The Bukovina Society of the Americas NEWSLETTER P.O. Box 81, Ellis, KS 67637-0081 USA Vol. 25, No. 4 December, 2015 Board of Directors O. M. Windholz, President Eileen Goetz Web Site: Email:
[email protected] Arthur Honas Martha McClelland, Vice President Norma Lang Shirley Kuppetz, Secretary Van Massirer Membership Dues: Guy Windholz, Treasurer Darrell Seibel Lifetime $150.00 Gilbert Augustine Joe Erbert (Emeritus) Annual $15.00 Tim Flax SOCIETY NEWS & EVENTS tentative date for the 2016 annual business meeting has been set for September 30, 2015. This is the date of the • During Oktoberfest 2015 in Hays, KS, the Society Board annual Oktoberfest in Hays; however, the meeting will hosted a display table in a large tent with the Volga be at a later time to avoid missing events at the fest. A German organization and the Ellis County Historical final announcement will be made in a future issue of the Society. Many school groups and festival attendees newsletter. stopped to view our migration map and memorabilia from • The Society learned of the September 3rd, 2015 death the museum. 10,000 people attended the 43rd annual of life member Eric Slawski of Cologne, Germany. He fest with events featuring food, beer, dancing and other and his wife Inge were special guests at a Bukovinafest entertainment. The day was completed with a dinner by where he gave a presentation. We offer our condolences the Board for out of state visitors, Van Massirer, Steve to her and the extended family. Van and Mary Massirer Parke, and Pastor Herman Ottschofski at the home of met the couple then and later learned of a family Pat and OM Windholz.