The London Gazette, 21 November, 1924. 8439

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The London Gazette, 21 November, 1924. 8439 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 21 NOVEMBER, 1924. 8439 -so deposited, and of the Order when made, can reservoir known as " the Debank Service be obtained at the price of one shilling each, Reservoir " in the parish of Lowe; an im- at the offices of the undersigned Solicitors or pounding reservoir known as " the Upper Parliamentary Agents. Blackshaw Moor Reservoir " partly in the Every company corporation or person parish of Tittesworth and partly in the parish desirous of making any representation to the of Bradnop and Cawdry (Detached No. 1); Minister of Health or of bringing before him and an impounding reservoir known as " the any objection respecting the application, may Lower Blackshaw Moor Reservoir " partly in do so by letter addressed to the Secretary, the parish of Bradnop and Cawdry (Detached Ministry of Health, Whitehall, London, on or No. 1) and partly in the parish of Tittesworth. before the 15th day of January next, and copies 3. To authorise the Council to appropriate of their representation or objections must a,t the waters of the River Churnet and all streams the same time be sent to the undersigned Soli- and waters intercepted by any of the before- citors or Parliamentary Agents and in forward- mentioned works. ing to the Minister of Health such representa- 4. To enable the Council by compulsion or tion or objections the objectors or their agents agreement to acquire lands and parts only of .should state that a copy has been so forwarded. certain property and easements in the before- mentioned parishes and urban district and to Dated this 20th day of November, 1924. provide that any lands acquired or works con- structed or the purchase or construction PARROTT AND COALES, Solicitors, Ayles- whereof is confirmed under the intended Act bury. shall form part of the water undertaking of SHERWOOD AND Co., 22, Abingdon the Council. Street, Westminster, Parliamentary 5. To empower the Council to purchase or .(071) Agents. acquire compulsorily or by agreement lands in the parish of Leekfrith being the fields or enclosures numbered in the said parish 437 In Parliament.—Session 1925. to 446, 450 to 457, 464 to 466 and 473 to 475 and part of 472 on the 2suo Ordnance. Map (Sheets IV. 11 and 15 Second Edition 1899) LEEK URBAN DISTRICT COUNCIL and easements or rights of passage or way or WiATER. other rights over or in respect of an occupation TVTOTICE is hereby giyen that application is road in the parish of Heathylee commencing •^ intended to be made to Parliament in at the northern end of the enclosure numbered the Session of 1925 by the Urban District in the said parish 901 on the 25'00 Ordnance Council of Leek in the County of Stafford Map (Sheet IV.11 Second Edition 1899) and (hereinafter referred to as '' the Council '') for terminating at the junction of the said occu- an Act for all or some of the following pur- pation road with the main road from Leek to poses (that is to say): — Buxton, and over or in respect of an occupation road in the parishes of Bradnop 1. To empower the Council to make and and Cawdry (Detached No. 1) Leekfrith maintain waterworks for the purpose of (Detached) and Tittesworth commencing impounding the waters of the River Churnet at the south east corner of the enclosure and other streams'in the parishes of Heathy lee numbered in the parish of Bradnop and and Bradnop and Cawdry (Detached No. 1) in Cawdry (Detached No. 1) 20 on the 25*00 the rural district of Leek. The said works Ordnance Map (Sheet IV.15 Second Edition include: — 1899) and terminating at the junction of the An impounding reservoir to be called " the said occupation road with the said main road Swainsmoor Reservoir " in the parish of from Leek to Buxton. Heathylee to be formed by an embankment 6. To empower the Council to break up and or dam across the River Churnet; an impound- interfere with streets public or private and ing reservoir to be called " the Big Wood various other properties and works; to alter or Reservoir " partly in the parish of Heathylee increase the rates rents and charges for water and partly in the parish of Bradnop and and meters and fittings; to provide as to supply Cawdry (Detached No. 1) to be formed by of water for other than domestic purposes and an embankment or dam across the stream, supply to premises partly used for trade and running through the wood known as other premises and to confer vary or extinguish Big Wood; a service reservoir at Kniveden in exemptions from rates rents and charges. the parish of Lowe; a catchwater, aqueduct, 7. To make provision as to payment of rates conduit, line or lines of pipes in the parish of by owners of small houses, the supply of water Heathylee; access roads in the parishes of for horses and washing motor cars and car- Heathylee, Bradnop and Cawdry (Detached riages, payment of water rates, pipes and No. 1) and Lowe; and aqueducts or lines of fittings, byelaws, waste or contamination of pipes in the parishes of Heathylee, Tittesworth, water, requirements as to water fittings, meters Leekfrith and Lowe in the rural district of and supply by meter, maintenance of common Leek and the urban district of Leek. pipes, supply of several premises by one pipe, 2. To sanction and confirm the construction cutting off supplies/ and relieving Council from of existing waterworks of the Council and supplying in certain cases, notices, amending the acquisition of lands or interests therein Section 35 of the Waterworks Clauses Act, acquired in connection therewith, including a 1847; interference with or injury to and pro- collecting tank together with collecting vision, supply, fixing, repairing and removal of chambers and apparatus in the parishes of fittings and apparatus, entry on premises, re- Leekfrith and Heathylee; lines of pipes in the covery of charges, notices, proceedings and parishes of Tittesworth, Heathylee and Lowe penalties, giving and receiving supplies in bulk and the urban district of Leek; a service or otherwise, connecting pipes with mains,.
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