July 11, 2021 St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church

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July 11, 2021 St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time —July 11, 2021 St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church 5301 Daylight Drive, Evansville, IN 47725 / (812) 867-3718 / www.catholicdaylight.org Daily Novena Prayer to St. Joseph O Saint Joseph, whose protection is so great, Mass so strong, so prompt before the throne of Saturday, 5:00 pm God, I place in you all my interests and Sunday, 7:00 am & 10:00 am Tuesday, 8:00 am desires. Wednesday, 6:00 pm O Saint Joseph, do assist me by your powerful Thursday, 8:00 am intercession and obtain for me from your Friday, 8:00 am divine Son all spiritual blessings through Jesus First Saturday, 8:00 am Christ, Our Lord, so that having experienced here below your heavenly power, I may offer Reconciliation my thanksgiving and homage to the most Saturday, 4:00–4:45 pm loving of fathers. Sunday, 6:15–6:45 am O Saint Joseph, I never weary of Tuesday, 7:15–7:45 am contemplating you and Jesus asleep in your Wednesday, 5:15–5:45 pm arms. I dare not approach while He reposes Thursday, 7:15–7:45 am near your heart. Hold Him close in my name Friday, 7:15–7:45 am and kiss His fine head from me, and ask Him And by appointment to return the kiss when I draw my dying breath. St. Joseph, patron of departing souls, Office Hours pray for me. Amen. Mon–Fri, 8:00 am –4:30 pm Adoration & Benediction Wednesday, 5:00 pm, in the Church. Pastor........................................................Fr. Chris Forler Adult Faith Formation, Religious Education & Confirmation [email protected] Contact Mary Shetler at the Parish Office. Deacon....................................................Vince Bernardin [email protected] Baptism Contact Deacon Richard to sign-up for classes (if expecting, Deacon...........................................Richard Leibundguth preferably during the 2nd trimester). [email protected] Marriage Bookkeeper/Business Manager............Paula Jordan [email protected] Contact the Parish Office as soon as an engagement is discussed to meet with Fr. Chris for marriage preparation. Director of Music/Liturgy................Berny Heitzman [email protected] New Parishioners To register, please pick up a registration packet by the Parish Office Maintenance......................................George Smiljanich window or download one from our website. [email protected] RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Preschool Director/Teacher.....................Traci Davis [email protected] If you are interested in becoming Catholic or want to learn about the Catholic Faith, contact Deacon Richard. Secretary.........................................................Jane Young [email protected] Rosary The Rosary is prayed twenty minutes before weekend Masses and Youth Minister............................................Wade Lovell after weekday Masses. [email protected] Parish Catechetical Leader…….……..Mary Shetler Saint Clare Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Chapel [email protected] You may visit the Chapel at any time. Contact Jane Young for questions, to sign up for a holy hour, or to have access to the Chapel. St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church Mass Intentions Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Tues., July 13 I wanted to take this week’s slot to speak about another matter of practice 8:00 am † Cris Lynch in the Holy Mass that might need some clarification. I haven’t really been Req. by Tom Lynch asked about it specifically, but I apprehend that folks might be curious. I’m Wed., July 14 referring specifically to the sign of peace and our not reintroducing it at 6:00 pm † Irene Dirk Mass at St. John’s. Req. by Pete & Jenny Barry First, a bit of history. The practice of the sign itself is very old, and the first Thurs., July 15 written evidence of it occurs in the 4th century. It goes back to the words 8:00 am † Wilbur Young of Jesus in Matthew whereby He exhorts us to be reconciled with our Req. by Lisa & Bruce Jackson brother before offering our sacrifice (Matthew 5: 23-24). Initially it was Fri., July 16 before the gifts were brought forward. It was also quite different than what 8:00 am † Mary Seib we commonly do today, in that it was actually the kiss of peace. Also keep Req. by Bob & Patricia Seib in mind that men and women at the time sat in different parts of the church from one another. I won’t lie to you, I’m glad we don’t do that anymore! Sat., July 17 5:00 pm † John A. Henneberger Eventually, it would fall out of common use in the Latin Church well before the 1500s, occurring only as a very restrained embrace between the Req. by Freida Henneberger clerics and servers in the sanctuary and then only at Solemn Masses. It was Sun., July 18 determined to more fully reintroduce the practice of offering some explicit 7:00 am For the Parish sign of peace after the liturgical revisions following the 2nd Vatican 10:00 am † Sharon Rexing Council. Since then however, Rome has made it abundantly clear that there Req. by Tom & Lois Schenk are certain things that should not be done in that context, such as turning it into an opportunity to just say ‘hello’, all the while Jesus is laying on the altar with no one paying any attention to Him whatsoever. It is for this and other reasons that I really have not brought the sign back. It is too often a break in the flow and focus of Mass. People can get the wrong idea about what is important about that point in the Mass. And it is Sponsor of the Week: fundamentally optional and totally at the discretion of the priest celebrant Pasco Painting anyway. Also to clarify, the actual sign of peace proper is contained in the Please patronize and thank words “The Lord be with you” and the people’s response of “and with your our sponsors for supporting spirit.” The ‘sign’ of peace is only meant to make more external what is our Parish. already supposed to have happened in us interiorly. That is, we acknowledge that it is Christ and our union with Him that brings us into union with God and one another, and we should always strive to maintain Financial Giving that union. It is decidedly not to pause the Mass so that we can say ‘howdy’. Weekly Budget $ 13,050.00 Collection $ 10,583.10 What started as an obvious concession for safety and health during the age Online Collection $ 1,275.33 of COVID for me has really turned into a deeper awareness of how Total $ 11,858.43 smoothly the Mass can flow and how doing without it can help one remain Difference $ (1,191.57) in a more meditative place during this final preparation for receiving the Budget YTD: $ 13,050.00 Lord. I wish simply to let you know why we have not really brought the Actual: $ 11,858.43 practice back when other parishes may have. It is not at all to be antisocial. Difference: $ (1,191.57) We can and should interact with each other and truly demonstrate our love and regard and support for one another, but there are more proper times St. Vincent de Paul $ 5.00 and places for that. St. Vincent de Paul Food Bank $ 30.00 Gabriel Project $ 5.00 In Jesus the Eucharistic Lord, -Fr. Chris Please make all checks for special collections payable St. John Church. Seminarian of the Month Send a note of encouragement to Chase Riecker. Chase will Please continue to support the parish through online- be a sophomore at Bishop Bruté College Seminary. His giving. Visit catholicdaylight.org, or mail your check address is Bishop Simon Bruté College Seminary, 2500 to the parish. Cold Spring Road. Indianapolis, IN 46222. Chase’s home Give Your “First Fruits” Back to God Parish is St. Isidore the Farmer Parish in Celestine/Dubois. To Parish…5-8% To Diocese…1% To Charities…1-4% Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time —July 11, 2021 Have you registered with St. John? Weekly Schedule St. John would like to remind anyone who has not filled Sunday, July 11 out registration forms to please do so. If you are a young Monday, July 12 adult that has moved out on your own, please fill out a 4:00 pm Gabriel Project Monthly Visit & Meeting packet as well. If you have been attending for a while, or if you are new Tuesday, July 13 to St. John, we would love to welcome you. The forms 6:00 pm Quarterly Baptism Prep 1 (St. Elizabeth Room) can be found by the office window. You can return the 7:00 pm Men's Club (Gym) registration forms by placing them in the mail box or Wednesday, July 14 dropping them off at the office during the week. 5:00 pm Adoration & Benediction (Church) Sign-up for Parish Emails & Texts 5:00 pm Sacred & Immaculate Heart Prayer Apostolate Our Parish uses Flocknote to keep you informed of (St. Clare Chapel) important news, updates and cancellations. Text 6:30 pm Youth Group (Gym/Field) StJohnDaylight to 84576, or go to https:// Thursday, July 15 StJohntheEvangelistCath4.flocknote.com. You can also 7:00 pm St. Vincent de Paul Meeting (Gym) choose to be added to any of the groups or ministries Friday, July 16 you participate in. St. John Daylights guest network Wi-Fi password: Saturday, July 17 9:00 am Young Women's Bible Study (Gym) Daylight! Sunday, July 18 Memory Candles The candles in the Sanctuary Lamp and the St. Clare Adoration Chapel will burn this week in for the intension of: The reopening of St. Clare perpetual adoration and all those helping to cover the Please welcome Father Ron Mrozinski who will speak at all the hours.
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