16.10.2021 Kjš 27.10.2021 Tiu 12 Eh£Fÿ - Mªâuh Ah¤Âiu - Mnfhãy«, Ahf©O, 7

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16.10.2021 Kjš 27.10.2021 Tiu 12 Eh£Fÿ - Mªâuh Ah¤Âiu - Mnfhãy«, Ahf©O, 7 3. C® R‰¿ gh®¡f, j§F« ïlthlif v§fŸ bryÉš eh§fŸ brŒ»nwh«. nkY« Étu§fS¡F v§fSila ah¤ßf®fS¡F áy cgnahfkhd És¡f§fŸ 4/13,Ä[ª]Ø>ò,éo>VïVì¦[,x>_\V½, bfhL¡f¥g£LŸsJ. ]òkV[tRì,ØÄ[窇600041 4. 5. E.Mail.jayalakshmi.yatra@gmail.com www.jayalakshmiyatraservice.com 6. 16.10.2021 Kjš 27.10.2021 tiu 12 eh£fŸ - Mªâuh ah¤âiu - mnfhãy«, ahf©o, 7. kfheªâ, $iry«, mkuhtâ, fdfJ®fh, É#athlh, k§fs»Ç, Jthufh âUkyh, Õkhtu«, 8. ghybfhŸS, jh¡õhuh«, m‹dtu«, á«kh¢ry«, Érhfg£od«, $T®k«, murtŸË, ã£lhòu«, 9. ah¤âiu fhy§fËš, bfhŒah, m‹dhá, btŸsÇ, kh«gH«, btËÆš g¤uh¢ry« - ah¤âiu eg® x‹W¡F %./- 22,500/- cŸs â©g©l§fŸ, v©bzŒ tiffis f©o¥ghf jÉ®¡f nt©L«. + GST 5% 149tJ ah¤âiu (ïUtU¡F 1%«) (A/c Bus) 10. vâ®ghuhj ïa‰if NœÃiy fhuzkhf ah¤âiu kh‰w« brŒa îthf¤â‰F mâfhu« c©L. 16.10.2021 ïVçé7.00\èÂzØÄ[çª]òkV[tRì 11. ah¤ßf®fŸ jÉ®¡f Koahj fhuz¤jhš nf‹rš brŒa ne®ªjhš, o¡bf£ nf‹rnyõ‹ ÄM (\òÍyük«ì¼ïVl_)AÅ©ÃV| (A/c Bus)\Vçé f£lz«,+ GST 5% + r®å° rh®{ %. 200/- fʤJ¡ bfh©L Ûâ tH§f¥gL«. ¶¼ïV¸éD¼Äò>_,Ö«¡>ºï_. 1 2 . ah¤âiuÆš ïUtU¡F xU %« jU»nwh«. j§fS¡F jÅ %« njit¥g£lhš K‹T£ona bjÇa¥gL¤âdhš V‰ghL brŒJ ju¥gL«. (Extra Pay) ah¤ßf®fŸ ah¤âiuÆ‹ nghJ j§F« 17.10.2021 ïVçéAÅ©ÃV|åkå«ED\ìÃVìÝmÖ«¡>ºï_. %«fËš mâf brsfÇa§fŸ v⮥gh®¡f¡ TlhJ. QVl® 18.10.2021 ïVçéAÅ©ÃV|BVïõ½,\ïVåÍ]ÃVìÝmpçÄéD 13. mid¤J ah¤ßf®fS« bfhuhdh jL¥óá ngh£L¡ bfh©lj‰fhd rh‹¿jœ mtáa« bfh©L tu nt©L«. ]ºï^ ¼Äò>_,Ö«¡>ºï_. -Rg«- 19.10.2021 ïVçéþòiðVå]üåVªD,\_oïVìýªV¼ÛV]ìoºïD ØÄËkVF >öĪD,ÃVé>V«V,ÃÞÄ>V«V,Eï«DÃVìÝmÖ«¡>ºï_. Account Name: Jayalakshmi Yatra Service 20.10.2021 ïVçéAÅ©ÃV|¶\«Vk]‡¶\¼«ük«ì>öĪD, Account No : 6127897128, Account Type : Current Account A>[ ïªïmìïVÃVìÝmsÛBkV¦VÖ«¡>ºï_. Bank : Indian Bank, Branch : Thiruvanmiyur, IFSC :IDIB000T044 20.10.2021: Morning dep. Amaravathi – Amareshwarar dharshan, 21.10.2021 ïVçéAÅ©ÃV|ÃÝ«VÄéD¼Äò>_.¼ïV>Vköå]üåVªD, W ednesda y Kanagadurga dharshan and night stay at Vijayawada. sBVw[ ÃÝ«VÄé«V\ìÃVìÝmÖ«¡>ºï_. 22.10.2021 ïVçéAÅ©ÃV|>V­V«VD‡p¬¼\ik«ì>öĪD, 21.10.2021: Morning dep. To rache at Bhathrachala- Gothavari Thursday Øk^¹ ÄV\_é¼ïVâ¦V‡z\V««V\¬¼\ik«ì,¸â¦VA«DÃVìÝm river bath, Bhathrachala Ramar dharshan and night ¶[ªk«DÖ«¡>ºï_. stay. 23.10.2021 ïVçé¶[ªk«D‡ÄÝ]BåV«VBð·kVt>öĪD, 22.10.2021: Morning dep. Draksharam – Shri Bhimeswara Swamy, ÄM ED\VÄéD‡¼BVïå«ED\ìÃVìÝmsÄVïÃ⽪DÖ«¡ Frida y Samarlakotta – Kumararama Bhimeswara Swamy >ºï_. dharshan, Pithapuram visit and night stay at Annavaram. 24.10.2021 ïVçéAÅ©ÃV|píì\D,¶«Äk^¹ÃVìÝm¶[ªk«D QVl® Ö«¡>ºï_. 23.10.2021: Morning Annavaram – Sri Veera Venkata 25.10.2021 ïVçéAÅ©ÃV|ÃVéØïV^Ó‡U«V«V\oº¼ïük«ì, Saturda y Sathyanarayana Swamy dharshan, Simhachalam – Yoga ]ºï^ ¬\Vk«D‡p¼ÄV¼\ük«ükVt>öĪD,mkV«ïV Narasimmar dharshan and night stay at Visakapatinam. ]ò\éVÃVìÝmsÛBkV¦VÖ«¡>ºï_. 24.10.2021: Morning dep. Srikurmam, Arasavallidharshan and Sunda y night stay at Annavaram. 26.10.2021 ïVçéAÅ©ÃV|þòiðVå]üåVªD,\ºïáþö‡ÃVªï ØÄËkVF å«ED\ìÃVìÝm\VçéAÅ©ÃV|Ö«¡ÃBðD. 25.10.2021: Morning dep. Palakollu – Sherra Rama Lingeswara Monday 27.10.2021 ïVçé·Ã\VïØÄ[çªkÍ>ç¦>_. Swamy, Bhimavaram – Sri Someswara Swamy, A>[ DwarakaThirumala dharshan and night stay at Vijayawada. 16.10.2021: Morning 6.00am dep. (A/C Bus) Chennai Thiruvanmiyur Sa tur da y (Marundeeswarar Temple) Evening reach at Ahobilam 26.10.2021: Morning Krishna River bath, Mangalagiri – Panaga night stay. Tuesda y Narasimmar dharshan, evening dep. night journey. 17.10.2021: Morning dep. To Nava Narasimmardharshan and night 27.10.2021: Morning safely arrival at Chennai Thiruvanmiyur Sunda y stay at Ahobilam. W ednesda y (Marundeeswarar Temple). 18.10.2021: Morning dep.Yaganti, Mahanandhidharshan and reach eh£fŸ K‹ã‹dhf ïUªjhY« mid¤J ïl§fisí« gh®¥ngh«. Monda y Srisailam night stay. ïªj ah¤âiu 12 eh£fŸ bfh©ljhF«. g° (A/C) (2X2) rh®{, 19.10.2021: Morning River bath, Malligarjuna Swamy dharshan, 1 ltr. water 22,500 Tuesda y Paladhara, Panchadhara, Peak visit and night stay. åÃì1ÂzÔ3,000/‡ + 150/-(GST 5%) 16.9.2021.
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