PRICE LIST for SEEDLINGS 2018/19 Species Common Or Local Name Price/ Seedling (Ushs)

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PRICE LIST for SEEDLINGS 2018/19 Species Common Or Local Name Price/ Seedling (Ushs) 10/20 Spring Road Tel: 041286049 PO Box 70863 041 230365/6 Kampala, Uganda Fax: 0414 230369 [email protected] NATIONAL TREE SEED CENTRE PRICE LIST FOR SEEDLINGS 2018/19 Species Common or local name Price/ seedling (Ushs) A Timber spps /Medicinal 1 Afzelia africana Afzelia, Meli, Beyo 1,000 2 Albizia coriaria Mugavu, Musisa, Atek 500 3 Albizia chinensis Falcata. 500 4 Antiaris toxicaria False mvule, Kirundu, Elwa, Muhere 1,000 5 Antiaris toxicaria (5'' pots) False mvule, Kirundu, Elwa, Muhere 1,000 6 Bathedavia (5''pots) Exotic mvule 1,000 7 Bathedavia ( 3''pots) Exotic mvule 400 8 Cedrella odorata Stink wood,Kawunyira, 300 9 Colla gigantia 1,000 10 Cordia africana Mukebu,Gukyigili 1,000 11 Entandrophragma utile Budongo mahogany, Mukusu 1,000 12 Eucalyptus citriodora 300 13 Eucalyptus grandis Kalitunsi,Kalitusi, Rose gum 200 14 Eucalyptus camaldulensis 200 15 Eucalyptus robusta 300 16 Eucalyptus grandis (Origin South Africa) Kalitunsi,Kalitusi, Rose gum 350 17 Eucalyptus grandis (Origin South Africa) Kalitunsi,Kalitusi, Rose gum (F4) 500 18 Eucalyptus hybrid clones Kalitunsi,Kalitusi, Rose gum hybrid 600 (GCs) & 800 (GUs) 19 Gmelina arborea Melaina 1,000 20 Khaya anthotheca Red Mahogany, Munyama (small pot) 500 21 Maesopsis eminii Musizi 500 22 Markhamia lutea Nsambya, Emiti 500 23 Melia volkensii Giant lira 400 24 Milicia excelsa( 4"Pots) Iroko, Mvule, Elua, Mutumba 500 25 Milicia excelsa( 5"Pots) Iroko, Mvule, Elua, Mutumba 1,000 26 Pinus caribaea Var hondurensis F1 Caribean pine( imported)Brazil 450 27 Pinus caribaea Var hondurensis F2 Caribean pine( imported)Brazil 500 28 Pinus caribaea Var hondurensis Caribean pine( local seed originally from Australia F4) 500 29 Pinus caribaea Var hondurensis Caribean pine( imported)Brazil (big pot) 1,000 30 Pinus kesiya F2 500 31 Pinus oocarpa ( Imported) Pine 450 32 Tamarindus indica Tamarind, Mukoge, Muhungwa, Chwaa 1,000 33 Tectona grandis Teak 1,000 34 Tectona grandis (shoots) Teak 500 35 Terminalia superba Umbrella tree 300 36 Medicinal 37 Annona muricata Ekitafeeri, Soursop 5,000 38 Azadirachta indica Neem (small pot ) 350 39 Ozoroa insignus 40 Prunus africana Redstinkwood, Ntasesa,Chiramat,Musubo 1,500 41 Prunus africana (5'' Pots) Redstinkwood, Ntasesa,Chiramat,Musubo 3,500 42 Warburgia Ugandensis 1,500 Agroforestry / medicinal spps Page 1 New pricelist 10/20 Spring Road Tel: 041286049 PO Box 70863 041 230365/6 Kampala, Uganda Fax: 0414 230369 [email protected] NATIONAL TREE SEED CENTRE PRICE LIST FOR SEEDLINGS 2018/19 Species Common or local name Price/ seedling (Ushs) 43 Albizia chinensis Falcata. 500 44 Grevillea robusta Silky oak 300 45 Calliandra calothyrsus Calliandra 300 46 Cinnamon (depending on size) Budalasini 5,000-10,000 47 Leuceana lucocephalla Lusina 300 48 Sesbania sesban Munyunganyege 200 49 Bambusa vulgaris Bamboo 5,000 Fruit trees 50 Annona murica Ekitafeeri, Soursop 5,000 51 Artorcarpus heterophyllus Jack fruit, Fene 1,500 52 Carica papaya Paw paw 1,500 53 Citrus aurantifolia (grafted) Lime 3,000 54 Citrus limon (grafted) Lemon 3,000 55 Citrus sinensis (grafted) Sweet Oranges 3,000 56 Citrus reticulata (grafted) Tangerine, Mandarin 3,000 57 Cyphomandra betacea Tomato plant, Ebinyaanya 3,000 58 Mangifera indica (grafted) Mango 3,000 59 Parsiflora edulis Passion fruit 2,500 60 Persea americana Avocado (grafted) 3,500 61 Punica granatum Nkomamawanga 2,500 62 Psidium guajava Guava 1,500 62 Psidium guajava ( exotic) Guava 2,000 Ornamentals 63 Acacia xanthophloea Fever tree 30,000 64 Agathis australis Agathis 5,000 65 Agave sisalana (Sisal)-Small - 1,000 66 Agave sisalana (Sisal)-Big 5,000 67 Alexandria palm - 5,000 68 Araucaria cunninghamii (ornamental) Hoop pine, Monkey puzzle (big pot ) 5,000 69 Araucaria cunninghamii Hoop pine, Monkey puzzle (small pot) 500 70 Araucaria heterophylla No.1 Araucaria No.1 50,000-100,000 71 Azadirachta indica Neem(large pot ) 5,000 72 Aloha Aloha spp 1,000 73 Ashok (depending on size) Polyfilia pendular 10,000-30,000 74 Axola - 3,000 75 Bamboo assorted spp Big pots 5,000 76 Begonia Begonia spp 1,000 77 Bicla Today tonight tomorrow QOTN (Bicla) 2,000 78 Birig - 500 79 Blue bell - 500 80 Borassus aethiopum Fan palm, Ekituugo, Nyadokanet 3,500 81 Bottlebrush ( white) Shrous molle 10,000 Bottlebrush ( Red) Weeping willow/Mwabalabutonya, callistemon 5,000 82 citrinus Page 2 New pricelist 10/20 Spring Road Tel: 041286049 PO Box 70863 041 230365/6 Kampala, Uganda Fax: 0414 230369 [email protected] NATIONAL TREE SEED CENTRE PRICE LIST FOR SEEDLINGS 2018/19 Species Common or local name Price/ seedling (Ushs) 83 Bougainvillea Bougainvillea spectabilis 2,000 84 Bauhinia variagata (big) mountain ebony, orchid tree 10,000 85 Bauhinia variagata (medium) mountain ebony, orchid tree (medium) 5,000 86 Casuarina equisetifolia( 4'' pots) Casuarina, Pharao, whooping pine 2,500 87 Casuarina equisetifolia (midium pot Casuarina, Pharao, whooping pine 5,000 88 Casuarina equisetifolia (instant tree) Casuarina, Pharao, whooping pine 10,000 90 Cactoblastis ( 9x15 pot) Euphorbia spp 5,000 91 Canation rosea Rosea 200 92 Caryota spp Caryota Palm 10,000 93 Cloves - 30,000 94 Creeping bougainvillea Bougainvillea spp 500 95 Croton microstarchy Croton macrostarchy 1,500 96 Cycads (other) depending on size 50,000-100,000 97 Cuban royal palms Roystonea regia 5,000 98 Cycus palm Cycus revolta 10,000 99 Cupressus lustanica Cypruss, Chrismas tree, Sedero 300 100 Decorative markhamia Markhamia spp 1,000 101 Decorative yams - 1,000 102 Decorative yams( 9''x15'' Pots) 5,000 103 Duranta erecta Duranta spp (Sky flower) 400 104 Delonix regia ( instant tree) Flamboyant, Mwolora 10,000 105 Delonix regia( 4'' pot) Flamboyant, Mwolora(small pot) 1,000 106 Dovyalis caffra Kei-apple 300 107 Delonix regia ( 9''x15'' pot) Flamboyant, Mwolola 5,000 108 Euginia uniflora Pitanga cherry 400 109 Euginia spp 10,000-30,000 Encephalartos equatorialis (depending on size) Cycad 60,000-100,000 110 111 Ficus benjaminii Evergreen 10,000-30,000 Filicium decipiens Japanese Fern Tree, Thika Fern/Palm, Fern 30,000 112 Tree, Fern Leaf Tree, Soapberry 113 Grey bryophylum Bryopylum spp 1,000 114 Grevillea robusta ( 9x15'') Silk oak 5,000 115 Grevillea robusta (instant tree) Silk oak 10,000 116 Hakea Saligna 30,000 117 Hibiscus Hibiscus spp 500 118 Jacarada mimosifolia Jacaranda 5,000 119 Kadaali - 2,000 120 Krypto - 5,000 121 Lantana camara Lantana camara 500 122 Markhamia lutea ( 5'' Pots) Musambya, Emiti 500 123 Phoenix reclinata Wetland palm 1,000 124 Podocarpus usambarensis Podo, Musenene 1,500 125 Podocarpus usambarensis( Ornamental size) Podo, Musenene 5,000-10,000 126 Pritchardia pacifica Tonga Palm/ Figi Fan Palm 20,000-50,000 Page 3 New pricelist 10/20 Spring Road Tel: 041286049 PO Box 70863 041 230365/6 Kampala, Uganda Fax: 0414 230369 [email protected] NATIONAL TREE SEED CENTRE PRICE LIST FOR SEEDLINGS 2018/19 Species Common or local name Price/ seedling (Ushs) 127 Red comelina Comelina spp 500 128 Rosa indica Rose 2,000 129 Rosemary - 2,500 130 Rosemary 5,000 131 Roystonea regia Cuban royal palm 10,000 132 Sanseveira variagata Sanseveira 1,000 133 Sedum (4'' pots) - 3,000 134 Sedum ( 9''x15'' Pot) - 5,000 135 Spathodia campanulata Spathodia companulata 1,500 136 Spider grass - 1,000 137 Syzygium cuminii Jambolan/ Jambula 5,000 138 Tabebuia pentaphylla 5,000 139 Terminalia catappa (9''x15'' pot) Umbrella tree 5,000 140 Terminalia mantaly (9x15'' pot) Umbrella tree 5,000 141 Tergetes patula Marigold 1,500 142 Tineta tineta 2,000 143 Thuja Occidentalis Suuya 30,000 144 Vabena spp Vabena 500 145 Vitalleria paradoxa Shea butter 3,000 146 Yellow cassava hedge - 1,000 Instantr trees Assorted species 3m to 5m height and 10 cm collar diameter depending on species 200,000-1,000,000 Page 4 New pricelist.
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