Dealer Services - Digital Marketing Solutions Group

Proposal for Managed Services and Technologies for Automotive Marketing and Reputation Management Strategy and Tactical Implementation

Proposal and Scope of Work Presented to: Sewell Automotive Companies Dallas, Texas

Thursday, September 02, 2010

Prepared and Submitted by:

Ralph Paglia Ray Loo Jac Alvarez Director – Digital Account Executive Director Marketing Digital Marketing National Accounts ADP Dealer Services ADP Dealer Services ADP Dealer Services Cell: 1-505-301-6369 Cell: 303-525-4279 Cell: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

ADP Digital Marketing – Social Media Reputation Management SkySong Social Media Operations Center; 1475 N Scottsdale Rd., Scottsdale Arizona 85257 Sewell Automotive Companies – ADP Social Marketing and Reputation Management Proposal

Table of Contents

Table of Contents I. Executive Summary ...... 4 1. Phase 1; Professional Consulting and Program Development Services ...... 5 2. Phase 2; Installation Build-Out of Sewell Social Media Configurations ...... 5 3. Phase 3; Sewell Associate and Supplier Orientation and Training ...... 5 4. Phase 4; Ongoing Social Marketing, Content Creation and Management ...... 5 5. ADP supplied professional writers ...... 6 6. ADP Social Marketers publish 10 “Unique Content Items” each month ...... 6 7. ADP will build, deploy and manage an extensive content distribution system .. 6 II. Statement of Work ...... 7 1. Social Media Advertising ...... 7 2. Advertising (see Appendix G) ...... 8 3. Social Media Display Advertising...... 8 4. Social Video Advertising ...... 8 5. Social Media Channel Targeting Tactics ...... 8 1. Social Microsites ...... 8 2. Sewell Social Network...... 8 3. Reputation Management ...... 8 4. Campaign Management and Reporting...... 8 5. Social Media Marketing and Reputation Management Focus ...... 9 6. Targeting Strategy and Tactics ...... 9 III. Recommended Sewell Automotive Social Media Marketing Objectives ...... 10 1. Account Management ...... 11 2. Copywriting ...... 11 3. Regional Targeting ...... 11 4. Reporting and Analysis ...... 11 5. Sewell Automotive Communities ...... 11 6. Social Media Reputation Management ...... 12 VI. ADP Social Media Marketing Portal Dashboard; ...... 13 7. Information Used by ADP to Set Up New Social Media Accounts...... 15 Single Franchise Social Media Portal RSS Feed Example: ...... 15 8. Social Media Profiles Created and Claimed ...... 24 9. Daily Social Mentions Trending...... 26

2 Sewell Automotive Companies – ADP Social Marketing and Reputation Management Proposal

10. Evaluating Relevance, Rank and Authority of Social Media Sites ...... 27 11. Relevance Metrics on Each Social Media Site Tracked ...... 29 12. Social Media Account Administration ...... 31 ADP Digital Marketing Team will create ”Social Media Dashboard” ...... 31 A. enhanced business listing premium package ...... 31 B. registration and category sponsorship ...... 31 C. Flickr Professional Account system and application upgrade ...... 31 D. Network Solutions domain hosting and 6 URL registrations ...... 31 E. Ning Professional Enterprise class Premium Services Bundle ...... 31 F. Certification ...... 31 G. TubeMogul Video Syndication ...... 31 H. Contest and Polling Applications ...... 31 I. Widgetbox...... 31 J. ADP Social Media Marketing Portal Dashboard...... 31 7. Social Media Advertising Campaigns ...... 32 Reporting ...... 32 Social Media Reputation Management Project Plan Example ...... 33 Suggested Best Practices for Advertising on Facebook ...... 48

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I. Executive Summary

ADP Digital Marketing Solutions Group proposes to assign resources and leverage the use of ADP Social Media applications and technology systems to assist in the design, set up, ongoing management and tactical fulfillment of a Social Media Marketing and online Reputation Management strategy for the Sewell Automotive Companies. The structure of our proposed engagement is designed to increase customer engagement with Sewell branded social media assets, including event marketing, widespread distribution of news reports, articles, videos, images, consumer generated content and other marketing communication assets as directed by authorized Sewell Managers.

Although ADP has built our systems and processes around leveraging social media for the generation of incremental volumes of business opportunities, showroom traffic, website visitors and incoming phone calls, we understand that the relationship between people living in the communities served by Sewell Automotive Companies is unique to the Sewell brand and the promise that the Sewell brand represents. For this and other reasons, if this proposal is accepted and supported by the revenue requested for this program, the ADP Social Media Reputation Management team will assign a Sewell Automotive dedicated Social Marketer (SoMar) who will manage the program and associated ADP resources exclusively for Sewell Automotive. The Sewell SoMar will also be available for two days of monthly review and planning meetings at Sewell Automotive headquarters in Dalls.

Additionally, we propose to supply ADP Social Marketing content creation, graphic art, video editing specialists along with social media advertising analysts who will work in close coordination with Sewell staff to design, create, set up, launch and maintain a Sewell Automotive branded online community social network that provides a platform ideally suited for engaging with Sewell customers, dealership employees, suppliers, and socially engaged, civic minded consumers living in the areas served by the Sewell Automotive Companies. Although we do not intend to violate the mores and standards of most social networks with blatant “sales pitches”, our proposed services will provide business benefits to the Sewell organization by attracting both new and repeat business opportunities.

We propose to coordinate a Social Media Marketing and Reputation Management strategy coordinated with both internal and external Sewell campaigns to drive traffic, membership growth, consumer and employee engagement, as well as supplement the existing Sewell website visitor traffic to and from the Dallas and San Antonio regional markets served by Sewell Automotive Companies. This proposal is designed to provide Sewell with significant levels of social network, user generated content (UGC) and Web 2.0 types of social media website presence within the Dallas and San Antonio areas, but also extending the Sewell brand throughout Texas as a whole. Because of the positive output from our ongoing content creation and rich social web activity levels produced by the ADP Social Media strategy supported by our proprietary syndication technology enabled tactical deployment, the overall positive Search Engine Optimization (SEO) impact to existing Sewell Automotive eCommerce websites will be highly significant and a major benefit received by the Sewell Automotive Companies we propose to serve.

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ADP will accomplish the mission we propose by working with the Sewell team’s key managers to implement the following strategy and executables listed below, and detailed further in the body of this proposal:

1. Phase 1; Professional Consulting and Program Development Services A senior ADP Social Media consultant and Sewell assigned SoMar will meet with Sewell management to collect artwork, review content creation recommendations, social media site lists, account and profile creation details, links, activity frequency, media channels, etc. in order to achieve tactical consensus with Sewell Automotive assigned resources. The outcome and ADP produced deliverable due for this phase of our engagement will be a documented Sewell Social Media Marketing Strategy that contains the essential “Blueprint” for construction of a highly effective system unique to the Sewell organization. 2. Phase 2; Installation Build-Out of Sewell Social Media Configurations The Sewell Social Media Blueprint will serve as the Project Management master checklist for the initial construction and related executables assigned to either ADP or Sewell Automotive resources as designated within the document. The ADP SoMar will serve as Project Manager and will be in constant contact with relevant Sewell personnel, confirming completion of the Sewell Community social network, various web assets, syndication application builds, and a variety of social media account creations, profile installations and creative assets that are defined in the Blueprint as milestones required prior to marking completion of Phase 2. 3. Phase 3; Sewell Associate and Supplier Orientation and Training ADP Social Media Consultant schedules 2 day visits to each Sewell Automotive location. Day 1 is focused on management team training and creation of their individual user profiles within the Sewell Community. Day 2 focuses on all other staff to ensure account and profile creation, as well as how they can connect with their other social media accounts and networks. 4. Phase 4; Ongoing Social Marketing, Content Creation and Management a. Illuminate “Positive Word of Mouth” using the power of the Social Web to give a voice to the positive reputation of the Sewell organization by simply allowing more customers to be heard and making their opinions more accessible to consumers doing online research. b. Create top of mind awareness and elevate brand recognition and perception of each Sewell Automotive franchise in a more cost effective manner than the allocated social media budget would accomplish with advertising alone. c. Tap into consumer acceptance of Social Networking by building, managing and driving participation in an online community of existing Sewell employees, suppliers, customers and those who endeavor to become one! d. Update Sewell Community and the network of over 100 social media sites with relevant and timely content such as Sewell stories and articles of interest to the community, videos, photos, vehicle reviews and road tests, interviews with customers, Sewell executives, dealership managers, organizations that have worked with the Sewell team, and content supplied by OEMs, enthusiast publications, employees and customers. 5 Sewell Automotive Companies – ADP Social Marketing and Reputation Management Proposal

e. ADP will build a Sewell sponsored online community using a proprietary version of the Ning social network platform designed with enhanced features that make it easy, fun and rewarding for employees, suppliers and customers to become members, participate in various programs and recommend to friends, family and coworkers. 5. Using ADP supplied professional writers, Sewell employees, OEM, consumer and enthusiast publication sources, we will create, publish and distribute a steady stream of fascinating, useful and attention getting articles, videos, images, slideshows, forum discussions, updates, events, worthy causes, relevant news and information updated daily, weekly and monthly. Content is the currency of the social web and we plan to use it for creating a more engaging online social network and community experience with the Sewell organization. 6. For each Sewell franchise included in this proposal, ADP Social Marketers will publish a minimum of 10 “Unique Content Items” each month in the form of , forum discussions, photo slideshows, presentations, white papers, podcasts and videos designed to engage Sewell Community members across multiple social media sites to respond, comment and publish their own content. The objective is to reach a critical mass that attracts and engages other consumers to join in. 7. ADP will build, deploy and manage an extensive content distribution system that uses Application Layer Integration, Really Simple Syndication (RSS), embedded HTML code (Widgets) and custom built “Social Media Apps”. This will allow both ADP and Sewell resources the ability to leverage the Sewell Automotive Community as a central content repository (hub) from which to distribute content and member activities out to over 100 of the most popular social media sites on the web, such as:

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II. Statement of Work Overview The internet is the only marketing channel that reaches consumers across the entire buying process. Since the start of the current economic recession, an overwhelming majority of automotive buyers and service department customers have shifted their vehicle and service buying research to online resources. Now, more than ever before, a digital marketing strategy that incorporates social media marketing and reputation management should play the role of a crucial component within the Sewell Automotive Companies total marketing strategy.

ADP Digital Marketing provides a trusted supplier solution that assists, consults and enhances the work being done by Sewell professional resources. The ADP supplied and Sewell dedicated Social Media Marketer will be tasked with recommending, getting approvals, creating, measuring and improving all Sewell marketing campaigns. She will do this by using her deep knowledge of the social web to provide a strategy that incorporates social media sites that provide consumers with a voice to share their experiences with car dealers.

Because we seek to become the partner that Sewell relies upon for the majority of online media and placement purchases, ADP is not biased or predisposed towards using one type of social web channel over another… If selected, ADP supplied resources will seek out the best mix of social media, digital creative, premium accounts, advertising placements and application purchases to drive more targeted consumer engagement and traffic to Sewell designated sites than available from any other use of the budget allocated. ADP Digital Marketing proposes a Social Media strategy that includes the following components:

1. Social Media Advertising Facebook Pay Per Click (PPC), Yelp search and display, DealerRater, Buzz, Catalogs and Blogging sites, YouTube Video overlays and video promotions, TubeMogul paid video placements and more. Below are actual Facebook performance metric examples for 6 months: . 52,555,028 Advertising Impressions . 14,365 Clicked Through . 0.027% CTR . $11,831.19 Spent (ADP cost) . $0.23 CPM . $0.82 CPC

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2. Search Engine Advertising Google has an exciting new suite of marketing and promotional tools known collectively as “Adwords Extensions” which are offered through the Google Adwords application in various formats such as “Social Extensions”, “Site Extensions”, “Phone Extensions” and “Product Extensions”. Within this proposal we are incorporating a recommended monthly Social Media Advertising budget that would incorporate Google Adwords Extensions as a promotional tool providing the critical mass of consumer traffic that every social media marketing initiative requires in order to drive the customer engagement chain reactions described by many marketers as “Buzz” and “Viral”. The ADP Digital Marketing team will leverage our close working relationship with Google to leverage these and other Google products designed to drive consumer engagement across the proposed Sewell social media asset network. (see Appendix G)

3. Social Media Display Advertising Animated Flash Media with tracking tags that is placed within key sections of social media sites such as Facebook, YouTube, Yahoo!, Fast Company, Wired, Multiply, MySpace, DailyMotion and others

4. Social Video Advertising Sewell sponsored Click To Play (CTP) and Autoplay Video placements on YouTube, DailyMotion, Vimeo, Hulu and UGC based Video hosting sites for Sewell marketing communication objectives

5. Social Media Channel Targeting Tactics The wealth of detailed data contained within each social website’s user profile provides ADP with the ability to deliver Sewell marketing communications messaging to highly accurate subsets of people, including the following consumer characteristics and categories: o Geographic (zip code, metro, neighborhoods, work vs home) o Demographic (age, income, occupation, personal interests, hobbies, etc.) o Behavioral (sites visited, pages “liked”, videos watched, etc.) o Contextual (placements based on blog/forum/video subject matter) o Dayparting (time of day messaging appears) o Retargeting (Sewell eCommerce/Social site visitor tracking cookies)

1. Social Microsites Campaign, Event, Location, Model, Affiliation or other type of highly specific subject, SEO, Stealth and more.

2. Sewell Social Network Create a Sewell sponsored full featured social network that serves as the “Hub” in leveraging a “Hub and Spoke” social media marketing strategy. A Centralized content repository that unites all employees at each Sewell Automotive location to drive content creation distributed via application level integration, multiple types of automated syndication and SoMar executed “push” sharing with the most popular networks.

3. Reputation Management ADP has formal contract partnerships with Google, Yelp and DealerRater that provides us the ability to work with Sewell Automotive Companies on maintaining and organizing a portfolio of customer reviews that are made more readily available to consumers through syndication across search engines and social networks. This will further enhance Sewell’s reputation based competitive advantage, but more importantly, ADP will execute virtually immediate responses to consumers, track and report customer service issues, provide information, facilitate consumer-to-consumer information sharing and ensure that the voice of Sewell’s Customers for Life is heard by more people than ever before! 4. Campaign Management and Reporting As each Sewell Automotive social media and reputation management asset or campaign is launched, ADP Digital Marketing will provide information, links, account access, reporting,

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maintenance and ongoing optimization. The combination of a hands-on aproach by ADP Account Analysts and Social Marketing Managers with our world-class campaign management software ensures the most cost effective social media marketing and reputation management results possible. 5. Social Media Marketing and Reputation Management Focus A. http://Sewell.TV/ (Video hosting and distribution) B. (Sewell social network from ADP) C. (Sewell Event Marketing calendar) D. (Sewell History, News and Info Blog) E. (integrated with and Facebook) F. (Facebook Profile-Fan Page) G. (Brochure Web 2.0 site for all brands) H. ( Sewell account) I. (Events marketing calendar) J. (links to multiple dealer rating sites for each Sewell franchise) K. "Sewell Automotive Community" online branding and enrollment campaigns that promote community membership and participation based on a superior online experience, social interactions and access to value added assets

6. Targeting Strategy and Tactics A. User Generated Content (UGC) Strategy; Create and manage the Sewell Automotive Community at with each Sewell Dealership/Franchise having their own profile/blog/forum/video/photo/group space within the Sewell Community site: i. Individual employee profiles ii. Supplier profiles iii. Fully hosted and SEO indexed blogs iv. Forum discussion center v. Brand, Model and Subject Matter groups vi. Fully hosted Video Upload Center/Distribution Apps vii. Fully hosted Image Upload Center/Slideshow creation and distribution apps. viii. Many more features, built to Google Open Social Standards with hundreds of Apps available. B. The Sewell Automotive Community will utilize OEM supplied daily content feeds and invite Sewell Automotive employees, suppliers and customers using access to Sewell databases of email addresses. C. Push Sewell Automotive Companies video and creative asset content to multiple UGC sites with links back to Sewell Automotive Companies commercial sites, targeting relevant content based on most likely consumer interest. D. Using ADP access to USA based work-at-home network for digital marketing services, our proposal includes registering and securing Sewell branded profiles, accounts and sub- domains across over 100 Social Media Web 2.0 sites during initial installation and setup. E. SEO benefits received from creating Sewell profile pages with links to the Sewell Community and eCommerce sites are enormous. Additional strategic value is gained by

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securing the Sewell named sub-domains that these sites produce and ensuring the brand is not corrupted by unauthorized registration and use of the Sewell name. F. Additional new social media site registrations and profile creation for 10 sites each month. G. Monitor the Internet for new Web 2.0, User Generated Content (UGC) sites and Social Networks activity where the “Sewell” name may be mentioned with indexing crawls every 4 hours 24 hours a day. Keyword alerts ADP staff to any negative mentions so that customer concern resolution process can be triggered.

III. Recommended Sewell Automotive Social Media Marketing Objectives 1. Achieve “critical mass” volume of consumers, employees and suppliers that join and participate in all Sewell Automotive Communities and social media accounts. 2. Generate more efficient use of search engine and display advertising budgets by incorporating multiple Web 2.0 sites, Sewell business profiles, links to Sewell sites and Sewell sub-domains that appear as search query results in multiple ranking positions and for multiple geographic locations. 3. Gain additional share of voice with SERP rank and social media site listings that appear for all search terms containing the word Sewell. 4. Inviting customers, employees and suppliers to join the Sewell Automotive Community, follow on Twitter, become a Facebook fan, MySpace friend and subscribe to the Sewell YouTube channel. 5. Use ADP partnerships with dominant social networks such as Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Ning, Google, Yahoo! and others to ensure that Sewell Automotive Companies’ online presence appears in front of automotive consumers at the maximum frequency per dollar of allocated budget… ADP proposes to deliver an overwhelmingly positive presence within the Texas online social media landscape with dynamic and eye catching Sewell Automotive Companies images and videos that are designed and placed by ADP’s social marketers.

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Research, Strategy and Analysis Automotive Expertise ADP Digital Marketing has the most experienced social marketing team in the automotive industry. Our seasoned team has optimized over 2,000 dealerships including eight (8) of the top 10 Ward’s eDealers, 40 of the Ward’s eDealer 100 and managed millions of dollars in paid search marketing with our sophisticated bid management systems.

ADP’s organic Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has become so effective that over 35% of the leads received by the 2,000 dealers using an ADP Digital Marketing website are generated from natural search. This experience in search optimization has been leveraged to apply towards social media and reputation management.

1. Account Management Our Account Management team will develop a detailed road map for each social media marketing campaign. Reports will be shared keeping you apprised of community membership, blogs posted, forum discussions, photos, videos and other Sewell Automotive Companies Community Activities. a. Google Analytics installed on Sewell Automotive Companies Community platform, KEA’s (Key Engagement Activities) and benchmark ratings based on Google data. b. Monthly conference call to discuss social media results and determine tactics c. Quarterly review to discuss the key milestones, strategic business goals and determine social marketing and reputation management action plans

2. Copywriting ADP Digital Marketing will work with Sewell Automotive Companies’ Marketing team to develop the proper content for your Community, Facebook Business Profile, YouTube Channel, MySpace account and Twitter listings. This will help create consistent messaging across all of your marketing efforts and ensure the most effective social media marketing possible.

3. Regional Targeting Targeting specific regions is a highly successful tactic to increase Social Media Marketing ROI. To reach automotive consumers in your area, ADP Digital Marketing will regionally target your social network accounts and profiles to the zip code, metro and state. We will also include location based tags and mapping (geo-modified keyphrases) such as “used car dealers in Denver” to ensure that Sewell Automotive Companies’ social media presence is indexed and listed in Search Engine Results.

4. Reporting and Analysis ADP Digital Marketing will provide monthly reports that show exactly how many visitors, new community members, user generated content and activities were driven by your social media marketing campaigns. Traffic referred to Sewell Automotive Companies commercial sites can be tracked utilizing Omniture SiteCatalyst.

5. Sewell Automotive Communities During the past 36 months the emergence of “Web 2.0”. “Social Networking” and User Generated Content (UGC) websites into what has become the dominant online activity for Americans of all ages. ADP Digital Marketing has been at the forefront of developing strategies and tactics for dealers to leverage the popularity of UGC sites. Although we have many variations and our Reputation Management team uses specially built software and applications to make their efforts more cost effective and productive, there is one form of UGC site that seems to hold vast potential for dealers. The online dealership community made up of participating employees, suppliers, current and future customers.

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For some examples of what a “Dealership Community” social network site concept can look like, please visit: 1. (Denver) 2. (San Antonio) 3. (Torrance, CA) 4. 5. (Lehigh Valley, PA) 6. (Mercedes-Benz) One of the unique approaches that ADP takes to enhance a dealership’s social media strategy is that we have partnered with and to supplement community content with cross referencing of dealership reviews by customers. We also utilize YouTube video channels and other Video hosting social media sites to further enhance the overall impact of a dealer’s digital marketing strategy. 6. Social Media Reputation Management A. Certification w/site setups, data integration, monitoring and fast response concern resolution concierge service B. enhanced profile w/site setups, data integration, monitoring and fast response concern resolution concierge service C. Google Business Profile w/site setups, 4 hour monitoring and fast response concern resolution concierge service D. ADP will create and assist in the management of an online Sewell Automotive Companies community at E. ADP will create and assist in management of short messaging media network account at F. ADP will create a Sewell Automotive Companies Facebook business account and assist in management of Social Networking that engages Denver area car buyers using content syndication and consumer engagement tactics at: G. Create a Sewell Automotive Companies YouTube Channel at www.Sewell.TV and will provide an ADP Analyst resource to assist in keeping a steady stream of relevant automotive video content uploaded with appropriate text descriptions that provide Video SEO benefits to the Sewell Automotive Companies Social Marketing program I. ADP Helps Car Buyers Find Your Videos First, we'll make sure your videos have good metadata -- a descriptive title, keyword enriched content descriptions, the right categories, and keyword tags -- which will help it get discovered on the YouTube site. Authorized Sewell Automotive Companies managers will have access to fine-tune video metadata in the video's detail page.

II. Upload Better Video Quality ADP knows how to improve the quality of future SewellTube videos, you read the tips on video settings and formats and HQ videos in the YouTube Help Center.

III. Promote Sewell Automotive Companies Videos ADP will leverage assigned marketing budgets to actively promote SewellTube videos by email, embedding it in the site and through the top social networking sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and others. ADP will use the YouTube Promoted Video system to purchase paid placements on high-traffic pages. While making sure your SewellTube channel reflects current communication strategies, just like the videos do, by customizing your YouTube channel.

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IV. Understand Your Video's Views  ADP will leverage our partnership with Google and YouTube to make effective use of the YouTube Insight metrics reporting; which gives you and your team information about who's watching your SewellTube videos, where they're from, and more.  This information can help you tailor your videos just for your audience; that might mean using annotations to add subtitles so your fans in Oklahoma can understand the deals or vehicles that you're describing, or getting a detailed breakdown of Dallas zip codes where your customer views are coming from. (Please note: it takes two days to start to seeing traffic data reports for newly uploaded YouTube videos on Insight.) V. Put ADP on Your Video Marketing Team a. So dive on in, and if you ever need a hand, contact your ADP Digital Marketing VMR or Digital Advertising Analyst to get help, or even from other YouTube dealership users at the YouTube Community Help Forums.

b. www.Sewell.TV Channel will be created and customized to integrate with Sewell Automotive Companies marketing and branding

VI. ADP Social Media Marketing Portal Dashboard;

When you log into your ADP Social Media Marketing Portal, you will have access to over 320 social media sites organized by their functional category. For the Social media sites where we have set up Sewell Community and Sewell Franchise accounts and profiles, the process generates a keyword enriched URL to enhance the overall SEO benefits received by Sewell Automotive from the ADP Social Media program. Within the ADP Portal, you have access to lists of the “claimed” Social Media website URL’s that are being indexed by Google and other search engines. When on the page with Social Media sites set up for Sewell, a single click will open up the actual Sewell profile or account page within the designated social media site.

When in the screen showing all social media sites being tracked by the ADP Portal Dashboard, clicking on the icon for the social media site will bring up the relevant Search Engine Ranking, current volume of backlinks reported by Yahoo!, overall Compete Rank and other high value and credible “Rank and Authority” metrics for evaluation of the site’s impact on Sewell Automotive’s Social Media Marketing, Reputation Management and overall digital marketing Search Engine Marketing strategy.

ADP Social Media Marketing and Reputation Management will provide the Sewell Automotive Companies with access and use to the same online management console, account/profile dashboard, tracking and reporting suite that our SoMars use to keep client account information, links and access readily available. With the Sewell Automotive Companies system setup, corporate managers will be able to view all setups, activity, tracking and social media accounts for each of the 9 Sewell Franchises that ADP is proposing. This proprietary tool was built by ADP Research and Development because there was nothing similar available in the general market, that would allow us a sungle portal dashboard to keep a dealer’s social media account structure and online brand monitoring organized and as easy to manage from a single login as possible.

Shown on the following pages are screenshots of the ADP Social Media Management Portal Dashboard based on the Ancira Auto Group in San Antonio, with 9 franchises in the group. Most of the screens are from single accounts within the Dashboard;

(see screen capture images on following pages)

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14 Sewell Automotive Companies – ADP Social Marketing and Reputation Management Proposal

7. Information Used by ADP to Set Up New Social Media Accounts Shown in the sreen capture image above, (on the preceding page) is the specific account profile for the “Dealer Community” or specific franchise with the keywords. Tags, URL’s, profile photo, contact information and other data used by ADP to set up new accounts and profiles on an ongoing basis. This information can be revised or changed at any time by program stakeholders and the new data will be incorporated into new account and profile setups from that point forward.

RSS Feed for Dealership Management Ease of Access Shown below, in the next section and several pages is an example of the ADP Portal Dashboard RSS Feed of all accounts, profiles and date stamped listing of the last indexed activity in that social media site’s account for the dealership. This ability to “copy and paste” the RSS feed is another feature within the system to provide dealers and managers with easy access to the robust network of social media accounts created by ADP Social Media for the dealerships within the program. It is very convenient to many of our clients to have immediate access to social media updates and single click access to the hundreds of social media accounts set up by the ADP Social Media team.

Like most RSS feeds, the ADP SmRm account feed for each franchise and location contracted is in the form of a URL that the user can save to Outlook, Google Reader or any of the other free RSS Feed Readers. This then becomes a familiar and easy way to have instant access to real- time updates of all dealership Social Media Accounts setup and managed within the ADP Social Portal Dashboard and the tools it provides.

Single Franchise Social Media Portal RSS Feed Example:

1. AnciraCommunity on audioBoo Friday, 8:38 AM Audio community for iPhone users to share sound via their iphone. Read more… 2. AnciraCommunity on Gowalla Friday, 8:35 AM Share your experiences and discover new places. Everywhere you go. Read more… 3. AnciraCommunity on skitch Friday, 8:34 AM is a webservice that works hand in hand with our application Skitch to give you 1-click uploading of images for fast and fun image sharing. Read more… 4. AnciraCommunity on Hunch Friday, 8:34 AM Hunch gives customized recommendations and gets smarter the more you use it. Read more… 5. AnciraCommunity on Rateitall Friday, 8:32 AM The fun and social way to find reviews and share your opinion about anything! Read more… 6. AnciraCommunity on yiid Friday, 8:32 AM Your Internet Identity - Simplify your community life. Read more… 7. AnciraCommunity on retaggr Friday, 8:31 AM Aggregate all your online social profiles and contact details into a portable interactive profile rich with content Read more… 8. AnciraCommunity on Mahalo Friday, 8:28 AM Mahalo is a human-powered search engine and a knowledge sharing service; helping people on the Internet quickly find the best possible information on any topic. Members of the public can also earn money by contributing to Mahalo topic pages or by answerin Read more… 9. AnciraCommunity on fwisp Friday, 8:27 AM Personal Finance| Education & Career| Business & Economy| Investing & Retirement| Real Estate - Discover & Share News| Articles & Videos. Read more… 10. AnciraCommunity on eventful Friday, 8:26 AM Find local events in your town or across the world on Eventful. Read more… 11. AnciraCommunity on Groups Friday, 8:25 AM GROU.PS is a platform for social groups to get together. Use it for any purpose. Choose your template and pick all the modules that you want (wiki; blogs; photos; links etc). And get your group web site without waiting. Read more… 12. AnciraCommunity on CinchCast Friday, 8:23 AM Cinch is a free and easy way to create and share audio; text; and photo updates using your iPhone. Read more… 15 Sewell Automotive Companies – ADP Social Marketing and Reputation Management Proposal

13. AnciraCommunity on Flattr Friday, 8:22 AM Flattr is a social micropayment platform that lets you show love for the things you like. Read more… 14. AnciraCommunity on Leapfish Friday, 8:17 AM Search all the major sites at once. Search Real-Time social sites. See web; video and image results - Blogs; News and Video results; plus Shopping price comparisons. LeapFish is a single connected multimedia experience. Read more… 15. AnciraCommunity on Plancast Friday, 8:17 AM The easiest way to share your upcoming plans with friends Read more… 16. AnciraCommunity on Copytaste Friday, 8:16 AM Copytaste enables you to create your own private URL with the data you wish to share with your friends or colleagues. Read more… 17. AnciraCommunity on Lafango Friday, 8:15 AM The FREE community showcasing talents. Join Lafango and host your Video; Audio; Photos; and Media easily and instantly! Be Discovered. Read more… 18. AnciraCommunity on Bebo Friday, 8:11 AM Allows users to share photos with music; and blogs; and draw on members' White Boards. Read more… 19. AnciraCommunity on SlideShare Aug 26, 7:54 PM Join SlideShare; the world's largest presentation sharing community. Share publicly; privately. Add audio for webinar. Read more… 20. AnciraCommunity on postcrossing Aug 26, 7:52 PM It's a project that allows anyone to receive postcards (real ones; not electronic) from random places in the world. Read more… 21. AnciraCommunity on Hollrr Aug 26, 7:49 PM Want to help your friends discover a great new product? A quick Hollrr is the easiest way to help them discover it. Read more… 22. AnciraCommunity on Spotback Aug 26, 7:49 PM Spotback is a personalized rating system that recommends relevant content based on personal rating history using collaborative filtering and aggregated knowledge technologies. Read more… 23. AnciraCommunity on Bukisa Aug 26, 7:43 PM Bukisa - Share your Knowledge; Earn Money - Invite your Friends to join. Read more… 24. AnciraCommunity on HelloTxt Aug 26, 7:39 PM HelloTxt Status Manager enables you to update your status across all of your social networks and microblogs with a single click. Read more… 25. AnciraCommunity on gravee Aug 26, 7:38 PM Gravee is a social search and recommendation engine. By searching; bookmarking; tagging; and voting on sites you like (and don't like); we get to know you better; and your search results and recommendations get better; as well! Read more… 26. AnciraCommunity on Netvibes Jul 6, 11:05 AM First personalized dashboard publishing platform for the Web. Digital life managment; Widget distribution services and brand observation rooms. Read more… 27. AnciraCommunity on Youare Jul 6, 11:05 AM YouAre is a free service to share everything you do throughout the day while connecting with others quickly and easily. You are what you do. Read more… 28. AnciraCommunity on Magntize Jul 6, 11:02 AM You're important and having a place on the web you can home is too. We make it simple; almost too simple. Read more… 29. AnciraCommunity on Plankly Jul 6, 11:02 AM Plank lets you ask; receive; and rate questions via video and text. Read more… 30. AnciraCommunity on Qhub Jul 6, 10:59 AM A simple way to create a question & answer website Read more… 31. AnciraCommunity on blurtit Jul 6, 10:57 AM Ask questions; find answers and share your knowledge with users from around the world. Blurtit is the online community that has all the answers! Read more… 32. AnciraCommunity on businesscard2 Jul 6, 10:57 AM BusinessCard2 makes it easy to create; manage and leverage your professional identity by enabling you to create an online business card Read more… 33. AnciraCommunity on Friendster Jul 6, 10:54 AM Friendster is a leading global social network emphasizing genuine friendships and the discovery of new people through friends. Read more… 34. AnciraCommunity on Blogger Jul 6, 10:53 AM Blogger is a free blog publishing tool from Google for easily sharing your thoughts with the world. Read more… 16 Sewell Automotive Companies – ADP Social Marketing and Reputation Management Proposal

35. AnciraCommunity on Yelp Jul 6, 10:51 AM User Reviews and Recommendations of Top Restaurants| Shopping| Nightlife| Entertainment| Services and More at Yelp Read more… 36. AnciraCommunity on GetGlue Jul 6, 10:48 AM Get Glue to get personalized suggestions and find your next favorite book| movie| or music album. Read more… 37. AnciraCommunity on AgencyScoop Jul 6, 10:47 AM AgencyScoop helps you connect with everything in the ad industry. Read more… 38. AnciraCommunity on eons Jul 6, 10:46 AM is the online community for spirited BOOMers who want to explore their passions; keep in touch with friends; connect with interesting people; share life experiences and; most of all; have fun. Read more… 39. AnciraCommunity on Fiverr Jul 6, 10:45 AM Fiverr is a place for people to share things they Read more… 40. AnciraCommunity on Biznik Jul 6, 10:44 AM Grow your business faster and more profitably with Biznik; the local; independent business networking community where collaboration beats competition. Read more… 41. AnciraCommunity on LinkedIn Jul 6, 10:43 AM LinkedIn strengthens and extends your existing network of trusted contacts. LinkedIn is a networking tool that helps you discover inside connections. Read more… 42. AnciraCommunity on myplick Jul 6, 10:42 AM Myplick is an easy way to share your Presentations and Slideshows online. Read more… 43. AnciraCommunity on uservoice Jul 6, 10:40 AM UserVoice is the easiest solution to capturing an audience's ideas and strengthen a company's brand. Just embed a widget or link to a UserVoice forum and let customers vote up the top ideas that push products forward. UserVoice reduces the time and labor Read more… 44. AnciraCommunity on Squidoo Jul 6, 10:38 AM Squidoo. The popular (free) site for creating single webpages on your interests and recommendations. Even earn money for charity or yourself. Read more… 45. AnciraCommunity on StumbleUpon Jul 6, 10:36 AM StumbleUpon discovers web sites based on your interests; learns what you like and brings you more. Read more… 46. AnciraCommunity on Kafafa Jul 6, 10:34 AM The simplest web creation tool on the web; Kafafa gives you everything you need to make your own website and get it up on the Internet; all for free. Read more… 47. AnciraCommunity on visualizeus Jul 6, 10:34 AM Have you ever dreamed of freely bookmarking the pictures you love? Well; you're not alone! Welcome to visualizeus: no strings; no invites; no waits Read more… 48. AnciraCommunity on weebly Jul 6, 10:33 AM Create a free website or blog in minutes by using a simple drag and drop interface. No ads. One of Time's 50 best websites of the year Read more… 49. AnciraCommunity on Tribe Jul 6, 10:29 AM An online community; based in several cities throughout the US and in Canada. Users create a network of friends; and join or create tribes for common interests. Read more… 50. AnciraCommunity on Bloglines Jul 6, 10:27 AM A web-based personal news aggregator that can be used in place of a desktop client. Read more… 51. AnciraCommunity on Trendrr Jun 19, 3:33 PM With Trendrr you can track; compare and share data; free. Identify trends across social graphs and networks; realize the potential of p2p; track engagement metrics; look at what is really happening; real time. Read more… 52. AnciraCommunity on Kevutu Jun 19, 3:32 PM Kevutu; which is free; allows users to create and share what they want in life with friends and family. They can also share it with the entire community. Creating wants is free and easy. Read more… 53. AnciraCommunity on CarDomain Jun 19, 3:30 PM Find custom cars| car pictures| car show coverage and more at CarDomain. Read more… 54. AnciraCommunity on zedge Jun 19, 3:30 PM Huge catalog of ringtones; themes; games; wallpapers and videos for cell phones. 3.3 million items shared by more than 14 million users world-wide. Read more… 55. AnciraCommunity on hi5 Jun 19, 3:28 PM

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Bored with generic social networks? Come join the fun on hi5! Every day; millions of people meet up; hang out; play games and have fun on hi5. Check it out. Read more… 56. AnciraCommunity on zannel Jun 19, 3:28 PM Zannel is a mobile blogging and communication tool for your camera phone. You can capture any moment with pictures/videos/text; save it to a life stream Read more… 57. AnciraCommunity on Blogigo Jun 19, 3:25 PM Get a free blog quick and easily! Read more… 58. AnciraCommunity on BizSugar Jun 19, 3:25 PM bizSugar is a small business community and social media site where small businesses; entrepreneurs and startups can discover; share and vote for business tips and news on the web. Read more… 59. AnciraCommunity on Xmind Jun 19, 3:24 PM Open source software for mind mapping and brainstorming; GTD; knowledge management and sharing; awards winner; compatible with Freemind/Mindmanager. Read more… 60. AnciraCommunity on Tracked Jun 19, 3:22 PM Business Information and News: Track; Connect and Share Read more… 61. AnciraCommunity on Experienceproject Jun 19, 3:21 PM Everything you ever wanted to know about life. Read more… 62. AnciraCommunity on Getsatisfaction Jun 19, 3:20 PM Get Satisfaction brings customers and company employees together to make things better for everyone. Great answers and ideas can come from anywhere; we just do our part to get them to the people who can do something about it. Read more… 63. AnciraCommunity on Blippy Jun 19, 3:19 PM Blippy is a fun and easy way to see and discuss what everyone is buying Read more… 64. AnciraCommunity on edocr Jun 19, 3:15 PM Sales leads generation through document share Read more… 65. AnciraCommunity on Rebja Jun 19, 3:12 PM Rebja is a Business Networking Site that allows great free promotion for your website and to network your social business profile. Read more… 66. AnciraCommunity on spoke Jun 19, 3:11 PM Spoke offers on-demand business to business contact information for sales people| marketers| and recruiters enabling Sales Lead Generation| Business List Creation and Professional Networking Read more… 67. AnciraCommunity on Sprouter Jun 19, 3:09 PM Sprouter enables collaboration and networking between entrepreneurs globally. Read more… 68. AnciraCommunity on ArtFire Jun 19, 3:07 PM Buy handmade and sell handmade. A global marketplace for arts and crafts; an artisan community. Read more… 69. AnciraCommunity on Arkayne Jun 19, 3:06 PM Arkayne helps bloggers and publishers connect content and people with its related posts plugin. Learn how to increase traffic to your site with Arkayne. Read more… 70. AnciraCommunity on qondio Jun 19, 3:05 PM Qondio is an incredibly powerful resource for driving web traffic to your websites efficiently. Read more… 71. AnciraCommunity on Skribit Jun 19, 3:03 PM Skribit offers timely topic suggestions for bloggers to end writer's block and assists bloggers in writing more relevant articles for their readers. Read more… 72. AnciraCommunity on momentile Jun 19, 3:01 PM The sole purpose of this service is to provide a means for people to chronicle their days and share their experiences; with as little effort as possible. Read more… 73. AnciraCommunity on SocialSpark Jun 19, 2:58 PM SocialSpark offers social media marketing solutions; specifically blog marketing and blog advertising. We connect advertisers and bloggers who want to make money blogging. Read more… 74. AnciraCommunity on 3Steps Jun 19, 2:57 PM Start a free blog quickly and easily! Read more… 75. AnciraCommunity on BigContact Jun 9, 10:00 AM Big Contact is a unique media publishing platform & a suite of tools that help you build an audience reaching far beyond the walls of this site. Read more… 76. AnciraCommunity on BlogCatalog Jun 9, 10:00 AM Blog Catalog is the premiere social blog directory on the internet. Search; Browse; Rate and Review thousands of blog sites. Read more… 18 Sewell Automotive Companies – ADP Social Marketing and Reputation Management Proposal

77. AnciraCommunity on BloggersUnite Jun 9, 10:00 AM Add a badge to your blog and help spread the word. On the day of the event; write a blog post. Share your post with the Bloggers Unite community. Read more… 78. AnciraCommunity on Carbonmade Jun 9, 10:00 AM Carbonmade helps you build and manage an online portfolio website. Use Carbonmade to show off your design; illustration or art. Read more… 79. AnciraCommunity on Disqus Jun 9, 10:00 AM Disqus is a global comment system that improves discussion on websites and connects conversations across the web. Read more… 80. AnciraCommunity on glogster Jun 9, 10:00 AM - Poster yourself - Make your interactive poster easily and share it with friends. It is fantastic! Read more… 81. AnciraCommunity on Identica Jun 9, 10:00 AM A social microblogging service similar to Twitter; built on open source tools and open standards Read more… 82. AnciraCommunity on Issuu Jun 9, 10:00 AM Explore a world of publications by people and publishers alike. Collect; share and publish in a format designed to make your documents look their very best. Read more… 83. AnciraCommunity on LiveJournal Jun 9, 10:00 AM is a free service for all your journaling and blogging needs; offering privacy controls; photo storage; publishing tools; style templates and more. Read more… 84. AnciraCommunity on plinky Jun 9, 10:00 AM We know you've got something interesting to say. Plinky is here to help you say it in a fun and compelling way. Read more… 85. AnciraCommunity on posterous Jun 9, 10:00 AM Posterous lets you post things online fast using email Read more… 86. AnciraCommunity on Soup Jun 9, 10:00 AM Soup is a tumblelog; a super-easy blog that can do more than just text: post links; quotes; videos; audio; files; reviews and events Read more… 87. AnciraCommunity on Tumblr Jun 9, 10:00 AM Tumblr makes it effortless to share text; photos; quotes; links; music; and videos. Read more… 88. AnciraCommunity on Viviti Jun 9, 10:00 AM Start by choosing one of our 100's of templates (or design your own); then edit your site in place with our content management toolbar. It's as easy as point; click; drag & drop. No coding experience necessary. Read more… 89. AnciraCommunity on vox Jun 9, 10:00 AM A personal blogging service where people share thoughts; photos; videos with friends and family. Read more… 90. AnciraCommunity on Wists Jun 9, 10:00 AM Social community based on bookmarked websites Read more… 91. AnciraCommunity on Wordpress Jun 9, 10:00 AM A semantic personal publishing platform with a focus on aesthetics; web standards; and usability. Read more… 92. AnciraCommunity on yotify Jun 9, 10:00 AM Enables users to setup scouts to search and report back results to you while you are away. Read more… 93. AnciraCommunity on zooomr Jun 9, 10:00 AM Zooomr is a social utility for friends; family and co-workers who want to communicate securely through both photos and text messages in realtime. Read more… 94. AnciraCommunity on Amplify Jun 9, 10:00 AM Amplify lets you show people exactly what you're reading and what you have to say about it. Read more… 95. AnciraCommunity on Clipmarks Jun 9, 10:00 AM On; you can see clips of text; images or video about all sorts of topics that other people find while surfing the web Read more… 96. AnciraCommunity on Cocomment Jun 9, 10:00 AM coComment is a service for managing; powering and researching conversations online. When using coComment; you can keep track of your comments across any site; share them with friends; and get notified when you get a response. Read more… 97. AnciraCommunity on Connotea Jun 9, 10:00 AM Connotea: Free online reference management for all researchers; clinicians and scientists. Read more… 98. AnciraCommunity on Diigo Jun 9, 10:00 AM 19 Sewell Automotive Companies – ADP Social Marketing and Reputation Management Proposal

Diigo is a powerful research tool and a knowledge-sharing community. Read more… 99. AnciraCommunity on Faves Jun 9, 10:00 AM Welcome to Faves. Tell us what you care about and we'll build a page for you. Read more… 100.AnciraCommunity on Jeteye Jun 9, 10:00 AM Jeteye brings better bookmarking to all Internet users. Read more… 101.AnciraCommunity on Kirtsy Jun 9, 10:00 AM KiRTSY is a place to find things. News. Ideas. Information. Products. Coolness. And more and more and more. Read more… 102.AnciraCommunity on Mixx Jun 9, 10:00 AM Lists user-recommendations for stories; photos and videos. Customize the start page; join private groups; and rate content. Read more… 103.AnciraCommunity on Muti Jun 9, 10:00 AM Muti is an African Social Bookmarking Service dedicated to content of interest to Africans; or those interested in Africa. Read more… 104.AnciraCommunity on Rollyo Jun 9, 10:00 AM Makes it possible for anyone to create their own custom search engines; restricting the index to selected websites. Read more… 105.AnciraCommunity on Stumpedia Jun 9, 10:00 AM is a social search engine that relies on human participation to index; organize; and review the world wide web. Read more… 106.AnciraCommunity on CeeVee Jun 9, 10:00 AM The smarter way to create and share your resume - quick and painless resume management. Read more… 107.AnciraCommunity on Etsy Jun 9, 10:00 AM Buy and sell handmade or vintage items; art and supplies on Etsy; the world's most vibrant handmade marketplace Read more… 108.AnciraCommunity on Kaboodle Jun 9, 10:00 AM Kaboodle is a fun shopping community where people recommend and discover new things. Read more… 109.AnciraCommunity on Kiva Jun 9, 10:00 AM Kiva is the world's first person-to-person micro-lending website; empowering individuals to lend directly to unique entrepreneurs around the globe. Read more… 110.AnciraCommunity on Ryz Jun 9, 10:00 AM Founded by a group of ex-industry sneaker geeks who believed in a better way; RYZ is not just another fashion brand. Read more… 111.AnciraCommunity on ryze Jun 9, 10:00 AM Ryze Business Networking; make business connections; make new contacts and friends. Read more… 112.AnciraCommunity on Slideserve Jun 9, 10:00 AM SlideServe is the easiest way to Upload and Share PowerPoint presentations with the world. Read more… 113.AnciraCommunity on slidesix Jun 9, 10:00 AM Online presentation creation and sharing. Share your PowerPoint (PPT); OpenOffice (ODP); and Keynote presentations! Read more… 114.AnciraCommunity on Sphinn Jun 9, 10:00 AM Sphinn is the place for web; online; search; interactive and internet marketers to share news stories. Read more… 115.AnciraCommunity on ThisNext Jun 9, 10:00 AM A place for you to explore great product recommendations; get personalized shopping suggestions and rave about products you like. Read more… 116.AnciraCommunity on Tipd Jun 9, 10:00 AM Tip'd: the social media site for financial news; ideas and tips. Read more… 117.AnciraCommunity on BrightKite Jun 9, 10:00 AM Discover the hidden communities behind the places that you visit. Brightkite lets you make the connection and start a conversation. Read more… 118.AnciraCommunity on eHow Jun 9, 10:00 AM Learn how to do just about everything at eHow; the world's most popular place to find How To instructions Read more… 119.AnciraCommunity on Gather Jun 9, 10:00 AM Gather is social networking grown up - the site where you can keep up with the people; conversations; and moments that matter. Read more… 120.AnciraCommunity on KnowEm Jun 9, 10:00 AM KnowEm is a new social media community with big plans to grow very soon ... Read more… 121.AnciraCommunity on Multiply Jun 9, 10:00 AM

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Users can create; share and discuss blogs; photos; videos and music with others as well as post reviews of movies and books; or share a calendar of events. Read more… 122.AnciraCommunity on mymashable Jun 9, 10:00 AM Social Media Guide and Blog Read more… 123.AnciraCommunity on Redux Jun 9, 10:00 AM Redux helps you find and enjoy videos| photos| music| and websites recommended by people who love the same stuff you do. Read more… 124.AnciraCommunity on Skyrock Jun 9, 10:00 AM A community with blogging as well as sharing of music; videos and more Read more… 125.AnciraCommunity on streem Jun 9, 10:00 AM A streem is an easy; fluid; social way to share your life with the people around you. Read more… 126.AnciraCommunity on takingitglobal Jun 9, 10:00 AM Join the largest online community of youth interested in global issues and creating positive change Read more… 127.AnciraCommunity on TeamSugar Jun 9, 10:00 AM TeamSugar is the place for you to meet friends; discuss the latest gossip; share online shopping finds; dish on fashion; learn beauty secrets; swap delicious recipes; blog about your day and much; much more. Read more… 128.AnciraCommunity on Twine Jun 9, 10:00 AM Collaborate; manage; organize and share information using Twine; a Semantic Web or Web 3.0 service created by Radar Networks. Read more… 129.AnciraCommunity on Aviary Jun 9, 10:00 AM Edit images; create mind-blowing effects; design logos; find colors; collaborate; and more. All you need is a web browser. Read more… 130.AnciraCommunity on Anobii Jun 9, 10:00 AM aNobii is a social networking site targeted to worldwide booklovers. The idea behind aNobii is simple: create an online platform for avid- readers to share reviews; recommendations; and most important of all; find other similar-taste booklovers. Read more… 131.AnciraCommunity on Icanhazcheezburger Jun 9, 10:00 AM A humourous look at cats and other animals through hilarious user-generated photo and video content Read more… 132.AnciraCommunity on Kongregate Jun 9, 10:00 AM Kongregate has free games that you can play online. Choose from thousands of free flash games. Read more… 133.AnciraCommunity on Librarious Jun 9, 10:00 AM In case you couldn't (or wouldn't) figure out what we do; we are here to provide the masses (but mostly ourselves) a place to catalog our media collection; whether it be books; DVDs; CDs... This allows you greater flexibility with your collection. Read more… 134.AnciraCommunity on redroom Jun 9, 10:00 AM Red Room is a social media site for the literary world. Read more… 135.AnciraCommunity on Thumbslap Jun 9, 10:00 AM Thumbslap makes it super easy to arrange game nights with your friends without the hassle of emails and phone calls. Read more… 136.AnciraCommunity on WeHeartGossip Jun 9, 10:00 AM WeHeartGossip is an always-updating list of the hottest gossip online -- determined by you. Read more… 137.AnciraCommunity on BallHype Jun 9, 10:00 AM BallHype; a sports news site and social network; finds the biggest sports stories on the web and lets fans discuss; vote; or submit their own Read more… 138.AnciraCommunity on AnybodyOutThere Jun 9, 10:00 AM AnybodyOutThere offers instant and relevant human responses to your thoughts and questions in real-time and helps you connect and talk with like-minded people. Read more… 139.AnciraCommunity on Ask500people Jun 9, 10:00 AM Ask500People built to gather input and opinion data in minutes instead of days; and to create a platform that other applications can integrate. Users can ask a question and see other people answers in real-time. Read more… 140.AnciraCommunity on Cardly Jun 9, 10:00 AM Make your tiny portfolio online in which you'll be able to integrate your networks (Facebook; Twitter; YouTube; etc.); a little about you and how to contact you. Choose between many nice skins and features. Read more… 141.AnciraCommunity on Chimp Jun 9, 10:00 AM is a platform that allows you to create your social hub on a domain that you own and control. Read more… 142.AnciraCommunity on Claimid Jun 9, 10:00 AM claimID is the free; easy way to manage your online identity with OpenID. Read more… 143.AnciraCommunity on CliqSet Jun 9, 10:00 AM 21 Sewell Automotive Companies – ADP Social Marketing and Reputation Management Proposal

Cliqset helps you bring together the social information (photos; bookmarks; location; etc) you have scattered around the web so you can easily share it with the apps; websites and people you trust. Read more… 144.AnciraCommunity on Myopenid Jun 9, 10:00 AM OpenID is a free and easy way to use a single digital identity across the Internet. With one OpenID you can login to all your favorite websites and forget about online paperwork! Now; you get to choose the login that's right for you. Get an OpenID today! Read more… 145.AnciraCommunity on quotiki Jun 9, 10:00 AM Quotiki is a social quote wiki anyone can edit. Users can submit quotations; dialogs and chat logs from friends; famous people and themselves. Read more… 146.AnciraCommunity on Adocu Jun 9, 10:00 AM Start your one word nanoblog and let your friends know what's up. Read more… 147.AnciraCommunity on Dipity Jun 9, 10:00 AM Dipity is a fun new way to get updates about your friends and topics you care about. Read more… 148.AnciraCommunity on formspringme Jun 9, 10:00 AM Create a box where friends can ask questions anonymously. Post your responses to Tumblr| Twitter| Facebook or your blog. Read more… 149.AnciraCommunity on foursquare Jun 9, 10:00 AM Foursquare on your phone gives you and your friends new ways of exploring your city. Earn points and unlock badges for experiencing new things. Read more… 150.AnciraCommunity on FriendFeed Jun 9, 10:00 AM Allows you to build a customised feed comprised of content your friends on other collaborative sites have shared; including news articles; videos; photos and more. Read more… 151.AnciraCommunity on Plurk Jun 9, 10:00 AM Plurk is a social journal for your life. Tired of your existing Social Networks? Share your life easily with friends; family and fans. Read more… 152.AnciraCommunity on Twitter Jun 9, 10:00 AM Twitter is a free social messaging utility for staying connected in real-time. Read more… 153.AnciraCommunity on BuzzFlash Jun 9, 10:00 AM invites progressive Internet users to submit and vote on the most important breaking news. A site where readers become the news editors. Read more… 154.AnciraCommunity on Current Jun 9, 10:00 AM Current is a global television network that gives you the opportunity to create and influence what airs on TV. Read more… 155.AnciraCommunity on Dropjack Jun 9, 10:00 AM is a social content website powered by users like you. Read more… 156.AnciraCommunity on HuffingtonPost Jun 9, 10:00 AM Offers syndicated columnists; blogs and news stories with moderated comments. Read more… 157.AnciraCommunity on myalltop Jun 9, 10:00 AM Alltop is an Read more… 158.AnciraCommunity on Openzine Jun 9, 10:00 AM OpenZine is a social publishing platform with browser based tools that provides regular people with the essential tools to create really amazing things; display it with equal quality and enables them to socially share; control and manage their ideas. Read more… 159.AnciraCommunity on Politics4all Jun 9, 10:00 AM Politics4All is a social network platform that brings real world politics daily; allows candidates; citizens; and political advocacy groups to use social media technologies to connect; collaborate and create grassroots movements Read more… 160.AnciraCommunity on Propeller Jun 9, 10:00 AM Propeller is a social news portal; meaning that it is programmed by you; the audience. Read more… 161.AnciraCommunity on reddit Jun 9, 10:00 AM User-generated news links. Votes promote stories to the front page. Read more… 162.AnciraCommunity on Badoo Jun 9, 10:00 AM Badoo is a dynamic multi-lingual socializing site that allows its users worldwide to find all the greatest events happening in their area Read more… 163.AnciraCommunity on blurb Jun 9, 10:00 AM Blurb lets you self publish your own photo book; cookbook; portfolio; and more with free software. Read more… 164.AnciraCommunity on DailyBooth Jun 9, 10:00 AM Your picture; your face; every day for years. Beautiful; right? Not only that; get your own gorgeous widgets and fleet of social features - free. Read more…

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165.AnciraCommunity on ImageShack

Jun 9, 10:00 AM Online media hosting Read more… 166.AnciraCommunity on Picturetrail Jun 9, 10:00 AM PictureTrail is an online photo sharing and image hosting website. Read more… 167.AnciraCommunity on WebShots Jun 9, 10:00 AM Webshots provides a stage for members to upload and share their personal videos and pictures in albums in a variety of areas including entertainment; travel; sports; news; pets; home and garden; and rides. Members can download member and professional pict Read more… 168.AnciraCommunity on DNHour Jun 9, 10:00 AM is a user-powered news portal built specially for the domain name industry. Read more… 169.AnciraCommunity on gdgt Jun 9, 10:00 AM Gadget specs; reviews; comparisons; discussions; and support from the new community by the guys behind Engadget and Gizmodo. Read more… 170.AnciraCommunity on github Jun 9, 10:00 AM Online project hosting using Git. Includes source-code browser; in-line editing; and patching. Free for public open-source code up to 100MB. Read more…

171.AnciraCommunity on Movylo

Jun 9, 10:00 AM Movylo is an easy mobile CMS. Movylo enables you to create and manage; in minutes; multimedia mobile-sites and automatically adapts the content style to the screen size of the users phone; be it Smartphones; iPhone; Blackberry;... Movylo is a simple an Read more… 172.AnciraCommunity on ProgrammableWeb Jun 9, 10:00 AM keeps you up to date with web mashups and APIs: what's new; interesting; useful and important. Hundreds of APIs and mashups. Read more… 173.AnciraCommunity on tinyurl Jun 9, 10:00 AM Free URL redirection service. Turns a long URL into a much shorter one. Read more… 174.AnciraCommunity on Tweako Jun 9, 10:00 AM A user-powered site; and social network; serving guides; tutorials; and more in all categories of computing; technology; and the Internet. Read more… 175.AnciraCommunity on wakoopa Jun 9, 10:00 AM Discover software and games Read more… 176.AnciraCommunity on Ruba Jun 9, 10:00 AM Find local guides to restaurants; hotels; travel and vacations. Travelers and locals write guides with detailed pictures and maps of top attractions. Travel guides from thousands of cities around the world from Read more… 177.AnciraCommunity on Wegor Jun 9, 10:00 AM Share your photos; blogs; and journeys online. Browse thousands of destinations from across the World. Read more… 178.AnciraCommunity on Linkinn Jun 9, 10:00 AM Find photos and videos to view Read more… 179.AnciraCommunity on Seesmic Jun 9, 10:00 AM Seesmic provides anyone with an innovative way to communicate and connect online through video conversation.Join the Seesmic community and experience a new way to express yourself; make friends; join in active conversations; and engage in real interaction Read more… 180.AnciraCommunity on TwelveSeconds Jun 9, 10:00 AM 12seconds is the FREE and easy way to share what you're doing with the people in your life with quick video updates. Read more… 181.AnciraCommunity on vimeo Jun 9, 10:00 AM Vimeo is a respectful community of creative people who are passionate about sharing the videos they make. Read more…

23 Sewell Automotive Companies – ADP Social Marketing and Reputation Management Proposal

8. Social Media Profiles Created and Claimed The following screen captures show one of nine account setups with each social media site’s “icon” on a page tile linked to the dealer’s actual account within the indicated social media site. This provides an easy to use interface with quick links to each of this dealership’s social media accounts, with all accounts organized into the category representing the type of social media site it is and the best use of it within the dealership’s social media marketing and reputation management tactics:

24 Sewell Automotive Companies – ADP Social Marketing and Reputation Management Proposal

25 Sewell Automotive Companies – ADP Social Marketing and Reputation Management Proposal

9. Daily Social Mentions Trending ADP Social Media “Buzz Tracking” uses frequency of Social media mentions and their daily trends to showcase when activity is higher or lower and associate those increases in Social Mention activity with various media campaigns, press releases, news and events.

26 Sewell Automotive Companies – ADP Social Marketing and Reputation Management Proposal

10. Evaluating Relevance, Rank and Authority of Social Media Sites The screen captures below illustrate the websites tracked by the ADP Social Media Marketing Portal Dashboard in one of 15 categories. Each of the “Blogging” category of social media sites shown below has “drill-down” reporting and tracking showing detailed data on site traffic and activity so that use of the site by the Sewell organization can be gauged and evaluated based on campaign objectives. The ADP Social Dashboard tracks over 320 of the most significant social media sites.

27 Sewell Automotive Companies – ADP Social Marketing and Reputation Management Proposal

28 Sewell Automotive Companies – ADP Social Marketing and Reputation Management Proposal

11. Relevance Metrics on Each Social Media Site Tracked Once a site is selected, in this case “”, we can see current real-time results for tracking, backlinks and user vbolumes to determine the most effective use for the Sewell Account in that site, or whether or not we should create one.

29 Sewell Automotive Companies – ADP Social Marketing and Reputation Management Proposal

30 Sewell Automotive Companies – ADP Social Marketing and Reputation Management Proposal

12. Social Media Account Administration

As the authorized agents of the Sewell Automotive, the ADP Digital Marketing Team will create a central web based “”Social Media Dashboard” to track and monitor Sewell Automotive accounts, profiles and branded domains that we create and set up for a minimum of 100 different social networks and User Generated Content (UGC) websites for each Sewell Automotive dealership. In addition to individual main portal site access, the majority of these accounts and profiles will be accessible using the local Sewell Automotive dealership’s branded or keyword enriched sub- domains within each site’s publicly accessible structure. An example would be The selection of sites to target for Sewell Automotive accounts will be based on user population and their search engine authority rank as tracked by the ADP supplied and proprietary Social Media Marketing console. These social networks that we set up and co-manage for the Sewell Automotive will include Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, YouTube, Mixx, Bebo, StumbleUpon, LinkedIn and others for a total portfolio of accounts and profiles in at least 100 social media websites. Authorized Sewell Automotive managers will have full access to all of these networks and accounts using a common login and password wherever the networks user name and password protocols allow.

Social Media Catalogs and Listing Services ADP Digital Marketing will use our role as the authorized agents of participating Sewell Automotive dealerships to secure catalog placements and listings for the Sewell Automotive sponsored Automotive Communities and Blogs.

This proposal and marketing solution presented to Sewell Automotive by ADP includes registration and recurring monthly renewal fees for:

A. enhanced business listing premium package: Each contracted Dealership franchise profile set up by ADP SoMar for optimum reputation management impact

B. registration and category sponsorship

C. Flickr Professional Account system and application upgrade

D. Network Solutions domain hosting and 6 URL registrations

E. Ning Professional Enterprise class Premium Services Bundle

F. Certification: 1 Vranchise location included with the core community package, additional 9 franchises proposed. Additional DealerRater certifications available on a managed basis from ADP at $195/month.

G. TubeMogul Video Syndication; ADP has built a proprietary web application for video uploading by dealership staff and subsequent editing and distribution using TubeMogul licensing and API’s.

H. Contest and Polling Applications; installation of one contest application and one visitor polling application is included in the Sewell Automotive community site, additional premium apps are priced from $75 to $250 per month.

I. Widgetbox; Fees for one Premium Account application builder and syndication services are included in this proposal’s fee structure.

J. ADP Social Media Marketing Portal Dashboard account registration and profile management web based application.

31 Sewell Automotive Companies – ADP Social Marketing and Reputation Management Proposal

7. Social Media Advertising Campaigns When appropriate and with authorization from Sewell Automotive management, ADP will use Sewell Automotive ad budget to run campaigns with Facebook, YouTube, MySpace and other popular social media properties drive Fans, Friends, Followers, Subscribers, members, sponsor additional categories and boost the listing of Sewell Automotive social networks, blogs and dealership account profiles.

Reporting – ADP Digital Marketing will provide monthly reports that will be broken into three general categories: I. Social Media Metrics and Reports that use Google Analytics to track activities and traffic going to and originating from within the Sewell Automotive Content Networks and from connected social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and MySpace. II. Reputation Management – Leveraging our partnership with, reporting includes customer reviews and ratings tracked and number of people who have read them. All reports will show how many people have seen Sewell Automotive’s advertising, interacted with Sewell Automotive online assets, where they were located within the local marketing area, site visitors, referring domain reports showing sources of Sewell traffic, phone calls and leads driven by your marketing campaigns.

32 Sewell Automotive Companies – ADP Social Marketing and Reputation Management Proposal

Social Media Reputation Management Project Plan Example Should Sewell Automotive accept the ADP Social Media proposal, a project plan similar to the following would be created during the consulting visits and working sessions at Sewell Automotive in Dallas. Description: Time Periods:

01/18/10 – 1. ADP Internal Preparations – Phase 1 02/06/10 Research market and collect local market data, use analysis to prepare online campaign recommendations, provide Dealer with choices and examples of creative items A. URL Registration and Master Routing Map 02/06/10 – 02/16/10 Dealer Community primary domain, shortcut URLs to: Facebook Fan Page, YouTube Channel, MySpace, Twitter, Wordpress, Blogger, Slideshare, Multiply, DealerRater review links page and any other UGC sites as needed based on research and analysis. B. Tracking Phone Numbers 02/10/10 (assigned to each dealership department) C. Collect Dealership Specific Information Points of contact, links to eCommerce assets, addresses, 02/06/10 – phone numbers, concern resolution POC’s for each 02/12/2009 department. D. ADP Team meets with Dealer Team; review data/plan 02/18/10 E. Collect and Organize artwork and branding assets, logos, 02/18/10 – 02/26/10 etc. F. Collect and Organize Stories, History, Articles and Images 02/18/10 – 02/26/10 G. Collect and Organize Video Content from Dealer resources 02/18/10 – 02/26/10

2. Google Account, Profile and Application Setups: 02/08/10 – 02/26/10 A. Gmail account w/Dealer Community name 1) Gmail Folders for User ID’s and Passwords 2) Gmail Folders for major UGC accounts 3) All App/Widget/RSS feed code backed up in folder 4) Filtered Email Forwarding for Monitoring/Escalation 5) Aggregated Email database; Employees, Dealer Community 6) POP3 Enabled for Outlook Access B. Local Business Center registration/profile setup C. Analytics account w/Dealer Community and UGC sites

monitored D. Adwords account connected with Analytics E. Google Webmaster account – All sites to be registered F. Blogger profile w/name matching Dealer Community G. Connected to and Syndicated with Google Wave H. Google Alerts sent to Gmail, setup filtered distribution to POC’s I. Set Up Picasa Public facing account J. Google Reader account setup to pull in Dealer social media feeds K. Google Docs setup to keep records of all URLs, Links, User

33 Sewell Automotive Companies – ADP Social Marketing and Reputation Management Proposal

IDs, Email Accounts, Passwords and info for project stakeholders to use.

02/12/10 – 3. Dealer Community “Hub” Social Network Site Setup: 02/26/10 A. Primary URL Custom DNS hosting for SEO B. Customized Header Artwork C. Incoming RSS feeds from OEMs D. Incoming RSS feeds from Independent Sources E. Google Webmaster SEO Application integrated/installed F. Google Site mapping application for automated updates G. Google Analytics embedded at site application layer H. Viral Marketing App allows members to upload address books I. Groups for Each Dealer Dealership 1) Photo of each dealership as Group logo 2) Group URL is dealership eCommerce site 3) Key Dealership eCommerce site links in group description 4) Brand News RSS Feed for Each Dealership Group 5) DealerRater Widget for Each Store Group 6) List/Link Store Managers inside Group 7) DealerRater Certified Logo for each store inserted 8) Link to Dealership Reviews page in DR J. Upload/Populate Photo Library: 02/08/10 – 02/26/10 1) Each store provides digital photos: a. Minimum 10 showcasing New Car Sales Dept. b. Minimum 10 showcasing Used Car Sales dept. c. Minimum 10 showcasing Service Dept. d. Minimum 10 showcasing Parts Dept. e. Minimum 10 showcasing Finance Dept. f. Minimum 10 showcasing Accessories Dept. 2) OEM Supplied model photos 3) Create 10 Subject/Event Photo Slideshows K. Upload/Populate Video Center: 02/08/10 – 02/26/10 1) OEM Videos 2) MotorTrend, Car and Driver Video Embedding 3) Relevant Creative Commons Videos 4) Each store provides Flipcam Videos: a. Minimum of 1 showcasing New Car Sales Dept. b. Minimum of 1 showcasing Used Car Sales dept. c. Minimum of 1 showcasing Service Dept. d. Minimum of 1 showcasing Parts Dept. e. Minimum of 1 showcasing Finance Dept. f. Minimum of 1 showcasing Accessories Dept.

L. Publish Dealer Community Blog Articles: 02/08/10 – 02/26/10 1) Use existing Dealer published information 2) Create/Insert/Publish 10 Blog articles 34 Sewell Automotive Companies – ADP Social Marketing and Reputation Management Proposal

3) Create/Insert/Publish 10 Forum Discussion Topics

M. Dealer Employee Community Profiles 02/21/10 – 02/26/10 1) Internal Membership enrollment campaigns (ongoing) 2) Every Manager creates profile in Dealer Community 3) 50% minimum Dealer Employees create profiles 4) All Employee profiles must have photo showing face 5) Staff profiles include links to Social Networks 6) Monthly Award to Most Popular Blog (ongoing) 7) Monthly Award to Most Viewed Video (ongoing) 8) Monthly Award to Most Forum Activity (ongoing) 9) Monthly Award to Most Members Recruited (ongoing)

4. DealerRater Certification and App Setups: 02/08/10 – 02/26/10 A. Setup DR Certification for each Dealer dealership B. Setup DR account details for each Dealer dealership C. Register Dealership POC’s for each DR account D. Setup automated email alerts and escalation POC’s E. Designated Dealership POC phone and web training F. Sold/Service Customer “Hand Out” Cards G. CRM installation; automated sold/service email templates H. Create aggregated “Review” HTML Widget I. Create aggregated “Review” RSS feed J. Setup aggregated “Review” widget syndications K. Setup aggregated “Review” RSS syndications L. Setup/Install DR Facebook Inventory App (Fan page Tab) M. Setup/Install DR Facebook Review Feed (Fan page RSS Tab) N. Implement automated sold/service customer email templates O. Install DR Certified Dealer logo for each store into Group P. Individual Dealership “Review” Widgets for Group Q. Install DR Certified Dealer logo for each store in Websites NOTE: 9 Total DealerRater Certifications (1 included + 8 Extra) Optional Charges Apply

5. Yelp Setups: 02/08/10 – 02/26/10 A. Dealer “Human” Primary Profile setup B. Dealership/Group Community Yelp Map setup 1) Custom Page/Tab for Community (Widgetbox) 2) Yelp “Latest Activity” RSS feed 3) Yelp Reviews feed 4) Yelp enhanced profile setup (Yelp.comr) C. Yelp Community Group setup w/links and app support D. Generate Yelp “Badge” install on Community site E. Integrate/Automate Yelp Updates with Twitter accounts

35 Sewell Automotive Companies – ADP Social Marketing and Reputation Management Proposal

6. Facebook Setups: 02/08/10 – 02/26/10 F. Dealer “Human” Primary Profile setup G. Dealership/Group Community FB Fan Page setup 5) Custom Page/Tab for Community (Widgetbox) 6) Community “Latest Activity” RSS feed 7) DealerRater Aggregated Reviews feed 8) Classified Ads Tab w/Photo Inventory (DealerRater) H. Community Group setup w/links and Fan page support I. Generate Facebook Fan Page “Badge” install on Community site J. Integrate/Automate Facebook Updates with Twitter accounts

7. YouTube Channel Setups: 02/08/10 – 02/26/10 A. Custom Background Image B. Description and links to Dealer Community C. Integrate content syndication w/Facebook and Twitter D. OEM Videos E. MotorTrend, Car and Driver Video Embedding F. Relevant Creative Commons Videos G. Dealer Historical and relevant videos H. Each store provides Flipcam Videos: 1) Minimum of 1 showcasing New Car Sales Dept. 2) Minimum of 1 showcasing Used Car Sales dept. 3) Minimum of 1 showcasing Service Dept. 4) Minimum of 1 showcasing Parts & Accessories Dept. 5) Minimum of 1 showcasing Finance Dept.

8. Twitter Account Setups: 02/08/10 – 02/26/10 A. Dealer Community Activity RSS account B. Each Dealer Store “Service Dept.” Twitter account setup C. Each Dealer Store “Sales Dept.” Twitter account setup D. Dealer Group Marketing Communications account setup E. Twitter Reputation Monitoring app setup on Community

9. Social Marketing Portal Dashboard (www.ADP- 02/08/10 – 02/26/10 A. Create Work Order for 100 Social Media account/profile setups B. Complete the Account Profile for Dealer Community C. Determine and enter a “Human Name” for setup staff to use when needed, ensure that UGC site domains use 36 Sewell Automotive Companies – ADP Social Marketing and Reputation Management Proposal

same keywords as “User ID” as the Dealer or Community’s name D. Create/Enter SEO impact "UGC Profile” text into field E. Create/Upload Dealer Community logo art to size specs F. Setup UGC site profile link to Dealer Community URL G. Copy/Paste “Latest Activity” RSS feed from Dealer Community H. Setup dealer name Keywords for Reputation Monitoring email addresses for Brand Monitor alerts as part of monthly services (w/4 hour reporting cycle on emails) I. Insert links to all SM/RM profiles and assets set up by ADP J. Dealer Dealership POC’s and Contact Info Google Docs K. Ongoing revisions to “Next UGC Site List” for Dealer profiles L. Track top 300+ UGC sites by Search Rank/Authority M. Record and distribute UGC site logins and password to appropriate POC’s set up email forwarding from AIM email accounts to the Gmail account we set up for community

10. Wordpress Blog on ADP Servers (addition to 02/08/10 – 02/26/10 A. Wordpress Blog platform app hosted on ADP server B. Sewell Automotive Group Profile setup on C. Single Dedicated URL with keyword enriched blog titles D. Each Dealer dealership gets own “Blog Section” E. “Blogroll” listing Dealer SM/RM sites F. “Business Links” app/widget w/Dealer eCommerce links G. Blogcatalog “My Communities” widget installed H. Dealer Community related content: 1) Article introducing Dealer Community 2) Dealer Community Activity RSS feed 3) Dealer Community Blog Article RSS feed 4) Dealer Community Photo Gallery Slideshow feeds 5) Dealer Community Video embed section 6) Dealer Community Forum Discussion feeds I. DealerRater Aggregated Reviews Widget J. Inventory Plug-in App for vehicles with photos K. Syndication application plug-ins installed

11. Blogger Site Setup Connected to Google Account: 02/08/10 – 02/26/10 A. Blogger profile aligned with Dealer Community B. Each Dealer has own section inside Blogger account C. Dedicated URL - keyword enriched D. Each Dealer dealership gets own “Blogger Section” E. “Blogroll” listing Dealer SM/RM sites

37 Sewell Automotive Companies – ADP Social Marketing and Reputation Management Proposal

F. “Business Links” app/widget w/Dealer eCommerce links G. Blogcatalog “My Communities” widget installed H. Dealer Community related content: 1) Article introducing Dealer Community 2) Dealer Community Activity RSS feed 3) Dealer Community Blog Article RSS feed 4) Dealer Community Photo Gallery Slideshow feeds 5) Dealer Community Video embed section 6) Dealer Community Forum Discussion feeds I. DealerRater Aggregated Reviews Widget J. Connected to and Syndicated with Google Buzz K. Syndication application plug-ins installed

12. Flickr Premium Account Registration and Setup 02/08/10 – 02/26/10 A. Setup Dealer Community account and profile B. Application level integration setups with Dealer Community site C. Upload OEM supplied high resolution photo inventory D. Add in text based descriptions for SEO E. Create Photostreams for each brand Dealer dealerships sell

13. TubeMogul Video Syndication Service As Software (SAS) 02/08/10 – 02/26/10 A. Setup Multiple Video UGC site registrations info into account B. Use to embed Dealer Community Videos when available C. Contextual SEO descriptions added to each video upload D. Syndication reporting back to Dealer Community Gmail

14. PixelPipe Content Syndication 02/08/10 – 02/26/10 A. Setup Dealer Community Slideshare profile and account B. Upload all Dealer brand brochure PDF files C. Create PPT files for each model line sold by Dealer - Upload D. Setup Integrated Syndication with Facebook and Twitter

15. Bit.Ly Domain Shortening/Tracking Service As Software 02/08/10 – 02/26/10 (SAS) A. Setup Dealer Community Bit.Ly profile and account B. Integrate Bit.Ly with all Dealer Twitter accounts C. Application integration setup with Friendshare/Tweetdeck D. Setup Integrated Syndication with Facebook and Twitter 16. FriendFeed Setups 02/08/10 – 02/26/10 A. Setup Dealer Community FriendFeed profile and account B. Integrate FriendFeed with Dealer Twitter account C. Application integration setup with Facebook

38 Sewell Automotive Companies – ADP Social Marketing and Reputation Management Proposal

17. Blogcatalog Registration and Setup 02/08/10 – 02/26/10 A. Setup Dealer Community ownership verification B. Automotive and Buying/Selling Category Sponsorships C. Complete all Blogcatalog Dashboard setups D. Setup Support the Community $6 monthly payment E. Register Dealer Social Media Sites within Blogcatalog F. Setup Dealer Community RSS feeds G. Setup Dealer Community URL links H. Register Dealer Social Media Sites within Blogcatalog I. Create/Install “Rate My Blog” applet in Dealer Community J. Create/Syndicate Blogcatalog Communities widget K. Create/Syndicate AddThis widget L. Create/Syndicate TweetFeed widget M. Create/Syndicate Blogcatalog Newsfeed widget N. Create/Syndicate Twitter Badge widget

18. Widgetbox Pro Registration and Setup 02/08/10 – 02/26/10 A. Setup Dealer Community ownership verification B. Register for Value-Add Widgetbox Pro Service C. Create/Integrate Automotive Blidget into Dealer Community D. Create/Integrate Facebook Page Tab App into Dealer Fan Page E. Create/Integrate Form Apps into Dealer Community, UGC sites

19. Social Media Strategy and Reputation Management 02/23/10 – 02/24/10 Workflows and Process Definition Sessions ADP project staff and Dealer key stakeholders meet over two day period with four (4) sessions scheduled at three (3) hours each to review strategy and planning details for SM/RM Project implementation at Dealer Facilities 2 Days

20. ADP Project Management and Administration 01/31/10 – 01/31/11 A. Social Marketing (SoMar) services 1) Monthly reporting and recommendations 2) Campaign creation 3) Project management professional B. Digital Advertising Analyst 4) Monthly data collection/analysis 5) Campaign “Flighting” implementation 6) Market trending and key metrics

21. SM/RM Management Workshops 03/09/10 – 03/10/10 39 Sewell Automotive Companies – ADP Social Marketing and Reputation Management Proposal

 GM and Manager SM/RM Strategy/Process workshop 03/09/10  Internet/Marketing/CRM/BDC Manager SM/RM workshop 03/10/10 2 Days

22. SM/RM Orientation, Strategy and Process Days 03/15/10 – 03/26/10 Dealer Staff SM/RM Orientation and Strategy Training delivered on site at each of the 9 Sewell Automotive dealerships by an ADP DMC specializing in SM/RM. Tech Check done during visit. A. Location #1 SM/RM Orientation/Strategy 03/15/10 B. Location #2 SM/RM Orientation/Strategy 03/16/10 C. Location #3 SM/RM Orientation/Strategy 03/17/10 D. Documented CIP report to Dealer Leaders by DMC 03/26/10 6 Days

23. Dealership Technology, Tools and Access Check 03/15/10 – 03/25/10 A. Dealerships #1 to #4 SM/RM Tech Check by DMC B. Dealerships #5 to #9 SM/RM Tech Check by DMC Included in above

24. Dealer Staff Training; SM/RM Content Development 04/06/10 – 04/08/10 A. Sewell North; Staff Workshop to train on Content Creation Best Practices and Processes for designated Dealer dealership 04/06/10 resources B. Sewell South; Staff Workshop to train on Content Creation Best Practices and Processes for designated Dealer dealership 04/07/10 resources C. Sewell East; Staff Workshop to train on Content Creation/Distribution Best Practices and Processes for 04/08/10 designated Dealer dealership resources 3 Days

25. Dealer Dealership On Demand Tandem Training (ODTT) 03/01/10 – 01/31/11 4 (four) 30 minute ODTT Key SM/RM stakeholders at each Dealer dealership will have sessions per month are access to SM/RM training via ADP Consultants using a available during the 12 month ADP SM/RM combination of phone and Internet access via PC. Sessions term. Unused monthly must be scheduled in advance. ODTT does not carry forward

26. Phase 1; Launch People/Process/Technology/Content 02/06/10 – 4/09/10 SM/RM Launch Training and Consulting around People, Process, Technology and content creation and syndication for SM/RM strategic objectives. Each Sewell dealership received DMC visits

27. Phase 2; Drive Scale Into SM/RM Consumer Engagement 04/12/10 – 09/30/10 Digital and Offline Marketing Campaigns designed to attract targeted consumer segments to engage and connect with Dealer Social Media accounts and profiles across extended network that directs to Dealer Community 40 Sewell Automotive Companies – ADP Social Marketing and Reputation Management Proposal

Dealer Facebook Advertising Campaign drives Fan count 04/12/10 – 06/30/10 Dealer YouTube Advertising Campaign drives Subscribers 05/01/10 – 07/31/10 Dealer Twitter Advertising Campaign drives Followers 06/01/10 – 08/31/10 Dealer MySpace Advertising Campaign drives Friends 07/01/10 – 09/30/10 Dealer Community Marketing/Advertising drives Members 05/15/10 – 09/30/10

28. Phase 3; Dealer Community Becomes Communication 10/01/10 – 01/31/11 Hub The Dealer social media marketing and reputation management strategy is embodies by its “Hub and Spoke” approach and the processes that drive employee/consumer engagement, interaction and cultural phenomenon A. Press Releases, Interviews, Talk Shows, Articles 10/01/10 – 01/31/11 B. Dealer Community becomes CRM on Consumer’s terms 10/01/10 – 01/31/11 C. Enterprise Community, Civic, Charitable Engagement uses Social 10/01/10 – 01/31/11 Media and Dealer Community as primary communication and scheduling tools.Dealer Blogs are primary internal communication D. Dealer Community becomes Marketing Event planning hub and 10/01/10 – 01/31/11 automotive consumers know they can get coupons and special offers by joining the Dealer Community

41 Sewell Automotive Companies – ADP Social Marketing and Reputation Management Proposal

PROPOSED INVESTMENT SUMMARY IV. Recommended Budgets Social Media Marketing, Advertising and Reputation Management Budget Google Social Social Media Search Site Social Media Advertising Advertising Advertising Recommended Social Media $6,000 $12,000 Monthly Advertising Budgets by Category:

Total Recommended Sewell Automotive Monthly Social Media Advertising Budget: $18,000

Investment Summary Cost Sewell Automotive Companies Social Media Marketing and $3,495 / 1x setup Reputation Management Solution by ADP Includes: $3,495 / month x 12 A. One (1) Sewell Automotive Companies Interactive (Core Sewell Community Community built by ADP Social Media on Ning Platform setups and branding with all maintenance and support provided by ADP: Includes 32 hours of skilled setup labor, plus 16  Google Open Social App standards hours month, monthly  Facebook App level content integration meetings in Dallas, all  Twitter App level content integration URL’s, site registrations  Flickr App level content integration and user fees, does not  ADP Video Upload and syndication app/services include media buys)  Full featured Sewell sponsored Social Network B. 106 Social Media Accounts and profile setups created during initial installation, including:  YouTube Business Channel w/syndication setups  One Facebook “Carl Sewell” Profile plus custom page and group branded for Sewell Community  One Sewell Community Twitter account  One Flickr Premium account  One Certification w/site setups, data integration, monitoring and fast response concern resolution concierge service  One enhanced profile w/site setups, data integration, monitoring and fast response concern resolution concierge service  One Google Business Profile w/site setups, 4 hour monitoring and fast response concern resolution concierge service  Blogger Account w/syndication apps  Wordpress Blog account w/syndication apps  MySpace Account profile w/syndication  Custom Branding Graphics where permitted 42 Sewell Automotive Companies – ADP Social Marketing and Reputation Management Proposal

Sewell Automotive Companies Social Media Marketing $995 / 1x setup x9 Reputation Management Solution setups for each of 9 $995 / month x9 for Additional Franchises includes item “B”above x9 plus: 12 month minimum a. Brand Monitoring for each of 9 additional franchises/locations b. DealerRater Certifications, setups, data integration, (setups and branding for monitoring and fast response concern resolution concierge each franchised location.) service for each of 9 additional franchises/locations Per Franchise; Includes c. Yelp Enhanced profile w/site setups, data integration, 32 hours of skilled setup monitoring and fast response concern resolution concierge labor plus 16 SoMar hours service for each of 9 additional franchises/locations month for each additional franchise purchased. d. Google Business Profile w/site setups, 4 hour monitoring and SoMar meetings in Dallas fast response concern resolution concierge service for 9 each momnth, all URL’s, additional franchises/locations site registrations and user b. Franchise and location specific custom branded graphics and fees, does not include Images to support above social media account and profile media buys) listings on the social web. One Time Setup and Installation cost: $12,450

Monthly Recurring Services and Support: $12,450

Total Recommended Sewell Automotive Companies Social Media Advertising Budget per Month: $216,000 Total of all Costs for Proposed Social Media Marketing and Reputation Management 12 Month Agreement $161,850 Total Proposed Annual Budget for Social Media Marketing, Reputation Management and Advertising $377,850

All pricing is confidential and is only for use by Sewell Automotive Companies and not to be shared with or shown to any outside entity. Additional work not expressly outlined in this proposal will be priced on a per project basis. Term is 12 months.

Sewell Automotive Companies: ADP Digital Marketing:

Date Date

43 Sewell Automotive Companies – ADP Social Marketing and Reputation Management Proposal

Appendix A – Facebook Advertising Suggested Best Practices for Advertising on Facebook

1. Identify your advertising goals 2. Targeting 3. Keyword Targeting 4. Make your product stand out 5. Keep your ad simple 6. Use a strong call-to-action 7. Use an image 8. Landing pages 9. Keep the user experience in mind 10. Evaluate your campaign performance and make the necessary changes

1. Identify your advertising goals As an advertiser paying for clicks, you are indicating that what is most important to you is driving traffic to a page on Facebook or your own Dealership website. You will want to focus on making sure your ad is highly targeted to the most relevant, appropriate audience. Your landing page should be set up to let users easily find what your ad offers.

As an advertiser paying for views (impressions), you are indicating that it is most important for users to see your ad. You will want to focus on making your ad as clear and informative as possible and having your brand or company's name be easily recognized.

2. Targeting Target the audience that you believe will be interested in your ad. For each ad, you can choose to target a particular location. Be sure to target only the locations that are relevant for your business or product. For example, if your service or event is only available in a particular area, target the appropriate region or city. Also, please be aware that an ad is typically best received if the ad is in that country's primary language.

3. Keyword Targeting Keywords are a powerful way to narrow the audience of your ad to people who have interests which correlate with your offer. Include your keywords in your ad text to show users that your ad relates to the people you are trying to reach.

4. Make your product stand out Write clear, targeted ads with concise text that speaks directly to the audience you will reach. Be sure to highlight any special offers or unique features that differentiate you from the competition. If your goal is brand/company name recognition, we suggest using your company name in the ad title or somewhere in the body of the ad.

5. Keep your ad simple Create your ad so that it is as simple and easy to read as possible. Avoid long sentences or complex punctuation. Use simple, grammatically correct, complete sentences and language. Use proper punctuation, punctuate the end of sentences, put spaces after periods and commas, and don't use hyphens in place of periods.

Don't try to fit every detail about your product or service into the ad. Make it clear what your product or service is so a user can tell what your website will be about, but save the details for your landing page.

6. Use a strong call-to-action Your ad should convey a call-to-action along with the benefits of your product or service. A call-to-action encourages users to click on your ad and should explain to the user exactly what you expect them to do when they reach your landing page. Some call-to-action phrases include: buy, sell, order, browse, sign up, and get a quote.

44 Sewell Automotive Companies – ADP Social Marketing and Reputation Management Proposal

7. Use an image Put an attractive, relevant image in your ad that is appropriate for the product or service being advertised. The maximum image size is 110 pixels wide by 80 pixels tall, so text in images that are shrunk down to that size may be hard to read.

8. Landing pages Your ad should direct users to the most relevant landing page. When a Facebook user clicks on your ad, they should be taken immediately to a page that is specific to the information or product in your ad.

9. Keep the user experience in mind You should aim for your ads and their respective landing pages to be as attractive, easy to navigate, and informative as possible. Users may be less likely to click your ad if it does not accurately describe your product or service, if it is unclear where they will be directed after clicking, or if it is unclear what the benefit of clicking your ad would be. Make it easy to find important information by placing it prominently on the landing page. Users who have to click around to find the relevant information are more likely to leave your site.

10. Evaluate your campaign performance and make the necessary changes Monitor your ad's performance. Your click through rate (CTR) is a particularly good indicator of how well your ads are doing. You can also view your clicks, impressions and average CPC or CPM by checking your account.

Allow your ad performance to educate you about effective strategies for achieving your goals. As you observe your ads over time, you might notice things that are working especially well (or not so well). For example, if you find users aren't responding to a particular call-to-action in your ad text, try a different call-to- action. If you are not getting as many clicks as you would like, try adjusting your targeting to be less restrictive if you have originally have been very aggressively targeting, or more restrictive if your targeting was initially very broad. If you are not getting as many impressions as you would like, try making your ad simpler and the product or brand easier to recognize.

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Appendix G – Google as a Supplier to ADP Social Media Marketing and Reputation Management

Google AdWords Sitelinks and Extensions Provide New Search Engine and Display Advertising for Car Dealers!

With the latest new features released from Beta by Google, Car Dealers can provide deeper, more relevant content to automotive consumers searching for information about vehicle purchases, maintenance and service needs by using Google AdWords Sitelinks and other types of Extensions within their Google AdWords based Search Advertising and Display Advertising Campaigns.

For example, the new Google's Extensions called "Sitelinks" provide up to four extra links to pages within your dealership website versus the standard one link to one landing page from a regular AdWords ad, and there is no increase in the Cost Per Click (CPC)... With these 4 extra links, dealers can direct searchers to Used Vehicle Inventory pages, New Vehicle Incentives and Promotions, Request A Quote, Get Directions or any other pages or sections that will increase visitor to lead conversion rates by getting automotive consumers to where they need to be with fewer clicks!

Using Google's new Sitelinks feature allows dealers to focus in on specific types of users who are searching for new vehicle, used vehicle, service department, parts department or any of your dealership's products or services. Building campaigns that are less generic and more targeted to the automotive consumer's exact information needs by providing more specific content links visible to searchers upfront is a proven method for increasing click-through rates and conversions from visitors to leads, phone calls and showroom traffic.

Each prospective customer of your dealership using can now get to pick which link is most relevant to their search... Of course, as usual Car Dealers will need to FOLLOW A PROCESS and ensure that the Sitelinks, or any of the other Extensions steers the customers to the correct vehicle, parts or service page. Although there is a little bit of work in finding and cataloging the links, or doing it the right way and using special domain name URL's for each ad Sitelink or extension, the extra effort will increase the dealer's conversion rates and shorten up the sales funnel for car buyers and service department customers using Google Search, or visiting any of the hundreds of sites that Google's Adsense Network serves up for dealership display advertising.

See the Sanderson Ford Lincoln Mercury example below where Sitelink Extensions are used to direct users straight to products, calls-to-action and special offers from a generic ad.

Sanderson Ford Save Thousands & Get 0% APR at Fords Year End Sales Event! Pre-Owned Inventory New Ford Inventory Roush Performance Vehicles Advertisements

The descriptions and URL's for each of the four Adwords Sitelinks can be changed as often as dealers like, so each dealership can coordinate with "Red Tag Sales", "Toyotathons", "Year End Sales Events" or any other promotions, special incentives and even the "Blue Gorilla on the Roof" sale... 46 Sewell Automotive Companies – ADP Social Marketing and Reputation Management Proposal

Here's another fascinating thing about these new Google Adwords tools; you can add up to ten links per ad! However, Google will only show four each time the ad appears. But that's OK, because Google will rotate the links that are displayed based on the rank in which they were entered when you build the ad.

Even though there are 10 additional Links (well, 9 anyways), with 4 of those additional links showing within your AdWords ad, dealers pay the same CPC cost as an ad without Sitelinks, regardless of which the user clicks. Now what we need is "Sitelink Optimization" where Google will automatically show the 4 out of 10 Sitelinks a dealer puts in based on which Sitelinks generate the most Click-Throughs when a consumer uses the keywords in that specific search... I have seen Google do stuff I wished for in the past, so why would I stop voicing what we want now?

ROI: Sitelinks improve the value of branded terms and other keywords to boost overall Google Adwords campaign performance According to Google's data, Sitelink Extensions increase each Car Dealer's Click Through Rates (CTR) by more than 30%! Now, it has been my experience that whenever you see an increase in CTR, you had better be watching your dealership website's bounce rates from Google sourced traffic... And, you also need to watch closely to ensure your website's Average Visit length of time does not go down from Google search sourced traffic... You better also be watching the visitor to lead conversion rates!

Since Google Reports data is not available at the individual Sitelink level to gauge performance, you really need to use specially assigned domain URL's from your dealership's portfolio of domain names for each Google Adwords Sitelink. This will allow you to use Omniture Site Catalyst which is hooked up to the back end of your dealership eCommerce website at no extra cost by the website supplier... Pull your own performance reports by vanity domain so you can then see which Google Adwords Sitelinks are performing from a conversion rate and CTR perspective.

Once again we have a situation that makes using Google Adwords as a complement to SEO "Search Engine Optimization". You can use Sitelinks and other Google Extensions (listed below) to gain extra real estate on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP), combined with the right content in the form of descriptive Sitelinks will provide more options for automotive consumers. More of the right text link options will improve your Search Advertising CTR and conversion rates... Plus, since this is all at the same Cost Per Click (CPC) as a regular Google Search Ad, you end up getting more results for the same amount of advertising money... Mmmmm, smells like improved ROI any way you bake it!

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Here the scoop for getting what you need without leaving the dealership... Or, the closest Starbucks with WiFi:

AdWords Online Classroom

The Google AdWords Online Classroom provides free online training, delivered by local AdWords experts, to help you achieve long-term advertising success with AdWords. Whether you're new to AdWords and wish to learn the basics, or you've been with AdWords for a while and want to take your account to the next level, we offer a range of topics to suit your needs.

To participate, all you need is a computer with an internet connection and speakers or headphones.

If you want to receive regular emails about on-demand courses and upcoming live courses, join our group now!

If you have any questions about the AdWords Online Classroom, please check out our FAQs.

The Official Scoop on Google Ad Extensions Source: Google Ad extensions expand a standard text ad with one or more lines that provide additional information such as an address and phone number (location extensions and phone extensions), more page links (ad sitelinks), and product images (product extensions).

Ad extensions help users easily find out more about your car dealership and its offerings. Ads will appear just as they do now across Google and the Google Network, but the additional information may also appear on and its properties, such as Google Maps (for location extensions), in an enhanced format.

Which ad extensions each Car Dealer should use will depend on how you want to reach customers, and how you want to extend their experience. For example, if you own a dealership with a service department in downtown Chicago and a customer near your store searching for automotive repair shops or parts to repair their car is a local user you could more effectively reach with location extensions. The user will see your text ad, along with your local business address and phone number.

Pricing and traffic There is no additional charge for including ad extensions in your ads; just as with standard cost-per-click (CPC) bidding, you are charged for each click on your ad that leads to your site, even if those clicks are on vehicle images, additional links, or other features in the ad extensions family. For location extensions that appear on Google Maps, you won't be charged for clicks on your ad that expand the info windows on the map interface, but you will be charged for clicks from the info window to your dealership website. Likewise, when a user clicks the phone number on your ad to call your business, you will be charged for a click. Read the Google FAQ to learn more about Google's Click-to-Call phone charges.

Ad extensions formats and where they appear The appearance and distribution of each format depends on which ad extension you are using. Please see below for information on different extension types and eligibility, and note that all ad extension features are not available in all countries. Learn how to create an ad extension. Learn how to enable the Ad Extensions tab 48 Sewell Automotive Companies – ADP Social Marketing and Reputation Management Proposal

Location Extensions All advertisers are eligible to run location extensions, and these extensions will appear on Google and its properties (including Google Maps) and the Google Search Network. Location extensions include your local business address and phone number. You can include multiple locations in a single campaign, and the one closest to the user will appear in the ad. You can target multiple locations within a single campaign. Your ad may also be shown without the location extension across the Google Search and Display Networks if you have also enabled your campaign to appear on these networks. Location extensions will appear when viewed on Google Maps for Mobile and on phones with full internet browsers. This feature is limited to advertisers in certain countries.

What do location extensions look like and where will they appear? Where and how your ad appears depends on the device used by the user. It also depends on whether the user submits a search on a Google property or search partner site, or browses a Display Network site. If you've enabled location extensions and your business information is eligible to appear within the ad placement, this information will be shown with your ad. Click the options below to learn more about how your ad and location extensions will appear in certain case

On the Google Search Network Your ad with a location extension will appear as a standard text ad and may also include a business address and telephone number depending on where the ad appears. It will show on with your additional business information included. It may also appear on some Google search partner sites and its appearance will vary by partner and by your network device settings.

Typically, ads are labeled as sponsored links and include 2 - 4 lines of text. In most cases, the text versions of these ads have the same ad text and display URL as the enhanced ad running on Google Maps. In some other cases, Google search partners may also show versions of your ad that include your address information, including on a map. If a partner does not support the additional address information, your ad will appear as a standard text ad.

On the Google Display Network On mobile devices with full Internet browsers, such as the iPhone and Android devices, location extensions are available on both the Google Search and Display Networks. On, the ads will appear as a mobile text banner ad that expands to show a Google map of your business location. The expanded map also shows the ad text copy and provides users further options to get directions or to click to call your business. Learn more about click-to-call for location extensions on high-end mobile devices.

Typically, ads are labeled as sponsored links and include 2 - 4 lines of text. In most cases, the text versions of these ads have the same ad text and display URL as the enhanced ad running on Google Maps. In some other cases, Google search partners may also show versions of your ad that include your address information, including on a map. If a partner does not support the additional address information, your ad will appear as a standard text ad.

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On Google Maps Your ad with a location extension may appear as a text ad, or an enhanced ad, with a business icon and a map marker that expands to show a business image. These ads are associated with a specific point on the map, such as a store or restaurant. On smaller maps, if a user clicks on the associated map marker, an info window expands on the map to reveal additional information about the business. The user can click within the info window to be redirected to the advertiser's website. For smaller maps, if a user clicks on the URL or the title of the ad they'll be redirected to the advertiser's website.

On mobile devices with full Internet browsers, such as the iPhone and Android devices, ads with location extensions will appear in Google Maps for mobile and on with click-to-call phone numbers when the advertiser has provided a phone number during location extension creation. Learn more about click-to- call ads for location extensions on high-end mobile devices

What are phone extensions, and how do Car Dealers implement them? Google Adwords Phone Extensions Phone extensions enable your customer to click and call your business from your text ad when it appears on mobile devices with full Internet browsers. This feature will show to consumers using their high-end mobile devices with, Google Voice search, Google Mobile App, and Google Maps for Mobile (but do not appear for users on desktop computers). If used within conjunction with location extensions, the ad will show the clickable phone number where appropriate to mobile device users with full internet browsers.

Phone extensions allow your customers to call you directly from your ad if they are using a high-end mobile device, such as iPhone or Android phone, that has a full Internet browser. Phone extensions are a type of ad extension, an ad feature that allows advertisers to add additional information about their businesses and offering to their text ads. In the case of phone extension, this additional information is your business phone number, which can be accessed directly from the ad with a single click on a user's high-end mobile device.

Phone extensions will appear as clickable phone numbers beneath the main text ad, and will be visible to high-end mobile device users who access search, Voice search, Google Mobile App or Google Maps for Mobile from their phone.

When the mobile device user clicks on the phone number, you will be charged the same as for a standard click on the ad.

How to enable Google Phone Extensions

To enable phone extensions on your text ads, follow these steps (images show you what to look for):

1. Sign in to your AdWords account at 2. Go to the Campaign Settings Tab for the campaign with the ads for which you want to show a click- to-call phone number on high-end mobile devices with full Internet browsers 3. In the Networks, Devices, and Extensions section, under Devices, look make sure that your selection includes 'iPhones and other mobile devices with full Internet browsers' (if it says 'All' these devices will be included). 4. Under Ad extensions, click 'Edit' beside 'Display click-to-call phone number on iPhones and other mobile devices with full Internet browsers.' Then click the Save button. 5. Enter a phone number by selecting the option under Extensions to add a click-to-call phone number to your ads on mobile devices, entering a phone number, and clicking theSave button.

You can return to this section at any time to edit your click-to-call phone number. Please note that vanity phone numbers featuring letters will appear on the ads in their numeric form. For example, "1-800-Goog-411" would appear as "1-800-466-4411." We do not allow inclusion of premium numbers (such as 1-900 numbers in the U.S., and 871 numbers in the U.K.) for which a user must pay additional charges. In the UK, numbers with the prefixes 0800, 0843, 0844, 0845 and 0870 are eligible for click-to-call phone extensions, as are phone numbers with a local area code. To learn more, read our FAQ about how phone extensions work with location extensions.

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Add, edit and manage Google Phone Extensions

You can manage your dealership's Google Ad Phone Extensions using the following options:

 To create a new extension in a new campaign, add the extension during campaign creation under the Ad extensions section of the campaign creation page.  To add new extensions, or edit existing extensions in an existing campaign, select the campaign and navigate to the Ad Extensions tab.  To add an extension, click the New Extension button. To delete an extension, select the extension(s) you want to delete and click the Delete button.  To edit an extension, hover over the extension and click the pencil icon that appears. This will open the editing function for extensions.

What are Google Search Ad Sitelinks? How do I implement them?

Google Sitelinks allow Car Dealers to include up to four additional page links on qualifying text ads that appear on and Google Search Network partners. This extension is available globally on ads that meet our quality requirements. The most common campaigns to qualify for the Sitelinks feature are high- quality campaigns that contain keywords and ads specific to your brands. Ad Sitelinks is a feature for search-based ads that lets you include up to 10 additional links to deeper content on your site beyond the main landing page. Sitelinks extend the value of your AdWords ads by showcasing additional targeted and relevant links for users whose search queries have triggered your ad.

In addition, Sitelinks make it easy to update and refresh seasonal and limited promotions - you can change the additional links on your ads as often as you like to make each ad more timely for your current sales and marketing efforts.

There's no need to change your current ads. Sitelinks add additional links beneath your existing ads, making them even more relevant to a wider range of users.

Create a new Google Search Ad campaign with Adwords Sitelinks

To create the first extension in a new campaign via the campaign creation page:

1. Under Ad extensions > Sitelinks, check the box next to "Extend my ads with links to sections on my site." 2. List the names and URLs of up to 10 internal links (prioritizing the most important links first) 3. Click "Save" when you've finished adding your links. 4. If a user search triggers your ad to run with Sitelinks, our system may include up to 10 of your additional links on your ad, along with the main landing page link. The higher the quality of your ad, the more likely it is that Sitelinks may be able to run on that ad.

Add or edit Google Adwords Sitelinks to a campaign or ad group

To add or edit Sitelinks, follow these steps:

1. Sign in to your AdWords account at 2. Click the campaign or ad group you want to edit. 3. Click the Ad Extensions tab tab. You will see the current ad extensions status for your campaign. 4. Click View campaign extension information 5. Select View: Sitelinks extensions from the drop-down menu above the extensions table. 6. To add Sitelinks: Click New Extension to add a new set of links for the ad group or campaign. 7. To edit Sitelinks: Place your cursor over the extension and click when the pencil icon appears to edit your ad's links and text. 8. To delete Sitelinks, check the box next to the extension and click Delete above the table. 51 Sewell Automotive Companies – ADP Social Marketing and Reputation Management Proposal

Which links will appear within my Google Adwords Sitelinks extension when my ad is shown? While only up to four of the Sitelinks you provide will appear with your ad on a search results page, you'll be able to enter up to ten Sitelinks for the ad extension. The links shown are not optimized based on their performance. Sitelinks will rotate and be prioritized based on the order in which you entered them for the ad extension. For one line Sitelinks, shorter link text will be prioritized over longer link text.

Which ads qualify to run Ad Sitelinks? Ad Sitelinks will appear for ads with the highest Quality Scores. They will appear in two different formats. For the two line format, Sitelinks are designed to trigger in situations where an ad provides the ideal answer for a search query. These ads are most likely to trigger on unique brand terms. For one line Sitelinks, ads will trigger with more generic terms, but may also include brand terms.

The following best practices will help maximize your chances of showing Sitelinks:

 Your ad should have one of the top positions above the search results.  Your ad should have a very high Quality Score.  Your Sitelinks URLs must direct users to pages that are part of your main website.

If your ad qualifies to show Sitelinks, up to four of the additional links you associate with your ad on the Ad Extensions tab may appear on your ad.

Read Google's FAQ to learn more about how to implement Ad Sitelinks.

How am I charged for clicks on Ad Sitelinks in my ads? All clicks are charged at the same rate, regardless of which links are clicked within an ad. That means you'll be charged for one click each time a user clicks on any link in your ad, whether it's the main landing page shown in your Destination URL or any of the additional links served as part of the Sitelinks feature.

If a user quickly clicks on more than one link while viewing an ad, we will treat this as a duplicate (or invalid) click and you won't be charged. Please see our Invalid Clicks FAQ to learn more.

Ad Sitelinks Reporting Best Practices You can easily review your Ad Sitelinks extensions performance for your campaigns from the Ad Extensions tab within your account. This tab is automatically enabled for you if you use or have ad extensions within your account already. Learn more.

We suggest that you review how often your ad was shown with Sitelinks, and compare the performance statistics of your ads when shown with or without Sitelinks. To do this, create two campaigns, and enable Sitelinks for one, but not the other. You can also compare how well a set of Sitelinks performs compared to another, or when attached to one particular ad versus another.

Will the additional links shown by Ad Sitelinks affect my Quality Score? The inclusion of additional links through the Ad Sitelinks feature should have no measurable impact on your ad Quality Score or landing page quality measurements. Landing page quality for individual ads is gauged by the quality of the landing page linked to the ad's main Destination URL links. The additional links are designed to help provide users with additional, relevant pages within an advertised site to match their search queries. The higher the quality of your ad, the more likely it is that Sitelinks may be able to run on that ad.

Read our FAQ to learn more about how to implement Ad Sitelinks.

What's the difference between one line and two line Ad Sitelinks? For the most part, these two versions of Ad Sitelinks are the same, however there are some slight differences, outlined below.

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Appearance Two line Ad Sitelinks displays up to 4 Ad Sitelinks across two lines. Your ad is shown with this format when the ad provides the idea answer for a user's search query. The best ad of a given query is more likely to trigger on unique brand name terms. One line Ad Sitelinks displays up to 4 Ad Sitelinks across one line. Your ad is shown with this format when the ad is of very high quality and we believe links to additional sites can benefit the user.

Campaign Organization Two line Ad Sitelinks tend to be very specific, brand-focused, and built around a specific ad or ad group, and set of URLs.

One line Ad Sitelinks provide for more general targeting with your ads and keywords. This means that in some cases one or more ads may be relevant and appear with your Ad Sitelinks, and in other cases, Ad Sitelinks won't be included (not all your ads may be eligible to show them).

For the best results, be sure to select Ad Sitelinks that are relevant for all of your ads and search terms within a given campaign. This will help you avoid attaching irrelevant links to your ads. One line Ad Sitelinks also prioritize shorter link text, so focus on submitting shorter, relevant link text for your campaigns.

How do I report the unauthorized use of my dealership's name with Ad Sitelinks? Google has various policies for how we handle trademark issues and complaints for our advertising programs. To learn more, and to file a complaint if you are a trademark owner, visit our Trademark Help Center.

Product extensions Currently available in the U.S., product extensions allow you to leverage your existing Google Merchant Center (formerly Google Base) account to highlight your products directly in your search ads (and Google Image Search ads when opted into the Search Network). Product extensions will not appear on other Search Network sites, or on Display Network sites. If you have a Google Merchant Center account, you may run product extensions in your ads.

What are product extensions? Product extensions allow you to use your existing Google Merchant Center account to highlight your products directly in your search ads (and Google Images ads when opted into the Search Network). Product extensions will not appear on other Search Network sites, or on Display Network sites. When your AdWords ad appears and your Google Merchant Center account contains a product that is relevant to the searcher's query, product extensions may show the images, titles, and prices of your closest matching products with your ad. Your product offerings may be shown in a "plusbox" ad. When a user clicks a product image, they will be taken to the destination page listed for that product in your Merchant Center account. You can track CTR, expansions, and other metrics in the AdWords Report Center.

How do I add or edit my ad's product extensions? The new product extensions feature in AdWords lets you showcase certain products in Google Merchant Center as an AdWords "plusbox" ad. When your AdWords ad appears and your Google Merchant Center account contains a product that is relevant to a searcher's query, product extensions may show the images, titles, and prices of your closest matching products beneath your ad, using the plusbox format

Create a new campaign with product extensions

To create the first extension in a new campaign via the campaign creation page:

1. Under Ad extensions > Products, check the box next to "Extend my ads with relevant product details from Google Merchant Center." 2. Select the Google Merchant Center account you'd like to associate with your campaign. (If your Merchant Center account is not yet linked to your AdWords account, learn how to link your accounts).

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Change a campaign's linked Google Merchant Center account

If you have previously created a campaign with product extensions, you can change the Google Merchant Center account associated with the campaign:

1. Click the campaign you want to edit. 2. Click the Ad Extensions tab tab. You will see the current ad extensions status for your campaign. 3. Click View campaign extension information 4. Select View: Product extensions from the drop-down menu above the extensions table. 5. Click New Extension 6. Click Products from Google Merchant Center to change the account associated with your campaign. 7. Click Save.

To delete the product extension, check the box next to the extension and click Delete above the table. Please note that it may take up to 12 hours from the time you update your settings for your product extensions to appear in your ads. Read our FAQ to learn how to add attributes to your Merchant Center account to better match your offering to search queries.

Free On-demand Google Adwords Tutorials Google has got your favorite topics available in bite-size courses, 15-20 minutes long, that you can watch at any time! Getting Started  Create your account  Get to know your account  How to build a successful AdWords account  Why can't I see my ad? Improving Your Account Performance  Improve your AdWords performance with key tips  Explore custom optimization tips with the Opportunities tab  Get the most from your website with Website Optimizer  Find new insights in your AdWords data Controlling Your Costs  Bidding Basics  Maximize your advertising ROI with Conversion Optimizer Analyzing Your AdWords Performance  Track your AdWords ROI using Google Analytics  Set up your Analytics account to track ROI  Track your AdWords ROI using Conversion Tracking Expanding Your Reach & Focusing On Your Audience  Target your ads to websites on the Google Display Network  Getting started with mobile advertising  Ad Sitelinks