1.0 Scope and Classification

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1.0 Scope and Classification 1.0 SCOPE AND CLASSIFICATION 1.1 Background: The Columbus Police Department (“CPD”) in one of the top 25 largest police departments in the nited States with approximatel$ 1,960 sworn personnel serving a diverse community of over 898,553 residents. The CPD is committed to making positive changes to protect all residents of Columbus and the people who visit Columbus. The safety of the Cit$-s residents continues to be a top priority and is the single largest investment made by the City ever$ year.. Safe streets and violence reduction initiatives, police and community relations, intervention e/orts, and investments in public safet$ video cameras are critical components of the cit$-s safet$ priorities, including increasing transparenc$ and accountabilit$ and adopting best practices in the rapidly evolving field of la" enforcement. In 2016, CPD was one of the first police departments in Ohio to implement a body-"orn camera (45C) program. Since 2016, the use of body-"orn cameras by CPD has continued to expand and evolve. Prior to the adoption of body-"orn cameras, like many police departments, CPD also utili6ed dash cameras – or in-car (1C) video system. Since 2016, many body-"orn and in-car providers’ systems have evolved to include ne" capabilities, including integration of body-"orn and in-car systems, synchroni6ation of video and audio recordings, and much more. The purpose of this Best Value Procurement (48P) is for the CPD and the City to enter a contract for a next generation public safet$ video solution that includes body-"orn, in-car cameras for CPD-s sworn personnel% vehicle 9eet% and intervie" rooms with a quali0ed O/eror (the “Contract”). 1.2 Scope: The City of Columbus, Department of Finance and Management% Purchasing O=ce% on behalf of the Department of Public Safet$ and Department of Technology, is seeking proposals pursuant to Columbus City Codes, from experienced professional firms, (hereafter O/erors) to design, purchase% configure, install, and test a body-"orn, in-car video systems, and intervie" room recording technologies, including cameras, video management soft"are% storage of public safet$ videos, and the professional services to migrate or integrate the Cit$-s existing public safet$ video technologies, and to design, configure% test, install% and achieve satisfactor$ operational production of a turnke$ public safet$ video system, i.e., “the public safet$ video system.” The City expects to purchase approximatel$ 2300 B5C-s, 400 IC systems and 16 intervie" room cameras, associated soft"are% hardware% training, and services in the a"ard of this B8P. It is expected that members in all five CPD zones, plus personnel assigned to other units, will receive B5Cs, with the goal of 2,000 B5Cs issued in 2021 "ith an approximate total of 2000 issued over the course of the initial first year of the contract. It is expected that members in all five CPD zones, plus personnel assigned to other units, will receive C8! systems, with the goal of 15X issued in 2021 with an approximate total of 400 issues over the course in the initial year of the contract. At the end of the first year of the proposed initial term% the public safet$ video system will be fully operational with approximatel$ 2000 B5Cs and 400 IC systems. The 2,000 B5C count, and 400 IC does not include reser)e cameras or systems, which must be readil$ available to replace any B5C cameras or IC components that are damaged or need repair. O/eror is responsible for installation of all C8! into existing Division of Police fleet. Installation services must be within 30 miles of down-town Columbus area. The quantity of reserve B5C cameras required will depend on the a"ard but we the City would like to have an inventor$ equal to 10 % of the total implemented B5C cameras on-hand for this purpose, and 5% of IC Systems on-hand for this purpose. The purpose of this B8P is for the City to expand or replace its public safet$ video client technologies (the cameras) and the video management soft"are and infrastructure needed to support public safet$ operations. @dditionall$% the City maintains sixteen intervie" rooms. If the O/eror can provide integration of audio and video to these rooms, the City would welcome a revie" of those offerings. However% this is not a necessar$ component of the 48P. The City is publishing this B8P with the intention to enter one or multiple contracts with experienced O/erors who "ill (as a whole) provide a complete solution to upgrade or replace the existing Public Safet$ video system components. Interested O/erors ma$ submit one or multiple proposed solutions for the City to consider each as options with their own costCbene0t. The City seeks to have full, turnke$% implementation and migration completed within 6-12 months of a"ard and receipt of fully executed contracts as well as purchase order(s) confirmed by the Columbus City Auditor-s O=ce with 2/eror(s) who will provide hardware% soft"are% licenses, implementation, and support services, and to train City personnel in its best use% to keep the system fully functional throughout its expected life span of no less than five years. ( PAGE This document serves as a guide for use by potential O/erors as to the format and requirements of a successful proposal. 1.3 Classification: O/erors are encouraged to submit proposals that demonstrate their competence% ability, past performance% quality and feasibility, cost% and environmental impact as de0ned in this request. The City may contract with one or more 2/erors chosen through this B8P process. 1 PAGE 2.0 APPLICABLE STANDARDS AND PUBLICATIONS This B8P utili6es various information technology, digital video and audio recording, and other related technical standards, de0nitions, frame"orks, concepts, protocols, and descriptions as a method for describing City requirements and for obtaining O/eror responses to questions and requirements. The O/eror should revie" and refer to the Cit$-s reference architecture as part of its response. The reference architecture is presented as a means describe the various components and technologies herein. The reference architecture includes use of common industry terms and de0nitions. In most cases, references for the architecture herein are referenced as part of the technical requirements section below. The reference architecture considers various technology and human components necessar$ to design and operate a public safet$ body-"orn and in-car video program. Descriptions, illustrations, conclusions, and other information provided are derived from various direct and indirect resources available to the City and therefore are subject to interpretation. The reference architecture% therefore% is provided for informational and illustrative purposes only, and are subject to change without notice. !ee included Generic Camera Reference Architecture reference sheet for de0ned terminology and technology 3.0 EXISTING CITY PUBLIC SAFETY VIDEO TECHNOLOGIES 3.1 <241GH SI!TH<!J Current vehicle data connectivit$ is achieved through LTH bet"een the mobile data computer (MDC) and the Veri6on Wireless Net"ork. NetMotion provides a persistent connection for the MDC and creates a 8PK tunnel through the Veri6on public net"or, into the Cit$-s L@K via the internet. Police MDCs are routinely used as an extension of the user-s desktop, with Active Director$ authentication, folder redirection, SharePoint access, Mobile C@D, and other standard desktop applications. Additional applications used by officers in the field are to include Panasonic Arbitrator% Motorola Premier One records management system, State of Ohio La" Enforcement @utomated Data System (GH@D!), Intergraph Computer3@ided Dispatch, Data5orks Mugshot, Franklin Co. Sheri/ Gicense plate reader% Safran MorphoTrac A;1!, Matrix case management% Division Intranet% custom application Patrol Vie", Orion Agenc$5eb, Da$;orce% and various applications. 3.1.1 Current Mobile data standards in the City of Columbus environment includes the following: ;ujitsu T732 ;ujitsu T731 M........ i7 processors M........ i7 processors M........ Windows 7 Enterprise – 64-bit O! M........ Windows 7 Enterprise – 64-bit O! M........ 8 G4 R@< M........ 8 G4 R@< M........ 320 G4 HDD M........ 250 G4 HDD M........ D8D CDCF2M Drive M........ D8D CDCF2M Drive M........ Wi3;i AC and Bluetooth M........ Wi3;i AC and Bluetooth M........ Ethernet M........ Ethernet M........ Touch Screen M........ Touch Screen M........ NetMotion Wireless Mobility client M........ NetMotion Wireless Mobility client M........ Mobile Communications M........ Mobile Communications o.. Veri6on 4G LTH data services o.. Veri6on 4G LTH data services Ke" Mobile data standards in the City of Columbus environment includes the following: Panasonic C;333 Tablet Panasonic FN355 Laptop 2 PAGE M........ Core IL310810U 1.1GBN (4.9GBN) M........ Core iL38665U 1.9GB6 M........ Windows 10 Professional – 64-bit O! M........ Windows 10 Professional – 64-bit O! M........ 16 G4 R@< M........ 16 G4 R@< M........ 512 G4 OP@G S!D M........ 512 G4 S!D M........ Intel Wi3;i 6 and Bluetooth M........ Intel Wi3;i 6 and Bluetooth M........ Ethernet M........ Ethernet M........ Touch Screen M........ Touch Screen M........ NetMotion Wireless Mobility client M........ NetMotion Wireless Mobility client M........ Mobile Communications M........ Mobile Communications o.. Veri6on 4G LTH data services o.. Veri6on 4G LTH data services 3.1.2 NETWORK: The Cit$-s net"or, is built on a high speed 100gb ethernet core with redundant failover to multiple internet service providers over the 1,000+ mile private fiber net"ork. Police substations are currentl$ connected on dedicated 1gb/s links to the core net"ork. Individual Police substations also include Wi3;i (802.11) radio coverage. The City operates t"o main data centers at di/erent locations that provide the core infrastructure services and redundancy. The City compute infrastructure capacit$ includes redundant failover Dell V?Fail hyperconverged clusters with support for over 2,000 virtual machines.
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