ISSN 2454-9924 : 1 Issue: 1(2015)

Data storage and Precision of Dynamism-Efficient Fault-Tolerant in Mobile Cloud

B. Naseema Begum#1, S. Prasanna*1

Mailam Engineering College, Mailam#1 *1

[email protected]

Abstract- Although the technology improvement in hardware for hand-held mobile devices, video and image storage devices requires large calculation or computation and storage capacity. Recent research has implemented to address these issues by deploying remote servers, such as clouds and peer mobile devices. Here the mobile devices has implemented on dynamic networks with frequent topology changes and mobility in mobile cloud. In existing work, challenges of reliability and energy efficiency are not unaddressed. In this proposed system, we provide the solution for addressing these issues. Here we implement a combined approach of k-out-of-n computing for both storage and processing in mobile cloud. In our system, mobile devices successfully save or process data, in the most energy-efficient way, as long as k out of n remote servers are processed. From this proposed system we have also achieved feasibility of the system. Additionally this system performs the fault tolerance and energy efficiency performance in large scale networks.

Keywords- K out of n, cloud, Topology, Peer

I. Related Work II. Proposed Method

Although the technology improvement in In this proposed system, we provide the hardware for hand-held mobile devices, solution for addressing these issues. Here we video and image storage devices requires implement a combined approach of k-out- large calculation or computation and storage of-n computing for both and capacity. In existing work, challenges of processing in mobile cloud. In our system, reliability and energy efficiency are not mobile devices successfully save or process unaddressed. data, in the most energy-efficient way, as long as k out of n remote servers are 1.1 Drawback processed. In existing system provides less efficiency 2.1 Benefits and reliability when access the system.

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ISSN 2454-9924 Volume: 1 Issue: 1(2015)

In this proposed system, it provides dynamically changing topology. Serendipity enhanced efficiency and high reliability. and other VM-based solutions considered Additionally this system performs the fault the energy cost for processing a task on tolerance and energy efficiency performance mobile devices and offloading a task to the in large scale networks. remote servers, but they did not consider the scenario in a multi-hop and dynamic III. Introduction network where the energy cost for relaying/transmitting packets is significant. Personal mobile devices have gained Furthermore, remote servers are often enormous popularity in recent years. Due to inaccessible because of node failures, their limited resources (e.g., computation, unstable links, or node-mobility, raising a memory, energy), however, executing reliability issue. Although Serendipity sophisticated applications (e.g., video and considers intermittent connections, node image storage and processing, or map- failures are not taken into account; the VM- reduce type) on mobile devices remains based solution considers only static challenging. As a result, many applications networks and is difficult to deploy in rely on offloading all or part of their works dynamic environments. In this article, we to ―remote servers‖ such as clouds and peer propose the first framework to support fault- mobile devices. For instance, applications tolerant and energy-efficient remote storage such as Google Goggle and Siri process the & processing under a dynamic network locally collected data on clouds. Going topology, i.e., mobile cloud. Our framework beyond the traditional cloud based scheme, aims for applications that require energy- recent research has proposed to offload efficient and reliable distributed data storage processes on mobile devices by migrating a & processing in dynamic network E.g., Virtual Machine (VM) overlay to nearby military operation or disaster response. We infrastructures. This strategy essentially integrate the k-out of-n reliability allows offloading any process or application, mechanism into distributed computing in but it requires a complicated VM mobile cloud formed by only mobile mechanism and a stable network connection. devices. K-out-of n, a well-studied topic in Some systems (e.g., Serendipity) even reliability control, ensures that a system of n leverage peer mobile devices as remote components operates correctly as long as k servers to complete computation intensive or more components work. More job. In dynamic networks, e.g., mobile cloud specifically, we investigate how to store data for disaster response or military operations, as well as process the stored data in mobile when selecting remote servers, energy cloud with k-out-of-n reliability such that: 1) consumption for accessing them must be the energy consumption for retrieving minimized while taking into account the distributed data is minimized; 2) the energy

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ISSN 2454-9924 Volume: 1 Issue: 1(2015)

consumption for processing the distributed IV. Literature Review data is minimized; and 3) data and processing are distributed considering [6] Describes about, Mobile applications are dynamic topology changes. In our proposed becoming increasingly ubiquitous and framework, a data object is encoded and provide ever richer functionality on mobile partitioned into n fragments, and then stored devices. At the same time, such devices on n different nodes. As long as k or more of often enjoy strong connectivity with more the n nodes are available, the data object can powerful machines ranging from laptops and be successfully recovered. Similarly, another desktops to commercial clouds. This set of n nodes are assigned tasks for presents the design and implementation of processing the stored data and all tasks can Clone Cloud, a system that automatically be completed as long as k or more of the n transforms mobile applications to benefit processing nodes finish the assigned tasks. from the cloud. The system is a flexible The parameters k and n determine the application partitioned and execution degree of reliability and different (k, n) pairs runtime that enables unmodified mobile may be assigned to data storage and data applications running in an application-level processing. System administrators select virtual machine to seamlessly off-load part these parameters based on their reliability of their execution from mobile devices onto requirements. The contributions of this device clones operating in a computational article are as follows: • It presents a cloud. Clone Cloud uses a combination of mathematical model for both optimizing static analysis and dynamic profiling to energy consumption and meeting the fault partition applications automatically at a fine tolerance requirements of data storage and granularity while optimizing execution time processing under a dynamic network and energy use for a target computation and topology. • It presents an efficient algorithm communication environment. At runtime, for estimating the communication cost in a the application partitioning is effected by mobile cloud, where nodes fail or move, migrating a thread from the mobile device at joining/leaving the network. • It presents the a chosen point to the clone in the cloud, first process scheduling algorithm that is executing there for the remainder of the both fault-tolerant and energy efficient. • It partition, and re-integrating the migrated presents a distributed protocol for thread back to the mobile device. Our continually monitoring the network evaluation shows that Clone Cloud can topology, without requiring additional adapt application partitioning to different packet transmissions. • It presents the environments, and can help some evaluation of our proposed framework applications achieve as much as a 20x through a real hardware implementation and execution speed-up and a 20-fold decrease large scale simulations. of energy spent on the mobile device. [22]

Copyright © 2015 IJARCSET. All rights reserved.

ISSN 2454-9924 Volume: 1 Issue: 1(2015)

Describes about Smartphones have exploded Describes about Mobile devices are in popularity in recent years, becoming ever increasingly being relied on for services that more sophisticated and capable. As a result, go beyond simple connectivity and require developers worldwide are building more complex processing. Fortunately, a increasingly complex applications that mobile device encounters, possibly require ever increasing amounts of intermittently, many entities capable of computational power and energy. In this lending it computational resources. At one paper we propose Think Air, a framework extreme is the traditional cloud-computing that makes it simple for developers to context where a mobile device is connected migrate their smartphone applications to the to remote cloud resources maintained by a cloud. Think Air exploits the concept of service provider with which it has an smartphone virtualization in the cloud and established relationship. In this paper we provides method-level computation consider the other extreme, where a mobile offloading. Advancing on previous work, it device’s contacts are only with other mobile focuses on the elasticity and scalability of devices, where both the computation the cloud and enhances the power of mobile initiator and the remote computational by parallelizing method resources are mobile, and where intermittent execution using multiple virtual machine connectivity among these entities is the (VM) images. We implement Think Air and norm. We present the design and evaluate it with a range of benchmarks implementation of a system, Serendipity that starting from simple micro-benchmarks to enables a mobile computation initiator to use more complex applications. First, we show remote computational resources available in that the execution time and energy other mobile systems in its environment to consumption decrease two orders of speedup computing and conserve energy. magnitude for a N-queens puzzle application We propose a simple but powerful job and one order of magnitude for a face structure that is suitable for such a system. detection and a virus scan application. We Serendipity relies on the collaboration then show that a parallelizable application among mobile devices for task allocation can invoke multiple VMs to execute in the and task progress monitoring functions. We cloud in a seamless and on-demand manner develop algorithms that are designed to such as to achieve greater reduction on disseminate tasks among mobile devices by execution time and energy consumption. We accounting for the specific properties of the finally use a memory hungry image available connectivity. We also undertake an combiner tool to demonstrate that extensive evaluation of our system, applications can dynamically request VMs including experience with a prototype that with more computational power in order to demonstrates Serendipity’s performance. [4] meet their computational requirements. [8] Describes about Cloud computing offers

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ISSN 2454-9924 Volume: 1 Issue: 1(2015)

utility-oriented IT services to users evaluation study using the Cloud Sim worldwide. Based on a pay-as-you-go toolkit. The results demonstrate that Cloud model, it enables hosting of pervasive computing model has immense potential as applications from consumer, scientific, and it offers significant cost savings and business domains. However, data centers demonstrates high potential for the hosting Cloud applications consume huge improvement of energy efficiency under amounts of electrical energy, contributing to dynamic workload scenarios. [23] Describes high operational costs and carbon footprints about A system reliability optimization to the environment. Therefore, we need approach with multiple k-out-of-n Green Cloud computing solutions that can subsystems connected in series is presented. not only minimize operational costs but also The design objective is to select multiple reduce the environmental impact. In this components to maximize system reliability paper, we define an architectural framework while satisfying system requirement and principles for energy-efficient Cloud constraints such as cost and weight. Mixing computing. Based on this architecture, we of non-identical component types is allowed present our vision, open research challenges, in each subsystem as well as at system level. and resource provisioning and allocation In practice, different design configurations algorithms for energy-efficient management can be associated with different values of k. of Cloud computing environments. The Thus k is considered a decision variable that proposed energy-aware allocation heuristics can be selected as part of the design process. provision data center resources to client Previously, k was generally considered to be applications in a way that improves energy one to maximize the reliability of a series- efficiency of the data center, while parallel system. In this paper, k >; 1 is delivering the negotiated Quality of Service considered. The approach is demonstrated (QoS). In particular, in this paper we on a well-known test problem with conduct a survey of research in energy- interesting results. A Genetic algorithm is efficient computing and propose: (a) effectively applied to solve the optimization architectural principles for energy-efficient problem. [5] Describes about Cloud management of Clouds; (b) energy-efficient computing offers utility-oriented IT services resource allocation policies and scheduling to users worldwide. Based on a pay-as-you- algorithms considering QoS expectations go model, it enables hosting of pervasive and power usage characteristics of the applications from consumer, scientific, and devices; and (c) a number of open research business domains. However, data centers challenges, addressing which can bring hosting Cloud applications consume huge substantial benefits to both resource amounts of electrical energy, contributing to providers and consumers. We have validated high operational costs and carbon footprints our approach by conducting a performance to the environment. Therefore, we need

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ISSN 2454-9924 Volume: 1 Issue: 1(2015)

Green Cloud computing solutions that can An overview of our proposed framework is not only minimize operational costs but also depicted in Figure 1. The framework, reduce the environmental impact. In this running on all mobile nodes, provides paper, we define an architectural framework services to applications that aim to: (1) store and principles for energy-efficient Cloud data in mobile cloud reliably such that the computing. Based on this architecture, we energy consumption for retrieving the data is present our vision, open research challenges, minimized (k-out-of-n data allocation and resource provisioning and allocation problem); and (2) reliably process the stored algorithms for energy-efficient management data such that energy consumption for of Cloud computing environments. The processing the data is minimized (k-out-of-n proposed energy-aware allocation heuristics data processing problem). As an example, an provision data center resources to client application running in a mobile ad-hoc applications in a way that improves energy network may generate a large amount of efficiency of the data center, while media files and these files must be stored delivering the negotiated Quality of Service reliably such that they are recoverable even (QoS). In particular, in this paper we if certain nodes fail. At later time, the conduct a survey of research in energy- application may make queries to files for efficient computing and propose: (a) information such as the number of times an architectural principles for energy-efficient object appears in a set of images. Without management of Clouds; (b) energy-efficient loss of generality, we assume a data object is resource allocation policies and scheduling stored once, but will be retrieved or accessed algorithms considering QoS expectations for processing multiple times later. and power usage characteristics of the devices; and (c) a number of open research challenges, addressing which can bring substantial benefits to both resource providers and consumers. We have validated our approach by conducting a performance evaluation study using the Cloud Sim toolkit. The results demonstrate that Cloud computing model has immense potential as it offers significant cost savings and demonstrates high potential for the improvement of energy efficiency under dynamic workload scenarios.

V. Architecture

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ISSN 2454-9924 Volume: 1 Issue: 1(2015)

out-of-n Data Allocation and k-out-of-n Data Processing. When a request for data allocation or processing is received from applications, the Topology Discovery and Monitoring component provides network topology information and failure probabilities of nodes. The failure probability is estimated by the Failure Probability component on each node. Based on the retrieved failure probabilities and network topology, the ETT Computation component computes the ETT matrix, which represents the expected energy consumption for communication between any pair of node. Given the ETT matrix, our framework finds the locations for storing fragments or executing tasks. The k-out-of-n Data Storage component partitions data into n fragments by an erasure code algorithm and stores these fragments in the network such that the Fragments; the fragments are distributed to a energy consumption for retrieving k set of storage nodes. In order to process the fragments by any node is minimized. k is the data, applications provide functions that take minimal number of fragments required to the stored data as inputs. Each function is recover a data. instantiated as multiple tasks that process the data simultaneously on different nodes. VI. Modules Nodes executing tasks are processor nodes; 6.1 Geology Determination we call a set of tasks instantiated from one function a job. Client nodes are the nodes Geology Determination is executed during requesting data allocation or processing the network initialization phase or whenever operations. A node can have any a significant change of the network geology combination of roles from: storage node, is detected (as detected by the Topology processor node, or client node, and any node Monitoring component). During Geology can retrieve data from storage nodes. Determination, one delegated node floods a Topology Discovery and Monitoring, request packet throughout the network. Failure Probability Estimation, Expected Upon receiving the request packet, nodes Transmission Time (ETT) Computation, k- reply with their neighbor tables and failure

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ISSN 2454-9924 Volume: 1 Issue: 1(2015)

probabilities. Consequently, the delegated the distributed data, we consider the most node obtains global connectivity information energy efficient paths—paths with minimal and failure probabilities of all nodes. This transmission time. When we say path p is topology information can later be queried by the shortest path from node i to node j, we any node. imply that path p has the lowest transmission time (equivalently, lowest 6.2 Calculation of Failure Possibility energy consumption) for transmitting a We assume a fault model in which faults packet from node i to node j. The shortest caused only by node failures and a node is distance then implies the lowest inaccessible and cannot provide any service transmission time. once it fails. The failure probability of a VII. Conclusion node estimated at time t is the probability that the node fails by time t þ T, where T is a In this paper, Data storage refinement of time interval during which the estimated Dynamism-Efficient Fault-Tolerant in failure probability is effective. A node Mobile Cloud has implemented. It assigns estimates its failure probability based on the data fragments to nodes such that other following events/causes: energy depletion, nodes retrieve data reliably with minimal temporary disconnection from a network energy consumption. It also allows nodes to (e.g., due to mobility), and application- process distributed data such that the energy specific factors. We assume that these events consumption for processing the data is happen independently. Let f be the event minimized. From this proposed system we that node i fails and let f Bi;f Ci; and f be the have also achieved feasibility of the system. events that node i fails due to energy Additionally this system performs the fault depletion, temporary disconnection from a tolerance and energy efficiency performance network, and application-specific factors in large scale networks. respectively. References 6.3 Calculation of Expected Transmission Time [1] A. Beloglazov, J. Abawajy, and R. Buyya, ―Energy-aware resource It is known that a path with minimal hop- count does not necessarily have minimal allocation heuristics for efficient end-to-end delay because a path with lower management of data centers for cloud hop-count may have noisy links, resulting in computing,‖ Future Generation higher end-to-end delay. Longer delay Comput. Syst., vol. 28, no. 5, pp. implies higher transmission energy. As a 755–768, 2012. result, when distributing data or processing

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