10 Former World Champions not in the Hall of Fame

Just to clarify, this list is in no particular order so it does not seem biased, and is using people who have retired or are not involved in the WWE.

1. Christian: Christian was popular at two points in his career, with , and his world title feud with . People felt Christian should have gotten the world title run after Edge and Christian broke up. This never happened. As Christian's career went on, it looked like he was never going to get the world title run he deserved. Then, in 2011, the world champion at the time had to retire and vacate his belt. That champion was his former tag partner, Edge. WWE decided that it was then time for Christian to get his world title run. He ended up having 2 runs with the belt, and many other championships, yet he is not in the Hall of Fame. 2. : This one actually makes sense as to why he is not in the Hall of Fame. He killed two people and himself. That isn't publicity that WWE wants, but we can't deny the fact that he won the world title at 20. That and his career with WCW, where he did well. Now some people will argue that he is already in the Hall of Fame with the Four Horsemen, but WWE only inducted certain members, and Benoit was not one they inducted. 3. : Rey defied what WWE calls a pro wrestler. At the time, WWE only had gigantic muscular guys winning the world title. Then, Rey Mysterio came along. Rey Mysterio was 5'6" and weighed 175 lbs., the smallest person to ever win the world title. It shocked the world that WWE would give the belt to someone of his size, as the smallest before him was , who was 2" taller than Rey, and that was a shock as well. Rey led the way for smaller champions, and deserves a place in the Hall of Fame. 4. CM Punk: Ok, I don't care what people are saying, CM Punk is not going to wrestle again. It just won't happen. What is screwing him out of the Hall of Fame, is the fact that WWE hates him. He left on bad terms, even no showing the RAW after the , where he was supposed to give a promo. But this doesn't mean that he shouldn't be in the Hall of Fame. The man won 3 world titles, 2 money in the banks, a tag title run, an intercontinental title run, and he was the longest reigning champion of our era (now Asuka, broke the record on June 9, 2017). Punk was so good of a heel that people cheered for him. He deserves the Hall of Fame induction after such an illustrious career. 5. The Great Khali: Yes, Khali won the world title, making him eligible for the Hall of Fame, but he honestly shouldn't get it. His career really sucked at the end. 6. Batista: Batista didn't leave too long ago, but it was enough time to put him in the Hall of Fame class of 2017. Batista is a household name in current WWE, and that could be from the Evolution stable, rivalries with , , and , his six world titles, his four tag title runs, or his two Royal Rumble victories. Batista has had a very successful career, and I think we should be seeing an induction soon. 7. Sid Vicious: Sid Vicious is better known by wrestling fans as Psycho Sid. Psycho Sid was never known in the WWF/E for his ring or mic skills, yet somehow he got pushed. Maybe it was because he was 6'9". During this push, Sid won the WWF title twice. We would think that WWE would induct Sid as soon as possible, but he still is not in. This is very upsetting, considering Sid has now turned into a household name 8. Vince McMahon: I am ready for the hate on this one. Vince is definitely Hall of Fame eligible. He has won the Royal Rumble and the WWE championship, though he vacated the the title 6 days later. Vince has the power to put himself in the Hall of Fame. The way Vince is, it seems like he would have inducted himself in the first Hall of Fame. Why he hasn't done so is a mystery. 9. The Rock: Most people that The Rock has wrestled have already been inducted into the Hall of Fame. The Rock not being inducted is really confusing. The only reason I'm putting him on this list is because he hasn't wrestled since Wrestlemania 32. He is technically on the inactive roster, if he is even on the roster. We cannot deny that The Rock is a future Hall of Famer. He has won the tag team titles, intercontinental title, 8 World titles, and has won the Royal Rumble. Because of The Rock not being inducted so far, I will predict him as the first induction in the Class of 2018 10. The Undertaker: Nobody is for sure what is up with Taker. There are people saying that Reigns retired him after Wrestlemania 33, but some people say he will return. For the purpose of the list, I will say that Taker is retired. Undertaker is probably one of, if not the biggest name in wrestling. He had a streak at Wrestlemania that lasted 21 years before it was broken by Brock Lesnar. Undertaker had won the 2007 Royal Rumble and the world title on 3 occasions. Yes, I know, it hasn't been a year since his last match, but was inducted before his last match, who's to say you can't do it to Taker. He is a very common name in pro wrestling houses, and everyone is ready for his induction.