¥> 7% % \ WW) THE I MERCIAD Published at Mercyhurst College, Erie, Pa. VOLUME II MARCH, &1981 NUMBER 3 FACULTY NEWS BELLS COLLEGE SPIRIT EXCHANGE COLUMN On Sunday, February 22, Miss It's a great life! From five- College spirit is the "esprit de "The famous graduate of 1 Yale, Whalen had the pleasure of a visit thirty in the morning till nine at corps" among college men or wo­ Rudy Vallee, who several weeks with her father, Dr. W. F. Whalen, night we hear bells — all kinds of men, the feeling shared by all who ago was beaned with a grapefruit of Peoria, Illinois. Dr. Whalen have breathed the same college at­ stopped over in Erie for the day, on bells — big bells, little bells, i loud mosphere. It should be one of com­ n a theatre by a Harvard man, is his return to Peoria from Wash­ clanging bells, soft tinkling bells, panionship in worthy ambitions, of a generous soul, after all. When ington, D.G., where he represented silvery bells, pealing bells, tolling ull-tempered Jollity. The best def- he learned that the student! had the Illinois State Dental Associa­ bells, clashing bells, — las cloches, nltion of college spirit ever given been fired- from Harvard, he im- tion at the national conference on es grelots, las campanas — though s that of Ulrich von Hutten, mediately sent a letter to the Cam­ child welfare held at the capitol. 'Comradeship among f reef spirits." the language may differ they are bridge authorities requesting that Mother Pierre and Sister Colette We must make our college work, have been doing some intensive still bells — annoying, distracting, very part of it, real and full of life. the offender be re-instated. Noth­ week end traveling: since the begin­ intriguing, and delightful. All we Co-working comes from working. ing like that womanly instinct!" ning of the present semester. lack are the cow-bells and sheep- Without habits of industry there This from the Notre Dame Business took Mother Borgia bells — and I 'spose if we looked can be no college spirit. Vices and Sister Mary Alice to Pitts­ divide men; virtue brings them to­ Scholastic burgh several Saturdays ago. a little while we'd find those not gether. Snobbishness and "knock­ This time, really Notre Dame is On Monday, March 16, Mr. Reli- too far away. ing" are opposed to college spirit. .he generous one! "Harvard man!" nan addressed the students of the But let's not bother — our sup- There are other kinds of'spirit — throwing grapefruit. Not say- Ursuline High School, Youngstown abroad in college life and < some of ply of bells is sufficient. i You ng much for "men" at Harvard. Ohio. This school has recently know, a bell is an instrument of these the ignorant mistake for col­ been made co-educational, with great antiquity — we hear of them lege spirit. I have heard of spirits Harvard "boy" is better! Father Edward B. Conry, princi­ in the Bible — they were used of mischief, of spirits that dance "College Parade", contribution of by nite. There are some who think pal. rather extensively sometime in the M. J. Relihan, director of teacher one of the Scholastic's scintillating Mercyhurst will be representee that spirits of such sort are all third icentury. And m' goodness, training at Mercyhurst, who was columnists .contributes so much at the 12th Annual convention of how the name does fit the instru­ elected permanent chairman of the that a college can produce?and at apace to the ."New York Crooner" the Catholic Educational Associa­ ment. Bell is derived from an old recently formed Mercyhurst World best another name for deviltry. tion of Pennsylvania, at Pitts Saxon word — beUan meaning "to Events Club. The worst training one can have that we're beginning to believe burgh, April 24 and 25, by Sistei bawl" or "to bellow". And our it that of physical idleness. There that such popularity must be de­ Philippa and Mr. Relihan. Sister bells do bawl and bellow! Perhaps s no education without effort. Free served. When will "boys" learn Philippa will discuss a paper.?-of they are made of bronze, perhaps of In the poetry contest recently education should be reserved for that such ridicule affords "much "The Type of Scholarship Demand­ conducted by The Merciade, Helen those who have the mind !and the gold, perhaps of silver, or perhaps mirth" to the opposite sex and re­ ed of the College English Teacher." of ordinary bell-metal — but never Huether, '31, whose poem is printed will to 'receive it. Final success and Mr. Relihan: will present a mind — no matter what the mater­ below, received first award. goes to the few who throughout veals, maddening as it seems, that paper entitled, "An Adequate ial in'them may be — it is certain I life keep mind and soul and body ittle jealous feeling. A little bit of Training in English for the Grade SOLACE clean. their effects are instantaneous and I wanted to sing — competition is the spice of life and Teachers." devasting. "The comradeship of free souls" Rudy seems to be contributing 1 For my heart was free, is the meaning of true college Miss Heil will attend the annual Gee, how I hate 'emj— not al­ much. -Surprised at Notre Dame — exhibition at Arnold College of And the sun was shining ^ that spirit. Freedom of the soul means ways — but* oh, mighty often! It day — That he-man college? Physical Education, at New Hav­ is not too 1 bad when at five-thirty freedom of the mind. In freedom en, Conn., Saturday, March 28. one hears the tinkle and the toll — I wanted to sing, we find abundance of life. The But my song was flat, scholar should be a woman in the Ursuline Quill, Ursuline College, TRANSPORTATION it's very easy to roll over and lose Cleveland, Ohio one's self in luxurious sleep. But a For the robin was King of the full life of the world — a lover of Man's natural, God-given loco­ mere hour later — is there no rest I Lay! | f | nature and an artist in the building Debates are always in order motive powers are the most an­ of the lives of men. for the weary ? That terrible clang­ His song was clearer, especially debates about Chain cient, the most-' persistent and the —Elizabeth McDonald, '34. Stores. We have been watching ing, clashing bell — has it no dis­ And its message was sweet most reliable ones we* have yet cretion? — intrudes itself at any­ •for]the verdict, but didn't find it. been able to discover. Centuries of As he echoed the song in my The debate was significant in that thing but a propitious moment — heart, 1UMORS AMONG progress and development have not f * J THE ROOMERS two years ago members of the sufficed to eradicate these powers; and the hero of our dreams makes a hasty fade-out as we are rudely And tho' my tongue was mute — Teresa A'Hearn received the freshman class at Mercyhurst de­ nor have they evolved a substitute bated on much the same phase of awakened. And with the shatter­ My soul was content, most artistically arranged Easter satisfying enough that man would For his — was the greater art. basket the other ray from "Pals". chain store monoply, before a be willing to give up his two "hon- ing of our dreams those bells get group of distinguished judges. We to work in earnest — that awful Rather early, but it was appreci­ est-to-goodness" legs for some in­ I wanted to weep — ated. hope that the'affirmative did Jus­ ventor's gadget which would take clanging bellow disturbs our seren­ For my heart was sad, tice to their argument and gained him where he wants to go in less ity and away we go — not as in And dark were the clouds that iie favorable decision of the Judges the early days soldiers were sum­ Mr. Relihan has much fun trying time. mourn; to find his "History of Education" as Mercyhurst freshmen did not so moned to arms — but to education ong ago. In spite of man's loyalty to*his — where we are exposed to the use I wanted to weep, class. The other day he almost walking appendages, conditions, But my tears were lost gave up, but finally discovered its changing with time, have made it of the arms most effective in to­ five members sitting in the corri­ rhe Tatler — New Rochelle College day's sinful old world. In the raindrops downward 1 incumbent upon him to resort to in­ borne, dor behind the class room door. The Wickersham Report and vented machines, which from the Yup, it's a great life! We all "Relie" certainly can take a joke. Prohibition have broken into head­ time of the horse-buggy, through admit it when breakfast, luncheon, And as gayly they splashed lines in the Tatler. Too bad the all the evolutions of the bicycle, the and dinner ring out (you know, In rude disregard — Cleland is there with her fists column insisted that it knew nothi­ automobile and'the railroad train ring is the word that tells what the Of the sorrow I nursed in my when it comes to Volley Ball; it ng about Wickersham Commission have been becoming speedier and bells do) — but then, who needs a breast — looks as if she might have had a — one never would have known it. more avid of distance and space. bell to tell when it's meal time—no >rize fighter! among her ancestry.
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