



Year 2018-19


ADC Additional Deputy Commissioner AAR After action report CBOs Community Based Organizations ATF Aviation Turbine Fuel CoR Commissioner of Relief CWC Central works commission CU Communication Unit DRO District Revenue Officer DC Deputy Commissioner DM Disaster Management DDMC District Disaster Management Committee DDMP District Disaster Management Plan DDMA District Disaster Management Authority DCG District Crisis Group DEO District Education Officer DSS Decision Support System DEOC District Emergency Operation Centre DUL Documentation Unit Leader DMT Disaster Management terms DRR Disaster Risk Reduction ESF Emergency Support Function ERC Emergency Response Centre EOC Emergency Operation Centre FBD Finance Branch Director FUL Food Unit Leader FCR Financial Commissioner Revenue FO Field Observer FU Food Unit FUL Food Unit Leader FBD Finance Branch Director GoI Government of GSU Group Support Unit GoP Government of Punjab HEPP Hospital Emergency Preparedness Programme IRS Incident Response System IMD Indian Meteorological Department IRT Incident Response Teams IO Information Centre IC Incident Commander ICP Incident Command Post IAP Incident Action Plan IDRN Indian Disaster Resource Network ISS Incident Status Summary IMO Information & Media Officer LO Liaison Officer LSC Logistic Section Chief MUL Medical Unit Leader MHA Ministry Of Home Affairs MC Municipal Corporation MGSIPAP Mahatma Gandhi State Institute of Public Administration Punjab NHAI National Highway Authority of India NCC National Cadet Corps NDRF National Disaster Response Force NSS National Social Service NYK Nehru Yuva Kendra NGOs Non Government Organizations NEC National Executive Committee OS Operation Section OSC Operation Section Chief PS Planning Section PRI Panchayati Raj Institute PSC Planning Section Chief PWD Public works Department PUL Procurement Unit Leader PSEB Punjab State Electricity Board POL Petrol, Oil, Lubricants RO Responsible Officer RB Response Branch RBD Response Branch Director RPUL Resource Provisioning Unit Leader RUL Resource Unit Leader SA Staging Area SBD Support Branch Director SAM Staging Area Manager SDRF State Disaster Response Fund SO Safety Officer SEC State Executive Committee SOP Standard Operating Procedures SSP Senior Superintendent of Police SUL Situation Unit Leader TB Transportation Branch TBD Transportation Branch Director UC Unified Command ULB Urban Local Bodies VDMC Village Disaster Management Committee


S. No Contents Page No.

Chapter-1 Introduction 1.0 Index 1-7

1.1 Introduction 9 1.2 Concepts about Disaster Management 9 1.3 Components of Disaster Management 10 1.4 Disaster Management Cycle 10 1.5 Need for planning 12 1.6 Vision 13 1.7 Objectives of Planning 13 1.8 Methodology of plan development 13 1.9 Stakeholders and their Responsibilities 14 1.10 Concept of Operation 15-18 1.11 Who Formulates and Carries Out the Plan 19 Chapter-2 District Profile 2.1 District Profile 20 2.2 Location 20 2.3 Population 21 2.4 Administrative Setup 23 2.5 Topography 23 2.6 Climate and Rainfall 24 2.6.1 Cloudiness 24 2.6.2 Wind 24 2.7 Land Use Pattern 25 2.8 Education 25 2.9 Medical Institutions/ Dispensaries/ Animal Husbandry/ Livestock 26-27 2.10 Industries 28 2.11 Roads 28-29 Chapter-3 Hazard, Vulnerability and Risk Assessment 3.1 Hazard Analysis 30 3.2 Types of Hazards District is prone to 30 3.2.1 Earthquakes 32 3.2.2 Floods 33-36 3.2.3 Drought 36-37 3.2.4 Heat wave 37-38 3.2.5 Cold wave 38 3.2.6 Epidemics 38 3.2.7 Biological Disaster 38-41

S. No Contents Page No.

Chapter-4 Institutional Arrangements for DM 4.1 District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) 42-46 4.2 District Disaster Management Committee (DDMC) 47-51 4.3 District Crisis Group 51 4.4 Emergency Operation Centre 52-54 Chapter-5 Prevention and Mitigation Measures 5.1 Types of Mitigation Measures 55 5.2 Non-Structural Mitigation Measures 55 5.2.1 Preparedness Methodology 56 5.2.2 Sensitization Awareness Campaigns 56 5.2.3 Training and Capacity Building 57 5.2.4 Disaster Resource Inventory 57 5.2.5 Land use Planning 57-58 5.2.6 Enforcing Existing Codes and Laws 58 5.3 Structural Mitigation Measures 58 5.3.1 Retrofitting 58 5.3.2 Resistant Construction 59 5.4 Disaster wise mitigation measures 59 A. Floods 59-60 B. Earthquake 61-62 C. Road Accidents 62 D. Fire 62-63 Chapter-6 Preparedness Measures 6.1 Incident Response System (IRS) organization for District 64 6.2 Command Staff 65 6.2.1 Roles and Responsibilities of Deputy Commissioner as RO 65-66 6.2.2 Roles and Responsibilities of ADC as Incident Commander 66-68 6.2.3 Roles and Responsibilities of DPRO as Information and Media 68-69 Officer (IMO) 6.2.4 Roles and Responsibilities of City Magistrate as a Liaison Officer 69 (LO) 6.2.5 Roles and Responsibilities of Fire Officer as Safety Officer 69 6.3 General Staff 69-70 6.3.1 Operational Section 71-77 6.3.2 Planning Section 78-81 6.3.3 Logistic Section 82-87 6.4 District Emergency Operation Centre 87 6.5 Roles and Responsibilities of Armed Forces 88-90 Chapter-7 Capacity Building and Training Measures 7.1 Institutional capacity building 91 7.1.1 Level 1 Capacity building 91-94 7.1.2 Level 2 Capacity building 95-96 7.2 Strengthening of District (EOC) 96

7.3 Capacity Building at community level 96-97 7.4 Development of IEC Material 97 7.5 Sensitization/Awareness Campaign 97-98 Chapter-8 Response and Relief Measures 8.1 Plan Activation 99 8.2 The Emergency Support Functions (ESFs) for Hoshiarpur 99-104 Chapter-9 Reconstruction, Rehabilitation and Recovery Measures 9.1 Post Disaster Reconstruction and Rehabilitation 105 9.2 Administrative Relief 105 9.3 Reconstruction of Houses Damaged / Destroyed 106 9.4 Military Assistance 106 9.5 Medical Care 106 9.6 Epidemics 106 9.7 Corpse Disposal 106 9.8 Salvage 106 9.9 Outside Assistance 107 9.10 Special Relief 107 9.11 Information 107 9.12 Social Rehabilitation 107 Chapter-10 108 Financial Resources for Implementation of DDMP Chapter-11 109 Procedures and Methodology for Monitoring, Evaluation, Updation and Maintenance of DDMP Chapter-12 110 Coordination mechanism for Implementation of DDMP Chapter-13 111 Standard Operating Procedure 13.1 SOP for Deputy Commissioner 102-104 13.2 SOP for Police Department 104-105 13.3 SOP for Health Department 105-106 13.4 SOP for Water supply Department 106 13.5 SOP for Irrigation Department 107 13.6 SOP for P.W.D (B&R) 107-108 13.7 SOP for Power supply Department 108-109 13.8 SOP for Communication Department 110-111 13.9 SOP for Agriculture Department 111-112 13.10 SOP for Animal Husbandry Department 112-113 13.11 SOP for Road Transport Officer 113-115 Annexure Annexure-I (IRS Organization) 115-130 Resource Summary format Annexure-II (Incident status summary) Annexure-III (Unit log) 131-139 Annexure-IV (Record of performed activities) Annexure-V (Organization Assignment Unit) Annexure-VI (Incident Check-in Deployed list)

Annexure-VII (On Duty Officer List) Annexure-VIII (Medical Plan) Annexure-IX (Communication Plan) Annexure-X (Demobilization Plan)

List of Established flood control rooms and Incident Response Teams 140-143 Resource Inventory (Resource/Item wise) 144-146 Resource Inventory of Floods (Tehsil wise) 147 Resource Inventory Red Cross Society, Hoshiarpur 148 List of Boat Operators (Ex-Servicemen) Tehsil-wise 149-150 Communication plan by Sub Division Hoshiarpur 151-153 Communication plan by Sub Division 154-156 Communication plan by Sub Division 157-165 Communication plan by Sub Division 166-175 Communication plan by Civil Surgeon Hoshiarpur 176-208 Communication plan by Drainage Division Hoshiarpur 209-214 Communication plan by BBMB 215-235 Communication plan by 80th Battalion SDRF, PAP. Cantt. 236 Flood Control Room in DC. Office and Tehsil offices in Hoshiaprur 237-241 and District Daily Rain fall Report Fax no. and Email addresses List of all EOMC in District Hoshiapur 242

Chapter-1 Introduction

1.1 Introduction:

A Disaster is an event of natural or man-made causes that leads to sudden disruption of normalcy within society, causing damage to life and property to such an extent that normal social and economic mechanisms available are inadequate to restore normalcy. India has been traditionally vulnerable to natural disasters on account of its unique geo-climatic conditions. Floods, Droughts, Cyclones, Earthquakes and Landslides have been recurrent phenomena. About 60% of the landmass is prone to Earthquakes of various intensities; over 40 million hectares is prone to Floods; about 8% of the total area is prone to Cyclones and 68% of the area is susceptible to Drought. In the decade 1990-2000, an average of about 4344 people lost their lives and about 30 million people were affected by disasters every year. The loss in terms of private, community and public assets has been astronomical. Disaster management occupies an important place in this country’s policy framework as it is the poor and the under-privileged who are worst affected on account of calamities/disasters. There is need for pro-active approach in facing these disasters. A well made plan can help in preparedness, prevention and integrating disaster plan to developmental plan. A well prepared plan envisages the stakeholders with adequate responsibility and role to achieve goal of minimum losses to both life and property. A well prepared plan helps in handling the hazards in such a way that it does not turn into disasters.

The objective of DDMP shall be “to minimize the adverse effects of a hazard through effective precautionary actions, rehabilitation and recovery to ensure the timely, appropriate and effective organization and delivery of relief and assistance following a disaster”.

1.2 Concepts about Disaster Management:

DISASTER MANAGEMENT: Disaster Management Act, 2005 defines Disaster Management as: “Disaster Management means a continuous and integrated process of planning, organizing, coordinating and implementing measures which are necessary for prevention of danger or threat of any disaster; mitigation or reduction of risk of any disaster or its severity or consequences; capacity building; preparedness to deal with any disaster; prompt response to any threatening disaster situation or disaster; assessing the severity or magnitude of effects of any disaster; evacuation, rescue and relief; and rehabilitation and reconstruction.

HAZARD: A potentially damaging physical event, natural phenomenon or human activity that may adversely affect human life, property or social and economic disruption or environmental damage. Hazard may be generated by endogentic forces (Earthquake, Volcanic Eruption) or exogenetically with in the atmosphere (High wind, Drought, Flood etc.). A natural hazard can be contrasted with human induced hazard (Fire Explosion, Industrial Accident). Apart from the above two there is a third type of hazard i.e. the quasi-natural hazard- to

District Disaster Management Plan, Hoshiarpur 2018-19 Page 9 account for long term deterioration of natural environment by irresponsible anthropogenic activities polluting- the land water and air (Pollution).

VULNERABILITY: The conditions determined by physical, social, economic and environmental factors which increase the damageability or proneness of an individual or community/society to impact of hazards. It is the extent to which an individual or a community or an area is exposed to the impact of hazard.

RISK: Expected or anticipated losses from impact of a hazard at a given element over a specific period of time. It may be defined as the possibility of danger taking place which is projected in future, not existing.

CAPACITY: The ability of stakeholders to cope with/resist/respond to the effects of a hazard or a catastrophic event.

Disaster Risk = H + V / C

Human vulnerability to disasters in inversely related to human capacity to withstand the effects of disasters.

1.3 Components of Disaster Management:

1. Hazard Analysis 2. Vulnerability Analysis 3. Prevention and mitigation 4. Preparedness 5. Prediction and warning 6. Response 7. Recovery

1.4 Disaster Management Cycle:

Disaster management is a cyclical process; the end of one phase is the beginning of another (see diagram below), although one phase of the cycle does not necessarily have to be completed in order for the next to take place. Often several phases are taking place concurrently. Timely decision making during each phase results in greater preparedness, better warnings, reduced vulnerability and/or the prevention of future disasters. The complete disaster management cycle includes the shaping of public policies and plans that either addresses the causes of disasters or mitigates their effects on people, property, and infrastructure. The mitigation and preparedness phases occur as improvements are made in anticipation of an event. By embracing development, a community’s ability to mitigation against and prepare for a disaster is improved. As the event unfolds, disaster managers become involved in the immediate response and long-term recovery phases.

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The diagram below shows the Disaster Management Cycle.

Mitigation: Measures put in place to minimize the results from a disaster. Examples: building codes and zoning; vulnerability analyses; public education.

Preparedness: Planning how to respond. Examples: preparedness plans; emergency exercises/training; warning systems.

Response: Initial actions taken as the event takes place. It involves efforts to minimize the hazards created by a disaster. Examples: evacuation; search and rescue; emergency relief.

Recovery: Returning the community to normal. Ideally, the affected area should be put in a condition equal to or better than it was before the disaster took place. Examples: temporary housing; grants; medical care.

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Mitigation: Preparation:  Hazard prediction and modeling  Scenario development  Risk assessment and mapping  Emergency planning  Spatial planning  Training  Structural and non-structural  Capacity Building measures  Public awareness and education

Response: Recovery:  Dispatching of resources  Early damage assessment  Emergency telecom  Re establishing life-lines, transport  Situational awareness and communication infrastructure  Command control coordination  Information dissemination  Emergency healthcare

1.5 Need for planning: Living with nature “The farther you are from the last disaster, the closer you are to the next.”

Events in nature cause increasing property damage as populations grow and more people move into settings that they do not realize are hazardous.

District Disaster Management Plan has been prepared for the District Hoshiarpur. While preparing this document, an effort has been made to:-

 Identify probable Disaster situations in this district and nodal officers for each such situation have been deputed. The duties of all the members of District Disaster Management Committee have been clearly defined.  Evolve a Standard Operative Procedure of a general nature keeping in view the common requirements of various Disaster situations with special emphasis on control room operation and seeking help from outside the district.  Touch upon in detail the inventory of resources at the disposal of the Administration and the knowledge of experts for handling the situation.  Project a detailed individual Disaster management plan for handling important Disaster.

Our main aim is to reduce vulnerability and also to minimize the destruction caused by all of these types of Disaster, be it natural or manmade. This is not an easy task and in order to achieve this target and also keeping in view the population and the multiplicity of the hazards

District Disaster Management Plan, Hoshiarpur 2018-19 Page 12 and Disaster, which can occur, we are of firm opinion that the government cannot resolve this issue and the people are not prepared to pay the price in terms of massive casualties and economic losses, the task, though difficult but is achievable

1.6 Vision:

 To build safer and disaster resilient . 1.7 Objectives of the planning:

The major objective of the disaster management plan is to minimize the impact of any disaster and increase the capacity of the administration to have coordinated effort to reduce the impact of any disaster and minimize the human and capital loss.

o To prevent loss of human lives and property-preparedness, prevention & mitigation on disasters. o Development converging in addressing preventive and mitigation in disaster management. o Training and awareness creation. o To make the society able to act very fast to manage the loss caused by disaster. o Institutionalization of disaster management in district administration. o Vulnerability reduction and disaster mitigation through better planning process. o Creation of the best Govt. mechanism to handle any unprecedented events. o Quick response and effective decision making in disasters. o Better coordination of relief and rehabilitation aftermath of a disaster. o Better coordination of all line departments in disaster management. o Encouraging and Empowering the local community to own DM activities. o Regular update of resource available in and around the district.

The objectives can be achieved by taking various pre-disaster preparedness like establishing pre-disaster warning system, dissemination of information, training, rehearsal etc. and well thought-out response plan, rescue plan during the disaster , linking disaster management plan with district plan for long term preparation, preparing and following standard operation procedure etc.

1.8 Methodology of Plan Development:

Preparation of a multifaceted plan document is neither possible with a single agency nor an individual. District has taken various measures to prepare this document and make it as perfect as possible. The major steps involved in preparing the plan document include the following steps:

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o Data collection for all departments. o Data analysis. o Discussion with experts. o Referring national and international literature. o Preparedness of action plans for departments. o Preparing draft plan document. o Mock drill to check the viability and feasibility of implementation methodology. o Vide circulation for public and departmental comments. o Preparation of the final plan document.

1.9 Stakeholders and their responsibilities:

At State HQ level - the state Disaster Management Authority and the Office of the Commissioner of Relief (COR), Revenue Department, are the major institutions in the state that deal with all the phases of disaster Management. All the major line departments of the State Government and the emergency support function agencies converge into SEOC during disasters.

At the District level, District Disaster Management Authority, with District Collector designated as Response Officer (RO) and other line departments at district HQ are responsible to deal with all phases of disaster management within district.

Other technical institutions, community at large, local self-governments, NGOs etc. are also stakeholders of the District Disaster Management Plan. The role of the stakeholders have been prepared with the avowed objective of making the concerned organizations understand their duties and responsibilities regarding disaster management at all levels and accomplishing them.

District Collector:

 Facilitate and coordinate with local Government bodies to ensure that pre and post disaster management activities in the district are carried out.

 Assist community training, awareness programmes and the installation of emergency facilities with the support of local administration, non-governmental organizations and the private sector.

 Function as leader of the team and take appropriate actions to smoothen the response and relief activities to minimize the adverse impact of disaster.

 Recommend Commissioner of Relief (CoR) and State Government for declaration of disaster.

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Local Authorities:

 Provide assistance to District Collector in disaster management activities.

 Ensure training of its officers and employees and maintenance of resources so as to be readily available for use in the event of a disaster.

 Ensure that all construction projects under it conform to the standards and specifications laid down.

 Each department of the Government in a district shall prepare a disaster management plan for the district. Carry out relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction activities in the affected area within the district.

Private Sector:

The private sector should be encouraged to ensure their active participation in the pre- disaster activities in alignment with the overall plan developed by the DDMA or the Collector.

 They should adhere to the relevant rules regarding prevention of disasters, as may be stipulated by relevant local authorities.

 As a part of CSR undertakes DRR projects in consultation with district collector for enhancing district's resilience.

Community Groups and Volunteer Agencies:

 Local community groups and voluntary agencies including NGOs normally play an important role in prevention and mitigation activities under the overall direction and supervision of the DDMA or the Collector.

 They should be encouraged to participate in all training activities as may be organized and should familiarize themselves with their role in disaster management.


 It is the duty of every citizen to assist the District Collector or such other person entrusted with or engaged in disaster management whenever demanded generally for the purpose of disaster management.

1.10 Concept of Operation:

 Section 31 of DM Act 2005 makes it mandatory for every district to prepare a disaster management plan for the protection of life and property from the effects of hazardous events within the district.

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 In significant emergencies or disasters, District Magistrate or the chairperson of DDMA will have the powers of overall supervision and direction control as may be specified under State Government Rules/State Disaster Management Plan guidelines.

 The district EOC will be staffed and operated as the situation dictates. When activated, operations will be supported by senior officers from line departments and central government agencies; private sector and volunteer organizations may be used to provide information, data and resources to cope with the situation.

 The chairman of DDMA may recommend for action under sec 21 of DM Act.

 Facilities that have been identified as vital to operation of the district government functions have been identified.

 The DM or his designee will coordinate and control resources of the District.

 Emergency public information will be disseminated by all available media outlets through the designated media and information officer.

 Prior planning and training of personnel are prerequisites to effective emergency operations and must be considered as integral parts of disaster preparations.

 Coordination with surrounding districts is essential when events occur that impact beyond district boundaries. Procedure should be established and exercised for inter district collaboration.

 Departments, agencies and organizations assigned either primary or supporting responsibilities in this document must develop implementation documents in order to support this plan.

 When local resources prove to be inadequate during emergency operations, request for assistance will be made to the state or higher levels of government and other agencies in accordance with set rules and procedures.

 District authority will use normal channel for requesting assistance and/or resources, i.e. through the District Emergency Operation Center (DEOC) to the State EOC. If state resources have been exhausted, the state will arrange to provide the needed resources through central assistance.

 The District EOC will coordinate with the State EOC. Agencies of the Govt. of India like IMD/CWC to maintain upto-date information concerning potential flooding, cyclones etc. As appropriate, such information will be provided to the citizens of the affected areas in the district.

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 Upon receipt of potential problems in these areas, DEOC / designated official will appropriately issue alert and notify action to be taken by the residents.  Disaster occurrence could result in disruption of government functions and, therefore all levels of local government and their departments should develop and maintain procedures to ensure continuity of Government action.

It is necessary that for suo-moto activation of the agencies involved in the disaster management, the institutional trigger mechanism should be there so that every agency takes its assigned role at the time of such disaster. There will be three types of the Trigger mechanism set up depending upon the warning signals availability as mentioned below:

If Early Warning Signal Available:

In Such case the Govt. of India / State Govt. has authorized agencies generating such early warning signals: in case the matter is very urgent needing action at Block/Tehsil/Village levels, the alerts and action points will go directly to all concerned. Arrangements need to be in place to ensure prompt receipt of these signals and action thereon. After such warning/advisory received by the State Govt., the SEOC will communicate it to the DEOC urgently. The DEOC will communicate such warning to the departments at the district level. The information flow in such cases will be as follows:-

State Emergency Operation Center (SEOC) (Information communicated by the Nodal Department)

District Collector District Emergency Operation Center (DEOC)

Through DEOC

SDMs and All Nodal Departments at District HQ are informed

Tehsil and Block Tehsildar/BDO/Panchayat Pradhans/Others at Village level

Without Early Warning Signal:

When disaster occurs without any early warning in that case the information starts from the place of incident through government agency or otherwise and the institutional mechanism in such cases will be as follows:

 The concerned village will report to the Panchayat, Block, Police station/SDM and the information will reach to the Deputy Commissioner.

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 DDMA will assess the information and assess the disaster to be of the level L0, L1, L2 or L3.

 DEOC will be activated and if required the SEOC will be kept at alert if assistance needed; otherwise information of the incident will be passed on to SEOC.

 DDMA will convene the meeting of DEOC and plan the management of the disaster as Incident Action Plan (IAP).  The respective Incident response teams will be rushed to the site for effective management. SEOC

Line Line Departments Departments at District DEOC/District Collector at District Level Level

Line Line Departments Sub-Div/SDM Departments at Sub Div at Sub Div Level Level

Block Tehsil

Villages Villages

Figure 2: Without Warning - Information, generally should flow from Bottom Side - Up but it is a crisscross scenario

The disaster response structure will be activated on the receipt of disaster warning or on the occurrence of the disaster by the competent authority. The occurrence of disaster may be reported by the concerned monitoring authority to the Commissioner of Relief/SDMA by the fastest means. The SDMA/SEC will activate all departments for emergency response including the State EOC, District EOC, and ERCs. In addition, they will issue instructions to include the following details:

 Exact quantum of resources (in terms of manpower, equipments and essential items from key departments/stakeholders) that is required.  The type of assistance to be provided.  The time limit within which assistance is needed.  Detail of other Task/Response forces through which coordination should take place.  The State EOC, ERCs and other control rooms at the State level as well as district control rooms should be activated with full strength.

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1.11 Who Formulates and Carries Out the Plan:

The Disaster Management Plan is formulated starting from the village level up to the district level. The plan clearly indicates the role and responsibility of each player of the team. The Collector in the district level, SDM in the Sub divisional level and BDO in the Block level heads the team. The Sarpanch is the key player at the Gram Panchayat level.

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Chapter- District Profile

District Profile

Hoshiarpur District lies at the foot hills of Shivalik Range with River Beas and Sutlej flowing North and South of it respectively. It is predominantly covered by choes, Nallahs and Beins at large number of places. A major portion of Hoshiarpur District lies on the left side of river Beas. It has an area of 3386 sq.km. and a population as per 2011 census of 15,86,625. The district comprises of four sub/divisions (Tehsils), Ten Development Block and Eight Municipal councils.


Hoshiarpur district is located in the north-east part of the State. It falls in the Jalandhar Revenue Division and is situated in the Bist Doab, Doaba region of the State. The district is sub mountainous and stretches of river Beas in the north-west. It lies between north latitude 30 degree-9 and 32 degree-05 and east longitude 75degree -32 and 76degree -12’.

It shares common boundaries with Kangra and Una districts of Himachal Pardesh in the north east, Jalandhar, Kapurthala, Ropar and Shaheed Nagar districts (interspersed) in south-west and Gurdaspur district in the north-west.

Figure No. 1.1 District Map

District Disaster Management Plan, Hoshiarpur 2018-19 Page 20 Population

Hoshiarpur has a population of 15,86,625 of which male and female is 8,09,057 and 7,77,568 respectively according to 2011 census. It has female ratio of 961 per 1000 males. There was change of 7.1 percent in the population compared to population as per 2001.

Table No. 1.1 (a) Population of District Hoshiarpur as per 2011 Census

Total area ( Sq. Km.) 3386 Total population 15,86,625 Male 8,09,057 Female 7,77,568 Total SC Population 5,57,504 Male (SC) 2,84,322 Female (SC) 2,73,182 Female per 1000 male 961 Literacy Rate (Total) 84.6% Male 88.8% Female 80.3% Density of population (per sq. km.) 469 Total No. of villages. 1416 + 3*=1419 No. of Inhabited villages 1385 + 3*=1388 No. of Un-inhabited villages 31 No. of Towns 10 No. of Villages counted as Census Towns for Census purposes 3* Percentage increase in population (2001-2011) 7.1 Source: Census of India - 2011 *Villages namely Hajipur and Rakri of tehsil Mukerian (Total population 11813) & village of tehsil Hoshiarpur (population 7304) were counted as Census Towns for census purpose. The total population 19,117 of these three villages has been included in Urban Population by the Census Department.

Table No. 1.1 (b) Population Tehsil Wise (2011 Census)

Tehsil Rural Urban Total %age %age population population Urban Male Female Total Male Female Total Hoshiarpur 1,88,136 1,80,544 3,68,680 99,322 89,786 1,89,108 55,77,88 66.10 33.90

Dasuya 1,52,076 1,49,368 3,01,444 28,983 27,198 56,181 3,57,625 84.29 15.71

Garhshankar 1,53,456 1,48,840 3,02,296 14,677 13,632 28,309 3,30,605 91.44 8.56

Mukerian 1,38,583 1,36,966 2,75,549 31,688 29,538 61,226 3,36,775 81.82 18.18

Total 6,32,251 6,15,718 12,47,969 1,74,670 1,60,154 3,34,824 15,82,793 78.85 21.15

Source: Statistical abstract of Punjab 2012

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Administrative Set Up

The total area of Hoshiarpur District is 3386 sq. Km.

Administratively, the district is controlled by Jalandhar division. The district is divided into 4 Sub-Divisions/Tehsil, 10 development Blocks (Fig).

Table No. 1.2 Administrative Divisions, District Hoshiarpur

Development Municipal District Sub Division Sub Tehsil Blocks Councils

Hoshiarpur 1. Hoshiarpur 1. Bhunga 1. Hoshiarpur-I 1. Hoshiarpur 2. Gardhiwal 2. Hoshiarpur-II (Corporation) 2. Dasuya 3. Tanda 3. Bhunga 2. 3. Mukerian 4. Talwara 4. Tanda 3. Tanda 5. 5. Dasuya 4. Dasuya 4. Garhshankar 6. Hazipur 6. Mukerian 5. Mukerian 7. Talwara 6. Gardhiwala 8. Hajipur 7. 9. Mahilpur 8. Garhshankar 10. Garhshankar 9. Talwara 10. Mahilpur

Figure 1.2: Hoshiarpur Tehsil Map

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The tract of land between two rivers namely Beas and Sutlej. The area along with the Shivalik foothills on the right side of -Pathankot road in Hoshiarpur is sub mountainous and this part of the district is also known as Kandi area. The two rivers, Sutlej and Beas along with two other seasonal streams provide drainage to the region. Besides these, the Kandi region is full of seasonal streams.

It falls into two nearly equal portions of hill and plain country. Its eastern face consists of the westward slope of the Solar Singhi Hills; parallel with that ridge, a line of lower heights belonging to the Shivalik Range traverses the district from south to north, while between the two chains stretches a valley of uneven width, known as the Dun. Its upper portion is crossed by the Sohan torrent, while the Sutlej sweeps into its lower end through a break in the hills, and flows in a southerly direction until it turns the flank of the central range, and debouches westwards upon the plains. This western plain consists of alluvial formation, with a general westerly slope owing to the deposit of silt from the mountain torrents in the sub- mountain tract. The Beas has a fringe of lowland, open to moderate but not excessive inundations, and considered very fertile. A considerable area is covered by government woodlands, under the care of the forest department. Rice is largely grown, in the marshy flats along the banks of the Beas.

Topographically, the district can be divided into three broad regions. First region is constituted by flood plains comprising Dasuya, Tanda and Mukerian block. This is the most plains fertile area of the district covering one forth of the geographical area. It has wide spread irrigational facilities, paddy, wheat, maize and sugarcane are the main crops in the region.

The second region is the Kandi belt comprising Hoshairpur-II, Bhunga, Talwara blocks and parts of Dasuya block. The Kandi area is located at the foot of Shivalik hills and covers the sub-mountainous undulating plain with a slop of 16 meters per kilometer which progressively decreases towards the west side of the district. There is acute shortage of water in this area. The region is plagued by soil erosion caused by the rivulets passing through it which are flooded during rainy season. The Kandi belt constitutes about more than one half of the total geographical area of the district of which two-third area is sown under rain fed conditions. Maize and wheat are the major crops of this region.

The third region comprises Hoshiarpur-I, Mahilpur and Garh Shankar blocks. Located on the beds of lower Shivalik, these are undulating plains with relatively low slope decreasing up to 4 meters per kilometers. This belt also faces water shortage due to sandy soil. This area is suitable for maize, sugarcane and paddy crops. Of late, potato, sunflower, maize & vegetables cropping pattern in the vast area of this region.

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Climate and Rainfall

The district has mild climate compared to other districts of the State. This is due to the abundance of hilly terrain on the one hand and sizeable forest covers thereon, on the other. Moreover, chain of check dams, constructed recently on the choes under "Kandi Watershed Development Project" have appreciably enhanced water surface area in the district. This has made the summer heights quite pleasant.


The pattern of seasons in the district is similar to other districts of the state, except slight variations at the terminals and year may be divided into three main seasons. The summer season sets in April and lasts up to end of June, to be taken over by the rainy season when it becomes hot and sultry. The rainy season sets in July beginning and lasts up to September end. The winter season starts after the rains are over from October and lasts up to March end. May and June are the hottest months when mercury may cross 45 degree C on some days. It is pleasantly hot. The months of December, January and February are the months when winter is quite severe and mercury may however around 5 degree C and on some days it may touch O’C.


The total average rain falls in district is 1125 mm. Broadly speaking 75 percent of the rainfall is experienced in the period July to September, Whereas 15 Percent rainfall is experienced in the winter months of January and February are under the influence of western disturbances in the Persion Gulf. Hail storms may occur in the closing period of winter when there is quite a sizeable damage to fruit crops, especially the mango fruit for which this district is quite renowned in the State.

Data showing average rainfall in the district during the year 2000-2017 is as under:-

Table No. 1.3 Rainfall Data, Hoshiarpur

Year Rainfall(in mm) Year Rainfall(in mm) 2000 474.30 2009 894.39 2001 694.00 2010 588.00 2002 285.04 2011 465.03 2003 477.11 2012 315.92 2004 439.04 2013 223.10 2005 547.38 2014 375.325 2006 525.80 2015 548.775 2007 326.20 2016 388.44 2008 817.30 2017 397.54 Source: DRA(T) Branch, DC Office, Hsp

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Land Use Pattern

Major fruits grown in the district are Kinnow, Mango, Peach, litchi, pear, Guava etc. and among the vegetables Potato has the major share followed by Peas, cauliflower, tomato, cabbage, brinjal, etc. Under floriculture marigold annual chrysanthemum and goadieli are grown.

Table No1.4 Land Use Pattern

Land Use Pattern Area in Hects. 1. Total geographical area 339

2. Forests 109

3. Barren land 1

4. Land use other than cultivation 24

5. Permanent pastures 1

6. Present waste land 1

7. Area under cultivation 203

8. Irrigation area 154

9. Un-irrigated area 49

10. Area sown more than once 145

11. Gross cropped area 348

12.Cropping intensity 171%

Source: http://hoshiarpur.nic.in/html/district_at_a_glance.htm#agriculture


Hoshiarpur is one of the oldest districts of Punjab. It has a long tradition of educational attainments. The D.A.V. & Singh Sabha movements result in establishments of many educational institutions. On the eve of partition, the Punjab University, Lahore was shifted to Govt. College, Hoshiarpur and remained there till the early sixties when it was shifted to Chandigarh. As a result of this, the district has many luminaries in various fields of society.

Total No. of Educational Institutes: 1727

The number of Educational Institutions and the number of staff and students are given in the following table:

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Table No. 1.5 shows, Type of institutions exists in district

No. of Educational No. of Teachers S.No Category Institutions Boys Girls Total Male Female Total 1 Colleges 17 4 21 361 520 861 2 Teacher Training College 1 0 1 2 6 8 3 Senior Secondary Schools 126 6 132 1303 1475 2778 4 High Schools 135 2 137 645 733 1378 5 Middle Schools 221 2 223 403 525 928 6 Primary Schools 7 E.E.T. 0 0 0 0 0 0

8 Polytechnic Institute 2 0 2 40 28 68 9 Technical Industries 0 3 3 22 15 37 Art.& Craft Schools.

Source: http://hoshiarpur.nic.in/html/district_at_a_glance.htm#agriculture

Medical Institutions/ Dispensaries/ Animal Husbandry / Livestock

In District Hoshiarpur, Out of 167 medical institutions 127 numbers of medical institutions exist in Rural areas and 40 exists in Urban area.

Table No. 1.6 Medical Institutions

Medical Institutions S.No Item Rural Urban Total

1 Hospitals 3 1 4 2 Primary Health Centres 29 2 31 3 Dispensaries 83 3 86 4 Hospitals/CHCs/PHCs 12 0 12 Total 127 06 133 Source: http://hoshiarpur.nic.in/html/district_at_a_glance.htm

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Table No. 1.7 Bed Capacities of Medical Institutions in Hoshiarpur (Rural + Urban)

Hospitals CHC’s PHC’s Dispensaries Total 425 360 310 0 1095 Source: Statistical Abstract Punjab 2012

In District Hoshiarpur, there are total number of 55 Dispensaries including Ayuarvedic, Unani and Homeopathic.

Table No. 1.8 Dispensaries

Dispensaries S.No Type of Dispensaries No. of Dispensaries 1 Ayurvedic Dispensaries 67 2 Unani Dispensaries 2 3 Homeopathic Dispensaries 18

Source: Statistical Abstract Punjab 2012

Table No. 1.9 Veterinary Services in Hoshiarpur

Veterinary Services S.No Type Number 1 Veterinary Hospitals 93 2 Veterinary Dispensaries 93 3 Veterinary Pharmacists 127 4 Poultry Service Centres 1

Source: http://hoshiarpur.nic.in/html/district_at_a_glance.htm#agriculture

Table No. 1.10 Livestock, Animal Husbandry and Dairying in Hoshiarpur

Cows Buffaloes Horses Donkeys Mules Sheep Goats Camel Pigs and Ponies 160511 252242 1004 294 1160 1236 17359 4 535 Source: Statistical Abstract Punjab 2012

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Industries (Small/Medium/Large Scale)

Table No. 1.11 Small scale / Large / Medium Industries

Small Large/ scale Medium S.No Particulars Industries Industrie s 1 Total Units 9,109 33 2 Fixed Capital ( Rs. in Crores) 100.45 1069.03 3 Production (Rs. in Crores) 159.01 1371.64 4 Employment (No.) 29,085 14,912

Source: http://hoshiarpur.nic.in/html/district_at_a_glance.htm


National Highway 70 Route: Jalandhar - Hoshiarpur - Hamirpur - Dharmapur - Mandi

Table No. 1.12 Roads

Length in S.No Type of Roads Km

1 Total length National Highway 109.63

2 Total length of State Highway 485.80

3 Total length of Link roads. 3041

4 No. of inhabited villages linked 1,396

Source: http://hoshiarpur.nic.in/html/district_at_a_glance.htm

Road Map of District Hoshiarpur is on next page

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Figure 2.3: Road Map Hoshiarpur

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Chapter-3 Hazard, Vulnerability and Risk Assessment

3.1 Hazard Analysis

United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction has defined hazard as a dangerous phenomenon, substance, human activity or condition that may cause loss of life, injury or other health impacts, property damage, loss of livelihoods and services, social and economic disruption, or environmental damage. In simple words, a hazard is probability of occurrence of an event that has the potential for causing injury to life or damage to property or the environment. To keep the district safe and disaster resilient, a comprehensive hazard assessment is necessary. The plan follows a team approach through hazard-wise seasonality map and district hazards list.

The district has been traditionally vulnerable to different disasters on account of its unique geo-climatic condition. The following are the hazards that have a probability of occurrence in Hoshiarpur district, based on the history of their occurrence and geo-climatic condition:

Earthquake Flood Fire Drought Epidemics Industrial / Road/Rail Cold Wave & Chemical Hail Storm Accidents Heat Wave Terrorist Attacks Hazard


Hoshiarpur district is mainly prone to Floods and Earthquakes. The following table will provide a clear picture of the vulnerability to which the district is prone.


Type of Time of occurrence Potential Vulnerable Area Hazards Impact

Flood June -September Loss of life, Tehsil HoshiarpurVillages: Purani livestock, crop and Bassi, Satial , Bahadhurpur,

infrastructure Hoshiarpur city, Bassi Gulam Hussain, Sukhiabad, Sherpur Batia, Thathal, Manji Nara and Dada, Hargarh, chandpur, Badial, Tara Garh, Dagana Kalan, Khulwana, Fatehgarh, Niara, Deowal and Nasrala, etc

Tehsil Dasuya

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Passi Bet, Aki-Tunda Rajpur, Kawanwali, Khole, Goursian, Chak Bamu Kalwan, Mewa Miani, Rara- Tahil complex, Gambowal, Bodal, Miani, Terkiana

Tehsil Mukerian

Motla, Haller, Janardhan, Khollian, Mehtabpur, Naushehra, Taggar, Chakwal, Dhanoya, Himatpur, Zahidpur, Saidowal, Bagowal, Bagpur, are vulnerable to floods.

Loss of Life, Earth Quake Anytime Livestock and Entire district Infrastructure

Entire District is vulnerable, slum Epidemics Anytime Loss to human life areas are specially

Entire district specifically industrial area in Hoshiarpur District and Fire Human Loss and Anytime sometimes crop fires are also house damage (Crop Fire) Witnessed in rural areas of Hoshiarpur

Industrial Loss to human life Industrial areas of Hoshiarpur Anytime Accident and infrastructure

Drought July-October Damage to crops Entire district

Stampede Anytime Loss of life During festivals and melas at gurudwaras and mandirs.

The past record shows that district Hoshiarpur is prone to Flood, Earthquake, Drought, Hailstorm and other natural calamities. As district Hoshiarpur falls within the seismically zone - IV, therefore high intensity of earthquake may not have occurred from long time in this district but possibility of occurrence of such disasters is still exists in future. Hoshiarpur District lies at the foot hills of Shivalik Range with River Beas and Sutlej flowing North and South of it respectively. It is predominantly covered by choes, Nallahs and Beins at large

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number of places .During rainy season, seasonal rivulets locally known as “Choes" emanate from the foot hills of lower shivaliks cause immense damage by deposition of debris on cultural land and erosion of the nearby fertile land. There is no record of biological, chemical and nuclear disaster in the district. But the way the tension of Indo-Pak border is mounting up, possibility of such a disaster cannot be ruled out.

3.2.1 Earthquakes

From an Earthquake hazard map given below, it is seen that Hoshiarpur lies in Seismic Zone IV, i.e. in High Damage Risk Zone. If an earthquake strikes suddenly, it may cause moderate to severe building or infrastructural damage. Therefore, preventive measures for ensuring safety of buildings, structures, communication facilities, water supply lines, electricity and life are of utmost priority. Last year on 29/08/2013 at 10:13:21, an earthquake of magnitude 4.7 hits Punjab region and the epicenter of earthquake was at Hoshiarpur-Himachal Border.

Table 3.2: List of Unsafe Classrooms in District Hoshiarpur – Sub Division wise

S.No Sub Number of Number of Total Unsafe Total Division Government Multi- Number of Classrooms Number of Schools storey Classrooms (Number) School School Students Buildings 1 Hoshiarpur 155 0 966 15 28005 2 Dasuya 116 0 644 09 15744 3 Garhshankar 112 0 638 32 16971 4 Mukerian 109 0 656 18 19567 Total 492 0 2904 74 80287

Table 3.2: List of Unsafe Classrooms in District Hoshiarpur – Sub Division wise

S.No Sub Number of Number of Total Unsafe Total Division Government Multi- Number of Classrooms Number of Elementry storey Classrooms (Number) School Schools School Students Buildings 1 Hoshiarpur 130 3 481 19 8014 2 Dasuya 148 2 733 36 9964 3 Garhshankar 19 0 83 52 2502 4 Mukerian 80 0 38 23 2376 Total 377 5 1335 130 22856

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Figure 2.1: Earthquake Hazard Map, Punjab

3.2.2 Floods (a) River Flood Flooding along rivers is a natural and inevitable part of life. Some floods occur seasonally and some when winter or spring rains, fill river basins with too much water, too quickly. The Hoshiarpur district lies in the foot hills of Shivalik Range. River Beas and Sutlej are the two (2) rivers passing through the district but a major portion of district lies on the L/S of river Beas.

(b) Urban Flood

As land is converted from fields or woodlands to roads and parking lots, it loses its ability to absorb rainfall. Urbanization decreases the ability to absorb water 2 to 6 times over what would occur on natural terrain. During periods of urban flooding, streets can become swift moving rivers.

(c) Flash Flood

It is defined as “a flood that rises and falls quite rapidly with little or no advance warning, usually as the result of intense rainfall over a relatively small area. Hoshiarpur District is prone to flash flood also. Flash floods can be caused by situations such as a sudden excessive rainfall, the failure of a dam.

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Figure 3.2: Flood Hazard Map of Punjab

District Disaster Management Plan, Hoshiarpur 2018-19 Page 34 Table No. 3.3 Shows the list of Flood Prone Villages of District Hoshiarpur

S. No. Name of River/Choes Vulnerable reach Name of Villages likely to Tehsil Nallah sites RD’s wise be affected 1) River Beas Mirthal to Begpur Motla, Haller, Janardhan, Kohlian, Mukerian and Mehtabpur, Miani, Dasuya Mallah, Naushehra, Taggar, Zahidpur, Chakwal, Bagroi, Himmatpur, Dhanoya, Tekriana, Saidowal, Bagowal, Begpur Bein Bandh a)14000-19000 Passi Bet, Aki Tunda, Rajpur Dasuya b)22000-31000 Kawanwali, Khole, Goursian, Chak Bamu c)31500-35000 Kalwan, Mewa Miani d)58000-80000 Rarra-Tahli Complex 2) Nasrala Choe i) U/S City Bridge A)0-17000/ left Purani Bassi, Satial, Hoshiarpur Bahadhurpur, Hoshiarpur City B)8000-11000/Right Bassi gulam Husain, Sukhiabad Hoshiarpur C)0-13000/Right Sherpur batia, Thathal Hoshiarpur Thathal Bandh D)0-5000/Left & Manjhi, Nara and dada Hoshiarpur Right(Manjhi Bandh) ii) D/S By pass Bridge a)RD 0-15000 Right Hargarh, Chandpur, Badial, Hoshiarpur Tara Garh b)15000-25000 Left Dagana Kalan, Khulwana, Hoshiarpur Fatehgarh, Niara, Deowal and Nasrala etc. iii) D/S Railway Crossing a) RD 0-17000 Left Pialan, , Ganjian and Hoshiarpur Ajram, etc.

3) Arniala Choe a) RD 22000 U/S Sarain Hoshiarpur Dasuya Road b) RD 16000-22000 Bassi Maroof Hoshiarpur R/S U/S Kandi canal c) RD0-4000 Left Sajna Hoshiarpur and Right bandh in between Tanda Road to Dasuya Road d)RD(-) 0 to(-) 3000 Sherpur Galind Hoshiarpur Right Side Bandh 4) Chohal Choe Right side bandh Sarai and Bhagowal Hoshiarpur

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Left Side Bandh Kakkon Hoshiarpur 5) Mehalanwali Choe i) U/S Badla Bridge a)23000-25000/ Left Patti Hoshiarpur b)20000-25000/Right Salempur Hoshiarpur c)25000-40000/Right Harmoya, Rajpur Bhayian Hoshiarpur d)36000-42000/ Left Badla Hoshiarpur ii) D/S Badla Bridge a) 47000-63000/R Harta, Mukhliana, Dihana, Hoshiarpur Bhungarni 6) Mehangrwal Choe a) RD160-178 L/R Chak Gujraan, Khunde, Hoshiarpur Takhini, Kailon, etc. b) 148-158L/R Kabirpur, Kantian, etc. Hoshiarpur

c) 146-148 Dadiana, Sherpur Hoshiarpur d) 133-137 Bhagewal, Lambra, Baron, Hoshiarpur Kangari, Bullowal e) 95-114 Manak Dheri, Khanpur Sahota, Hoshiarpur Sarhala, Mundian 7) Gambowal Choe 0-10000 Gambowal Dasuya, Distt. Hoshiarpur 8) Gangian Choe 9000-15000 Bodal Dasuya, Distt. Hoshiarpur

3.2.3 Drought

The primary cause of drought is dry, hot and arid climate condition of district, prolonged dry weather condition and delay of Monsoon in this region directly hit to crops and agriculture allied sector, therefore, it’s difficult to manage for farmers to save their crops by making a heavy expenditure. District had experience of drought and some time drought like condition such years:- 1987, 2002,2004.

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Figure No. 3.3: Drought affected area of Punjab

3.2.4 Heat Wave

Extreme positive departures from the normal maximum temperature result in a heat wave during the summer season. As per the climatic characteristic of district, a very hot summer, during the pre-monsoon months often continues till June, in rare cases till July. Abnormally high temperatures lead to human mortality and discomfort. Warm temperate in pre-monsoon season with dry, hot and arid climate condition of the district, due to this heat waves in mid –day time often flow throughout of district that cause of casualties in during summer season below Table gives the number of heat waves observed in Punjab during 1911- 2009. Numbers of heat waves in Punjab State Epochs 1968-78 1978-99 2000-2009 2010-2015 2015-2017

Punjab 2 - 6 8 0

Source –IMD Disastrous weather Events annual Report; EMDAT Note- Epochs is defined as number of events.

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3.2.5 Cold Wave

Occurrences of extreme low temperature in association with incursion of dry cold winds that influenced by western disturbances. The frequencies of the occurrence of cold waves have increased due to deterioration of the air quality and climate change. District has face to casualties from cold wave and this could be due to poor level of development and lack of shelters to the outdoor workers, farmers and poor people. Numbers of cold waves in Punjab

State Epochs

1901-1910 1911-67 1968-77 1978-99 2000-09 2010-2015

Punjab 3 34 4 19 10 70

Source –IMD Disastrous weather Events annual Report; EMDAT Note- Epochs is defined as number of events.

3.2.6 Epidemics

Disaster due to epidemic is likely to hit after the onset of the monsoon due to bacteria and insects, nevertheless epidemics can also take place at any other time due to increase in unhygienic living conditions, water contamination etc. Therefore, vulnerable areas of the District are the highly congested slum areas in urban area and areas with insufficient hygiene infrastructure in rural parts of Hoshiarpur. While the major epidemics are in the form of cerebral malaria, dengue fever, cholera, jaundice and other water borne deceases, new situations like plague, AIDS etc cannot be ruled out.

3.2.7 Biological Disaster

Biological disasters might be caused by epidemics, accidental release of virulent microorganism(s) or Bioterrorism (BT) with the use of biological agents such as anthrax, smallpox, etc. Along with nuclear and chemical agents, which are derived from technology, biological agents have been accepted as agents of mass destruction capable of generating comparable disasters. The growth of human society has rested largely on the cultivation of crops and domestication of animals. As crops and animals became necessary to sustain a divergent social structure, the depletion of these resources had far reaching consequences. Along with the growth of societies, crop and animal diseases acquired more and more importance. In recent times travelling has become easier. More and more people are travelling all over the world which exposes the whole world to epidemics.

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Theoretically, any human, animal or plant pathogen can cause an epidemic or be used as a biological weapon. The deliberate intention/action to cause harm defines a biological attack.

(a) Institutional and Policy Framework at District Level

DDMA will be the focal point of planning for disasters in the respective districts. The District Health Officer (DHO)/CMO of the district is a member of the DDMA. Under the CMO/DHO, there are programme officers for immunisation, TB and malaria. Under the IDSP, a surveillance/IDSP officer at the district level is envisaged. The peripheral units that provide preventive and promotive health care are the PHCs and sub-centres spread across the districts, established on the norms of one PHC for 30,000 population and one sub-centre for 5,000 population (3,000 in hilly areas). These are the basic units from where public health information is generated and public health service is delivered.

Local Level

At the local level, the local DM committee (village DM committee) is expected to be trained and empowered as first responders. Anganwadi workers/ASHA/Auxiliary Nurse Midwife (ANM) of the village/sub-centre will be the peripheral health service delivery point, keeping a watch on disease outbreaks and notifying the village health and sanitation committee and the PHC. Urban municipal corporations and councils look after public health, hospital services, drinking water, sanitation, disposal of dead bodies, and other civic functions related to health.

Non-governmental Organizations

NGOs perform a variety of services and humanitarian functions, bring citizens’ concerns to the attention of the government, monitor policies, and encourage political participation at the community level. They provide analysis and expertise, serve as early warning signals and help monitor and implement international agreements. Some are organised around specific issues, such as human rights, the environment, or health. Their involvement, as of now, in the prevention and control of the health consequences of biological disasters is very limited and would depend on government seeking partnership and offering a fair playing field.

The Indian Red Cross Society (IRCS) has 655 branches at the state/district/divisional/sub-district/taluka levels spread throughout the country, together with its national headquarters at New . It has 90 blood banks and promotes blood donation camps. Red Cross volunteers are motivated and if given adequate training, can complement the primary health care facilities for case management in home settings during major biological disasters.

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(b) Operational Framework at District and Sub-district Level

DDMA is the authority to plan and execute the DM programme at the district level. In districts where DDMA is yet to be constituted, the district collector assumes the prime responsibility. He is vested with powers under IPC and various other enactments to direct and mobilize resources for containment of the outbreak. He also decides on the help required from outside agencies and communicates the requirement to state authorities. The preparedness measures, of which surveillance is the major functional component, is being supported under IDSP. The district level RRTs are also trained, and the communication hub at the district level uses terrestrial and satellite linkages. All major outbreaks, man-made or natural, if not detected early and contained, spread and soon go beyond the coping ability of the district administration, requiring support from the state/centre. The primary health care system has to play a crucial role in detecting the early warning signs. The village health functionaries [ASHA/Anganwadi worker/ANM/Multi- Purpose Worker (MPW)] interface with the community and are advantageously placed to report public health events to the peripheral public health services outlets such as sub-centers and PHCs. The functioning of the public health system at the grass-root level is of paramount importance in picking up early signals and acting rapidly, as is the presence of a communication network for bi-directional flow of information.

The district health setup includes hospital facilities such as district hospitals, sub- district hospitals, CHCs and PHCs. Public health support is provided by the DHO and other officers related to public health work such as the immunization officer and district officers for TB and malaria. The network of PHCs and the network of sub-centers is the backbone of the public health system through which the public health measures are instituted be it event-based, house-to-house surveillance, provision of safe drinking water through chlorination, vector control measures, mass chemoprophylaxis, sanitation measures, home care or referral of critical patients. The DHO/CMO mobilizes medical officers from the PHCs supported by health workers from the sub-centers for field work. The teams are constituted usually on population norms, covering the entire affected area. Reinforcements, if required, are arranged by the state governments from other districts, medical colleges and from central government institutions.

Do's & Don’ts in a Biological War Attack


Children and older adults are particularly vulnerable to biological agents. Ensure from a doctor/the nearest hospital that all the required or suggested immunizations are up to date.

During :

 In the event of a biological attack, public health officials may not immediately be able to provide information on what you should do. It will take time to determine what the

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illness is, how it should be treated, and who is in danger. Close the doors and windows when a biological attack is imminent.  Watch television, listen to radio, or check the Internet for official news and information including signs and symptoms of the disease, areas in danger, if medications or vaccinations are being distributed, and where you should seek medical attention if you become ill.  The first evidence of an attack may be when you notice symptoms of the disease caused by exposure to an agent.  Be suspicious of any symptoms you notice, but do not assume that any illness is a result of the attack.  Use common sense and practice good hygiene.

However, if you notice of an unusual and suspicious substance nearby:

 Move away quickly.

 Cover your head and nose.

 Wash with soap and water.

 Listen to the media for official instructions.

 Seek medical attention if you become sick.

If you are exposed to a biological agent:

 Ultra efficient filter masks can be used.  Follow official instructions for disposal of contaminated items such as bag and cloths.  Take bath with soap and put on clean clothes.  Seek medical assistance. If required and advised, stay away from others or even quarantined.


Pay close attention to all official warnings and instructions on how to proceed. The delivery of medical services for a biological event may be handled differently to respond to increased demand. The basic public health procedures and medical protocols for handling exposure to biological agents are the same as for any infectious disease. It is important for you to pay attention to official instructions via radio, television, and emergency alert systems.

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Chapter-4 Institutional Arrangements for DM

The disaster management will be more effective and sustainable if it is institutionalized. For this purpose Government of India has already passed Disaster Management Act on 23rd December, 2005, where it is clearly outlined that a District Disaster Management Authority, Which is apex body, to be formed at the district level. There are seven members included in this authority. It acts as the district planning, coordinating and implementing body for disaster management in the district. So far the Additional Deputy Commissioner was looking after the entire disaster management activities in District Hoshiarpur. But as Hoshiarpur city Disaster Management Authority has been set up and there is a need for making Hoshiarpur District Disaster Management Authority also. Apart from this, Disaster Management Cell has been started by state Government in Hoshiarpur.

4.1 District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA)


1. Deputy Commissioner Chairperson

2. Chairman Zila Parishad Co-Chairperson

Chief Executive 3. Additional Deputy Commissioner (G) Officer

4. Senior Superintendent of Police Member

5. S.E. PWD Member

6. Civil Surgeon Member

7. District Food Supplies Controller Member

The Institutional Framework for disaster management developed at the District, Block and Village level is as follows:- In a similar Pattern, starting from Village to District Level, there should be Disaster Management Committees, chaired by the elected representatives like Sarpanch at Village level, Panchayat Samiti Chairperson at Block Level and Zilla Parishad President as co-chairman at the District Level.

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At each level, apart from disaster management committee, each level should have a disaster management plan along with the various task forces like search and rescue, first aid, early warning, shelter management, etc. At the Village Level, Panchayats are the decision making bodies of all development activities. Therefore, every Panchayat should have a Village Level Disaster Management Committee (VDMC) headed by the Sarpanch which is responsible for carried out activities from Planning to Execution in Disaster Management. There should be a village disaster management plan. The plan encompasses prevention, mitigation and preparedness measures. The VDMC chaired by Sarpanch includes, ward members, gramsevak, local authorities; Government functionaries including doctors/paramedics of primary health centres located in the village, primary school teachers etc. of 10 – 12 persons. Also a search and rescue team as well as first aid team have been set up and trained at every village. The Disaster Management Teams at the village level will consist of members of youth organisations like Nehru Yuva Kendra and other non- governmental organisations as well as able bodied volunteers from the village. The teams are provided basic training in evacuation, search and rescue, first aid trauma counselling etc. At ward level the village where ward members are members of VDMC they should get involved in taking all sort of major decisions related to disaster Management, whether it is the Disaster Management Preparedness Plan preparation to respond during the disaster. They are important identities in the village representing the community. The Disaster Management Committee will review the disaster management plan at least once in a year. It would also generate awareness among the people in the village about dos’ and don’ts for specific hazards depending on the vulnerability of the village. At Block Level, every Block in the district should have a Block Disaster Management Committee headed by Panchayat Samiti Chairperson. As said above all line departments at block level are its members. At District level, the district disaster management committee should constitute under the chairmanship and co-chairpersonship of Deputy Commissioner and Chairperson Zilaparishad respectively.

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At District Level

District Disaster District Disaster Sub-Committees District Crisis Management Management of DDMC Group

Authority Committee

4.1.1 The District Disaster Management Authority should-

I. Prepare a disaster management plan including district response plan for the district;

II. Coordinate and monitor the implementation of the National Policy, Punjab State Disaster Management Policy, National Disaster management plan, State Disaster Management Plan and District Disaster Management Plan;

III. Ensure that the areas in the district vulnerable to disasters are identified and measures for the prevention of disasters and the mitigation of its effects are undertaken by the departments of the Government at the district level as well as by the local authorities;

IV. Ensure that the guidelines for prevention of disasters, mitigation of its effects, preparedness and response measures as laid down by the National Authority and the Punjab State Authority are followed by all departments of the Government at the district level and the local authorities in the district;

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V. Give directions to different authorities at the district level and local authorities to take such other measures for the prevention or mitigation of disasters as may be necessary;

VI. Lay down guidelines for prevention of disaster management plans by the department of the Government at the districts level and local authorities in the district;

VII. Monitor the implementation of disaster management plans prepared by the Departments of the Government at the district level;

VIII. Lay down guidelines to be followed by the Departments of the Punjab Government at the district level for purposes of integration of measures for prevention of disasters and mitigation in their developmental plans and projects and provide necessary technical assistance therefore;

IX. Monitor the implementation of measures referred to in item No.

X. Review the state of capabilities for responding to any disaster or threatening disaster situation in the district and give directions to the relevant departments or authorities at the district level for their up-gradation as may be necessary;

XI. Review the preparedness measures and give directions to the concerned departments at the district level or other concerned authorities where necessary for bringing the preparedness measures to the levels required for responding effectively to any disaster or threatening disaster situation;

XII. Organize and coordinate specialized training programs for different levels of officers, employees and voluntary rescue workers in the district;

XIII. Facilitate community training and awareness programs for prevention of disaster or mitigation with the support of local authorities, governmental and non-governmental organizations;

XIV. Set up, maintain, review and upgrade the mechanism for early warnings and dissemination of proper information to public;

XV. Prepare, review and update district level response plan and guidelines;

XVI. Coordinate response to any threatening disaster situation or disaster;

XVII. Ensure that the Departments of the Government at the district level and the local authorities prepare their response plans in accordance with the district response plan;

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XVIII. Lay down guidelines for, or give direction to, the concerned Department of the Government at the district level or any other authorities within the local limits of the district to take measures to respond effectively to any threatening disaster situation or disaster;

XIX. Advise, assist and coordinate the activities of the Departments of the Government at the district level, statutory bodies and other governmental and nongovernmental organizations in the district engaged in the disaster management;

XX. Coordinate with, and give guidelines to, local authorities in the district to ensure that measures for the prevention or mitigation of threatening disaster situation or disaster in the district are carried out promptly and effectively;

XXI. Provide necessary technical assistance or give advice to the local authorities in the district for carrying out their functions;

XXII. Review development plans prepared by the Departments of the Government at the district level, statutory authorities or local authorities with a view to make necessary provisions therein for prevention of disaster or mitigation;

XXIII. Examine the construction in any area in the district and, if it is of the opinion that the standards for the prevention of disaster or mitigation laid down for such construction is not being or has not been followed, may direct the concerned authority to take such action as may be necessary to secure compliance of such standards;

XXIV. Identify buildings and places which could, in the event of any threatening disaster situation or disaster, be used as relief centers or camps and make arrangements for water supply and sanitation in such buildings or places;

XXV. Establish stockpiles of relief and rescue materials or ensure preparedness to make such materials available at a short notice;

XXVI. Provide information to the State Authority relating to different aspects of disaster management;

XXVII. Encourage the involvement of non-governmental organizations and voluntary social- welfare institutions working at the grassroots level in the district for disaster management;

XXVIII. Ensure communication systems are in order, and disaster management drills are carried out periodically;

XXIX. Perform such other functions as the Punjab Government or the State Disaster management authority may assign to it or as it deems necessary for disaster management in the district.

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4.2 District Disaster Management Committee (DDMC)

Disaster may be caused by various types of calamities and each calamity creates its own problems. To handle and solve all such problems, a well knit organization and trained man-power is required and team of high level officials required for managing the disaster. To minimize the effects of disaster, proper planning and co-ordination at the level of the Deputy Commissioner is must. Therefore, District Disaster Management Committee (DDMC) under the chairmanship of Deputy Commissioner should be formed. The Committee should meets once in a year under the chairmanship of the Deputy Commissioner to review the overall mitigation and preparedness activities in the district and consists of the following functionaries


S.No. Designation DDMC

1 Deputy Commissioner Chairperson

2 Chairperson Zilaparishad Co-Chairperson

3. Additional Deputy Commissioner (General) Chief Executive Officer

4. Commissioner of Police / SSP Member

5. Addl. Deputy Commissioner (Development) Member

6. District Revenue Officer-cum-Flood Control Officer Member

7. D.D. P.O. Member

8. Commissioner, Municipal Corporation Member

9. Executive Magistrate Member

10. Deputy Director, Local Govt. Member

11. District Transport Officer Member

12. Civil Surgeon Member

13. District Medical Officer (DMO) Member

14. Divisional Fire Officer Member

15. District Public Relation Officer Member

16. District Information Officer Member

17. Senior Town Planner Member

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18. District Town Planner Member

19. Chief Administrator, Jalandhar Development Authority Member

20. SE, PUDA Member Executive Engineer, PWD B&R, Irrigation, Water 21. Supply Member Sub Divisional Magistrate, Hoshiarpur, Garhshankar, 22. Dasuya, Mukerian Member 23. District Education Officer (Secondary and Primary) Member District Commandant, Punjab Home Guards & Civil 24. Defense Member 25. Secy. of Red Cross, District Red Cross Member

26. Commandant of NCC, Hoshiarpur Member

27. SE, Public Health System Corporation Member

28. Regional Coordinator, Nehru Yuva Kendra (NYK) Member

29. General Manager of Telecommunication Member Chief Engineer, Punjab State Electricity Board, 30. Hoshiarpur Member Deputy Director, District Food & Civil Supplies 31. Corporation Member 32. General Manager, District Industries Center Member

33. SE, Mandi Board Member

34. Chief Agriculture Officer Member

35. Chief Veterinary Officer Member

36. Sub Area Commander, Army Member

37. DIG, Border Security Force Member

38. DIG, Central Reserve Police Force Member

39. DIG, Indian Tibet Border Force Member District Response Center Professionals, Disaster 40. Management Cell, Hoshiarpur Member Any other member to be decided by the Deputy 41. Commissioner Hoshiarpur Member

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TABLE 4.3: ALL SUB-DIVISIONAL DISASTER MANAGEMENT COMMITTEES S.No. Designation Sub Divisional Disaster Management Committees

1. Sub Divisional Magistrate Chairperson

2. Tehsildar Member

3. Naib Tehsildar Member

4. B.D. &.P.O., Member

5. Any other member decided by Member SDM

TABLE 4.4: SUB COMMITTEE - (DDMC-I) FOR AWARENESS GENERATION S.No. Designation S.No. Designation 1. Additional Deputy Commissioner, 14. District Education Officer (Secondary) (General) 2. Zilla Parishad President 15. District Education Officer (Primary) 3. All Sub Divisional Magistrates 16. Principals/HMs of Govt./ Aided / Pvt & Public Schools 4. All Sarpanches of Villages 17. Master Trainers of Govt./ Aided Schools 5. Panchayat Samiti Chairperson from 18. Principals / Senior Lecturers of Govt./ Pvt./ Blocks Professional Colleges 6. District Revenue Officer 19. Heads of Various Govt. Depts. at DC Office, Municipal Corporation, etc 7. Superintendent of Police (Head 20. Heads of Corporate Bodies like Banks, Pvt. Quarters), Hoshiarpur Companies of different Sectors 8. District Town Planner 21. Members of Cable Network Association 9. Secy. of Red Cross Society 22. Head of Radio Stations both Govt./ Pvt 10. Deputy Director, Sainik Welfare 23. Owners of Cinema Theatres, Business Office Houses, Business / Market Associations 11. Presidents of All Non- Government 24. Head of Religious Bodies/ Associations Organizations 12. District Public Relation Officer 25. Any other member to be decided by the Additional Deputy Commissioner, (General), Hoshiarpur 13. All Ward Councilors

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TABLE 4.5: SUB COMMITTEE - (DDMC- II) FOR TRAINING AND CAPACITY BUILDING S.No. Officer S.No. Officer Additional Deputy Commissioner, Superintendent Engineer (SE), PWD, 1 10. (General) Hoshiarpur All Tehsildars of District Superintendent Engineer (SE), B&R, (MC), 2 11. Hoshiarpur Hoshiarpur

3. All Naib Tehsildars of District 12. Secy. of Red Cross Hoshiarpur

4. All B.D.&.P.O., Hoshiarpur 13. Deputy Commandant of Sainik Welfare Office

5. District Town Planner 14. District Education Officer (Secondary)

6. Senior Town Planner, MC 15. District Education Officer (Primary)

7. Divisional Fire Officer, Municipal 16. NGOs Corporation (MC), Hoshiarpur

8. Principals of Engineering Colleges 17. Principals/HMs of Govt./ Aided / Pvt & Public Schools/Colleges

9. Distt. Commandant of Punjab 18. Any other member to be decided by the National Guards & Civil Defence Additional Deputy Commissioner, (General), Hoshiarpur.

4.2.1 Following the list of activities to be taken up by the DDMC:-

 Act as a source of information for earthquake safety as well as earthquake loss reduction measures.  Review earthquake related hazards and risks in the city.  Prepare recommendations to identify and mitigate the risks.  Help in co-ordination of the activities at all levels.  Prioritize recommendations and adoptions of suitable policies as part of loss-reduction measures; enforce legislations for registration and regulation of builders, promoters and real estate developers for creation of safe habitat.  Review the progress (as per the work plan) in implementing the program and mainstreaming various initiatives on earthquake vulnerability reduction project in the city.  The DDMC will call in the working groups every quarter to review the progress of the project. The quarterly update will be shared with the chief secretary of Punjab, who in turn will share it with the joint secretary, Disaster Management, Ministry of Home Affairs.

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4.2.2 Aim of DDMC

The primary aim of the committee is to have proper coordination among all the line departments. The Deputy Commissioner is the chairman of the DDMC and the district level response is coordinated under his guidance.

The DDMC exists to assist the Deputy Commissioner:-

 Reviewing the threats of disaster.  Analyzing the vulnerability of the district to such disasters.  Evaluating the preparedness.  Considering suggestions for the improvement of the District Disaster Management Plan.

4.2.3 Responsibilities of the DDMC

 To educate the public on different hazards and what protective steps should be taken.  To make arrangements for emergency action.  To effect evacuation from ward community when necessary.  Rescue and Rehabilitation.  Post Earthquake/Flood/Cyclone action/other calamity and review.

4.3 District Crisis Group (DCG)

An effective disaster management strategy must be supported by a quick decision making process which will include the issues related to warning, conduct evacuation and rescue & relief operations in the event of a disaster. This requires a core team of senior decision-makers having administrative control over the key resource organizations. Therefore, it is utmost need to constitute a DCG (District Crisis Group) with District Deputy Commissioner as its leader. The organizational structure for disaster management in the district has been proposed here, which recommends the District Deputy Commissioner as the nodal officer for control and co-ordination of emergency activities.

Table 4.6 District Crisis Group will include: 1. Deputy Commissioner (Team leader) 2. Additional Deputy Commissioner 3. Commissioner of Police / SSP 4. District Commandant , Home guards 5. Executive Engineer, PWD 6. Divisional Engineer, PSEB 7. Chief Medical Officer (CMO) 8. Municipal Commissioner, Municipal council

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9. Chief Executive Officer , Zila Panchayat 10. District Revenue Officer 11. ALL Sub Divisional Magistrates

4.4 Emergency Operation Centre

District Hoshiarpur shall have an exclusive Emergency Operation Centre (EOC) at District Head Quarter besides the revenue control room. This Centre shall function round the clock and set up with sufficient manpower and with modern equipments. Considering the unique responsibility of the district Emergency Operation Centre, the equipments provided to it shall not be taken to any other purpose other than disaster management. This centre is intended to coordinate all disaster related activities in the district starting from preparedness to rehabilitation and reconstruction. There shall be permanent sitting place for each emergency Support Functions (ESFs) in the EOC and they shall be provided with sufficient telephone and internet connections. Only the Nodal ESFs are to sit in the EOC and coordinate the disaster management activities in the district with their supporting agencies. There shall be dedicated telephone lines and other communication facilities in the Centre.

4.4.1 Role of Emergency Operation Centre in Normal Time

The Deputy Commissioner of District Hoshiarpur is empowered to appoint an Administrative Officer as Officer-in-charge of EOC. He will be responsible for the effective functioning of the EOC. Responsibilities of the EOC in charge in normal time Include:

1. Ensure that all equipments in the EOC are in working condition; 2. Collection of data on vulnerability of the various blocks and villages on routine basis from line departments for disaster management 3. Develop status reports of preparedness and mitigation activities in the district taken by relevant district level department and forward it to Punjab State and Divisional Commissioner, 4. Ensure appropriate implementation of District Disaster Management Plan. 5. Update Inventory of Resources and data bank. 2. Update the District Disaster management Plan according to the Changing Scenario 3. Activate the trigger mechanism on receipt of disaster warning/occurrence of disaster in the District.

4.4.2 Role of Emergency Operation Centre during Disaster

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On the basis of the message received from the competent agencies, warning has to be issued for the general public and the departments, which play a vital role during emergencies. Issuing correct and timely warning would be one of the prime responsibilities of EOC. For effective dissemination of warning, EOC should have a well- planned line of communication. The Deputy Commissioner shall be the competent authority to disseminate a disaster warning. The warning on occurrence of a disaster will also be communicated to:

1. Chief Secretary, FCR, Revenue, Emergency Operation centre Punjab State. 2. All Emergency Support Functions. 3. Members of DDMC-Hoshiarpur. 4. Hospitals particularly in the disaster area and other Hospitals of the District. 5. Office of Divisional Commissioner 6. Municipal Corporation Hoshiarpur, local unit of the Defense Services. 7. Emergency Operation Centre in the neighboring districts. 8. National/State Emergency Operation Centre. 9. People’s representatives from the district.

Apart from this the Emergency Operation Centre must arrange desks for the Emergency Support Function in its complex for better coordination and help. In the absence of Deputy Commissioner, Additional Deputy Commissioner will officiate and exercise all the powers and responsibilities as a responsible Office.

On the receipt of warning all community preparedness measures and counter disaster measures would come into operation. Further, the occurrence of the disaster would essentially bring into force the following:

 The EOC of Hoshiarpur will be expanded to include desk arrangements for HODs with responsibilities for specific tasks.  All district level staff from various departments, as required by the Dy. Commissioner, will be under the direction and control of the Responsible Officer. Theses would also include the district level staff of

 Industrial Safety & Health  Health Department  Red Cross Society  Food & Supply  Police  Zila Parishad  Municipal Authorities  Public Health  PWD  Transport Department

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 Irrigation  District Fire Department  Telecommunication

 Leave of all officer and staff working with the above organizations, as requisitioned by the Responsible Officer, would automatically stand cancelled and the organization would direct their staff to report on duty immediately.  The Responsible Officer may in case of large-scale disasters get in touch with the local Army/Navy/Air Force units for incidence response like rescue, evacuation and emergency relief measure.  The Responsible Officer will have the authority to requisition resources, materials and equipments from private sector.  The Responsible Officer will have power to direct the industry to activate their onsite plan and seek assistance, if required.  The Responsible Officer will activate Response Plan with Operation Logistic and Planning Section desk arrangements.  The Responsible Officer will authorize establishment of transit and/or relief camps, feeding centers and cattle camps through Operation and Logistic Section.  An on-going wireless, communication and contact from the EOC to the Operation Section Chief, Site Operations Bases, Transit Camps, Feeding Centre, Relief Camps and Cattle Camps will be activated.  The Responsible Officer will send the Preliminary Information Report and Action Taken Report, as per the available information, to the Chief Secretary/ Relief Commissioner/ Emergency Operation Centre Punjab State and the Divisional Commissioner.  The Responsible Officer and his/her behalf will authorize immediate evacuation whenever necessary. In the event of possibilities of disaster in adjoining districts, including those beyond the state borders, the Responsible Officer will issue the alert warning to the concerned district authorities.

Chapter-5 Prevention and Mitigation Measures District Disaster Management Plan, Hoshiarpur 2018-19 Page 54

It is clear from Chapter – 3, that Hoshiarpur is a multi-hazard prone district. Base on the assessment of Risk and Vulnerability, certain majors for prevention and mitigation has been taken with respect to Hoshiarpur district. Prevention and mitigation consists of the identification and establishment of measures to reduce the vulnerability to a level deemed acceptable by people and administration. Disaster mitigation measures are those that eliminate or reduce the impacts and risks of hazards through proactive measures taken before an emergency or disaster occurs. An all-hazards emergency management approach looks at all potential risks and impacts, natural and human-induced to ensure that decisions made to mitigate against one type of risk do not increase our vulnerability to other risks. Examples of mitigation measures which are hazard specific include modifying the occurrence of the hazard, e.g. avoiding the hazard by shifting people away from the hazard and by strengthening structures to reduce damage when a hazard occurs. In addition to these physical measures, mitigation aims at reducing the physical, economic and social vulnerability to threats and the underlying causes for this vulnerability. Proper preparedness and mitigation measures instantly help to respond a disaster in time. So disaster wise preparedness and mitigation is highly required. These are normal time activities. A prepared community is the best community to minimize the loss and damage caused by the disasters. Mitigation focuses on various ways and means of reducing the impacts of disasters on the communities through damage prevention. It is hazard specific including both structural and non-structural issues. It is also very strategic rather than the description of various methods of resistant construction technologies. Mitigation 5.1 Types of Mitigation Measure 1) Structural Mitigation 2) Non Structural Mitigation

5.2 Non-Structural Mitigation Measures

Many kinds of non-structural mitigation measures can be very cost-effective in reducing risk. Examples include regulations that dictate which activities can or cannot be undertaken, dependent on certain critical indicators; for example, flood barriers and warning signs can temporarily restrict people from entering areas when the risk is above an admissible level. Land-use plans define where human settlements and activities can be located. In addition to regulations and planning requirements, non-structural mitigation also refers to training people to reduce hazards, such as the risk of heavy objects falling during an earthquake. Cupboards, shelves, furniture and equipment may fall even during a low intensity earthquake, causing injuries and even deaths. Experts estimate that half of the injuries during earthquakes are caused by falling furniture and other items. Non-structural seismic mitigation consists of bracing and anchoring items, or re-locating them, to prevent them from falling. It involves tie- downs, anchors, brackets and other support systems. Non-structural mitigation activities are simple and quick to apply, are generally inexpensive, yet can save lives and property from destruction. The non structural mitigation measures of Hoshiarpur district is basically framed

District Disaster Management Plan, Hoshiarpur 2018-19 Page 55 in such a way that the whole population of the district will be sensitized on disaster management and their capacity is build or developed to cope up with hazardous situation. District Hoshiarpur has specific plan for non-structural mitigation measures which is an ongoing process in various spheres of life.

5.2.1 Preparedness Methodology

Instead of waiting for a disaster to occur and then to manage it, this concept envisages to make people part of the management process. The plan contains a series of measures for preparedness in schools, colleges, hospitals, and all other vital institutions and ultimately the community itself. In a disaster management cycle, preparedness shall be the first step. People of a given area have to be guided to prepare their own coping mechanism. For this the Hoshiarpur district shall plan various activities and reach out to the local level. The DDMC shall suggest appropriate and proper methodology for preparedness on regular basis.

5.2.2 Sensitization/Awareness Campaigns

The District administration must reach out to the local residents and general public of the district with various level sensitization programs. Sensitization programs shall be conducted for schools, hospitals, colleges, communities, policy makers and all other specific sectors including rickshaw pullers. Awareness on multi hazards and dos and don’ts to solve it are most important and basic for a human being to save him/herself. Disaster strikes everywhere everyone irrespective of land, caste, creed, color, people, and gender. The basic information shall be given in forms of booklets reading materials, audiovisual material etc. The broad objectives of such programs shall be as follows: 1. To bring awareness about disasters among the inmates of all institutions and residents of all communities in district. 2. To pave way for strict enforcement of building rules in construction departments and contractors. 3. Preparation of Building Evacuation Plans and training the general public on basics of self defense thereby building capacities of school authorities and saving lives in the event of an Earthquake or Fire accidents or any other disaster. 4. To sensitize officers from the District level and Block level on Disaster management.

Different methods and techniques shall be utilized to spread awareness on disaster in the Hoshiarpur district. Some sample techniques and methods are listed below:

• Public meetings and loud speaker announcements. • Group meetings of Sarpanch and villagers. • Wall painting in the communities. • Distribution of reading materials to the general public. • Distribution of posters and other Information Education and Communication (IEC) materials to children and community people. • Street plays documentaries and films on the subject.

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• Use of electronic media, especially cable channels. • Quiz-painting competitions, special types of books, etc for students. • Any other means the DDMC feels appropriate and proper.

5.2.3 Training and Capacity Building

A series of training programs shall be organized for specialized groups like, district level officers, sub division and community level office bearers, teachers and principals, doctors and engineers, architects and masons and builders and contractors etc. All walks of people shall be trained. This can even be on construction of buildings and other structures earth quake resistant.  There are organizations like Civil Defense, NYK, NCC, NSS etc, which have thousands of volunteers from each nook and corners of the distinct. The district must train their volunteers and the wardens of these bodies in the district, thus people from various corners will be trained and sensitized in disaster management and this can make a magnifying result.  For better sustainability of disaster management, the DDMC shall think of training CD & HG, NYK, NCC and NSS volunteers at the cost of the district administration and they shall be given certificate of training, identity cards as disaster managers. The DDMC can take appropriate decision for paying any honorariums for their services.  Training programs shall be organized with district disaster management officers and NGOs in the district or they shall be funded for organizing such programs. Corporate sponsors shall be contacted to hold such massive training programs.

5.2.4 Disaster Resource Inventory

In a scenario of total damage in Hoshiarpur district due to disasters like earthquake and all communication system disrupts and administration become armless in fighting the calamity. To overcome such obstacle, District Administration has developed disaster management portals which facilitate the administrators to track down resource stocks in the Hoshiarpur district or at least in the neighboring area. Data are collected from local units and line departments and uploaded by the District Administration after verification and scrutiny. Each government department in the district shall take part in updating this portal regularly. They shall give information on fresh procurement of equipments, manpower and technologies to the Hoshiarpur Emergency Operation Centre, in the prescribed format at least biannually.

5.2.5 Land use planning

Land use planning can play a key part in reducing current and future community risks associated with disasters, notably by enhancing prevention and preparedness and/or facilitating response and recovery in a community). Responsible management of the environment and its resources, and flexible and responsive development can prevent or mitigate negative impacts Land use planning can influence mitigation of disasters through the development of strategic

District Disaster Management Plan, Hoshiarpur 2018-19 Page 57 land use plan as well as assessment of development applications on the basis of the adopted plan. Land use planning can minimize risk in a number of ways such as:  Prohibiting development in high-risk areas through zoning and overlay controls;  Limiting the types of development in high to moderate risk areas for recreation or other forms of public use reducing the potential impacts of natural hazard events; and  Applying appropriate development controls in moderate and lower risk areas such as minimum elevations, setbacks and lot sizes, as well as maximum densities and site coverage.

5.2.6 Enforcing Existing Codes and Laws

Lists of codes are already in place to monitor the construction practices in the district. Bureau of India Standards, National Building codes of India and subsequent amendments in various acts provides sufficient legal protection to the enforcing agencies for safe construction practices. In Hoshiarpur District, the major government bodies undertaking construction and grant permission to the private players’ viz. MCT, PWD, PUDA and Irrigation and Flood Control Department shall ensure that structural safety measures are followed well.

5.3 Structural Mitigation Measures

Structural damage, collapse of buildings or infrastructure is common consequences of earthquake. Structural mitigation aims to reduce this damage and eventually save lives. Structural mitigation is a science that requires the expertise of civil engineers. It includes both the design of new buildings, roads, canals, dams, and other infrastructure and the strengthening and retrofitting of old structures. It is most important to ensure good maintenance of structures as poor maintenance is often the cause of indirect damage. The district shall take steps for structural mitigation of disaster management. The departments that are associated with development of residential and commercial plots shall strict the NOC norms. The Building codes shall be strictly enforced in the district. Only seismically oriented engineers, contractors and masons shall be given certificates for multi story constructions and real estates. Simultaneously retrofitting is to be promoted with the expert advice. The possible two structural measures for disaster protection are Repair & Retrofitting of the existing building and Earth Quake Resistant new construction.

5.3.1 Retrofitting

For an existing building, Retrofitting or Seismic Strengthening is the only solution to make it disaster resistant. In Hoshiarpur District, all lifeline buildings such as major hospitals, Schools with large space for storage, district administration offices and other vital installations shall be retrofitted in the first phase. In the second phase all other significant buildings shall be given priority for seismic strengthening. Before carrying retrofitting, a panel of experts shall be approached for assessing the structure and to suggest the type of retrofitting required.

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5.3.2 Resistant Construction

Hoshiarpur district falls under seismic zone IV and prone to various other hazards too. In the previous decade, there were no specific guidelines on earthquake resistant construction and land use zoning regulation, earthquake prone areas of the district. Due to the very fact, most of the buildings till 1990s were built without any safety measures. But in the present scenario, there are building byelaws and guidelines. Civic Bodies like MC and PWD in the district shall try to enforce these laws. All the constructions for high-rise buildings, public buildings, and special structures shall be carried out under quality inspection program prepared and implemented by the concerned department. Table 5.1 shows the disaster resistant Technologies as per Zone IV. DDMC Hoshiarpur shall look in to this aspect and ensure that such prerequisites are completed and observed by the concerned agencies and construction engineers. Illegal constructions, Encroachments, unapproved additions, alterations etc of residential buildings and conversion of residential building in to commercial purpose etc shall be checked by the District Administration with strict measures.

Table 5.1 Earthquake Resistant Provisions in Masonry Buildings with Strip Foundation

Zone Max Mortar Mix Bands Vertical Diameter of Vertical Mortar Mix for Band/ Bracing of Height Reinforcement Reinforcement Vertical Pitched Roof Reinforcement III Four 1:6 Cement- 1 Lintel Band For Rock/Hard/ For

Storey Sand or 1:2:9 2 Roof Band/ Medium soil- Not rock/hard/medium (Less than Cement-Lime- Gable Band Mandatory soil- Not mandatory 1:3 Cement sand or Bracing at 15m) Sand M 20 Concrete Tie Level 3 Plinth Band For Soft soil- At joints For soft soil- Single and corners Bar 12mm (TOR) or 16mm (MS) IV Four 1:6 Cement- 1 Lintel Band At Joints and Corners

Storey Sand or 1:2:9 2 Roof Band/ for Rock/ Hard/ (Less than Cement-Lime- Gable Band Medium/ Soft soil Single Bar 12mm 1:3 Cement sand or Bracing at 15m) Sand (TOR) or 16mm (MS) M 20 Concrete Tie Level 3 Plinth Band At Jambs and openings for soft soil V Four 1:6 Cement- 1 Lintel Band At joints and corners

Storey Sand or 1:2:9 2 Roof Band/ Single Bar 20mm 1:3 Cement sand or Bracing at (Less than Cement-Lime- Gable Band At Jambs of openings (TOR) or 25mm (MS) M 20 Concrete Tie Level 15m) Sand 3 Plinth Band

5.4 Disaster wise mitigation measures may be taken as follows

A. Flood

Therefore there is a need of strict enforcement of flood zone regulations. Engineering solutions like building of flood embankments, small dams, deepening of the channels may be considered for specific localities. Community awareness should be built up so that people respond effectively to the flooding. Persons living in the low lying parts of floodplains, low-lying shorelines are vulnerable to flood hazards. Notable risk in flood plain settlements are buildings made of earth or with soluble mortar, buildings with shallow foundations or non-resistant to water force and inundation. Infrastructural elements at particular risk are utilities such as sewer systems, power

District Disaster Management Plan, Hoshiarpur 2018-19 Page 59 and water supplies, machinery and electronics belonging to industry and communications, livestock, vehicles, agricultural fields etc. Inhabitants of flood prone areas usually have a number of traditional methods at their disposal for coping with floods. Some aspects of flood planning and response are:-  Issuing warnings at the local levels.  Participating in flood fighting by organizing work parties to repair..  Embankments or clear debris from drainage areas, pile sandbags  Stockpile needed materials.  Facilitating agricultural recovery.  Planning emergency supplies of flood and clean drinking water.  To conduct trainings on search and rescue for Search and Rescue. Teams formed at District, Tehsil and Village level from time to time. There is need for trained full time fire brigade personnel in each municipality who will help in search and rescue. The health department needs to be equipped with more water quality monitoring centres for effective surveillance of water quality during flood events.

Main Mitigation Strategies 1. Mapping of the flood prone areas is a primary step involved in reducing the risk of the region. Historical records give the indication of the flood inundation areas and the period of occurrence and the extent of the coverage. Warning can be issued looking into the earlier marked heights of the water levels in case of potential threat. Flood hazard mapping will give the proper indication of water flow during floods. 2. The map is prepared with data inputs off past climatologically records, frequency of flooding etc. 3. Land use control will reduce the danger of life and property when waters inundate the floodplains and the coastal areas. In areas where people already have built their settlements, measures should be taken to relocate to better sites so as to reduce vulnerability. No major development should be permitted in the areas which are subjected to high flooding. Important facilities should be built in safe areas. 4. Construction of engineered structures in the flood plains and strengthening of structures to withstand flood forces and seepage. The buildings should be constructed on an elevated area. If necessary build on stilts or platform. They should be wind and water resistant. Protect river embankments. Communication lines should be installed underground. Provide strong halls for community shelter in vulnerable locations. 5. Flood Control aims to reduce flood damage. Measures such as forestation, protection of vegetation, clearing of debris, conservation of ponds & lakes etc 6. Structural measures include flood embankments, drainage channels, anti-erosion works, detention basins, etc. and non-structural measures include flood forecasting, flood proofing, disaster preparedness, etc. B. Earthquake

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Hoshiarpur city has not face any earthquake in past yet tremors have been felt. It falls in Seismic Zone IV. The district administration has to be ready with adopting following measures: i) Mainstreaming earthquake Management in Hoshiarpur  District Administration & all line departments & agencies will designate nodal officer responsible for earthquake management activities.  All stakeholder agencies will carry at regular mock drills & simulation exercise in the district.  Develop standardized training modules to prepare public awareness. ii) Public Awareness  At the district level, public awareness materials like brochures, manuals, booklets, action plans, videos, and demonstration kits will be developed for creating public awareness on earthquake preparedness.  Dissemination of such above information will be done through the Hoshiarpur District Public Relation office.  A handbook on earthquake safety will be prepared for the general public highlighting the safety of persons (i.e., indoors, outdoors, and driving), buildings and structures, and non-structural contents of buildings.  A homeowner’s seismic safety manual will be prepared emphasizing earthquake- resistant techniques for new buildings and for the seismic strengthening and retrofitting of existing buildings.  A manual on structural safety audit of infrastructure and lifeline buildings will be prepared.  Translations of the above documents into local and regional languages will be undertaken for easy comprehension.  Video films will be prepared for the general public to articulate the earthquake risk, vulnerability and preparedness and mitigation measures. Figure 5.1: Six- Pillars to manage Earthquake in the Hoshiarpur district.

Earthquake Resistant Construction of New Structures

Selective Seismic Strengthening & Retrofitting of existing Priority Structures and Lifeline Structures

Regulation and Enforcement

Awareness and Preparedness

Capacity Development (Education, Training, R & D, Capacity Building and Documentation)

Emergency Response

District Disaster Management Plan, Hoshiarpur 2018-19 Page 61 iii) Priority List for structural Safety, Seismic strengthening & Retrofitting in the district-

 Building of district importance like, Mini secretariat, Judicial Complex, Municipal Corporation, other governmental Buildings, historical monument in the city, thermal plant, MAH unit in the district, Civil Hospital etc.  Critical facilities such as schools, colleges & academic institutions, hospitals, PHC, CHC, dispensaries in the district.  Public utility service such as flyover, railway station, Bus stand, banks in district.  Multi-storey buildings with five or more floors in residential apartment, office, commercial complexes, & malls.

C. Road Accidents 1. Setting up of a Highway Safety Patrol along National Highway, which will be a specialized division of the highway police to tackle road accidents. 2. Provision of full time trained fire brigade personnel in at least all the municipalities. 3. Provision of adequate signboards, speed breakers and guard stones near the accident prone spots. 4. Some hospitals along the National Highway should be upgraded with X-ray machines, blood bank and surgical facilities. D. Fires

Fire an Emergency Department should-

 The fire department should give lectures on fire safety in various offices, schools, colleges and universities.  Parking of vehicles in prohibited area should be banned. Heavy penalty should be imposed on the defaulter or the vehicle should be impounded.  People should be motivated to buy fire extinguisher for home and kitchen safety.  Install smoke detectors at home, buildings , hotels, schools etc  Owner of every four wheeler should install small fire extinguisher.  Students should be motivated towards a more fire safety lifestyle.  Fire risk assessment of every commercial premise should be mandatory for identifying the hazards. The assessment should look at the needs of even physically challenged people. The fire department should hold seminars for educating people about fire safety measures and train them in deploying the firefighting equipment.  Most of the buildings in the city have not installed fire equipment. Heavy penalty should be imposed on the violators.  The fire department should come up with more helpline numbers to ensure effective communication and shorter reaction time. They should also educate people and provide them training on use of fire equipment.  The number of fire incidents tends to go up in the summers, so there is need to be more cautious. Most of the time, fire breaks out due to a short circuit. The fire

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department should conduct surprise checks at commercial premises. Those found guilty of flouting safety norms should be punished.  As a preventive measure, the electricity department should check wiring inside shopping complexes and residences. Shopkeepers should turn off the main switch while downing shutters at night.  While constructing new structure it will be construct by the NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA ( part IV Fire and Life Safety)  To check the increasing fire incidents in the city the fire department has to adopt a zero tolerance policy on habitual offenders and violators.  Every person should be a fire fighter. They should get training of firefighting equipment available in the different buildings.  There should be grass root training of people like Chowkidars.  There should be fire safety plan for each building and 2-4 people in each organization to handle the fire fighting equipments.  There should be a fire fighting team from public should act as bridge between fire staff and people on the scène of fire incidents.  Fire department has to improve the techniques of fire prevention and fire fighting through the collection and study of statistical data relating to fire service, losses due to fire and causes of fires.  There should be conduct of fire audit in the city.  The fire Department is empowered to issue fire license/ No objection Certificate to building owners which will enable them to clearance for occupation from Municipal Corporation etc. The fire license is issued based on the adherence to National Building code provisions with respect to fire safety.  There should be setting up of the Fire research Station in which study of major fires by their scientists could be of immense value to improving upon fire prevention/ protection devices.  Every market should have their own disaster management plan and escape plans. Chapter-6 Preparedness Measures

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In disaster management cycle, preparedness measures are the important steps before the occurrence of disaster. It has a great importance in reduction of loss of life and property if proper preparedness strategies are followed.

Preparedness This protective process embraces measures which enable governments, communities and individuals to respond rapidly to disaster situations to cope with them effectively. Preparedness includes the formulation of viable emergency plans, the development of warning systems, the maintenance of inventories and the training of personnel. It may also embrace search and rescue measures as well as evacuation plans for areas that may be at risk from a recurring disaster. Preparedness therefore encompasses those measures taken before a disaster event which are aimed at minimizing the loss of life, disruption of critical services, and damage when the disaster occurs. All preparedness planning should be supported by appropriate legislation with clear allocation of responsibilities and budgetary provisions. Incident Response System (IRS) is a management system for reducing response time for effective management at the disaster site. It is a flexible mechanism which is adaptable for natural as well as man-made disaster. 6.1 Incident Response System (IRS) organization for Hoshiarpur District: IRS organization comprises Responsible Officer (RO) i.e. Deputy Commissioner of Hoshiarpur & Incident Commander (IC) i.e. is Additional Deputy Commissioner of Hoshiarpur and IRTs (Incident Response Team) of the district. Figure 6.1 shows the Incident response Organization of Hoshiarpur district. Figure 6.1 Incident Response System Organization of Hoshiarpur.

Deputy Commissioner As Responsible Officer (RO)

Additional Deputy Commissioner As Incident Commander (IC)

Incident Response Team (D.R.O at district level, SDM at sub division level, B.D.P.O at block level, Sarpanch at village level)

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Deputy Commissioner of Hoshiarpur is overall in-charge for the management of onsite response to any incident in the district. He may delegate his responsibilities to Additional Deputy Commissioner of Hoshiarpur as IC. On the receipt of early warning, Deputy Commissioner as RO will activate all the IRTs and in case of disaster occurs without warning; the local IRT will respond automatically and contact RO for further support if required. Hoshiarpur City magistrate has to be designated as Nodal Officer for proper coordination between the district, block and village level. Incident commander is responsible for overall management in the district in respect to incidents. He is appointed by Responsible Officer (RO). For his assistance and management of the incident there are two sets of staff. A. Command Staff. B. General Staff. 6.2 Command Staff The Command Staff consists of Additional Deputy Commissioner as Incident Commander (IC), District Public Relation officer as Information & Media Officer (IMO), Fire Officer as Safety Officer (SO) and City Magistrate as Liaison Officer (LO). They report directly to the IC. Figure 6.2 shows the composition of Command staff in the Hoshiarpur district.

Figure 6.2 Compositions of Command Staff.

Additional Deputy Commissioner


District Public Relation Officer Fire Officer City Magistrate As As As Information and Media Officer Safety Officer (SO) Liaison Officer (LO) (IMO)

6.2.1 Roles and Responsibilities of Deputy Commissioner Hoshiarpur as RO

1) Ensure that IRTs are formed at District, Sub-Division, Tehsil/Block levels and IRS is integrated in the District DM Plan as per Section 31 of the DM Act, 2005. This may be achieved by issuing a Standing Order by the RO to all SDOs, SDMs and Tehsildars/ BDOs; 2) Ensure web based / on line Decision Support System (DSS) is in place in EOC and connected with Sub-Division and Tehsil / Block level IRTs for support; 3) Ensure that toll free emergency numbers existing for Police, Fire and Medical support etc. are linked to the EOC for response, command and control. For e.g., if there is any fire incident, the information should not only reach the fire station but also the EOC and the nearest hospital to gear up the emergency medical service;

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4) Obtain funds from Capacity Building Fund of State Government and ensure that a training calendar for IRTs of District is prepared and members of IRTs are trained through ATIs and other training institutions of the District; 5) Delegate authorities to the IC; 6) Activate IRTs at District headquarter, Sub-Division, Tehsil / Block levels, as and when required; 7) Appoint / deploy, terminate and demobilize IC and IRT(s) as and when required; 8) Decide overall incident objectives, priorities and ensure that various objectives do not conflict with each other; 9) Ensure that Incident Action Plan (IAP) is prepared by the IC and implemented; 10) Remain fully briefed on the IAP and its implementation ; 11) Coordinate all response activities; 12) Give directions for the release and use of resources available with any department of the Government, Local Authority, public & private sector etc. in the District; 13) Ensure that local Armed Forces Commanders are involved in the planning process and their resources are appropriately dovetailed, if required; 14) Ensure that when Armed Forces arrive in support for disaster response, their logistic requirements like camping grounds, potable water, electricity and requirement of vehicles etc. are sorted out; 15) Appoint a NO at the District level to organize Air Operations in coordination with the State and Central Government NO. Also ensure that all ICs of IRTs of the District are aware of it; 16) Ensure that the NGOs carry out their activities in an equitable and non discriminatory manner; 17) Deploy the District Headquarter IRTs at the incident site, in case of need; 18) Ensure that effective communications are in place; 19) Ensure that telephone directory of all Emergency Support Function (ESF) is prepared and available with EOC and members of IRTs; 20) Take other necessary action as the situation demands. 6.2.2 Role & Responsibilities of Additional Deputy Commissioner of Hoshiarpur as Incident Commander 1) Obtain information on: A. Situation status like number of people and the area affected etc.; B. Availability and procurement of resources; C. Requirement of facilities like ICP, Staging Area, Incident Base, Camp, Relief Camp, etc.; D. Availability and requirements of Communication system; E. Future weather behavior from IMD; and F Any other information required for response from all available sources and analyzes the situation. 2) Determine incident objectives and strategies based on the available information and resources;

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3) ssEstablish immediate priorities, including search & rescue and relief distribution strategies; 4) Assess requirements for maintenance of law and order, traffic etc. if any at the incident site, and make arrangements with help of the local police; 5) Brief higher authorities about the situation as per incident briefing form – 001 enclosed in Annexure-I and request for additional resources, if required; 6) Extend support for implementation of Area Commander (AC) and Unified Command (UC) if considered necessary by the RO. 7) Establish appropriate IRS organization with Sections, Branches, Divisions and/or Units based on the span of control and scale of the incident; 8) Establish Incident Command Post (ICP) at a suitable place. There will be one ICP even if the incident is multi-jurisdictional. Even a mobile van with complete communication equipment and appropriate personnel may be used as ICP. In case of total destruction of buildings, tents or temporary shelters may be used. If appropriate or enough space is not available, other Sections can function from a different convenient location. But there should be proper and fail safe contact with the ICP in order to provide quick assistance; 9) Ensure that the Incident Action Plan (IAP) is prepared; 10) Ensure that team members are briefed on performance of various activities as per IAP; 11) Approve and authorize the implementation of an IAP and ensure that IAP is regularly developed and updated as per debriefing of IRT members. It will be reviewed every 24 hours and circulated to all concerned; 12) Ensure that planning meetings are held at regular intervals. The meetings will draw out an implementation strategy and IAP for effective incident response. The decision to hold this meeting is solely the responsibility of the Incident Commander (IC). Apart from other members, ensure that PSC attend all briefing and debriefing meetings; 13) Ensure that all Sections or Units are working as per IAP; 14) Ensure that adequate safety measures for responders and affected communities are in place; 15) Ensure proper coordination between all Sections of the IRT, agencies working in the response activities and make sure that all conflicts are resolved; 16) Ensure that computerized and web based IT solutions are used for planning, resource mobilization and deployment of trained IRT members; 17) Consider requirement of resources, equipment which are not available in the functional jurisdiction, discuss with PSC and LSC and inform RO regarding their procurement; 18) Approve and ensure that the required additional resources are procured and issued to the concerned Sections, Branches and Units etc. and are properly utilized. On completion of assigned work, the resources will be returned immediately for utilization elsewhere or to the department concerned; 19) If required, establish contact with Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs), Urban local bodies (ULBs), Community based organizations (CBOs), Non-Government organizations (NGOs) etc. and seek their cooperation in achieving the objectives of IAP and enlist their support to act as local guides in assisting the external rescue and relief teams;

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20) Approve the deployment of volunteers and such other personnel and ensure that they follow the chain of command; 21) Authorize release of information to the media; 22) Ensure that the record of resources mobilized from outside is maintained so that prompt payment can be made for hired resources; 23) Ensure that Incident Status Summary (ISS) is completed and forwarded to the RO (IRS form-002 is enclosed at Annexure-II); 24) Recommend demobilization of the IRT, when appropriate; 25) Review public complaints and recommend suitable grievance redressed measures to the RO; 26) Ensure that the NGOs and other social organizations deployed in the affected sites are working properly and in an equitable manner; 27) Ensure preparation of After Action Report (AAR) prior to the demobilization of the IRT on completion of the incident response. 28) Perform any other duties that may be required for the management of the incident; 29) Ensure that the record of various activities performed (IRS Form-004 enclosed in Annexure-IV) by members of Branches, Divisions, Units/Groups are collected and maintained in the Unit Log (IRS Form-003) enclosed at Annexure-III; and 30) Perform such other duties as assigned by RO.

6.2.3 Roles and Responsibilities of District Public Relation Officer as Information and Media Officer (IMO)s 1) Prepare and release information about the incident to the media agencies and others with the approval of Incident Commander (IC); 2) Jot down decisions taken and directions issued in case of sudden disasters when the Incident Response Team (IRT) has not been fully activated and hand it over to the Planning Section (PS) on its activation for incorporation in the Incident Action Plan (IAP); 3) Ask for additional personnel support depending on the scale of incident and workload; 4) Monitor and review various media reports regarding the incident that may be useful for incident planning; 5) Organize IAP meetings as directed by the IC or when required; 6) Coordinate with IMD to collect weather information and disseminate it to all concerned; 7) Maintain record of various activities performed as per IRS Form-004 (enclosed in Annexure-IV); and 8) Perform such other duties as assigned by IC. 6.2.4 Roles and Responsibilities of Hoshiarpur Sub Divison Magistrate as Liaison Officer (LO)

The LO is the focal point of contact for various line departments, representatives of NGOs, PRIs and ULBs etc. participating in the response. The LO is the point of contact to

District Disaster Management Plan, Hoshiarpur 2018-19 Page 68 assist the first responders, cooperating agencies and line departments. LO may be designated depending on the number of agencies involved and the spread of affected area. The LO will:

1) Maintain a list of concerned line departments, agencies (CBOs, NGOs, etc.) and their representatives at various locations; 2) Carry out liaison with all concerned agencies including NDRF, SDRF and Armed Forces and line departments of Government; 3) Monitor Operations to identify current or potential inter-agency problems; 4) Participate in planning meetings and provide information on response by participating agencies; 5) Ask for personnel support if required; 6) Keep the Incident Commander (IC) informed about arrivals of all the Government and Non Government agencies and their resources; 7) Help in organizing briefing sessions of all Governmental and Non Governmental agencies with the IC; 8) Maintain record of various activities performed as per IRS Form-004 (enclosed in Annexure-IV); and perform such other duties as assigned by IC.

6.2.5 Roles and Responsibilities of Fire Officer as Safety Officer (SO)

The SO’s function is to develop and recommend measures for ensuring safety of personnel, and to assess and/or anticipate hazardous and unsafe situations. The SO is Incident Response System authorized to stop or prevent unsafe acts. SO may also give general advice on safety of affected communities.

The SO will:

1) Recommend measures for assuring safety of responders and to assess or anticipate hazardous and unsafe situations and review it regularly; 2) Ask for assistants and assign responsibilities as required; 3) Participate in planning meetings for preparation of Incident Action Plan (IAP); 4) Review the IAP for safety implications; 5) Obtain details of accidents that have occurred within the incident area if required or as directed by IC and inform the appropriate authorities; 6) Review and approve the Site Safety Plan, as and when required; 7) Maintain record of various activities performed as per IRS Form-004 (enclosed in Annexure-IV); and perform such other duties as assigned by IC.

6.3 General Staff The General Staff consists of the Operational Section (OS), Planning Section (PS) and Logistical Section (LS), each having a specific function in the overall response.

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Figure 6.3 Composition of General staff.

General Staff

Operational Section Planning Section Logistical Section


The Operations Section is responsible for managing all tactical operations at an incident. The build-up of the Operations Section is generally dictated by the number of tactical resources involved and span of control considerations. Operational Section Chief The overall chief of operation section is (SDM) concerned Sub-Divisional Magistrate as an Operational section Chief (OSC). He is fully responsible for directing all tactical actions to meet the incident requirement. The OSC will report to Incident Commander i.e. Deputy Commissioner of Hoshiarpur. Selection of OSC is depends on the nature of operation required by Incident Commander shown in table 6.1. As Operational activity increase because of the largeness and magnitude of the disaster in district, SDM as OSC is responsible for directing all tactical actions to meet the incident objective. He will deploy more and more functional team to handle the situation. Table 6.1 Selection of OSC is depends on the nature of operation

S.No Disaster/Nature of operation Operational Section Chief 1 Search & Rescue operation in case of Commissioner of Police / Armed Force earthquake & flood in Hoshiarpur 2 Medical Treatment in case of Bird Flu Chief Medical Officer Epidemic in Hoshiarpur 3 Relief Operation in Hoshiarpur District Revenue Officer Roles and Responsibilities of OSC 1. Coordinate with the activated Section Chiefs; 2. Manage all field operations for the accomplishment of the incident objectives; 3. Ensure the overall safety of personnel involved in the OS and the affected communities; 4. Deploy, activate, expand and supervise organizational elements (Branch, Division, Group, etc,) in his Section in consultation with IC and in accordance with the IAP; 5. Assign appropriate personnel, keeping their capabilities for the task in mind and maintain On Duty Officers list (IRS Form-007) for the day as enclosed in Annexure-VII; 6. Request IC for providing a Deputy OSC for assistance, if required; 7. Brief the personnel in OS at the beginning of each operational period;

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8. Ensure resolution of all conflicts, information sharing, coordination and cooperation between the various Branches of Section; 9. Prepare Section Operational Plan in accordance with the IAP; if required; 10. Suggest expedient changes in the IAP to the IC; 11. Consult the IC from time-to-time and keep him fully briefed; 12. Determine the need for additional resources and place demands accordingly and ensure their arrival; 13. Ensure record of various activities performed (IRS Form-004 enclosed in Annexure-IV) by members of Branches, Divisions, Units/Groups are collected and maintained in the Unit Log IRS Form-003 (enclosed in Annexure-III); and 14. Perform such other duties as assigned by RO / IC. Components of Operation Section.

The Operations Section consists of the following components: A. Response Branch B. Transportation Branch C. Staging Area

Figure 6.4 Components of Operation Section

Operation Section

Response Branch Transportation Branch Staging Area

A. Response Branch

It consist Response Branch director .He is main responder in performing various functions. Depending on the scale of disaster in Hoshiarpur, SDM may have expand the number of groups or create own divisions as per requirement of the incident. Expansion of response branch is shown in fig 6.5 Figure 6.5 Expansion of Response Branch in Hoshiarpur Team A

Team B Division Group A

Division Group B Team C

Response Division Group C Branch Team D

Division Group D Team E Division Group E

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One Branch Director can supervise up to five Divisions; one Division supervisor can supervise up to five task forces. More branches, Divisions, Task Forces may be formed as required.  Each division has its own Division Supervisor.  Each group had its own Group Leader.  Each team has its own Team Leader.

Table 6.2 List of Response Branch Director’s S.No Department Response Branch Director’s 1. Police Commissioner of Police 2. Fire Fire Officer 3. Health Chief Medical Officer 4. Food & Supply District Food and Supply Officer 5. PWD (B&R) Executive Engineer 6. Public Health XEN 7. Irrigation XEN 8. Electricity Senior Executive 9. Communication Manager, BSNL 10. Municipal Corporation Executive Officer 11. PUDA Executive Officer 12. Animal Husbandry Deputy Director 13. Agriculture Deputy Director 14. Punjab Roadways Transport Manager 15. Forest Divisional Forest Officer 16. Industrial safety Deputy Director

 Roles and responsibilities of Response Branch director 1. Work under the supervision of the OSC and is responsible for the implementation of IAP as per the assigned role; 2. Attend planning meetings as required by the OSC; 3. Review Assignment Lists IRS Form-005 (enclosed in Annexure -V) for Divisions or Groups under his Branch; 4. Assign specific tasks to Division and Groups-in-Charge; 5. Supervise Branch functions; 6. Resolve conflicts reported by subordinates; 7. Report to OSC regarding modifications required if any in the IAP, need for additional resources, availability of surplus resources and when hazardous situations or significant events occur, etc. 8. Provide Single Resource, Strike Team and Task Force support to various operational areas; 9. Ensure that all team leaders maintain record of various activities performed as per IRS Form-004 (enclosed in Annexure-IV) relating to their field Operations and send to OSC; 10. Perform any other duties assigned by the OSC;

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Table 6.3 List of Divisional Supervisors S.No Department Divisional Supervisor 1. Police DSP 2. Fire Fire Officer 3. Health Chief Medical Officer 4. Food & Supply Assistant Food and Supply Officer 5. PWD (B&R) Sub Divisional Engineer 6. Public Health Sub Divisional Engineer 7. Irrigation Sub Divisional Engineer 8. Electricity Sub Divisional Engineer 9. Communication SDO’s 10. Municipal Corporation Municipal Engineer 11. PUDA XEN 12. Animal Husbandry Veterinary Surgeon 13. Agriculture Block Agriculture Officer 14. Punjab Roadways Work Manager 15. Forest Assistant Conservator Officer 16. Industrial safety Assistant Director

 Roles and responsibilities of Division Supervision 1. Implement Division or Group assignment list; 2. Assign resources within the Division or Group under them; 3. Report on the progress of Operations, and the status of resources within the Division or Group; 4. Circulate Organizational Assignment List (Divisional / Group) IRS Form-005 as enclosed in Annexure – V to the leaders of the Group, Strike Team and Task Force; 5. Review assignments and incident activities with subordinates and assign tasks as per the situation; 6. Coordinate activities with adjacent Divisions or Groups, if required; 7. Submit situation and resource status to the RBD and the OSC; 8. Report all hazardous situations, special occurrences or significant events (e.g., accidents, sickness, deteriorating weather conditions, etc.) to the RBD and the OSC; 9. Resolve problems within the Division or Group; 10. Participate in the development of IAP for next operational period, if required; 11. Ensure that record of various activities performed (IRS Form-004 enclosed in Annexure IV) are collected and sent to the RBD and OSC; and xii. Perform any other duties as assigned by the RBD/OSC.

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Table 6.4 List of Group Leaders S.No Department Group Leader 1. Police SHO 2. Fire Leading Fireman 3. Health Senior Medical Officer 4. Food & Supply Inspector / Sub Inspector 5. PWD (B&R) Junior Engineer 6. Public Health Junior Engineer 7. Irrigation Junior Engineer 8. Electricity Junior Engineer 9. Communication Junior Engineer 10. Municipal Corporation Junior Engineer 11. PUDA Junior Engineer 12. Animal Husbandry Doctors 13. Agriculture ADOs 14. Punjab Roadways Duty Inspectors / Forman 15. Forest Assistant Conservator Forest 16. Industrial safety Safety Officer  Role and Responsibility of Group leaders 1. Ensure transportation of resources by road to the effected sites; 2. Requisition additional personnel support, if required; 3. Attend planning meetings on the direction of OSC; 4. Determine coordination procedures with various destinations as per IAP; 5. Ensure proper parking locations; 6. Resolve conflicts of the Group, if any; 7. Update Road Operation plan as required and share them with higher authorities; 8. In case of accidents, inform the TDB, the local police and provide assistance in investigation, if required; 9. Ensure that mechanics are available for repair of vehicles are also ensure adequate availability of Petrol, Oil, Lubricants (POL); 10. Maintain the records of all important activities relating to the number of vehicles deployed, sources of vehicles (i.e. Government or private), locations where vehicles are deployed along with resource details they are carrying, etc.; 11. Support and coordinate the Road Operations part of the Rail, Water, and Air Operations as required; 12. Collect the records of various activities performed ( enclosed in Annexure-IV) from coordinator and other members and send to TBD / OSC; and 13. Perform any other assigned by the TBD / OSC

 Role and Responsibility of Team Leader 1. Take charge of necessary equipment and supplies;

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2. Assess local weather and environmental conditions, law and order situation etc. in the assigned area and report to the in-charge; 3. Perform the assigned duty; 4. Keep contact with his supervisor; and 5. Perform any other duties that may be assigned by his supervisor.  Role and Responsibility of Task Force Leader 1. Review assignments with members of his team. 2. Report on work progress; 3. Coordinate activities with adjacent Single Resource, Strike Teams and Task Forces if assigned; 4. Establish and ensure communications; 5. Perform any other duties assigned; and 6. Maintain record of various activities. Transportation Branch

The transportation branches comprise three operational groups such as Road, rail and air. These groups may be activated as when required. The TB supports the response efforts by transporting different resources, relief materials, personnel to the affected site and also transportation of victims if necessary. Air Operations is an important transportation activity during disasters which requires coordination at the National, State and District level. For the coordination of air operation, the IC of Hoshiarpur may designate Nodal Officer. Commissioner of Police is nominated as a transportation branch director. He is responsible for the activation of various functional groups in the district as per requirement of the response to an incident.

 Roles and Responsibilities of Transportation Branch Director i.e. Commissioner of Police/SSP 1. Activate and manage different Operations Groups like Road, Rail, and Air; 2. Coordinate with the LS for required resources, 3. Coordinate with railways, road transport, and airport authorities for support as required; 4. Provide ground support to the air operations and ensure appropriate security arrangements; 5. Provide Road transport support to the Rail as required; 6. Ensure safety of all personnel of his Branch involved in the Incident Response activities; 7. Ensure that all units moving in the area are familiarized with route with the help of road maps or local guides; 8. Report to the OSC and IC about progress of the TB; 9. Prepare transportation plan, if required; 10. Determine the need for additional resources, their proper and full use and place demand accordingly in advance;

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11. Resolve problems and conflicts, if any; 12. Ensure the maintenance of the status of hired resources, their full utilization 13. Perform any other duties assigned by the IC or OSC;

 Roles and Responsibilities of Group-in-charge i.e. GM Roadways (Road Operations) The Group-in–charge road Operation i.e. GM Roadways works under the TBD and is responsible for all road transportation activities. 1. Ensure transportation of resources by Road to the affected sites; 2. Requisition additional personnel support, if required; 3. Attend planning meetings on the direction of OSC; 4. Determine coordination procedures with various destinations as per IAP; 5. Ensure proper parking locations; 6. Resolve conflicts of the Group, if any; 7. Update Road Operations plan as required and share them with higher authorities; 8. In case of accidents, inform the TBD, the local police and provide assistance in investigation, if required; 9. Ensure that mechanics are available for repair of vehicles and also ensure adequate availability of Petrol, Oil and Lubricants (POL); 10. Maintain the records of all important activities relating to the number of vehicles deployed, source of vehicles (i.e. Government or private), locations where vehicles are deployed along with resource details they are carrying, etc.; 11. Support and coordinate the Road Operations part of the Rail, Water and Air Operation as required; 12. Collect record of various activities performed. 13. Perform any other duties assigned by the TBD or OSC.  Roles and Responsibilities of Group-in-charge i.e. Station Master (Rail Operations) The Group-in-charge i.e. Station Master of Hoshiarpur (Rail) works under the TBD and is responsible for supervision of all Rail Transportation activities. In most disaster response situations, Rail Transportation is utilized for transporting relief materials and resources from very distant places. Loading and Unloading may be required from Rail to Road and Road to Rail. Whenever transportation by Rail is envisaged, a Rail Operations Group needs to be activated and they should have close liaison with the GM roadways as Road Operations Group- in-charge. Duties of station master will be: 1. Perform any other duties assigned by OSC or TBD. 2. Work under the TBD and coordinate all Rail Operations; 3. Organize crew for Loading and Unloading; 4. Ensure safe storage and warehousing of the materials; 5. Evaluate storage locations, ensure safety and obtain guidance from the TBD, if required; 6. Coordinate with Road Operations Group for movement of resources; 7. Prepare and provide Rail Operations Summary including time of departure and arrival, destinations, resource details, etc as and when required by the senior officers; 8. Request for additional personnel support, if required;

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9. Update the TBD from time to time and seek support, if required; 10. Resolve conflicts within his Group, if any; 11. Update Rail Operations Plan; 12. Establish and maintain communications with various storage and warehousing areas, destination points and railway officers; 13. Collect record of various activities performed

 Roles and Responsibilities of Nodal Officer (Air Operations) 1. Coordinate with concerned authorities for air operations; 2. Project the type of Air support required to the appropriate authorities based on the IAP and place the demand at least 24 hours in advance or as early as possible; 3. Inform the IC and OSC about the Air movements and landing schedules in their respective areas; 4. Ensure that relevant Maps of the incident locations are available with all agencies involved in the Air Operations to give the correct coordinates etc. of the locations where Air support is required; 5. Determine the suitability of Helipads or Helibases in coordination with the Air Force authorities and the District authorities; 6. Maintain communication with Air Traffic Control and the ground support staff regarding the Air movements and other related activities; 7. Assist the IC and the LSC in the procurement of required ATF etc.; 8. Report on Air Operations activities to the RO; and 9. Perform any other duties assigned by the RO and IC.

B. Staging Area An ICS Staging Area is a temporary location for placing resources available for incident assignments. All resources within the Staging Area belong to the incident. Resources assigned to a Staging Area are available on a three minute basis to take on active assignment. Staging Area are temporary facilities. They can be set up at any appropriate location in the incident area and moved or deactivated as needed. Tehsildar is nominated as Staging Area Manager who report to the Operations Section Chief or to the Incident Commander.

 Role and Responsibility of Tehsildar as Staging Area Manager (SAM) 1. Establish the SA with proper layout, maintain it in an orderly condition and ensure that there is no obstruction to the incoming and outgoing vehicles, resources etc; 2. Ensure that communications are established with the ICP and other required locations e.g. different SAs, Incident Base, Camp, Relief Camp etc; 3. Organize storage and dispatch of resources received and dispatch it as per IAP; 4. Report all receipts and dispatches to OSC and maintain their records; 5. Manage all activities of the SA; 6. Utilize all perishable supplies expeditiously; 7. Establish check-in function as appropriate;

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8. Request maintenance and repair of equipment at SA, as needed 9. Maintain and provide resource status to PS and LS; 10. Demobilize SA in accordance with the Demobilization Plan (IRS Form-010 Annexure- X); 11. Maintain record of various activities performed as per (IRS Form-004 Annexure- IV) and send to Sections concerned; and 12. Perform any other duties as assigned by OSC. 6.3.2 PLANNING SECTION (PS) Planning section comprises Resource Unit, Situation Unit, Documentation Unit and Demobilization Unit. This section is headed by Planning Section Chief. i.e. Additional Deputy Commissioner of Hoshiarpur. Fig 6.6 shows the composition of planning section.

Figure 6.6 Composition of Planning Section

Additional Deputy Commissioner


District Town Planner District Statistical Officer D.D.P.O D.S.P As Resource Unit Leader As As As Situation Unit Leader Documentation Unit Leader Demobilization Unit Leader Planning Section Chief (PSC) The Planning Section Chief is responsible for collection, evaluation, dissemination and use of information. It keeps track of the developing scenario and status of the resources. In case of need the PS may also have Technical Specialist for addressing the technical planning matters in the management of an incident. A list of such specialists will be kept available in the PS. The PSC reports to the IC and will be responsible for the activation of Units and deployment of personnel in his Section as per requirement.

 Roles and Responsibilities of ADC as PSC 1. Coordinate with the activated Section Chiefs for planning and preparation of IAP in consultation with IC; 2. Ensure collection, evaluation, and dissemination of information about the incidents including weather, forecast, environment toxicity, availability of resources etc. from concerned departments and other sources. The PS must have a databank of available resources with their locations from where it can be mobilized; 3. Coordinate by assessing the current situation, predicting probable course of the incident and preparing alternative strategies for the Operations by preparing the IAP. The IAP contains objectives reflecting the overall incident strategy and specific tactical actions and supporting information for the next operational period (24 hours is

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considered as one operational period). The plan may be oral or written. Written plan may have a number of attachments, including incident objectives, organization assignment list (IRS Form-005 Annexure-V), incident communication plan (IRS Form- 009 Annexure-IX), demobilization plan (IRS Form-010 Annexure-X), traffic plan, safety plan, and incident map etc.

The major steps for preparing IAP are as follows; a) Initial information and assessment of the damage and threat; b) Assessment of resources required; c) Formation of incident objectives and conducting strategy meetings; d) Operations briefing; e) Implementation of IAP; f) Review of the IAP; and g) Formulation of incident objectives for the next operational period, if required;

4. Ensure that Incident Status Summary (IRS Form-002 Annexure-II) is filled and incorporated in the IAP; 5. Ensure that Organizational Assignment List (Divisional) (IRS Form-005 Annexure – V) is circulated among the Unit leaders and other responders of his Section; 6. Plan to activate and deactivate IRS organizational positions as appropriate, in consultation with the IC and OSC; 7. Determine the need for any specialized resources for the incident management; 8. Utilize IT Solutions for pro-active planning, GIS for decision support and hazard modeling capabilities for assessing and estimating causalities and for comprehensive response management plan. 9. Report to the IC of any significant changes that take place in the incident status; 10. Assign appropriate personnel, keeping their capabilities for the tasks in mind and maintain On Duty Officers List (IRS Form-007) for the day (Annexure-VII); 11. Oversee preparation and implementation of Incident Demobilization Plan (IRS Form- 010 Annexure-X); 12. Ensure that record of various activities performed (IRS Form-004 Annexure-IV) by members of Units are collected and maintained in the Unit Log (IRS Form- 003 Annexure-III); and 13. Perform any other duties assigned by IC. Resource Unit In the management of a large incident, demobilization can be quite a complex activity and requires proper and separate planning. When the disaster response is nearing completion, the resources mobilized for response need to be returned. This should be done in a planned and phased manner. Demobilization requires organizing transportation of both equipment and personnel to a large number of different places both near and far away.

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 Roles and Responsibilities of District Town Planner, as Resource Unit Leader (RUL) 1. Maintain and display the status of all assigned resources (Primary and Support) at the incident site by overseeing the check-in of all resources, and maintaining a resource status-keeping system. Primary resources are meant for responders and support resources are meant for affected communities; 2. Compile a complete inventory of all resources available. He will also access information about availability of all required resources at other locations and prepare a plan for their mobilization, if required. IDRN, CDRN and IDKN facilities will also be used for this purpose; 3. Ensure and establish Check-in function at various incident locations; 4. Update the PSC and IC about the status of resources received and dispatched from time to time; 5. Coordinate with the various activated Branches, Divisions and Groups of OS for checking status and utilization of allotted resources; 6. Ensure quick and proper utilization of perishable resources; 7. Maintain record of various activities performed as per IRS Form-004 (enclosed in Annexure-IV) and send to Section concerned; and 8. Perform any other duties assigned by PSC. Situation Unit (SU)  Roles and Responsibilities of District Statistical Officer as Situation Unit Leader (SUL) 1. Collect process and organize all incident information as soon as possible for analysis. For such purposes, he can take the help of members of the Single Resource, Task Forces, Strike Teams, field level Government officers and members of PRIs, CBOs, NGOs etc; 2. Prepare periodic future projections of the development of the incident (along with maps if required) and keep the PSC and IC informed; 3. Prepare situation and resource status reports and disseminate as required; 4. Provide authorized maps, photographic services to responders, if required; 5. Attend IAP Meeting with required information, data, documents and Survey of India maps etc; 6. Maintain record of various activities performed as per (IRS Form-004 Annexure-IV) and send to Section concerned; and 7. Perform such other duties assigned by SUL or PSC. Roles and Responsibilities of Patwaris as Field Observer (FO) The FO is responsible for collecting situation information from personal observations of the incident and provides this information to the SUL. The FO will;

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1. Report to SUL immediately on any situation observed which may cause danger and safety hazard to responders and affected communities. This should also include local weather conditions; 2. Gather intelligence that may facilitate better planning and effective response; 3. Maintain record of various activities performed as per (IRS Form-004 Annexure-IV) and send to the SUL; and 4. Perform such other duties as assigned by SUL or PSC Documentation Unit  Roles and Responsibilities of DDPO as Documentation Unit Leader (DUL) 1. Ensure that all the required forms and stationery are procured and issued to all the activated Sections, Branches, Divisions, Groups and Units; 2. Compile all information and reports related to the incident; 3. Review and scrutinize the records and various IRS forms for accuracy and Completeness; 4. Inform appropriate Units of errors or omissions in their documentation, if any, and ensure that errors and omissions are rectified; 5. Store files properly for post-incident analysis; 6. Maintain record of various activities performed as per (IRS Form-004 Annexure- IV) and send to Sections concerned; and 7. Perform any other duties as assigned by the PSC. Demobilization Unit (DU) The management of a large incident, demobilization can be quite a complex activity and requires proper and separate planning. When the disaster response is nearing completion, the resources mobilized for response need to be returned. This should be done in a planned and phased manner. Demobilization requires organizing transportation of both equipment and personnel to a large number of different places both near and far away. The Demobilization Unit will prepare the demobilization plan in consultation with RO, IC and PSC. The plan should include the details of the responders to be demobilized, the date, mode of transport, location from where they will be demobilized, the destination where they have to finally reach etc. There will be a similar plan for out of service equipment and sick personnel also.  Roles and Responsibilities of DSP as Demobilization Unit Leader (DUL) The DSP will: 1. Prepare Incident Demobilization Plan (IDP) as per (IRS Form-010 Annexure-X); 2. Identify surplus resources and prepare a tentative IDP in consultation with the PSC and give priority to demobilization of surplus resources; 3. Develop incident check-out functions for Sections, Branches, Divisions and units in consultation with all Sections and send to the PS; 4. Plan for logistics and transportation support for Incident Demobilization in Consultation with LS; 5. Disseminate IDP at an appropriate time to various stakeholders involved;

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6. Ensure that all Sections, Units, Teams and Resources understand their specific Incident Demobilization responsibilities and avail Demobilization facilities; 7. Arrange for proper supervision and execution of the IDP; 8. Brief the PSC on the progress of Demobilization; 9. Request the PSC for additional human resources, if required; 6.3.3 LOGISTIC SECTION (LS) LS provide all logistic support for effective response management. The Units under different Branches of the LS are responsible not only for the supply of various 'kinds' and 'types' of resources, but also for the setting up of different facilities like the Incident Base, Camp, ICP and Relief Camp etc. This would entail the involvement of several line departments of Government and other agencies. It would require a proper and smooth coordination at the highest level of the administration. Figure 6.7 shows the composition of Logistic Section in Hoshiarpur. Figure 6.7 Composition of Logistic Section

District Revenue Officer


Service & Support Branch Director: Finance Branch Director: District Revenue Officer Treasury Officer

Communication Unit Leader: DSP, Time Unit Leader: Naib Tehsildar Police wireless, BSNL

Procurement Unit Leader: Account Medical Unit Leader: CMO Officer

Food Unit Leader: Food Inspector Compensation/Claim Unit Leader: Tehsildar Resource Provisioning Unit Leader: Naib Tehsildar Cost Unit Leader: Account Officer Facility Unit Leader: Tehsildar

Ground Support Unit Leader: Police Inspector DRO as Logistic Section Chief The LS comprises Service, support and finance Branches. The section is headed by a chief known as the LSC. The activation of various Branches of the LS is context specific and would depend on the enormity and requirements of the incident.

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 Roles and Responsibilities of DRO as Logistic Section Chief (LSC) The LSC will: 1. Coordinate with the activated Section Chiefs; 2. Provide logistic support to all incident response effort including the establishment of SA, Incident Base, Camp, Relief Camp, Helipad etc.; 3. Participate in the development and implementation of the IAP; 4. Keep RO and IC informed on related financial issues; 5. Ensure that Organizational Assignment List (Divisional / Group) IRS Form- 005 as enclosed in Annexure – V is circulated among the Branch Directors and other responders of his Section; 6. Request for sanction of Fund, if required; 7. Supervise the activated Units of his Section; 8. Ensure the safety of the personnel of his Section; 9. Assign work locations and preliminary work tasks to Section personnel; 10. Ensure that a plan is developed to meet the logistic requirements of the IAP with the help of Comprehensive Resource Management System; 11. Brief Branch Directors and Unit Leaders; 12. Anticipate over all logistic requirements for relief Operations and prepare accordingly; 13. Constantly review the Communication Plan, Medical Plan and Traffic Plan to meet the changing requirements of the situation; 14. Assess the requirement of additional resources and take steps for their procurement in consultation with the RO and IC; 15. Provide logistic support for the IDP as approved by the RO and IC; 16. Ensure release of resources in conformity with the IDP; 17. Ensure that the hiring of the requisitioned resources is properly documented and paid by the FB; 18. Assign appropriate personnel, keeping their capabilities for the tasks to be carried out and maintain On Duty Officers List (IRS Form-007) for the day as enclosed in Annexure- VII; 19. Ensure that cost analysis of the total response activities is prepared; 20. Ensure that record of various activities performed (IRS Form-004 enclosed in Annexure- IV) by members of Branches and Units are collected and maintained in the Unit Log IRS Form 003 as enclosed at Annexure-III; and 21. Perform any other duties as assigned by RO or IC.  Service & Support Branch The Service and Support Branch Director (SBD) shall be District Revenue Officer and manage all required service and support to Additional. Deputy Commissioner (IC). He shall supervise Communication Food & Medical Unit of Service Branch and Resource Provisioning, Facilities and Group Support Unit of Support Branch.

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 Roles and Responsibility of DRO as Branch Director Service & Support Branch 1. Discuss with the activated Unit Leaders for the materials and resources required and procure the same through LS; 2. Ensure proper dispatch of personnel, teams, resources etc as per the IAP; 3. Keep the LSC informed about the progress of service Branch, from time-to-time; 4. Maintain the record of various activities performed as per (IRS FORM-004 Annexure- IV) and send to sections concerned; and perform any other duties assigned by the IC and LSC.  Communication Unit (CU) The communication leader work under the direction of the SBD. The Communication Unit Leader will supervise the communication unit activities and maintain the records of communications equipment deployment in field as and when required and also ensure that those are in working condition and that the network is functional.

 Roles and responsibilities of Communication Unit Leader (CUL) 1. Recover equipment provided by Communication Unit after the incident is over Ensure that it is properly linked with the IDP; 2. Prepare an alternative communication plan for execution in case of possible failure of the normal communications network. The alternative communications network may have wireless, satellite phones, and cell phones, HAM radios etc; 3. Prepare a plan for integration of communication set up of the central teams (NDRF,SDRF Armed Forces) with the local communications set up for the management of large scale disasters when they come to assists in the response effort; 4. Ensure that the communication plan is supporting the IAP; 5. Demobilize Communication centre in accordance with the IDP; 6. Maintain record various activities performed as per (IRS Form-004 Annexure-IV) and send to SBD;

 Medical Unit (MU) Medical Unit Leader will work under the direction of the SBD and prepare the Medical plan and procurement of required resources as per IAP, provide medical aid and ambulance for transportation of victims and maintain the records of the same, as given in the (IRS form 008 (Annexure-VIII)), obtain a road map of the area from the PS for the ambulance services, transportation of medical personnel and victims.

 Roles and responsibilities of Chief Medical Officer as MUL 1. Medical Unit Leader will respond to request of the OS for medical aid, transportation and medical supplies etc. under the intimation of the SBD and LSC; 2. Prepare and circulate the list of referral service centers to all the medical leaders; 3. Maintain record of various activities performed as per (IRS Form-004 Annexure-IV) and send to SBD.

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 Food Unit (FU) The Food Unit Leader will work under the direction of the SBD and, is also supposed to supply resources to various activated Sections, Branches, Units and Groups of IRT as per the direction of the SBD.

 Roles and responsibilities Food Inspector as FUL 1. The primary responsibility of FUL is to supply food to: a) Personnel of IRT(s) at ICP, Camps, incident Base, SA, etc., and b) Victims at the temporary shelters, relief camps etc; 2. Request for assistants if the task become very large. And maintain an inventory of receipt and dispatch of resources; 3. Determine food and drinking water requirements and their transportation, and brief the SBD and LSC; 4. Maintain inventory of receipt and dispatch of resources; 5. Maintain record of various activities performed as per (IRS FOR 004 Annexure- IV) and send SBD;  Resource Provisioning Unit (RPU) Resource Provisioning Unit Leader will work under the supervision of Sup. BD and organize the movement of personnel, equipment and supplies, receive and store all safety supplies required for the incident response.

 Roles and Responsibilities of Naib Tehsildar as RPUL 1. Maintain the inventory of supplies and equipment; 2. Monitor the 'Kind', 'Type' and quantity of supplies available and dispatched; 3. Maintain the records of receipt and dispatch of supplies including equipment and personnel; 4. Participate in the planning meeting of LS; 5. Receive and respond to requests for personnel, supplies and equipment from the activated Section, Branch, Division, Units and Groups of IRS organization under intimation to SBD.; 6. Requisition additional human resource assistance, if needed. These assistant may be deployed for different functional activities such as Resource Ordering, Resource Receiving and Tool & Equipment maintenance; 7. Maintain various records on activities performed as per (IRS Form-004 Annexure-IV) and send to SBD.  Facilities Unit (FU) Roles and Responsibilities of Tehsildar, (FUL) 1. The facility unit leader will report to the SBD and prepare the layout, activation of incident , e.g., Incident Base, Camp(s), Relief Camp(s), ICP, etc., and provide basic amenities to the responders; 2. Locate the different facilities as per the IAP;

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3. Maintain record of various activities performed as per (IRS Form-004 Annexure- IV) and send to Sup. BD;  Group Support Unit (GSU) Roles and Responsibilities of Police Inspector, as GSUL 1. Ground Support Unit Leader (GSUL) will work under the supervision of the Sup. BD and provide transportation services for field operations to TBD; 2. Provide maintenance and repair services for all the vehicles and related equipment used for incident management as per proper procedures and keep the concerned line departments informed through the SBD and LSC; 3. Arrange for and activate fuelling requirements for all transport including Aircrafts in Consultation with the SBD; 4. Maintain record of various activities performed as per (IRS Form-004 Annexure-IV) and send to the SBD.  Finance Branch The FB is responsible for managing all financial aspects of response management. The FB has been kept under the LS for quick and effective procurement. Special precautions will be taken in selecting knowledgeable and experienced personnel conversant with the financial rules for functioning in this Branch.

 Roles and Responsibilities of Treasury Officer as FBD The Treasury Officer, will: 1. Work under the LSC attend planning meetings; 2. Prepare a list of resources to be mobilized, procured or hired in accordance with the IAP. Obtain orders of the competent authority as per financial rules and take steps for their procurement without delay; 3. Maintain record of various activities performed as per (IRS Form-004 Annexure- IV) and send to Sections concerned; and 4. Perform any other duties as assigned by the LSC or IC

 Time Unit (TU) Roles and Responsibilities of Naib Tehsildar, as TUL 1. Maintain time recording of hired equipment and personnel and ensure that it is maintained on a daily basis and according to government norms; 2. Examine logs of all hired equipment and personnel with regard to their optimal utilization; ask for additional support of human resources for assistance, if required; 3. Maintain record of the activities performed as per (IRS Form-004 Annexure-IV) and send to FBD; and 4. Perform any other duties as assigned by the FBD.

 Compensation / Claims Unit If the incident is such that there may be a requirement of making payments concerning compensations and claims, the IC in consultation with the RO will activate a

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Compensation/Claims Unit and appoint a leader to collect and compile figures of loss of life and property etc. as provided by the relevant Government norms and directions.

 Roles and Responsibilities of District Revenue Officer Hoshiarpur as Compensation / Claims Unit Leader The DRO will: 1. Collect all cost data and provide cost estimates; 2. Prepare and maintain a list of requisitioned premises, services, resources and vehicles etc. with correct date and time of such requisition; 3. Follow appropriate procedures for preparation of claims and compensation; 4. Requisition additional human resources, if required; 5. Maintain record of various activities performed as per IRS Form-004 (enclosed in Annexure-IV) and send to FBD; and 6. Perform any other duties as assigned by the FBD.  Procurement Unit Roles and Responsibilities of Account Officer, Hoshiarpur as Procurement Unit Leader (PUL) and Cost Unit Leader The Account Officer will: 1. Attend to all financial matters pertaining to vendors and contracts; 2. Review procurement needs in consultation with the FBD; 3. Prepare a list of vendors from whom procurement can be done and follow proper procedures; 4. Ensure all procurements ordered are delivered on time; 5. Coordinate with the FBD for use of funds, as required; 6. Complete final processing of all bills arising out of the response management and send documents for payment with the approval of the FBD, LSC and IC; 7. Brief FBD on current problems with recommendations on outstanding issues and follow-up requirements; 8. Develop incident cost summaries in consultation with the FBD on the basis of Cost Analysis Report. 9. Make cost-saving recommendations to the FBD; 10. Complete all records relating to financial matters prior to demobilization; 11. Maintain record of activities performed as per IRS Form-004 (enclosed in Annexure-IV) and send to FBD; and 12. Perform any other duties as assigned by the FBD. 6.4 District Emergency Operation Centre (DEOC)

District Emergency Operation Centre becomes a nodal point for overall coordination of planning and response. Ensure that EOC facility has required communication (Connecting all stakeholders vertically and horizontally), Decision Support System, alert and warning system in working condition.


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 Emergency numbers existing for Police, Fire and Medical support etc. are linked to EOC for response, command and control under an SOP, For e.g., if there is any fire incident, the information should not only reach the fire station but also the EOC and the nearest hospital to gear up the emergency medical service.

 NGOs carry out their activities in an equitable and non-discriminatory manner. Set up wherever possible an NGO Coordination Centre.

 Ensure the telephone directory of all ESF is prepared and available with EOC and members of IRTs.

 Ensure that adequate exercises are conducted for testing the plan and gaps analyzed.

 Outline plan to receive support from State and Central Government in a major disaster (e.g. helipads, evacuation, food distribution, medical support).

6.5 Role of Defense forces and central armed police force in search and rescue during disaster

The Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF) are the eighth police forces under the authority of the central government of India: According to the naming convention adopted in 2011.

 Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF): This is the largest of the Central Armed Police Forces with 325,000 personnel in 245 battalions. The Central Reserve Police includes the Rapid Action Force (RAF), a 10 battalion anti-riot force trained to respond to sectarian violence, and the Commando Battalion for Resolute Action (COBRA), a 10,000 strong anti-Naxalite force.

 Border Security Force (BSF): The primary role of BSF is to guard the land borders of the country, except the mountains. It has 240,000 personnel in 186 Battalions. It is headed by an Indian Police Service Officer.

 Indo-Tibetan Border Police (ITBP): The ITBP is deployed for guarding duties on the border with China from Karakoram Pass in Ladakh to Diphu La in Arunachal Pradesh covering a total distance of 2488 km. It has 77,000 personnel in 55 Battalions.

 Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB): The objective of the SSB is to guard the Indo- and Indo-Bhutan Borders. It has 82,000 personnel and 48 battalions and some reserved battalions.

 Central Industrial Security Force (CISF): One of the largest industrial security forces in the world, CISF provides security to various PSUs and other critical infrastructure installations across the country. It has total strength of about 112,000 personnel in 132 battalions.

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 Railway Protection Force (RPF): Established under the RPF Act 1957, RPF is charged with providing security for the Indian Railways.

 National Security Guards (NSG): The NSG is an elite counter terrorist and rapid response force. The NSG's roles include conducting anti-sabotage checks, rescuing hostages, neutralizing terrorist threats to vital installations, engaging terrorists, responding to hijacking and piracy and protecting VIPs. It has 8636 personnel (including 1086 personnel for regional hubs. The NSG also includes the Special Ranger Group (SRG), whose 3,000 personnel provide protection to India's political leadership.

During Disaster

In disaster situations, relief, rescue and response operations have to be undertaken immediately and in the most appropriate manner. The development oriented civil administration is presently not well equipped for undertaking large scale disaster response activities in the event of major and wide spread disasters.

The Indian Armed Forces are one of the most dedicated, professional and modernized armed forces in the world. They have made rapid strides in technology development and are adequately equipped with the necessary technical competence, man power and material resources to undertake any major disaster rescue and response operations. The Armed Forces are always in a state of operational readiness to move quickly to any disaster affected area and their ability to work under adverse ground & climatic conditions is of immense help to any civil authority during disaster situations. So far in India, the role' played by the Armed Forces & other specialized forces during disaster rescue and response operations has been exemplary.

In view of increased frequency of disasters, the Armed Forces will continue to play a major role in providing rescue and response operations in the disaster situations in the years to come.

Incident Command System

Since the Government of India has decided to implement the Incident Response System (IRS) with in the Indian system of disaster management, there is a greater need for institutionalizing the Incident Response systems and strengthening professional approach towards disaster response activities

Role of Armed Forces

The Armed Forces/Central Para Military Forces have traditionally been always respond to the need to render yeomen service to the affected communities. In the country in addition to emerging coordination and cooperation between various agencies and organizations. The Armed Forces and other specialized forces have to be mandated to play an important role in disaster rescue and response operations.

In a country with enormous dimensions and a geographical variety like India, emergency/disaster situations and natural calamities calls for the Armed Forces/Central Para Military Forces involved in rescue and relief work as these are spread all across the country and equipped with all wherewith all to meet the requirement.

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The effectiveness of disaster response largely depends on the swift alacrity to which the response and relief measures are mounted. A trigger mechanism for response, which demands alertness and being active all times are considered to be the essential elements. Armed Forces and Central Para Military Forces who meet these requirements are called upon to assist the civil administration in evacuation and shifting of people to the safer places, rescue of stranded people, setting up of relief camps, distribution of essential commodities and providing other logistical support such as restoration of communication, road and bridges among other things.

The Central Government has invariably deployed the Air Force helicopter/Army boats, Army columns, Central Para Military Forces and Medical Teams from the Armed Forces to assist the affected States in rescue and relief operations. Military aircrafts have always been used in transportation of essential commodities from far of places in short span of time. The Government of India have also deployed Naval ships, military aircrafts, mobile hospitals etc. to render assistance to the neighboring countries hit by natural calamities. Prompt mobilization of essential commodities and other resources for disaster response has been forte of Armed Forces/Central Para Military Forces.

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Capacity Building and Training Measures Chapter-7

As per the National Disaster Management Act (2005), capacity-building includes: i. Identification of existing resources and resources to be acquired or created; ii. Acquiring or creating resources identified under sub-clause (i); iii. Organization and training of personnel and coordination of such training for effective management of disasters. The primary purpose of capacity-building in disaster management is to reduce risk and make communities safer. This can be done by increasing resilience and enhancing coping capacities. Effective capacity building at the district level requires the active participation of all those tasked with it. It must therefore include maintaining a comprehensive and up-to-date Disaster Management Resource Inventory, awareness generation, education, Research and Development (R&D) and systematic and systematized training. The Deputy Commissioner should ensure the following capacity-building activities of the entire district, and the various Heads of Departments should ensure capacity building of their respective departments. Furthermore, the Nodal Officers should, in coordination with the HODs, procure relevant equipment for disaster management activities.

7.1. Institutional Capacity-building Institutional capacity-building will be structured upon a level-system that will be designed to bring officials and professionals from multiple fields and skill-sets at the district level. The District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) will utilise the abilities and expertise of representatives from following areas, structured in the form of levels on the basis of priority.

7.1.1. Level-1 Capacity-Building A. Centre for Disaster Management, MGSIPA The Centre for Disaster Management (CDM), MGSIPA holds responsibility at the State level for conducting training programs on Disaster Management in all the districts of state. The trainings take place over three to five days and involve district officials from various departments, as per the specificities of the training being conducted. Trainings are conducted in the Institute as well as within the districts, for which officials are nominated by the District Administration. It is incumbent upon these officials to attend the trainings for which they have been nominated, and upon completion of the program, they shall receive certification from

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MGSIPA. The officials in charge of updating the DDMP are also responsible for keeping track of all trainings conducted and at the time of updating the plan, they are to include the names and contact details of all officials from Hoshiarpur district who have attended any Disaster Management related training in the past six-months. This will ensure the availability of trained human resources capable of dealing with disasters at the district level. B. DDMA / HODs The role of District Level Officials in terms of capacity-building and training is primarily that of the District Disaster Management Authority (DDMA). The Authority will ensure that participants from various departments are nominated for the various disaster management-related trainings conducted by CDM, MGSIPA and any other body/authority that is competent to conduct/organise trainings in the field of disaster management. The role of the DDMA will, thus, be predominantly that of coordination and monitoring. Furthermore, capacity-building at the institutional level should be done by carrying out various activities. The DDMA will also be responsible for ensuring that the Heads of Department (HODs) of the following departments discharge their responsibility of nominating officials from their departments for various disaster-management trainings pertaining to their specific areas of work. Agriculture Department The HOD must ensure: 1. Formation and training of a Weather Watch Group for the purpose of monitoring crops in the district. 2. Putting in place disaster management protocols for the hazards of drought, flood, hailstorm, etc 3. Provision of training to farmers in alternate cropping techniques and mixed cropping. 4. Formation of Rapid Damage Assessment Teams who will be capable of assessing the condition of soil, fields, irrigation systems and any other damage to crops in post- disaster situations. Animal Husbandry The HOD must ensure: 1. Formation of Rapid Damage Assessment teams capable of examining and assessing damage caused to livestock, feed and fodder, and other things within the domain of animal husbandry.

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Home Guards The HOD must ensure: 1. Provision of trainings for volunteers, in Search and Rescue (SAR), First Aid, Traffic Management, Dead Body Management, Evacuation, Shelter and Camp Management, Mass Care and Crowd Management. 2. The purchase of SAR equipment through the appropriate channels of the District Administration. District Red Cross Society The HOD must ensure: 1. Provision of training for the preparation of ward-level and village level First Aid teams. 2. Ensure organization of blood donation camps on a regular basis during normal times. 3. Organize drives to recruit volunteers to help with blood donation camps and other activities. Education Department The HOD must ensure: 1. Formation and training of damage and need assessment teams within the department. 2. Provision of trainings in First Aid and basic survival skills for teachers and students in the district. 3. Education and awareness programs should be designed in such a way as to include the disaster management education in the school / college curriculum. 4. Capacity-building at the institutional level should be done by carrying out various activities under the School Safety Programme (SSP). Electricity Department The HOD must ensure: 1. The timely purchase of electric equipment necessary for maintaining a state of adequate preparedness and for speedy and efficient disaster response, through the appropriate channels of the District Administration. Forest Department The HOD must ensure: 1. Formation and training of teams within the department, for catching wild/escaped animals that pose a threat to human safety.

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Punjab Roadways/ PEPSU/ Punbus The HOD must ensure: 1. Provision of training to drivers, conductors and staff in First Aid and basic life saving techniques 2. Adequate stocking/replenishing of First Aid kits and maintenance of fire extinguishers in all vehicles and depots in the district. Health Department The HOD must ensure: 1. Formation and training of damage and need assessment teams within the department. 2. Provision of trainings for preparing teams of paramedics, mobile medical teams, psychological first aid teams and psycho-social care teams. 3. Timely procurement/ purchase of portable equipment for field and hospital diagnosis triage, etc. 4. Provision of trainings for health attendants and ambulance staff in First Aid and life- saving techniques. 5. Provision of training to members of local communities in health and hygiene practices. 6. Capacity-building at the institutional level should be done by carrying out various activities under the Hospital Emergency Preparedness Programme (HEPP). Irrigation Department The HOD must ensure: 1. Provision of trainings to all human resources with regard to early-warning for flood. 2. The timely purchase of early warning and communication equipment through appropriate channels of the District Administration. Development and Panchayat Department The HOD must ensure: 1. Provision of training for formation of teams to engage with the issues of hygiene and sanitation at the village level through the Gram Panchayats. Police Department The efforts of the police go a long way in helping avoid and/or control chaos at disaster sites. They also help prevent human trafficking which is increasingly common in the aftermath of disasters these days. A training module on Disaster Preparedness and Response for Punjab Police has been prepared by CDM, MGSIPA and will need to be modified from time to time as

District Disaster Management Plan, Hoshiarpur 2018-19 Page 94 per the requirement of district. Other training programs on disaster management that are relevant to the role of the police force are conducted by CDM, MGSIPA from time to time, and the District Administration should ensure that police personnel are deputed for such trainings. The trained police personnel should be placed on record within a district level database of persons trained in disaster management. Such trainings are thus an important aspect of capacity-building in the district. District police will also receive training specific to the role of the department from the Police Academy Punjab (PAP) in Jalandhar District. Fire Services Department Punjab Fire services operated by Municipal Corporations/ Municipal Councils. Fire Services in Ludhiana district should be made responsible for conducting fire-safety trainings and capacity building for all district officials as well as for Education institutions, housing societies and etc. from time to time. District Fire Services should also be made responsible for conducting safety audits of various government and civilian buildings in order to check whether they are compliant with fire safety norms. Furthermore, the Fire Services should conduct mock-drills for fire-fighting and evacuation procedures from time to time, following a schedule stipulated by the District disaster Management Authority (DDMA). Training programs on disaster management that are relevant to the role of the Fire Services and the District Administration should ensure that fire personnel are deputed for such trainings. The trained Fire Services personnel should be placed on record within a district-level database of persons trained in disaster management. Such trainings are thus an important aspect of capacity-building in the district.

7.1.2. Level-2 Capacity Building a. Civil Engineers (structural capacity building) There is strong evidence that appropriate engineering intervention can significantly reduce the risk of disasters. Civil engineers also play an important role in post-disaster conditions – in rescue operations, damage assessment and the retrofitting of structures. Civil engineers need to keep themselves updated about the latest research and developments in construction technology, advances in construction materials and analysis or design procedures. Civil engineers should also take support from other branches of engineering for the better planning, execution and functioning of their building and infrastructure projects. Trainings to Civil Engineers will be provided by CDM. Furthermore, at the district level, civil engineers will conduct training of masons for construction of earthquake-resistant structures. Such trainings will be facilitated by the DDMA.

District Disaster Management Plan, Hoshiarpur 2018-19 Page 95 b. Corporates, Professionals The National Disaster Management Framework emphasizes on the “involvement of corporate sector in awareness generation and disaster preparedness and mitigation planning‟. Keeping in mind the need to mainstream disaster management concerns at multiple levels of the corporate sector, the following steps should be taken into consideration: 1. Through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Corporates can assist in development projects can thus help enhance the capacity at the district-level. 2. Conducting mock-drills at regular intervals to determine the efficacy of the DM plans. 3. Large-scale association with awareness generation initiatives aimed at building the knowledge, attitude and skills of the common people for a safer habitat. 4. To move away from relief centric approach to a pro-active assault on vulnerabilities through risk management measures and capacity building of industrial personnel through Business Continuity Planning (BCP), trainings and other measures. 5. Training of a core team of Structural Engineers for retrofitting of existing industrial infrastructure as per requirement. 7.2 Strengthening of District (EOC) As mentioned in Chapter 6, the Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) contains important equipment and certain resources such as maps and communication equipment including landline telephones, mobile phones, satellite phones, walkie-talkie, ham radio, computer/ laptop with printer facility, email facility, fax machine, television, etc. In addition, it will also contain, LCD monitors, printers, videoconferencing equipment, power sources and backups, copies of plans, etc. It is crucial to strengthen the district-level EOC. This can be done by ensuring regular training of all staff meant to be present in the EOC.

7.3 Capacity-building at the Community Level Capacity-building at the community level includes awareness, sensitisation, orientation and developing skills of communities and community leaders. At the district-level, assistance will be provided by consolidating the know-how and practical training provided by NDRF, Civil Defence and NGO, District Red Cross and Self-Help Groups (SHGs) and disseminating it within the communities. Multiple responsibilities within the arena of capacity-building and training will be delegated to local authorities, PRIs and ULBs under the overall guidance of District authorities. It is also crucial to focus on imparting training, cultivating community awareness and ensuring skill-development among members of the community. Furthermore,

District Disaster Management Plan, Hoshiarpur 2018-19 Page 96 capacity-building at the community level should be done on the Public Private Partnership (PPP) model. This can be done by ensuring identification of local resources and developing local infrastructure through PPP. Community-based Disaster Risk Reduction (CBDRR) and Village Contingency Planning (VCP) is also critical for capacity building at the community- level and will be managed by the concerned departments in the district.

7.4 Development of IEC Material Addressing the specific requirements of vulnerable regions and the risk mitigation and preparedness needs of identified communities, various IEC material like list of do’s and don’ts, posters, leaflets, banners, training modules and audio visual material must be prepared using capacity building funds of the state. The aim is to develop a large body of advocacy and awareness materials, especially in vernacular languages, targeting vulnerable groups such as women, children, elderly, Physical disables, and marginalized and excluded groups. 7.5 Sensitization/Awareness Campaigns

The District administration must reach out to the local residents and general public of the district with various level sensitization programmes. Sensitization programmes shall be conducted for schools, hospitals, colleges, communities, policy makers and all other specific sectors. Awareness on multi hazards and dos and don’ts to solve it are most import and basic for a human being to save him/herself. Disaster strikes everywhere everyone irrespective of land, caste, creed, color, people, and gender. The basic information shall be given in forms of booklets reading materials, audiovisual material etc. The broad objectives of such programmes shall be as follows: 1. To bring awareness about disasters among the inmates of all institutions and residents of all communities in district.

2. To pave way for strict enforcement of building rules in construction departments and contractors.

3. Preparation of Building Evacuation Plans and training the general public on base of IRS self defence thereby building capacities of school authorities and saving lives in the event of an Earthquake or Fire accidents or any other disaster.

4. To sensitize officers from the District Administration, Department of Education, Police, Health, Fire Service and all other parallel agencies.

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Different methods and techniques shall be utilized to spread awareness on disaster in the district. Some sample techniques and methods are listed below:

 Public meetings / workshop/ seminar/ training.

 Wall painting in the communities.

 Distribution of posters/ leaflets and other Information Education and Communication (IEC) materials to students and local people.

 Observation of disaster risk management day/ week.

 Street plays, documentaries and films on disaster management subject.

 Use of electronic media, especially cable channels and print media.

 Quiz-painting competitions, special types of books, etc for students.

 Any other means the DDMA/ESFs feels apt and proper.

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Response and Relief Measures Chapter-8

Response planning provides rapid and disciplined incident assessment to ensure a quickly scalable, adaptable and flexible response. It incorporates National and State response doctrine, which defines basic roles and responsibilities for incident response across all levels of government and the private sector.

Before taking up response activities, the DM (RO/IC as per IRS) will hold a briefing meeting takes stock of situation, availability and mobilization of resources for listing out the various tasks and to provide proper briefing to the responders. The DM/RO will nominate Operation Section Chief (OSC) based on "incident type" and rest will follow as per IRS/IRT and other procedural guidelines issued by the state.


The disaster response structure will be activated on the receipt of disaster warning/on the occurrence of the disaster and with approval of competent authority. The occurrence of disaster may be reported by the concerned monitoring authority to the Commissioner of Relief/SDMA by fastest means. The Commissioner of Relief (CoR) will activate all departments for emergency response including the State EOC, District EOC and ERCs. Also they will issue instructions to include the following details:

Exact quantum of resources (in terms of manpower, equipment and essential items from key departments/stakeholders) that is required.

 The type of assistance to be provided.

 The time limit within which assistance is needed.

 Detail of other Task/Response Forces through which coordination should take place.

The State EOC and other control rooms at State level as well as district control rooms should be activated with full strength. The State Government may publish a notification in the official gazette declaring such areas to be disaster affected under applicable Act/Rule etc. Once the situation is totally controlled and normalcy is restored, the Commissioner of Relief declares end of Emergency Response and issue instructions to be withdraw the staff deployed in emergency duties.


Emergency Support Functions (ESF) is a grouping of government and certain private- sector capabilities into an organizational structure to provide the support, resources, program implementation, and services that are most likely to be needed to save lives, protect property, public health and maintain public safety, the environment, restore essential services and critical

District Disaster Management Plan, Hoshiarpur 2018-19 Page 99 infrastructure, and help victims and communities return to normal, during an immediate response phase of a disaster.

In order to minimize damage, protect and save lives, assets i.e. primary, secondary and tertiary assets and maintain essential services in the District Hoshiarpur, it is important for the District Administration to develop a plan and organize itself to act and function during the time of emergency depending on the intensity and requirements during different hazards inclusive of its probable rapidity, duration and location; in instances like earthquake and floods that could affect the district.

It is critical to respond to an emergency situation with full fledged planning, identifying of common tasks and functions that must be performed, allocation and co-ordination of the functions to the primary and supporting agencies, facilitating and networking for the accomplishment of the functions. It is also mandatory to ensure that the agencies assigned with various tasks have well prepared and detailed SOPs that state as to how the critical tasks need to be carried out and be associated with larger functions.

The Emergency Support Functions identified for Hoshiarpur along with the Primary Agency, Team leader and Supporting Agencies is presented in Table1.

For Direction and Control, the District Incident Commander, is the Deputy Commissioner, Hoshiarpur who will undertake the overall direction, coordination and control of the ESFs mentioned below. He will be assisted by the District Head Quarter Team and the agency of Law & Order, Hoshiarpur who will be the Disaster Site Incident Commander.

During a disaster the need to conduct a Damage Assessment is very vital. This enables the Incident Commander to take critical decisions. The Nodal Officer for Damage Assessment is the District Revenue Officer. The function of the Nodal Officer for Damage Assessment is to conduct ground surveys to determine the scope of the damage, causalities and the status key of facilities and resources. The Primary Departments that are involved in the undertaking of the Damage Assessment are the Revenue Section, the Education Department, etc with the support of Non-Governmental Organizations and volunteers.

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able No.1 - Emergency Support Functions

ESF Nodal Primary ESF Support Agency Officer Agency / (ies) 1.Commissioner of Police ESF 1 Coordination i. Deputy i. District 2. ADC Commissioner Administration 3. Municipal Commissioner ii. Municipal 4. District Fire Officer Corporation 5.Civil Surgeon 6. DTO

7. DFSC 8. DRO 9. JDA 10. Distt. Commandant, Punjab Home Guards & Civil Defence 11. SE, PWD 12. SE, B & R 13. SE Public Health 14. Chief Eng., PSEB 15. All IAS & PCS Officers of Hoshiarpur. Distt. 16.NHAI 17. All XENs of Diff. Dept. 18. Deputy Director Sainik Welfare 19. Core Commander 20. Army 21. CRPF 22. ITBP 23.Punjab Armed Police 24. Border Security Force 25.Depty Dir. Animal Husbandry.

1. Deptt. of Civil Engg., of Reputed Sub Advisory i) Deputy Engineering College/ National Institute of Funct Committee Commission Technology. ion er ESF1 1.Ham Radio Operator Clubs ESF2 Communica i. i. Police Dept. 2. Existing Wireless Operators (Police, tion Commission ii. Fire, Revenue) er of Police Telecommunic 3. Telecom Dept. ii. G M ation Dept. 4. Mobile Operators Telecom 5.Akashwani, FM Radios 6. Doordarshan 7. Signals Regiment – Army

1. Akashwani & FM Stations ESF Emergency, i. DPRO i. District 2. Doordarshan; 3 Public Public 3. City Cable Information, Relation Dept. 4. Newspapers Helpline & 5. Public Information Dept. Warning 6. Municipal Corporation; 7. Education Dept 8. Health Dept. 1. Railways ESF Transportatio i. District i. 2. Deptt. of Punjab Roadways

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4 n Transport Transportation 3. Private Transport Operators Officer Dept. 4.Taxi Associations 5.Air Force, Adampur (Air Lifting) 6. NHAI 7. All leading Public Sector & Private Organisations 8.Community Volunteers 9.Voluntary Organisations 1.Fire Stations ESF Search/ Commission i. Dist. Fire 2. Army 5 Rescue & er, Municipal Office & Fire 3. Police Dept. Evacuation Corporation 4.Civil Defence Brigade 5.Health Dept. 6.Education Dept. 7. NCC ii. Police Dept. 8. NYKS 9.Para-Military Forces 10. NGOs 1. Civil Hospital, ESF Emergency Civil i. Health Dept. 2. Dispensaries 6 Medical Surgeon 3.Mobile Dispensaries Response & 4. Private Hospitals, Clinics & Nursing Trauma Homes Counseling 5.Ambulance Service 6.Blood Banks 7.Red Cross 8.NSS 9.Rotary Club 10.Lions Club 11.NGOs 12. IMA 13. Medicine Stockists 1. Commissioner of Police ESF Law & District i.District 2. SDMs 7 Order Magistrate Administration 3.Home Guards Enforcemen 4. Municipal Corporation t a.Law and 5.Municipal Councillors Order section 6. Army 7. Para-Military Forces 8. Community Volunteers b. Police Dept. 9. Voluntary Organisations

1. Road Departments (NHAI, PWD, etc) Sub Access i. SP Traffic i. Police Dept. 2. NCC functi Control & 3. NYK on of Re-Entry 4.Community Volunteers ESF 5. NGOs 7

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1. Fire Stations ESF Fire i. Municipal i. District & 2. Army 8 Fighting Commission State Fire Operations er. Service 3. Health Dept. 4. Civil Defence ii. Chief Fire 5. Home Guards Officer ii. Police Dept. 6. Para-Military Forces 7. IOCL 8. BPCL 9. HPCL 10. Other Industries & their Unions/Associations

ESF Relief 9 1. Civil Supplies Corporations Sub Food, i. District i. Civil 2. DMs of SFC funct Shelter & Food supplies 3. Procurement Agencies like Punjab Agro ion Supplies) Supplies ii. FCI (local 4. Warehousing Agencies like Markfed, ESF Controller chapter) Punjab Supplies 9 ii. Municipal iii. Dist. 5. Food Corporation of India (local Commission Welfare Dept. chapter) er 6. All Local Civil Suppliers iii. District 7. District Mandi Officer Welfare Officer 1. NCC Volunteers & i. District i. Civil 2.NYKS Donations Commandan Defence & 3. Blood Banks t Home Punjab Home 4. NSS Guards & Guards 5.Rotary Club Civil Defence ii. District Red 6.Lions Club ii. Secy. of Cross 7.IMA Red Cross 8. NGOs 9. Scouts & Guides, etc.

ESF Utilities Restoration 10 1. Municipal Corporation Sub Water i. Additional i. Public 2. Irrigation Dept. functi Supply & Deputy Health on of Sewerage/Dr Commission Engineering ESF ainage er Dept. 10 Systems (Developme ii. Sewerage nt) Board iii. Drainage Dept 1. Municipal Corporation Electricity i. Chief i. Punjab 2. Indian Railways Restoration Executive State Engineer Electricity Board 1. Concerned SDM ESF Damage i. District i. Revenue 2. Municipal Corporation 11 Assessment Revenue Dept 3. Electricity Board

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& Resource Officer 4. Public Health Engineering Dept. ii. Education Mobilisation 5. Health Deptt. ii. General Dept 6. Education Deptt. Manager iii. District 7. PWD (B & R), etc. (DIC) Industry 8. Secy Red Cross Center 9. NGOs Public 1. PWD (B & R) ESF SE, PWD i. PWD Works & 2. Municipal Corporation, 12 Engineering ii. Municipal etc. Inspection, Corporation Condemnati on & Demolition 1. O & M, Municipal Corporation ESF Road Debris SE, B & R, i. B&R, 2. NHAI 13 Clearance & Municipal Municipal 3. NCC Equipment Corporation Corporation 4. Scouts & Guides Support 5. Divisional Forest Officer 6. NH Division 7. Army 8. Private Contractors 9. Military Engineering Services 10. Industries ESF Oil & i. i. Fire Safety 1. IOCL 14 Hazardous Commission Departmen 2. BPCL Material er, Municipal t 3. HPCL Response Corporation 4. Other Industries & their ii. Municipal Unions/Associations Corporatio 5. Police Dept. n 6. Army 7. Civil Defense 8. Home Guards 9. Para-Military Forces 10. Health Dept. 1. Animal Husbandry Dept. at City level ESF Animal i. Deputy i. Animal 2. Private Vetrinary Doctors 15 Care. Director, Husbandry 3. Animal Medicine Stockists Animal Dept. 4. NGOs Husbandry 5.Voluntary Organizations 6.CBOs 7. Religious Organizations.

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Chapter-9 Reconstruction, Rehabilitation and Recovery Measures

Rehabilitation and reconstruction comes under recovery phase immediately after relief and rescue operation of the disaster. This post disaster phase continues until the life of the affected people comes to normal. This phase mainly covers damage assessment, disposal of debris, disbursement of assistance for houses, formulation of assistance packages, monitoring and review, cases of non-starters, rejected cases, non-occupancy of houses, relocation, town planning and development plans, awareness and capacity building, housing insurance, grievance redressal and social rehabilitation etc.

9.1 Post Disaster Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Post disaster reconstruction and rehabilitation should pay attention to the following activities for speedy recovery in disaster hit areas. The contribution of both government as well as affected people is significant to deal with all the issues properly.

o Damage assessment o Disposal of debris o Disbursement of assistance for houses o Formulation of assistance packages o Monitoring and review o Cases of non-starters, rejected cases, non-occupancy of houses o Relocation o Town planning and development plans o Reconstruction as Housing Replacement Policy o Awareness and capacity building o Housing insurance o Grievance redressal

9.2 Administrative Relief The district is the primary level with requisite resources to respond to any natural calamity, through the issue of essential commodities, group assistance to the affected people, damage assessment and administrating appropriate rehabilitation and restoration measures. The district level relief committee consisting of official and non-official members including the local legislators and the members of parliament review the relief measures. Hoshiarpur district is sub-divided into 4 sub-division i.e. Hoshiarpur, Garhshankar, Mukerian, Dasuya. The head of a subdivision is called the Sub-Division Magistrate (SDM) while the head of a Tehsil is known as a Tehsildar. When a disaster is apprehended, the entire machinery of the district, including the officers of technical and other departments, swings into action and maintains almost continuous contact with each village in the disaster threatened area.

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9.3 Reconstruction of Houses Damaged / Destroyed Houses should be reconstructed in the disaster hit areas according to the following Instructions: o Owner Driven Reconstruction o Public Private Partnership Program (PPPP) o Under the PPPP the houses are reconstructed by the NGOs for the beneficiaries to be registered in the joint names of the husband and wife. o All the houses should be insured. o Owner Driven Reconstruction o Financial, technical and material assistance provided by the government. o The designs for seismic reconstruction of houses provided by the government. o The material assistance provided through material banks at subsidized rates. o Design of 20 model houses provided to the public to choose from with an option to have one’s own design.

9.4 Military Assistance If the district administration feels that the situation is beyond its control then immediate military assistance could be sought for carrying out the relief operations.

9.5 Medical Care Specialized Medical Care may be required to help the affected population. Preventive medicine may have to be taken to prevent outbreak of diseases.

9.6 Epidemics In the relief camps set up for the affected population, there is a likelihood of epidemics from a number of sources. The strategy should be to subdue such sources and immunize the population against them. The public health centers, health departments can practice vaccination drives, public awareness to drink boiled water, use chlorine tablets to purify the water sources.

9.7 Corpse Disposal Disposal of dead bodies is to be carried out as a part of the operation to prevent outbreak of epidemics. Minimum official requirements should be maintained as it is a very sensitive issue. The following points may be considered by the concerned authorities at the time of corpse disposal:- 1. Mass photographs of corpses, 2. Consent of the relatives or hand over to them 3. Make a panchnama of concerned localities.

9.8 Salvage

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A major effort is needed to salvage destroyed structure and property. Essential services like communications, roads, bridges, electricity would have to be repaired and restored for normalization of activities.

9.9 Outside Assistance

During disaster situations, considerable relief flows in from outside, thus there is an immediate need to co-ordinate the relief flows so that the maximum coverage is achieved and there is no duplication of work in the same area.

9.10 Special Relief Along with compensation packages, essential items may have to be distributed to the affected population to provide for temporary sustenance.

9.11 Information Information flow and review is essential part of the relief exercises. Constant monitoring is required to assess the extent of damage, which forms the basis of further relief to the affected areas.

9.12 Social Rehabilitation Disabled persons o Artificial limbs fitted to affected persons. o Modern wheelchairs, supportive devices provided. Children o Orphaned children are fostered. o Day centers set up o Orphanages established. o Child help lines established. Paraplegics o Pension scheme introduced for paraplegics. o Physiotherapy under continuous supervision of doctors. Old Persons o Aged persons given pensions. o Old Age Homes established. Women o Pension sanctioned.

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Chapter-10 Financial Resources for Implementation of DDMP

District Disaster Response Funds and District Disaster Mitigation Funds are to be created at the District Level as mandated by Section 48 of the DM Act. The disaster response funds at the district level would be used by DDMA towards meeting expenses for emergency response, relief, rehabilitation in accordance with the guidelines and norms laid down by the Government of India and the State Government.

All State Government Departments, Boards, Corporations, PRIs and ULBs would prepare their DM plans including the financial projections to support these plans. The necessary financial allocations would be made as part of their annual budgetary allocations and ongoing programmes and should be used for mitigation and preparedness measures. They will also identify mitigation projects and project them for funding in consultation with the SDMA/DDMAs to the appropriate funding agency. The guidelines issued by NDMA vis-a-vis various disasters should be considered while preparing mitigation projects.

DDMA should also look at other options of new financial tools like catastrophe risk financing, risk insurance, micro-insurance etc. to compensate for massive losses on account of disasters.

Opportunities of CSR investments should be explored and elaborated under this section by the DDMA for increasing district resilience.

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Chapter-11 Procedure and Methodology for Monitoring, Evaluation, Updation and Maintenance of DDMP

Evaluating the effectiveness of plans involves a combination of training events, exercise etc. to determine whether the goals, objectives, decisions, actions and timing outlined in the plan will result in an effective response. Indicative guidelines for monitoring and evaluation of plan are as given below:

 Regularly review the implementation of the plan.

 Check the efficacy of the plan after any major disaster/emergencies in the district and see what did work and what did not work and make amendments to the plan accordingly.

 As per Sub Section (4) of Section 31 of the Disaster Management Act, 2005 the plan would be reviewed and updated annually and the year in which plan has been reviewed would be clearly mentioned in shape of header in each page of the plan.

 Keep District, State and National Disaster Resource Inventory updated (SDRN/IDRN) and connected with the plan.

 Update coordinates of responsible personnel and their roles / responsibility every six months or whenever a change happens. Names and contact detail of officers/Officials who are the nodal officers or the in-charge of resources to be updated on regular basis.

 Plan should be web enabled with access on intra and internet.

 Plan should be circulated to all stakeholder departments, agencies and organizations so that they know their role and responsibilities and also prepare their own plans.

 Regular Drills / exercises should be conducted to test the efficacy of the plan and check the level of preparedness of various departments and other stakeholders.

 Regular training and orientation of the officers / Officials responsible to implement the plan should be done so that it become useful document to the district administration.

 Army, NDRF, SDRF and other agencies should be integrated into the plan exercise regularly.

 DDMA should hold regular interaction and meeting with the Army or any other central government agencies for strengthening coordination during disasters.

 The DEOC should be made responsible for keeping the plan in updated form and collecting, collating and processing the information.

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Chapter-12 Coordination Mechanism for Implementation


Dealing with a major disaster requires resources from outside the district. When the capacities of a district administration are overwhelmed higher levels are called upon to assist. Likewise, assets and capabilities in the corporate and non-governmental sectors available around the district may be brought to bear.

There are may actions undertaken by participants in disaster management that support this goal, both pre-disaster (to forestall or reduce potential damage) and post-disaster (to recover from actual damage) and ideally these activities would reduce the potential effects of a disaster significantly. For achieving this objective, the plan should have a pre-established and practiced mechanism for Inter, intra and extra agency coordination.

Communication is the most important tool for effective coordination. Generally, Emergency Operation Centre (EOC) is the enabler of communication and coordination. EOC communication and coordination plan (Eoc-SoP) should specify procedures for interfacing with different stakeholders during all phases of emergency as stated in DDMP framework.

Pre-Disaster meetings to review the DDMP with all stakeholders should be planned.

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Chapter-13 Standard Operating Procedure

The Standard Operating Procedures are the steps prepared in concise form as a response to any kind of disaster. It suggests the sequence of actions to be taken by different departments in the central/state/district level. Therefore, it recommends an institutional mechanism in explicit terms for any disasters with the state/district level administrations functioning on a cause based mechanism.

The Objectives of the SOP are:-

o To provide, in a concise and convenient form, a list of major executive actions involved in responding to natural disasters and necessary measures for preparedness, response and relief required to be taken. o To provide, in a concise and convenient form, a list of major executive actions involved in responding to natural disasters and necessary measures for preparedness, response and relief required to be taken.

o To ensure that all concerned Ministries, Departments and Organizations of the State Governments and District Administrations know the precise measures required of them at each stage of the process and also to ensure that all actions are closely and continuously coordinated.

o To indicate various actions which would be required by the State Governments/District Administrations within their sphere of responsibilities so that they may prepare and review the Contingency Action Plans Accordingly?

13.1 Deputy Commissioner

Normal Time Activities 1. He/she will prepare a comprehensive and separate plan of his/her jurisdiction as well as the consolidated District Disaster Management Plan (DDMP) in consultation with concerned Officer including the details of resources as a part of DDMP. While preparing/updating the DDMP, He should consider the following matters to include- a) A map of Disaster Prone areas in the District, geographical conditions, occupational details, settlements, Rain, irrigation and industries etc. b) Safe alternative routes to utilize during disaster in the disaster prone areas. c) Key officers of all the departments, staff, vehicles and buildings. d) Details of EOC arrangement. e) Details of geographical groups and assignment of In-charge Officer consisting the staff of District

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office, and other District level officers etc; f) Details of food grain storage places in the District and Fair Price Shops. g) Details of vehicles and equipments available in the District for rescue operation. h) Set up for communication to communicate the massages in the affected areas. i) Details and operating systems for District Disaster Management Committee. j) List of NGOs and self Help groups and their addresses and phone numbers in District DM Plan. k) Orientation and training to various District level officers and departments for effective functioning of EOC, co-ordinations and operations. l) Special appointments of persons in charge of EOC. m) Hazard analysis, seasons, possibilities of disasters and review of disaster history. n) Review of disaster prone areas, risks, response plan, resources and utility of resources and equipment. o) Develop strategy for disaster management.

2. Review DDMP twice in a year. 3. To check the condition of safe shelters in each village included in the VDMP during his/her visit to a particulars village and if necessary, get it repaired by co-coordinating with the local authorities, available financial resources and voluntary organizations. 4. Repairing of roads and ways leading to safe shelters by coordinating with various development plans/schemes. 5. To undertake development projects like rural housing, scarcity relief works, disposal of rainwater and water conservation and water harvesting. 6. To co-ordinate scheme for poverty eradication, self-employment and the schemes of other departments. On Receiving Warning 1. Will review the alarming situation in the meeting of District Disaster Management Committee headed by the Deputy Commissioner. 2. Assigning the work as to what to be done by which officer in the case of disaster hits. 3. Will review and have co-ordination task. 4. Will alert and activate the functionaries related to early warning and communication looking to the possibilities of Disaster and will see that the warning messages are intimated to the concerned officials quickly. 5. Distribution of work for operation of round the clock control room. 6. Compulsory presence of all District level staff in their Head quarters. 7. Will instruct all the staff to remain present at their respective places. 8. Will send the vehicles with mikes and sound system for the areas of top priorities. 9. Shifting the people living in near the rivers, streams, economically weaker people socially and economically backward families and homeless 10. Will work out the arrangements for search and rescue operation, shifting of people and utilization of human resources as per necessity with the Help of DMTs and local community through zonal officers. 11. Will arrange for temporary shelter for the people evacuated on giving the warning in advance.

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12. Will procure the vehicles to shift the people to the safer place when necessary. 13. Will undertake the operation of forceful evacuation of people if they are not ready to leave even after warning. 14. Will arrange for food, drinking water, medicines at temporary shelters and relief camps with the Help of local NGOs, doctors, industrial houses etc. 15. Will make in advance preparations for relief activities through local NGOs, Industrial houses, and donors over and above normal norms of relief. 16. Will work out the financial estimates for search and rescue and immediate relief and procure enough Help from the National authority. Post Disaster Activities 1. Will segregate the villagers and areas victimized by the disaster and activate the DMTs. 2. Will start relief activities including emergency relief distribution and work out the strategy of damage assessment and provide the formats for the same and explain to all the staff members. 3. Will guide the team members about the payments of relief accident to damage as per the rules and policies of the government before the start the duty. 4. Will make transparent arrangements at District and Block level for the transportation and distribution of Govt. relief amount and materials. 5. Will make due arrangements to see that there should be no haphazard distribution of relief material so that needy people are not deprived of it. 6. Will arrange for drinking water and essential things at community kitchen/relief camps as per the necessity. 7. Will work out the primary estimates of the damage. 8. Will provide the correct information of damage to the district administration and control room. 9. Will undertake the rescue operations to save the trapped people through DMTs, trained police personnel and swimmers on need base. 10. Will requisite more vehicles for rescue work, shifting the people to temporary/permanent dispensary for treatment through DMTs, fire personnel, local police, Para military forces etc; 11. Will assign the task of identifying the people who died; maintain the dead bodies till legal procedure is over. 12. Will immediately dispatch the damage survey teams consisting technical persons from the various departments. 13. Will make arrangement for the transport to bring back the people to their areas after the disaster.

13.2 Police Department

Commissioner of Police

Normal Time Activities 1. Where there is more than one police station in a District, the CoP will coordinate the work of disasters management as nodal officer. He will prepare a separate and comprehensive plan of District regarding the department of police and also prepare details of resources as a part of DDMP.

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The official will consider the following: a) Details of contacts of all the staff members under the District. b) Details of buildings, vehicles, contractors and the vehicles used by them in their District. c) Maps and statistical data of District areas. d) Resources and Human Resources useful at the time of Disasters. e) Details of police staff and retired officers/staff of the police and control room. f) Details of functions and of staff of District EOC. g) Appointment of nodal officer in the EOC. h) Traffic arrangements towards the disaster affected areas. i) Details of anti-social elements. j) Security arrangements at relief camps and food storages. k) To control the black marketers of the District. l) Security for the transportation of relief material. m) Order immediate police procedures for human death. n) To assist the authorities for the evacuation of people form disaster affected areas. o) To explain to the staff regarding the disaster and the primary measures. p) Adequate equipments for communication. q) List of swimmers. r) Wireless stations in the District and communication network. 2. To update the related details of Disaster Management Plan. 3. To appoint police control room in charge at the time of disaster. 4. To control the traffic towards disaster affected areas. On Receiving Warning 1. Contact the Deputy Commissioner 2. Make advance preparation to implements the action plan for search and rescue. 3. Prepare a plan for police personnel for search and rescue operation. 4. Arrange to communicate the messages through all the equipments of communication and vehicles as per the requirement. 5. Requisition vehicles after obtaining the orders for the same from District authorities. Post Disaster Activities 1. Arrange law and order against theft in the Disaster affected areas. 2. Co-ordinate the search and rescue operation through Task Force members, military etc; 3. Arrange for security at the relief camps / relief materials stores. 4. Ensure that law and order is maintained at the time of distribution of relief material. 5. Assist the authorities for evacuation of people to the safe places.

13.3 Health Department

Chief Medical Officer

Normal Time Activities 1. While preparing the DM Planning/updating the same, the Health department shall take care to include the following particulars carefully: (a) A separate plan for Disaster Management regarding Health. (b) Arrangements for exchange of information at District Hospital.

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(c) Appointment of nodal officer. (d) Advance arrangements for life saving medicines, insecticides and vaccines. (e) Maintenance of vehicles such as ambulance, jeep and other equipments such as generators etc; (f) Distribution of work by forming groups of staff during emergency. (g) List of private practicing doctors/medical facilities (h) Arrangement for survey of Disaster. (i) Mobile Dispensary Units. (j) Information regarding proper places for on the spot medical services in various Blocks during disaster. (k) Dissemination of information among the people regarding the death, injury etc; (l) Primary information of Disaster related relief activities to all the staff members. (m) Training to Primary Health Center / Community Health Center staff to prevent spreading of diseases among people, animals, and advance planning for the same. (n) Blood GroupWise list of blood donors with contact telephone numbers and addresses.

2. Formulate special program to generate sympathy and awareness among the staff/officers of Health for disaster management. 3. Training to DMTs regarding first aid. 4. To prepare an action plan for the availability of equipments to be useful at the time of disaster management for medical treatment. 5. Co-ordination with various Govt. agencies-schemes to meet the necessity of equipments in emergencies. 6. To see that all the vehicles like ambulance, jeep and equipments like generators and equipments essential for the Health care with Primary Health Center are in working condition. On Receiving Warning 1. Ensure the availability of important medicines, life saving medicines, insecticides and if necessary contact the district authorities for additional supply. 2. Round the clock control room at mother Primary Health Center at District level. 3. Send the Health Staff for duty in their areas as per the plan of Disaster Management. 4. Activate the mobile Health units for the post disaster situation. 5. Organize in advance to mobilize the local doctors and local voluntary agency for emergency work. 6. Establish the live contact with district / District control rooms. 7. Contact the blood donors for blood donation, on the basis of lists prepared. Post Disaster Activities 1. Provide first aid to the injured and shifting of seriously injured people to the nearby hospital/Primary Health Center. 2. Send sufficient stock of medicines to the affected areas immediately. 3. Make arrangements for the available additional Health staff in the affected areas deputed by the Department of Health. 4. Organize to sprinkling of insecticides to prevent spreading of diseases, through people's participation in the affected areas. 5. Ensure the purity of drinking water by testing the sources of water. 6. Depute the mobile units for first aid. 7. Distribution of chlorine tablets including other necessary medicines from house to house through Health staff and local DM volunteers. 8. Shift the seriously injured people to the hospital. 9. Immediately start the procedure for post mortem of the dead persons as per rules.

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13.4 Water Supply Department

Normal Time Activities While preparing / updating the DDMP, the water supply department shall ensure the following to be included in it: (a) Setting up of control room and arrangement for control room operator. (b) Assign the responsibility as nodal officer to the Engineer or any other officer. (c) Prepare an alternative contingency plan to provide drinking water in case of failure of regular water distribution system during disaster. (d) Detailed information of available water resources in all the villages of the District. (e) Arrangement of Govt./ Private tankers to provide water temporary and immediately. (f) Preventive measures for water borne diseases and chlorination of water. (g) Availability of safe drinking water in the affected areas. (h) Inform Staff about the disasters. On Receiving Warning 1. Organize the teams to check the sources of water / drinking water. 2. Standby arrangement of tankers for drinking water through tankers or any others available sources. 3. Will arrangements for DG sets for electric supply due to possibility of disruption of the electric supply same at the time of Disaster 4. Will make available chlorine tablets in sufficient quantity and arrange to distribute through DMTs. Post Disaster Activities 1. Implement the alternative contingency plan to provide drinking water in case of failure of regular water distribution systems during disaster. 2. Will start work for immediate repairing of water pipes in case of damage. 3. Will arrange to check the water tanks, overhead tanks, and pumps, reservoirs and other water sources. 4. Will contact the electricity authorities to reestablish the electric supply in case of failure. 5. Provide chlorinated water either by activating group water supply schemes, individual schemes or through tankers. 6. Provide drinking water to the relief camps / relief kitchens, shelters etc through available resources.

13.5 Irrigation Department

XEN Irrigation

Normal Time Activities While preparing / updating the DDMP, the irrigation department shall carefully include the following particulars: (a) Contact addressed and phone numbers of all the staff/officers, vehicles and swimmers of the District. (b) Details of irrigation related factors in the District such as rivers, streams, large and medium dams etc; (c) Control room arrangements in the Head quarter and appointment of Nodal Officer. (d) Details of damage prone places, villages and the approach roads in the District.

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(e) Location of Water level gauge station for flood situation. (f) Set up to disseminate information/warning to the EOC/ district irrigation control room and to the damage prone villages in case of flash flood situation. (g) Details of immediate action to be taken in case of leakage in large water storage reservoirs. (h) Supervision over major storage/reservoirs. (i) Very clear explanation of disaster and priorities during disasters to all the staff. (j) Effective working of control room at every major dam. (k) Adequate number of emergency equipments for communication. (l) Periodical checking of Yamuna river, canal-tunnel, roads leading to canal, river etc for maintenance during normal time. On Receiving Warning 1. Ensure that communication equipments like telephone; mobile phone, wireless set and siren etc. are in working condition. 2. Keep the technical/non technical staff under your control ready and alert them. 3. Get status reports of ponds, dam, canal, and small dams through technical persons. 4. Take decision to release the water in consultation with the competent authority and immediately warn the people living in low-lying areas through Control Rooms of District / District in case of increasing flow of water or overflow. 5. Keep the alternative safety arrangements ready in case of damage to the river wall. 6. Make due arrangements to disseminate the information about the increasing and decreasing water level in Yamuna river. 7. Will arrange to provide the de watering pumps, generators, trucks, and bulldozers, excavator, Boats for search and rescue operations wherever are required.. Post Disaster Activities 1. Will obtain the clear picture of the condition of Yamuna river through team of technical officers. 2. Will keep the District and EOC informed about river-wise water level and related conditions. If there is no possibility and risk, keep the people and media informed about "everything is safe". 3. If overflow or any leakage is found, He will immediately warn the people living in low-lying areas through District EOC rooms. 4. Take due care for the transportation of drinking water if drinking water is provided through irrigation scheme. 5. Assist the local administration to use boats, de watering pumps etc for search and rescue operations.

13.6 P.W.D (B&R) Department

Superintending Engineer

Normal Time Activities 1. While preparing a separate plan and details of resources of Work and Human Settlement Department as a part of Departmental DMP the following should be included. (a) Details of all the staff members under their control in the District. (b) Details of buildings / vehicles and equipments under the control of District office and also the names of contractors with vehicles and equipments use by them. (c) Maps of the areas in the District with the statistical data related to available resources. (d) The position of approach roads and other road of all the Blocks including bridges, etc.

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(e) They will also take care of too see the strictly observe the rules during the constructions regarding earthquake and flood proof materials. (f) The Road Safety and Transport Department will inspect periodically the lifeline buildings such as schools, residences etc under their control. (g) Damage prone road bridges and arrangement for their inspections. (h) Action plan for emergency repairs.

2. Appoint an officer in the rank of Assistance Engineer to coordinate during emergency at the District EOC. 3. Maintain the departmental equipments such as bulldozers, tractors, water tankers, dumpers, earthmover, excavator, de-watering pumps, generators, cutters, tree cutters, ladders, ropes, flood lights, shovels, axes, hammers, RCC cutters etc; which can be used during emergency and will quarterly check up these to ensure in working condition. 4. Make due arrangement for water drainage, latrines etc; at public shelters and such others buildings which can be used for housing the evacuees. 5. Prepare a list of public properties, which could get damaged during disasters and take due advance action to minimize such damage.

On Receiving Warning 1. Immediately contact the District EOC for assistance. 2. Ensure that all the staff members remain on duty at the Headquarters. 3. Send the officers and staff assigning them specific duties. 4. Under take all action for the disaster management required to be done by the Department after receiving instructions from Deputy Commissioner. Post Disaster Activities 1. Follow the instructions of the Deputy Commissioner. 2. Remain active for search and rescue activities. 3. Provide all the available resources and manpower for emergency rescue and response. 4. Mobilize the service of technical personnel for the damage survey work to help the District administration. 5. Prepare a primary report of damage in the affected area within 12 hrs/24 hrs. 6. Make arrangements for electricity, water, and latrines in the temporary shelters. He will also inspect the approach roads leading to the temporary shelter and repair the same if so required. 7. Make arrangements for the repair of roads, bridges etc; ensure free flow of vehicles.

13.7 Power

Station Manager

Normal Time Activities (1) While preparing a separate plan for the Department He will prepare the list of available resources as a part of department resource inventory. He will include the following. (a) Details of the staff members under him with their contact addresses and telephone numbers. (b) Details of buildings, vehicles and equipment under his/her control as well as the names of contractors and the vehicles and equipment used by them.

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(c) Maps showing the power stations, sub-stations, Diversification of Power units (DPs), transformers and major electric lines with detail information. (d) Other important details like water supply scheme depending on electricity, drainage systems, bus-depots, ports, strategically important places, army, air force, major hospitals and for that He will check and ensure of electric supply during emergency. (e) Prepare an action plan for repairs / alternative arrangement in the case of electricity disruption as a part of department and District Disaster Management Plan. (f) Inspect at every 3 months the power stations, sub-stations etc; which are damage prone. (g) The plan should include for timely supply of electric poles, D.Ps, transformers etc; at the time of line disruption. (h) Prepare an action plan for immediate procurement of the required tools and equipments for restoration of electric supply on temporary bases. (i) The technical personnel from the nearby districts which are not affected.

(2) Appoint a nodal officer to coordinate at the District control room during emergency. (3) Maintain the equipment under them such as bulldozers, tractors, water tankers, dumpers, earth mover machines, de-watering pumps, generator, cutters, tree cutters, ladders, ropes, flood lights, shovels, axes, hammers, RCC cutters etc; which can be used during emergencies and will ensure that these are in working condition. He will also check up once in every three months. (4) Take due care to see that the electric supply is not disrupted at the place of emergency services mentioned in point (1) (d), shelters, emergency hospital etc; (5) Prepare a list of public properties, which are in the damage prone areas and will make advance arrangements to minimize the damage. On Receiving Warning (1) Contact the District EOC and assist in their work. (2) Ensure that all the employees under him remain present on duty at the District Head quarter. (3) Assign work to all officers/employees under the DDMP. (4) Receive the instruction for the Deputy Commissioner and will immediate under take all the actions, which are necessary. (5) Ensure to make available the resources available and will establish contacts for the same to deploy those at the time of emergency, which are included in the DDMP. (6) Consult the Deputy Commissioner to discontinue the supply in case of damage in the line or for the safety of the people and property. (7) Make groups having vehicles for the emergency work and will assign the areas. (8) Immediately set up a temporary control room in his/her office for dissemination of information during the disaster and will appoint a nodal officer. Post Disaster Activities (1) Follow the instruction of the Deputy Commissioner. (2) Perform the duties assigned to him for the search and rescue work. (3) Deploy the resources and manpower required for the disaster management. (4) Review the electric supply position, which has got disrupted and ensure that the same is restored as soon as possible. (5) Dispatch the task forces with necessary equipments to the place where the electric supply is disrupted and ensure that the same is restarted at the earliest. (6) Contact the Central Control to procure the machines and equipments, vehicles, manpower, technical personnel for restoration of the electric supply. (7) Utilize the external resources and manpower allotted to him in a planed manner for disaster

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management. (8) Prepare a primary survey report regarding damage in the area under his/her charge and send the same to the District / district control room and to his/her own administrative Head immediately. (9) Make temporary arrangement for electric supply to the places like District Control Room, hospitals, shelter, police stations, ports, bus stand etc; with D.G. sets it necessary. (10) Immediately undertake the emergency repairing work as mentioned in the action plan.

13.8 Communication

Normal Time Activities (1) While preparing a separate plan regarding telephones in his/her jurisdiction/He will include the following details of resources. (a) Details of all the staff members. (b) Details of buildings, vehicles, and equipments under him including the contractors and the vehicles and equipments used by them. (c) Maps showing the details of telephone exchanges, D.Ps, important telephone lines, hot lines, telex lines, microwave towers under him with statistical data. (d) Details of telephone numbers of water supplies, Control Room, hospitals, drainage system, railway stations, bus depots, strategically important places, Army, Jail, Police Station and other sensitive places, major industrial units, and other communication channels which can be used during emergency. (e) Action plan for repairs/alternative arrangement in case of disruption of telephone line and microwave towers. (f) Inspect the telephone exchanges/sub exchanges in the damage prone area at every 3 months. (g) Make an action plan to avail immediately and timely, telephone poles, D.Ps, transformer to the established the communication system. (h) Prepare an action plan to avail temporarily, technical personnel from the nearby district, staff and vehicles from the District office which are not affected in consultation with district authority.

(2) Appoint and an officer not below the rank of telephone inspector to coordinate the District EOC during emergency. (3) Maintain the equipment under them such as diesel generators, dumpers, generator, cutters, tree cutters, ladders, ropes, flood lights, shovels, axes, hammers, RCC cutters, cabal wires, fire equipments, de-dusting equipments etc; which can be used during emergency and ensure every month that these are in working condition. (4) Ensure that the telephone lines at the shelters, District hospital/BHUs, police stations, Control Room and other place of emergencies services which can be used during disaster are not disrupted. (5) Prepare a list of public the properties related to the telephone department which are in the damage prone areas and will make advance arrangements to lessen the damage. On Receiving Warning (1) Contact the District EOC and assist in the work assigned to him as a part of his/her duty. (2) Ensure that the staff under his/her control is on duty at the Headquarters. (3) Assign work to his/her subordinate officers/employees as per the DDMP and send them to the sites. (4) Receive instructions from the Deputy Commissioner and will do the needful. (5) Ensure the availability of resources included in the DDMP and establish contacts for the same during emergency.

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(6) Consult the liaison officer/Block Administrative Officer to discontinue the units which are damage prone or for the safety of the people and the property. (7) Make groups having vehicles for emergency work and will assign the areas out of affected areas to them. (8) Set up a temporary control room for the exchange of information for emergency work and will appoint a nodal officer. Post Disaster Activities (1) Follow the instruction of the Deputy Commissioner. (2) Perform the duties assigned to him for search and rescue work. (3) Deploy the resources and men power available to manage the disaster. (4) Review the situation regarding disconnected telephone lines due to safety majors and reestablish the communication network as soon as possible. (5) Send the Disaster Management Teams [Task Forces] with necessary equipments for restoration of the telephone lines speedily where the lines are disrupted and to such places; which are strategically important. (6) Contact the Officer or the Central Control Room to obtain the equipments, machines vehicles, manpower, and technical personnel to restore the telephone lines. (7) Arrange to obtain external Help to manage the disaster. (8) Prepare a primary survey report of damage in his/her area and will send the same to District EOC and also to his/her administrative Head within 6 hours. (9) Arrange for temporary hotlines services or temporary telephone connections at District EOC, Hospitals, Shelters, Police Station, Bus depots etc; with D.G sets if necessary. (10) Immediately under take the emergency repairing work.

13.9 Agriculture Department

Deputy Director

Normal Time Activities (1) While preparing a separate plan regarding agriculture a part of DDMP. He will include the following details of resources available with him in his/her District. (a) All the details of his/her subordinate staff with addresses and phone numbers and resources of irrigation for agriculture in all the villages. (b) Details of buildings, vehicles and equipments under his/her control and list of contractors with vehicles and equipments used by them. (c) Maps showing details of agricultural resource laboratory, seed center, agriculture training school with statistical data. (d) Details regarding agricultural production, extension, seed growth centers, agriculture university campus, training centers etc; (e) Action plan regarding the repair/alternative arrangement in case of agricultural production related facilities are disrupted. (f) Inspect the sub ordinate offices, other centers and sub centers under his/her control, which are damage prone. (g) Prepare a sub plan for timely and speedy availability of machines and equipments to restoration of the economic activities in case of loss of properties as well as crops. (h) Prepare the action plans to avail the technical, semi technical and administrative employees along

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with vehicles from nearby district and District offices.

(2) Designate an employee as nodal officer supervisor to coordinate the control room during emergency. (3) Maintain the departmental equipments such as diesel generators, dumpers, generator, cutters, tree cutters, ladders, ropes, flood lights, shovels, axes, hammers, RCC cutters, cabal wires, fire equipments, de-dusting equipments etc; which can be used during emergency and ensure every 3 months those are in working condition. (4) Take due care to see that the emergency services at hospital, shelters, with special reference to agriculture are not disrupted. (5) Prepare a list of public properties related to agriculture in the damage prone areas and will in advance make arrangements to lessen the damage. On Receiving Warning (1) Immediately contact the District EOC and will assist in the work assigned to him as a part of his/her duty. (2) Ensure that the staff under this/her control is on duty at the Headquarters. (3) Assign the work to his/her subordinate officers and staff the work to be done regarding agriculture under DDMP and will send them to their sites. (4) Receive instruction from the District liaison officer and will take necessary action. (5) Ensure the availability of resources included in the DDMP and will make due arrangement to get those during emergency. (6) Consult the BDPO to close the units, which are damage prone or looking dangerous for the safety of the people and the property. (7) Make groups having vehicles for emergency work and will assign the areas to them. (8) Set up a temporary Control Room for the dissemination of information for emergency work and will appoint a nodal officer. Post Disaster Activities (1) Follow the instruction of the Deputy Commissioner. (2) Carry out the duty assigned- to him for search and rescue work. (3) Deploy the resources and manpower available to manage the disaster. (4) Review the matters regarding discontinuation of movement for safety measures and will see that it is restarted very soon. (5) Send DMTs with necessary equipments in case of crop is washed away, and water logging is there a very large amount. He will act in such a way that the human life restored again speedily and timely in the priority areas. (6) Contact the circle office or central control room if machines equipments, vehicles, man power; technical personnel are required to restore the agricultural activities. (7) Make arrangement to avail the external Helps to manage to disaster. (8) Collect the details of loss of crops to send it to the District administration. (9) Maintain the details of village wise various crops in his/her District. (10) Prepare a primary survey report of crop damage in his/her/Her area and will send the same to District EOC and also to his/her administrative Head. (11) Immediately put the action plan in real action during the emergency.

13.10 Animal Husbandry Department

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Deputy Director

Normal Time Activities (1) While preparing a separate action plan pertaining to animal husbandry department as a part of DDMP, He will include the following details of available resources: (a) Addresses of members under him with telephone numbers. Details of veterinary centers, artificial insemination centers, veterinary dispensary, veterinary colleges etc; (b) Buildings, vehicles, mobile dispensaries and equipments under his/her control and also the details of vehicles and equipments used often by outsource. (c) Maps showing the details of animal breeding laboratories, animal vaccination centers, animal husbandry training school with statistical data. (d) Details of essential facilities to be provided at sensitive place such as important animal husbandry centers, veterinary college campus, training center etc; (e) Arrangement of repairs/alternative arrangements in case the facilities related to animal husbandry and veterinary services is disrupted. (f) Inspect the sub ordinate offices, other centers and sub centers under his/her control, which are damage prone. (g) Prepare action plans to obtain the technical, semi technical, administrative employees and vehicles from nearby district and District offices. (h) Inspect the sub ordinate offices, other centers and sub centers under his/her control, which are damage prone. (i) Make arrangements to necessary medicines, vaccines and other materials for treatment of animals. (j) Collect the details of cattle in each village of the District, details of safe places for the treatment of animal, milk dairies, other private veterinary doctors and facilities related to it.

(2) Appoint an employee as nodal officer to coordinate the Control Room during emergency. (3) Maintain the equipments available with him such as stands to keep animals, sharp instruments, insecticides, diesel generators, dumpers, generator, cutters, tree cutters, ladders, ropes, flood lights, shovels, axes, hammers, fire equipments, de-dusting equipments etc; which can be used during emergency and will also ensure that they are in working condition. (4) Ensure that essential services related to animal husbandry and veterinary services are not disrupted at the time of emergencies. (5) Prepare a list of public properties related to animal husbandry, which are in damage prone areas and will make advance planning to lessen the damage. On Receiving Warning (1) Immediately contact the District EOC and will assist in the work assign to him as a part of his/her duty. (2) Ensure that the staff under this/her control is on duty at the Headquarters. (3) Assign the work to be done to his/her subordinate officers and staff and send them to their sites. (4) Receive instructions from the Deputy Commissioner and do the needful. (5) Ensure the availability of resources included in the DDMP and will make necessary arrangements to obtain those during emergency. (6) Consult the Liaison Officer to prevent the probable epidemic among the cattle and also for the safety measures. (7) Make groups having vehicles for emergency work and will assign the areas to them. (8) Set up a temporary control room for the exchange of information for emergency work and will

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appoint a nodal officer. Post Disaster Activities (1) Follow the instruction of the District Liaison Officer. (2) Carry out the duty assigned to him for search and rescue work. (3) Deploy the available resources and manpower to manage the disaster. (4) Review the matters to restart the milk collection activity where it has been closed for security measures. (5) Send DMTs with necessary equipments in case of cattle death are there in the affected areas for the disposal of carcass with a view to restoration of public life and result oriented work. He will arrange to treat the injured cattle. (6) Contact the Director of A.H. or District or National EOC, if additional equipments vehicles, manpower, technical personnel etc; are required for restoration of the cattle related activities.

13.11 Road Transport Officer

Normal Time Activities (1) While preparing a separate plan for transportation of his/her District as a part of DDMP, He will include the following details of resources available at the time of emergency. (a) Details of the staff under his/her control with contact numbers, details of bus drivers, conductors, mechanical and supervisory staff. (b) Details of location of buses in all the areas of the District available round the clock. (c) Details of fuel arrangements for buses for emergency work. (d) Do's and Don'ts to be observed strictly during emergencies and details of priorities should be given to the staff. (e) Arrangement for additional buses for evacuation of people from the affected areas. (f) Details of buildings, vehicles and equipments under his/her control and list of contractors with vehicles and equipments use by them. (g) Map showing S.T. depots; pick up stand, control point, S.T. garages and important routes with equipments of communication, telephone line, telex lines, megaphone, and amplifiers with statistical data. (h) Details of important telephone numbers of water supply schemes, control room, hospitals, drainage system, railway stations, bus depots, strategically important places, ports, Army Air force Navy camps and other sensitive places, light houses, major industrial units, and other communication channels which can be used during emergency/calamity. (i) Action plan regarding repairs/alternative arrangement in case of disruption of transport services. (j) Alternative routes for the transportation and road network. (k) Inspect the damage prone Public Transport Depots, pick up stand, control points, garages etc; at the frequency of every three months. (l) Plan out for restoration of goods transportation in case of damages observed to the buses and parcel van. (m) Prepare an action plan to procure temporary buses, the technical personnel from the nearby district which are not affected. (n) Arrange for sufficient quantity of fuel for use during emergency. (2) Appoint an employee as a nodal officer to coordinate during emergency at the District Control Room. (3) Maintain the equipments available with him such as cranes, diesel generator, earth mover machines, de-dusting pumps, cutters, tree cutters, ladders, ropes, flood lights, shovels, axes, hammers, RCC

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cutters etc; which can be used during emergency and will ensure that those are in working condition. (4) Take due care to see that the transportation at shelters and emergency hospital is not disrupted during calamities. (5) Prepare a list of public properties related to transport department, which are in the damage prone area and will arrange in advance to minimize the damage. On Receiving Warning (1) Set up a temporary special control room and information center at the main bus stand. (2) Immediately contact the District control room and will assist in the work assigned to him as a part of his/her duty. (3) Ensure that the staff under this/her control is on duty at the Headquarter. (4) Assign the work to be done his/her subordinate officers and staff regarding transportation under DDMP and will send them to their sites. (5) Receive instructions from the District liaison officer and will do the needful. He will ensure for not allowing passenger buses to move out of the S.T. Depots during final warnings of flood, etc; He will also take safety measures for passengers who cannot return back to their home. (6) Ensure the availability of resources included in the DDMP and will make due arrangements to get those it during emergency. (7) Consult the Liaison Officer to close the transportation in the damage prone areas for the safety of the people and the property. (8) Make groups having vehicles for emergency work and will assign the areas to them. (9) Set up a temporary control room for the dissemination of information for emergency work and will appoint a nodal officer. (10) Make available the sufficient number of S.T. buses to the state administration for the evacuation of the people to safe places from the disaster prone areas. (11) Assist the administration to send the messages of warning to the remote areas through the drivers/conductors on transport routes. Post Disaster Activities (1) Follow the instructions of the District Liaison Officer. (2) Carry out the duty assigned to him for search and rescue work. (3) Engage the resources and manpower available with him to manage the disaster. (4) Review the matters regarding closing of movement of buses for safety reason and see that those are restarted very soon. (5) Send DMTs with necessary equipments if the transportation is disrupted. He will act in such a way that the transportation is restored again speedily and timely in the priority areas. (6) Contact the circle office or central control room if additional equipments vehicles, manpower, technical personnel, which are required to restore the transportation, related activities. (7) Use of external Help received from the non affected districts to manage the disaster. (8) Prepare a primary survey report regarding damage in the area/buses under his/her control and will send the same to the District / district control room as well as to his/her own administrative Head within six hour etc.; (9) Make temporary arrangement transportation for control rooms/hospitals, shelters, bus depots etc; (10) Immediately under take the repairs needed in his/her fleet/at bus stations. (11) Collect the details of roads, damaged and will get them repaired in coordination with competent authority and will restore the bus services.

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Annexure I

Source: National Disaster Management Authority (GOI), 2010, “National Disaster Management Guidelines: Incident Response System”, National Disaster Management Authority (GO)I, New Delhi

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...... Prepared by (Name & Position):

...... Signature

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Source: National Disaster Management Authority (GOI), 2010, "National Disaster Management Guidelines: Incident Response System", National Disaster Management Authority (GOI), New Delhi.

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List of established Flood Control Rooms in District Hoshiarpur for flood Season 2018

Sr. Name of Officer/ Mobile/Contact Numbers of Name of Office No. Nodal Officer Numbers Control Rooms 1 Office of Deputy Commissioner, Sh. Amanpal Singh, 98148-53692 01882-220412 Hoshiarpur District Revenue Officer (Distt. Head quarter) 2 Tehsil Office Hoshiarpur Sh. Arvind Parkash 96467^54726 01882^240796 Verma, Tehsildar, 94633^69836 Hoshiarpur 3 Tehsil Office Dasuya Sh.Harkaram Singh 95010^08101 01883^246214 Randhawa, Tehsildar Dasuya 4 Tehsil Office Mukerian Sh. Tarsem Singh, 95017^06465 01883^244813 Tehsildar, Mukerian 87250^06465 5 Tehsil Office Garhshankar Sh.Lakhwinder Singh, 88726^98889 01884^282026 Tehsildar Garhshankar

INCIDENT RESPONSE TEAM (Sub Division- Hoshiarpur)

Incident Commander SDM Hoshiarpur, Sh. Jatinder Jorwal, I.A.S 01882-220310, 95923-00883 Member Tehsildar Hoshiarpur, Sh Arvind Parkash Varma 01882-240796, 96467-54726 Member Naib Tehsildar Hoshiarpur, Sh Jaskarn Singh 01882-240796, 94175-15111 Member BDPO Hoshiarpur I 01882-250998 Member BDPO Hoshiarpur II 01882-222339

Location for Staging Area, Camping Area, Relief Camp, Evacuation Centre, and Unsafe Buildings in Sub-Division Hoshiarpur S.No. Locations Places Identified 1. Staging Area, Camping GHS, Attowal, GHS Nasrala, G.H.S. Bagpur, Area, Relief Camp, Govt. College HSP, Sainiwar Sr.Sec.School Evacuation Centre Bullowal, G.H.S. Jandiala., G.H.S. Hariana & G.E.S. Chak Gujjran., G.H.S Dholbaha 2. Helipad Outdoor Stadium Hoshiarpur with drinking water and toilet facility (area 27 Acre open ). 3. List of Unsafe Buildings 34 rooms are unsafe in different Govt. Elementary School,High School and Senior Secondary School buildings of Tehsil Hoshiarpur 4. Area prone to fire hazard Industrial area and agriculture land

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INCIDENT RESPONSE TEAM (Sub Division- Garhshankar)

Incident Commander SDM, Garhshankar, Sh.Hardeep Singh Dhaliwal, P.C.S. 01884-282022, 98729-36367 Member Tehsildar, Sh. Lakhwinder Singh 01884-282026, 88726-98889 Member Naib Tehsildar, Sh.Jasbir Kumar 01884-282026, 94175-81894 Member- Block BDPO Garhshanker 01884-282037

Member- Block BDPO Mahilpur 01884-245252

Location for Staging Area, Camping Area, Relief Camp, Rally Point, and Unsafe Buildings in Sub-Division Garhshankar S.No. Locations Places Identified 1. Staging Area, Camping G.H.S. Dhada, G.S.S. School Posi, G.H.S. Dihana, Area, Relief Camp, G.H.S. Sarhala kalan, G.H.S. Ispur, G.H.S. Manolian, Evacuation Centre G.H.S. Bahowal, G.H.S. Tuto Mazara, G.H.S. Gajjar, G.S.S. School Garhshankar

2. List of Unsafe Building of New Bus Stand in Mahilpur is Unsafe and Buildings 84 rooms are unsafe in different Govt. Elementary School,High School and Senior Secondary School buildings of Tehsil Garhshankar

3. Area prone to fire Industrial area and agriculture land hazard


Incident Commander SDM, Dasuya, Dr. Himanshu 01883-285022, 95012-00927 Aggarwal. I.A.S. Member Tehsildar, Sh. Harkarm Singh 01883-285024, 95010-08101 Randhawa Member Naib Tehsildar,Dasuya ,Sh.Onkar 01883-285024, 88727-27249 Singh Member- Block BDPO Dasuya 01883-285027 Member- Block BDPO Tanda 01886-222028

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INCIDENT Location for Staging Area, Camping Area, Relief Camp, Rally Point, and Unsafe Buildings in Sub-Division Dasuya.

S.No. Locations Places Identified 1. Staging Area, Camping G.E.S. Badhaya, G.P.S. Budhobarkat, , G.H.S. Alampur., Area, Relief Camp, G.Sr.Sec School, Dasuya, G.E.S. Rara, G.H.S.Miani, G.E.S. Evacuation Centre Bhoolpur., G.H.S. Talwandi Bhandiaan, G.S.S.S Tanda, G.H.S. Manhota

2. List of Unsafe Old building of court Complex G.T Road Dasuya is Unsafe and Buildings 45 rooms are unsafe in different Govt. Elementary School,High School and Senior Secondary School buildings of Tehsil Dasuya

3. Area prone to fire Industrial area and agriculture land hazard

INCIDENT RESPONSE TEAM (Sub Division- Mukerian)

Incident Commander SDM, Mukerian, Sh. Harcharan 01883-244441, 84273-00899 Singh. P.C.S. Member Tehsildar, Sh.Tarsem Singh 01883-244813, 95017-06465

Member Naib Tehsildar,Dasuya ,Sh.Sanjay 01883-285024, 98761-99444 Sharma Member- Block BDPO Mukerian 01883-244026 Member- Block BDPO Talwara 01883-236134 Member- Block BDPO Hajipur 01883-272305

Location for Staging Area, Camping Area, Relief Camp, Rally Point, and Unsafe Buildings in Sub-Division Mukerian.

S.No. Locations Places Identified 1. Staging Area, Camping G.S.S.S. Sariana., G.H.S. Gera., Community Hall Harsemansar, Area, Relief Camp, G.H.S. Harsemansar., G.H.S. Bhangala, S.P.N., College, Evacuation Centre Mukerian.(sector-6&7), B.S.P. S Khalsa Sr.Sec.School, Mukerian., B.S.P.S. Khalsa Sr.Sec.School Mukerian(sector 8,9 & 10).,

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2. List of Unsafe 41 Rooms are unsafe in different Govt. Elementary Buildings School,High School and Senior Secondary School buildings of Tehsil Mukerian

3. Area prone to fire Industrial area and agriculture land hazard

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Resource Inventory List 2018

Item Item Name Department Quantity S.No Code 1 103 Bolt cutters ( Shears ) 1. Fire Department, MC, Hoshiarpur 01 Circular Saw with 1. Fire Department, MC, Hoshiarpur 01 105 2 Diamond Blade 3 106 Chipping Hammer 1. Fire Department, MC, Hoshiarpur 01 4 107 Chain-Saw Diamond 1. Fire Department, MC, Hoshiarpur 01 5 138 Inflatable Light Tower 1. Fire Department, MC, Hoshiarpur 01 1. District Forest Office 01 6 140 Search light 2. Fire Department, MC, Hoshiarpur 01 Total 02 7 141 Electric Generator 1. Fire Department, MC, Hoshiarpur 01 8 175 Extension Ladder 1. Fire Department, MC, Hoshiarpur 04 1. District Education Office (Govt 532 Schools) 176 ABC Type 9 2. Fire Department, MC, Hoshiarpur 009 Total 541 10 177 CO2 Type 1. Fire Department, MC, Hoshiarpur 02 11 181 Fire Tender 1. Fire Department, MC, Hoshiarpur 05 12 190 Fire Fighting Foam 1. Fire Department, MC, Hoshiarpur 250 Lt 13 201 Stretcher normal 1. Civil Surgeon, Hoshiarpur 57 Stretcher Medical 1. Civil Surgeon, Hoshiarpur 07 202 14 Evacuation 15 204 Incubator for children 1. Civil Surgeon, Hoshiarpur 07 16 205 First aid kits 1. Civil Surgeon, Hoshiarpur 44 Portable oxygen 1. Civil Surgeon, Hoshiarpur 187 208 17 cylinders 18 209 Portable ventilators 1. Civil Surgeon, Hoshiarpur 03 19 210 Portable x-rays 1. Civil Surgeon, Hoshiarpur 07 20 211 Portable ultrasounds 1. Civil Surgeon, Hoshiarpur 02 21 212 Portable ECG 1. Civil Surgeon, Hoshiarpur 18 22 213 Portable suction unit 1. Civil Surgeon, Hoshiarpur 30 23 214 Mechanical ventilators 1. Civil Surgeon, Hoshiarpur 01 24 215 Defibrillator 1. Civil Surgeon, Hoshiarpur 05 25 217 Mobile Blood Bank 1. Civil Surgeon, Hoshiarpur 01 26 218 Mobile lab service 1. Civil Surgeon, Hoshiarpur 01 27 219 Mobile Hospital 1. Civil Surgeon, Hoshiarpur 01 28 220 Mobile medical van 1. Civil Surgeon, Hoshiarpur 04 29 221 Water filter 1. Civil Surgeon, Hoshiarpur 22 30 222 Water tank 1. Civil Surgeon, Hoshiarpur 29 31 224 Bronchodilators 1. Civil Surgeon, Hoshiarpur 1508

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32 225 Vaccines 1. Civil Surgeon, Hoshiarpur 960 33 226 Anti-snake venom 1. Civil Surgeon, Hoshiarpur 22 34 227 Chlorine tablets 1. Civil Surgeon, Hoshiarpur 29004 35 229 General physician 1. Civil Surgeon, Hoshiarpur 27 36 230 Trauma specialist 1. Civil Surgeon, Hoshiarpur 01 37 231 Surgeon 1. Civil Surgeon, Hoshiarpur 11 38 232 Anaesthetist 1. Civil Surgeon, Hoshiarpur 05 39 233 Gynaecologist 1. Civil Surgeon, Hoshiarpur 08 40 234 Radiologist 1. Civil Surgeon, Hoshiarpur 02 41 235 Paramedics 1. Civil Surgeon, Hoshiarpur 310 42 236 Lab technicians 1. Civil Surgeon, Hoshiarpur 35 43 237 OT assistants 1. Civil Surgeon, Hoshiarpur 01 44 238 Medical first responder 1. Civil Surgeon, Hoshiarpur 34 45 248 Polythene Sheets 1. District Food and Civil Supplies 1432 1. DDPO 10 2. SSP, Hoshiarpur 55 46 252 4 wheel drive vehicle 3. District Forest Office 04 4. Civil Surgeon, Hoshiarpur 09 Total 78 1. SSP, Hoshiarpur 03 2. District Forest Office 01 47 254 Truck 3. Muncipal Corporation, Hoshiarpur 01 4. Civil Surgeon, Hoshiarpur 03 Total 08 48 255 RTV (Medium Vehicle) 1. SSP, Hoshiarpur 01 1. SSP, Hoshiarpur 04 49 256 Mini Bus 2. Civil Surgeon, Hoshiarpur 04 Total 08 50 257 Bus 1. SSP, Hoshiarpur 01 1. District Forest Office 04 51 258 Tractor 2. Muncipal Corporation, Hoshiarpur 04 Total 08 52 261 Light Ambulance Van 1. Civil Surgeon, Hoshiarpur 07 1. SSP, Hoshiarpur 01 53 262 Medium Ambulance Van 2. Civil Surgeon, Hoshiarpur 09 Total 10 1. District Forest Office 01 Water Tanker - Medium 265 2. Muncipal Corporation, Hoshiarpur 01 54 capacity Total 02 55 278 GPS Hand Set 1. BSNL 01 56 282 Camera Digital 1. District Public Relation Officer 01 57 329 Aluminium Ladder 1. Fire Department, MC, Hoshiarpur 03 58 337 Axe 1. District Forest Office 12 59 352 Water Tank 1. District Forest Office 01

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60 355 Steel Cutter/Grinder 1. Fire Department, MC, Hoshiarpur 01 1. SSP, Hoshiarpur 43 Motor Cycle (Light 362 2. Muncipal Corporation, Hoshiarpur 02 61 Vehicle) Total 45

NDRF - Control Room Number - 0164-2246570

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cbZv dk ;wkB (sfj;hb tkJhi) bVh ;wkB sfj;hb sfj;hb sfj;hb sfj;hb dcso, e[Zb i'V BzL dcso, dcso, dcso, w[e/ohnK j[f;ankog[o rVQ;azeo d;{jk

1) N?AN ^^^^ ^^^^ 100 16 116 2) N?ANK d/ pK; ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ 48 48 3) e[zv/ 2 ^^^^ 18 ^^^ 20 4) oZ;/ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ 1330 c[ZN 1330 c[ZN 5) bkJhc i?eN 5 ^^^^ 92 35 132 6) sogkbK ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ 7) p?NohnK$NkouK ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ 13 13 8) rw p{N ^^^^ ^^^^ 11 7 18 9) ;akfwnkBk ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ 10) SZsohnK ^^^^ ^^^^ 3 5 8 11) nbwkohnK cbZv dk ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ;wkB oZyD bJh 12) U aph an?w ad/ gbZr ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ 13) U aph an?w ad/ e[zY/ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ 14) wzi/ ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ 50 50 15) g/NhnK(Noze) ^^^^ ^^^^ 5 ^^^^ 5 16) g?No'b N?Aeh ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ 2 2 17) ;ou bkJhNK 1 ^^^^ 6 4 10 18) U aph an?w afJziD ^^^^ ^^^^ 5 3 8 19) U aph an?w afJziD ;N?Av ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ 2 2 bZeV 20) fe;shnK ^^^^ ^^^^ 6 4 10 (n?b{whBhnw) 21) fe;ashnK(bZeV) ^^^^ ^^^^ 1 ^^^^ 1 22) ehb/ bZeV ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ 160 160 23) uZg{ 2 ^^^^ 18 12 32 24) j[ZeK ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ 6 6 25) jE"V/ bZeV ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ 7 7 26) o/B e'N ^^^^ ^^^^ 10 2 12 27) oZ;k fe;ashnK ^^^^ ^^^^ 200 whNo 400 whNo 600 whNo 28) 4 a4 fwzBhcb'N/pb p'N ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ 1 1 29) vozw ^^^^ ^^^^ 1 ^^^^ 1 30) No?bo ^^^^ ^^^^ 1 ^^^^ 1 31) ezpb ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ 32) bkJhc p[nkJ/ 1 ^^^^ 2 3 6

District Disaster Management Plan, Hoshiarpur 2018-19 Page 148

Red Cross Society, Hoshiarpur

S.No Description QTY

1 Ambulance Van 1

2 Tent /Tarpaulin 40

3 Life Jackets 100

4 Blankets 100

5 First Aid Kit 02

6 Stracture 02

Source: DRA(T) Branch, DC Office, Hoshiarpur

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nB[bZr ^ T List of Trained Boat Operators (Ex-Servicemen) (DSWO, Hoshiarpur)

S.No. Army No. Rank & Name Address Contact No. Remarks Tehsil 1 3990230L Hav joginder Singh VPO Mangal Bihalon 7589017348 Mukerian 9478904124/ 2 14403184Y Hav OPR ravinder Singh VPO Sipprian 9465391522 Mukerian 3 338347P Sub Clk SD Lekh Raj Vill. Beh Bidhia, PO Karali 9988373650 Mukerian 4 2682678F Hav Onkar Singh Vill. Bari, PO Rajwal 9464828116 Mukerian 5 1440041 Hav Krishan Lal VPO Hoshiarpur 9465673852 Mukerian 9435320376/ 6 13754525 Hav Pawan Kumar Vill Rauli, PO Fatehpur 9592949705 Mukerian 7 1461113 Hav Ravinder Kumar Vill Dalwali Khurd, PO 9876577236 Mukerian 9855048110/ 8 10466857H Hav Sarjeewan Lal Vill Swar, PO Hazipur 9465883698 Mukerian 9 14805199 Hav Balbinder Singh Vill Jugial, PO Ghugwal 8872561964 Mukerian 10 1582359 Sub Jiwan Singh Vill Chano Rai, PO Bhungala 9872336218 Mukerian

11 Hav Karam Chand Vill Sherpur Gobind PO Nainowal Jattan 9464086332 Operator Hoshiarpur 12 Hony Nb Sub Ram Murti Vill Chakowal PO Nainowal Jattan 9417176696 Operator Hoshiarpur 13 Hav Ram Parkash Vill Chakowal PO Nainowal Jattan 9412095822 Store Keeper Hoshiarpur 14 Sub Jaswant Singh Vill Hargarh PO Nainowal Jattan 9417796439 Store Keeper Hoshiarpur 15 Hony Nb Sub Chaman Lal Vill Sherpur Gobind PO Nainowal Jattan 9478868731 Store Keeper Hoshiarpur 16 Nk Tarsem Lal Vill Sherpur Gobind PO Nainowal Jattan 9465304112 Operator Hoshiarpur 17 Nk Mohan Lal Vill Sherpur Gobind PO Nainowal Jattan 9463774664 Operator Hoshiarpur 18 Hav Gurmail Singh Vill Badhan Nangal PO Bulhowal 8284974561 Operator Hoshiarpur 19 Sub Tarnjit Singh Vill Bulhowal 8427259761 Operator Hoshiarpur

20 Hav Budh Singh VPO Sarhala Kalan 9815265477 Operator Garhshankar 21 Sub Naranjan Singh Vill Kharalgarh, PO Haibowal 9463014144 Operator Garhshankar

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22 Sub Ram Singh VPO Padrana 9814517437 Operator Garhshankar 23 Hav Tarsem Singh Vill Dandian PO Bham 9463774366 Operator Garhshankar 24 Sub Raj Karan Singh Vill Dalewal, PO Binewal 9478676007 Store Keeper Garhshankar 25 CHM Chaman Lal Vill Dalewal, PO Binewal 9501189488 Store Keeper Garhshankar 26 Sub Balvir Singh Vill Pahlewal PO Garhshankar 9463855017 Store Keeper Garhshankar 27 Hav Nath Singh Near Mahal Palace Garhshankar 9464930820 Store Keeper Garhshankar 28 Hav Darshan Singh VPO Garhi mansowal 9815664732 Store Keeper Garhshankar 29 Nk Husan Lal VPO Pandori Beet 9876905093 Store Keeper Garhshankar 30 Balvir Singh Vill Meghowal Doaba PO Tutomajara 9417583531 Store Keeper Garhshankar 31 Hav Dhan Raj Vill Dalewal, PO Binewal 9878305939 Store Keeper Garhshankar 32 Sep Mohinder Lal Gorsi Vill Dalewal, PO Binewal 9876911275 Store Keeper Garhshankar 33 Sub Ramesh Kumar Vill Dalewal, PO Binewal 9466464769 Med Asstt Garhshankar

34 158586 Hav Amarjit Singh VPO 9478545632 Operator Dasuya 35 14421237 Hav OPR Meharban Singh Vill Kattowal, PO Dhadder 9465859591 Operator Dasuya 36 14399969 Hav OPR Parminder Singh VPO Johal 9463584939 Store Keeper Dasuya 37 1461082Y Hav Ram Kishan Passi Kandi 8146025715 Store Keeper Dasuya 38 10480347 NK Paramjit Singh VPO Dasuya 9478637054 Store Keeper Dasuya 39 13754470L Hav Raj Kumar VPO Bodla 8054101120 Store Keeper Dasuya 40 13761423 Nk Naresh Kumar Vill Jamsher Chathial, PO 9465461498 Store Keeper Dasuya 41 7431085 Hav Rajinder Kumar VPO Bhana 9855947037 Store Keeper Dasuya 42 10197933 Hav Surinder Pal VPO Talwandi 9876580631 Store Keeper Dasuya 43 4473753 Hav Ravinder Singh Vill Mehar Bhatoli PO Dhadar 9530890152 Store Keeper Dasuya

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Communication Plan for 1 Sub Division Hoshiarpur for Flood Season 2018 Cont……Page no. 2 Sr. Name of Name of the Name of the Supporting Staff and Flood trained Name of the Medical Team Veterinary Team Food and Civil Name of the no Sector village in the Sector Officer/Tel. Tel. No. Employees president of Supply Dept. Sarpanch / Sector No. NGO’s Club (Name of the Nambardar F.S Inspecter) 1 G.H.S Badla , Harta, Sh. Sukhwinder Sh. Paramjit singh Harpal Singh Jai Mata Dr. Garg ACS Dr. Daljit Singh Kuljit Singh Rajinder Singh Attowal Mukhliana, Singh Superdent Kgo. 94782-44214, Swimmer Chintpurni Trust, Mobile No. Mobile No. 98726-26380 Namberdar Village Harmoya, B.D.P.O HSP-2 Parwinder Singh (Coach), 98152- Sethi Transport 81469-94422 94176-65398 Amandeep Mukhliana Mehna, Bhugrani 94636-93152 Patwari Sahri, 08955, Rakesh Hsp. Singh Dhillon 99156-19746, 01882-222339 99888^70840, Avtar Sharma 01882-224146 98140-80679 Singh Pat. 98726- 98148-15292, Sohan Singh 75776, Balbir Singh Ex Namberdar Service man Vill. Harta 98786- 01882-280410 67321, Surinder Singh Kapoor Namberdar Vill. Badla 94643-21937 2 G.H.S Fatehgarh Niara, Sh. Naresh Kumar Sh. Varinder kumar Rahul Kalia Player Bhgwan Mahavir Dr. Ranjit Dr. Sunit Kumar Rahul Sharma Joginder Pal Nasrala Haidrowal, Deputy Director Kgo. 94178-93312, Swimmer 94173- Jain Charitable Singh Mobile 98554-26299 98153-31306 Namberdar , Vill. Deowal, Horticulture Jagjit Singh Pat. 49001, Vikal Hospital Hsp. No. Raj Kumar Fatehgarh Niara , Khalwana, Ajram Hoshiarpur 81466-18282, Vijay Player 94634- 01882-223004 94174-97927 94637-74057 01882-264352, 01882-236675 Kumar Pat. 06828 Harbhajan Singh 75080-18868 94177-58332 Namberdar Vill. Haidrowal, 94640- 63037 Darshan Singh Namberdar Vill. Nasrala Gurmit Singh Namberdar Vill. Deowal 94653-03634 3 G.H.S Bassi Nau, Bassi Sh. Sukhwinder Sh. Kamaljit Singh Ranbir Sharma Manav Sewa Dr. Avnish Dr. Avtar Singh Vinod Kumar Nirmal Singh Baghpur Gulam Hussain , Singh Kgo. 94637-39500, Life Guard , Trust, Model Sood Mobile 94174-22177 81465-36952 Namberdar Barahmjit, Dy. DEO (Sec) Hsp. Ravinder kumar Pat. 94649-95708 Town Hsp. No. Navneet Singh Akhlaspur, 94633- Naloyian, Bassi 01882-220813 94178^02195, 01882-250521 94187-00244 80540-30323 06959 Maruf Siala, 94170-41847 Kuldeep singh Pat. Akhlaspur 94177-50933, Avtar Singh Namberdar Vill. Bassi Maroof Sialan 98143- 41181

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Communication Plan for Sub Division Hoshiarpur for Flood Season 2018 Page no. 2 Sr. Name of Name of the Name of the Supporting Staff Flood trained Name of the Medical Team Veterinary Team Food and Civil Name of the Sarpanch / no Sector village in the Sector Officer/Tel. and Tel. No. Employees president of Supply Dept. Nambardar Sector No. NGO’s Club (Name of the F.S Inspecter) 4 Govt. Dagana Kalan, Sh. Jaskaran Singh Sh. Krishan No. 26912 Guard Bhai Ghanya ji Dr. Rajinder Dr. Gurdip Singh Jagtar Singh Sukhwinder Singh College Khawaspur , Naib Tehsildar Manocha Kgo. Gurminder Singh Free Dispensery Raj 98152-60567 94175-86201 Namberdar Vill. Hoshiarpu Hardokhanpur, Hoshiarpur 98159-02499, Sahil 94175-31199, Dera Hari Bhagat Mobile No. Arvinder Singh Hardokhanpur r Chohal, Bassi 94175-15111 Arora No. 31822 Guard pura Model 95010-35572 81460-28300 87259-07222, Jana, , 01882-220796 98150-88334, Jaspal Singh Town Hsp 01882- Gurpal Singh 94170- Sukhiabad, Kotla Jaswinder Singh 99147-94906 251547 50274, Avtar Singh 94172- Gons Pur 94174-50113, 80580 Namberdar Vill. Jog Raj Pat. Khawaspur, 94171-73460,, Mohan Singh , Karam Malkit Singh Chand Namberdar Vill. 94634-72922 Sukhiabad

5 G.H.S Mundia Jattan, Sh. Davinder Singh Sh. Baljit singh Kgo. No. 26613 Guard Lion Club Dr. Sanil Dr. Anu Prasher Manjit Singh Baldev Singh Namberdar Bullowal Begampura, BDPO, Hoshiarpur- 94656-63734, Gurdev Singh Hoshiarpur. Bhagat 94639-43479 99157-96444 Village Lambra 94653- Bullowal, 1, 95308-80760 Amandeep singh 94648-57406, 01882-223002 Mobile No. Charanjit 89502, Lambra, Kotli 01882-250998 Pat. 98153-06030, No. 199554 – x 94179-74047 Singh Bawa Dass, Bairo Harjinder Singh platoon Com. 99881-82187 Kewal Ram Namber dar Kangri, Sherpur 98158-19271, Kamal Keshan Village Bullowal 98722- Glind, Khadiala 01883-249186 58227 Sainia

6 G.H.S Manak Dheri, Sh. Bikramjit Singh Sh. Mohan Lal Kgo, No. 13691 Guard Manav Sewa Dr. Prem Dr. Avtar Singh Rakesh Kumar Nirmal Singh Namberdar Jandiala Khanpur Sahota, Secretary Market 87279-44181, Avtar Singh committee Bharti 94174-22177 98880-35499 Village Khardehar Jandiala, Committee Gurpreet Singh 94178-82033, Hoshiarpur Mobile No. Abhishek 98151-65932, Saristpur, Hoshiarpur 98761-81182, No. 13876 Guard 01882-221753 94171-80667 Sharma Davinder Singh Namberdar Khardehar, 01882-248547 Sada Ram Ramesh Kumar 98783-57153 Village Talwandi Goni Talwandi Goni 99150-50860 94630-70057 94647-82255 97792-89018, Makhan Singh Namberdar Village ManakDheri 99158-60937, Gurdip Singh Namberdar Vill Saristpur 94653- 89502, Cont……Page no. 3

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Communication Plan for Sub Division Hoshiarpur for Flood Season 2018 Page no. 3

Sr. no. Name of Name of the Name of the Supporting Staff Flood trained Name of the Medical Veterinary Team Food and Civil Name of the Sarpanch / Sector village in the Sector Officer/Tel. and Tel. No. Employees president of Team Supply Dept. Nambardar Sector No. NGO’s Club (Name of the F.S Inspecter) 7 G.H.S Chak Gujjran, Sh. Mandip Singh Sh. Ram Saroop No. 13860 Guard Welfare Club Dr. Neelam Dr. Harmesh Dinesh Kumar Ranvir Singh Namberdar Hariana & Sherpur Khas, Naib Tehsildar Kgo. 94178-84591, Manjit Singh 94634- Hoshiarpur Mobile No. Kumar 94635-97147 Vill. Bhunga,98146-66022 G.P.S. Kailon, Bassi Bhunga 94648- Paramjit Singh, 45274, 01882-222177 99146-33950 94638-78184 Ajit Singh Namberdar Vill. Chak Umar Khan, 90090 97790-60376, No. 13665 Guard Kabirpur94658-82680, Gujjran Kabir Pur, Dhaki, Jiwan Lal Dilbag Singh 99159- Bassi Ballo, Bassi 98157-84243, 35233 Gurbax Singh Namberdar Panj Bhaian, No. 13688 Guard Vill. Dhakki, 94178-87141 Hariana Jasbir Singh 98143- Jarnail Singh Namberdar 40021 Vill. Chak Gujjran98724- 13555, Balwinder Singh 98552- 80812& Namberdar Vill. Hariana.98782-28886

8 G.H.S Dholwaha, Bari Sh. Sukhdev Singh Sh. Pakhar Singh No. 15641 Guard Rotary Club Dr. Rajwant Dr. Harmesh Rajeshwar Suram Singh Namberdar Dholwaha Khad, Janauri, BD & PO Bhunga Kgo. 94638-76527, Karam Chand, Hoshiarpur Kaur Kumar Singh Vill. Janauri 94177-47767, , 99153-61281 kuldip Singh Pat. 94657-64578, 01882-220296 Mobile No. 94638-78184 99884-21885 Prem Chand Namberdar Takhani, Kukanet 01886-253430 94635-97455, No. 13653 Guard 94170-70444 Ankush Dogra Vill. Dandoh , Arniala Bavinder Pal Kashmir Singh 99151-49462 94787-36091, Shahpur, 94630-10929, 94641-50514 Nand Kishore Jugal Kishore Namberdar 98146-26567 Vill. Kukanet 75092-96139, 9 Govt. Area Municipal Sh.Sundeep Daljit Singh Pat. X.Pl.Com (1954) Bhai Ghanya ji Dr. Upkar Dr. Gurdip Singh Robin Kumar Rajiv Duggal Namberdar College Council Kumar 98721-33970, Kamal Kishan Free Dispensery Simgh 98152-60567 98147-48220 Village Premgarh Hsp. Hoshiarpur Assistant Varinder Kumar 01883-249186, Dera Hari Bhagat Mobile No. 93564-12051, Commissioner Mu Pat. 95010-17149, X.Pl.Com (1690) pura Model 98784-19540 Davinder Pal nicipal Ashok kumar Pat. Vijay Kumar 94658- Town Hsp Corporation Hsp 94638-55959 87751 01882-251547 Namberdar Vill. 01882-220322 Shergarh, 94640-62321, 98152-20033 Navdeep Sharma Joga Singh Namberdar 98722-75252 Vill. Boothgarh, 94647- 84874 Raghuvir Kumar Namberdar Vill. Bassi Khawaju

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Communication Plan for Sub Division Garhshankar for Flood Session 2018 Note : i) S. Hardeep Singh Dhaliwal(SDM) M. 9872936367, LaKhwinder Singh (Tehsildar) M. 88726-98889, Kulwant Singh Sidhu(NT Garhshankar 9814128108) /(NT Mahilpur 9814165216), Jasvir Singh (Nt/ Gsr. Recovery)M. 9417581894 Name Name of the village Name of the sector Supporting Staff and Tel. Flood Name of the Medical Team Veterinary Team Food and Supply Name of the of the in the sector officer/Tel/No. No. trined president of Deppt. Sarpanch/Namberdar Sector empl NGO's Club oye G.H.S. Dhada, Thuana S.D.E. Public Health, 1. Jarnail Singh Kango Nill Lion Club, 1 Dr. Tek Chand Bhatia Dr. Surinder Kuldeep SIngh, 1. Ramjit Namberdar Dhada Sub Division-1 Gsr (9872796537) Garhshankar. M. 9463310915 Singh Inspector M.9779688948 M. 9815220850 2. Harpreet Singh Patwari M. 97177-00058 2. Smt. Kamaljit Kaur M. 9815693703 M. 8569008562 2. Pakhar Singh Ph. 01884-280344 (7589402197) (Pharm) M. 9417226949 Namberdar (9915579213) 3. Kuldip Singh (Peon) G.H.S. Saila Kalan, Paddi Agriculture Officer, 1. Mukhtyar Singh Kango Nill Rotary Club, 1. Dr. Paramjit Kaur Dr. Jaswinder 1. Jaswant Rai, 1. Kewal Krishan Possi Khuti, Chak Suni, Garhshankar (9463158382) Garhshankar. (SMO) Possi Singh. Inspector Namberdar(9872145357) Possi M. 8872026525 2. Gurdev Chand M. 98144-18829 M. 9814168256 M. 9464063177 M.7888433919 2. Viajy Kumar Ph. 01884283250 (9814578079) 2. Dr. Anterpreet Kaur 2. Maninder Namberdar (9872098630) M. 9417787339 Singh , Inspector M. 9888963571 G.H.S. Dihana, Baddon, B.D.P.O. Mahilpur 1. Iqbaljit Singh Kango Nill Universal 1. Dr. Rajesh Bali 1. Dr. Harpreet Kuldeep SIngh, 1. Jhujar singh Dihana Thakrowal, Rihali, M. 9417401355 (9876201011) Cheritable Trust, M. 8264649717 Singh Inspector Namberdar , Rahali Kukran, Gopalian Ph. 01884-245252 2. Amarjit Singh Patwari Garhshankar. M. 2. Sh. Varinder Kumar M. 9876891633 M. 8569008562 (01884244886) (9465325355) 98141-28628 (Pharm) 2. Dr. Rakesh 2. Mehga Singh, Dihana M. 9872278335 Kumar Namber dar (9814381200 3. Surinder Kumar M. 9463142649 3. Harinder Singh, Dihana (Penon) (9815755067) G.H.S. Dandia, Sarhala Agriculture officer, 1. .Iqbaljit Singh Kango Nill Saheed Bhagat 1. Dr. Poonam Dr. Sandeep Kuldeep SIngh, 1. Khushya Singh , Dandia Sarhala Kalan, Mugopatti, Mahilpur (9876201011) Singh Trust, M. 9463250600 Kumar Inspector (9417892395) Kalan Rupowal M. 7508010096 2. Amarjit Singh Patwari Garhshankar. M. 2. Gurbakhash Kaur M. 9888056428 M. 8569008562 2. Bachitar Singh, Sarhala (9465325355) 94640-60880 (Peon) Kalan (1884244611) 3. Avtar Singh, Sarhala kalan (9876978754) G.H.S. Mahlan, Alawalpur, S.D.E. PWD(B&R) Sub 1. Santokh Singh Kango Nill Lion Club, 1. Joga Singh (Pharm.) Dr. Balraj Kuldeep SIngh, 1. Sohan Singh, Mahlan Ispur Ispur Diviion - 1 (9417926379) Garhshankar. M. 9465322794 M. 9463118508 Inspector (94170748159) M. 98788-93184 2. Gurmail Singh M. 97177-00058 2. Smt. Kamaljit Kaur M. 8569008562 2. Ram Parkash , Patwari(9872227718) (ANM)M. 7529832812) Alawalpur (9465138134) 3. M. Surinder Singh (Peon(

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G.H.S. Tohlian, Bichohi, A.R. Cop. Society, 1 Santokh Singh Kango Nill Rotary Club, 1. Dr. Vishavdeep Singh Dr. Onkar Singh 1. Robin Kumar, 1. Sushil Kumar, Bichohi Manoli Manolian, Parsota, Garhshankar (9417926379) Garhshankar. M. 9876008382 (9417494057 Inspector. (9501586186) an Makhangarh, M. 94643-58159 2. Varinder Kumar Patwari M. 98144-18829 2. Sh. Kamal Krishan M. 9814748220 2. Sajjan Singh, Badian Jagliana, Baria Kalan Ph. 01884-184167 (9417134687) (MLT) M. 7508348800 2. Parmeshwar Kalan (9417475835) 3. Pravjot Singh Patwari 3. Rajiv Kumar (Peon) Singh , Inspector 3. Baldev Singh , Jagliana (8872406779) M. 9876710908 (9779415829)

G.H.S. Bahowal, Haweli, Forest Officer, 1. Ikbaljit Singh Kango Nill Universal 1. Dr. Jaideep Dr. Jatinder 1. Parmeshwar 1. Jaswant Singh Chambal Bahow Halluwal, Jandiala, Mahilpur (9876201011) Cheritable Trust, M. 9815004549 Kumar Singh , Inspector Kalan (8968708400) al Mugowal, Chambal M. 8872432888 2. Gulshan Kumar Patwari Garhshankar. M. 2. Ravinder Singh (Pham) (9888242647) M. 9876710908 2. Bakhtawar Singh, Kalan, Chambal Khurd (9781405290 ) 98141-28628 M. 8968357550 Jandiala (9779148938) 3. Ravinder Singh 3. Peon 3. Bhagar Ram, Halluwal Patwari(9464930797) (9417491484)

G.H.S. Paldi, , S.D.E. P.W.D. (B&R) 1. Ikbaljit Singh Kango Nill Saheed Bhagat 1. Dr. Sarabdaljit Kaur Dr. Jasvir Singh 1. Parmeshwar 1. Mohinder Pal, Tuto Dandewal, Tuto Sub Division - 2 (9876201011) Singh Trust, M. 9463016356 (98148-68222 Singh , Inspector Dandewal (9915548604) Mazara Mazara M. 9814936881 2. Baljinder Singh Patwari Garhshankar. M. 2. Chaman Lal (Pharm) M. 9876710908 2. Tejpal, Dandewal (9417596307) 94640-60880 M. 8872977725 (9463878930) 3. Dalvir Kaur (Peon) 3. Harminder Singh, Paldi (9815239869) 4. Jaswinder Singh, Sakruli (9814291660)

G.H.S. Gajjer, Mehdood, Soil conservation 1. Mukhtyar Singh Kango Nill Saheed Bhagat 1. Dr. Jaswant Singh Dr. Rakesh 1. Parmeshwar 1. Anurodh Singh , Gajjer Maili, Jaijon officer Mahilpur (9463158382 ) Singh Trust, M. 9417305719 Kumar M. Singh , Inspector Gajjer(9463219839) M. 9855610345 2. Balwinder Singh Garhshankar. M. 2. Smt. Usha Rani 9463142649 M. 9876710908 2. Sunder Singh Patwari(9464857468) 94640-60880 (Pharm) 9478731642 Bhandari, 3. Harpal Singh 3. Joginder Singh (Peon) Mehdood(9478183935) Patwari(9465243885) 3. Rulia Ram , Jainjon(9463933228) 4. Darshan Kumari , Maili (01884252070) G.S.S.S. Sihwan, Haibowal, B.D.P.O. Garhshankar 1. Kashmir Singh Kango Nill Lion Club, 1. Dr. Manjit Singh 1. Dr. Rajinder 1. Rajinder 1. Suraj Rana, Haibowal Garhsh Jhonowal, M. 9814014510 (9417888282) Garhshankar. (MO) Kumar Mohan, (9781280409) ankar Samundera, , Ph. 01884282037 2. Gurdev Chand Patwari M. 97177-00058 M. 9815550139 M. 94177-58168 Inspector. 2. Chanan Singh Garhshankar (9814578179) 2. Dr. Joginder Singh M. 8872750159 Mansowal (8146724582) 3. Lal Singh (MO) 2. Sukhwinder 3. Karan Singh, Smundra Patwari(9464839004) M. 9463771068 Singh, Inspector (9815433818) 4. Dharampal Patwari 3. Dr. Baljinder Kumar M. 9915185068 4. Paramjit Singh, (9463072056) (MO) M. 9041616758 Garhshankar (9815262583)

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List of Evacuation Centres and Sectors Officers of Garhshankar Sub Division (2018)

Sr. Name of the Officer with Telephone No. Mobile No. Evacuation List of villages in evacuation centers No. Designation office Centers 1 S.D.E. Public Health, Sub Division-1 Ph. 01884-280344 M. 9815220850 G.H.S. Dhada Dhada, Thuana Gsr

2. Agriculture Officer, Garhshankar Ph. 01884283250 M. 8872026525 G.H.S. Possi Saila Kalan, Paddi Khuti, Chak Suni, Possi

3. B.D.P.O. Mahilpur Ph. 01884-245252 M. 9417401355 G.H.S. Dihana Dihana, Baddon, Thakrowal, Rihali, Kukran, Gopalian 4. Agriculture officer, Mahilpur M. 7508010096 M. 7508010096 G.H.S. Dandia, Sarhala Kalan, Mugopatti, Rupowal Sarhala Kalan 5. S.D.E. PWD(B&R) Sub Diviion - 1 M. 98788-93184 M. 98788-93184 G.H.S. Ispur Mahlan, Alawalpur, Ispur

6. A.R. Cop. Society, Garhshankar M. 9464358159 M. 9464358159 G.H.S. Tohlian, Bichohi, Manolian, Parsota, Ph. 01884-184167 Manolian Makhangarh, Jagliana, Baria Kalan 7. Forest Officer, Mahilpur M. 8872432888 M. 8872432888 G.H.S. Bahowal, Haweli, Halluwal, Jandiala, Bahowal Mugowal, Chambal Kalan, Chambal Khurd 8. S.D.E. P.W.D. (B&R) Sub Division - 2 M. 9814936881 G.H.S. Tuto Paldi, Sakruli, Dandewal, Tuto Mazara M. 9814936881 Mazara 9. Soil conservation officer Mahilpur M. 9855610345 M. 9855610345 G.H.S. Gajjer Gajjer, Mehdood, Maili, Jaijon

10. B.D.P.O. Garhshankar Ph. 01884282037 M. 9814014510 G.S.S.S. Sihwan, Haibowal, Jhonowal, Samundera, , Garhshankar Garhshankar

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ezfNBi?AN gbkB ;?eNo^1 n?;HvhHn?wH d;{jk vkH fjwKP{ nrotkb c'B Bzpo 01883^285022 95012^00927 pbftzdo gkb n?;Hn?uHUH rVQdhtkbk 01886^260201,9417019292 vhHn?;HghHd;{jk ;qh ofizdo e[wko Powk c"B Bzpo 01883^285541 75070^40013 vkHnkoHe/H pZrk n?;Hn?wHUH d;{jk 98146^94249 sfj;hbdko d;{jk ;qh joeow f;zx c"B Bpo 01883^285024 95010H08101 vkH e/tb f;zx n?;Hn?wHUH NKvk 01886^222226 98558^65522 n?;Hn?uHUH d;{jk ;qh irdhP nsoh c'B Bzpo 01883^285023 7087777888 vhHn?cHUH d;{jk nNb e[wko nkbw 94172H22388, 01883^283007 n?;Hn?uHUH NKvk Pqh godhg f;zx c'B Bzpo 01886^222026 9914536778 cbZv ezNo'b o{w c'B Bzpo 01883^285024 bV Bkw ;?eNo pukU nbkN ehs/ ;hHnkoHUH gNtkoh dk ;ogzu dk Bkw gzukfJs Bzpodko dk w?vheb Nhw t?NBoh J/Hn?cHn? gkto N?bhc'B Bkw cbZv No/v h nc;o ns/ ;?ANo dk rJ/ fgzv Bkw ns/ ;?eNoh Bkw dk Bkw s/ Nhw s/ w'H ;HUHdk ekog'o/PB wfjewk n?BHihHUi eowukoh Bzp w'pkJhb Bkw w'H Bzpo dk Bkw w'HBzL Bzpo Bkw s/ fbw d;{jk o Bzpo s/ w'H w'HBzpo Bzpo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ;qh nko e/ ihHghH 1HN/ofenkDk ;qh T[Zeko ;qh irdhg r[ofwzdo e'o ;ziht wbehs f;zx vkH dhdko vkH Gkos ;qh ftek; ;opihs dftzdo nwBdhg Bftzdo f;zx 1H d/trB n?;H 2H fjzwsg[o f;zx BkfJp f;zx 9876702671 e[wko 98158^20968 f;zx 94636 PoB NzvB Powk f;zx e[wko f;zx o'Noh ekB{zr' jbek n?;HvhHU tXkJhnk 3H sfj;hbdko gNtkoh gzukfJs 92299, ;hBhH 98550 n?ePhnB n?ePhn ebZp d;{jk rVQdhtkbk ghHvpb:{ tXkJhnk d;{jk 94647^ ;[oihs f;zx ;eZso dhdko f;zx ;[fbzdo t?NBoh 02535 96461^16 B 98154^978 94171^23388, vh ph n?v 4H S[ohnK 88727^272 88822 9781900204 94632 99155^69388 ckowk f;;N nc;o 025 phHn?;Hn? 08 G[fgzdo jofizdo f;zx nko d;{jk 49 ^T[jh^ 62051 98725 d;{jk BHn?b oziB bkfJB gNtkoh jbek 98786^806 T[jh^ I;gkb f;zx pbihs f;zx 81077, 94171^54 d;{jk ebZp d;{jk 98143^90253 44 5H ;{d 99153^23896 98158^02385 ;ziht e[wko 652 94171^0 94172^732 99888^90253 ;/tkdko ;sBkw 0075 41 dhge irdhg f;zx nz;{wB 6H poko'tkb ^T[jh^ ;[oihs f;zx ntsko f;zx 99150 f;zx f;zx Pqh r[o{ gNtkoh jbek Powk 98155^82795 89688^65271 10745 t?NBoh jor'fpzd e?AEk J/Hn?;HnkJh nc;o ;kfjp ;/tk 94647^88822, H dcso 7H p/rg[o ^T[jh^ ;[yd/t f;zx fgnkok bkb 98783^99 ;';fJNh wBgqhs f;zx y/shpkVh 98725^31558 353 d;{jk gNtkoh jbek d;{jk ^T[jh^ oDihs f;zx 98557^870 nor'tkb 94640^ 94637^08641 84 r[oftzdo 94637^76720, 69141 f;zx Pqh uoBihs f;zx ^T[jh^ ;sgkb f;zx jor'fpzd gNtkoh jbek f;zx ਕਈੋ ਬਰੂਹੀ ;g'oN; 87290^53310, ;';kfJNh bzrog[o 98729^922 50

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ezfNBi?AN gbkB ;?eNo^2

n?;HvhHn?wH d;{jk vkH fjwKP{ nrotkb c'B Bzpo 01883^285022 95012^00927 pbftzdo gkb n?;Hn?uHUH rVQdhtkbk 01886^260201,9417019292 vhHn?;HghHd;{jk ;qh ofizdo e[wko Powk c"B Bzpo 01883^285541 75070^40013 vkHnkoHe/H pZrk n?;Hn?wHUH d;{jk 98146^94249 sfj;hbdko d;{jk ;qh joeow f;zx c"B Bpo 01883^285024 95010H08101 vkH e/tb f;zx n?;Hn?wHUH NKvk 01886^222226 98558^65522 n?;Hn?uHUH d;{jk ;qh irdhP nsoh c'B Bzpo 01883^285023 7087777888 vhHn?cHUH d;{jk nNb e[wko nkbw 94172H22388, 01883^283007 n?;Hn?uHUH NKvk Pqh godhg f;zx c'B Bzpo 01886^222026 9914536778 cbZv ezNo'b o{w c'B Bzpo 01883^285024 bV Bkw ;?eNo pukU nbkN ehs/ ;hHnkoHUH gNtkoh dk ;ogzu dk Bkw gzukfJs Bzpodko dk w?vheb t?NBoh J/Hn?cHn?;H gkto N?bhc'B Bkw cbZv No/v h nc;o ns/ ;?ANo rJ/ fgzv Bkw ns/ w'H ;?eNoh Bkw Nhw dk Nhw s/ UH dk Bkw ekog'o/PB wfjewk n?BHihHUi eowukoh Bzp w'pkJhb Bzpo dk Bzpo dk Bkw Bkw s/ w'H Bzpo s/ w'HBzpo fbw d;{jk o Bkw s/ w'H w'HBzL Bzpo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ;qh n;'e ihHghH 1Hp[ZX'poe ;qh joeow ;qh PoBihs r[ogqhs f;zx ;[yd/t I'X f;zx vkH pyskto ;qh ਿਦਨੇਸ਼ ;qh dftzdo nwBdhg Bftzdo f;zx 1H e[wko i/HJhH n?;H s f;zx f;zx gNtkoh 99155^70942 f;zx 9876784163 pyskto f;zx ਕੁਮਾਰ 79734- ;opihs e[wko f;zx o'Noh ekB{zr' jbek ghHvpb:{H p[ZX' sfj;hbdko 95920^ ;[yd/t f;zx 94642^ niw/o f;zx f;zx 9417749 95079 f;zx n?ePhnB ebZp d;{jk rVQdhtkbk vhH phHn?Av poes d;{jk 91176 98725^31558 42801 8146318047 n?wHUH 396 n?ePhnB phHn?;Hn?BH 98154^978 94171^23388, nko d;{jk 2H Ghy"tkb 95010H081 ;qh G[fgzdo 96461^16 n?b d;{jk 08 G[fgzdo jofizdo f;zx 98722^1032 01 f;zx 94640^ nihs f;zx ;?b' okw 025 94171^000 oziB bkfJB gNtkoh jbek 5 64233 99151^72603 95929^36606 75 ebZp d;{jk 98143^90253 ;qh PoBihs pbftzdo f;zx 94172^732 99888^90253 r[owhs f;zx 3H rkb"tkb f;zx gNtkoh 94178^84055 e[btzs f;zx 41 dhge irdhg f;zx J/Hn?;HnkJhH 95920^ ;[fozdo f;zx 9872574403 f;zx Pqh r[o{ gNtkoh jbek dcso 4H ekb"tkb 91176 98784^59515 jor'fpzd e?AEk y/shpkVh ;qh G[fgzdo Tjh ;kfjp ;/tk 94647^88822 d;{jk 5H y/gV f;zx 94640^ P/o f;zx ;';fJNh , 99147^9542 64233 ;yd/t f;zx 9814006411 d;{jk wBgqhs f;zx 0 6H G"rhnK ^T[jh^ 9872531558 98557^870 gNtkoh jbek ^T[jh^ T[jh 84 r[oftzdo nor'tkb 7H BkJh ^T[jh^ f;zx Pqh 94637^76720 uZe ^T[jh^ ;stzs e'o jor'fpzd , uoBihs ^T[jh^ 95016^ f;zx f;zx gNtkoh 8HBZv/tkb ;qh PoBihs 72529 w'jD f;zx ;g'oN; jbek uZe pkw{ 9H;?d"tkb f;zx gNtkoh ;[fozdo e"o 9814379048 ;';kfJNh 87290^53310 10HS"VhnK 95920^ bzrog[o , 91176 98729^922 50

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ezfNBi?AN gbkB ;?eNo^3 n?;HvhHn?wH d;{jk vkH fjwKP{ nrotkb c'B Bzpo 01883^285022 95012^00927 i;ewb f;zx n?;Hn?uHUH rVQdhtkbk 01886^260201, 9417019292 vhHn?;HghHd;{jk ;qh ofizdo e[wko Powk c"B Bzpo 01883^285541 75270^40013 vkHnkoHe/H pZrk n?;Hn?wHUH d;{jk 98146^94249 sfj;hbdko d;{jk ;qh joeow f;zzx c"B Bpo 01883^285024 95010^08101 vkH e/tb f;zx n?;Hn?wHUH NKvk 01886^222226 98558^65522 n?;Hn?uHUH d;{jk ;qh irdhP nZsoh c'B Bzpo 01883^285023 7087777888 nNb e[wko vhHn?cHUH d;{jk 01883^283007,94172^22388 n?;Hn?uHUH NKvk Pqh godhg f;zx c'B Bzpo 01886^222026 9914536778 cbZv ezNo'b o{w c'B Bzpo 01883^285024

b Bkw pukU nbkN ehs/ ;hHnkoHUH gNtkoh ;ogzu dk Bkw gzukfJs Bzpodko dk Bkw w?vheb t?NBoh J/Hn?c gkto N?bhc'B Bkw cbZv No/v Vh ;?eNo ;?ANo dk rJ/ fgzv dk Bkw ;?eNoh Nhw dk Nhw s/ Hn?;H ekog'o/P wfjewk n?BHihHUi eowukoh Bz nc;o Bkw ns/ w'H dk Bkw s/ Bkw s/ w'H Bzpo UH dk B fbw ns/ Bzpo w'H Bzpo w'HBzL Bkw s/ d;{jk p w'pkJhb w'HBzp o Bzpo o

;qh vhHe/H ihHn?u 1HdkfJwg[o ;qh joeow ;qh p/uokr ;[yftzdo Pow vkL wBihs ;qh ;qh dftzdo nwBdhg Bftzdo f;zx Gzvkoh n?;H 2HG"ik f;zx jogqskg p/uokr f;zx f;zx9876314236 nths'I f;zx fdB/P ;opihs e[wko f;zx o'Noh ekB{zr' jbek n?;HvhHUH t$; nkbwg[o 3He"Nbh sfj;hbdko f;zx p/uokr 9888339 ;opihs f;zx 97494 t?NBoh e[wko f;zx n?ePhnB ebZp d;{jk rVQdhtkbk n?Av ;hto/i j?vHwk; 4Hnkeh N[zvk d;{jk 94637^ ;hbk d/th 053 8198070000 00001 nc;o 7973 n?ePhnB phHn?;Hn?BH 98154^9780 94171^23388, p'ov No 5Hbkb/tkb 95010^^ 38785 8264200368 pyPhP e?o/ 4950 96461^1 n?b d;{jk 8 G[fgzdo jofizdo f;zx d;{jk.94638^ pbpho 6Hekt/ 08101 ^T[jh^ eKsk okDh f;zx9872422170 vKL 9417180 79 6025 94171^000 oziB bkfJB gNtkoh jbek 52437 f;zx 7HfwnkDh ^T[jh^ 8284094119 ow/P f;zx ;[fozdo 635 75 ebZp d;{jk 98143^90253 ;qh joftzdo -98723 w/tk ^T[jh^ ;[uk f;zx 9417179872 e"o 94172^7324 99888^90253 f;zx 48237 8Hokig[o PoBihs 9779059808 pfuZso f;zx 99151 1 dhge f;zx irdhg f;zx J/Hn?;HnkJhH 9Hw'jbk f;zx fBowb e"o 84274^12369 76132 Pqh r[o{ gNtkoh jbek dcso y/shpkVh 10HuZe 84279^ 98152^60855 BoziD f;zx jor'fpzd e?AEk94647^888 d;{jk - 97810 ;[b/wkB 32033 dbtho f;zx 9815528379 ;kfjp ;/tk 22 11906 11HgZ;h p/N ^T[jh^ 98156^76337 pki f;zx ;';fJNh wBgqhs f;zx 12HG?Dhfwoi/ ^T[jh^ ^T[jh^ 8146082860 d;{jk gNtkoh jbek y ^T[jh^ ;hbk d/th pbftzdo f;zx 98557^870 nor'tkb 13Hnkbwg[o ^T[jh^ 8264200368 73408^86380 84 r[oftzdo 94637^76720, 14Hy"yo ^T[jh^ I'’P wbehs f;zx Pqh uoBihs f;zx ^T[jh^ 97815^66419 f;zx9815989736 jor'fpzd gNtkoh jbek ^T[jh^ fBowb e"o ot/b f;zx f;zx ;g'oN; uZe ^T[jh^ 98152^60855 01883^255275 ;';kfJNh pkw{87290^533 gqhsw dk; Bfozdo f;zx bzrog[o 10, 98151^07395 9915403617 98729^922 Uw gqekP wfjb f;zx 50 8284881668 98768^81384 fozgk f;zx 9915589079

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n?;HvhHn?wH d;{jk vkH fjwKP{ nrotkb c'B Bzpo 01883^285022 95012^00927 i;ewb f;zx n?;Hn?uHUH rVQdhtkbk 01886^260201, 9417019292 vhHn?;HghHd;{jk ;qh ofizdo e[wko Powk c"B Bzpo 01883^285541 75270^40013 vkHnkoHe/H pZrk n?;Hn?wHUH d;{jk 98146^94249 sfj;hbdko d;{jk ;qh joeow f;zzx c"B Bpo 01883^285024 95010^08101 vkH e/tb f;zx n?;Hn?wHUH NKvk 01886^222226 98558^65522 n?;Hn?uHUH d;{jk ;qh irdhP nZsoh c'B Bzpo 01883^285023 7087777888 nNb e[wko vhHn?cHUH d;{jk 01883^283007,94172^22388 n?;Hn?uHUH NKvk Pqh godhg f;zx c'B Bzpo 01886^222026 9914536778 cbZv ezNo'b o{w c'B Bzpo 01883^285024 bVh Bkw pukU nbkN ;hHnkoHUH gNtkoh ;ogzu gzukfJs Bzpodko w?vheb t?NBoh J/Hn?cHn?;H gkto N?bhc'B Bkw cbZv No/v Bzpo ;?eNo ;?ANo dk ehs/ dk Bkw dk ;?eNoh dk Bkw Nhw dk Nhw s/ UH dk Bkw ekog'o/PB wfjewk n?BHihHUi eowukoh nc;o Bkw rJ/ ns/ w'H Bkw dk Bkw Bkw s/ w'H Bzpo s/ w'HBzpo fbw ns/ fgzv Bzpo s/ w'HBzL w'HBzL d;{jk w'pkJhb Bzpo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ;qh ਮਦਨ ihHn?;Hn? Bro ;qh joeow oxtho pbd/t I'frzdo vkL vkH ਅਨੂੰ ;qh ਿਦਨੇਸ਼ n?ePhnB dftzdo nwBdhg f;zx Bftzdo f;zx ekB{zr' 1H ਿਸੰਘ ;H n?;H e'Pb f;zx f;zx f;zx gkb ;kfjb ਪਰੈਸ਼ਰ e[wko G'rg[o e[wko o'Noh ebZp jbek rVQdhtkbk JhHUHn?wH d;{jk d;{jk sfj;hbdko 99887^ 98154 9417893 gtB t?NBoh -79734 96461^ n?ePhnB d;{jk 94171^23388, ;hH d;{jk r[ofdnkb d;{jk 36007 55235 830 75891 nc;o 95079 16027 phHn?;Hn? 98154^97808 jofizdo f;zx -99151 f;zx 95010^08101 Irdhg 44119 d;{jk BHn?b G[fgzdo oziB gNtkoh 02702 94788^50 f;zx 9463943 d;{jk bkfJB ebZp jbek98143^90253 Pqh ow/P 169 94647^ vkLjfozdo 479 94171^00 d;{jk 99888^90253 gkb 88822 ekib 075 94172^73241 irdhg f;zx fJz;g?eN 98143 dhge f;zx Pqh gNtkoh jbek e?AEk o 40377 r[o{ jor'fpzd 94647^88822, 98767^1 ;kfjp ;/tk wBgqhs f;zx 7822 ;';fJNh d;{jk gNtkoh jbek 98557^87084 nor'tkb r[oftzdo f;zx 94637^76720, Pqh jor'fpzd uoBihs f;zx f;zx ;g'oN; gNtkoh jbek uZe ;';kfJNh pkw{ bzrog[o 87290^53310, 98729^92250

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ezfNBi?AN gbkB ;?eNo5- n?;HvhHn?wH d;{jk vkH fjwKP{ nrotkb c'B Bzpo 01883^285022 95012^00927 pbftzdo gkb n?;Hn?uHUH rVQdhtkbk 01886^260201,9417019292 vhHn?;HghHd;{jk ;qh ofizdo e[wko Powk c"B Bzpo 01883^285541 75070^40013 vkHnkoHe/H pZrk n?;Hn?wHUH d;{jk 98146^94249 sfj;hbdko d;{jk ;qh joeow f;zx c"B Bpo 01883^285024 95010H08101 vkH e/tb f;zx n?;Hn?wHUH NKvk 01886^222226 98558^65522 n?;Hn?uHUH d;{jk ;qh irdhP nsoh c'B Bzpo 01883^285023 7087777888 vhHn?cHUH d;{jk nNb e[wko nkbw 94172H22388, 01883^283007 n?;Hn?uHUH NKvk Pqh godhg f;zx c'B Bzpo 01886^222026 9914536778 cbZv ezNo'b o{w c'B Bzpo 01883^285024

Bkw ;?eNo pukU ;?ANo nbkN ehs/ ;hHnko gNtkoh dk ;ogzu dk Bkw gzukfJs Bzpodko dk w?vheb t?NBoh J/Hn?cHn? gkto N?bhc'B Bkw cbZv No/v bVh nc;o ns/ dk Bkw rJ/ fgzv HUH Bkw ns/ w'H ;?eNoh Bkw Nhw dk Nhw s/ ;HUH dk ekog'o/PB wfjewk n?BHihHUi eowukoh Bzp w'pkJhb Bzpo dk Bkw Bkw s/ w'H Bzpo Bkw s/ fbw d;{jk o Bzpo s/ w'H w'HBzL w'HBzpo Bzpo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ;qhgowihs ;oekoh 1 cZsk ;qh gqrN f;zx I;tzs f;zx wBihs ;[oihs f;zx vkH jphp ;qh fdB/P n?ePhnB dftzdo ;[yftzdo Bftzdo f;zx 1H f;zx n?bhw?ABNoh 2He[Zbk btgqhs 98151^ 95920^73860 f;zx 98146^51403 nzfwqsi' t?NBoh e[wko G'rg[o e[wko f;zx ekB{zr' jbek phHvhHghHUH ;e{b oVk 3H oVk f;zx 96158 I;tzs f;zx 98157 ;[oihs f;zx s nc;o 7973495 96461^ n?ePhn ;jkok rVQdhtkbk NKvk Pqhwsh 4Hnpd[Zbkg[ BkfJp dftzdo f;zx 95920^73860 76995 98146^51403 f;zx, fwnkDh 079 16027 B t?bc/no 94171^23388, 98554^ gofwzdo o sfj;hb I;tzs f;zx jod;" ;[oihs f;zx 988376 94634^4 phHn?;H ebZP NKvk jofizdo f;zx 26602 e'o 5He"N dko gqrN f;zx 95920^73860 e[wko 98140^57403 075 3980 n?BHn?b 81465^63 gNtkoh jbek 94634^06 ;sko yK NKvk 98151^ I;tzs f;zx 84377 ;[oihs f;zx irho d;{jk 935 o'Noh 98143^90253 r[owhs f;zx 070 6He"Nbh 97808 96158 95920^73860 99971 98146^51403 f;zx 94171^ ebZp NKvk ns/ dcso 7Hrzd"tkb ^79179 dftzdo f;zx nwoihs f;zx oDihs f;zx n?wHghH 00075 98147^98 99888^90253 y/shpkVh 8HfwnkDh Ifszdogkb 94647^32238 94170^25846 n?u, 405 Pqh irdhg f;zx d;{jk ihHn?uHn?;H 9HsZbk f;zx r[owhs eó 01886^23700 fwnkDh Uib f;zx gNtkoh jbek 99147^954 fwnkDh 10HwZdk p?A;ntkB 99153^44187 1 988861 GkJh e?AEk 20 11Hp?; 98155^ r'bvh w[bskBh doPB f;zx 5028 xBJhnk 94647^88822, ntkDk 97545 98782^59659 94640^60571 ofizdo u?ohN/pb wBgqhs f;zx 12HwkBg[o gqrN f;zx e[bdhg f;zx pbtho f;zx f;zx NoZ;N gNtkoh jbek oVk 98151^ 94649^32011 98140^65448 ;'B{ 98784^94 nor'tkb 96158 r[owhs eó r[od/t f;zx ;/tkdko 208 94637^76720, ewb e[wko 9915344187 01886^24584 946367 uoBihs f;zx wZdk fBPkB f;zx 8 5034 gNtkoh jbek 9417836350 98153^45949 i'frzdo f;zx uZe pkw{ ;zs'y f;zx 98766^11153 87290^53310, 98556^31852

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ezfNBi?AN gbkB ;?eNo^6 n?;HvhHn?wH d;{jk vkH fjwKP{ nrotkb c'B Bzpo 01883^285022 95012^00927 pbftzdo gkb n?;Hn?uHUH rVQdhtkbk 01886^260201,9417019292 vhHn?;HghHd;{jk ;qh ofizdo e[wko Powk c"B Bzpo 01883^285541 75070^40013 vkHnkoHe/H pZrk n?;Hn?wHUH d;{jk 98146^94249 sfj;hbdko d;{jk ;qh joeow f;zx c"B Bpo 01883^285024 95010H08101 vkH e/tb f;zx n?;Hn?wHUH NKvk 01886^222226 98558^65522 n?;Hn?uHUH d;{jk ;qh irdhP nsoh c'B Bzpo 01883^285023 7087777888 vhHn?cHUH d;{jk nNb e[wko nkbw 94172H22388, 01883^283007 n?;Hn?uHUH NKvk Pqh godhg f;zx c'B Bzpo 01886^222026 9914536778 cbZv ezNo'b o{w c'B Bzpo 01883^285024 bVh Bkw pukU nbkN ;hHnkoHUH gNtkoh dk ;ogzu dk gzukfJs Bzpodko dk Bkw w?vheb Nhw t?NBoh J/Hn?cHn? gkto N?bhc'B Bkw cbZv No/v Bzp ;?eNo ;?ANo dk ehs/ Bkw ns/ w'H Bkw ;?eNoh dk Bkw s/ Nhw s/ ;HUH dk ekog'o/P wfjewk n?BHihHUi eowukoh o nc;o Bkw rJ/ Bzpo dk Bkw w'HBzL w'H Bzpo Bkw s/ B fbw ns/ fgzv s/ w'H w'HBzpo d;{jk w'pkJhb Bzpo Bzpo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ;qh jogqhs ihHJhHn?;H ;b/wg[o ;qh btgqhs gqrN f;zx oiBh ntsko ntsko f;zx vkH fp;zpo oki ;qh fdB/P n?ePhn dftzdo ;[yftzdo Bftzdo f;zx 1H f;zx G{bg[o 2HNkjb f;zx 98151^ 98725^4862 f;zx 98143^51800 nkoHn?wHUH e[wko e[wko B G'rg[o e[wko f;zx ;jkok ekB{zr' jbek J/HvhHUH gq/w e[wko h BkfJp 96158 0 94643 oiBh 94632^8282 t?NBoh -79734 96461^ n?ePhnB t?bc/no rVQdhtkbk NKvk fJzukoi 3H pZbk sfj;hbdk ;[yd/t f;zx nwoihs e'o 21345 98725^48620 2, nc;o 95079 16027 phHn?;Hn?B ebZP NKvk 94171^23388, 94655^80 ;e{b oVQk 4H o NKvk 9417341709 98763^8648 jow/;a e[bdhg f;zx i;ftzdo gkb ;b/wg[o Hn?b d;{jk 81465^639 jofizdo f;zx 153 ;toB e'o u'jkB 97808^79 jofizdo f;zx 8 uzdo 98153^69009 ckowkf;;N 981534 94171^00 35 o'Noh gNtkoh jbek ;Hn?bhH 5He'Nbh 179 98143^ e[bftzdo e'o 94171 ;[oihs 8427950277 8122 075 ebZp NKvk 98143^ ;ziht ;e{b 7H 90253 98147^3732 12683 izrtho f;zx r[odhg f;zx 98147^984 90253 e[wko G{bg[o jphp ^T[jh^ 1 9417037319 toeo 05 Pqh Uib 99888^ J/Hn?;Hnk -82888 uZe gqrN f;zx oDihs f;zx 94174^ f;zx GkJh 90253 JhH dcso 67546 98151^ 98720^1849 ioB?b f;zx 53134, s xBJhnk irdhg f;zx y/shpkVh 96158 6 9815453835 u?ohN/pb gNtkoh jbek NKvk dftzdo f;zx so;/w f;zx NoZ;N e?AEk 98887508 9501036269 8427042245 oDihs f;zx 98784^942 94647^88822, 88 0 9464060571 08 wBgqhs f;zx gNtkoh jbek nor'tkb r'bvh 94637^76720, w[bskBh uoBihs f;zx 9779659759 gNtkoh jbek uZe pkw{ 87290^53310,

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ezfNBi?AN gbkB ;?eNo^7

n?;HvhHn?wH d;{jk vkH fjwKP{ nrotkb c'B Bzpo 01883^285022 95012^00927 pbftzdo gkb n?;Hn?uHUH rVQdhtkbk 01886^260201,9417019292 vhHn?;HghHd;{jk ;qh ofizdo e[wko Powk c"B Bzpo 01883^285541 75070^40013 vkHnkoHe/H pZrk n?;Hn?wHUH d;{jk 98146^94249 sfj;hbdko d;{jk ;qh joeow f;zx c"B Bpo 01883^285024 95010H08101 vkH e/tb f;zx n?;Hn?wHUH NKvk 01886^222226 98558^65522 n?;Hn?uHUH d;{jk ;qh irdhP nsoh c'B Bzpo 01883^285023 7087777888 vhHn?cHUH d;{jk nNb e[wko nkbw 94172H22388, 01883^283007 n?;Hn?uHUH NKvk Pqh godhg f;zx c'B Bzpo 01886^222026 9914536778 cbZv ezNo'b o{w c'B Bzpo 01883^285024 b Bkw pukU nbkN ehs/ ;hHnkoHUH gNtkoh dk ;ogzu dk Bkw gzukfJs Bzpodko dk w?vheb Nhw t?NBoh J/Hn?cHn? gkto N?bhc'B Bkw cbZv No/v V h ;?eNo ;?ANo dk rJ/ fgzv Bkw ns/ ;?eNoh Bkw dk Bkw s/ Nhw s/ ;HUH dk ekog'o/PB wfjewk n?BHihHUi eowukoh Bz p nc;o Bkw w'H Bzpo dk Bkw w'HBzL w'H Bzpo Bkw s/ fbw d;{jk o ns/ s/ w'H w'HBzpo w'pkJhb Bzpo Bzpo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ;qh ;HjkJhH 1 ;qh btgqhs ;[yd/t I;tho e'o oftzzdo pbd/t f;zx vkH nzfwqsi's ਹoeztb ;qh ਿਦਨੇਸ਼ n?ePhnB dftzdo ;[yftzdo Bftzdo f;zx ekB{zr' 1 dftzdogkb ;e{b fJpokjhwg[o f;zx BkfJp f;zx 98766^14662 f;zx 84289^1328 f;zx w?vheb dhg f;zx e[wko G'rg[o e[wko f;zx jbek rVQdhtkbk H n?;HvhHUH sbtzvh 2H r[okbk sfj;hbdko 94173^ frnkB f;zx 98158 2 nc;o, t?NBoh 797349 96461^ n?ePhnB ;jkok 94171^23388,jof ghHvpb:{H vZvhnK 3HBZE{g[o NKvk 41709 98147^77435 63556 fdbpkr f;zx pboki f;zx nc;o 5079 16027 phHn?;Hn?B t?bc/no izdo f;zx gNtkoh vhH soBihs 4H pZbk 97808^7917 dftzdo ;[yftzdo f;zx Pbftzd pbd/t f;zx ckowkf;;N BZE{g[o H ebZP NKvk jbek phHn?Av e"o 5H okDh fgzv 9 f;zx 98767^^16458 o gkb ;[oihs f;zx 94788^ 94170^ n?b d;{jk 81465^63 98143^90253, nko NKvk 95010^ 6Hsbtzvh 95010362 ;[oihs f;zx 94641 9815673865 27096, rZiD 60959 94171^00 935 99888^90253, 95010^ 10363 vzvhnK 69 98724^37437 50771 r[owzso f;zx f;zx 075 o'Noh irdhg f;zx 51011 7H pjkdog[o ;[yd/t r[odhg e'o 98726^0297 n?wHn?bH ebZp NKvk gNtkoh jbek e?AEk 8H gq/wg[o f;zx 97818^33652 5 NhH 98147^98 94647^88822, ;[yfizdo 9H mkeoh 94173^ r[ouoB e'o e[bdhg e'o 97801^5108 405 Pqh wBgqhs f;zx f;zx 41709 98727^46316 98157^ 9 Uib f;zx gNtkoh jbek J/Hn?;Hnk jofizdo wfjzdo f;zx 10287 GkJh nor'tkb JhH dcso f;zx 88721^96709 ;sBkw f;zx xBJhnk 94637^76720 y/shpkVh 98143^ puB e'o 97792^ u?ohN/pb , uoBihs NKvk 90253 9780399735 84988 NoZ;N f;zx gNtkoh f;woihs e"o joGiB f;zx 98784^94 jbek uZe pkw{ 98769^85376 94648^5930 208 87290^53310 5 , eosko f;zx 98140^ 29337

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ezfNBi?AN gbkB ;?eNo^8

n?;HvhHn?wH d;{jk vkH fjwKP{ nrotkb c'B Bzpo 01883^285022 95012^00927 pbftzdo gkb n?;Hn?uHUH rVQdhtkbk 01886^260201,9417019292 vhHn?;HghHd;{jk ;qh ofizdo e[wko Powk c"B Bzpo 01883^285541 75070^40013 vkHnkoHe/H pZrk n?;Hn?wHUH d;{jk 98146^94249 sfj;hbdko d;{jk ;qh joeow f;zx c"B Bpo 01883^285024 95010H08101 vkH e/tb f;zx n?;Hn?wHUH NKvk 01886^222226 98558^65522 n?;Hn?uHUH d;{jk ;qh irdhP nsoh c'B Bzpo 01883^285023 7087777888 vhHn?cHUH d;{jk nNb e[wko nkbw 94172H22388, 01883^283007 n?;Hn?uHUH NKvk Pqh godhg f;zx c'B Bzpo 01886^222026 9914536778 cbZv ezNo'b o{w c'B Bzpo 01883^285024 bV Bkw ;?eNo pukU ;?ANo nbkN ;hHnkoHUH gNtkoh dk ;o gzukfJs Bzpodk w?vheb t?NBoh J/Hn?cHn?;H gkto N?bhc'B Bkw n?BHihHUi cbZv No/v eowukoh h Bzp nc;o ns/ dk Bkw ehs/ Bkw ns/ gzu ;?eNoh o dk Nhw dk Nhw s/ UH dk Bkw ekog'o/PB wfjewk o w'pkJhb Bzpo rJ/ w'H Bzpo dk dk Bkw Bkw Bkw s/ w'H Bzpo s/ w'HBzpo fbw dk Bkw fgzv Bkw s/ w'H w'HBzpo s/ w'pkJhb Bzpo Bzpo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ;qh ihHn?;Hn?;H Bro ;qh btgqhs gftZso jogkb ofizdo vkH ftB/ jo[Bos ;qh fdB/P n?ePhnB ;qh dftzdo ;[yftzdo f;zx Bftzdo f;zx ekB{zr' 1H eofwzdogkb n?;H NKvk e'Pb f;zx BkfJp f;zx f;zx f;zx e[wko B e[wko G'rg[o e[wko ;jkok t?bc/no jbek rVQdhtkbk f;zx NKvk sfj;hbdko 94634^ 97811 98882 nkoHn?wH t?NBoh -79734 96461^ n?ePhnB ebZP NKvk 94171^23388, JhHUHn?wH;hH NKvk 39602 88906 ^7691 UH nc;o 95079 16027 phHn?;Hn?BH 81465^63935 jofizdo f;zx gNtkoh NKvk 97808^79179 r[ogkb 4 9501522 ezXkbk n?b d;{jk o'Noh ebZp NKvk jbek 98143^90253 98144^24002 f;zx 703 iZNK 94171^000 98147^98405 99888^90253 70091 fteow 89681^ 75 Pqh Uib f;zx irdhg f;zx gNtkoh 42170 f;zx 20686 GkJh xBJhnk jbek e?AEk ckowkf; dhge u?ohN/pb NoZ;N 94647^88822 ;N e[wko 98784^94208 wBgqhs f;zx gNtkoh 94786 t?NBoh jbek nor'tkb 38005 nc;o 94637^76720 pbihs gq/wg[o uoBihs f;zx gNtkoh f;zx 99155^ jbek uZe pkw{ 97819 70581 87290^53310, 16999 ;[yd/t f;zx

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ezfNBi?AN gbkB ;?eNo^9

n?;HvhHn?wH d;{jk vkH fjwKP{ nrotkb c'B Bzpo 01883^285022 95012^00927 pbftzdo gkb n?;Hn?uHUH rVQdhtkbk 01886^260201,9417019292 vhHn?;HghHd;{jk ;qh ofizdo e[wko Powk c"B Bzpo 01883^285541 75070^40013 vkHnkoHe/H pZrk n?;Hn?wHUH d;{jk 98146^94249 sfj;hbdko d;{jk ;qh joeow f;zx c"B Bpo 01883^285024 95010H08101 vkH e/tb f;zx n?;Hn?wHUH NKvk 01886^222226 98558^65522 n?;Hn?uHUH d;{jk ;qh irdhP nsoh c'B Bzpo 01883^285023 7087777888 vhHn?cHUH d;{jk nNb e[wko nkbw 94172H22388, 01883^283007 n?;Hn?uHUH NKvk Pqh godhg f;zx c'B Bzpo 01886^222026 9914536778 cbZv ezNo'b o{w c'B Bzpo 01883^285024 bVh Bkw ;?eNo pukU nbkN ;hHnkoH gNtkoh dk ;ogzu dk gzukfJ Bzpodko dk w?vheb t?NBoh J/Hn?cHn? gkto N?bhc'B Bkw cbZv No/v eowukoh Bzp nc;o ns/ ;?ANo dk ehs/ rJ/ UH Bkw ns/ w'H Bkw s Bkw Nhw dk Nhw s/ ;HUH dk ekog'o/ wfjewk n?BHihHUi o w'pkJhb Bkw fgzv Bzpo ;?eNoh Bkw s/ w'H Bzpo Bkw s/ PB fbw Bzpo dk Bkw w'HBzpo w'HBzpo dk Bkw s/ w'H s/ w'HBzL BzL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ;qh wBihs ihHn?uHn? 1 Bo{V ;qh nwBgqhs f;zx Ffti? f;zx gqGdhg dbhg uzd vkHw'fjs oftzdo ;qh fdB/P n?ePh ;qh dftzdo jogkb f;zx Bftzdo f;zx ekB{zr' 1H f;zx BkfJp ;H wBj'sk 2H wBihs 99153^46958 94178^8526 f;zx 94172^ Powk f;zx e[wko nB e[wko GZNh jbek rVQdhtkbk sfj;hbdko gq/wihs wBj'sk f;zx ^T[jh^ 4 ;hHJ/ 47071 PwP/o n?wHUH t?NBoh 7973495 G'rg[o n?ePhnB nzp/deo 94171^23388, rVQdhtkbk j?v Nhuo 3HyzrtkV BkfJp ^T[jh^ fPqPNkd/th (;zwsh) f;zx 94785^ 99880 nc;o 079 96461^ phHn?;Hn?BH t?bcno jofizdo f;zx 97796^307 h sfj;hbd ;[fozdo f;zx 9417601604 76965 75566 83083 I"jb 16027 n?b d;{jk ;';kfJNh gNtkoh jbek 61 4HBzrb ko 94784^93189 pbtho f;zx 33695 osB d/t ;[fozdo 94178^1 94171^000 rVqdhtkbk 98143^90253 5Hcsfjg[ rVQdhtkb ;[fozdo f;zx 9417257471 94647^ f;zx 1847 75 98555^613 99888^90253 r[ow/b f;zx o k 98155^03625 goftzdo e'o 35241 n?wHn?bH 10 irdhg f;zx gNtkoh r'Adg[o 6H 97796^3 pbftzdo f;zx 9464618809 I;tho f;zx Nh e[bdhg f;zx jbek e?AEk fBohye GkB'tkb 0761 75894^95672 oDihs f;zx 94785^ 941785 ;j'sk 94647^88822, 94173^273 7Heeokb ;[fozdo f;zx 9872076517 77657 3023 :{E ebZP wBgqhs f;zx gNtkoh 20 h 94784^93189 ofizdo e[wko jofdnkb f;zx rVQdhtkbk jbek nor'tkb 8H GN'bh ;[fozdo f;zx 9878376977 98552^ 98827^128 94637^76720, 9H EkBk 94784^93189 oki okDh 03687 4NoZ;N uoBihs f;zx 9478771104 Ihs okw gNtkoh jbek uZe Ikrho f;zx 9478769983 pkw{ 87290^53310, 9463443662 fti? e[wko ow/P uzd 9463156581 9463253136

District Disaster Management Plan, Hoshiarpur 2018-19 Page 166

Communication Plan Sub Division Mukerian Sector No. 1 SDM Mukerian:- Sh. Harcharan Singh, PCS, Phone No. 01883-244441, M. No 84273-00899 DSP Mukerian:- Sh. Ravinder Singh, Phone No. 244367, M. No. 98784-29106 Tehsildar Muk:- Sh. Tarsem Singh, Ph. 01883-244813, M.No 95017-06465 SHO Hajipur :- Sh. Ranjit Singh, Ph. No. 01883-272172, M. 98146-70578 Name of The Evacuat-ion Sector Officer Supporting Staff Flood Trained Name of the President of Medical Team Veterinary Team Food & Supply Name of villages in the Centre Employees NGOs/ Dept. Sarpanch/Nambardar sector Club 1. Sariana GSSS Sh.Yudhvir Sh.Gurpal Singh, Sh. Lakhvir Singh Sh. Amarjit Singh S/o Sh. Dr. Gaurav Dr. Sunil Kumar, Sh. Manish Sh.Usha Rani, Sarpanch, Sariana Singh, BDPO, Patwari Circle, Bela Patwari Circle Gandharv Singh R/o Harchand VO,Sariana Bassi, Insp. Sariana Talwara Sariana 94638-37313 kartoli Talwara Road, Mukeian 94173-62777 84271-33441 Food and Sh. Satish Kumar, 2. Dhade 94647-83811 President Rotary Club, supply, Hajipur Nambardar, Sariana Katwal 09805-249155 Muk. Sh. Raman Kumar Sh. Tilak Raj, V.I 98550-59559 9463734040 94636-83255 98145-11081 MPHW(M) Sariana. Sh Rajinder Singh 94658-57265 94637-77391 Sh. Lakhwinder Sh. Hardeep Singh, Panchyat Secrtery Sh. Sanjeev Jakhmi R/o Singh, Timmi Nambardar, Dhade Katwal Hajipur Room no.680 L/T.2 Sec 2 Smt Parmjit Kaur Sh. Bhuvnesh Depo holder, 9872325967 81462-64124 Talwara.President MPHW(F) Kumar, Vet. Hajipur 94637- National yutt 88720-91852 Insp.Ghugwal 71313 Bimaljit Kaur, Sarpanch, development center 54 01883-272189, Dhade Katwal Sh Sukhwinder Singh, Asirwad Bilding vidyak 94658-76581 9465146590 Panchyat Secrtery, incleb Main Markit Hajipur committee, Talwara 94171-98392 94170-82227

Sh. Vippen Kumar R/o vill/Po Bhamotar, President, Himalaya Foundation Bhamotar. 94171-73827

District Disaster Management Plan, Hoshiarpur 2018-19 Page 167

Communication Plan Sub Division Mukerian Sector No. 2 SDM Mukerian:- Sh. Harcharan Singh, PCS, Phone No. 01883-244441, M. No 84273-00899 DSP Mukerian:- Sh. Ravinder Singh, Phone No. 244367, M. No. 98784-29106 Tehsildar Muk:- Sh. Tarsem Singh, Ph. 01883-244813, M.No 95017-06465 SHO Hajipur :- Sh. Ranjit Singh, Ph. No. 01883-272172, M. 98146-70578 Name of Evacuat-ion Sector Officer Supporting Staff Flood Trained Name of the President of Medical Team Veterinary Team Food & Supply Dept. Name of the villages Centre Employees NGOs/ Sarpanch/Nambardar in the Club sector 1.Bela GHS Gera Sh. Sukhpreet Sh.Sourav Sh.Jatinder Sh. Amarjit Singh S/o Sh. Dr.Nand Kishore Dr.Sukhwinder Singh, Sh. Manish Bassi, Sh. Satish Kumar Singh, Sariana pal Singh, Mehral, Patwari bahil, kolian Gandharv Singh R/o Talwara Bhatti V.O. Hajipur Insp. Food and supply Nambardar, Bela sariana BDPO, Hajipur, Circle, Hajipur 94659-78991 Road, Mukeian 98153-82466 94636-11180 Hajipur 94637-34040 01883 -272305, 82888-37938 President, Rotary Club, Muk. 98550-59559 2. Puro 98880-67743 98145-11081 Sh. Rajni Devi Sh.Tarsem Raj, Vet. Ins. Balvir Kaur, Sarpanch, Vill. Chak Sh. Gulshan ANM Bhater Sh. Lakhwinder Singh Bela Sariana 99155-83709 Masih, Panchyat Sh. Sanjeev Jakhmi R/o Room 94141-94810 Timmi Secretery, no.680 L/T.2 Sec 2 Sh. Gurdial Singh, Hajipur. Talwara.President National yutt Sh. Prince Kumar Depo Holder, Hajipur Nambardar, Puro Chak 3. Jhang 98766-37550 development center 54 MPHW(M) Sh. Pankaj Kumar, Vety. 94637-71313 98767-76892 Asirwad Bilding vidyak incleb 94178-81842 Insp, Handhwal Sh. Rakesh Main Markit committee, 94780-18546 Prem Lal, Sarpanch, Vill. Kumar, Panchyat Talwara 94170-82227 Puro Chak 94640-11242 Secretery, 94636-07644 Sh. Vippen Kumar R/o vill/Po Sh. Subhash Chandar, Bhamotar, President, Himalaya Nambardar , Jhang 94636- Foundation, Bhamotar. 45307 94171-73827 Sh. Narinder Kaur, Sarpanch Jhang. 96460-52301

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Communication Plan Sub Division Mukerian Sector No. 3 SDM Mukerian:- Sh. Harcharan Singh, PCS, Phone No. 01883-244441, M. No 84273-00899 DSP Mukerian:- Sh. Ravinder Singh, Phone No. 244367, M. No. 98784-29106 Tehsildar Muk:- Sh. Tarsem Singh, Ph. 01883-244813, M.No 95017-06465 SHO Mukerian :- Sh. Karnail Singh, Ph. No. 01883-244009, M. 98158-05948 Name of The Evacuat-ion Sector Officer Supporting Staff Flood Trained Name of the President of Medical Team Veterinary Food & Supply Name of villages in the Centre Employees NGOs/ Team Dept. Sarpanch/Nambardar sector Club

1. Haler Community Sh.Heera Singh, Sh. Amarjit Singh, Sh. Paramjit, Sh. Amarjit Singh S/o Sh. Dr. Amit Kumar Dr. Pardeep Sh. Manish Bassi Sh. Gorakh Singh N.dar, Janardhan Hall, Harsa BDPO, Kanugo, Bhangala Patwari Circle Gandharv Singh R/o Talwara 96467-24202 Singh V.O Inspector Food and Haler Janardhan Mansar Mukerian 98725-78462 98729-51035 Road Mukeian Dhamian Supplies Hajpur 94658-82533 01883-244026 Harse Mansar President Rotary Club Muk. Mandeep 94638-52434 94633-06969 Sardari Lal Sarpanch 99883-35350 Vinod Kumar 2. Motla Panchayat 98145-11081 Pharmacist Haler Janardhan Secy.Mukerian. Sh. Vijay Singh 98748-02571

94170-94044 Sh. Sanjeev Jakhmi R/o Room Jasbir Kumar Vety. Insp Sh.Onkar Singh N.Dar no.680 L/T.2 Sec 2 MPHW(M) Dhamian Sh. Rachhpal Singh Kolian 3. Kolian Surinderpal, Talwara.Presient National yutt 98729-50963 Depo Holder 94643-16509 Panchayat development center 54 Bhangala Sh.Veena Kumari Sarpanch Secrtery Asirwad Bilding vidyak incleb Smt. Sarbjit 94630-13718 Kolian 94649-31028 4. Haler Dalpat Main Markit committee Kaur 98155-80828 urf Musahibpur Talwara 94170-82227 ANM Sh.Harnider Singh N.dar Motla

Sh. Vippen Kumar R/o vill/Po 99153-30240 Bhamotar President Himalaya Sh.Balwinder Singh Foundation Bhamotar. Sarpanch Motla 94171-73827 99159-59098 Sh.Nasib Singh N.dar Haler

Dalpat urf Musahibpur. 99144-53079

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Communication Plan Sub Division Mukerian Sector No. 4 SDM Mukerian:- Sh. Harcharan Singh, PCS, Phone No. 01883-244441, M. No 84273-00899 DSP Mukerian:- Sh. Ravinder Singh, Phone No. 244367, M. No. 98784-29106 Tehsildar Muk:- Sh. Tarsem Singh, Ph. 01883-244813, M.No 95017-06465 SHO Mukerian :- Sh. Karnail Singh, Ph. No. 01883-244009, M. 98158-05948 Name of The Evacuat-ion Sector Officer Supporting Staff Flood Trained Name of the President of Medical Team Veterinary Food & Supply Name of villages in the Centre Employees NGOs/ Team Dept. Sarpanch/Nambardar sector Club 1. Chak GHS, Sh. Davinder Sh. Tarsem Lal Kago. Sh. Kuldip Sh. Amarjit Singh S/o Sh. Dr. Savita Dr.Jatinderpal Sh. Manish Bassi Sh. Jarnail Singh N.dar Kalan Harsa Mansar Choudhary, SDO Circle Singh Patwari Gandharv Singh R/o MO Harse Mansar Singh, V.O Inspector Food and Chak Kalan PWD B&R Hardokhundpur, Circle Devi Dass Talwara Road Mukeian 94649-12339 Harsa Mansar Supplies Hajipur 97798-28747 2. Pandori Mukerian 94175 -17775 73559-82769 President Rotary Club 81950-44077 94633-06969 Sh. Ravi Kumar Sarpanch Bhagat 01883 244074 Muk. Chak Kalan 94787-34720 Paramjit Singh 98145-11081 Sh. Bal Krishan 94638-53864 3. Sania Patwari Chak Kalan Ph. 94174-11027 Sh. Surinder Sh. Rachhpal Singh Sh. Ranbir Singh 98729-51035 Sh. Sanjeev Jakhmi R/o Pharmacist singh V I Tanda Depo Holder Nambardar Pandori 4. Salowal Room no.680 L/T.2 Sec 2 Churian Bhangala 94173-53536 Surinderpal Talwara.Presient National 94173-55412 94630-13718 Sh.Baljit

,Panchayat Secrtery yutt development center Smt.Kulwinder Singh N.dar Sanial 94649-31028 54 Asirwad Bilding vidyak Kaur ANM 99155-42805

incleb Main Markit Gurmit Kaur Sarpanch Sahil Kumar, committee Talwara Sh. Rajdeep Singh Sh Parminder Sanial Panchayat Secrtery, 94170-82227 MPHW Singh VPO 98789-95092 Mukerian. 94648-56787 Mehmodpur Sh.Pritam Singh N.dar 94653-89996 Sh. Vippen Kumar R/o Batala Sallowal vill/Po Bhamotar President 94178-84966 94648-37637 Himalaya Foundation Sh. Ramma Devi Bhamotar. Sarpanch Sallowal 94171-73827 94171-81646

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Communication Plan Sub Division Mukerian Sector No. 5 SDM Mukerian:- Sh. Harcharan Singh, PCS. Phone No. 01883-244441, M. No 84273-00899 DSP Mukerian:- Sh. Ravinder Singh, Phone No. 244367, M. No. 98784-29106 Tehsildar Muk:- Sh. Tarsem Singh, Ph. 01883-244813, M.No 95017-06465 SHO Mukerian :- Sh. Karnail Singh, Ph. No. 01883-244009, M. 98158-05948

Name of Evacuat-ion Sector Officer Supporting Staff Flood Name of the President of Medical Team Veterinary Team Food & Supply Dept. Name of The villages Centre Trained NGOs/ Sarpanch/Nambardar in the Employees Club sector 1. G.S.S.S Bhangala Onkar Singh, Sh.Sulakhan Mukhtiar Sh. Amarjit Singh S/o Sh. Dr.Manmeet Kaur Dr. Manmohan Sh. Manish Bassi Sh. Tarsem Singh N.dar Mehtabpur SDO ,W/S Singh, Patwari Singh Frojpur Gandharv Singh R/o 94637-64980 Singh Dardi Inspector Food and Mehtabpuir Mukerian Circle Mehtabpur 94173-71363 Talwara Road Mukeian R.VO Bhangala. Supplies Hajipur 94637-05551 94177-49229 khichan President Rotary Club Muk. Smt.Raj Rani ANM 941787-19511 98550-59559 2. Jahanpur 99155-70925 98145-11081 01883 271644 Parveen Kumari Sh. Mohinder Singh Sarpanch Mehtabpur Dharminder Sh. Sanjeev Jakhmi R/o Smt.Jasvir Kaur Sh. Harpal Singh Depo Holder 98720-91095 3. Simbli Kumar Panchayat Room no.680 L/T.2 Sec 2 PH 98762-98226 Vety Insp. Mehtabpur Sh. Gulzar Singh N.dar Secrtery, Talwara.Presient National Bhangala 92175-50943 Jahanpur Mukerian yutt development center 54 94178-61432 01883-234832 94633-12157 Asirwad Bilding vidyak Sh. Shakti Chand incleb Main Markit (Civ) Jasbir Kaur Sarpanch Sukwinder singh committee Talwara Sh Pawan Singh Jahanpur Panchayat 94170-82227 V.I. 98553-36099 Secrtery Kotli Khas, Mukerian Sh. Vippen Kumar R/o 94172-71733 Sh. Sampuran Singh 94171-98392 vill/Po Bhamotar President N.dar Simbli Himalaya Foundation 98557-59789 Bhamotar. 94171-73827 Sardha Devi Sarpanch Simbli 75089-19274

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Communication Plan Sub Division Mukerian Sector No. 6 SDM Mukerian:- Sh. Harcharan Singh, PCS. Phone No. 01883-244441, M. No 84273-00899 DSP Mukerian:- Sh. Ravinder Singh, Phone No. 244367, M. No. 98784-29106 Tehsildar Muk:- Sh. Tarsem Singh, Ph. 01883-244813, M.No 95017-06465 SHO Mukerian :- Sh. Karnail Singh, Ph. No. 01883-244009, M. 98158-05948 Name of The Evacuat-ion Sector Officer Supporting Staff Flood Trained Name of the President of Medical Team Veterinary Team Food & Supply Name of Sarpanch/ villages in the Centre Employees NGOs/ Dept. Nambardar sector Club 1.Hoshiarpur S.P.N Collage Sh. Atinder Pal Sh.Sulakhan Singh Sh. Joginder Pal Sh. Amarjit Singh S/o Sh. Dr. Seema Malhotra Dr. Rachhpal Singh Sh. Rajan Sh. Mukesh Kumar Kalota Mukerian Singh, S.D.O. Patwari Circle Patwari Circle Gandharv Singh R/o Talwara MO Naushera V. O Inspector Food and Namardar Harse Kalota Shah Nahar Khichan Bhavnal Road Mukeian Pattan Naushehra Pattan Supplies Mukerian 93162-74728( DEAD) 2.Kalichpur Mukerian 99155-70925 94641-48841 President Rotary Club Muk. 94174-59590 88724- 30077 89688-88348 Vijay Singh Sarpanch Harse Kalota 89681-91329 98145-11081 Kalota Sh. Jagdeep Singh 98880-79711 3.Sardulpur Sh. Shiv Pal Sh. Sanjeev Jakhmi R/o PH. 98154-61630 Sh.Manjot Singh Sh. Ram Chand Sh. Parshotam Singh N. Dar Kalota Panchayat Secrtery, Room no.680 L/T.2 Sec 2 Vety. Insp. Depo Holder Kalichpur Kalota Mukerian. Talwara.Presient National Smt. Barsha Rani Naushehra Pattan Mukerian 98153-71639 4. Sulerian 98551-15812 yutt development center 54 ANM 97810-22012 94171-18633 Kamaljit Kaur Sarpanch Asirwad Bilding vidyak incleb Kalichpur Kalota Sh.Jarnail Singh Main Markit committee Sh. Raman Sh .Sewa Singh Mukhtiar Singh 94631-83894 Panchayat Secrtery, Talwara 94170-82227 MPHW Vety. Ins. Kalu 93568-12060 Sh. Ashok Kumar N. Dar Mukerian. 81465-33218 Chang Sadulpur Kalota Sh. Vippen Kumar R/o vill/Po 97807-04313 92172-67977 Bhamotar President Himalaya Foundation Parmla Devi Sarpanch Bhamotar. Sadulpur Kalota 94171-73827 89681-80197 Sh. Balvir Singh N. Dar Sulerian 9872171287

Shama Rani Sarpanch Sulerian Kalan 80541-75153

District Disaster Management Plan, Hoshiarpur 2018-19 Page 172

Communication Plan Sub Division Mukerian Sector No. 7 SDM Mukerian:- Sh. Harcharan Singh, PCS. Phone No. 01883-244441, M. No 84273-00899 DSP Mukerian:- Sh. Ravinder Singh, Phone No. 244367, M. No. 98784-29106 Tehsildar Muk:- Sh. Tarsem Singh, Ph. 01883-244813, M.No 95017-06465 SHO Mukerian :- Sh. Karnail Singh, Ph. No. 01883-244009, M. 98158-05948 Name of The Evacuat-ion Sector Officer Supporting Staff Flood Trained Name of the President of Medical Team Veterinary Team Food & Supply Dept. Name of villages in the Centre Employees NGOs/ Sarpanch/Nambardar sector Club 1. Naushera SPN College Sh Gagandeep Sh. Kishori Lal, Sh. Joginder Pal Sh. Amarjit Singh S/o Sh. Dr. Parneet Kaur Dr. Krishan Kumar Sh. Manish Bassi Sh. Baljit Singh N.Dar Mukerian Singh, ADO Kanugo Circle Patwari circle Gandharv Singh R/o Talwara 99887-46636 R.V.O , Inspector Food and Naushera 2. Jahadpur Mukerian Mukerian Bhavnal Road Mukeian Bhebalmanj Supplies Hajipur 9464069101 98883-02929 94632-87305 94632-87041 President Rotary Club Muk. 90237-67301 98550-59559 Rajwant Kaur Sarpanch 3. Chhanta 98145-11081 Naushera Sh.Mukhtiar Singh 9464245295 4. Tooran Patwari Circle Sh. Sanjeev Jakhmi R/o Sh Onkar Singh Sh. Ram Chand Depo Sh. Ajit Singh N.Dar Naushera Room no.680 L/T.2 Sec 2 MPHW(M) Sh. Rupinder Holder Mukerian Jahidpur 5. Maiani Malahan 94173-71363 Talwara.Presient National Saiank V I 94171-18633 98723-57583 yutt development center 54 Smt.Reeta Rani Mansoorpur Sh. Harvinder Singh 6. Talluwal Sh.Vinod Kumar Asirwad Bilding vidyak incleb ANM 95920-97513 Sarpanch Jahadpur Panchyat Secrtery Main Markit committee 98768-17207 7. Taggar Kalan Mukerian. Talwara 94170-82227 Sh. Gurmukh Singh 94170-94044 N.Dar/Sarpanch Chant Sh. Vippen Kumar R/o vill/Po 9356194049 Bhamotar President Sh. Rulia Ram N.Dar Toora Himalaya Foundation 273511 Bhamotar. Joginder Singh Sarpanch 94171-73827 Tooran 98762-75192 Sh. Tarsem Lal N.Dar Maiani Malhan 98886-68421 Vim Lata Sarpanch Talluwal 98158-65081

District Disaster Management Plan, Hoshiarpur 2018-19 Page 173

Communication Plan Sub Division Mukerian Sector No. 8 SDM Mukerian:- Sh. Harcharan Singh, PCS. Phone No. 01883-244441, M. No 84273-00899 DSP Mukerian:- Sh. Ravinder Singh, Phone No. 244367, M. No. 98784-29106 Tehsildar Muk:- Sh. Tarsem Singh, Ph. 01883-244813, M.No 95017-06465 SHO Mukerian :- Sh. Karnail Singh, Ph. No. 01883-244009, M. 98158-05948 Name of The Evacuat-ion Sector Officer Supporting Staff Flood Trained Name of the President of Medical Team Veterinary Team Food & Supply Name of villages in the Centre Employees NGOs/ Dept. Sarpanch/Nambardar sector Club

1.Mehandipur B.S.P.S Khalsa Sr. Sh.Jatmder Sh. Paramjit Kumar, Sh. Kuldeep Sh. Amarjit Singh S/o Sh. Dr.Kulwant Rai Dr.Shital Singh VO Sh. Manish Bassi Sh. Milkha Singh N. Dar Sec. School Singh JE office Patwari circle Singh, Patwari Gandharv Singh R/o 99883-86445 Datarpur Inspector Food and Mehandipur 9217768414 Mukerian SDO Panchayati Mehndipur, Circle Devi Dass Talwara Road Mukeian Sarbjit kaur ANM Supplies Hajipur Raj Mukerian 98729-51035 73559-82769 88720-91756 98550-59559 Jaswinder Kaur Sarpanch President Rotary Club Muk. 2. Mauli 98727-15358 ` Sh.Gurprpreet Mehandipur Sh Dharminder 98145-11081 Sh.Kuldip Singh Singh VI kaulpur 94643-20857 Kumar Panchyat 98159-76264 Secrtery Sh. Sanjeev Jakhmi R/o Sh. Ram Chand Sh. Sukhwant singh N. Dar 3. Baupur Mukerian Room no.680 L/T.2 Sec 2 Sh.Baljinder Singh Sh Pardeep Depo Holder Mouli 94633-12157 98767-85456 Kumar Vill Mukerian 94633-37544 Talwara.Presient National yutt development center 54 Ranjna (PH) SunderPur 9417118633 Sh.Dilawar Singh 98762-98226 95016-44437 Paramjit Kaur Sarpanch 4. Bagroi Asirwad Bilding vidyak Panchyat Secrtery Mauli incleb Main Markit Mukerian 94633-37544 97811-47717 committee Talwara

5.Amirpur 94170-82227 Sh. Santosh Kumar N.Dar Baupur

Sh. Vippan Kumar R/o 223094 vill/Po Bhamotar President Darshna Devi Sarpanch Baupur 98785-70145 Himalaya Foundation Sh. Dalbir Singh N. Dar Bhamotar. Bagroi 94171-73827 94176-83150 Sh. Sukhdev Singh N.Dar Amirpur 92176-26047

Smt. Usha Devi Sarpanch Amirpur Jatta 94641-48838

District Disaster Management Plan, Hoshiarpur 2018-19 Page 174

Communication Plan Sub Division Mukerian Sector No. 9

SDM Mukerian:- Sh. Harcharan Singh, PCS. Phone No. 01883-244441, M. No 84273-00899 DSP Mukerian:- Sh. Ravinder Singh, Phone No. 244367, M. No. 98784-29106 Tehsildar Muk:- Sh. Tarsem Singh, Ph. 01883-244813, M.No 95017-06465 SHO Mukerian :- Sh. Karnail Singh, Ph. No. 01883-244009, M. 98158-05948 Name of The Evacuat-ion Sector Officer Supporting Staff Flood Trained Name of the President of Medical Team Veterinary Team Food & Supply Name of villages in the Centre Employees NGOs/ Dept. Sarpanch/Nambardar sector Club 1. Chakwal B.S.P.S Khalsa Sh Bikramjit Singh Sh. Rajesh Kumar Sh. Amarjit Singh Sh. Amarjit Singh S/o Sh. Dr. Hement Sharma Dr. Charanjeet Singh Sh. Rajan Sh. Rajinder Singh N.Dar Sr. Sec. School Secretary, Market Kanugo Circle Kanugo circle Gandharv Singh R/o , MO MPHC Behbal VO Talwara Inspector Food Chakwal 2. Dhanoa Mukerian Committee Mukerian Bhangala Talwara Road Mukeian Manj Ph. 98154- and Supplies 98720-42752 Mukerian 98725-78462 51359 Mukerian 94632-87305 President Rotary Club Muk. 89686-09090 Sh. Karnail Singh 89688-88348 Sh. Darshan Singh 3.Muradpur Jagdev Singh 98145-11081 Smt Paramjit ANM Vety Pharmacist Sarpanch Chakwal Patwari Circle, 88720-91775 Dugri Rajputan 98768-20944 Dhanoya Sh. Sanjeev Jakhmi R/o Sh Sukhwinder 98148-92440 Sh. Ram Chand 94178-81914 Room no.680 L/T.2 Sec 2 Singh PHW(M) Depo Holder Sh. Asha Singh N.Dar 98880-55870 Sh Sukhdeep Singh Mukerian Dhanoya 01883 Sh Shiv Pal Talwara.Presient National yutt development center 54 Ravi Inderjit Singh VPO Dhanoa 9417118633 278067 Panchyat Secrtery (PH) 98884-95271 96465-66278 Asirwad Bilding vidyak Mukerian 98551-15812 incleb Main Markit Sh. Surjit Singh Sh. Davinder Pal Sngh committee Talwara D/H 96468- Sarpanch Sh.Rupinder 94170-82227 23685 Dhanoya 99883-30158 Masih

Panchyat Secrtery Sh. Veer Singh N.Dar Mukerian Sh. Vippen Kumar R/o vill/Po Bhamotar President Muradpur Jattan 98155-02160 98155-96906 Himalaya Foundation

Bhamotar. Smt. Joti Bala Sarpanch 94171-73827 Muradpur jatta 78379-17448

District Disaster Management Plan, Hoshiarpur 2018-19 Page 175

Communication Plan Sub Division Mukerian Sector No. 10 SDM Mukerian:- Sh. Harcharan Singh, PCS. Phone No. 01883-244441, M. No 84273-00899 DSP Mukerian:- Sh. Ravinder Singh, Phone No. 244367, M. No. 98784-29106 Tehsildar Muk:- Sh. Tarsem Singh, Ph. 01883-244813, M.No 95017-06465 SHO Mukerian :- Sh. Karnail Singh, Ph. No. 01883-244009, M. 98158-05948 Name of The Evacuat-ion Sector Officer Supporting Staff Flood Trained Name of the President of Medical Team Veterinary Team Food & Supply Dept. villages in the Centre Employees NGOs/ sector Club 1. Urban Mukerian B.S.P.S. Sh.Kamaljinder Sh. Kishori Lal, Sh. Jagdev Singh Sh. Amarjit Singh S/o Sh. Dr. Ajay Pal Singh Dr. Ramesh Kumar Sh. Rajan Inspector Food Khalsa Sr. SinghE.O.M.C Kanugo Circle Mahuldeen pur Gandharv Singh R/o Talwara MO C.H Mukerian VO,Singhowal and Supplies Mukerian Sec. School Mukerian Mukerian delel Patwari Road Mukeian 98720-69734 88720-99704 89688-88348 Mukerian. 99149-86735 Circle Bhattia 94632-87041 President Rotary Club Muk. Jattan Smt. Rajveer Kaur 94178-81914 98145-11081 Ph. Sh. Ram Chand Depo Holder 9417677151 Sh. Daya Singh Vety Mukerian Sh. Sanjeev Jakhmi R/o Insp. Singhowal 94171-18633

Room no.680 L/T.2 Sec 2 Sh. Meash Kumar 99880-89314 Talwara.Presient National Ward Sh.Shivpal Singh yutt development center 54 Servant,78378- 94634-42969 40809 Asirwad Bilding vidyak incleb

Main Markit committee Talwara 94170-82227 Smt Reema Rani ,MPHW, Sh. Vippen Kumar R/o vill/Po 94177-11349 Bhamotar President Himalaya Foundation Bhamotar. 94171-73827

District Disaster Management Plan, Hoshiarpur 2018-19 Page 176

;kb 2018 d"okB nkT[D tkb/ ;zGkth jVQK ;pzXh f;js ftGkr dk n?ePB gbkB

1 fibQ/ dk Bkw j[fPnkog[o

2 B'vb nc;o dk Bkw ਡਾ: ਸ਼ੈਲੇਸ਼ ਕੁਮਾਰ

3 B'vb nc;o dk c'B Bzpo 9041802180

4 Jh^w/b [email protected] [email protected] 5 fibQk gZXoh ezNo'b o}w dk c'B Bzpo 01882252170

6 fibQ/ dhnK o?fgv fo;g'A; NhwK dh frDsh 19

7 fibQ/ dhnK w'pkJhb NhwK dh frDsh 58

8 ;zGkfts jVQ gqGkfts fgzvK d/ Bkw ns/ npkdh BZEh j?.

9 fibQ/ ftu bzxD tkb/ dfonktK d/ Bkw BePk BZEh j?.

10 ftP/P eEB e'Jh BjhA

District Disaster Management Plan, Hoshiarpur 2018-19 Page 177

dPqr isvl srjn, huiSAwrpur

ijlHw Pl`f konitnjYNsI plwn swl-2018

swl 2018 dOrwn hVHW dy mOsm leI ies dPqr vloN kIqI geI iqAwrI hyT Anuswr hY:

1. Pl`f kMtrol rUmW sMbMDI

hVHW dI siQqI nUM mu`K r`Kdy hoey hVH pRBwivq lko W nUM fwktrI shwieqw muh`eIAw krvwaux leI ijlHw p`Dr dw Pl`f kMtrol rUm ies dPqr ivKy sQwipq kIqw igAw hY। fJj ezNo'b o{w fwsh 18H06H2018 s'A 30H09H2018 sZe ezw eo/rk. ies kMtrol rUm dw nM: 01882-252170 hY[ ies dPqr dy ijlHw AYpIfImOloijst ies kMtrol rUm dy nofl APsr hn[ ies kMtrol rUm ivc drjw-3 krmcwrIAW dI ifaUtI 24 GMty vwsqy lgweI geI hY[

2. mYfIkl tImW sMbMDI

hVHW dI siQqI nwl inptx leI ijlHy Br ivc 58 mYfIkl tImW dw gTn kIqw igAw hY[ieh mYfIkl tImW 24 GMty ifaUtI qy qwienwq rihxgIAW Aqy iksy qrW dy hVH sMkt hwlq ivc pRBwivq ielwky iv`c loVIdIAW ishq syvwvW pRdwn krngIAW[

hr mYfIkl tIm ivc ie`k mYfIkl APsr Aqy hor is`iKAw pRwpq pYrw mYfIkl stwP ifaUtI qy lgwieAw igAw hY[ijnHW nUM Awpxy ik`qy iv`c pUrI isKlweI pRwpq hY[mYfIkl tImW dI sUcI nwl n`QI kIqI jWdI hY[

3. gMBIr mrIjW nUM mYfIkl shwieqw Aqy pRbMD bwry

ijlHw p`Dr dy isvl hsplwl ivc hVHW nwl pRBwivq mrIjW nUM shwieqw dyx leI ie`k irSYpSn kMtrol rUm bxwieAw igAw hY[ ies iv`c Awey mrIjW dI v`KrI rijstRySn dw pRbMD kIqw igAw hY[ AYmrjYNsI mrIjW vwsqy 50 ibsqirAW dw v`Krw pRbMD hY[

mrIj ijAwdw hox dI sUrq ivc ienHW nUM pRweIvyt nrisMg homW ivc vI iSPt kIqy jw skdy hn[ AYn.jI.Ej nwl prU w qwlmyl r`iKAw jw irhw hY qW jo loV pYx qy aunHW pwsoN hr qrHW dI shwieqw leI jw sky[ AYmrjYNsI ik`t 24 GMty iqAwr r`Kx vwsqy hdwieqW id`qIAW geIAW hn[

District Disaster Management Plan, Hoshiarpur 2018-19 Page 178

mrIjW nUM mYfIkl shwieqw dyx vwsqy ie`k kmytI dw gTn kIqw igAw hY[ ies kmytI ivc hr qrHW dy mwihr fwktr Aqy pYrw mYfIkl stwP nUM Swiml kIqw igAw hY[ ieh kmytI svyry Swm Awpxy mYbrW nwl mrIjW dy ielwj bwry ivcwr-vtWdrw krygI[ ies kmytI dy cyArmYn sInIAr mYfIkl APsr ieMc: isvl hspqwl bxwey gey hn[ fibQ/ Go d/ ;w{j ;hBhno w?vheb nc;oK B{z jdkfJs ehsh rJh j? fe ;zGkth jVQk d/ ;hIB d"okB ;ko/ jh f;js e/AdoK ftu b'VhdhnK dtkJhnK dk ;Nke foIot oZfynk ikt/.

iesy qrHW hI ijlHy iv`c pYNdIAW ishq sMsQwvW ivc hVHW nwl pRBwivq hoey gMBIr mrIjW nUM mYfIkl shwieqw dyx leI pUry pRbMD kIqy gey hn[ sbMDq eyrIey ivc pYNdy AYn.jI.Ej nwl pUrw qwlmyl r`iKAw jw irhw hY qW jo loV pYx qy aunW pwso hr sMBv shwieqw pRwpq kIqI jw sky[

4. AYbUlYNs syvwvW sbMDI

ijlHy Br dy swry isvl hspqwlW Aqy pRwiemrI hYlQ sYtrW ivc AYNbUlYNs g`fIAW auplBd hn[ ies qoN ielwvw 108 AYNbUlYNs syvwvW Aqy smwj syvk sMsQwvW dy tYlIPon nMbrW dI ilst nwl n`QI hY[

5. pIx vwlw swP pwxI muh`eIAw krwaux leI pRbMDW bwry

lokW nMU pIx vwlw swP pwxI muh`eIAw krwaux vwsqy ies dPqr vloN klorIn dIAW golIAW Aqy ipaUrvYl ilkaUf dw pRbMD kIqw jwvygw qW jo pIx vwly pwxI dI klorInySn XkInI bxweI jw sky[

izlHy Br dIAW ngr kONislW dy kwrj swDk APsrW, kwrjkwrI ieMjInIAr, pMjwb vwtr splweI Aqy sIvryj, kwrjkwrI ieMjInIAr jn ishq (pyNfU jl splweI) nUM hdwieqW kIqIAW geIAW hn ik brswq dy mOsm dOrwn pwxI dI klorInySn XkInI bxweI jwvy qW jo lokW nUM pIx vwlw swP Aq y Su`D pwxI muh`eIAw krvwieAw jw sky[ ngr kONslW dy swry kwrj swDk APsrW nMU AvYkueySn sYNtrW qy loV pYx qy Su`D pwxI dI splweI muh`eIAw krvwaux vwsqy hdwieqW jwrI kIqIAW geIAW hn[

6. sPweI pRbMDW bwry

izlHy Br dy pyNfU KyqrW iv`c sPweI bwry swry sInIAr mYfIkl APsrW nMU inrdyS id`qy gey hn[ sMbMDq blwk ivkws qy pMcwieq APsr, srpMcW-pMcW nwl qwlmyl krky gMdy pwxI Aqy kUVy-krkt dw shI inptwrw kIqw jwvy qW jo brswq dy mOsm iv`c m`KIAW Aqy m`CrW dI pYdwvwr rok ky ibmwrIAW PYlx qoN bicAw jw sky[ ipMfW iv`c hYlQ AYNf sYnItySn kmytIAW dI mdd nwl sPweI dy pRbMD kIqy jwxgy[

SihrI KyqrW iv`c sPweI pRbMDW nMU iDAwn iv`c r`KidAW swry ngr kONslW dy kwrj swDk APsrW nMU brswq dy mOsm dOrwn ivSyS sPweI r`Kx leI iliKAw igAw hY qW ik KVy pwxI Aqy gMdgI dw shI inptwrw kIqw jw sky qW jo m`KIAW, m`CrW qoN hox vwlIAW ibmwrIAW nMUN roikAw jw sky[

District Disaster Management Plan, Hoshiarpur 2018-19 Page 179

dPqr isvl srjn, huiSAwrpur

1. dPqr dI lokySn (jlMDr rof) isvl srjn d&qr, huiSAwrpur[

2. dPqr dy muKI dw nwm fw: ਰੇਨੂੰ ਸੂਦ (isvl srjn) tYlIPon nMbr dPqr 01882-252170

mobwiel: 9855468588

3. nofl APsr fw: ਸ਼ੈਲੇਸ਼ ਕੁਮਾਰ

mobwiel 9041802180 4. krmcwrIAW dI igxqI suprietyNfYNt sInIAr shwiek jUnIAr shwiek klrk stYno

5 qknIkI ivMg AYm.eI.AYm.ivMg cIP Pwrmwisst drjw cwr m.p.h.s sYnytrI suprvweIzr svwsQ shwiek smwj syvI sMsQwvW dIAW AYbUlYNsW dy tYlIPon nMbr

1. BweI GneIAw cYrItybl hspqwl 01882-229547 2. jY mwqw icMqpurnI tr`st huiSAwrpur 01882-224110,231073 3. BwigAw qwrw hspqwl huiSAwrpur 01882-225519 4. rYf krws suswietI huiSAwrpur 01882-221071 5. rotrI kl`b huiSAwrpur 01882-222725,223532,220402 6. rwm cirqr mwns pRcwr mMfl 01882-221973

District Disaster Management Plan, Hoshiarpur 2018-19 Page 180 hVH sMkt smyN shwieqw krn vwly svY syvI sMGw bwry

1. BweI GneIAw cYrItybl hspqwl 01882-229547 2. jY mwqw icMqpurnI tr`st huiSAwrpur 01882-224110,231073 3. BwigAw qwrw hspqwl huiSAwrpur 01882-225519 4. rYf krws suswietI huiSAwrpur 01882-221071 5. rotrI kl`b huiSAwrpur 01882-222725,223532,220402 6. rwm cirqr mwns pRcwr mMfl 01882-221973 7. SRI ASvnI iqvwVI, Awl ieMfIAw AYNtI kur`pSn kmty I huiSAwrpur 8. fw. DrvIr kpUr cyArmYn Awl ieMfIAw mYfIkl soswietI gOrW gyt huiSAwrpur 9. bIq BlweI kmytI, bIxyvwl, blwk gVSMkr 10. twaUn vYlPyAr kmytI, hirAwxw 01886-250033 11. ShId Bgq isMG sports kl`b gVHdIvwlw 12. rwm lIlw kmytI gVHdIvwlw 13. SoSl vYlPyAr kmytI gVHdIvwlw 14. smwj suDwr sBw gVHdIvwlw 15. gurdyv sports kl`b gVHdIvwlw 16. ShId Bgq isMG krWqIkwrI pwrtI sBw, BlotIAw, blwk BUMgw 17. lwienz kl`b tWfw 18. rotrI kl`b tWfw 19. qrkSIl suswietI tWfw 20. ShId Bgt isMG kl`b bu`fwvwV 21. rivdws kl`b pnKUh (blwk bu`fwvwV)

District Disaster Management Plan, Hoshiarpur 2018-19 Page 181

dUjy ivBwgW dy sMprk nMbr

AfISnl ifptI kimSnr (G) 01882-220306 AfISnl ifptI kimSnr (D) 01882-220307 fI.fI.pI.E 01882-223374 fI.tI.E.huiSAwrpur 01882-220311 ijlw is`iKAw APsr (sYkMfrI) 01882-220813 ijlw is`iKAw APsr (AYlImYNtrI) 01882-220064 AYs.fI.AYm. huiSAwrpur 01882-220310 AYs.fI.AYm. gVHSMkr 01884-252022 AYs.fI.AYm. dsUhw 01883-285022 AYs.fI.AYm.mukyrIAW 01883-244441 qihsIldwr huiSAwrpur 01882-220796 qihsIldwr gVHSMkr 01884-282037 qihsIldwr dsUhw 01883-285024 qihsIldwr mukyrIAW 01883-244813 ijlHw smwj BlweI APsr 01882-225707 blwk ivkws qy pMcwieq APsr, gVHSMkr 01884-282037 blwk ivkws qy pMcwieq APsr, mwihlpur 01884-245252 blwk ivkws qy pMcwieq APsr, huiSAwrpur-1 01882-250998 blwk ivkws qy pMcwieq APsr, huiSAwrpur-2 01882-222339 blwk ivkws qy pMcwieq APsr, BUMgw 01886-253430 blwk ivkws qy pMcwieq APsr, tWfw 01886-222028 blwk ivkws qy pMcwieq APsr, dsUhw 01883-285027 blwk ivkws qy pMcwieq APsr, mukyrIAW 01883-244026 blwk ivkws qy pMcwieq APsr, hwzIpur 01883-272305 blwk ivkws qy pMcwieq APsr, qlvwVw 01883-236134

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Sr.No. Name of the Nursing Home/Hospital Phone No. 1. Shashi Nursing Home Una Road 225800 3. St.Joseph Hospital Ram Colony Camp 223492 4. Goyal Nursing Home Model Town 222882 5. Nanda Nursing Home Model Town 222638 6. Chaudhary Nursing Home Prem Garh Mohalla 233533/9417197555 7. Nursing Home 250561 8. Ahuja Children Hospital Mall Road 236632 9. Bansal Nursing Home Mall Road 224588 10. Bassi Eye Hospital Arora Complex 243402 11. Bali Hospital Model Town 226371 12. Bhai Ghanaiya Hospital Model Town 13. Bharaj Nursing Home Jalandhar Road 251667 14. Deep Nursing Home Tagore Nagar 252520,253420,252220 (R) 15. Gulati Nursing Home Hira Colony 221316 16. Kumar Hospital Shalimar Nagar 220092 17. Kalia Nursing Home Rly. Station Road 222138 18. K.K Nursing Home Bassi Khwaju 221057 19. Kanwar Hospital Fatehgarh Road 225596 20. Modern Hospital Sutehri Road 234868 21. Kapila Hospital Sutehri Road 223430 22. Aggarwal Nursing Home Sutehri Road 220578 23. New Saini Hospital Fatehgarh Road 227339 24. Modi Nursing Home Near Parbhat Chowk 220935 25. Singla Children Hospital Phagwara Road 221038 26. Saini Hospital Model Town 242020,243020 27. Purewal Hospital Aslamabad 235035 28. Dhami Hospital & Nursing Home 253561 29. Balkrishan Hospital Krishna Nagar 222220 30. Ravinder Nursing Home 31. Child Care Hospital 228933 32. KDM hospital Tanda By Pass 9814345701 33. Narad Hospital Fatehgarh Road 9417517717 34. RRM central Hospital 35. Shivam Hospital Phagwara Road Hsp. 8146680265 36. IVY Hospital RC Camp 9988004977

LIST OF PRIVATE HOSPITAS/NURSING HOMES IN SUB DIVISION MUKERIAN 37. SPN Charitable Hospital Near 244717,247437 Surinder Filling Station 38. Kartar Memorial Hospital Qila Road Dr.Surinder Kumar 244443

39. Gautam Eye Hospital Qila Road Dr.Ashwani Gautam 244333,244555 40.. Dr. Kamaljit Psychiatric Hospital Qila Dr. Kamaljit Singh 244684

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36. Rana Hospital /near Bus Stand Dr.Gian Chand Rana 244330 37. Sehgal Hospital New Colony Dr.Sushil Sehgal 244311, 244212 (R) 38. Narindera Hospital New Colony Dr.Narinder Mahajan 244130 39. Dr.Kapila’s Hospital Naushehra Road Dr.Sushil Kapila 244214 (Gurdevpur Mohalla) 40. Saini Bone & Joint Hospital Dr.Saini 244824,244826 Khichian Road 41. Randhawa Skin Care Hospital Dr.B.S Randhawa 248630 Naushehra Road, Randhawa Colony 42. Sanjivni Hospital Near A.S Dr. Ranjeev Bhangotra 249343 Sr.Sec.School 43. Dr.Davinder Singh Hospital GT Road, Dr.Davinder Singh Hajipur Road 44. Dogra Hospital Near A.S Dr.Naveen Dogra 98144-33931 Sr.Sec.School 45. Dr.Chaudhary Hospital Naushehra Dr.Parmjit Chaudhary 244334 Road

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FORMAT FOR PIP DISASTER MANAGEMENT (FLOOD) 2018-19 District HOSHIARPUR PROFILE Population of the Distt. Hoshiarpur- 1687798

Infrastructure Number District 01

Sub Divisions/ Tehsils 04

Revenue Blocks 09

Distt. Hospital 01

Sub Divisional Hospitals 03

P.H.C’s. 28

C.H.C’s 12

Sub Centers 244

Villages 1478

District Disaster Management Plan, Hoshiarpur 2018-19 Page 186

Name of the District HOSHIARPUR 2018-19 Requirement of Commodities Sr. No. Name of the item Quantity Required 1 Tablet chlorine 3,00,000

2 Spray Pumps (knapsack) 0

3 Spray Pumps ( Stirrup) 0

4 Fogging Machine 0

5 Malathion 25% wdp 75kg.

6 Pyrethrum 2% 20Ltr

7 BTI (AS) 30.Kg.

8 BTI (WP) 30.Ltr.

9 Others insecticide and larvicides 30.Ltr. (Temephos)

District Disaster Management Plan, Hoshiarpur 2018-19 Page 187

Name of the District HOSHIARPUR 2018-19 Requirement of Funds Sr. No. Head Fund Required (Rs.) 1 Spray wages (for IRS/Focal Spray) 1,00,000/- 2 Kerosene/ diesel oil (for space spray with 75,000/- pyrethrum 2% 3 POL (for Mobility support) 75,000/- 4 IEC/ BCC 30,000/- 5 Others (petrol for fogging) 20,000/- TOTAL AMOUNT 3,00,000/-

District Disaster Management Plan, Hoshiarpur 2018-19 Page 188

Name of the District HOSHIARPUR List of Consumables: 2018-19 Sr.No. Name of the item Requirement

1 Disposable Syringes with Needles 2, 5 ml with needle size no. 23 2ml-2000, 5ml-2000

2 Disposable Syringes with Needles 20ml with needle size no. 18 20ml,18g-100

3 I.V. Cannula Sterile Single use 18g, 20g, 22g, with injection 18g-200, 20g-200, 22g- Valve wings with injection port cap 200

4 I.V. set veted with Needle 200

5 Surgical Gloves Sterilized 6.5, 7,7.5,8 6.5-100, 7-500, 7.5- 200, 8-100

6 Crape Bandage 10cm x 4mtr., 7.5 cm x 4 mtr, 15cm x 4 mtr 10cmx4mtr-100, 15cmx4mtr-100

7 Rolled Bandage 5cmx 4mtr, 7.5cmx 4mtr, 10cmx 4mtr, 15cm x 5x4-100, 7.5x4-100, 4mtr 10x4-100, 15x4-100

8 Elastic Adhesive Bandage lanoline free streach NLT 60% Size 200 10cm x 4mtr

9 Cotton Wool absorbent I.P. 500gm pack 100

10 Adhesive Tape U.S.P. size 5mtrx 5cm 200

11 Disposable face masks double layered 1000

12 Thermometer Digital 100

District Disaster Management Plan, Hoshiarpur 2018-19 Page 189

Detail of High Risk Flood Prone Area Distt. Hoshiarpur. Year 2018 Sr. No. Block Sub Center Population Remark

Bassi Umarkhan 5898 Separate Village wise flood prone Bhunga Population is 1 attached Mustapur 5963 ------Do------Janauri 6026 ------Do------Dholbaha 4733 ------Do------Manhota 5646 ------Do------Sherkowal 8656 ------Do------Sariana 9053 ------Do------

Gurdaspur 7263 ------Do------Kolian 7272 ------Do------

Manjhpur 7382 ------Do------2 Budhabar Kotli khas 7655 ------Do------Kalota 7235 ------Do------Dhamian 8523 ------Do------Parika 8540 ------Do------Tanda Ramsahai 7384 ------Do------Bassi Maruf 4983 ------Do------Ajjowal 9710 ------Do------

Baghpur 5762 ------Do------Allowal 4876 ------Do------3 Chakowal Fatehpur 4543 ------Do------NandaChour 7499 ------Do------Kadiana 5516 ------Do------Dhamian Kalan 5112 ------Do------Deowal 5465 ------Do------Dhade Katwal 6688 ------Do------4 Hajipur Rouli 6656 ------Do------Talwara 9662 ------Do------5 Harta Badla Khadka 6724 ------Do------Sonspur 6944 ------Do------6 Mand Chakbaamu 7062 ------Do------Bhander Terkiana 7392 ------Do------Budhobarkat 6133 ------Do------Kalewal Bhagtan 2972 ------Do------

Panjora 4682 ------Do------

Pandori Ganga Singh 5072 ------Do------

Gondpur 4874 ------Do------

7 Paldi Sakruli 7590 ------Do------Sarhala Kalan 7593 ------Do------

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Nadalon 5315 ------Do------Dihana 6212 ------Do------Birampur 6396 ------Do------Denowal Kalan 5498 ------Do------Possi 8 Bagwain 5682 ------Do------Paddi Sura Singh 8219 ------Do------Garhi Matton 5165 ------Do------Ghago Roranwali 6651 ------Do------Nathupur 5812 ------Do------Jalalpur 5392 ------Do------

Prem pur 4798 ------Do------Talwandi Salan 3812 ------Do------

Gillan 5882 ------Do------Rara 4762 ------Do------9 Tanda Doburji 6869 ------Do------Tahli 4369 ------Do------Khuda 4952 ------Do------Miani 7472 ------Do------Gilzian 5256 ------Do------

Detail of High Risk Flood Prone Villages & Population 2018 Distt. Hoshiarpur. Sr. No. Block Villages Population Remark Bassi Umarkhan 5861 Nil Mustapur 5933 Nil Bhunga Nil 1 Janauri 6012 Dholbaha 4722 Nil

Manhota 5619 Nil TOTAL 5 28147 Sariana 3112 Nil Billa sariana 1636 Nil Nil Pura Chak 612 Haler Janardhan 778 Nil

Motla 162 Nil 2 Budhabar Kolia 1471 Nil Musahibpur 206 Nil Chak kalan 821 Nil Sanial 1391 Nil Salhowal 670 Nil Mehtabpur 3162 Nil Jahanpur 1473 Nil Simbli 264 Nil Kalichpur kalota 783 Nil Sardul pur Kalota 989 Nil

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Saleria 1340 Nil Noushehra Pattan 2971 Nil Jahid pur 792 Nil Miani Malah 212 Nil Talluwal 312 Nil Mehndipur 1412 Nil Mouli 619 Nil Bagroi 623 Nil TOTAL 23 25811 Saincha 873 Nil Bhagowal 642 Nil Nil Nawe Ghar 852 Rasulpur 590 Nil 3 Chakowal Bassi Ballo Nil Mughalpura 452 Nil Dhade Fateh Singh 1473 Nil Gignowal 1913 Nil Jarbadiwal 362 Nil Pathralia 770 Nil Sandhra Sodian 1362 Nil Dhamian Kalan 1266 Nil Hargarh 726 Nil Niara 836 Nil TOTAL 15 12117 Dhade Katwal 1491 Nil 4 Hajipur Santhwa 1162 Nil Rouli 1056 Nil Talwara 4881 Nil TOTAL 4 8590 5 Harta Badla Khadka 942 Nil Chak sadhu 961 Nil TOTAL 2 1903 Badla 3171 Nil 6 Mand Sonspur 831 Nil Bhander Alampur 1273 Nil

Terkiana 1969 Nil

Budhobarkat 862 Nil

TOTAL 5 8106 Mahlan 672 Nil Bhana 412 Nil Nil Alawalpur 819 Panjora 2924 Nil Pandori Ganga Singh 1152 Nil 2135 Nil Nimolia 823 Nil

Sakruli 1291 Nil

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Sarhala Kalan 1713 Nil Janglniwal 1562 Nil Nil Nadalon 2973 Paldi Nagalan Thandalan 251 Nil 7 Makhsuspur 1173 Nil Dihana 2150 Nil Dandian 723 Nil TOTAL 14 20773 Pahlewal 1971 Nil Denowal Kalan 1812 Nil Possi 8 Paddi Sura Singh 2833 Nil Garhi Matton 1469 Nil Dugri 712 Nil TOTAL 5 8797 Nathupur 1321 Nil Dumana 1024 Nil Nil Gurala 619 Firozrolia 1149 Nil

Pindi Kahir 312 Nil Nangali 719 Nil Prempur 3069 Nil Talwandi Dadian 759 Nil

Bahadurpur 552 Nil

Maanpur 599 Nil Paswaal 273 Nil 9 Tanda Sehbaajpur 1724 Nil Miranpur 313 Nil Rarra 1721 Nil Gandowal 173 Nil Tahli 2862 Nil Talla 861 Nil Bains Awan 1646 Nil Daburji 901 Nil Palla Chak 316 Nil Miani 7470 Nil Kahalwan 803 Nil Ibrahimpur 733 Nil Gillan 671 Nil Giljian 1262 Nil Kadari Chak 429 Nil Madda 516 Nil Kamalpur 391 Nil Salempur 2811 Nil G.TOTAL 29 35999 9 9 102 150243 Nil

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dcso f;tb ;oiB j[fPnkog[o. dcsoh j[ew nM.AYn.vI.bI.fI.sI.pI/huiS/2018/ imqI

fJ; dcsoh j[ewK okjhA ;kb 2018 bJh fJ; dcso fty/ jVQ ezNo'b o{w ;Ekfgs ehsk frnk j?. fJj ezNo'b o{w ਮਾਨਯੋਗ ਿਡਪਟੀ ਕਿਮਸ਼ਨਰ ਜੀ ਦੇ ਿਦਸ਼ਾ ਿਨਰਦੇਸ਼ਾਂ ਅਨੁਸਾਰ fwsh 18H06H2018 s'A 30H09H2018 sZe ezw eo/rk.fJ; ezNo'b o{w d/ fJzukoi fJ; dcso ਦੇ ਿਜਲਾ ਐਪੀਡੀਮਾਲੋਿਜਸਟ j'Dr/.fJ; dcso$ ezNo'b o{w dk N?bhc'B Bzpo 01882252170 j't/rk. jVQK d/ ;hiB ftu fJj ezNo'b o{w 24 xzN/ y[Zbk oj/rk.fJ; ezNo'b o{w d/ fJ; dcso d/ doik^3 ns/ doik^4 eowukohnK dh fvT[Nh brkJh iKdh j?. fJ; fb;N ftu do;kfJnk frnk bVh BzL jh fvT[Nh dh fwsh j't/rh. fvT[Nh o';No ;wK Pkw 5H00 ti/ s'A ;t/o/ 9H00 ti/ sZe j/m fby/ nB[;ko j?L^ bVh Bzpo eowukoh dk Bkw nj[dk c'B Bzpo 1 ਸ਼ੀ ਸੇਵਾ ਿਸੰਘ ਸੀਨੀਅਰ ;jkfJe 9417321134 2 Pqh oke/P e[wko wHgHjHtH(w/b) 9463693772 3 Pqh ;zdhg e[wko ਕboe 9464289311 4 Pqh pbihs f;zx ਕboe 7696381672 5 Pqh ftPkb g[oh wHgHjHtH(w/b) 9463643411 6 Pqh G[fgzdo f;zx i{BhL ;jkfJe 8284005494 7 Pqh gtB e[wko i{BhL ;jkfJe 8427750351 8 Pqh dftzdo e[wko i{BhL ;jkfJe 9463671568 9 Pqh e/tb feqPB ਕboe 8699988866 10 Pqh ਨਵਦੀਪ f;zx ਸੀਨੀਅਰ ;jkfJe 9592363510 11 Pqh Xofwzdo ਕboe 9988778201 12 Pqh ;ziht e[wko ਸੀਨੀਅਰ ;jkfJe 9872638971 13 Pqh fgqsgkb f;zx wHgHjH;H(w/b) 8427955154 14 Pqh okj[b e[wko n?BHnkoHn?uHn?w 7529833309 15 Pqh G[fgzdo f;zx cfoi we?fBe 9463258887 16 Pqh fsbe oki ;tk;E ;jkfJe 9872635336 17 Pqh godhg e[wko ckowkf;;N 9417321619 18 ਸ਼ੀ ਪਰਿਮਦਰ ਿਸੰਘ ckowkf;;N 19 Pqh rrBdhg e[wko wHgHjHtH(w/b) 9988908677 20 Pqh p;zs e[wko wHgHjH;H(w/b) 8877497620 21 Pqh w[e/P e[wko eboe 8699202460 22 Pqh ਜਗਮੀਤ ਿਸੰਘ eboe 23 Pqh ਸੰਦੀਪ ਕੁਮਾਰ (ਪੀ.ਐਨ.ਡੀ.ਟੀ.) eboe 9914537541 24 Pqh i;ftzdo f;zx ਐਸ.ਏ. 9789147470 25 Pqh ;sgkb i{BhL ;jkfJe 9814690180

District Disaster Management Plan, Hoshiarpur 2018-19 Page 194

26 Pqh ਮਨਿਜੰਦਰ ਿਸੰਘ ਇਨੰਸੈਕਟ ਕੁਲੈਕਟਰ 9465463285 27 Pah sfizdo f;zx vkNk n?ANoh ngo/No 9815314696 28 Pqh rhohP e[wko vkNk n?ANoh ngo/No 9465325740 29 Pqh ਇੰਦਰਪੀਤ ਿਸੰਘ (ਸੀ.ਐਚ.) eboe 9417777749 30 Pqh ;[whs e[wko vkNk n?ANoh ngo/No 8872991900 31 Pqh joo{g e[wko ;?BhL ;[gotkJhIo 9815200303

S[ZNhnK tkb/ fdB ;t/o/ 9H00 ti/ s'A Pkw 5H00 ti/ sZe fvT[Nh d/D tkb/ eowukoBK dh fvT[Nh dh fb;N dk t/otk j/m fby/ nB[;ko j?L^

bVh Bzpo eowukoh dk Bkw doik^4 eowukoh dk fvT[Nh dhnK fwshnK Bkw 1 Pqhwsh wBdhg e'o eboe Pqh :'r/Pto 1$7, 4$8, 1$9 2 Pqhwsh thBk e[wkoh eboe Pqh tho f;zx 7$7, 5$8, 2$9 3 Pqhwsh ਮਨੀਸ਼ਾ ਠਾਕੁਰ wHgHjHtH(ch) Pqh oki e[wko 8$7, 11$8, 3$9 4 fw;L okDh eboe Pqh irdhP uzdo 14$7, 12$8, 8$9 5 Pqhwsh gbftzdo e'o eboe(voZr) Pqh Bo/P e[wko ;H;H 15$7, 15$8, 9$9 6 Pqhwsh ;[Bhsk okDh eboe Pqh B;hp uzd ;H;H 21$7, 18$8, 15$9 7 Pqhwsh foX[ pkbk eboe Pqh nP'e e[wko ;H;H 22$7, 19$8, 16$9 8 Pqhwsh o[fgzdoihs e'o eboe Pqh e[bdhg f;zx 28$7, 25$8, 22$9 9 Pqhwsh ewbi'sh ezfgT[No Pqh nP'e e[wko (cdwk) 29$7, 26$8 10 Pqhwsh ਜ;tho e'o Pqh okw b[GkfJnk 23$6, 23$9 11 fw;L fos{ vkNk n?ANoh ngo/No PQhwsh w'Bhek 24$6, 29$9 12 ਸ਼ੀ ਮਤੀ ਪਰਮਜੀਤ ਕੋਰ ਕਲਰਕ ਸ਼ੀ ਹਰਪੀਤ (ਸ.ਸ) 30/6, 30/9

District Disaster Management Plan, Hoshiarpur 2018-19 Page 195

Name of the District: Hoshiarpur List of Drugs for Floods: 2018-19 Sr. Unit Pack No. Name of the item Size Requirement 1 Inj. Diclofenac Sodium 25 mg/ml 3 ml amp 500 2 Inj. Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate 4 mg/ml 2 ml vial/ amp 500 3 Inj. Hydrocortisone Sodium Succinate 100 mg vial 500 4 Inj. Pheniramine Maleate 22.75 mg/ml 2 ml amp 500 5 Inj. Promethazine Hcl 25 mg/ml 2 ml amp 200 6 Inj. Dicyclomine Hcl 10 mg/ml 2 ml amp 200 7 Inj. Theophylline and Etofylline (50.6 mg + 169.4 mg) 2 ml amp 50 8 Inj. Tetanus Toxoid (Adsorbed) 0.5 ml amp 500 9 Inj. Metoclopramide 5 mg/ml 2 ml amp 500 10 Inj. Anti Rabies Vaccine (Cell Culture) 2.5 IU/Dose vial 50 11 Inj. Snake Venom Anti Serum IP (Freeze dried 10 ml Polyvalent) vial 50 12 Inj. Ceftriaxone 1 gm vial 500 13 Inj. Amoxycillin + Clavulanic acid (1 gm + 200 mg) vial 500 14 Inj. Ranitidine IP 25 mg/ ml 2 ml amp 1000 15 Inj. Hyosine Butyl Bromide 20 mg/ ml 1 ml amp 100 16 Inj. Tramadol 50 mg/ ml 2 ml 500 17 Inj. Phenytoin Sodium 50 mg/ ml 2 ml amp 100 18 Sterile Water for injection, IP 5 ml amp 1000 19 Plasma volume Expander 3.5 % Polygeline infusion (Hemaccel) 500 ml 150 20 Inj. Metronidazole I.V. 5 mg/ ml 100 ml Btl. 1000 21 I.V. Ciprofloxacin 200 mg/ 100 ml 100 ml 1500 I.V. Fluids 22 I.V. Normal Saline (Sodium Chloride 0.9 %) 500 ml Btl. 2000 23 Multiple Electrolyte G 500 ml Btl. 1000 24 I.V. Dextrose 5 % 500 ml Btl. 2000 25 I.V. Dextrose Saline 5 % w/v to 0.9 w/v 500 ml Btl. 3000

District Disaster Management Plan, Hoshiarpur 2018-19 Page 196

26 I.V. Ringer Lactate- Lactic acid (Na lactate) 0.32 %, NACl: 0.06 %, KCl: 0.04 %, CaCl2: 0.027 % 500 ml Btl. 2000 Eye/ Ear/ Nasal Drops 27 Cipro 0.3 % + Dexa 0.1 % Eye Drops 5 ml 200 28 Gentamycin 0.3 % Eye/ Ear Drops 10 ml vial 200 Tablets and Capsules 29 Tab. Paracetamol 500 mg 10 x 10 Strips 500 30 Tab. Levocetrizine 5 mg 10 x 10 Strips 500 31 Tab. Albendazole 500 mg 10 x 10 Strips 200 32 Tab. Tinidazole 500 mg 10 x 10 Strips 200 33 Tab. Ranitidine 150 mg 10 x 10 Strips 300 34 Tab. Dicyclomine Hcl 10 mg 10 x 10 Strips 300 35 Tab. Metoclopramide 10 mg 10 x 10 Strips 500 36 Tab. Ciprofloxacin coated 500 mg 10 x 10 Strips 200 37 Tab. Cotrimoxazole SS (Trimethoprim 80 mg + Sulphamethoxazole 400 mg) 10 x 10 Strips 200 38 Tab. Cefixime 200 mg 10 x 10 Strips 300 39 Tab. Furazolidone IP 100 mg 10 x 10 Strips 100 40 Tab. Multivitamin NFI Formula 10 x 10 Strips 500 41 Tab. Domperidone 10 mg 10 x 10 Strips 300 42 Tab. Chloroquine Phosphate 250 mg 10 x 10 Strips 0 43 Tab. Ofloxacin + Ornidazole (200 mg + 500 mg) 10 x 10 Strips 300 44 Tab. Paracetamol 500 mg + Diclofenac Sodium 50 mg 10 x 10 Strips 200 45 Tab. Zinc Sulphate Dispersible 20 mg 10 x 10 Strips 100 46 Tab. Primaquine 2.5 mg 10 x 10 Strips 0 47 Tab. Primaquine 7.5 mg 10 x 10 Strips 0 Solutions, Creams, Appliocations 48 Soln. Povidine Iodine 5 % w/v 500 ml Btl. 200 49 Gama Benzene Hexachloride 1 % lotion 1 Ltr. Jar 100 50 Miconazole Cream 2 % 15 gm tube 500 51 Cotrimazole Cream 1 % 10 gm tube 500 Syrups/ Suspension

District Disaster Management Plan, Hoshiarpur 2018-19 Page 197

52 Syrup Salbutamol 2 mg/ 5 ml 100 ml Btl. 1000 53 Syrup Cetrizine 5 mg/ 5 ml 30 ml Btl. 1000 54 Syrup Paracetamol 125 mg/ 5 ml 60 ml Btl. 1000 55 Syrup Cotrimoxazole, Paediatrics (Trimethoprim 40 mg + Sulphamethoxazole 200 mg/ 5 ml) 50 ml Btl. 1000 56 ORS Powder Who Formula with Citrate salt 20.5 pouch Sachet 5000 57 Susp. Albendazole 200 mg/ 5 ml 10 ml Btl. 500 58 Syp. Domperidone 5 mg/ 5 ml 30 ml Btl. 1000 59 Ointment Povidone 5 % w/w. 15 gm tube 500

District Disaster Management Plan, Hoshiarpur 2018-19 Page 198

Table No. 1.6 Medical Institutions Medical Instituions S.No. Item Rural Urban Total 1 Hosptials 3 1 4 2 Primary Health Centers 29 2 31 3 Dispensaries 83 3 86 4 Hosptials/CHC's/PHC's 12 0 12 Total 127 6 133

Table No. 1.7 Bed Capacities of Medical Institutions in Hoshiarpur (Rural+Urban)

Hospitals CHC's PHC'S Dispensaries Total

425 360 310 0 1095

In District Hoshairpur there are total number of 87 Dispensaries incliding Ayurvedic,Unani and Homeopathic

Table NO. 1.8


S.No. Type of Dispensaries No. of Dispensaries

1 Ayurvedic Dispensaries 67

2 Unani Dispensaries 2

3 Homeopathic Dispensaries 18

District Disaster Management Plan, Hoshiarpur 2018-19 Page 199

Details of Flood Medical Teams for the year 2018- District Hoshiarpur Team. No. Name of Members Designation Contact No. Area Nodal Officer for Sub-division/ Block PHC Bhunga Dr. Vipan Medical Officer 9501977663 Chak Gujran Balwinder Singh Pharmacist 7589447105 Kelon, Sherpur Balbir Kaur LHV 8872091743 Bassi Umar Khan 1 Dr.Ranjit Singh ghotra 9417497927 Balbir Kaur MPHW(F) 8872091712 Takhni Karamjeet Singh MPHW(M) 9417852426 Shahpur Ranjinder pal Class IV Bassi Panj Bhaiyan Dr. Rakesh Medical Officer 9914966727 Dholwaha Ashwani Kumar MPHW(M) 9465967291 Baari Khad 2 Shital Kaur LHV 8872091746 Ram Tatwali Sukhwnder Singh Pharmacist 9463580937 Kukanet Satpal Class IV Dr. Jatinder (MO)- 8427688055 Dr. Bhupinder Singh Medical Officer 9814251707 Malhota Harpal Singh Pharmacist 9855561310 Dehrian 3 Rajinder Kaur LHV Manjeet Kaur LHV 8872091744 Bhatolian Ashwani Kumar Class IV PHC Budhabar Dr. Davinder Singh Medical Officer Bela Sariana Rajini Devi MPHW(F) 9414894810 Puro Chak 4 Prince Kumar MPHW(M) 9417881842 Jhang Dr. Savita Medical Officer 9464912339 Salowal Sanial Dr. Amarjit Singh (SMO)- 8872091800 Bal Kishan Pharmacist 9417411027 Chak Kalan 5 Kulwinder Kaur MPHW(F) Pandori Bhagat Rajdeep Singh MPHW(M) 9464856787 Kuldeep Singh Class IV

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Dr. Manmeet Kaur Medical Officer 9915320052 Mehtabpur Dr Vishamber Lal Pharmacist 6 Raj Rani MPHW(F) Jahanpur Shakti Chand Class IV Simbli Dr. Seema Malhotra Medical Officer 9417459590 Naushehra Pattan Jagdeep Singh Pharmacist 9815461630 Harsa Kalota, Kalichpur Kalota 7 Raman MPHW(M) 8146533218 Salarian Barsha Rani MPHW(F) Dr Kulwant Rai Medical Officer 9465857234 Mehanipur Sarabjit Kaur MPHW(F) 8872091756 Moli, Baupur, Samrawan 8 Kuldeep Singh HI Amirpur Baljinder Singh MPHW(M) 9876785456 Ranjana Pharmacist 9876298226 Dr. Hemant Sharma Medical Officer 9815451359 Chakowal, Dhanoya Ravi Inderjit Singh Pharmacist Muradpur Jattan 9 Parmjit MPHW(F) 8872091775 Sukhwinder Singh MPHW(M) 9888055870 Dr Parneet Kaur Medical Officer 7087958635 Zahidpur Chhanta, Talluwal Satinder Pharmacist Tooran, Maini Mallah 10 Onkar Singh MPHW(M) Rita Rani MPHW(F) Dr. Amt Kumar Medical Officer 9646724202 Haler Janarden, Motla, Kolian Mahideep Pharmacist Dalpat, Masaibpur 11 Jasbir Singh MPHW(M) Sarjit Kaur MPHW(F) PHC Chakowal Dr. Manav Singh Medical Officer 9988695620 Manjit Singh HI 9872756224 12 Dilbagh Singh MPHW(M) PHC Chakowal Dr. Gurmeet Singh, 9872038612 Sandeep Kaur MPHW(F) 8872091832 Class IV

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Dr Vinod Pal Medical Officer 9888649922 Tirath Singh Pharmacist 9417749577 13 CHC Sham Chaurasi Balwinder Singh MPHW(M) Mohinder Kaur Class IV Dr. Harjinder Singh Medical Officer 8968034038 Smt Kamalpreet Kaur MPHW(F) 8872091810 14 Sukhwinder Singh MPHW(M) MPHC Nasrala Rajinder Kaur MPHW(F) Dharamvir Class IV Dr. R.P. Saroya Medical Officer 9356411941 Baljit Singh HI 9417861280 15 Paramjit Kaur Pharmacist MPHC Bhagpur Kulwinderjit kaur MPHW(F) Shamsher Singh MPHW(M) Dr. Jasvir Kalsi Medical Officer 9815478750 Inderjit Singh Pharmacist 9876131511 Charanjit Kaur MPHW(F) 16 MPHC Soos Balwinder Singh MPHW(M) Paramjit Kaur LHV Sudesh Kumar Class IV Dr. Narinder Kumar Medical Officer 9417838026 Pharmacist Pardeep Singh MPHW(M) 9872065662 17 MPHC Bullowal Balwinder Singh MPHW(M) Jaswinder Kaur MPHW(F) Balvir Singh Class IV PHC Hajipur Dr. Karamjit Singh Medical Officer 9464764220 Surinder Kaur Staff Nurse 9464146030 18 Treatment Team of PHC, Hajipur Dr. Manoj Mehta 9417648050 Harbhajan Kaur Staff Nurse 9417882332 Reeta Rani Pharmacist 9417887020

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Shashi Devi Class IV 01883-273224 Dr Gurinder Joshi Medical Officer 9876164610 Dharmvir Pharmacist 9478618221 19 Mobile Team of PHC, Hajipur Ravinder Singh Driver 9417888977 Jatinder Kumar Class IV 9464062531 Dr. Gaurav Harchand Medical Officer 9464364220 Dhade Katwal Raman Kumar MPHW(M) 9465857265 Olha 20 Parmjit Kaur MPHW(F) 8872091852 Kamlesh kumari ASHA Dr. Gaurav Harchand Medical Officer 9464364220 Handhwal Pawan Kumar MPHW(M) 9463312510 Totte 21 Suresh Kumari MPHW(F) 8872091864 Resham Kaur ASHA Dr. Ashu Medical Officer 9855718344 Jhingerwan 22 Kashmir Kaur MPHW(F) 8872091848 Chak Mirpur Rakesh Kumar MPHW(M) 9464838411 Dr. Sushant Medical Officer 7696799137 Rouli Harjeet Singh MPHW(M) 9463312510 Sathwan 23 Jyothi MPHW(F) 8872091865 Reeta Rani ASHA PHC Harta Badla Dr Punit Kaur Medical Officer 8437940495 Jatinder pal Singh Pharmacist 24 Satpal MPHS(M) PHC, Harta Badla Kashmiri Lal Class IV Rajinder Kaur LHV Dr. Sandeep kharbanda 9465579001 Dr. Manuj Medical Officer 9780289200 Daljit Singh 25 Satnam Kaur Staff Nurse 9878541535 MPHC Mehlanwali Ranjit Singh MPHS(M) Gurminder Kaur LHV

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Manohar Lal Sweeper Dr. Himani Aadiya Medical Officer 9814734785 Balvir Kaur Staff Nurse Mulakh Raj MPHS(M) 26 MPHC Chabewal Gurmeet Kaur MPHW(F) Rajesh Kumar MPHW(M) 9781290165 Raj Kumar Sweeper PHC Mand Bhander Dr. Rattandeep kaur Medical Officer 9081100700 Aalampur, MPHC Khun Khun Kalan 27 Gursewak Singh Pharmacist 9876691313 Surjit Singh Sweeper MPHC Badla Dr. Rajnish MO 9463323686 28 Vijay Kumar MPHS(M) 9463072662 Terkiana, SHC Baja Chak Hardesh Kumar Ward Servant 01883-290605 Dr. Davinder Kumar Puri (SMO)- Dr. Upkar Singh Medical Officer 9915367868 9463443300 29 Sucha Ram MPHS(M) Budhobarkat, Passi Bait, MPHC Gogra Rakesh Kumar Sweeper Dr.Sahil Pawan Medical Officer 7589104119 30 Nirmal Kaur Pharmacist 9417881050 Mand Bhander Darshan Singh Ward Servant 9914468075 PHC Paldi Dr. Vishawdeep Singh Medical Officer 9876008382 Paramjit Kaur Pharmacist 9465954227 31 PHC, Paldi Sushma Kumari Staff Nurse 9417748810 Sarbjit Singh Class IV Dr. Amita RMO 9478184447 SHC Langeri Dr. Sandesh suman 9478434469 Maninder kaur MPHW(F) 8872091960 SC Mananhana 32 Rahul Sharma Pharmacist 8284860900 SHC Pandori Ganga Singh Dayia Rani Class IV Dr. Jaswant Singh Medical Officer 9417305719 33 MPHC Sarhala Kalan Uma Kumari Pharmacist 9465068351

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Monika Rani MPHW(F) 7529832830 Joginder Pal Class IV Dr. Rajesh Bali RMO 8146948072 SHC Panjoda Kulwinder Kaur MPHW(F) 8872091962 SC Panjoda, Paldi 34 Varinder Kumar Pharmacist 9872278335 SHC Panjoda Surinder Class IV SHC Panjoda Dr. Poonam Medical Officer 9463250600 MPHC Barhian Kalan Gurdeep Kuar Supervisor Singhpur 35 Sunita Rani MPHW(F) 8872091955 Jaitpur Baldev Bhatti Class IV MPHC Barhian Kalan PHC Possi Dr. Harpinder Singh Medical Officer 9041250472 Ram Kumar Pharmacist Mobile Team 1 of PHC Possi (Pahlewal, Kuldeep Kaur MPHW (F) 36 Bhamian, Dugri, Kalewal, Lallian, Balvir Singh Class IV Chahalpur, Khabra) Sukhjeet Kaur MPHW(F) Class IV Dr. Charanjit Singh Medical Officer 9872212305 OP Singh Pharmacist Mobile Team 2 of PHC Possi (Paddi Khushi, Saila Kalan, Dhada Khurd, 37 Kamlesh Kumari LHV Dhada Kalan, Chandsu Jattan, Majara Nisha Rani MPHW(F) Dingerian) Dr. Paramjit Kaur (SMO)-9814168256 Ashok Kumar Class IV Dr. Harpinder Singh Medical Officer 9041250742 Ram Kumar Pharmacist 9417517449 Kukar Majara, Rod Majara Nanglan, Bora, Ghagon Rordawali, Bhamian, 38 Surjeet Kaur MPHW(F) 9876909921 Kunail, Chak Routan, Garhi Motton, Balvir Singh Class IV Khanpur, Pahlewal Jasbir Singh MPHS (M) 9417646824 Dr. Suman Rai AMO Chak Guru, Chak Singha, Chak Hazipur, Gurinder Pal Singh Pharmacist 9417649174 Chak Fullu, Panam, Sikanderpur, 39 Surinder Pal Kaur MPHS(F) Bakapur, Dogarpur, Darapur, Bagwain, Denowal Khurd Mohan Lal Class IV

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Phuman Singh MPHW(M) 9417848570 Kewal Singh MPHS(M) 9417657148 Dr. Raghbir Singh Medical Officer 9815359977 Pharmacist Dhamai, Simbli, Najarpur, Ramgarh, Kashmir Lal Class IV Chak Gujjran, Samundra, Rurki Khas, 40 Makkan Singh MPHW(M) 8872559768 Alipur, Golewal, Rasulpur, Basiala, Denowal Kalan, Dagham, Chaura Jaspal Singh MPHS(M) Manjit Kaur MPHW(F) 8872091999 Dr.Baljinder Singh Medical Officer 9041616758 Varinder Parasher Pharmacist 9356738911 Chahalpur, Rawalpindi, Mohanowal, Kalewal Lallian, Parowal, Sadhowal, Surinder Singh MPHW(M) 9815590766 41 Birampur, Sauli, Lehra, Hazipur, Rajiv Kumar MPHS(M) Rampur Bilron, Gollian, Badesaron, Amar Nath MPHW(M) 9914525007 Satnaur, Salempur, Padrana Class IV Dr. Hardev Singh Medical Officer 9814544663 Avtar Singh Pharmacist 9815764608 Khabra, Mola, Wahidpur, Akalgarh, Kitna, Patehpur Khurd, Aima Muglan, Nisha Rani MPHW(F) 8872091991 42 Jiwanpur, Raipur, , Possi, Sukhjeet Kaur MPHS(F) 8872092029 Paddi Sura Singh, Saila Khurd, Saila Ramji Class IV Kalan, Paddi Khushi, Nurpur MPHS(M) Dr. Charanjit Kumar Medical Officer 9814182040 OP Singh Pharmacist 9417045756 Aima Jattan, Suni, Rehlan, Merowal, Kamlesh Kumari MPHS(F) 8872092026 43 Bugra, Chandsu Jattan, Dhada Khurd, Raj Kumar MPHS(M) Dhada Kalan, Jhajj, Binjon Ashok Kumar Class IV Joginder Kaur MPHW(F) Dr. Sukhwinder Kaur Medical Officer 9815654149 Kewal Singh MPHS(M) 9417657148 44 Supervisory Team, PHC Possi

Ram Pal Class IV 9465369548 PHC Tanda

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Dr Vishamber Lal RMO 9463282822 Nathupur, Damana Bikram Singh Pharmacist 9478638005 Salempur, Gural Kalan 45 Baljit Singh Ward Servant 9781916999 Rolian Pind, Khair Nangli Class IV Nathupur Prempur, Talwandi Daddian, RD Dr. Shivdeep Singh RMO 8699993456 Talwandi Sallan 46 Jaswinder Kumar Pharmacist 9463691994 Bahadurpur, Maanpur Jarnail Singh MPHW(M) 9814561619 Paswaal, Sehbaajpur Satnam Singh Ward Servant 9464783358 Mirapur Vinay Kumar RMO 9501522703 Rarra, Gandowal, Tahli Naresh Kumar Pharmacist Talla, Bains Awam Dr. Kewal Singh (SMO)- 9855865522 47 Gurpreet Singh MPHW(M) 9417453134 Daburji, Pala Chak Class IV 9814179041 Rarra Dr. Amritjot Singh RMO 9646395626 Miani Mewa, Miani Jagir Singh MPHW(M) 9888615028 Kahlwan, Ibrahimpur, Gillan 48 Rajinder Singh Ward Servant 9463675038 Gilljian, Kandhali Chak Amninder Singh Pharmacist 9872385904 Talla, Madda, Kamalpur Dr.Minakshi Saini HMO 8146463800 Alwinder Singh Pharmacist 9815018397 49 CHC Tanda Vinod Kumar MPHW(M) 9815182613 Yunis Masih Class IV 9872585612 SDH Dasuya Dr. Balwinder Pal Medical Officer 9814351765 Dr. Anil Kumar Medical Officer 9876285600 Gurdeep Singh Pharmacist 9478220293 Mobile Team (Referral to SDH Dasuya, 50 Dr. R.K Bagga (SMO)- 9814694249 Taman Staff Nurse 7508034133 100 bedded Govt. Hospital) Jasvir Singh Bali Class IV 9872834957 Sanjeev Kumar Class IV 9915010745 Surjit Singh Driver 9815158638 SDH Garhshankar 51 Dr. Jaswant Singh Bhatia Medical Specialist 9914002227 Mobile Flood Team 1, SDH Dr. Tek Raj Bhatia (SMO)-

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Gagandeep Singh Pharmacist 9814681968 Garhshankar 9463310915 Polus MLT 9464928080 Kuldeep Singh Ward Servant 9463439045 Sukhdev Singh Driver 9781900573 SDH Mukerian Dr. Ajay Pal Singh Medical Officer 9872069734 Rajvir Kaur Pharmacist 9417677151 52 Reema Rani MPHW(F) 9417711349 Mobile Flood Team 1, SDH Mukerian Gurmeet Singh Driver 9417045971 Dr. Shawinder Singh (SMO)- Mahesh Kumar Ward Servant 7837840809 9855472371, 01883-246929 Dr. Sukhdev Lal Medical Officer 9464062462 Dr.Parmod Rishi Asstt. Nodal Officer 9815282177 Vijay Kumar Pharmacist 9815562369 53 Veena Rani MPHW(F) 9463852462 Mobile Flood Team 2, SDH Mukerian Avtar Singh Driver 9417888657 Anoop Singh Ward Servant 9417790093 CH, Hoshiarpur Dr. Pardeep Bhatia Paediatrician 9988065400 Flood Team Duty from 01.July, August, 54 Charanjeet Sapra Pharmacist September.2015 to 06.July, August, Subash Chander Ambulance Driver September.2017 Ankit Mehta Class IV Dr. Sarbjit Singh Medical Specialist 9876051887 Dr. Kamlesh ENT Specialist Flood Team Duty from 07.July, August, Dr. Om Parkash Gojra (SMO)- 55 Amrita Pharmacist September.2015 to 12.July, August, 9417343344 Harpal Singh Ambulance Driver September.2017 Ramesh Lal Class IV Dr. Neelam Medical Specialist 9646735036 Dr. Prem Bharti Ophthalmic Surgeon Flood Team Duty from 13.July, August, 56 Charanjeet Sapra Pharmacist September.2015 to 18.July, August, Harjit Singh Ambulance Driver September.2017 Chamanjot Singh Class IV

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Dr. Dsudesh Rajan Peadiatrician 9464318395 Dr. Narinder Kumar Surgeon Flood Team Duty from 19.July, August, 57 Amrita Pharmacist September.2015 to 24.July, August, Subash Chander Ambulance Driver September.2017 Dimple Class IV Dr. Upkar Singh Ortho Surgeon Flood Team Duty from 25.July, August, 58 Charanjit Sapra Pharmacist September.2015 to 31.July, August, Harpal Singh Ambulance Driver September.2017 Gurdial Singh Class IV

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Hoshiarpur district lies at the foot hills of Shivalik Range with River Beas and Sutlej flowing North and South of it respectively. It is predominantly covered by Choes, Nallahs and Bein at large number of places. A major portion of Hoshiarpur Distt. Lies on the L/S of River Beas, It has an area of 3392 sq. km and a population as per 2011 census of 15,86,626. The Distt. Comprises of four Sub- Divisional (Tehsils),ten development blocks & eight Muncipal Councils.

It is predominantly a rural distt. With 12,51,657 Rural and 334969 Urban population. Despite this the literacy rates is the highest in state at 88.8%.

As compared to other district of Punjab, Hoshiarpur has the large topographic variety. The Shivalik hills with North East alignment, run almost through out, the flood plans of the Beas & Sutlej constitute remaining part of the distt. Thus Hoshiarpur district has mountainous area, plains, alluvial land as well as Bet area. The hill tracks known as “Kandi” cover roughly one half of the distt. The variety of topography has been the main cause for the backwardness of the district.

During rainy season, seasonal rivulets locally known as “Choes” emanates from the foot hills of lower Shivaliks and causes immense damage by deposition of debris on culturable land and erosion of the fertile land. The main problem in the Kandi area village pertains to availability of water both for drinking and for irrigation purpose. In view of the typical problem in Kandi area special Govt. scheme some of them aided by the “World Bank & NABARD have been taken up.


Data showing average Rainfall in the Distt. During the year 2000,2001,2002,2003,2004, 2005, 2006, 2007,2008,2009 , 2010 ,2011, 2012 , 2013 , 2014 , 2015 , 2016 and 2017 is as under:-

Year Rainfall (In mm) 2000 474.30 2001 694.00 2002 285.04 2003 477.11 2004 439.04 2005 547.38 2006 525.80

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2007 326.20 2008 817.30 2009 894.39 2010 588.00 2011 465.03 2012 315.92 2013 223.10 2014 558.00 2015 609.00 2016 388.44 2017 397.54 DRAINAGE SYSTEM IN HOSHIARPUR DISTRICT

The geographical features of the distt. area such that it is entirely bound by river Beas on the North as well as North-west side. The highest point of the lower Shivalik is the boundary between the dist. Hoshiarpur and . A large number of water shed slopes towards the south. Nearly 109 choes ( seasonal streams) flow from these water sheds and fall into two drainage system called the white Bein and Black Bein falls in river Beas. 13 choes have been grouped together to form Dasuya- Langerpur ground of choes. Similarly other 3-4 choe have been combined together to form the Mehangerwal Choe, Nasrala Choe, Mehlanwali Choe. The remaining choes are left uncanalised except for a few local protection works. Due to the steep gradient of the watershed and the choes, heavy precipitations of rain-falls cause havoc in the sub mountainous are of the distt. When the Pong Dam and Bhakra Dam are forced to release huge volume of water beyond their retaining capacities it cause floods in river Sutlej & Beas.

RIVER BEAS:- There was no serious problem along Bein Bandh of river Beas during the flood 2017 as the rains were scanty. There was not problem to the spill bandh constructed on the L/S of River Beas opp. V. Haller Janardhan, and Sanial in Teh. Mukeriam. The flood protection works such as spurs, studs, revetment & shanks of Bandh constructed at vulnerable sites remained safe except minor settlement. There are 5 most vulnerable sites like Naushehra , Begpur, Ganduwal, Rara and Tahli where river current is flowing almost along the bandh and eroding the berm and Agriculture land continuously. In addition to above Passi Bet Site is also vulnerable as the village abadies very close to this site. To protect these sites from floods, a proposal has been prepared and submitted to Govt. through Deputy Commissioner Hoshiarpur for approval and release of funds.

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As there was heavy rain during the year 2016 & there was heavy discharge in the choes with the result that choes bandhs were damaged / washed away. Some urgently required works were carried out on Khads/choes in Distt. Hoshiarpur . The list of flood prone and vulnerable sites is enclosed as Annexure “A”. The 1st and 2nd Priority wise list of flood protection works to be executed before the flood of 2018 amounting to Rs.839 lacs have been prepared and submitted to Chief Engineer/Drainage, Irrigation works, Punjab Chandigarh after recommending it from Deputy Commissioner, Hoshiarpur vide his letter No. 258/DRA(T) dated 05-03-2018 and No. 62/DRA(T) dated 07-04-2017 for releasing the requisite funds from the Govt. The abstract depicts the position as under:-

Sr.No. Name of works Tentative Cost of Ist and 2nd Priority (Rs. In Lacs) Flood protection works along River Beas and choes in 649+190=839.00 Distt. Hosiarpur = 12+2=14 Nos.

The detailed list of works given in the abstract above is enclosed as Annexure “B” (I), B(II).


Flood control room will also be setup by the Executive Engineer, Drainage Division, Hoshiarpur w.e.f. 1-7-2018 to 30-9-2018 . It will also work round the clock and its telephone no. is 01882-252733. The Drg. Department/ has also made arrangement to coordinate with the wireless set installed by Dholbaha Dam Cont. Circle, authorities Similarly offices of Sub-Divisional Officer of Drg. Deptt. at Hoshiarpur and Dasuya will also function as flood control rooms round the clock. The Drg. deptt. has made arrangement to save embankment by deputing departmental staff for watch and ward duties besides attending to the endangered sites. The Drg. Deptt. will arrange sufficient nos. of EC bags to be filled up with sand at various location subject to availability of funds. The Drg. Deptt. will supply gauge readings of choes and rivers daily to the flood control rooms.

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Sh. Dharam Chand Incharge 94635-39023 (S.D.O.) Sh. Pankaj Bali, A.E. Mehangerwal Choe RD 95000 97797-16155 -178760 (Both sides) Sh.Manpreet Singh Rajni Devi Choe ,Bahowal 78884-87842 Choe and other local choes Sh. Hari Saran Gautam, Mehalanwali Choe RD 3000- 98729-01234 A.E. 68000 U/S Jalandhar Branch and RD 0-24000 D/S Jalandhar Branch. Miss. Komal Sharma Nasrala Choe U/S City Bridge 97809-62723 and D/S City Bridge

DASUYA DRAINAGE SUB DIVISION DASUYA Sh.Maha Singh, S.D.O Incharge 94173-56860 Sh. Sham Singh River Beas, Motla to Naushehra 98771-5935 complex & MHC-II & Drains of Mukerian tehsil and Holy Bein (-) 5000 to 42000. Sh. Ashok Kumar Nanda Bein Bandh RD 0-60000. River 98728-42224 A.E. Beas Himatpur to Naushehra Complex and Local Protection Works Westran Bein and Drains in Dasuya area and Holy Bein RD 42000-108700 Sh. Harjinder Singh, J.E Bein Bandh R.D. 60000-80000. 98555-39411 Ganduwal and Rara Complex. GARHSHANKAR DRG. SUB DIVISION GARHSHANKAR . Sh. Avtar Singh (S.D.O.) Incharge 80547-07079 . Sh.M.K. Sharma ,A.E Local Protection works of 94173-70389 Garhshankar Tehsil.

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Sr. Name of Vulnerable reach sites RD’s Name of Village likely to be affected Tehsil and Distt. No. River/ Choes wise Nallah 1) River Beas Mirthal to Begpur Motla, Haller, Janardhan, Kohlian, Mehtabpur, Mukerian and Dasuya, Distt. Miani, Mallah, Naushehra, Taggar, Zahidpur, Hoshiarpur. Chakwal, Bagroi, Himmatpur, Dhanoya, Terkiana, Saidowal, Bagowal, Bagpur, Ganduwal. Bein Bandh a)14000-19000 Passi Bet, Aki Tunda Rajpur Dasuya, Distt. Hoshiarpur. b)22000-31000 Kawanwali, Khole, Goursian, Chak Bamu -do- c) 31500-35000 Kalwan, Mewa Miani -do- d)58000-80000 Rara-Tahli complex -do- 2) Nasrala Choe i)U/S City Bridge A)0-17000/ Left Purani Bassi, Satial, Bahadurpur, Hoshiarpur Hoshiarpur. City. B)8000-11000 /Right Bassi Gulam Hussain, Sukhiabad. Hoshiarpur. C) 0-13000 / Right Sherpur Batia, Thathal Hoshiarpur. Thathal Bandh D) 0-5000/ Left & Right Manjhi, Nara and Dada Hoshiarpur. (Manjhi Bandh) ii) D/S Bye pass Bridge a)RD 0-15000 Right Hargarh, Chandpur, Badial, Tara Garh. Hoshiarpur. b) 15000- 25000 Left Dagana Kalan, Khulwana , Fatehgarh, Niara, Hoshiarpur. Deowal and Nasrala Etc, iii) D/S Railway Crossing. a)RD 0-17000 Left Pialan, Meghowal, Ganjian and Ajram etc. Hoshiarpur. 3) Arniala Choe a)RD 22000 U/S Dasuya Road Sarain Hoshiarpur.

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b)RD16000- 22000 R/S U/S Bassi Maroof. Hoshiarpur. Kandi canal c)RD 0-4000 Left and Right Sajna Hoshiarpur. bandh in between Tanda Road to Dasuya Road. d)RD (-) 0 to (-) 3000 Right Sherpur Galind. Hoshiarpur. side bandh 4) Chohal Choe. Righ side bandh Sarai and Bhagowal Hoshiarpur. Left Side bandh Kakkon Hoshiarpur. 5) Mehalanwali i) U/S Badla Bridge Choe a)23000-25000 / Left Patti Hoshiarpur. b)20000-25000/ Right Salempur Hoshiarpur. c)25000-40000/ Right Harmoya, Rajpur Bhayian Hoshiarpur. d)36000-42000 / Left Badla. Hoshiarpur. ii) D/S Badla Bridge a)47000-63000/R Harta, Mukhliana, Dihana, Bhungarni Hoshiarpur. 6) Mehangerwal a)RD 160-178 L/R Chak Gujran, Khunde, Takhni, Kailon etc. Hoshiarpur. Choe b) 148-158 L/R Kabirpur, Kantian etc. Hoshiarpur. c) 146-148 Dadiana, Sherpur. Hoshiarpur. d)133-137 Bhagewal, Lambra, Baron, Kangari Bullowal. Hoshiarpur. e)95-114 Manak Dheri, Khanpur Sahota, Sarhala , Hoshiarpur. Mundian. 7) Gambowal 0-10000 Gambowal. Dasuya, Distt. Hoshiarpr. Choe 8) Gangian Choe 9000-15000 Bodal -do-

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Designation/ Address Duties and Responsibilities 9.1C.E .Pong Dam,BBMB 1) To notify / inform higher authorities of BBMB/outside Talwara agencies about the mishap as per notification flow chart 01883-237131 (O) of particular Alert level as per situation at site. 01887-237133 (R) 94172-16052 (M) 2) To notify District Magistrate who is Chairman Co- ordination Relief Committee, Hoshiarpur.

3) To keep close watch of the different activities being carried out by different agencies at the time of emergency.

4)To accord all anticipation sanctions at site

5) To make request notify Chief Engineer BSL Sundernagar and Chief Engineer, Bhakra Dam Nangal for providing required resources as per Alert level.

6) To provide all types of information to Board office in regard to evacuation, rescue & relief operation.

7) He will ensure the timely restoration of all the works after emergency over.

8) He will also contact the large construction companies having expertise in Dam construction activities.

9) In Case of terrorist attack or sabotage as informed by P.S.O, he will immediately inform higher officers as per N.F.C & also guide the officer under his control to act promptly.

10) He will request C.E.B.S.L as well as C.E, System operation for not making releases d/s Pandoh Dam.

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11) He will also request C.E, Bhakra Dam and C.E, System Operation for reducing the releases d/s Bhakra Dam as for as possible.

9.2 S.E. (HQ) Talwara 1) To notify /inform different agencies / officers as per BBMB, Talwara notification flow chart of particular Alert level as per 01883-236047 (O) situation at site. -236104 (R) 98884-13402(M) 2)To keep constant liaison with Civil Authorities of Punjab & Himachal and all other including all the Superintending Engineer / Directors under Pong Dam administration, Pollution Control Kangra.

2) He will supervise the functioning of control rooms and will be well equipped with all type of information including rescue & relief Operation etc.

3) He will act as EAP Coordinator and responsible for all EAP related activities such as trainings, drills and revision to EAP if any.

4) Being spokesperson, he is required to disseminate information and make contact to utilize media as appropriate at the time of emergency on behalf of Chief Engineer, Pong Dam. 5) He will also ensure that no visitor pass is issued to anyone and no vehicle will be allowed to cross the top of Dam during such emergency period. 9.3 S.E. (PDC) Talwara 1) To have timely and reliable identification, evaluation & BBMB, Talwara classification of existing potential emergency condition as 01883-236125 (O) per information of XEN, Pong Dam Divn. -237150 (R) 2) To notify /inform different agencies / officer as per 94172-58090(M) notification flow chart of particular Alert level as per situation at site. 3) To keep liaison with all SEs/Directors, teams to handle disaster, XENs and other involved directly / indirectly to handle the disaster.

4) To keep close watch / supervision at site when construction activities of any quantum are in progress.

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5) To ensure that work at site is being carried out strictly as per construction drawings and specifications or any other decision taken in consultation with experts, C.E. Pong Dam, Director Design & Director , Dam Safety, S.E. Talwara circle at site.

6) He will ensure that there is no danger of spread of any epidemics or water borne diseases after the floods.

7) To accord sanction in anticipation as per emergent Rules of DFR provisions within his competency.

8) To keep close watch on rescue, relief and evacuation operations being carried out by different teams.

9) To ensure proper access to site at the earliest possible.

10) To ensure that all lighting arrangements have been made at all emergency locations (Pong Dam & colony area) including requirement of Power Supply to all equipment / machinery.

11) Adequate lighting arrangement should be ensured at all identified / vulnerable sites well in advance in anticipation of any mishap. 12) To provide all types of information related to the execution of work to S.E. (HQ) from time to time.

13) Adequate lighting arrangements should be ensured at all identified / vulnerable sites well in advance in anticipation of any mishap. 14) To keep liaison with civil authorities who have been carrying all rescue &relief operation at site of emergency & also remain in touch with control room of Civil authorities. Also to provide all type of information to BBMB Control room at Pong Dam as well as in Township area.

15) He will ensure timely action to arrange for some

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suitable / competent agency or agencies to take up the reconstruction activities at dam site / colony area to restore the occurred damages due to floods.

16) He will ensure that releases from Bhakra d/s into Sutlej have been reduced to maximum during the period of un-presidents floods impinging Pong dam.

17) To use Report Form No. 1, 2 and 3 when recording various emergency situation and unusual occurrences. These forms have been attached with EAP as Annexure- XV.

18) He will ensure that proper action has been taken by Project security officer in case of any Sabotage or terrorist attack at the site as enlisted in duties & responsibilities of Project security officers.

9.4 S.E. Talwara Circle 1) To notify / inform different agencies / officers as per BBMB, Talwara notification flow chart of particular Alert level as per 01887-236013 (O) situation at site. 01887-236114 (R) 94172-02076(M) 2) To ensure that all related machinery / equipment are in running conditions and have been deployed as per requirement of S.E. PDC/XEN Pong Dam division.

3) To ensure that all type of material available and required at site of emergency is being delivered by Supdt. Proc. Central Stores, Nangal Township.

4) In case of power supply failure alternative arrangement of supply of power to equipment / machinery and at emergency locations is being ensured.

5) To ensure repair / mtc. of machinery, if required, at site by deputing a team of expert mechanics so as to carry smooth working at site.

6) He will put all efforts for an early restoration of the normal work.

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7) To have liaison with S.E. NMC Circle, S.E. BSL Circle-II, Sunder Nagar and Ranjit Sagar Dam administration for any required resources other than available.

8) Formation of purchase committee / committee in consultation with C.E. Pong Dam for procurement of material from appropriate resource through spot purchase.

9) To ensure procurement of different lubrications and spare parts for smooth running of machinery. 10) To remain in touch with C.E. Pong Dam, S.E.P.D.C. & S.E.(HQ) during such emergency hours.

9.5 Director, Designs 1) Director Design should inspect the emergency site BBMB Nangal immediately when he gets the information of such 01887-223108(O) mishap and to offer remedial / suggestive measures at 94172-05095(M) site.

2) Director Designs will ensure all time availability of SDE’s & ADE’s and drawing hands under the administration for imparting any required guidance to field persons at site or issuance of construction drawings, if necessary during the execution phase of damaged site

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9.6 Director, Dam Safety 1)Director Dam Safety should inspect the site when he BBMB Nangal gets the information of any mishap of Pong Dam and to 01887-223179(O) offer any remedial / suggestive measures for ensuring 94172-02078(M) total safety of the structure.

2) Director Dam Safety will also ensure the availability of staff under his administration during emergency hours.

9.7 Director Water 1) To notify / inform different agencies / offices as per Regulation BBMB Nangal notification flow chart of particular Alert level as per 01887-223758(O) situation at site. 223026(R) 94175-02060 2) He will also keep liaison with authorities at Harike as well as Madhopur Head works.

3) To keep constant liaison with Member, Irrigation, BBMB, Chandigarh, Chief Engineer, Pong Dam, Talwara, S.E. PDC and S.E.(HQ) Talwara.

4) He will issue directions to SDE, Water

Regulation, Talwara for making, releasing d/s of Pong Dam.

5) He will also keep constant liaison with I.M.D. during such emergency period.

6) He will request authorities at Madhopur link to stop release water into river Beas as the river is already running full due to continuous high releases from Pong Dam.

7) He will request Director Power Regulation and C.E. System Operation for not making releases d/s Pandoh Dam and request for reducing releases d/s Bhakra Dam.

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9.8 S.D.E. Water Regulation 1) To notify / inform different agencies / offices as per BBMB, Talwara notification flow chart of particular alert level as per 01883-236008(O) situation at site. 236129(R) 2) He will pass on information as a warning notice of 94179-14786 emergency of routing high floods to all the regulating

agencies having concern with the releases from Pong Dam.

3) To keep constant liaison with Director, Water Regulation, Nangal, SEPDC, SE Talwara Circle, Se (HQ) Talwara & XEN, Pong Dam Division, XEN Mechanical Division, XEN Shah Nehar Barrage during such mishap.

4) He will act promptly as per instructions contained in O & M of Pong dam Project.

5) He will immediately inform XEN, Shah Nahar- Barrage about imminent developing situation at Pong.

6) He will provide all type of information

Periodically to SE (PDC) and control room established in Colony area.

7) He will also ensure that daily diary is maintained in respect of each activities carried out at site by persons/staff under his control and all the higher authorities are apprised accordingly during such emergency.

8) He will also make day and night discharge observation arrangement at the discharge site under his control.

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9.9 XEN RM Division, 1) To notify / inform different agencies / offices as per BBMB, Talwara notification flow chart of particular alert level as per 01883-236192(O) situation at site. 236040(R) 2) XEN should readily available with him contact 94172-02062 members of skilled / unskilled working under his


3) Record / strength of skilled workers of different categories whose services are required during emergency operation should also be available.

4) XEN should also keep a list of readily available all types of stores under his control alongwith available quantity of each item.

5) XEN should also keep a list of alternative arrangement in the absence of skilled workers, readily available.

6) XEN should also keep a list of machinery in working under his control readily available.

7) Mode of conveyance & shortest possible route to the emergency site should be identified well in advance in consultation with XEN Pong Dam Division.

8) To maintain daily diary in respect of activities performed by persons under his control & apprise S.E.PDC about the same.

9) He will maintain a constant liaison with XEN Pong Dam and S.E.PDC during such eventuality or mishap.

10) He will make a pre-planned arrangement for deploying the persons on site of emergency so that work can be performed smoothly and promptly. He will also inform villages Pradhans u/s about rising R.W.L. as per

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11) He will ensure that all stock present in his stores such as cement, sand and aggregate is fresh and quite sufficient for its use at emergency site. Batch of piled up cement should be mentioned clearly.

12) Xen should also keep a record of local persons well trained in swimming, diving and who will help in rescue & relief operation at emergency site, especially persons from water sports complex and loading centres.

13) XEN will also keep a list of persons having private boats with them for rescue operations during emergency hours. He may also contact water sports authorities.

14) XEN should also ensure attendance 24 hours during such emergency.

15) XEN will also maintain liaison with loading centres of fishery Department in Pong reservoir for arrangement of boats & boatmen if required, during the operation of rescue & relief as per Annexure-IX A.

16) XEN will also ensure that duties to him in team for rescue, relief and evacuation operation at Bhakra are discharged properly during emergency hours. (For emergency due earthquake as well as sabotage or terrorist attack).

17) He will also ensure that firefighting arrangement under his control is well equipped and ready to perform duties in shortest possible time during emergency hours.

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9.10 XEN Pong Dam 1)To have timely and reliable identification, evaluation Division, BBMB, Talwara and classification of existing and potential emergency 01883-236061(O) condition in consultation with SE(PDC), SE Talwara 236040(R) Circle & CE Pong Dam. 94172-02062 2) To notify / inform different agencies / offices as per notification flow chart of particular alert level as per situation at site.

3) XEN should keep readily available with him contact members of all persons skilled / unskilled working under his control.

4) Record / strength of skilled workers of different categories whose services are required during emergency operation should also be available.

5) XEN should also keep a list of readily available all types of stores under his control alongwith available quantity of each item.

6) XEN should also keep a list of alternative arrangement in the absence of skilled workers, readily available.

7) XEN should also keep a list of machinery in working under his control readily available.

8) Mode of conveyance & shortest possible route to the emergency site should be identified well in advance in consultation with XEN Pong Dam Division.

9) To post a special observer at dam site during high floods.

10) He will also ensure that no vehicle is allowed to cross the top of dam during such an emergency situation.

11) To maintain daily diary in respect of activities

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performed by persons under his control and apprise SE (PDC) about the same.

12) He will maintain a constant liaison with XEN-Mech. XEN Elec, XEN, RM and S.E. PDC during such eventually or mishap.

13) To ensure that all lighting arrangement required are according to requirement of work site.

14) To ensure that N.F.Cs are posted in Pong Control Room, Power House & at other key locations.

15) To ensure 24hours first aid / medical aid.

16) After identification of emergency condition, he will stop all the routine works being carried out at dam site and in surrounding area.

17) He will allow minimum possible persons to work inside the dam body (urgent notice)

18) He will also keep a readily available copy of key drawings of Pong Dam.

19) He will ensure identification of sources of supply of suitable aggregates, natural or processed from nearby Khads or through co tractors.

20) He will also ensure proper stock file of aggregate of meeting the demand of minor damages.

21) He will make a preplanned arrangement for deploying the persons on site of emergency so that work can be performed smoothly & promptly.

22) He will ensure that all stock present in his stores such as cement, sand and aggregate is fresh and quite sufficient for its use at emergency site. Batch of piled up

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cement should be mentioned clearly.

23) He will also ensure timely identification of different types of material if needed for reconstruction activities as already used such as clay shale, sand rock, sand & gravel, sand, gravel, cobbles and boulders as per maximum section of dam (attached as Annexure-I)

24) XEN shall also ensure that photography of the site of emergency has been carried out intensively. All the events have been covered fully till the completion of execution of work.

27) XEN will also ensure that proper arrangement have been made to carry leveling of the site by survey party and assist during the repair construction activities of different controlling points.

28) XEN should ensure that report form No. 1, 2 & 3 are to be used when recording various emergency situation and unusual occurrences. These forms has been attached with EAP at Annexure –XV.

29) XEN shall also ensure attendance 24 hours at dam site during such emergency at Pong Dam.

30) XEN will ensure that a formal status report for dam safety has been developed by him as per requirement of E.A.P.

31) XEN will ensure that work at site is being carried out strictly as per construction drawings and specifications or any other decision taken in consultation with experts, C.E. Pong Dam, S.E. PDC, Director Designs, Director/ Dam Safety & S.E. Talwara Circle at site of emergency.

32) He will seek immediate help from Civil Authorities

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through higher officers or directly in case of any potential emergency arising out of a sabotage act or terrorist attack.

33) He will also Project Security Officer during above emergency at Dam site.

34) He will also perform his duties as per para 2.1.1 for rescue & relief operation in case of sabotage.

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9.11 XEN Township 1) To notify / inform different agencies / offices as per Division, BBMB, Talwara notification flow chart of particular alert level as per 01883-236004(O) situation at site. 236016(R) 2) XEN should readily available with him contact 94172-06231 members of skilled / unskilled working under his


3) Record / strength of skilled workers of different categories whose services are required during emergency operation should also be available.

4) He will ensure availability of sufficient number of boats for their use in rescue and relief operation.

5) He will ensure that there is no danger of spread of any epidemics or water born diseases after the floods.

6) XEN should also keep a list of readily available all types of stores under his control along with available quantity of each item.

7) XEN should also keep a list of machinery in working under his control readily available.

8) Mode of conveyance & shortest possible route to the emergency site should be identified well in advance on consultation with XEN Pong Dam Division.

9) To maintain daily diary in respect of activities performed by persons under his

control & apprise S.E.PDC about the same. 10) He will make a pre-planned arrangement for deploying the persons on site of emergency so that work can be performed smoothly and promptly.

11) He will ensure that all stock present in his stores such as cement, sand and aggregate is fresh and quite

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sufficient for its use at emergency site. Batch of piled up cement should be mentioned clearly.

12) XEN will also ensure providing sheds, toilets for temporary stay of persons engaged in execution of work at site as per requirement of XEN Pong dam Division.

13) He will also seek help from civil authorities as well as N.G.O’s coming forward for the purpose.

14) He will arrange to make mobile van announcements through public address system about the emergency.

15) He will also ensured cleanliness and sanitation of the area during and after the occurrence of such mishap.

16) XEN shall also ensure attendance 24 hours during such emergency.

17) XEN shall also make all arrangements for temporary dispensary at site to give 1st aid to all during rescue & relief operation.

18) He will also discharge his duties as team leader for rescue & relief operation in Colony area.

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9.12 XEN Electrical 1) To notify / inform different agencies / offices as per Division, BBMB, Talwara notification flow chart of particular alert level as per 01883-236056(O) situation at site. 236017(R) 2)XEN should readily available with him contact 94639-98109 members of skilled / unskilled working under his control.

3) Record / strength of skilled workers of different categories whose services are required during emergency operation should also be available.

4) XEN should also keep a list of readily available all types of stores under his control alongwith available quantity of each item.

5 XEN should also keep a list of alternative arrangement in the absence of skilled workers, readily available.

6) XEN should also keep a list of machinery in working under his control readily available.

7) Mode of conveyance & shortest possible route to the emergency site should be identified well in advance on consultation with XEN Pong Dam Division.

8)XEN will ensure that adequate lighting arrangement have been made at all vulnerable points both at Pong Dam & in T/ship area.

9)XEN will ensure that all lighting arrangements have been made at emergency site including power supply to all equipment / machinery and to bring to the notice of S.E. PDC regarding each activity performed / completed at site and to the satisfaction of persons working / executing the job at site.

10) XEN will ensure that daily diary of each event /

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activity performed at site is maintained.

11) XEN will ensure that in case of power failure adequate arrangement to run the equipment on alternative source of power has been made.

12) XEN will maintain a liaison with XEN Pong dam, XEN RM, XEN Mech., S.E. Talwara Circle & S.E. PDC during emergency hours.

13) He will make a pre-planned arrangement for deploying the persons on site of emergency so that work can be performed smoothly and promptly.

14) XEN will ensure that sound arrangement under his control is trouble free & well maintained for evacuation of inhabitants in the near vicinity of mishap.

15) XEN will also ensure attendance-24 hours during such exigency.

16) He will also discharge his duties as team leader for rescue operation for ensuring electric supply for area from Dam to Talwara colony.

9.13 Supdtt. PS&D 1) He should keep ready with him contact numbers of all Division,BBMB, Talwara persons skilled / unskilled working under his 01883-236094 (O) administration. -236068 (R) 2) Record / strength of skilled workers of different 94172-02040(M) categories whose services are required during emergency operation should also be available.

3) He should also keep a list of readily available all types of stores under his control alongwith available quantity of each item. He should also apprise S.E. Talwara Circle about the same from time to time.

4) He should also keep a list of alternative arrangement

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in the absence of skilled workers readily available.

5) He will ensure delivery of all materials / stores quickly for its use at emergency site.

6) He will make arrangement at shortest notice for the materials from other projects if required.

7) He will also discharge his duties as team leader for rescue & relief arrangement at Talwara in colony area.

9.14 XEN Mech. Division, 1) To notify / inform different agencies / offices as per BBMB, Talwara notification flow chart of particular alert level as per 01883-236006(O) situation at site. -236048 (R) 2)XEN should readily available with him contact 94172-02086(M) members of skilled / unskilled working under his


3) Record / strength of skilled workers of different categories whose services are required during emergency operation should also be available.

4) He will ensure all vehicles, heavy earth moving machinery and other equipments / mechanical installations in complete working order.

5) XEN should also keep a list of alternative arrangement in the absence of skilled workers, readily available.

6) XEN should also keep a list of machinery in working under his control readily available.

7) Mode of conveyance & shortest possible route to the emergency site should be identified well in advance on consultation with XEN Pong Dam Division.

8) He will ensure that daily diary is maintained in

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respect of each activity carried out at site by persons under his control & to apprise S.E. Talwara Circle.

9) XEN will ensure the stock piling of lubricants & spare parts at site where the machinery has already been kept permanently.

10) XEN should have with him a list of machinery (required with him) available at other projects under BBMB, alongwith operators. Annexures-XXI & XXII.

11) XEN should have a list of suitable / required machinery available with other departments such as XEN, Shah Nahar, XEN, Mukerian Hydel Channel.

12) XEN will ensure the persons who have been assigned duties during emergency hours are discharging it properly & promptly.

13) He will also discharge his duties as team leader for rescue operation at Pong Dam.

14) XEN should keep close liaison with XEN, Pong Dam who is overall incharge of the site for all types of assignments / requirements in relation to execution of work.

15) XEN shall also ensure attendance 24 hours during such exigency.

16) He will also perform his duties as per para 2.1.1 in case of sabotage / terrorist attack (For Rescue and Relief)

17) He will also ensure immediately alternative power supply arrangement of existing system of supply fails due to some reason.

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9.15PMO BBMB, Hospital 1) He/She will immediately move to the emergency site Talwara for assisting in rescue & relief operation after getting 01883-236060(O) information about such eventuality. -236087(R) 2) He/She will move to the site with a team of Doctors 94635-98081(M) and other allied staff well equipped to give first aid to injured persons.

3) He/She will keep a constant liaison with CMO Mukerian Hopital, Dasuya, Hoshiarpur and Bholkalota community health Centre, if some persons are required to be shifted there for immediate medical services / treatment.

4) He/She will ensure every part of aid to persons which is available in any of nearby hospital / dispensary.

5)He/She will try to make all arrangement in shortest possible time by opening Temporary dispensary at site with the help of XEN Township so that immediate medical aid be given to victims at site of emergency.

6)He/She will immediately make all arrangements to refer patients to reputed hospital at Jalandhar, Ludhiana or PGI, Chandigarh if situation warrants so.

7) He/She will keep record with him of every person who has been given medical aid by BBMB temporary dispensary at site.

8) He/She will also inform C.E. Beas Dam, regarding his activities during such hours of exigency.

9) He/She will arrange to provide 24 hours medical service through his staff at site of emergency.

10) He/She will keep constant liaison with S.E. (HQ) and keep on apprising him about the situation at site in respect of rescue & relief operations, victims or any

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11)He/she will ensure a complete availability of every type of medicine in advance, doctors and other staff for extending help during the hours of emergency (especially medicines for Gastroenteritis and other water born diseases.

9.16 Project Security Officer 1) He will arrange to inform / notify bomb squad / BBMB, Talwara sniffer dog agencies as per list attached at Annexure- 01883-236463(O) VIII in case of sabotage / terrorist attack will remain in 01883-236059 (R) constant touch with them for seeking any help required 9478424489(M) during such emergency hours.

2) He will arrange to guide all the persons at work site to

deal with such situation (Bomb like thing) through his team associates under his control)

3) He will ask for any help required during such emergency from S.E. (PDC) / BBMB authorities.

4) He will ensure persons under his control are competent to control/tackle such a situation.

5) He will ensure that incident has been record in the event report form as per Annexure-XV.

6) He will immediately inform Director, Security, S.E. (PDC) and all concerned as per Annexure-IV.

7) He will immediately inform C.E., Beas Dam during any un towards incident of terrorist attack at Pong Dam or in near vicinity.

8) He will also request S.E. (PDC) for immediate help to handle the situation during such crucial hour.

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cbZv gbkB 2018^ ewKv?AN, 80thA pNkbhnB,n?; avh anko an?c agh aJ/ agh a,j?ve[nkNo,ibzXo e?AN.


Sr.No Rank & Name BN.No Remarks

1. ASI/CR Dilip Poira 71RB/141 Swimmer

2. HC/PR Sudarshan Kumar 7/283 Sporting Staff

3. CT Akbar Bhatti 80/676 Deep Diver

4. S/CT Jagdish Raj 75/281 Flood Course Qualified

5. CT Amandeep Singh 71RB/353 Sporting Staff

6. DVR CT Yogeshwar 71RB/207 PB-08-DG-3105

District Disaster Management Plan, Hoshiarpur 2018-19 Page 237

cbZv ;hiaB^2018 d"okB fiabQk j[f;ankog[o fty/ ;do dcso ns/ sfj;hb dcsoK ftZu pDkJ/ ikD tkb/ jVQ ezNo"b o{wK dh ;{uh.

Sr.No. Name of Office Name of Officer/ Mobile /Contact Numbers Numbers of Control Rooms Nodal Officer 1) dcso fvgNh efw;aBo, ;qh nwBgkb f;zx,fiabQk wkb nc;o, 98148^53692 01882^220412 j[f;ankog[o. j[f;ankog[o. (fiabQk j?v e[nkNo) 2) sfj;hb dcso, ;qh noftzd gqek;a towK 96467^54726 01882^240796 j[f;ankog[o sfj;hbdko,j[f;ankog[o. 94633^69836 3) sfj;hb dcso,d;{jk ;qh joeow f;zx ozXktk 95010^08101 01883^285024 sfj;hbdko,d;{jk. 4) sfj;hb dcso,w[e/ohnK ;qh so;/w f;zx, 95017^06465 01883^246214 sfj;hbdko,w[e/ohnK. 5) sfj;hb dcso,rVQ;azeo ;qh byftzdo f;zx, 88726^98889 01884^282026 sfj;hbdko,rVQ;azeo.

District Disaster Management Plan, Hoshiarpur 2018-19 Page 238

fiabQ/ dh o'iakBk toyk fog'oN G/iD fjZs c?e; ns/ Jh^w/b vh a;h adcso,j[f;ankog[o dk Email Adress:[email protected] bVh dcso dk Bkw ezNo"b o{w dk Bzpo c?e; Bzpo Jh^w/b gsk BzL 1) ftZsh efw;aBo(wkb) cbZv ezNo"b o{w Bzpo 0172^2747798 daily.monsoonreport@gmail gzikp,uzvhrVQ.(vh an?w a^1 0172^2749901 0172^2741803(Main) .com ;akyk) 0172-2740936(Main Control (cbZv ezNo"b o{w fJzukoia Room) nc;o) 0172^2746292(dcsoh) s'A fJbktk n?e;u/Ai d/ N?bhc'B ;qh dhgfJzdo f;zx,nkJh aJ/ Bzpo an?; a w'L98784^01249 0172-2740611,612,2740130 vkfJo?eNo^ew^;eZso(wkb) and 2740313 (PBX Extension

g[Botk; ns/ fviak;No No.4226) s/ fwbk e/ vh an?w a^1 gh aJ/ aph an?e; BzL4767 w?B/iaw?AN ftGkr,uzvhrVQ. ;akyk ftZu ;{uBk fdZsh ik ;edh j?. 2) efw;aBo,ibzXo wzvb,ibzXo 0181^2458114(dcso) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [email protected] 0181^2458058(c?e;) ^^^^^^^^^^ (fojkfJ;a efw;aBo ;kfjp) 3) fvgNh efw;aBo,ibzXo. 0181^2227297 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ 4) dcso w";w ftGkr,f;tb 0161^2844593 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [email protected]. J/nog'oN,;kjB/tkb, (b?AvbkJhB ns/ c?e; Bzpo) ^^^^^^^^^^ b[fXnkDk uzvhrVQ w";w ftGkr d/ w[Zy dcso dk b?AvbkJhB$ c?e; Bzpo 0172^2629984

District Disaster Management Plan, Hoshiarpur 2018-19 Page 239

fiabQk j[f;ankog[o ftZu jVQ$cbZvia dh nr/sh fsnkoh bJh ;Ekfgs ehs/ rJ/ cbZv ezNo"b o{wia d/ B'vb nc;oK d/ Bkw ns/ w'pkfJb$c?e; Bzpo j/m fby/ nB[;ko jBL^ bVh dcso dk Bkw nfXekoh$B'vb nc;o dk w'pkfJb Bzpo ezNo"b o{w dk c?e; Bzpo Email ID BzL Bkw c"B Bzpo 1) dcso fvgNh ;qhwsh nB[gw eb/o, 98729^97863 01882^220412 01882^220412 [email protected] efw;aBo, gh a;h an?; a j[f;ankog[o (B'vb nc;o),tXhe fvgNh efw;aBo(i),j[f;ankog[o. 2) ^^^^^T[es^^^^^^^ ;qh nwBgkb f;zx,fiabk wkb 98148^53692 01882^220412 01882^220412 [email protected] ^ nc;o^fiabQk cbZv nc;o, j[f;ankog[o. 3) T[g wzvb w?fi;Nq/N, ;qh ifszdo ia'otkb, 95923^00883 01882^240796 01882^220310 [email protected] j[f;ankog[o nkJh aJ/ an?; a n?; avh an?w a,j[f;ankog[o. 4) T[g wzvb w?fi;Nq/N, ;qh jodhg f;zx Xkbhtkb, 9829^36367 01884^282026 01884^282022 [email protected] rVQ;azeo gh a;h an?; T[g wzvb w?fi;Nq/N,rVQ;azeo. 5) T[g wzvb w?fi;Nq/N, vKLfjwK;a{ nrotkb, 95012^00927 01883^285024 01883^285022 [email protected] d;{jk. nkJh aJ/ an?; a T[g wzvb w?fi;Nq/N,d;{jk. 6) T[g wzvb w?fi;Nq/N, ;qh jouoB f;zx,gh a;h an?; a 84273^00899 01883^246214 01883^248441 [email protected] w[e/ohnK T[g wzvb w?fi;Nq/N,w[e/ohnK 7) sfj;hb dcso, ;qh noftzd gqek;a towK, 96467^54726 01882^240796 01882^220310 [email protected] j[f;ankog[o sfj;hbdko,j[f;ankog[o. 8) sfj;hb dcso, ;qh byftzdo f;zx, 88726^98889 01884^282026 [email protected] rVQ;azeo sfj;hbdko,rVQ;azeo. om 9) sfj;hb dcso,d;{jk ;qh joeow f;zx ozXktk, 95010^08101 01883^285024 [email protected] sfj;hbdko,d;{jk 10) sfj;hb ;qh so;/w f;zx, 95017^06465 01883^246214 01883^248441 [email protected] dcso,w[e/ohnK sfj;hbdko,w[e/ohnK

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11) BkfJp sfj;hbkdko, ;qh i;eoB f;zx, 94175^15111 01882^240796 [email protected] j[f;ankog[o. BkfJp sfj;hbdko,j[f;ankog[o 12) BkfJp ;qh wBdhg f;zx, 94648^90090 [email protected] sfj;hbdko,G{zrk BkfJp sfj;hbdko,G{zrk m 13) BkfJp sfj;hbdko, ;qh ;sftzdoihs f;zx, [email protected] rVQ;azeo. BkfJp sfj;hbdko,rVQ;azeo. om 14) BkfJp sfj;hbdko, ;qh i;tho e[wko, 94175^81894 [email protected] (foetoh),rVQ;azeo BkfJp sfj;hbdko(foetoh), om rVQ;azeo. 15) BkfJp sfj;hbdko, ;qh okwuzd, 94785^30787 [email protected] wkfjbg[o. BkfJp sfj;hbdko,wkfjbg[o 15) BkfJp sfj;hbdko, ;qh UAeko f;zx, 88727^27249 01883^285024 [email protected] d;{jk BkfJp sfj;hbdko,d;{jk. 16) BkfJp sfj;hbdko, ;qh btdhg f;zx, 97808^79179 01886^244813 [email protected] NKvk BkfJp sfj;hbdko,NKvk. 17) BkfJp sfj;hbdko, ;qh wBihs f;zx, 97796^30761 01886^239660 [email protected] rVQdhtkbk BkfJp sfj;hbdko,rVQdhtkbk [email protected] [email protected] 18) BkfJp sfj;hbdko, ;qh ;zi? e[wko ;aowK, 98761^99444 01883^246214 [email protected] w[e/ohnK BkfJp sfj;hbdko,w[e/ohnK 19) BkfJp sfj;hbdko, ;qh tfozdo GkNhnk, 84371^23123 [email protected] sbtkVk BkfJp sfj;hbdko,sbtkVk 20) BkfJp sfj;hbdko, ;qh py;ah;a f;zx, 94638^39205 [email protected] jkihg[o. BkfJp sfj;hbdko,jkihg[o.

District Disaster Management Plan, Hoshiarpur 2018-19 Page 241

fiabQ/ d/ ;w{j sfj;hb dcsoK s'A o'iakBk toyk fog'oN gqkgs eoB fjZs brkJ/ rJ/ eowukohnK d/ w'pkfJb BzpoL^ (cbZv ;hiaB^2018) bVh BzL dcso dk Bkw eowukoh dk Bkw$nj[Zdk w'pkfJb Bzpo

1) sfj;hb dcso,j[f;ankog[o ;qh feq;aB wB'uk,dcso ekB{zr' 98159^02499 ;qh Bfozdo e[wko,;jkfJe dcso ekB{zr' 99154^58425 2) sfj;hb dcso,d;{jk ;qh dftzdo f;zx,dcso ekB{zr' 98155^31535

3) sfj;hb dcso,w[e/ohnK ;qh gothB e[wko,dcso ekB{zr' 98882^74351 ;qh ifszdo pfjb ,;jkfJe dcso ekB{zr' 94173^71363 4) sfj;hb dcso,rVQ;zaeo ;qh ioB?b f;zx, dcso ekB{zr' 98727^96537 ;qh ;Zsgkb,;/tkdko 94650^65300

District Disaster Management Plan, Hoshiarpur 2018-19 Page 242

fiabQ/ d/ ;w{j ekoia ;kXe nc;oK d/ Bkw,w'pkfJb Bzpo,dcso dk b?Av bkJhB Bzpo ns/ Jh^w/b n?vo?;L^ bVh Bro fBrw$ew/Nh efw;aBo$ekoia ;kXe w'pkfJb Bzpo dcso dk Jh^w/b n?vo?; ft;a/; eEB(ia/eo fe;/ ekoi ;kXe BzL dk Bkw nc;o dk BK b?AvbkJhB Bzpo nc;o e'b fe;/ ew/Nh dk tkX{ ukoia j? sK T[; dk t/otk fdZsk ikt/) 1) Bro fBrw, ;qh jopho f;zx, 98152^20033 01882^220422 [email protected] tkX{ ukoia j[f;ankog[o gh a;h an?; J/ avh a;h a(ftek;)j[f;ankog[o. 2) Bro e'A;b, ;qh ow/;a e[wko 98763^70027 01882^263007 [email protected] tkX{ ukoia ;akwu"ok;h 3) Bro e'A;b,d;{jk ;qh uoB dk; 98766^56513 01883^285052 [email protected] 4) Bro e'A;b,w[e/ohnK ;qh ewbfizdo f;zx 80545^00664 01883^244028 [email protected] 99149^86735 94179^21515 5) Bro ;qh nfBb wfjsk 94170^11455 01886^250026 [email protected] e'A;b,jfonkDk 6) Bro e'A;b,NKvk ;qh okw gqek;a 94174^79460 01886^222043 [email protected] 7) Bro e'A;b,sbtkVk ^^^^^^^^^^ 94170^20249 01883^236260 [email protected] tkX{ ukoia 8) Bro e'A;b, ;qh Xofwzdo f;zx 94179^97660 01886^260339 [email protected] rVQdhtkbk 9) Bro e'A;b,rVQ;azeo ;qh ftek; T[Zgb 96460^01170 01884^282028 [email protected] 10) Bro gzukfJs, ;qh ftek; T[Zgb 96460^01170 01884^245280 [email protected] tkX{ ukoia wkfjbg[o

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