CONTENTS. THOUGH It Is Very Natural That, on Attaining the Age Of
CONTENTS. furnishes three candidates, Nos. 22, 27, and 31. Hants and the Isle of Wight is responsible for Nos. 1 and 4, Kent for Nos. 2 and 25, and Sussex LBADSRS 539 R EPO RTS OF M ASONIC M EETINGS (Continued)— Alasonic Exhibition at Shanklin 540 Instruction jjo for Nos. 9 and 12. Of the remaining 18 candidates 14 hail from as many Consecration of the De Tatton Lodge, Mark Masonry 550 No, 2144, Bowdon , Cheshire 544 Scotland 550 different provinces or districts, namely.- Devonshire, Durham , Jersey, Provincial Grand Lodge of Cornwall 545 India 550 Lancashire West, Lincolnshire, Middlesex , South Wales (East Division), CORRESPONDENCE — Provincial Priory of Hampshire JJo Lodge Qnatuor Coronati, No. 2056 S4J Masonic Presentation 550 Norfolk , Surrey, Warwickshire, Worcestershire, Yorkshire West. Antigua, Irish Masonic Institution for Boys 547 Initiation of the Hon . Francis Denison at R EPORTS OF M ASONIC M EETINGS— Scarborough Jjo W.L, and the Bahamas, while as regards the other four, one may hope to Craft Masonry U1 The Craft Abroad 551 obtain support from North and East Yorkshire and Durham , one from . Instruction 549 Masonic and General Tidings ; 55a Royal Arch 55° Lodge Meetings for Next Week iii. Middlesex and Cornwall, one from Cheshire and West Yorkshire, and one from Worcestershire and Staffordshire. In eight cases the father had been on attaining the age of years, a man THOUGH it is very natural that, 75 a subscriber to or Steward for one ormore of our Institutions, and in some 15 should seek retirement from the more active pursuits of life, we are satisfied cases he had been a subscribing member to a lodge or lodges for a period the news that Bro.
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