University of Groningen Theory and History
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University of Groningen Theory and history of geometric models Polo-Blanco, Irene IMPORTANT NOTE: You are advised to consult the publisher's version (publisher's PDF) if you wish to cite from it. Please check the document version below. Document Version Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record Publication date: 2007 Link to publication in University of Groningen/UMCG research database Citation for published version (APA): Polo-Blanco, I. (2007). Theory and history of geometric models. [s.n.]. Copyright Other than for strictly personal use, it is not permitted to download or to forward/distribute the text or part of it without the consent of the author(s) and/or copyright holder(s), unless the work is under an open content license (like Creative Commons). The publication may also be distributed here under the terms of Article 25fa of the Dutch Copyright Act, indicated by the “Taverne” license. More information can be found on the University of Groningen website: amendment. Take-down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim. Downloaded from the University of Groningen/UMCG research database (Pure): For technical reasons the number of authors shown on this cover page is limited to 10 maximum. Download date: 07-10-2021 RIJKSUNIVERSITEIT GRONINGEN Theory and History of Geometric Models Proefschrift ter verkrijging van het doctoraat in de Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen op gezag van de Rector Magnificus, dr. F. Zwarts, in het openbaar te verdedigen op vrijdag 4 mei 2007 om 14:45 uur door Irene Polo-Blanco geboren op 5 april 1977 te Vitoria, Spanje Promotores: Prof. dr. M. van der Put Prof. dr. J. Top Prof. dr. J.A. van Maanen Beoordelingscommissie: Prof. dr. K. Volkert Prof. dr. D. van Straten Prof. dr. F. Beukers ISBN: 978-90-78927-01-3 NUR 910 Cover: illustration of the plaster model of the Clebsch diagonal surface, by the sculptor Cayetano Ram´ırez L´opez. Published by Academic Press Europe, Groningen To Pablo Contents Introduction ix 1 Models of surfaces, a Dutch perspective 1 1.1 Introduction............................ 1 1.2 MathematicalmodelsinGermany . 1 1.2.1 BrillandSchilling. 2 1.2.2 Felix Klein, use and popularization of models. 4 1.2.3 Design and building of the models . 4 1.3 ModelsinTheNetherlands. 5 1.3.1 Anoverview........................ 5 1.3.2 The use of models in The Netherlands . 7 1.4 ModelsinGroningen ....................... 8 1.4.1 Inventory ......................... 8 1.4.2 Restoration ........................ 11 1.4.3 History of the Groningen collection . 12 1.4.4 The use of models in Groningen . 15 1.5 Someseriesofmodels. 18 1.5.1 Curves of degree 3 (Series XVII 2 a/b and XXV) . 18 1.5.2 Ruled surfaces of degree 4 (Series XIII) . 18 1.5.3 Cubic surfaces (Series VII) . 19 1.5.4 The model of Clebsch diagonal surface . 19 1.6 Conclusion............................. 21 2 Smooth cubic surfaces 27 2.1 Anintroductiontosmoothcubicsurfaces . 27 2.1.1 The27lines........................ 28 2.1.2 Schl¨aflidoublesix. 30 2.1.3 Therealcase ....................... 31 v vi CONTENTS 2.1.4 Clebsch’sresult . 31 2.1.5 Cubic surfaces as blow ups . 32 2.2 Realcubicsurfaces ........................ 34 2.2.1 Real lines and real tritangent planes . 35 2.2.2 Examples ......................... 40 2.3 Algorithm for the blow down morphism . 46 2.3.1 Examples: The Clebsch and the Fermat . 52 2.4 Twists of surfaces over Q ..................... 63 2.4.1 H1(Gal(Q/Q), G)..................... 63 2.4.2 Explicit twists of surfaces . 63 2.4.3 Twists of the Clebsch . 64 2.4.4 TwistsoftheFermat . 75 3 Models of curves 87 3.1 Models of cubic curves over P2(R)................ 87 3.1.1 Results on cubic curves . 89 3.1.2 Newton’s classification of cubic curves . 90 3.1.3 M¨obius’ classification . 90 3.1.4 Twistsofcurves. 98 3.2 Modelsofspacecurves . .101 3.2.1 Wire models of space curves . 101 3.2.2 String models of space curves . 104 4 Ruled surfaces of degree 4 109 4.1 With two skew double lines . 110 4.1.1 Thelimitcase.......................121 4.2 With a double line and a double conic . 122 4.3 With a double space curve of degree 3 . 124 4.4 Withatripleline .........................125 5 A. Boole Stott and 4-D polytopes 131 5.1 Introduction............................131 5.2 BooleStott’slife . .132 5.2.1 Gemsfromthebasement. .132 5.2.2 The beginnings of four-dimensional geometry . 133 5.2.3 Polytopes and modelling . 134 5.2.4 A special education . 134 5.2.5 Boole Stott’s models of polytopes . 137 CONTENTS vii 5.2.6 Boole Stott and the Netherlands . 138 5.2.7 Anhonorarydoctorate . .141 5.2.8 Boole Stott and Coxeter . 142 5.3 BooleStott’smathematics . .143 5.3.1 1900 paper on sections of four-dimensional polytopes . 144 5.3.2 1910 paper on semi-regular polytopes . 152 5.4 Conclusion.............................159 Resumen 167 Samenvatting 171 Acknowledgements 175 viii CONTENTS Introduction If you visit the second floor of the department of mathematics at the Uni- versity of Groningen, you may appreciate the beauty of some plaster and string models kept in a glass showcase at the coffee corner. A closer look at these models shows that they are accompanied with short mathematical explanations, which describe them as different types of algebraic surfaces, surfaces from differential geometry, curves etc. And there are more models. Stepping into the individual offices and taking a look in the library, one dis- covers a collection of more than 100 mathematical models in the department. Model building started in the second half of the 19th century. Many new algebraic curves and surfaces were discovered, along with other objects in mathematics and physics. In order to be able to visualize such objects and their properties, the mathematicians started building models to make them concrete. An important example of building of models takes place in Germany. Mathematicians such as Felix Klein and Alexander von Brill were responsible for the design of many mathematical models. Between 1880 and 1935 the German companies L. Brill and M. Schilling distributed massively copies of these models to the universities in Europe and in America. The 1911 catalogue of M. Schilling [Sch] describes 40 series consisting of almost 400 models. A survey of this collection can be found in [F]. This two volume book includes photographs of many of these models, as well as a mathemat- ical treatment for many of them. In Chapter 1 we begin with an account of these German companies and, later on, we focus on the collection of models in The Netherlands. The last part of this chapter is dedicated to the collection of Groningen. For this collection we have tried to answer questions of the following kind: Who was responsible for buying the models? What was their purpose? Were the mod- ix x INTRODUCTION els used in lectures? Were the models appreciated for their artistic value? And, were they on display? We found that the Groningen professor of geometry Pieter Hendrik Schoute was the one in charge of buying the models and that he probably used them during his lectures. As to the later use of the models, we have tried to find in- formation by interviewing several alumni of the University of Groningen who studied mathematics between 1930 and 1960. In Section 1.4.4 we draw the conclusion that, although the artistic value of the models might still have been appreciated, their pedagogical purpose was almost forgotten already in the 30’s. In view of the large purchase of models in 1908 by Schoute, we conjecture at the end of Chapter 1 that a major part of the collection of mathematical models was destroyed in 1906 in the fire of the Academy Building. The large purchase from 1908 was maybe intended to replace the previous collection. In Chapter 1 we also describe how the inventory of the collection was carried out, and how the restoration of many of the models was done. A summary of this inventory can be found on the webpage [Po-Za], where a list of all the models appear along with photographs and short mathematical explanations. With regard to the restoration, we give an account of the work of the sculptor Cayetano Ram´ırez L´opez, who restored in 2005 all plaster models in the Groningen collection. Many of the string models have been restored by Marius van der Put (professor of algebra and geometry). From a scientific point of view, one soon realizes the complexity, diversity and depth of the mathematics behind the models. In Chapters 2, 3 and 4 we focus on the study of the mathematics of the curves and surfaces present in some of the series in Schilling’s collection. In Chapter 2 we study cubic surfaces. George Salmon and Arthur Cayley proved in 1849 that a smooth cubic surface contains precisely 27 lines over the complex numbers. In 1872 Alfred Clebsch discovered the diagonal surface (also known as the Clebsch surface), which is given by the equations 3 3 3 3 3 x0 + x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 = 0 ½ x0 + x1 + x2 + x3 + x4 = 0. This is a smooth cubic surface with the property that all the 27 lines are real. This surface is represented by the first model from Series VII in Schilling’s INTRODUCTION xi collection.