Indictment Acte D'accusation

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Indictment Acte D'accusation


~ Case No. ICTR-98- 4-0- J N de dossier:ICTR-98- - 1





The Prosecutor of the International Le Procureur du Tribunal Penal Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, pursuant to International pour Ie Rwanda, en vertu des the authority stipulated in Article 17 ofthe pouvoirs que lui confere I'article 17 du Statute of the International Criminal Statut du Tribunal Penal International pour Tribunal for Rwanda ('the Statute of the Ie Rwanda ("Ie Statut du Tribunal") accuse: Tribunal') charges:




1.1 The revolution of 1959 marked the 1.1 La revolution de 1959 marque Ie beginning of a period of ethnic clashes debut d'une periode d'affrontements between the Hutu and the Tutsi in Rwanda, ethniques entre les Hutu et les Tutsi au causing hundreds of Tutsi to die and Rwanda, provoquant au cours des annees thousands more to flee the country in the qui ont immediatement suivi, des centaines years immediately following. The revolution de morts chez les Tutsi et l'exode de milliers resulted in the abolition of the Tutsi d'entre eux. Cette revolution entraine monarchy and the proclamation ofthe First l'abolition de la monarchie Tutsi et la Republic in early 1961, confirmed in a proclamation de la Premiere Republique au referendum held in the same year. debut de l' annee 1961, confirmee par Legislative elections held in September referendum au cours de la meme annee, Les 1961 confirmed the dominant position ofthe elections legislatives de septembre 1961 MDR-PARMERUTU (Mouvement confirme 1a domination du MDR­ Democratique Republicain-Parti du PARMEHUTU (Mouvement Democratique Mouvement d'Emancipation Hutu), led by Republicain-Parti du Mouvement Gregoire Kayibanda, who was subsequently d'Emancipation Hutu) de Gregoire elected President of the Republic by the Kayibanda, qui est elu President de la Legislative Assembly on 26 October 1961. Republique par l'assemblee legislative le 26 octobre 1961.

1.2 The early years ofthe First Republic, 1.2 Les premieres annees d' existence de whichwas under the domination ofthe Hutu cette republique, dominee par 1es Hutu du ofcentral and southern Rwanda, were again centre et du sud du Rwanda, sont de marked by ethnic violence. The victims nouveau marquees par la violence ethnique. were predominantly Tutsi, the former ruling Les victimes furent principalement des elite, and those related to them, who were Tutsi, l'ancienne elite dirigeante, et leurs killed, driven to other regions ofRwanda or allies; ceux-ci furent tues, chasses vers forced to flee the country. The gradual d'autres regions du Rwanda ou forces de elimination ofthe opposition parties in those s'enfuir du pays. L'elimination progressive early years confirmed the MDR­ des partis d'opposition durant ces premieres PARMEHUTU as the single party, the only annees confirme le MDR-PARMERUTU party to present candidates in the elections comme parti unique, qui est le seul it of 1965. presenter des candidats aux elections de 1965.

1.3 The early part of 1973 in Rwanda 1.3 Le debut de I'annee 1973 au Rwanda was again marked by ethnic confrontations est de nouveau marque par des between the Hutu and Tutsi, prompting affrontements ethniques entre Hutu et Tutsi another exodus of the Tutsi minority from qui provoquent, apres ceux de 1959 it 1963, the country, as had occurred between 1959 un nouvel exode de la minorite Tutsi. Cette and 1963. This new outburst of ethnic and recrudescence des tensions ethniques et political tension between the North and politiques (entre le Nord et le Sud) aboutit, South resulted in a military coup by General le 5 juillet 1973, it un coup d'Etat militaire Juvenal Habyarimana on 5 July 1973, mene par le General Juvenal Habyarimana,

2 I. HISTORICAL CONTEXT shifting power from civilian to military Le coup d'Etat entraine nn renversement du hands and from the Hutu ofcentral Rwanda pouvoir, qui passe des mains des civils it to the Hutu of the northern prefectures of celles des militaires et de celles des Hutu du Gisenyi and Ruhengeri (Habyarimana's centre du Rwanda it celles des Hutu des native region). prefectures de Gisenyi et Ruhengeri au nord du pays (region natale du President Habyarimana).

1.4 In 1975, President Habyarimana 1.4 En 1975, Ie president Habyarimana founded the Mouvement Revolutionnaire fonde le Mouvement Revolutionnaire National pour le Developpement (MRND), National pour Ie Developpement (MRND), a single party, and assumed the position of parti unique, dont il assume la presidence, party Chairman. The administrative and La structure administrative et la hierarchie party hierarchies were indistinguishable in du MRND se confondent en un veritable this single party state from the level of the parti-Etat it tous les niveaux de Prefet to the bourgmestres, and down to l' administration territoriale, du Prefet aux that of the conseillers de secteurs and Bourgmestres, jusqu'aux conseillers de responsables de cellule. secteurs et responsables de cellule.

1.5 From 1973 to 1994, the government 1.5 De 1973 it 1994, le gouvemement du ofPresident Habyarimana used a system of President Habyarimana applique un systeme ethnic and regional quotas which was de quotas base sur l' origine ethnique et supposed to provide educational and regionale qui etait cense offrir des chances employment opportunities for all, but which egales it tous en matiere d' education et was used increasingly to discriminate demploi, mais qui fut utilise against both Tutsi and Hutu from regions progressivement de maniere discriminatoire outside the northwest. it l'encontre des Tutsi et des Hutu originaires d'autres regions que Ie nord-ouest. In fact, by the late 1980s, persons De fait, it la fin des annees 1980, froin Gisenyi and Ruhengeri occupied many plusieurs des postes les plus importants of the most important positions in the dans les secteurs militaires, politiques, military, political,· economic and economiques et administratifs de la societe administrative sectors ofRwandan society. rwandaise etaient occupes par des personnes Among the privileged elite, an inner circle originaires de Gisenyi et Ruhengeri. Parmi ofrelatives and close associates ofPresident I'elite privilegiee, un noyau, connu sous Habyarimana and his wife, Agathe Kanziga, l'appellation Akazu, compose de membres known as the Akazu, enjoyed great power. de la famille et d'intimes du President This select group, almost exclusively Hutu, Habyarimana et de son epouse, Agathe was supplemented by individuals who Kanziga, jouit d'un grand pouvoir. Aux shared its extremist Hutu ideology, and who membres de ce groupe, presque came mainly from the native region of the exclusivement Hutu, se joignent des President and his wife. personnes qui en partagent l'ideologie Hutu extremiste et qui sont principalement originaires de la region natale du President et de son epouse.

1.6 In 1990, the President of the 1.6 Au cours de I'annee 1990, le


Republic, Juvenal Habyarimana, and his President de la Republique, Juvenal single party, the MRND, were facing Habyarimana, et son parti unique, Ie mounting opposition, including from other MRND, font face a une opposition Hutu. grandissante, notamment de la part d'autres Hutu.

1.7 On 1 October 1990, the Rwandan 1.7 Le 1er octobre 1990, Ie Front Patriotic Front (RPF), made up mainly of Patriotique Rwandais (FPR), compose Tutsi refugees, attacked Rwanda. Within majoritairement de refugies Tutsi, attaque Ie days the government began arresting Rwanda. Dans les jours qui suivent, Ie thousands of people, presumed to be gouvernement procede a l' arrestation de opponents ofHabyarimana and suspected of milliers de personnes presumees etre des being RPF accomplices. Although the Tutsi adversaires d'Habyarimana et soupconnees were the main target, Hutu political de complicite avec Ie FPR. Parmi les opponents were also arrested. personnes arretees, majoritairement d' origine Tutsi, il y a egalement des opposants politiques Hutu.

1.8 Following pressure from the internal 1.8 Suite aux differentes pressions de opposition and the international community, l'opposition interne et de la communaute and the RPF attack of October 1990, internationale, et aI'attaque du FPR President Habyarimana permitted the d' octobre 1990, Ie President Habyarimana introduction ofmultiple political parties and autorise 1'introduction du multipartisme et the adoption of a new constitution on 10 l'adoption d'une nouvelle constitution Ie 10 June 1991. The Mouvement juin 1991. Le Mouvement Revolutionnaire Revoluiionnaire National pour le National pour Ie Developpement (MRND) Developpement (MRND) was renamed est alors rebaptise M ouvement Republicain Mouvement Republicain National pour la National pour la Democratie et Ie Democratie et le Developpement (MRND). Developpement (MRND). Le premier The first transitional government was made Gouvernement de transition est compose up almost exclusively ofMRND members, presque exc1usivement de membres du following the refusal ofthe main opposition MRND, suite au refus des principaux partis parties to take part. With the second d'opposition d'en faire partie. Avec la mise transitional government in April 1992, the en place du second Gouvernement de MRND became a minority party for the first transition en avril 1992, Ie MRND se time in its history, with nine ministerial retrouve minoritaire pour la premiere fois de portfolios out of 19. On the other hand, the son histoire, avec neuf portefeuilles MRND retained its domination over the ministeriels sur 19. Par contre, Ie MRND local administration. demeure fortement dominant au niveau de l'administration territoriale.

1.9 The new Government then entered 1.9 Le nouveau Gouvernement entame negotiations with the RPF, which resulted in alors des negociations avec Ie FPR qui the signing of the Arusha Accords on 4 aboutissent Ie 4 aout 1993 a la signature des August 1993. The Accords provided for a Accords d' Arusha. Ces Accords prevoient new system ofsharing military and civilian un nouveau partage des pouvoirs militaires power between the RPF, the opposition et civils entre Ie FPR, les partis d'opposition parties and the MRND. et leMRND.


1.10 By the terms ofthe Arusha Accords, 1.10 Aux termes des Accords d' Arusha which provided for the integration of both qui prevoient l'integration des forces armees sides' armed forces, the new national army des deux parties, l' effectif de la nouvelle was to be limited to 13,000 men, 60% FAR armee nationale est limite a13 000 hommes (Forces Armees Rwandaises) and 40% RPF. dont 60% proviennent des FAR (Forces The posts of command were to be shared Armees Rwandaises) et 40% du FPR. Quant equally (50%-50%) between the two sides, aux postes de commandement, ils sont with the post of Chief ofStaff ofthe Army attribues aparts egales (50%-50%) aux deux assigned to the FAR. parties, le poste de Chef d'Etat Major de l' armee revenant aux FAR. The Gendarmerie was to be limited L' effectif de la Gendarmerie est to 6,000 men, 60% FAR and 40% RPF, with limite a 6 000 hommes, compose de 60% the posts ofcommand shared equally (50%­ des FAR et 40% du FPR, avec les postes de 50%) between the two sides and the post of commandement repartis equitablement ChiefofStaffofthe Gendarmerie assigned (50%-50%) entre les deux parties, le poste to the RPF. de Chef d'Etat Major de la Gendarmerie revenant au FPR.

1.11 As regards representation within the 1.11 Au niveau de la representation au govemment, the Arusha Accords limited the sein du gouvemement, les Accords d'Arusha number of ministerial portfolios to be held limitent a cinq le nombre de portefeuilles by the MRND to five, plus the Presidency. ministeriels du MRND en plus de la The other portfolios were to be shared as Presidence de la Republique, Les autres follows: RPF, five; MDR (Mouvement portefeuilles se repartissent ainsi: cinq pour democratique republicainy; four (including le FPR, quatre pour le MDR (Mouvement the post of Prime Minister); PSD (Parti democratique republicaini dont le poste de social-democratei, three; PL (Parti liberal), premier Ministre, trois pour le PSD (Parti three; and the PDC (Parti democrate­ social-democratei, trois pour le PL (Parti chretieni, one. liberal) et un pour le PDC (Parti demo crate-chretien).

1.12 For the men and women close to 1.12 Pour les hommes et les femmes President Habyarimana, including the proches du President Habyarimana, parmi members ofthe Akazu, who held positions lesquels les membres de I'Akazu, qui of prominence in the various sectors of occupaientdes fonctions importantes au sein Rwandan society, this new power sharing des divers secteurs de la societe rwandaise, plan, as demanded by the political ce nouveau partage du pouvoir, tel qu' exige opposition and as stipulated in the Arusha par les opposants politiques et stipule par les Accords, meant a relinquishment of power Accords d' Arusha, signifie l'abandon du and the loss of numerous privileges and pouvoir et la perte de nombreux privileges et benefits. With political changes following d'importants benefices. Les changements the establishment of the multi-party politiques consecutifs al'etablissement d'un govemment ofApril 1992, severalimportant regime multipartite en avril 1992 obligent military officers from the north had been plusieurs officiers militaires importants, forced to retire. At the same time, many of originaires du Nord, aprendre leur retraite. the military were facing massive En meme temps, l'application des Accords demobilisation with the implementation of d' Arusha confronte plusieurs militaires a

5 1. CONTEXTE H1STORIQUE the Arusha Accords. une demobilisation massive.

1.13 From 1990, Habyarimana and 1.13 A partir de 1990, Habyarimana et several of his close associates devised the plusieurs de ses plus proches collaborateurs strategy of inciting hatred and fear of the concoivent nne strategie d'incitation it la Tutsi minority as a way of rebuilding haine et it la peur face it la minorite Tutsi, solidarity among the Hutu and keeping afin de retablirla solidariteparmi les Hutu et themselves in power. They strongly opposed de se maintenir au pouvoir. Ils s' opposent any form of power sharing, including the fortement it toute forme de partage du one envisaged by the Arusha Accords. pouvoir et particulierement au partage prevu par les Accords d'Arusha.

1.14 Determined to avoid the power 1.14 Determinees it eviter Ie partage des sharing prescribed by the Arusha Accords, pouvoirs prevu par les Accords d'Arusha, several prominent civilian and military plusieurs personnalites civiles et militaires figures pursued their strategy of ethnic en vue poursuivent leur strategie de conflit division and incitement to violence. They ethnique et dincitation it la violence. Elles targeted and labelled as RPF accomplices visent la population Tutsi tout entiere, qui the entire Tutsi population, and also Hutu est qualifiee de complice du FPR, de meme opposed to their domination, particularly que les Hutu opposes it leur domination, those from regions other than northwestem particulierement ceux qui sont originaires Rwanda. At the same time, they sought to d'autres regions que Ie nord-ouest du divide Hutu opposition parties, attracting Rwanda. Parallelement, elles tentent de some oftheir members back to the support diviser les partis d'cpposition Hutu, en ofHabyarimana. These efforts to divide the ramenant certains de leurs membres dans Ie Hutu opposition were furthered by the camp d'Habyarimana, Les efforts destines it assassination of Melchior Ndandaye, the diviser I' opposition Hutu sont favorises par democratically elected Hutu President, in I'assassinat, par des soldats Tutsi de I' armee neighboring Burundi, by Tutsi soldiers of burundaise, de Melchior Ndandaye, the Burundi army. By late 1993, two ofthe president Hutu democratiquement elu dans three major parties opposed to the MRND Ie Burundi voisin. Ala fin de 1993, deux des had each split into two factions. The faction trois principaux partis opposes au MRND of each known as the "Power" faction s'etaient divises en deux factions chacun. aligned itselfwith the MRND. Les factions connues sous Ie nom de "Power" s'allient au MRND.

1.15 The strategy adopted in the early 1.15 La strategie adoptee au debut des 1990s, which culminated in the widespread annees 90, qui va connaitre son apogee avec massacres ofApril 1994, comprised several les massacres generalises d'avril 1994, components, which were carefully worked comporte plusieurs elements qui sont out by the various prominent figures who soigneusement elabores par les differentes shared the extremist Hutu ideology, personnalites qui partagent cette ideologie including the members ofthe Akazu. extrerniste, dont les membres de I'Akazu.

In addition to the incitement to Al'incitation it la violence ethnique ethnic violence and the extermination ofthe et it I'extermination des Tutsi et de leurs Tutsi and their "accomplices", was the "complices", s'ajoutent I'organisation et

6 I. HISTORICAL CONTEXT organization and military trammg of the I'entrainement militaire des jeunesses youth wings ofthe political parties, notably politiques, notamment les Interahamwe the Interahamwe (youth wing of the (jeunesses du MRND), la preparation de MRND), the preparation oflists ofpeople to listes de personnes it eliminer, la distribution be eliminated, the distribution ofweapons to d' armes it des civils, l' assassinat de certains civilians, the assassination of certain opposants politiques et le massacre de political opponents and the massacre of nombreux Tutsi dans diverses regions du many Tutsi in various parts of Rwanda Rwanda entre octobre 1990 et avril 1994. between October 1990 and April 1994.

1.16 The incitement to ethnic hatred took 1.16 L'incitation it la haine ethnique the form of public speeches by people prend la forme de discours publics sharing the extremist ideology. These prononces par des personnalites partageant political and military figures publicly cette ideologic extremiste. Ces personnalites appealed to hatred and fear ofthe Tutsi and politiques et militaires appellent urged the Hutu majority to "finish off the publiquement it la haine et it la peur des enemy and its accomplices". A perfect Tutsi et exhortent la majorite Hutu "it en illustration is the speech made in November finir avec l'ennemi et ses complices". Le 1992 by Leon Mugesera, vice-chairman of discours prononce en novembre 1992 par the MRND for Gisenyi prefecture, who at Leon Mugesera, vice-president du MRND the time was already inciting the public to pour la prefecture de Gisenyi, qui des cette exterminate the Tutsi and their epoque incitait publiquement it "accomplices". l' extermination des Tutsi et leurs "cornplices", en est la parfaite illustration. With the intention of ensuring Dans le but d'assurer une large widespread dissemination of the calls to diffusion de ces appels it la violence ethnic violence, prominent figures from the ethnique, des personnalites de l'entourage President's circle set up true hate media. du President mettent sur pied de veritables Thus the creation ofRadio Television Libre media de la haine. La creation de la Radio des Mille Collines (RTLM) and of the Television Libre des Mille Collines (RTLM) newspaper Kangura was a part of the et du journal Kangura participe de cette strategy and pursued the same logic. strategie et s'inscrit dans cette logique.

1.17 The creation of the youth wings of 1.17 La creation des ailes jeunesses des the political parties, originally established to partis politiques, qui avait it l'origine pour encourage or even force adherence to one or objectif d'encourager ou meme de forcer another party in the newly-established multi­ I'adhesion it l'un ou l'autre des partis du party system, provided Habyarimana's circle nouveau regime multipartite, va fournir it with a large, devoted and effective l' entourage d'Habyarimana une main workforce to implement the adopted d'oeuvre devouee, nombreuse et efficace strategy. These youth organizations, which pour mettre en oeuvre la strategic adoptee. were affiliated to the political parties, were Ces organisations de jeunesse affiliees aux soon manipulated as part of the anti-Tutsi partis politiques sont tres vite manipulees campaign. Some of the members of these dans le cadre de la campagne anti-Tutsi. Des organizations, notably the Interahamwe membres de ces organisations, (MRND), were organized into militia particulierement les Interahamwe-MRND, groups, which were financed, trained and led sont organises en milices, financees,

7 I. CONTEXTE HISTORIQUE by prominent civilians and military figures entrainees et dirigees par des personnalites from the President of the Republic's civiles et militaires de l'entourage du entourage. They were issued weapons, with President de la Republique. Des armes leur the complicity of certain military and sont distribuees avec la complicite de civilian authorities. The militia groups were certaines autorites militaires et civiles. Leur transported to training sites, including transport vers les sites d' entrainement, dont certain military camps, in public certains camps militaires, est assure par des administration vehicles or vehicles vehicules de I'administration publique ou belonging to companies controlled by the appartenant it des societes controlees par President's circle. l'entourage du President.

1.18 During the mass arrests of October 1.18 Lors des arrestations massives 1990, the civilian and military authorities d'octobre 1990, les autorites civiles et followed lists that had been drawn up in militaires se referent it des listes etablies order to identify and locate the presumed pour identifier et localiser les presumes accomplices of the RPF, the majority of complices du FPR, en majorite Tutsi. Par la whom were Tutsi. Later, Army, suite, I'Armee, la Gendarmerie, les autorites Gendarmerie, local authorities and locales et les Interahamwe recoivent des Interahamwe were given orders to prepare directives pour preparer de nouvelles listes new lists or update the existing ones, which ou tenir it jour les listes existantes, qui vont were subsequently used during the servir lors des massacres de 1994. En mars massacres of 1994. In March 1993, such a 1993, une telle liste est retrouvee dans Ie list was found in the vehicle of the Army vehicule du Chef d'Etat Major de I'Armee. ChiefofStaff.

1.19 Towards the end of 1991, certain 1.19 Vers la fin de 1991, certaines Rwandan authorities distributed weapons to autorites rwandaises distribuent des armes it certain civilians in the north-eastern region certains membres de la population civile du ofthe country as part ofa civil self-defence nord-est du pays dans Ie cadre de la campaign, in reaction to the RPF attack of campagne d'auto-defense civile en reaction October 1990. Later, some authorities it I'attaque du FPR d'octobre 1990. Plus distributed weapons nationwide, notably to tard, en dehors du cadre de l'auto-defense the Interahamwe and carefully selected civile, des armes sont distribuees dans tout individuals, even in regions distant from the Ie pays par des autorites, notamment aux war zone. Towards the end of 1993, the Interahamwe et it des personnes Bishop ofNyundo criticized the distribution soigneusement choisies, meme dans des ofweapons in a public letter, questioning its regions eloignees de la zone de guerre. Vers purpose. la fin de 1993, l'Eveque de Nyundo critique dans une lettre publique cette distribution d'armes, sinterrogeant sur sa finalite.

1.20 The pursuit of the strategy thus 1.20 La mise en place de la strategie ainsi described played a catalytic role in the decrite joue un role de catalyseur dans la political and ethnic violence of the time, violence politique et ethnique de cette which climaxed in the April 1994 epoque qui atteint son paroxysme avec les massacres. The early part of the 90s was massacres d'avriI1994. Le debut des annees marked by numerous political assassinations 90 est marque par de nombreux assassinats

8 I. HISTORICAL CONTEXT and large massacres of the Tutsi minority, politiques et d'importants massacres de la including the one in Kibilira (1990), that of minorite Tutsi, dont celui de Kibilira (1990), the Bagogwe (1991) and the one in ceux des Bagogwe (1991) et celui du Bugesera (1992). The massacres were Bugesera (1992). Ces massacres sont instigated and organized by local authorities suscites et organises par des autorites locales with the complicity of certain prominent avec la complicite de certaines personnalites persons from the President's circle. Therein de I'entourage du President Habyarimana. can be found the components ofthe strategy On y retrouve tous les elements de la which culminated in the genocide of 1994. strategic qui va aboutir au genocide de 1994.

1.21 In early 1994, certain prominent 1.21 Au debut de 1994, des people from Habyarimana' s circle instigated manifestations violentes visant aempecher violent demonstrations in aimed at la mise en place des Accords d' Arusha se preventing the implementation ofthe Arusha deroulent aKigali aI'instigation de certaines Accords. Soldiers in civilian clothes and personnalites de I'entourage d'Habyarimana. militiamen took part, seeking to provoke On y retrouve des militaires en civil aux confrontations with the Belgian UNAMIR cotes des miliciens qui cherchent a soldiers. These incidents were partially the provoquer des affrontements avec les soldats cause of the postponement of the belges de la MINUAR. Ces incidents sont establishment ofthe institutions foreseen by en partie a I'origine du report de la mise en the Arusha Accords. place des institutions prevues dans les Accords d' Arusha.

1.22 On 6 April 1994, the plane carrying, 1.22 Le 6 avril 1994, I'avion transportant, among other passengers, the President ofthe entre autres passagers, Ie President de la Republic ofRwanda, Juvenal Habyarimana, Republique du Rwanda, Juvenal was shot down on its approach to Kigali Habyarimana, est abattu peu avant son airport. atterrissage a l' aeroport de Kigali.

1.23 In the hours which followed the 1.23 Dans les heures qui suivent la chute crash of the President's plane, the senior de l'avion presidentiel, les principaux officers ofthe FAR convened to assess the officiers des FAR se reunissent pour evaluer situation. Those who shared the extremist la situation. Ceux qui partagent l'ideologie Hutu ideology, generally from the North, extrernisteHutu, generalement les militaires proposed an Army take-over. During a du nord du pays, proposent la prise du second meeting which took place on the pouvoir par I'Armee, Le 7 avril au matin, morning of7 April, that option was rejected lors d'une deuxieme reunion, cette option in favour of setting up an interim est rejetee au profit de la mise sur pied d'un Government. gouvernement interimaire.

1.24 Already on the morning of 7 April 1.24 Des Ie 7 avril au matin, and while these discussions were taking parallelement aces discussions, des groupes place, groups of military, lists in hand, de militaires, listes en main, precedent a proceeded to arrest, confine and carry out I'arrestation, a la sequestration et a systematic assassinations ofa large number I'assassinat de nombreux opposants of political opponents, both Hutu and politiques, Hutu et Tutsi, parmi lesquels Ie


Tutsi, including the Prime Minister, some of Premier Ministre, certains des ministres de the Ministers in her Government and the son gouvernement et Ie President de la Cour President ofthe Constitutional Court. At the Constitutionnelle. Par contre, au meme same time, however, the military were moment, des militaires evacuent dans des evacuating prominent members ofthe dead endroits stirs des personnalites de President's circle, including the MRND l'entourage du defunt President, y compris Ministers, to safe locations. les ministres du MRND. The Belgian UNAMIR soldiers sent Les militaires belges de la MINUAR to protect the Prime Minister were disarmed, envoyes pour proteger Ie Premier Ministre arrested and taken to Kigali military camp, sont desarmes, arretes et conduits au camp where they were massacred, prompting the militaire de Kigali ou ils sont massacres. Cet withdrawal ofthe Belgian contingent in the incident precipite Ie retrait du contingent days that followed. After the withdrawal of beige dans les jours qui suivent. Apres Ie the Belgian troops, the UN Security Council retrait des troupes belges, Ie Conseil de drastically reduced the number ofUNAMIR securite des Nations-Unies reduit de facon personnel in Rwanda. draconienne Ie nombre de personnel de la MINUAR au Rwanda.

1.25 The leaders of various political 1.25 Les dirigeants des divers partis parties not targeted in the assassinations politiques non vises par les assassinats se assembled at the request ofmilitary officers. reunissent it la demande d' officiers Other than members of the MRND, most militaires. En dehors des membres du participants were members of the "Power" MRND, la plupart des participants sont wings oftheir respective parties. Given the membres des ailes "Power" de leurs partis political and constitutional void created by respectifs. Etant donne Ie vide politique et the deaths of most national political constitutionnel cree par la mort de la plupart authorities, they set up a government based des personnalites politiques nationales, ils on the 1991 constitution. Composed solely mettent sur pied un gouvernement fonde sur ofHutu, the government was swom in on 9 la constitution de 1991. Le gouvernement, April 1994. The MRND held nine exclusivement compose de personnalites ministerial posts, plus the Presidency ofthe Hutu, prete serment Ie 9 avril 1994. Neuf Republic, while the remaining 11 positions, postes ministeriels sont attribues au MRND, including that ofPrime Minister, went to the en plus de la presidence de la Republique, et "Power" factions ofthe other parties. les onze postes restants, incluant celui de premier ministre, reviennent aux factions "Power" des autres partis.

1.26 In the hours following the crash of 1.26 Dans les heures qui suivent la chute President Habyarimana's plane, military and de I'avion du President Habyarimana, les militiamen set up roadblocks and began militaires et les miliciens erigent des slaughtering Tutsi and members ofthe Hutu barrages et commencent it massacrer les opposition in Kigali and in other parts of Tutsi et les membres de l'opposition Hutu it Rwanda. At the roadblocks, they checked Kigali et dans d' autres regions du Rwanda. the identity cards of passers-by and killed Aux barrages, ils precedent it la verification those or most ofthose who were identified des cartes d'identite de tous les passants et as Tutsi. Military patrols, often involving executent toutes les personnes, ou la plupart militiamen, scoured the city, lists in hand, to des personnes, identifiees comme etant

10 1. HISTORICAL CONTEXT execute the Tutsi and certain political Tutsi. Des patrouilles de militaires, souvent opponents. accompagnes de miliciens sillonnent la ville, listes en main, pour executer les Tutsi et certains opposants politiques.

1.27 During the entire period of the 1.27 Durant toute la periode du genocide, genocide, FAR military, particularly units of des militaires des FAR, particulierement des the Presidential Guard, the Para-Commando unites de la Garde Presidentielle, du Batallion, Reconnaissance Battalion and the Bataillon Para-Commando, du Bataillon Gendarmerie, in complicity with militiamen, reconnaissance et de la Gendarmerie, avec la actively participated in the massacres ofthe complicite de miliciens, participent Tutsi throughout Rwanda. activement aux massacres de Tutsi sur toute l'etendue du Rwanda.

1.28 As soon as it was formed, the 1.28 Des sa formation, Ie Gouvernement Interim Government espoused the plan for Interimaire fait sien Ie plan d' extermination extermination put in place. Throughout the mis en place. Durant toute la periode des period of the massacres, the Government massacres, Ie Gouvernement prend des made decisions and issued directives to aid decisions et donne des directives dans Ie but and abet in the extermination of the Tutsi d'aider et encourager I'extermination de la population and the elimination of the Hutu population Tutsi et l'elimination des political opponents. Members of the opposants politiques Hutu. Des membres de Government incited the population to ce gouvernement incitent la population a eliminate the enemy and its "accomplices", eliminer l'ennemi et ses "complices", some of them participating directly in the certains d' entre eux prennent part massacres. directement aux massacres.

1.29 Local authorities, includingprefets, 1.29 Des autorites locales, telles que les bourgmestres, conseillers de secteur and Prefers, les Bourgmestres, les conseillers de responsables de cellule applied the secteur et les responsables de cellule, Govemment-issued directives in execution appliquent les directives du Gouvernement of the plan for the extermination ofthe Tutsi visant aexecuter Ie plan d'extermination de population. They incited and ordered their la population Tutsi. Ils incitent et ordonnent subordinates to perpetrate the massacres and a leurs subordonnes de se livrer aux took a direct part in them. massacres et y prennent eux-memes part directement.

1.30 Having been psychologically and 1.30 Les groupes de miliciens, militarily prepared for several months, the psychologiquement et militairement groups of militiamen spearheaded the prepares depuis plusieurs mois, constituent execution of the extermination plan and Ie fer de lance dans I'execution du plan were directly involved in the massacres of d'extermination et sont directement the civilian Tutsi population and of irnpliques dans les massacres de la moderate Hutus, thus causing the deaths of population civile Tutsi et des Hutu moderes, hundreds ofthousands ofpeople in less than causant ainsi la mort de centaines de milliers 100 days. de personnes en moins de 100 jours.



2.1 The crimes referred to in this 2.1 Les crimes vises par le present acte indictment took place in Rwanda between 1 d'accusation ont ete commis au Rwanda January and 31 December 1994. entre le 1er janvier 1994 et le 31 decembre 1994.

2.2 During the events referred to in this 2.2 Lors des evenements auxquels se indictment, Rwanda was divided into 11 refere le present acte d' accusation, le prefectures: Butare, Byumba, Cyangugu, Rwanda etait divise en 11 prefectures: Gikongoro, Gisenyi, Gitarama, Kibungo, Butare, Byumba, Cyangugu, Gikongoro, Kibuye, Kigali-Ville, Kigali-Rural and Gisenyi, Gitarama, Kibungo, Kibuye, Ruhengeri. Each prefecture was subdivided Kigali-ville, Kigali-rural et Ruhengeri. into communes and secteurs. Chaque prefecture est subdivisee en communes et en secteurs.

2.3 During the events referred to in this 2.3 Lors des evenements auxquels se indictment, the Tutsi, the Hutu and the Twa refere le present acte d' accusation, les Tutsi, were identified as racial or ethnic groups. les Hutu et les Twa etaient identifies comme des groupes ethniques ou raciaux.

2.4 During the events referred to in this 2.4 Lors des evenements auxquels se indictment, there were throughout Rwanda refere Ie present acte d'accusation, il y a eu widespread or systematic attacks directed sur tout le territoire du Rwanda des attaques against a civilian. population on political, systematiques ou generalisees contre une ethnic or racial grounds. population civile, en raison de son appartenance politique, ethnique ou raciale.

2.5 During the events referred to in this 2.5 Lors des evenements auxquels se indictment, a state of non-international refere le present acte d'accusation, il y avait armed conflict existed in Rwanda. The un conflit arme non international sur le victims referred to in this indictment were territoire du Rwanda. Les victimes protected persons, according to the auxquelles se refere le present acte provisions of Article 3 common to the d'accusation etaient des personnes Geneva Conventions and of Additional protegees, au sens de l'article 3 commun aux Protocol II. Conventions de Geneve et du Protocole additionnel II.



The Forces Armies Rwandaises Les Forces Armees Rwandaises

3.1 The Forces Armies Rwandaises 3.1 Les Forces Armees Rwandaises (FAR) were composed of the Armee (FAR) etaient cornposees de I'Armee Rwandaise (AR) and the Gendarmerie Rwandaise (AR) et de la Gendarmerie Nationale (GN). The Forces Armies Nationale (GN). Les Forces Armees Rwandaises did not have a unified command Rwandaises ne disposaient pas d'un Etat­ and came directly under the Minister of Major unifie et relevaient directement du Defence. The Commander-in-Chief of the ministre de la Defense. Le chefsupreme des Forces Armies Rwandaises was the Forces Armees Rwandaises etait Ie President President ofthe Republic. de la Republique.

3.2 The General Staff of the Rwandan 3.2 L'Etat-Major de I'Armee Rwandaise Army was headed by the Chief of Staff, etait dirige par nn Chefd'Etat-Major assiste assisted by four senior officers in charge of de quatres officiers superieurs responsables four bureaux: G-I (personnel and de quatre bureaux: Ie bureau du G-I, Administration), G-2 (Intelligence), G-3 (Personnel et Administration), Ie bureau du (Military Operations) and G-4 (Logistics). G-2 (Renseignements et Intelligence), Ie bureau du G-3 (Operations militaires) et Ie bureau du G-4 (Logistique).

3.3 The territory ofRwanda was divided 3.3 Le territoire du Rwanda etait divise into various military operations sectors,each en differents secteurs d' operations headed by a military sector commander. militaires. Chaque secteur etait dirige par un Also, there were elite units within the commandant militaire. En outre, il y avait Rwandan Army, namely the Presidential des unites d'elites au sein de I'Armee Guard, Para-Commando Battalion and Rwandaise: le bataillon de la Garde Reconnaissance Battalion. The troops were Presidentielle, Ie bataillon Para-Commando, divided into companies within the sectors et le bataillon de Reconnaissance. Les and the units. troupes etaient divisees en compagnies au sein des secteurs et des unites.

3.4 By virtue of their rank and their 3.4 De par leur grade et leurs fonctions, functions, the officers ofthe Rwandan Army les officiers de I'Armee Rwandaise avaient had the duty to enforce the general rules of Ie devoir de faire respecter les regles discipline for all soldiers under their generales de discipline pour tous les authority, even those not belonging to their militaires sous leur autorite, meme s'ils units. n'appartenaient pas it leurs unites.

3.5 The General Staff of the 3.5 L' Etat-Major de la Gendarmerie etait


Gendarmerie Nationale was headed by the dirige par un Chef d'Etat-Major assiste de Chief of Staff, assisted by four senior quatres officiers superieurs responsables de officers in charge of four bureaux: G-I quatre bureaux: Ie bureau du G-I, (Personnel and Administration), G-2 (Personnel et Administration), le bureau du (Intelligence), G-3 (Military Operations) and G-2 (Renseignements et Intelligence), Ie G-4 (Logistics). bureau du G-3 (Operations militaires) et Ie bureau du G-4 (Logistique).

3.6 The Gendarmerie Nationale was 3.6 La Gendarmerie Nationale etait responsible for maintaining public order and chargee du maintien de l'ordre et de la paix peace and the observance of the laws in publique et de l'execution des lois en effect in the country. vigueur dans Ie pays.

3.7 The Gendarmerie Nationale was 3.7 La Gendarmerie Nationale relevait under the Minister of Defence but could du ministre de la Defense, mais pouvait carry out its duties ofensuring public order exercer ses attributions de maintien de and peace at the request of the local l'ordre et de la paix publique it la requete de government authority having jurisdiction, I'autorite administrative territoriale namely the Prefet. In cases of emergency, competente, en la personne du prefer. En cas this request could be made verbally, notably d'urgence, cette requisition pouvait etre faite by telephone. Such requests had to be verbalement, notamment par telephone. carried out immediately. In addition, the Cette requisition devait etre executee sans Gendarmerie Nationale was obliged to delai, En outre, la Gendarmerie Nationale transmit to the Prefet all information devait porter it la connaissance du prefet tout relating to public order. It had the duty to renseignement concernant I'ordre public. assist anyone in danger. Elle devait assistance it toute personne en danger.


Bernard Ntuyahaga Bernard Ntuyahaga

4.1 Bernard Ntuyahaga was born in 4.1 Bernard Ntuyahaga est ne en 1952 1952 in Kibingo, Mabanza commune, it Kibingo, commune de Mabanza, KlBUYE prefecture. prefecture de KlBUYE

4.2 After finishing his elementary and 4.2 Apres des etudes primaires et secondary schooling, Bernard Ntuyahaga secondaires, Bernard Ntuyahaga entre en joined the Ecole des officiers in Kigali in 1972 it I'Ecole des officiers de Kigali et en 1972, leaving in 1974 with the rank of sort en 1974 avec Ie grade de Sous­ second lieutenant. lieutenant.

4.3 In April 1994, Bernard Ntuyahaga 4.3 Major dans I 'Armee rwandaise was a major in the Rwandan Army and was Bernard Ntuyahaga est affecte en Avril assigned to the G.4 office at the General 1994 au Bureau G.4 de l'Etat major.Au Staff. In early May 1994, Bernard debut du mois de mai 1994 Bernard Nyuyahaga assumed command ofthe 74th Ntuyahaga prend Ie commandement du 74e battalion in Kigali sector. Towards the end bataillon du secteur de Kigali.Vers la fin du of May, he was appointed commander of meme mois il est nomme Commandant du Ngoma camp, located in Butare prefecture camp de Ngoma situe dans la prefecture de Butare.

4.4 As an officer in the Rwandan Army, 4.4 En sa qualite d'officier dans I'Armee Major Bernard Ntuyahaga exercised rwandaise, Ie major Bernard Ntuyahaga authority over military personnel nnder his exercait nne autorite sur les militaires places command and over all lower-ranking sous son commandement et sur tout military personnel. militaires de grade inferieure,

15 ~ 51



5.1 From late 1990 until July 1994, 5.1 Des la fin de 1990 jusqu'a juillet military personnel, members of the 1994, des militaires, des membres du goverment, political officials, civil servants gouvernement, des responsables politiques, and other personalities conspired among des membres de I'administration publique et themselves and with others to work out a des diverses personnalitees, se sont plan with the intent to exterminate the entendus entre enx et avec d'autres pour civilian Tutsi population and eliminate elaborer un plan dans I'intention members of the opposition, so that they d'exterminer la population civile Tutsi et could remain in power. The components of d'eliminer des membres de I'opposition et this plan consisted of, among other things, se maintenir ainsi au pouvoir. Les elements recourse to hatred and ethnic violence, the de ce plan comportait, entre autres, Ie training of and distribution of weapons to recours it la haine et it la violence ethnique, militiamen as well as the preparation oflists l'entrainement et la distribution d'armes aux ofpeople to be eliminated. miliciens ainsi que la confection de listes de personnes it eliminer.

5.2 In December 1993 and January 1994, 5.2 En decembre 1993 et en janvier UNAMIR received information detailing 1994, la MINUAR a recu des informations the plan to exterminate the Tutsi population qui exposaient des details d'un plan concu and its "accomplices". aux fins d' exterminer la population Tutsi et ses "complices",

Speeches and Incitement Discours et Incitation

5.3 The incitement to ethnic hatred and 5.3 L'incitation it la haine et it la violence was a fundamental part ofthe plan violence ethniques a constitue un element put in place. It was articulated, before and essentiel du plan mis en place. Elle a ete during the genocide, by elements of the articulee, avant et durant Ie genocide, d'une FAR on the one hand, and by members of part par des elements des FAR, et d' autre the Government and local authorities on the part par des membres du gouvernement et other. des autorites locales.

5.4 On 4 December 1991, President 5.4 Le 4 decembre 1991, Ie President Juvenal Habyarimana set up a military Juvenal Habyarimana met en place une commission. The commission was given commission militaire. Cette commission the task of finding an answer to the etait chargee de repondre it la question following question: "What do we need to do suivante: "Que faut-il faire pour vaincre in order to defeat the enemy militarily.uulu: l'ennemi £ur leplan wi/itaim mediatique et media and ..ualiiicallx?". Lt. Col. Anatole palitiaue?". Le Lt Col. Anatole Nsengiyurnva, Colonel Theoneste Bagosora Nsengiyumva, Ie Colonel Theoneste

16 5. EXPOSE SUCCINCT DES FAITS: PREPARATION and Major Aloys Ntabakuze were members Bagosora et Le Major Aloys Ntabakuze ofthis commission. etaient membres de cette commission.

5.5 In a letter dated 21 September 1992, 5.5 Dans une lettre datee du 21 the General Staff of the Rwandan Army septembre 1992, I'Etat-Major de l'Armee ordered that an extract from the commission Rwandaise a ordonne la diffusion, parmi les report be circulated among the troops. The troupes, d'un extrait du rapport produit par letter came from the office of the Chief of cette commission. Cette lettre emanait du Intelligence (G-2), namely Lieutenant bureau du Chefdes renseignements (G-2), a Colonel Anatole Nsengiyumva. The extract savoir Ie Lieutenant Colonel Anatole defined the main enemy as follows: "The Nsengiyumva. Ce document definissait Tutsis from inside or outside the country, I'ennemi principal comme etant "le Tutsi de who are extremists and nostalgicfor power, l'interieur ou de I'exterieur, extremiste et who do not recognize and have never nostalgique du pouvoir, qui n 'a jamais recognized the realities of the Social reconnu et ne reconnait pas encore les Revolution of 1959, and are seeking to realites de la Revolution Sociale de 1949 et regain power in Rwanda by any means, qui veut reconquerir le pouvoir au Rwanda including taking up arms." The secondary par tous les moyens, y compris les armes"et enemy was defined as: "Anyone providing I'ennerni secondaire comme etant "toute any kind ofassistance to the main enemy". personne qui apporte tout concours a The document specified that the enemy was I'ennemiprincipal". Le document precisait being recruited from within certain social que Ie recrutement de l'ennemi se faisait groups, notably: "the Tutsis inside the parmi certains groupes sociaux, notamment country, Hutus who are dissatisfied with the : " ...Les Tutsi de l 'interieur, les Hutu present regime, foreigners married to Tutsi mecontents du regime en place, les women...". Among the activities the enemy etrangers maries auxfemmes Tutsi. .. " Parmi was accused of, the document mentioned les activites reprochees a I'ennemi, Ie "the diversion ofnational opinion from the document mentionnait Ie "...Detournement ethnic problem to the socio-economic de I'opinion nationale du probleme ethnique problem between the rich and the poor". vers leprobleme socio-economique entre les riches et les pauvres ".

5.6 The document and the use made ofit 5.6 Ce document et I'utilisation qu'en by the senior officers aided, encouraged and ont faite les officiers superieurs ont aide, promoted ethnic hatred and violence. encourage et favorise la haine et la violence ethniques.

The Militia Groups Les milices

5.7 The creation of the youth wings 5.7 La creation des ailes jeunesses satisfied two of the political parties' repondait a deux preoccupations au niveau concerns: to mobilize young people and to des partis politiques: mobiliser et sensitize them to politics. The MRND and sensibiliser les jeunes a la politique. Le CDR followed the example ofthe MDR and MRND et la CDR ont suivi I'exemple du RPF, which had already institutionalized MDR et du FPR qui avaient deja their youth movements. Political rivalries institutionnalise leurs mouvements de during the multi-party period exacerbated jeunesse. Les rivalites politiques de la

17 S. CONCISE STATEMENT OF THE FACTS: PREPARATION tensions. The "Interahamwe" and periode du multi-partisme ont exacerbe les "Impuzamugambi" began to be drawn tensions. Les "Interahamwe" et les astray from the time they were used to "Impuzamugambi" ont ete entraines dans la oppose with violence the political derive des lors qu'ils ont ete utilises pour demonstrations organized by parties ofthe s'opposer violemment aux manifestations opposition. politiques organisees par les partis de I'opposition.

5.8 In order to ensure that, when the 5.8 Afin de s'assurer qu'a terme, time came, the extermination ofthe enemy l'extermination de l'eunemi et de ses and its "accomplices" would be carried out "complices" se ferait rapidement et swiftly and effectively, it was necessary to efficacement, il etait necessaire de create a militia that was structured, armed constituer une milice, structuree, armee et and complementary to the Armed Forces. complementaire aux Forces Armees. Pour For the militia to be represented nationally, donner une representation nationale it cette Interahamwe committees were created at milice, des comites d'Interahamwe ont ete prefecture level. crees au niveau prefectoral.

5.9 As from 1993, and even before that 5.9 Des 1993 et rneme avant, dans un date, anxious to radicalize the Interahamwe souci de radicalisation du mouvement movement, the leaders of the MRND, in Interahamwe, les dirigeants du MRND en collaboration with officers of the FAR, collaboration avec des officiers des FAR, decided to provide military training to those ont decide de faire suivre aux elements les members most devoted to their extremist plus devoues it leur cause extremiste et it cause and to other idle youths. Furthermore, d'autres jeunes desoeuvres, un entrainement weapons were distributed to them. militaire. En outre, des armes leur ont ete distribuees.

Training ofthe Militia Groups L'entrainement des milices

5.10 The training was supervised by 5.10 L'entrainement etait supervise par military, including and civilian authorities. des militaires et des autorites civiles. Ces Training was conducted simultaneously in entrainements ont eu lieu simultanement several prefectures around the country: dans plusieurs prefectures du pays: Kigali, Kigali, Cyangugu, Gisenyi and Butare, as Cyangugu, Gisenyi, Butare et dans Ie secteur well as in the Mutara sector.Training also du Mutara.Ces entrainements se tenaient took place in military camps, notably dans des camps militaires, notamment les Gabiro, Gako, Mukamira and Bigogwe, as camps de Gabiro, Gako, Mukamira et de well as around these camps or in Bigogwe et egalement aux alentours de ces neighbouring forests. camps ou dans les forets avoisinantes.

5.11 The secret training ofthe militiamen 5.11 Les entrainements secrets des became more and more notorious. They miliciens sont devenus de plus en plus de could on some occasions be seen training in notoriete publique. On a pu les voir public places or on their way to the training s' entrainer, it certaines occasions, dans des sites, while chanting slogans inciting the endroits publics ou se diriger vers les sites

/'0 5. EXPOSE SUCCINCT DES FAITS: PREPARATION extermination ofthe enemy. d'entrainement, en chantant des slogans incitant it l'extennination de l'ennemi.

Distribution ofWeapons La distribution d'armes

5.12 In order to implement the plan for 5.12 Pour mettre en oeuvre Ie plan the extermination of the enemy and its d'extermination de I'ennemi et ses "accomplices", the militiamen were to "complices", les miliciens devaient recevoir, receive weapons, in addition to military en plus d'un entrainement militaire, des training. Hence, the military and civilian armes. Des lors, les autorites militaires et authorities distributed weapons to the civiles ont distribue des armes aux miliciens militiamen and certain carefully selected et it certains membres soigneusement choisis members of the civilian population in de la population civile, dans differentes various prefectures ofthe country, with the prefectures du pays, dans l'intention intent to exterminate the Tutsi population d'extenniner la population Tutsi et and eliminate its "accomplices". d'eliminer ses "complices",

Establishment ofLists Confection de listes

5.13 Having identified the Tutsi as the 5.13 Apres avoir identifie Ie Tutsi principal enemy and the members of the comme etant I'ennemi principal et les opposition as their accomplices, members of membres de l'opposition comme ses the Army General Staff, civilian authorities complices, des membres de l'Etat-Major de and militiamen established lists of people to I'Armee, des autorites civiles et des be executed. miliciens ont dresse des listes de personnes it executer,

5.14 On 10 January 1994, an 5.14 Le 10 janvier 1994, un dirigeant des Interahamwe leader informed UNAMIR that Interahamwe a inforrne la MINUAR qu'il he had received orders to establish lists of avait recu l'ordre de preparer des listes de Tutsi to be eliminated. Tutsi it eliminer.

5.15 From 7 April to late July, military 5.15 Du 7 avril it la fin juillet, des and militiamen massacred members of the militaires et des miliciens ont perpetre des Tutsi population and ofmoderate Hutu by massacres de membres de la population means ofpre-established lists, among other Tutsi et des Hutu moderes, entre autres it things. I'aide de listes pre-etablies,

Precursors Revealing A Deliberate Course Antecedents revelant une conduite ofAction de/iberee

5.16 The political and ethnic violence of 5.16 La violence ethnique et politique du the early 1990s was characterized by the use debut des annees 90 a ete caracterisee par of the elements of the strategy which l'utilisation des elements de la strategie qui achieved its finality in the genocide ofApril allait connaitre son aboutissement avec Ie 1994. The massacres ofthe Tutsi minority genocide de 1994. Les massacres de la

19 5. CONCISE STATEMENT OF THE FACTS: PREPARATION at that time, including those in Kibilira rninorite Tutsi perpetres it cette epoque, tels (1990), in Bugesera (1992), and those ofthe que ceux it Kibilira (1990), it Bugesera Bagogwe (1991), were instigated, facilitated (1992), et ceux it l'encontre des Bagogwe and organized by civilian and military (1991) ont ete suscites, facilites et organises authorities. On each occasion, a campaign par des autorites civiles et militaires. A ofincitement to ethnic violence, conducted chaque occasion nne campagne d'incitation by local authorities, was foJlowed by it la violence ethnique menee par des massacres ofthe Tutsi minority, perpetrated autorites locales a ete suivie de massacres de by groups ofmilitiamen and civilians, armed la minorite Tutsi, perpetres par des groupes and assisted by the same authorities and by de miliciens et de civils, annes et aides par certain military personnel. On each ces memes autorites et certains militaires. A occasion, these crimes remained unpunished chaque occasion, ces crimes sont demeures and the authorities implicated were impunis et les autorites impliquees n'ont generaJly not taken to task. generalement pas ete inquietees,



6.1 On 6 April 1994 at about 8:30 p.m., 6.1 Le 6 avril 1994 vers 20:30 heures, the plane carrying, among other passengers, l'avion transportantentre autres passagers Ie the President of the Republic, Juvenal President de la Republique du Rwanda, Habyarimana, was shot down on its JuvenalHabyarimana, a ete abattupeu avant approach to Kigali Airport, Rwanda. son atterrissage it I'aeroport de Kigali, Rwanda.

6.2 Following the crash of the 6.2 Apres la chute de I'avion President's plane, the Forces Armees presidentiel, les Forces Armees Rwandaises Rwandaises were left without leadership. se sont retrouvees sans direction. Le The President was dead, along with the President etait mort ainsi que Ie chefd'Etat­ Chief of Staff of the Rwandan Army, Major (AR), Ie Colonel Deogratias Colonel Deogratias Nsabimana. The Nsabimana. Le Ministre de la Defense, Minister of Defence, Augustin Bizimana, Augustin Bizimana et Ie responsable des and the Chief ofIntelligence Services (G2) renseignements (G2) de l'Etat-Major (AR), in the Rwandan AITny, Colonel Aloys Ie Colonel Aloys Ntiwiragabo, etaient en Ntiwiragabo, were on mission in the mission en Republique du Cameroun. Ces Republic of Cameroon. They returned to derniers sont revenus au pays dans les jours the country in the days that followed. qui ont suivi. Gratien Kabiligi, responsable Gratien Kabiligi, the officer in charge of des operations (G3) de l'Etat-Major (AR), operations (G3) in the Rwandan Army etait egalement en mission en Egypte et a General Staff, was also on mission in Egypt rejoint l'Etat-Major aussit6t informe de la and immediately returned to the situation. En I'absence du Ministre de la Headquarters when he was briefed about the Defense, Ie Colonel Theoneste Bagosora, situation. In the absence of the Minister of directeur de cabinet, s' est impose comme Defence, Colonel Theoneste Bagosora, I'homme de la situation it meme de gerer la directeur de cabinet, assertedhimself as the cnse. man of the moment capable of managingthe cnSIS.

6.3 During the night of 6 to 7 April, a 6.3 Dans la nuit du 6 au 7 avril, une first meeting mainly of officers of the two premiere reunion rassemblant General Staffs was held at the Rwandan principalement des officiers des deux Etat­ Army Headquarters in Kigali militarycamp. Majors s'est tenue it I'Etat-Major de The meeting was chaired by Theoneste I'Armee Rwandaise au camp de Kigali. Bagosora. During this meeting.Theoneste Cette reunion etait presidee par Theoneste Bagosora and other officers, including Bagosora. Au cours de cette rencontre, Major Kayurnba, expressed their desire to Theoneste Bagosora et d' autres officiers, take power. Despite the advice of certain parmi lesquels Ie Major Kayumba, ont people to involve Prime Minister Agathe manifesteleurvolonte deprendre Iepouvoir.


Uwilingiyimana in managing the crisis, Malgre les recommandations de certaines Theoneste Bagosora refused to consult her personnes d'associer le Premier Ministre, in any way, ceasing to acknowledge her , it la gestion de cette authority. crise, Theoneste Bagosora s'est oppose it toute consultation de cette derniere ne lui reconnaissant plus aucun pouvoir.

6.4 At dawn on 7 April 1994, the duty 6.4 A l'aube du 7 avril 1994, l'officier officer at the Rwandan Army headquarters, de permanence it l'Etat-Major de l'Armee Major Kayumba, was informed that gunfire Rwandaise, Ie Major Kayumba, a ete had been heard near the Prime Minister's informe que des coups de feu ont ete residence. He told his interlocutor that he entendus pres de la residence du Premier was aware ofthe situation, and said: "It's us Ministre. II a declare it son interlocuteur trying to prevent the Prime Minister from qu'il etait au courant de la situation et que going to the radio station." "c 'est nous qui voulons empecher le PM d 'aller ala radio.

6.5 In the morning of 7 April, another 6.5 Dans la matinee du 7 avril, une meeting ofthe FAR officers was held at the nouvelle reunion des officiers des FAR s' est Ecole Superieure Militaire (ESM). Were tenue it l'Ecole Superieure Militaire (ESM). present the commanding officers of the Etaient presents: des officiers commandants sectors of operation in Rwanda, the des secteurs operationnels du Rwanda, des commanders of the military camps and commandants des camps militaires et des officers ofthe General Staffs (AR and GN). officiers d'Etat-Major (AR et GN). Le The meeting was chaired by Colonel Colonel Theoneste Bagosora a dirige cette Theoneste Bagosora. He reiterated his reunion. II a reitere sa position et maintenu position, maintaining that the military que les militaires devaient prendre le should take power. Again, Colonel pouvoir. Le Colonel Theoneste Bagosora Theoneste Bagosora refused that the Prime s'est it nouveau oppose it toute consultation Minister be consulted, adding that he did not du Premier Ministre, ajoutant qu'il ne savait know ifshe was still alive. pas si celle ci etait toujours en vie.

6.6 While this meeting was going on, 6.6 Pendant que se deroulait la reunion, Prime Minister Agathe Uwilingiyimana was Ie Premier Ministre, Madame Agathe tracked down, found and then executed by Uwilingiyimana etait recherchee, retrouvee Rwandan Army personnel, more puis executee par des membres de l' Armee specifically, members of the Presidential Rwandaise, plus particulierement ceux de la Guard, the Para-Commando Battalion and Garde Presidentielle, du bataillon Para­ the Reconnaissance Battalion. Concurrently, Commando et du bataillon de members of the same units arrested, Reconnaissance. Parallelement it cet confined and killed important opposition assassinat, des membres de ces memes leaders. Hence, the following were killed: unites ont arrete, sequestre et tue des leaders the President ofthe Constitutional Court, the importants de I'opposition. C'est ainsi Chairman ofthe PSD party and Minister of qu'ont ete tues: Ie President de la Cour Agriculture, the Vice-Chairman of the PL Constitutionnelle, le President du PSD et party and Minister of Labour and Ministre de I'Agriculture, Ie Vice-President


Community Affairs, as well as a member of du PL et Ministre du Travail et des Affaires the Political Bureau of the MDR, the Sociales ainsi qu'un membre du Bureau Minister of Information. That same Politique du MDR, Ministre de morning, the ten Belgian para-commandos l'Information, Dans la meme matinee, les 10 from UNAMIR who were dispatched to the Para-Commandos belges de la MINUAR qui Prime Minister residence to escort her to the avaient ete envoyes it la residence du radio were murdered at Kigali military Premier Ministre pour l'escorter it la radio camp. etaient assassines au camp militaire de Kigali.

6.7 The elimination ofpolitical opponents 6.7 L' elimination des opposants made it possible to set aside the politiques a permis d'ecarter la mise en establishment ofthe Broad-Based Transition place du Gouvemement de Transition it Base Government (BBTG), stipulated in the Elargie (G.T.B.E.), prevue aux Accords Arusha Accords, in favour of an Interim d'Arusha, au profit d'un Gouvemement Government which would aid and abet the Interimaire qui allait aider et encourager la continuation ofthe massacres. The murder continuation des massacres. L'assassinat des of the Belgian soldiers prompted the militaires belges a provoque le retrait de la withdrawal of most of UNAMIR's majeure partie des contingents de la contingents. Those two events removed the MINUAR. Ces deux evenements ont ecarte two major obstacles to the pursuit of the les deux obstacles majeurs it la poursuite des massacres. massacres.

The Murder a/the Prime Minister L'assassinat du Premier Ministre

6.8 After the death of the President of 6.8 Apres la mort du President de la the Republic, the Prime Minister was the Republique le Premier ministre etait appropriate authorityto ensure continuity of l'autorite indiquee it meme d'assurer la the regime. Hence, it was suggested and continuite du pouvoir. Il etait des lors envisaged that she address the nation in suggere et envisage qu'elle s'adresse it la order to re-establish state's authority and nation pour retablir I'autorite de I'etat et calm the population. apaiser la population.

6.9 Therefore, in the night of 6 to 7 6.9 Aussi dans la nuit du 6 au 7 avril April 1994, a number of Belgian military 1994, des soldats belges ont recu l'ordre personnel were ordered to go to the Prime d'aller au domicile du Premier Ministre pour Minister's residence and to escort her to the l'escorter jusqu'a la Radio Nationale ou elle national radio station, where she was to devait prononcer un discours. Arrives it la make an address. When they arrived at the residence du Premier Ministre, vers 5. 00 Prime Minister's residence at around 5:00 heures, ils ont ete attaques par des militaires a.m., they were attacked by FAR personnel, des FAR, parmi lesquels des elements de la including elements from the Presidential Garde Presidentielle, du Bataillon Para­ Guard, the Para-Commando Battalion and Commando et du Bataillon de the Reconnaissance battalion. Reconnaissance.

6.10 Thereafter, Major Bernard 6.10 Par la suite, le Major Bernard


Ntuyahaga ordered the abduction of the Ntuyahaga a fait proceder a l'enlevement members of the close protection team de la garde rapprochee du Premier ministre provided to the Prime Minister by fournie par la MINUAR. Les soldats UNAMIR. The Ghanaian soldiers who ghaneens qui en constituaient les elements constituted the close protection team were ont ete amenes au camp de Kigali en meme taken to Kigali Camp, along with the temps que les soldats belges depeches pour Belgian soldiers who had been dispatched to assurer son escorte. escort her.

6.11 Immediately thereafter, members of 6.11 Aussitot apres, des membres de la the Presidential Guard, the Para-Commando Garde Presidentielle, du Bataillon Para­ Battalion and the Reconnaissance Battalion Commando et du Bataillon de proceeded to track down, arrest, sexually Reconnaissance ont traque, arrete, agresse assault and kill the Prime Minister, Agathe sexuellement et tue Ie Premier Ministre, Uwilingiyimana. Madame Agathe Uwilingiyimana.

6.12 By preventing the UNAMIR 6.12 En empechant les elements de la personnel from protecting and escorting the MINUAR de proteger et d'escorter Ie Prime Minister, Bernard Ntuyahaga Premier Ministre, Ie major Bernard facilitated her assassination. Ntuyahaga a facilite l'assassinat de cette derniere.

Campaign against Belgians and MINUAR Campagne anti-belge visant la MINUAR et and the murder .of the 10 Belgian para­ l'assassinat des 10 para commandos belges commandos ofUNAMIR. delaMINUAR

6.13 UNAMIR was formed in order to 6.13 La MINUAR avait ete instituee dans facilitate the peaceful establishment of the Ie but de faciliter la mise en place pacifique institutions foreseen under the Arusha des institutions prevues aux Accords Accords. This United Nations military force d' Arusha. Cette force militaire des Nations was perceived as an obstacle by certain Unies etait percue comme un obstacle par members of the extremist political circles. certains membres de la classe politique Certain eminent figures in this circle thus extremiste, Aussi des personnalites de ce adopted a strategy intended to provoke the groupe ont adopte une strategie visant Ii Belgian military contingent, UNAMIR's provoquer les militaires belges qui most effective and best-equipped constituait Ie contingent Ie plus efficace et Ie contingent. Their ultimate goal was to force mieux equipe de la MINUAR. L'objectifIi them to withdraw. terme etait de forcer leur retrait.

6.14 Hence, a propaganda campaign 6.14 Dans cet esprit, une campagne de against the Belgians was run, notably with propagande anti-beIge a ete menee, the aid of the media, such as Radio notamment par Ie truchement des moyens Television Libre des Mille Collines (RTLM) mediatiques tels que la Radio Television and the newspaper Kangura. Libre des Mille Collines (RTLM) et Ie journal Kangura.


6.15 On 7 January 1994, Mathieu 6.15 Le 7 janvier 1994, Mathieu Ngirumpatse, Augustin Bizimana, Augustin Ngirumpatse, Augustin Bizimana, Augustin Ndindiliyimana, Deogratias Nsabimana, Ndindiliyimana, Deogratias Nsabimana, Robert Kajuga and other influential MRND Robert Kajuga et d' autres membres influents members participated in a meeting at the du MRND ont participe it une reunion au MRND headquarters. On that occasion, they quartier general du MRND. A cette decided to provoke the Belgians by various occasion, ils ont decide de provoquer les means, notably during the demonstration Belges, par differents moyens, notamment which was to take place on 8 January 1994. lors de la manifestation du 8 janvier 1994.

6.16 Indeed, on 8 January 1994, elements 6.16 En effet, Ie 8 janvier 1994, des ofthe Para-Commando Battalion and ofthe elements du Bataillon Para-Commando et de Presidential Guard in civilian clothes la Garde Presidentielle en tenue civile ont participated in the said demonstration with participe it ladite manifestation avec des a number of Interahamwe. They had hidden Interahamwe. Ils avaient cache des armes weapons in the vicinity ofthe demonstration aux alentours des lieux de la manifestation with the intent to kill some Belgian dans Ie but de tuer des militaires belges de la UNAMIR soldiers. Finally, no Belgian MINUAR. Finalement, aucune patrouille UNAMIR partol was sent to the scene. beige de la MINUAR ne s'est presente sur les lieux.

6.17 On 26 January 1994, Joseph 6.17 Le 26 janvier 1994, Joseph Nzirorera, Edouard Karemera, Jean Nzirorera, Edouard Karemera, Jean Habyarimana and the Chairman of the Habyarimana et le President des Interahamwe, Robert Kajuga, participated in Interahamwe, Robert Kajuga, ont participe a meeting at the MRND headquarters. They it une reunion au quartier general du MRND. worked out a strategy to set the Ils ont elabore une strategie pour monter les Interahamwe against the Belgian troops. Interahamwe contre les troupes belges.

6.18 Consequently, the ten Belgian para­ 6.18 Consequement les dix para commandos sent to escort the Prime commandos belges envoyes pour assurer Minister were disarmed and arrested on their I'escorte du Premier ministre, it peine arrives arrival at her residence, along with the five it la residence de celle-ci ont ete desarmes et Ghanaian soldiers who were guarding the arretes. Malgre leur reddition negociee en residence. Despite their negotiated presence du major Bernard Ntuyahaga et surrender, the presence ofMajor Bernard la promesse d'etre conduits it une base de la Ntuyahaga and the promise that they would MINUAR, les militaires belges et ghaneens be taken to a UNAMIR base, the Belgian ont ete amenes au camp de Kigali par Ie and Ghanaian soldiers were taken to Kigali major Bernard Ntuyahaga. Le major camp by Major Bernard Ntuyahaga. Bernard Ntuyahaga les a transportes au Major Bernard Ntuyahaga took them to camp de Kigali dans un minibus de I'Armee Kigali camp in a Rwandan Army minibus rwandaise qui attendait devant la residence which was waiting in front of the Prime du Premier Ministre au moment de la Minister's residence when the UN soldiers redition des soldats de 1'0.N.U. surrendered.


6.19. When he arrived at the camp with 6.19 A son arrivee au camp de Kigali the UNAMIR soldiers, Major Bernard avec les militaires de la MINUAR Ie major Ntuyahaga addressed the Rwandan soldiers Bernard Ntuyahaga s'est adresse aux who were there and asserted that the Belgian miltaires rwandais presents sur les lieux en soldiers were responsible for the death of leur affirmant que les soldats belges etaient President Habyarimana. Immediately responsables de la mort du President thereafter, the UNAMIR soldiers were Habyarimana. Immediatement apres les attacked and beaten byRwandan soldiers in soldats de la MINUAR ont ete attaques et front ofRwandan Army officers, including battus par des militaires rwandais, et ce Major Bernard Ntuyahaga. Four of the devant des officiers de I'Arrnee Rwandaise Belgian soldiers were killed on the spot. parmi lesquels Bernard Ntuyahaga. Quatre Meanwhile, the Ghanaian soldiers were set militaires belges ont ete tues sur le champ. free. The six remaining Belgian soldiers Pendant ce temps, les soldats ghaneens ont withstood several attacks for a number of ete Iiberes, Les six autres militaires belges hours before finally being killed. ont resiste a plusieurs attaques pendant quelques heures avant d'etre acheves.

6.20 Colonel Theoneste Bagosora and 6.20 A une centaine de metres de ces Augustin Ndindiliyimana were about 100 lieux, Colonel Theoneste Bagosora et metres away, participating in a meeting at Augustin Ndindiliyimana participaient a une the staff college (Ecole Superieure reunion a I'Ecole Superieure Militaire. Ils Militaire). They were informed by the Camp ont He informes, par Ie Commandant du Commander, Lt. Nubaha, that the Belgian camp, Ie Lt Nubaha, que des militaires UNAMIR soldiers were under risk ofdeath belges de la MINUAR etaient en danger de at Kigali military camp. Other officers, mort au camp militaire de Kigali. Certains including Francois-Xaxier Nzuwonemeye, officiers, parmi lesquels, Francois-Xavier joined the meeting after leaving Kigali Nzuwonemeye, ont rejoint la reunion apres military camp while the assaults against the avoir quitte Ie camp de Kigali, alors que les Belgian soldiers were still being perpetrated attaques contre les soldats belges se and four ofthem were already dead. poursuivaient et que quatre d'entre eux avaient deja ete tues,

6.21 Informed ofthe danger faced by the 6.21 Informes du danger que les soldats Belgian soldiers at Kigali military camp, belges encouraient, Theoneste Bagosora et Theoneste Bagosora and Augustin Augustin Ndindiliyimana n' ont pris aucune Ndindiliyimana did not take any decision decision et ont poursuivi la reunion and carried on with the meeting until around jusqu'aux alentours de 12.00 heures. 12:00 noon.

6.22 Due to the anti-Belgian propaganda 6.22 En raison de la propagande anti­ and the murder of the ten Belgian para­ BeIge et de l'assassinat des 10 para­ commandos, informed the Security commando belges, la Belgique a informe Ie Council on 13 April 1994 that it was Conseil de Securite, Ie 13 avril 1994, qu'elle withdrawing its contingent from Rwanda. A retirait son contingent du Rwanda. Une week later, the Security Council ordered a semaine apres, Ie Conseil de Securite a drastic reduction ofUNAMIR's civilian and ordonne une reduction drastique du

26 6: EXPOSE SUCCINCT DES FAITS: AUTRES VIOLATIONS DlJ DROIT INTERNATIONAL HUMANITAIRE military personnel. personnel civil et militaire de la MlNUAR.

Responsibility Responsabillte

6.23 Starting on 7 April, everywhere in 6.23 Des le 7 avril, partout au Rwanda, Rwanda, elements of the Rwandan Army, des elements de I'Armee Rwandaise, de la Gendarmerie and Interahamwe perpetrated Gendarmerie et des Interahamwe sesont massacres of the civilian Tutsi population. livres a des massacres contre la population Concurrently, elements of the Presidential civile Tutsi. Parallelement, des elements de Guard, Para-Commando Battalion and la Garde Presidentielle, du Bataillon Para Reconnaissance Battalion murdered political Commando et du Bataillon de opponents. Numerous massacres of the Reconnaissance ont assassine des opposants civilian Tutsi population took place in politiques. De nombreux massacres de la places where they had sought refuge for population civile Tutsi se sont deroules dans their safety. des endroits ou ils s'etaient refugies pour leur securite,

6.24 From April to July 1994, several 6.24 D'avril a juillet 1994, plusieurs hundred thousand people were massacred centaines de milliers de personnes ont ete throughout Rwanda. The majority of the massacrees sur tout Ie territoire dn Rwanda. victims were killed solely because they were La plupart des victimes ont ete tuees pour la Tutsi or appeared to be Tutsi. The other seule raison qu' elles etaient des Tutsi ou victims, nearly all Hutu, were killed because ressemblaient a des Tutsi. Les autres they were considered Tutsi accomplices, victimes, surtout des Hutu, ont ete tuees were linked to them through. marriage or parce qu'elles etaient qualifiees de complice were opposed to the extremist Hutu des Tutsi, liees aces derniers par mariage ou ideology. opposees aI'ideologie Hutu extremiste.

6.25 The massacres thus perpetrated were 6.25 Les massacres perpetres furent Ie the result of a strategy adopted and resultat d'une strategie adoptee et elaboree elaborated by political, civil and military par des autorites politiques, civiles et authorities in the country, who conspired to militaires du pays qui se sont entendues pour exterminate the Tutsi population. exterminer la population Tutsi.

6.26 During the events referred to in this 6.26 Lors des evenements auxquels se indictment, rapes, sexual assaults and other refere Ie present acte d' accusation, des viols, crimes of a sexual nature were widely and des agressions sexuelles et d' autres crimes notoriously committed throughout Rwanda. de nature sexuelle ont ete commis, d'une These crimes were perpetrated by, among facon generalisee et notoire sur tout Ie others, soldiers, militiamen and gendarmes territoire du Rwanda. Ces crimes ont ete against the Tutsi population, in particular perpetres, entre autres, par des militaires, des Tutsi women and girls. miliciens et des gendarmes contre la population Tutsi, en particulier des femmes et des jeunes filles Tutsi.


6.27 Military officers, members of the 6.27 Des officiersmilitaires, des membres Interim Government, militia leaders and du GouvernementInterimaire, des dirigeants local authorities aided and abetted their des miliciens et des autorites locales ont aide subordinates and others in carrying out the et encourage leurs subordonnes et des tiers it massacres of the Tutsi population and its commettre les massacres de la population "accomplices". Without the complicity of Tutsi et de ses "complices", Sans la the local and national civil and military complicite des autorites locales et authorities, the principal massacres would nationales, civiles et militaires, les not have occurred. principaux massacres n'auraient pas eu lieu.

6.28 From April to July 1994,by virtue of 6.28 D'avril it juillet 1994, de par ses his function, his statements, the orders he fonctions, ses propos, les ordres qu'il a gave and his acts, Bernard Ntuyahaga, donnes et ses actes, Bernard Ntuyahaga, a exercised authority over members of the exerce une autorite sur des membres des Forces Armees Rwandaises. These military Forces Armees Rwandaises. Ces militaires and some militiamen, as from 6 April 1994, et des miliciens ont commis des Ie 6 avril committed massacres of the Tutsi des massacres contre la population tutsi et population and of moderate Hutu. These contre des hutu moderes. Ces crimes se sont crimes extended over a large part of etendus sur une grande partie du territoire Rwandan territory, with the knowledge of rwandais.Le major Bernard Ntuyahaga en Bernard Ntuyahaga, avait connaissance.

6.29 Bernard Ntuyahaga, acting in 6.29 Bernard Ntuyahaga, agissant de concert with others, participated in the concert avec d'autres, a participe it execution ofa common scheme, strategy or I'execution d'un plan, d'une strategic ou plan, to commit the atrocities set forth d'un dessein commun, afin de perpetrer les above. The crimes were committed by him atrocites enoncees ci-dessus, Ces crimes ont personally, by persons he assisted or by his ete perpetres par lui-merne ou par des subordinates, and with his knowledge or personnes qu' il a aidees ou par ses consent. subordonnes, alors qu'il en avait connaissance ou y consentait. THE COUNTS LES CHEFS D'ACCUSATION

COUNTl Premier cbefd'accl!satiQD

By the acts or omISSIOns described in Par les actes et omissions decrits aux paragraphs 5.1 to 6.29 and more specifically paragraphes 5.1 it 6.29 et plus in the paragraphs referred to below; particulerement aux paragraphes referencies ci-dessous;

Bernard Ntuyahaga Bernard Ntuyahaga

-pursuant to Article 6(1), according to -conformement it I'article 6(1), selon les paragraphs: 6.10, 6.12, 6.18 and 6.19, paragraphes: 6.10,6.12,6.18,6.19, conspired with others to kill and cause s'est entendu avec d'autres pour tuer et serious bodily or mental harm to members porter des atteintes graves it l'integrite of the Tutsi population with the intent to physique et mentale de la population tutsi destroy, in whole or in part, a racial or dans I'intention de detruire en tout ou en ethnic group, and thereby committed partie ce groupe ethnique ou racial et a de ce CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT fait commis Ie crime d'ENTENTE EN GENOCIDE, a crime stipulated in Article VUE DE COMMETTRE LE 2(3)(b) of the Statute of the Tribunal, for GENOCIDE tel que prevu it l'article 2(3) which he is individually responsible (b) du Statut du Tribunal pour lequel il est pursuant to Article 6 and which is individuellement responsable en vertu de punishable in reference to Articles 22 and 23 l'article 6 du Statut et punissable en vertu ofthe Statute. des articles 22 et 23 du Statut,

COUNT 2 Deuxieme cbefd'accnsatjoD

By the acts or omISSIOns described in Par les actes et omissions decrits aux paragraphs 5.1 to 6.29 and more specifically paragraphes 5.1 it 6.29 et plus in the paragraphs referred to below; particulerement aux paragraphes referencies ci-dessous;

Bernard Ntuyahaga Bernard Ntnyahaga

-pursuant to Article 6(1), according to -conformement it l' article 6(1), selon les paragraphs: 6.12,6.19,6.23,6.24,6.25, and paragraphes: 6.12, 6.19, 6.23, 6.24, 6.25, 6.28, 6.28,

is responsible for killing and causing serious est responsable de meurtres et d'atteintes bodily or mental harm to members of the graves it I'integrite physique et mentale de Tutsi population with the intent to destroy, membres de la population tutsi dans in whole or in part, a racial or ethnic group, l'intention de detruire en tout ou en partie ce and thereby committed GENOCIDE, a groupe ethnique et raciale et a, de ce fait, crime stipulated in Article 2(3)(a) of the commis le crime de GENOCIDE prevu it Statute of the Tribunal, for which he is l'article 2 (3)(a) du Statut du Tribunal pour individually responsible pursuant to Article lequel il est individuellement responsable en

29 6 and which is punishable in reference to vertu de l'article 6 du Statut et punissable Articles 22 and 23 ofthe Statute. en vertu des articles 22 et 23 du Statut.du Statut du Tribunal. altern atjyely alternatjyement

By the acts or omissions described in Par les actes et omissions decrits aux paragraphs 5.1 to 6.29 and more specifically paragraphes 5.1 it 6.29 et plus in the paragraphs referred to below; particulerement aux paragraphes referencies ci-dessous;

Bernard Ntuyahaga Bernard Ntuyahaga

-pursuant to Article 6(1), according to -conformement it I' article 6(1), selon les paragraphs: 6.12,6.19,6.23,6.24, 6.25, and paragraphes: 6.12, 6.19, 6.23, 6.24, 6.25, 6.28, 6.28, is responsible for killing and causing serious est responsable de meurtres et d'atteintes bodily or mental harm to members of the graves it l'integrite physique et mentale de Tutsi population with the intent to destroy, membres de la population tutsi dans in whole or in part, a racial or ethnic group, l'intention de detruire en tout ou en partie ce and thereby committed COMPLICITY IN groupe ethnique et raciale et a, de ce fait, GENOCIDE, a crime stipulated in Article commis Ie crime de COMPLICITE DE 2(3)(e) of the Statute of the Tribunal, for GENOCIDE prevu it I'article 2 (3)(e) du which he is individually responsible Statut du Tribunal pour lequel il est pursuant to Article 6 and which is individuellement responsable en vertu de punishable in reference to Articles 22 and 23 I' article 6 du Statut et punissable en vertu ofthe Statute. des articles 22 et 23 du Statuto

COUNT 3 Troisjeme chef d'accusatiou

By the acts or omISSIOns described in Par les actes et omissions decrits aux paragraphs 5.1 to 6.29 and more specifically paragraphes 5.1 it 6.29 et plus in the paragraphs referred to below; particulerement aux paragraphes referencies ci-dessous;

Bernard Ntuyahaga Bernard Ntuyahaga

-pursuant to Article 6(1) and Article 6(3), -conformement it I'article 6(l)et it I' article 6 according to paragraphs: 6.18 and 6.19 (3), selon les paragraphes: 6.18,6.19 is responsible for murdering the ten Belgian est responsable de l'assassinat des dix soldiers as part of a widespread and soldats belges dans Ie cadre d'une attaque systematic attack against a civilian generale ou systematique dirigee contre la population on political or national grounds, population civile, a raison de son and thereby committed a CRIME appartenance nationale ou politique et a, de AGAINST HUMANITY, a crime ce fait, commis un CRIME CONTRE

30 stipulated in Article 3(a) ofthe Statute ofthe L'HUMANITE tel que prevu it I'article 3(a) Tribunal, for which he is individually du Statut du Tribunal pour lequel il est responsible pursuant to Article 6 and which individuellement responsable en vertu de is punishable in reference to Articles 22 and I'article 6 du Statut et punissable en vertu 23 ofthe Statute. des articles 22 et 23 du Statut.

COUNT 4 Quatrjeme chef d'accusation

By the acts or omISSIOns described in Par les actes et omissions decrits aux paragraphs 5.1 to 6.29 and more specifically paragraphes 5.1 it 6.29 et plus in the paragraphs referred to below; particulerement aux paragraphes referencies ci-dessous;

Bernard Ntuyahaga Bernard Ntuyahaga

-pursuant to Article 6(1) and Article 6(3), -conformement it I'article 6(1) et it I'article according to paragraphs: 6.10, 6.18 and 6 (3), selon les paragraphes: 6.10, 6.18, 6.19, 6.19,

is responsible for killing and causing est responsable de meurtre et d'atteintes violence to the life often Belgian soldiers as portees it la vie de dix soldats belges, au part of an armed internal conflict, and cours d'un conflit arme non international et thereby committed SERIOUS a, de ce fait, commis le crime de VIOLATIONS OF ARTICLE 3 VIOLATIONS GRAVES DE COMMON TO THE GENEVA L'ARTICLE 3 COMMUN AUX CONVENTIONS AND ADDITIONAL CONVENTIONS DE GENEVE ET DU PROTOCOL II, a crime stipulated in PROTOCOLE ADDITIONNEL II tel que Article 4 (a) ofthe Statute ofthe Tribunal, prevu it l'article 4(a) du Statut du Tribunal for which he is individually responsible pour lequel il est individuellement pursuant to Article 6 and which is responsable en vertu de l' article 6 du Statut punishable in reference to Articles 22 and 23 et punissable en vertu des articles 22 et 23 ofthe Statute. du Statut.

COUNTS Cinquieme chefd'accusatjon

By the acts or omISSIOns described in Par les actes et omissions decrits aux paragraphs 5.1 to 6.29 and more specifically paragraphes 5.1 it 6.29 et plus in the paragraphs referred to below; particulerement aux paragraphes referencies ci-dessous;

Bernard Ntuyahaga Bernard Ntuyahaga

-pursuant to Article 6(1), according to -conformement it l'article 6(1), selon les paragraphs: 6.10 and 6.12 paragraphes: 6.10,6.12 pursuant to Article 6(3), according to -ce conformement it l'article 6 (3), selon les

31 paragraphs: 6.6 and 6.11 paragraphes 6.6, 6.11 is responsible for murdering the Prime est responsable de l'assassinat du Premier Minister, Agathe Uwilingiyimana, as part of ministre Agathe Uwilingiyimana dans Ie a widespread and systematic attack against cadre d'une attaque generale ou a civilian population on political or national systematique dirigee contre la population grounds, and thereby committed a CRIME civile, it raison de son appartenance AGAINST HUMANITY, a crime nationale ou politique et a, de ce fait, stipulated in Article 3(a) ofthe Statute ofthe commis un CRIME CONTRE Tribunal, for which he is individually L'HUMANITE tel que prevu it l'article 3(a) responsible pursuant to Article 6 and which du Statut du Tribunal pour lequel il est is punishable in reference to Articles 22 and individuellement responsable en vertu de 23 ofthe Statute. I'article 6 du Statut et punissable en vertu des articles 22 et 23 du Statut.

Bernard A. Muna Bernard A. Muna Deputy Prosecutor Procureur Adjoint


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