Impressionism: Trends and Parallels in Music and Painting
IMPRESSIONISM: TRENDS AND PARALLELS IN MUSIC AND PAINTING AS RELATL'D TO THE MIROIRS' OF MAURICE RAVEL, A tECTURE RECITAL, TOGETH R WITH FOUR RECITALS OF SELECTED WORKS OF J. S. BACH, . A. NMuZART, L. VAN BEETHOVEN, J. BRAHMlS, F. CHOPIN, F. LISZiT, S. PROKOFIEFF, AND D. MATHEW DISSERTATION Presented to the Graduat e Council of the North Texas State University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of Doctor of Musical Arts By Phyllis Mu2{oz, B. Mus., V. Mus. Denton, Texas December, 19?3 Mufoz, Phyllis, Imnressionism: f rendsand Parallels in Music and Painting as Related to the Miroirs of Maurice Ravel, A Lecture zetal, Together with Four Recitals of Selected Works of J. , Bach, ,Slloart, L. Van Beethoven, . Brahrs, Choin,b. S Liszt, j. Prokofieff, and D. iathew. Doctor of :usica Ar.ts (lano Performance), December, 1973, 38 pp., 22 illustrations, bibliography, 48 titles. The lecture recital was given April 23, 1973. A discussion of trends and parallels in Impressionist music and painting included information about specific technical devices and innovations related to and common to the arts of music and painting, as seen in the iiroirs of Ravel. BIdes of Impres sionist paintings were used as illustrations. The five pieces of the Afiroirs were then performed by memory. In addition to the lecture recital, four other public recitals were performed. These consisted of two solo piano recitals and two concerto performances, The first solo recital was on April 16, 1972, and in cluded works of Bach, Beethoven, Liszt, Prokofieff and Chopin. The second recital, on October 23, 1972, was a perfor mance of Beethoven's Piano Concerto in 0 Pa j r, _ 8 j, with the Arkansas Symphony Orchestra in Little Rock, Arkansas, under the direction of 1.
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