DIRECTORY.] STAFFORDSHIRE. of china, porcelain, majolica, parirun, granite "Ware and The Registration Districts are:- ironstone china., parian and porcelain statuary rund en --- - ---------- caustic tiles ; all these articles a"OO brought to great per No. Name. Area. Pop. 1891. fection ; also earthenware and sanitary ware, besides stoneware articles used by druggists ; crates used foT ------------- -----1·------ packing china rund earthenware are made in large quanti ties. 359 Stafford .................... 57,897 31,302 The blue brick pavement for footways is made at Can 360 Stone .............•.......... 68,420 19,639 nock, and fire-bricks at Cosley and neighbouThood. The 361 N ewcastle-under-Lyme .. 29,403 40,345 glass amd plate glass works are mostly at Smethwiok, West 362 W olstantoB ................. 14,075 99·545 Bromwich and Kingswinford. Cement is made at Gnosall, 363 Stoke-upon-Trent ....... .. 12,304 155,422 and plaster of Paris at Rugeley and Chartley. Briok and 364 Leek ........................... 75,881 41,867 tile, lime burning and the manufacture of scythe 365 Cheadle .................... 54,169 24,657 stones aTe also carried on. The salt works of Weston amd 366 Uttoxeter.................... 66,148 15,808 Shirleywich have long been famed for the quantities pro 367 Burton-upon-Trent ....•. 88,215 92,814 duced. There are also copper miners, lead miners and 368 Tarn worth .................... 44.519 24,667 quarrymen. 'fhe boot and shoe maamfacture employs a 369 Lichfield .................... 76,8go 42,542 large number of persons, besides toomrs, curriers a111d sad 370 Cannook ..................... 68,830 47,636 dlers; and is carried oo mostly at Stafford, Newcastle, 371 Wolverhampton ..........
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