ary change rather than intrinsic differences RESEARCH ARTICLE SUMMARY in base-repair machinery. We hypothesize that this single cause may be a consistently AVIAN GENOMICS longer generation time over the evolution- ary history of Crocodylia. Low heterozygosity was observed in each Three crocodilian genomes reveal genome, consistent with previous analyses, including the Chinese . Pairwise ancestral patterns of evolution sequential Markov chain analysis of re- gional heterozygosity indicates that during glacial cycles of the Pleistocene, each spe- among cies suffered reductions in effective popu- Richard E. Green,* Edward L. Braun, Joel Armstrong, Dent Earl, Ngan Nguyen, lation size. The reduction was especially Glenn Hickey, Michael W. Vandewege, John A. St. John, Salvador Capella-Gutiérrez, strong for the , whose Todd A. Castoe, Colin Kern, Matthew K. Fujita, Juan C. Opazo, Jerzy Jurka, current range extends farthest into regions Kenji K. Kojima, Juan Caballero, Robert M. Hubley, Arian F. Smit, Roy N. Platt, of temperate climates. Christine A. Lavoie, Meganathan P. Ramakodi, John W. Finger Jr., Alexander Suh, Sally R. Isberg, Lee Miles, Amanda Y. Chong, Weerachai Jaratlerdsiri, Jaime Gongora, CONCLUSION: We used crocodilian, avian, Christopher Moran, Andrés Iriarte, John McCormack, Shane C. Burgess, Scott V. Edwards, and outgroup genomes to reconstruct 584 Eric Lyons, Christina Williams, Matthew Breen, Jason T. Howard, Cathy R. Gresham, megabases of the archosaurian common Daniel G. Peterson, Jürgen Schmitz, David D. Pollock, David Haussler, Eric W. Triplett, ancestor genome and the genomes of key Guojie Zhang, Naoki Irie, Erich D. Jarvis, Christopher A. Brochu, Carl J. Schmidt, ancestral nodes. The estimated accuracy of Fiona M. McCarthy, Brant C. Faircloth, Federico G. Hoffmann, Travis C. Glenn, the archosaurian genome reconstruction Toni Gabaldón, Benedict Paten, David A. Ray* is 91% and is higher for conserved regions such as genes. The reconstructed genome INTRODUCTION: Crocodilians and genome sequences, we generated can be improved by adding more crocodil- on September 22, 2016 are the two extant clades of archosaurs, a phylogenies that confirm the sister rela- ian and avian genome assemblies and may group that includes the extinct dinosaurs tionship between and gharials, provide a unique window to the genomes and pterosaurs. Fossils suggest that living the relationship with birds as members of of extinct organisms such as dinosaurs crocodilians (, extant Archosauria, and the outgroup sta- and pterosaurs. ■ ON OUR WEB SITE crocodiles, and ghari- tus of relative to als) have a most recent birds and crocodilians. Read the full article Coelacanth at http://dx.doi common ancestor 80 to We also estimated .org/10.1126/ 100 million ago. evolutionary rates along Platypus science.1254449 Extant crocodilians branches of the tetra- Opossum are notable for their pod p h y l o g e n y u s i n g Armadillo distinct morphology, limited intraspecific two approaches: ultra- Elephant variation, and slow karyotype evolution. c o n s e r v e d e l e m e n t – Dog Despite their unique biology and phyloge- a nchored sequences and Mouse netic position, little is known about genome fourfold degenerate sites evolution within crocodilians. w i t h i n s t r i n g e n t l y f il- Human tered orthologous gene Python RATIONALE: Genome sequences for the alignments. Both analy- American alligator, saltwater , and ses indicate that the Green sea Fast

Indian gharial—representatives of all three rates of base substitution Chinese softshell turtle Downloaded from extant crocodilian families—were obtained a l o n g t h e c r o c o d i l i a n to facilitate better understanding of the and turtle lineages are Alligator unique biology of this group and provide extremely low. Support- a context for studying avian genome evolu- ing observations were Gharial tion. Sequence data from these three croco- m a d e f o r t r a n s pos- ? Crocodile dilians and birds also allow reconstruction able e l e m e n t c o n t e n t Ostrich E v o l u ti n a r y te of the ancestral archosaurian genome. a n d f o r g e n e f a m i l y Chicken evolution. A n a l y s i s of Slow Penguin RESULTS: We sequenced shotgun genomic w h o l e - g e n o m e a l i gn- ? libraries from each species and used a va- ments across a panel of Pigeon riety of assembly strategies to obtain draft and Zebra fnch genomes for these three crocodilians. The showed that the rate of assembled scaffold N50 was highest for the accumulation of micro- Evolutionary rates of inferred from DNA sequenc- alligator (508 kilobases). Using a panel of insertions and microde- es anchored by ultraconser ved elements. Evolutionary rates letions is proportionally among reptiles vary, with especially low rates among extant A complete list of affiliations is available in the full article online. lower in crocodilians, crocodilians but high rates among squamates. We have recon- *Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] (R.E.G.); consistent with a single structed the genomes of the common ancestor of birds and of all [email protected] (D.A.R.) Cite this article as R. E. Green et al., Science 346, 1254449 underlying cause of a re- archosaurs (shown in gray silhouette, although the morphology (2014). DOI: 10.1126/science.1254449 duced rate of evolution- of these species is uncertain).

SCIENCE 12 DECEMBER 2014 • VOL 346 ISSUE 6215 1335

Published by AAAS RESEARCH ARTICLE pair libraries from each species: alligator, croco- dile,andgharial.Theassemblystrategyforeach taxon differed because of varying legacy data and developments in library preparation meth- Three crocodilian genomes reveal odsduringthecourseoftheproject(17). Genome scaffolding of the alligator (and, to a lesser ex- ancestral patterns of evolution tent, the crocodile) was aided by the availability among archosaurs 1Department of Biomolecular Engineering, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA 95064, USA. 2Department of 1 2 1,3 1,3 Biology and Genetics Institute, University of Florida, Richard E. Green, * Edward L. Braun, Joel Armstrong, Dent Earl, 3 1,3 1,3 4 1 Gainesville, FL 32611, USA. Center for Biomolecular Science Ngan Nguyen, Glenn Hickey, Michael W. Vandewege, John A. St. John, § and Engineering, University of California, Santa Cruz, CA Salvador Capella-Gutiérrez,5,6 Todd A. Castoe,7,8 Colin Kern,9 Matthew K. Fujita,8 95064, USA. 4Department of Biochemistry, Molecular 10 11† 11 12 Biology, Entomology and Plant , Mississippi State Juan C. Opazo, Jerzy Jurka, Kenji K. Kojima, Juan Caballero, 5 12 12 4,13 4 University, Mississippi State, MS 39762, USA. Bioinformatics Robert M. Hubley, Arian F. Smit, Roy N. Platt, Christine A. Lavoie, and Genomics Programme, Centre for Genomic Regulation, Meganathan P. Ramakodi,4,13‡ John W. Finger Jr.,14 Alexander Suh,15,16 08003 Barcelona, Spain. 6Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 08003 7 Sally R. Isberg,17,18,19 Lee Miles,18# Amanda Y. Chong,18 Weerachai Jaratlerdsiri,18 Barcelona, Spain. Department of Biochemistry and 18 18 20 21 , University of Colorado School of Jaime Gongora, Christopher Moran, Andrés Iriarte, John McCormack, Medicine, Aurora, CO 80045, USA. 8Department of Biology, Shane C. Burgess,22 Scott V. Edwards,23 Eric Lyons,24 Christina Williams,25 University of Texas, Arlington, TX 76019, USA. 9Department 25 26 13 13,27 of Computer and Information Sciences, University of Matthew Breen, Jason T. Howard, Cathy R. Gresham, Daniel G. Peterson, 10 15 7 3,28 29 Delaware, Newark, DE 19717, USA. Instituto de Ciencias Jürgen Schmitz, David D. Pollock, David Haussler, Eric W. Triplett, Ambientales y Evolutivas, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad 30,31 32 26 33 Guojie Zhang, Naoki Irie, Erich D. Jarvis, Christopher A. Brochu, Austral de Chile, Valdivia, Chile. 11Genetic Information Carl J. Schmidt,34 Fiona M. McCarthy,35 Brant C. Faircloth,36,37 Federico G. Hoffmann,4,13 Research Institute, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. 12 Travis C. Glenn,14 Toni Gabaldón,5,6,38 Benedict Paten,3 David A. Ray4,13,39 Institute for Systems Biology, Seattle, WA 98109, USA. * 13Institute for Genomics, Biocomputing and Biotechnology, Mississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS 39762, USA. 14Department of Environmental Health Science, To provide context for the diversification of archosaurs—the group that includes University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602, USA. 15Institute of on September 22, 2016 crocodilians, dinosaurs, and birds—we generated draft genomes of three crocodilians: Experimental Pathology (ZMBE), University of Münster, D-48149 Münster, Germany. 16Department of Evolutionary Alligator mississippiensis (the American alligator), porosus (the saltwater Biology (EBC), Uppsala University, SE-752 36 Uppsala, crocodile), and gangeticus (the Indian gharial). We observed an exceptionally Sweden. 17Porosus Pty. Ltd., Palmerston, NT 0831, Australia. slow rate of genome evolution within crocodilians at all levels, including nucleotide 18Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Sydney, 19 substitutions, indels, transposable element content and movement, gene family evolution, Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia. Centre for Crocodile Research, Noonamah, NT 0837, Australia. 20Departamento and chromosomal synteny. When placed within the context of related taxa including birds de Desarrollo Biotecnológico, Instituto de Higiene, Facultad and turtles, this suggests that the common ancestor of all of these taxa also exhibited slow de Medicina, Universidad de la República, Montevideo, genome evolution and that the comparatively rapid evolution is derived in birds. The data Uruguay. 21Moore Laboratory of Zoology, Occidental College, 22 also provided the opportunity to analyze heterozygosity in crocodilians, which indicates a Los Angeles, CA 90041, USA. College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA. likely reduction in population size for all three taxa through the Pleistocene. Finally, these 23Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, data combined with newly published genomes allowed us to reconstruct the partial Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA. 24School of genome of the common ancestor of archosaurs, thereby providing a tool to investigate the Plant Sciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, 25 genetic starting material of crocodilians, birds, and dinosaurs. USA. Department of Molecular Biomedical Sciences, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27607, USA. 26Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Department of Neurobiology, Duke rocodilians, birds, dinosaurs, and pterosaurs genetically identical; sexual fate is determined University Medical Center, Durham, NC 27710, USA. are a monophyletic group known as the during development by a temperature-sensing 27Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, Mississippi State 28 archosaurs. Crocodilians and birds are the mechanism whose molecular basis remains poorly University, Mississippi State, MS 39762, USA. Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Bethesda, MD 20814, USA. only extant members; thus, crocodilians (al- understood (6). More broadly, reptilian genomes 29Department of Microbiology and Cell Science, University of C 30 ligators, , crocodiles, and gharials) exhibit substantial variation in isochore content, Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA. China National Downloaded from are the closest living relatives of all birds (1, 2). chromosome sizes and compositions (e.g., some GeneBank, BGI-Shenzhen, Shenzhen, China. 31Center for Although crocodilians diverged from birds more but not all species have GC-rich and gene-rich Social Evolution, Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark. 32Department of than 240 million years ago (Ma), with microchromosomes), and sex determination mech- Biological Sciences, Graduate School of Science, University morphology unambiguously similar to the extant anisms. Remarkably, this plasticity in large- of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. 33Department of Earth and crocodilian families (, Crocodylidae, genome features is often coincident with a slower Environmental Sciences, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 34 and ) first appear in the fossil record rate of karyotype and sequence evolution (7). 52242, USA. Department of and Food Sciences, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19717, USA. 35School of between 80 and 90 Ma (3). Unlike other verte- We sequenced the genomes of the American Animal and Comparative Biomedical Sciences, University of brates such as mammals, squamates, and birds, alligator, the , and the Indian Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, USA. 36Department of Ecology which underwent substantialdiversification,extant gharial, spanning the three major extant croco- and Evolutionary Biology, University of California, Los 37 crocodilian species have maintained morpholog- dilian lineages (3, 8–10). These crocodilian genomes Angeles, CA 90019, USA. Department of Biological Sciences, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA ical and ecological similarities (4). Slow diver- augment the list of assembled genomes from 70803, USA. 38Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis gence among living crocodilians is also observed avian and nonavian reptiles (11–16), allowing us Avançats, 08010 Barcelona, Spain. 39Department of at the level of karyotype evolution (5). to probe the lineage-specific novelties in avian Biological Sciences, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX Crocodilians are important model organisms and crocodilian evolution.Theyalsoprovidethe 79409, USA. *Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] (R.E.G.); in fields as diverse as developmental biology, os- substrate for computational inference of the [email protected] (D.A.R.) †Deceased. ‡Present address: moregulation, cardiophysiology, paleoclimatology, common ancestor genome. Cancer Prevention and Control, Fox Chase Cancer Center, sex determination, population genetics, paleo- Philadelphia, PA 19111, USA, and Department of Biology, Temple biogeography, and functional morphology (4). Genome assembly and annotation University, Philadelphia, PA 19122, USA. §Present address: Driver Group LLC, 1700 Owens Street, Suite 200, San Francisco, CA For example, the males and females of all cro- We generated high-coverage Illumina sequence 94158, USA. #Present address: FB Rice Patent & Trade Mark codilians (like some but not all reptiles) are data (tables S1 to S3) from paired-end and mate- Attorneys, 44 Market Street, Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia.


Fig. 1. Rates of substitution for ultraconserved elements (UCEs) and fourfold degenerate (4D) sites. (A) Inferred amniote phylogeny based on maximum likelihood analysis of partitioned UCE-anchored loci using RAxML v7.3.4 (17). All branches received 100% bootstrap support. Colors indicate the estimated rates, on September 22, 2016 with cooler colors corresponding to lower rates of molecular evolution. (B) Estimated rates of molecular evolution for UCE-anchored loci (left) and 4D sites (right). Red dots indicate the estimated rate for the branch ancestral to the group of interest. The UCE rate for mouse is an outlier and is indicated by a black dot. of bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) sequen- resulted in a library of 1269 different TEs (table The phylogeny estimated using UCE-anchored ces and BAC end-sequence data. RNA-seq data S7)—a large number for a vertebrate. This high data largely agrees with other studies (8, 10, 28, 29). were collected from the alligator and, to a lesser TE count in crocodilian genomes is attributa- For example, we recovered Longirostres (croc- extent, the crocodile and gharial (17). Stringently ble, at least in part, to the apparently low rate odiles + gharials) within Crocodylia, found croc- filtered consensus gene sequences were used for of base substitution in crocodilians, as discussed odilians to be the of birds (supporting quality assessment of drafts of the genome below. We find that ~37.5% of each crocodilian the clade Archosauria), and confirmed turtles as assemblies and finally to aid in scaffolding the genome can be annotated as TEs (table S7), a the sister group to living archosaurs. Branch lengths assemblies. Details of the libraries and assem- value intermediate between mammals (40 to across this phylogeny suggest that crocodilians bly statistics for each genome are summarized 60%) and birds (12 to 15%) (18–23). exhibit a low rate of molecular evolution for UCE- in tables S1 to S4. anchored loci relative to all groups (Fig. Gene annotation was accomplished using a Ultraconserved element phylogeny and 1A), including the slowly evolving turtles. To ex- combination of transcriptome sequencing (RNA- molecular evolution plore the evolutionary tempo of crocodilians, we seq) data and homology-based analyses (17). Ultraconserved elements (UCEs) were originally used divergence time estimates for critical nodes We identified 23,323 protein-coding genes in defined as orthologous segments that exhibit to derive estimates of absolute substitution rates the alligator, 13,321 in the crocodile, and 14,043 very high levels of sequence conservation (24). across the tree (17). These estimates suggest in the gharial (table S5). The unevenness likely Subsequent work established that UCEs often that the molecular evolution of crocodilians is Downloaded from reflects the larger overall scaffold size (N50) of occur in single-copy regions of the genome. Re- slower than that of all other lineages (figs. S2, S4, the alligator genome assembly (table S4) and gions immediately flanking the core of a UCE S7,S15,andS16).Indeed,thecrocodilianrateis the predominance of alligator transcriptome typically exhibit progressively greater evolution- approximately an order of magnitude slower data used to guide gene identification (table S6). ary rates (25–27).Therelativeeaseofassessing than that of lepidosaurs and mammals. Perhaps This unevenness of annotation complicates di- orthology for UCEs and their flanking regions more important, the availability of multiple bird, rect comparisons of gene content. Therefore, for (hereafter called UCE-anchored loci), combined crocodilian, and turtle genomes allows us to es- protein-coding sequence analyses, we compared with their ease of alignment and the fact that timate the ancestral rates for these groups (Fig. orthologous sequence of the crocodile and gharial they exhibit little or no substitution saturation, 1B). Using a variety of calibration times for the to the more thoroughly annotated alligator ge- makes them useful for estimating relative evolu- TMRCA (time to most recent common ancestor) nome. We assigned names to 55% of crocodilian tionary rates across all tetrapods. We identified of birds, crocodilians, and archosaurs (fig. S8 genes on the basis of orthology to vertebrates and extracted 965 UCE-anchored sequences from and table S9), we find that the rate of UCE with existing standardized nomenclature (human, the three crocodilian genomes and compared evolution for the avian stem lineage was similar mouse, anole, chicken, and zebrafish). Between them to their orthologs from representatives of to that of extant avian lineages (Fig. 1B and fig. 60 and 70% of crocodilian proteins had conserved all major tetrapod lineages [in addition to the S7). In contrast, the crocodilian stem lineage functional motifs on the basis of comparison to archosaurs, we included mammals, lepidosaurs evolved more rapidly than its extant lineages. other vertebrates, and we provided 377,441 Gene ( and ), turtles, and an amphibian Given the low rates observed in both turtles Ontology (GO) annotations for 43,436 crocodilian along with the coelacanth outgroup (17)(table and crocodilians and the reduced rate in the proteins. S8)]. Using these data, we inferred tetrapod avian stem lineage, we propose that the an- Transposable elements (TEs) were identified phylogeny and examined rates of evolution along cestor of all archosaurs was likely character- de novo in all three crocodilians, and analyses the branches (Fig. 1A and figs. S1 to S7). ized by an extremely slow rate of molecular

1254449-2 12 DECEMBER 2014 • VOL 346 ISSUE 6215 SCIENCE on September 22, 2016

Fig. 2. Rates of substitution, micro-indels, and break-point evolution. (A) Rates of substitution at 4D sites, transposable elements (TEs), and, for com- parison, UCE-anchored loci. Scale bar denotes substitutions per site. (B) Indel rate versus 4D substitutions per site for each extant lineage. (C)Genesynteny breakage rate versus 4D substitutions per site, each measured with respect to either alligator or chicken. evolution that subsequently increased on the supported alternate topologies [birds + turtles rapidly than those at 4D sites extracted from the avian stem lineage. or crocodilians + turtles (17)]. Although the place- WGA (Fig. 2A). The WGA also allowed us to es- ment of gharial within the crocodilian phylogeny timate the rate of micro-indels [≤10 base pairs Gene-based phylogeny and has been contentious over the past several decades (bp) per event, filtered to avoid alignment er- molecular evolution (33), a clear majority (78.4%) of protein-coding rors] relative to substitutions. This ratio for croc- We used the PhylomeDB pipeline (19)toidentify gene trees supported Longirostres (8). odilians (0.064 micro-indels per substitution) is 337 single-copy orthologous gene sequences (17) similar to that in birds and turtles (Fig. 2B) and is from 22 tetrapod genomes (table S10). Phyloge- Rates of genome evolution in crocodilians, within the range of previous estimates for mam- netic analysis of a concatenated alignment of birds, and other reptiles mals (36, 37). The ratio of microdeletions to micro- these genes (fig. S10) produced a tree congruent To explore patterns of molecular evolution across insertions was similar across the tree (average with the UCE-based phylogeny shown in Fig. 1A the genomes of crocodilians, we created a whole- ~1.94; table S16) and concordant with previous and other amniote phylogenies (28, 30). The con- genome alignment (WGA) (17) that included 23 estimates from other taxa (36, 37), with no ap- catenated alignment of orthologs was then fur- reptile genomes, including the three crocodil- parent bias toward either category in croco- ther filtered to extract fourfold degenerate (4D) ians, 15 birds, four turtles, and the Carolina anole dilians, birds, or turtles (table S20). Downloaded from sites (17), which evolve at a rate similar to the lizard as the outgroup (table S12). Consistent with Finally, we used the multiple-species WGA to neutral rate. Although some 4D sites may be our other results, the WGA analysis revealed low examine the conservation of synteny between subject to purifying selection (31), studies in birds genome-wide pairwise divergences among croc- adjacent gene pairs in chicken and alligator, ex- suggest that substitutions at 4D sites accumulate odilians (table S13); for example, the alligator and amining only those pairs where both genes were ~75% as rapidly as those at other sites thought to crocodile (which shared a common ancestor ~80 unambiguously located (17). We found high levels be neutral (32). Thus, their rate is expected to be to 100 Ma; node O in table S9) have ~93% genome- of gene order conservation between crocodilian much closer to the neutral rate than the rate es- wide identity. This is similar to the level of identity genomes, similar to that between comparably timated using UCE-anchored data. As expected, between human and rhesus macaque, whose com- separated bird genomes—agroupmarkedbyits substitution rates at 4D sites were higher than mon ancestor lived only ~23 Ma (34), indicat- extreme syntenic conservation relative to mam- the rate estimated using UCE-anchored regions ing exceptionally low rates of evolution relative mals (Fig. 2C). Thus, the low evolutionary rates (Fig. 1B). However, the pattern of relative rates to mammals. observed in crocodilians are not specific to sub- for different taxa was qualitatively similar to that This WGA for birds and reptiles also provides stitutions, but also include micro-indels and gene- reconstructed using the UCE-anchored regions an opportunity to assess the relative rates of dif- level rearrangements. (Fig. 1B and figs. S13 to S16). ferent substitution types using a single align- A larger survey of aligned genes (without the ment framework. We compared rates at 4D sites Transposable elements evolve slowly single-copy orthology filters) found 9574 trees (Fig. 2 and table S14) with those occurring within in crocodilians that suggested monophyly of birds, turtles, and orthologous TE insertions that are shared among Of the annotated TEs, 95% belong to families that crocodilians relative to squamates; the vast ma- the three crocodilians (table S15). Substitutions appear in all three genomes with near-equal fre- jority of those (6880; 72%) placed crocodilians in TEs, which presumably accumulate at close to quency. Thus, only ~5% of TE copies (representing and birds together in a clade. Only 28% of trees the neutral rate (35), accumulated slightly more <2% of the genome) arose after the split of

SCIENCE 12 DECEMBER 2014 • VOL 346 ISSUE 6215 1254449-3 AFLOCKOFGENOMES on September 22, 2016 Fig. 3. Relative TE numbers among amniotes. Shown are TE copies that predate the speciation of crocodilians and mammals in 16 amniote genomes. The figure displays 55 unrelated TE families present in all amniote genomes. The numbers of bases, on a log scale, identified in each individual genome relative to the average in all 16 genomes are identified. An asterisk indicates that two or more subfamilies were combined to form a single category. See (17) for the full analysis encompassing all 74 TE families.

Longirostres (crocodile + gharial) from alligators, relative representation of these unrelated ele- mon ancestor of the crown crocodilian, followed approximately 80 to 100 Ma (table S9). Given mentsineachgenomesuggeststhattheseratios by a few gains or losses (Fig. 4 and fig. S24). This that there is an ascertainment bias against older arenottheresultofdifferentiallineage-specific observation—many retained ancestral genes rather repeats, these data suggest that the rate of new accumulation but instead represent actual differ- than independent expansion—suggests that croc- TE family invasion/evolution has generally been encesinmutationanddeletionrates,andthat odilians have achieved a diverse OR repertoire decreasing in crocodilians, with the exception of crocodilians exhibit a neutral mutation rate that using a strategy of retention of ancient genes, as a minor burst of novel activity in the common is among the slowest found in vertebrates and opposed to the generation of novel variants. ancestor of Longirostres (fig. S20). Indeed, in maybetheslowestwithinamniotes. the ~235 million years between the - Genetic diversity and natural history crocodilian divergence and the origin of crown Gene family evolution suggests of Crocodylia crocodilians, at least 823 TE families were active— retention of ancestral orthologs We used the genomic data generated here to a rate of around 3.5 TE families per million years. in crocodilian lineages investigate the population history of each croc- Theratehasfallenbelow1.0inbothcrocodileand We used gene trees from the phylome analysis to odilian species. Mapping shotgun reads back to gharial since their divergence. search for gene families that underwent du- the assembly, we identified and quantified the The “visibility” of TE copies introduced before plications within the crocodilian lineage (17). rate of heterozygosity (17) within each species. Downloaded from the divergence of mammals and reptiles at ~310 Olfactory receptors (ORs) constitute one of the All three genomes exhibited a low degree of het- to 330 Ma (table S9) (17) provides another line largest vertebrate gene families; they are small, erozygosity relative to most mammalian and avian of evidence for the extraordinarily low rate of single-exon genes, making them relatively easy genomes (Fig. 5). Among the three crocodilian crocodilian genome evolution. Averaged over 74 to investigate. ORs have also played a central taxa we examined, the crocodile had the highest unrelated families of such elements (17), croco- role in the development of our understanding observed genetic diversity, with about three het- dilian genomes contain a considerable amount of how gene families evolve (38). Similar to erozygous sites per 10 kb. The lower heterozy- of DNA that is recognizably derived from TEs: results found in other amniote lineages (39, 40), gosity of the other two crocodilians examined five times the amount in the typical mammalian genes associated with olfactory perception were here is interesting given their recent or current genome, three times the amount in the recon- overrepresented among duplicated genes in croc- status as endangered species. The gharial is crit- structed boreoeutherian (the mammalian clade odilians. Crocodilians possess a diverse OR rep- ically endangered because of habitat loss (41), comprising primates, rodents, carnivores, bats, ertoire, and each species has about 1000 ORs, half of and the American alligator recently survived an and a number of additional orders; “boreo” in which are likely functional (table S21) (17); this anthropogenic population bottleneck (42) and Fig. 3) genome (36), 3.8 times the identifiable is not unusual for a tetrapod genome. However, was removed from the endangered species list amount in the chicken genome, and 15 times in other tetrapods the ORs derive from in- in 1987. We inferred the effective population sizes that in the anole genome. Surprisingly, relative dependent expansions of a small number of of the alligator, crocodile, and gharial (Fig. 5A) to crocodilians, the painted turtle genome con- ancestral OR genes within those lineages (38), using the neutral mutation rate for crocodilians tains on average 2.3 times as many bases rec- as we observed for the birds and turtles we ex- (m =7.9×10−9 substitutions site−1 generation−1) ognizably derived from each of these repeats amined (Fig. 4 and fig. S24). In contrast, croc- calculatedfromthepairwisedivergence(17) be- (Fig. 3 and figs. S21 to S23), suggesting an even odilian OR repertoires almost exclusively reflect tween the alligator and the saltwater crocodile. slower neutral decay rate. The consistency of the the retention of OR genes present in the com- We note that the alligator and crocodile were

1254449-4 12 DECEMBER 2014 • VOL 346 ISSUE 6215 SCIENCE wild caught and thus were likely to represent The crocodilians comprise many of the largest mutation rate, the pairwise sequential Markovian the genetic diversity of their respective species, extant ectothermic species. As such, their success coalescent (PSMC) model (43) approach can whereas the gharial we sequenced was bred in through recent geologic time is of special inter- probe population sizes further into the past than captivity and of unknown recent ancestry. est. Given their long generation time and slow is possible for faster-evolving lineages. Using this model, we found that all three lineages experi- enced distinct changes in their estimated effective population size (Ne) over the past 7 million years (Fig. 5B and fig. S26). We also included estimates of air temperature data (44) to identify any poten- tial relationship of demographic histories to cli- mate change. The results indicate that the crocodile and gharial both maintained relatively stable population sizes through the Pleistocene and but both experienced sharp declines during the last cooling cycle, between ~100,000 and 10,000 years before the present (Fig. 5, B and C). In contrast, the population size of al- ligators declined continuously throughout the Pleistocene, perhaps because they inhabit more temperate latitudes and experienced greater ef- fects from global cooling. A generally declining effective population size over the past million years was also shown for the (15) using the PSMC approach.

A draft archosaur genome One exciting use of genome sequence spanning archosaurs is the potential to infer the ancestral on September 22, 2016 archosaur genome. As part of the WGA analysis, we computationally inferred the ancestral archo- saur genome, along with ancestral genomes for Fig. 4. OR expansions and contractions within archosaurs. Subtrees from neighbor-joining phylogenies all the internal nodes of the tree. Because of of the intact crocodilian (A), avian (B), and testudine (C) OR repertoires. Crocodiles are represented by the the constant turnover of sequence during the gharial, American alligator, and saltwater crocodile; birds are represented by the chicken and zebra finch; ~300 million years since the divergence of birds and testudines are represented by softshell and green sea turtles. Note the paucity of lineage-specific and crocodilians and the likelihood that some (colored) clades among crocodilian ORs relative to avian and testudine ORs. Most crocodilian ORs are data are missing in the assemblies of extant taxa, outparalogs (groups of paralogous genes that emerged prior to the divergence of the species analyzed), the reconstructed genome assembly is limited whereas the vast majority of avian and testudine ORs fall on monophyletic groups of inparalogs (groups of to 584 Mb of sequence, less than the genome paralogous genes the emerged after the divergence of the species analyzed). Neighbor-joining trees were assemblies for extant taxa. Using a standard inferred using MEGA v5, a Poisson model of substitution; 1000 bootstrap iterations were performed to continuous time substitution model to deter- evaluate support. See also fig. S24. mine the nucleotide at each position in the Downloaded from

Fig. 5. Crocodilian genetic diversity and population history. (A) Rates of observed heterozygosity within annotated exons, intergenic sequence, and introns. (B and C) PSMC estimates of the historical crocodilian Ne inferred from each genome shown in a time span of 5 million years (B) and 1 million years (C) under the assumption of a generation time of 20 years.


generation) is not substantially different from Fig. 6. Analyzing the estimates in other lineages; it is the rate per archosaur assembly. that is much lower for crocodilians. The higher (A) Expected base rate for stem birds, which is actually similar to reconstruction that observed for extant birds, could indicate accuracy. (B) Total that this lineage had already decreased their gen- archosaur bases eration time. Indeed, recent analyses of paleonto- assembled in several logical data are highly consistent with decreased annotated functional body size on the lineage ancestral to extant birds classes and numbers (52). Given the strong correlation between body of bases in each size and generation time (51), this would be con- category from the sistent with our observed changes in the average alligator genome. rate of molecular evolution. It will be of substan- tial interest to establish whether similar mor- phological correlates can be established for stem crocodilians and other lineages.

Materials and Methods Sequencing and assembly Genomic DNA was isolated using blood from four individuals: two A. mississippiensis and one each of C. porosus and G. gangeticus.Sequencing depth and assembly strategies differed depend- ing on legacy data available for each taxon (17). Briefly, alligator data consisted of Illumina se- ancestral archosaur genome, the average expected ious genomic features for birds, for which multiple quences from five libraries ranging from 5.5× to reconstruction accuracy of archosaur bases is genomes are now available (45). The most strik- 88.7× coverage. These reads were assembled using on September 22, 2016 91% (Fig. 6A and fig. S17). ing of our results is the remarkably low rate of AllPaths-LG (53) with default parameters. Legacy The ancestral genome reconstruction exhibits genome-wide molecular evolution among all data from 21 fully sequenced BACs, 1309 BAC-end a strong bias toward the recovery of functional major crocodilian lineages. This low rate was read pairs (54), and RNA-seq data, described below, elements. For example, we mapped alligator re- observed for the accumulation of base sub- were also used to aid the assembly. Crocodile gions with various annotations, TEs, coding DNA stitutions at many different types of sites (those data consisted of Illumina reads from three lib- sequences (CDSs), 3′ and 5′ untranslated regions in UCE-anchored loci, 4D sites in protein-coding raries ranging from 21.6× to 90.2× coverage. (UTRs), exons, upstream sequences (defined by regions, and the presumably neutral sites in TE AllPaths-LG was used to assemble the raw data. a 500-bp window upstream of the putative tran- insertions) and for other types of genomic changes, As with the alligator genome draft, sequences scription start site for each gene), and introns to such as micro-indels and TE movement. Recent from 360 major histocompatibility complex re- the archosaur genome, using the WGA to map genomic analyses of turtles suggest a low rate of gion BAC assemblies as well as RNA-seq data the annotations by projection through the align- evolutioninthatlineageaswell(13), a finding we were used to aid the assembly. The gharial ge- ment. Relative to putatively neutrally evolving confirmed and extended. Taken as a whole, this nome was assembled using SOAPdenovo v2.04 elements such as TEs, we found CDSs, 3′ UTRs, provides strong evidence that a slow rate of ge- (55) and data from four Illumina libraries ranging and 5′ UTRs (in decreasing order) to have sub- nomic change is the ancestral state for archosaurs. from50×to170×coverage.Nolegacydatawere stantially higher base-level reconstruction accuracy Our evidence that the low rate of molecular available to improve the gharial assembly. (e.g., 97% of base calls mapped by CDS annotations evolution applies to multiple types of genomic are expected to be correct; Fig. 6A). Concordantly, changes makes it tempting to speculate that Transcriptome sequencing and while on average only 26% of alligator bases had an there is a single underlying cause. Within mam- sequence annotation aligned base in the archosaur reconstruction, the mals, the accelerated rate of molecular evolution Total RNA was extracted from multiple alligator Downloaded from proportion of annotated bases mapping to archo- for rodents relative to primates (also observed and crocodile tissues as well as gharial whole saur was higher (Fig. 6B) (17). The reconstruction here; Fig. 1) is often attributed to shorter gener- blood (17). RNA was extracted and subjected to bias toward functional elements is correlated with ation times along the rodent lineage (46). How- library preparation and Illumina RNA-seq. While differences in purifying selection as measured with ever, there have also been suggestions that the variable, most libraries had insert sizes between PhyloP on the WGA (17). Transcribed elements high rate in rodents could reflect differences in 300 and 350 bp and were sequenced both in- annotated in alligator or chicken are also more DNA repair efficiency (47). More broadly, rates dividually and as pools. In total, 11 Gb of high- likely to have remained stably ordered and of molecular evolution may be correlated with quality sequence data were generated. oriented mapping back to the archosaur, which a number of factors, including body size and Gene predictions were made using Augustus suggests that intragene ordering constraints metabolic rate (48, 49). However, these and other (version 2.5.5) (56). RNA-seq data from A. mis- have helped to preserve sequence structure (figs. life history characters are themselves correlated sissippiensis were aligned to the draft Ameri- S17 to S19). (50, 51), making it very difficult to untangle the can alligator genome with Tophat version 2.0.6 relevant causal factors. (57) and Bowtie version 2.0.5 (58). Augustus Discussion Our analyses include all major amniote line- used these alignments to improve its gene pre- The draft genome assemblies of these three croc- ages, and it is clear that crocodilians and turtles dictions. Protein-coding genes predicted for al- odilian taxa add to the growing list of available exhibit the lowest rates of molecular evolution; ligator were then aligned to the other crocodilian reptilian genomes and allow a more comprehen- both of those clades are characterized by long assemblies with Genblastg version 1.38, and sive analysis of vertebrate genome evolution. Be- generation times. Indeed, using a 20-year gener- those alignments were used by Augustus to im- cause crocodilians are the sister group of birds, ation time along the crocodilian lineage (17), the prove the gene predictions for those species. these three genomes also provide a critical re- inferred rate of molecular evolution per site per Functional annotation was accomplished by as- source for examining the ancestral state of var- generation (7.9 × 10−9 substitutions per site per signing gene nomenclature, GO, and pathway

1254449-6 12 DECEMBER 2014 • VOL 346 ISSUE 6215 SCIENCE information. Gene names were assigned on the after 50 replicates, and we used RAxML to evolution of ORs for the three crocodilians, basisoforthologyorhomologytospecieswith reconcile each best ML tree with each set of chicken, and zebra finch (74) as well as green a gene nomenclature project by transferring 500 bootstrap replicates. We also conducted sea turtle and Asian softshell turtle (16). names to the crocodilian genes. GO was assigned partitioned, concatenated analyses of the UCE to predicted proteins according to a combina- data, but these results did not differ from the Genome alignments and ancestral torial approach (17). Pathway information was unpartitioned results (17). genome reconstruction assigned on the basis of reciprocal BLAST. An- The WGA of 23 taxa (table S12) (17) was com- notated genes, gene products, and genome as- Phylome analysis puted using progressive-cactus ( semblies are available at NCBI, CrocBase (http:// Complete collections of ML gene trees for every glennhickey/progressiveCactus) with default pa-, gene encoded in each of the three crocodilian rameters and the phylogeny shown in Fig. 2A (75). and via the Comparative Genomics (CoGe) browser genomes (phylomes) were reconstructed using The topology of the phylogeny was derived by ( the phylomeDB pipeline (17, 65). In brief, sequence manually merging a subtree of the UCE tree (17) TEs in the genomes were identified and an- searches were used to retrieve homologs (E-value with results from the accompanying avian phy- notated by three laboratories semi-independently. 10–5, 50% overlap) in a set of vertebrates (17). These logeny paper (76) along with published phylo- Briefly, TEs were identified de novo in a given were aligned using three different programs in genies for passerine birds (77), parrots (78), and genome draft with either RepeatModeler (59) forward and reverse orientation. Consensus align- turtles (79). Nucleotide-level ancestral recon- or a combination of PILER (60), RepeatScout mentswerebuiltwithT-coffee(66)andtrimmed struction of all internal nodes was performed (61), and LTRHarvest (62). Output from each with trimAl (67). The evolutionary model best as part of the process, using a phylogenetically method was curated using a combination of fitting the data was used to build an ML tree weighted form of the algorithm described in manual inspection and computational tools. with PhyML (68) using four rate categories and Nguyen et al.(80) and appropriate for partial Combining TE consensus sequences from all three a fraction of invariable sites, estimated from genome assemblies. To improve the ancestral crocodilians resulted in a library of 1269 different the data. Branch support was computed using base calls, we used the ancestorsML tool in the TEs. Full details of all sequence annotation pro- an aLRT (approximate likelihood ratio test) para- HAL tools library ( tocols are in (17). metric test. Orthology and paralogy relationships (81) to call bases by ML, using the general re- among crocodilian genes and those encoded versible continuous-time nucleotide substitution UCE identification and analysis by the other genomes were inferred from the model. To parameterize the model and estimate To create a large set of UCE loci (17), we com- phylomes, using a species-overlap algorithm (69) branch lengths, we used phyloFit (82)onconserved bined two sets of UCEs (25, 63)andkeptunique as implemented in ETE (70). The resulting trees 4D sites in alligator genes (17). A complete technical on September 22, 2016 and nonduplicate loci in the set (n =8047UCE and orthology and paralogy predictions can be exposition of the alignment computation and loci). Using the positions of these loci in the accessed through (19). The croc- statistics calculated is available in (17). chicken genome (galGal3), we designed capture odilian phylomes were scanned to detect and probes (n = 12,237) for each locus to use for in date duplication events using a previously de- Mutation rate estimation silico identification of orthologous UCEs in other scribed algorithm (71). For species tree recon- We used a phylogenetic approach to estimate tetrapods (table S6) and aligned each capture struction, two complementary approaches were the overall mutation rate m along the crocodil- probe to those genomes. After identification of used. First, a supertree was inferred from all ian lineage. From both the WGA between al- putative UCE loci in each genome, we sliced the trees in the three phylomes by means of a gene ligator and crocodile and the multiple sequence match location of all probes T 2000 bp from each tree parsimony approach, as implemented in the alignment that includes alligator and croco- genome assembly and recovered slices derived dup-tree algorithm (72). Second, the alignments dile, we estimate the overall divergence between from multiple probes targeting the same locus, of 337 gene families with one-to-one orthology in alligator and crocodile to be 7.1%. Because of the then reassembled sequences back into full UCE all considered species were concatenated and remarkably small divergence between these two, loci. We then trimmed all slices to approximately used to build a ML phylogeny as described above. we assumed an infinite-sites model of evolution the length of the UCE locus T 1000 bp and iden- and ignored back-mutations. To calculate a per- tified the set of all loci found in all taxa (a com- Gene family analysis generation mutation rate, we used 90 Ma as the plete matrix) from two different taxon samples We conducted bioinformatic searches to charac- TMRCA of alligator and crocodile and an aver- (table S8). We named these taxon-set-1 and taxon- terize the repertoires of ORs, vomeronasal recep- age generation time of 20 years (table S23) (17). set-2. Taxon-set-1 includes the Western clawed tors (V1R and V2R), taste receptors (T1R and T2R), (Xenopus tropicalis) and consequently con- and trace amine-associated receptors (TAAR) of Heterozygosity and population Downloaded from tains fewer orthologous loci in a complete matrix. the three crocodilians in our study, and we com- history estimation Using the complete data matrices, we aligned pared the repertoires with representative verte- For each genome, we used BWA (83)tomappaired- FASTA data corresponding to each reassembled brates (table S21) (17). We focused the majority of end genome reads from a single individual back UCE locus for each taxon. After alignment and our analyses on the ORs. Briefly, we performed to the final genome assembly (17). We used tools in trimming, we removed any loci containing ambig- TblastN searches of the three crocodilian genomes the GATK package ( uous base calls. The remaining alignment data using known vertebrate ORs as queries, and the to perform indel realignment of each read around for taxon-set-1 contained 604 loci totaling 495,744 best nonoverlapping BLAST hits were extracted. possible insertion-deletion positions, then ana- characters and 93,374 alignment patterns [mean Putative complete OR genes were added to the lyzed all genomic positions where the read depth locus length = 820 bp; 95% confidence interval amino acid query, and a new TBlastN search was was exactly equal to the genome-wide mean. We (CI) = 47 bp]. The remaining alignment data for conducted to annotate pseudogenes and trun- derived cutoffs to distinguish bona fide hetero- taxon-set-2 contained 965 loci totaling 878,786 cated genes. Putative ORs were annotated to their zygous positions from sequence error by analysis characters and 172,112 alignment patterns (mean subfamily by comparing amino acid sequences of mutation spectra at these sites (table S24). locus length = 911 bp; 95% CI = 40 bp). We con- against a BLASTP database of known OR amino From this analysis, we calculated the observed catenated all loci in each set, and we analyzed the acid sequences. Phylogenetic analyses were con- rate of heterozygosity H at intergenic sequence resulting concatenated alignments with RAxML ducted using MEGA v5 (73). We inferred neighbor- in each species: alligator H = 0.000136, gharial 7.3.4 (64), conducting 20 maximum likelihood joining phylogenies to assess patterns of divergence H = 0.000217, and crocodile H = 0.000360. Using (ML) tree searches and 500 bootstrap replicates and diversity of intact crocodilian ORs relative to these values as an estimate for q and the sub- for each data set. Using RAxML, we checked other vertebrates using a Poisson model of sub- stitution rate m calculated above, we estimated for bootstrap replicate convergence using the stitution and evaluated support for the nodes the effective population size for each species as “autoMRE” function. Both data sets converged with 1000 pseudoreplicates. We compared the showninFig.6.


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SCIENCE 12 DECEMBER 2014 • VOL 346 ISSUE 6215 1254449-9 Three crocodilian genomes reveal ancestral patterns of evolution among archosaurs Richard E. Green, Edward L. Braun, Joel Armstrong, Dent Earl, Ngan Nguyen, Glenn Hickey, Michael W. Vandewege, John A. St. John, Salvador Capella-Gutiérrez, Todd A. Castoe, Colin Kern, Matthew K. Fujita, Juan C. Opazo, Jerzy Jurka, Kenji K. Kojima, Juan Caballero, Robert M. Hubley, Arian F. Smit, Roy N. Platt, Christine A. Lavoie, Meganathan P. Ramakodi, John W. Finger Jr., Alexander Suh, Sally R. Isberg, Lee Miles, Amanda Y. Chong, Weerachai Jaratlerdsiri, Jaime Gongora, Christopher Moran, Andrés Iriarte, John McCormack, Shane C. Burgess, Scott V. Edwards, Eric Lyons, Christina Williams, Matthew Breen, Jason T. Howard, Cathy R. Gresham, Daniel G. Peterson, Jürgen Schmitz, David D. Pollock, David Haussler, Eric W. Triplett, Guojie Zhang, Naoki Irie, Erich D. Jarvis, Christopher A. Brochu, Carl J. Schmidt, Fiona M. McCarthy, Brant C. Faircloth, Federico G. Hoffmann, Travis C. Glenn, Toni Gabaldón, Benedict Paten and David A. Ray (December 11, 2014) Science 346 (6215), . [doi: 10.1126/science.1254449] Editor's Summary

on September 22, 2016

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