Weekly Newsletter

Friday 17th November


Important Dates: The Next Steps Careers Event

The 5th annual 'Next Steps' evening held at PGHS on Monday evening was a resounding success and our best attended ever. A wide range of apprenticeship and training providers attended, including all the local 6th form colleges and key employers such as BAE, Leyland Trucks, the NHS, plus many more. Over 800 parents and students came along to ask questions and find out more about the post 16 routes offered within South Ribble. Feedback from parents and pupils was really encouraging, with over 97% who attended saying that the evening had been very useful in giving them a clearer idea of careers and 23 November courses they would like to follow. Thank you to all who supported the event and we look Year 9 Parents Evening forward to next year.

Mr Bartlett 13 December Assistant Headteacher Christmas Celebration Concert

22 December


25 Dec – 5 Jan Closed for Christmas and New Year


8 Jan School Re-opens

SMSC Question of the week:

KS3 Question: Does your mind sometimes feel like an ‘untrained puppy’?

KS4 Question: How do you stop yourself from getting on the negative thought bus?


Weekly Newsletter

Friday 17th November 2017

Remembrance Weekend 2017

On Friday 10th November 40 Year 9 students departed from school at 4am to visit the battlefields of the First World War in Belgium and France. After a long coach journey to Dover, students enjoyed seeing the white cliffs from the ferry and seeing the coastline of France come into view. After arriving at the accommodation in Langemark, near Ypres, students enjoyed an evening of ten pin bowling. The itinerary for Armistice Day was packed with commemorations, museums and memorials. The day began with a visit to Poelcapelle British Cemetery, where students successfully located the headstone of Harry Humble, a young man from Leyland Road in who fought and died during the war. Incredibly there was a photograph of Harry attached to the headstone which made the visit even more special. The group then moved on to Tyne Cot, where the students observed the 2 minutes silence next to William Hewitt’s grave (a local man). After a visit to Sanctuary Wood to walk amongst the preserved trenches, students then witnessed the Canadian Army, press and military band descend on Hill 62 in preparation for a ceremony commemorating the Battle of Mount Sorrel. Students then visited Ypres town centre and enjoyed the hospitality and charisma of Hans De Groot, the owner of a famous chocolate shop. The Menin Gate was the next destination where names of relatives were found and stories about the structure were heard from our impressive guide, Konrad. In the evening the students returned to the Menin Gate to take part in the Last Post Ceremony. Olivia Wilkinson, Amber Cernandes-Tolson and Carys Bourne had the honour of laying a wreath on behalf of the school.

On Remembrance Sunday the group travelled to the Somme area of France to continue their study of trench warfare and its effects. The first stop was at the Thiepval Monument, where the 11am silence was observed, as well as a private ceremony commemorating those members of the Pals who fought and died there. Hannah Cowley, Nicole Bullen and Freya Jukes were given the honour of laying a wreath on the Stone of Remembrance on behalf of the Friends of Penwortham War Memorial. The tour then made stops at Newfoundland Park, the Ulster Tower and Lochnagar Crater. A final visit was made to Aveluy Communal Cemetery where a small wreath was laid beside the headstone of Edward Darlington, a local man from the Middleforth area of Penwortham, who died in 1916.

On the return journey students made a visit to Vimy Ridge Canadian Memorial, which commemorates over 11,000 soldiers who lost their lives during the Battle of Vimy Ridge in April 1917. After delays at Calais and during the drive back home, the group finally returned safely2 to school at 10pm. A special thank you must go to Mrs Thomas, Mrs Woodhouse and Mr Bowles for their hard work supervising the students during the visit. The superb behaviour of all students for the duration of the trip must also be noted. Throughout the visit students conducted themselves with the maturity and solemnity required for such a visit. With high praise coming from all members of the public and organisations that

Weekly Newsletter

Friday 17th November 2017

On the return journey students made a visit to Vimy Ridge Canadian Memorial, which commemorates over 11,000 soldiers who lost their lives during the Battle of Vimy Ridge in April 1917. After delays at Calais and during the drive back home, the group finally returned safely to school at 10pm.

A special thank you must go to Mrs Thomas, Mrs Woodhouse and Mr Bowles for their hard work supervising the students during the visit. The superb behaviour of all students for the duration of the trip must also be noted. Throughout the visit students conducted themselves with the maturity and solemnity required for such a visit. With high praise coming from all members of the public and organisations that came across the students, including compliments from the usually austere UK Border Force, the students can be proud of the way they represented the school and their families.

In addition to the visit to Belgium and France, Kate Lund, Jess Turner and Charlotte Hamer laid a wreath on behalf of the school during the Remembrance Ceremony at Penwortham War Memorial on Sunday. The service was well attended as always, and many students took part in the Remembrance Parade from St Leonard’s Church, as part of various youth groups from the local area. A special thank you goes to Mrs Cattanach for supervising the students during the event.

A special thanks to Elizabeth Maudsley, Emily Caney, Mr Herbert Ella de Freitas, Raiha Panchal, Alyssa Ashcroft, Isabella Bajelany, Head of History Olivia Moore, Rebecca Freeman, Eva Sealby, Molly Roe, Firdaus Aslama- Lanjiri, Scarlet Sumner and Esme McFadyen-King for selling Poppies in school.


Weekly Newsletter

Friday 17th November 2017

Creative, Arts and Technology Faculty News

Year 10 Art Students make a great start for GCSE success!

This term our Year 10 students have been working hard on their ‘Everyday Object’ guided projects looking at the meticulous work of photographer Jim Golden and the assembled drawings of Michael Craig Martin. They have collected a range of ordinary objects for photography, drawn using primary observation skills and created a series of segmented A3 drawing sheets in a variety of mixed media. It has been outstanding this term to be able observe our student’s commitment and dedication both inside and outside the classroom. To celebrate their successes, two videos have been created that sample just some of the amazing Year 10 Art work so far: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_WEZltAivY&index=10&list=PLstoxBozGUWG9NcoAxIFx1PI_VT6CWmF0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQLJHdTdQv0&index=11&list=PLstoxBozGUWG9NcoAxIFx1PI_VT6CWmF0 Well done to all Year 10 Art Students!

Feature Artist: Suren Manveylan This term our ‘Feature Artist’ is Armenian Photographer Suren Manvelyan. Our Year 9 students are currently studying his intense animal eye shots as part of their contextual studies and referencing his images in their artwork. Born in 1976, Suren started to photograph when he was sixteen and became a professional photographer in 2006. His latest popular series of close ups of a human eye – entitled “Your beautiful eyes,” together with a similar series on “Animal eyes,” have had millions of views globally. Samples of Suren Manvelyan’s imagery can be found from his website: http://www.surenmanvelyan.com.

Head’s Commendations: Year 8: Abigail Fawthorp – For an excellent portraiture homework Year 8: Khadijah Yusuf - For an excellent portraiture homework Year 8: Tegan Lonsdale – For a sustained and well-crafted pendant in Design Technology Year 8: Linda Taylor - For superb effort and well-crafted pendant in Design Technology Year 9: Ava Walmsley – Superb reptilian eye drawing Year 9: Phoebe Holland – Finely intricate drawing of a reptilian eye Year 9: Ellie Grant – A well detailed drawing of an Animal eye Year 9: Jasmine Dogga – A well-practised and resolved reptilian eye drawing

Head’s Breakfast: Year 10: Caitlin Allen – Excellent effort in Art with a beautiful selection of observation drawings & segment sheets Year 10: Sejal Dholakia – Excellent effort in Art with beautiful selection of observation drawings & segment sheets Year 10: Gracie Hopkinson – Excellent commitment to Art with a stunning selection of observational drawing, inspirational board & segments sheets Year 10: Hannah Whymark – Exceptional progress made in Art with her observational drawings, inspirational board & segments sheets Miss Morris, Head of Art


Weekly Newsletter

Friday 17th November 2017

Key Stage 3 Computing

Key Stage 3 Computing has started this academic year with the pupils learning about different aspects of online safety including cyber-bullying, social networking and how to stay safe using this media. They have learned about viruses, dangers to technology and about the digital footprint. This learning ended with students completing some group work to demonstrate what they had learned. Pupils had to choose an aspect of online safety and then create a number of products to make teenagers and young people aware of the dangers. There were a variety of products created including posters, leaflets, videos and drama performances. Girls that presented their work were extremely confident showcasing their findings to the rest of the group. The teaching of online safety is crucial with young people. It isn't to tell them not to use social media and different technologies but to make them aware and give them the skills to be able to keep both themselves and others safe whether that be younger siblings or even older. It is designed to give the pupils the knowledge about privacy settings and private accounts and to make them aware of where they can go for help and support. How can you support?

Social media is constantly evolving and it's important that we all keep up to date with these changes to make sure that young people are using the apps and sites sensibly and safely. This website gives guidance and facts about the apps and social media that are popular amongst teenagers today. https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/parents/Support-tools/How-to-guides/

Head’s Commendations Lily Gardner (Year 9): Brilliant, confident group work Carys Bourne (Year 9): Brilliant, confident group work Sarah Finnamore (Year 9): Brilliant, confident group work Lauren Palmer (Year 9): Brilliant, confident group work

Head’s Breakfast Tegan Aughton (Year 9): exceptional planning and effort into group work Katie Bolton (Year 9): exceptional planning and effort into group work Imogen Halliwell (Year 10): Brilliant first half term assessment result – Computer Science Charis Bethell (Year 10): Brilliant first half term assessment result – Computer Science

Great start GCSE Computer Science

This academic year will see the first group of girls start the GCSE Computer Science course. The girls have been learning the theory behind computers and programming and have started to look at algorithms, pseudocode and computational thinking. This has challenged the girls to think like a computer and to understand how computer programs are designed and then written. The girls have also been looking at their Python skills and have started to develop some working programs. It’s been a fantastic start to a new and exciting course. Keep it up, girls!

Mrs Smith Head of CAT Faculty


Weekly Newsletter

Friday 17th November 2017

Food Technology: Meet the year 10 Progress leaders and mentor Masterchefs

This group of pupils chose the challenge of preparation and delivery for Open evening. They:  Selected a complex practical skill to showcase during Open Evening.  Planned a recipe using a time plan and ingredients list.  Worked within a tight budget and provided the costing for multiple samples.  Adapted the recipe to cater for smaller portions that could be served as samples or tasters.  Made practice batches and extras that could be served throughout the 2 hours.

The pupils showed resilience and dedication and worked exceptionally well under pressure during a busy and productive evening of showcasing their work to visitors.

Alice Lloyd and Ellie Dickinson are the Food progress leaders for this term. Maariya Farooq Olivia Gill Elspeth Antell Kerry Hawes Tayahna Russell Cerys Lawton Ruby Woods and Llora Osmani are the Masterchef mentors. They will support pupils in class by providing skills demonstrations for either specific pupils or a group that may want to improve their making.

Mrs Khan Food Technology Co-ordinator


Weekly Newsletter

Friday 17th November 2017

School Direct Teacher Training Programme

Trainee of the Week

As we reach the half-way point for our first placements of our current group of trainees, I’d like to introduce you to Mr Astley, who teaches RE.

“I have always enjoyed an active lifestyle, adventures and experiencing new places and cultures.

After leaving All Hallows, I studied Religious Studies and Philosophy at Cardinal Newman and went on to the University of Hull to study Law. I am currently studying for my PGCE in Secondary Education in Religious Education at Edge Hill University.

I have been fortunate enough to travel the world. I spent two years in Australia, working in the outback, before spending a further two years teaching English as a foreign language in Vietnam. Not only is this where I truly discovered my passion for teaching, but also had the opportunity to experience a wide variety of different cultures and religions.

Since joining Penwortham Girls’ I have found everyone to be so friendly and helpful. The support that I’ve been given has been fantastic, with each teacher taking time out of their day to ask how I am getting on and to pass on their knowledge, advice and experience. I feel fortunate to have started my teaching career a Penwortham Girls’ with such great staff and pupils. It has been a delight to get to know and teach so many young people who share my interest and fascination in world religions and culture.

I am from a family of teachers so understand the dedication, enthusiasm and hard work which is required to become a successful teacher and I look forward to teaching Religious Education and overcoming the challenges that will come with teaching.”

Mr Astley


Weekly Newsletter

Friday 17th November 2017

Technology News To all Year 9, 10 and 11 pupils:

Mr Victor Ficorilli, the Independent Careers As we come to the end of the first rotation, pupils are completing Adviser is available this term on Wednesdays (on their first pieces of project work and have produced some a fortnightly basis). Please speak to your Form creative and well finished pieces of work from the design briefs. Tutor, Raising Achievement Coordinator or Mr

Ramsdale if you would like to arrange a careers The following are some of the examples: appointment. Year 9: Art Nouveau inspired designs in steel and acrylic: We can discuss pathways to colleges, 11- 18 schools, the world of apprenticeships, any voluntary or work experience, specific careers and/or universities. Each pupil will be given an action plan with key information and a research task to complete. Meetings can be arranged with parents too and I will attend parents’ evenings should you have any questions. I look forward to meeting you. Mr Ficorilli

Year 7: De-Stijl inspired Clock designs in acrylic:

Year 8: Night light designs: these require the girls to build and solder light sensing circuits using light dependant resistors, as well as design and construct the casing from grey board and Lockers acrylic: Important Notice

Please check that your daughter is not sharing her locker with another pupil. Your daughter has been given her own locker and locker key. If pupils share lockers then school cannot

accept any responsibility for its contents if they go missing or are damaged.

If your daughter loses her key she should Mr Bartlett inform Mrs Naik in school office as soon as Technology Department possible.


Weekly Newsletter

Friday 17th November 2017

The most recent South Ribble Netball League Matches saw a great set of results and there were some outstanding performances and nail biting finishes from our PGHS teams. Year 7 V All Hallows Won 4-3 Coach’s Player of the Match - Olivia Shaw Players’ Player of the Match - Evie Jones, Katie Hands, Grace Shackleton

V Priory Won 11-0 Coach’s Player of the Match - Olivia Shaw Players’ Player of the Match - Evie Jones, Katie Hands, Grace Shackleton

Year 8 V All Hallows Won 4-2 Coach’s Player of the Match - Poppy Jones Players’ Player of the Match - Erin Nolan

V Priory Won 13-0 Coach’s Player of the Match - Darcy Allison Players’ Player of the Match - Katie Boardman

Year 9 V All Hallows Won 9-2 Coach’s Player of the Match - Lois Carroll Players’ Player of the Match - Freya Jukes

V Priory Won 9-2 Coach’s Player of the Match - Katie Bolton Players’ Player of the Match - Susanna Sergison

Year 10 V All Hallows Drew 7-7 Coach’s Player of the Match - Anais Garcia Players’ Player of the Match - Grace Atkinson

Year 11 V All Hallows Lost 6-9 Coach’s Player of the Match - Sophie Wilson Players’ Player of the Match - Honor Barnes

V Priory Won 18-0 Coach’s Player of the Match - Sophie Coupland Players’ Player of the Match - Sophie Harwood


Weekly Newsletter

Friday 17th November


Attendance Update

If you are not here, you cannot learn. School Target = 96%+



8Dec Dec 15 21 24 Nov 24

Year Group Nov 17


– – –

– –

4 4

6 6

11 11 18 20 20

13 27Nov

date to Attendance

7 98.41 97.95

8 97.43 97.16

9 94.52 94.64

10 97.71 97.50

11 95.76 93.41

Whole School 96.83 96.27


Weekly Newsletter

Friday 17th November 2017

th After School Activities w/c 20 November


3.20 – 4.15pm Dance (Years 8 & 9) Dance Studio Mrs Murphy 3.20 – 4.30pm Years 7 – 9 Drama Club Drama Studio Miss Garlick 3.20 – 4.30pm Art Club (All Years) Room 53 Miss Morris 3.20 - 4.30pm STEM Club (Y8 – Y10) Room 34 Mrs Hennessy and Mr Farringdon 3.20 – 4.15pm Basketball (All Years) Gym Miss Shahi


Netball Club cancelled due to Staff Training

SMSC KS3 (Y7–Y9) WEDNESDAY Question of the week: 3.20 – 4.15pm Health & Social Care Intervention Miss Shahi Do I make other people feel respected and valued? KS4 (Y10-Y11) THURSDAY Question of the week: 3.20 – 4.15pm Hockey (All Years) Courts Ms Worthington Do I make other people feel respected and valued?

FRIDAY 3.20 – 4.15pm Football (All Years) Gym/Field Mr Farringdon 3.20 – 4.30pm Year 10 & 11 Drama Club Drama Studio Miss Garlick 3.20 – 4.30pm Art Club (All Years) Room 53 Miss Morris

Please note: PE practices may alter due to changing circumstances. Pupils must check the PE noticeboard for up to date information. A copy of our lunchtime activities are available to view on our website under the parents section.


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