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November 30, 1876

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o p advertising , to '- ' Oi & at .8 9 o er B- er o c ■ lWMfcj 100) 1 SO; 2 00! 2 so; 8.00j 875; SS5V 6 m, 10 0 2T rfu J 160 j 2S6S 8001 87614251 625| 7 0 0 {.8.00, 14 00 . 3 w 'fal 1761 2 751 3 76| 4261 4 76| 8 60} O - 4 Vk8| 2 OP! 8 501 4 5016 261 8 001 6 5011000114.00120 CO 8 w’fal 2 60j 4 76] 6 001 7 00| 8 2SH100;14 001118 001 2S 0 0 ^ 3mos.I 4 001 6 001 7601 8 60J10 00|18 00JL7 0038:001 85 OC 8 sulE 8 00510 OORS OOH5 00a7 00120 00128 00138 Ooj~60 60 9mo«.l 8 60jl8 00817 00120 00123 00827 00(38 50,50 001 66 0 0 ' 1 ywiflO OOflS OOgZO 00124 00 28 00133 00^45 OOgSO 00)100 0. Btsdneas Cards of five lines or less, $6 perannpm. Xegal advertisements at statnte rates. Transient advertising ;pa;able ln advanoe. Vearly advertising payable on demand. Matter In local columns, ten cents per line or cccli TBC35 ABStjKDrrX OF IT. Tlie Power of Ignorance. Insertion; but no local tafcen for lesB tban $1.00. grave, and their pure spirits borne billows round her heart, and agony ' Obituary Notices— more than tboannonneetnent— w il had given way to resignation; be obarged for at the rate o ffice cents Toi each line. , heavenward by joyous angola, what is BT JOHN PATH.. It is a common sentence that “ knowl-. Advertisements not accompanied with directions as to time, -rill be inserted until forbidden, and charged *o TUA»KSGIVIKG:.TmtKET, my wretchedness to know that you The skeptioal might call it vagaries edge is power ;” but who hath duly I l ia all very well for poets to tell accordingly. have died a murderer’s death upon of a disordered mind, hut to her ’ twas considered or set forth the power of Doublecolnmnadvertisementscbargedatsbortcoluma Valleys lay in sunny vapor By way of their song and adorning, rates. the gallows, and your spirit - gone to peace and reconciliation. Life no ignorance ? Knowledge, slowly builds Short notices of meetings, 26 cents. Japan lea, common, 45c Extra 0 Sugar, (nearly white), And a radiance mild was Bhed Of milkmaids who rouse to manipulate cows the dark unknown, lost, I fear, for­ longer seemed a wretched burden to At fire o’olock in the morning. Yearly advertiserBallowed four changes witbonr extrr. 65 c Nice Brown Sugar, Prom each tree that like a Taper up what ignorance in an hour pulls charge. At a feast stood. Then we said, ever. 0 , my boy, my darling still, he borne, only because she could not And of many young mowers, who bundle oat down. Knowledge, through pat-' 8 0 c Splendid Syrup, 80c doors—: “ Our feast, too, shall soon be spread, are you this moment writhing in end­ cast it off, hut a blessed gift, to blos­ ent and frugal centuries, enlarges dis­ Good Green Coffe, 25c Good Fine Out Tobacco, 60c O f good: Thanksgiving turkey” The charm of their straw beds scorning—• A Wonderful Cannon. less torment, tortured by relentless som in eternity. Before break of day to make love and bay, covery and makes record of it ; ignor­ Havana Filled Cigars, 5c each, Canned and Dried Fruits, and all And already still November demons, abiding in darkness and mis­ She breathed a fervent prayer of At five o’clock in the morning. ance, wanting its day's dinner, The correspondent of the London Drapes her suow table here. thankfulness, that, through her had Times writes, October 27th. The Fetch, a log, then ; coax the ember; ery even greater than that of thy But between me and you, it is all untrue— a fire with the record, and. gives a fla­ FANCY AND STAPLE GROCERIES, Fill your hearts with old-time cheer; wretched mother ?” life been given to other precious souls Believe not a word they utter ; vor to its one roast with the burnt 100-ton gun Was fired yesterday aginst To no milkmaid alive, does the finger ot five Heaven be thanked for one more year, Nature could endure the strain no to share the jo y of that bright land, souls of many generations. Knowl­ a solid steel plate made by Schneider, A t a small advance on cost, F O R GASH, at And our Thanksglvingjturkey! Bring beaux— or even bring butter. longer; sleep'mastered the sinking throughout the vast Unlimited ages of The poor sleepy cows, if told to arouse, edge, instructing the sense, refining of Creusot, 22 inches thick, on very •\7^T fiai\/T T m T T ? 'Welcome brothers— all our party, frame, arid the exhausted spirit yield­ the iutuve.—Pomerpy't Democrat. . Would do so, perhaps, in a horn-ing; and multiplying needs, transforms itself strong backing like the side of the But the sweet Country girls, who would show Gathered in the homestead old 1 ed to its soothing influence. A Calm into skill, and makes life various with Duillo. The velocity was 1 475 feet. Sole agents for Compressed Yeast, Trumpet Roll Plug To­ Shake the snow off ana with,heart.y Carlyle on Darwinism. their curls, The plate was completely sunshed, b a cco, the best goods in the market. The IiaJSastie C him ney, a Hand-shakes drive away’ the cold; fell upon the troubled soul, and a vis­ At five o’clock iu the morning. a new six days’ work; comes ignoranoe Disc your plate you’ll hardly hold A London correspondent of the and the target much shaken and driv­ ion rose before her. A flood of soft It may not be wrong for the man in the song— drunk on the seventh, with a firkin of ■wonderful French invention that will save you the annoyance and loss caused Of good Thanksgiving turkey. Hartford Qourant (Dr. Milburn) rep­ en back, but not altogether pierced. by the breakage o f lamp chimneys. Also, dealers in Crockery, Glassware, and mellow seemed to fill the Or the moon—if anxious-to settle, oil and a match and an easy “ let there resents Thomas Oarlye as speaking of To kneal in wet grass, and pop, qut alas I The blow was the greatest ever struck Table Cutlery, &c., &c. When the skies are sad and murky, room, and a radiant cloud floated not be,” — and the many-colored crea­ ’Tis a cheerful thing to meet down from the: skies, softly, dreamily, Darwinism in the following language: What if he popped, down on a nettle ? tion is shriveled up in blackness, Qf on an iron target, and was equal to a '3?Jxe People’s Store. - - Central 33 lode. Round this homely roast of turkey— “ About thirty years ago a book For how could he see what was under his knee, as a snowflake falling from the misty If in Spite of my friendly warning . . . a truth, knowledge is power, hut it is force of 80,150 Foot tons. The ex­ Pilgrims, pausing just to greet. was published here, called the ‘Ves­ periments to-day were most interest­ Then with earnest grace, to eat height, and peacefully resting upon He went out of bed, and bis house and hia headp :a- power reined by scruple, having a A new Thanksgiving tnrkey. its bosom, her son reclined. tiges of Creation.’ It ran quietly At five o’clock in the morning. conscience of what must be and what ing and important. Tho targets in • Nearer and nearer, as if on willing through five editions. Men read it It is all very well such stories to tell, may be; whereas ignorance is a blind all .cases had a strong backing and a And the merry feast is freighted with bated breath in silence, and mar­ With its meanings true and deep. zephyrs borne, it floated softly down, But if I was a maid all forlorn-ing, giant,fwho, let him hut wax unbound, 'skin about 80 inches thick, faced with Those we’ve loved and those we’va hated, veled at its audacity. It was like a And a lover should drop, in the clover to pop, different plates, two of Schneider’ s until her darling stood beside her. At five o’clook in the morning ; would make it sport to sieze the pil- A11, to day, the rite will keep, pinch of snuff, and no w whole wagon steel, one of Cammell’s wrought iron We Have the Largest and Best Selected. Stock of All, to-day, their dishes heap All traces of earthly sin and pain If I liked him, you see, I’d say ‘ ‘Please call at larsthat holdup the long-wrought fabric loads of it ar() thrown down in the With plump Thanksgiving turkey. had vanished, and although his fea­ three,” of humau good, and turn all the places and one of Marrell’s wrought iron. public highways, and atheistic sneez­ If not I’d turn on liirn with scorning, tures did not wear that look of radi­ of joy darkag a buried Babylon, And All the plates, were solid an 1 22 33 But how many hearts must tingle ing has become the . So called “ Don’t come up here, you fiat, with conundrums inches thick. Each plate weighed ab-vut . Now with mournful memories 1 ant happiness ascribed to angels, his like that, looking at life paroelwise, in the growth In the festal wine shall mingle face looked calm and hopeful. literary and scientific classes in Eng­ At five o’clock in the morning.” of a single lot, who, having a practic­ 82 tons. Not one of them could ’>- Unseen tears, perhsps, froui'eyes land now proudly give themselves to “ Mother,” he said, in tones so like ed vision, may not see that ignorance of stand the shot of Armstrong gu*. j : i That look, beyond the board where lies Punctuate to . AND , protoplasms, origin of Species, and the true bond between events, and with 841 pounds of powder, ha-’ Our plainjThanksgiving turkey. his nobler self, so full of love’s rich melody, that all her fears were van­ the like, to prove that God did not The folio wing' can be used for either false conceit of means whereby se­ Schneider’s steel plates, .hc-y a Hi O T ZE3I HtsTG-, See around us drawing: nearer ished, “ sorrow for your suffering, and build the universe. I have known a friend or an enemy, according to quences may he compelled— like that broke up; stopped the projects Those faint yearning shapes of air— three generations of the Darwins, 'the way yon punctuate i t : . H Friends than whom earth holds none dearer! the love I too oft have slighted colls falsity of eye-sight which overlooks quiet piercing the hacking, w- r;reas No— alas 1 they are not there ; me hack to the burden of your grandfather, father and sou, all athe­ “ He is an old and experienced man the gradation of distance, seeing that the targets covered with wrouguc iron Have they, then, forgot to share ists. The brother of the present famous in vice and wickedness he is never plates were completely pierced, ‘sav­ Our good Thanksgiving turkey T woe. Come,.and I will show you that which is'afar off as if it were within a FURNISHING GOODS, z o which ever more will comfort you.” naturalist, a quiet man, who lives not found in opposing the works of iniqui­ step or a grasp—'precipitate the mis­ ing large' ragged holes. The shots Some have gone away and tarried H e placed her by his side upon the far from here, told me that among his ty he takes delight in the downfall of taken soul on destruction?— George had enough velocity remaining tr have Strangely long by;soiue strange wave ; grandfather’s effects be found a seal his neighbors he never rejoices in the knocked out plates on the othen side EVER BROUGHT TO BUCHANAN, Some have turned to foes; we carried cloud-like chariot, and upward, and Dliot in “ Daniel Deronda.” Some i.to the pine-girt grave ; away, through the blue etherial vault engraven with this legend: ‘ Omnia prosperity of any of his fellow crea­ of the ship, and would have carried They’ll come no more so joyous-brave ex eonchis; everything from a clam AND ARK SEMJNQ AT they floated. The earth grew dim, tures lie is always- ready to assist in complete ruin into .the interior. To take Thanksgiving turkey. and faded away in the distance. The shell! I saw the naturalist not many destroying the peace of society he Dan Sickles’ Career. Those which failed to pierce the steel- Nay, repinejnot/:*;I.et~our laughter Bilvery moon rolled beneath her feet months ago; told him that I had read takes no pleasure in serving the Lord What a Meissonier miniature of clad target would have shaken the PEICES TO SXJIT THE TIMES. Reap like fire-light up again. with all its flood of mellow amber his :Origin o f the Species,’ and other he is uncommonly dilligent in sowing brilliant life Dan Sickles has led ! He whole structure and caused a leak. Soon we touch the wide Hereafter, books; that he had by no means sat­ W E ARK SOLE AGENTS POR Snow-field yet untrod by men; light, tinging her garments with its discord among his friends and ac­ is only fifty-fire years old, and yet he The highest velocity to-day was 1,500 Shall we meet once more— and where ? own radiance, and gilding the clouds isfied me that men were descended quaintances he takes pride in labor­ was a man of celebrity before there feet, and the heavest blow was equal To eat Thanksgiving turkey ? Burt's and Baldwin’s , that floated round her like cast-off from monkeys, but had gone far to­ ing to promote the cause of Christi­ was any Republican party, any Lin­ to 31,250 foot tons. The Ministers And though not, ’twere still ungrateful from angel forms. ward persuading me that he and hia anity he has not been negligent in coln, Fort Sumter, Bull Run, or John of Marine and War were present, and WHICH ARK WARRANTED TO GIVE* ’Hid such warm compauionhood so-called scientific brethren had endeavoring to stigmatize all public Twinkling stars developed into large Brown. And surviving every calami­ also three English officers, several To forecast the future fateful, brought the present generation of teachers he makes no efforts to sub­ Finding there no balanced good, and lury worlds, teeming with life ty, including two marriages, a trial attaches, and officers from > Englishmen very near to monkeys. due his evil passions he strives hard ENTIRE SATISFACTION. ’Tis but a type of finer food. and activity, then’ faded away in the for murder, the loss of a leg in battle, the Russian oorvette Ascold, which ■ This plain Thanksgiving turkey. A good sort of man is this Darwin, to build up Satan’s kingdom he lends distance, as the earth had done before. and the defeat of Jay Gould, he.has arrived here yesterday.” Call"and Examine! No Charge: lor Showing You Of higher gifts a quaint reminder, and well meaning, but with very little no aid to the support of the gospel TJ Planets circled round in their or­ been talked of for Congress, and is all Then let the'bounty do its best intellect. Ah, it is a sad and terrible among the heathen he contributes G oods! bits, in grand, sublime obedience to the while brigadier, genera!on the re­ The Rome Of the Futare. To make us gladder, stronger, kinder. thing to Bee nigh a whole generation largely to the evil adversity he pays Bid no ghost to be our guest, the Great Ordainer of beauty and tired list of the regular army. He The Journal de St. Petersburg of men and women, professing to be great heed to the devil he will never But eat as those now gone to rest order, in grandeur of which her puny has been in diplomacy, reconstruction, makes a remarkable statement in its L. F . Once eat Thanksgiving turkey. cultivated, looking around in a pur­ . W. FOX. mind had never formed so vast a con­ go to heaven he must go where he strategy and tragedy— a perfect San­ columns to the effect that the pope — G. P. JLi.THROP,‘ in Sarper’s ifagazm c fo r De­ blind fashion, and finding no God in will receive the just recompense of ta Anna of American life. H e killed c e m b e r . ception. has designated Mgr. Beckx, general this universe. I suppose it is a reac­ reward.” the son of the author of the “ Star Onward still— past all the vast and of the Jesuit order, as the only per­ FURNISHING GOODS. tion from the reign of cant and hollow Spangled Banner,” conducted the glorious universe— passing from plan­ son. capable of successfully maintain­ Story. pretense, professions to believe what The Hottest Spot on Earth, great engagement of the second day et to planet as easily as from town to ing after him the struggle in defense in fact they do not believe. And this One of the hottest regions of the ■T W ILSON, dentist* OfSoe first town on the rapid railway, until they at Gettysburg, exposed McClellan’s: of the church upon which he has en­ * door north o f tbe Bank. Charges reasonable and: is what we have got to. A ll things earth is aloDg the Persian Gulf,, where ntisfacUon gUKibiiteed. inefficiency, bearded the Spanish tered. Father Beckx, seeing R o ­ & BAENES, The Murderer’s Mother. paused upon the boundary of that from frog spawns ; the gospel of dirt little or no rain fails. A t Bahrin the , and recognized the Spanish mish power to he irrevocable doomed OHN W EIS GERBER, manufacturer distant land of souls. the order of the day,. The older I JrVnti facf wrcrj o f and Dealers, in all Kinds o f arid shore has no fresh water, yet a J o f Lumber. Custom sawing done to order, and at No unrelenting sentinel stood be­ Republic, beat Fernando Wood in in Europe, hopes to gain a footing for reasonable rates. Cash paid fcr all: kluds of bolts, Mill BT ISADORE ROGERS. grow— and I now stand upon the comparatively numerous population civil politics, and survived war, rival­ on South Oak Street. Buchanan, ilich side the golden gate to bar the wav it in Asia. His plan is to buy Pales­ FURNITURE, brink of eternity—-the more comes contrives to live there, thanks to co­ that only the elect might enter, but ry and mortification. The preserva­ tine as cheaply as he can get from J* VAN RIPER, Attorney and A young man apparently about back to me the sentence in the cate­ pious springs which hurst forth from tive force o f the man is what Mira- Tro Common Wood Seat Chair to the nicest J.,Counsellor at Law, and Solicitor in Chancery* Col softly undulating landscapes stretched chism, which I learned when a child, the porte and make Jerusalem the Secretary. lections made and proceeds promptly remitted* Officer the bottom of tbs sea. The diver, beau claimed to have twenty-five years of age, was pacing away in wavy fields of shining flowers, toujour* 'auduce Rome o f the future. Negotiations econd floor.Howe’s Block. Buchanan. Mich. and the fuller and deeper its meaning sitting in his boat, winds a great goat­ restlessly to and fro within a gloomy and beauteous groves, and cooling (ever audacity.)—New York Graphic. for this object, adds the Journal, are P, COPELAND* Attorney and becomes—-‘What is the great end of skin bag around his left arm, the L. ceUj awaiting the coming morn which being carried on with great vigor be­ Counsellor at Law, and Solicitor in Chancery. Col- streams, While strains of soul-entranc­ man ?’ ‘To glorify God, and to en­ hand grasping its mouth ; then he lections made and proceeds promptly remitted. Office was to launch hia soul into the dead ing music fell, softly on the listening tween the Vatican and the porte by second floor, Howe’s Block, Buchanan, Mich. joy Him forever.’ No gospel of dirt, takes in his right hand a heavy stone, Antiquity of the World. eternity. ear. As she Stood entranced by the means of the patriarch Mgr. Hassoun. Mp H A M ILTO N , Hoensed auctioneer. He had, broken away from his wid­ teaching that men have descended to which is attached a strong line, A t the annual session of the Liver­ Wlllattend'to allcalls promptly, and aellatas wondrous beauty about her, friends The Russian paper professes to be from frogs through monkeys can ever and thus equipped he plunges in and pool Geography Society, which occur­ reasonable rates as. any other good auctioneer in the owed mother’s feeble restraint,^ and whom she had mourned long years able to give even the details of the eounty. Residence and B. 0 . address .Buchanan.Hich; set that aside.’ ” quickly reaches the bottom. Instant­ red in October, the retiring President, trusting in his own judgment had dis­ before came smiling forth from flower- enria. A railway is to he buil t con­ ly opening the hag over the strong jet Mr. F. Millard Reads, read a paper EED HOUSE, O. Reed, Proprietor. regarded her mild reproofs and earn­ crowned bowers to greet her. The necting Jerusalem with Bethlehem, All Work Fully Warranted. R Berrien Springs, Mich. Good livery in connection Stick to a Legitimate Business. of fresh water, he springs up in the treating of the yearly amount of sol­ with the house, est councils, and led on by wicked husband with whom the light of life and Jaffa is to be made a first-class companions, had fallen deeper and Well directed energy and enterprise ascending current, at the same time id matter removed from- the surface D EDDEN & GRAHAM . Tdealera in had seemed to flee forever, came bear­ harbor. A hope is entertained that Planing, Matching & Job Work are the life of American progress; but closing the bag, and is helped aboard. of and Wales by rain, or Dry Goods and Groceries. Tront Street, Buchanan. deeper into the ways of evil and sin­ ing in his arms the infantito whom many rich families of Europe pro­ Mich- * * if there is one lesson taught more The stone is then hauled up, and the rather river-water. B y elaborate cal­ Done With Dispatch. fulness, until one night, in the midst her mother’s heart had clung, even fessing the Romish faith will gather plainly than others by the great fail­ diver, after taking breath, plunges in culations the writer estimated that it Those contemplating building would do well to T, BAK ER , M illwrigHt'and Build- of a drunken quarrel in a gambling when she knew the angels called it. aronnd the new papal kingdom, and S • er ofTurbine T * ' Water Wheels, — warranted in power ures of late, it is that safety lies in saloon,, with his brain maddened by again. The source of these copious would require 18,000 years to remove courtless profitable pilgrimages are G IYB US A GALL, equal to any other wheels in use. Residence, Bakertown; It stretched its tiny hands toward her. sticking to a legitimate business. No PostOfficeaddress. Buchanan, Mich. the fiery beverage, he had taken the sub-marine springs is thought to be one foot from the whole surfaceln the looked forward to. In consideration Tor we can make She clasped it to her bosom in the man— manufacturer, trader, or bank­ life of a fellow being. in the green hills of Osman, some 500 way indicated. The calculations were of the great favor to come. Mgr. AXIi K IN D S OK FR AM ES & Vv. W , SM ITH , dealers in staple ecstacy of joy, as it lisped the name er— has any moral right to be so en­ or 600 miles distant. compared with others showing - the S. and Haney Groceries, Prcvlcioce and Crockery. He awoke from his stupor the next Hassoun is reported to have offered Central Block, Buchanan. of mamma. ergetic and enterprising as to take as good and cheapen than any carpenter can do. morning to find.himself within a fel­ denudation of the great river basins the porte sufficient funds with which A ll were there, father and mother, from his legitimate business the capi­ MEAN BUSINESS. F, & C, C. HIG H, dlexs in D r y on’s cell,, but all was blank; he had A sensible 'Dog. o f Europe, viz : The Rhine, Rhone, to carry on the war against Russia. S. Goods and; notions. Central Block, fron t Street, sister and brother, who had gone be­ tal which it requires to meet any and Danube. From these estimates Buchanan, Mich., no recollection of the dreadful deed, Here is an anecdote with a sharp fore, but even in the midst of all this emergency, and knew not how he came there. He moral, that comes to us all the way Mr. Reade deduced the conclusion * £1RE M O N X H O U S E , B uq1i «,u p ?^, M ioh> happiness, it was the crowning joy to Apologies are. sometimes made, for Mind Your P’s. first-class house in every respect. Tree Hack to met his trial with stubborn firmness, from Australia: Sixty years ago, that the minimum amount of time B usi n e ss 13 i r e cto ry. and from House.to all trains. City Hack. Lire twenty know that the wayward one was not firms who have failed, by recurring to Persons who patroniz e papers should and when the sentence of death was when I Was a teacher in Kilmalcum which has elapsed since the first cents.-, 23. A . & G. 'M. Smiths Proprietors. cast off forever. the important experiments they have pay promptly, for the pecuniary pros­ passed upon him, only the, sudden parish, says John Frazer, I was using known sedimentary rocks were depos­ .OF; “W H ITE , Druggist and JApotli- aided, and the unnumbered fields of pects o f the press have a peculiar A * ecary, south side o f fr o n t Street, Buchanan, \ 3U R* SOBER, Ma D a, Eeleotld Fliy- blanching of his cheek, and the shud­ “ Mother,” he said, “ this blessed whisky bitters for my stomach’s sake. ited is, in round numbers, 500,000;- Ichigan. • siclan and Surgeon# Office and residence, Hill’s enterprise where they have freely 000 of years. This conclusion, har- power iu pushing forward public pros­ Corners, Berrien Co., Mich. der that passed over his. frame told home is not yet mine. One like me One day I dipped a piece of cake in could not he suddenly launched into scattered their money. We are told moniizes with the views o: Lyell, perity. I f the printer is paid prompt­ b . f e t t i t t , m ., U M Hom eopathic the awful horror that, oppressed him. it and gave it to the dog. He grudg­ ^fTOODLAKD HOUSE, Throe Oaks, that individual losses sustained by ly, and his pocket-book kept pletoric B » fh*: ysid a n and Surgeon., Special attention paid.to He walked hack to his cell with a the midst of all the purity and happi­ ingly ate it, curling up his lip to avoid Hutton, and others, as to great age ehronie diseases. Office; and residence with H . O.'i’raTer, v * D. P.BoMstSESOHIur,Proprietor. Thia house ha, those failures will be as nothing com­ by prompt paying patrons, he puts Bridgman, Mieli., changed proprietors, changed its name;, been.thoroughly firm defiant tread, and gave no out­ ness, neither am I cast off forever. I the taste. Ere- long he became tipsy of the world. repaired and refitted, and every effort will be made by ita~ pared with the benefits conferred on his pen to the paper in peace,*his par­ present manager to earn and sustain for it a reputation ward token to the curious gaze o f the am removed from the evil influences — he howled most piteously, and un­ a first-class hotel., Good stables in, connection with the community by their liberality in agraphs are more pointed, he paints ■g T. MOB.LEY, star foundry. All crowd, of the wild despair that over­ which have surrounded me, and free naturally looked up into my face as if Going to Begin Over Again. i kinds ofcaating,8uchasplow points ,9Ugarkettles, r-i7.tr contributing to every public work. his pictures of passing events in more leigh shoes, 4c. Iron turning, and job workdoneto whelmed him. from their downward tendency. I am for help. H e began to stagger and der. Oldmetaltakeninexchangefor work. Portage There is little force in such reasoning. A family in the country were to pleasant colors, and the perusal o? vis reetmearthe depot. 38tl The key grated harshly in the lock, being educated out of the consequen­ fall like a drunken man. The ap­ A man’s relations to a creditor are dine the minister, and they had pre­ paper is of more pleasure to hi* AT/ the: door swung back, and with a ces of my evil career, and purified by pearance of his eyes and face was ex­ ID ’S ’BUS.—George Bird w ill rnn vastly different .from his relations to pared a meal of unusual substance pie. Paste this piece of prov- his ’ Bus to and from the Railroad: trains and Hotels^ moan upon her lips,.a woman sank remorse for my wasted opportunities, traordinary. He lay on the floor and so to any part oi; the village. Tare oniy 25 cents,, in- what is called the public. The de­ and succulence. The two boys, as is philosophy in some place wh All fainting at his feet. and through the influence of angelic howled until the effects of the drink lading baggage. mands'of the one are definite, the the country custom on extraordinary persons can perceive it .. “Mother !” burst from the lips of teachers, I may yet become a fit asso­ wore off. This was supreme folly, it claims of the other are just what the occasions, were obliged to “ wait.” B C. SMITH, M . D. Physiciau and the unhappy man, as he raised the in­ ciate fpr the pure and ‘'holy beings was wicked. The dog never _ ' Surgeon.• r Office over Emery & Smith’s Drug Store ambition of the man may make them, They converted themselves into an The Wonderful Clock. sensible form in his arms and support­ around you. I am not entirely hap­ the trick. Whenever, afterwards, I Residence north side of Gallon, Mich. ThC histories of honorably success­ army of observation, and from thoir ed her head upon his breast as she py, but my course is upward, and went to the press for the bottle he Droz, a mechanic of Genevr "Yo- ful business men unite to exalt the seats on the settle they, with much , C . C Q X iT jTNS, dealer in Am or- o . F . HAHN. lay upon the rude bed. He made no eternity is before me, and together hastened to the outside of the house. dueed a clock which excelled all 'hers lean. and, Italian Marble; Monuments, Headstones^ the murderer and the murdered are importance of sticking to a legitimate misgiving, watched the good things in ingenuity. On. it was se'-^-’d a Tablets, ic .,. of latest, designs. Office and works, Murray attempt to restore her to conscious­ One day, the door being shut, he disappearing before the devouring block,. 2d street* Niles,: M ich, T on will find it to your Metalic and Casket Coffin*, being purified by holy influences, and business; and it is most instructive to negro, a shepherd, and a dog. L hen advantage to giye Mr. Collins a call., H e is also prepared, ness, hut passing his hand caressingly sprang at one holt through a pane of •ady-made,oonstantly on hand,or made to r d .io S see that, in the greater, portion of the elements of a ministerial appetite. to dean and repur marblo, restoring old dilapidated shortnotioe. oyer her head, murmured: “ Better as we were companions in Eden, when, , to get outside. So much for the clock struck, the shepherd w y e d stone to its,original beauty and texture. 32yl* failures, the real cause of disaster was However, they flattered themselves for her that she should never wake to. the last sinful stain has been wiped the wisdom of the dog; infinitely sur­ six tunes on his flute, and the a-'»? ap- . the branching out beyond a legitimate that there was enoug left, till an inci­ B. CHURCHILL, dealer iu Clooks, H E A E 8 E - look upon the son whose cursed guilt from our guilty souls, and we are free passing foolish drinking men. proached and fawned upon him. This C business, in the taking hold of this dent occurred which filled them with • , Jewelry, Spectacles,

j i “•> ,-IW . J* ~ The Berrien County ' Record, B&ahanan, Michgan,' Thursday, "• - Ifovember- 30V 1876-

IIS .l$ £ £ | G f8 £ & \ Southern Atrocities. Democratic Logic, The Douglaa-Beal libel suit has 1877 1877." Some o'i t&o Damocrata in this vl- In the, celebrated trial o f Bardcll . been transferred from tho Washtenaw . Among: the diabolic atrocities com­ to Calhoun county courts. [ daily arc elaiasiag that Henry Cham- mitted in Louisiana at the late elec­ vs. Pickwick, Mr; Nathaniel Winkle 'rFJELEL JOHN S, HOLMES, Editor. i berluin, !YA«)nv« is in tbft l^nnU-nlegally,, alaiifAf)elected .rrtiTO^M*-atiober tion, Was that o f pouring petroleum is introduced a3 a witness.’ Charles Cummings, digging a ditch WAR DECLARED! ______„______r of Oongr- s. from this district, because over a negro, Setting him on. firo, and Being asked his name he roplied, near Bellevue a few days ago, un­ THURSDAY SCOKKIKCt, KOT. SO, 1S7*.. ttlO G.'Shliintioa oi this State says thou riddling his body with bullets, all “Winkle.” . earthed the bones of a mastodon. CHICAGO POST. ties ?.«>, k -r-i-’U elected to a judicial because he had said that ho would “ What is your Christian name’?” The ribs are fiye feet long. , i cia’ a shall be eligible to any other : rather die than vote the Democratic, inquired the little judge. “W a h ” is being pretty- stroug.y The Jackson Times and Saginaw THE PEOPLE’S NEWSPAPER, offics during^ the term for which be ^ ticket. This fiendish cruelty, inflict- “ Nathaniel, sir,” said Winkle. talked of- in the South. Better not Republican favor the election of tho THE BATTLE HAS fight, about.it.. , w.-.F chcL’.l J u lje. nor for one year : e;j Up0n otte 0f a class of men who “ Daniel,” echoed the little judge; i tacroaUc]*, i ?»d that all votes cast for > yield tho most passive obedience to “ any other name ?” Hon. H. II. Hoyt, of Saginaw, as Cheapest and Best. Speaker of the House in the next Leg­ -o— j such poJenrs shall he vouL They J tho laws, and who, depressed hy fear “ Nathaniel, my lord ; not Daniel,” islature. The Republican says : “ Boss” has returned tali:-, I therefore claim that because the Con- 0f the whites, carefully avoid giving said, poor Winkle. Fearless in the Sight. “ While tho Saginaw Yalley pre­ old home, Ludlow street jail, New sritntiou says that tho votes cast for just provocation is suggestive of “ Why did you toll mo it was Dan­ Immense Army of 's in tiie 'M d ijiai sents no claims for this position be­ York, and will now be allowed'to Henry hideous punishments visited upon the iel, then, sir?” angrily cried out the are to be. slaughtered worse than the Turks. quietly meditate. little judge. yond thoso of capacity and fitness, we -REPUBLICAN IN POLITICS. “ I did not, my lord .. I did not say confeea that the choice of our Repre- seative would be a source of great sat­ Popular Newspaper, a Welcome Returns from all the counties i:- Daniel,” said Winkle. isfaction to all our citizens, as a tri­ Visitor in every Nome, within Oregon, except Curry, show a major­ “ You did, sir ;" shouted the little bute of favor to our prosperous city the reach of every one. Fall : of Clothing totally demoralised in ity fbr Hayes over TiUen of 1,1 tV. [b y insult and derision. Some were e, m great anger. “ How else and a merited honor and promotibn exploded years , nailed on crosses ; others sewn up in could I have got ‘Daniel’ on my notes, Peter Cooper polled about 400 votxt. to one of the truest and most active i o btnte | the skins of wild beasts, and exposed unless you told me so, sir?” The managers of The Post take p leasure ;>v i*v Co’ Tho argument was unanswerable. and deserving young Republicans of in announcing the course of this, paper upon., The. vote in Arkansas for Press iviit a-'n to or to the fury o f dogs: others again, entering its thirteenth year of existence. ? ko from vine qualifi-nunns o f amem- the State. vvas as follows: Tilden, 53,083; smeared over with combustible materi­ This is not a bad illustration o f the The Post is known to the people o f the ber of as fixed by the Gon- pre3ent-day logic of Democratic news­ west as tho uncompromising opponent of Hayes, 38,669; Cooper, 211. Tilvkn als, were used as torches to illuminate snfufbn of the United State?. The papers. Tho morning after the elec­ wrong and the tearless defender of the right. over Hayes, 19.414. the darkness of the night." Those C!*:c^;o Ti ibi'iie men?:ions a p:n a lU tion, before the result could possibly It has during the presidential excitement, victims o f religious freedom suffered and in the stirring events of this Fail in Chi­ C'sr, tl’.at of Jml ;o Trumbu v!m, hardly greater tortures without cause have been known, they all announced A Period of Unexampled cago and oyer the whole country, taken a tv.v'.fy ypcrs r jicvv ?S iflectr 1 a K m the election of Tiiden. Having done position which has gained for it thousands of .A. man has been arrested in Palter- l than have the colored victims of pa At Riles, will sell W inter Clothing for the next ninsty Says, gr iongor i f nwew&ry, at such ..1 Excitements,' friends in the loyal people of the Northwest. son, N. J., for attempting to tas> a r ’ j-u.tslr. o i i C.>uti“re.:S {,.. ert"* I 3itic.il liberty. Such extremes of vin­ so, they stick to it with the pertinaci­ prices as never before have been heard of in this part of the West. W ” Po' f tor. v i t 1 e sat #3 ty of the little judge. It has advocated the success of the Repub­ twenty dollar counterfeit x.ote on t!: - dictive aess Lavs been the crowning lican party, but at the same time it has in no c-f tis i:ie!ivfi'i’ .'ty nt J th. n 'trn - In reply to the inquiry, “Who is WHIN EVERYBODY WILL NEED A . The finest assortment of Winter Clothing ever brought to Western Miehjgair W ill be First National Bank of Portias-, I horrors and abominations o f "White manner extenuated, (he faults or errors of disposed of without regard to coit. ti-^n of S-ate of Ph j i cl HU c elected ?” the returns answer, Connecticut. [ League rule. Even the lower grades EIRST-OLASS NEWSPAPER. those within that party guilty of oversight anti fio.-'iu'..:'1. S t tucSC j re v ' [ of malignancy are appalling enormi­ “ H ayes;” hut the Tiiden'organs say, or transgression. It has never turned aside r— JP from what it believed to he the path o f duty, rhr> a-.a r.i x iu j *■^ c 1 aA i >r GilMU- “Youlie; Tiiden i3 elected; for how Seven hundred and fifty thousand ties. Hundreds o f unhappy wretches nor misled its readers or the public. , As in We cMean War io ike JHhd ! berlaia ou;~\t to be l*ot£ rosteil thiu could we so publish it if he is not ounds sterling o f specie was with- have been scored and gashed, or mu­ the past, so in the future, The Post will be they pcoai to h b e I f Yf jif t?:o elected ?” They think the argument THE DETROIT POST rawn from the Bank of England Nov. tilated for life, by inhuman floggings. found in politics to favor the carrying out to '1Ye have sold goods hero for TW ENTY YBAJEL8. and never yet have we cuastion vn-s fiw, n I roii u uef.wa is unanswerable. It there was any the letter the Constitutional Amendments 28 for shipment to the United States. For years the diabolical: spirit o f the beeii undersold, and wo never intend that we shall be. Congress it wan: 11 «, its, :»od h; precedent for such a thing, we might A Thoroughly Sound, Reliable, and that were the outgrowth of the war ; and of Fort Pillow butchery'—the resurrect­ such legislation as will restore this country Consult your own interest, and huy no Clothing until you have fully that body any long.v t-*an would 1> ed spirit o f intolerance toward the hope that Democratic newspapers Enterprising Republican to prosperity and financial soundness, with­ satisfied yourselves what we are doing and what we propose to do. The New York Times says taut necessary to again soiieDr. j*. early Christians— has presided over would at some time or other get tired out too suddenly or arbitrarily shocking its Newspaper, several lots o f fire arms, consisting o f the destinies o f a victim race. Yet of trying to establish their positions industrial pursuits. by chair own falsehoods. But their It believes the Republican party is capable rifleSj, pistols and field; pieces, Law * SOUTH GABOLLYl. those who prate about Republican o f doing that, and will continue to support it B E M E M B J 3 B been sold from that State to parties frauds, who are clamorous about the reckless career in this respect is so Ami the Best Pamily Journal Pub.- This hot-bed of tremca, this State while it honestly endeavors to fulfill its in South Carolina. Id a Times men­ sacredness of the ballot-box, who are notorious that it would excite more Uthtd in this State. pledges. this important fact, that it has been our eonstsuit «as t* psarftasb o s i/th e within whose borders the e ll Stars and tions one firm having sold over 1,600 tremulous; with fears lest they may surprise to see them abandon its than best trimmed and best made goods to be had in the sestatry. Stripes wcro'first trailed in the dust, pieces more than is usual. suffer injustice at the hands o f can­ to see them keep it up.— Lewisville. Everything indicates that the American peo­ I n matters affecting the local welfare where Tiiden and Democratic “re­ vassing boards, who are scrupulous Commercial. ple are entering upon one of the most exciting form” is the cry o f those who, in 1861, periods of our history. The struggle over the about the forms o f law, and who are During the fiscal year ending June attempted the*life o f the nation, has result of th* Presidential election now appears T H E P O S T We Have No Room for 30th, 1876, 4,007,817 registered let­ frivolously exact in claiming the ben­ Give Your Children a Newspaper. likely to be transferred form the disputed Has been in advance of all Chicago contem­ again attempted a revolution, hut no States to the arena of Congress. If this oc­ ters passed through the United States efit o f legal technicalities, are the poraries in defending the rights of the people James BuehaSan was found ready Aa exchange very appropriately cur*, the strugglerwill undoubtedly be a tnost and speaking out against official wrong-doing. We warrant every article sold from our stem to be es^jrtiy rejreseu same incarnate demons that have exciting One, and it will not terminate, until . mail, the fees for which amounted to and willing to see their attempt pros­ Its course in the past is a full guarantee to and will cheerfully refund any money should this not prpr* fra*. practiced the maxims o f persecution, says that a cihld beginning to read be­ next March. Meanwhile the peace of the Re­ $335,416.60. Of this enormous num­ per this tune. President Grant was the public that it will, maintain the same and freely used the arm o f violence comes delighted with a newspaper, public will he in constant peril, and the public ber only 1,049, or ono to every 4,000 prepared, Lavin'-* s t oned. about 800 because It reads of names and things will constantly demand, with the greatest course in the future. and terror to intimidate unoffending In all its departments The P ost will be were lost by different causes. blue coin at Columbia, the capital, eagerness, the latest and fullest news of the Republican voters into helpless sub­ which are familiar, and it will pro­ various phases of the contest. In any event, so that v ten tl e South Carolina Rifle mission.— Inter-Ocean. gress accordingly. A newspaper, iu the coming session of Congress will bo IIEBMIY I liWiffi, It is now thought, in well posted clubs, 2 oJO Btiong attempted to get one year, is Worth a quarter’s school­ ONE OP THE MOST EXCITING EVER And while being a daily reflex of events,-it oiroles, that- North Carolina, which possession of he State house on Mon­ ing to a child. Every father must con­ KNOWST. s will nevertheless maintain a character for de­ day r.igL% Gen Ruger was already How a Secession of the Democratic Tho heated debates of the last session will FOR §4.00, WORTH was supposed to have gone for Tiiden, sider that information is connected cency and good taste that will make it an ac­ House Could he Circumvented. he renewed, with the added bitterness produc­ OVERCOATS FOR 5.00, WORTH I0.9S...... has given a majority of her votes for in pos3e i ii end they found them­ with advancement. The mother of a ceptable visitor in every well ordered home. ed by the recent tremendous Presidential strug­ OVERCOATS FOR 8.00, WORTE 12.00...... Hayes. A. Raleigh special says that selves ball e i Tims by the prompt The forms of law which make a family, being one o f its head, and hav­ gle. “ The solid South” will be more arrogant, Its columns will be purged of every indecen­ cy, and no money can or. will buy any of its OVERCOATS FOR 10 00, WORTH. 15.00...... the Chairmen o f the Republican State action of President Grant has blood­ President are few, but the forms of ing a more Immediate charge of chil­ and the loyal North more firm, than ever be­ fore. - During the session no intelligent citizen space for the praise o f any illegitimate or im­ OVERCOATS FOR 12.00, WORTH Central. Committee has filed a protest shed been averted, and the old spirit lawlessness which might destroy their dren, should herself be instructed. A 18.W...... can afford to be without a reliable newspaper, moral calling. OVERCOATS FOR 15.00, WORTH 35 M ...... against the: Governor o f the State of rebellion disconcerted. operation are many. But might not mind occupied becomes fortified which will, give him alljhe news. It is also In order to meet the necessities of the times for Tiiden. P-otests will be entered The new Legislature met Tuesday the House formally, by resolution, against the ills of life, and is braeed probable that Europe is about to enter upon the prices of T he P ost have been fixed at the MEN’S SUITS FOR §5.00, WORTH § 1 0 > l...... from twenty-two counties, and there to organize. Every Republican mem­ refuse to be present at the count, and for any emergency. Children’amused A TREMEDOUS WAR, following rates* which makes it by far the cheapest newspaper in the Northwest: MEN’S SUITS FOR 6',GO, WORTH 12,00...... are seventeen counties yet to hear ber was on hand promptly to taka his so deprive it o f validity? Certain by reading or study, are, of course, whose oontinuance and result no man can now the most desperate frantic newspapers have proposed this foretell, and whose progress will have a prodi­ MEN’S SUITS FOR 8.00, WORTH 11.0 0 ...... from. sea: although more considerate and more easily gious c.f«»t upon American propriety. Every THE CHICAGO POST, MEN’S SUITS FOR 10.00, WORTH i s . e o ...... means were resorted to to prevent some course. It might be resorted to, but governed.— E x. business man, especially every farmer, and of them, reaching the capital. The it would he just as flat rebellion as to every mechanic, will be directly aud deeply DAILY EDITION, by hail, postage paib. MEN’S SUITS FOR 12.00, WORTH IK 06...... The following are the pluralities on interested in the progress and influence of tho Republicans have nine majority in train cannon upon the Gapitol or sack One year, - - - - SI.0Q MEN’S SUITS FOR 15.00. WORTH SI.0Q...... Governor and Congressmen in this grand events which are believed to be already Sixmoutlis, r - - . - 3.50 the Senate and one in the House, the treasury. The constitution com­ Moses Barton and Amanda E. State, as shown by complete official impending. Three months, • • - 1.75 Overcoats and Suits sold for absolatsiy less than the raw material counting out the Reprc-sc-ntativts ef mands the two Houses to assemble in King were arrested at "West Philadel­ returns from every county in the ALL THE GREAT ISSUES WEEKLY EDITION, by mail,postage paid. Would cost. These prices are NO HUMBUG-. " both parties from the counties of order that the’ votes may be counted phia, Clinton county* on November of the time will be dlspussed by Tbs Post with State: One copy, one year. - - - Y5c Edgefield and Laurens. Tho Demo­ in their presence. I f the Democratic 25 th", charged with obtaining a pen­ Candor, boldness, ability, and in the highest In Clubs of Five, one year, - 70c Governor— Creswell, Rep., 28,016. spirit of patriotism. It win’fr.rnish the readers crats withdrew in a Lady t; u organ­ majority in the House should pass sion from the Government through In Clubs of Ten, one year, - - 65c , W e M e a n JBJecacltg W hat W e Sage Congressmen— Williams, Bern., 2,054: with ized m a public hall, v.,i s wure sworn such a resolution and. then absent perjury and fraud. They were held In Clubs of Twenty, one year, - - G0c Willita, Rep., 2.187; McGowan, Rep., ALL THE NEWS PROM ALL PARTS OF THE In Clubs of Fifty, one year, - - 50e in hy Judge Cook. The Republicans themselves, it would be the constitu­ by Commissioner Hinsdell to await WORLD. Underwear, Hats, Caps, Gloves, Mittens, and 2,655 ; Height! y, R.-p.,2.3S6; Shi. e, organized the Legislature in tho State tional power and duty of the Repub­ the action of the grand jury. Mrs. In all that goes to make up a first-class news­ Those are the lowest rates ever offered in Furnishing Goods, almost Rep., 3,362; Brewer, Rep., 1,741; the U. S. for a first-class weekly paper, and hover*, pi, 1 elected officers, electing lican minority to meet and compel King was a solder’s widow' and made paper, The Post has no equal among Michigan Conger. Rep., 2:641; Ellsworth, Rep., journal*. In each of it3 editions, and all of its leave no excuse for being without reading E W. M. 1 lackey, (white) as speaker, tho attendance o f a quorum by arrest­ affidavit that her husband died from S88; Hubbell, Rep., 5,584. departments, it is edited with great care, pre­ matter. I V E YsT JY W A. I anu1 C. A Junes, (colored) Clerk. ing absent Democrats and bringing the effect of disease incurred in the serves a healthy and elevated tone, and has a Get your neighbors to club with you at How this matter will terminate is a them into the House. Sergeant-at- servics, which tho attorney for the well-earned reputation for ability, scholarship, tho reduced rates; if they will not, send us ggg'Ht will pay you to come and. s«e us. Illinois, by official returns, gave Government declares is false. She is good taste and vigorous originality. 7o cents, and we will send you the paper one ouestiou that tima alone een solve Arms Thompson would be directed to A S A FAMILY P APER, year, postage paid. Address Hayes a majority of 19,631. In the hunt up the absentees, and apprehend also charged with procuring a false The W eekly PoSt, while calling from nil THE POST, Chicago. Ml State House of Representatives there them wherever found. The joint con­ certificate of marriage to one Joel E. sources of information, is careful to remember will be 79 Republicans and 74 Demo LSBSH Sii, Palmer, a soldier, and attempted to that its columns are for the young as well as vention would adjourn from day to 2£EA2> ®HB AJKKOXnXCEIilENSf crats and Independents. The Senate The Returr.irg Board of Louisiana day. I f no quorum were obtained by procure a pension as his widow. She lor the old, and that the morals as well as tho mind are part of a newspaper education. While OP TUB ® will stand, Republicans, 22; Demo­ is progres-iug sl n-rly with it: work of noon on the 4i.b of March, the Presi­ and Barton succeeded in getting hoping to promote the general good through RSurray HIH PufolishingCovi The tittle Book rarngtesai crats, 24 and Independents, 5. On r, counting unu hearing testimony, come dent of the Senate pro tempore would, §1,400 from the Government. Barton the medium it will scrupulously guard against John P. Xewctt, Manager. and Fort Smitii joint ballot there will bo 101 Repub, o f the testimony is so revoking that by .virtue o f the constitution and law was a former member of the Legisla­ doing individual harm. a licans, 98 Democrats and 5 Independ­ ture and both stood high in society The Literary Character of Tub P 03T is high­ DISEASES Oareff* 3 it is Lord to hektve t--ct imcapable of 1792, assume the functions of er in tone and broader in scope than that of Kew paths marked out to RAILWAY ents, by whose aid it is hoped that a CHRONIC______Health by thatplainestoi — HAS------of committing tho damning deeds Brest lent of the United States.. This where they reside. Barton is charged any other Detroit paper. Its news department all books—Plate Hosts Talk akd Medical Republican United States Senator swornt,i bai’-ne the B>t.rd, can lire in expedient or breaking up a quorum is with engineering the swindle- — D e ­ is edited with reference to furnishing the most Cosmos Sexse,which contains nearly 1,000pages JE’ WJSBS. gn /m. Y f j - ^ 1 accurate information on the most subjects. of original matter, as entertaining as afascluatmg may be elected. troit Post. atory. Health and long life made easy for the FftrmiE-g Lffiidi, Grazing Lands, Fruit Lands,Tino-Landu, our country, but it is tea cor.clurive so impracticable and so palpably un­ The twenty-five or forty columns of telegraphic learned and unlearned. Crammed full of brand Coal Lands. Wood Landu^ aoaie Pruirla Lauda, Bottom. to admit ct a doubt of its truthful­ lawful that it Is not at all probable di*p«tches received each week by Thk Daily n ew ideas, which are cheering to the sick, and Linds and Uplauda, on terens to snsi tb ep civ Post are carefully condensed and summariz­ intensely entertaining to those who are fortunate cls’tse r . S i x p e r ccsst interest ob. deferred pay­ ness. Even tho trunfStrs of the that the Democrats will resort to it. enough to escape disease. It guards the reader ments CfiliS discount for «»sh. For nil The Florida Returning Board met C e d a r R a p id s , la., Nov. 26- ed especially for the W eekly, and thus the Northern Det-ncera'ic Committee who against tho pitholes of human suffering, and particulars, maps and-~ pamphlets, apply to W* Monday, adopted rales for its govern­ —JSeta York Tribune. Eavly this morning a two-story brick nevM from-ftll parts of the world is given with points the way of deliverance to those who are Land Commidstonor. Little Kocir. Arirsnais. each issue. Tn addition, it employs a large already engulphed. By all means, find out all ment, -and commenced the work are permitt. d to bi present at the building belonging to Charles Oalder, about It. It for you . It’s author, Dr. E. sessions of the B -mrd condemn the corps of local correspondents in the State, B. Foote, of 1 2 0 Lextestoh Aventje, New of canvassing the vote Tuesday. Sir- and occupied by F. J. Richardson as whose especial duty is to give more in detail Tons. Is consulted by Invalids at home and perpetrators of these awful crimes 1 foniEmnity of Firtuoas Democrats. Abroad, in person and by letter, and has had the members of each party and six local a printing office and Dingham & Mil­ an account of domestic events. The proceed­ politicians are allowed to be present in no unmeasured term?, as was evi Much surprise has been expressed ings of State organizations, the Legislative, re­ ler as a confectionary and restaurant, ligious, educational, and other local bodies, are iveiy i______, _ at the session of the body except deneed on Tuesday. As a {-ample of at the rtsult of the election in Linn Write practical truths for the: Invalid reader: Ilfs was nearly destroyed by fire. Rich­ all carefully reported. consultations are Pees to the sick everywhere ; You eaa gas your STUVR ' the testimony and the feehrg above ‘ county. The Democratic majority in The Market Reports given in the various when, in the opinion of the Board, a ardson’s los3 is about §900; insured hence his immense correspondence With Ihe Eick Also,, SCO J3EST SIiSI& E SJKCXS .in private cession for conference shall be alluded to. we copy the following Linn has heretofore been not less than editions of The Post are much more full and all over the globe, '' You; reader, are at lib­ Have Loon awarded a afedal und Diploma at the Oen- in the Girard, of Philadelphia. Ding- reliable thau those of any of its Detroit eotem- erty to consult theable author of Plain Homs market-, (new ' special telcg am to the Inter-Ocean: 250. Up to the day of election the Talk and Medical Common Sensei- Writetohim tianaia] Expreition and commended by the jndacs for deemed necessary, The returns from ham fe Miller’ s "loss is about §1,200, poraries, each separate issue being'carefully and you will be struck with his Common Sense. NuW OiiiEAXS, Nov. 28,— A start­ Democrats estimated their majority in revised and corrected. Whatever___ your malady,LJ% you will.... receive light w all the counties are: now supposed to and Oalder’s about §800, both of which will do you good,, by Investing only . hein. ling scene occurred before tho Return- the county from 250 to 300, and no A SPECIAL DEPART11HMT, postage stamp, and writing to Dr. F. We win "SUPEHIOR STEENGJH b . T c m o m m a s which are fully covered by insurance. to interest yon In both tho doctor and hie im­ i i g Boa^d to day. Four witnesses Republican expected to have less than devoted to Agriculture, Horticulture, and mortal book. I lie B o o ll Itself, Which gives —-AUD— satisfaction, to all who read it, can. he had of .l3Yl«5asssa£J»j tXBS&sL. $ 200 majority to overcome. But the Household affairs, has been added to The Post S : Expecting to make capital out of were examined. All had bet n wan­ agents, or of the publishers direct. Plain mus­ tonly shot because of their Republi­ count shows a majority far below a and placed under the charge of a: thoroughly lin binding, S3.25, in the English or German -EXC1LLEm qU&MTY it, some Democrats started the story STATE ITEMS. competent special editor. This feature has ary binding, in English only, can principles. Two were Irought to hundred. On general principles this attracted much attention throughout the State $3,5b. Sent by mail,inn, postage prepaid, on receipt —Ob— that Governor Hayes had announced Michigan has 18,196 grangers, and of the price. ’ A lac.lady writes____ the— author:— — , “ I LAST hij determination not to accept the the cby on “coir. Their names are extraordinary loss is accountable. already, and has everywhere received high en­ have always felt that you were MS physician ot C H A N O e . I : tho number still increasing. comiums. the world, from the fact of your wonderful suc­ Ban James, Eston Loiuwco*', W . Yf. The explanation given us by a promi­ original ideas.” Presidency, even if he was counted in. In' every way, The P ost for the year ISW cess and One reader Eays — nent gentleman of Albany, a Demo­ ‘■Ihave found it to be one of the grandest SPOOL CQTTOi/1 in{ James M. Comly, Go'v. Hayes private Barrel!, and Eliza Pinkerson. Dur­ They are trying to raise money for will be works of the age.” Another says—“ I would not be without it fortwice its cost,” Similar letters ing the latter’s pitiful rccit 4 that her crat, is that a great many Democrats building a gymnasium, in connection THE BEST PAPER FOR MICHIGAN READ­ B u w T a c k e t f i secretary, in answer to the editor of reach the author every day, Contents table A. Ti GOSHORifj Bireotor-Senerai. husband had been emasculated and in the county thought the Democratic with the University at Ann Arbor, to ERS free. the St. Louis Globe-Democrat, says { Sesal. j j , 11. EAWLEY Pres. y : then killed before her eyes, tliut her candidate was the same individual published in this'StateJ; and this reputation it w O I K T 1 1 . the report is the. most idiotic roorback be 40 by 60 feet. IN SQCORTj also by , ...... 4lex.1v. Botslhr, Sftcrotsry pro tem. ..‘.■•■lie's throat wc s cut- in her arms, who had tha “ late unpleasantness” Will maintain at every cost. Du. ITootb. Cheap edi­ a s . m s -posvszfrmrs: of the: campaign." “ He will wait for CIRCULATE TOUR COUNTY PAPERS. SCIENCE tion. 5 vols. in 1, neatly Highsii' ^Prealua at the Ciatfnaiil Aw&rdtd to the and that her own throat w «! gashed with the Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, The Banking House of Chas. Secor bound, $2; in 5 separate vols. at $5 and $7.50, a fair count. I f that honestly elects & Co., of Manistee, made an assign­ Tho more the local papers of the State ar0 according to binding. Sent by mail on rcccinc a id her breast and limbs mutilated, and they were unwilling to support a circulated and read, in their several localities of price. Jast tbo thingforyoangpeople. Con­ LAMB KWI' . >NG MACHINE, «?S: KC3T1ST him he will not allow the people of the ment Nov. 24th. Liabilities §91,000: tents tablo free, • and finally eho was ouixeged by two man for the Presidency who had so the greater will be the demand for a large city, EuilE a Sineliing tn 15 inlnntes. United State to bo swindled out of a Jk. iba' ^X^s. 'white Democrats, ex-Gcvornor John recently been mixed up in a domestic Assets §75,000. and State journal, like The Post, because tha Publications* We can Tar­ KulUiug in the1 uoei and narrowing off the toe com­ Republican Administration.” local journals create a public taste for reading, nish all of Dr. Foote’s popular plete; fenlta ull sir.^s, narrows and widens at will; and *1. Palmer leaped from his chair cud scandal. Whatever may bo inferred Mrs. Jennie Jefferson of Ransom, V f Kss Dim© Publications on health: and fcnita the web either Tubular or Fiat, Siuglo, Doable, or THS fCSFTTJCST G1SS SISTJSIBinTSN and a desire to get all tbo news, and to secure kindred topics. “ OLD ETES MADE NEW,” Kibbed. Fradscclng all Tnrietiefi of K ait AUtkori5«< by c jjevfel eot of thelCGtceky -aid iu wrath, “ Jf this story bo false, ifam this as to the intelligence o f the Hillsdale county, weighs 110 pounds, the amplest and ablest discussions of great tells bow to restore the sight and give np , Send lor rirculars and sample stocklog for the benefit *? fea A Massachusetts paper says that a public issues. Onr interests aro one with those withoat the aid of Doctor or Medicine. Half a LASiB .KNITTING MACHINE OO., fort, will ssve IJM ef &etr g«d o o ® ^ o os. wfelck v i w t t i x ®.*r '9‘tn dSttiAmte t* y helic-vc, it is true, the wretches timents.—Portland Oregonian, rise and sunset, aud walked three- theirs. W e pre*o the claims of The Post upon ture or Hernia. “Phtsioloqioai. Improvement Wails ou ail who purchase .tickets iu the i x - era thelx>&asai«.Ml£.cf " laat weekin the family of Peter Reeves, of HtTiLonTT-,^ relates to the subject of having t v n , Drr.wiuK', Monday, Pecombcr 4tb, lS78. «ho can perpetrate such atrocities quarters o f a mile to do her work. public attention, not as a rival to detract from people bom right. “Physiological. Marriage’’ North Andover. One of the ohildre;. the circulation of the local journals of the gives tho latest researches regarding the laws LOUISIANA STATS LOTTSBY 00. • Loula be executed without mercy. I State, but as supplementary to them, in a foveming temperamental adaptation, &c., &c, died Monday of diptheria; second & Good Sign. T he M irror, the Greenback organ „ Step Backwaito; .reviewing Inconsiderate This) iusiitution was regokrly incorporated by the Ler- Till spend @10 000 to ferret out this large field, aud . for such readers as desire to isiature of tho State for Ddacatioual purpose in 1So3, died Tuesday; Pridy two others die,":; in Grand Rapids, has quietly died. legislation concerning * the Prevention of Tads. P. Portw, .’use. It looks true. This poor wo • The Commercial Bulletin notes a take a large city paper. Conception. “ Spermatourttcka,” or Sem­ with a Ctipitrtl.of $1,000,000. to which It has since added and on .Saturday, while the four Yili» Its last sickness was want of Green­ inal Weakness with evidence oMta curability. a reserve fund of $350,006* I ts G rand &Cngie Ifu m bst' LI*S ©F : ■an has certainly been cruelly wrong great falling off in our importations TMM€•-Postage Prepaid: 14 Croup, its causes, prevention and cure,” inval­ D ra w in gs will take place monthly.- Tho season of 1870 Oa* Grs»4 Gash ^itt...... :...... -..,...... 4 had previously died were lying un- backs. Daily, per annum______...... §10.60 uable' to every mother having the care of small closes with the following scheme: Or* Crss< ©aah Giflt...... i. The question is broader than of foreign goods during the last nine children. “ Cold Feet.” » causes, prevention 0a« tfrfr*4 AwV ...... biried in the receiving tomb or at the Try-Weekly “ ...... 5.30 and cure. Any one or the foregoing Dime CAPITAL PBISS $50,000. Or© Qeefc SiU...... rresxdent making. It is one of hu­ months, as contrasted with the same It is rumored that Prof. Harrington Weekly “ ______...___. 2.00 Publications will be sent by mail, postage pre­ Only 20,090 Tickets at$20 each. Fracliona in proportion. O** ...... 14. house, the death o f the fifth occareJ- months last year. From January 1 paid, on receipt of ten cents. S.raT OF PKIiSSS. 0a« 4ra*d Oe*k Cift...... 4<4 manity. It she has told the truth has received a proposition to teach in ‘Weolrly Po«4. 1 Capital ...... $SQ,0o0 >0 et 111,*** ...... The sixth and only remaining child to October. 1876, the imports amount­ In Clubs of Ten, postage prepaid...... ___§1.60 1 Cupiml Prize...... 20.000: 164 Oe«k flHfti ef m *eck.... . ' Sheridan should came back at once the imperial palace in China, for the Publications. Wo will sup­ 1 Capital Prize...... 10GS0 and the father and mother are now ill ply Dr. Foote’s Fred Publioa- 190 0**k (Hha ef eetis...... and hold with a grip of iron a people ed to @299,200,000; for the same W e will furnish the. W eekly P ost and either 10 Prizes afc$l,pf 0,;...... *.>...... 10,000 1W #lfts vt 5 * 4 ...... neat little sum of §4,000 per year.— FREE_____ tiona. ” Gratuitous Advice to the 251?riz3? nt ...... 1*2,500 of the same disease. The cause is months in 1875, they amounted to of the following Agricultural papers, Yiz: Sick," abroad c t well as at home / a circular of soe C«A ef ...... who can see such infamy without re­ Ann Arbor Courier. 100 Prizes at 300...... 30 090 •floC Oertih friftr pf 1M ...... believed to be defective drainage. Michigan Farmer, Western Rural, or N. Y. value to tho sick. “ BtAdtnca qf Dr. Foote's 200 Prizes ut 100...... 40,000 monstrance, even in their public @360,800,000; a difference of §62,- Agriculturalist, for §3.25. S u c cess ; ” a sixty page pamphlet, f r e e by mail. 500 Prizes at 100...... 50,000 10,009 I t ...... V i A Kalamazoo butcher named BaMh- —Send for them. Total, .11,111 ^0 Joatiiie of .K%ac«ckr, • Olir Amendments to the Constitution of cluded. Of the former we note a re­ I A reliable Guide for the zuarried. E tend forparticolars.. Address; for terms, outfits, Write for Circulars or send orders to JOHNSON .& GO,, who tried in vain to pacify him. [ and those coutciupluHns marriage, fc &c.,ThoMurray Hfll Publishing Company, 1 » 9 tO£eth«? suck lb# sfsBhr; | on its duties and disqualifications, S 22a8t 2Sth S treet, JVeta Y ork, J.T? nrsd 109 VVcsh'ngton St., Chicago,111.,••CHAS. T. boH»n> VIA wit; ■ > uet tfas t z i f e ' this: State,, submitted to the vote of General George B. Smith, of Wis duction of nearly §8,000,000 in the A black walnut tree recently cut i tho science of reproduction! and? ftO^V'AKD Ntw OrloAiiM.JCa . .. In; imports of coffee; §2,000,000 in silk I tbo effect of early abuses and ox- £ 'fiiti Firwt Ssegiukir Q uarterly D ollar MfW t>* ef ^ris* iiekati :k the people at their last election, have cousin, also exhibited much excite­ on the agricultural eollege farm, | ccsscs, with an extensive treatise on p will tske plttfo on January 2 1377. -Tickets _ the various Brivateancl Chronics 3Tii.o Hadles’ E and-Sook^. cured.«1. A wiikheftTy a^rev ad epdK- been endorsed and: will become a part ment, and turning upon the local goods; §500,000 in wines; nearly scaled 4,144 feet. ■ Diseases of Youth, Manhood and Womanhood, S $1; each.. Oftpitftl Prize SIqUOD. ty. hart bat«^t» the M I with the latest treatment, the only worR eivingpre-c of valuable information to everv^CS* ShitK id sevr ea tft (Slerfa G4bt* wC,‘*. o f the Constitution Jan. 1, 1877. twice that amount in cigars and to­ Iscriptiona in.full, embracir< everything on thee & ^ MONTH a certainly te any persou selling at t, mtif'uei U Democrats, Said: ‘ Y o u have deceived Julius Houseman and James Blair I Generative) System worth knowing, and worth all | The anti-liquor-license clause is ob­ bacco ; and about the same in ­ I the cheap books Combined—^-250 largo double column £ woman, OLD or YOUNG,f l iS s * / . our LF.TCUR lloox Ko prers, brush or new r'eAtmr*, will abvtlstefir s*««c* htk us!” Subsequently Lyman Trum­ have been appointed assignees of the Ipagei. and 200 platc3 and engravings sent uuderscalS 'wlteruseilw Simple bouk worth $3 00 .tent free Send girte. literated by 58,057 yeas to 50,636 es and watch materials. In cotton I on receipt of $1,CO. • . f Married or. Single. LADIES t stamp fdr ciftnl4r. 17 Tribune attdeky bull, who was absent from the room estate of J. D. Jackson, in bankrupt­ 1 A Private Medical fUreatiso on Senial andp Outlding, Caiciao. . . ord*c cMetirei, • ■pc ^ manufactures the decrease has been I Chronic Diseases, Seminal. Woakncss, Impotence, £ W ill t h a n k 'u s 'for thisj ijfxtiays; the increase o f salaries from curing the woman’s recital, flatly con­ cy. Jackson whs one of the leading | Catarrh, Cancer, Rupture, the Opium Habit, &c<, sent? im. I under seal for 30 eta. ' r H an d-B ook, and] V f £ x •• No Si^ieide Book Atl coBtmnuic*aeM, onSor* fer a*, *1 ,500 to $2,500 For circuit judges i-- curred with Palmer. The demoraliza­ §2,500,000; in flax goods, nearly I Medical Treatment and advice, personally or by a for A ces<*le« V« MULr**M^4r» dry good merchants of Grand Rapids. I letter at this old and reliable Institute, which has been g m o ther- w ill object^ U£iYi Kvu G. v? Wood, jnd. carried by 63,146 yeas to 62,867 §2,000,000; on cloth and cassimeres; ar# •JP, ____ tion of Democrats here is complete, Liabilities about §50,000, and assets | oporated many yean under a Cliertor from tho- State g to placing It In : REB­ nays; the change of time for voting more than §4,000,000; on worsted | Legislature. Address, EXTH A FIND tlixod Cards, with name, .10 cents, Mmmm fcr. not only because o f the facts disclos­ • nearly tho same. Tho 3£edlcal end Surciool Institute, Iiandsof her daugh,/S£5 post paid. 1j A Co. If. Y. BEllwauBGOj.’Wlae. | US ; on amendments from. November to ed, but because of the names of lead­ goods more than §3,000,000; and ters TheseHand- - Margaret Robinson, of Bay City, ^Trademark $ 5 5 ? ^5*717 "• to /.Rents; Sa'nplee FHEE. April, is carried by 50,427 yeas, to ing Democrats who are exposed in de­ , more-than §500,0( 0.. A very, Books are not. t e s t ?DEK.AJVGE- « V. O.TIOMERT, AU£U-t:; i^elce.’ hnB been sentenced to fifteen years’ CMS. BEST IS THE CHEAPSSfe.^ ’20,858 nays. tails as tho murderers and ravishers. large part o f this reduction *is no private treat-/Ofboth F455/K $IO Chromoa J. M. imprisonment for tbs murder of ises hut /p _ - / s“ xgs, particularly M i s MUNYON & DO., ThUadelptiU. P,v sis Other witnesses, men and women, doubt induced by the inability of the ises, but /paralysis, Apoplexy, m m George Woodard, her adopted son, When the President recognized tho .who have cruelly suffered are yet to people to buy, in. consequence of the §1302 501 I t 'aged seven ysars, b y ill-treatment for. ffen-^Ss/vous derangemeuts • , $vm5 F.O. J . • .I.Y>*£tTJlZXI3 0F §21 2S « liStics' #f .% § ?tk4e3 ^Democratic Governor of- Arkansas general stagnation of business and ntiKANl i'iio ju'licioua aolaotlu'i; &tid mwagbrUeiit of take the stand. and starvation. Too verdict was for oral o i r - / CaUSO UUd . CUre.- | and the Democratic Governor of Tex-. the necessity that exists among all V ^j/TbisE ssay will,be-found 'murder in the7 second degree. I ns, and informed: the Republican classes o f people to practice the most .. deeply interesting to alj sroci; m w i i * * * 0 We are only beginning to realize to IS TAKEN. INTERNALLY, AND POSITIVELY CURES ti°n.A<«/nera>u 3 ' sufferers BOTH Insurance & GelleetieSvkgs.ssy [claimants for those places that they_ what an extent the Centennial Exhib­ rigid economy in their household and The hooks of the custom house at RHEUMATISM, GOUT, NEURALGIA AND LUMBAGO. ‘.is k-uare vmvsl tovtpid fottm»e. Fend for new "Sysfean k^vresGata a ltniabcv of the leading asdiktfSt cSfaii SOLD 8Y DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. SEND FOR Cld- i-or EITHER of. the foregoing o f Asistas-^l Preiltsi,35 free, with full information r\ti} fnsurance Cdmpaaiea Ta the UuAied 5^ l ffiust yield, we didn’ t hear a single: ition has advertised the products o f personal expenses. Port Huron show that during the CU^ARTO. Js£-J%5*/ HAED-BOOKS sent f iie e Lo concerning, the Stock'-lurkHt . coMei 'fons attended to and moasya ELPHENSTINE & BENTLEY. £any. address.- Address, witb ’ and, \ T. POTrEIl WatGFlT &’CO., in [Cewe*a BJock, nonth slri/- ' I howl about usurpation. The Demo- .quarter ending September 30th, 7,654- DRUGGISTS, WASHINGTON, D, G. Steck Broker? J 36 U?h11 Street, Now Yoik. this region. A* lato mail brought us f stamp,N. Y.R . Co. .Bcdford^ass. £ticb*iuen.Mbch. JeiiatS' commended the President. He", la letter from: a Sc. Louis correspon- The Lapor te Herald sa y sA t Elk­ emigrants entered the United States- [hadn’ t, exceeded-* his " constitutional 'denfcwho saw dome Marquette brown hart, on the morning of tho 17th, An­ at that point.: These came: from N o­ Special, Chronic; aiid Obscure. Diseases IfOHBY' TO Is©AN." va Scotia, New Brunswick, Canada, of'eithzr se*, young or- old-, ini?gHted~’jOr degmind,- [powers a particle. -N o w listen, will sandstone on* exhibition, there which drew Zimmer'was instantly killed, by 0flspesAIJS‘ : - ■ . treatedsUcctstifuiiy in a. • • .. . ' T Til TO SUIT, on approved rerd secnrUy you;-when the tables are turned, and he thinks can bemused for flagging. 'slipping and falling under, the wheels Russia* , Poland, Ireland, .. Tha STAH IN -TriE -W E ST, CitH?iimati,,Op,i8 • ’ ■> 1 frnnj throe to ,five yeufa. - ■" . bfuf A:.coutupr old :iii-i277;“ ^n:intcrcsted'ia‘'Uiiiver- , ' - S T R I C T L Y ' PRIVATE Norway* Sweden, , Prussia, suould'Subgcribo for tho BeimwOenlennial year., lew Democratic tigers v’'roar>ahoufe He. says if ifc yiiU answer there is no of the way-Freight train, in at attempt .and'p'Ecienrifihhmanne^ speedy-, ALSO, BEAL ESTATE _-AGEf?T> [“ usurpation in South Garolmh..’ ,—-T n- moderate limit .to fh e demand for that - Portugal, England, Scotland and Bel- ct0^Portrait.ofjJOEKiMUR-’-Tv ,fept andbferaarient cures' A snccessfuf expefie!ic«.fu; to board the same. His head; was . For flue:job. printing, call at the RA L, iroo to aU subsonUra for 1677.- xTentiaV 8 2 .8 0 ' Ibver'SO.OOiO'caaes.'^^Allio’bmm^nicaiiQijisMn^^ ' - ‘ m4 sbs fjEQoSsji. Paid.. : Addross. *Wir.LIA5I«0>' E* V ' f •Quan. purpose‘—lloughioti &aseUer , .crushed and one-leg cut ofll ~ g i u m News, - : . . -. *.«Jpw.itLL PusLieuixa po;v;CiiicinaatJ, O;..v^. . ' Toraddreei with.stamp, for circular, 'DYE.'hi. D 7 nrTjoo-Tkith L. F. Alexander,-Troat street, BDch‘tjr*R> / No. 9^ Washington’AveiTDetrolt^Mich/: - ' \ * . ’’ •: '*.A- , i. ' ■ ’'"s- •: ..•*>-- * • - • • '• A .:V ,y‘ v, ' J; T'I. \tC » ^ s *■- " *•**-. * " ' v ~' vKpVdl £*■. V. i i i ® j ■ ■ i Y X -L-: =,>■■ - .v j i . "-'r ; ,: v 5>";.; 'i, 7-

bn«>ga4^L ^»uU>/.aMU«,£:Vw.mri-!R*,i

T he boats have been, taken from Christmas, ’ T ree' a t . the Advent -If by using one-fourth the_contents ■v Notice *to ' CoNTRAOTORSl^Notice. r&nd is Btill Jn a Btate of unconscious­ §em m §jje+. Jjftftw tf. the'river,’between §t. Josepkand Ber­ -Chapel this year.. As Christmas eve of a bottle of the Great English Rem-1 ;is1 her eby^ given;': that!4he:-findersigned:; ness. -' " ’ f . - The way/of the transgressor isfiard; 'r - c r ~ rien Springs, for the winter, and'are, comes on Sunday, if has been.decidod cedy you are-not convinced of its mer­ Director: of Union School'Distriot Ndl b eing: repaired- ready; for ne.xt season.’ ■,to celebrate the occasion on. Saturday its, - return 'it: and■-■■■■ get"* your ■ i mon’ey 1, o f Buchanan township, will receive? at least we think the- illustrious Wil­ > > THURSDAY, MORNING, 1\0V. SO, ISM. evening, ~ 23d. , A cordial invitation ■ back. ■ - - -1 sealed proposals at his .office, to liam -Hardy wilL vfind i t rather- hard; furnish 150 cords of wood. for. fuel gettin g a^license. in the face .of.a pro­ ;■ To^Advdrtlcow.; ; >t, M e. J obbr Gates, of Hew York is; extended to all to come and make* You will,find it to your .advantage .CH EAP PU K CASH the occasion a happy one for both the to call and examine, goods, and prices, in the school huilding in said district; test against /having: a saloom in town'; Th.o.V'H.coord!1 Is tho^bast: Advertising State, is in this, place, this, week, vis­ m iHadium in SonthrWestoru Michigan, hav­ iting with. Mrs. Mahala Manisfield young and old. Bring in yoiir pres­ at R edden & Graham’s said wood to be sawed, beech o'r ma- signed by forty or fifty of our citi­ ing the largest circulation of any other ents early in the afternoon. ■ ple, body wood, three -feet in length!; zens.’ You better exert, your ener­ paysr in this: part o f tbo Stats. and other relatives and friends. . For the best hand sleds, call at up :to 12, Mv, on Saturday; December, gies in a better calling, friend H ardy! W IL L SDSLLX, YO U M OISE A^jtftaPSiSayWWaft*WXigg^*HB*,!lt»LI||t|ll11,111V-'-t*^l^wq*p‘^ r‘".*. Spencer & Barnes’ 9th. The right to reject any or all The place of “ Iarnin” is now in op­ Afeouis. The Christian Church is making * It Might Have Been But, is Not. bids is hereby reserved. eration. .Opened the. .campaign last Geo* P. Rowell & Go., 41 Park Bow, ft* Y., preparations for a splendid, Christmas ’—-The Constitutional Amendment; < Frankenburg has sold clothing in ' L. P. Alexander, Director. ; Mondav. - - T he Duke. 8* 5r. Pettiagillj . ST Park Pony ft* Ti, and! Tree, at their house, on Saturday relative to the salary of Gircuit Hiles for twenty years which-.is proof Rowell; fc Ghesmnn, St; ^LoulSj, Hisaouri, are Dry Goods, Wall Paper, OH Cloth ? aur authorized ligeats to contract fbij advertis­ evening, Dec. 28d. A good time may Judges was carried in the State by positive :th"at his dealings must have - Letter Heads, Note Heads, etc. ing-, at .our lowest rates, for the columns of. the ba, expected by all. 279 majority. In this county the been just,- else the public would have — We make a specialty of this class BUCHANAN PRICES,CURRENT. A . 3 X T 3 D ” P k s r is x ; C o u n ts? R k cqrd; same amendment was defeated by learned it long ago. How he promises of work, and claim we cannot be beat, his customers a benefit from low prices Corr&oted&very Wednesday in orn in p fof-ih eS eoord jbf Wax Massey, of South Bend, was 1,476 majority, but the vote of this either in quality of work or prices. KINYO£T&V12iCENT\DtaUrsin Groacrittand Jrro- recently killed in Sacramento, Cali- county, on the Constitutional Amend­ upon winter clothing. It will‘pay to Gome and see us when you want work Thes&figurei repreamt the prices paid by deaUri,**mlci: For $5,00 than any other store hi the County. Come: iu and .see for forpia, in the Metropoltan theatre ments was not returned to the State call and sec him. - - , ■of.this description, and. we will guar­ otherwise specified. . ■ yourwlf, With our large Fall Stock, we will give NOBLE! NOBLE! by the floor giving way beneath the Board of Canvassers in .time; for their . §2.75 buys:a good pair of bed blank- antee. to give you. -complete satis- !\VTioat, white, per bushel;.J...... • 1 2 0 crowd. consideration. The- Board met at acticn. • - . .Wheat, red, per buBhol.,...;....;.;..’..,...... ,.;.. , 1 15 l etB at Green Bros;-, :21 Main st.v Biles. ^iour,^■white, por barrel, eelling...... -.;...... T 00 Lansing last week, declared; the re­ flonr^red, per barrel; aQllIag...... ;...... 6 50 ----W IL L SBLX---- Crockery and Glassware at cost for Asthma is quickly and surely re- BuckwhoatJ'lour.BoUing.;.;;...;.... 0 00 On goods than ever before. The case of The People vs. J. W. sult; .of the: vote, and have gone to Oiorer Seed,.perbaahel..i...... ;...... -...... • :S 00 30 days. A fact and no humbug. • lieved by a timely use of the Great Heawood, for murder, has been put their respective homes. ’ Had the vote tim oth y Seed; per buBhol...... ;.....;...... 3 00 •p?<- Sign of the Sugar Tub. English Remedy. ; .Oorn/ueWtperbaBhel....:.;....:1...... SO of this county been returned in prop­ Oftts,por,bushel...... SO S. P. & €. C. ' H I G H . "T oyer to the January term o f circuit Brau^’ pertoD, selling.....;...... 12.00 BOOTS! BOOTS!' court. • • * er season the majority would have . You can buy a good kid . : for Suicide contemplated by. all old =Pork; live*- per hundred...... - B 25 Pork, dreaBodf por hundred;.;.....;..., -;7 00 been 1,197 the other way, .which, 75 cents, -atGreen Bros., Hiles, -Mich,. clothing men;, because- Green Bros." pork, moss^. per poundi..;;....;;;.;...... ;;..;.:.... , 10. would have materially changed the have: brought a.New-Stock, and sell Gorn'Moal; boltodf per hundred, aelling..;.;.... 2 00 I n all, thirty-one boys have been W inter. caps; at Hoble’s, cheap for Plaster, par barrel,'Helling.;...... '...... 1 7 5 Sewing MaeSifsae§ f©r looks of things. - .cash. ■ .. ■ ■ .. 20, per cent lo wer" than any men in t-ho Hay, tamo, por ...... v 6 00@10 00 SHOES! SHOES! sent from this county to the Stato'Re Hay;marah; pe>fton...... 5^00@3 00 State. "21 Main st.,. Niles, you. will Salt, fliieV pe,r;barrel.rBening.....^^ ' '• 1 8 0 form School at Lansing, ~ and during.... q If you. need clothing for yourself fl^lt,;ceaxse, per barrel, aelling..iiMV,.>V.»xViLV.. •- < i 2 60- AR first-olass machines and fully warranted. If you want a good _tho last, year, none. Sold A gain.— A few days since a find them. JJoans; >por bushel...... ; - 1--50 or your boys, go where -you know you Wood, lS.iUcii;, p,er:cprd'..V...«.'.v.i'.V;^^^ •’ T ’60 Machine, I can jsell you one cheaper thau you- can buy a poor cue- It sharper called upon Mr. DeBert Bliss, will bs fairly dealt with and where Go to Hoble’s for the best for Wdpa,'4:feet,perrcprd.„...x'..«.x',x..\;M.^i;i;«.'.. ; ; -.3 .00 HATS AND CAPS I Butter,: per ppundi...... - 20 will cost you nothing to try one. All kinds of-repairing done. Em­ Th e monthly'report of t-lie Buchan­ of Riles township, and managed, by a you will find the best goods at the the least cash. Eggs, por (Iozon.;.,;...... 15 good use of a slippery tongue, to sell: L^rd, por pound...... 12V broidering, fancy stitohing and stamping done. Address an High school was veccived^toojlate lowest price. Such a place is Frank- Ho old stock to Belect from, hut TallPw^'-pei* him a lot of beaver and other cloths, Honey, por pound; . -■ IB for publication in this issue. It will; enburg’s, at Niles, where every article new, nice, stylish goods of- 1876, at GreOn-AppleB,- pieh buahel..>x.....;'..v;.';....v..;;-...'' - ,80 F. B. EAGLES FIELD, Agent. CHEAPER* TKAfl EVEF in patterns, for which he gaye his Chickens; per ponnd...... 8 appear next week. sold is fully warranted. Green Bros., for one-half-what others P. O. Box 831." Front Street, B uchanan, Mich. note. After the sharper had gone Bnck-, per thousand, selling...... - 8 00 Hiles; Mich, has a new Clothing- ask you. 21 Main st., Niles, is the Hides,"groan; per' pound...... - ■ 6@6 and Mr. Bliss had, time to more close­ Union services hold In the Oak Store. Ho more high prices for Green place..- ■ - • Belts...;;...... x'.'x.v...... ^ 50@ l 50 ly examine his purchase, he found M ack ereiyN p^ip en p dn n d;^;J*. ■; 12K Street Chapel this forenoon, at half Bros., 21 Main st. •Waite;Ei5h, pqr ppund,sellirijj....v...^ * 110 that he had been taken in and done Furs at Green’s are cheaper thau rotatoes-.....w.'.;-;...'.,'...... : 00®7fi. re You G-oiisg t® Paint- past ten. Rev. Mr. ’Worthington for to the tunc of about; twenty-five Buy your clothing;- hats, caps, and any place in NileB. hanxsgiyxxq conducted the services. A T h en B u y the St. ST. EM .M EI, PAEYE CO.’S T , to-day. dollars; Mr. Bliss has probably come dry goods of Green Bros., Bentley’s Frankenburg, the old and well tried to; the: conclusion that it is better and stor”, Niles, Mich. ' ; Special Notices. CBKM ICAL PAIMT e veteran of Western Michigan Cloth­ ...... 9 A poor day this, for tuvkeys. W wilt furnish subscribers for the cheaper to buy of responsible dealers, AND SAYH ONB-THIRD TKE 003T 0B BAINTIN&, and' get a.pabit .that - to- ilTJCK HANDSOMER, itnd ttill R egord, with Demorest’s Illustrated Five dollars will buy an overcoat of ing men, steps to the front and says last TWICE A3, LOKO.as any .other.paint. Ts preparedTeadyTor neein W H ITE or A N Y COLOIt desired. Is on and let; all traveling: hucksters severe­ that the people shall, have good cloth­ MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAD. many.thousand of tile finest buildings in the.cotmtr_v..m*i;y ofvthicli have been--palnted-Slx years, andnow lo .k as Monthly, ("pries §8,) with the R ecord Frankenburg, at Niles, which will well as whon flrst painted. This CIIBMIOAIi PAINT has taben FIRST PREJinrilS at twoaty of the State Fairs Congress will convene next Mon- ly alone. Another interesting feature of the U-lon.. -8 AMPLE CARD OF.COLORS SENT FREE Address. 83vl one year for §3.75. cost ten dollars elsewhere. ing at low prices, even if -he is com­ day. of the present game is that a citizen pelled to soil lower than cost. N, V. EffiMEL PAIR'T CO., 103 Chambers St., N. Y. or MILLER BROS., 109 Water St., Cleveland, 0. of this place went along to help to Time Table-JTov. 31, 1875. There is a, slight change of time A job lot of “Buck” gloves and swindle his neighbors.; . 30 Thousand is the Pile it took to •Accom. ' iNigbt SSMEMBER the “ Asteroids” to- o f running the trains on the M. G. R . mits, very cheap for - cashy at. Redden ' ‘Express. A buy. Green.Bros.’ New Stock. They Chicago...... Lt, 5 00 A .M . 4 00 P. M . 9 00 P. M- re You <*oiug t® Paint I night. R. "We now get our western, mail & Graham’s. Kensington...... 5 45 4 45 9 4s: gives; thier customers' the benefit of all Lake:....;;...;....;...... :640, 6 30. 10 25 eight minutes .earlier than before. A ccident. Venable. Marrs, who It will ‘pay a man for his jounfey discounts. 21 Main st.,.,Niles, you MichiganCity...... ' 7 :32 • dso: . 1115 THEN BUY.l v / r T ~r "~w -r—'^SiXei;- KUTTixas now coma an Eastern mail, ditto. lives on, the Lybrook farm, near James -New Buffalo...... 7 56 6 55 1135 to Niles just to look at,Frankenharg’s : can see for yourself. Bnchanan....;... 8:4 3 7 60 12 SO’ A . m and-s&u on*-thir&> tJu 4% Tt ■ ‘mm m m a n n orv -. 0 h b - e n ■ofpainting^&Tid order. Wilson’s side-track, about two miles NUea ...... 9 00 8.20 12 86- pnlut that is much :hand~ - U T i n n :| ; | ■ IS g O H i k S som^r.avdwfll HfU mammoth stock of clothing. Dowagtau...... 9:27 8 49 . 1 01^, r b west of Dayton, was. struck by the H olloway’ s Pills and: jOintment. -Decatur;...... ■ 9 02 9 15 1 25 s^sror^^: u rl t ill 1 y M L P 11 i W ax J. Jones, of Berrien Springs, Lawton.;.-..-...... - 1010 49:35' Baud of the fioest bnlldln»a of <-tbe cocntrv. mivay^of. which have been painted. eixT-eara, and. now looik a« | CAPTAKi A . C. BArtrsts returned' invites the different teachers in; the engine o f a freight; train, near hia Frankenburg. -is just slaughtering — Scurvy ,and diseases of the- skin, fev.-- Kalamazoo...... 10 45 . 1010 215 when first painted. This OHKillOAL PA lN T lios takoa i^rsf twenty o f tbo State F&lrs of the home early Saturday morning. He clothing, at; Niles this winter, I f you Galesburg...... 13 12 2 38 ' Sample earns o f colors sent free. Address. v - , .. *• ... 33yl . hoESe Monday evening. county to assist- him in organizing ex restless sleep, sour stomach, taint­ Battle Creek...;....;... 1152 3 15 MILLER BROS,, 109 Water St., Cleveland, 0. or N, Y, ENAMEL VALN't'CO,, lOSXt^mteis.St, and sustaining a teachers’ institute at had been away, furnishing1 music for want a nobby overcoat at low figures, ed breathy, lauguor, depression of Marshal]...... '.;..;.;;.;;; 12 45 P. M. "347 . Good stove Albion ...... :...... 114 •4 07 wood now comes In that place, the coming winter. a party, and in returning home; hap­ go over and. see him. He warrants a spirits; always attendant on. the worst J ackson...... ;.;Ar 2.03 4:62 '• good; demand. Jackson;...... L? 212 7 00 A , if. 4 65 ... - pened to be on the railroad at the perfect fit. "• caes of cutaneous eruptions; are speeds Grass !Laku,.... 2,45 t s q 5;28 point of meeting of two freight trains, ilv and radically removed by these ObolaeA...... 310 . 7 60 5.60 There was a great deal of talk about Noble will, sell hoots and shoes for Dexter...... ;...... 3 25 " 8 13 003 THE HEW WHESLEB &.WILSC Christmas trees are being talked and in. getting away from one, was medicines—-the ointment cleanses the Alin .Arbor.;;.... 3 62 -836 628 tv culb of 400 greenbackers in Bu­ the next 90 days cheaper than ever; ypsilanti...... 415 855 0 48 of by the churches in this place. struck by the other. He received a skin, and the Pills purify the blood, Wayne": Junction;..... 4 45’ 923 7 08 • chanan, hut the whole county only : 5 SO io 00 severe flesh wound in the head, a gash for cash. G .T . J unction..-...;.;. .7 45 Fam ily Sewing MaeMas, BTo. gave 841 votes for Peter Cooper. stimulate the.liver, and promote di­ Detroit;.;.....;...... Ar :.5-.45 " 10.15 8 00 A considerable amount; o f severe about four or five inches in length Green Bros- - beat the beaters -Old; gestion. 25 cents per box or pot. •Mail. ; •*Accom. ■ Jtsvening; Somebody lied.— Evening Eeies. ' Express. . being cut in the scalp on the left side stocks and old prices; ain’ t no where. siekoess prevails in this place, hqW. The Grand Central Hotel, Hew Detroit;...... ;4.;.-.;Lt: 7 00 A . 11. 4 00 P .M . fl OO Pi 5t; of the, head. He was taken to Day- Don’t you buy a garment of any kind G.T.-Jiinclion...;..’, 7 15 l i e 6*16 York, has: adopted the railroad plan Wayne Junction;..;.. 7 57 . 4.60 0 47 T here are fifteen pupils attending ton in an insensible condition and the until you call on Green Bros., 21 Yysilauti...... 8 31 5 23: 712 Thbre is a new time card for the of “ cut rates,” and announces a re­ Ann, Arbor.... . 8:56 645 .. T 45 the Buchanan Union. Schools who re­ wound dressed by Dr. Heal. Up to Main st., Hiles, Michs Dexter...... (0’20. . 600 810 M. B. S U, B,. i‘i this issue. duction from §4.00 to §2.5.0 and§o.00 Ohelseax...... 943. 0 23 side in other districts, two of whom Tuesday morning, Marrs was still un­ 8 28 Don’t buy your clothing and dry per day. .Grass Lake...... ;. 10 07 - 0 49 : 8 55 live in Gslien. and go to their homos conscious and fears entertained that Jackson...... Ar 10*19 7 15 . 0 25, goods of men who have been asking Jackson...... 10 45 9:80 A Grand Rapids man is shipping each t venir.g by M. C. II. R . trains the injuries will yet prove fatal. Fori coughs, colas, asthma, sore Albion,.;....;;,;;;..;.;;. 11 35 10 25 ■" apple3 to Iceland. you 200 per cent, but go to Green’s, Marshall...... 12 25 P ;M . 10.58" v 4 return each morait-g. buy; and save your dollars. Beats throat, &c., the Great English Reme­ BattloCroek... 1 0 0 1137 dy proves rapidly curative. Galesbarq...... ,;.v.;.-.: : 131 1210 A., M, The i’c-asiitutlonal Ameudiaents. any man in the State on low prices. Kalamazoo...... 1 52 400 A.M. 12 30 " Sreighberls first made their ap­ Iflwtonx...... 2 35 4 41 105 The Ik-rru-u Springs Era says Decatur...... 262 5 00 pearance in this place on Monday last. The following is the vote of the 125 r,!.v*i D. Oo-ikc County Clerk elect, Good kid gloves at 75 cents a pair, *1© VajdllC..; 316 5 25 1,55 " County on the proposed amendments -THE;UG0NTYiWiSSv . Niles^...... 345 010 2-30 - present residence of at Green Bros., 21 Main st., Hiles. Brchnuan....,...... ;.;, 86Q G 25 2 45 nl. - c.'-mv r.'-- Hew 73 iff.do...... 4 4H 3-40 They are selling bi for four to the State Constitution : | Benton Harbor Palladium.! 7.21 IX E II.• , r.s that village, after Try it Once. M ic h e l: City...... 510 7 50 4 05 cents a loaf In L-.;>crtp, Amendment^relative to license for Mrs. Tate, mother of our, county Lake...... 6 43 ■ S 35 462 •L U>T*. 1-", U; ! th»r A. B. Leeds, ICenBiu-toii...... 0 45 9 35 5 sale of ardent spirits, The proprietors of the Great Eng­ Chicago...... Ar 7 3 0 10 20 . 0.30 ,nr - • x l*r>* .tv Judge, lias engaged treasurer, was found dead in bed Sun­ Yes...... 1384 H o...... 1279 lish Remedy; show their readiness to ^ S iih il^ excepted ^ntr;tday and Sunday excepied T h u C h i c a g o Weekly Pose a n d roams , vvr I* F. Pennell’s store. day morning. She retired in usual Amendment relative to. salaries of H B. J.EnrAUD, vvm B. StHOXO; R e c o r d one yesr for §2.15. have the, virtue of their medicine test­ good health...... Tiio Messenger left Circuit Judges, A&3'i Gau Sujfl, Detroit. Gen'l.Sup,tl C?ncctffo ed, for they authorize all their agents on her last trip yesterday. She will Hssrt O. W ehtvtorth. GmH Ilia: AQcnt, Ckicago. Y i . s u m "■ g , way the oold- Yes...... SI 2 H o...... 22S8 in this county to refund the full price return co-morrow and go into quarters Johnson’s school sdil keeps up in t*''; thus f.sr tl t= vtuter. A t seven Amendments as to time of submit­ number of pupils. Thirty five are paid -for it, when, by using one fourth here for the winter. CHICAGO & MICH. L. SHORE R. R. ’clock tie thtTim-un ter stood at eight ting to the people amendments to the the contents of a 50 cent bottle, it now io attsmlaacr. | Niles Democrat.] Tuns>eaa.ily, rslsed §1,000 per annum. §125 for expenses during the coming Now Buffalo...;...... 1105 A . M. 11 50 P; M . 6 00 A« M, per in the United States, lie will be Locals. and shows’ their confidence in the I t W ill aew the heariert or U(bteat g e o * , wnl from qaletly’and rapidly. It isY i^thout^:ior|he :i^hdly winter. During the day he learned *Town Line...... 0 20 filing to run for Congress. You Remedy. Sold in Buchanan by A. ^WUkinson’a;...... 0 30 one to the other without change ot tension cr thdwdrkehbp* V* : that hi8 goods were being removed, Ohickaming...... 0:40 . THK NEW WHEELER A WlL3dN 6 S s ^ C H J N j s ;i 8 iocommehaed fSi; ilieatiier wiork Troy...... 0.55 Duohanan Grangers are to have need not run, “ Brick,”* no one dis­ F. White. ICO . 7 IbrXeftther work Mid Toilerius— espioially for Tailoring. An Unanswerable Argument. and on going home found that every-, •^Brown’s ...... TOO an organ for their hall. They have putes your ability or willingness. The. strongest argument:, which, can be A f r e e C u r c ; Bridgemau...... 1140 A.M. 12 40 A. M: 715 one from a South Bend firm, at pres­ thing in his house had. disappeared. Morris...... 7 25 FA R R A R & W H E E L E R , urged, against the advisability of adminis­ For -consumption; bronchitis,- -asth­ He pursued the fugitive and overtook StevonsVallo...... 11 60 T45 v ent;. The Winter term of school in Hills­ •Lincoln.;...... 800 . IS S S tate S treet, CUicag-o, - tering such corrosive and nerve-destroying ma, catarrh, throat and lung diseases. her in Buchanan bound for Chisago. St; Joseph...... 1215 140 0 65 dale College will begin December 16th. poisons as arsenic and .quinine for intermit­ Giand Hapidn...... 4 2 0 6 55 General Ag»nti -:f*r IHinoui Indiana, Iew t, Michigan, Minnesota, Neliraslta, and Western- Territc-' Also a sura relief and -permanent He secured his furniture arid a por­ Muskegon...... arr. 0 30 The Berrien county court fined a The now buildings are fast nearing tent and remittent fevers; 13 the vastly rieat -..■ ■ ■■ ...... ■ ' ■ ___ . - ■ tstisr1 cure of general debility; dyspepsia tion of the money. SRAIN8 sourH. man §45 and imprisoned him 10 days completion; aud when completed will superior sucess in the prevention and. cure; Evening and all nervous affections, by a simple Mail. Mixed. AGENTS WANTED. be the finest set of college buildings of such diseases of a medicine which is; 13t.= Joseph Republican.] ■■■ Expreiss. ‘ for shooting with intent to murder. vegetable medicine, which cured a A.M. f he very antipode of composition and the • On Thursday: the 28d inst., M rs.1 Got eft eaay enough. —Evening Eeios. In the country. venerable missionary Physician who -Big Itapids ...... S 50 P. M. 8 00 A.-M results w rought b y it., Such a medicine Martin; of. Lincoln township while , Muskegon...... S 50: 7 30 was long a resident of Syria; and: the Grand"RApid3;...... 1115'. . 8 00 St.Jo’s Ao is Ilostelter’s Stomach llittefs, a purely getting into her buggy slipped her St Josooh...... :3:30 P.M. .150 A , M: 6 30 4..M Mrs. S. F rench, o f this place, QftE of the members of the Peak vegetable preparation, which not only ■East, and who has freely given ; this •Lincoln...... & 42r 6 65 - foot from the Btep and fell, the horse -Stevonsvillo...... 710 has bean, e s jo ^ ^ a short visit with family of Bell Ringers, of Niles, was valuable specific to thousands of.kind- 'Morris ..j...... 3:59 eradicates- with wonderful promptitude; starting, when .the wheel run- over Tier 7 30 , the family of Is&Cnry French, in Cass- one o f those injured by the falling every trace of fever and ague, and kin­ red sufferers, with the greatest possible Bndgomnu ...... 4 05" 2 35 7 40 leg.iand.broke.it just, above, the ankle. •Brown's...... •4-17 8 00 PALACE! -opolis, the past week. floor in a theatre in Sacramento Cal­ dred types o f malarious disease* -from the; foenefit,, and he now feels, it his ;sa­ T io y ...... 42L 8.05 Dr. Webster was called upon and ad­ Cbikamiug 4 30 8 25 CTRADt MARKJ 2£anufacluredb7/ilie ifornia. So says the Evening Eezvs. system, but is a certain preventive of all cred Christian duty to impart to. ’’•WilkiQBon’s'. 4 3 4 835 maladies begotten, of miasma-tainted air justed, the broken limb....The schoon­ 'Town Lino...... *.... -4.35”: « 45 Tina Treasurers of the several others this wonderful invigorating, New B affalo....__ 4 50 ^3 30 9 05 L'OEIHa & BLASE OE&AI COi^; aud water. These results mineral anti­ er Selkirk arrived Thursday, from remedy, and will send F R E E the ori­ ^Signal Stations.— Trying stop only whoo . .there are townships should call at the R ecord Complimentary. — The Hastings Escanaba, with: 527 tons of iron ore. W orcester, M ass. &; Toledo, Ou) . febrile remedies do not effect with certain­ ginal receipt complete, - with full’ di- : passengers to get on or off. ^ - - office for their tax receipts, "which will Republican Banner mentions Mr. N. ty, and' their continued use entails highly :. [Benton Harbor Times.]. ’ he gotten up to order on short notice. A. Hamilton, of this county, as a consequences pernicious to the system. rections, to ’any person ; enclosing T H E B E S T TM THEM The Messenger made a successful candidate for the . speakership of the The Bitters, on the contrary, not only stamp for reply: Dr. . Clark A. aY C A R D - obbins trip to Lake/Superior. Itarrived back- To.ali who nro. sufferiog-from the errors and indiacr®- THE:'different; county officers elect State House of Representatives. The afford speedy relief, but establish health on R , Greeley Block, Syracuse, - ’ For tkc lollowing scascos: > H. Y . fP. O. Box 76.) here on Wednesday’ -safe and sound. ^tlons- of youth,' -nervoua weukno-ts, early decay; Iosb of are making preparations to take up Banner also adds: “ W o do not be­ a’permanent basis. manhood,-ic..; J. -will sendja recipe that, will cure you, Th« only orgaa. made in -which, fa successfully- com* •PBP'B -Off .CHARGE;. .This.great remedy was discovered, hined the following essential; qualiUes of 1oue: powesj— their abode at Berrien Springs, ready lieve that there is a man better quali­ > [St; Joseph Traveler and Herald.] - ■,; depth, hrilliancyi and. sympathetic delicacy. Call at Dodd’s Drug Store and Nothing Like-It. by a missionary in South America. Send a self-addressed for buiiaess when the time«coraes. fied for that position among .the mem­ A-dispatch from Grand’ Rapids of The most axquisitely beautiiul 6olo ctfeqts ever. prot, look at their nice stock of choice per­ Our popular and reliable druggist, envolopft to the Itav. Jo3bth T ; I buan, Station !), Bible duccd. . _ — bers. elect.” last Friday, says : “ In the United: Jfouse,-Afao. Fork Ctiyi- ■ 33m6 .- fum ery. A : F. White, will sell . you a bottle of The onlr stop-action ever In vented, that can not be I hsy say there is to be a dance in States Court to-day a;. demurrer to disarranged-hyuse., A few more of those overcoats and- the. Great English: Remedy on the. The only organ made-wiUi. heUows capacity-so'great . the Collins and "Weaver Hall to-night Mr. U". Johnson received a dis­ the Board1 of Supervisors .of. Berrien : i;33on*f doany that it requires hut little effort wrth.rhe feetto -sunply .following terms, viz,: I f on using 1 in any paperor-. all the air dea red. . ' . after the “ Asteroids” have finished ; Buitings cheap for cash, at - ■ county to; levy a t-ax to .pay a. judgv B paper*,s .until' patch last week, stating that hi3 broth-.; one*fourth -the contents of a. bottle- AOVERtlSSRGi...... “ you gctour.fig- The bett madc and most elegant cases inmarket. - their show. ' Who knows ? L. P. & G. IT. Fox’s. ment on railroad bonds against Sever­ orcsit will costyou-nothing- and- will suroly iava yoU- er, Mr. J. C. Johnson, well known by rmoneyv-Addrcsstv •-.* • ■: .* . - Noshoddy ornaments nsedT-vto/hiwjy/utfsoIitttcootJ. of the Remedy for Asthma,- severe: JSvrry Orgu.it fu lly icct:,},(:.itte*l for yearn. - - some of the citizens of this place, had Pancakes call for syrup. The best al, townships in that county, was sus­ . St; Louia AdvcrtiB’ti & Publ’g Oo;, S L Looi sr Mo. coughs, colds, sore throat, consump­ tained.” ...... Captain Joseph Napier Writd to us lor IUustrafed. Catalogue and Pricelist; The R ecord with either of Harper "been killed by tba Indians in Arizona. can be found at S. & W. W. Smith’s. - tion, or any disease of the respiratory -which will be maUed postpaid on application. Address Bros’ publication, 'for' §4.75. The H e did not learn the particulars of is in' luck. Nearly- five months ago L Q ^ a ^ G & BLAKS QQb Lapierre and Brown, manufactur­ organs, you are not entirely satisfied regular subscription price of Harper’s the murder. while engaged in plowing -a- field he MARE -THESE FACTS. . IDOLBUO, OHIO. ■ . ing Jewelers, 70 "Main St., , Hiles, and convinced of its wonderful power,: .Journals is §4 each. , lost the; fine gold watch ;■ presented- to: The Testimony of.-the ’Whole World. - European Officet ...... -XT* .Mich., are doing . exclusively a cash, over these 'diseases,. return--; the bal­ him a few years ago [by the citizens of £9 fiakor St^ liOndon, YSng A Cincinnati firm sold six car­ buiiaess, and in consequence are sell­ ance and. they will cheerfully refund;; Chicago, as a recognition of bravery Y-F o i l o w a y ’s JPills. -UOCY, o f the M irror, say3 a man :-*-L had; .no nppotite; Holloway?* Pills gare. me a JAS. L. W ILK IF. Agent, Oak St., JBiiclianaii; riages in this place Friday afternoon, ing watches, goods, plated ware;;, the full "price paid for it. Only 50. shown in rescuing the- crew of- the ra'Hew York made a whistle out of a hoaTfcy one ” ^ ' last, for prices ranging from §85 to &e., at bottem prices for Gash. ' Give, cents, and every bottle warranted on schooner-; Merchant-in distress off that . - aro maireiloug.^;. ; ;<-;s . ' ” -\;A ^ ; pig’s tail. We have often wondered J!l^B?Dd:jr6rJaupfcher^b^ ‘.hehouaA1- §101. They were apparently Such them a call when in Hiles. the above terms. Do not fail to try port. He has since plowed the soil; ‘iDrl'nollo way h n sW was clironic;*^ A-LECTORS: " - yqni\;PiU9'tq my babe for^ bho^oramprvi NEW BLACKSMITH AND where he originated. It is all clear, as would hayei cost §150 or §225, at itt; There is no other medicine offer­ T o "^?ooGo.g- A l l kinds of Hair work; by Mrs. J. lengthwise; and otherwise,, turned it b^; ^Th6:dear;7ittle^thih2 EOt: wolL ' • : ; now." any local lactory. There is no tell­ ed on such terms. 39w3„- . : M.My/nmiaea o f n .morning "is. npw-cure’d.,,.v! v-’ : ..v-. .x: - -4 Juit Publi&hedsin. a Seeded'Envelope, jfrice six. •cents*?: N. Stephens, at her residence. Switch­ bottom- side up, upside.. down, and. “ Your'bpi 6flHplipwa>;*s Ointmenticured me),of-noiaei WAGON SHOP. ing how they may appear when a lit­ -ihfthb'ih'eft<3^-X;rabbe"d,som0 ; A lecture on tbe naturo; troatmeot,vaud mdic^) -caro of- side ways, in fact has displaced and SeminaV^lYoakno-s, or Fportnutorrhcoa. induced by^BelP '1 es for sale. ears,/Rbd the nbise hni left^V ^ a • -- ' • ; George -Munson- having ’ A bout three inches of snow, fall in. Wonderful Suecess. A base, Involuntary EmiesToue, ImpOtopcy $.Noime five boxes ofyour. Pills.V, ^ ; pKrfty, A c — By AOHERT J.* CDLYERWELb, XL I>* Some of the owners o f poultry in ly recognized his owm gr5und,-bu1: to - --‘ILe^me bave tbree boxoo'ofyour-Pilla by return mail, “ between Kingery’B Mill and author o f tho^Greon^Book;’’ &c«. . United .'Slutes, reached the immense sale The ,world-renowned aulborrin^lbia admirKblaXocfnro.:1 . thus far. th<3 place are getting quite out of pa­ every other style, at - no purpose;- the watch would not dis--, for Chills and:Fever*” . - . a . of 40,000 dozen per year. Over 6,000 •. .i^ayelbver’-20p^sucli_te3tlmpnial3 a8;thea^;but\waht- ^ the Star'Foundry,^and-the firms of clearly proveH from bie own .experience *h.it:£be u.« £«lr tience with having it stolen, and will, L. ,P. & G. "W. F ox’s. close its hiding place until the first o f space;cpmpelS/ine:to;conclude.?, ""-*•" ’ ; consequencearof Self-Abuse m ay be effWiluaHy .removed" Druggists, ..have, . ordered this’-medicine di- Munson & Burch and E. H . Beardsley withoutTOeiUrinp^aud without dangerous surgical-opera* . W b will sail the Detroit W eekly ere-long, be induced to take forcible the week when the heart of the owner tiona;hougie8j-iuatrnmen1.s; irings,* .or cordinlB; polntil';g'' §1.20 buys a good horse blanket at rect from.the.'Factory, at --"Woodbury; For .Cutaneous Disorders, having moved.-into ; the: new -buildings out a modo. :of cure at onco certain' and ofipcrahl, by P ost and R e c o r d one year for §8, a means to put a stop to it. Somebody Green Bros., 21 Main st., Hiles. ;. J. , andpot one has reported-aisingle' fail-; -wa3 made glad by its discoveryt-in as Anaftli eroptlbna 6f/the skin, tbi^ "Ointment !■ moat in ; are now better than ever prepared to which every smfer*r no m-itwr whht hia condition tfiay redaction "6f 50 cents from the regu­ hester “ look a little out” or it may f-yai'.aii^lfff, ■ It; doje§,,not;beaV:;exteruaUy alo.n# be, may cure "him*elf cheaply; privately vtind rndtcaUy*-!;. ; fire, ■ biit every letter speaks' of iS .aston-. -good condition as the 'day it was lost! .tratGSYjltb-tbemoat’Bearcbing-effoctBto^tbeiVeryfootb do all kinds of BlackBmithing and ‘tS^Ttns JLecturc iviWprovz (t bcon lo thousands aTid lar price. become necessary to employ a doctor ■ Go to Lapierre; & Brown’s;,iNiles, i f ishing success in curing severe- Goughs;- in that much worked field." ’ That :tbo-oTiii‘ ; ' V -aV- ^ Wagon making on short notice and in, thousands , * you want anything’ in the Jewelry Sent .under seal; in a, plain envelope, to any i&cldreaa ; to find some of the shot. Colds settled on_the,Breast, Oonsumptiou,-* watch will henceforth abide" with the: - H ollow ay’s I^lllss - a workmanlike manner^' A specialty onreceipt ofelx oents oriwopoBtAco'stamps* > ’ ■ line cheap for cash. Address ' k T he signs o f the times indicate a or any disease'ol Throat or Lungs. fWe- captain. - invariabiy cufe!ihe;f611o^ . 1 made of wagon repairing and horse, TOE CTIIlVBRVf^LL OTDIOA’COG; s - ; .... Wst. orie*Sers'. . advise any person that baa any 'predispo­ .41 A n n 6t.,N ow York? Poht PfUceBo.,c,45S0^v ; ca-ld, hard winter;: A t Otsego Lake,- M r s . S w o b e will leave at the "Disorder of the Kidneys. shoeing. - • 40m8 in this Stato, they have sno w eighteen: Remaining in tlie Post Office at Buchanan, Grange Store a.full assortment of sition : to; go to-theirdJruggistSiit Roe ; 'WednesG'ayv November 29th, 1870. v - : & Go., and get^this;';Medieine,---r6r.4h'quu:e i'laois BA'S'TOA’. s - ^ - - Inmll diseaaes affecting these organs; wliother. they ao- - 1 ST Mnn'taso fiuhlCf UlusiratecL- ' ^ .4 inches dosp] already. gents’, ladies’ and children’s buck and crete too. much or^^too ^little.water,*:.or. whether tbey^be* m ESS1: with it«ivYi/>rrttTnvmirrAvti-.*nzTinuzncrousengrftviDss^ 1>, i • • Atwater, Mk ' ' Pendleton, Sewaid H. fromlifctcudiMan tbein- ” about it. . Regular size,- -75 cents; Sam­ - Hoy. 29,-1876. • afllictedi with-stone or gra^el^’oriwltli achealand paina ‘ f STAMMERING CURED. cuisitiveshoiild'JnlQW on l! .-* dogskin gloves, which- will be sold Bottles!ih‘ the loina overitbo regions^^of-: the kidneys;- these" ; Boatreicfr, E. IT: v ; • Reildleton, Sarah. A. 3 ple bottle, 10 eeHt3i::h‘vTwd;doses;,-will;:re'- Lasr Saturday morning a^man by i, Dear;Dr.vMo5es—I-ani glufi to aay tbat my aohf l7,.y«ra 0 ■Courtship; itamnee, tbo "/ h Davis, W . I T " - ! JtobbiusFH.'J. Pilia-alfquldbetalcen^cording-to^ of.jage;iiwtijS;haH..been..fromihis inf»ncy a ,bad'"i^ "!d1<«ficoI.t.Aly*tenca ,->♦? ■ W h learn that S. C. Gibbs, the cheap. ^ftnd'thejOintinentsbouldbeAwellrubbed-'intp-tbeamall Itevc.ctidns - ot tho;«-. .Grizzle, Howard H. Smith, Sarah 5X8. lieya:any:case.'iDou,’tXneglec't'your-cough;- the name of Mars, was brought_to: the now speata and.reads flu^ntlyy -He §eemi tp;hiive been ^i‘xuol,Sj:^«nftjhowtoytiroi;; almost ibstftnt^eoualyjfelleved hy^yoxir"; treatment. .1 jaesent Freight- A gent at this place,, - Kratz, Katie . ^ New and novel ’ patterns o f glass- iimmeidl^tfe.rbliefi'wlienalLbtbermeana.bave^ ;• AUevd .to Your Ilead- and . Bair— station-insonsibie and withra ba‘d;gaah' *tr;uBt-tbftt 'otbore^bo kre. aiflicted ,wtth impediinent of is soon to be removed,- and* W. H. Thia Jist ie publishcjdi-free for thb: information 8peecb;wllf avail thezni elves of: ycnr, still while^:you are ' ware at S. &. W . W. Smith’s.. , in-the top of his head. Dr. Heal wa3* In-ttbiirregiom- _ ;V;: ►-- * cauees ^syiuptomannil means to cure viUMhfc o'nly .TDnlto 4 5 , of the rfeadera; of the RkCobd, therefore there Don’ t Delay Using This. Fo.r Stomachs out of Order. ■ -scientinovwork ofthckrml'Cverpnbo&pdi.aBfl jTiecmrij-cte " Smith, "of Hew Buffalo,- to be supplied j .e .Yoursfsincerely,. “ ' " ' ....."* ' ’ r'&fbcl ia-no charge; for delivery of letters>advertised : Hoarseness is cured very speedily .. W oods I m p m v e d 'iH a i r 'R e s t o r a t it e ; ^called to/oxamine thesmahiandito'- . NOimodicineTwill^o efiectuftlly improvo the iono oftho.- in Eis place’. * -. - ■;Btoimlcli^s: tbe3e;Pill3j;. they.removQ all acidity occasion* rLC •Paitorlliriit .0CD4^etotion^ Church: herein. Eersona will, however, in.claiming any, by - the Great English Remedy. Every i3 -uuliko any,,other**: and-has no.equaJ.,VTbe- :th e’ wourid. IDr. Bonine,'of .-Hiles,■- ted either^byrinteraperance:or improper-diet..-;,Theyfreach^ of ,ne-above, call for‘‘advertised letters;’’ Iwas also Btnt.for,-who, after examin-^ ,tbdUrrbi^bnd-redace,'it^tpa;be^ bottle warranted. Improvedhasnew-ve’gat^le'-jtonic properties’;-: ’ wouderfully;':vcfficacion8-iii4C»j.ues. of spaam—‘in lKct tbfy-' .T;:This la^.to cerHfyjithat.dDn.'Ni-A^Moew^hfta^-.cured my ur - . • ' 'ft. H. M e r r il l , P . M . . brother,,vCollina::!&-t Johnston; iofitammering'ia;^^ three; O club rates, with “Little’s Liv­ .restores *g ray '• hair:4o:a*glossy)<;n»tural:-oortffJ-> ring the pafientj said -allhad beeri done" never full .in curing all disorders of the liyer and atomanh. - .,v-H0LL0W;AY,3'r-PILLB-iarQ^tb9'bost>kno»n.intbo ileBapnBand.'r'cEeerfulIyTMoih' N etom skEf A keai#*!;. ,r, ing Age,”* thejbest literary weekly I f yon- have friends dead; and wish - ted.-: l am .perfoctly ;satisfied-:.that the^DoctorjCan cure' -restores faded; "hry, harsh ian'd --:falIing hairj;V that-was necessary./' Themriforturiate • world for.-lho following’ diseaBeBAgue;. ‘Asthma; Bilious > THE b ! & M. KAIL'R0AD' C0.,S LA^S^I Tbo rW t’1 - J '-*1 the very hardest of cues. t ' ~Coiriplointi«J:,B]otche3;.omitho:Skiu'. Bowela, Consumption,. Agricultural and Stock Countiy in America l v.' ^ ^ :m»gazine* im the" land, . (price §8,), is ' W i l l i a m D i c k '6peued;a-restaurant to preserve their bair, have it made in restroes,-s;dfesses;-’gives :vigo’r,;to4hehair;';,,tfe« ^ a n had been .playing,'for"a dance DobilityiDrop8y.,vpyseutory;:EryBipelii8;VKemaleIrregu;-it . ^‘ir\ i'I'',: ;-^;,:%^.oiso3:Jp'KK8TpH;:’‘; V-- .* -T>.V- ■“ u ^Butler Block, Detroit, Mich., NoV. 4_tb*/ * ^ ^ ;§8.25 for both-papers one year. in the:.rooms under the BanlryMon some kind of hair jewelry,", at Mrs. J; stores :hair .to.‘ -prematurely, bald = heads fre-i; Ari’d was on his; way to his . brother’s]! ■ larities1>rFever3 of,'ftll kiml81-I'Us, G^ut,.'Headacho,'Tndl-'» • -*, • w • • - f- ■ 1 yp. I - 1gestjOD^Infi-imiDalion,'’Jaundice, LiverOomplAlnta, Lurn^'v GOOD LANDS IN A GOOD CL'fflttt- I h er eby xeriify ;ih at -Dr.tN-.-A.rMoeea,liae,cured;, my ■■■ •■ " .. S-; ' W;-- day ! eveningi where ho expects-to N .. Stephens!,', one block- north o f moves (dandruffj - humors, scaly eruptions ;-re-:, _near.Wilson’s'"side-trackJwhen hetmefc bas6v,vPilea,v.Eheumatiam;:Kotention o f urine/Scrofula-or^ Lowl*rice*4, Ijong Credit. Low Yarosi and Freights» •IV * -» —I- : li* «.T1. *0 mi,-nnln * .nMlI /X JTKi.--T\a..1«W^' .dnuglfter of:«tammering,r;snd: I- take^greet pleasnre in imams as ageutCvfor^tbo.viUnUcdCkStatc3;«:Burroubd8vdacb^box oX ' hungry, .call and ’sec. him. - Niles. ~ \ ' X-' _ * -■ 5 . ‘ ^he?track/%The/Bection-^men "happen-/ ^l>.lll3,-andjOintmontI,^‘tA.bandHomo*i,r0wardwilhbe given> The Odd Fellows have had their ■andii,dealers.-:everywhere.. £;Trade‘ -;suppliedv;at; rtoVnyvono renderings Buclivtinfocmatioif^aslmay-riead to1' i:;e’d;£tq;;see/tjiefaccideni;^^ ^ ttio:de tcctidffoffany jmrtj^br}.partiesvcounterftiting the’d Wives, if you wish-to" make'.yours ^m6djclneavor;1vondiDg^tlie-''same;i3cnowingv'tbemito bev hall repainted, aod.othcrwise improv- „ A t a late meeting of-the Berrien yip otherwise^.He might"1"vhaveklaih\ - - cilTiPi/inaWif-: 'husband' a nice Christmas'- present^ (Chicago, Sole*fAgents5forr1the4lJhitedkiStotes‘ spunona'^-v . ed, in abpenranoe. \ * '. ■ County Agricultural.Society, the fol­ ^there" iqr.some-- txme,.as.it’t]seemsLthe> Sold at'the^manufaclorytofdPJofeapjrdTea^ -have him aJbhaiTfi^a^e::0.^.your-;hMrfj *and .GaaadaS)>&Ddi&ll3>Wholesal6>Druefifists.^r^7 lowing officers were"elected-:" ^Presi­ t i “v ^ &Hrai’nc-.men/didTriot ndti’cAhimAyThQi or if he has a chain .thenkhave a "charm- --'Iris now almost,certain ~thdfc the dent,-Thomas Marrs; -’Vice-President, - .'fFrankenburg^at. -Ni|esV:4will : sell| ^officers' of :the. road;',gave "thef agen t finj •’ made foriit, by Mrs. J. -NUStepKens." James Badger; Treasurer, B . FfFish -you.a'tbetterVbver’coaTVforfftiOIthani litructio’ns itol calRinedicakr assistance B...... Vuldanooc ^Particular ftttention^pedd to tlie'dlaeftif^bf ^womerLftad ;Iie:cquld~ to. iielieve th'05:' ]disbr^^f^afllxod{td^eacbibox^^|

'**TT8^t;Noe(iSam’s !^ lf ^ OonutjV^ ISM ' MB * r a.**

-~-*;V..>o - V^-V/r^*' . $ \

fa :f ‘ 4 S S * The f,,Berrien 1 CQuhty ^ -B©eprirj Bueh^nhn^' ■Michigafij ; Thursday, ‘ ^NoyembeT^CcSO, 7-;

'pROBATB’ORLRK.^tataof Michigan,County ©(Bar*;, Farm and Eonaeliold, X ; v’rienFss.— A t a s e s s io n a l the Probata Court, fbr . the" .Cliancery: Notice. Countyo£ Borrlonv holfien. at -tho Brohato -Offlco.In tho . TATB OP MioilfGAJT, Second -Judldal'Clrcait, In’ CiUSTOM: MILL, TUlagft.ofBerrien Springs, on TVednoaday, thO lSth day.ot S'> CUancery.( v ' ” • . ; » * . KIDNEYeOMPLAINT s_ Sheep’s Liver in French Style. October,via thereat?1 ono thousand* cight. lmndred and:, Johu # Weisgerbor. Complainant, Anna Aldridge, le^nty-six.- . ^ •- } «■-. John Ts-JVisner ahd Pranklln Muzzy. Defendants. : - BUCHAMANr, MICH.,; Present, Dante! Otiapman, Judge o f Probate. Sultpeudlng in tho Circuit Court for the . County of • C u t SOUlO slices Qf liver half ftA of'tlio estata”o£ Qr!RniIo A. Kenyoo, ‘ : ' IN THE FOLLOW!^ - •- Probably, there l« no complaint'that affilcts the human Berrion;. ln Clmncery, on. this .21st day o f November, A system, which is so little understood at th'e present time, D.1S76, KINGERY & MARBLE, as some.pf the varied torma of Kidney-Oompiaints. - iiigh thick, and lay them neatly in Oft reading- au dfillng :.th e petition, _ duly,T,___ verified, o f I t satisfactorily appearing to the said Circuit Court for There la no disease which causes such acute pain or \nitfam8., Johnson, Administrator c f said Estate, pray* stewpan slightly buttered ; sprinkle the County o f Bem en, in Chancery;- by affidavit on file, ■ P roprietors., • more alarming in its results than when the kidneysifail lug for reasons therein set forth that be may be licensed that Anna: Eldridgo, ono o f tho defendants In this cause, pep'per and salt over the upper sides- antf. empowered- to Bell thereat estate in said petition .10 secrete from the'hlood tho uric acid, and other poison- is not & resident ct thls.State, but thatshe. resides in the1 jm?eroaene lamps, chimneys and oil, Oiis substaticcsj -which the blood accnmnlates in lts circn- described - State of Illinois. On motion or J . J. Tan Riper, Solicitor The mill has recently undergone repairs .latfon through the system. • -* .v • ^ - t Slice two ounces of fat bacon aa fine- Thereupon it 2a ordered that Monday, the 4,th dayo for complainant, it is ordered that tha said defendant, j j n the most refined state, that never will roil, and is better able- than for.ycars previous to I t from, any canse the kidneys fall to perform the fonc-- lyaa possible, chop a teaspoonful of Pocezuhornext, at 10 o’olook in the forenoon, bo assigned Anna Eldridgo, and all parties Interested, appear nnd an­ tious dsvoirlng-upOD them, the cumulations aro taken for thft hearing; o f said, .petition,and that the heirs a t swer complainant’s bill o f complaint on fllo m thlB cause utg and crackers, candles and cakes, do all. kinds o f work promptly and in the up by tha absorbents and lbs whole, system .thrown Into lavr o f said deceased, aadaXTothorpersons Intorosted in for tho partition o r the west half (J£) o f the south-west very; best, condition. parsley and a small shalot very fine, aaidoatatOjaroreqairedtoappearatasessiorkofsaidCourt ►a state of disease, causing great pain and suffering, and quarter of- section thirty three <33) in town three (S) on never ate better tlan our Johnny bakes Orders, for Flour, Meal, Peed, &c., for the very;often. immediate death.' Hencothe importance of and spread them evenly over the liv­ then to be holdon at the Probate Office, in the Tillage south, of range'eighteen (1S)> west, in toe County o f Ber- of Berrien Springs, and show cause,i f any thoro be, why hooping the kidneys and blood in a healthy condition rienAM and AM.V State O i. ,A o A P f Miohigan,.f r .1^2^ . _ withinm3 .I.Sm threeA%« MaA months. I Am.I. from wholesale and retail trade promptly filled. er ; cover the stewpan closely, and sot the prayer o f the petitioner fthould not bo granted. And *~^uions and cabbago, potatoes and beets— : through which all iheimpuritiea of the body must pass. the date of this order, and in defrult thoreol that tho Bald it is further ordered, that said Petitioner giro notice ^^Special attention paid . to custom .EhunYeFamB.” bill bo taken as confessed, b y the Bald do fondant, Anna on a fire so moderate that, it vrill draw ^^OTer out of the vegetables any one eats. |-U to the persons interested in said estate, of the pen­ EUIridge* A h ^It la further, ordered, that said complain* grinding. out all, the juices "without simmering dency of> said, petition, and tho: hoaring thereof, by ontcaoaoa copy o f tills order to be published within PAIN JN THE BACK. causing a copy of this order to be published in the ^ ^11 kinds cf produce, corn, flour anil oats; twenty days from, tho date hereof in tho JBernai County SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. There is^no remedy known to medical science which SS^Nofc long siace-a "colored wo- — tbs least approach to this hardens Berrien. County Record, a newspaper printed .and cir­ Jiecord, a newspaper published in said County of Borrion, “jf^pcoat or butter, on which a'custoiner dotes. has proved itself mere valuable in cases o f Kidney Com- culated iu said. County o f Berrien, for four successive and that Bald publication be continnod for six successive ’Mill on Portage Street, . m'ah obtained a position .in k South­ the, liver and spoils it. I f the range plaints than the YxoanifE. I t acts dlreotly upon the weeks previous to said day o f hearing. weeks, or that complainant cause a copy o f this order to J Joablo extracts, tho finest and best. I9tf P . H . K IN N EY Stiller. secretions, cleanses and parities the blood, and restores [L. S.J DANIEL CHAPMAN,. be sorved on-said defendant, Anna Eldridge, at least ern family as cook. A few days af­ is: too hot set the stewpan .on an iron A t roe copy 37w5 Judge o f Probate. tho whole system to healthy action. twonty days boforo. the expiration o f the tlmo herein terwards she met an acquaintance, stand. "When, the liver has thus stood "^Tory nicest of cofieos, nnd teas by the chost, The following extraordinary cure of great sufferers, prescribed foeber appoarauce. Who had bcon given up by the best physicians as bope»< Dated Novembertitat; A . D. 1S7& ^ho inquired how Bhe liked - her new for an hour and a half it will be done. ROBATE ORDHR.—State ot Michigan: County ot - j£ u quality and prico can'none others compete, leas cases will speak for themselves, and should challenge PBerriQn,ss.— A t a session o f tho Probate Court tor H EN K T ir. CCOFIDGE, Circuit Judge. O BUCHANAN ... the'm ost profound.atteutlon of the medical faculty, as place. “ Ise^ gwine- to leab ’em Take it up* put it bn a hot dish, and tho County of Berrieu^holdou At theProbate officoin the J, J, Tax Ereeu, Solicitor lor Complainant. 41w7 N or will they nttompt, for foac of defeat. well as of those who are suffering from Kidney Com-1 cover it close whilst you hod the village ot* Berrien Springs, on 'Wednesday, the 8th day of plaint. was the answer. “ Dey ’buses you, November, In the year one thousand olght hundred and ^dharley’a on hond with a heart aud a will, seventy-six.- ' ; . FLOURING MILLS. does dey ? “ Drefful. Wuss den foah bacon and pqur over the liver and PresentjDhnielGhapman, Judge of Probate. Chancery Notice. •glVor ready,, with pleasure your ordors to fill, The Best Medicine. serve-immediately. Liver cooked in In tho matter of the estate of Sarah A. Watson, de ’bellion. Dey locks up all de per- gTA.TR OK MICfHQ AN, Connty of Berrien, ss.-Becond F ast Marshfield, Ana. 22,1870. deceased: . u ^ * s Judicial Circuit.dn Chancery. ^ J "o r think for & moment we deem It a task. visions and asks foah de change from this manner is digestible,, and can be On reading* and filing the petition, duly verified, oi B0US8 a, PEARSJBOfRIETDSS,. Mr. Stevens : Dear Sir— I am seventy-one years of I I . II Kinyon and other creditors, praying that Adminis­ Orpha A a Shaw V3. Willis 0 . Shaw. ago; have suffered many years with Kidney Complaint, Suit pending in the Circuit Court for the County o f r|lo ehowyou out goods whenever you ask. da market money.” “ Why, dat’s nc... eaten, by persons who would not ven­ tration On said estate may be granted to said II. wetikncsr] In m y back and stomach. I was induced by Berrien, fuChaucery. at Berrien Springs, Michigan, oil Oash Paid (or Wheat, Corn,. &c Irleads to try your Veoetine, and I think It thehest med­ better den stealin’ !” was^the indignant CiioyOu. the 20tii day o f October, A .D 1S7G. It appearing upon ^ y m p s and Sngars we’U show yon with pride; ture to do so when it is fried. Thereupon ttis ordered, that Monday, the 11th day o f icine for weakness o f the Kidneys I ever used. X have December next, at l ( o ’clock In the forenoou, be assigned due proof by affidavit that Willis O. Shaw, tho Defoudtiu t tried many remedies for this complaint, and never fonnd answer. - in the: above entitled cause, resides out of the Slate for thehearing of saidpetition, and that the nelrs atlavrof ^g^ive satisfaction wheroVer thoy are tried. so much relief as from the V egetine. I t strengthens E sa a for Mora Sheep. o f Michigan, nnd inthe Tenitory o f Wyoming. On motion CUSTOM WORK CAREFULLY AT- and iuvigorates the whole system. Many of my ac­ o f A-Plummer. Solicitor for Couiplaluant, It is ordered are ^ ^ aisins and currants, nice figs nnd prunes) quaintances have taken it, and X believe Jt to be goud hblddn that the laid Defendant, do appear and answer the hill ol TO. for all the complaints tor which it.ls recommended, : ' ou’ll never marry agaip, Last year we paid foreign countries complaint filed In said cause, on thedthday o f January, w , and show cause, i f an y there, be, tvhy the prayer £ J iIs for the hair, ami pleasant perfumes, Yours trnly, . A . D 1877, else, the sold bill Of complaint shall be taken fifty millions o f dollars for woolen o f the petitioner ahould’not bo granted : A n d itia fur­ JOSUH II. SHERMAN. Susie, you grieved so arter Jaiok. ther ordered* thatsaid; petitioner.' give notico to the per* as conffased, and farther, that tho Complainant cause ^jonslsting of everything for the toilet intiao, goods and. eleven millions o f dollars this order to bo published Within twenty days from Was it twice’t you fainted, or three this date. In some newspaper printed In the said Comity ^ g very iwticlo warranted to beautifully diffuse. times, at the grave ?” “ Bless my for unmanufactured goods. When we o f Berrlen, once in each week a: for six succcsdvo wetka; Pronounced Incurable. but such publication shall hot bo necessary in case a nowBpaperprluted and circulated in said County o f Ber­ ^ ^ emember our sodas, which aro always on hands; Boston, May SO, 1S71. soul,- Sary, it'was free times,.! fainted, have in the country twenty million copy o f tnfa order be served, upon- the Bri Dated thJa-20th- day o f October, A . D« 16T6. to.” — “ Oh Susie, you’ll nebber like shall only produce the wool we use; (Atnxe copy.): * , Judge o f Probate*. jg^x'tra tobacco3B both smoking and chewing, difficulty in passing nrine, which was. often, and in-very 40*4. JAMESE3 A . KELLOGG, HAS marry again, will yer ?” “ Bless you and yet there is no country on earth Circuit Court Commissioner in and for Berrien Co. small quantities, frequently accompanied with blood and" j^olutions and powders for blueing; fxcrutiatingpain. A . Blumjieb, Solicitor tor Coftplainant. STw7 where sheep could he so profitably jpROBATE ORDER.—State of Michigan, County ol I have faithfully tried most of the popular remedies soul, Drank Dunn axt me ’bout dis Berrien, sa.— A t a session of tho Probate Court for JjQ^rled apples, peaches,;and all kinds of fruit; recommended for my complaint; £ have been under the before my husband died, an’ I prom­ raised as in the United States. Bu tho County o f Berrien, holdon at the Frobate'office in the V I S I T E D fyiLES treatment o f some of. the most sklllfal physicians in village of Berrien. Springs, oi^Moaday; the ,13th day of Sheriff Sale. ranges, lemons, and extracts we nover dilute, Boston, all of whom pronounced my case incurable. This ised him if be died I ’ d have him, an’ I we are coming every year nearer to November, in th e year ono thousand'eight hundred and was my condition when I was advised by a friend to try supplying our own markets with the seventy-six. ,g T A T E OP MICHIGAN,^ Connty o f Berrien, ss — By ^^^*ith careftil attention we select all our wares, the VsaETins, aud I could see the good effects from the b’iongs to de church, an’ I won’ t tell hapman h WWYmmf® YEARS. Prcsenti DANizr C , Judge o f Probate, virtue of a. writ of Jrieri Farias issned, ou t o f and P first doso. I took, and irom that moment I kept on Im­ a lie.” wool they demand. In 1875 the wool In the matter o f the estate o f Oscar D. Gstee, under the seal o f th e Circuit Couit tor the County of ^ g ’either would we for a moment your mtereet ensnare proving until I was entirely cured, taking in all I should minor how deceased. Berrien and State o f Michigan, to me directed and deliv­ think, about six bottles. I t is indeed a valuable medi­ clip o f the country was nearly 200,- On reading and filing the petition, duly verified, o f ered; against the goods and chattels, lands and tenements j ^ A S met, with unprecedented success in the treatment cine and if I should be effiicted again in the same way, 000,000 pounds, while in 1860 it was Andrevt J . Nonis, GuardUti of said minor, praying, that of John Wocds, I did, on the 6th day o f August, A .D . . o f all I would give a dollar a doso, if X could not got It without. Jig-Mamma (who has been quietly a time andplaco znaj be assigned, for the examination 1S76, levy upon the following described real estate lying Itemember the place.— 5B Front - Respectfully, only 65,000,000.— JSx. and allowance of his account as such Guardian,; and for andbelng intho CountyofBerrien and State o£ Michi­ J. M . GIL'S. watching certain surreptitious pro­ tho allowance all other1 accounts. gan, to-wit; The-west half o f tho southeast quar­ 361 Third Street, South Bcston. Thereupon it is. ordered, that Monday], the 11th day o f Buchanan, Mich. Olirome ' Biseases ter (34) o f section two (2; township eight (S) south rung© ceedings)—“Willie, who helped you December noxt, at. 11 o’clock in the^forenoon, be assigned nineteen (19) west*, also the east half QQ of tlio south­ Next, to good feed there is nothing forthehearingof saidpetitlon.andthatthe next ot kin to all that cake ?” Willie (promptly) west quarter (3^) section two (2) township eight (S) south O F T S S Nearly f Blind. more essential to a cow’s making of said minor, and all. other persons interested In said lange nineteen (19) west, excepting therefrom lands here­ — “ Hebben, mamma.” . Mamma estate, are required to appear at a session of said'Court, tofore deeded to the Michigan CentralBoilroad Company, n . Ri STXT2XS: Dear Sir—In expressing my thaoks good returns to the pail than her bod then to be holdon at the Probate Office, in the Tillage ol which property I shall sell at public auction at the front to yon for benefits derived from the nse'bf Y£<3 etinx, aud (sternly) — “ Bh-sh-sh, you naughty Berrien. Springs, and show cause. i f any there be, why door of theCourt House.in thevillago of Berrien Springs, THE ENpY OF DISEASE! to benefit others, X will state ily -comfort. She needs a good bed theprayer of the petitioner should not be granted. And in. said County ofJBerrien, ou th eSthd ay of January, A* WhenVaight or nino years old I was afflicted with Scrof­ h oy : how dare you tell such stories ?” it is further ordered, thatsaid; petitioner give notice to D . 187T, at one o’clock in tho afternoon, o f said day. ula, whiciitmad0.ita appearance In my eyes, face and head, to sleep on, good quarters to live the persons interested in said estate, o f the pendency Of and I'was very near blind for two years. A ll kinds of Willip—“ ’Taint my fault if it’s a BfttedNorember23d,3STG. THEI^OE 0'JF‘ F A I N in, and. protection from extreme heat said petition, and the hearing thereof, by cansing a copy JOSEPH W . W EIM ER, Sheriff. operations were performed on my eyes,, and all to.no ’tory, ma. Didn’t pa tell baggarman this order to be published in the Bsrricn County R'cora, IfORTH L axdox, A t f y for Plaintiff. 41w7 good result. Finally, the disease principally settled in. as well as, cold. There is just as a newspapar. printed and circnlated in. said County ol TO XrlAN AND BEAST my body, limbs and feet, and at times in an aggravaed zat hebben helped zhose zat helped S way. _v-. Berrien, for'three successive weeks previous to said day n a 1 w. a r. yU • ' much sense in arguing that it would of hearing. Is tlie Grand, uldj MEABT- Last Summer I Was for some cause' weakin my spine zemselves ?’ [L.‘ ’ Si]:’" " DANIEL CHAPMAN, Administrator’s Sale. cs and kidneys, and it was very hard to: .retain the urine. be better to have her out of doors all (A true copy.) 40w4 Jndse o f Probate. Seeing your advertisement in the Cpramercial, I bought winter because she would then eat j N the matter o f the estate ofjCharles Blake, d&ccoscd. b t ) STOMACH, a bottle of YEGETINE, and commehcadiuslag according _ Notice is hereby given that I shall sell at public auc­ M U S T A M U to directions, Hi two* or .three dayai-'Ii'obtaihed great re­ ^ ^ » “ Becond class in grammar, more hay than if she were comforta­ JpROBATE ORDER.—State of Michigan, County of tion, to the highest bidder, pursuant to a license granted lief.': After using tour oi* five bottles',^I^iotlcedlt had a Berrien,.as.— A t a session o f the; Probate Court for me on, tho 4th day o f September^ 1ST6, by the J/rohato wonderful effect on the rough/scaly;'blotches on my stand up!” said the schoolmaster. bly- housed, a3 to claim that she must the County o f Berrien, holden at Hhe Probate. Officer in Court o f the County o f Bcrrieu, State o f Michigan, on body and lsgs, I still used YxQETEfi :ahd the humorous, JS eores ohe alter another disappeared until they were all “ John is a bad boy.” .Who does John- he: compelled to stand in the hot, sun the village o f Berrien Springs, on Thursday^ the. 16th day Friday, th e 1st tlay o f Meceuiber, IS7G, I aIMIHEMT o f November, in th ey ear one. thousand, eight hundred at oae o’clock.in the afternoon, on thepiemlses, the fol­ Head, nerves, kidneys, bladder,;womb,, and blood. Affec­ gone,;ond I attribute the cure of the two diseases to Y io - lowing described property, to-wit: Lots number six teen i T i a as the only reliable remedy. V'--'. correspond with ?” “ I kno w,” said tha- andseventysix. WJRCIOTt 23 AS STOOB TEE TEST OF 40 tions o f tho urinary organsj graVel*,’scrofula’* rheumatism;, all. summer, because, if she is given (16) and seventeen (17) in Rosa and Alexander’s Becond Once more accept my thanks, and beUeve'-mVto be, Present. D.vnisl, Csapxan, Judge o f Probate. YJEARS. catarrh,asthma,bronchitis, dyspepsia,&Cv v : little boy at the foot, holding up his addition to tho village o f Buchanan, also a piece o f land » Very respectfully, AUSTIN PARROTT,' ' •she' may not keep feeding In the matter o fth a estate ofW n iiam T^ Strong, D n Price’s reputation has been" acquired candid, described as commencing: at the north-east corner o f land . D e c,1 ,1872. Nor-35 Qano St,, Cincinnati, Ohio deceased. There is no sore it will not H eal, no liuneness honest dealing andyearspf'successful practice.' - - hand. “ If you mean John Smitheis. now by John, ID Kingery, on. Wee t street in said every moment; and shade in pastures On reading and cflUng; the petitipn, duly verified, of o w n e d it. will not cure, no ache, no pain, that afflicts My practice, not one of experiment, but founded on the Diseases of the Kidneys, Bladder, etc,, are always un; he corresponds with my sister, Susan* lutnan;N . Strong, praying tor the.prolmte and allowance filiage o f Buchanan, thence north thirty rods to tho old laws of Nature, vritL ^ara of experience and evidence to issas tight barns end dry stables. To the human body, or the body of a horse or pleasant, and at times they become the most distressing' o f an instrument in. writing: purporting to he the last grave yard, thence west along tho south line o f said sustain it. does not tear down, make sick to make well; no graveyard fifteen (15)xods ; thence south thirty (30) rods aud dangerous diseases that can &ffect the human system. here’s a letter he just gi’ me to carry w ill and testament oC raid; deceased, and that adminlatra^ other domestic animal, that does not yield to harsh treatment, .no trifimg, .no flattering. TFe’know the begin with, a pasture which is so short and along the east line o f lots 13 and 14 to Kingery’s Most diseases of the Kidneys aris.A from impurities in the' tion, on said estotemay lie granted toyoUr petitioner.. its magic touch. A bottle costing 25c., 50c. dr cause and the remedy needed, no guess work, but knowl­ home to her.” north line ; thence east to the place o f beginning; Also, blood, causing hUmors which settle on'these parts Yxa- that a cow cannot get all the feed she Thereupon it is ordered, that Monday the ISth day of edge gained by-years *of experience in the treatment lot 1*2 In A . C. Day’s adetition to the Tillage o f Buchanan, 81-00, has often saved the life of a human 0 xiiNE excels .any known remedy inthe- whole world fov December next, a t 10 o*olock in, the forenoon,' be assigned Chronic disease's exclRjSively; no encouragement withouta •S being, and restored to life and usefulness many cleansing and purifying the; blood, thereby ;causing a, needs in half the time, isn't fit to tor tho hearing o f saldpetition, and that the heirs a t law alt of said lauds being in Benlen Connty, Michigan. •prospect. Candid In our opinion j reasonable in our Terms known' at time and place o f sale. healthy action to all the organa of.-the body* keep a cow in. Cows which reach o f said deceased, and ail other persons Interested in said a valuable horse. 4vl charges j claim hot to know everything, or to cure every- understand you make very estate, aro required to appear a t a session o f said Court; Dated this 17th. day of October^lSifi. fa W M . H A3LETT. Administrator. bbdy'jbut dboiaim. to reason and common sense. We the* pasture by 6 o’clock should b then to bo holden a t tne Probate Office, in the vUlnge o f Invite the sick, no matter what their ailment, to call, in­ Vegetlnc is Solti by all Druggists. good cider ?” “Yaw,” said the Berrien Springs, and aho wcause if any there be, why the fa vestigate before they abandon hope, makeinterrogation Dutchman ; “ Han3, my poy, go pring full by 10, and the time from then prayer o f the petitioner should not be granted; and itia and decide for themselv es . I t will cost nothing, as con­ until 8 or -i in the afternoon can be tnrthec ordered,, that said petitioner give notice to the^ sultation is'free. TiBitS made regularly. a mugful.” Hans soon returned with persons interested in said estate, o f the,pendency o f said Commissioner’s Notice. mr Dr. Y . Clarence Brice can be consulted at Niles, petition, and the hearing thereof;, b y causing a copy o f Bond House, Saturday and Sunday, the 25th. and 26tli of a mug brimming full, and handed it much more comfortably spent “ taking q iH E undersigned having heen^appointed by the Judge this order to be published inthe Berrien Countt Rscoan f a - November.- AtLaporto, Ind , My era House, on Saturday STOP A IEEDLE. ot: Probate ot the County o f Berrien and State o t ease under trees” than grubbing about nevrapaper printed aud^ circulated in said County o ? and Sunday, the 2Sth and 29th o f October. to the Dutchman, who drained it to Michigan, Commissioners to audit and adjust all debt? MORPHINE and INTER PEIIATK ITALi £?i Berrien, for three successive weeks previous to said day Patients will address oil letters to Dr. Y . Clarence end demands against the estate of Hcnry Searla, late of ily cured; painless, no jiublicity, at homo snd w^ihcuit the bottom at one draught:; then, in the blistering sun. — M irror and of hearing. Price, Waukegan. III. with stamp.’ Berrien Connty, deceased, do hereby give notice to all. inconvenience.. An-anltdote that stands on ws.iu«r«s* DANIEL CHAPMAN, Send stamps for particulars. D R . C/vRL'i Q’ i , 1S7 turning to his astonished visitor, said. Farmer. lAtruecopy.J 41 wd Judge o f Probate. persons having demands against said estate, either by uote, account or otherwise, to present the same to said Washington Street, Chicago, ill. “ Dere, now, if you dosh not dink dat Commissionera^at A .E . GardnerVstore. in the villago of Mr. Arnold, a famous New York Hill’s Corners, Berrien County, SItchigan, within six. AE 3 An illujirittn -.5 Ish goot cider, yoost scbmell of de V] - - . months from tho second day o f October, 1876, for adjust­ i pages, a private Awarded, the Highest Medal at Vienna. Itis Patter You Look X Berrien, ss.— At'a session of the Probate Court for the: * to tha mauled a» d v .,o dairyman, gives the following charact- ment. The Gommissionera will meet at snid A.-E^Gard cm ’ricgeable on the ».** mug.” County o f Berrien, holden at the Probate Office, in the tier’s: store, on Friday, December Sth, 1S76, and at snch ,SS: oftho asxual system, fti - istics of properly ripened cheese: viUagobt-Berrien Springs, on Tuesday, tho 14th day of other titans, and places as they shall from tizno. adjourn cts., lolest discovi’nvs La u l November, In the year one thousand eight hundred and science of icptodncti'on r h w tJ E. & E. Tv ANTHONY & GO., Leedle Dud. thereafter e . 0 “ Well-ripened cheese has no elastici­ seventy-six. Dated. October 2d, 1st6, 591 Brondway, New York. © 3 '“ They were in town the other ty when pressed with: the finger; PxesentjDAyiEi; OHAPiiAif, Judge o f Probate. a , e Ga r d n e r ,! evening, enjoying each other’s society, I n the matter o f the estate o f John Pinch, deceased., i ou how to preserve fhejiealtli, and complexion, iu.d (Opp.’Metropolitan Ilotel.) PETER SMITH. sCommisalonera. m ...... ------*------tha the best aud feels as if breaking under the pressure, Onreading and filing the petition, duly vorified, o f 39w5 A * J . NORRIS, j give to'faded cheeks 4he freshness of youth j the beat and and exchanged cuds of gum 1 ytmr’n'a W m . Chamherlain, Executor of said estate, praying that only true Marriage Guide in the world. Price Manufacturers, Importers and Dealers in and the dent remains; it lias a salvy, a time and place may be assigoed. for the examination ‘ rMaN. The andioi sweeter’n mine,” said he ; and as she and allowance o f his final account as such Executor. Engravings, Ghromos and- Frames. Of you bin a Housgeeper, und don’t| got no oily appearance when worked between Thereupon it is ordered, that Wednesday, the 20th: day Administrator’s Sale. blace to trade, go to told him where she made her purchase, the thumb and finger and molts on o f December next, a t.ll o'clock- in the forenoon, be os^ N the matter of the estate oi Burr Benton, deceased.— he exclaimed, “ by Jinks ! that’s where signed for thohearing o f said petition, ant that tho heirs I„Notice r is hereby given

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