December 1938
DECEMBER 1938 VOLUME 11 NUMBER 10 GALPINS ELECTRICAL STORESi: 75 LEE HIGH ROAD, LEWISHAM, LONDON, S.E.13 TERMS: Cash with order or C.O.D. charges extra. Phone :LEE GREEN 5240 ALL GOODS SENT ON 3 DAYS APPROVAL AGAINST CASH. LARGE POWER TRANSFORMERSMORTLEY SPRAGUE HAND - LARGE SLIDER RESISTANCES I.> hostcr and other good maker*,DRIVEN GENERATORS, two sepa- worm and wheel control, 2,500 ohms, allin goodconditionandfully rate outputs, 30 in A, also 200 n\, price. 15/, guaranteed 21)0:230 volts 1ph. 311 cy. r v. at 2'/ amps, brand new in cases, input, useful for Spot Welding, etc.30/-;afesu secondhand guaranteed outputs ': to 5 volts at 200 300 amps, Perfect at 25/-. STEEL CABINETS,40x24x16, make VI kw, 50/-.Ditto 3 to 7./ good transmitting racks, 12/6 each, 300 watts, 25/-. .Another 2íN1'38í)v. X-RAY TUBES. 7 inch dia., tung- input 3.3 ant S volts kcv. out, 90/-. sten targets, 12/6 each, packing free; Another 2181'110y.input, 3 volts 3 Had nom targets, 17/6 each. DIMMER RESISTANCES, wound kw. out, 90/-,Another 220;380 v. in tvith Eureka wire, 500watts,15/-: e, I'; kw. out, 85/-. EX-G.P.O. PEDESTAL TELEPHONES 13 and 32 volts 1,000 w, 20/-; 1,31111te,25/-; 2,00) w, Another 200 210 v. input, a 1,000 and complete with microphone, hand ear- 32/6;3,000watts,42/6. Allfully 2,1100 v. 2 kw. out, 85/--Ditto, inputphone and automatic dial,0 to9, 11 v. 100 watts out, 15/-.Ditto, 10 v.
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