

' --- Langley Site Key Supporter Corning Postpones Seen Favored 11l M sil HjEjL Quits Virginia For CIA Center WBmM'*'yß| Defender Group A B C Report Cards Consultants Moke * Gasch Protests Report Following Policy on Vote on New System Six-Week Study JHpr School Segregation Use Is Put Off By GEORGE BEVERIDGE Manning Gasch, one of North- Virginia’s oppo- Intelligence Agency v ern most active H Bj Hj, i h MB ¦ / Until February Central - ' . ¦ * % nents of integration to the pub- consultants reportedly have rec- schools, By JAMES G. DEANE locate lic announced today he ommended that the CIA is resigning from the Defenders j School Supt. Hobart M. Corning its huge $46 million headquar- of State sovereignty and Indi- mr% nBH ters centra - on Federal property today announced postponement vidual Liberties. of the District’s new A-B-C-typa at Langley. Va. This is the principal organ- The consultants* repot, made reporting system until February. * study pupils get after six-week of various oe Ssgisgetiss Elementary wUI Resort Pst Off is Vir- new-style sites by the New York firm of gisis. A-31 report cards on sched- Clarke L/ito the Federation on Constitu- consultants’ report. after being out of use to Wash- details of the tional Government. The latter ington A group elementary schools since Site Lang in Dispute :w is a new South-wide co- MkS 1937—had been planned some r activity segregation ¦ ordinating ago. However, other sources told time The announcement, MEm: _ nAnIP IIwHHI to the various*States, The Star that the report gave Jr -wmF' ' - jHP fit* fißlfipt , however, came on the heels of s ¦ Gasch, Washington real '' the nod to Langley among a Sl ffnl % I A Bbl \m Mr. a v sharp criticism of the new report large proposed ® rotate dealer who lives at Me? IH fl cards earlier this by par- number of sites ® 19 quit- week during a months-iong contro- Lean, told The Star he is ent-teacher leaders. versy over Use ml ting the Defenders as a “matter location.. policy.” Though Te Canvass Parents Langley wjm? of he would not The site is located on §§ . mi GIBbBIb m elaborate, it was believed his Mrs. Willard R. Culm-, par- Bureau of Public Roads prop- was based upon decisions sys- erty, (Old action ent who served on a school between Route '193 yesterday by report Georgetown made the directors tem card revision commit- pike) and the Poto- of the State-wide Defender or- tee, River a few miles west of i told board members of the mac ft W ganization at Richmond. District Congress of Parents and Bridge. Chain A The planning commission, Mrs. Miller U Resign Teachers on Tuesday that and regular monthly two- time. Mrs. Clyde B would be given only >0 pupils i opening its At the same doing ahead of their day today, made field G. Miller disclosed that she will work own meeting a grade level, inspection of the Langley tract IrJHL « follow Mr. Gasch and resign and that most pupils Winkler Ji/^SI within the next few days. faced the prospect of getting and the so-called tract jimKL * only in Virginia at the southeast cor- Mrs. Miller said a membership Cs. Bhhley highway meeting Board members reacted unfa- ner of and of the Fairfax Defend- vorably. Seminary and voted to create a road. ers will be celled next week. She special At 2 pm. tomorrow, the plan- TWO LASSIES—, the television star, and Ann Miller, 8, of Horace declared “others” will quit then. committee to canvass and its sister parents after November 21 on ning commission Mann School nuzzle up to advertise the Treasury Department’s school savings The State directors yester- their reaction. the National Capital Re- day Representatives agency, program for 1955-6. Lassie’s here for three days to help the campaign along.— commended Dr. Craning today said Mrs. gional manning Council, wiß dis- Star Staff Photo. Tuck and Abbitt, Virginia Demo- Allen W. Culver’s report was not correct. cuss the matter with crats, for a recent statement to also felt that Dulles. CIA director, and Oil- which they said under no cir- He said he this more D. Clarke of Use consulting should integration criticism was “whollypremature” cumstances and that school officials firm. \ be permitted anywhere to Vir- Pvti. Lassie Is Just the Best, AND BILL TOTED ITALONE!—Two policemen, A. C. principals themselves haven’t Rehabilitation ginia “without the approval of V "Fal-Owt” Factor Woodward (left) and R. G. Thompson of the first precinct, , entirely settled yet how the new the people.” hoist a parking meter which 140-pound William L. Wilson j One of the factors cited In the Implies accept- letter marks are to be used. report favor of To some, this was charged with plucking out of the pavement alone.— consultants’ in TV Co-Star, 12, Says ance of local elections on inte- It is because meetings are still the Langley location. The Star gration. Star Staff Photo. being held to decide what the As to her legion of young tele- calling savings bond pushers “an i Office so Move told, is that it cornea closer was all-American team.” If, within the Integration rul- new marks will mean that they meeting requirements of vision fans. Lassie is the < The District’s new Department month, 'to the “Just ing Supreme won’t be used this the the “fall-out” pattern set up as best” to 12-year-old Tommie Mr. Nixon substituted for Mr.• of Vocational Rehabilitation will of the Court, Vir- superintendent said. Eisenhower session ginia seta up such referendum a defense against nuclear attack Rettig. who plays Jeff on the at the in | start moving out of Tempo V. Law's Long Arm Snags possible which the treasury’s savings 1 machinery, some communities Cites Wording to Cards than other sets. Pre- program. spur , across from the Willard Hotel, . Integration. also finds television bond division willtry to sales could Indorse Fair- Dr. Coming said it is not true sumably, the report i at I am. fax County, with a small colored that such physical requirements Tommy, Lassie and other to a higher level than the $55 tomorrow. that A and B will be withheld members ot the cast came to billion goal set for this year. The Janies L. McCallister, , population, Is considered among Strong Right One 'except for progress beyond a pu- as roads, water and sewers are Adminis- Bill's today to help pub- meeting of salesmen from across . the communities which might so pil’s grade died tfffltpHfftf | > tratlve Services officer, said the By KOONCE follow following level. He word* the Nation, was called to get the department ««*• DAVID the car the: tog to the new card itself, whicil Some members of the planning 1 wifi be transferred to i * School Program for 1956 sales campaign underway. quarters Opposes Wilson, , crane. . j groups are expected to raise Bnftn§s rented at Sl9-21 Ninth Referendum Bill an impulsive BUI and his friends followed defines the letter marks as fol- 1955-66 to chil- ; N.W, bis girl low*; A—“excellent progress sharp questions about the Lang- more street with the move to be * Mr. Gasch is known to op- young man. took out ’ right the police lot,! for dren to buy States Sav- the crane to grade”; ley site, as they have in the past. Opted aim reoottSeted by Monday. pose the local option idea, bold- . last night for a spaghetti dinner. where they were arrested. B—“very good progress ings Stamps at school meeting a rundown on economic ing girl for grade”; C—“good progress The questions raised against the Tempo v is being vacated I the entire State should op- ¦ She’s a pretty and Bill, Precinct, they conditk,n *»-» Inside No. 1 hed| grade”; ‘acceptable prog- forms. Lassie regrttod a white satin *- plans es the Oenersl Serv- , crate under the system. later recorded on the police blot- say—except for D—' site have taken two under ' nothing to that they; ress, improvement need- adequacy of blanket monogfammeti with the lees Administration to teat it 1 Mr. Gasch and Mrs. Miller are > ter as William L. Wilson of the but is One involves the didn’t do it. ! ed”; U—“unsatisfactory prog- road and other facilities. The “Minute Man” award at a lunch- down aooo. expected to organize or affiliate • 2800 block of Fortieth street Building. N.W, help After listening to police con- ress; much improvement is other is the impact such a big eon in the Perpetual ' Mr. McCallister laid the Dis- . with some other group favoring 1 decided it might his The blanket was presented by case Ifhe could impress her with' versations around (hem. it needed”. employment center would have S.W. Plan trict Commissioners ordered the 1 segregated schools. dawned on Bill that all four , two loyal lassie fans. Ann MU- Seen . his youthful strength. A teacher would not be able on the rural, small-estate move hurriedly after A GSA re- Mr. Gasch explained that his ] ' ler, S. of Horace Mann School. were about to be charged with! to award a mark for work on a character of the Langley-Mc- quest to have the building cleared i resignation from the Federation 1 He parked his car to the 900 a , and Robert Prout, 11, of felony—stealing Government •higher grade level even if she area. Opposing residents Jr.. by Monday. for Constitutional Government ; block of H street N.W, looked property. zoning .Whittier School.* eyes 1 wanted to. Dr. Coming asserted, contend present would be Just Beginning He said the new quarters have was automatic, since he had been 1 around and his fell on e So BUI became talkative. The because she would have way broken down by development District Commissioner Robert been remodeled with asphalt tile appointed to the advisory com- . parking meter. He walked up others not guilty he no •McLaughlin 1 were de-i of knowing what the higher- that would take place. But other was to present the Current programs to rebuild on the floor, accoustic tile on mittee by the defenders. He said I to the meter, grabbed it with one 1 dared. He did it, and he was Lassie key I • level work was. residents, and many county and I cast with a to the • Southwest Washington were pic- the ceiling and fluorescent lights'. he had nothing against the hand and tore it from the side- ready to tell them all about it.*' , business groups, favor the loca- city. The cast includes Jan i tured by George A. Garrett yes- fe<^er Other than Langley, strong- Cleveland. Gramps. . what’s envisaged for run-down ‘ quarters pressed, for mi. no Charles Atlas. ; detail just what would entitle on the first floor at the weighs only ! “Gee, haven't you guys ever! est consideration has gone toi They and . . areas all over the city.” ground level that handi- D. C. Police Force 140. a pupil to a particular mark, ex- . Lassie's owner-trainer, so had the urge to do something the large Winkler tract an Shir- also were ! Mr. Garrett, president of the • clients will not need Also impressed were a couple plaining, “We are now trying to to receive miniature Liberty capped to sort of crazy, and then you just ley highway. ’ Federal City Council, urged that > climb stairs. Also, he declared, Increase Indorsed of bystanders, who called police. do it?” he argued. “You dedde what constitutes A, B, O *>rtfa»t»i« today pare , Bells. know. Alexandria stmliur moves to breathe new life) ther is a parking garage next The Women's City Club last Bill carried the meter across [ you just want to show off maybe, • and so on. sharply critical of reports into the business district north of ¦ ! the street and left it there. Then. that LBrfs Lassie Bast F door for the convenience of mo- ' night asked the Commissioners so you do something like this. “We ourselves don’t know ex- conndtante bad recommended Tommy pent t Pennsylvania avenue between > tortsts who taring handicapped ; he, his date and another couple I’ve never been to trouble 1 actly how to interpret them yet.” Langley ovepthe two weeks at 1 to increase the District’s police they Winkler tract ' Mr. Weatherwax’s getting • Fifth and Fifteenth streets N.W. • persons to the department of- 2,500. had arranged to meet at ; before.” 1 he declared. Mayor Leroy S. home —“an dying force to an Increase of 222 spaghetti emporium in Alexandria. acquainted Lassie before ; area that is and has -1 flees. over the present the went The officers decided to reduce Bendheim and City Manager Ira with the , been dying for a number of number. inside for dinner. Vary With Tradition television series. He fed her mid ' He said the building in which group after the charge to destroying District F. Willard, pointing to the mil- years.” The took its action Meanwhile, One of the criticisms voiced at slept with her and learned how J (he department will rent quar- Police Chief Munsey the bystanders > property, to wit: One parking , lions they would have to be Speaker on Panel Robert V. pointed Bill’s car police, Tuesday’s PTA meeting was that said ; to direct her. Tommy reluctantlyr ters is owned by Nathan Levin. said “these men are needed to , out to meter foundation. spent for now highway and “—: police new letter marks do con- 1 admits that he likes Lassie better r He was one of a panel oft enable us to do the type of law who called a crane. Bill Bond was set at >SOO and Bill ’ the not bridge faculties near Langley, than meeting and his friends emerged just was ordered appear Munici- form to the traditional A-B-C- they carry his own two dogs. Trio and 1 speakers at a luncheon enforcement work which the cit- to to 1 said will their objec- Tippy, who are part Chihuahua i on the Southwest redevelopment [ Silver Spring Woman of to time to see the car being Court today. D-P formerly used to the ele- tions to the National Capital izens the District and of the away. They way and part French poodle. program, sponsored by the Poto- Files Alienation Suit Nation are entitled.” hauled climbed into On his out BUI confided i mentary schools and still used Planning Commission and Na- Chapter. the our owned by Bill’s buddy bystander—but District secondary schools. Regional He explained that he is looking { mac National Aseocia- Harvey Wiley, to a not to his I to tional Capital Planning Mrs. Irene R. Thomas of 10015 1 Mrs. W. the began following the girl tearing Coming agreed * forward to getting one of Lewie's i tion of Housing and Redevelop- group’s legislation, and crane. friend—that the Dr. that tills Council. 7 . Markham street. Silver Spring, chairman of C. G. a par- pup. but since he lives in an , ment Officials, the Washington presented Pvts. A. Woodward and R. meter out wasn’t much of feat was true. But he said that his filed a SIOO,OOO alienation of the resolution lndors- Thompson, sitting to scout after all. ents should not judge the new Objective Study apartment in Los Angeles, he ! Housing Association and the . ing the recommendations of thei a car Washington Clearing House on ; affection suit in Alexandria Fed- nearby were witnesses to the The meter, he said, was loose < card to terms of traditional Mr. Clarke, a former chair- will have to wait until be lives int eral Court, naming an Alexan- , Washington Criminal Justice larger keep Slum Clearance, Redevelopment little drama. They decided to • to the first place. ideas. man of the Fine Arts Commis- , a home to a .big; ’ dria woman as defendant. Association which for the past sion, collie like Lassie, and Housing. “This report card was devised and his partner, Michael l alleges , three years has requested tills’ parents Rapuano, heard arguments Mr. Garrett, former Ambassa- The suit that Billie after the insistence of fromt Lassie actually la a male dog. ' Smith Cassidy of 531 Ripley increase to force. PROGRESS KNOWLEDGE SKILLS specific information proponents of Virginia explained dor to Ireland, asked by IN AND that more the two ) Mr. Weatherwax that t was , street. Alexandria, alienated the Dr. Katherine Painter Ward, given standing of using President Eisenhower last spring 1 FOR REGULAR PUPILS be about the sites and several in Marylandl the reason for a male on i ’ affections of Mrs. Thomas’ hus- president, conducted the meeting children,” ' their he asserted. Old shearing ago. * try Southwest » at six weeks They the television series is that t to to move con- ' band. Jay Harry Thoms*. Jr, a . to the clubhouse, 1733 I street cards, pointed out, female • troversies off dead-center. His he concen- said they were told to make ai dogs lose their coats dur- 1 real estate man. N.W. A. Excellent progress for grade trated entirely on the individual completely objective study of ing about six months of the year, .efforts already have been felt — Very good progress grade. child, while the new ones—in every site proposed. but male dogs don’t. and be said he expects soon to B. for ¦. ' checking off individ- proposals give the President “a report of -1 for grade. addition to Under law, for any The present Lassie is the son i PROGRESS TOWARD RESPONSIBLE CITIZENSHIP C Good progress ual improvement needs—are in- such major Federal building site ! of the original Lassie, who is successful progress." \ ¦" s ;’ : . ¦ s * D. Acceptable progress, but improvement is needed. tended to relate the children to most be presented to the plan- now about 15 and retired at Mr. Project History Traced their group and grade level. ninu commission. « Weatherwax’s kennel. The orlg- A. Excel lint progress far gride. U. Unsatisfactory progress. Much improvement is needed. • Harland Bartholomew. Na- The superintendent said it was Before its field trip today, the Inal Lassie, who made the movies, A chtck tv> indicates when help » Heeded. Capital correct to state, as school offi- commission discussed details of; is known “the old man.” ‘ tlonal Planning Commis- A Vfcry for as good progress gride. . REPORT PERIOD have previously, that one of the current revision of the Dis- The present Lassie is 3 years . slon chairman, traced the long cers history project i the purposes of the new card is trict’s *«n(t»g \ old. of the Southwest C Good progress for gride. I *2.' 4 ordinance. and described proposals in the ' to raise academic standards, major actions, addition Nlxoa Opens Drive READtNG Its in , plan developed by the New York which have shown up poorly in to the CIA, will corns tomorrow, O. Acceptable progress, but improvement is needed. Pupil mtntges ? ? ? ? > Vice President Nixon opened • of Webb & Knapp. Needs help with: some recent District achieve- involving plans for the kmg- three-day firm himself less well than expected of his grade. .the conference of set- ’ The New Yorkers' plan, he Learning new words ment tests. deiayed Constitution avenue tings bonds volunteer salesmen Reading silently He stressed, however, that tha 1 said, generally follows basic U. Unsatisfactory progress. Much improvement ts needed Pupil’s con- bridge ... “wholly and various urban renewal l at the Statler Hotel with a mes- • by Reading aloud new cards are experi- city.. standards set his commission duct is unacceptable for his grade. Improvements is needed for his they may programs under way in tbs sage from President Elsenhower [several yean ago Reading for enjoyment ... mental’’ and that ba and most of pwn good arid for the good of the group. year’s experi- the proposals have been “pretty LANGUAGE (speaking, wrrnng, listening) revised after this well agreed upon.” , . A cheek (V) indicates when help is needed. ? ? ? ? I ence. help Searles, Needs with: Four Issues Yearly John R. Jr., Redevel- ... REPORT PERIOD Speaking correctly 4T. ... Sirens * Wailing Agency Explained report director, I opment Land correctly ... - The new cards will ba Writing I 2 ¦ 3 4 during described procedures that must Listening with more attention ...... ’ ... issued four times tha be followed before the plan can COURTESY school year. Actually there ara As Part of be officially adopted early next ? ? SPELLING three new cards—one for kin- V % • Final Tests ? ? >v: ? ? ? ? ¦ 'ri - ¦ year. , Needs help with: dergarten. first and second Civil Defense Director John E. . possible to stwemhle technicians Needs with: ' ' The moderator for the discus- hdp - Spelling in written work ... grades; another for the third , from the companies 5 with others ... Fondahl explained today in a two manu- ' slon was William L. Slayton. Working Learning spelling lesson through sixth grades, and a sep- to The Star the necessity . factoring sirens, and those from planning consultant for the New Iking considerate of others arate card for retarded pupils. letter a radio manufacturing 1 HANDWRITING for frequent testing of air raid concern 1 York development firm. ? ? The retarded pupils will get let- generator , RESPONSIBILITY ? ? responsi- and the manufacturer. r—- Needs help with: ter marks in courtesy, which has been criticized D D D D ...... ' siren* 1 Col. Fondahl mid. Farming letters more legibly ... bility and effort, but only “Mt~ editorially and in letters to the Further tests may be expected Civitans Flan Party Needs help with: Writing more neatly Isfactory” or “unsatisfactory” in periodically, i editor. but will be of short t The Mount Vernon Civitan Caring tor hit own property MATHEMATICS academic subjects. ¦ *Col, Fondahl said the District . duration. Since the sirens are»Club quarterly will hold lto Caring for the property of others Needs with: ? ? ? ? The school system's old ele- Government wished to be certain Operated by gasoline motors, • ladles’ night dinner and danc- Following school rules help mentary cards gave only three recently purchased Understanding number ~...... thi equip- they will need occasional “turn- ¦ ing party in the banquet room ratings to pupils—“outstandto# Learning number facts ... ment's performance is satisfac- ing over,” Col. Fondahl explained. • of the Hunter Motel, Shirley EWOXT progress.’’ “satisfactory progress* tory Solving number problems ... a before finally accepting it. Be mid the OCD regretted in- • highway and Fort Bel voir road, ? ? ? ? or "unsatisfactory.” Like tb* new He explained the installations convenience to the public, but SOCIAL STUDIES tat 6:30 p.m. tomorrow. Needs with: cards, they also included provU were . complex, involving some felt sure that when it realises help ? ? ? ? checking off number <*... Using ... N;,d, help slon for a or hi* well ...... with: radio equipment The sirens are the large sums being spent and time items, D, Beginning and finishing work promptly ... Finding information, detailed however. gasoline-powered, with auxiliary the reasons, “they will accept | C. Primary Is Topic , ..: v poftit. Working neatly and accurately ... Using information Dr. Coming said there is no generators «t each All these tests as necessary in the i The new primary law of the plan equigment present to revise secondary this must function maintenance of effective air-raid 1 District will be discussed at the report cards, automatic well warning equipment.” Community which use the tra- perfectly on as as Trinidad Association CENTER OF CONTROVERSY—Here one page from the PROGRESS REPORT—This Is another page of the .same marking control, tonight ditional system: A—- manual hewaltt. There are 13 sirens and 35i meeting at I o'clock at Dlatrlct controveraial elementary report cards reviv- report card. Letter marks will go to the boxes and check excellent; O the Wheatley Elementary School, a new B—above average; The on-th«-seene acceptance horns in District. Only the s the letter marks. This particular card la for marks underneath. Note misspelling of “excellent” in both —average; D—below average, tests are necessary for another i sirens are new and are being : Montello avenue and Neal street ing third through reaeon. Until that time it Is lm- itestod at this time. * NK. sixth grade. cards. . and F—failure.