Cultural Resources Assessment
CULTURAL RESOURCES ASSESSMENT 10843 NEW JERSEY STREET INDUSTRIAL PROJECT CITY OF REDLANDS SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA May 2020 CULTURAL RESOURCES ASSESSMENT 10843 NEW JERSEY STREET INDUSTRIAL PROJECT CITY OF REDLANDS SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Prepared for: Mr. Larry D. Cochrun 555 North El Camino Real, Suite A456 San Clemente, California 92672 Prepared by: Casey Tibbet, M.A. and Riordan Goodwin LSA Associates, Inc. 1500 Iowa Avenue, Suite 200 Riverside, California 92507 (951) 781-9310 LSA Project No. CWW1902 National Archaeological Data Base Information: Type of Study: Records Search, Survey, Architectural Evaluation USGS Quadrangle: Redlands, California Acreage: 4.17 May 2020 C ULTURAL R ESOURCES A SSESSMENT 10843 N EW J ERSEY S TREET I NDUSTRIAL P ROJECT M A Y 2020 R EDLANDS, C ALIFORNIA MANAGEMENT SUMMARY LSA conducted a cultural resources assessment for the 10843 New Jersey Street Industrial Project located in the City of Redlands (City), San Bernardino County, California. The assessment included a records search, archival research, field surveys, and this report. The subject property is approximately four acres and is currently developed with a 1922 residence and related structures, as well as more than 700 citrus trees. The proposed project involves the removal of the citrus grove and related buildings to facilitate construction of an approximately 179,000-square foot concrete tilt-up warehouse building and related parking on two parcels to be merged into one. The City as Lead Agency for the project required this study as part of the environmental review process to comply with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The purpose of the study is to provide the City with the necessary information and analysis to determine, as mandated by CEQA, whether the proposed project would cause substantial adverse changes to any historical/archaeological resources that may exist in or around the project area.
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