Bread Crumbs Packaging Using Stand Up Pouches

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved Worldwide. 1 Crumbs Packaging Using Stand Up Pouches

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Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved Worldwide. 2 Bread Crumbs Packaging Using Stand Up Pouches


As summer fades into fall, our cooking methods change with the seasons. And so do our menus. Fresh fruits and vegetables in a bowl, and meat, fish and/or poultry on the barbecue give way to foods prepared in a pot or . Bread crumbs are a common ingredient in these dishes.

Store bought bread crumbs usually come packaged in a wax-type bag inside of a box. But that is hardly the ideal bread crumb packaging. Stand up pouches, also known as stand up bags or stand bags, are the perfect packaging for bread crumbs.

Multiple layers of scientifically designed barrier film provide a strong shipping and storage container for dry goods such as bread crumbs. The bags keep out odor, pests, vapor and moisture. As we know, adding moisture to bread crumbs before the recipe calls for it, can ruin a dish. With stand up bags, this will not be an issue.

Stand up bag bread crumb packaging comes with available tear notches for easy opening. Perhaps more importantly, the bags can be ordered with zip seal type closures to ensure that the bread stays fresh even after opening. Any cook knows how frustrating it is to have ingredients spoil.

Marketing is a piece of cake when it comes to stand up bag bread crumb packaging. Custom labels or printing can be applied to the wide front and back panels of the bags. And because it actually stands up, this type of bread crumb packaging stands out from the usual mundane boxes. Plus, stand up bags can be ordered with hang holes to allow for an attractive hanging display.

So, whether bread crumbs are needed in a recipe for crumb-topped vegetables, breaded mahi-mahi, bread or pineapple and ham bread soufflé, stand up bag bread crumb packaging is sure to be the chef's choice in the kitchen.

Build Your Brand

Bread crumbs. Although many think of them simply as what seniors feed ducks and pigeons while seated quietly on a park bench, if they think of them as well. Yet, one website provides 1287 recipes that call for bread crumbs. 1287! Clearly there is is a market for bread crumbs and, if you happen to make, distribute and/or sell them, a need to make your brand competitive in that market. So how do you do that? How does a company build its bread crumb brand?

Given the nature of bread, packaging is an important component of any branding you do. Bread crumbs must be protected during shipping, while on the store shelf and in the kitchen cupboard. Protected from odor, vapor, moisture and pests. If your customers identify your bread crumbs with innovative, effective and convenient packaging, your brand will always come to mind.

Stand up pouches are perfect for creating that brand connection. Also called stand up bags, custom print bags, Mylar™ bags and barrier film bags, stand up pouches are constructed by laminating multiple

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved Worldwide. 3 Bread Crumbs Packaging Using Stand Up Pouches layers of barrier film together to form a stable base and sturdy front and back panels. The available zip lock closures prevent spillage and seal in freshness, flavor and aroma while locking out those things that shorten shelf life.

A stand up pouch facilitates the branding of your brand as well by virtue of the bag design. You can apply labels directly on the wide front and back panels. Alternatively, your ingredients, company information, even language promoting your other products, can be printed directly on the bags in up to 10 colors. Or you can combine a bit of both. No matter which choice you make, your brand will be attractively displayed in stand up pouches.

And when it comes to store display, nothing beats stand up bags. Unlike the usual bread crumb packaging using boxes or bags, stand up pouches offer two options to the retailer. Obviously, one is to simply have the pouches stand up on the shelf which results in them clearly standing out from the competition. They also be displayed using the available round or sombrero-style hang holes.

No matter if the final destination is roasted cauliflower with capers, curried cashew burgers or black bean croquettes with salsa, stand up pouches are perfect way to ensure that consumers think of your brand when they think of bread crumbs.

Protects and Performs

Bread crumbs. Not a very exciting product to most people. For those who use them, though, they are indispensable. There really is no suitable substitute for bread crumbs. And not much disappoints more than when the breadcrumbs in the box are either stale, soggy, or seem to have been dined upon by various and sundry six-legged creatures. When one of these things happens, bread crumb packaging, something no one ever really thinks about, is almost always the culprit.

For products as perishable as bread crumbs, packaging that protects and performs is critical to long shelf life and customer satisfaction. Performs? Yes, performs. In order for packaging to protect food, it must meet certain performance standards. In order for it to help you achieve sales goals, it must meet others.

Bread crumb packaging using stand up bags will perform and protect. Constructed by laminating together multiple layers of scientifically formulated film, stand up pouches are durable, puncture and moisture resistant, and keep out vapor, odor, oxygen, and pests. The features of the bag that keep things out also seal things in. Things like freshness, flavor, and aroma. In other words, the nature of the unique barrier of a stand up pouch will extend the shelf life of your bread crumbs, increase customer satisfaction, and lead to healthier sales.

Stand up bag performance can also be measured by how well the bags serve to brand your product. The bag design creates a stable base and wide front and back

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved Worldwide. 4 Bread Crumbs Packaging Using Stand Up Pouches panels. The panels accommodate your own labels or you can have your text and graphics custom printed (in up to 10 colors) directly on the bag barrier. You can combine the two and even incorporate a clear “window” into your customized bag design.

Stand up bags, also known as stand up pouches and custom print stand up bags, outperform other packaging in the store as they literally stand up on the shelf and stand out from the competition. Available round or sombrero-style hang holes provide another eye-catching display option.

Whether recycled or treated as waste (where they take up little room in landfills), stand up pouches perform in the “green” arena, appealing to those consumers to whom environmental policies matter.

Stand up pouch packaging for bread crumbs protects your product and meets the performance standards necessary to generate more and raise your bottom line.

Saves Money

Saving money. Families obsess about it. Individuals know the comfort of a retirement depends upon how well they’ve done it. And companies look for any and every way possible to increase the bottom line by cutting costs and saving money.

Food producers are no different. Reduction in spending is crucial to the ongoing success, if not the outright survival, of the business. One area in which manufacturers, distributors, and sellers of food products can save money is in packaging. Even for a niche product such as bread crumbs, choosing the best packaging can cut costs and enhance brand identity at the same time.

Bread crumb packaging using stand up bags is a highly effective cost-cutting measure. This includes both the producing of the bags themselves and the expenses associated with the general manufacturing process of the packaging.

The process of creating stand up bags (also known as stand up pouches, custom print bags, and Mylar® barrier bags) involves laminating multiple layers of scientifically formulated film together. The resulting package requires 12 percent less raw material per bag than other plastic packaging. Less building material, so to speak, results in a lighter weight end product. In addition, a lighter weight end product means it costs less per gallon of fuel to transport each bag.

The process involved is also highly energy efficient, reducing the energy costs normally associated with producing packaging materials. Lower energy costs not only increase the bottom line, they help you make the case that yours is a brand with a responsible environmental policy, an ever-increasing concern among consumers.

Because stand up bags are durable, puncture resistant and protect your bread crumbs from moisture, vapor, odor, and pests, they require no additional packaging materials to be effective. In other words, you won’t need to worry about adding any interior lining or an exterior container to make your packaging effective. Stand up pouches are a complete, self-contained packaging solution. And, of

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved Worldwide. 5 Bread Crumbs Packaging Using Stand Up Pouches course, no additional packaging keeps the shipping weight down which, again, keeps a low cost of transport fuel per unit.

Let’s return to the fact that the stand up pouches are puncture resistant. How does that save money? By minimizing the chance of damage during transport or on the shelf, you’ll have fewer returns to manage.

Bread crumb packaging using stand up pouches saves you money: More than just a grain of truth.

Increases Sales

Given the hyper-competitive economic environment, there is no provider of services or products that isn’t feeling the pressure of increasing sales and expanding the profit margin. Improving what you have to offer will help accomplish those goals, assuming you get the word out. “New and Improved” is often good for a bump in sales. However, sustaining increased sales over time requires a more comprehensive strategy integrating all components of your operation, from product to advertising to packaging. Yes, even packaging. In fact, the right kind of packaging will not only lead to potential savings, it can increase your sales as well.

Bread crumb packaging using stand up bags will increase your sales. How? In several ways, actually, each of which we’ll describe.

First, stand up bags are unique in that they are durable, puncture and moisture resistant and flexible while still able to stand on a shelf like a box. The process of laminating together multiple layers of scientifically formulated film creates packaging ideal for bread crumbs. Not only do stand up bags (also known as stand up pouches and Mylar® barrier bags) protect against moisture, they also keep out vapor, odor, and pests. The same qualities that keep things out also helps keep other things in, primarily flavor and freshness, safeguarding your bread crumbs against spoilage and extending the shelf life of your product.

As mentioned, the bags stand up on the shelf, helping them stand out from the competition. Sombrero- style or round hang holes are also available, giving retailers two display options. Either way, your bread crumbs will be highly visible in the store, critical in a time where one out of every two shoppers hasn’t decided what they are going to purchase even by the time they get to the store aisle.

Speaking of visibility, the design of stand up bags includes wide front and back panels, ideal for affixing your labels or for ordering custom printing in up to 10 colors. A transparent “window” panel can be made part of your stand up bags as well.

Bread crumb packaging using stand up bags: An immediate solution for generating long-term increased sales.

Helps the Environment

Bread crumbs. As natural a product as there is, no? Made from grain, used in recipes, leaving no waste or residue that will impact

Copyright © 2013 - All Rights Reserved Worldwide. 6 Bread Crumbs Packaging Using Stand Up Pouches the environment. But what about bread crumb packaging? Is it sufficiently green to appeal to that group of consumers who consider the environment when making their purchase decisions? It can be if you use stand up pouches to package your bread crumbs.

Being green was once seen as simply a way to cater to certain consumers, albeit a group that is continually growing. These eco-conscious consumers examine whether a company has responsible policies regarding the environment and refuse to patronize those that do not. Appealing to such consumers is now not the only reason for being green. With ongoing technological advancement, a once costly environmentally-sound manufacturing processes now makes good economic sense. Stand up pouches are a prime example of this evolution.

Laminating together multiple layers of specially designed film is how stand up pouches, also known as stand up bags and Mylar® barrier bags, are created. This manufacturing process is highly energy efficient, requiring less nonrenewable fuels than many other types of packaging. In addition, stand up pouches require 12 percent less raw material than other types of plastic bags, resulting in a lighter weight product. How is less weight “green?” Lighter packaging means that the cost of shipping is less because the fuel cost per unit is reduced.

Stand up pouches are also environmentally friendly because they are, so to speak, a complete package. Your bread crumb packaging will require no additional interior lining or exterior box or carton. This means less weight, fewer raw materials, and no energy costs normally associated with manufacturing the additional packaging.

Stand up pouches are green at the end of their useful life as well. Recyclable? Sure. But not everyone recycles. However, stand up pouches take up little room in a landfill so their environmental impact is still less than many other types of packaging.

Bread crumb packaging using stand up pouches is green and helps the environment: A responsible choice that not only makes economic sense to the consumer, it will make economic sense to you.

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