
From the CLINICAL INQUIRIES Family Physicians Inquiries Network

Charles W.Webb, DO Which vaccinations are indicated University of North Carolina Karen Crowell, MLS after splenectomy? Health Sciences Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill EVIDENCE- BASED ANSWER Immunization against encapsulated bacteri- days before a scheduled splenectomy, or al pathogens decreases the incidence of given after the fourteenth postoperative day post-splenectomy . Pneumococcal, (strength of recommendation [SOR]: A, meningococcal, and Haemophilus based on systematic review of RCTs for the influenzae (Hib) vaccinations are indicated pneumococcal vaccine; SOR: B, based on for patients after splenectomy.These systematic review of clinical trials for immunizations should be given at least 14 meningococcal and Hib vaccines). ® Dowden Health Media CLINICAL COMMENTARY Don’t forget those on prednisone,CopyrightForha personalve been overlooked use in this only group, immunosuppressants, or undergoing and certainly revaccination could be even chemotherapy more easily missed. I have occasionally This is an important and often overlooked discovered I was caring for an asplenic component of preventive care—what to do patient in the nursing home upon reviewing with an asplenic patient? Individuals with that patient’s medical history with a close functional from sickle-cell disease family member or caregiver. or other causes should also probably be Additionally, elders on chronic immuno- included in this vaccination/revaccination suppressant therapy or prednisone for schedule. rheumatoid arthritis or other autoimmune Another patient group that may require a disorders, and those on chemotherapy for more considered approach is those malignancies should also be revaccinated residing in long-term care facilities. with pneumococcal vaccine approximately Attention to immunizations may be even every 5 years. more important to a frail elder’s health in an institutional setting: vaccinations historically David Cravens, MD University of Missouri–Columbia

T Evidence summary In 2 recent RCTs, the 23-valent pneu- Asplenic individuals are known to be at an mococcal polysaccharide vaccine was test- elevated risk for infection with encapsulat- ed on patients 1, 7, 14, and 28 days after ed bacteria. The lifetime risk of post- splenectomy.1,2 The studies demonstrated splenectomy sepsis is estimated to be that the immunogenicity of the vaccine approximately 1% to 2%. The overwhelm- was best when given at or after day 14 ing majority of these cases are caused by after the operation. In both studies, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus patients immunized at day 14 had influenzae, and Neisseria meningitides.1–4 immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibody levels

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S E I R I NQU I approaching those of control subjects with mends that all asplenic patients receive L

A intact . There were no differences in meningococcal vaccination and be consid- C I

N antibody levels among those patients ered for the Hib vaccine. Both groups I

L immunized at day 14 compared with those recommend that these vaccinations occur C immunized on day 28. However, those at the same time as the pneumococcal subjects immunized on days 1 and 7 had vaccine.6–8 significant lower antibody levels than the The CDC also recommends annual control subjects or those immunized on influenza vaccine in addition to the pneu- day 14. mococcal, meningococcal, and Hib In another study, 130 asplenic individ- vaccines, because secondary bacterial uals were compared with 48 age-matched infections can lead to severe disease in this controls after receiving a meningococcal patient population. Boosters are recom- vaccine.3 The majority (93%) achieved mended for all the bacterial vaccines every bactericidal immunoglobulin levels follow- 5 years for asplenic patients. ing immunization. This study demonstrat- ed the need to have antibody titers drawn REFERENCES to ensure immunization response, as 20% 1. Shatz DV,Schinsky MF,Pais LB, Romero-Steiner S, Kirton OC, Carlone GM. Immune responses of splenectomized of the subjects required a second dose of trauma patients to the 23-valent pneumococcal polysac- vaccine to achieve adequate levels. No charide vaccine at 1 versus 7 versus 14 days after Splenectomy. J Trauma 1998; 44:765–766. clear evidence supports the timing of the 2. Shatz DV, Romero-Steiner S, Elie CM, Holder PF, Carlone post-splenectomy. GM. Antibody responses in postsplenectomy trauma patients receiving the 23-valent pneumococcal polysac- Two recent studies look at the charide vaccine at 14 versus 28 days postoperatively. immunogenicity of the Hib for asplenic J Trauma 2002; 53:1037–1042. 3. Balmer P, Falconer M, McDonald P, et al. Immune response patients. The first study demonstrated to meningococcal serogroup C conjugate vaccine in increased antibody titers to Hib at 2, 6, 12, asplenic individuals. Infect Immun 2004; 72:332–337. 24, and 36 months after immunization.4 4. Cimaz R, Mensi C, D’Angelo E, et al. Safety and immuno- genicity of a conjugate vaccine against haemophilus Fifty of the 57 patients in the study (88%) influenzae type b in splenectomized and nonsplenec- maintained adequate antibody titers 3 tomized patients with Cooley anemia. J Infect Disease 2001; 183:1819–1821. FAST TRACK years after immunization. No sympto- 5. Konradsen HB, Rasmussen C, Ejstrud P, Hansen JB. matic infections were observed during the Antibody levels against streptococcus pneumoniae and Those vaccinated haemophilus influenzae type B in a population of splenec- 3-year study period. In a study of 561 tomized individuals with varying vaccination status. with Hib within 14 Danes, those vaccinated within 14 days of Epidemiol Infect 1997; 119:167–174. splenectomy (before or after) had a signifi- 6. Recommended Adult Immunization Schedule United days (before or States, October 2004–September 2005. The Advisory after) splenectomy cantly higher need for revaccination than Committee on Immunizations Practices. Department of those who were vaccinated more than 14 Health and Human Services. Centers for Disease Control had a significantly and Prevention. Available at: www.cdc.gov/nip/recs/adult- days before or after .5 schedule.pdf. Accessed on July 6, 2006. higher need for 7. National Guideline Clearinghouse. Surgical Treatment of Disease and Injuries of the . Society for Surgery of revaccination Recommendations from others the Alimentary Tract (SSAT). 2004 Feb. Available at: The most common infections occurring www.guideline.gov/summary/summary.aspx?view_id=1& doc_id=5698. Accessed on July 6, 2006. among asplenic patients are due to 8. Davies JM, Barnes R, Milligan D. Update of guidelines for encapsulated organisms. The incidence is the prevention and treatment of infection in patients with an 10 to 50 times higher than in the general absent or dysfunctional spleen. Clin Med 2002; 2:440–444. population. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Society of Surgery for the Alimentary Tract recommends all patients that undergo splenectomy have the pneu- mococcal polysaccharide vaccine.6–7 In addition, this organization also recom-