. ' TiJ E mos& welterly county in EnJ(land, is almost an ifland, being surrounded on all sides by the ka, except towards the eaas, wbt>re it is bounded by the county of Devon, for the lenf,(th of 43 miles from north to aontb. From tbb boundary tn &he westwRrd, the land continually decreases in breadth, forming itself into a figure resembling a cornucopia; having the Bristol channel on the nol'th, and the l<~nglish chaunel on tbe 110uth; both lleas meeting in a mauuer iu a point, at the promontory called the Land's End, on the 'Nest. Tweotj ruilt.'S may bt~ regarded as its medium breadth, till approachinll' Mount•~> Bay, betWI't"ll which place and St.lvea it is not more than five and a half ntile:t wide; its t'Xtrl:'me lt>n~t his 90 miles, and its circumferenc~ estimated· at ZOO; containit1~ 1,407 square miles, and 900,480 statute acres. Detached as is by situation from the west of Euglaud, it waa formerly still furthea· ~eparatedJ by the use of a totally different language, a dialect of the Armorican, aud l'elated to the W~lsh. The n~:~mes of many of the ancient towns, its calltles, rivers, mountain:~, mauors, seat11 and families are derived fmm the Cornish tongue; and most of tbt> technical appel­ lations in the arts of mining, husbandry and fishing may be tra<"ed to the same 11ourcc; but the language Itself has for two or rhree centuries ceased to he l'Ommon, and is now utterly ex"rpated. SOIL, CLIMATE, AGRICULTURAL PRODUCE, &c.-Cornwall, from its soil, appearance and climate, is one of 'be least im·iting of the Engli:~h counties. A ridge of hal't~ rugged ilills, intermixed with bleak moors, runs tbrou~h the midst of its whole length, and in the narrower parts t-Xtends from side to side. 'Fbe low grounds be& we en the hills and the ilea are, in '.lorne pal'ts, rendered :sufficiently ft'rtile by the aid of manure; the chief depl'ndence for which is oo the sea sand, and on werds whkh are collected ou the coast, and-.carried on the backs nf borses. to the places whc.are the dresl'iu~ is wanted: another excellt'nt manure is formed by the mix· tore of lime aud earth with bruised and dama~eetl pilchards, and the refu~e salt used in cu•·ing them. The Mltness of t.he atmosphere, and th~ violenfe uf the winds, will scarcely sutfer tret's, or even hedges, to grow near the shm e; liO that nearly the whole euunty JH'esents a naked and almost desolare appearance. With the many natural di:oadvantages to whieb this county i,; subjected, still the agrieuhtlJ'ist, iu many palts of it, find!l himself well rewarded fur his lahours. The ~rain which succeeds best is barley, of which very large crops are produced on the banks of the Camel, and in its neigh bonrhood; potatoes also yield abundantly in some land~, and seem peculia1·ly calculated foF the cHmate. Good cider is made on the east sid~ of the county; but the dairy is but little atreuded to, and milch cows are princip•tlly kept for rearin~ the young stock. The wood· lands are not numerous ; bnt the fa~.-e of the ('Ounty, in this respt'c:t, ha !I been very g1·eatly improved of late years, as many of the resident ~entlemen have embellished their estates with plantations. The cattle are chiefly· of the Devon11hire breed, as are the sheep, with some of the Leicestershire breed ; the latter ba\·ing been intt·o· duced, some ft>w years back, by the !_H'Iltlemen of the county. Cornwall is indebted ftlr its pepulonsness and re~ative importance, to its mineral treasures, and tht' shoals of fish upon its coast. Of the gl'eat variety of the tinny tribe, none il'l so c:onsiderable an object of commerce as the pilchard, which appears ill immense shoals during tbe summer and autumn ; the fir.st swarm generally anhring at the Laud's Eud in the middle of July. Many boats aud men are t-mployed in the taking the8e fish; and, besides the jlreat l!npply tht'y afford to the miner!! a11d other poor of Cornwall, great quantities are cured aud exported, principally up the Mediterranean. Tbe CLIMATE of this county, though not so ~t'nial as mo11.t others in , cannot be stated to be onwbole· some. The aiF is mad~ extremely moist hy the surrounding body of water; and tbe high landS.in the centre intercept th~ mists and clouds in theh· passage, so that rains or fogs are almost daily experieneed: a f. the !lame timt>, the winds are continually shiftiug from one point to another; which cit·cumstance, while it incrrea~s tbe mutability of the atmosphere, has a favourable etfect iu preventing those st~tgttations of da»1p air, which are se prejudacial to health m ~ome wet countries. The winters aa·e mild, and the frosts of shot·t duration i the summers are cool, and the autumns tOQ Wt't tQ bring the fruits of the earth to proper maturity. MINEs, MINERALS, &c.-From early antiquity this couuty has been noticed for the tin, whic!h it produce~ and which was an object of commerce to civilized nations, while Britain was a land of barbarians. Tin-mines are di3persed throughout the greatest part of Cornwall; and the quantitJ procnred is greater than in any other part of tht> world, and forms an object of ('Onsiderahle consequence, both iu domestic and foreign commerce. [For the name1 of the mines, and their several proprietors, see the succeeding page.] Some state the number of men c.amploved in the mines at 12,000, others at not abO\·e 9,000; but, including the strtamt>rs, who are a . drstinct body from the miners, the number of men, women and children employed in raisiug the ort-, washing, stamping and carrying it, will probably amount to 16,000. The king's eldest son is born Duke of Cornwall, and derives a revenue, not only from the lands appet·taining to the duchy, but from the mines of tin aud cop· pl'r: he has under him an officer, called lord warden of the staunary court, whose jurisdiction extendll over the mint's and miners of Corttwall and Dt>vonshire. The revenue arisinj{ to the duke from the tin-miut!s a\·e­ rages about £10,000. annually. Besides tin and copper, there are found ht>re lead, lapis calaminaris, pyrites, bismuth, r:inc, antimony, cobalt, arsenic, wolft·am, menachenite and molybdeua; thet·e is also abundance of iron ore in many parts of the county, but the mines of it have not been much worked, Soap rock, and clays of remarkable pudty, (excellent for potters' use) and fine l'ock c1·ystals, ar·e procured here. The SCILLY IsLANDS are situated in a gt·oup or chtster, about nine li-agues wesl of the Laud's End; having differettt and cbiefiy modern appellations; but deriving tl1eir general name from the small isle of Scilly, which is now only a furlong iu ell.tent. In a clear day the islands may be seen from the Lands's End, appt:aring like a cluster of duffs, Qr fragments ot ruined castles, round which the Atlantic rol111 in a vast curve. RIVERS.-The principal riv~rs are the Tamar, the Lynher, the , the Camel or Alan, the Fal and the Heyl. There are also many smaller streams, which, affer meaudriug hi devious tracks, are ah~orbed in the larger waters. There are likewise se,·eral pools or lakes o{ some maguitude, as the , the Dozmery, the Swan pool, &c. The Tamar is one of the most considerable rivers in the west of England: its banks are richly diversified with rocks, woods and meadows ; and the sct-nery, in various parts of its course, is ex· tremely intt'restiug and beautiful. . Cornwall is in the province of Canterbury and diocese of Exeter, and includt>d in the we11tern eh cuit. lt is divided into nine hundreds, \'iz. EAsT, KERRIER, LESNEWTH, PENRJTH, PowDER, PYDER, STRATTON, TatGG, and WEST. These divisions contain, collectively, one county town (Launcestoo), 27 othea· market t.own!!, and 198 parishes. Cornwall possesses more parliamentary boroughs than auy other county in the kin~dum, and the number of its representatives is also greater. This pre-eminence of representation is nnt very ancient; and appears to have ;.uisen from the large hereditary revenue yielded tty the duchy to the crown, or to its immediate heir, the Prince of Wales. The whole county !!ends forty-two members to par· liament, the following boroughs returning two each :- . , FowEv, NEWPORT, ST. MICIIAEL, BossJNEv, , PENRYN, , CALLINGT0:-1, LAU~CESTON, ~T. GERMANS, TREGONY, , LJSKEARD, ~1'. IvEs, , EAST Loo F., LoST\\' IT fit r;L, ST. MAWES, WEsT Loot'!, a.url tl\o tM the munt~·; the prt>til'llt n·ptT:,cutatin·~ for which arc, Sir Rilhard R..twlin!:!on Vp·ydtt, Ha.a t, and E. W. W. Pendan·c~, Ell'l· 133 ~otnluall. Utgot & ~o.'l -- PoPULATION.-Acc(lrding to the census of 1821, there were houses inhahilc>d in &he coumy, 43,873 ; unin­ habited, J ,820; and houses buildiug, 535. The number of families then re!!idt'IJt iu the county wal! 51,202; l.'Ontprlsing 124,811 malt:s, aud 132,630 females; ·total, 251,441 ~ and by a calculation made by order of govea·nment, which Included pt•rsouH in the army and IIM'Y, for which wa.~ added after the ratio of about oue &o' thirty Jlrior to the year 1811, and one to fifty for that Jt'Rl' and the census of 1821, to the rt:tu•·ns made frorn the se\·eral di!!tticts; the popnlatinn of the conntv, in ronud uumhers, in the year 1700, waA 105,800-in 1750, 135,000-in 1801, 194.500-in 1811, 223.9oo.:...and in 1821, 262,600. The iucreaMt'd popula1iou in the tifty Jt'.Jtrs, fi'Om the year li'OO, was 2!1,200-from 1750 to 1801, the iucrca~e was 59,500-from 1801 to 1811, the iucrea!!le walil29,400 and from 1811 to 1821, the anl{mented nu m her of pt>r~ous was :18,700: the ~rand total· increase in the population of the county from the year 1700 to the ccusus of 1821 1 being about 156,800 per sous.

Index of Distances from Town to Town in the County of Cornwall. 'fhe names of the n~spective towns are on the top and side, and the l!quare where both mee' gh"C8 the tlbtance. Di1tance from EtcP.ter. Distance ft·om London. 62 •••· ••••••••• Jllldltlill. •••••. ,. •••• ~··················································· .••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••• ~ 62 Bossittt-y •••• I Bossiney ;.. ••.•.. , ...... _. ·229 · 40 Callingtora ••· 25 litlgtoal ..•.•••••••••.•••••••..••••..••.••.•••••.••.••.•.••.••.••.••.••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 2lli 93 Cat11horne • • ;Cao1boa·ne ...... , •••••••••• 266 56 Carnelfort.l •• 19 (;anleJf<)l'd ...... 229 92 Falrnouth.... 51 lt""alnlouth ..•••••. ., ..... , •.••.•••.••••••••.•••••••.•.•.••••••••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 270 ·

59 ~"'liiowey -. ••••• 11 1 3:i 1-,o\\'ey ...... 239 74 GranJpouaJd .• l I 31 19 1 Ga·anliJnuud •.••..•.••.•••••.•••••..•.•...•..•.••.•••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 250 · 99 HelMtoo • • • • :10 1- 2:5H~Jstt)IJ ...... , .••••••••••• 271 119 Land's End.. 79!24 ud's End ...... 292 40 l..aunceston,&c:. 1 I Launceston and NeWf'Ort ...... , ...... 213 49 Liskt'ard • . • . 14 1 l Lisk~;,rd ...... 225 53 Looe,East · I Looe, East aud \Vest ...... 2.i2 6~~ • . 16 Lostwithiel ...... , .••• 236 106 l\·1 araziun • • • • l\1 arazion •..•..•..•.••..•..••.•••••..•••••••••••••• ·•···~ 286 75 • • • • 46 Padstow ...... 243 90 Penryn • • •• • • Penryu ...... 261 109 Peoza11ce.. • • 13 ...... 282' 89 Redt·uth • • • • 8 18 Rrdruth ...... ~i3

fi8 St. Austell 9• 13 32 19 22 40 22 St. Au11tt:11 ...... ,., 245 70 St. Columb., 11 24 42 2410 St. Co1umb ...... 244 52 St. Germains 31! .37 49 28 32 St. Germains ...... 2'16 104 St. Ives••••• , 56 : 8 14 :i6 i7 631St. Ives ...... 278 85 St. Mawe11 .. 46 17 361818 25 453:~ St. Mawt's ...... 26Z 1 1 65 St. Micbael.. 38 1 14 16 31 1612 7:37 3(1 17st. Michl. or l\1idllhall 248 46Sahash...... 961 71 i 74~63~3~/ ~70~1143Sal~asb ...... 220 50 Strattou • . ... 19 :-w 62 7R 62,42 4.i 31 77 a9,46 37 Strattcm ...... 223 1 75 'fregouy ... • 36 21 18 17.35 17 7 12 :i5 31 lO 10 42 4!1 Trt'gouy ... 253 1

82 Trurn .. • ... 4:H • · 9 27 91I:H5 1 ll 21 10 7 47 !l:l 7jTruro •• 255 . 67 Wacleb•·idge.. 16_27 i 32,513215 8·30 45 33'15,33~30 20 23 w.Bdg 239

• A List of the Copper Tin Mines iD the County of wan, with the Name• of the .u.Q thei:r ru.rsera.

NaJIIe of Mint. Namuf Punu. i Name of Mine. Nmneof Purrer. Name of Mine. Namt. (If Pur~er. Halnoou ••• , •••• Rnhet·t ~e~111ett i Pt-delloh·a .•••••• ~ichd. Ke•·uick \\'heal Falmouth • John Tre!!trail Bc"m ••••••• , •• Johu Wtlhams Pemhroke •••••• f.dward Pea1·ce \V heal 1-'reedom •• Stephen Davey Biuner Downs ••• J<~dward C;u·ne PelllJirulhall ••••• Hnmp-Wilhams Wht!al G01·Jaud •• John Williams Uoduick •.•••••• Thos. Trclease 1 Poldice •••••• , •• JoiJu Willi.ams Wht•al Hal'llwuy. :Fret:lrck. Put.E Hnberts CariJarrark ••••• Johu Williams 1South Reskeat· •.. \V heal Mary •••.• Fredrek.Parker Carzize •••••••• , RobertBt'nnett· South Tuwan •.•• Saml. Cordola \Vheall\1aryConzsvl~James .l\Jichdl Cha.rlestou •.•••• Authy. Burnley i Sonth\Vheal Alfred.RubenBcunctt Whcall\fou~ague • l<'rt'drck.Parker Cha.,ewatcr •• , •• Rnhert Benuett · Soth.WheaJFortuue W!Jcal Mustc •••• l\lattht'w Moyle Condormw .•••• Willliam Uarcy 1South\Vhl•aiTowan.Thos. Garland Wlwal Neptune •. Hubert llt'nnet~ Consolidate.! ~lines J Stowc •• , , • , , , • Wheat Pt·uwith ••• James Hal1o1e · (Fuwey) • , •• Hem·y Couch ,. Srt'liY Pat·k , , • , , • ThomasTo:al!lle Wtwal Primro~e •• John Stauh~y Consolidatt'd Mines Tiu~ Tang , •• , , , John William.s Whcal Reeth •••• Jam~1o1 Halse (Gweamap) .. Joseph l\lichclll 'J're~ajorr'im,.,., Wm. Rt•ynuldl! Whepht"IIS c;on~ulirlatt.>d i\lines , 'freli:.~ick , , , •• , , Robe1·t Ht>nnett Wheat Huduey • • • Beater . ~St. I n·s) .... ltobcrt Bt'nnett 1 Tre:;a,•ean , , •• , • Thomas'l'eague Wheal Hose · •••• ~.tepben ~a.vey Cook 11 Kitchen ••• Wm. Reynolds jnnitcrl M iue~ ••.• Jost'ph M khell Wheal St. Ague11 •• l.hos. Pbtlhps Ctt"eghraw:t ••••• John William~ West \Vheal Rose. ,lohn Trcgellas Wheal St>arrow •• • Ct·innill .Mine •••• Fr. W. Bowzct· Wheal Ba~sett .••• John Williams Wheal Spt'al'll • • • Dolcoath ••••••• Wm Rernnld11 \Vhcal Heauchamp Richard Oavt"y Wheal Sp~~ed •••• Richd. ~e~11ick Dnwga~ Consols;. J. W. WiJiiams \Vhcal Boulton., . Thnmas'ft•ague WhcH1 SIJUISter •• John Wtlhams Ea~l Ct·iuui!l ••• ,, Johu Gill Whntl Bmthers •• Lit'utg.Robe1ts Whcal Snto~an •• • • l<~alit Wlu~al Unitv. ,Jnhn Gi 11 Wlll'al Chance , • , John Williams Wheal 'l'olgus, ••• Stepht'n Da,·ey Goonha,•et·n , •• ••• Thos. Trelt'a!'ie Wheal Chal'lotte, • 1\latthew Moyle Wheal Towao ••• Wm. l\1ichell Great St. Gcol'ge •• Ts. H umphl't'YI! I Whe:tl Clowance, • F•·anciiS Dauiel Wheal 'J:ranack • • . Bottra.ll Laue~cot ••• , • , • Henry Couche Wheal Co

CARPENTERS, &c. SADDLERS. George & Dra~on, Julia Cavell, Bodmin Amear Wm. (& glazie1·) Wadebl'idge Fare Robert. Bodmin Globe, William Fiddick:, Bodmin 'Ba1·ratt Wm. (& !llazier) Bodmiu Geach Edward, Wadebridge Golden Lion, James Dumble, Bodmin King's Arms, Wm. J<'rad, \Vaflrbridge Blake Pete1·, Wadehl'id~t:: Ham Thnma~, Wadebridge Loodon Inn, Joseph Kent, Rodmin JU,.ke William, Wa!lebrid~e l Hawke William, Bndmin 1\las.m's Anns, Wm. Cullins, Hodmin Brahyn John, (aud iroum~ugcr) ll\lillett Samuel, Rodmiu 1\Jolt·sworth Arms,John Park ,Wadebridge Wadt.'hridge l\lould Ezekid, Bodmin New Inn, Jane Hawkins, 13udmin Brown Willlam, Waflt>brid~e Pa~cfle Beuedkt, RIJrlmiu New London Inn, Thos.Ham, Wadebride Oliver Wm. (anrl builder) Bodmin Spille1· Samuel, Bodmin Red Lion, Elizabeth Pascot>, Bodmin Ship Inn, Jame~ 1\lan~iu, Wadebridge Rogers John,(and builder) Rodmiu SHOPKEEPERS & DEALERS Talbot, \Villiam Clyma, H•1drnin ·saundcr::~ Charle~. Wadehrirl~e IN GRo~:.;:RIES & su~DRJES. Town's Arms, Robert Gatty, Bodmin •rre,•erton Jno.(& painter) Bodmiu Beunett l•.hzabeth, Bndm111 . \Vadebridg .. l nn,JolmThomas, W a debrdge CONVEYANCERS, ~row.n Wt~l. (aud dmpt•r) Bodnnn Western Iun, 8tephen Luxon, Bodmin Bllt.th Jot.n l\1artyn, \&laud agent) Copp1~ Eltzabetll, H.odmm White Hnrt, Rob"rt Ct'ubh, Hodmin Bodmiu Gee R•,c~a1·d, llodnun. WATCH MAKERS. ·Geach Geor~t', Bodmin Ham Eltz~heth, Bodm1.n Belling Juo.(& irounwuger) Bodmu COOPERS. Ht'nder R1chard. Brul•~llll Hwad Johu, Bodmin Burrow Ht•ll rv, Hod m in Hr.'d\eu J a me!<, Bo~luuu Henwoud Digl.(ot·y, Warlchrirlge -Burrow Richan!, Bfl(huin i\lltter An_n~ Bodrnm . Ht:yuolds Jame!l, W:.~dt'hridge CURRIERS. Mudgc 'Y1Iham, Wade~ndge Re,·noid~ Thoma~, \V;ult·ht·idg-p WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANTS. R1·al•yn Gn•gol'y, Wade bridge Pe~rse '1. h~1mas, Bodnn,n . El~n11 James, Budmiu 1\fudj.(e Johu, Botfmin P!ulp W!l}tam & Jo~. \\ '!debru.lge Liddt'll Jame~, Bodmin ·'fnc'ker 1 H.ichard, Bodmin ~1ckard hnmas, Bodn~IIJ Wright IUclHi. (& hrewer) Bod:nin FIRE,&~. OFFICE AGENTS. ~auuders James, BcJdlll~ll WOOLSTAPLERS, ALBI ON' Thn:i. Commius, Bodmin Stephen~ J.ame!l, llod!mn Cradock John, Borhnin ALLIANCE, Geo. Geach, Bodmin Ward Wilham, l}odnll!l Flamank Robert, Budmin CoUNTY, J uo. Pt'thyhrid~rc·,l~c>t). Bodnuu Ward William, Bodmin night at half-past eleven, and the All:r­ Gros~ Johu Colt', Budnuu . West Thomas, Rod m in ilia1"!J lU!!il at the same hour in the morning; bot b t;: o t hrnugh Launceston, Oke fiJomas & Betsy, Boduun SURVEYORS Oakhampton nnd Exeter. 1 Pa!·kyn John, Bodmm '· . A~hby George (mads) \Vadebridge To FALI\'IOUl H, the Royal Mail, every Ph1lhps Jon.(&~roce~)\'\adcbndge Chapple James (land,&c.) Bodmin morning at hnlf-p11st twn, and the Aux· ~.log:;et~ John, ~odo111.1 Chapple William (laud) Bodmin iliar11 Mail at four in the 11fternoon, call at Oiiv .. r's Hotel; both go thtough St. 1 ht.'ma~ Ann, \\- adt.>bndge . l\1itchell James (of taxes) Bodmiu 1\fichael's and Truro. Wnght fhos . .Munntst~\·en,Bodmlll TAILORS. CARRIERS. ~ALTSTERS. • Bawden John Bodmin To CA!\! ELFORD, John Inch, from the Ha~ken H.tchard, Wadebnd~e. Chappell Joh 1:, Bodmiu Kin!:'s Arms, every Saturdav. Plulp Wm. & Jo~!ck, from his house; and John Yates, every l\1onday-and "'m. . M~~CHANTS. . Hill John, Wadehrid!{e Sowden, from the London Inn, every Hawk~n \Ytlham, (coal and 1ron) hey Nicholas, Wadehridge Wednesday -and Rnssell and Co.'s Wadebruig.e . Pearce Thoma~, Bodmin Waggons, from their warehouse, three Nuwery Ne1·t!le, Waclebrtdge Pt>ndrav William Bndmin times a WPek. Olh·er Jas. (timber) Watlt'hrid~e Rkkarrl John, w:tdebridge To FALl\IOUTH. Ru~sell & Co.'s Wng­ gons, from their warehouse, Thnrsday11 MILLINERS~ DRESS ~AKRS. }towell Elia!l Exhricl~e, llodmin and Satnrrla\ s. [every Thursday. Hunow Cathcl'lne, Bod•.mu Rowell Stepht•n, I:Jodmin To LO~TWITHIEL, Richard Warn, 1\latJJ.{e Chat'lotte, Bod~uu TALLOW CHANDLERS, To PADSTOW, John Yaf,.s, from the On~h & Pa!'coe, Bodnnu E"erv Elizabeth 13odmin London Inn, every Thnrsday-and Wm. Powue Sahina, B~dmiu S.mnders John, \vadebridge Sowden, enry Saturday. Spry l\Jary, BodmiD TANNERS. To ST. AUSTELL, Richard Warn, every Monday. [every Tuesday. PAINTERS & GLAZIERS, Mndge Th(Jmas Bndmin To. ST. COLUMB, Richard 'Warn, Broad & Thomas, Wadebridge Wiltou Hieha1·d: WadPbl'idA"e To TRURO, Russell & Co.'s Wag!Tons,, Bnruard Henry, Bodmin TAVERNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. 11nd James Pen~illy, from the Talbot, Jc~well Richard, Bodmin Bell Jnn, Tho1nas Eyre, Bodmin every Wednesday. Vaudersluvs William, Bodmin Cornish Arms, Wm.Cotlins, Wadebridge FROM WADEBRIDGE. PHYSICIANS Cornish Arms, Jo.sia.IJ Spry, Bodmin To BODMIN, John Yates, from tbe . W u d W·· d h ·'d J<;ight Bells, Jam ea Bennett, Bodmin Wodehrid~e Inn, every Monday and Cl ements m. non • . a e 11 ge J<:xeter Inn, John Davis, Bodmin }"riflay-and Wm. Sowden, eV1'1'V Sat. Potts- Asylum, Budmtu Fountain Thomas Harris Bodmin To PA OS TOW, J obnYat~s, everyThurs. Yeo William Amndel, Wadebriclgc Garland Ox, Wtn. Solomo~, Bodmin -and Wm. Sowden, every Tuesday. BOSSINEY AND BOS CASTLE. JBosSINEY and TREVANA, commonly called ~cription; and, did it not possess the pt·ivilege ofsend­ Tremma, i~ a bol'flugh aud pari~ll, iu the hundred ot j ing memb(~rs to parliament, would not be worthy the Le.5uewth; 229 miles f1·om Loudnu, and the fi'IJm C.t-. notice eren of tl-1e most minute topog1·apher. It con­ mclford. The town is one ot the wost imiguificant dl'- I taiuJS l.mt a few stl'aggling houses; and the country 13() . ·mttrttor1J. BOSSINEY, &·c. tttotnluall. arouud is so bleak and ragged, as to t'Xhibit a Mmplete the wc.."St of England. The aides of thi~ singular port picture of deva11tation. h obtained tht" right of dection Iare lined with rocks; and, as a further protection to from Edward VI, and was incorporated and goverm:d the llhip!Jing, a small pier has been erected, which na· by a mayor as early as the reign of Edward Ill 7 but tore ha'! shadowed with mountains ohhe most rugged it doubtll!ss then must have bt>en flOssessed of hl[.!he•· aud grote3tJue appea•·aa1ce~ Below these. cliffs, the sea claims to snch distinction than it uow presents. The has worn se~·eral Jarge passages, which in some places p•·esent representatives a~, James Stewart Wortley, penetrate near half a mile into the earth: into tft'ese and J<;dward Rose Tunno, Esqrs. •rhe market which caveru11, boats manned and armed frequently enter, by i& bad once, has loug been discou thmed; the fait·s are tl1e help of lights, in 11earch of the seal o1· sea-calf. An on the 5th of August and 22nd of No\"ember, but tbev officer and boat's crew of tht' preventive ser\'ice is sta­ are unimportant. 'fhe parish and borough of Bossi: tioned here. 'fhis is a place of very s11pe1·ior aptM!ar­ lley contained, in 1821, 877 inhabitants. ance and trade to the parliamentary borough above Bos CASTL-e is ~ituated most romanticall~, abont described. The moRt respf'ct able estabJil;hment here is two wiles and a half from Bossiney, between rocks belonging to tile Messrs. Rosevear and Slogttatt, mtr­ allll hilhs; where the tide, rusbiug an, forms a 1nnall chants, and agtnts to Lloyd11: these gentlemen accom­ port or creek, which givl's harboua· to vessds fi"Om Li- modate the inhabitants by taking goods to Exeter aud \"erpool, Bristol, &c. The different habitations are the intermediate places for the-m, in tht>ir own \\'ag· here t1ituated on the opposite sides of a stream of fresh gon-s, though they are not regular carrier~. This Wi\., water, from which the surrounding mountains rbe al- the birth ·r.lace of King Arthur, and the ruins of Tin­ tuns& perpendicularlv in three opposit~ directions, and tagell cast e are ll&ill to be seen. •rbe populatiou returus afford fi'Om their summits the most sublime liCt'tlt'ry in are made up with Tiutagell and Trevaua parishes. GEIITBY AIID C~EBGY. SHOPKEEPERS 4lr TRADERS. 1\loyse Ths. shoema~1·, Jl9s Castle Cock John, esq. Crac~mgton Beer Jos. grocer & draper,Trevana Panter Eliz. da·ess ma):te.r ,Boil CMtle Cole Wm. esq. Paradise ci>tta~e Callawa.y Zach.blcksmth,Bos Castle Pauter Saml.shopkeeper,Bos Castle Davte11 Mrs. Grace, Bos Castle Danger John,plasterer and bnilder, Pearn Samuel, carpentel" and shop- Howey Lieut. R. N. Bos Castle Bos Castle . keeper, Bos Castle · 1\larshall R~v. Lewis, Davidstow Fice Wm. ~rocer & dl'aJ)er,Trevana Rowle Wm.llhoemaker, Bo~ Castle Pearce Wm. esq. Halwil,Da,•idstow Gard Waiter, maltstert Bo~t Castle Ruse Di~goryt ruillei·, Bos Castle Rickard John, gent. Bos Castle GardWaltt'r,juu. plasta·, Bos Cat~tle SymousMalJ,dress makr, Bos Custl 1'uck~r Thos, sm·geon, Bos Castle Gard Willia·m, <'ooper, 'Bos Castle SymonsPhihp,drugst.&c.Bos Castle Woolcombe Rev. Chas. Bos Castle HamblyJuo.blacksmith,Bos Castle Symous ~ami. 11boemaker, 'frel"aua MEBCHAif'tS 4lr BHIPOWIIBS. Harris John, miller, 8os Castle Tidyman Lewis, tailor, BoscMtle A very Tboma11, Bo11 Castle Harl'i11 Wm.blacksmith, Bos Castle 'fink Rt>becca,school mitstress, Bos Rosevear & Slog~tt, (and agents Hoskin Auu,grocer&drapr,'l'revana Castle to Lloyds) Bos Castle Hoskiu Richaa·d, tailor, Bos Castle Uping Jno. shoemaker, Bos Castle PUBLIC HOUSES. Husband Joscph, tailor, Bos Castle VenningGeo.shoemakt:r,Bos Castle BosCastle,MosesPautea·,Bos Castle Keels Ricl•ard, butcht>l', Bos Castle Wade John, school n1astc:r,Trevana JJrig lnu,i''rancis Drake, 8os Castle Laugford Roberr Robinsou, groct'r, WadeStepb.coasl waiter,Bos Castle Joiners' Anns, Philippa P~nter drape a· & sph·it dealer, 8os Ca~tle WaringTs.Rchoohnal'ter ,Bos Castle Ship, Charles Jeokin, Bos Castle I Medlau James,butcher & maltster, Wickeld Maria, Mraw bonnet ma- Wnrtley Arms,Wm.A,·ery,Tre\-aua Bos Castle ker, Bos Castle . Ils a borough and market town, in the n1iddle dh·i- the ('Ourt Jeet of the lord of the manor; wbeu all who slon of Ka1et lmud red; 216 miles from Lonfior1, 40 from ha,·e lh•ed a year in the town are admitted free bur­ J<~xeter, 12 from Lauucestou, and 9 from Liskeard and gesses, and vote iu t be rlection nf mcm hers of parlia· 'l'avistuck. In point of situation or buildings, the town men t ; the portrieve is the returning officer; the pre· is not entitled to aoy admiration; the fnrmer being low seut reprt"!lt'utativcs aa·e, Alex:dt·. Baring, and Matthias and anplca~ant, and thP-latter comprised in oue bro:td Attewood, EMqrs. Between this towr• and Launceston lltreet, running north and south. Calling ton is a mem- the country ill pleasant, aud the land well cultivated her of the parish of South-hill, about two miles dis- as any in Cornwall; but pre~Wnts 110 oblt>ct tu excite tnut; and l1as a large chapel of ease within the pre- the iurerest ur notice of th~ tra,·eller. ;i'he markt't· cincts ot the town, rebuilt at the sole t•xpense of Ni- dav is Wednesday; the fairs are, the first Wednt>sday cbnlas de A11heton, lt:sq. in the year 1552; the chancel in ·1\Jarch, J\1ay 1st, St>ptcmher 19th, and Novemher contailtll a fiue monument to his memm·y : the cura•:y 12th ; there are also cattle-ma•·kets on the fir~;t Wt>dnes­ it~ at present enjoyed by the Rev. John 'J •·cfusis. The day in t'\'ery month. The population of the boroogb town is ~twerned by a pot·t•·ieve, annually r.hosen at and 11arish, by the f•ensus of 1821, was J,32J persons. POB%' OP:riCB, Richal'd Peter, Post lllttster.-Lettt•rs f•·om LoNDON, and all parts, arrive every morning at a quarter-past six, and are despatched every moruing at half-past six.. GE,~TBY. A.IID C~E BGY. · S nt>ll H ul{h, conveyancer Han·ey Antbony, linen and woollel\ Call .S1r Wtlharu l iatt, bart. INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES. draper and f{rocer Wlnteford house Bull'11 Heart, James Crabh Hendor Willium watch maker Clarke Re'··, ~d~ardt St. f?omiuic Ne::w Inn (and po~Sting house) Heowood Francis, tailor Coryton J n. falbe,esq.Pentally castle \Villi am GoldE-n Hen wood Johu tailor Cooche William, genf. Callington Ring of Bells William Ca·abb Henwood Wiai~m tailor Dingle Mrs. Sarah, Callingto!l SoH, James i~ud~e Hodge John, bake; Flt>tchea·Rev.John K. D.D.Culhngton 'J'ha·ee Crown!l, Charles Tr·ute Honey William, C'arpeuter liellrt"r Edwd. esq. N.""Yton F~t·rers Wellington, \Villiam Hudge Horoabt·ook Richard, shopkeeper Honad~n Colonel 'Yllham Hackses SHOPKEEPERS a TRADERS. Jago John, wht'elwrlgb& (magtstrate) C~llmgton . AluHllldFl·an~.much &clock uHtket· John11 Hichard, carpenter Horn don W m.Davad,esq. Call!ngton Ball Johu, lim·u drape&· Jope Jametc, liuen dr.tper l\1essengerJR.Bryaut,esq .Calhngton Uatty Th0111as, mal'Oil and builder Langford Alice, •llopkt>ept'r ~·Jo~shead Rev. Edwa.t·d,. Callstock Bolitho fiohert, blacksmith l\lartiu John, litlt'll drKpt•r ~.erJeant Rev. Ju1m., Calhngtou Bollam Ht·nry, stuuema~Suu l\lartiu William, haberdasher lrelawu~y Wm.Sahsbury,C~Jistock Kox Amb.tallowchaudlt:r&butdter 1\lasou George, saddler and iron­ Woollcombl! Rev. Htma·y, Plllaton Burgh John Gl'ill:i, droggist monger, aud Jh·e, &c. otHer agent PROFESSIONAL PEBSOIIS. Carder Samud, brazier, Jllumber Nixon Daniel,currier [tributerl Benny Samuel, limgeuo ·[demy 1 and tiu-platc workea· Pett'r Anabella & l<~lizb. auamp dill• Heuder Wm. day & boarding aca- Cle,·erdon John, grocer & cooper Pt'ter Arthur, 5hOJlkt't'per Hockin Waltt>r, attorney · Clouuh Rowlaud, currier, &c. Peter John, wool!!itaplt-r 1\lartin John, attorney Comer Thomas, butcher Peter Richard, saddler.honmonger, 1\lt!aseu~er \Villiam, IIUI·geon Crahb 1\Jal'y &Elizlllh. dress ma'ken & agent to the County fire office 1\loon Wm. surgeon & apothecary Ooidgl! Hichaut. grocer }>hilJipa John, RUctionet'r RendeH Wi!liam, ~urgeo11 Duot.tim J;uues, hoot ~ t;)wt'nlakel" PhilliJIS Rid1a1d, shopkeeper 18 137 ~orntuall.. CALLINGTON. Digot & ~o.'•

BBOPKEEPBRS1 .11,.-Contiluttd, VollperGeorge,malt!'te•·,Castlewitch OA.RRIB.RS. Poad John, batter Wad~e Jusia & lo'rans.watcb maker" To Llf4 KEA RD, John Bow den and John Pomry Stephen, ~bopkeeper Weeks John, blacksmith Hawke, from tbe Bull'• Head, eYerJ Tueaday. Sleep George, blacksmith Westlake .Mat·y, linen draper To LOSTWITBIEL, Joha Hawke, Sywon11 William, carpenter Weymouth John, carpenter Thnndar. _ 'l'rewetk Richrl. Hale, black'Jmitb Wr1ght Hemy, shoemaker To 'I'AVIS'fOCK, Jolm Bowden, ""rf Var~oe William, stone ma~~on Wright James, 11hoemaker Monday • • CA1\1BORNE, POOL & NEIGHBOURHOODS•. , a Dlat·ket town and parish, iu tl1e pealted arches; the capitals of the pillars aredecoratt'd numh·~d uf Penwith, is 266 miles from l.oudon, 93 \\·ith fCiliage in a manner tlmt still distinguishe& many from gxeter, and four from Red• uth; situated on 1l1e of the Coruit~h dnm:b~; the altar-a,iece, which is ex­ road to the Land's Eml, from which is i11 distant 24 ce~dingly magnifict"ot, i11 of Sienna marble. 'rhe Jiviug n1iles. lts name i~t said to be derivt'd from a well, that is a rectory, aud the present incumbent is the Rev. WI\ZI formerly in high repute iu this nei~hbourhood, Hugb RugerK. There are two chapels for diillleoters, 'known by the appellation of Cam-bun.e Wt~ll; te and a charity-school, fouuded by l\lu. Grace PerciVHl. which the young and aged used to re11ort, to benefit for imnructing 12 boys and 8 girls in reading, writing by its (supposed) celebrated virtue~. From a very in- and arithmetic. Camborne is placed io a ve1y pleasau& significant place, this town is fa:~t rising into opulent.-e, part of the county, on the northern aide of a gently· and cou~equentlyimportance, from the ,·aluable mines rhing hill, with o1any fertile enclosures, and two or of copper aud uo 11nrroundin~ it ; and is becoming a three handsome seats; amongst which may: be parti• aerious rival· to the neighbouring town, , in its cularized Tehidy Park, the re~Sidence of the RigbtHou. trade, &c. Seireral new streets lla\·e been added within Lord de Dunstanville. This nobleman has bt'en a m a• thl'se ft·w years, and there a1-e others projected, in lh~ nificent fosterer ofCamborne, and, amongst otht>r be• ~iciuity of the church; a situation highly favourable for nefits, erected the market-house at his owu expensP. an iucreaae of buildings. The modern erec1ions are The market-day is Saturday; and the fairs a•·e. March light aud neat; nor haoJ that pleasing and judiciuus fea- 7th, Whit-Tuesdny, June 29th, and 1 be second Tuesday tore in streeL-building, uniformity, been ne![lected. in November. By the et>usus for 1821, Camborne pa­ Lord de Dunstanville and Sir R. R. Vyvyan, Bar&. M.P. rish contained a population of 6,219 inhahiumts.; his are the joint lords of the man01·, und hold courts occa- now estimated that it lJa.; increased to 8,000, of whi<'h sioually. The chu•·cb, which is lleated in the upper latter number 2,000 is computed to be resident iu part of the towu, is a handsome building, and, from the the town. ap1•earance of its architectnre, was probably ert>cted PooL, in the parish of Cam borne, is about 1! mile about the ':ouclutiion of tbe 15th century; it has a nave fa·om that town, iutimately founect~d with it in trade, and 11ide-aisles, with clustered pillars, and obtusely· but containing nothing me~iting pnrticnlar commen,. Z'OS~ OEEZCB, CAMBORNE, Hannah Tippet, Poat Miatress.-Letten from LoNDON, and all par'l arrive ali CA~BORNR and PooL at eight iu the morning; and are despatched fron1 CAMBORNB at th·e in the t:veuiug, and from PooL at half-past five. l'IOBIL1'16i·/. GENTRY AND Rogt>rs John, Cam borne , IRONMONGERS. . C ERGY. Smilh Georgt!, Cttmborne Ho"kms J•!h~, Caa~bor11e Bnmett Hohert, ~cut. Camborne Tuck Wm. ( & buihit:r) Cam borne ~Jmons W!ll~am, Cambo~ne De Dnn~ttam•ille, the Higln Honble 'l'yack Jonathan, Cambome ltppett Wllham, Camborne Lol'd, 'fehidy park cooPERS. Viv1an Ht>nry And1ew, Camborne · Hartlt'y l\lrs • .Mary, Rosewarne Smith William, Camborue · MBRCRANTI• Jlaull James, gent. Rosewane Vivian Henry Anrlrt•w, Camborne Bt>nnftt Chal'les, Camborue Peurtat ves Ed\\'ard William Wynnl', DRUGGISTS AND GROCERS. Blamey Jnd, Pool e11q. M. P. Peudarves (See alao Gtocerl u11d DruperH.) Daniell Frauds, Camborne Reyuolds Willia.n, eFq. Tr~ven11on Ho~kius John, Caruborue Rcynolds Joseph, PoOl Richard& William, geut. Cclmborne James Ccwuelitt~, Pool Vhian Audrew, Camborne Ro~~;erA 1\ev. Hugh, Camborne Pean·e Johu, Camb,rne Vi\"ian John, Rosehill ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. Richards Richard, Camboa·ne Viviau Joseph (and· ship owner) Uayuard Miss lladi~' hoardi11g) EATING HOUSE KEEPERS, Rost'Worthy . Camborue G!ludry John, C~mborue Vivian Joseph and Co. (&iron, and Duckhatll l>avid, Cam borne R1cluuds John, Camhorne manufacturers) Roseworthy Lark Hcbecca (lad lea' boarding) ENGINEER. Vivian Nicbolas (coal) Camborue Camborue W"oolf Arthur, Cal'uhorut'! MILLINERS t!r DRESS MA'KBI. Nettle ~ dwd. Cam home [ponds I'IRE., &c. OFFICE AGENTS. . . , . · P~Rcn· Al.s' CIIARITY ScuooL,Pen­ AT CAI'oiBORNE. BtddJck Ehzabeth, Camborne 'tbouutll Juhu, ~ambonu~ ATLAS, John Howellt<;dwtu·ds llichards Klizabeth, Camhorut! ATTORNEY. CLERICAL AND MEDICAL (lift) Tyack Jaue (and straw bat maker) Reyuolds Wm. 'J'dlaru, Camborne Philil• Vincent Camborne ' . BLACKSMITHS. CouNTY (&provident) Wm.Symond~ SADDLER&. Harris Matthew, Camboroe NoRWICH UNION, Saml. Rawlings Harvey John, Camborne Jiarvey William, Pool GROCERS AND DRAPERS, HoiSkins Johu, CRmborne Hnlman William, Pool Ben nett A nu, Cam borne Symond:~ William, Camborue .Jetfrt-e Wm.~& white) Cambornc Hud~ee John & James, Camborne Tippet WiUiam, Cambo1·ne Rl•tallick Willlam, Pool Hanis William, Phol SHOPKE'EPERS ar DEALERS 'fhotna!ll John (&.white) Camborne Ht>yne11 Thonms, Cam borne IN SUNDRIES. ' Pn!!cor Fnmci~, Caruoorne Beunett John, Camhvrn" BOOKSELLERS & STATIONRS. Thomas William Camborue Bennett 1\targaret, C;unborne Edward:s Jnhn Howcll (aud auc- Treglown Gt-org:, Pool Glanvill Elizabt'th, Cambome Cambowe tioneer) Tnrnt·r Susan ( & mt'rcer) Cam borne Harvey Su!-lan, Cam borne Newtou Llcwellyu, Camborne WilliamK Ralt•h (and earthe!uware .lames Jametc, Pool BOOT AND.SHOE MAKERS. de11ler) Cam borne J a me:; JtJhn. Cambortlf" Hli~ht Witliam, Pool INNS AND PUBLIC HOUSES. .lamt'S Joseph, Camhnrue Hocking J Hhu, Cam borne Bas~Selt Arms, Wm. Butgt'sM, Pool Na11karrow William, Pool LPau Stl'pheu, Camborue Ba... sett Arms,Jos.Snddy ,Cam borne Nichola!ii Ann, Camhorue ~1:\tthew!4 Tbomag, Camborne Commercial Hotel,Sami. Kawling~, Odgers Thoma~ (and earthe'\ware l'a!lcoe Alexander, CamiJoi'Jle Camborne deal~r) Camborue l'rideaux Stepheu, Cambollle Hutel, l'l·anci!l Kuapp, Camborne Pt>npral!ie Willicun, Camhorne BllEWBB&. King's.Armll, Wm .Tyack,Camhorne Skewes James, Cam borne ~Uery John, Cam borne Plough Inn, ThomaB i\latthews, Thomas Jnhn (and earthenware Jam~a William (a·t·tail) Camborne Camborne (Camborne dcalt>r) Camborne CARPENTER&. Princes' l'eathers, Jame~ Phillip!!, Trevithick Petc1·, Camhorne D:miel William, Ca111hor11e V nicorn, Jolm Tau~)·e, C11ml•m·m• Willougbhy William, l)uol 138 ' mtrtctorn. CA~tBORNE, &c. t!tornluall. ' -·-- STONI: MASONS, Richard!! William, Punt Truro) call• at the Hotel, every 1\fon­ Bond Jobn, C:amborne Williams RaiJ)h, Camlwrne Wednea. and Fri. monting at e1e1'en. Richards 'rnbias, Camborne 'l'JN-PLATI: WORKI:RS, · To TRURO the Rrg~tkltor (frnm Pen­ Hichards William, Camborue cance) calls at the Hotel, every Tu!"a­ Petherick John, CamhHme day, 1 htnlltlay, and Saturduy afternooo To wen H u~th, Pool Tt'l'rill William, Cam borne at half-past fuur. 'J'owen William, Pool WHI:ELWRIGH'l'S. William" John, Camborne CARRIERS. . Carpenter Johnson, Punl [Pool To F AJ."MOUTH, James l'icbo11s, every Wills Richard, Camhorue H.olman Nicholas( & boiler builder) Monday & Friday-a111l Jamrs Rutter, SURGI:ONS. P~arce John, Pool ev•ry W l'dnesd&)' and Saturday. · Onrney J<:dwyu, G. s. Cam borne rlliscellaneous. To PENZAl\CJo:, Jaml's Pascoeo, .John Jt:ffery Gt•or·~(', Camborue HockingJobn, watch, &c. mkr.Camborne Tenby, and Richard Woolc•Jck, every Lanron Tollias, Camborne 1\toyle kobert John8, farrier, Cam borne · da\ (8undav excepted.) Vincent Philip, Camborne S)·monds John, butcher, Camborne To ST. IVES, Jame1 Nicholls, every Wooleock Jobn,cabinet malascoeFrancis ( & da·aver) Camborntc> To PRNZ.-\NCE, the Regultll"r (from (Sundny ex<'epted.) CA~1ELFORD Ils a l!mall market town and parliamentary borongh, freemen; these elect two members for parliament; lu the llarish of LantegloR and hundred of Lesnewth; the mayo1· is the returtJing offic('r: the Jll't'St-111 rf'!lrt'·. 229 mile~~ from London, 56 from Exett'r, 12 from Bod- 11entathe!! are, .Mark 1\liUbank, Esq. and Colonel Crad­ 'lltlu, and 5 fmm Bossiney. It is situated amidst good dock. The parish t'horcli is sitoatt>d at Lautt>acfo11, agricuhural land, but dev•tld of prospects picturesque about. R mile from the towu; the liviug is a n•ctury, in or twen pleasing. A feature, the mu11t prominent in tht''gifr of the See of Exeter; the prest'ut incumbent is the landst~pe of r he neighbourhood, is a mountaiu, the the Re\', C. Luxmore, and h111 ~urate the Rev. Thum;u1 • Ro.,gh TtW.' the hi~hest iu the cuunty, about a mile Amory. The only Jllaces of worship in the pari11h ltt>• distant, on which aa·e hnmPnse square blocks ofgranite, sides, are two chapel11 for disserJt.t'rM. 'fhe market-day provincially called the' Koirn.r.' •rllis is a place of is i''riday; the fairs tu·e. the first Friday after the IOrh little tr·ade; the neare:o~t mine is at Frehurget, three March, the 25th May, 17th July, aud 6th 8eJitt'mht•r. 1niles hence; it is prulitic in lt'ad, with some silver·. The parish ot LantegloM, with the horou~h of Camt J. 'J'he town is go"el'lll'd by a mayor, 8 hurgt>ssE"II, andlO ford, cuutaiued, in 1821, 1,256 iuhabitautl'. I!OIIlfl' 077ICE:, Ami Diubam, Post Jlistrtss. Lett~t·s from all paa·ts anive every morning at half-past 1.1eveu, and are de:opatched every afteruoou at four. . ' GENTRY, AND CLERGY. Da,·y William, blacksmitb ~oue William, tin-plate work~r An•err Rev. 1 homas, Lantt:glos Din ham William !laddler Scott JaJUt'!l, ~tonema11ou & burlder Den\ John, esq. Gt:eat hou11e Evelyu John saddler Scott Natharnt'l, shot"ma"ker Gregory Mrs. ~la•:•a, Camelford Fall James, tailor Scott Sa!'l~el, 11boemaker ~UXIJ!Ore Rev.Cormdon,,Bredastow Gayra· Richard, maltstt>r Sb(Jrt Wliham, bl!ic~smitb SpettJgnl' Rev. Erfmd.Mtcht>)!l~town Harvey James fellmonger Sloggatt l\larJ(t.nnlhnt'r&dre!!~ mkr o PBdd~EJSShiOC~lAdL Pi:RSONS. Hurdon Jame; druggist & grocer Slol(gatt Thoma.s Ro~evear, miller P~ WOf!ll.o nH o e, attorney lvev William draper and hatter 'J'ingcomb John, sl,oemaker K>ltl!J ,!) 8 ~ F~~· r.Y' surgeon JoaiesJ no au~tiouecr & scboolmastr Watts Richard, tturier I earct. n 11 1 tan• 11 1 1.s, llllorney . · . West ErlwanJ IIUI'Jrffin Male Richard,. tatlot· C.i!BRlEBS. PUBLic Hous:ss. M_ort'houf;e Jame11, carpenter To LAUNCESTON & EXETER, Wm. narlington Arms, Richard Gayer N!choll11 RC!h~•·t, butcher Davis' Waggonlf, from the Darliugtoa King's Arm11, Charles Diuham N1cholls W1lham, 11hopkeeper Arms, every Saturday. Masons' Arms, George Arnall Oke Waiter,, butcher To PLYMOtiTH, DEVONPORT, and Old White Hart, Thomas Arnall Pea•·ce J uo. Jr«HimOrJgcr & nralt!!ter CALLINGTON, John Cbennouelh, SHOPKI:EPI:RS & TRADERS. Pearce Salome, sho)Jkt't'Jtt'l' from bia house, evtry Wednesday. llate 'J'Jwnaall, butcher Pears~ ltohert, druggbt & grocer, Tu STRATTON, RUDE, 810EH)RD, and .8ARNSTAPLE, Rie:bard Ham, lilamy Nicholas, hatter and fire office a~eut from the Muon'a Arms,every Saturday. Bond S:uuul'l, carpenter Pt•ter John, watch & clock maker To 1'RURO, FAU\IOUTH, ST. CH; Burt Ph ili p,carpellt.~l'& whrt'l wr·i~otll t Pope I 1\htthew, batler LUMB, and WADEBIUDGF., V\-"tl\, }3urt W ru.lincu & won lieu draper Ru~e,·ear J ames, gmcer & draper, Vydan and Charles Pengilly, from the Davy Thomas, blacksmith and tallow chaurllcl· King's Arms, every Salurday. F ALl\IOUTI-1, THl<; most westt>rnly 11ea-port of F.ngland, is in the· known by the name of Carrcg, or Canick road~ it humh·cd of Kertit•r; 270 miles from London, and 92 extends nearly fh'e miles in leugtl1, and the depth of. from l':xet.er. 'fhe orl.t.:in of thtc> town of Falmontb is water raric11 from four to 20 fathoms. 'fbt entranct' tu jnvoh·ed in much obscurity t the most authentic ac- the ha\'en is about a mile wide; deep Wdte•·, e\·en a& counts rlate the rise flf it fluh~~equent to the yt>ar 1600. low tide; a loold shore, witltrJu obstt·uction, eXI'PVt \Vhen Sir Waiter Ralei~h, retumi11g front his \'O)'al!e tht• black rock in the middle of the eo trance, which to Guiaua. put into this lmrbour there was theu (Can•w sayil} doe~ not endanger it: beueath 11helte1·· only one boose be~ides Arwenack House: frout in~ hills, with depth of water for lar!(e fteetA, ves11els that time it has gradually inc-reased, and is, at pn•seut, may hett• n•pose in safety, ami wait in st>curity the the most ~lopulous town iu the eom1ty. Jt is twnlt'- p~ssiul!' away"of the tempest. Iu the hoistel'Ous winter what remarkable, that there is no town in Coruwall, of 17~6-7, lay secure t:J"Om the storms three ship:t uf of any magnitude.uftnore mode1·n date thau Fa Imouth, the Jin(', ~ix fri~ateiS, se,·eral sloops of war, eight or and no harbour in En!tlaud of ~reatcr <'elebrity in the tt•n largE' J<~ast I ndiamen, many tran~t•orts, and ·at leal!t annals uf antiquity. The harbour of Valemm&lh has 200 l!ttil of merchants' Vt'l'Sels: in Dt'ct-mher,1814, werr been famous in Europe, and evtn iu parts of Asia, anchnn·d four of his Maje-~ty's 11bips, and 250 Kail of t!\"t'l' since thili it'! and has bt'en known to the rommer- other htrge vrs.~els; and in the month of March, 1815, cial world. 'flse harbour was denominated byPtolemy t•i~ht ships of war, and 300 11ail o{ merchants' ''essels, the month of the Cenia, the l<,al being !10 callt·d then, whilst near 100 !'ail more of packets and coasters were :and actually having UJIOII it the ancient town of Ct'nia, at. anchor. Ou the western 1.1ide ot}he harbour, a bunt tl1e prt'.•eut Trl'l{nuy. But the hm·bour is better kunwn 1 a milt' from Falmouth, at the extremity r1f a peninsula, to the Engli~oh fl'llm the numeo1·ous ad\·antagt•s which it !'tandl! PL•ndennis cru;tle, a most mRJluiticent fortrc!l!l, (•njoy!!: in the nara·ow dil'idcd 8\'enue into it, in the defending the west ent1·auce of the b:u-bour; the view bl'IJad bosom whi&:h it di!oiJilays within, in the many from the cal!tle is grand in the extrrme ~ the tin·tifica­ trrt'kll whkh rttn up into the land f1·om it, in the gt·· tinus \VCt\' nri~inally erected by Henry V Ill, but were Jl('l'al depth or Wat('l' thtl)ugh all, and t.he f"Oillilllli\l! itUJlfO\'('d In thdl' ltl"eSt'Ut d<•gree Ot f!tl'ell~th in the :SC:l'Urity in any of the ¥\'ind~. The outer harbour i:4 rl'i~ttu uf Qucl.'ll Elilabt:lh. On the oppo:,He ~hie of 139 Qtornwall. Fi\LMOUTH• . . the harbour ia the castle of St. Mawea, in e•ery re- person can be restored to life. Tbe • Misetacordia So­ ~~ct inferior to Pendennis. ciety• is for the relief of poor strangers, and other dis· The trade and prosperity of Falmoutb may be said tressed persons in town. A widows' retreat was built to fluctuate pe1·haps less than anJ port town in the in 1810, at the joint expense of Lord Wodehouse and kingdom. In times of warfare it is frequently the re- Samut'l Tregelles, Esq. for ten poor widows, of unhle­ lon of tleets ; and it has a depot of naval store11, with miahed charactel'!l, and who had never receh·ed any proper officers: and being at all times the principal parochial relief. The merchants' hospital, for the re­ packet-station, there is consequently little relaxation lief of maimt>d or disabled seamen, and for the widows fi'Om the bustle and life attendant upon a populous of such as are killed or drowned in the merchants' ser­ and prosperous sea-port. Besides these adv.snfages, vice, was e~tablished about the year 1750, under an art it has a good retail trade, 11ustained by numerous opu- ot parliam~nt, J>S$Sed in the 20th George 11, in fclvour lent families resident in the town and its viciuage. of seamen belonging ta the city of London; to support The merchantt are highly re~tpectable; there are ROOd ~his institution, ever~ seaman belnngiug to a packet or brewerie!l, roperiet~, sbir. building yards, and three c.f merchant vessel, reJCtstered in the port of F~lmouth, the most superior it1os n the county. The pilchard pays 6d. per mouth. There are also several other bene­ fishery, and the import ofiroo and timber for the u~e volent institutions; all of which :shew the l!piriL of of the n1ines, are also great sources of profit; but above philanthropy by which Falmooth is so eminent!)' dis­ all, Falmouth derh·es its principal lntet·est from the tin~uished. · A private literary and })hilosophical establishment of the packt:ts for the West ludies, soc1ety is here, most sustained; and there America, the Leeward Islands, Brazils, Portugal, and are, besides, three book-cluhs, and a auite ofrooms, irt the Mediterranean: tbe facilities these vessels afford Church-street, called the • public subscription room !I," to commerce bave been the primary means of improv· where newspapers and otlter periodicals are taken in; iug the town, and enriching it" inbabitant11, A dry there are also billiard and smoking rooms attached, dock has lately been made, at the expense of nea1· and a library and museum. 'l'he encomia11t of Falmouth ten thousand pounds. The principal street runs pa- has pronounced it, fm· salubrity, the 1\lontpl'lier flf rallel with tbe sea-beach, for upwards of a mile in Gre11t Britain; ami those who do not go so far in itH length; and below the emint>uce that commauds tbe praise, allow it to be one of the mo1o1t healthy and :harbour, is the tt'rrace, a row of fine houses, delight- charmiu!t neighbout·hoods in the west of England. The fully situated. The town is governed by a mayor, re- country around is fertil~ and productive, the scenery corder,deputy rl'corder, aldermen, burgesses and town beautiful and varied; the harbour presents a delight­ clerk, who elect to all vacancie11 that occur in their fnl panoramic view-the bay, a boundless expansE';. body, and hold their regular quarter l!essions. whilst the garrisons of Pendennis and St. M awes, at The church, erected in 1662, is dedicated to King other pc.ints, contribute to the interest of &be I!Cl'lle. Charles the Martyr, and situated at the top of Arwe- The ~eologist will also obtain here food to gratify biS uack and Cburcb streets: the living is a rectory, in scientific researches. In a decomposing vorphyritic the patronage ofthe Risbt Hou. Lord Wodehouse; thtl rock, n£>ar the Swan pool, are found detached crystals presen& incumbent is the Hon. and Rev.- Wode- of quartz, in the form of the primary rhamboyd, and )IC)use, and his curate the Rev. Lewia Mathias. There double hexagonal, pyramidal and other modifications t i~ also a chapel of ease ( Penwerri:~ chapel,) at Stralton- also, in the same neil(hbourhood, specimens of cappea place, of which the Rev. Mr. Kemp is the curate. 'I'here quart~ havt: been discovered. Some of the };uges~ tin· are, likewise, chapels for the use of baptists, indepen- and copper mines, for which this county is so fam~d, dentll, Wesleyan and primitive methodists, unitarians, are worked within a few miles of the town. and Bryanites; a friends' meeting-house, and a jews' The market-days are Tttesdays, Thursdays and Sa­ synagogue. The schools for ~l'atuitous instruction are turdays, for articles of general consumption; the fairs bumtrous, and comprise, a British school, two upon are August ith and October lOth, but they are unim• the national system, mfant schools, and several others portant to the trade or welfare of the town. By the belonging to the dissenters. The public dispensary, in- parliamentary retnrn!l for 1821, the entire parish of stituted in 1806, is a very praiseworthy establishment: Falmouth contain~d 6,374 inhabitants, and thf' town amongst it~ other humane regulations, is one highly 4,392 of that number; but it is estimated that at this meritorious, viz. the giving one guinea to any boat~nan period, the parts within the j01·isdiction of the corpo• who shall speedily rescue from the wattr the body of ration, and mcludiug also parts ofparisht>s within the a1;y persl)n recently tidleu into it; and this is aug· boundary of the reputtd town, contain altogether a DlCDtt'd to a larger sum in case the apparently drowned population of about 11.000 persons. POST OFPIOB 1 Church-Htreet, Seymour Wood, Poai.Miatrt18.-Letters from LoNDON arrive every moruiu~ at seveu, and are de~patched every evening at ten minutes past six.-Letters from PLYMOUTH arrive e'·ery e,·ening at half-past four, and are rlespatched every morning at a quarter before seven.-Letters fl'om PENZAISCR anh·e t>very evening at half-past five, and are despatched every morning at half past seven: Offic~ open from cigh" o'clock in the morning until nine at night. - NAVAL DEPARTMENT-PACKET OFFICE, ARWENACK-STREET. Wm. Gay, Ksq. ag~nt-l\fr. Wm. L. Drown, first clerk-Mr. J. W. Wheatley. seeond clerk-Mr. Wm. Gay,jun. third clt1'k. T!Je mails are made up in LoNDON, tor LJsBo~, every Tuesday-MEDITERRANEAN and BRAZILS, the tlJ'IIt Tuesday in e\"t'ry month-JA:IUICA, CAR'riiAGENA, LA GuAYRA, HALIFAX and BRRMUDA, fit·st Wedne~day in e'·ery month-BuENos i\YRF:R, third Tuesday in t'\'ery month-the LEEWARD IsLANDS, JAMAICA, Vr.aA Cauz aud TAl\tl'Jco, third Wedutsday in every month.-The maU~ madt! ttp in LoNDON on Tuesda1 arrive onl'~riday; and tho:se m~de up 011 the Wedut>sday arrive on Satnrday, on wh1ch days the packets sail. POS1' OFFICE PACKE1'S, WITH 'l'HEIR COA!MANDERS. . Captain William King, a. N. regulating commander, A1·wenack honse-Mr. Walter Clotwortby, chief clerk. P.tCitBTS. COliMAND.ERS. I'ACKBTS. COM!'CANDBRS, Ariel •••••••••••••••••• James Fi~~ Marquis of Camden •••••• John Tilley Cormle88 of Chicheller •••• William Kirkness llluUne •••••••••••••••••• Richard I-awle Cygnet ...... •••••••••••• Jamt'S Gooding !fl.11rll~ •••• ...... Robert Si son D11ke of ltlurlborougl. •••• Jolm Bnll Nocton •••••••••••••••••• Joseph MOI'Jlht!w D14ke of York., •••• •••••• Robert Snell Oa&ome •••••••••••••••. Waiter Leslie Eclipu•••• •••••••••••••• Chal'les William Griffin. Pigeon •••.••..•••••••••. John Binney .Emulous •••••••••••••••. Went worth ParsoHs Croke Pluver •.•.••••••••• •••••• William Dowuey Frolic • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••• Thomas C. Oarron Princea11 Elizabeth •• •••••. Edmuud Scott Goldfinch ...... John Walkie Rhwldo ...... Hope •• •••••••••••••••••• J nlm Wri~ht. Sanrlrcic/1 .• •.••••.•••••• _A don iah Schnyler Kingjishe;· .•••••• • •••••. B. T. Walkt'r Sheldmke.••.•••..••.•••. Hobert Ede Latlg Pelham •••.••••..•• Ht·t~ry Carey Skylitrk •.••...••••••.•. Benjamin Aplin Lndg lfTeili11gton • • • •••• William I.ngg SpC'tf •••••• •••••••••••••• William .Jamt>s Lt1p1oing •••••••••••••••• o .. mg,. Brooks For::.ll'r Spli!Jn.r ••.•.....••••••. ..•-\. R. L. Pas. .:in::!ham Lm·d .Melvilld •• , •• ,.,.,., John F11n1C StaJimt•r ...... •••..... Hobc.•rt S. Suttun •lillgnt'l••••••• ,., •••••• •••Jamcs Portl.'nll~ .~·mflllou• •.•.....•••.••.. Thomas Baddol·k .Jbucltimle.,a of QuP-rn.vlmrgJ. R. Hannah 7'1J7'ittn •• ••.••.•••••••••• Hohert. Dwyer ftlardtiout3& ol Stcliiibttrg .. Jamt~S Graham Zep/l:;r •.• ,, . .••..•. ; •••• Chill'lt:.ii Chur& h 14tl IJirtttorn. F ALl\'lOUTH. «ornluall. • . . . Rates of Pa•sengers by the Fahnouth Packets•. CA.BlJII. IITEBR.\OB,I C.lrBI!f. ST:BBRAGL £ I. £ I, JAMAICA. £ 1. £ lo To or from Falmoutb and Lisbon •••• , ••••• · 16 16 • . 8 8 ' From Falmouth to Harbadoes or St. Vincent ~ 0 • , 25 0 HBDITERRANBAN. From Falmouth to Jamaica ...... liO 0 .. ~ 0 .Prom Fa\ mouth to Cadiz or Gibraltar •••••• 28 0 .. liS 0 From Jamaica to Falmouth ...... 40 0 • • 2-5 0 From Fa! mouth to Malta ...... 4S 0 ... 25 0 1 LBKW.t.RD ISL&l'IDS, · rrom Falmou~h to Corfu .•.•...••••••.•.•• M 0 • • 30 0 , From Falmou !h. to Barbadoes, St. Lucia} 40 0 0 fo or frnm Gibraltar and Malta ...... 2L 0 .. 12 0 1 or 1\fartmaqoe ...... •• 25 To or from Corfu ••••••• , ••• , •••••••••••• 30 0 , , 16 0 · From Falmoulb to Dominica or Guadaloupe 46 0 .. 26 0 From Corfu to Falmouth ...... 55 0 , • 30 0 I Prom Falmouth lo Antil{ua •• , ...... 48 0 •• 27 0 From Malta to Falmourb ...... 4/i 0 • • 2:i 0 From Falmoutb to .l\tontserrat...... liO 0 .. 2H 0 }'rom Gibraltar or Cadiz to Falmoutb,, •••• 28 0 • • L-> 0 From Falmouth to 1'\evi~ or St. Kitts ...••• 60 0 .. 28 0 BRAZILS, From Falmouth to Tortola or St. Tbom11s's St 0 .. 30 0 From F11lmouth to Madeira ...... ~ 0 .. 15 0 From any of the above Islands to Falmouth 42 I) •• 26 0 From Falmouth to Teneriffe , •••••••.••.•.. 3-5 0 • • 16 0 }'mm Falmouth to Brazils ••••••••••••• , •• ?3 0 • • 36 0 Female servants pay as Cabin Passengens: men let vants, From M~deira to Teneriffe ...... , • • .. . . • • 7 0 .. 4 0 accompanying their masters, pay as Steerage: children, under Jo"rom Madeira to Brazils ...... 42 0 .. 21 0 twelve months old, go free of charge; under four years of age From Brazils to Fa! mouth ...... 80 0 .. 40 0 pay as Steerage; above four years as Cabin Passengets. The AMI!RIC.t.. Passenger11 by all, e,;cept Lisbon Packets, provide bedding; To or t'rom Falmouth and Halifax •• ,. •••• 40 0 .. 22 0 and, from the West Indies, lay in their stock: each Pauen~er To or from New Yorkdirect .....••..•••• 40 0 • • 22 0 is allowed to carry any weight of linen, wearing apparel, and To or from New York, wia Halifax ...... , 4.'i 0 • • 25 0 and books, not exceeding 4UOlb~o Passen~era not proceeding, From Falmouth to Hermoua • , ••...•.•. , •. 40 0 , , 2:2 0 after taking their passage, forfeit half their passage money.

NOBILITYJ GENTRY AND Pyke 1\11·~. Mary, Dunstanville terr I RimPll Robt. Dunstan\'ille terrace CLERGY. RobPrts Lit•ut. William, R. N. Pen. Tre~idder Nicbolas 'l'olmie, (and Ral\er lt.ev. John, Bar werl"i!l terntce nota1·y) Chnrch st Hawden Ca,p,t. Rich,d. Stt·atton. pl Roe Lh'ut. Roht. R. N. Flush in~ Young Andrew, Arwenack st Beauchant 1 heoplnlns, Herkeley pl Rol(t'I"S l\lt-!-1. A. C. Peuwenis terr AUCTIONEERs. Bell Capt. Geo. R. N. Behnont cott Sbet>pshauks Mrs. Trefusis Ellis John, at the ..Mart, opposite Bo_ldcrson Capt.. JohJt,• New st Smith Capt.Jno.nr Dunstauville ter the Royal Hotel Bntton Capt. John, 1 er~;.~ce Symondt~ John, esq. Strattou place M'Dowdl William, Market st Bull James, e11q. Boslow1ck Symons l\lrs. Jane Reyuolds, Bar . BAKERS. Bull Juo. t:sq • .Marlborough ~ottage .Thompsonl\hs.Dunstanvilldenace, Devonsbne John, Quay st Hullmure Wm.gent.Dunstanvllle ter ,Tilley Geo. gent. PenwerriiS tenace Downing James, Market place Bn!IO<."k John, e~q. Penmare • Tilley Mrs. George, Terrace Downing John, Church SL Bot·chell Rev. Wm.F.Pe.nwerrts ter Tippett Mrs. Harriet, Arwt'llack 11t Hall William & Sou, Church si Carne John, esq. (~agtstrate and lf!'ticke Rev. Hobt.M.N. Penwarne HallamoJ·e Samuel, Church st deputy recorder) Cotta_ge WatkinsMrs.Mary,Dnnstanville ter Hamblyn William, High st. ~~rpenter. Mrs. An ne, Hlg~ st • Westou Capt. Thos. Penwerri~ terr Hawke John, l\la1 ket l!t Umton Rt!C!'t Hon. r~ord, frefusts White Capt. Jost•ph, Stratton Jll May Waiter, Chapel11t ~ock .l\1rs. ~~tt~au, Basse~ p]a('e .. Williams Geo.gem.Dunstanville ter Not will John, Market st . Cory !Mrs . .l'~hz DtmstariVllle terrace Williams Lieut..·Col. Mulhe1·rv sq O~ler Benjamin, Arwenal·k st Cun!lllll!ham Capt~~as.A~wenack st · Wodehouse 'l'he Right Hon. Lord, Radford Gem·~e, Chureh st Damell H.. A. esq. lrellmek A•·wenack· (ri11 ter Spry Jame11, Wehber st Doubt ~corgl•, ~ent. New"' [te~r. Wynn Capt.Jno.Land,R.N.Pt:nwer- 'frelase Charles, Killegrew 11& .J:?rew Lwnt. JO!!IIl.'l, R.N. Peu.werrl81 ACADEMIES & SCHOOLS. BANKERS. l'.dwnrd~ JaM. gent.Dtmstanvllle ter; HRITISH ScHooL, near Gt·o,·e hill FALMOUTH BANK, Carne, Lake & ~nys John Samn~l, esq. Enys -l'h Sk" t Carues Market strand-(draw on l'almonth The Rtght Hoo Earl of omas umer, mas er . . • . T. 1 • ' Courtney .lame:;, l\1 arltet st W1lhams, Deacon & Co. London •egokt Cmalu W"ll" L" t t Ea~tman William, Porhan bill Praed,Rngers,Tweedy & Williams; F enwtc o · 1 Jam, It'll Pnan • F~ c . d l\1 (branch of Truro) Church st-.;..- GoveJ·nor of Pe1ulennis Castle ALMOUTU I.ASSICAL an r ATIIE- . d w dh 1 MATICAL (buardin~ aml day)- (draw on Praeds & Co, Londou) Fox Alfre , esq. oo ouse pace R , G K . R -H A k" SAVINGs' BANK Quay st. (open on 1-:ox Chas. esq. Penan Arwurt~al ed\ .l\1. Genptp, N t"Vi .. ~ m son, Tuesdays)-josepb Ear le actuary I' ox Geo. CJ"Oker, esq. Grgedna Fox _Anthony, Ktlh.grew !:lt . ~LAC~ .a WHITE SMITHS • .Fox Miss .Mary Arwenack G~rlaud Robert, H1gh st .lane W1ttmm, Webber se :Fox Mrs. Robe~t, Blink hom•e G1~son M~~~, C?uay_ st K~ndal. Etl ~~~d. Pm·han lane Jo'ox Robert Wert' Pengerrick Ha me~ l\la1 J, Hu~hmg N1~hola.s W tJ.Jam, Webber l!lt Goodfdlow Rt.ge:1t.Penwerris terr INFANTS' ScHOOL, .Porhan hill- Pnce H1chard, Q•~ay 1St Gre~~:ory Williatn, e~q. Green bank l\larp;aret May, m1str~!IS . ~owe S.teJ~~en, F1sh st_rand Hamilton Ja!!.gcut. Woodhou.se terr NATIONAL ~cH~oL, {Hushmg}- fre~tratl Sm1oo, (and uonfounder) Harris PcterBowen,e~q.Roser:uerrin John Lewts Ptckett, ,master rK1llcgre,w dt. . Hayter Henry, e!lq. Flullhing NATIONAL ScuooL, (~a!nHH!th)- \\ ~b~ter J:J"r !JllStr~ss BLOCK & PUMP MAKERS. Kin~ Capt. Wm. R. N. Arwenack bs WJI1S Richard, l\lulheny squal"C Addicoat William, Arweuack Ill Kinsman CaJ')t. Robt.J. Green bank AGENTS. Ca~elli Renieri, Quay st Lawreure Capt. Edward, Keut cot- Broad William ~nd Son!~, (shipping, 'fruscott Thomas, .Flushing . tage, Sonth paratte aud to Llo~·ds) Ch_ur~h lit BOOKSELLERS STATlONER9 Lemon Sir Chas. hart. Carclew Burnt: Geo.C. ( commJI'lsJOn) Quay st BINDERS Ard) PRINTERS. 1\lansell Capt.Thos. R.N. A1·wenack Carne John, (to the East ludia·Co.) Dixou Thoma:s Peurose, Chu•·cb s& Matthias nev. Lewis New Mt 1\Jarket totrand Lake Jamell, opposite Royal Hotel Miller C01pt. Wm.Hy.'Penwerris tu Carne William & Edward Clifton, l\l'Dowell Cornh. (binder) High SI l\lnllcutt Rev.Edwrl.Dunstauville ter 1\1 ark et !Strand [al Hotel Philp Jamt>s, Fi11h 11traml Nankh·ell Rev. Kdw.Duustanvile tt~ 1· El lis Johu, (~Zeneral} nrar the H.oy- Tratbau Jaue, Markt•t ~Strand Oate.~ Mr!l. Bellait-e Fnx

BOOT &c. MAKERII--Cotatim~H. Edmonds Srephen, Church !'l . FRUITERERS. Pat~coe John, Webber lit Toms Frauci11 Yeatell, Fi~:~h straud Flctc"her Williaw, Chun·h st Philp Robe1t Kemp, Quay st • CLOTHES DEALERS. ft"ord Catheriue, Fisb Mtrand Philp Thomas, Market strand lsaac l~rine, High ac Pm·ter Jamcs, Flushing Joseph Abraham, Market st Mayn Mary, High ~t Pt·out Tho•nn11, Fln~hiug COAL MERCHANTS ar DEALRS Tregonin~ l\lary, l\Jarket st Uenf•·ee Thomas, Fish 11trand Bl'itteto John, lhittnn's yard \V~scott Elizalwth, l'i!\h tcll-and Jti:~den Thoma~, Hi~h at Crouch ~dward Ali!IOll & \\'illilun, FRUIT MERCHANTS. UnSC(Irla Thc,mas, Qny st · (and lime burners) Chnrch st Job Jo14t'ph, Hjgh "' Se:arl John, Church st Duwuiu~ Wm.&Saml.~larke stmd Mcu·ris William, Middle tt'rrace Snl'll ,lohn, Flu~hiul{ · L• 'J I ,. I · GARDENERS ar SEBDSMEN. Suell Samuel, Quay ilt rOt11tcr o 111, r Ins nng Cotnell 1-lichal·d, Hi~h ,;t Gnyan Riclm·rl, U ptou Slip Hobb:,~ Willi;un, Fish Atraud Stephens Richa1·d, Flu~hing ,lob John, High fit Still J:une!l and John, High st Pike Richard, nt'Rr Fi$h lltraud Tua·ue&· Jllhn, Wehbt>r st Studrlen John, High at P.k 'I I' 1 j GROCERS & TEA DEALERS. •rrestrail n.nht•rt, Church st J t: 'IJOma~, or 1an ane (Set> also Slwpkecptrll, &\"C.) Uren Richard, Church st CONFECTIONERS. Aa·thur William, (& p1·uvi~iou dca- Fletcher William, Chn1Th st Jtor) l\Iurkt:t u·and BRAZIERS AND TIN-PLATE 11 WORKERS. Hamblyn Wllliam, Hi~b l!t Brewer John, Flusbin~ Dnaz William, Hi)(h st Oslt·r lieujami u, A rwt-nack st Came Frnucil', Market l!t Ballocke Gemge Andrew,(& plum· WilliamK Joshua, High st Cro11ch William, Church s& ber) Market st CONSULS VICE. ~'nx & Andrew, ArWl'nack l't Bnllocke Jost>ph, Market !lt AMERICA, Nonw.u, 1111d SWRI>F.N, Jam<·~ Edward, .Ma1ket 11trand Hoskiu~ Wm. ( & plumher) l\larket st n.. W. Jo'ox, ( l'omml) At·wt•nack 1-t ~l<·rifield Williaru, l\·Jarkt'& lit Williams John, Flu!lhing BRAZIL, But,Nos AYRES, CoLO~I- U'Brien Samuel, FluNhiug BREWERS. BIA, DF.Nl'IJARK, and Hussu, AI- Osier Erlward, st>n. High 10t A\ll"n Jno.(& malt!iter) Killl"l[rew st fred Jo'ox, Anvenack st Jtashlt'iJ;h Thus.& Co.i\Jarkct ~trud Hnddy Jamell, MaJ'kl'l Mtrand 8RF.MEN, HAMBURGU, LuBF.cK. Sarah .o\hrabam, Hi~h l!lt Treeve Tho~. (retail) ~·lushiug 0LDENBURGH,SAitDlNIA,& TuR- Smith Charle~, l\larket strand BUILDERS. KEY, G. C. & R. W. Fox aud Co. W heatlt·y Geot·ge, Chnrcb lit {S~e alsu Stone lllttson8.) .\rwenack St HAIR DRESSERS. Df'YOII!Ihirt: Wm &Jo!liah,Porhan la FRANCE, PoRTUGUL, PnusstA, and Hancock Thomal', Wellbel' lit JohnA J<'rancis, Killegrew st SPA&l'l, G. C. Fox, Arweuack st. Paddnu ,lames, High st Olvers Jncob & Tho11. Green bank H ANOVER,NETBERLANDS & SICILY, Rn~~wll ,lamt•s, Churrh st Vomeroy Geo•·ge, 1-~ish stmnd WilliatD Lakt', Church st Tregoniug Josc.>ph, Market .-nand Tre~iddt.>t Samuel, Porhau laue COOPERS. HATTERS. BUTCHERS. Rartlett John, Uptnn Slip Collh·er Michael, 1\larkt't straud Dnnnin~ John, Ma1·ket st Fox William, Qnay st .J ames Richard, Market !!& Edt'y John, Arwt'nack st Paddy Frank, Flushiug T•·elt:a\•en 1-'ranci::s. !'d arkt't st Plorner William, Market l!trand Snow Heru·y, A1·wenack st J:N:NS ar HOTELS. Shu~William Trt'Vt.>na,Arwenack st CORN ar FLOUR MERCHANTS Green Bank Hotel, Tlwmas-Sdlcv, Thoma~ A lcxander, Fln11hing Crnu(•h & Sou, (& chee:o~e factor~'~) Green bauk · 'l"homa!l W11'iam, l''lullhing Church 11t (Green bank Kin~t's Arm~o~, Alex~tnder Paul Bu- "fru'lcott Richard, Killt•grew st GI:uo~!'nn Wm. (and cheeto:e factor) rail, l\lar·kt•t 11trand "l'ruscort Thnrnas, (;hal-ch st Hall Williaut & ~on, Chnrch lit Royal Hotel,J no.Pearce,l<'ish 5trdnd Truscott Walte1·, Killcltrt·w :st IRONMONGERS. CURRIERS AND LEATHER )<,ox Hester, Market "'frand Walch Jot~t'Jlh, .Market st COTTERS, " CABINET MAKERS AND Cnnuack William, Killt'grew st Hingsto11 l\lal')' Anna, Quay st UPHOLSTERERS. Ooble Erlward, Britton':i vard Rich:~rds Jame:s, Market st Arthur John, Arwenack st Lanyon Thomas, Market st 1·and Trt'goning Joseph, .Markt-t 11t Hem1t>tto 1-:dward, High st Stt'phena Joseph, Webber st 'fn·strail & Sou, (furuishhlg) Kil- Hottnn John, i\tarkt•t 11t CUTLERS. le!CI"t!\V St · Jnhn!l Frnncis, Kille!(r«!W lit Hartley Stellheu, i\)arkt•t strand LINEN &WOOLLEN DRAPERS .M'Dowdl William, l\huket strand Hichllrds Jarnt>s, Market lit Allau Thomas, High ::st 1\larr.tfk John, 1\Jarket su·and 'I' res trail & Son, Killegrew st Andrew .1 ameli, A nvenack At OateK !\lark, High st Balelcy Edward, 1\Jnrket strand FIRE, LIFJ!, &c. OFFICES & Carkcet Jo:lixaheth, Chnrch Mt Robert11 ,ln!(e,,h & Jnhu, l\larket st AuENTS. "f'l)tnll William, Uptou Slip t\J.BION,(Iift•JJohn Hootou,fligh !ll Colliver Pc•ttar,l\larkl't "'rand CARPENTERS t!r ..JOINERS. At.LIANCE, .hunes Hi\millou, Wode· Ca·m1c\1 William, Cluuch !!t Barberry John, Flushing house terrace Downin~t Williaru, Market t~traud, Benuetto Edn·ard, Fish strand ATLAS, Wm.l\lorris, Penwt'nis ter and Mal'k«.•t st . 1 d F 1 1 Fox and Aud1·ew, Arwenack l!t Blight Samud, Cluuch st B RI STOL, J 0 h 11 11IC laI' SJ a m out I i\J ) 'l'l (& ) l\] k • De\'Onsl.ire John, Quay st Rank 1 «> yuenx IS. mercer · a•· ·et~- . Dumtau John, PMhan hill BRITISH, (fire) & WESTI\IIN.STER, H.t•ad & ,~o. (& m~I'Ct'fll) M:\l'kct 11t Gard J anlt'!l J udson, Killegrew st (lift>) J:uue!l Bull, Anveuack st J~ogers I hoDJali~ ~uu. ~i ~l'l>t·tll~ · Horkin Richard. B1·ittou's yard CouNTY ,Jant- T 1·a 1 hau,M ark et l!>trd I hum as HetiHih( ha & Ehtb.Quay st .M illett GeuJ'I,~t', Hi).(h st GLOBE, Ht~n•·y Snow, A&·weuack st • ~ER~~A~T~. . l\1 nir A lexau-del', Market Rt GUARmAN, ,lames Phill),i:''ish 11 t1·ud Banfidd and J.~tkc, Church ~t · Oatcs 1\'latthew, Chapel st · ll\IPERIAI., Wm. Carkeet ,Cimt•ch :st Bn~af! 'Y m & ~m~:t, ~~~rch "'. ~ ~t Olvers ,l:~coh & Thos. Green bank Nonwtcn lJNaoN, Wm. Glai'I!'Oil, ~a1nc\\m& F.. ~hl!d.Chtton,l\1arlit.t· Rolmrts Th11mns, A1·wenack st Gn•e 11 bank [kt>t st fox Gt•or!re Croker and Hobert

Stt•pheus Benjamin, }<'htshiup; PALLADIUM1,Jobn Cnnrtncy, .Mar- ~Ve1·e au~ 9o. Ar~~·.•ac~ se Stevht'nS lkujaruin, jnn. Flushing l'tit ~t kt>t strand Pot·tu J i nt'ft'l' ( drt'ss mnkr) Flushing CHYMISTS t!r DRUGGISTS. Sun·oLK (fire) & Pno.\WTF:R (life) Tronnet• i\Iary Arm, High ~t Bier Chal'le!!, l\larkt't st William Crouch, <:buJTh st Ward i\la•W'I'Y• Quay st Carktet Willi:nn, Market strand WF.H OJ' ENC.L.o\!', ~Jarkt·t~t: Winu ~1~• y auc.l EJizalJeth, Hish st 112 · mfrtttOrJJ. FALMOUTH. «orntuall.

MONEY BROKERS. P~i'kh1!1 Naucy, Market !lt WATCH AND CLOCK MAKEBS. AhrahamK Gabriel (~tnd navv agent) Philp ..~lizabeth, CIHu·ch ~t l\la.1.1Led tbu• • are also Jew~ller1 an• . lo'it~h strand • · Rerlmnnd Philip, Church st SilTersmitbs. Lawrence and Co. Church !lit [st Slockett John, Flu~hing Oavidl!on Almtham, High 111 Jlowc Benj. Chalwell & Jobu, High William11 Thomall, Hi~th tot Gulfe Willlam (and clirouometer) MUSICAL INSTRUMENT STATUARIES. Killegn• w st SELLERS. Devonshh·e John, Nt·w Rt. •.rosL•ph Henry& Barnet, Markets& f.ake Janu>S, Marker st Ohers Jacuh & Thoma~, High.st *~lal'lyn Juhn Nicholls, Market st l)llil r J nmes, }o'ish strand STONE MASONS. *~h·rrifield & Genn, Market strand 'f1athan Jaue, l\Iarkct strand Farlev Richard, Killegrew st •Howc8euj.Chalwell & Juo.High s& PAINTERS AND GLAZIERS. l\loneYJit'UI1J Samuel, Killt'!{rew !olt •WiUiams Arthur, Chu~ch lll Da.vieK Thowas ( & ~iltler) Htg11 st Oh•er!l Jacob & 'fhus.Gn~t·n bank WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANTS J<~dwards Jl&me!l, High st PotHeroy Gt•o. Hobens, fj,h strand Rowden John, Bauk Uil~ou Henry, Church st Richardl! Philip Remfry, l•'lushiug Carne William & Edward Clifton1 Ham lyrt Wiltiam, High !lt Saul William, Kille~ert>w Nt l\1 a1 ket st [Market 11tmnd :»od~es John, Kilh"'gt·cw 10t Trt>siddt••· Samuel, Porhan lane Ra!!hleigh Thomas and Co. (spirit) Hoo11er Jolm Wiliiam!l, Hi~h st Viucent Richard, Church st Svasshatt Joseph, High !!t . Ileudcr Peter (aud gildet•) Chu1·ch st Symons Alexander and Co. (im- 'f1·evcrton William, Quay st STRAW HAT MAKERS. Holman H.nth, Market st porters) Church 8t PAWNBROKERS. .lenkius Betsey, Flushing Miscellaneous. Jacob Jacob, 1\brket st [st LiNton A nu, Flushing J use ph Abrrn. ( & slup!!eller) 1\Jarket Augustus John Antbony, mnthematifoal Porter Elil:ahet.h, Flushing instrument maker, Chu1·cb st PHYSICIANS. Truscott Jane, Fountaiu court B<'rryman John, boat builder, Arwenaek. Bt,ase William Millett, Stratton pl White Eliza,Market st UrimacombJohn, miller Bar mill 1-'ux Ricbat·d. Arwenark 11t Wino .l\lary and Elizabeth, High st Climo Tbumas, g st PROFESSORS & TEACHERS. Dunstan John, )lBpt:rmanufaclurer, DaD- Altbton Stellh.(freuch) Killegrw st SURGEONS. stn.nville terrace ' Bmu~ham Stl'phen, Chmch st E~rle Thomus, haberdasher, BerkeleJ pl ltubcrh Gract~ (drawin_g) Market st Cnmillh Jamcs, Killegrew st Hilyard John, eatin" house, High st Wd1b Gl·onre Jurues (music) Pen- • Doht'rtyGenrl(e Daniel, A nvenack st Jordan lsahella, furniture brokr,~Jarket st . wcrn:-~ tcrral:e 1VIichelll'\ancy,liquor dealer, Fish strantl Dunnall Hnhert Sawlt·, Hi~lt ~t s~arl John, basket maker, Muket strand ROPE MAKERS. FnxJns. (and apothecary)Markct st CarneWm.& J~dw.Cliftnn,Arwenck Thomas Richard, land aurn3"ory Kille- Osier Edward, High st - Tre!(ellt•M San111cl, A~hJield grew atreet ( 1\larkt'l st1 and Vigun John, Church st Trl'leaven Franci~, stAmp distributer, . .SADDLERS AND HARNESS \V bite John, collector of exciae. Q11ay at MAKERS. TAILORS. l\1arktd thus • are ulso Drapers. Box Elias, Market t!& Ct'!ITOM HousE, Arwenack street. Cnc·k WHiter, Filsh stt·aud Chrbtophets Samuel, Church st Collector Samuel Pellew, Esq. O'Brieu M"tthew, Fish strand •Gutheridge l>cter Hamond, Ar· Comptrolltr-Mr. Thomas Hearle SAIL MAKERS. wenack "'tret•t Fi•·~t Clerk 4· Bonded Warehouie Ke~r-r­ }•alck Buruett, Quay *Hollocombe William, :Fish strand Humphrey Barnicoat Srcond Clerk--Georl{e D. Bray ltobcrtl4 John, Church s& Julian Francis, Flushing Lobh William, Church st Llmding Waiter1-Nieholaa Buckett ana Suell Robert, Fillb strand Henry Hardinsr [liam Jaeo SHIP BUILDERS. ., ldgcrs James, Flushing 1'itlt .Surt~yors-Pbilip Hockil:g and Wii­ 1\layne Jaruc!l, Bar 41 0ke Erhvard, Fish stl·aud Rid·iug Officers-J no. English & Rd. Prior Nytuoull l''ranci11, Bar Pa1·ke!l Charlt's, Church st I llllJ"r.ting Commander nf tM Coast Guartl •Pasko William, Fish strand -Caprain Thomas 1\fansell, R.N. srwus Hichard, Little Falmouth Principal Coast Officn-Mattbew PaWIOD 'J l"t·thmvan James, Flushing Pearce George. Chur·ch st SHIP CHANDLERS. Pender John l\lo~s, Quay st EXCISE 0PPICE, Arwenack street. Jo'ox Hest-er, Market place Russell Samuel, High st Collntor John Wbite, Jo:sq. Hiug!lton Mai'V Anua, Quay st Terrt'll John, Church st .1-'ird (.'ltrk-James Powniog Tresu·ail aud Sun, Ktllel(rew st W escott Peter, High st Sui•trllisor-Robert Blenkinsop BBIP OWNERS. TALLOW CHANDLERS. COACH BB. Bt·oaiJ WiJiiam & Sons, Quay st Hall William and Sou, Church st Hambll'll Jacob, Killegrew st All/rum the Royal Hottl, Fislstnnul. Carne\Vm.&~:dw.Clifwn,Market at To LONDON, the Royal Mail, nery Ouwuiug }:dward, High Nt J ames Ed ward • l\1ar 'k et st neningat six-and the Auziliary. enry Downing SatntJe), High st TAVERNS &PUBLIC HOUSES. moruingutsix; bothgotbroughTruro, Downing William, Market strand Anchor, RJch11rll Jewell, Flu~hing Uodmin, Launceston, and Extter. Crown&Anchor,CharltteElliot,Fish stmd Te PEI\ZA~CE, tbe Royal Mail, e1"ery Jt'alck Uarnett, Quay eulter, Jno. Barbery, Flu~bi1.g fstrand mornin" at se.,en; goes thro' Behton. FAtMOOTH, &c. SniPPING CoM­ Dnke of Kent, Philip Cornish, ~Jarket To PLYliOUTB, the Royal Mail, every PANY, nt.>arly npposile the Royal Dttke of York, John Thoma11, High st morning at ~even ; goea through Truro, Hotel-Jolm Ellis, secretary Fountain Inn, Wm. Alien, Ma1·ketstrand St. Atutell, Lostwitbitl, and Lillkeard. Howell William, Market s• Globe, John Harris, Flushin" King's Hf:td, Wm. Thomas, Church st C.d.BBIBBB • J a•nt's Richard, Mark et IS' I.ondon lnn, Wm. Howell, l\larkf't !lt AlljrotR Mllrket s/Tand but RusseU ~ Co. Job Jo~eph, Donstall\·iile terrace Navy Tavt•rn, Thomas l\1ills, Qnay st ! 0 'DON R 11'& c ' Wi Lake William, Chtll'ch st !\few Inn, Edwnrd Rogers, High st T1.1 L N • usse o. I agf!IYIII, New J\iarket )no, Jobn Drima.combe, from their wa.r~bouse, Killegrew street, o~ler l'~dward, Hi~h !it Market ph\ce daily; go through Trurot. Bodmint SHOI1 KEEPERS c!r DEALERS Pilot u,at, J.:JizahPtb Chard, Quny st Launceston, Oakhnmpton, E~Pter, and IN. GR?CERIES & SUNDRIES. I no,al Oak, Geore-e Blight, Hidl st , forward good~ to all place~ adJacent• .Batley Cout~tance, Anveuack 11t ~hip, Frnncis W~bstt>r, Flushin~ ! fo CA ~IBO RJ".E, Jamf'a Ntcholls, eH•ry B•)llltdcy Elizabeth, Flushing Ship & Castle,.John Stepht>no. Church st! 1\Jonday, & Fnday-and Jamea Rutter, llnwtlcn James, Swanpool st Shipwrights• Arms, .Edward Ru!sell, every \\,~dnes,ctay n.nd s.~turday. Arwenack street To IIEl.ISfiiN, John .N1cholls, James R u 11 oc k e J a11e, Quay st ~ d .E " J , k • Thomat~, & Wm. Mildren•s Vans dailJ. Cr-t.ft Jane Swaupool s• • prea age,1 • am 1· ago,"1 a.r cLtrand T PEN'ZA"'CE J h H I d 'I • ' " Vtctol'y John Pa~coP l\larkP.t st ! 0 • '" ' o n . u son, a.t_y. Da~h l\Jary, l\1 ark et ~;t '\Vodeh~nse Arms n'ichard Lloyd Wil 1To RE I> RUTH, John Rtchards, dally. D11ustau J uo.Hal'l'is,New buildings liamto, Kitlt·gre\~ Rtn·et • To TRURO, John Harris, every Wecl- (1l'()l)te Sarah, Fish straud TIMBER MERCHANTS· nesdny-Ja_mes P~, ,Jolus :Mans~ll, "ll " L'l )" B dW"Il" & , _, k and FranciS Uowmng s Vmq, W1th H1 4~!!11t'l-, r 11~ ung roa I tam :Sou11, nrwcuac · st goods and passengen daily Hu!;king Ann, Qnay ~t Carnt! William & Edward Clifton, CONV!:YA;,CB BY John!! Bt"njruniu, Kille~rew st l\Iarket :

COASTING TRADF.RS. seph Brokenshir; FourFriends,Herman TRA.DBR, Willinm.,~. John Mildrun-and To LONDON, the FALMOtJTH GENERAL Spersbot; and Union, Stephen Hosking the FALMOUTH 'a·a&Dl!RS, Ebefteur, . SHIPPING COMPANY'S Vessels, Carn­ -tbe OLD LONDON COMPANY'S Ves­ Coyma, Master-Ernma, Sutbard,Mas­ bna, Jobn BosWitnw; Fal1n011th, James sels, Commerce. \\' illiam Pi11ch ; and ter-l'1·uro, Seller, J\1 aster-Petf'il, · Nioholls 1 lsiUic .Birch; and Srtccess Henry Griffin. Stone, ~Jaster-VniU~, Farker, Master Pe~uiennit, John UNION To BRISTOL, the Baa~TOL Ta.tous, -Retsey, Master-Kitty ami COMPANY's Veuels, ActiV#., William Kate, He11ry Dennis; Jane, Paul Quick; Clar•, Patty, Oftrnera• CJemence; Atalanta, William Banu; and Venus, lsaac NaMh, Goodwill, Teark1 1\lnater. Entt17»ise, Henry Hoakln; Fanny, Jo- To • LIVERPOOL, the LIVERPOOL

• FO\VEY AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. FowEY, a market and borough town, in a parish' & he is, upon all such occasions, the returning officer. of ita name, in the east dh·ision of Powd~r hundred, is The cb ua·ch is a spacious and lofty f.tbric, having 239 miles from London, 59 from Exeter, aud the like one large and two small aislt·s, with an oruamented di$tance from the Land's End. It is situated 011 the. tower: the living is a vicarage, in the gift of J. 'f. WP.Stern bank of the river of its name, and consists of· Austen, Esq.; and the vicar is the Rev. John Kempe. one street, which is narrow and inegular, extending IThca·e an•, besides, W tl'leyan and indept'ndenl. cha­ uearly a mile along th~ 11ide of the harbour. The po- pels; a free-!\chool, for boys and girb; and an alms­ pulation ot Fowey are chit'fJy dependent upon the pil- hou~ight p6oa· widows, foundc:d hy Jouathau chard fishery an1J the minin~ bu:!incss; the copper- Rashlei~h. ~:~'q. Ouj! of thi11 ~entleman's descendants, mines in the neigllbom·houd are vea·y rich and exteu- Wm. Ra~hleigh, Et~q, has a beautiful seat; about two Bive, yielding cousiderable pwtit, aud employinl( a miles distant, at Menabilly, famous for its grotto of great numher of hanrts. The town is govemed by a minerals and rare curiosities. " Place House," the mayor, eight aldt'rmen, a recorder and two assistants. mansion of J. 'f. Austt.>u, Esq. one of the members for The corporation hold sessions four times a year, Hnd this borough, ill a tine ancient building, in the castel­ -c:ourts of request once in three weeks; there nre also llatt:'d style of architecture, situated clo11e to the town; courts held t1ccasionally under the lords of the manor, and, from its elevated position, commands a dilstinct 1 George Lucy and J. 'f. Austen, Esqrs. This borough 1 ''iew of the town and harbour, as well as an exteusive has sent members to parliament 11ince the 13th year of· pro~pt.>ct 0\'er t.he countrr. The market-day is Satut·­ Eiizabeth. The right ofvotiug is with the corporatiou, day; and the fair11 (whach are but trifling,) are on and inhabitantK l?aying scot and lot, in number about Shrove-Tuesday, May bt, and September I()th. By 240; be'lides wbtch, there at·e five or six other elec- the last census taken, the borough and pali11h cou· ton, called 'prince'!! tt.>nants,' who elect a pm-u·ieve; tained 1,455 inhabitant.'!. PO&'l" OFFIOB1 Samuel Hewitt, Pust lJlaater.-Letters from LoNDON and l<"ALMOU'I'H arrh•e e\·ery morning at eight, aud nre despatched .evet·y evening at five. GENTRY AND CLEORY. Pill Philip, Polruan Lamb Heury, linen and woollen Austen Jo8eph Thomas,e~q. Fowey Powue William, Fowey drapt'r Banks Kcnuet, Master a. N. Fowty H.nndle William, Langunet Lane William, printer, grocer and CollhiS Capt. Edward, R, N. Fowt'y Symons James, Lenin . ship insurance office agent Couclae Henry, ~tent. Fowey SHOPKEEPERS & TRADERS. Lukey Ury, haberdasher Jo"lamank Rob~. Parkea·, gent.Fowey Adams Henry, grocer and draper Mark!! & Handle, shipwril(hts Hearle Lieut. Robt. a. N. l'owey Bate Thomas, boot & shoe maker !\lay Henry, hoot & Hhoe maker Hill Janu~s, gent. Fowcy Beel Jo~eph, boot & shoe maker Millingtou Thomas, baker Kc:mp Rt>v. John, F'lwey Rennet John, linen draper • Nichol~ Gl•orge, shi() builder Kimher l\lrl!, Elizabeth Fowev Bennet Juhn, agent to Lloyds, shtfl Olver Thos. auctioneer, carprntt'r Knight Capt. R. N. Fo~t·y • agent, & coal & t.imbc1· merchant & glaziet• Lamb Beujamin. gent, Fowey Bone Hzmnah, Mhopk~epc1· Paiu John, builder Nicholls Lieut.Thns. W. a.N.Fowcy Bray Ja.mcs, blacksmath, Poh·uau Pain Lucy, "traw hat n1aker Orchard Mrs. D. Fowey l~nller !.3amnd, ~utcher . Pill Richard, coopt·r, Polruau Quillt>r Rev. Juhn. Fowey Caruell John 1\'llchell, t~a•lmaker Powut! Ralpb, drap~r Rashlci~h Wm. esq. Menahbilly Cate~ Gt:orge, :watch make1· Puckey Robert, :ohip~mitb Rqbt•rt.s Pett-r, Ma~ter, R N.l<'owey Cock1ng Jot'eph, hatter Robiu~ Ephraim, carpeuter Tetlt•y Mrs. l\1ary, J<'owey . ~oll~tt Thouutl!,_ coal metchant Rowe John, tailor 1'homas George, gent. }<"owey ~ol1111s John, taalor Salt Richard, stonemason ACADEMIBS AND SCHOOLS ~nngdon Robert, :stone mason ~rribley WiJiiaru, cat·peuter , • . . • Con!{don Saml. mason & pla:;terer Sweet Williaan, butcher f~\iaus :nn (day) ~owey Cougdou Thomas, blacksmith Tiipe Jame!!, druggist l' nEE ...,cno~L, F owey Henry Coplestone Catherine, dress maker Thomas Edward, rope maker,. Juhu!!, master . Courttaay Catherine & Ann shop· Tope 'fhomas, chymhot & druggist G~~heer John (boarda~~ and d~y) 1 keepers ' Trigwell 1\laJy, shopkeeper Pa~un Susannah (boa1dmg & day Cundy William, ~roccr & draper Ven·an William, cooper PROFESSIONAL PERSONS. Daplt'lon Ann, draper Webb John, grocer and harbour 8eunet & Coldridge, surgeon~ Gt>ach Catheriue, draper master Ben net John, Swt.'d~h aud Norwe. Geach Wm. ~hipwright, Polrnan W ~bbea· Richd. boot & shoe maker ~ian consul, and ageut to the George Juo.hrazil'r &. tin-plate wkr Whit ford Hanuah, hlack!'Dlith · French CIJIJ!I;Ul George J O!!l. Ham, 1-!l'ot•er & dra11l'J' Whitford Hanuah, shOJlkeeper llliugworth Abraham, !!Urgeon I Goulrl Nich.braziel' & tin-plate wka· Whitfnrd Jame11, carpenter Rean Robert, sUI'geon Ham Joseph, ~rocer & d.-aper · \Villiaw11 Eliza, sboJlkeeper INNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. Ham S:trah, l!;tO~er & drapel' CUSTOM HOUSE. Conuuetcial, Fraucis Hicks Helier Wil~iam, ca_rpcllter Collector, William Addiwn Hems­ King of Prussia Johu Wt>l>ber Hewett Rachard, nonmonger and worth, e11q. Lug~PJ', John Nuttal, Polruan watch ,maker . Comptroller, Henry John William, Lu~~cr hill, John ThohMS I H~l~ett, ~ami. saddl_er & 1romnongr Couche, esq. Ship lun, Elizal1t:th Borlase H~ckM ~~.~za~eth, ~10ce~ Landi'l1.g H~aite,., M r.J no.Chapman Stag Elizabeth Woon Polruan H!cks l'aancts, maltster Surveuor, Mr. John Allen Pryun ' • Htcks Wm.l'~rlrller & harness makr SHIP OWl'IBRS. Hicks Wm. botche1· Polruan CJ!RB:CBBS. Ansten Jose1)h Thomas, fowey Hkks Wm. shipper'of copper ore To PLYMOUTH, Jamea Hockin, evei'J BenuetJohu, Fowev Hill Jane mtuw~::•· & dress maker Friday. Carnell Fowey Hohbs boot & shoe maker To TRURO. John Waters, every Tuesd&J J.ul~n Micht:ll, Jo;t'ph, and Thun;day. G~ach Wtlham & Son, Polruan Hocking Caroline, straw hat maker Hacks John, FO\vey Hockim!' ElizHbeth,grncer & draper CONVBY.IJ.NCB BY Lamb Senjamin, Fowey habel Richa•d, painter & glazier WATER. Nickels Thomas & GP.Or~t-, t'owey Joue:s Wiltiam. grocer & draper To LOST\HTHIEL, B04ts kave tbe Pearce John, Tywa.-dl'eth Lacey Chas. block & tmmp maker {.tuay when ti:ie tide aervea. 144 mtrtctory. ~orntuall; HELSTON Is a borough, market town and chapelry, in the pa- ment was conferred by the same monarch. This char..: rish of WetJdron, and hundred of Kcrrier ;· 277 miles ter contiuued iu force until the year 1774, when a new fwm London, 91 from Exeter, 17 from Truro, and 10 one was obtained, which determined the corporatioll" ft·om Pcu•·yn. Its ancient 11ame was Hti/-laston, si~- to consist of a mayor, four aldet·men, a rt:cozder, and nifyiog a' hill on the green moor'; and in all records an indefinite uumber ot free111en : thh; is the charter it ie flpt:lled Helleston, whence its pt·esent appellatiQn that i:s now in force. The right of voting for memlwrs is derived. It is a thrivine: and populous town, situated is in the freemen, elected by the majority of the ruayot" on the great road from P~ymouth to the Laud's End, and aldermen; the number uf voters is ~euerally ahout and on tli~ side of a hill, which gently declinrs towards 80; the mayor is the retuming officer; the present the west, and terminates on the margin of a vale, representatives are, the Marquis of Garmarthcu and through which the little river Coher runs to the Looe Lord James Town~end. In the \"iciuitv of Hdston arc Jlool. The houses are chiefly ranged along tour some very producti1·e mines of tin, lead. and copper; principal streets, which cross each other at right an- particulal"lr one of tin, called' Ht1el Vor,• from which ~r;les; they are tolerably well l4id out, all pavect, and is obtained annually a quantity equal to one-fourth of lil{htcd with gas; a stream of watet· mns through all the tin in the county. them, and they are kkius Thomas, Coiuage-hall st Grylls Hum~hrey M. esq. Bosahan Wendron st Peat·ce Samuel, Weudmn st GryllM Mrs. Mary, Cross st Edwards Thomas Hvne, Church st BREWERS. Grvlls Re\·. R. G. G. Cross st Kerby John, Meneage st Deason John, (retail) Meneage et Haw key Joseph H. esq. Trelill Penbcrthy William, Church st Ellis John, {& maltster) Church st Head lsaac, esq. rl'leuta!£e st · BAKERS. BUTCHERS. Hill .Mrs.Jane Pennick,l\ltm~age st Hock in~ Grace, Church st Bassett William, Cross st Hodge Mrs. Alice, Wendron st Phillpott Henry, Church st Edmondl' Henrv, Church st Jame11 Thos.Wood,gent. Chut·ch st Warn'n Sarah, Coinage-hall st Edmouds John: Church st Jobus the Misses, Coinage-hall st BANKERS. l-lawke James, Church st .lobus the Misse.s, Market place Gryll~,ViTiau, Borlase & Co. Cross Rnsewarue J ames, l\1 eneage st Ne~hitt Pearce R. e:oq. Meneage st ~treet (draw on Oixon, Sou and Williarus Georgt>, Wendt·on t~t Pasmore Miss Grace, Weudron st Brookcs, London) Pa~:sin~ham Col. Jonath. Bnnithou SAVJN(~s· BA:>~K, Coina~e hall-- CARPENTERS & JOINERS. 1\larked thus* are abo Cabinet .Makel"ll. Plomer the l\Hs~es, Coinage-hall st Arn tHlt·l Hn~t·r;,, actuary James James, Coiua~J;e-hall st l,opham Cllristr. W. e~q. Tre\-aruo BLACK & WHITE SMITHS. *.lennin~s Juhn, 1\leueage st Rohi nson :\·lrs.Grace, Coi uagf'-hall st Couls Daniel, Meneage st 4 Robin son Philip V. esq. Naucelowc Laity Hem y & John, Wendron st Johns Samnt>l, Weudron st [st Uogers John. esq. Pen rose Pryor Thomall, Coinage-hall st *Penhenhy Wm.(&huildt·) Church Rogers Rev. Edwd. Constautine Rnherts William, Weudron st RiclJardsTh.,, ( & builder) ~leucage st Handys Col. William, Lanarth Rowe Henry, Meueage st Skut>s WilliaiU, Wcudt·ou !it · Stabhaek Rev. Thos. Cross st. [st Williams Nicholas, Alms house hill COAL & TIMBER M ERCHA:NTS Thom:u•Philp,mastet·, R.N.Mt•neage BOOKSELLERS & BINDERS. Bishop James, Gear hridge T•·e1·aneuM rs. My .S.Coinage-hall st Ed wards .I nhn, (and circulating li- Corni~ h & Borla!i!e, Gwerk Trevcnen James, e~q. Halvose brat·y) Wendrou st Cudlip Wm. Edf(t'cnmb, Porthle\·en Tt·evenen Miss Emily, Cross st l\latt.hews Olil•et·, C!>inagc-hall st cooP:toRS. Vivian John, esq. Coinage-hall st Penaluna William, (and J>rintel·) Hill Thomas, 1\leueagt! st Vyvyau · Sit• Richard, hart. M. P. Coiuage-hall st Lohb John, Menea~e st Trclowarren Roherts -John, Coinag-e-hall ~t l\ledlyn Roberr., Weudron st Willl' Rev. Thoma~, Trl'nethick Stepltens Jas. (&printer) Mrnt"ag:r '-t 1 CURRIERS AND LEATHER Wise Hichd. gent. M. n. Tregarrack BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. ; CUTTERS. ACADEMIES & SCHOOLS. :\uthony \Villiam, Meueage st I Cntmack GeOI·g~. l\ll'ueage st Barues Josiah George, Cross :st Bmd1eld Richard, Church st J :t!lyon J~11Jn, Clmrch st L~mtlOrtJane,(latiies' day & board­ Eatlwrne Paul, \Veudrou st 1 Th'JIIHlS Richard, Clnuch st ing) Church st Hart op John, Coina~e-hall st DRUGCISTS; NATW~AL ScnooL, Sampson Potc.> Hawke Richard, Wendron ~t Drew Samnel, Coiuage-hall st [:-t Stuttafnt d,ma"~lt't'; ElcnoraHow· Jnhns Wil\iam, Coina~J,"e-hall st l

'EATING HOUS£8. Penberthy Sophia and Elizabeth, Kingwill Thorna~, Wendron st Harris Matthew, Coinage-hall st Coinage-hall st • Pascoe Francis, Coinage~hall st Hoskiu Mary, Wendron st Skues Elizabeth, \Vendron st Roberts Thomas, Coina~te·hilll st FIRE1 &c. OFFICE AGENTS. PAINTERS & GLAZIERS. TALLOW CHANDLERS. ATLAS, Thomas Hyne .Et.lwards, Andrew Joseph, Wendwn 11t Bartle Ra1ph, Coinage-hall st Church:st [ball st' Best Benjamiu, Coinage·hall st Hocking Nicholas, l\leneage st CouNTY ,Oliver.Matt hews, Coinage- Best Pewr, Weudt·ou st TAVERNS &PUBLICHOUSESr GUARDIAN,Johll Kerby,Meueage st Colliver John, Coina~e-hallst Admiral Rodney,Mary Harris,Menengest lMPERIAL,.-\Ifred Tobias Johnl\1ar- ROPE MAKERS. · BeeHive, WilliamSy mons,Coinage-hall st. tin, l\1 eneage st [Son,Cross st Martin Cos worth, Meneage st Bell, Ambroae Wearne, 1\Jeneagest NoRWICH UNtoN, John Kendall & Parnel & Co. .Meneage st Jllue Anchor,Jamea James,CoinaJ1:e-hallst Duke's Head, John Ashplant, Meneage st WEST oF ENGLAND, FrancisJames, Rillstone Chal'les, l\lencage st H elston Arms, John Kendall, Wendron &t Coinal(e-bali st SADDLERS. Horse & Jockey, Jos. Harry, l\feneage ~t GARDENERS & SEEDSMEN. Bennetts John, CoinagP-haJl st New Inn, Thomas Martin, Churc.b sr. Buller James, Trewith Huddy James, Coinage-hallst Plume of Feathers, John Treaidder,Coin- Chapel William, .Meneage st Lanyon John. Chu1 eh st nge-ball street Red Lion, Thomas Sleeman, Church st Oates John, Wendt·on st Paddy John, Meneage st SevenStars,J n.Lenderyou,Coinage-ball st G'·ASS a EARTHENWARE Paulltobert, Meuea1w ~;t Six Belb, 'fhomas Richards, Church st DEALERS. Pm·key Orlando, Church ~t White Hart, Thos. Philp, Coin~tge-hall &t Andrew Joseph, !'\'endron St SHOPKEEPERS DEALERS a WATCH~ CLOCK MAKERS. Bartle Ralph, Coma~e-hall st 1 IN SUNDRIES. Hodge Jouathau, (aud jeweller) GROCERS AND TEA DEALERS j Blee Margaret, Chun;h st Meneage st (See alsu S~opkP.epers, ~c.) Cuny Mary, C_uiuage-hall st Lane Charles, 1\Ieneage st Bartle Ralph, Col!lage-hall :>t Dary John, Cowage-hall st H~ad John .Mabyn, l\leueage st Guy Charle~ Robert aud Guy, Coin· Dread on Ann, Coinage-hall st WI{EELWRIGHTS, age-hall st Harrop William, Coiuage-hall st Eva William, l\Jeneage ~t Hoskin~ts John, Wendron st Jose Francis, St. John's Nettle Thnmas, Almshouse hill M Julian Thomas, Coinage-hall st Land er Charles, enrage st SJeernan Thoma..,, Wt!udwu st Kerby John, 1\leneage st Oli\·er Thomas, Meueage st Taylur Robert, l\leneage st Osier Samud, Priske Peter, Church Coinage-hall ~t .st Tresiddcr Wiltiam, St. Jnhu's Pascoe William, Coinage-hall st Roberts Sarah, Coinage-hall st Woolcock William, 1\leneage st HATTERS. Stt>phens William, Church ~t WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANT. Collh·er John, Coinage-ball st Vibert John, Wendron st Ellis James, Meneage st James Heury, Church st Williams Richard, l\Ieneage st .lames Isaiah, Coinage-hall st STONE MASONS. Miscellaneous . Davies Thomas, porter dealer, Cross st · INNS. Cade Robert, Weudron st JJeeble Wm.veterinary surgeon,Chu1 eh st Angel, (and coach office) Joseph Eva Petet·, Almshou~e hill Eowards Thomas Hyn~, conveyancer, .Bennetts, Coiuage-hall st .E\·a Thomas, Church st Church street [music, Church st Star Hotel, (and po8ting house) STRAW HAT MAKERS. F::tning Roger, professor and teacher of John Silvest-er, Coinage-hall st Malont>y l\Jary, Coinage-hall st J aneRebecca.confectioner ,Coina~e-hall 5 t Nicholas 'Villiam, miller, St. John':~ IRONMONGERS· Pelt'l'S Elizabeth, Menea~e st Perry John and Co. iron founders, Alms- Bennetts John, Coinage-hall st Pike Mary & Elizalwth, Wendron st house hiU [8lr~e• Lanyon John, Church st Trezise Ann, St. John's Polkenbome Henry, plastner, 1'\leneage Read John Mabyn, l\Jeneage st Wate1·s Eli1.abeth, St. John's RichardsJno. mine agenl,Coinm~e-ball st LINEN & WOOLLEN DRAPERS SURGEONS. Stodeo Sarab, clothes dealer and broker, lit Menea~e st f dealer, Coinage-hall st Caddy James, Coinage-hall Rorlase Hemy, Meneage st ThomaBWm.mineral collector & curiosity Coulson Margarer, Coinage-hall !'t Borlase John, Wendron st Edmond!l Hd. (& mercer)Market pl Daniell Charle!!, Wendrnn st COACHES. Michell Ralph, Cninage-hall st Daniell Thos. Wendmn st [ha!l st To FALMOUTH, tbe lloyulllfail (from Penzance) calls at the Angel, ..very af­ Read ChAr·les & Co. Meneagc st Henwood James Dimble, Coiua~e- ternoon at a quarter past tlu ee ; goc11o Symous Humphrey, Meneage st .Moyle .Matthew Paul, Church st thr• •u gh Penr)'ll. York John, Coinage-hall st TAILORS a DRAPERS. To PENZA~CE, the Royal JJ!ail (from ltULLINERS & DRESS MAKRS. Ash John, Weudron st Falmouth) call~ at the An~el, every Billin Elizabeth, Coina~w-hall st Billin Joseph, Church st morning at nine; goe11 thro' M arazion. Cocking & Edwards, Wend mu st Curry John, Church et VANS. To FALMOUTH, John Nicllolls,James Gluyas Susannah, Wendrou st Gill Thomas, Wendron st Thomas. and William Mildren, daily. Johus Sarah, Wendron st Gluyas Thomas, Wcndron st To PENZANCE, Willio.m Micbell and .Minet·s Blanche, Church st Holloeombe Thomas, .Meneage st James Eddy, daily. LAUNCESTON AND NB\VPORT. JL,AUNCESTON is a oor.ough and market town, in nary courts for •a~nding n•embet·s ttJ the convocation, the north tin ision of East huru:!rt:•d; 213 miles from and was forme.·ly surrounded by a wall, ha\·ing three London, aud ·10 from Exeter.; situated on the high formidable gat•~!;, two of which at·e still standiug. ri',ad t.1 Trt.ro, Falmouth and the Land's End; and on The church, whicb was erected on the si\e of a de­ ari emiuen;:e, at the bottom of which runs the river cayed chnt name of thi:i place was ' Drml1eved,' i. t'. The body is huilt with ~quare blocl\s of the moor-stone, • .the swelling hill;' it wa!! alllo called' Lanstephadon,' or granite, umc.mented with curiouM caned work· the or' Stephen-Church-town ;' but its present appella- towt!r, which is formed of different materials to timse tiou is no doubt derived trom 'Lan-cester·f.fJn,' or of the church, appears to be of much greater antiquity. c Church-Castle-town.' 'fhe ruins now remaining of' By a singular reg-ulation, the mayor for the time being tl1e ancient castle surround and cO\·er a very consider- has the appointment of the curate; the present miuili­ able extent of ground. Borlase supposes this castle ter is the Hev. Johu Rowe. The methodists and Cal­ to bt" older than the year 900, and says it is not im- vinists lla\·e each a chapel ; and there is a well­ probable that this spot was fortified by th~ Romans. eRdowed free grammar-school, founded by Queen By charter of Philip and Mary the go\'emment of the Elizabeth. The trade of Launceston is not of a par­ town was vested iu a mayor, recorder, and eight al- ticular ot· important cl1aracter; it is, howe\•er, a re­ det·mcn, who, with the free burgesses, have the right spectable and flourishing town ; its appearance has of electing two repres~::ntath•es in parliament. The been much im pt·m·ed of late years, and its convenieuces bol'ough made its firl!t rt>turn in the 23d of Eriward I, materially an~rueuted, e!lpecially in the iudispensable and had a ma}'or as early as tbe time of Edward lV. article of water, whkh at one time was ,-ery scarce The county assizes are holden here altcmatelv with here, but with which it is now abundautly sup­ -Hodmin, iu the shire and guild halls, ~ituated "in the plied; this has I.Jeeu effected at a Yery con~iderahle celltl't: of tl~;e town. Launceston is one of the stan- expeme. The marl\t:t-day, which is on Saturday, is 146 iBtrtrtorn. LAUNCESTON, &c. fttlrnlualf: well attended, and abundantly supplied with every ne- and sends two representatives to parliament, which it cessary commodity. The faiu are, the first Thursday did ever 11ince the 6th year of Edward VI. The right in 1\tarch, the third Thursday in April, Whit-1\londay, of election is vt'sted in two oftkers, called' vianders; July 6, November 17, and December 6, for cattle, &c. (annually chosen at the court Jeet of the lord of the The parish of Launceston contained, by the returns manor) and all the iuhabita11ts paying 11cot and lot; for 1821, 2,183 inhabitant~e; but the borough extends the uomher of voters is generally ahont 100. The into Lawhitton parish; and, strictiy speaking, the bo- Duke of Northumberland is lord of the mauor.-The rough contains a la1·ger population than the pa1·ish. church here is dedicated to St.Stephl'n, the officiating The borough of NEWPORT so immediately joins the miuister of which is the Rev. Charles Lethbridge. town of Launceston, that it appea1·s t.o the traveller The borough of Newport, with St. Stephen's parish~ like its suburbs; and it wa.~ formerly under the same contained, according to the padiamentary census io jurisdiction. It is now, however, a distinct borou!{h, 1821, 9]i inhabitants. POS'l' OFFlCB, Broad-~tn:et, L.AVNcEST()N, Elizabeth Tyeth, Port lltistress.-Letters from J~oNDON, &c. arri\'t! every night at tweh·e, and are de:~patched every morning at two.-Lettcrs from PLY­ MOUTH, BonM IN, ~nd the we11t, arrive every morng. at half-J>a.~t oue, aud are despatched every morng. at two. NOBILIT~ GENTRY AND Daw Thomas, Back lane Diogley Richard, Butter market CL:a::RGY; Shil:;on James, Westgate Es8ei'V ElizahPth, Northgate st Archer Ed":1u:d, esq. frelaske . Timewell Geore;e, Sonthe;ate st Penwarden Richard, West~ate- Arundcll. Wliham Arundel f:larns, BLACKSMITHS. Ridgman Vau~han, Newport esq. Llfton par~, Devonshire Angwin John, West~ate Stephens Thomas, Angel hill Rant Mrs. fh()Jnasw,,N~wport h~use Langdou William, St. Thomas's FIRE, &c. OFFICE AGENTS. Uarfett Rev. John. St. fhomas s Prout Jolm, Back !aue ATLAS, Richd.Dingley,Butrer mrkt Hull Rev. Archdeacon, Rectory Pulton Samurl Back lane - CouNTY Williau Nicolls (and ht:t~se, L('zant • Stapleton Abr;ham, St. Stepltenl'l starnp'dhtributet·) Broad ;t Cole_ndg~ ~ev. Ja~.Duke,Lawhlt!en BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS WEsT OF ENGLAND, 'fhos, Cbi.ng,. Col\tnll!?" Edward, esq.Kensey v11la AND PRINTERS. Broad st Coo~ Lteut. Jno. R.N. N<~wport con BrayTheodore&Wm.Rot', Westgate FRUITERERS. CudhJlp l\lrs. Ann, Castle :st • Dymoud William, (and circulating Broad Mary, Bark lane Darrant l\1r11. Johanna, Angel hill librat·y) Southgate Davis William, Forest llavit>s P~!te1·, ~~"'·Church walk Eyre 'fhon-1as, Church st Pro ut Elizabeth, Angel bilL Den·y Wtlllam, gt:nt. Walk cottage BOOT & SHOE MAKERS. GLOVERS. l'acey.Joh~, ge~t. Mount pleasant Bath John, St. Stepheus Houn~all William, St. Thomas's Glanvtlle Franc1s, el-lq. HcxwOJ'thy Bray Diggory, St. Thomas's E}re Jonath. Symon, St.. Thomas's Gould .John,, esq • .Mount Bnrt John. Fore 11t .i\larshall Edward, Newport Hale~ the l\~tsscs, Bcoad st Cndlipp John, Back lane GROCERS & TEA »EALERS. Harr1s Chnstoph~r Arthur, esq. Din~le Jth.:hard, Westgate (See also Shopl,eepers, ~-c.) · tla:)'ne, Deoo11slure_ [Hayne Goodman Joseph, Nt>wport Oingley Richard, Butter market Harrts Jsa~c Doumthorne, esq. Grigg John Broad st Doidge John, Church st Harward .1\lls. Charlnttt>, Castle st Langman J~sepb C·\stle !lit Hat·vey William Hi~h st Hilll\lr!l. f\!al"gery,,St. Thomas's Lock Waiter, W~st~atc · Honey 'fhomas,' (an'd corn factor) Howd Dav1d, esq. frebur·sey Matters Richard Wt'st~ate Southgate st [Broad s-t lr~in~ ,~imon, geut. J31'0ad st Rogers William,' Broad st Nicolls \Yilliam, (&hop merc~mnt) Ktng C.tpt. Thn!'!. R, N. Church st Shor• William, Fore st Pal mer 1 homa:s Rowe, (and JrOit- Kuott ~obert, ~t'nt,. Back l~ne Yeo Thomas, St. Stephens mo11ger) Southgate st l.ethhwJ.~e John Kmg, esq. rn·gare BUTCHERS. Spt'ttigue William Southgate I~ethbridl[e Rev. Chas.St. Skphen's HAT MANUFACTURERS AND Northumberland Hi:s Grace the Beuoy William, St. Stephens HATTERS; Duke of, Wel'rin~ton park HoJJt~Y Richard, Southgate Rt Farthing Geor!{e, St. Thomas's Olivcr Mrs. Mary, Church style l\lartyn William, St. Stephens Rice Thomas, Broad st Pt'dler John, gent. Roydon cottage Parnell John, St. Thomas's Shepherd Abraham, Broad si l'eters ~In~. Elizabeth, Casrlc st Paruell Thomas, Forest ~male John, South~ate st . L Perry John, Forest T 1 J ~ Plnllip!! Thos. John, esq. ande\V Hidgmen John, St. Stephens re ea\'en ames, oouthgatc Uodd Frauds Hcarle,esq.Trebartha d INNS. Hoe John, geut. Church style Runtlle Hichar 'St. Thomas's King's Arms, William Smith, Roe Philip, gent. Church style Ruudlc William, St. Stephens Southgate st (Broa. d st 1towe Coryndon, M.D. gut. D oc k acre TStacey . Thomas,J· . ChSt. Ttmmas's. t 'V bite· H art, s am 1. R owes1 p attJsou, Rowe Rev. John, Clmi-ch style ap:~on ame~, mc 11 s IRONMONGERS. Simcoe Rev. ,lames, Eglo!lkeny CAR~ENTERS. Castine William & Son, (and pat- Stephen~>Rev.H.obt.SouthPetherwin Congdon G~m.ge, Newport . ten makers) Soutllgate st

Newport rrate st ACADEMIES & SCHOOLS. Crocke · Ro"t'l' St StephL''l" ,.,. , • L'd . ·d L · h B 11 1 "· •, · '-- ' 'lwekter James &. Son (& stlver· .C npe ~.:. war e1g • e evue Dew 1 ohu St Stepheus - · ' Davies Wicifred, (boarding & day) Ed~c~mb 'wi.lliam (and wht•cl- ;-;nuths) Soutbpite . Church walk wt·ight) Southgate UNEN.~~OOLLEN DRAPERS FRF;E GRAMiHAR ScuooL, Newport Jeuk n John Broad st 'Derry Wtlltam, Broad st & -William l\!ay master i\l· Y J· ' L' . ·1 'Ge:,ke John Jos. Butter market • 1 ason ame8,L·otes 1-'·•k 1 R 0 b t ~ tl ·te Lawrcnct• l\lary, N ortbgate st Peckard ( •harlel'l Church 5 ~ - \. Y~ er • oou Jga 1\'1 ay Wm. (boal'llill g & day) Newport p h· W'l r ' • St Tl . • t<.etalhck .snsauuah' Church st l'uiton William Newport 'I'~u aw L'b' ta~t't' ;_, 1k01 ~a:, 8 Tyeth Ehzaheth, Broad st • . .1pson r. SWill IY, uac 1 a ne MALTSTERS. H.og~rs J~hn, l& teacher ofmustc) \Vise Richd. (&.builder) Westgate Gard John, Westgate

Ncwpo. t CHINA1 GLASS1 &~. DEALERS Hooper Richard, St. Stepbeus ATTORNEYS. · Clemens .las.(earthenw.) Church &t Shilsou Daniel Wl•stgate Bt·addon Thomas, ca~tle st Jenkyn Jnhn, Broart ~~ MI,LLERS. J!arke J.ohu, Ca~tle ~t 1\1 ult'.~ Elizabeth, Back st Bailey .John, St. Step hens Fro~t. Rll~har~, CI_Jurch walk CHYMISTS & DRUGGISTS. Hague Thomas, St. Thomas's Hockil~ P.lr~~UilJllll?ham,Churcb st. Ching Tlwma~. Broad ~r. Phillips John, St. Thomas's Lcthhnd~c,I:)(Hl & Gurney,l\}adford Eyre Thomas Synws, Hig:h st Warmington Thomas, Newport Pear~.e, ~nu & Lawn~nce, Castle :lt H\1Ckiu Edward, Butter market MILLINERS & DRESS MAKRS. Speti1guc Edmuud, Castle st COOPERS. Davy Ann & 1\lary, Hutter market AUCTIONEERS. Ashton William, Northgate st lvey l\larg:uet & 1\lary, Broad st Geake John, High sr Perry Roht·rt, High st Langman Grace, Broad !>t Nottle George, St. Thomas's CURRIERS AND LEATHER l'llar-.hall Elizabeth, Broad st Rowe John, Castle st CUTTERS. Pcckard Debl)rah & Eliz . .Forest_ BASKET MAKERS, Kurt NichoJa<;, Nrwrwrt !'lp

PAINTERS AND GLAZIERS. May Robt. ( & draper) South gate st • .Gre!(ory John, High "' Puckev Joseph, Broad st Geate Thomu, cabinet mahr and up.! .Harwood John, Southgate n Ralpb"Jobn, Southgate s& holsferer, Westg&te Jewell Henry, Fore tit Varcoe Jobo, Angel hill . Hayne Tb01. (OYemor of the Thorne William, Butter market Yeo Richard, St. Stepllt'DS HigaJohn, hair Broad at James Mary,lar.eworker, Westgate Whale RicM. (& ~tilder) Forest TALLOW CHANDLERS. PLASTERERS. Martin Robt. profeuorof music & organ- Geor~e John, Church lit ist, Church wait Dyer William, New road Hock m Edward, W estgate st MannderJohn, ivory tumer aud curiositJ Scott .Jnhn, Fure st Sanders Joseph, Northg-ate st dealer, Chureh at -stiles Thomas, Westgate PIU'~ons Charles, farrier, New road ROPE AND TWINE MAKERS TANNERS. Rowe John, last and patteu mak.er Grills William, Hack hme Clase Waiter, NeWJlm-t Spry Tbomu, nursery and aeeilsman, Hl'ath Richard, We!ltp;ate Suell Jame!', Newport Southgatft [High at Trelt>aven James, Newport Timewell Sar.dfonh, breeches maker, Pode Valentine, Southgate VennerWal ter,veterinary aurgn.Chnrcb as SADDLERS AND HARNESS TAVERNS$ PUBLIC HOUSES. Whitt=John, baker, Southgate MAKERS. Bell, JoBt'ph Dunn, Fore st Cornish Anns,Elizabth. Burt,St. Stephen's COA.CHBS. Butt Charles Natious, Newport Cornish Inn, Grace Symona, Westgate Cowling Charle~e, Broad st Dolphin, Henry 81Hke, Westl{ate at To LONDON, the Royal ~Jail (from Deacou JaoJl's, Back st Exeter Inn, Wm. Radmore, Butter market Falmouth) calls at the White HW't, every morning at half-past ont~ ancl Peowarden Richard, Westgate Jubilee, Sampaon ft.larsters, Fore at . Launceston Armtl Wm. Dyer, New road the Auriliary Mail, enry afternoon at Robins Richard, High at thr~ 1 both go tbrou[{h Oakhampton, • LittleWhiteHart,Jas. M' Ate11r 1 We1tgate st SHOPKEEPERS 11 DEALERS London Inn, Wm. Atkins, Southgate at Exeter, Honiton, Axm10ater, Bridpurt, lN SUNDRIES. New Inn, William Jor!l, Church st Dorcbester, Blandf.,rd, Salisbury, An­ Notthumberlnd Arms, Rt.Burt,St.Stepbna dol'er, Basinf,l'stoke.Staines,& Bren tford. Beal J ames, W esrgate To FALMOVTH, theRayal Ma1l (rrom Clemens James, Church 11& Pack Horse, Edward Pearse, Sontbg"t" London) calls at tbe White Hart, every Congdou John, St. Stepheos Plymouth and Devonport Inn, William Tapson, South!!ate [stree night at half-put elenn-amd the Jo~arthing Jaue, Church st Auriiiary Mail at half-past tweln i Ring o' Bell~, Charles A tkins, Nortb~rate Hender \Vilmott, St. Thomas's Turk's Head, Wm. Tnpson, Church st both go through Bodmin and Truro. Lan~don George, Newport Westgnte Inn, Ann Copp, Westgate CA.R.RlB.RS. Levy Solomon, South~ate White Horse, William Burt, Newport To LONDON, William Daviea' Woggow1, Maddat'er Elizabeth, St. Stephens TAWERS. every Monday and Wedneaday-·ancl Orchard Diggorv, Fore st Bounsall William, St. Thomas's ·Thomu Rnasell & Co.•a, t~Tel'J Mon­ Philp William, Westgate Eyre Jonath. Symon, St. Thomas's day and Thursday. STONE MASONS. Marshall Edwa1·d, Newpol't To BODMIN, James Pengalley, from Bounsell Chrilltopher, St. Stephens William Daviea' warehou~e-and 1"bo­ 'l'IR-PLATE WORKERS, mlla Rnuell & Co. from their OWD Browuing Johu, Castle st Bolt Wm. Fore st [Church st warehouse every Tueaday. Davy JQhn, l<~ore st Dymond Mary, (and ironmonger) To BOS CASTLE,Roaevear & Sloggatt's Hutchins Thoma.<~, St. Thomas's Sarell Robert, South~a:e Woggtm~, from the Exeter Inn-ancl Matter!! William, St. Thomas's WATCH & CLOCK MAKERS. Thomas RU•IIf'll & Co. from their ware­ Scawn John, St. Thomas's Box John,(& hardware) Broad st house, every Tueeday, Thurllday, ancl Harvt>y Edward, Westgate st Saturday. ·STRAW HAT MAKERS. To CAMELFORD, Wllliom Daviea' Honey Sn:~aunah, Southgate st Hom·y Thomas, Southgate st Wog(lons,from his bo1ue, evrry Fridi{. Masou Ann, Fore !!t Pearce Edward, Southgate s& To DEVONJ>ORT and PLYMOUT t Pickard Charitv, Church st Reyuolds William, We11tgate William Hockridge, from the Little Tapson Gn,cl", ·southgate se Spt·y Nathaniel, Soutllgate White Hart-Jobn Wilton, from the Devonport lnn-Thomu Ruaa~n ancJ Whale Sarah, Fore 11t WINE 11 SPIRIT MERCHANTS. Co. from their warehouse William SURGEONS. Chiug Thomas, Broad st Panter, 1\'Jary Broad, and Antbony Brendon Peter, Southgate Greenway Henry, High st Caerwitbera, from their re~pective Patch William. Church walk WOOLLEN MANUFACTURERS houses, every Monday, Wedneaday, Pethick & Pearse, Westgate Ha!!ue Thomas, (seJ·ge & blanket) Tbnr~day a11d Friday. To EXETEit, William Davies• WoggOJII. Smith Joseph. Ca~tlt' '!t Newpor~ every Monday and Wt"dneed11y-and W hi ttaker DaTid t Bellt-vue Pearse Thos. (sergf-, &c.)Newport • Thomas Ruasell & Co. every 1\londaJ SURVEYOR LAND. Pt>arse William & Son, Newport and Thursday. Brock WiUiam, Ca11tle sti WOOLSTAPLERS. To STRATTON & DUDE, Davey & Co. TAILORS. Geake John, Sonthgate from the Bell Inn-aod Tbomaa Wil­ Annger Ricltar1l, Fore st Langdon John, St. ·stt'phen's ton, from the Plymouth Inn, nery V\ledne~dey, Thursday, and Sahtrday. Aungt'r Richatd, jun. High 1.1t Pcat·~;e Thomas, Nev.1port To TRURO, Jamrs Pengelly and Tho­ Dennis Tboma3, Westgate st Treleaveo Samuel St. Thomas's mas Russell and Co. nery Tuesday. . , A. MARKE'f and borough town, and parish, in the amount; with powpr to arrest, imprison, le''Y execo­ bundred of W t'St, is 225 miles from London, 49 fmm tions, &c.; this Jnl'isdiction, howt>ver, is now but rarely Exeter, and 32 from Truro. The town is situated resorted to. 'I his borough hM sent members to par­ partly on rocky hills, and partly in a bottom; is one of liament since the 23d of Edward I : the right of elec­ considerable antiquity, and had a strong castle, where tion illl with the mayor, capital burge11ses and freemen, tl1e dukes of Cornwall kept their court. Its ancient the mayor being the returning officer; the present; name was Lis J(e"ett-derived, as is supposed, from represt>ntath·es are, the Right Hon. Edward Grenville two old Cornish wordH, signifving a fortified place. It Lord Eliot, of Port Eliot, in this county, and Sir Wm. was possessed, at the timtJ of thtJ doomsday survf'y, by Henry Pt·iogle, K. c. n., of SLratfortl·place, London. Robert, Earl of 1\loretoo and Cornwall; and became The principal hwsiness of Liskeard is connected witb a free borough by a charter granted by Richard, Earl the tin, lead and copjlCt' mines in the neighbourhood; of Cornwall, brother to Henry Ill, dated June 5th. l!erges aud blank{'ts are manufactnt·l'd in the town, to 1240. In the reign of J ames I. it consisted of little ~lse a smallrxtent; there are also sewral tanneries and tbau ruins and aucieut buildings, denoting that it had rope walks, cllld the \,·ool trade is an impro\ing ba·anch. one~ beea a place of consequence. By the constitution H~re is a guildhall for the use of the corporation, and of its present chartel' of incoq.. mration, obtained in the a markt~t-hall, comLiuing neatuess and convrnience. 29th yt-ar of Elizabeth, 1580, the capital burgesses are 'fhe church is a !uindsome buildiug, anJ 'k.~pt in good to bl' nine iu uumbcr, Ol!e of whom is elected mayor; repair; the t:.~Wt'l' i:s of more recent constr 'Ction than and the freemen are indefinite in number. 'fl1e mayor the boJy, and appears to have been bnilt ~ ft Chl the date and recorrler are respectively l'el!ted with magisterial cut over the \H'Mcrn door,) in 1627. 'I he ,h•ing is a powers within the limits of the horough, and have a vicarage, anu the present incumbent t.he Hev. John rl!fht to hold a court once in three weeks for the trial Strode Foot. In the town are;places of \~orship (or ot d\'il causes, and the recovery of debt~, &c. to any the methodists and quakers, and some ~mall school~, . 148 LISKEARD.• • . - ·- ... «ornfuall. In whicb children are instructed gratnitously; also a remains. The market-dav is Sat1uday, and lhere are . f[rammar-school, eupported main I y by the members :iix fdirs held annually, viz: Ft"bruaa·y 18da, March 25th, tiJr the borough. The towu is supplied with water Holy Thursday, August 15th, Oct. 2nd, and Dec. 9th. 'f1·um au admirable spring; and the ncaghbourhood fur- The number of inhabitants· in tbe borough and parish ui~he~ examples of what aa·t" suppo:o~ed to be drttidical of Li$keaa·d, according to the last returns, wu 3,519. POS'l' O:S'E'lCB, Marv Rawe Ede, PosJ .IIJistress. Letters from LoNDON, &c. arrive every moro­ hig at Sl'Vcn, and ar·e despatched ~\'t:ry afternoou at tive.-Letters from l<'ALMOUTH arrive every afternoon a& oue, and are despatched t•\·ery morni 1111; at ten. · . GENTRY AND CLERGY. BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. . '1-'ountain, James Lyon, Parade Anstis John, f':t'llt. Lux 11t Crahb John, Lux st Kin~'M Arm" (aud coach offiee) Ca.rrhew Jt;dmttnd, e8q. Barr~l11t Crabb William, Market st Uohert Webb, Market st C1uthew John, esq. Barrel st Dawe John, Forest IRONMONGERS •. Childs Mist! Edith, Lux st Dmham Miehael. Market &t Longmaid Johu (&cutler) Fore s& Couche l.. it>ut. John, Lux st Hawken Richard, Church st l..ucas John, Fort: st · CmJche ltlcharrl, g~nt. Dean st Phillips William, Chm·ch st Philp Richard, Forest })oidge llichaa·d, t>sq. Trenodden Rogers Hirhard, Dean st .JOINERS AND CARPENTERS. J)yer NicholM, gent. Lux.st 8argent William, Tavern bill Coath Thomas (&painter} l<~ore s& };ales Miss Phillis, Lux st BRAZIERS PLUMBERS & TIN• Ed~ecumbe Henry (andmillwright) Fitzc Mrs. Stt)llln, West st :PLATE WORKERS. Castle nret't }'ookes Rev. Williaot, Baa·rel st Marb Thomas, Church st Esterbrook Thomad, Lux at Glincro~!t Mhu~ Elitabeth, Deanst Pbilp Richard, Fore l'!t Ja~o Jamt'll, North st James Mrs. Baru st BUILDERS & STO.'{E MASONS • .Mal'trn John (&builder) Barrels& Jope Rev. John, St. Cleer Botterell John, Lux st Short Jamel'!, Lux 11t Jope William, esq. Lemettnn Crago F1-ancis, Barn st Sudl Edward, BaytreP. hill ·Laffer Rev. Athana11ius, Dean st Crago John, Ca~tle st Sowden Thomas, Dean st Lakes Rev. John, Church st . Cra~;o William, J..ux st LINEN & WOOLLEN DRAPERS J,aue William, gl·nt. Castle st Eliott Nicbolas, Church st Baron Catherine, l<'ore st J.1,wry Miss Aune, Lnx ~t · !Wott Samuel, Lux st Clogg James, Market 1t Lyne the l\lil!ses, llaru st Gollfrt:!y and Bone, Barn st Philips Saml. ( & merrer·) Church SI .Marllhall Willlam, t"sq. Treworgay BUTCHERS. Vian Joauna (linen) Church st. Pye llev. William, Dean tit Ca·abbJoseph, Lux st Walkom Waiter Pomery, Marke& st Re~corla Mrs. J. Barrel st Haines William, Barn st Weekes Thomas, Forest ;H.obinson Rev. John, Dean st Oliver John, Baytree bill MALTSTERB. Row!e Mrs. Elizabeth, Lux st CHINA GLAss,&e. DEALERS. Hocking Richard, Barn st Rnmlle Samuel, ~ent. Barn st Abrahdr~ John, t<'ore ~t Venning Edward, Barn st

8arl{l'nt Riehd.Doidge,~ent.Dean "t Martin Nichola8 1 Forest MILLINERS & DRESS MAKRB. 'J'annton John, gent. Deau !!t Rogers John, Baytree hill Ede & Rowe (&mercers) Markeht •rrchhvney Charles, esq.Colerenic'k CONFECTIONERS. Ellis Mary Auu, West 11t Wadgtt Johu, gl•nt. Dcau !$t Keast l\1ary, Baytree hill Giddy Elizalwtb, Market st Watts Rt-v. Hugh, Dean :~t Stl'ip Hichard, Forest Hicks Isabella, Markd 11t Worgau Geo.Bottcher, gcut.We~;t st COOPERS, MILLWRIGHTS. ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. Borrow Thomas, Dean st Edgecumbe Heruy, Castle st Admn~ thc.Misscs(ladics• boaa·diug) Ma.-ks Anda·ew, Church st Henwood William, Chnrrb st Barrel street Wyatt John, Lower Lux st PAINTERS AND GLAZIEBSo B:urett John, Market st CURRIERS AND LEATHER Coath Thomas, Forest Chat,mau William, Parade [house SELLERS. Estea·b1·ook ThomM, Lu~ st l\lilton Juo.(boardiug)GoldenBank Ahraham Richard, BarrPl st Sndl Edward, Baytree hill O'Bryau Eden, Lux llt Glanville Julius, Church st Whale John, Church st ATTORNEYS. Longmaid John, Forest PATTEN ~ HEEL MAKERS. ·Anstis Matthew, Deau st Stephens Amlrew, Fore tit Uurham Dan~, Barrel st Brown Joseph, B;1r 11 st Vian H.ichard, Church st Esterbrook H.achard, Church st Childs Jo~n·ph, 0l'an 11t [st DRUGGISTS. Lu-::as John, Forest Oeach Erlwd. (& cuuvtyancer) Lux: Bastin Jacob, Forest ROP~, &c. MAKERS. Glubb and L}·ne, Baytrt!tl hill Bnase William, Market st D~vey Chrastopher, Lux Kt J,edler Jc:dwa1·d, We!it st Eliott Jolw, Market st W1lls James, l\larket st Rohins Thoma.~, Lux st Lawrence Thos. Hodge, 1\Jarket lit . SAD~LEttS. 'J'ickell William, Bltrrel st FIRE &e. OFFICE AGENTS. Phllp Joseph, .fore l!t AUCTIONEERS. ATLAs,'William Tickell, Barrel st Sargeut Gustavus, Market st Coad Robert, Lux: st BRITISH (th-e) AND WE!)TMINSTER i SHOPKEEPERS & DEALERS JoueaJobn \Vest st en) J Cl I' ·tl t I IN GROCERIES & SUNDRIES. ' I e it!l1es, ogg, ...,a~ e s Abrahaan 1\l•u·y, Barrel st B;AKERS. PELICAN (hfe) rhos. Robms,Lux st I Beer JtiSl' h Dean st Estet·brook Richard, C~urch ~tt Rov.ALExcHANGE,Matthew Amstis, BuroaforJJ~Jw, Bartrt>e hill Keas~ Ma"y,_Baytree lull . Dean street [Castle ~t Glanville E~th~::l' Church s& Kermck Wallaam. Chnrch .hall WEsT oF ENGLAND, Peter Glul>l:t, Hambley Willia~,· Lux st ~to~r~ ~~es, BCtreethlll GARDENERS o!l SEEnSMEN. l\liller Nich1•las, .Market lit 0 .r s 0•01 ~· ux s . Best John, Barn st Olver Josl:ph, Lower Lux sa Spnraway Wtlhaw, llaytree hlll Langdon Thomas, North st Sandy John, Baytree hill b' F BA&NC~E{~~· •c LonRmaid John, Forest Trewin Mary Gt'ake, Church 11t n0 lllll, oster 0 • ~a~- ornwa11 GROCERS AND DRAPERS, STRAW HAT MAKERS. Bank)-draw on Wdhams, Dea- (See also Linm R.c, Draners und. B . t l\1· . L' • ~t con Rnd Co London • ~~ " ' arnecu • aa y, c 01 e ~ SAVINGS' BA~K, Willia~ Chaprnan, . also Shop~eepera, ~c.) Batton. Eslht'J:• Church l!t actuary B~11tm Jacob, Fore st West Susau, Forest BLACK AND WHITE SMITHS Ehott John, Market st SURGEONS. Haw ken John Ma1ket st • Haine Matthew, l\larket st Clo~g William, Ban·clst Hock in~ John: Forest H~nder Samuel, Market st D~niell Fra!tcis, Market st Snell Hugh, Baytree hill ~tcks Joseph, 1\larket st Ha.ngston ~~~hard,,llarn et. Thomas William Lnx st 1nckettEdwal'd, Forest l\lachell Walham, 1avern lnll Wullis William •ravern hill HAT MAKERS. Pedlar William, Dean st BLANKET o!1 SERGE MANI'RS. Edgrcumbe Luke, West st RickaJd Fredt>rick, Bam•l st Hill Beuy. For·e s$ Knight Richard, Chur·ch st SURVEYORS. ~owdtm Natbaniel, Dean st Penfound Arthur, Fore Ft Coad Robert, I~ux st Tnckctt Edward, Fore 8& Trcmayne James hey, Forest .Jones John, West !it BOOKSELLER o!l PRINTER; INNII. Sargeut Richard J)oiJgc (of taxt·s) Boa~e W 01. (& druggist) Market fit Bdl Iuc, Elizabeth Cdter,Church 51 Dean 5tn:ct . . 149 .«ornhlalt. . LIS.KEARD. t!ligot & ~o.'~ TAILORS. WATCH AND CLOCK MAKERS. Devonport, Plymouth, and Exeter. Marked thue• are also D & Mercers Abrabam Jnsaah, Church st To FALMOUTH, the RotJal Mail (from 8arnecut Jam~s, Fore 11t Au11ten Richard, Tavern hill London) ealla at tho King's Anas, Murray William, Church st enry morning at ten ; goes through Dnrham Beojamin, Parade Loatwithiel, St. Austell, and Truro>. Penwara1e John, Lux: 11t Webb John. Lower Lux st WHEELWRIGHTS. CARRIERS.. •Phillips Samuel, Church 8t · Parkyn John, Parkyn's yard To BOD~HN, Willia•n Cayzer, from the •Rogers Anthony, Market st Fountain-and John Yatee, from the Short John, West f!t Barley Sheaf, every Wednesday. TALLOW CHANDLERS. WOOLSTAPLERS. To LOOE, John Williams, from hie Knight JameR, Church st · All~n John, Dean st house, Barn street, evt"ry morning. Laugford Waiter, Chm·ch st Hocking Richa1·d, Barn st To LOSTWITHIEL,John Hawke, from Olver Joseph, Lux .!lt Laugford Waiter, Church st the New London Inn, every Monday. Philp Jaw•;s, Fore st Sargent William, Haytree hill To PADSTOW, John Yates, from the Barley 8hea f, every Wednesday. · TANKERS. Miscellaneons. To ST. COLUafB, William Cayzer,from Fitre James Gartrell, Pond bridge Bellman Edward, plasterer, Castle st the Fountain, every Tuesday. i''itze Joseph, Puud bridge Binnick Eli~~:al!eth, toy dealer, .Fore st To ST. GERMAJNS,John Bowden,from Bowden John, wool card maker, Dean at Langford John, Church st his hou&e 1 Lox street, enry Monday, Clogg James, merchant, Castle st Tuesday, and Saturday. 'TAVERNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. Hicks John, governor of workhouse, To TAV1STOCK, John Bowden, from Barley Sheaf, Richd. Medland, Church 1t 1 Chuch at (printer, .1 ore at his hou~e, every Mor.o. thro' Callin~tton. Cornish ArnlS.,Mar~AnnEiiott, Church st Longmaid Henry, engraver & copfterplate To , John and William N"w London lnt•, Kdw. Chappell 1 W"st st Rose Joseph, optician, Lux st Red Linn, John Knight, Lo11 er Lux st Hawke, from the New London Inn7 Sanson Susanna, !Jaberdaaher, Church at daily, Robert Wileox, e'fel'J )Jonday, Riog of Bells, George Davia, Mllrket at Stephene Joanno., stay maker, Barn at T11lbot, Thomas Coath, Baytrlle hill and William Sowden, every Wednes• Stevena Francis, botanist, Lux st day-Charlea Pen~eelly, from the Foun­ Union, William Spuraway, Baytree hill Thomas Francis Jamea, atamp distri.. tain, every Tuesday-Richard White Hart, William Moon, Market st buter, West street TA WEBS. from his house, Lower Lux CO.d.CBBS. every Monday & Thursday and Joha Peake John, Church st To LONDON, the Hoyal Mail (from Yate•,from theBarleySbeaf,every Mon. Peake Thomas (&glover) Castle at Falmouth) call~ at the King's Arms, To TRURO, Charles Pengelly, from the Stephens Abraham, Bam st every afternoon at one; goes through Fountain, every Wednesday. LOOE, EAST AND WEST. EAsT LOOE is a borough aud market town, in Hon. William Lascelles, and Jas. Drummond Buller the parish of St. Martin, and in the hundred of West; Elphinstone, Esq.; the members for We~t Looe are, 232 miles from London, 53 from Exett'r, and about 16 Sir Charles Hulse, Bart. and Charles Bnller, Esq. mile~ west of Plymouth. The town is situated e-n the These towns };)ave no par-ticular trade or manufdcture; ea~t Bide of the river Looe, over which is a very an· the pilchard-fisherr is carried on in both. There are cient bridge of 14 arches, connecting it. with the bo- no mines within 1nx miles of tbe'!e places; but they rough of West Looe. The situation of both these towns derive some advantage from the shipping of the tin is very beautiful, and not exceeded in richness and di- blocks, brought from the coinage town of Liskeard by versity by a11Y other· in the county: this circumstance the Liskeard and Looe canal, lately completed. There may account for the great number of gentlemen's seats is a chapel of ea~e, under St. Martin's, at East Looe; that are in this neighhoua·hood. The river washe!! the and also two chapels for dil!!lt>uters. West Looe, which basea of the mountainous swells of ground on both is also called • Port Pigham,' is iu the parish of Tal­ side~; and W~t Loo is flanked by a prodigious emi- land, and the borough has no place of wor11hip under nence, that at a distance appears inaccessible, and in the establishment bt-sides the parish church : it for­ f,u~t i:~ one of the steepest !!pots in the county. Both merly had a chapel of ease; but this has been convertecl these towns were incorporated by Queen Elizabeth. into a town-hall, and the inhabitants go to Tallaotl t~ast Looe is governed by nine burgesses, and West church. The market at East Looe is held on Satur.. Looe by tweh·e, from whom are annually chosen a day? West Looe market has been long discontinued, mayor, recorder, and court of aldermen. Each town but 1t has a fair on the 6th of May, well supv1ied with · send!~ two members to parliament: the right of mting cattle, &C'. There are four fairs held annually at East is in the capital and free burgesseil of each borough. Looe, but they are very insig-nificant. The population The present representatives of East. Looe are, the of the two boroughs, in 1821, was 1,309 persons. POST OFFICE, Catherine 'fre~enna, Post 1Jfistress.-Letters from LoNDoN and lo'ALMOUTH arrive every morning at half-pa~t nine, and are despatched every afternoon at half-pas& two. GENTRY AND CLERGY. Rundle Anna M aria, East Looe Cook John, butcher, East Looe Bnller Cllas. esq. M. P. Polvellan Rundle Edward, W rst Looe De bell Margt. shopkerllt'r, 1<~. Looe Huller John, esq, .l\lorval house PROFESSIONAL PERSONS. Ft'nwick Wm. baker, Ert:,t Looe Bulle1· Rev. John, 'frenant park Bnnd Thomas, attorney, East Looe Gourd 'rhos. 1\tO{}emasoo, W.l..ooe Camphelll\lrs. Phrehe, East Looe Hattenbury Wm.surgeun,East Looe Grigg Robert, eorn merchant, Ealllt Duuu Rev. Johu, Easl Looe R(tl(ers Pder, surgeon, East Looe Looe [West Looe Elphinstone Coi.James Drummond Tickell Wm. attorney, East Looe Hearle Nath.merchaut&ship owner Buller, M. p, Trenaut park INNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. Hicks Mary, straw bat mal\er aud Farwdl Rev. West Looe Britannia, Wm. Ball, J<:ast Looe draper, East Looe Hearle Miss lkhecca, East Lnoe Huller's Al'ml!l,Martha lSaudercock, Hocking John, shoemaker, E.Looe James Rev. William, West Looe Ea!it Looe fLooe Honey Samuel, butcher, East Looe Jam! Cap[. Henry, R. N. West Looe Col'llish Arm5, Ann Angear, West Hunting Wm. baker, West Looe Jt.'e\'es Authony, gent. West Looe Jolly Sailor,Robt.Reath, West Looe Husband Wm. shopkeeper,W. Looe Lamb Mr~. Arm, West Lone King's Head,Margt.Debeli,E. Looe Jackson Clement, druggist & gt·o- Lam·ence Lieut. Jawes Ross, R. N. Scllutation lun,l\la1·yAnn Hunkiug, cer, East Looe EalSt Lone F.ast l.ooe l\lartin· Wm. baker, West Looe l\lacarnick the l\lisse5, West Looe Ship lnu, Philip •rrout, East Looe Martyn Jue.watch maker,EastLooe Nir.holas 1\li:~f- .Martha, East Looe Swan James White, East Looe l\lartfn Thos. miller, West J.ooe Prynn Lieut.t'erkiu, R.N. \Vest Loe SHOPKEEPERS, TRADE RS,&c. M orns Edwd. tailor, West Looe Soady l\liss Agues, East Looe 1\ndrcw John, saddler, East Looe Olin~r Jno. blacksmith, East Lood Soady William, gent, Eat~t Looe Angcar 'fhos. carpenter, West Looe Ulivt'r William, tllilur, East I.ooe Thomas H.obert, gent. West Looe Bishnp Robert, butcher & ae-eut t0 Parnell Sarul. draper, East Looe •rrelawut:y Sir Harry, Trelawney the Com1ty fire otlicc,Ea:st Looe 1 Pulgl'lly Jas.Edw.!ihnemkr,E. Looe Whittcr the Misses, East Looe Cherk Thos. boot & shoe maker, jl'o)g:-.·;tu Hugh, shi~• LH.ilder, West Willcocks haa.c, esq. West Looe West Looe [West Love, Looc fmollger, East Looe Woolf Rev. James, Ea~tt Looe Clements John, draper & grocer, j Pr)wne Thos. watch maker & iron- ACADEMIES l!c SCHOOLS. Cliuock J no.draper & tailor ,E. Lune IZendle Thos. !'>hopkt:~per, W. Looe Rulleu Hemy (day) Ea!.'t Looe Clinock Jos. shipwright, East Luoe H.ichards Geurge, brewer & malt- Demo Rev.Jno.(brdg & day)E.Looe Coad Jos. blacksmith, Eltl't Looe :,tn·, We"t Looc Pupe.Cath.(boarding& day)E.Looc, Cook .lollo, gror(.'r, fo~a~t Looc 'l:ci•<'tt Wm. baker, Ea!it Lpoe 150

------mtrtctorn. LOOE, EAST AND WEST. «orntoalr.

Shapcott Hy. $blpwright, E. Looe Thomas Wm.coal dealer,East Loot' CUSTOM HOUSE-EAST LOOE. Sbapcott Juo.Mtoemason,East Looe Tregt'nna Henry, d1-aper aud stamp Collector, Mr. James Nicholl! Skentlebery Jane,shopkpr. W.Looe dilltribnter, Eallt Looe Ctwnptroller, Mr. l11aac Willcocks Skeotlebtry Wm .shotmakr,E .Looe Trout Philip, linen draper, E. Looe Sw·veyo,., Mr. Samuel Prynli Stranger John, draper and grocer, Warn Nicb.11boemaker, East Looe CABBZBBS • . Ea~t Looe Willct)cks Jos. shoemaker, E. Looe To FOWEY, Geo.Hoekings,every Thurs. Symoos Henry, tailor, East Lo ., .• William~J 'rhos. sboem~kt!r, E. Looe To LISKEARD, John Williams, from the King's Head, daily. [enry Fri. Symona Peter, butcher, Wes& Looe Wyuhall Juo.ironmouger, E. Looe To MILLBROOK, Georl:t' Hockings, . LOS'f\V1THIEL, A SMALL market town, borough and parish, ill in Tht church, which Is dedicated to St. Bartholomew, tbe rast division of Powde1· hundred; 2.16 miles from and situated in the centre of the town, is much ad­ London, 63 from Exeter, and six from Bndmin. 'rhe mired for its beautiful Gothic tower and elegant spire. town is situated in a very pleasant valley, and on the The living is a vicarage; the Earl of Mount Edgecumb banks of the river lt'owey, which is nav1gable at high is patron, and the present incumbent the Rev. John wate!', for barges, 11.11 high as the bridge here. Lost- Bower. The independent, Wesleyan, and primitive withiel is a town uf considerable antiquity: the dukes methodists have each a chapell1ere for their religiou~t of Cornwall formerly had a palace here, the external exercises; there are also a grammar and writing !ichools walls of wltich are still standing, and form part of a supported by the corporation, aud a chul'ch Sunday­ boildin!l for the security of prisonerg hronght here for school sustamed by volontar)' sub~cription. 'fhe priu­ trial at the sessions, holrlen at Midsummer and Christ- cipal object of attraction in the neighbourhood is' Res­ mas; it is also one of the original coinage towns, tormel Castle,' which stands on the summit of a hill, &hough uo colnages have of late years taken place in it. one mile north of the town; the ruins are still magni­ The charter making this a corporate town is of very ficeot, and, standing as they do, snrrounded by beauti­ rtmote date: the corporation cOn !lists of a mayor, six ful scenery, cannot fdil claiming the admiration of all, capital burgesse~, and 17 asOJistants or common coon- who delight. tu contemplate oatu1·e, in its sweetest garb, cilmen; and the right of electing the members of par- suMtaiuing the ponderous and interesting erections of liamt'nt belongs to these 24 persons; the mayor is the former ages. About two miles hence is the fine seat retnming otlict>r; the present representatives are, Lord aftd park of ' Boconnoc,' the property of Lord Grt·n­ Valletort aud the Hon. E. Cu8t. ·As regards trade, this ville; aud three miles to the south-we!lt are the ex­ may be considered a thriving and still impi'Oviug little tensive cnpper-mint's ot Lanascot and the Fowt'y con­ sown: there are extensive tan-yards, good woolstap- solidatt'd mines. 'fhe weekly market is held on }<~ri­ ling concero11, and very considt'rable busint!ss is tram!· day; and there are three fairs in the year, for ho~es, acted iu coal and timber; a great quantity of lime is horned cattle and sheep; they are held on July lOth, also bttrut here, and disseminated through the neigh- Sept. 4th, aud Nov. 13fh. 'fhe borough and parish bourin~ country for manure.. of Lostwithit'l contained, in 1821, 933 inhabitants. · POST OPFICE, John Cripp!!, Post llfaater. Letters from LoNDON, &c. arrive every morning at llalf-past four, and are despatched every evening at seven.-Letters from PLYMOUTH arrive eYery morning at half-past eleven, and are iiespatched every day at twelve.-Letters from i'~ALMOUTH arrive every day at twelve~ aud are despatched every morning at half-past eleven. JIOBILITY, GENTtlY AND Fun·e William Dowrick Chu. earthenware dealer CL.ERGY. • Solomon 1\tary Fen·is William, carpenter Beard M r11. E!•~abeth, Lostwtthicill Stepht-ns Hannah Ferriss Mary, miller BeiiiiCtt Rev. l homas, Broadoak PROFESSIONAL PERSONS. l<~oster Wm. & 'fhoma! tanners Bogcar Capt. Richd. R.. M.Oak cottg Belling William, sYrgeou Freuch Jobn H. plum~r & ~lazier Bowen J no. gt'nt. Jsteward to .Lo_rd Boweu John, 11urveyoa· and land ~~urze Reb.dress & straw hat maker and Lady GretJVJl~e). Lostwathlel agent, BOf:onooc G~ach Charity, shopket>per Calvert Mrs. Lostwlthael [cottage Burgess William, surgPOn Gl'amill Grace, shopkeeper C~ode Ca~t. John, a. N. Coo~la!•d Lanyon Richard ~Sou. sur~t>On'! Han·ey 1\lary Ann,st1·aw hat maker Dm1ble Wi~llam, gen&. Los&w!th!el Row!! HuEth, arclntt'ct, sun·cyor & Ha~ke John, shopkeeper · Do!1clla~ Ltent.M. R.N. f~os~w1tlnel land agent Hawkens John, tailor Elhot .M1ss 1\Jary, Lostwulud INNS a PUBLIC HOUSES. Hicks Thomas, boot & shoe maker l''orrest Capt. 'fhtJs. R. N. Coll_on. J?olphin, John Steed Hicks Wm. painter & glazier ~ortt>srue_.MrA.Robecc~,L.ostwlthld E~1·1 ,of Cbatha~, John B01·t Hill John, shopkeeper F~oster .:\11ss D. l.o.stwllhlel. • Kwg s Arms, R1char~ R~ed. Hill ~ebecca, shopkeeper Foster Mr11, B,u·b;o,a, Lostwath~el l\laltstet·!t' Arms, Altce frelf'aven Hockm Thos. boot & 11hoe maker Fo!\ter 'fhvtUI\ll, ~:iiJ· t.:olvot·hjge Moumouth, Edward Scantlebury Hod~~;e 'fhos. timber & coal merrh& Fot~ter Willia.m, esq. Lanwith•m Sailors' Am1s, John Moody · Hoskio William, saddler Graham 'fhomas, esq. P('nquite Tal hot, Wm. Cory (&coach office) Jefferies Thomas, wheelwright Grruville Rt. Hon.l.ord, Boconnoc Towu's Arms, William Hick Jeffery Joseph, boot & shoe maker Ht'u.rle Mrs. Susan, Lostwithid SIIOPKEEPERS/l'RADERS,&e, Jeukin Nicholas, dyer .- Hc.xt J••l10 esq. Re:~to.·rnel park Abraham Philip, cooper Jenkins Joseph, cabinet maker Hu!;n .Mi.:111 Mary, Lo;;t~ithiel .-\rthur 1\lary, dress maker Knight Dorothy, straw bat maker Keudall Nicholas estJ. Pelynn Barrett Waiter, joiner & builder Knight James, plasterer Keudall Rev. l<'rancis J. H. Ptlynn Barron John, cabinet maker Knight John. carpenter Keudall Rev. Nicholas, Lanlivary Bt•ckerleg Hichard, carpenter Knight Jost>ph, black!!mith Kimr,don Richd. M. D. Lostwithid Bcllman John, cooper Lukes Waiter, butcher Lawrence Lieut.Gt!orge BarcU,a.N. Bellman William, plasterer Maytll Jos. watch & clock maker Mortimer Mrs. Lostwithiel Bennett Richard, miller l\loon John, basket maker Mount Edl(ecumbe Right Hon. the Be8worrick Henry, baker Nanjulian John, draper Eal'l of, Lostwilhiel Blewert Elizabeth, blacksmith Naujulian Rcuben, saddler Penrose ReKr-Admh·al Sir Charles Blewett John, blacksmith Nether&ou Nichola~~, tailor Veuicomhe, J.<~tby Carnhew Philip, baker Parkin Ja~nes, ironmonger Petherick Thos. gtut. Penpillick Chappel Wm. boot & shoe maker Parkin John, carpt'oter Pomerr PJtilip S. esq. Lostwithiel Clemence Ann, shopkeepn Parkin .Mary, dress maker RaMhle1gh JolJ o C. esq. Prideaux Collett Eliza,dress & straw hat mkr Parkyn Isaac, currit!r :~homp~ou Adarn,geut; Lostwithiel Collin~!l Rkhard, shopkeeper Partridge Will~am, saddler I homsou Hemy, esq. rrewenyan Cony John, butcher Pearce John, tunher & coal mer- Walker Rev. Hobert, St. Winoe Comt$ Nicholas blark11 mitb chant, T)'wardreth We~tlake Wm. gent. Lo~twithiel Cripps John, wi'ne & spirit mercht. Pearrt' William,l:l1te l>unJel· & tim- Wtute Geo. Gt aham, est]. Torfrt'y CriJ~ps John, drape1· & g1·occr ~er & coal m_t:-r·:hant ACADEMillS & SCHOOLS, Damel Nathl.boot & ~hue makrt· Plnlp John, bml.1~r & sttJnemason Cmu·or;.4TJuN U~.-\1\J!\I \R ~cuooL- Daniel Saml. N. dl'aptr & groc\.r Pyne Johu, t

C!torntuall. LOSTWITHIEI.J. ~igot & ~o.'tc • . . SHOPltEEPBRB, .c.-Conlinuttl. Trigg Richard, boot & shoe maker To FALMOUTH, the RO?!al lJiail {from Ruudle William, retail brewer Udy Ann, !lhopkeeper London) caiLo at the Talbot Ion, every Ruudle William, st•o. butcher morning at half-Jlast elenu; goea thro': Westlake John, woolstapler St. Austell and Truro. Sandea·s John, builder Whetter John, plasterer Skeat J amt>~, dru~tgiMt White £1izabeth, shopkeeper CARRIB~S. Skeltou William, blacksmith Whitley Edward, Jime burner, Pill To BODMIN, Richard Warn, ftom the Solon10n William, tallow chandler, Williams John, tin-plate worker Kin~~;'s Arms, every Thursd;ly. plasterer & fire office agent Wood William, blacksmith To LISKEARD, TOR POINT, & PLY- Sprey Wm.eartb~nwar-e manuf. Pill 1\IOUTH, John Han·ke, from his Wright Elizabeth, shopkeeper houRe evPry '..V l"doesday, l"ri. llnd Sat, Stephens J no. carpentr & blacksmth 1 To 8T. AUSTI<~T.I. and TRURO, John Stepht-us Thomas, blacksmith CO.AOHE:S. Ha"·ke, e\•ery Tues. Wednes. & Satur. Svmous .John, tailor, To LONDON, the Rrmnl llfail (from To TA VISTOCK, Jobn Hawke, everJ •railing Thos. boot & shoe maker Falmouth) ealls at theTalbot Inn,every Tuesday. ·rhomall John, baker Morning at balf-past eleven; g••es CON vE"Z'ANCB B"Z' 1VA2"ER. •roms Mary, shopkeeper through Liskeard, Devonport, Ply· 'l'o FOW EY, Boats daily; time regulated •rri!{g Peter, bont & ~hoe maker mouth, and Exeter. by lhe tide. • · MEVAGISSEY Is a ~mall market town and St>a-port, in a pari!'h of liage. The Duke of Buckingham and Lord Mount it8 name, in the eaMt division of Powdea· hundred, si- Edl!ecumb are lords of the manor i and the last-named tuated on the we!! tern shor~ •lf St. Austell's bay, 11ix nobleman is the patron of the livmg, which is a vica· miles from that town, and 14 from Truro. It is chiefly rage; the present incumb~nt being the Rev. John Ar- . inhabited by persons employed in the pilchard fishe1·y, scott. The church is situated in a valley, 1Jea1· to the which is carried on here to a considerable extent, east end of the town ; it has a very aged appearance; the ae being no fewer than 30 or 40 seins employed by the tower has Ion( since fallen down. The borial­ fhe inhabitants. The harbour is commodious, and safe ground is remarkable for the number of monuments;. foa· vessds of about 300 tons burden, having a pier and the interior of the church contains a very dl'gant which almol!t surrounds it. The hills, which form a one, to the memory of Otwell Hill, Esq. and hi11lady, cre~ccnt mund the bay, are bold and picturesque; date 1644. The market-day is Saturday. The whole thl'ir exposed outlines are bleak and barren, whilst parish contained, by the population returns of 1821, eacb interveninll: cre\"ice is clothed with lnxuriam fo- 2.450 inhabitant!!. POST OFFICE, Ann Dnnn, Post Mistres•·-Letters f1·om LoNDON arrive every morning at eight, and are despatched e\·ery afternoon at half-past four. GENTRY, CLERGY & PRo- Alien Saml.grocer & shoe maker Langford Nicholas, joiner I'BSSIONAL P~RSONS. Alien William, joiner Lelean Nicholas, ship builder Arscot~ Rev. JIJ}JU, Vu:arage Ball Elizabeth, druggist & grocer Libhey John, blacksmith Ball. Mtss Ann, Mevagu!sey . Burn Michael, blacksmith Libbey Priscilla, straw hat maker Cnlher .Wm. sur~eon, Mevagt~s~y Carveth John, butcher Libher Robert, blacksmith Dunn Geo •. s~hoohnstr, Me~ag~Msry Craggs Thomas, miller Maunder John, shoe maker Ft_lrsyth Wt!ha~n, gent•. Me~a~·~~ey Drew Benjamin, joiut>l' Mills Esther, ,~~troce1· & draper H1ggs ~m.~chuolruaster .~Ievagtssy Duncalf William, saduler & dra11er l\1oon Henry, basl{et maker U~yd ~!eut. R. N. ~'leva~o:tssey . Dunn James, block maker, :ship- Morris John, butcher l\ltlls F.. hz. ~r~~oolwll!tress,M.~~~~~~y \vright & shopkeever Organ l<'rancis, saddler Ro~~rt~o W~Jitam, gent. 1\le\~gltuscy Dunn James,jnn. sail maker Over Matthew, stone mason Smrlh 1\larJa, l'choul, l\'levai[IS!lt'Y Dnnn Pegorv ·traw l1at maker Pearce John rope maker & cooper INNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. • . ""· 1 ~ . t • Crown & AnchOJ·, Saml. Wil!iams ~ur·se El!z~hcth, ~.rocer & draper Peart:e John, JDII. met·ch!lnt Cutter, Richard Pawlyn furs~ Wtlham, sa1l maker Robluns \~m. rop~ ~ twane !naker_ J<'ishemtau's Arms, Roger Rolliug Han~s Ht:u~y, coal mea·chant Roberts Rrchar.d, JOtner [uoneer Fonntain, Thomas l\larllhall Harn~ W1lllam, g.rocer & draper Roberts Wm. Jroumouger & auc:- Hopt> & A••chor, Thos. WilliaDls Hun km Peter, taalor Roe Jnhn, s~1~e maker. • . Lonoou Ion, Richard Harris Jago Esthe~ & F.groce1·s & d1·apers ~ca.ntlt·bury I hos. brazter & ttnman Shi!) 111n, John Morris J~go John, uonmougcr & merchant 8m!th Pe~er, ~atch maker SHOPKEEPERS & TRADERS. K!mbryl John, grocer Smath Ph1hp, Ironmonger Alien Ann milliner & cln:~s:s maker Ktmbryl Peter, shopkeeper Stark Thoma..'l, cooper Alien Edw~rd, shoe makPr 1\itto Josiah, stone mason Tregigas Thomas, taiJor • .PADSTOW • lis a small market town, l!!ea-port and parish, in the Padstow is one of the best on tbP. north roast; but it hundred of Pyder; 243 wiles from Loudou, 75 from suffers the same inconvenience with the rest, of being Exeter; 22 from 'ft·uro, 14 froru Bodmin, and 8 from much obstructed by the sand, which renders the oa­ St. Colomh. The towu h; situatt-d on the northern vi!l."ation difficult, except in its vt>ry channel, \\'here, coast; and on the , which emvties itst>.lf however, the water is det>p enough for ships of cousi.. into the sea at this pore. It was originally called Pe· derable burthen. About 70 ves!lels belong to this port, trocatoUJ, from St. Petrocu~, who came over from ll·e- which trade to Lh•erpool, Bt·istol, London, Wales and land, and founded a church here, ~opposed to be one Ja·eland; the chief imports fi'Om which places are iron, of the most ancient in the county. The pre~ent living is coal~o:, g•·ocerit>s and bale-goods; and also timber ft·om a vicarage, in the presentation of the Rev. G. P. Ba·uue; Norway; the exports are principally corn. The mar­ the incumbent is the Rt'v. Williatn Rawlings. The me- ket day is Saturday; and the fairs, which are scarcely thodists, ami a sect calling tht>m:selves Bryanite~, have now recognised as such, are on the 18th of April and each a chapel here, and there are two small free- 21st of St>ptember. 'fhe parish contained, by tile lazst schools with trifling endowments. The barhou1· of ct>nsu~, 1,700 inhabitanttters trom all parts arri:(·, by bor~e-post, from BoDl\IIN t>very murninl( at seven, and are dt"!lpatchtd to that t.owu ~very at"tt•rnoo •• at ilve. GENTRY S CLERGY. Peter Mrs. A.l\1. Har!yn ACAD:li.M_IES & SCHOOLS, An••·y Thomas, gentleman Peter Mrs. Bt'tsy Blake Brown W1Jham Bishop Mrs. Peter Mrs. Eliza heth C ~apman John Bro.td Mrs. l\Iary Ann [tllace Rawlingt~ Henry Pe1cr, gentle1:.mu .l\l!tchell Henry Bruuc Rev. Cbas. Prideux, Prideux Hawlings ReY. James l\htchell ~ancy • Collins Rev. Vernom Hawliugs Re\·. Willia;:n (vical.') Ol!born D1ggory (&auctioneer) Jlay Mrs. E:sther Richards i\lisli i\lary AGENTS. Mant Lieut. Jos~pb Bingham, R. N. Hose Lieut. Ahraham, R. N. Da\·ey Sami.Wortlt'll (&~;hip ownr) Oke Paul ll~uon, g~ntlemau Rme the l\li~l!'t'll l\ldt't)·n John Darkc (to Loyds) Pt:;m;e John, geutlcwau Thomas 1\li:;:; Elizabt:th Hawliuge P1ice 152 DtttttorJ. · PADS"rOW. «onduan. ------~- -- B LACitSMITHS. Reyuolds John (& gro(;er) Oldham Charles Champion John ~ALTSTEBS. Williams Williatn Champion John WATCH MAKEB.S. Clen1o~s J ~JDes Bonev John · · · · .Moo.r~ John· Hawken John fS\onc: Francis Tremaiu Thomas Reynolds William MERCHANTS. WOOLSTAPLERS. BOOT & SHOE MA~E~·· • • Avery Ttwruat~ Rickard Hodge Wi.lliam Collins William Kent William Oliver Thos.(& blanket mano(aet1') HU:tet' Hawken James S~OPK:E;EPE~~ o!f DI;AL&Rfj Rawlings William, Swedish, Norwegl~, Horswell Thomas IN SUNDRIES. and Netherland~ vice consul Whhell John Brewer James $uN FtaE & LIFil OFFICE,~· D. Har­ Withell Thomas (&builder) Buchanan Humphrey (& druggi!!t) tyn, ~ent CUSTOM HOUSE, '"DRAPERS "' GROCERS. Crook Noah Ham bly William Hor~well Sarah , Collector Q{ Customs, l\lr. J. Masoa Parnell Mary Rawling John James Comptroller, l\11-. John Phillips Phillip!'l Jnhn (& dl'uggi11t) Sle£mau John Harbour JIJaste,·, l\h·.John Redfem Rawe William & Sons !'lowden William Lm1ding lVaiter,M 1·. Wm. Symon• Reynolds Jnhn TJ"esise Auua Tide f-f/aiter, l\lt·. Rohert Sy mon1 'l'remai n Thoma11 Withell Samul.'l Jnsper.ti11g Commander of the Reve- INNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. STONE MASONS. nue Coast Guard ,M 1·. D. Willian11 Britauuia Thomas Bartlv Cat·pente1· t:hristtlphet· CABBIZ:B.S. Caledonia' Inn, Thomas Black. ford Hardin William Broad Rawling- John To 'BODMIN, John Yates, frmn th~ Commercial, \Villiam Hawkt­ George and Dra~on, every Friday. Crown & Anchor,Wm. M. Elliott Williams Robert Deeble To DEVO.L\PORI' and PLYMOUTH, Geor~e & Dragoon, Peggy Bt·ewer SURGEONS. William Sowden, from his hoo~~ Golden Lion, Nicholas Viviao Broad William , every Tuesday. London Inn, Samuel T. Uenuett Trevan Matthew To ST. AUSl'ELL, Samuel Jenkyn, TAILORS. everv Friday. (day. Ship, John Champion To TORPOINT, John Yates, every Fri- White Hart, Willi.tm lhhott Docton Fraucis 1'o 'I'RURO; Richard llorawell, every IRONMONGERS, Masey Thomas Ttlesday-and James Pensillf e\err Best Charlotte & Mana Nance James Wtdnesday. • PENRYN, · A r.1ARKET town and parliamentary borough, in handsome building, surrounded by groves of treel!; the parish of Gluvias and hundred of Kt"rrier, is two hs situation and accompaniment!\ well repay the ad· miles from Falmouth, f!lituated at the head of a branch mirer of picturesque beauty fo1· deviatiu!( from the or creek running from Falmouth harbour, of which main road to observe them. The living is ~to vic~rage, there is a fine view; and is I!UITOUIHied hy a bold and i in the gift of the see of Exeter; and the prest'nt in­ varied country. Penryn wa~ incorpomted by James I.; cum bent is the Venerable Archdeacon Shet>pshanka. the corporation consists of a mayor, eight aldermen There is another church undea· the establi~h,ment at and 12 common council men, a rt>corder and inferior ~udock; and in the pari!lh are meeting-houses for the officers. The inhahitants paying scot and lot l!iX service of the independent and Wesleyan u;ethodists. month I! prior to electiur.s, and pt·oprietors resident 40 Calvinists and Bryanite;;. The road, for two miles ~ays before and paying rates, are eutitled to vote; the from Petuyn towards Truro, pas-ses tllrQugb "- wel! number is ab•Jut 400: the prt>sent members are, Wm. cultivated and fertile country, finely hrokeJI and tole.;. .Manning and David Ba1·clay, Esqt·s. Penryn is a rahly well covered with wood, and adorued with se­ J•Iace of pretty goud gene-•·al trade, and enjoys ~~on ex- ve1·al elegant seats: tho~e claiming pa•·ticular notice tensive one iu granite, of which large quarries are in are, 'Euys', the seat of J. ~. Enys, Esq.; 'Cdnesday considerable establishment fi1r making paint, called after the 6th March, May 12th, July 7th, October St~, 'The Cornish Colour Company.' Here are also mtmy and December 11th. The emire parish of Gluvias eorn-mills, and some f:Oud breweries. c•mtained, by the last popnlatiou rerurns, 3,678 iuha- 'fhe parish C'hurch of St. Gludas is a spacioull ami bitauts, and the borou~h 2,933 of that uuml!er. · 'POS'Z' OFFIC£, Quay, Eliza Rawe, Po3t Mistreas.-Lettel'S frotn LoND.ON arrive ~very morning at a quarter bffore seveu, and are despatched every evening at a quarte1·-past six.-Letterl! from PLYMOUTif an·h•e every aftel'IJOun at four, and are despatched every morning at seven.-Lett.ers frol)l PEJ.IiZANCE arrive every afret·noon Rt five, and are d~s~lah:hed every moruing at half-past seven.-,-Lett~rs ar~ despatched to FALMOUTH every morniul{ and eveuiu~. GENTRY AND CLERGY. Hrame Ben.iamin, eRIJ. Square Ste,·eus Mrs. M ary, Square Barbe1· 'l'hos. Leonard ,esq. Lower st H orlgei\1 rs.Sarah,MeetiuiZ' house I ne Stoner John, gent. St. Thomas a Brown the 1\li .. ses,Mt>etiug house la. Kerill Mrs. Johanua, St. Thomas st Wildbore Rev. Timothy, Lower se Cock l\11:.<~. Elizabeth, Broad st Lt>nHm Sir Ch•~rles, Carclew ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS Collin11 i\lis!l Grace, New st Richards Miss Grace, Broad st Not otherwise described are Day School~ Coode l\liss Lucy, Square Roberts the .Mt~ses, Broad st Barwis Bt>njamiu & Johu (boarding fl:dward!l James, esq. Bella Vista Scott Edwanl, ~ent. High st and day) BellP.-vue ~11:711 John Samuel, esq. Enys Solomon John, gent. Square Blenkinsop Robert, Gluvias st Gmchard Lieu~. Edward, Broad ~t Steele John, gent. Low.e1· &t Bryan~ Thomas, St•. Thomas a& 20 153 et·orttlnall. PENRYN. ~igot & fto. 'S

ACADEMIE 9 1 &c.-Continued. Stephau:s .lames, High st MERCHA:NTS. Harv~y Jane, High st Trathau William. Pig st Birch l~;aac, (coal) Town qttay Hellhuts I~abella. St.• Tboma11 st \Villiams William, Markt't st BI'Okeu!lbir & Ho~ken, Lowe1· road Dun Beujamiu (coal) Stunmt·r court JamesJane(latlieli" boanlng) Hi~h 11t CRYMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. NATIONAL ScHOOL. Lower street- Harvt•y Cnlhlll and James. Quay PearceThos. ( & stariouet· J Lflwer SI William Tuckt't', master lSlade Pal ty ( & fea deult'r} Markt:t st Willraml'Richd.Luwt·r st [Broad st 'J'illy Sally (ladies• boarding & day) Williaws William. Paul & Richard. St. Thomas st · CONVEYANCER. MILLERS. Ureo John, jnn. High ~>t AGENTS. Coo m he Willi Gcorgt', Hudock Bmarl street [Quay CORN &r FLOUR MERCHANTS. MILLINERS & DRESS MAKRS. Rogers Peter & Ths. ( & wbarfingers) Blamey JameM, Summer cuun Trt'gal'kis Mary Ann,Summer court Rowe John (11hip) B10ad 11t Dunstan Samuel, Quay Tnckt'r Jt·mima, St. Thomas st 'l'reffry John, Broad st Ft·eam Gt'orge, High st PAINTERS AND GLAZIERS. ATTORNEYS.I Hill William, Budock Mouu Charles, Broad st • J ohns Stt'phen a11d Son, High st Treft'ry John, Broarl st Seymour Ja8. ( "rnamental) Broad at Micbell Rohert,Dav~, Causeway CURRIERS, PAPER MAKERS. Richards Wi!liam, Square Goodman John, Lower st Dunl'tau Juhn, Pun!lauoolh WilliamsJohn, Broad st Rickard Thoma!!, Pi~ st Tucker William, Kennel vale AUCTIONEERS. Rogt'l'S .Fn~derick, High ~t SADDLERS. Corfield Willhlm, Hi11 h st. Barnicoat Juhu, Gluvias st Edgecome William, Square • FIBE1"&c. OFFICE AGENTS, Corfield William, Htl(h st CLERfCAL and l\IEDICAL (life in­ BAKERS & FLOUR DEALERS. Harl'is Steptll'n, Market st Budd Thomas, St. Thumas st surance) Thos. Peal'ct', Lnwer !11 H.ogt'r·s A tu bruse, H ild1 Mt Duu ·Ben) ami n, Snnuner st CouNTY, William Corfit'ld, St. SHOPKEEPERS & DBALBa8 Harvey l'raucis, New st 'J'bouHtl! st [Bmad !!l IN SUNDRIES, RoYAL ExcHANGE, John Williams, Harvey Tboma~ina, Budock Ho!'keu Edward. Market st 'l'hornton Grace, Lower 1.1t SALAMANDER, Thos. Roger11, Quay L11 kt'y Charlt's, Broad st SuN, 1\lictnu:l Lavin. Lower st Mallett Harrit-t, Luwer st BLACK AND·WHITE SMITHS. WEsT OF E!'IGLAND,Robt. Richard.s, Norfolk Maa·y, St. Thoruas at Beard John, Lower ~t Lnwer street Travis George, High s& Copalin John, Helston road GROCERS A:ND TEA DEALERS. Tn·gouiug Jame:s, High Rt Cnpalio Peter, Helston road Williams Charle:;, St. Thomaa d Nicholl Benjamin, Hil(h 11t ( Sl'l' also Shopkeepers, 4'e.) Car ne Williarn, Market st Williams Jane, Pig 11t Poat Jeremiah (a11d ~hip) Bullock Dnnl!tan Ann, Lower ll't [st Williams Sarah, Lower st 'l'rnren Samuel. Gluvias st Har1evWm. (& drapt'r) St. Thomas Wuon John, High st •rrur~n Thoma!t, Gluvias st Lavin ·~1 ichat'l, Lnwt'l' st Worsdell Jun:uhan, Market st BOOKSELLER .A:ND PRINTER. Hichards Hoht. {& dr·ap~r) Lower st STONE MASOl'iS AND Pearce Tlwmas, Lower st HAT MANUFACTURERS. PLASTERERS. ~OOT AND SHOEMAKERS, Bale H.ichanl. St. Thomas st Major Fraud::~, High t~t Blit~l:! Michad. St. Tbotuall st place Pt'n prase Peter, H ilt;b st Uuuny Jnhu, Pig !lt Colli,ea·l\Iichael, Maakt:t Keut Felix, Lower st Tredwiu John, Gluvias st Pt•llowe Nicholas, Trnro lane Trtloer Juhu, St. Thomas st INNS AND PUBLIC ROUSES. Jleyuulds Alexander, St. Thoruas 11t Williams St~mut'l, LuWt'l' st Alll·hor, Quay lane Reynolclll Rich•u·d, Pig st Ht'rll')' Pliut, Williams William, Pil! l!t Coach & Hor!!cs, Alexr. Hamilton, Reynolrl!l William,.Pig st STONE MERCHANTS. Robins 1\-Iat tin, Gluvias st Budork rst Corni~h Arms, William Allin, Pig EJiiolt Willianr, Bl'llad 11t Tap~ou William, Pig st Gn~y Jawes. Br·oad 11t Tayl!Jer William, Market at Comiiih l\1ount. Diana l\lav, Lwr. l't Cruwn, Jo~. Niuess, St. Thuma!l st Spat·goe and Wills, Town quay BRAZIERS AND TIN•PI-ATE Dolphin, Tho11. Rapson, Gluvias st Trenery San.ut>l, Broad st WORKERS. Elephant and Ca~tle, Sarah Earl~, STRAW HAT MAKERS. Matthews Jame11, l\1ar·ketst Lower st [st Searl i\Ja1y, Lower st Niuess William, Lower s& • Goldea1 Lion, Richd. Share, l\larliet Truren su~an, Gluvias st IBaEWERS. Ki11~'s Arms -Hotel, Jobu Powcll, SURGEONS. Andrew anrl Wade, Hack lane 13road Mt Stt·ect Samnt'l ~pyvy, Square Dumford aud Co. Penryn London Inn, Jas. Mallett ,Lower ~t Sylllous Juhu, Bl'oad st Dnacb John (retail) Lower 11& Old Golden Lion, William Trr.,·eua, 'frenaw1·y Thumas Gray, Sqnaro Share J olm, Praz:e Lowt>r st TAILORS AND DRAPBRS. 'l'ucker Thuma!l (retail) High sa Pri11ce of Wales,G1·a('e Bict-,Btldock Jeunin~s Jame:~, Luwt'r st BUILDERS. Saracen's Head ,J uo.Piint,l\1 ark et st Ke11sell William, Lower st Edge('ome William, Square Swau, Beujaruiu Hansou, Square Laviu Michad, Mat·ket st Geard and Davy, Market u TJm·e Coruisb Lion~, Juhn Url'n, Stepht>us John, Market st BUTCHERS. Praze Tuckt'r Charles, St. Thomas lit Craze Georgl', High st Three 'fnns, Ann Bahanua, Pig st WATCH._ CLOCK MAKERS. M a lieU Geurge, Lowea· at IRONMONGERS. Mallert .:ohu, Lower st Olive Thoma!>, LoWt'l' st Ho~lcen William Veale, Lower st Sladl' Et.! ward, Pig st l\1 ic·hell Thoma!-1, High 11t . 1\loyle Richard, Lowet· lit Rohillll Gt•orge, Lower st WHEELWRIGHTS. Ninei!S William, Hi~h st Thomas Richard, Mar·kt't at Pearce Thomas, I ... nwer st Bamicoat Nicholas, Helston road l{'homa.<~ WilJiam, Turnpike gate Nichulas William, Pi~ st Polglase James, Gluvia~ st CABINET MAKER .ii.'ND Wade Gem·~e, Buduck LIME BURNERS. UPHOLSTERER. WINE & SPIRIT MERCHANTS.. Hnllken \Villiam Veal, Lower st Hu~kin WHiiam, Lower st Duusfor d and Cu. Pt·nryn CAUPENTEE~ 1\ND .JOINE~~. ;.• ·~lowe 'fhoma~, Lower road Howdtu William, Luwer 1.1t LJ.NE:N & WOOLLEN D ERS Lambrick Johu, Square Geard and D<\\'y, l\lna·ket st Dun, CRmeway Br}fWL Hichard, pick hilt m<-ker, N t.w st MAJ.. TSTERS, CJIIN~1 GLASS & EARTHElf- Copalin Willian,, ga•·deoer, Truro lane WA:aE ;lEALERS. EarJe Robcrt, ~t. 'l'hunra:1 :st CoasuH COLlll' R Co:IIPAN Y, p11ir1t and ~~;JtliUOll~ JuhD1 WWCf :!l Sowrll Jus~ph, New .;t colour wauulacturent, TCI\\ n end 154 ••

P.ENRYN. • ~orttfualf.:

Dyson Charlotte, fruiterf'rnnd toy dealer, Pearce Thoa. stamp distributer,Lowf'r at Wbittaker William, nail maker, Pig lt St. Thomaa st (dealer, market st Rapsoll John, millwrigbt ana machine Willcook Stephen, woolstapler, Summer F.ustace John, furniture broker and shoe maker I>ig st [ court [of arsenic, Pen oil flemin~t Wm. professor of danciog,New at Rapson Tbomas,tallow chandler, G1uvias Williams, Gregory, & Co. manufactur·era Johos Rohert, dyer, Market st · Samp•on Benjamin & Co. gun powder FuT COACHES ~ CAHRJERS-Ste Lovey Edward, clothier, Ponsanooth manufaclurers, Kennall mills fALMOVTH, PENZANCE, 1\IARAZlON AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. PENZANCE, a sea-port and corp"Jrate town, in Ibirth-place of the late celebrated Sir Humphrey Davy; the parish of Madwn and hundred of Pen with; is 2821 and, in speaking of talented per3ons, we cannot omii miles from Loudon, 109 from Exeter, and 10 from I noticin~, that it is at present the residence of Misl the Land' I! End. It is tsituatt>d on the north side of Hatlield, who has ~iven to the world some vt>ry J>lenzauce, &hree miles from that town. This place to the Mediterranean, uud oil to lrelaud. ts irnJIOI'tS is said to have derived its name from having been arl', tallow, hemp and iron fr·oru St. Peterbut·gh; and much fn~quentt>rl hy Jews trading here some centuriea timber from Norway, Prus!'ia and Amt>rica: it rect'ives aj(o, and who held an annual markt>t for selling va­ coastways. iron and coal from Wales; corn and flour rious commoditie11. In the reign of Queeu Elizabeth from Norfolk, SuMsex, Hampshire, and Lonclou; ~

NOBILITY, &c.-Continued. .Parson!! Mary, Mara;don Rowe Jakeh, Eve Mra. Wilmot, Nonh parade Pollard l.<'rancis, Newlyu William!l David, South parade st Giddy Capt. Chcnles, R. N. Madron Scott Frances, North parade BLOCK MAKERS. Gilbert Oa\·ies, rsq. Tredrea Sutherland John, Leskirmick place Charles WilJiam Matthews,Quay !t Harvey l\lr!l. Jane, Newlyu AGI:NTS. Higgs Jonathan, Quay st Harvey Rev. Wm. Woodi!I,Chapel st See al8o Fire, 8(c. Office Agents. 8 N ER Hilll\lr!l. Catheriue, Sutith parade Blight Wm. (mine) l\larazinu BOOKSE;;::ION~R~ s & Hoskin Mrs.Rebecca,MarketJew st Crouch Edward Auson, (commis- Marked thus • are also Printl>rs. Jawes Mrs . .IWzabeth, Marazion si on) Chapel ~>t *Downing James, Market Jew s& Jenkins Mrs. Market Jew st Hattield John Westby, Chapel st Larin John, (binder) Chapell!t John George, esq. Chapel st Oxley Ambrose, (miue) l\larazion *Rowe Edward, Market place John Mrs. Ann, Wellington terrace Paddy Samuel, (ship and com1nis· *Thomas John, Market Jew st John Thomas, gent. Chapel st sion) Quay Trcmbath Beujamin, Green maa·ket Lee Mrs. Chyaudonr cliff . Pearce Richard, (to Lloyds, and fo&· *Vigurs Thomas, Cbapel14t Le Gt·ice Ht•v. Charles Valentine, the uuderwriten of France, the BOOT & SHOE 1¥JAKERS. 'ferief holtse, Madron Netllt'rlands, Denmark and Swe- Angwin William, Jobu's place Longland!J Ma·s. South parade den, for the Dutch consulate, & Bramble William, Queen st Maddi~on Geo. Bow, gent. Newlyu to the admiralty) [~t B1 own field Thomas, Alverton s& .1\iichcll Mrs. Cath. WcJlington ten Thomas Jno. (geuet·al)l\Iarkct Jt!w Carpenter Thomas, Ah·erton st Millet Mrs. Eliza, Chapel st ATTORNEYS., Commons Geurge, l\larket Jew Ill l\iillett William, gent. Marazion Branwell Thomas, Chancery lane Denn~thome M!c~ael, Abb~y s' )\1organ M Is. Caroline, .Marazion Edmonds Richard (and notary Deumthorne Wtlham, John s place Morris Rev. Geo. Regent terrace public) Chapel st Gendall J~mes, Church st Moyle Miss Elizabeth, .Maraziou John Geor~e Dennis, (and town G~ndall R1chard, Church st Newton Miss Mary, Marazion clerk) offices, North parade 1 G1bbs John, Queen st . Nichols Jo~eph, esq. Chapel st John Samut'l, Alvertnn 11\l~rtyn Jo_tm, Q~~en st . • . Nichols Miss Cath. Wdlington pi Millett Richard, North parade i\1~tthews !'homas, ~esk~nmck pl Nunn Wm. gent. Regent terrace Nichob. Wm. Elford, Chun:h st I1 O:sborne Richard, l\Ia•azwu Parkhurst R~v . .Fleetwood, Alver- Pascoe Humphrey, Ah·erton -st I Read J.~hn, Chur·ch ~t ton terrace Paynter Franci~ Alverton st. ; Read Matthew, Cbut eh st . Pascoe Mrs. Kitty, Chapel at Payntt'r John T~rth Chapel st 1 R~ytwlds ~~mpson, 1\lat·k~t place l>aul Mil-ls Mary, Wellington·place Scobell Aaron ·Nor'tt. parade 1 R1char·•ls Rrchard, .Ma•·aztou ,Paynter John, esq. Bookenna AUCT;ONEERS. ! Samp~on John, ~ewlyn Pea1·ce Mrs. New st Edmonds Henry Queen's square 1 Sampson J'!hu, JUII. Newlyn . Peel }'r1rs. Williaru, Alverton Hatfidd John Westby Chapel st Sampson Rtchard, Market Jew st Peel rtwmas~ el'q. Ah·erton Matl'ack Alt·xauder,Rel{ent tt'JTace Small Robert, Ma1·ket Jew st Pen!lelly W~Uta~n, gent.l\Jadron Matthews Wm. Davis Chapel st 1 S,tcphen:s ~eorge, Alverton terrace Penue('k .l\11ss F rauces_, Chapel st Thomas Jllhn .Market Jew st . '1 homa.s Rtchitrd, Ma~·ke~ Jt"w lit Peuneck Rev. Hcnry,Ma1ketJew st I Tho as John' ·u, 1 Mark •t J w !,t 'freuw1th John, Leskuunck place Peters Rev. Wil!ia•u, Ah·e1·ton st m · 'J ' c e · : 'l'renwith Nicholai!, Le:-kiiihick pl P~ytou Mrs. Smmuh. Nl)rth parade BAKE~.~. & FLO~~ DEA~ERS • ~!·esider William, South place P!d well ~11 s. l\Iary, Alvertou st A.IJ~u ~.l~zaheth, ~~ ~ 1 _ket Jew ·· t . Vmgoe Alexaudet·,Alvertou terrac:8 1 P1dwt:!l Saml. ger!t. Ah·e•·!d thus • ar; also Architects. Treruhath Jas. gent. Market Jew st lloase, Grenft"Jl, Hoast' & Co. lT~!- Crockcr John, North parade Tremt>uhe;.•re Henry Peudarvis, esq. on haul{,' Ct!apel st (draw ou S:r *HanJblt:tou Edwardoo& Son, North Trencne lwuse , J~mrs Esdatle & Co. ~on don) pa~ade Trelllt't!hc<•re l\lt·!l. Abbey st 1 Bohtho, Sou~ ami Co. Chynndour, Hannlton John, Alverton ~t , Veale Rt'V, Wm. Trevavlor Gulrt.>l I (draw on Ram•?m & Cu.Londou) '*Hal:vey James & Edwd. Church 1 n Veale Wm. gent. Wellington place SAVING~'. BANK, South parade st- Walhs Joseph, Park corne1· Vibert the M~:sses Marktt Jew lit John I hnmas, actua1·y . BUTCHERS, "Wa!ii ..; Willim, g;nt. Park corner .BASKET MAKERS. Cock _John, Church !!t , ACJi.D!:MIES & SCHOOLS. 1 Jew~l Jo~!n, Chya••do~lr l?enmthorne Janres, John. s place }111 0t .,ti1erwi~e u(·scribed are Duy Sch.,. ls.' Stcvms Kmgston, MarKet Jew st Edmouds Andrew, i.\]arazJOll Beny.:HU' & Cox, {ladies' llCiol'd-. BI.ACK & WHITE SMlTHS. Eduwnds Wa!tcr, l\1ar~:~zion 1 ia~: .-\;.·elton ft 1 ·\udrt·w Nicholns Jelfc.·y,Church ~t E<:mouds Waiter, jun.l\lara:zioh

Branwdl Joseph, Qnc(;'n 5t 1 Badt~t· ,losl•ph, Ma1·a;r.i(Jn Martius Henry, Umrch st CoC"k Ja'-llt:s, Newl~n l Bond St('phen, Market Jew 11t Newton haac, John's place i>'>Ltiel .\nill)l', Ne,.Iyn j Boy•1s Nicholas, Chapel st Nt'wton William, Church st F.-~~ Gn.UHaAK Sc.uot [st ~ymons Rt~h~rd, Newlyn BulltlCke Jo;;eph, Penzauce Cornish Rd.(tirube1· & coal) 'Chap-el flwmas W!llt~m_1, Ne~lyn Cat tl'l' William, Newlyn Cornish WiHiam, MaTazion Weymouth W1lham, Chapel lilt I Cheuhall~ & Davy, Peuzance Daulloz & Co. (tin) Quay S't CHINA, GLASS,&~. DEALEitS •. H<1n•ey William, Peuzauce Eddy William, Folly Coul~ou R1ch:u·d & l:lon, (& .lm~J- [lichems William, Ne-wlyu Gl'eufell & Boase, (tin) Chapel at warem~u and geueral funnslnug Ll:'ah Thomall, Newlyn Guudry William, (coal) l\lar~io~ warehouse) M ark et pl,ace Moyle H ugh Mason, Peuz~nce Pearce ·Richard, Chapel st Etimouds Heury, Queen !l square Toukiu Michael Newlvn Phillips Nicholas, Chapelst En\ Janlf•s, Market pla1·e , GARDi:NER·s. San doe Enoch, (coal) Newly'n CH~MlSTS & ~~UGG 1 ~'1 S, Bowden NiclwJas, Maruzion Saudys, Came & Vivian, Marazioa ~ock1am John, Mcuket Jew :si. Phillips Eli,ha, MarazioiJ Tyack William, Marazion · Cou)snu John, Chapd St GROCERS & TEA DEAJ,ERS. MILLERS. Ha1·vey Jo~'!• Markt.•t place (See ulso 1'ea Dealf'rs, rmd also Brav William, Market. Jew st Ha1·vey Wllham, Market place Shopkeepers. ~c.) Deu:nis John, Trembath mills Pcar~e Charlcs,Markt't place Badcork Wtlham .Markt.'t Jew st Hoskins William, Newlyn .Symons Ann, Chapel Mt Ben-iman Nichntls, M,uket place Poule & Son, Nancotheo tnilll 'frembath Beujamm, Green market Bodilly Thos. Hacker, Market pl Symons Francis, Ne.wlyu · C~,OTHES DEALERS. Bran well & Sous, 1\'larket. place MILLINERS & D·RESS MAKRS. Broad I hos. (&hat) Market place Bromley John Alvt'rton st Bf)(lilly Atice, Alvet·ton st Jac~b Sophia, Cha11t'l st Cockram Joh1;, Market Jew st . Clark Beth8heba, .Matket Jew'' L~vm Heor¥, .Market Jew st Coul~

1\iay Aun, South parade st Gtylls J:o:lizabeth, Green market = Goodmau Jane, .Maraziou CONSULS-VICE· Harvey John, l\larket. place · Ho:;kin2' Martha, Alverton tetraca DENMARK,HANovER(rousul),NoR- Ha1·vey William, Market place · Oats Ursula, Market Jew st WAY, OTTOMAN, PORT_UGAL, H>\wkeu Thomas, :vtarket Jew st · Paul ~~lizaht'th, Markt-t Jew a& SPAIN fmd SWEDEN, R1chard Higo~s & Guy, (&tallow chaudlet·sJ: Toukin Alice, Alverton st Pearce, Chapl'll!lt · Green market : Tonkio Elizabeth, Chapel U FRENCH, MECKLENBURGtJ & OL- Polkin)(horne John, 'Green market Veal Elizaheth, :\Jaraziou DENBURGH, Alexander Mal'rack,, Richards f~liz.&Jan~, (& drug~i11ts' Williams Nanny, l\Jarket Jew lit Re~tent terrace · . · & stamp 1.Ji~tributers) .Mara:Giou ' Williams Sarah, 1\laJ·kt.>t Jew et NETHERLANDS, Leonard 1\hllett, Se:Jwood Jost'ph, Mara~ion i MINERAL AND CURIOSITY (& ~lount's'bay & St. Ives) Ma- Stephens Jane Marazion ; . DEALERS. razwn Stewart Thomas, Church lit Lavm John, Chapel st • co~V~YANCE.R~. Trembath Benjamiu, Gret'n market' Syrnons Ann, Chapel st R1chards Chnstopher Elhs, North, Trvthall John, Church st . PAiNTERS & GLAZIERS. parade . • Vihl'rt. Cha~. Mattw. Market place : Argall William, Chapel st 'fhomas John, Regent terrace ; Webb William, Market Jew st . Bi 1·ch John, South parade st . COOPERS. : HA:IR D i ESSERS AND PER·: JJodiJly. Stephen, AlvertoD at ~a~coc~ John,,Market Jew st . . FUMERS. 1 Coulson John, Queen st Clmgwm Marun, ~ewlyn Alien Join!• Matket st . : Cnulson Richard, Market place R~lph Jr1hn, Newlyn Matthews fho:s. Snut~ parade 81. i Edml)nds Henry, Qul'en's square R1chardK·Jnhn, Newlyn Roherts Humphrey, Chapel d , Fva James .Market place Stephens Ht•nry, Market Jew lit Roberts '\\'illiam, Chapel st ' Farquhars~n James Green ·market Stephens William, Market Jew st BATTERS. . ' Williams Edward, Chapel st BodiUy Richard, Alvet·t.on st . · . P~WN~ROXERS. • William!l John. Chapel !1t Cock William, Market place . Stephens fhomas~ ?.r~en market CORN & FLOUR MERCHANTS. Colliver Michael, Mal·ket place ! Woolt Lemon, Mat kt t place Crouch Eoward Ansun, Chapelst · Cot·in Jacob Ma1·ket Jew st . . PHYSICIANS, Joseph Abraham Market Jew st 0 _ w BPntlt't Market place ~ HingstM Thomas, North pa1-ade. Padd'y Samuel & 'en. Quav te INNS' & HOTELS. . ! ~outgoulet·y James, North parad' CURRIBRS AND LEATHER Mouni's Bay & Western Hotel, N1-j Peuheek Hen1·v, Market Jews$ CUTTERS, cholas·Henwood, Clareuce st ' . PORTER DEALERS. Bodilly John, New st Star, Wm Hawes, Markl'l Jew st ! Hoskiu William, Nt:wJ,rn Brown John S. Market Jew st Uuion Hotel,- Clark, Chapels& : Pascoe Josepb, Quay st. Cunnack John, Market Jew st IRONMONGERS. Row~ James, Quay st Paul John •. ~arke& Jew st · Chester John, Mat•ket. plat:e ! WiHiams John, Chapel at Sandrey Wdham, Alverton terrace Colllson Richd. & Son, Market pl : ~ROFE~SORS .a: TJ!=ACHEBS. DYE-BS. Moyle Hugb Masun, Ma1·ket Jew st. Crockerl'rau.Herbert,Nortb·p<~rade Cara Stephen, Chapel st Rowse Waiter, Market place i''oss Thomas, (portrait paiutell) Carter Henry, Market Jew st St~vens Robert, Green market · ChaJ>el st . EterraC!! ENGRAVERS AND COPPER• ' LINEN & WOOLLEN DBAPRS. Prout John S. (drawing} Cornwall Vibertfot~f.o;!'I!fftt:g..apbic Bawdeo Mary, Marazion Prout Ma:ria H. 'music) Ce>rnwall printer) Mark~t p e . . Broad John Boase, (and merc:er) ten:ac~ . . . [Ch~pel"4t -...1· .. ••ar•· Green ·market Market place Tonkm John, (numature patnter) Wh 1am5 ~ft • 18 , J 57 QtornhlaU. • PENZANCE, &e. {3fgot & ~o. '• - ROPE MAKERS, Boyns Jane, Alverton st •Harvey Andrew, Market place Carter Jau~, Newlyn Jago Mary & N~tncy, 1\Jarazion •Jo:st>ph Ju11eph, l\hrket Jew tt Osborne Jt•ho, Pt>ndan·es terrace Rawling Jane & Sarah, Marazion *Le\'y HL"nry, Alverton st Rkhal'd" Thmua", Mara~ion Seccowbe Elizablh.Suuth parade st Michell Joseph, Snuth paraded Smith William, Nt>wlyn SURGEONS. Selig Aaron, Markt:t Jew st Stephens John, Chapel st Berryman William, Alverton st Shortman Samuel, Market Jew !ti 'fonkin Rkhd. Woorlward, Newlyn Girldy Edward Cullinr., Chapel st *William!l Martin, G1een market Williams ThnmaR, Conet~way Head Gurney ·rhoma~, 1\larazion WHEELWIUGHTS. SADDLERS AND HARNESS Daniel Johu, Chapd st MAKBRS. Hocking Richard, North parade Frig~o:ius John, .Madro1f A~h Wiltou James, Marazion Moyle Rirhard, Market Jew st Baynard Matthias, M ark et place Vh•ian Juhn, Ma1aziuu l\lay John, Markt-t Jt'W st Bromley Thomas, Alverton st TAILORS AND WOOLLEN Pullard Johu, Pt:udarves terrace Culeu!'o Samuel, Alverton st DRAPERS. Rowse George, l\larazion Dnukin & James, Ma.-ket Jllace Friggens Rullert, L'iewlyn Victor John, Marazion St.eveus Jlobert, G1·eeu market Glas~ou William, Queen s' WINE & SPIRIT MERCRAKTS Svmous Chas. Wt>ymonth, Chapel st Hewett Richard, Chapel s' Alien William, North parade Thomas .hunes, Church st James William, Queen st Cock Wm. (spirit) l\Jarket place Victor Richard, South parade st Joncs William, Newlyn Davy William, Market Jew H Wedlock William, Chyandour di1f Mann Ann, Church st Richards Ptter, (~pirit) Quay SAIL MAKERS. .1\litcllell Richard, Mal'azion Vibert Chas. Matt. Market place Matthews William Davi11,Chapel st Richard:s Williarn, Sou rh Parade st Woolf Lemon, Market place WiUiam!l Fredel'ick, Quay st RiliHtone William, Queen st Rohe1·ts Ellis, Mat·aziou Miscellaneous. SHIP BUILDERS. Addicote John, maltster, South parade Battt'n Philip, Newl~·n Hoberts Jollt'ph, Market. J~w st Roger11 Rohert, Alverton a\ Brown John, atamp diatributer-offit'e Davie!l Christnphl'r, NewJyn Market place [ti~hery, Norlb parade Da,·ie!l Willium, Nl'wlyn Toukiu Enotb, New st DryburghAndrt!W ,inspectinl! ofticf!rof th Hultm•s Richard, Quay st Tn•wl·eke Samuel, Church at DUimJohn,BJlothecHry & botanist,N ewly:a William J::uues, Q11een st HARBOVR MA.IIT.IKS-Hvlmee aud Pen· .MatthewR John, D•·y dock gt!lly, Quay [Ah·erlon at 1'onkin Thoma.q, Newlyn TANNERS. Hawken 1'\icbolas, aupervisor of excia11, SHIP OWNERS. Bolitho Thos. & Sous, Chyandour Hick William, lawer, Alverton terrace AT PENZANCE. Harvt•y John & Tho!o!.Market Jew st Holme~&Pengelly,harbour masters, Quay 1\farked thns • are also Masters\ TAVERNS a& PUBLIC HO'OSES· Husking John, manufacmrer of coarae woollenH, Alvertnn terrace Andrews Wm. Oennis Rirhard Comrne1ciallnn, llenj. Davy, Marazion Legoe William, paper hanger, Queen st Batten John and Holmes Richd. Copper, Tin and Fish, William Rowe, Millett Robt. t•·,Jiow chandler, l\1arazion ~on Mabyn Thol-1. Chya.ndour [ket Jew st NEWS RooMs (CommerciHI) South Pa.· Boase John Mattlwws John Cornish Arms, N icholas RichnrdA, Mar· rade street-James Trevenin, treasurer Boli1ho Thos. & Moyle Henry Dolphin, Richard Holrnes, Quay at ~ l!WS RooMs (Subscription) ::Sorth Pa- William Penjlt-lly Henry Dol~·hiu, Richard SymonR, ~e.wlyn rarte-Edward Gidll~, prer.ident Du~.e nt Nurlbumberland,Willlam Jami'S,, Penalnna William, tilncy &Stationer, & toy •Broarl Jameh Richards John F!re F:ng1.ne, J:unes R1~hards, Maraz10n William Purchase, Jibr6 rian [ll.r.t pl Carue Jo~eph Rkhards Peter ~!re Engl~e,DmahBodii}Y.GrePn ~arkf't Runnalls Henry, jun. bacon curer, Mar­ Cork William ltnst-wall James Jo~sherman sA~~,Edw.l'it!'phenB,"':ewlyn Tre~iga John, eatinl: house. Church at ~1ve Bells_. ~11lmm !\la\'\'ler, l\Jadron Vivian Jamn, rec;ister office for aervant11, •cundy Hcltry Sle\·ens Roht'rt (~lobe, ~tlhnm Cock, Qu.un st t1outh terrace (ler, llarket Jew at Cundy John St~ven!l William ("!'?I den L•on, Jn~e ~lemnung5, MarkP~ pi Weaver Stephen mualcal iDstrumenlael• Davy William Tre~artlll'n Jo·, s. Kmg•sAnns,< hnstranHancock,!\laraz10n ' SHOPKEEPERS & DEALERS London Inn, l\icholas Uren, Church •t CUSTOM HOUSE, IN GROCERIES & SUNDRIES. Miner's Arms, Richard Miners, Church st PF.I'IZAIIICE. Bilkey Grare, Peuzance l\avy Inn, !\lnry Hillon Paddy, Newlyn Collector, l\1.-. Richd. Jewe11 Fen is Bozy Frauds, Newlvn Red Lion, Franri~ Carter. Nt!wl~n afternoon at hah-paMt ()De; goes thro' El.li.s l\lat·v, NewJyn • Royal Oak, Jane Hawken, Church st Marazion, Helston, and Penryn. Friday Julm, Quay st St. Aubyn'a Arms, James G•JJ,I 11 worthy, To .TRURO, the N'9ulato,., from the St. AJicharl's mount [South Paraolt st Union Hotel, every l\londa!', Wednes- l<~rigl(ins HnmJJhrl'y, Ch~·a:udour S!'ven 8tars,William Hotton Williamson, day, and Friday. through 1\Jarazion- Groves Grare, Aln~rton st Ship, James Nicholas, Quay st and every Tt;esday, Thursday, and :::a- Hrylls Henry, Newlvn Ship and Castle, William Farquharson, turday, thrQugb Ha) le, then through Haucock Jam~. 1\Jarket Jew 11t Market Jew st Redruth, at two in the afternoon. Jamcs Edward, Newlvn Ship lnn,.John Dunn,St.~1ichael's mount THROUGH 1\-IARo\ZION. Kellyuack Jane, New"t,n Shipwright's Arms, Ja.mes Malthews, St. Tn FALMOVTH, the BllfJill Mail (from :\Jichael's m•nmt r;Green m•orket Penzance) calls at the !Star, evt>ry af- l\lartiu Mary, i\la•·kct Jew 1't SiiCrnlder nf !\Jutton, AhcP. Richards, temoon at two. Pool Jnseph, NcwJ~·n Star Inn, Richard Anl(ove, Mnrazion To PJo:NZA:\CE, the Ror;al Mail (from Sutherland John, Lel-lkinu~(·k place St<\r Inn, John Richard11, Newlyn [kel .Falmoutb) calls at tir•• Star, eu•rJ Ta.ske.a Jane, 1\lat·k,!L J C'W ot I ha•e'l'un~,Eiiz. rarquharson,Green mar. moruin!l" at hall-past t~n-lond the R,. 'I'onkin John, Chapt'lt~t Three Tnns, Thomas Smith, Chyandour qula/Qr (from Tmrn1 I!Vt'lJ Mono ay, 'frenwith John, Markt•t J~w st Three Tuns, Mary Weymouth, Newlyn \Vednl's. & l'riuay ruorni11g at elewen. Turl.. 's Hc111l, Robt. Hamilton, Chapel at To TRU HO, tbe lie[lulalvr (from l'tsday, ami 1-"rit!n · afternoon at 8t't' f1/airh f11U/ (J/ucfl .lllukt•rs. Carn Stt.'pht'n, Chapd :.t half-rast t\\ o; gnrllti:rough Redruth. -·- STONE MASONS. l1owuin~ Alict-, Chapd ~t G .l.l..BRlERS. Hlewett Gal.Jril'l, Peudane3 tcrracl' Pai!&LII James Bairden, Quceu st To C'A MI~OIU'\E. Williorge, 1\Jarazion BolithoThos. & St~n!l, Ch.vandour \Villi~·r.s, ftlll•l tne ~!.arlo:t>t 11lacP, '1\·itb TURNERS. P:l!!~t'TI;,t'r• ru.d goods, d..-ily (Stm,Jay Harvty Thmna~, South place I'Xt't'pted.) l)awlt>y J<:dward, Ch nrch st KniJ:(ht William, cu~tom House la 1'o Jo".-\1.1\lOllTH, JnhnHuhon. roock Hobt-J'tH Pclet·, i\la•·kt·t J t•w st Polkiughome John, GJ een markt't To H ,\\LE, Wm. Heardon & Rd. Wool· Scutt J a11. ( & mar l.Jle) North paradt' WATCH & CLOCK lviAKERS, ToHgJ.STOX,.Iame~1:!\,ly. l\JnkT. J I.' ST. B··ujamm Jo"ddv & Clnh- Bmiilly Marh1) Aln·rton s& IJautcllhooJa~, l\1ara-drJ!1 :Tu TRl'HO,Hiu.<•. Woolc~.oci.&Ja~.liddy 158 Birtctory. PENZANCE, &c.

'fUROUGH MA'RAZION. JamPe R .. ad; & Gral'e1 Jas. Tregarthan Ont and All, Franci~ Davy Tboma.; . 'l'ctliF.I.STON & PENZANCE, Jamea To BRISTOL, the Bristol Pncket, Ni­ and Pttl!'refl, John GrPnfell. Eddy and John Hulaon, daily. chola! Grenfell ; and .JUount'l Bay, To PLYMOUTH, the Betsn;, Thomas COASTING VESSELS, John Michell. Jones; Ptrst:uelanct, Hen•yOata·; and· To J.ONl>ON, the A1nity, Willia.m Ri­ To LIVERPOOL, the Alll"lia, ChPrles the Plymoutl& PtU:ket, William Hit­ ehards; Cornubia,John Heath; Fame, Cbivars; Cflrk Packet, John (:}renf·ll; cbl'tiS ·REDRUTH, CHASEWATER AND ST. DAY. ftgoRU1'H, a populous and thriving markt.>t town and also of coal!l, timber, &c. for the use of the mine• and parish, in the hundr~d of Penwith, i~ 2fi3 miles and the public generally. The •Gw~nnap' mines are from Londun, 89 from Exeter, 28 fwm tht.> Land'11 Jo;nd,, cnnsidered as the most valuable in this neirhbour- 10 from Jo'almouth, 9 from 'l'mro and Penl'yn, and 4j hood: these are situated 011 the t>ast side of Redruth, from CambMne. The town consist~ principally of in a part of the county wht're the t.in and copper lodes one !ttrt·~t, of considt'rablt~ length; sitnate::d on an emi- are particularly rich. · . nence, In the 01idst of the miniug district; surrounded The church. which is dt>dicated to St. Uny, is situ­ by a bleak and unshelterrd country, and having 110- ated almost at the foot of Carubrre. It is a small mo­ thlu~t •·emarkahle hut its anti uity. It has, howerer, dern erection; the living is a rectory, in the gift of

rably well paved, and lighted with gas. Amongst its the incumbent. Near to the tmvn is a chapel of ease rPceut erectio11s may be noticed, about the centre of to the pa1·ish church, and there are two meeling­ the town, a handl!ome square tower of rranite-~otone, boust.>s frn· the Wesleyan methodists and baptist~. TwB. at the top of which if> Jllaced a clock having two fronts mile11 henct> is Tehidy Pal'k, the beautiful seat of Lord or face11, which at nl~ht a1·e illnmiuated with gas; a de Dunstauvillt'; and a little further on is the hand­ neat edifice, with a colonnade front, bas also been some ntansion of C. W. W. Penriarves, Esq. M. p, The lately built for a saviul{s' bauk. 'fhe towu was for-I market-days are Tuesday and l''ridav; and there are n1erly ralll.'d Ung: and its p1·esent name is said to he! four fairs annually, viz. April 21, May 2, Augu~t 3, derived ft·om Dre-druth, or lhe' druids' tnwu,' and is1;md November 12, foa· cattle. 'fhe population of Red- 8U()p0!ll'd to have exi~ted ~fore the kimrdom was di- i J"Uth parish, at the last cen:ms, was 6,607; :~ince whicll vided into parishCII: in 11ome old writing~. t'Onuected. pt'riod the nnmber of inhabitants, it is estimated, has with the placl', the expresaion ' Ung ju:r:ta Dredntlh' j au~nwnted to near 9,000. appears. About a mil~ from the towu is tht' lofty and CHASBWATER is a neat little church tO\vn, filituated venerable hill. Carnhrea, or Carnbrm. '!'he neigh- at the fuot of a steep hiil, ou the high road betwee11 bou1 hood ot' thii1 spot haK been gent'J·ally considered . Rt'druth a!Jd Truro, about fonr mile~ from each towu. llll tbe ~rand Ct'ntre of the supt>t':stitions rites of the I The great thoroughfare betwt.>en theMe places, with the druids in this county. Here are to be found bold stu- j advantages it derivt's from the neighbouring mines, pt>ndonll rockll, basins, circles, stones erect, remain!l combine to render this little place one of some bolli­ of cromler:hl, kaim1, relilcious inclosurt.>s, and a gof'- i ness and consequence. The church is a large and plai11 1eddau, or ~lace of elevation where the druids pro- buildin~,.situat~d ou an emiuence. m•ar a mile from no•mced tht'H' decref'S. There ill one rock deuo!lliuated the tnwu; it was opeued for divine se1·vice on the 2nd • the 11acriticing rnck,' on which the ancient Britous, of Au~u!o!t, 1828: the living iM a vicaraR:e, in the in­ In natiocal calamities, offered human sacrifices. At the cumhency of the.! Rev. Geur~e Corui§b. The fairs are, eastern 1•nd of the hill art- tht' r~mains of a Clllltle, one Jo:a.~ter-Mm1day, the 30th of July, and the 1\loudar part beiul( 8J·iti.;h, the other of comparativt'ly modern next the lOth of October. cot,stl'uction. The views f•·om hence at·e very exten- ST. DAY (commonlJ called St. Du) is a populon11 and tive and iutt'!reating, comor~!henriin!J a great portion p•·,~pt'l'uus village, in the JlRl'illh uf Gwenuap, manor of the mining count•·y, and the lri~;h $ea. of St. Day, and hnndred of Kenier; about two wiles 'fhia to \Vu and tlei~~;hlKIUI'hood derives its whole im- ea~t of Rt•drnth. h has a handsome modern church, por~tiCt' fl'om it11 Ct~ulral 11ituation with re11pect to the ea·ccted in 1826-7; and t.wo chapels for the baptil!ts mines. the wm·kiug of whic~h has incre~sed the popu- and ml'thodists. This villae:e lle111g in the immediate lati<•n mnre than six-fold within the la11t century; and neil{hbmnhood ufl.he Poldice and Cousolidated mines, i& is eslimated tlmt ncal"ly a million sterling is n'ali:ted is fast increa:siug it.c population. The pre~ent number annually from th~ produce of the 1in and copper mines of inhabitants in the villagt: is about 1,000, and as auuk in the "icinity of Rt>druth. A railway, communi- many more in the manor. 'fhere is a market held c:atiuK wiib the towJJ and a bmnch of the rive::r ~'al, fa- here ou Saturday, and an annual fair ou the Tuesday c:ilitate11 tbt' l'fiiiVt'Yance of the oreo for exr,ortatiou, next the 29th of Jn!v. POI:2" OFFICB, REDRllTII, Jane Gnll, Post Mistress-Letters from LoNDON, &c.arri"e by horse-post, from TRtJKO, t'wr-y mnrng. at half-pa!lt sevt>n, and are de:spatrhed to that town every evt>ng. at half-pa~t five. :POS'Z' OFFICE, t::HASEWATER, Jo!!liah Barlow, Posl .Master.-Letters from all parts arrive by horse­ pe~Cy from TRURO, evt-rY '""ruing at Meven, aud are ue~pat<·iled to that town every eveuiug at 11ix. NOBILITY, GENTRY AND 1'reweek Rev. George, Illogau AGENTS COPPER. . • CLERGY· Williaml! John,jon. esq. Burncc.ose AT RF.DNU:CH· . . Bevan M IS~ Mar~, Rt>t!t•nth Williams Johu, e!!q. Sconier house Andrew Joseph jl\hcheU 'W1lham Boaucow J. t''llJ. Pen~reep Williams Michael t>sq. Tre1·ance Bemn John Pt•nrose John (~hit~lwi~k Hil·hd. e!oiiJ. Trelagh l1onse Williams William: e!dt·utb Wi"e oa,,id, ~rent. llt'drulh Jt>.nkm Alfred .-ins lJt• Dn.nsUnlvtll .. R1gbt Hou. Lord1 ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. l\hchelJRt .~Wnr Wright Edward 'l't'111\ly Jlill k Not otherwise described are Day Schools. AGENTS-MINING• Ftllll('i!i 'Viiliao1, gent. Cha,.ewater Hrok~lll'hi•· Jo~lizaheth, Chasewater At Redmth, n•lcen n11t othern1isemt11tionetl. ui;l William, JCl'ut. Chasewater Chatten Uichard, Cha~l·watet· lkay Amhro~e, St. Day· Ha. per Miss Elizabeth, Ht:dt·uth Duwniug William, Sr. Day Denni!l John, St. Day H..atri" NiclwJa..;, gent. ~inu)J Ft.>rris theMi~!ies (ladit.'.s' boarding) Jant> Jno. (to William Davey,jnn.) Han·l!Y Josiah, gt.>ut. Whitt"hall t:hllst.>water Richard:1 Wm. (to Alfn•d J~nkins) Hawke Charle~. gt>ut. St. Day GaJ'Vl'Y l<:lizahdh \Villiams,Redruth Stevins Georgt>,(tQ William Davey) Bot:kt'll William esq. Tre,·aiMe John!! Zacharins, lledruth Tt·a~ue Thos.(tu Wheal Harmony) Knight R.icbd. gl•ut. Aviary cottage Knight Elizabeth, Rt~drntb Teague Wm. (t.o Wheal Chauce) Magor Reuben. e11q. Rt>drutl• Miclwll Elizahe1 h, St. Day Trt!~oning Henry, (to Poldice) Marsh Rev. Willinm, Gwt.>nnap N.\TIOS.\L ScnooL, Sllint Day- Williams Wm. (tB Consulidated) Mule!lwortb Rev. Hendt-r, Redmth William Hickard, master; Mary ASSAY MASTERS. Muyle Matthew, esq. Chal'lewater Din~le, mistress A'f REDRUTU. ParHous Mrs. ~lh:aheth, Redrnth Paynter Eliza, St. Oily A11drew Josepb Jt•nkin Richard Peurose Mrs. Elizabeth, Redrutil Stevens Thomas, ltedruth Bevan John l\lichell John · Phillip11 Pctt.>r, gcut. Cardrcw Syucol·k William, Rt'drnth Davey Hichard& Pcnrose Artlmr Prycc Mrs. 1\lary, Redruth . · Tyeth Kitty, Ht•druth Thumas Pcurose John, 'l\~dgllc'l'homas, c:StJ. Hcdruth Woolcock Warue, t~h;\:>cna(u. Hitchcm; John jmu·. 15H eotnluaU. REDRU'rH, &e. ------ATTORIIB.YS. Lanyon John Charles, Redrut.h Peogilly Peggy, lledruth DRvey William, Redruth 'l'yac~ Jame11, Cha!lewater Phillipl J:c~lizabeth, Portreath Edmonds Richard,jnn. Redruth EARTHENWARE DEALERS, Pollard Georgej(& l(rocer) Redrnth Honey John (cotl\'t"fancer) Redrutb Jeukin Jost'ph (& glas~) H.erh uth Role Wm. (&grocer) Chasewater . AUCTIONEERS. Lidgey Jo.(&wiudow gla~es) Relltuth Stacev Elizabt"th, Redruth M.ichl'll Anrho•uy, H.edruth Stepheus Mary, Hcdrutb T~a1(ue 1\larv. Rednnb ~rrcnerry William, Redruth Thomas ~lnry, Rcdt·uth Watkin~ou Wm. Juhu, Rerirntb BAKERS & FLOUR DEALERS. Tt't'Ut'rt·y Wm. (and glass) Redrut.h Woolf Francis ( & met·cer) Redl'uth Rat·uet.f. Jolm, Hedrnth EATING HOUSE KEEPERS. LIQUOR MERCI!AN'l"S. Gulrlsworthy John, Hedruth Jt>ukiu John, Rerlrutb Cock William, Rt•druth Nicholl11 John, St. L>ay Os horn Robet·t, Rl'druth Phillip!l Jo~t'ph, Redruth l\:Jatthew11 Jane, Rt>rfrnth ENGINEERS. PhilhpM 'I'homa~, Redruth BLACKSMITHS. " • h I F Hawden Thmna~, Ucdt·llth .,he t' I raucis, Rt·druth Staccy JWzaheth, Redruth Blt'wht John, St. Day Sim11 \Villiam (civil) Whitehall MERCHANTS. Oonnitbol'lle Nichulas, Rt"dnub FIRE, &c. OFFICE AGENTS. Christian 1-~Jiu (timber ttnd coal) Rectrnth [PortreRth Donnithorne Thnma.~. Redrutla AT RF.DRUTfl. Hattam John, Cha11ewater AT.LIANCE, Hichard Edmonds FoxEs AND PoaTREATH CoMPANY, Hender Simou, Redruth ATLAS. William Treuary Han·ey Colin and Jamf'l!, St. Dav Hurlge Hichard. Cha!;ewater BRISToL, Joint Hont-y Harvey, Williams aud Co. St. Day J.ohris Jamc.•s, Redruth CouNTY, John Beuuett Michell Jo~ph, Redrnth Michell John, Red•·uth_ GUARDIAN, Robert Forti MILLINERS & DRESS MAB.RS. Pascof> James, St. Day RoYAL ExcHANGE, Thoma11 Hill Be\·an Elizabl'lh. Redr11tb Pell(tWe John, R,•drutb GARDENERS & SEEDSMEK. Hart GracP, St. Day P.billips Samuel, St. Day Nichul h; .I obu, Redmth Pollard Ann and Eliza, Redruth 8coble Joel, Cha11 ewater Nicholls Thotmtts, Ht'rlruth l,robus Grace, St. Day 'frt'loar· ~lllnllt'l ( & whitt'/ Retlruth GROCERS & TEA DEALERS. Rkhards Jane, Redruth BOOKSELLERS & PRINTERS. (See also SIIOpkeP"p~rs, '-\'C. aiUiu/80 Roberts Grace, St. Day aeunett Johu, Ht'drutla TPa Dealera.) Stt'J)hl'ns Gra(:t-, Redruth Gt·vlls Ht>m·v Red r-ut h Bar nett Jas. ( &. iwumouger) St. Day William11 Maria, Redruth Symnn~ Ftait~iK, Rf'dmtb Chegwirldeu Thollla:~, St. Day MINERAL AND CURIOSITY BOOT AND SHOE MAKERS. Cornish Richd. & George, Rt"tlruth COLLECTORS AND DEALERS. Alien William, Rt>drutb Deuham Thos. (aud drapt-r)St. Day Mit'hell St..-phen (pmprietor of the Coed Jtich. ( &leathl'r cutter) Rt-drnth Greuft"!l J use ph ( & draJ)t'r) St. L>ay mu11eum) Redruth Guy William, St. Day Hamlyu W. C. L. (& tloul' dealer) Rice Nicholas, Rt>druth Jamt's l\1ntt.hew, St. Day Cha!Ct'water • PAINTERS AND GLAZIERS. Jt'ffery \Villiam, Redruth Harry William, Redrnth And1·ew James Pt•nrose, Redrutb Kni~ht John, Herlruth He)·nes Thomas (aud flout dealer) Harris 1\Jichael {paiuterJ Chasewatr Panll Nir.hola11, Cha~ewater Redruth HawkeJohn, St. Day Pratt John, Cha.sewater Jeukiu Joseph, Rt>druth LiKhtfoot JameR, Redt·ntb Spragut' Amhl"Ose, St. Day· I Letcber Ann, St. Day 1 Pearce James, Redrnth Tippet Benjan1in, Chasewater Lidgey John, Redruth Pt!arct' John, ~edruth 1'yacl-. William, St. Day Mead M1u·y, Rednlth SADDLERS AND HARNESS Williams 'l'hurua!l, Rerlroth l\lichell Charles, St. Day MAKERS. Wiltiarn!l William, Redroth :\'Jichell Geo.(& h·otunt~nger)St.Day Rray Jo11eph, Rt'drut h BREWERS-RETAIL, Nicholl~ Bt•u.iamiu, Redruth [ter l\1 ichell Ht'nry, Redruth (Redruth Dawe William, Redl'uth OpieWm.( & ftottr dt"aler) Chasewa- Symons Richaa·d (& ironmonger) Hrenfl'il Ju!leph, iun. St. Day · Phillipl!l Elh;abt·th, PCII'treatb Tcague Jol'iiah, St. Day . Lawrance .John, Redruth Jl.osk1·uw Richard, R.. druth 'rrt>ga!!kili\ Wm. Rt·dl'uth [Redruth Ma~or D1wey tmd Co. (wlto)esale) SleemauThos. (&dl'og){ist) St. Day 'l'rt>veuna Jnhu (and ironmon~ter) Redruth hr..-wery Stephen!ll\lary, H.edruth SHOPKEEPERS & DEALERS Orchard Philip, Chasewater 1 S~mous Richard, Chal!ewatcr IN GROCERIES & SUNDB.IEII. Phillips Mary, Pol'tr,•atb • Thomas Mary, Rt·drutb Bruwn Edw1ud, tl.l•druth Worth John, St. Day jTiddy Mary, St. Day Cout·tney Thomall, Rt-drutb BUTCHERS. W;u'llm Thoma~~, Chasewah.•r Harris James. Ilt.>druth Blnney Rlias, Cbd!l~watt>r Wbitford Wm. (&druggil\&) St.Day H til'l'Y Jamt's, Reth·uth BowdPU Ah~alom, St. Day HAIR DRESSERS. Hat'I'Y Johu, Redruth Cuny William, Redruth Bray Jame11, Redruth Hick~t J nhtl, Rt'dl'uth Hawke CharieR, St. Day Gray Thoma."l, Redrnth James Mary Hill, Portreath Rey11alds Alt>xauder, Redrnth Michell John, Redruth Micht-11 Fauuy, St. Day Tresidder Nichnla!l, St. Day HATTERS. Paull Nicholas, Chuewater CABINET MAKERS. Bennett. Johu, Rtdntth Peuberthy John, Porta-ea&h Bray Janu~s, Redt·nth [Redrnth Cock William, Rrd1·utb Pel'l"y 'l'homas, St. Day Dungey Thomas (and uphnlsterer) Cockinf{ John, Rt-rlruth ReyuoJds William, ltedruth Richards William, Rt-drutb H Ol'keu William s~aJ I St. Day Ta·eseder J illllt'S, H.cdmth Nlcholls Benja.tnin, Rtdruth HOTELS. 'l'ea~ue Mary, Red1uth Watkinson ·Wm. John, Red rntb Hotel, Nicholas Audrew, Redrulh Vh·iau Johu, Redruth CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. Hotel, Geurge B.!!ynollb, Pllr,t·eath STONE MASONS • Cockiu~ Philip, St. Day London Hntt'l,Juo.Michdi,Rcdrutb Daw J olm, Rt>druth Goldsworthy Martin, St. Day IRONMONGERS. Hall Samud, Rt:'dmth Horkin~ Willium, Redrnth CornisbRiclmrd (& bmzi.:r) llt'druth M artiu Samuel, Rt>d1111 h ~lichell Theuphilus, Rt'droth Hot~kin John (aud Mtove grate ma- Nicholls Amo~t, Redruth Michell Thumal4, St. Day - nnfacturt>r) Rcdrudt Wakfar W illiam, Rt-druth R-a!!Pigh .lohn, Redruth Lanyon John Charles, lkdt uth Waram Thomas, Cl;asewater Tonkin Stephcu. Rcdt·uth Symons Riclui. Redruth fwatet STRAW HAT MAKERS;; 'f••t-vt'nl\ Jame!l, Rt•dnnh Syawus Simon (& J(meerJ Chase- Denuis Auu, Cha:sewater CHYMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Tt'll~ne William, Rl'drll1h Goldswmthy Nancy, Redruth Harluw Josillll, Clutl'I~Watcr LINEN ac WOOLLEN DRAPEBS Ripper Ma•y, Rt>rlruth Blee Rubert, llL·druth .t\udrew Sttl'ialllmh, Hedrnth SURGEONS. Lewis Jnhn, Rt•drutb Bailt•y Nichola:s, Chasewatea· Roase Ma,thia>~ J11hn, Redruth Lidgey Jonu, ll.edrutb BoaseCatheriue(&mercer) Redruth i\1 icbell Tobia5, Rl-'•h ut h . COOPERS. 8nc.:kneH John and Jaue, St. Day Pascoe Wm. Htt'r, Rf~rlrutb \Villiams Jam~11, confPctioner, Redruth · Vercoe Thomas, St. Uay 'fonkin {~harlt·~. R.cdrafb COA.OHBS. TA~LOW CHANDLERS. To l'ENZA~CE, the ReiJIIIator (from l\bgnr, Font and Co. Rcdruth WATCH & CLOCK MAKI:RS. Traro) calls at Audrew•s Horel, every llichal'weller) Redrtll h To DI!VO~PORT and PI.YMOUTH, Hullers' Ar111a, Ricbd.TreYorrah,Hedruth I Pearce Hichard \Villiams Redrnth Charles Pengilly, from the Red Lion, c.lint?n Arms, E~izth. Tre!my, R!'lh-uth Hice NciJM. ( & mineralogist) Redrutb every Saturday. Corm~h Arms,1bomasl\hchell.St.Day 1' , \u·t1·· R d h To JI"ALMOUTH, Jolm Richar!ls, fro,m Cornish Inn, Tllomas Bawden, Reurutb re\ en a ·v l Jam, e rut · thl! King's Head, d11ily. Crown Inn, Richard Rickard,Clinsewat~r Veal James, St. Day To HE\.STON, - Bowden. from the ).'almo.utbAnns, Pel!gyR.,bart•,ClulsewAtr WiJton William, St. Day King's bead,.-veJ1'TUesrla)l & Saturday. ·oeorge&Dra~ton,Hnry:Chipll!an,Redruth WliEELWRIGHTS. To PENZANCE and TRURO, Jamea Oeor~eiV .•JuhnWJIIJa•ns,St.Dn.y H • \11'])" l' d 1 Pascoe and John Mausell, from the · Hohil, George Reynold11 , Portreath arn~ ·vI Ialll; ,e rot 1 King's Head, daily. · King's Anns John Treweek, Rt. n~y. H.onse Charles, Redroth To ST. 1\'E~, John Niehol111, fTom the King'• Arms', John Vivian, lletlrnth Williams .John, Cha~ewater Kin~t'• Head, everyTuea. &Thursdar. ST. AUSTELL .A.ND NEIGHBOURHOOD, ST. A USTELL, a market to\vn in the lmn,Jred of has in has been cut out oftbe solid rock; a pier is als() Jluwder, is situated on the main road from Plvmonth here, which with the basin forms a secure l'heltea· for to the Land's l'~ncl; llcittg 36 miles from the forme1·, vessels that resort hither for cargoes of chiua-clay, · and about 50 from the latter plare; 263 miles from copper and tin ores, &c. A compuuy in London have J,onrlou, and 68 from Exeter. The town derh·t·s it& the right ofthe port dues, and an agent is e:stablished const'IJUcncc and welfare from the minefl iu the neigh- here to collect them. · hum·hood, which are extensive and productive. The The church is a tine old fabric, derlicated to Saint }11 iuripal oneii!U't', the copprr-mines of' Wheat Pem- Austin; the lhiug of whicb is a vicara~e, iu the gift broke' tmrl• East Crcnuis,' the' ' ar~d 'Beam' ofthe crown; the present incumbeut iiS the Rev, Tho:s. tiu-mine)l; and between the town and J;oslwithiel Scott Smyth. 'fhe Wesltyan methodist~ l1ave a \·ery nrt~ tbc exteullivc copper-workings of ' Lauc11cot' and handsome chapel, lately erected; the independents 4 l~owey l~ousoliclated mines.' A mil-road to the town have also one, aud the quakers ha,·e a meetin~·housc.>. ill now being la.id down from the port of Pentewan, 'fhe southern part of th~ parish is a fine ;,gricnltUJ al ab.mt four mileR to the !Iouth, which will, it is antici- conntry, the land gently undulating and ft•rtile, wirb patet1, be of great benefit to the tows when completed, some pleasant views; on the northern part is a gre:>at thl!re being no ua,·i~able 1h·c1· in the \'icinitv: there extent of commou. The market-day is Friday; the Rt'tl, however, many Hen•ict•:,ble 10treams, which tu m fairs are, the first Thursday before Easter, Thursday ill grist-mills, aud a1·e rendered available to the marhin- Whitsun-week, aud St. Audrew's.day, principally for (•ry uf Mime of t.hc mines. About a mile and a llalf cattle and sheep. In 1821 the pari!:h contaiued 6,175 fmm St. An:ill'll is the port of CUA.RLESTOWN, where a inhabitant!!, and the town about 2,000 of that number POST OFFIO£, Joseph Drew, Po.fllJ.(aster.-Letlel'~.from J,oN.UON al'l'ive c\·cry moming at ~very morning at half-palit ten. GENTRY AND CLERGY. l\lartin John BOOKSELLERS, PRINTI:RS 411 (:arlyon 'fhomas, t>8q. St. Anstdl Martyn Elias STATIONEas. f lamank .Josepb Edyvl'an, esq. Thri~cutt Thoma~ Drew Jacvb Halls Fhmmnk Mrs. St. Austcll ATTORNEYS. Heuuah & Son {;IJ!Iy Rev. S. •r. curate Bntnley Ant.houy BOOT & SHOE MAKERS. Ht•xt John, ell~. Trenancn Cooclt: & Sou 11 Chi veil Matthew Hock tor 1\1 rs. l!anny, St. Anstell Coode E•lwa1·d ( & clt-rk of the Heudy Richard ( & leather cutter) I.ak~s Henry, esq. St. Austdl peace & couuty trea:-urcr) Lul•e \Villiam J•atttson Wm. e~q. Duportb Lambe Henrv May William Pt•IIJ'OH' Mills, St. Austell B.AKER~. 1\lichl'll ,John Polkiuhnrne Francis,esq.Trewicldle Biddick Lake Oli\"el' Domthy ~huvle JMeph Sawle G.esq. Penrice' Butcher John P•lt~ous Rich:nd ~myth H.ev. Thotnas Scott, vicar I RMevear WiUiam PrCWIIe Henrv Thmnp~on Mrs. Honor, St. A us tell : Ho we Joseph Rnndlt> Jo~eph Trcmayne Juo. Hcarle, esq.Heligaul Vivian Joseph 'frudgia.n Beuuett ACADEMIES & SCHOOLS. BA!;KF.RS, Trud~ian DigKory Brokcm•ha .Luke, Porthpeau Cnorle & Sons (th·aw (Ill Sir J. W,l Verr.oe WilHam l~hin·r~ Janws Bnckin~ham Luhborl> & Cu.. Lm.Jou) Yelland Da,·ld NATIONAL ScnooL, (girls)-Susau SAVINGs' BANK, E!tst Powder BREWERS, . Bond, mi~tre~s John Brown, aetnary Coad Peter (retail) · Od~crK J:unt•!l BLACKSMITHS Cory John AGENTS FOR CIUNA•CLAY. · Bawdt>n .lclhn BUTCHERS. t·:lo!ie t•:phraim Creba Richard Doucaster John l'h•nr.b Jt. H.. Hohlin John l<'rancis Richaul Hig1uau John, jun. Hod\iu Waiter Franci:s Williatu 21 161 S'f. A US'I'ELI,, &c. I •• ' " BUTCHE LINEN & WOOLLEN J) as, 'l'ALLOW CHAKDLERS. Guv Charles Andrew Benjamin & Co. Hockins & Petherick Roherts Matthew Grose Thomas Nancolas Aothony Roberts Sampson Hi~man John, jun. Kirchins Thomas Vi\·ian Samuel LoverinJ~: John ( & maltster) Melhni~h Thomas, Charlestown Williams Richard Moyle William TAVERNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. CARPENTERS 41 .JOINERS. Peter Thomas Charlestown Hotel, Richard Collihote, & Charlestown Annear Samud Tailack Jane Elizabeth Fountain, Rebecca Nott Clemo John Thomas Reubeu General Wolfe, Thomas 1\fny Cornelius John Veale John (& woolstapler) Golden Lion, John Bawden 1\licbael George Vivian John Robin!! King's Arma, Hannah Gilbert Stri pp Thomas MILLERS. Kin~'s Head, W 11lter Gilea CHYMIBTB 41 DllUGGIS'l'S. Alien Thomas London Inn, Jer~miah Lark ~ew Inn, Jobn Bray (tewa · Dauiel Ann Pedlar Josepb RashleighArms,JamesTmscott, Cliarles• Higman John, ~Sen. Phillip!! Oliver & Benjamin Ring of Bells, William Min~ar MILLINERS & DRESS MAKRS Seven Stan, lUizaobeth Philiipa Banks Willi~~OJ:EllS. Aruold Sarab Stag, Nleholas May Hillmao Richard Chivell Catherioe Sun, John Julyan Leaven Thomas Daniell Ann Western Jnn, Robert May J,uke Anthony WATCH & CLOCK MAKERS. Long Grace H i.nnan J acob Phillips Josias Ru:st-~ell Mary - • Pid well William l\t ichael Bt'njamin MINERAL DEALERS. Peutecost. William Stephens Thomas Avery Sarah WHEELWRIGHTS. CORN AND FLOUR. DEALERS. Hennah & Son Cornish Richard Dungey William NURSERY & SEEDSMEN. Paull William Pedlar Joseph Collius Solowo11 Veale Henry Vh·ian Joseph Hod~e John Miscellaneous. CUBBIERS. Rendle Jnhn & Son Banks Baker, agent to U!e Char]eatowa Drown John PAINTERS & GLAZIERS. Parkyn John Shippin~ Company, Charles town Lewaru Henrv• Banks D. William, block & pump maker, EARTHENWARE 41 GLASS Whitley John and shipwright, Charlestown DEA:J.ERS. SADDLERS. Bennetts' & Bray, wholesale spititdealon Giddy Thomas Dodge D. Richard Carveth Richard, land surveyor . Hopwood Ann & Elizabeth Jane William Colmer l\1ichael, govnr. oftheworkbouae­ Cory John, wine and spirit m~rchant Vian William • Sto(·ker Erlward Foster Williom and Thomas, tanners SHOPKEEPERS DEALERS FIRE, &c. OFFICE AGENTS. & Glanvill Julian, cabinet maker ' IN SUNDRIES. ·BR.ITISH, Benuett M. Swaffield Harris Samuel,- tinman and' br·azi~r .CouNTY ( fire.l & PuOVU>ENT (life) Harris Ann HodgeRichard Retallick, iron,.&c.foundt-r Juhn Brown Kelley Henry Jago William, conveyancer Perrow William Kellow John, clothes dealer & bookbinder .NoRWiCH UNION, John Wheeler Kdly Matthew, fruiterer & confection ell ; PALLADIUM, Ben nett M. Swaffidd Phillip!! Elizabeth J Swatfield Beuntit M. ivsptctor of corn- PH~, will materially increa11e fviajor and 8t. Columb Minor, ia1 tbe hundred of Pyder; the trllffic of the place, an et facilitate the transmission :2·H rr.Hcs from London, 70 from Exeter, .53 from the of ~he produce of the J~nd; mu.~b corn bt:ing grO\;D in .!.and's .End, and 11 f•·om Bodmin, The tow.n cou:sists this pa:-t •.•f tht: t.oountry. : ·Ciliefly of one Hreet, the hou>Ses of which are for ·the A v•;r:y ~in;,!ulai· mass of ;ucks, in the village of ,JJJOMt. part well built; and situated on a pleasing emi- Road1, abn.At five miles frum St. CtlltJmb, is justly en• ne nee, 8Urronuded by good gra$8 laud. Tbe trade of t.itkd to the attl'ntion of the curious t1 a\'t'iler: upon this place is very inconsiderable: tin is found in the •he IJi;t,lwJome building; and the liring, alum~ :uoutller. About two miles from St. Columb are which is a rectory, is a valnahle title, said to he worth the rt'own to tl1e sta, a di8taucc of ab(lllltour miles aud a cmious uram1cr; the spot is called~ ll.c Coil.' Tla;re 162

----· --·- ilt rtctorn. • ST. COLUl\IB. · QtornlualL

ar~ several good seats in the uehthbourhood; amongst tiful. The market-dar,s are Thursda~· and Saturday; other mansionsi8 'Lanheru House,' forme•·Iy a seat of the fairs are,the lir~t '1 hursday after 1\lid-lent"Sunday, l...ord Amndcl, now occ111)ied by a society of Carmelite and the 12th of November. In 1821 St. Cohnnb llajor uuns, who settled here when the re,·olutiou in France p:uish contained 2,493 inhabitants, aud St. Columb took place. 'fhe liCenery <~bout Lauhern is ''e•·y hean- Minor 1,2!17: total, in the two parisbe$, 3,790. POS'r OPPlOB, El~:t.abcth George, Post Mis_treu.-Lettel'S anive every mornmg at half-pas' sevtn, • and arc despatched every erenmg at a quarter before e1ght. · GENTRY AND CLERGY, Bl'nney John, carpenter Leverton Warren Jewel, watch ma- Arthur l\Jrs. Jane, St. <.:olnmb Benney William, carpenter ker & ironmouger Bennct Richd.G.esq.TrefelliR house Best John, auctioneer, tire office . Leyon Grace, d1·ess maker Drew Lieut. Edwd. R. N. Carlogas agent, upholst.t•rrr & ironmonger Liddacott Richard, stone mason .Jewel .1'\'1 rs. St. Columb Best H.ichard, drape•· & ~I'Ocer Liddell John, book~eller & printer May the Misses, St. Columb Bond Joan & Jane, drug~o~i:o~ts l\lartyn Williamslladdler · . Norway 1\Jrs. Patty, St. Columb Boud William, blacksmith .Mill John, blacksmith Painter Rev, Charles, St. Columb Brnad 'l'ho11. china clay merchant Mill William, saddler Paynter Capt. John Pender, a. N. Bnckthought & Williams, butcher11 .Mnrcomb John, cabinet maker 'rrekenning Bmrow John, cooper Nance Johu, carpenter Punnett Rev. John, St. Columb Cardelll\lary, earthenware dealer Naukivell Catherine, linen draper Rowe Pett>r, gt•nt. St. Columb Cardell Thomas, draper & grocer and grocer 'I'refusis Rev. J no. (magistrate) Par- Cay1.er Francis, 8hoemaker Nickel! William, tailor AOna~re honse Cayzer Jnmes, cabinet maker Northy John, currier Warue the 1\lislleA, St. Columb Cayr.ea· William, draper, grocer and Northy Philip, currier Will vam:~H u m phrey,esq .Carnanton hat manufHcturer Oke John, hat manuflicturer PROFESSIONAL PERSONS. Clemou Mary, straw bonuet maker Parkyo William, blacksmith Brown William, attomey Coeth Robert, woolstapler Pascoe John, shoemaker Collin!l Thurston, attorney Cornish Philip, blacksmith Rains John, tailor Jewel Geor~e, surgeon Darke William, draper & grocer Rascorba Thos. rope& twine maker l\lartyn & Bt'rryman, surgeons Dennis James, tailor Retallick l\laria, draper & grocer l\tartyn Mary, academy Ellery John, shoemaker Retallick William, maltster Monustevcu William, surgeon J<:llis Charles, saddler Row land John, tire office agent Nankh·ell John, surgeon England William, stone masoJI Stokes & Borrow, dress makers Oke Geurge, 8choolmaster Geach Thoma.~,watchnaaker,silver- Swan Hannah, stamp distributer J>ainter & Whitford, attorneys smith & fire office agent Symons William, saddler Peter John, phy11ician Geake William Ford, druggist Tippett Joseph, tinman & bra:aier Rowland John, attorney · Georl{e Elizabeth, stationer, toy Varcoe Henry, wheelwright Warren James, l'Choolmastcr dealer & fire office a~tent Webber John, watctJ maker :BANKERS. Hawke Edward, shoemaker West Otho, draper & grocer Magor, 'furuer & Co. (branch of­ Hawke Edward, jun. shoemaker Westcott Nicholas, draper & grocer . dr11W 011 Sir Richard Carr Glynn Hawke James, woolstapler Whitfield Jame:o;, auctioneer, con.. & Co. London) Hi<:ks & Harris, millers ve)·aucer & fire office agent INNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. Hicks William. draper & grocer Williltms John, tailor . Barley Sheaf, Samuel Eplett Hig~s & Co. spirit met·chauts · C.ll.BBlERS (;ommercial ]nn, Thomas Hell Higgs William & George, maltsters • Hore Ed ward, wo'.>h~tapler To BODI\HN, Richard ,\o.aro, from hi• Kin~·~~ Arms, James Polkiuhom hisl1ouse, evPry TuesdAy. New Inn, H.ir.hard Walkey Houghton Waiter, miller ToCAMELFORD,Charles Pengilly and Jkd Lion, ltichanl Pit>rse Jane Hugh, tailor William Vy•ian, from the Red Lion, Hing of Bdls, Hobert Kent Janc ThomaA. shoemaker every Thursday. . St-\'1:'11 Stars, William Lo,·ering Jennin~-:~ H.oger, ~hoemaker ToST.AUSTELL&CHARLESTOWN, SHOPKEEPERS & TRADERS. Jones I<:lizabeth, dre!>S maker Samuel Jenkyn, from the Red Lion, ev~ry Thursday. Allanson & Vy,·ian, woolstaplers Julian Gt.>orge, shoemaker To TRURO, Charll's Pengilly and Wil- A1·scott John, carpenter Julian Thoma!l, retail brewer Jiam Vyviau, from the Red Lion, e•~y Harry J arnt!s, ~;ar If.!):~. The edifice ""St. (irrm1m.~·) i:.; a pM!nuuentat·v borough and pa-l now conl'is!.s of two aisles and a nav~ ~ the iutel'ior ri~h, ai• the sourl1 !:\'!:-inu M E:111t lJundred; 226 milrs hail ~t'1Trnl at:nent monuments, som<. •Jf which are from Lomll)ll 1 about uiue fwm D:::vonport, and eight highly wortl,y I!otice-particuh.rly one t>.xecuted by fwm Lhl..t>ctrd. It is seated near to the Lynher creek, Rysbracl;, and erected to the memory of Edward Eliot. anill:' an i.tcon·;ider~tble town, ha,·ing no claims to no- The lidug is a curacy, in the git"t of the dean and t.!c~· t

Jmn~r~!<, residing one whole year iu the town, a1·e no- llhips than any other in Comwall. The markfot is noW' 'minally i11vestcd with the ri~ht of retul'lling two· but nominal; the fairs are, May 28th and August lMt, memht•rs th parliament; but the proprietOI's ot what for cattle. The borough attd pari~h contained, by the i~ Cllllt':l • bu.~~-;ge tenemellt,• of which there are not ccnsns ot 1821, a population of2,404 iJtrsous. at tm'8l'll' nwrc: than 12 ooo-re:o~ideut anrll4 resident, SALTAsu is a market and borough t•Jwn, in the pa­ are t!.t! 11uter11. The portrie,·e, who is elected at the 1rish of St. Stephe:n, and in the sa!PP. hundred as St. t'phen's, and dedicatt>d ll• St. Nicholas; the rl'ittry t ~uppfl;;cd to have hem fonnded by King Athel- Jh·ing is a perpetual CUJ"acy' ill thf' ~ift of the corpora­ ts, choose the recorder. The corpo- four times a year. The market-day is Saturday; the ration pr~s:;:es!4 the sole pt•operty of the oyster fishery 1 fflir!l at·t·, one fur cattle at Candlemas, Rnd auother, in the rh·er Thmar (except betwt.•eu Candlemas and Ifor !Jlt-asure am! cattle, on the 25th of July; besid@S Ea:steJ) ; al~o the ri~bt of dues for anchorag~, buoy- four quarterly shows of cattlt>. The entire parish of a~e and salvage in tile same riVl'l', ancl the right of St. Stet'ltt'n contained, by the last parliamentary n~­ r.. a·a·y acro~s tht: river. 'fhe towu send:> two members . turns, 2,873 inhabitants, aud the borougll of .Sa1tash to parliament, who are elected hy the holders of bui'Il- 11,548 of that uumber. PO&'l' 01?FIC:E:1 ST. GERMAINS, Samuel Thomas, Pust illaster.-Letters from LoNDol'i' and the Ea~t arrh·e evet·y t'lOruing at uine, and are de8patched every afteruoon at one.-Letters from LtsKEARD, FAL- 1\IOUTII 11nd the \Vt'st urrive every aftemoou at three, and are despatched evny moruiug at eight. POS".l' OFFIOB, .SAr.TAsu, Oeorge Coad, Post Master.-Letters from all parts arrh·e every morn- ing at nine, ami are de8patched every afternoou at thrt•e. ·

NOB:tLITY1 GENTRY ANJ) PROFES~IONAL PERS?NB• Hick$ Wm.Carpenter & shopkeeper, CLERGY. Cresswell hedk. attoruey, Salta!;h St. Ge1 mains An~:~tis .Mrs. t:ro:ss Jl~e,St.Germains Jenkius ~no. surgeon, ~t.Oerma~ns Hicks Wm. tailor, St. Germains Batt Mrs. Saltash [ash L~tfer HJCh~. surgeon, St.~e1·mams Hoar William Stroud, butcher Bell nett Jno.geut. Ward house,Salt- L!ttleton l'flch~. surge'?D:• Salta:sh Hoopt>r 'fhomas, blacksmith Bcnm·tt Nidwla~, e8q. Saltash R1sk Jn?.EJ·skme,physJcum,Salta~h Hoy Edward, hoot & shoe maker ll~uuett William, geut. Pill Veale Rlchard, COI~\·eyancer, special Jetfery John Barrett, shoemaker Burrell .'\rthur, esq. Pill pleader and eqmty draughtsman, Lauder Edward, shoemaker Hurrell J ohu, esq. Pill ,S~ltash . ,. . [Salta:;h Langmaid Thomas, tailor & sl10p~ Carpenter Chas. esq. l\loditon Ham l\ hu.lbome Thos. \ mmg, surl{eon, keeper, St. Germaius . · <.:res~well M his Mary, Saltash INNS ~ P~,BLIC ~ousEs.. Macguire Lawrence, rope maker . Creyke Capt. John, R. N. Saltash Auchor,Saml.l hom.as,St.Ge!·ruaws l\Ieadway John, butcher Daw:;:on Hev. haac, St Stephens Cr~wn & .ScepLre,HH~hard WJ!co~k, l\1 ill et• Tb!!.black.smirh,St.Germain• Edwanls Capt. John, a. N. Saltash ~altash . [St. G~t·mams Palmer Simeon, grocer & draper Edwftrds Thos. esq. Trematon hall Ehot 4rms, Ehza.bcth R1chards, Pcaru Jane, shopkeE!per Eliot the Ht. Hon. Lord, Port Eliot Fountam, John Kmght, Saltash Petc1·s Amhro!ie, tailor E'·afJS John, esq. Saltash Green Dragon Hotel, John Han- Peters Arthut·, 8addlt'r and 5ltqp• Glanvillc Franci~, esq. Catchfrench cock Drew, Saltash kt>eper, St. Germains Gt·ylls Rev. John Couch, Saltasb New l_nn, John Bnckler, Saltash Pl'ideaux Hemy, tailor Fcmeaux: Rev. Tobias,St.Germains Old Kmg'sArms,Ch8.Biake,Saltash Rkhards Roger, l:aker rmaiu~ Hawkim1 Caa>t. }<:rlwd. a. N. Sal!asb Pass~ge-House Inn, Joseph Moyse, Richcns Wm. shopkee.P.er, St. Ger- Hucheson Lieut. Wm. R. N. Saltash _Salta~h ~a~h Hogers Wm. brewer, l'ideford Jewd Mrs.l\liliy, Saltasb R111g of Bells, John Barraball, San- Rundle John, shopkt>ept•r [p1·inter J,emun Mrs. Mary Sallash SHOPKEEPERS & TR~DERS. Rnndlc Mary Aun, stationer aud Nt'peau Capt. Edm'd. R. N. Salta~b At SALTASn wh~n not utherwlse men- Sbon Edward, general agent Pal~n~·.r l~aul, g~nt. Salla~~· , Blake James, t~l~~~~·ber, brazier & ~,~ni~h Job~, ;o,pe & twine makt'~ ~m ~t.r C.·~Pt~ \\m . .R. ~ ~ava~h tin man [Germain~ 1 at~ll~n ~tlhacl, shopkeeper, Se. St.(•u.n,,un ... the. Dowa,~I Couut~ss Bdrk wood Rohert, nuctioueer, St. ' , Get m,a~ns • , of~ ~c·ut~uur vtlla,I~r ~t.Germ<~~r..s Bryaut Samuel, ironmonger ,I.~sker ll!o~as, ~r?~er & druggtsC St. G t Jm.uu_.~. the J{tght Hon. Eall Bnr~ey J no. sl:oemakr.St.Germains 1 aylor ,Wilham, baker , ~f, p~~:~ Elt~t ' . BltttersJane,slwpkepr.St.Genuaius We~b. Edmu~!d, mail!i1~er . . ~.y.non~. ~ hOI~as,_,~ent. Ptll Chnbb H~b. slJOpkeeJ_lr.St.Gerwaiu:!' Wes~wtt & foster, slup butlders & },ohy 1:-sa .. c, e.q.,Salt,!ish . Chubh Rtehard, ~lazier .cf?,tl merchants l,n·lawuey --:-• e~q. Colerenmck Collecott William drape!' e:roccr n )uddeu H ugh, 8hoemaker '1 uckt>r BenJannu, esq. Trematon and coal merchar~t ' ~ 'tle • . • [cao;tle Colley ,Juo.blacksmith,St.Germallls h_~ll!arus Jaue, shopkeeper ft~cker Jl.'dedtah, esq. frematon Cullis William butchrr \\' 1lharus Johu, shoemal;:er W!lkod>!l J(:hn, g~ut. Salla~h Daw Juo. line~ & woollen dnnra· OAh.BIEBS. Wtll:s the Mt~ses, St. Get·mams Daw Sarah, bakt>l' '" To CA,LI.INGTON, Phil,i.P .Da'Y~ fr~1n .t\CAD.EMIES &: SCHOOLS. Deacon John, stonemason the hreen Dragon, & '\\ Jlham I rea1s, · k 1 ,., 1 S G • Il W'll' Ll k · . h from the 11\ew Im1, tVtry Tuesday, B1l"IC" WCIU< ~o lt' rt, t. et·mams eacon 1 mm, · ac ·snllt Thursday and Saturday Carpe11tt1· Jaue, (boarding) Saltash IDeeble F.dward, carpt·ntt•r To CAMEt:.FoH u, John Chenouth,from Ftn~E GRA!\Ji\11\R ScnooL,Salta~h- Down Jos.grocc:I·,ctl·Hper & dntf('gist the New Inn, !'nd, Richard Trem!'ynr, Jlt'V. John Couch Gryll~, wastcl' ·Drew Samuel, coopc1· from ~he Old Kmg ~ A_rms, everyl hurs. FREE Sc.IOOL,(boys') St.Gamains Geake Edward, wool!ltapler & coal To LISKEA RD,_ WJ!ham J!awke •n.d ' '·. 1' · l· d . d . 1 S G, · A1thur Br1dge trom, 8T. GERliAlNs, - 1l.fhlt 1 t .oJ tc .woo , master ea er, t. •t:rmallls every morning Ftum ScuooL,(girls') St.Getmaius GeakeRichard, tanuer,St.Germains CONVEY.ANCB BY -Jan·~ Thonns, mistrel'is Geake Tbos. butcher, St. Germaius WATXR Haler Nid~ (tv;arfi:Jg ~ day)Salta~h: Oilbert TIJos. boot. & shve maker · To OF.VONl'UII.T & PI.YMOUTIT Jeukun; ~11.:~.,, (l..uardwg & day) ~t.l Harv~y Johu, pla~terct• BQ(lf~ fur l'asscng'-'r" and Hoods, frot.: Germaws Harvte Jas. maltster St. Germains and Sa!ta~h, daily. srr. IVES AND H.AYLE. ST. IVES iR a sea-port, borOIJ.I{h and market town, number of common burges!les. Quarter sessions are iu a j)ari!-h of its J•ame, and hundred of Penwith; 278 held here, and a court baron annnally by the repre­ mile:S from l.,oudon, 104 from Exeter, JS from the seutatives of the late Duke of Bolton, and other pro­ Laud's End, aud eight from Peuzanc.t'. lt is ~itue1tt'd ~lril'tors of tlJt: laud. The boro11g-h has sent meoJbers 011 the north we~t :shore of this county, adjoin in~ tht: 1 to parliament from the time of Philip and Mary; tht> Hristol channel; is a town (Jf ~reat antiquity, and wa:;! right of \'Otiu~ is iu the iuhabitaut.s pnyiu!( scot and JH'Ohably founded by a colony from lrdan!l iu the fit'Mt, lot-the :mm be; ot electors ht:tween 3Gll aud 400; the 1 R!!CS of Christianity. Its name is properly St. la's; has mayor is the returniug officer; & the present memhers sometimes been written St. /es, and St. /tile.~. The go- are, the Itt. Hon. C. A rhuthuot, and James Halse, Bsq. vcrnment nf the wwn, as at present constituted, is The chief Sllj)port of St. hes is dtrived from the uadi!r a chart~r granted by Jamt•s 11; the corporate fisheries aud mines, which arc at fH"t'!-cllt tlomishiug; borlyco!J~bts ufa mayor, recorder, town clerk. clt'\"l'n and from its maritimt' trade, including its counectiun ali.!cnul'll (including the o1ayor), and an unlimited with Hay le, i'ortrcath ami ~t. Ague!!. Its imports are I t:,J. t\trtttorn. S·r. IVES AND HA YLE. ~ot1tlualt • • - chiefly articles filr the suptlly of the mines and thhe- dowment for a free grammar-school, wbicbF br 11001e 1 rit'll1 and its exports the products of these branches or unaccountable means, is Jost: this is much to be de­ indnstry. Its shipping is numerous, and employed in plored in so l?opnlous a place, incrf'asing as ·il is in fhrt.'il!:n and coasting trade gt-nerally. There are many trade, prospenty and number of inhabitants. The ~e­ t~malllltrt.>am~ in the vallies near the town, which are neral appearance of the country round here is very m­ \vt-n empluyf•d in working the machinery used in the teresting; the land is hilly, and the hills are of the prfllltration of tin and copper m·es for the market, and fine form usual in granite countries, and present the 111 turning corn-mills. The pllcha1 d fishe1·y is carried Stlblhne masst's of rock, with the druidicaJ remains, on here to a ~reater exh•nt than upon any other part cnmnJon in the west of Coruwall. 'fbe bay is a beau­ of the roast of Cornwall, and in some sea:!oos there tiful piece of water. and the valliell are fruitfal1 while9 are nearly 100 seines in requisition in the town. The from their contiguity to the sea, and the milaness of season commences iu.July, and r.ontinnes till the latter the climate, they are ever verdant. 'l'he markets by end of NO\•emher-durin~ which period, in prolific charter arc Wednesday11 and Saturdaxs, bot the former sea11uns, 3,500 hogsheads ha"e ht'ell taken, each h~~s- is little attended; there ure t.wo or thret: fairs an nu­ head containing about 2,000 fi!~h, which are cured ally, but only one that need be named, which is ou the hert', and chiefly sent to the Italian markt'ts. Saturday hefore Adveut-Suuday-aud this is only tor 'fhe church, which is a ,·ery beautiful structure of articln of little importance to trade. 'fhc population the age of Henry V, with a A cle~aut Jofty tower, is of the borough and parish of St. h·es, by the lasc dedicated to St. Andr·ew; the edifice is well worthy p:uliamentary census, was 3,526; but, at this pe­ thc observation of those who are curious in ecclesias· riod, upwards of 5,000 is estimated to be lhe number tical arc;hitecture: the !ivin~ is part of the \'icarage of of inhabitants. Uny Lelant, but has lately been endowed, by a grant HAYLE, m· HP!Jl, ill situated on the eastern side of from Queen Anoc's bouuty, for the maintenance of a the river of the same name, within th~ port of St. Jlt>rjtetnai curate; the prest.•nt incumbent of the parish Ives, bt•tween three and four miles from that town. 111 t re Rev. D1·. Ca1·de\\, and the cnrate is the !tev. C. On the ~horel:! are very t'Xtensive quays and cousider­ Aldrich; the patJ·onage of prefer111ent i!l in the dio- able met·cantile estabJishml'uts, with iron-foundries, ('(·~an bi!!hop. There are two methodist chapt'ls, one which furnish for the use of the mines the most powr­ of which is the lar~~:est in Cornwall, and two others erful aud 11plendid steam-engines iu the world; the belonging to Lady Hunringdon's sect. There is a cha- cunstruction of these, which may always be inspect• rity-sclwol for boys, founded and supported hy Sir ed, is won hy the ob8ervation of the stranger. It is Chri~topht'r Hawkins, Bart.; and Snnday-schools are pre~nmed that tht' population returns for St. Ives in­ maiutained hy the reli~ious se<:tl'l. There wa~ an en- dulled the inhab1tat~ts of Ha~ le. POST OBFICJB., ST. IvEs, Ellen Kelly, Post lllistrns.-Letters arrive t'\'er~ morning at eleven9 and are despatl'hed every afternoon at half-past two. HAYLE, Richard Bariow, Post .Master.-Letters arrive every morning at nine, and are despatched every evening at a quarter before nine. ~ENTR~ & CL~RGY. Jones George, Hayle FISH CURERS & SEINB Aldnch Rev. Clra!les, St. Ives Jones George, jun. Hayle OWNERS-AT. ST. IVES. Uamtit•ld Oanl. (\'tce-con~nl) St.h·es 1\1 i11 11 William, Havle Bam field Daniel Richards Jolm Halse .Jan~~s, cs9. M. P. ~t.. lvt;s Paynter Ell ward, St. Ives Bazeley Wm. Ste\'ens Richard ll~\\'luusStrCtm-tr.bart. frt'Wltben RoiJerts William, Hayle Berl'iman Arthr. 1'l'uukin Wru. HJcht·n~ Mrsll l\hry, St. hell Thomas John Hayle Bnlitho Thomas 'l'rernt'arue Ths. Hocldug !h·v. \Vru. P. Parwnage Tonldn John,'St. he~ and William Trewhella Wm •. r.J!lktt Ht~:h.anlUalie, t'~q. Penpol Whitfonl Nicholas, (aud leather Bryant Wm. Wcarne Francia 1\ltllc:tt WtJllum, e~q. Rmer cutter) Hayle Hichens Wm. Wt"arueJan~es l~r,-tea~v~~ Cnust:!lll"t', ~t. h·cs BU.;CHERS. lt'r) St. h•es 9lll<·k .J:o:ll', ~t. hes Bara~wornath .Mau ht'w, St. I vrs Dav,·y A lice, Hay le · l:\hurt John, St.lvel! Bowes Francis St. h·es HaJ'\'t•v Thomas, Jhyle ~IR CumsT<~PIIER HA~l:KIN'~ FR~E Edmnud~ Hen;.y, Hayle Pool William, Hayle · ~cuoo1., :St. lves lhomas Wil· Par:Sons Williaau, St. bt's Row l\bry Ann, St. h•es . haml', ur:~~tl:t· , i>earce Richard, St. hes HATTERS. 'lownso~G""E·~~~· ~·I~~- Perry Rt~hert, St. h~s Barlow H.ichard, Hayle Glnya~Juhu, (consolidated) Reynoldl!l Sampl'on, St. h·cs Harvey !"rat~~;,~~~~ Kerui<'k Jame:~, (Wheal Whins) H ll ~ CARPES NTI ERS. Hott>l, 1\lattl.e~· Bennett, St. I rea Trevall(iu [others) a ..':'amp~~n, t. ',·es , . H J Tl I' d H 1 Kl'rui<:k ltichttrrf,(\Vht'al Speetl and Hocl,m~ HaJtlwlom.cw, H._ a)!C . ote, wmas .aw en, ay t: I d J & H th · Sr I IRONl"!ONGERS. 'rrl'dinnick Nicholas,(Wheal Tren- .. :,tuu ers as. 10 ~ts, ' ~es Best Pt'ter, St.ll'l'S with) R:ch~rds James,,St. h~s Poul William. St. h-eR William~ Wil!illm, (Pet.ler Oh·er & ~•chards John, St. h·es \\r J 1 · s 1 Wht•al!V!itr!{tory) ;:',tephe!~S John, St. ln:s t•arne o m, Jnn. t. \'CS AGENTS..:.SHIFPING AND lremelurg Humphrey, Hayle LINEN & WOOLLEN DRAPRS. COMMERCIAL. COOPERS. Bazelcy John & \Villiam,(& wbuJe• "' c< ~;ale urercers) Sr. h·es . uamficld DauJ.(& to Lloyds).,t.h'es Jenkin!l Fraucis, St. hes Hal'\'t'Y Francis, Hayle HuckiJtg Joseph, St. Ives Richards John, St. Ives James Pl•il'J Earl, St. Ives ATTvRNEYS. Wearne John, sen. St. Iv-es 'mASONS. Hichens & L.·y, St. Ives Williams Richa1·d, ~t. Ives Daniel Henry, St. Ives 'l't·csedder William Ed,vard Walms- DRUGGISTS, Dauiel Wi!li~.tm, St. h·es ky, (and untarv) St..Iws ~nndy ~la~y, Hay!e Quick GabJicl, St. Ives BAKER. fhomas Rrcha1·d, St. he!! Q · k J S 1 Chellew John, (& tthip bn~ad & im- Tl'C~dder!...... t. ht~. 1Vl£RCHANTS. Lnkc Jamt>s, St. 1ves CoUNTY' w.•lllam H ICbens, (and I Chcll· '" ·' ohu, ( CUI"Il & tlour)St.Ivct 'J'Irnmns Richat•rl, Hay I,. coroner) St. h,es Harv( y &, CrJ. Hay!~ • EOOT AND sr·IOE MAKERS. CouNTY, John1yaek,J-:Iaylc, ~;uuly:-;, Catnt• & Vmau, Hayle JuJkyn Ttwma~:, ~t. h·c$ , PnoTBCTOR, Danl. flamtleld)St.hc5 1 yad ,luhn, Ha) l~ ] 6;) Qtornblall. ST. IVES AND HAYLE. ~igot & ~o .. ••

MILLERS. lnni~J Frauds, St. Ives Globe, Charles Jenkyn, St. IYes Chellew James, St. lves M ichell Celia, St. Ives Glllden Lion, Edward John, St. Ives 1\lartin John, Stnnuack · KinJr'lll Arms, Mary Morton, St. Ives Olive Thomas Hay le Red Lion, Charles Short St. Ives · MILLINERS & DRESS MAKBS. Pick Samuel, Hayle Royal Standard, Franeis Millwood, Hay le Best Elizabt>th, St. lres Quick Israel, St. Ives Ship-a-Ground, James Daniel, St. lvf•l Brav Eliza, St. Ives Siscly John, St.lves Sloop, Vivian 8tephen William•, St.lvc• Cundy .Maria., St. hes 'fry Ann, St. h·es Star, Thomas Row, St. lvee Harry Carolint', St. Ives Union Inn, Samuel May, St Ives Vivian Prudence, Hayle Victory, John Richards, St. IVPI 1\lajor Mary, St. he<~ Williams Ann, St. Ives Wheat Sheaf, Henry Fan!, !:lt. hes Stcn•ns Mm·y, St. Ives Williams Mary, St. Ives White Hart, George Ricbards, St.lvel PAINTERS & GLAZIERS. WiUiam!! Wilmot, St. lvf>s WATCH & CLOCK MAK&BS. George Thomas, Hayle SPIRIT 'DEALERS. I<'luyd William. St. hes Richards James, St. Ives Ellis Christopher, Hayle Sandoe 'J'homas, St. lves Richards John, St. lvt>s Hocking Joseph, (& wine) St. Ives Stevens John, St. Ives SADDLERS. Thom~'! Kitty, St. h·es West William, St. Ives Best Peter, St. hes Wearne Jnhn, St. Ives Trediunick Wm. & John, St. Ives STRAW HAT MAKERS. Miscellaneous. Backerleg John, wheelwright, St. IYes SAIL MAKERS. Hockiug Jane, St. Ives Harvey J ames, oil 11nd colour man & corn Jennings Frank, St. Ives Worth Hannah, St. Ives factor, Hayle . [sterer, Hayle Row Henry, St. Ives SURGEONS, Morley John, r.abinet maker and ophol· SHIP BUILDERS. lle"an George William, St. hoes Penrose Richard, collar maker, St. Ives Millett John Thoma.'l, Havle Rosenthal Gabriel, jeweller, St. lvea Adams Francis, St. Ives Thomas William, rope maker, St. Ives Bnrt William, Hayle Molloy Atlam Douglas, Si. Ives Danit>l James, St. Ives Youge Waiter, St. Ives CUSTOM HOUSE-ST. IVES. Daniel John, St. Ives TAILORS. • CollPctor, Augnstu!l Stephens, esq. Herking Jo!leph, St. Ives Blewett William, Hayle C/e,·k, 1\Ir. Franci!l Hingston Paynter & Quick, St. lvca Dewstowe William, St. lve!! Comptroller, .l\Jr. Thos. Tremt>ame Willey Hemy, St. Ives Gla.~son John, (&draper) Hayle J..,anding ff/aiter, 1\lr.Fras. Jt>nkyns Payntea· John, St. Ives Chief Officer of the Coast Guard, SHOPKEEPERS & DEALERS IN SUNDRIES. Thomas James, St. he!ll 1\lr. Martin Moxs Adarus Grace Bella, St. Ives TALLOW CHANDLERS. OARRZERS. Alien Ann, St. Ives Cooper Thoma!l, St. Ives To l'ENZANCE, William 1\lorria, frora Bennett Jane, St. h·es Young JameM, St. Ives his hnuse, doily. noaze nannah, St. hes TAVERNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. To REDRUTH, John Nichnlls' Van, Britannia, W illiam Burt, Hay le from the Hotel, every day {Wednl'aday Rrdy Ann, Hayle excepted)-& toTRURO,everyFriday. Ctarnow Benj. Stephens, Ives Cnmmercial, Mary Roach, St. IVP!I St, Commercial Inn, John Polglase, Hay le COASTING VESSELS. Eales Grace, St. Ives i)olphin, N icbolas Carbin, St. Ives To and From BRISTOL, the Hamhley John, Hayle Duke of York, Nicholas Richards,St.Jves Captain Vivian; Maria1 Captain Har­ Hocking Almond, St. Ives George & Uragon, Cathrlle.Hod~e,St.lves vey; and the U11ion, (,aptain Cundy. ST. 1\IAWES Is a small market town and parliamentary hornugl1, rises immediately behind it: it i8 in perfect rf>pair, In the pa1·ish nf St. Just, and in the Wt'l!t division of and the fortifications are planted with he1n-y cannon. l'owder hul'ldred ; 2fi2 miles f1·om London, 85 from The Duke of Buckingham is patron of the borough, }~xeter and 12 ft·orn Grampound. The town stretches and by him i'! elected annually a portrieve, who alun~ the shore on the nol'th side of its harbour, pre- is the principal municipal authority here; and the senting a long line of houses ftontiug the sea, with a returning ollicer at times of dections for members hill rising abmptly; and near to the western end of of parliament: the electors are certain freeholders, the harbour ill a commodious pier. 'fhe bay i11 about some of whom are not resident within the bo­ half a mile wide, and extends about three quarkrs of rough; the pt'esent repre:ocntath•es are, Sir Edward a mile up the creek, when it suddenly narrows into Codrington, and Sir Scroop B. Morland. The places St. Anthony's pool. The castle of St. M awes, the great of worship in St.l\lawes are, a chapel each for the in­ omament of the town aud pOI't, is situated on the north dependent and Wesleyan methodists; but there is none point of the entrance to the harbour, and is said to be under the established church, the chapel of ease, which one of the largest edifices of its kind in the kingdom; was erected by the Duke of Buckingham, being now it is under the care of a master gunne1·, appointed by used as a school-room. The inhabitants are occupied the boarcl of ordnance. The castle, which \TaS in fishin~r; the hn:i~iness of the place besides is exceed· erected by Henry VIII. for the protection of the ingly trifling. 'fhe market is held on Friday. 'fhe l1arbour, is opposite to Pendennis castle. 'l'he uumber of perl!lon!l in the borough and parish, by tht: works are complett•ly commanded by a hill, which returns for 1821, was 1,648. POST OFFICE. James Peters, Po.Yt.llfaster.-Letter~ from LoNDON &c. arrive every evening at half­ past th•e, and are despatched C\'ery morning at the same hom·. GENTRY, CLERGY & PRo- SHOPKEEPERS,TRADERS,&c. Phillips RicharJ, shoemaker FESSIOBAL PERSONS. Bellman Richard, carpenter Quick James, draper & grocer .Boyne Lawrence, surgeon Blake Robt. rope maker & cooper Rice H ugh, carpenter & auctioneer Jago Mrs. St. Mawes Chenoweth Richard, masou and Saul John, tailor Ja~o Thomas, gent. (steward to builder Smith H.obert, boat builder the Dnke of Bnckingham) Gaunt James, schoolmaster Symom Mary, draper, grocer and Jago Wm. gent. (port ;osun•eyor) George George, master of the Na- maltster Johns Miss Emma, St. Mawea tional School Thomas Michael, ba'kf.>r J.awcay Lieut. William, R. N. Hancock Joseph, ~rocet· & draper Tiddy Matthew, carpenter RodJ H.e,·. Edward, Parsona~e, Hooket· Samuel, blacl•~mith Tucker A t·thu r, hutch('r · Van·oc Philip, ~:tone ma~;Oi• St., J ""' James J ames, rope maker Symons Rev. Samuel, St. 1\fawes Jam<'S John, shoemnlH'r Vincent Nichls. draper & grocer \V('hhcr Henr}'· flhoemaker INNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. ,lonlall Thoma!!, pattcn mal;cr Wehber Wiliiiun, shoemaker Fountain, John Lean {and boat Kelly James, tailor bnilrler) • Kt'mp John, blackRmith Whistou John, maltster King's Head, Thomas Scoble Lowry Priscilla, draper & grocer CONVBYA.NOB BY N~w Iun, Philip Varcoe Nepton Thomas, tallow chandler WAT.ER. Qneen'& Head, Charles Green Paddy William, tailor To 'FALMOUTH, an.l :111 parb of tbe ~c,·en Stal'f;, 1\latthcw Ti!ldy P<•ters J ames, draper & grocer lll)y and l:farh

STRATTON Is IL !lmnll mtn·ket town and parish, is 'foe11day; the fair!! are, 19th May, 20th April, 8th giving name to the hundred in which it is situated; November, and th~:: 'fue!!day next the lOth of Decem- 223 miles t:-oru London, 50 from Exeter and 16 fi'Om her, nil for cattle. Strattou parish contained, in 1821, Launc~ston. It is an inconsiderable plnce, st'ated in 1,580 inhabitants. a low and cold country; the land has, however, been Bum~ is a small port and village, in the parish of Improved rather of late years from draining, 'aud Stratton, about two o1iles from that town. Here are its general a.'!pect has assumed a more verdant and some few very respectable mercantile establishments; cheering appearance. 'fhere are no manufactures per- and considerable business is done in the eo m aud coal fected here, and the tr·ade of the place is confined to trade, and impot·tation of viuious commodities for the supplying the inhabitants with the general at·ticles of tmpply of the neighbouring country. Immense quan­ consumption and wear. Lord Carteret is the lord of title:~ of sand are taken from this Jllace, for agricultu• the manor, And boldR a court leet annually; and a tural pnq.Joses. There are two ~xcellent inns het·e, conrt baron is also held hy Sir Thoma~ Dyke Ackland, the' Canal inn' and the' l<'alcon.' Of late years it has lord of the manor of Efford. ·The po.risl1 church is de- been much visited as a bathing place; it has also in­ dicated to St. Andrew; the lh-ing is a vicnrnl(e, in the creased in trade, materially, in const-quence of the · Jtift of the king, and incumbency of the Rev. John opening of the canal; and at this penod Bude can Rowe; the present curate is the Rev. Stephen Hawker. boast many handsome dwelliogs in its vicinity, the 'J'he only place of worship, be:;ides the church, is a residences of respectable and opulent families, whose chapel for the Wesleyan methodists. Th~. market-day contiguity must be advantageous to its interests. POS'l' OFFICE, STRATTON, Rtchard Watts, Post Muster.-J.rtters from all parts arrive by horse­ post from 0AKHAMP"roN, every morning nt eleven, and are desputched every afternoon at three. GEN'l'BY ar CLERGY. , Davey William and Co. (lllld ship Heale George, tailor Badcock Ht-nry, gent. Woodknowe · owners) Bucfe Honey Jame.s, batter [Bude Bray Cecil Nichls.esq.Langfotd hill Hock in John, Bude Honey John, clerk to the Canal Co. Urowne Geo.C.esq.Ash,J acob Stow J ames Henry, Bode Hoskin John, carpenter . Call Georl(e Colsford, e:;q, (magi- King Wm.& Co. (sand & coal) Bude Hoskin Pasco, coast offi~E:r, Bude strate) Woodley cottage INNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. James & Miller,saddlers&ironmgr& Call 'l'lws. esq. Vecy house, North At STB.ATTO!I when not otherwi~~e ex- James Thomas, maltster, Bude 'furuerton 'Pl't'~sed. Lane Richard, watch maker, Bude Camsew ThomaH, esq. Flexbury A~kland Arms, qe~rge Scown .Maynard Thomas, shoemake1· t;lat·k Captain Woodford cottagt> Btdeford Inn, Wllham Broarl Parsons John, blacksmith Moorwiu Stow ' Bude Inn, Thomas James, lludt! Parsons J no. wine & spirit merebanc Davis Rev • .lohn, Kilkhampton ~anal lun! Jas. St!~thwood, Bude Parsons Saml.auctioneer & saddler GL-e ltev. \Valter, (magistrate) Com~nerctal Inn~ .1 homas Hodd Perry John, auctioneer & glazier Week, St.Mary's · C2ormsh Arms, Eh~a~e~h Brown Petherick Cater, watch maker GlanYille Rev. Willian~. Jacob Stow 1' alcon, (& hotel) W dham Hewett, Petheril:k Grace, draper & grocer Hawker Rev. Jacob Steph.Su·atton )lu,de • .· Pether~ck J?hn, ston~:: maSt)ll Hawker Rnbt.Steph.esq.Whitstnne Kmg s Arm!!, lllv1d J?a~ IR . Pethenck Richard, stone mason Hntchings Miss Mary, Hat·scott .Marker Houl!e fnn, Edwd. Pethick Pot·ter Thos. pet·fumer & t.tatiouer l'ala.4 the Misses, Whitstone house N.ew Inn, Mary 1\laynard . Prust Joseph, tannt>r Jose John, e~u1 . Peugbill Hu.tg of .Bells,Bartholomew F1shley Rodd Nicholas, glovea· & tawer Keys Lit'tlt. Richa1·d, R .• N. Uude ~!up, Nt~h_olas Saunders Rowlan ~illiam, tailor King Rev. John Skinner, Stratron fn·e, Wdham Bray Lyle Sander11 Ntchola!!, shoemaker Kingdon Chal'il's, eMq. Brit.Jgel'llle s HC?PKEEPERS & TRA~ERS Sargent John, butcher King(jou Cory, M. o. 81 oon•hill At STBATTON ;r~:~e~ot otherwule ex- Scown Geo.blacksmilh & carpenttr K~ngdo~ George Bougt~ton, esq. Ash Hannah, dl·ess ~akt'r ~cown G~o~~e, draper.~ grocer {nmgu~trate & dt>pnty hcutenaut) ARh William, draper, grocer and Scown Wt.lh_am, ~utche1 •• Launcells house tallow chandler ~cown Wl~h.am,Juu. m!ilt~:.~ter K!u~don Mrs. Rcbcc~, ~tratton.. Ash Wm. jun. draper & grocer ~meetb Wllh~m, _ca•:penter . [~u~e K!ugdou Rev.Jno.l\larsham cbuach Bailv Susan dre~s naaker o.:outhwood Jame-;,m~ster mauucr, Iqngdon R~v. Wm. B. Hoytou Baker Tho~as butcher Spry Jam.es, blacktmuth KHlKd_?n H.t~hard, esq. Newacott Balsom James' stonemason Square Rtchard, carpenter Mannm~t Mts~ Cath. C. Eastway Barratt Geo. gardener & seed~man ~yruorts ~ogcr, curner ~i.udall Rev. Edward, Boyton Bayly John hatter ~ucker 1. homa11, shoemaker Shearm Jolm, ~sq. Woodlands Bevan 'fho~as, watch waker I ~\ke Sl~~ls~n, ta~l.llt:•· Shearm Jobn~J11ll. esq. Swwe Binnt•y \Villiam tailor \\ebb \\ 1lllam, ta1lor Shepherd ~l'homa'i, esq. Howarrl Blake Richard ~iller Weston Jouathau, shoemaker ~ymons Ntchls. U ..esrl: C_anor~hard Bouny Caleb, ;tonemason Woodley John, stonl'mas~n Tlu!.mas Rev.FrauetsWilham l\lu01'- Broad William, maltl!ter \Voodlt:y _Robert, blacksmuh .. _wmstow . Bwck Jamell & Richard, rope and Yto W1lham, carpenter fumey Mrs. Cleave, lfoorwmstow twine makers CARRIERS. 1 PKOFESSIOKAL PERSONS. Call Richard, shot'maker FROM STRATTON, AT S'1'RATTON, Ching John, glovet• & tawer To DJDEFORD & BARNSTAPLE, .Ash Susaunah, acallemy Couch Eliz.glass & f'arthenware dlr .kJ. Ham, from his l•ouse, every Mon. Hadduo John, academy Coumbe Robert, drav~r & gi'Of.'l!l' To DEVm·:PottT, William .Hockir•, King DatJil'l, surgeon Curti!! Elizabeth, drt'l'S mah::•r from t!~eCummerP.ial Inn,.everyTueeday. Shearm .l<~.tward, attorney & fire Denni:i William, sadd!f:'t' To F..Xt:TE R, Rillhatd Hockridge and Thomas Durant, from the Tree Inn, office a~ent Geot·ge Elias, d:-uggis~ &. stationt'r every ToesdaJ-ar.u _ Durant'& Van, Surupter William, attorney Gowman Jno.ha1·bour master,Hude every Tbursd11y n1orning al11ight. Tuke James, surgeon Hale James, carpenter, bude To LAUNCESTON, William Hockridge, Williaws Hen. Black well, academy HarriR Daniel, shoetnilhr from the Commercia! Inn, every TUI~s- MEBCHAKTS. Harris Samuel, shoemaker day-and Thns. WiJt.m, everyThunda.y. To PLYMOUTH, William Hockrid~e & Brown Satuuel, (corn} Bude Hayman Grace, draper & grocer N.Rodgers, frot•lthe Bideford Inn,llaily TOR POINT Is .a villa;l'e, in the parish of ~t. Antony, and in the sea-coast. The lake, w'hich let~ in the seft, fnrni~hl'S south division of Ea:~t hundred; about three miles the inhabitants abundantly and lUXllriautly with fish. froa1 Dt"vonport. lts situation is peuinsular, occa- It is a place nnimpoa·tant. as l'C:-stret't, Ju!ilt>ph Nodder, Post 11/a.rter.-t~ettel'S from LoNDO:-i nrrh·e every nJorniug at half-pust sen~n, and are despatched every afternoon at h1Llf-past three.-Lettet·s from J:<~AUJOVTH &J'I'ive every nfrensoon ut half-past. three, and are despatched e\'ery morning at half-past seven. . GEKTRY &: CL~RGY. Na~h Mrs. Mary Ann, Forest l\Jetlcr Waiter, baker, Forest Allan .1\'!rs. J, C. Torpomt . Nolan Rev. John, 'forpoin* Morrom Hichat·d, rope aud twine Alleu LieUt. James, R. N. 'forpomt O'Brian Mrll. Eliza s. Gravesend maker. Perry ~t . r~t Aucell 'l'homall, gl·nt. \Vilson at O'Shea Mrs. W(•llingtou st Oliver Henry Hill, tailor, &c. Fore Autridf.tP. Mr~. 'J'orpoiut Richards Mn. Torpoint Pt.•tcrs Thoma.1, schoolma!lter Rlake 1\hs. r ore 5t rtown Huberts Corydon, e~f!. 'frevall Rodgers Jer. shoemaker, Forest Hodger John, ""Q· Antonv Clsur·ch Tancock Capt. R. N. 'l'hancks How S:mmel, butcher, Forest Urilrgs J.osepl} 1\lills, R. N.Torpoint Tiekle .Mrs. Sarah, Gravest'nd ltowe William, smith ~ullen F t·;mcts, gent. Church row Wilson George, esq.Torpoint bou~e ~amson Geurge, smith, Fore st Carden ~apt. John Lurmar, R. N. Youug Rev.Duke,Antony Church tn Sheppard Jo~. tea dealer, Forest 'l'orpom~ , INNS & PUBLIC HOUSES. TeagneStph.carpeater,Wcllin~tl !!t Cart!W Regm'lld Pt>le, e11q.'forpomt F H Cl B 'l'relivi ng Geo. ~hop keeper I'' ore st ·ca1·raway W1·ight, gent. Antuny K~t·r~ Aouse, J 1at· 1Re!lo rum 1.. ~y t 'l'ru!lcott Hobcrt bakct· .F~re st . Cl . ·I t · [l' t t m~ M rms o1 m o 1larts ~·ore s • · . • • l~tc l own wg on s l omlon Inn 'John Wills ' l'rame\Vru.tmt>lat~ workt>r,F11re 11t Clenuss John, mnster, n. N. Wel- ' 'I S' . W · F Wheeler .James carpeottr Forest •~ullyer Lh~ut.J<:dwd. lt. N.Torpoiut New nn, o~, 1W\ her1 t'r, ore st Wheder John brewt·r ' Crowley 8aml. purser,R.N,Torpoiut SHOPKEEPERS & TRADERS ' Dt'nison Erlwd. R. N.2\Vellington st Bat!Co(:kRichd.caqwntet·,\Vil~on st OOACH. Dt'S M r!l. Susann:1h, TOI·poiut Beeson Jos. linen draper, Fm·e lit To FALMOUTH, the Royalltfail, from M. 6 W If t 1> d 'fl } k L' the l..ondon Inn, every morning nt halt. D utton rs. > e Ill({ 011 st >1111 JO!'I. S 10p ·t'epet•, rore st past seven; goes thr.>ugh Lhkearcl, J<:vans 1\lr~. l\tartha, T01·point Houe William, haker, Pl'ITY ~t Lo~twithiel, St. Austell, Grarnpound, Fitzmamir~ Li(_•ut. Hy. n. N. forest Broad Ts.mpe&twine makr,FCJI'e st and Trum. Fortune l\1r!l, Wilsou se Cliff Jno.mastrr of Nariunal School CA.RRI E ~S. Fox Stt'ph. Fran. gent. Torpoint C'llnub John, baker, Forest !lt, 'forpoint Elliott John, bnt~r, Forest Ha\\·ke, from the Lond,'\n Inn, every Ha'ltings -, gent. Grave~t'ud Gdhard Richd. shopket•per, Fore st Monday, Tueaday, and Frid~ay morning Hill Mrs. Agut>s, Toq10int Grubb nd.~hopkceper,Wclliugtn st 'f:\~~~hl~EARD, Robert Wilcox, from Hoptdm; ~JrR. Wdliugton st Hooprr Jan1t•s, l'hip bnildcr [st the London lnn, evt'ry 'fnesdny-Wil- Hure .l\lrs. \Yellin~ton !.lt Ho!>ildu &Tickll•,rlres:.makers,Fore liam Etowden, from the FPrry Honse, Hn~nt., I orpnmt J 111 km Sa ~u!. coal dealer~ Perry s t To T lW Ho, Clmrle~ Pen~ elly. f om the M•cree Capt. R, N. Carhal l\Iayue Wllham, hattt'l', forest King'a Arm~. t'Very Tlnmo~n of James J. and the gO\'ernutcnt of the town some few years since, without n probability (If ever ve11ttd L· a Nriver Fal, and derives some trifling ad­ nurubcr leas be~·n decreasing of late years, and does \'antnge from being a thoroughfare between the towns .not t'OW uet.ed two hundred; the mayor is the re- of Plymouth and Falmouth • bnt in other respects the turt•ing o!Wrer, ar.d the prest'nt representath'eR are trade is unimportant, and the town is divested £,fthnt Dr. Ltuhington and James Bmugham, Esq. The little portion of consequenre it enjoyed when members 1\Jar,lnis of Cle,·eland is lord of the manor, antl lsolds were sent from the town. The pari~h ot Crcecl is a courts occasionally: a borough session is also held a!\ rectory in the glft of Sit· C. Hllwkins; the present ~a.'lt'S rt>t}llit·e. 'l'he parish church stands without the incnn1bent i~ the Rt.'''· Johu Trevencu. The di~tt·ict limits of the borough, aud is a rt>ctory, the beuefice nwund 1-.ere is agl'icultural and very fertile, witb of whid1 is in the gift of the Marquis of Cleveland : somE." plear-ing '·iew11, hut without any ooject of para­ the present l'ector is the Rev. Thomas Vaoghan. The mount attraction. A ~;mall market is hPid on Satnr- . town coutains two chapels for dissent(~rs, a 11mall day, and two old e~;tabli~ihed fairs annually, on tbe 18th f•·ee school, and an hollpital for poor widows. There of Janui\l'y and 11th of June; two new free fairs lsa,·e is no particular trade attached to the town, n~ricult.nre of late year~ been ht-:d on the Tuesdays after Lady-day being the chief oc('upation of the inhabitants. The and Michaclmas. '!'i1e parish of Creed contained in market, which i111l \'cry small one, is held on Sntur- 1821, ~47 inhahitant:!, including also the populadou day. The tmri~h of Cuby contained by the last census rellident in Prnbus parish. POST OEE'IC B, TREGO!'IEY •.Ann Bennett, Po.ft Mistreu.-Lemrs arrive from all parts (by horse-post from Gramponnd) e\·ery afternoon at half-pa!lt two, and are rlespatched to that town every ruornin~ at hulf·pnst eight. POST OFPlOE, GRAMPouso, ~lo!lett Hoop£'r, Po&t llfn,,tl'r.-lJettc>ul from Lo:-;ooN, &c. urrive C\'ely afl&r,toon at t\vo, and art~ tle!r the sum of £999. 19s. ll;ld. i5 'file church, (ledicated to St. l\lary, is a ~paciou!l then p1·nducerl against a pP.rt~on selectt·d fol' the pur- and haudsoUJC fabric, of the kind of architecture pn:~c, who is arrt·~t.~d by the bailiff of the borough, on which flouri:~hed about the time of Henry VII. It which two of the party otTer then1selves as bail, and stands in an open I'J>ace near the centre of tJae town, the !!UJIJIO!I.td prisoner ifi liberated. In the year 1752 called the Cross; the spire of the church is of a more thct la:5t Stannary Jlarliament wa:s held here, and con- modern date thau the main building, and i~ remarlt­ tinned by adjonrument:s until the autumn of the fol· al>ly plain, by no means COJTeSJJondiug with tl1e archi­ lowing yt'aa·. The vice-warden's courts are regularly tecture of the body of the edifice. The lhin!t is a heltl on the first Tuesday in e\·ery month. The coin- rectory in the gift of the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe; ng~ hall is an ancient hea,·y strncture, at the east end the present rectm· is the Rev. Thomas Carlyon. Re­ of Uollcawen-suect, in which the prnces11 of coining cen tly a chapel of ea!.le to Kenwin chm·ch (St .John's) tin is carried on in every quarter. The pre~ent vice- has been erected in Lemon street ; and there are three warden iA J. Wallis, E~q. A qua1·tel' sel!sion for the meeting hou~e!l fol' dissenters and one for the Society county is held in the town -hall, over the princiP.al of Friends. The public iu.stitutions for the purposes entrance to the market place, in the month of Apnl ; of charity,.literature, &c. a1·e, the county inthmary; ami a justice meeting the first week in every n1onth. au bo~pital fol'ten poor housekeeper.s; a ht.dit's' lyiug­ •rhc manor of Tnuo is divided between the Eal'l of in chal'ity; the philosophical 1·oyal institution ot Mount t:dgcumbe, who has one bait; Sir John St. Cornwall, under the patronage of His Majesty, Anhyn & the Marquis of Bucldngham, who have one- whidt has un extensive and very valuable mustum; a eighth each ; and the Hon. M aria Ag.tr, who has one public county library; a philharmonic society, con .. fptarter. The privilege of retmuiug membe1'S to pur- sisting of gentlemen amateurs ; a neat theatre, and la:mwnt WIIS conferred in the twenty-third year of asst'mblv and card rooms. The celebrated comedi- 1-:tlward J. : the right of dcction is with the m em ben an, Samuel Foote, was born in Truro, in 1721, in the of the corpm·at.ion, and the mayor is the returning house now the Hed Lion Inn. The market days are ut~ker: the p1·e~ent repre~t·utatives are Lord Fitzmy Wt•dnesrhy and Saturday .. The fairs ar lleld on the ~umc1·~t·t amt W. 1<:. Tomline Esq. 'fhe main featm·e Wednerpnrting tin and corpel·ore, week, Not·emhel·l9th, anll Dc!~emher 8th. The po­ ttu: funue1·to th(• llu!lsian aud Metlitcrraucan markets, pnla 1iOt! as <:Olll:\~Cted with the town and bot·ough of 22 169 TRURO, &c.· Dfgot & ~o.'s.. Trnro, including the p~rishes intersecting, by the between twenty aud thirty houses, about one half of Jfetnms for 1821, stood as follows, St. Clement's pa- which only are Inhabited ; it is however a borough risb 2,306, Keuwin parish 6,2~1, St. Mary's (Trnro) town, and sends t\YO members to parliament, the no­ borou~h aud parish) 2,712: totalammbct• of inhabi· mhml electors being the inhabitants paying acot and &antzJ 10 the three parishes 11,239. lot, of which there are at present only eight. There ST. MrcnAEL, commonly called St. lllilchell, and is neither church or mt>eting-house J1ere. The town, often corrupted to Midshall, is between five and if it may be so called, is iu tbe parish of Peukcvil Se. aix miles from 'l't·uro, in the same bundred as that .Michael, which contained, by the lal!t returns, 167 town. It is a very inconsiderable place, consisting of inhabitants. POS'Z' .OFF~ CB, 'J'Ruao, Joyce Thomas, Post ll1islress.-Lfltters from LoNDON & the North arrive every morning at 20 minutes past five, uud are detspatched every evening at twenty minutes before ci~ht. Letters .from PJ.YMOUTH and the South arrive every afternoon at half·past two, and are detspatched e\·ery morning at half-past eight.-Letterli arrive from REDRl1TH and PENZANCE, by bor:se-post, evt'ry eveuiug •' seveu1 and at·e despatched every morniug at ten minutes before six.--Office open from eight in the mom­ ing to m ne in the· evening • .M-OBILITY, GENTBY AND Williams Octavius, gent. Lemon st BELLOWS MAKER. CLERGY, Williams William, gent·, Penmount Jennings Joseph, 33 St. Nieholas st Andrew Charle11 Fo11s, esq. Nausloe Vescombe Edward, esq. High cross BLACK AND WHITESMITHS. Andrew.Prytt, esq. Bodrean Yescombe Miss, High cmss Cavdl Thomas, 30 Kenwyo 11' Bennett ttichard Gully, esq. (ma- Yes,:ombe Rev. Morris, High cross Cock Joseph, St. Clements s&. gilitrate) 'l'resillian house ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. Cock Richard, Prince11 st Cardew Hev. Cornelius, St. Erme ~ot otherwise described are Day Schools. Collins Robert, St. Austell st Carlyon Rev. 'J'homa.r st Jenney William, gent. High cross Edw·ards John, 63 Pyder st [st Bullock Thomas, i Church laue Kempe Captain, Boscawen st Edwat"dti, Simmons & Paul, 4 Kiug Da,·e)· Thomas, Pyder st Kempe Mi:ss .Mary Ann, High cross Ht'ndy and Jame~, 6 High cross Hough David, Old Bridge st LRmpen Rev. Robel"t, Probus Michell John, 10 King st Huddy William, Pyder st Luxruoore l\'lrs. Mary, 21 Lemon st Nicholas Thomas, Princes st Johns Janu~s, 64 Kenwyn st Lnxmoore Rev. Henry,21 Lemon st Warren William, 44 Lemon st Kellow William, Pyder st Moor Mrs. 76 Lemon st AUCTIONEERS. Leverton William, Pyder st • :Moore Rev. George, Gal'lenick Bone James, 24 Pyder st Manhah·e P.iehard, St. Michael Moore Rev. William, Lemon st Geach Gt-orge, 5 Kenwyn st Pascoe Thom_as, Pyder st Nankhell James, 17 St. Mary's st Tippet John, M Kenwyn st Reynold11 .Matthew, New Bridge at Nic:holas John, esq. Ta·ebaverne BAKERS & FLOUR DEAl,Ell.S, Reynolds Philip, St. Austell st Parkin Captain John, R.. N. Lemon lit t;undy Elizabeth, Church laue Rowe Jaroh, 31 Lemon st ·Paul Wilham, e11q. Boscawen st Ilavie11 John, River t.t Rowe James, 4 Pydt•r st Ptngelly Capt. Chas.R.N. High cross 1 Edward:~ Juhn, St. 1\'Iary ~t Rowe William,juu. Good wives lane Peter William, e8q. Chiverton Johus William H~ury (aud ship Studden John, Markt.t place l'olwhele Rev. Richard, Polwhele bread) 29 St. Nichola3 st Tippe' Richat"d, P_yder se Pooley 1\lrs.Lemou st [Penair Jorey A~~:nes, 70 l{enwyn st Trewolla Henry, 34 St. Nicholas st Rt~ynulds Capt. Harrington, n. N. Penua Mary, BoJmin st TrewoJJa William, 20 Kenwyn st ScubcH Mbs ~lellony, :~9 LPmon :st BANKE:RS • Wehber James, 6 St.• Nicholas st .Simmm .. Gt!orge, esq. Trevclla Magor, Turuer amll\Jal{ot·, 12 8os- Williams Mal'y. Pyder st Spry Sar,md, esq. 'fr<'golls cawen st-(draw ou Sil· Richard Wills George, Py,let· st 'f,!mple C.tptain. CJiffcottnge Carr Glyun and Co. Lonrion) BRASS & JRON FOUNDERS. "J'hot!u:· t:rePrg-:, cstt. Pydt~r st Praed,ltogers, Tweedy & William~~J, Buruett and Jt'tfree, Back quay To7t:l u.~~. J. s. Lemon st BO!iCawen st-{draw ou Praeds, BREWERS-RETAIL. •rrevt·uo!ll Hev. John, Creed .Mackworth and Co. Londou) Brown l\Jary Ann, Bodwin bill Vivian John Eunis, I!"IJ· Lemon 11t Willyams,Willyams& Co. (miner's Day Samuel, Pyder st Vh·iau Jnn.Tippett,e~q.Peucalenick bank) Princes l!t-(draw un Sir Gitlord 'fhoma11, St. l\Jary's st Warreu i.\1 rs. Pyder st J. W. Lubbock & Co. London) Kuight George Alnaham. (and \Vhittaker Mrs. Sarah, 27 Lemon st SAVINGS' BANK, f'ydct· street- wholt~sale) River st Wi~htma•J Captain, B"scawen ~t (open on Wednesdays)-l\lr. Jas. Rapsey John, Fairmantle !lt Williwm :\ira. Lemon st Wilsnu, actuary Weeks Zebedee, Cbade& 't 170 TRURO, &c. «ornfualf .. --- BRUSH MAKERS. DYERS, Eddy Jame11, 21 Boscawen st IJI:'aru John, Market placu Lowry Jaines, 60 Pyder s& Haldane & Co. (and tea dealers) 2 Hearn William, 2.l l,yder llt Rowe John, 17 Pydet· st Pyder str~t . Jago Jamcs, 19 King 11t Trewolla John,4 Church lane Hocking Joseph, 38 Boscawen lilt BUILDERS, EARTHEifWARE MAIU'CTRS. Job Mary Ann, 24 Boscawen lt (St'e also Cclrpenter~.) Blacker mrd Co. (and pipe Back 1\la![or Martin, 9 St. Nicholaslt Duwne Willhun, St. Clcmt•nts Kt Quay 110ttery potrery 1\lilforrl Samut-1 (and wholesale) J;,ncHen. (&uudcrtakt'r )East bridge Sim1•:son and Long, Bac Quay 11 Bm:cawen st OateM J ame11, Pyder s t EATING HOUSE KEEPERS. Pnrkyn Robert, 3 St. Nicbolas st Jleufry Thomas, 38 Lemon st B•·owu Sarah, 21 Boscawen lit Rowe William, Bo~cawen 11t 1\ichards Jobu, J.~cmou st Chappcll Thomas, 10 Keuwyn st WhitfcmlThomas, 16 Boscaweu st BUTCHERS. . l\lily Hanuah, West bridge MACHINE MAKERS. Bray J amcH, Bodmiu st i\lonils Juhn, Church laue Baker 1\ich;ud, Ri\·er sL Huckin Francis, Clral'les l!t ENGRAVERS. Laog ThomM, High cross Kuigh' John, Wc11thridge . l\litchrll I'ctcr, 28 Lemon st . MALTSTERS. Knight ,I ohn, Calcuick st Woodthorpc Viuct•nt, Quay Bate Henry N~well (and sph·it 1\fanud Johu, St. Mary's st FIRE, &c. OFFICE AGEifTS. me1·chant) Pydcr At .Mitchcll John, St. Au~tcll st ATI.As,Gcorge 1\arkee.k, High cro~s Catchpole Joseph, St. Austell !lt ~bull Hichard, Calcuick d · BIUMJNGfiAM, Wm. V1ce, Lemon st Gatlev William, Campfield lane 'l'ilhb G rt•gory, N cw I'Oad BRITJ s H ,J no.Carthew ,13Princes st Park Jnmes, St. Michael 'J'onkiu Jusl•ph, Lemon row CouNTY, William Polyblauk, 8 Reed Nathauiel, High cross 'l'rcuerry \Villiam, St. Austell st Hil!h cro~s Tom John Nichols & Co.56 Pyder at Williams Williaw, l<'ainnantle st JMPEJUAL, Wm. Mansell Tweedy, MERCHAN'l'S. CABINET MAKERS. Bos<'awen st [cro!ls Bastian James, Q.uay Frand)l ,lacub, 57 Kcmwyu st . NoRWJCII UNJON,Jas. Hendy, High Chappel William, Westbridge Jame11\Villiam (& joint•a·)Charles st PH C Johu, 7 Pydet st HATTERS. Raius William, Hi!lh cro11s VERTISER (Friday)- Edwuud BuckindramJobu,31 St.Nicholat :st Budd, editor, Lemon et •r,·euerry Samuel, 76 Kenwyn st Co(~ke William, 15 King st PAINTERS AND GloAZJERS. COACH BUILDERS Collh·et· Thomas, 29 Boscaweu Ht Bouythou John, West bridge Hodgson William, 25 Bosrnwen st Barlow Thos. {and gilder) 1 King et \'t:uuin~ W illi:un, Ca1·clew st Tregear Hy.Doyle,32St._Nicholas st Blee John, 26 Bo~cawen st CONFECTIONERS, Trclea\'CU Wm. 2 St. N1cholas st Clyma Wm. (&gilder) 11 Lemon 1St Cnmiug John (aud fruiterer) SS lt~NS. Downe Edward, St. Clements 1St Lemon 11t Pearce's Hotel, \Villiam Pt'arce, Hnddoy Joscph, St. Clements st Cuurtney Honor, 33 Boscawen st Lemon steeet ltaudall John,St. Clement'll terrace. nt•ynalds Jo:seph, 3 Dukes' Red Lion,Jno.Ste\·ens,Boscawen st H.uudle Chrles, Wt>stbridge &t. ~ibly Elizabeth, 2 Lemon st IRONMONGERS• Svlomon 'Williarn, 6 King CURRIERS. Blee Rollert, 20 Bo~caw~n ft ~HYSICIANS, Dennithorne William, Pyder st Cock.-\ brm. ( & bralicr) 5 Dul:..: st Cadyon Clement, 17 Lewon st }'crritt John, 20 Pycler st Cock John. Boscawen s' Taunton Richal'd, 16 St. Mary's st (]utbrie Thomas, Keuwiu st Tn·gellt'S Thomas, Bosca wt:n st PLASTERERS. CUTLERS. William11 John (and brazier) 4 3t. Jones WiHiam, Carclew st }'nrne~R John, We~t ln·idga Nichola!4 strt't't Licl~ey & Laugdon, Fnirmantle st Yatt.'ll 'l'hmuas, 11 Kiug st LEATHER CUTTERS, Lidgey William, Fail'lnantlt! st DRUGOISTS. 13arrett John &J o~eph, Church lane PRINTERS-LETTER PRESS. (Sec alJto Gr()cerl ~ 1'ca DPaler1) Edwat·d~ J a cob, 13 King ~t Brokeushir John, Kcuw.yu bt Unrkl,md Hichc1. ( & !(rocer) i Kiug st Floyd Rich~rd, \Vest lll'idgc Carthew Jobn, }lriur~s "' Jauh'!l .lolm, la Hoscawcu st White WiHiam, Old Uridgt! st l:lvma George, 4 Duke st l'wut 'J'homall, Bo~raw&•n st LINEN~ WOOLL~N ~RAPERS Giilt·tt Thomas Richd.jnn.Lemon l'lt S1t·<·man _r.ratl ..mid Spry (&grocer) Barrett Hll'hard, 8 Sr. N1cholas ~t Heard Imzabeth. Bosca,~·rn sL .l.ittl.t slll'i.:t lBarrett William, Kt•nwyn tit Pulybla11k William, 6 liieh cross it 171 ftotntuall. TRURO, &c• • ' PBOFB8801l8 411 TEACHERS. Urea 'fhomu, S,. Clemeut'aat Karkeet Wm. FloJd, TeterinUJaurgeon, Orenier Piene Charles (-Frencb Wyat& John, 21 Pyder a& High cro»a LJBR.t.aT, CoVNTY Ol' CoRNWALL, language} 31 Lemon st TAKJifEBS. Princes st-Jobn Carthew, librarian HamJJel Charles (music & organist) Bolitho Thos. & Son, Kenwyo at Mud~ William, music seller & fancy re-· 25 Lemon at Plammer Willlam and Anthony, 63 pos1tory, Bo~cawen st SADDLERS. K~nwy,n st Plumm~r & Fenia, papermaken, Coose. bean . Hitks Thomas, 7"J Ktmwyn 1& TAVERNS ar PU~LIC HOUSES. Prior Samuel, miller, St. Aostell st :Hodge Williaw, 6 Lemon st Anchor,NicholuBrewer,:JO St.Nicbulaa at Randall Samuel, pipe mabr, Pyder st Pearc:e Rnd Sou, 3 Lemon lt An~:"el, WilliamBebenna, Hh::h croaa Rouse Geoo~, cooper, Back ~uny Perry Wal~er, 10 King st Barley Sheaf, Edwin William", Old Sambell Phllip W. timber merchant and 'J'onkin ealeb Job, Bodwin at Bridge at . . arr.bit~~et Fairmantle at Wilton John, King slo Bear, William Henl'J · Taylnr, Old SandenJobn, tnllowehandler1Carclew st Bridge street StepbensNathanl.Cooper,dentJat,River M SHOPKEEPERS 411 DEALERS Coacb.&Horaes,John Phillips,lPyderst Tucker Thomas, coach painter,Cbarlee 1& IK GBOCEBIES 411 BUKDBIES. DaniellArms, Wm. Bollen,Daniell'a row .Barnt's James, 9 Keuwyn st Dolpl•in, William Collina. Quay CUSTO:fttiM Bradford John,. St. Austellst Dn~eofYork,FranciaGray.fairmantle•t r. Charles Sho)l, IJrewer Marv, St. Clements Exeter lnn, Thomas John, Old Bridge strt>et - 111 George and Dragon, Joaeph Catchpole, Caddy Henry, St. Clcmeut11 se St. Aostellatreet Collector-Mr. J. S. Stan1more, Crapp Grace, St. Clemeuts lit George IV. George Shear, 13 Keowyn at Lemon street Crossman Elizabeth, 9 King se Golden Lion, Wm. Wilsou, '7fl Kenwyu at Ferris Jolm, 6 J>uke st · King's Head, Moses May, Charles st OOAOBBS. Fl d R. •· d W b id London Inn, Joseph Andrew. Pydeut To LONDON, the Royal Mail (from oy Icuar • • est r ge Navy Arms, Samuel 1-'olley,Fairmantle at Falmouth) calls 11t Pearce'a Hotel,enry Giles John, Oltl Bridge st New Inn, Richard Bryant, 11 Kenwyn 1t evening at half-past seven ; tbro' Gray Agnes, Bodmin st Pelican, Anthony Hoare, Calenick st BoJdmiri, Launcestun, Hawkcn Catherine, Bodmin st Queen's Head, Jane Stoi.;es, Westbridge and Exeter. Heam Joseph, 22 and 23 Pyder st Riling Sun, John Maagrove, Bodmin hill Tu EXETER, the Auxilia!JI 111ail (from Jose Margaretta, Lemon at St.Ciement's Ino,Jaa.Jobn,St.Ciementlst Falmoutb) call a atJ>earce•• Hott'l, e•ery SeYen Stan,Robt.Glassnn,:t;J8oscawen at Dlorning (Sunday excepted) at f'igbt i Kendal John, St. 1\iidiael Ship, Oliver Matthew, Kenwyn st goes throu~tb Budmin, Launceston, ana :MitcheJl Mary, Goodwives lane Spread Eagle, Geo. Broad. Old Bridge at Oakhampton. l'Jicbolls llobert, Camptidd lane Swan, Oli\'er Adams, Kenwyn at T1> F ALMOUTH, the Roual Mail (from Odger'J Su:~an, J.<'airma.ntle At Unicorn, William Newton, High crou London) call~ at Pearce's Hotel, every Jlearce Hngb, Campfield lane Western Inn, Eliz. Tippet, M Kenwyn at morning at a quarter past fi.ve-tbeRoyal Pollard Jacob, 8 Fairmautle s& White Hart, John llolla, St. Mary a\ JJ-lail (t'rom Plymouth) every aftemooa at a quarter before three and the ..4~­ Retallack John, 3 King d TBA DBALBBS. iliary Mail (from l!:xeter) eve'y even­ Shephard Ann, St. elements st Blain Jamcs, Pyder st · ing (Sunday e.xcepted) at half-put tu· h 1 Glen William, Pyder •* T ant bl yo J amcs, S t, '':.le Ill~ Mal~kennel Alex. Pmspect row seven ; all !rO through Penryn. To PI<~NZA~CE, the Regulator, from 'l'ruscott Mary, Pytler lit Prtgan John, New road - Pearce'a Hotel, every morning (Sun­ .Veou Henry, St. Au>~tdl st ~tcphen John, Fairmnntle l!t dHy excepted) at eight; goes tbroogb STAY MAKERS. TIN-PLATE WORKERS. Redruth, Camborne, and Hayle. Pascoe Sarah, 10 Quay st Cock Abraham (and ironmonger) To PLYMOUTH, the Royal Mail (from Pllillips Mary, Danicl'f row 5 Duke st Falmouth) calls alternately at Pearce'a Hotel and at tbe Red Lion, enry _Wills Mnry, 21 Keuwyu st Mayuard John, 66 Kenwyn st morning at balf-pnst eight; goe1 tbro' STONE MASONS. 'fjppt:t Charles, West bridge · St. Austell, Loatwitbiel, 1nd Liskeard. Hall George, Pcuallack row TIN SMELTBRS•. Jsbell James, (&marble) New road Daubuz and Co. Pl'iuc~s st CARRIBRS, Julip Edward, Prospect t)lal'~ llraufdl & Boa.11e (and merchants) To LONDON, Rossell & Co.'a Waggon~, from their warehouse, Back quay, everJ Lamberron Wm. Prospect place 'J'rttlwllan limeltiug hou~;e 'Tuesday and }'riday-and William Vi­ 1\Joon Wil1iam, Dodmiu st l\lichell Robert & Juhu, Calt-nick vian, from Ca.rclew at, l'very Tborllday. Pearre WiUiam, St. elements st . TURNERS. To BODMIN, J~&tnell Pengilly, from bis Rapsy John, 18 King !lt Clcmeuce Edwurd (and miller·) 6 house, every Mouday-& Henry Raw, Ureo James, Cook•11 Kt'nwyn street · trom tile Seven Stars, every Tueaday •·ow aud Friday. Varcoe William, P1·ospec:t place Whittord Philip. l\Ioou'~t row Tu CA!\tBOU.N E,Jam~s·Pa.ftr.oe, Nicholaa STRAW HAT MAKEBB. WATCH & CLOCK MAKERS, J>hiJip, & John Man11ell'a Waq_qo111 daily. Bargus & Carter, 4 Lemon st &larJ.ed thus • are aho Jewel! ere~. To CAi\'JELFORD, William \'iviar., and }';dwards Cecilia, 7 St. Nicholas sl Ball Philip, New Bridge st Charles Pengilly, from their houses, every Thursday. Lemon 1\lary, 22 Boscaweu st •Harrit~ Henry, 8 Lemon st To DEVONPORT and PLYMOUTH, Parkyn 1\lary, 1 DuJ..e st Harris 'J'homas, 4 Kcuwyu .st William Hawke, from his ho~111e, Ken- Randoll Susauuah, New Bridge st Karke~k Georl{e, High cross w~·n street, every Tuesday . 'J'homaa .L\lary;Aun,~Doscaweu st Lel'J Jacob, 5 King t~t Tu I<'ALMOUTH, Russell & Co.'a Wag- SURGEONS, R01~dtt'r Waiter, Westbridge . fllllll, every .Mondny and TJ:;,~rsday­ nndJohn Hanis,trom tbe WbitP Hart, Aaton Abl'aham '-"- Sou, J,t>mno l't . *Tu•fcotr. L~will, 3 St. Nicholas at eve1-y \V ednesda.y Ja111es l'aacoe, llaslit'tt Nicaolas Fmh.:ls, I~cwou lit' *Uglow Williaw, 8 Kiug st Franci8 Downing, and John Nans('ll'a Bull H. E.lntii·waif. WHEELWRIGHTS. l'atJB, from the Seven Stars, with pas­ Bulhuore Gcorge, l ydt>r lit Eplctt Johu, Bud win hill aen!fers and goods, daily. To ~0\\'EY, Jobn Waters, fnm the J:o'erris & liuckingh~m!l3Higb cross l,uat Richard, M Kt•nwyu st. George IV. evt!ry J\Ionday & 'fhul'sday. Harpar Ahi:aham,3_Rn·eJ• l't. [st WINE&SPIRIT MERCHANTS. To GltAMPOUND, Willittm White, l'.lan•hall Dlgt;ol'y Kmg, 20 ~t.l\1 ary , . . . , . from the Bear Inn, evl'ry fl•ltr.rday. Powell Tboma~, Ju Leuuln ~:~t . Ch.ipp~ll WJiham_, ~t~t t1;1dge To HAYLE, Joseph Rutter, from the Powell 'l'hc,uas juu. 16 Lemon st i llu!!u .samud (sp~nt) o9 l')'d~r st t!lenn Stars, every Thursday. ' Nauk1wll John 'J bnmas, Quay ~t To liE LSTON, Francis Osier, from the TAILORS. Tom John Nicholls &. Co. Pyder lit Sevt!n 8 tau, every 1\1 on'l"'} -and -- 1\lari.Pd tbn~• aa·e abo Drapere. Bow den, every Friday. · Andrews Da,·id, 8t. Clemt:nts st Miscellaneous. To PENZANCE,Jnmes.r~set~e, Nichn­ •Barrctt Jawcs, Church lane Ashton Jnmes, farrier, Goodwiveslane las Philip, and John !\lnn~rll'K l''ans, Bt>nnt•tt James, Quay st llasllt'tt Hicha.rd, victualler, lilt. ~lidJnel trom the Seven !Stars, daily, tbrout;h Bowdeu John, Bodmin st Horl113e Clau. patten maker, Bodmin hill Redrutb. . Cook John, 4 St. l\larv•s st . . Clyma. Cathrne. uphobterer,!JS Keuwyn n T,, REIJRUTH, Joseph R•·ttt>r, from the r. d l Cock Richard, gun&mith, Quay »t Seven Stars, t'Tery Thur"'r,y. •Doa·rin~ton Henry, \.TOO Wi\'CS a Craze Willi:Lm, glover & breeclalll< maker, To ST. AL8TKI.I., \Vait.:r Phnt, from D1·ew Joi~pli, Pyder t~t :t Duke st [King s• bi~ house, IJodmin atrel't· -und William ,la'tO Htlury, Chllrch lane Onvcy JWjub, rope nntl twine maker, 17 Kellow, ft·om the So::ren ·:,,us, ;lnily. Jolm John, Old Urid!-(C ~t Uy"r Rn)l't!r, e•lg(' toolmnker, 1'yder at To ~T. COLUlUH, Jo),,, Hrmis, from •Juhn!o! Nicholns, 5 Church lane Garland Ja1uc•, porter dealer, ti:.! Lemon the \\'bite Hart, every Wet!nesday-· . I . aired [man!\il'er lliidwl:u llor8well, ~fl'fltll the. St'vPn K•ttto Sarnpson, {n·t•r st Gh WtHtKa, Ba.ck quay-\Vm. 1'mer. Stars, alhl \Hiliau: V•· ian, tro;u hi• ).uwry John, :i l)ydrr !lit , ll•"•~P Hul•l'rl, milhni~ht, St. l\tieh;.el tauur.t.>1 eyt'l')' ThundaJ. Howe !