Engineering Information Management for the Power Generation Industry A Bentley Solution Paper for Power Generation Professionals Kevin Hutto Power Generation Solution Engineer Bentley Solutions Introduction The Energy Information Administration predicts strong growth for worldwide energy demand – a 57 percent increase over 26 years. At the same time, governments around the world are establishing limits on the emission of carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide, particulate matter, and mercury. Accommodating all these conflicting requirements means quickly bringing cleaner forms of power genera- tion onto the grid and simultaneously upgrading existing fossil fueled power plants such that they can be operated without prohibitive expense while minimizing their environmental impact.

Challenges Throughout the Lifecycle But the challenges begin well before plant owner-operators break ground on new con- struction. Just navigating the licensing and approval process requires the production and effective management of thousands of documents. Owners of all power generation facilities must perform environmental impact studies, satisfy the information demands of government bodies, and appear before public and private hearings. Moreover, plant owner-operators that are eligible for financial incentives because they upgrade to cleaner technology must submit information to prove their eligibility. Nuclear power generation projects must provide even more extensive documentation to obtain licenses. Ultimately, all power generation utilities must demonstrate, on a continuing basis, that their facilities are operating within the limits of their permits, which include performance, environmental, and safety standards. In addition, these organizations must have this supporting data readily available so they can issue reports and explanations in the event of a facility shutdown due to an accident or environmental or safety concerns. From the moment a power generation project is conceived, studies and analyses regarding site selection, environmental impact, emission limits, and public and worker safety must be available to the team planning and designing the project. Without this information, costly errors can occur. Legacy data might be relevant, but if its format makes it unusable, planners will lose its benefits. As a result, they may be forced to reinvent the wheel and, in the process, repeat mistakes. Moving into the phase, accuracy and effectiveness are critical. For example, pipes, valves, and other equipment used to transfer steam or liquids must be subjected to demanding flow and stress analysis. These tests are necessary to avoid unacceptable monetary, human, and environmental costs. In addition, any changes or upgrades must conform to the original design requirements; otherwise, they will not be accepted by regulators, which could delay commissioning or the restart of a unit, or even shut down the facility. As utilities plan cleaner and safer facilities, the entire project team – designers, engi- neers, contractors, suppliers, owners, and operators – will need access to all project information throughout the design process, even if some of the members are located in different buildings, cities, or countries. Project participants must validate and

Engineering Information Management for the Power Generation Industry 2 review their work in the context of the project as a whole. The practice of exchanging paper drawings and waiting for project reviewers to document handwritten comments has become too time-consuming. Nevertheless, design optimizations must take place and interferences and errors must be detected in the early stages to prevent cost overruns. In addition, project teams need to keep stakeholders informed throughout the process to avoid costly misunderstandings. Thus, the ability to visualize 3D renditions of the facility, to review all the information associated with them, including materials, orders to sup- pliers, and to have analytical data at the participants’ virtual fingertips, makes the entire communication process much more efficient. Online design review capabilities can also prevent many lost hours and costs associated with printed 2D documents, which make the impact and implications of difficult to foresee. All of these capabilities require access to a 3D digital information model and the ability to effectively manage relevant data in a distributed engineering environment. Once the project teams have completed their tasks – which might include delivering a set of drawings or overseeing the construction – they will need to assemble and organize the contractual deliverables to hand over to the owner for ongoing plant main- tenance and operation. To reduce time and costs, all documentation and information models created during the design, engineering, and construction phases of the project must be maintained properly and be compatible with the owner’s current systems. To meet all of these critical challenges, Bentley introduces the Bentley Power Generation solution. It fulfills the needs for data management, design excellence, collaboration, and preservation of design and as-built information throughout the lifecycle of the power plant.

Introduction to the Bentley Power Generation Solution The Bentley power generation solution is for conceptual design, detail design, opera- tion, and maintenance of power plants. For electric utilities, it includes a seamless set of tools and information management for the entire industry, from power generation through transmission and distribution to the customer. To assure interoperability, its data-exchange connectors are based on ISO 15926 data models. The Bentley power generation solution also covers all construction phases and fully supports distributed engineering. Whatever their discipline or location, all project participants have complete access to the project data they need. Once construction has been completed and the plant is ready for operation, the engineering team can transfer the design information to the owner-operator for use in plant operations and updates, as well as to assure the facility continues to comply with regulations. The Bentley power generation solution includes the following: • Mapping, site imaging, and site layout tools for visualizing and managing land assets, • Front-end engineering and design (FEED) software to assist with preliminary layouts, alternative design scenarios, flow diagrams, procurement of long-lead items, and preliminary cost estimates,

Engineering Information Management for the Power Generation Industry 3 • A full range of site-preparation and civil engineering applications for developing land and designing supporting , • Detailed design, engineering, and analysis tools for architectural and structural design, plant piping, and the engineering of mechanical, electrical, communications, and other subsystems, as well as software for creating schematics, such as piping and instrumentation diagrams, • Construction management software linking data from design deliverables, sche- matics, project management, materials, and resource management systems in a virtual and visual model, facilitating improved communications with fabrication and construction crews, better scheduling, and just-in-time delivery of materials, “All front-end engineering and design (FEED), • Engineering data warehouse and change-management capabilities for ongoing including preliminary operations and maintenance, and to ensure constant compliance with all standards analyses, studies, and regulatory requirements. sketches, and schematics, is included in the model The Bentley Power Generation Solution for the Plant Lifecycle and available when the The Bentley power generation solution is an engineering information system that detailed engineering creates a digital representation of the physical plant. phase begins. “ The digital representation of the physical plant is useful for the entire facility lifecycle. The representation might be initiated with legacy data, such as environmental stud- ies, technology research, documents, maps, photographs, schematics, and piping and instrument data, and perhaps drawings of an existing unit that’s being replaced or replicated as part of an updated design. The Bentley power generation solution brings together all relevant data. All front-end engineering and design (FEED), including preliminary analyses, studies, sketches, and schematics, is included in the model and available when the detailed engineering phase begins. When this extensive phase is complete, the 3D plant infor- mation model can be used to extract drawings and other data and relay it to engineers, designers, and construction teams. When the project has been completed, the Bentley solution controls and streamlines information for handover to operations and mainte- nance. The data can be made useful, updated, and maintained throughout the lifecycle of the facility. The majority of Bentley design, engineering, and geospatial products are based on MicroStation, Bentley’s flagship technology for the design of all types of infrastructure, including plants. MicroStation software is used by architects and engineers who share a common mission to deliver better projects. With an integrated suite of easy to use and versatile capabilities, MicroStation helps teams improve the way they design, model, visualize, document, and map projects of all shapes and sizes. With the abil- ity to support industry standards and structured workflows, MicroStation is an ideal platform to base the many applications and toolsets required to design and manage a facility as complex as a power plant.

Engineering Information Management for the Power Generation Industry 4 Most components of the Bentley power generation solution are also designed to run on AutoCAD. In addition, because many power generation professionals use in- house/home-grown applications, the solution includes APIs that allow applications to be integrated, preserving investments in current technology, work processes, and institutional knowledge. Bentley’s OpenPlant strategy, explained in detail below, assures interoperability by bas- ing all data on the industry-standard ISO 15926 data model. As a result, users don’t have to start over in order to update their capabilities and can continue to bid projects with confidence while they enjoy many benefits derived from using the latest engineering information technology. “A further advantage of the The Bentley power generation solution also includes ProjectWise, an engineering Bentley power generation project team collaboration system used to help teams improve quality, reduce rework, solution is the ability of and meet project deadlines. Proven on projects of all shapes and sizes to increase team members across productivity and reduce costs, ProjectWise delivers integrated solutions for content multiple disciplines to work management, content publishing, design review, and asset lifecycle management and in their own specialty areas is optimized for real-time collaboration across distributed teams. It includes server and, at any point in the software for caching data in multiple locations, making the latest versions of project process, combine their models, drawings, documents, and other data quickly available to all project team individual contributions in members, including those in remote offices. a single 3D model. “ All of the preliminary data generated early in the project is available when the project team begins the detailed planning that will result in construction-ready deliverables, including, • Research on the most efficient and cleanest technology, • Cost-benefit studies, • Terrain mapping and site analyses, • Schematics and proposed designs submitted with applications for licensing, • Data assembled to secure building permits, and • Environmental and safety information submitted to regulatory agencies. A further advantage of the Bentley power generation solution is the ability of team mem- bers across multiple disciplines to work in their own specialty areas and, at any point in the process, combine their individual contributions in a single 3D model. For example, the civil engineers designing the basic infrastructure – roads, bridges, parking lots, drainage systems, and utilities – can align their designs with the building and equipment foot- prints because that information is readily available to them. All team members can view the model as a whole using ProjectWise or isolate and focus on areas that fall within their specific responsibilities. For example, one engineer can conduct an updated pipe stress analysis in light of new information about flow conditions, while another checks the expected level of particulate releases against new tolerances specified in an update of environmental regulations. Resulting changes to any of the structures or subsystems are automatically reflected in the drawings, documents such as Excel and Word files, and other associated data such as schedules, equipment orders, bills of materials, and instructions to fabricators.

Engineering Information Management for the Power Generation Industry 5 The technology facilitates the management of leases, and also plays a role when a new or Figure 1: View of a 3D nuclear power plant model (courtesy of Korea Power Engineering Company) renovated power The ProjectWise system includes ProjectWise Lifecycle Server, a data warehouse that generation facility is manages the data being created, preserving the engineering information for handover proposed, since one of into operations and maintenance and for reuse in design upgrades or additions. the first steps in the planning workflow is to map and model the Mapping terrain where the facility For all utilities, the land they own and access to public right of ways are significant is to be constructed. assets. An organization’s ability to manage these assets can directly affect its bottom line. Therefore, the Bentley power generation solution includes integrated mapping and geospatial technology. The technology facilitates the management of leases, and also plays a role when a new or renovated power generation facility is proposed, since one of the first steps in the planning workflow is to map and model the terrain where the facility is to be constructed. For example, the company might want to lease part of the property for ag- ricultural purposes or designate a portion as a wildlife refuge. It must also study legal restrictions surrounding the use of the land and assure that its plans are in compliance. When the facility is built, managing the site and adjacent properties is integral to the lifecycle management of the plant. Because project teams are often geographically dispersed, sharing data across several design disciplines can be problematical. Also, the geospatial data typically is created with disparate systems. Bentley’s solution brings together and integrates disparate information such as spatial databases, drawings, models, business documents, and other forms through a unique federated information management implementation. Us- ing ProjectWise Lifecycle Server, information held in land management and enterprise databases, legacy and departmental systems, and project-based data stored in virtually any format, is accessible to users through a spatial interface. The information manage- ment system also allows the use of keywords for information retrieval, making it as easy to use as an Internet search engine.

Engineering Information Management for the Power Generation Industry 6

Figure 2: Bentley’s solution brings together and integrates disparate information through a unique federated information management system

Front-End Engineering and Design (FEED) Organizations understand that decisions made early in a project have a profound effect on downstream operations. Decision makers in the power generation industry need ac- cess to all the preliminary studies and designs submitted with applications for licenses and permits. The development of preliminary studies and designs can often take years, during which a large amount of information is accumulated – at significant cost. This data is important when detailed design begins. The question becomes whether the project team will have access to it, or if that data will have to be recreated, doubling the cost. Further, knowing the stipulations of project permits is essential to the design- ers. Will they have access to this information, or will their designs have to be recreated to be in conformance? Compressing project timescales is often more important than project cost in the power generation industry. The time-constraining factor on all projects is securing materials and equipment to get the job done. Making good up-front decisions and securing equip- ment with increasingly long lead times, such as vessels, pumps, and valves, is critical. Because the availability of early information has such an impact on the efficiency, quality, and cost of projects, FEED is a critical component of any best-practice strategy. Bentley offers FEED tools to create the schematic engineering data used to produce process-flow diagrams (PFDs) and preliminary piping-and-instrumentation diagrams (P&IDs), and to quickly evaluate facility layouts for rapid project cost estimation. For complex projects, such conceptual tools are essential for guiding engineering and plan- ning to meet operating and budget constraints, as well as to help avoid wasted time and critical or expensive errors. In the case of a nuclear facility, where licensing is a crucial requirement, this information becomes part of the detailed documentation that must be submitted to the licensing agency in the early stages of a project.

Engineering Information Management for the Power Generation Industry 7 Legacy schematic data and associated graphics extracted from existing systems must be normalized and kept secure in a controlled environment to be easily retrieved when needed. Bentley’s solution provides a platform that fully integrates 2D schematics with a configurable information management environment for the definition and delivery of project-specific deliverables. By consolidating both graphic and non-graphic information into one central database, Bentley’s solution helps assure accurate and consistent data across all disciplines and design documents. By reviewing the 3D model for maintenance and operability concerns early in the process, lifecycle costs can be saved even before project teams begin detailed design. To help facilitate this, the Bentley power generation solution enables rapid preliminary Bentley’s power generation piping layout, weight analysis, and cost estimation. Its automatic pipe routing capabil- solution streamlines the ity allows piping and layout alternatives to be instantly modeled. This allows planners design and production of to perform cost estimation and weight analysis, and explore multiple scenarios to project deliverables and the determine the best layout. electronic conveyance to construction teams. Site Preparation and Planning Designers, engineers, constructors, and owner-operators know that planning for a power generation facility often involves much more than the design of the plant itself. Often it is necessary to plan and construct complex supporting infrastructure that includes roads, railroads, tunnels, bridges, and utility networks. Power generation project teams also know that the industry faces increasing pressure to be environmen- tally friendly by reducing carbon footprints, managing water and sediment runoff, and minimizing the impact on vegetation and wildlife. To meet more stringent government guidelines and help sustain the environment, the Bentley power generation solution includes complete site development and analysis. Bentley’s power generation solution streamlines the design and production of project deliverables and the electronic conveyance to construction teams. This integrated, multidiscipline approach is used for survey; graphical coordinate geometry creation; digital terrain modeling; site grading; water and sewer system design; storm drainage system design; and road design. The solution not only increases individual productivity, but also promotes collaboration among multiple users, including external contractors. Visual coordination of multiple-site systems in an environment that synchronizes design, analysis, and conflict checking for all project phases – site, drainage, water and sewer, and road design – all on the desktop – saves time and money. Integrating geospatial, civil, and plant design within a single engineering information management environment is a unique value and a critical differentiator of Bentley’s solution. Geared to handle the real-world iterative project process, the Bentley power generation solution lets users quickly explore a large variety of design scenarios. Special features handle any type of site objects such as culverts and ponds. Soil, rock, or water volumes and material quantities are automatically calculated, enabling well-balanced, efficient planning that streamlines site development and construction.

Engineering Information Management for the Power Generation Industry 8 The site-planning technology in the Bentley power generation solution includes inte- grated civil capabilities for underground pipelines and roads. Powerful and versatile applications address a broad array of civil engineering needs, from rapid evaluation of impacts during preliminary phases to final design and plan production. Powerful regres- sion analysis, combined with element design capability, gives planners the power to resolve complex design geometry efficiently and accurately in accordance with their engineering design criteria. For example, a unique roadway designer allows interactive design and review in a synchronized viewing environment.

Conceptual and Detailed Engineering Proven on a wide range of projects to reduce project timescales and eliminate errors on site, the Bentley power generation solution offers a choice of design system platforms and analytical applications used worldwide on both large, distributed-enterprise proj- ects as well as smaller plant-rework projects. The solution includes plant design systems based on either MicroStation or AutoCAD. Bentley’s next-generation system, OpenPlant, is the first commercial plant design sys- tem based on a completely open data model. Its base data model schema is ISO 15926. Any application that is mapped to the ISO 15926 schema can natively interoperate with the OpenPlant family of products. This means any data created using the OpenPlant system can be shared without complex APIs. OpenPlant lets engineers quickly access and share the same complete data, whatever its format. This means that distributed teams can connect and begin work immediately, a capability that contributes to com- pressed project schedules.

Figure 3: OpenPlant integrated product suite

Engineering Information Management for the Power Generation Industry 9 The Bentley power generation solution includes an engineering data management “backbone” that manages both documents and document content. It enables the management of all project drawings, models, and documents across distributed project teams. Using this backbone, project team members use keywords to locate information. Because all project data is available in its original format, team members can perform individual or collective reviews and share design components throughout the process. The solution’s data management backbone can aggregate 2D and 3D project content from hundreds of architectural, engineering, construction, and infrastructure design applications, including PDS. It supports multiple industry-standard file formats, includ- ing DGN and DWG; PDF; JPEG and TIFF; as well as IGES, STEP, and 3DS. In addition, shop drawings automatically generated in 2D or 3D can be digitally exchanged with The Bentley power contractors and off-site fabricators, speeding the approval process and providing more generation solution offers accurate and comprehensible drawings at the construction site. comprehensive pipe stress analysis, including support To support distributed teams, the Bentley power generation solution also includes for Nuclear ASME Section a graphical collaboration system for visual navigation of 3D models and associated documents, project schedules, and construction simulation. The solution’s interfer- III Class 1 design. ence detection is a valuable feature that allows designers to detect clashes during the design phase, ensuring that they will not be discovered during construction, when corrections become exponentially more time-consuming and expensive.

Analysis Today’s software must adhere to the strictest external quality standards, including ISO 9001, 10CFR21, NQA-1, and nuclear certification by NUPIC customers. To assure structural and piping system integrity and safety, the Bentley power generation solu- tion includes powerful engineering analysis tools with unique capabilities and features specific to the nuclear industry. This broad portfolio of applications is currently being used by several EPC firms, such as Korea Power Engineering Company, Shaw, Bechtel, and Hitachi, as well as owners including Électricité de France, Constellation Energy, Dominion, and American Electric Power, to perform nuclear project work. The Bentley power generation solution offers comprehensive pipe stress analysis, including support for Nuclear ASME Section III Class 1 design. The solution supports multiple nuclear code years dating back to the 1970s, comprehensive ASME III Class 1, 2, 3, and Fatigue, Thermal Transient Analysis, and Japanese Nuclear JSME code. It also includes a superior buried-piping module for cooling water piping and a unique integrated fluid-transient module for water- or steam-hammer analysis. These projects also require rigorous finite element modeling and analysis of structures, including ASME Section III Subchapter NF code for structural piping supports. The Bentley power generation solution also supports the AISC/ANSI N690 stainless steel code, which is referred to as the Specification for the Design, Fabrication, and Erection of Steel Safety-Related Structures for Nuclear Facilities.

Engineering Information Management for the Power Generation Industry 10 Using this solution enables engineers to quickly grasp the big picture and optimize pipe routings, supports, sizes, and balance flows to help select and position equipment, as well as to evaluate different valve scenarios. It includes tools that analyze piping flow models and calculate steady-state, single-phase pressures, flow velocities, tempera- tures, and fluid properties in gas or liquid piping networks. Since pulsation in piping networks can lead to premature component failure, dynamic response analysis of fluid flow under steady-state, pulsating-flow conditions must also be considered. The solu- tion provides an interactive simulation program for dynamic-response analysis of fluid flow under steady-state pulsating-flow conditions in piping networks. It is based on one-dimensional-plane wave theory and employs an efficient transfer matrix approach.

Interoperability With Other Systems A power plant comprises physical assets, including equipment, and functional assets such as documents. Information about all of these assets is generated using myriad context-specific design applications, each using its own data and graphical scheme. A study of the capital facilities industry by the National Institute of Standards (NIST) confirmed what was widely recognized in the AEC industry: Significant improvements in efficiency and cost reduction could be achieved if the information from disparate design systems could be shared and reused for a variety of lifecycle work functions. It is cost-prohibitive and risky to make significant investments in work-process changes and current engineering IT systems integration in order to share work with data and graphics created outside the source design system. It also undermines current resource knowledgebase investments. What’s needed is an adaptive engineering information model in which 3D graphics and data can be viewed and interrogated within a single environment, without respect to the native design system that created the information. That’s what the Bentley power generation solution enables. It’s optimized to help en- gineering/procurement/construction (EPCs) contractors and owner-operators achieve incremental value using current work processes and systems. The engineering infor- mation model data format and Bentley’s DigitalPlant environment are based on the ISO 15926 standard, giving EPCs the ability to automatically exchange information using global standards and support fast-track handover, commissioning, and startup with confidence. An adaptive engineering information model provides EPCs and owner-operators with new opportunities for improving their business practices. For EPCs, an adaptive information model can save time and money by providing increased flexibility and choice of design systems used on projects. When used in conjunction with the Bentley power generation solution, the adaptive information model is part of a comprehensive dataflow and data management solution. This process can speed up project timescales and improve the time-to-market and quality of design, resulting in reduced costs at the home office and in the field. The single engineering information model also supports technical auditing compliance, allowing EPCs to easily fulfill owner auditing require- ments at issue points prior to milestone releases.

Engineering Information Management for the Power Generation Industry 11 For owner-operators, an adaptive engineering information model saves money by reducing dependencies on specific design systems, data formats, or disparate system- to-system interfaces. When used as part of a lifecycle solution, this model and the DigitalPlant environment establish a trusted master source for technical engineering data used by operations and maintenance, and enable the automatic population of pro- curement and maintenance management systems. Both save time, reduce costs, and help assure compliance with regulatory procedures. Owners also can audit technical information at specified issue points prior to final handover, saving additional time and money by identifying potential issues before they reach the field. Managing PDS deliverables using the latest technology makes it easy to facilitate design The Bentley power collaboration with the project and supply-chain network. PDS production deliverables generation solution helps such as isometric and orthographic drawings, including models, can be automatically streamline construction posted (copied) to ProjectWise folders using ProjectWise integration capabilities. Project operations so that problems team members can share the PDS production deliverables with other parts of the Bentley can be worked out before power generation solution for purposes such as design, procurement, reviewing, redlin- ing, and plotting. This automated work process also enables PDS users to take advantage they become time- of file- and component-level features such as change management, design history, consuming delays on site. distribution, and archiving at various work-state points in the document lifecycle. The Bentley power generation solution offers users of other systems, such as PDS, the opportunity to minimize risk and maximize reward by providing an open information management framework that will coexist with PDS tools, safeguarding their invest- ment in this technology. Because PDS can run on MicroStation, its users can continue to leverage their current knowledgebase while also benefiting from the stability of MicroStation. An open solution also provides access to proven alternative tools to offset risk while providing a more open and robust managed environment. Subscription- based licensing offers a low-cost, low-risk approach to attaining these benefits.

Construction The Bentley power generation solution helps streamline construction operations so that problems can be worked out before they become time-consuming delays on site. The solution includes products that allow construction sequencing simulation, animation of specific tasks such as crane lifts, and viewing of CAD documents without running the native CAD or design software at the site. The ability to create and track work packages that closely match the actual construction workflow enables project managers to more quickly identify issues with time-critical ac- tivities or incorrect materials. In addition, it helps them avoid costly mistakes, schedule overruns, and change orders. The capacity to virtually review and plan construction work packages can optimize and compress construction schedules. Bentley’s solution provides a virtual plant model that optimizes projects through the planning, sequencing, execution, and monitoring of

Engineering Information Management for the Power Generation Industry 12 construction activities. The solution operates as a visual collaborative environment for the project team during the construction process. It increases productivity, drives down costs, and reduces project cycle time, all while providing improved risk mitigation and team safety. The same data management backbone that is so productive for designers and engi- neers also supports construction. The Bentley power generation solution effectively manages all the construction documents, and its advanced viewing technology enables 3D construction schedule simulation, project progress simulation, and task animation. Additional capabilities include a free CAD-viewing tool for MicroStation and AutoCAD drawings, and an electronic field book for construction site stakeout and inspection. ProjectWise Lifecycle Server provides scalable, Operations and Maintenance standards-based data warehouse functionality For the operations phase of the power generation plant lifecycle, the Bentley power to a workgroup, project, or generation solution includes products that manage the engineering data and documents enterprise. At its core so that they are not only preserved but also easily accessible for ongoing operations and is a flexible storage and facility maintenance, facility changes and upgrades, safety considerations, and reports retrieval engine that to regulatory agencies. Interfaces between engineering data and spare parts manage- ment, maintenance, and other online systems provide rapid access to all related data for efficiently consolidates and all relevant disciplines. The Bentley power generation solution also includes as-built 3D integrates data from model tools for quick plant modification projects to keep users’ controlled models up to external sources to create date and accurate. a central data store. The continuity and integrity of the project data created during the design, engineering, and construction phases is maintained in Bentley’s solution. The solution has automatic links to Bentley’s ProjectWise Lifecycle Server, a data warehouse that connects to maintenance systems such as Maximo or SAP, and ensures that plant operators have quick and easy access to current engineering documents and data. ProjectWise Lifecycle Server provides scalable, standards-based data warehouse functionality to a workgroup, project, or enterprise. At its core is a flexible storage and retrieval engine that efficiently consolidates and integrates data from external sources to create a central data store. Surrounding the core storage are modules that provide comprehensive change management down to the attribute level as well as configurable data-integrity analysis. A management of change system provides a means to manage and control data quality as it changes over the course of a project or maintenance. Manually capturing the as-built physical configuration of a plant is subject to human error and very costly. The spatial-configuration capture component of the Bentley power generation solution allows technicians to enter 3D point-cloud information into MicroStation or AutoCAD. This provides a physical confirmation of the existing facility and supports decisions about equipment placement or facility modification. The software builds a 3D model of the change that is accurate within 3/8 of an inch. This technology also plays a key role in the “As Low As Reasonably Achievable” (ALARA)

Engineering Information Management for the Power Generation Industry 13 radiation-protection strategy at nuclear facilities. Using a laser scanner, one worker can record accurate physical measurements (to within 1/8 of an inch) of an area close to a radiation source while staying a safe distance away. The scanned image can then be viewed by other team members at any location, saving personnel time and cost.

Bentley prides itself in providing applications and services of superior quality and reliable performance. This is especially important to the nuclear power industry.

Figure 4: Background image created from 3D point cloud information. Engineers use this accurate view to place new equipment Virtual operator training is yet another way to capture additional return on a user’s investment. The Bentley power generation solution is used to train facility operations and maintenance personnel before construction has even been completed. A virtual plant model is created from the facility’s CAD model and presented in a way useful to the plant operators. Systems and structures are organized and colored, using color-coding conventions to make them readily identifiable.

Nuclear Quality Assurance Bentley prides itself in providing applications and services of superior quality and reli- able performance. This is especially important to the nuclear power industry. In order to meet this benchmark, Bentley has developed and implemented a quality assurance (QA) program that encompasses all quality-affecting activities related to plant products. Bentley’s QA program is based upon the relevant requirements of federal regulations, industry codes, and accepted standards. Bentley’s QA programs have been verified by Nuclear Procurement Issues Commit- tee (NUPIC) audits. Bentley’s Quality Assurance and Reporting (QA&R) subscription program complies with 10CFR21/10CFR50, ASME NQA-1, ANSI N45.2, Canadian nuclear CSA N286.7-99, and ISO 9001 quality standards. A Certificate of Compliance is provided for each STAAD.Pro and AutoPIPE version shipped to “QA&R” subscribers.

Engineering Information Management for the Power Generation Industry 14 Data Management for the Complete Lifecycle The cornerstone of the Bentley power generation solution is data integrity. Because time-to-market affects public confidence in owners and operators as well as investor dividends, project timelines must be accelerated, even as decision makers look to re- duce costs and increase productivity. The Bentley power generation solution manages relevant data in any project throughout the engineering work process, exploiting data reuse and improving engineering data quality. Thus, timelines are shortened, handover is streamlined, and the quality of data being used by operations and maintenance systems is improved.

The Bentley power The consolidation, integration, and quality validation of data during handover is by far generation solution the toughest information problem faced by the process industry today. The Bentley power generation solution addresses data management for the complete lifecycle of addresses data the infrastructure, providing a data warehouse specifically designed to capture the data management for the during detailed design. It then helps manage it in the way that engineering staff would complete lifecycle of the expect during the operation of the asset. With an efficient means of retrieval, the infrastructure, providing a project team can quickly assemble the documents, analytical data, drawings, and other data warehouse specifically information required for handover, while validating data quality during each transaction designed to capture with the warehouse throughout the project, significantly reducing costs. the data during detailed design. The ProjectWise Lifecycle Server data warehouse is at the heart of the Bentley power generation solution.

Figure 5: ProjectWise Lifecycle Server configuration Its core purpose is the identification and consolidation of data from disparate sources. As information is released from different disciplines, contractors, or vendors, the system provides comprehensive quality-checking to ensure that accepted information is com- plete, correct, and consistent. Contextual data concerning where information originated and the conditions under which it has been shared is captured to support the industrial- strength change management necessary for new construction or commissioned plants.

Engineering Information Management for the Power Generation Industry 15 The advantages of work-state controls cannot be overestimated. A common theme in data management is “Input once, use many times.” For example, plant expansions frequently involve the addition of units very similar to existing ones. With access to the original studies, drawings, and documents, designers of the new units can save considerable time by reusing the existing data. They can also assure consistency and continuing adherence to regulatory requirements. On the other hand, the costs of the inability to access information can be startling. If original designs are unavailable when upgrades or new units are planned, planners and designers have to recreate the entire project from the beginning. If information about safety or design weaknesses is lost, mistakes – and their consequences – could be repeated. With the Bentley power With the Bentley power generation solution, the ability to access and reuse data is the generation solution, norm, not the exception. Economics can be addressed along with engineering. More the ability to access and accurate designs can be generated earlier in the project lifecycle, and more options reuse data is the norm, are available for evaluation, even with limited resources. Additional benefits include not the exception. reduced cost of structural steelwork, improved plant quality, safety, reliability, sustain- ability, and better spare-parts inventory control. Economics can be addressed along with engineering. Case Studies Each of the three Bentley projects described in this section has won a BE Award of Excellence, which honors the extraordinary work of Bentley users who are improving and sustaining the world’s infrastructure. These projects set benchmarks and showcase the imagination and technical mastery of the organizations that created them. The users have derived multiple benefits. For example, InterGen improved information accessibility so employees from different departments could retrieve it quickly in the event of critical plant shutdown. Korea Power Engineering Company (KOPEC) was the first company in Korea to apply 3D modeling to optimize construction of a nuclear power plant. Stanley Consultants was able to speed up its design process by developing preliminary workflows, standards, and procedures and by producing piping isometrics on selected piping systems to aid in fabrication and construction. The firm was able to prevent costly field corrections by visualizing designs with plant owners, identifying conflicts in design, and making corrections prior to construction. It also saved design time by reusing legacy information for retrofit and new design optimization.

InterGen InterGen is a global power generation company with nine power plants. The company has projects in active development or already operating in the United Kingdom, the Philippines, Mexico, Australia, the Netherlands, and Singapore. At its Rocksavage and Coryton power plants in the United Kingdom, InterGen used the Bentley power generation solution to integrate management systems for plant operation and maintenance. InterGen staff members needed easy access to the information held in ProjectWise to source drawings and information. They also required an accurate tag

Engineering Information Management for the Power Generation Industry 16 database for access to information based on the plant tags of items such as equipment, valves, and instruments. Moreover, the system needed to be easy to use so that, for example, during an unplanned plant shutdown, staff would not waste time looking for the right information and possibly incur major losses and millions of dollars in penalities. In collaboration with Bentley Systems, InterGen put together an efficient solution to quickly gather the data and provide an easy-to-use interface to information for its plant staff. The staff was able to load documents and information created during the design of the plant into ProjectWise, giving immediate access to the information when the plant became operational. In previous projects, the sourcing and structuring of this information had taken three or four technicians several weeks to complete. The availability of this In collaboration with core information has provided major benefits to operations and maintenance depart- Bentley Systems, InterGen ments. Now the staff can use ProjectWise to access and easily maintain data, as well put together an efficient as add information to the system for easy access by others. solution to quickly gather InterGen sees major benefits in integrating the solution with its J.D. Edwards informa- the data and provide an tion system as well as some of the information systems of its other suppliers for links easy-to-use interface with QA/QC data, including weld maps and non-destructive testing reports. to information for its plant staff. Korea Power Engineering Company Inc. KOPEC is using the Bentley power generation solution to design the Shin-Kori Nuclear Power Plant Units No. 1 and No. 2. Located on the southeastern coast of the Korean peninsula, the plant is a two-loop, light-water moderated and cooled pressurized reactor system rated at 2,825 megawatts with an electrical output of 1,000 megawatts. KOPEC, the prime contractor, is providing architectural and engineering services for the entire project. Each unit comprises 3,300 pieces of equipment, about 250,000 feet of piping, and 5,400 piping supports. KOPEC is the first firm in Korea to apply 3D modeling to optimize nuclear power plant construction. The conceptual 3D model layout is the most important factor and is the starting point of the 3D model of the structure. Because KOPEC has had extensive experience with MicroStation in various design fields, it was able to quickly and easily transition from the previous 2D CAD system to the PlantSpace 3D modeling system and its applications such as TriForma. The check-in and checkout function in the PlantSpace model control system allowed models and data to be managed and manipulated at the component level, which is a much more granular level of detail than was possible with the traditional file-based method. Workflows that benefitted from the use of Bentley software included, among others, defining volume areas and levels in buildings, designing piping components, and check- ing clashes using Interference Manager. Also, KOPEC’s process of modeling pipe support components and assemblies benefitted from using PlantSpace SupportModeler.

Engineering Information Management for the Power Generation Industry 17 Animation and simulations were routinely used for optimizing construction, operation, and maintenance scenarios during the design phases of the project. Visualizing a schedule simulation allowed KOPEC to verify construction planning by relating the construction sequence with the schedule, which provided an easy-to-visualize graphical view of the schedule.

Stanley Consultants East Kentucky Power Plant Expansions Stanley Consultants is providing design and construction management services on a proj- ect involving three 278-MW coal-fired electric generating units for East Kentucky Power By utilizing Cooperative. Units 3 and 4 will operate with a clean-coal technology known as a circulat- ing fluid bed process and will rank among America’s cleanest coal-generating units. The MicroStation models same design will be applied to Unit 1, which is being planned for a greenfield site. and nesting features, Stanley has been able to limit the number of files and save time managing files and reference attachments.

Figure 6: Two views of the Stanley Consultants East Kentucky Power Cooperative project Stanley Consultants used the Bentley power generation solution to model the turbine and generator islands. The firm developed preliminary workflows, standards, and procedures, identified conflicts in design, and made corrections prior to construction, which saved costly corrections in the field. It also produced piping isometrics of selected piping systems to aid in fabrication and construction. Another important time-saver was the ability to integrate the 3D models for piping and electrical tray routings that were produced by the boiler island supplier. All necessary 2D construction drawings were extracted from the models. When the design of Spurlock Unit 4 began, the owner and Stanley Consultants decided that producing a complete 3D model of the plant would benefit the project. Although the original intention was for the Unit 4 design to be a duplicate of Unit 3, the owner requested several design changes and the 3D model was extremely valuable in incor- porating those changes. Using ProjectWise Navigator, the designers could visualize the changes with the owner before finalizing the design, which resulted in significantly fewer costly field changes. By utilizing MicroStation models and nesting features, Stanley has been able to limit the number of files and save time managing files and reference attachments. To make sure everyone has up-to-date information, as well as to save time in the drawing extraction, each engineering discipline on the project has its own file with the plant composite attached. MicroStation also has allowed Stanley to handle AutoCAD files

Engineering Information Management for the Power Generation Industry 18 more efficiently and, with the integration of PlantSpace P&ID and the Data Manager, to better manage process data. The Bentley power generation solution’s structural interface with STAAD, Bentley’s structural analysis and design product, has saved design time by enabling the team to import data in two ways. The ability to produce a STAAD input file saves engineering time, while the ability to incorporate the design changes from STAAD into the model saves design time. Stanley has also had success producing Caesar II files, saving input time for the pipe stress analysis. Using PlantSpace P&ID and Data Manager, Stanley has produced mechanical and con- trols data and reports that are always in sync with the project. In addition, the ability to The Bentley power produce piping isometrics has saved review time, annotation and dimensioning time on generation solution’s plans, and time producing piping sections and details. structural interface with STAAD, Bentley’s structural analysis and Bentley’s Commitment to ISO 15926 design product, has saved In April of 2008, Bentley won a FIATECH Celebration of Engineering and Technology design time by enabling Innovation (CETI) Award in the Lifecycle Data Management and Information Integra- the team to import data tion category. The award recognized Bentley’s achievements in developing adaptive in two ways. information models based on the ISO 15926 Reference Data Library and ISO 15926 adapters for Bentley products. The award also recognized the development of a Bentley Class Editor for managing the adaptive information models and data mappings, and the implementation of ISO 15926 Part 7 WIP facade (Web Services) within it. This tech- nology provides a user-friendly view of ISO 15926 information models to the domain experts who want to contribute to the standard, as well as to the implementers who want to write adapters to the neutral standard. Bentley has offered complimentary copies of the Bentley Class Editor to FIATECH and POSC Caesar members and is col- laborating with leading contractors on ISO 15926 implementation issues. The company continues to work closely with FIATECH to implement the ISO standard data framework for exchange of information during the facility lifecycle. The Bentley OpenPlant framework is based on ISO 15926, which ensures that the data schema is open and easily accessible to third-party software and also supports intelligent data exchange between owner-operators and their contractors. This openness will assure that any plant schematics created with these applications can be shared without the need for complex application programming interfaces. The data is stored and maintained in a neutral, nonproprietary format that can be accessed by any application mapped to the ISO 15926 schema. Bentley will implement support for this data storage within both DGN and DWG files using the features of each of those formats to add extended entity information. Other formats or repositories, including XML, Bentley’s Data Manager, ProjectWise, or ProjectWise Lifecycle Server databases, will also be supported. Additionally, Bentley is applying ISO 15926 standards that will allow users to execute model-centric plant design in a distributed environment using different 3D modeling systems. Bentley’s OpenPlant products will support component-level selection, check-in, checkout, and security definitions, and have model-management capabilities extending beyond 3D to include management of metadata and 2D files in the same environment.

Engineering Information Management for the Power Generation Industry 19 By using a neutral format as the basis for application development, Bentley opens the door to other new solutions. For example, companies will be able to add extensions to base-level applications without the overhead of supporting a cumbersome customized environment. Also, they will be better able to work in distributed environments without worrying about formats, standards, or software compatibility.

Figure 7: Bentley is working closely with FIATECH to fulfill this vision With the ISO 15926 framework, the Bentley power generation solution completes the lifecycle by allowing data reuse for rapid project startup, both for greenfield and brown- field projects. Effectively managing the data for reuse will deliver significant time and cost benefits by getting new projects started faster and with more complete information.

Interoperability Platform 20 Why Bentley? Bentley delivers solutions for the entire lifecycle of infrastructure, tailored to the needs of the engineers, architects, planners, contractors, fabricators, IT managers, operators and maintenance engineers who will work on and with that infrastructure over its life- time. Comprised of integrated applications and services built on an open platform, each solution is designed to ensure that information flows between workflow processes and project team members to enable interoperability and collaboration. Bentley’s solutions reflect the rich domain expertise of our software development teams – enhanced by our strategic acquisitions – as well as our active engagement with our user organizations. Bentley further extends its solutions through our new Be Communi- ties professional networking website, which was created specifically to empower the sharing of best practices, ideas, and content by infrastructure solutions communities. Bentley Systems, Incorporated was founded in 1984, has more than 2,800 colleagues, offices in more than 50 countries, and annual revenues surpassing $500 million. Since 1993, Bentley has invested more than $1 billion in research, development, and acquisi- tions. Nearly 90 percent of the Engineering News-Record Top Design Firms are Bentley subscribers, and a 2008 Daratech study ranked Bentley as the world’s #2 provider of geospatial software solutions. “The road to a sustainable world will be paved by the vision, commitment, innovation, open-mindedness, and pragmatism of infrastructure professionals,” says A. B. Cleve- land, Jr., senior vice president of Bentley’s Applied Research Group. Bentley’s policies and practices are based on this belief. The accomplishments of Bentley users demon- strate that this policy is not only effective as a business model, but is also serving the needs of people dedicated, quite literally, to sustaining the environment and society. The Bentley power generation solution meets the needs of the power generation industry by providing geospatial, design, civil, structural, plant engineering, and analysis tools for the creation and maintenance of all types of power generation facilities and projects. The Bentley portfolio is the most comprehensive of any infrastructure software provider and allows all related disciplines to operate within a unified environment. The informa- tion management capabilities of the solution preserve the work of the design team in a form that not only allows them to work together during the design phases, but also maintains the data for the lifetime of the facility. Bentley is committed to supporting the power generation industry in its endeavor to provide energy for a sustainable quality of life worldwide.

© 2009 Bentley Systems Incorporated. Bentley, the ‘B’ Bentley logo, BE, MicroStation, PlantSpace, ProjectWise, and STAAD are either registered or unreg- istered trademarks or service marks of Bentley Systems, Incorporated, or one of its direct or indirect wholly-owned subsidiaries. Other brands and product names are trademarks of their respective owners. DAA038240-1/0001 04/09

Interoperability Platform 21