is getting a whom sophistication has not in all Mercyhurst is Miss Ruth If Regis didn't play the piano ? and life had quieted a little, men Whalen — looks personality new car Marion Beibel Wander If Margaret Burns forgot Joe ? began to play with pottery, $ to spoiled." is still living over in Cambridge 3. Margaret Clark—"Because kindness — generosity every­ If Jane Turgeon developed Speedo- mold, decorate and color it, to Springs and comes to the "city" she is absolutely ethereal." thing about her go to make up miania ? shape it, into forms and graceful once a week Portie, Cle and Gin 4. Grace Kane—"Because she is that lovely and charming character If Mother Pierre didn't assign lines. All art thus comes from play. Buck are the "three babes who got a Grecian goddess, deserving full —we all know as "Miss Whal- weekly papers ? The primitive men, too, used lost in the woods". en route for marks for her nose and divineness en"—and the kind of person ev­ If we kept all our Lenten resolu­ their voices for utilitarian! pur­ Erie in that bad snow storm a of form." eryone wants to know sometime in tions ? poses. They shrieked with? fear, few weeks ago Some of us en­ 5. Dorothy Mooney—"Because his life One of the first re­ If Honey Daley forgot her "old cried for help, bellowed with^ rage- joyed an "impromptu'' literary dis­ she is the vitally alive type of marks Honey Daly made when she time" friends? to scare an | enemy. "But when life cussion recently in the Day young American girl." returned last week (and one If you saw Jane Mulheirn without had quieted a little, they began to which everyone makes) was Hops' Social Room everyone put her curls? play with their voices. They sang: 6. Jeanne Elliott—"Because she in her bit about the current auth­ Is in reality a Marie Laurencin "Hasn't Pat O'Hare a marvelous If Terese were without her tele­ love songs, and folk songs. All ors and their works little was music comes from play. painting. She is a gorgeous almond carriage?" and are we glad Hon phone calls? is back?—you bet!! There've left unsaid someone expressed it If Betty were unkind? Thisj spirit of play which is the typifying the acme of gayety, as the most thoroughly delighful laughter and youth." been many queries as to why If Dibble Wilbert never studied ? crown of work and of home life is Jeanne Elliott is called our "Bel­ hour she had spent in a long If Nellie lost her voice? also jjthe crown of religion. ; So far Midge Hall; and Alice Summers long time Wonder how this Po­ would be eternally grateful for gian Rose"—those of you who If Jeanne Elliott had long hair? from being playful, religion has would know come to me in priv­ litical Science Club idea is going If Elizabeth Hamburger weren't also insisted on taking life serious­ a little sign on the relish | and the to turn out 'twill certainly be an jam at noon both are fine in ate—I'll tell you maybe! serious ? ly. The maxim of reasonable relig­ Ethel gave a very fine performance aid to some of us and almost a If Kay Ryan were cross ?? ion is "Prepare to die." The maxim their own particular places but necessity to some others of us —peach jam and meat loaf in "His Best Investment" Grace If we lost our|appetites aftertre- of restrictive religion is "Prepare Rechiche reminds us of a little Jap­ Vera and Jane will venture out ceiving a package from home ? to live." The one faces the^ grave; just won't melt in your mouth! into any kind of weather theirs We have a female Gregory here anese Empress a picture per­ If Al Reeder forgot how to laugh? the other faces an open door. haps? Someone I think it was is my idea of an ideal college If Dot Mooney were dignified ? Reasonable religion reveals itself at Mercyhurst a girl who is friendship and. Vera you are not afraid to stand up and assert Midge Hall suggested that I If Connie talked all the time ? as the guide of life. This religious charming in that new black hat of If Cleo lost her love of poetry? faith is the final recourse which what she thinks is right in the refrain from asking questions dur­ yours Don't Jane Mulheirn and face of any opposition! now ing Lent but then no questions If Helen Huether flunked an gives to old age .that serenity and Pat O'Hare dance perfectly divine­ exam? cheerfulness which; keeps the hu­ could it be any other than Eliza­ no news no KOLUM!!! ly? Mary Cronin is a busy little (Hope someone notices the climax [f Piccolo were at loss for a reply ? man spirit young. beth Hamburger? Irene Strahl girl she seems to know the value there!) anyway. Professor Rel­ If Kay Barrett kept out of the Youth is not a time of life. It is is our Champion Free-time.. The of a minute Ruth Ann Martin ihan- declares that Curiosity is the office ? H a freshness of the deep springs of Freshmen ^ are learning all about we'd like to know the secret of means to Eternal Youth for wo­ If Notre Dame weren't important life. Initiative is the bridge which the evils of smoking and what it those bags that invariably accomp­ men Why doesn't Louise wear to Margy Clark? separates the weak desire to do all leads| to Whenever you see any you each time you sign in red anymore? Our sincerest If Mary McCrady forgot Jud ? things from the actual doing of Mary Kelley gazing off into space Ruth Ann is a girl who is getting sympathy to Jane Kelly and —Frances McCarty, '34. them. Nobody grows old by merely with^somewhat of the "Think­ the most out of her college educa­ Elizabeth McDonald (Appendic­ 0' living a number of years. People er's" aspect she's praying {for a tion (no! no connection!.!) es' latest victims!) Jane was a SCIENCE CLUB grow old by deserting their Ideals. - flat tire any \ time after six Don't believe anyone has been en­ patient in a Buffalo Hospital When you think of the real hard­ P. M please! Occasionally.^^ lightened yet as to Mary Daly's On ^Friday, March 6, a long ex­ while Mickey has just returned to pected event took place, much to ships of others, doesn't it make you someone "puts one over" on us - week-ends but here's one'who school from St. Vincent's to the delight of the more serious- feel kind of small to become | dis­ and Mr. Relihan has to look has hopes and certain clues recuperate under Nan's tender minded students* Thei Mercyhurst contented because you are having around for his Wallflowers If let you know!! It's not an anyone ever wants to have a party guidance we want jyou^ both to Science Club was founded under the a hard time ? You can always do unusual picture to see Peg Bacon and please everyone with her know we missed you so much— capable direction of Sister M. what you want to do. We,get our and Jeanne having their trials and favorite dish___here are just a few Mrs. Relihan is convalescing from Fidelis, who immediately encour­ real happiness out of the things a bad attack of the flu'—our ev­ tribulations over "L'Abbe Con­ aged plans for the- remainder of the we take seriously. hints—set Mary McCrady down st an tin"—Hope everyone will pa­ to a—.can of corn| a bowl of fruit ery wish for a quick "get-well—J. semester. Since this is a scientific Life in that regard is like love. to "Everybody's Friend"—Connie tronize the Bridge the Erie age, it is but natural that the at­ It must be taken seriously or it is jello—and a date cake with Alumnae of the Seminary are giv­ Gal bo is Rose's sister—and con­ tention of the science classes is not happy. So with life. There is whipped cream. Grace Kane and ing after Easter Eileen Foster gratulations Rose has had a daily called to the remarkable a- a great satisfaction in life for Marie Lynch must of course writes cleverly and beautifully birthday since the last Merciad— chievements in modern $ industries, those who take it in a sporting have their graham cracker pie . —This Kolum also wishes to wel­ Mercyhurst girls, "go" for Flor­ way* for those who are living for and oh! a lot of rye bread for come Mrs. Smith the mother medicine, engineering, and even ence's Tea Room DeDe drop­ the fun of it, for those who put the little Nan she "adores" it a of Helen and Sister Mary Edana every day home management. This ped 'round the other day—If ever spirit of play into the whole of life big chocolate ice cream cone will —Peggy Blair has a habit of for­ fact is so vividly impressed upon anyone had a double—it's but life also must be taken serious­ quiet Teresa. and Helenb Hue­ getting that sandwiches are made he minds of the interested "would Birdie and the double is| little ly for ther just loves "cokes" Mary with bread Bertha does any­ be scientists" that the idea of a Betty Edwards in the Seminary "Life is real! Life is earnest! Kelley;has to have!her tuna fish thing ever cause you to lose your real club, composed only of willing although the latter is a— And the grave is not it's goal, sandwich-* every day Mary temper ? Ruthie Wilbert is fast workers, was most favorably re­ Brunette—The Seniors are mighty Dust thou art, to dust returnest Carlos says she goes for nut bread becoming an expert bowler ceived. fond of their Advisor—and why Was not spoken of the soul.» » sandwiches. in a BIG way Mary Nowak likes her Math teach­ The object of the Mercyhurst shouldn't they be?—Mim has a —Elizabeth McDonald, '34. Mim and Verle have an awful yen er well we just don't know Science Club is to bring home to cute new green car—If Mid Mc- for ice cream and last but not how much Father Sullivan is the individual the importance of Cormick would put into circulation THE NUN least ever see Midge Hall that giving an interesting series of Len­ her work in this absorbing field, some of those clever writings 4. crystal chalice, tint of ruby she wasn't hankering for a wiener? ten devotions—Ask Alexandra to rnd to include for her more than wine... ^ —I'll have some more appetites of hers she'd be famous—Regis tell you the little story I know the rather dull routine work of classes in extending studies to cur- A human soul inspired with love for you next time Mary Carlos O'Leary is a perfectly marvelous about her—'Sail now. must go 'ent magazines, papers, all media divine. has joined the ranks of the Wall­ pianist ..and in addition to: this to press—Au Revoir see you gift Regis has one of the -hat will keep the student abreast A heart that overflows with char­ flowers again. ha! ha! .we're next month. —Kay. smoothest temperaments of any of the times which it is impossible ity... I six! Grace has a soft spot for o "Estrellita" an' what's more girl we know Carmelita Gill has "DIALECT CHATTER ON LENT" to do in every day work. A heart that's filled with love and sympathy. she's made it known .that she such a sweet little voice—Ethel is Chust becauz der "heart" day's knowing that many of their wants it played at her wedding one of the loveliest, sweetest, best- over, friends both of the faculty and of AL mind that thinks of things con­ natured girls in the school—Midge tinuously (From a Soph's Diary ) Und your Valentines iss gone the student body, who are not di­ Hall contributs that Cleland looks To help a sinful world live virtu­ Friday, March 6, 1931 'Cleanliness Dot's no. reason to be sober rectly concerned with the science exactly like Maureen O'Sullivan— ously. M is next to godliness" Betty Dan- Or to let your face grow long. department, but who are deeply in­ ahy saves the day for the. Psych and Mary Ann asserts just as terested in it would like to hear Angelic hands from day to day class Lu Ella is one girl who strongly Cle's likeness to Helen Don't be griefink, leedle comrade, more of this club and its work, it g that toil... should make good and we've no Twelvetrees before we're finish­ For dis-vat you call heem?—Lend was decided to hold open meetings That strive to aid... to s«ve young doubt but that she will Helen ed we'll have Cle the whole gal­ Dot rite now is makink life sad to which all who care to, may hearts from soil. Kowalski is another Helen is tu- axy l of stars—rolled Must in forty short days end. come. Meetings will be held on the Great pools of sacrifice that are toring Mim in Latin both teach­ into one Jean Summers has that fourth Tuesday of the month, and her eyes... er and pupil are getting along "gentle persuasiveness" about her Vat's der difference if der pleas­ are to be conducted as follows: Glorious orbs that are envied by splendidly Ginny do you think that makes for an excellent treas- ures March — Biology and Bacterio­ the wise. it is Intelligence really ?—any- urer..Congratulations to Florence Vich you tink are so ideel logy. Committee: Florence Am­ God took all the lovely things He way__we hope you'll have a vari­ Ammon who has recently been Must be done in smaller measures ? mon, Costello Ressler. ever knew... ety!! Adolphe certainly is the elected President of the newiy- Dey vill make your life more real. April — General Chemistry and The sun ... the moon ... the stars attentive young man. a letter ev­ formed Science Club—Frances Home Economics. Committee: ... the sea.. i the dew ery day and a few days ago—a McCarthy never fails to go for a Soon vill come der Easter season — Mary Cronin, Alice Summers. Sunrise and Sunset... moulded lovely (?) bouquet of cut flowers 'second helping" Dot Morard is Drink der cup unto its dregs— May — Organic Chemistry and them in one... the envy of all the vegetarians the capable manager of the basket After veeks und veeks of fastink Food Chemistry. Committee: Verle And made His wondrous Master­ seems Nell Morin and—.Mary ball team Betty Danahy is stun­ You shall feast on 'Easter Eggs.' McQuiston, Margaret Clark, piece .*, . the Nun! Irwin have found something in ning in any color We like the —Elizabeth Wilbert, '34. —Lu Ella Haaf, '33. —Kay Barrett, '3& Page 4 THE MERCIAD March, 1931 MEMORY? T TO MY ROOM-MATE CAMPUS CAPERS Dectective Woods: This is with­ "I'm Just a Gigolo." (Takes seat "I remember, I remember She suits me okay — this room­ out doubt the most baffling mys­ at booth when finished.) (A Musical Comedy In Three In the chill days of November mate of mine tery that I have ever been called on Enter: Nell Guilfoyle, on her A better pal, I could never hope to Spasms) to solve. way from the Barber Shop, sing­ How the blackbird on the I forget the rest. That was the find. SPASM I Dectective Ammon: I owe my ing, "I Wish I Had My Old Curls first piece of poetry I ever mem­ . m J 1 great success to my keen sense of Back Again." "•'• * We roll along with nary a scrap, Gin Takes A Holiday smell. I knew it was Cleland all Enter Kay Ryan driving Moth­ orized. Hey diddle, diddle Tis very seldom we have a mishap. Scene: Up In Nellie's Room. the time, I know everything she er Pierre's bus, Jane Mulheirn She cheers me up when I'mldown has done or ever will do. The cat and the fiddle. (As the curtain rises, we see Gin pushing. Kay sings: "I Just in the dumps Buck (wearing Teresa A'Hearn's Cleland: Oh! you don't say so. Go Stall, Stall, Stalling Along." I take not notice of, as it is of a frivolous character and lacks the She helps me to grin and bear all green dress) seated at her Veronna Well, what are you going to do The Dollies and the entire cast my bumps. Portable typing letters of applica­ about it anyhow ? jump in the bus, drive off singing: qualities of true poetry. I remem­ ber the first because I collected tion! to "The Sardine Sisters' (Attorney Jean Summers, Pro- "Pm Sitting on Top of the World." She uses my powder, and her Teaching Agency." Nell'Guilfoyle money by the recital of it and wai rouge I borrow, gedy of Sam Gossiper, is called to THE END told if I'd keep the five cents 1 and Helen Huether are sitting near the front, Atty. Summers is de­ We share our soap, our Joy and our the window, Nell reading "The —Madelyn Hall, '82. made for two days, I'd be giver sorrow. fending Miss Driscoll.) five cents more. I spent it the verj Notre Dame Elastic" and Helen, Atty. Summers: (To the jury 0 ' Her likes and my likes are Just the "The Cornel Kiddo." W next morning — on what, I don't which is composed of "The Figfield NEWS NOTES! remember. M -same Enter: Teresa A'Hearn wear­ Dollies.) Do you think the defend­ The week-end of the sixth Midge Nothing memory brings us if I write letters for her to Old Notre ing Cleland Driscoll's purple chif­ ant guilty or not guilty ? Hall went home and maintains complete. She brings pieces of thii Dame. fon and Helen Heuther's jacket.) The Jury: (After taking one there is no place like it. and bits of that. She is a frivolom For solving mysteries we both Theresa: Oh hello girls, guess look at Cleland whose face is now Florence is seen going out Sun­ child — she likes to taunt — all where I've been. Out riding all wrapped in innocent sweetness, days with a new boy-friend. her playthings are broken. Life it have a yen afternoon with that charming large tears flowing from her pas­ Dot Morard and Nell Morin were like that. When we look we see c Sometimes, -jthey keep us till long after ten. English Prof, from Cathedral Pep. sionate orbs.) Not guilty, your guests of Mary Irwin last week­ shattered column here and a brok­ You know who I mean, Saul Hash, honor. end and while in Buffalo visited en statue there. But ^memory sof She's chuck full of smiles, bubbling in his cute Cord Roadster. The Dollies jump out of the jury Jane Kelley who is convalescing tens. The sorrows of the past seen, over with fun, box, sweep Cleland off her feet and Gin: Hmm, tres gorge Teresa from her recent operation. sweet to us now. The corners an She can | provoke laughter* with dance off the stage with her sing­ and such a cute boy. "Mickey" McDonald came back dulled that once were so sharp each little pun. Knock at! door. Enter Egan ing: "The Peanut Lender." from the hospital Tuesday. She is stinging at the time. ? The jolts o with her*right foot bandaged and Specialty Number — A Danish recovering rapidly and will soon be childhood, like the stabs of Frencl Who is it that helps me out when carrying "The Oil City Gizzard" in Joke Dance. (Alice Reeder and Dot back in her classes where she has verbs, are all forgotten. Frencl I'm broke f her hand. Mooney.) been missed. verbs especiaUy. Stakes me to the movies and buys me a coke? Casey: Oh Theresa, did you see (Note: The applause of Sr. Ger- iHelen Huether and Gin Buck I think everyone has memory Rinty around town? aldine, seated in the very first row drove to Sharon with Jean Elliot but not everyone has "A memory.' My Room-mate, God Bless her. Teresa: No Casey, I'm awfully are long and loud for this num­ whotwas delivering a radio there. I ami an unfortunate In the latte. —Madelyn Hall, •'32. sorry. ber.) Why don't you get a territory o- circumstance. It is a sad state — ^ATHLETICS Casey then sings "The Doll (Enter: Elizabeth Hamburger around Ithaca, Jean? this forgetting things. So man) Dance" in her lovely soprano voice. and * Margaret Bacon. They take $ Kay Ryan and Dibbie Wilbert February 19 was the date of our people fall back on that particulai basketball game with the Armory (Exit: Casey to the right after their places in the center of the were the guests of Alice Summers lack as an excuse, that when a true five or six encores.) stage and! sing: "Butcher Arms the past week-end. Buffalo has its Girls. The score was ^31-26, with sufferer comes along and presents Mercyhurst on the smaller end. Teresa, Gin, Helen: Nellie, let's Where They Belong." Exit. attractions. his reason, he gets a wary eye or hear you sing now. An outside game was played Special Added Attraction: Miss | Esther Kennedy was the an "I've heard that one before." Nellie sings "When It's Snow- guest * of Jean Summers for the with the General Electrtcfteam at Dot Cronauer, the Mexican For many a night haven't I awak­ time at Mercy hurst, I'll Be Skid­ week-end. The girls resembled one ened withj a start to find myself the Burton School. This was our ding Into You." •< Jumping Bean, does a tight-rope another so much that we thought first game on' another floor — the walk across the stage, throwing staring wide-eyed into the ' dark­ '. (Nellie makes a stumbling exit they were sisters. ness — Did I latch the door? or score was 35-22. The General Elec­ into the left wing.) W corn to the audience and singing Helen Portman was the guest of tric team had to be on the look-out at the same time: "I'm a Corn-fed did I do this or that? Nineitimes A horn is heard behind Teresa A'Hearn, Saturday the out of ten I didn't. throughout the entire game as our stage. — ^^^^^^ Baby from Gallitzin." Exit. sixth. Seems they saw Gin in girls put up a good fight $ II remember once having fall­ "Enter: (Helen Portman in her (Enter: Grace Rechiche, bal­ Youngstown. The return game of the Argo­ Maurice Chevrolet. Stops in center ancing a Baby Grand Piano on her en into a huge dirt hole. I haven't nauts was played at the Y.W.C.A. Helen Portman and Cle Driscoll the slightest recollection of having of stage and- twelve chorus girls shoulder, followed by Alice Sum­ drove to Pittsburgh last week-end on March;5. Although much fa­ from "The Figfield Dollies" get mers and the Dollies carrying fallen out again; and if I were com­ tigued, the team came out with the and managed to break all existing pelled to trust to memory, I would out.) Alice's pet Piccolo. Grace puts the score 22-19. Dot Cronauer made records, but coming back a slight be there still. However that is a Note: The Dollies in order of piano down and renders a popular even baskets, many of which were blizzard.'-interfered. This week-end memory not memory. their appearance are: selection from "Chopping" accom­ Bradford was Helen's destination. jeautiful shots. I said memory ^brings nothing Dot Looney, Nibbie Filbert, Belle panied on the Piccolo by Alice. Af­ Margaret Clark and Jane Mul­ March 12 marked the final date completely. The sunshine seems to Moron, Minny Coogan, Letty Can­ ter Grace has finished "Chopping" heirn went home to Corry. >f Mercyhurst's games with the cast no shadows behind us. We see opy, Carmel Eata Pill, Figi the Dollies all pick up a piece of Casey Eagan, Mary Woods, and hornet team. The game was played only the bright side of things when O'Dearie, Kiki McFunnel, Bonnie the piano and exit Grace, Alice and Mary Daley will have to remain for &t the Emerson School. The final Balbo, Toot hie Carrot, Shimmy the Dollies.) We look away back. God arranges 'core was 31-11, Mercyhurst. retreat next week-end. Perhaps these things too, to guard the Malkam and Pearl the Christian. And thus ends Spasm II. the parents will drive up. A gymnastic exhibit was given The Dollies dance the "Flee Hop" Note: While the scenery is be­ heart against being torn ruthlessly on Monday, March 16, under the Virginia Duggan was Betty open again and again. The ever­ to that delightful, number "My Bed ing changed, Mary McCrady, by Danahy's guest last week. The direction of Miss Hell. The College Bug Got Caught in the Rain.'i f way of variety, delivers "Napol­ growing chain of memory is forged Freshmen participated in it. The week before, Mrs. Duggan and with bitterness and happiness (The curtain is lowered as the eon's Bunker Hill' Address." Voice exhibit terminated with a volley Mrs. Danahy visited the girls. alike, but the links are pleasant. Dollies dance off to the right side from Audience: Pas ce soir. Last week Mother Pierre spon­ ball game between the College and Our childhood is gone and our of the stage.) SPASM III sored a Bingo party which was the Seminary, the latter winning, End om Spasm I. great fun, but the Tom Sawyer work flies inj front of us, not he- 21-19. f Bad News and Huck Finn (Dorothies Mooney hind. The| past is the foundation; —Dorothy Morard, '33. INTERMISSION our future |is what we make. it. Scene: Halliday's Drug Store. and Cronauer) of the Freshman Mary Louise Daley goes through Class have made it unpleasant for Don't spend your time thinking of PLEA TO THE ALUMNAE (As the curtain rises, we see the the audience selling "Genuine Dun­ the rest since then. But revenge is what might have been. The past We're on our own hook now, but Dollies (wearing brightly colored can Yo Yos," singing "I'm a Yo Yo sweet. is gone; it belongs to us no longer. jee, we'd like a line from you, berets, sweaters and skirts) seated Girl from Augua Caliente." Peggy Practice has begun for the play God has taken It, but He has given IOW and then. Did you like the Blair remains on the stage with at a booth. Pat O'Hare is sitting "Sally Ann." The cast is divided us in return the future, and leaves ast issue of the Merciad? Why spot-light focused upon her, doing in the midst of them telling into the principals and "The Polo it| to us to fashion our own chain jot send us a note giving us your the many tricks she has mastered "stories" of her travels. Margaret Club Members." All we know so of memories. criticisms, pro and con? We'd ap­ with the Yo Yo. Peggy sings Burns is seated alone at another far is that there is a surprise party —Jeanne Elliott, '31. preciate it. "Yours For A Dime." booth writing a letter to Joe and the person for whom it is be­ o Guess that little hint to Birdie Barrell.) ';• J| ing given isn't home. Tell you SUMMER SCHOOL -bout staying away from Mercy- SPASM II (Enter: Rudy Vallee, as a trav­ more after next practice. The following courses will be of­ lurst really | worked. Anyhow, eling salesman for "The Fairy Cinnamon, or the Trial of Gary Margaret Hungiville drove down fered in the Mercy hurst Summer Birdie was up to see us a week or Soap Co." after just being missed Coogan but couldn't stay long enough for School: so ago. Come often, Birdie,; you by a passing grapefruit.) us to say much to her. Primary Methods % know we are always glad to see Scene: A court room. Rudy sings in his velvety voice: Methods in Geography •—Cleland Driscoll, '32. you (to say nothing of the permis­ (As the curtain rises, we see "The Best Thing In Life Is Me." Methods in History sion and the cakes). 0 Cleland Driscoll as Dixie Lee, The Dollies then dance the "Var­ Art for the Grades And who| should walk into our wearing her black chiffon with the sity Rag." (They take their places TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Juvenile Literature midst, Sunday night, with Portie, white monkey fur, her brown ring­ at the booth again.) "Don't" is a plural verb. Educational Biology but Hungie! Maybe we weren't lets hanging in clusters about her (Enter: Jean Elliott and Ethel The first four rows in the chapel Civic Education glad to see her. She's still the same neck, looking for all the world like Levick. They do an imitation of are assigned to Juniors and Seniors American Government petite and tres chic . a Grecian urn. Cleland is seated on Sam Quarrell and Bolivar Tardy only. History of Education Casey comes back from week­ the witness stand. Kay Barrett, from their latest Comedy Riot.) Singing is an art. In the hall not Psychology and Adolescence ends bearing news of Tete. Of star reporter from the "Cleveland Sit at Booth when finished. so good; in one's own room — ex­ Psychiatry course, news is nice, but how about Main Squealer" is seated at a table Speciality Number — The Dance cellent. Biology a visit?| 1 l writing a report for the "Believe of the Dying Swan. (Fran Mc­ Pictures are coming back into Chemistry II Wish I had more to say about Me It's Hot" column by Dippy.) Carthy and Ruth Anne Martin.) style once more. English our Alumnae, but since news is so Argument: Cleland is being Exit. On Saturday morning*, the girls European History scarce from them c'est impossible, tried for the mysterious murder of A Song by the Harmony Trio — are just as hungry as on any other French n'est-ce pas? So on bended knee Mickey Mouse. Three Little Birds. (Carmelita Gill, morning, Latin and with a tear in my eye, I'll (Enter: Detective Woods B. M. Nan O'Brien, and Mickey McDon­ For Friday or Wednesday sup­ Mathematics sound my final S.O.S. for news, (Bachelor of Mystery) and Dectec ald.) | , per, we suggest pancakes or waf- Ethios News, NEWS from the Alumnae. tive Ammon.) Enter Mr. Relihan: He sings: ies. Spanish Teresa A'Hearn, '31.