
2014 April 1 First Online Published 2014 March 5 Accepted 2014 March 4 Revised 2014 February 27 Received [email protected] ; 00133, Rome 81, Oxford Viale University, Vergata Tor Policlinico Surgery, Thoracic of Department Ambrogi, Vincenzo Prof to Correspondence thoraxjnl-2014-205344) online (http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/ journal the visit viewplease To only. online published ▸ 2014; ocite: To diinlmtra is material Additional 69 :1161. mrg V. Ambrogi Thorax eto,tecnor(ih)adtedaig(et ftehde rnha rewt oecaue h aon di The nomenclature. lower with the tree In bronchial ). hidden di the Madonna of the (left) in drawing (detail the (1472– and pendant Senigallia coral (right) The contour (B) the . section, Brera, di Pinacoteca Francesca. Francesca della the Piero of in pendants. hypothesis coral hidden the tree and consistent bronchial true numerous the make and The coral anatomy the bronchi. between the lobar analogies trachea, surprising the the of scheme and with divisions main system a secondary respiratory and follows lower primary the pendants the the coral to Interestingly, protection similar both death. for of sudden tool shape or and illness coral beauty of against of necklace a symbol with beads, Jesus infant the represents ntelte,tecrlsosa neirview anterior an shows coral the latter, ( the in rnha anatomy bronchial ir el Francesca della Piero THORAX IN IMAGES icnoAmbrogi Vincenzo rwn lf)o h idnbocilte ihnmnltr h aaMneeto(1472 Montefeltro Pala The nomenclature with tree bronchial hidden the of (left) drawing 1 Figure (1415 Piero Francesca artworks. their della inside anatomies to human used hide frequently painters , the During emtya ela ntm n biology. and anatomy as well as fi refo otro set( aspect posterior a from tree coral small a chest. with his beads on coral lying branch of necklace a wears Pala the fi masterpieces: known tary online well (see most Montefeltro his of fi uaieat n nlddaihei,agbaand algebra arithmetic, included and art, gurative ue22 nsupplementary in 2(2) gure ue1 gure ir el Francesca della Piero ntefre,tecrldpcstebronchial the depicts coral the former, the In fi e n h aon iSngli seonline (see Senigallia di Madonna the and le) B). mrg V. Ambrogi A h oa edn dti ntePl otflr) ntelwrscintecnor(ih)adthe and (right) contour the section lower the In Montefeltro). Pala the in (detail pendant coral The (A) 4.PeodlaFacsa alraNzoaedleMrh,. Marche, delle Nazionale Galleria Francesca. della Piero 74). Thorax ’ neet xeddbeyond extended interests s – 2014; 42 ntopaintings two in 1492) fi ue12 nsupplemen- in 1(2) gure 16.doi:10.1136/thoraxjnl-2014-205344 69:1161. fi fi e,teifn Jesus infant the le), ue1 gure ) whereas A), ’ oa edns h hidden the pendants: coral s 1 ntwo In ’ s a bet ersn h ntmcmdls accur- so model anatomic the ately. represent to able was ue rsnr eeotnue o scienti for used often were prisoners cuted idnaaoyi ir el Francesca della specimens. Piero as tree in bronchial the anatomy anatomical of the hidden hypothesis of the that of origin believe the preparation Whatever and reviewed. review peer and Provenance letter. interests this Competing translating in help her for Rossetto Acknowledgements aaiG. Vasari 1 REFERENCES h rnha rewsused. was tree bronchial the un osblt sta edmd atmade body. cast was beheaded tree a readymade bronchial from the available a within blood that coagulate from is possibility guing aisA h vlto fbocilcasts. bronchial of evolution The A. Davies Michelangelo 3 of interpretation An FL. Meshberger 2 ednsi luil n otyo attention. of worthy and plausible is pendants eoM,HfmnS led A nxetdbocilanatomy bronchial Unexpected FA. Almeida S, Hoffman MR, Neto 4 n ih pclt o easac painter Renaissance a how speculate might One iniFrne 1568. Firenze, Giunti lesson. dmbsdo neuroanatomy. on based Adam 2 esnbepsiiiyi htawxcs of cast wax a that is possibility reasonable A mJRs rtCr Med Care Crit Resp J Am evt de vite Le ’ i celniptoi cloie architetti ed scultori pittori, eccellenti più ol iet hn rfso naLisa Anna Professor thank to like would I None. – o omsind nenlypeer internally commissioned; Not JAMA 44.Peodella Piero 1474). 2013;187:e7 3 1990;264:1837 nte oeintri- more Another fi 4 e Hist Med uaiemdl I model, gurative tta ie exe- time, that At hs clinic Chest – 8. ’ 1973;17:386 rainof Creation s – 41. fi ’ coral s study c .

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