London Bridge Inquests Day 4A July 5, 2019 Opus 2 International - Official Court Reporters Phone: 0203 008 6619 Email:
[email protected] Website: July 5, 2019 London Bridge Inquests Day 4A 1 Friday, 5 July 2019 1 A. That’s correct . 2 (10.21 am) 2 Q. And you appreciate that you are here to give evidence 3 (In the absence of the jury) 3 about what you saw and what you did on the night of 4 MR HOUGH: Sir, before we hear from our witnesses for today, 4 3 June 2017? 5 may I say this : all four of them are subject of 5 A. That’s correct , yes. 6 anonymity and special measures orders. 6 Q. And you made two witness statements and I think you have 7 THE CHIEF CORONER: Yes. 7 copies of them there, and our references for those are 8 MR HOUGH: Which is why access to this room has been 8 {WS0082} and {WS0082A} and if you need to refer to those 9 controlled , and why our first witness is in the same 9 you may do so, and we may bring parts up on the screen 10 position in court as the witnesses were yesterday. 10 and I may refer to them as well. 11 The orders are, in short, that each of these 11 A. Thank you. 12 witnesses will be referred to by their designated 12 Q. You are a constable in the Metropolitan Police Service , 13 pseudonym. While each of them is giving evidence no 13 you have been for eight years; is that right? 14 question may be asked which might lead to their 14 A.