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GENERAL NEWS WASHINGTON NEWS i FINANCE 8 Wp Shewing J&faf OBITUARIES AAA WASHINGTON, D. C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1955 It*A-29 ' --- Langley Site Key Supporter Corning Postpones Seen Favored 11l M sil HjEjL Quits Virginia For CIA Center WBmM'*'yß| Defender Group A B C Report Cards Consultants Moke * Gasch Protests Report Following Policy on Vote on New System Six-Week Study JHpr School Segregation Use Is Put Off By GEORGE BEVERIDGE Manning Gasch, one of North- Virginia’s oppo- Intelligence Agency v ern most active H Bj Hj, i h MB ¦ / Until February Central - ' . ¦ * % nents of integration to the pub- consultants reportedly have rec- schools, By JAMES G. DEANE locate lic announced today he ommended that the CIA is resigning from the Defenders j School Supt. Hobart M. Corning its huge $46 million headquar- of State sovereignty and Indi- mr% nBH ters centra - on Federal property today announced postponement vidual Liberties. of the District’s new A-B-C-typa at Langley. Va. This is the principal organ- The consultants* repot, made reporting system until February. * study pupils get after six-week of various oe Ssgisgetiss Elementary wUI Resort Pst Off is Vir- new-style sites by the New York firm of gisis. A-31 report cards on sched- Clarke <Ss Rapuano, was delivered Pst* ule November 21. but teachers to the CIA this week and also m ization to Virginia working to won’t use letter marks until the has been soot to the National preserve segregation., cards go home the second time Capital Planning Commission. February 1, This month, only Mr. Gasch quit the State check-mark cards and planning com- i| ' jJfjt** II -s.W sections of the Both Ctfc? 1J l group, resigned as chairman of wUI be filled in. mission officials refused to con- the Fairfax County chapter and firm reports at the Langley rec- Virginia representative Dr. Corntog said delay to using also as a the letter grades—being revived ommendation or to discuss any I .mt >L/ito the Federation on Constitu- consultants’ report. after being out of use to Wash- details of the tional Government. The latter ington A group elementary schools since Site Lang in Dispute :w is a new South-wide co- MkS 1937—had been planned some r activity segregation ¦ ordinating ago. However, other sources told time The announcement, MEm: _ nAnIP IIwHHI to the various*States, The Star that the report gave Jr -wmF' ' - jHP fit* fißlfipt , however, came on the heels of s ¦ Gasch, Washington real '' the nod to Langley among a Sl ffnl % I A Bbl \m Mr. a v sharp criticism of the new report large proposed ® rotate dealer who lives at Me? IH fl cards earlier this by par- number of sites ® 19 quit- week during a months-iong contro- Lean, told The Star he is ent-teacher leaders. versy over Use ml ting the Defenders as a “matter location.. policy.” Though Te Canvass Parents Langley wjm? of he would not The site is located on §§ . mi GIBbBIb m elaborate, it was believed his Mrs. Willard R. Culm-, par- Bureau of Public Roads prop- was based upon decisions sys- erty, (Old action ent who served on a school between Route '193 yesterday by report Georgetown made the directors tem card revision commit- pike) and the Poto- of the State-wide Defender or- tee, River a few miles west of i told board members of the mac ft W ganization at Richmond. District Congress of Parents and Bridge. Chain A The planning commission, Mrs. Miller U Resign Teachers on Tuesday that and regular monthly two- time. Mrs. Clyde B would be given only >0 pupils i opening its At the same doing ahead of their day today, made field G. Miller disclosed that she will work own meeting a grade level, inspection of the Langley tract IrJHL « follow Mr. Gasch and resign and that most pupils Winkler Ji/^SI within the next few days. faced the prospect of getting and the so-called tract jimKL * only in Virginia at the southeast cor- Mrs. Miller said a membership Cs. Bhhley highway meeting Board members reacted unfa- ner of and of the Fairfax Defend- vorably. Seminary and voted to create a road. ers will be celled next week. She special At 2 pm. tomorrow, the plan- TWO LASSIES—Lassie, the collie television star, and Ann Miller, 8, of Horace declared “others” will quit then. committee to canvass and its sister parents after November 21 on ning commission Mann School nuzzle up to advertise the Treasury Department’s school savings The State directors yester- their reaction. the National Capital Re- day Representatives agency, program for 1955-6. Lassie’s here for three days to help the campaign along.— commended Dr. Craning today said Mrs. gional manning Council, wiß dis- Star Staff Photo. Tuck and Abbitt, Virginia Demo- Allen W. Culver’s report was not correct. cuss the matter with crats, for a recent statement to also felt that Dulles. CIA director, and Oil- which they said under no cir- He said he this more D. Clarke of Use consulting should integration criticism was “whollypremature” cumstances and that school officials firm. \ be permitted anywhere to Vir- Pvti. Lassie Is Just the Best, AND BILL TOTED ITALONE!—Two policemen, A. C. principals themselves haven’t Rehabilitation ginia “without the approval of V "Fal-Owt” Factor Woodward (left) and R. G. Thompson of the first precinct, , entirely settled yet how the new the people.” hoist a parking meter which 140-pound William L. Wilson j One of the factors cited In the Implies accept- letter marks are to be used. report favor of To some, this was charged with plucking out of the pavement alone.— consultants’ in TV Co-Star, 12, Says ance of local elections on inte- It is because meetings are still the Langley location. The Star gration. Star Staff Photo. being held to decide what the As to her legion of young tele- calling savings bond pushers “an i Office so Move told, is that it cornea closer was all-American team.” If, within the Integration rul- new marks will mean that they meeting requirements of vision fans. Lassie is the < The District’s new Department month, 'to the “Just ing Supreme won’t be used this the the “fall-out” pattern set up as best” to 12-year-old Tommie Mr. Nixon substituted for Mr.• of Vocational Rehabilitation will of the Court, Vir- superintendent said. Eisenhower session ginia seta up such referendum a defense against nuclear attack Rettig. who plays Jeff on the at the in | start moving out of Tempo V. Law's Long Arm Snags possible which the treasury’s savings 1 machinery, some communities Cites Wording to Cards than other sets. Pre- program. spur , across from the Willard Hotel, . Integration. also finds television bond division willtry to sales could Indorse Fair- Dr. Coming said it is not true sumably, the report i at I am. fax County, with a small colored that such physical requirements Tommy, Lassie and other to a higher level than the $55 tomorrow. that A and B will be withheld members ot the cast came to billion goal set for this year. The Janies L. McCallister, , population, Is considered among Strong Right One 'except for progress beyond a pu- as roads, water and sewers are Adminis- Bill's today to help pub- meeting of salesmen from across . the communities which might so pil’s grade died tfffltpHfftf | > tratlve Services officer, said the By KOONCE follow following level. He word* the Nation, was called to get the department ««*• DAVID the car the: tog to the new card itself, whicil Some members of the planning 1 wifi be transferred to i * School Program for 1956 sales campaign underway. quarters Opposes Wilson, , crane. j groups are expected to raise Bnftn§s rented at Sl9-21 Ninth Referendum Bill an impulsive BUI and his friends followed defines the letter marks as fol- 1955-66 to chil- ; N.W, bis girl low*; A—“excellent progress sharp questions about the Lang- more street with the move to be * Mr. Gasch is known to op- young man. took out ’ right the police lot,! for dren to buy States Sav- the crane to grade”; ley site, as they have in the past. Opted aim reoottSeted by Monday. pose the local option idea, bold- . last night for a spaghetti dinner. where they were arrested. B—“very good progress ings Stamps at school meeting a rundown on economic ing girl for grade”; C—“good progress The questions raised against the Tempo v is being vacated I the entire State should op- ¦ She’s a pretty and Bill, Precinct, they conditk,n *»-» Inside No. 1 hed| grade”; ‘acceptable prog- forms. Lassie regrttod a white satin *- plans es the Oenersl Serv- , crate under the system. later recorded on the police blot- say—except for D—' site have taken two under ' nothing to that they; ress, improvement need- adequacy of blanket monogfammeti with the lees Administration to teat it 1 Mr. Gasch and Mrs. Miller are > ter as William L. Wilson of the but is One involves the didn’t do it. ! ed”; U—“unsatisfactory prog- road and other facilities. The “Minute Man” award at a lunch- down aooo. expected to organize or affiliate • 2800 block of Fortieth street Building. N.W, help After listening to police con- ress; much improvement is other is the impact such a big eon in the Perpetual ' Mr. McCallister laid the Dis- . with some other group favoring 1 decided it might his The blanket was presented by case Ifhe could impress her with' versations around (hem.