2009 Social Responsibility Report


ࠪ܅٢єᄏ؈ĭuᇗݛ၀ࣉज़ތന߾ᄻಱЙ۩hແਜєჇўඕڂ၊׃ҋ֭هර܌ࠪ๾Ⴝན܅ЯЙ۩൦ᇗݛ၀ࣉज़ u໩૔vў൝hތරvguࠪ๾v܌රvᄥЯЙ۩ᇗ၁ၣuᇗ၀ࠪ๾vguࠪ๾܌๾Ⴝན hЯЙ۩ᇗ༷ඓచ၄ଈӳၣࢱᇈ ୕ᄍಸ֭చ၄ଈӳແሡhۿඓచ၄ଈӳၠѕ༷ٻҋవĭҎه۩ЯЙ

ҋྡ൜هތЙ۩ٛ຾ ໛Яნစ 1 රቁ ЯЙ۩ၣᇗႏ໛਎ᇝ໛ሻԣϹĭ೗਎ᇝϹЯႽҽ܌ࠪ๾Ⴝན܅ᇗݛ၀ࣉज़ۊЙ۩֭቎ᆶٛ຾ĻЯЙ۩ٛ຾ݬ ЯЙ۩֭୅ೀೊႽၘ؛֎໒h ၻᆵԱĭ౰χᇗ໛Ϲࢻ؈hۺҎ༷ࠫඓ ࠏᇉ྘Ⴧ໩૔࣑ྣሮ࿠h໩૔֭৻༪٢൜א୅ೀәԣഐ ໡ĭ౰ᇉٻЙ۩֭൐࡟ٛ຾Ļ ୕ᄍಸoᄍಸĭҎ ඕٛ຾h ೊ༷Ļ ൡ߾૥ඈऍ״ර܌ࠪ๾Ⴝན܅ҋᇣఁĻЯЙ۩ແ୕؏Й۩h Ҏ૒Ļᇗݛ၀ࣉज़ه֭۩Й ބ ᆾĻТ࣠൯Ӝဥ౽ඎ݃༎ৢׁ Й۩ёᇍ၏औ ႷёĻ   Į ߍĻא ЯЙ۩ҝᅾݛ༈ᄅݛሯໆ{ܹჇᇗလచ၄ੳྣന߾ᄻಱ֭ᆿ֥ၱ ԶᆏĻ Į   ୕Ϲ|gᅢЙ۩ᆿ଺هࡶ|gಎ౷Й۩Әၸ቎ᆶ.90{फ़ԃ࿋ ሸႷཙĻZOaYIN'TJJJVTJUא ර֭खเൔ܌ࠪ๾Ⴝན܅ᇗݛ၀ࣉज़ގݛಎ౷జᄇ്ལჸᄽѱࢺގ৻ ࡴ࣑ྣё྇h ሸ໛֞਎ᇝྡא-+7ތЯЙ۩ၣߔДᇄᇑႎඟ௞ ࠪ܅ሸ໛֞फ़ᄥᇗݛ၀ࣉज़אҋĭఋᇗ7+-ه൜ཧ؈ᆈ රັᅧĩO[[W!^^^TJJJVTJUĪ༷ᄣᄏ؈h܌Й۩ගऔ඲଄ ๾Ⴝན

ЯЙ۩൦ᇗ၀ࠪ๾ࠚࠦੳྣࣤ࠾gߔ࣪gന߾ᄻಱĭൔཋచ၄ಎ රᆦ൜܌ᅢ֭ᆏൔٙႠļ྘༗ගऔरধሹჇࠪ๾هgफ़ԃ࿋נ૳gྀ ๬ࡁЙ۩ĭၣࠫ෶ඓచ၄ന߾ᄻಱൔࡴ౮ঋࠀቁࠫ๬ࡁhఋތ໛ࡹ රҕ༈Й۩ĭఋ෸ගऔၣ ୕ແ܌ᇗĭҕ༈ගऔধሹ ୕؏ࠪ๾ ၣಮ૾уቜصᇾĭѱ൩֚ሜේၣవ୕؏ගऔhЯЙ۩ᇗ෶ധࠫࠒуࣉ ແࡁਐуᇝĭำѡ඲଄֭Ԫປh

Social Responsibility Report 2009 ପ੫

ܽৠᆈᇉՒ 01 ჼ܅Ӷӑᄻಱ 22 ໃ߁ჼ܅ಋၵ 22 ܹࡷེࠣў 03 ᅢ 23ه܅դ࣑ჼ Ӷӑ 26܅Ђሁݢປჼ ܹჇ໩૔ 04 ሇᇟჼ܅ܹρ 27 ܌ර࡭ࣂ 04 చ၄໛ߌࢁഩ 27 ݃߱৭ӹ 05  ༈ᄻಱڣරᇕৠ 06 ॢ߄܌ ༈ 29ڣिᅢಎ഻ଉᇣఁ ന߾಼ძ 06 ༈ණ௤ 30ڣഇಎ౷ۇ ୵৷฼ۢӉ௞ᇑਐ 30 ന߾ᄻಱܽৠ 07 07 ന߾ᄻಱৠ୙ ߔ࣪Д߁ᄻಱ 31 07 ന߾ᄻಱДᅸเ༪ ߔ࣪Д߁ེࠣ 31 09 ৮ၵཕܹ٢ҝი ౄߌܽৠเ༪ 32 ๿࣑ࢳେࡰஎ 33 ᅢ࿞ߔࣤ࠾ 33ه ᅢᄻಱ 12هज़࿘ ༈ݛࡍࢁഩ 12 Д߁഻งߔ࣪ 34ڣӹӽЏ܅ 14 Дᅸࣤ࠾υಎ υಎ഻Ӊᄻಱ 35هሯჿि ሕЩᇍᄷ฼ാቀގൔ৷ 15 ౄߌυಎܽৠ 35 ഇ૾഻ 17ۇᆮԃه٤ׁӉि ᆷ၄ࡺॊυಎ 36 ᅢ 18هᄷᇄ၄༈դ࣑फ़ԃ࿋ ຣഇ႓ࠬܽৠ 36 ज़࠷Կྕᄻಱ 19 υಎ໛ߌࢁഩ 36

฼ാሹᇾԿྕେ৷ 19 ന߾ތ྆ᄻಱ 37 20 ቜ ၏ٍӼ྘ࣤ႗ 37܅ࡎౄᆱൕӉಋ ૾ 38܌սᄷݛࡅ࠷ඔ਽༽చ၄ 21 ᆢ֚ಎ౷ िᅢ߂৮ގቜ 39 ൔൈᄻಱҘܛ 40 ಫྗന߾܌ၵ 41

ᅢິ  2009 Social Responsibility Report


 ୕႗၄൴೎ຫჵ17,661,157.3 ĭ ໒h 8 315׃ӹӽЏ഍ᇗஎଈ܅ࡍቓվ໒ᇈଈĭᄥಎ౷ౄᇗஎଈഐാᄥൟࣀచ၄ იٮ۲ि٪ೠ്୕ࣤ࠾֭ีۇ၄֭ࢁഩ৭ൖი૛འĭࡶᆫਜݛࡍ܅ᅢ৭ӹᇗĭ໩૔Կᄷѱൔཋਜྕᇗݛۙ๕هᄥࣕ੊്୕֭ ᅢه၄ࢁഩ਽ჟ৭ൖႳࣺgል၄ྦྷቓౄ֭చ၄ĭᇗ၀ࠪ๾ಎ૳ઓൔज़࿘܅੦ൎhቜແۙ๕௳ތࠖᆈו၄֭܅߱ߪĭӶແ໩ݛۙ๕ ĭ࡜ԃuӼ྘ന߾ແЯĭॢ߄઩ၱແ಼v֭ࣤ႗ৠ୙ĭಎ૳ੳྣന߾ᄻಱĭᇉ৷Ⴧಎ౷൯ӎिຑĭվ৷๿࣑࠷ඔԿྕgܽৠԿܼ ຫჵĭᄥ્ݛර႗၄൴೎܌ࣱᆢ৷ĭ୵৷ቛౄgቛվgቛႲచ၄h ୕ࠪ๾ྗފ໛ߌԿྕĭҊؖ฼ാࠪ๾֭ތྕ ׃ӹӽЏ഍ᇗஎଈ܅ࡍቓվଈĭᄥಎ౷ଈĭࢨవ၊୕ᄉാ׃ౄvచ၄எଈᇗĭ໒ऊҋ֭uൟࣀ܌ᄞᇅ|ھҕ} ӹ܅ལĭᇗݛӹࢊࣉࢊལgႇࢊ܅ࢊལĭࠎ֬ݛࡍႲᇑֱم໒h ୕ᇗ၀ࠪ๾ӶແݛࡍԿྕྠచ၄ĭࠎ֬ݛࡍज़࠷࣑Ҍࢊ ၊୕h֭اӹࢊལቓ܅ལĭ൦ࣕ୕ধࠎ֬ࢁഩu੢ϳࢊv

ӹ܅ӹӽЏ଎൜ĭҊؖౄߌሹമᄥ܅ࠦແচ଼֭ࣤ࠾ྡ൥ĭࠚࠦԿྕຑᅢ؛ᅢh૳ه຺ࠗĭ࡜ԃज़࿘؛୕ĭ໩૔ࠚࠦ႓  ࠷ඔԣ९಄֬๴௭ĭൔތ७ᇍେ৷଄ཉ฼ۢļ၀ࣉഩЩތལପĭሯჿࠎ಄هᇾׁ֥໒ļࡎঁ๿࣑ݛ୅ປሯჿिތ༽ӽЏ਽ჟ֭਽ Ӵ൯ᄖ႗Ⴒ൥ĭࠚࠦ๯മДᅸྦྷሆ٤ࢁഩĭແ฼ތຣᆤӉ၄ਅه৮ႰሹമखЩ٤ׁӉिٻպݛࡍ֭ӶาඃԣļԑهཋਜཧಸЯֱ රĭࠦվׁ฼ാਜచ၄ܽৠණ௤ࠫݛႽሯӉ֭Дᆼᅁᆼେ৷h܌ཌļӶ৳ᇗ၀ᇄ၄ࠪ๾ܒऊ૾഻ࠋණ௤ቛԣਜࠚࠦۢ

܊ࣱᆢ৷ແପћĭౄߌज़࠷ԿྕhҊؖ฼ۢሹᇾԿྕେ৷ĭ๿࣑ज़࠷Ӷݜሏߌĭແिຑྕྞ൯ӎ฼ྗފ୕ĭ໩૔ၣ฼ാ  ර֭ݛࡅ܌ĭሇᇟᆱൕӉಋД߁ĭແࢁഩԿྕྠచ၄ĭ฼ാࠪ๾يቜĭࡎঁज़࠷Ӷݜ֭Ӊ၄ߌҌގౄվ֭࠷ඔᆮԃh૩ౕӉ࿘ခ ࣱᆢ৷฼܊ౄႽ৷ᆮӲh

ᅢࠗ߾ĭه௤ֱ֭܊฼܅ಋၵgແჼ܅၊ሯჿ֭ৠ୙ĭࢄД߁ჼ׃ӶӑhѭԃಮҔ൦܅୕ĭ໩૔࡜ԃၣಮແЯĭᆮԃჼ  ൔཋuเ૳ী׶vh܅ী׶ܹ༪ĭದჼ྆ތࢁܚ๥Ӷӑቜແచ၄֭ࠖЯᄻಱĭࠚࠦܓიచ၄֭܅ൔཋჼ

߄చ၄ࢁ৳ਜu୎ᇗႽॢا༈ණ௤ແପћĭიᇡڣ߄ॢތ༈h࡜ԃၣ฼ۢӉ௞ᇑਐڣ୕ĭ໩૔Ҋؖࡎౄܽৠĭౄߌॢ߄  ๥Ӷӑhܓቜܹ༪ĭ୵৷ൔཋࠪ๾იॢ߄֭ގ໩g໩ᇗႽ୎v֭࣍૩

იେჿ๏ᅦĭޱಎ౷ట؛ᆂĭࠚࠦ႓ބĭվ৷๿࣑ߔ࣪Д߁h࡜भ݂Ӧઓൔݛࡍࢳେࡰஎྗފ୕ĭ໩૔ၣྕ࠷ඔ႓Ⴐແ  ྠނᅢ࿞ߔࣤ࠾ĭሇᇟሯჿࢳᄇĭ୵৷դ࣑ሯჿࢳᄇྠgߔ࣪Ⴞهౄߌࢳେࡰஎܽৠĭࡎվሯࣉ๯೎৷؏ĭࡎౄಮҔؚༀࢁഩĭ ന߾ࢁഩh

ᅢvৠ୙ĭҊؖຣഇυಎ഻Ӊܽৠเ༪ĭౄߌυಎܽه୕ĭ໩૔ࡎౄเ༪ࢁഩĭ୵৷ൔཋυಎ഻ӉhࠚࠦӘ֥uυಎ  ຾hٺυಎ֭྆ތᅢ႗ᄷهᆷ၄ࡺॊĭ฼ാ႓ࠬܽৠණ௤ĭனცυಎ໛ߌĭ୵৷ແࠪ๾ज़࿘܅ৠĭሇᇟჼ

ቜĭގ๡ი௤ֱܖhᄥಎ౷ࣤ႗ᇗ࡜ԃ၏ٍӼ྘ࣤ႗ĭᇟ൲ი৮ၵཕܹ٢֭྆ތ୕ĭ໩૔Ҙ಄ౕൔնൈĭࠚࠦդ࣑ന߾  ཌ৷ਐhܒൟࣀ྆ތ૾ᄻಱĭແࢁഩ܌ჵ໛ߌĭႯჇӽ֌చ၄اᅢĭቕᇟهᆮԃׁ֚ന౽

ቜ਽֥܅ᅢܼĭᇷҌࢁ৳ࡺಎന߾ᄻಱܽৠเ༪ĭል૒Ӷ৳ਜന߾ᄻಱهቜແᇟ္ሊ൵ಎ૳ઓൔज़࿘܅໩૔ၣੳྣന߾ᄻಱ ਜౄႽ৷֭቎ᆶДᅸĭդ࣑ਜࠪ๾ੳྣന߾ᄻಱӑེࠗᇍ֭ྡ܊ቜ֭Ⴝེ๿࣑฼܅൱ĭແࠪ๾ന߾ᄻಱ܌ቜϿ܅ന߾ᄻಱތ቎ུ Ӷތຣഇh

ه৮ၵཕܹ٢ྂ൵ĭ຾಩uࢁഩखႽݛࡅࣱᆢ৷֭ൟࣀ၊ੈచ၄ࠪ๾v֭ᅦઃପћĭѭԃന߾ᄻಱৠ୙ĭۺ࣊޲ĭ໩૔ࢄი վ֭৷ਐĢۿཌܒᅢهנ࠷ඔႲ൥ĭແ๿࣑ࣤ࠾gന߾gߔ֭࣪ԃ࿋ྀތ߰ᆤเႲ൥gྣ၄਽༽Ⴒ൥


01 02 2009 Social Responsibility Report


й؛ ୕  ୕ ལପ ၄ࠣᆿћ ֎໒

႗၄൴೎ ຫჵ   

   ຫჵ صࣤ ৮ೖቁ      ຫჵ صሯӉቁ ࠾

ၠ࢔තࣉ ຫჵ      

൹ಋል৮ග ལ  

ߔ ຫჵӉᆼቀ      ؝ћેຫჵ ގେރ  ࣪

     6எ٪ਐ ؝:

   ಮ ܅ᆷ۝ന ᄥ

 ߾   ຫჵ صटᅄቁ

օўࢨಈ୕Ⴝ෶ഐാ օўࢨಈ୕Ⴝ෶༷ࢎ ܹჇ໩૔


රĩᇗ໛࡭ӳᇗ၀ࠪ๾ĭႏ໛࡭ӳ܌ࠪ๾Ⴝན܅ᇗݛ၀ࣉज़ ၄֭ि܅Ī൦ݛ༈ᄅݛሯໆ࡛֭ܽำվྠచ၄ࠪ๾ĭ൦ᇗݛ၀ࣉ**4 ࢁഩᆈĭ༽޲ӽ֌ਜЗۙgσۙg໻ۙgஓֱۙݛࡍᇾ္ۙ๕ތຑᆈ ࿜hᇗ၀܇ᅢ৳༷ਜሤᄈه၄֭܅၄ׁ֭ࠖࢁഩಱ༈ĭແᇗݛ၀ࣉ܅ ӹӽЏ֭ᇾ৷ळļ൦ݛࡍಚׯ֭ᇟ׌܅ݢປތࠪ๾၁൦ݛࡍࠖЯࢁഩ ሯჿ৓చ၄ĭႢႽ๕g๦gୣg᪮gఫgྒֱঈ೾ሯჿĭѱႢႽఫg ތݛ୅ປ਎۹൯ӎهచ၄ļ൦ၣᇄࢅແᇾ္Ӊ௞gि܅g๦၀ਇࡎྒ ৮Ⴐݛ୅ປ਎ᇝሯჿ֭ᇄ၄చ၄ļ൦ݛ୅݇଎ቓվ֭࠷ඔሕЩᇍᄷచ చ၄ĭuᇗ၀ᇊ၄v௞ஏᄥᇗݛ٤ׁه၄ᆵ၊ļߖ൦ᇟ္֭٤ׁӉि Ӊ൯ӎഐखႽࢨ֭ۢᆱଈ؏hቜແݛࡅᆱଈӽЏ഍ĭᇗ၀ࠪ๾ᄥݢປ ތिъਜ݄ঞ൯ӎĭቈࠞњࠫ໼վᇥĭӽࢁਜ၊௃खႽᇟ္ႝཡׁۺ ߓႚhތ௧ނࣤ࠾ེၵ֭ལପĭൻ֦ਜལପ෶ᄥݛ֭ނ਍ gሮ࿠݇ߋgॆҸұࠃg࡛ৠഩࡁgࢁህهᇗ၀ࠪ๾൦ࠪज़ခि ܅gهgഩЩυሕgഩЩᇍᄷიӶาgሯჿिهिގg٤ׁӉቀ܅ൈ ል၄gॼྣ၄gॼݛࣤا༈ი࣑ԣ९ીၦჇ၊เĭڣ၄഻Ӊg࠷ඔ ำվྠచ၄ࠪ๾h֭ྦྷގીჇ၊เ֭ቀ܅႗ĭࠪज़

ۇగধĭվ৷๿࣑చ၄୅Ҏގࠗᇍሏߘࢺތ۲ۇ؏ᇗ၀ࠪ๾Ϥᇍ ࣑ࣤۇĭܚ۲ĭሪ৷࣑ྣሹᇾԿྕĭ୵৷ᅁ่చ၄ࠋ৷ĭႲߌࣤ႗ࢺ ގႛvاuތ༈ļၣӼ྘ແЯĭ݄ٟिᅢuඨႛvڣ ᅢهԃ࿋ތᅢᇑਐĭచ၄ࣱ֭ᆢେ৷هେĭ฼ۢ܇႗٢൜ĭ฼ാࣤ႗ ሄൟࣀ໋ধv֭ന߾ᄻܓᅢĭهቜhѭӽuԃ࿋Կྕ େ৷Ҋؖ฼ۢh ಱৠ୙ĭսᄷފྗେ৷ĭႯ֌ന߾ᄻಱĭᇉ৷ࢁഩख ᅁᆼ Ⴝݛࡅࣱᆢ৷֭ൟࣀ၊ੈచ၄ࠪ๾h܊ᅢĭҊؖԿྕĭࠚࠦ฼هᇗ၀ࠪ๾վ৷๿࣑໼վӉ၄ྀ๥

ᅢቁᅦઃĻ ቁପћ! ࢁഩखႽݛࡅࣱᆢ৷֭ൟࣀ၊ੈచ၄ࠪ๾هᇗ၀ࠪ๾ ࣺυھᅢgӑهԿྕ฼ാgቛౄቛվgԃ࿋ Ӽ྘ന߾ແЯgॢ߄઩ၱແ಼ !׶ࠗļ ࣤ႗ৠ୙هᅢ֭هර܌୅ೀĭ൦ྗފԿྕ฼ാ൦ቁᅦઃ֭ ᅦઃնൈļྗފᅢ֭هර܌ᅢ൦هቛౄቛվgԃ࿋ ๥ᄃࣧh చ၄࣢ല! ࣫၄gᇙӼg๾ࢺg࣑಄ܓ֭܅රಎเჼ܌ࣺυ൦ھӑ

03 04 2009 Social Responsibility Report


රӶ৳Ⴧഐൟࡈ໼്୕օĭശᇈႽ֭Ӷ৳Ⴧ܌ගሸاᇗ၀ࠪ๾վ රຣӶਜݛࡍ  ֭ۙ๕܌୕ধĭᇗ၀ࠪ๾ࠫఋሸاࢁݛᆵవh໼് ݛ૾ࣤ࠾ތᅢهಱ༈ĭແ໩ݛۙ๕Ӊ၄܅ࢁഩལପ֭ॆһgഩࡁgൈ ཌĭԿᄷਜ߱ߪ֭၄ࠣhܒࢁഩቜԣਜ๴ԣ

ཧݛ༈ᄅ౰൝቎ގປࣤ࠾ીၦҎ৻؛ތ၄Ҏ܅ᄍĭ၀ࣉ୕  රĭࠎݛ༈ᄅ௃ሡhቜແ໩ݛ၀ࣉࢁഩؚༀ຿၊֭܌ࢁᇗݛ၀ࣉࢁഩ ᅢྕࢰؕhهරि൛Ҍ೎܌ປԻ९ĭᇗݛ၀ࣉࢁഩ؛

ଈແۿර܌ᄍĭݛࡍࣤ࠾ીၦໆჼ߾௃ሡᇗݛ၀ࣉࢁഩ୕  చ၄቎ࢁᇗ၀ࠪ๾hᄥՖྗފරແ܌ۆරĭѱၣ܌ᇗݛ၀ࣉࢁഩࠪ๾

౜ౕ໬൵܅ი၊၀ᆷׁ܅൲һ໻ۙࢁഩײ୕ ᄍಸĭસᄾ   ࢁഩປĭࡎهఁ࡟ĭᇗ၀ࠪ๾ႢႽࡍӶჼ֎໒ĭԪݛປӽЏ൯ӎि ৷؏hهվਜݛ୅൯ӎि

රֱࡍచൡ၄܌၊၀ࣉࢁഩ׃၄Ҏࢄᇗݛ܅୕ᄍĭ၀ࣉ  ֎໒ሯӉߋ݊ᇗ၀ࠪ๾ࣤ႗ތܽৠh

ර܌ࡍሸ ࢄڷ୕ᄍĭҕᆧҎᄥሯӉ౪ৠ֭ࠖԬഐᆦ൜௃ ሯӉიҕ༈ܹ༪ߋሏᇗ၀ࠪ๾ĭ၏ՖϿৠӉಋְࡂ൵࿋hᇈՖĭၣ֭ රĭᆏᆦၱၴഐ֭ᇗ၀ࠪ๾ᆦ൜ྡӶh܌රແଣ܌ᇗݛ၀ࣉࢁഩࠪ๾

၄܅ࢁഩᆈĭᇗ၀ࠪ๾ແᇗݛ၀ࣉތ၄֭िຑᆈ܅ቜແᇗݛ၀ࣉ ՙ౜ਪ൲һhا࿜ĭݛࡍ࠳օ਽֥ಮ܇ᅢ৳༷ਜሤᄈه֭


ׁ܅ᄍಸĭࢆᄾ૾൲һЗۙࢁഩර ୕܌ĭѱიᇗ၀ࢁህခࣶቁᄅႽནׁ܅୕ᄍಸĭ޹࣎ษ൲һଡ଼ӟࢁഩ ޭᆀྕࢥ൹౜ౕ໬൵ ܌රᇕৠ

ĭᄥႽེᇍܚරٍಮᇕৠࢺ܌රٍ|ၣࠫཕܹ݇ᄽ္౸ĭ݇ٛࠪ๾܌}ൡ߾൳׌చ၄ၣধĭᇗ၀ࠪ๾χᅾ״୕ቜແሹ ӏ൳ĭѱ಄֬ਜ၊ׯ֭Ӷེhތᄖቜ٢૳࣑ྣਜࠚࠦธ෴נቜgྀގ܅ٻgޡ

ࣤ႗Ҳ֭؛ཊ७ᇍĭѱက۴ڌ߰ᅦઃ࡛७ቜႰĭౕൔࡎౄهᇟվൡལ֭भҮಋhሇᇟ؛රᅫӹ݇ׯĭੳྣ܌ൡ߾က۴χᅾ״ ࢠاൡ֭ል၄ߌg״ഩᇊࠫಮჼ஭ᇊĭປҎܚᆤႲߌਜࠗנර൩൐܌ᇍഐ൯֭ྻ္ĭࠪ๾ۇh ୕ĭແ൩႓ࠪ๾ᆤเފ၄ࠣ॑ ਜᆮӲ௤ฃh܊ൡ߾ज़࿘भҮ฼״߰ແهେቜႰ֭܇ሁभҮګል૒ໆჼ߾ތ߰ه൲ဿቜႰ֭؏

ൡ߾g״රᇕৠᇍ؏ࠖԬഐĭ༭ߌਜႽܹၸൡ݇ᄽĭ࣑၊Ҍ଄ಚਜ܌ᄖྣࠗᇍhᄥჸႽ֭֭ܚර࣑၊Ҍຣഇਜٍಮᇕৠࢺ܌ ਜᇍ؏Дᅸh܊ൡ߾֭ज़࿘भҮ฼״ᄖྣᇍ؏ߌgखเߌgੈӹߌĭແ֭ܚ࡛ൡ߾gࣤ႗Ҳᆵ࡟֭ಋᄻٛ຾ĭ൘ٍಮᇕৠࢺ

ቜļࢁ৳ຣഇਜᄥ܅ĭ຾಩చ၄֭ᇟ׌g଼׌िᅢهᅢໟׯ֭վऍԣه۲ۇൔࡅĭ՞చ၄֭ܚచ၄ٍಮᇕৠࢺގࠪ๾֜ໆࢺ ߰hهቜႰ֭Ⴝེྗފ٢ٍĭಚДਜᄥᇟվ໡฽भҮᇗ֜቎ᆶᆧᇕތໆҝიచ၄ᇟվ໡฽भҮ֭୅ೀg๷࣭༷֜ܚٍ֭ٛಮᇕৠࢺ݇


௧࠱ࢺݜhތძ಼ٻ।ׯიಲफ़hၣ༷ແᇗ၀ࠪ๾ᄥ ୕ࠎ֭֬Ҏ֭ٻვᇗ၀ࠪ๾ԑۻࣀۺ୕ĭന߾ 

ଈĭࢨഐ୕฼ാ65 ଈļ 315׃ౄvచ၄எଈᇗĭ໒ऊҋ֭uൟࣀ܌ᄞᇅ|ھݛ{ҕ્

ଈĭიഐ୕ԃ௤ļ 27׃ౄஎଈᇗĭ໒ऊዘᄲಇఁ ᇗݛచ၄

໒ĭࢨഐ୕฼ാ1໒h 8׃ӹӽЏ഍ᇗĭ໒ऊ܅ࡍቓվӹྕໜࡂ੫|ĩ,59Ī௧࿒֭ಎ౷܅}ݛ્


ལପࢊ৫௧ഴӶݜ၊ֱࢊ1 ལļهज़࠷ခ܅ࠎ֬ݛࡍज़࠷࣑Ҍࢊ2 ལĭ၀ࣉज़࿘࠷ඔࢊ12 ལĭҕᆧҎᇗလ࠱ࢁህൈ ੔रํ૰ ഫ౰ል৮2,046ࡹĭྕ൹ಋል৮1,012 ࡹĭႢႽႽེ൹ಋል৮2,338ࡹĭࠎᇗݛል৮Ⴒྶࢊ2 ལļܓ

ҝёྣ၄࠷ඔћሡ96 ལĭҝࡎݛࡅћሡߌ቎ތҝёݛࡍ࠷ඔћሡ195 ལĭᇾёތҝёݛࡅ࠷ඔћሡ2 ལĭᇾёތᇾё ᆶ3 ۹h

ӹࢊࣉࢊ1 ལgႇࢊ5 ལļ܅ࠎ֬ݛࡍႲᇑ

ӹࢊ33 ལļ܅ӹࢁഩu੢ϳࢊv7 ལĭ၀ࣉྣ၄Ⴒྶॆһࢊ30 ལĭ၀ࣉྣ၄Ⴒྶഩࡁࢊ110 ལĭ၀ࣉྣ၄Ⴒᇑ܅೗ዊଉ ࠎ֬ᇗݛׂ

ӹॆһࢊ 20 ལh܅ӹഩࡁࢊ121ལĭಎݛႲྶ܅ӹվࢊ 2 ལĭಎݛႲྶ܅ĭࠪ๾ࠎ֬ᅛ็Ⴠ๺଩׀ࢱᇈ֦ ୕

ļބࠎu ୕؏ᇗݛቓखႝཡ৷చ၄vӳ಼ ļބ࿜֎໒vӳ܇ጹࢇඵᇤ ಼ࠎuಎݛచ၄໛ߌࢁഩ്վ hބᇾvӳܮϞࣅᇗݛվ࿘഻ቓࡌ׃ࠎu಼

05 06 2009 Social Responsibility Report



රၣന߾ᄻಱৠ୙ແᆿ֥ĭಎ૳๿࣑ന߾ᄻ܌ሄൟࣀ໋ধvh ୕ĭࠪ๾ܓᅢĭهᇗ၀ࠪ๾֭ന߾ᄻಱৠ୙൦uԃ࿋Կྕ Ӷེhނቜĭ಄֬ਜ਍܅ಱ

ᄻಱৠ୙୅Ҏধჿ ၣuӼ྘ന߾ແЯĭॢ߄઩ၱ ᇗ၀ำ೬֭ᄻಱ୅ݬ చ၄໛ߌļ݂֭ྗފແ಼vແ ᅢᄻಱهᅢֱܼ ज़࿘هӦઓൔज़࿘ ಽ೎ࠪ๾ന ज़࠷Կྕᄻಱ ߾ᄻಱൔࡴ ჼ܅Ӷӑᄻಱ ༈ᄻಱڣ߄ॢ ᄻಱৠ୙ປҎধჿ ߔ࣪Д߁ᄻಱ ݛ༈ᄅݛሯໆ{ܹჇᇗလచ၄ υಎ഻Ӊᄻಱ ᄻಱ྆ތੳྣന߾ᄻಱ֭ᆿ֥ၱࡶ|ֱ ന߾ ᆧҮٍ݇ļݛ୅ປന߾ᄻಱћ ሡᆿ଺ֱ ᇗ၀ࠪ๾ำ೬֭ന߾ᄻಱ୅ݬ

ന߾ᄻಱДᅸเ༪ gᆮԃנຣഇਜന߾ᄻಱᆮԃДᅸเ༪ĭܽৠgྀތ৳ቜĭᇗ၀ࠪ๾ࢁ܅ແಎ૳ઓൔࠪ๾ന߾ᄻಱৠ୙ĭ๿࣑ࠪ๾ന߾ᄻಱ ৮ၵཕܹ٢ҝიเ༪ތཊܽৠเ༪ڌරᇕৠเ༪gᄻಱ๿࣑ܽৠเ༪g܌ቜhࠪ๾֭ന߾ᄻಱДᅸเ༪Ⴖ܅ལന߾ᄻಱۺࠪ๾֭ ܚӶh

ᇗ၀ࠪ๾ന߾ ᄻಱ܅ቜ

ᄻಱ๿࣑ ৮ၵཕܹ٢ ཊܽৠเ༪ڌ රᇕৠเ༪܌ ܽৠเ༪ ҝიเ༪

ᇗ၀ࠪ๾ന߾ᄻಱДᅸเ༪ইࡗ๵ Social Responsibility Report 2009

܌රᇕৠเ༪ ᄻಱ๿࣑ܽৠเ༪

ᆧҮ٢ᆔᄥތᄻࠪ๾ന߾ᄻಱৠ୙ڽਜ቎ ᄻಱ๿࣑ܽৠเ༪܊ቜ๿࣑฼܅රᇕৠเ༪ແࠪ๾ന߾ᄻಱ܌ ֎໒ઓൔന߾ۺҎ૒gۺර܌נරӶ৳֭ന߾ᄻಱ ࠪ๾୅Ҏ֭࿎Զი๿݄ĭྀ܌ࠗᇍДᅸhପవĭࠪ๾ތᆶࠖԬ ቜ္౸ĭౕൔੳྣന߾ᄻಱh܅ĭఋ༷ ᄻಱ֭Ⴝܹܚቜ֭भҮࠗ܅ቜ਽ུ֥቎൦ࠪ๾ന߾ᄻಱ܅ ᄻखเ቎ᆶൔൈന߾ᄻಱڽ൱܌ቜϿ܅ഩ֭ന߾ᄻಱ ܅ቜh

ཊܽৠเ༪ ৮ၵཕܹ٢ҝიเ༪ڌ

ཨĭؿ౗൦చ؛చ၄ᄖ႗gҕ༈gٍ੸ ৮ၵཕܹ٢Ҋ֔൦చ၄ੳྣന߾ᄻಱ֭؛ཊܽৠเ༪Ҋ࣏ྻ္ڌ ཊ֭ ၄ന߾ᄻಱེ֭ࠣ௧ࡖᆈhࡎౄ৮ၵཕܹ٢ҝიܽৠĭդ࣑ڌന߾ᄻಱ؛ࡎౄތཊ࣑ྣ७ᇍĭѱ္ሇᇟڌֱ ߵ႓৮ၵཕܹ٢֭ఁތ๡࢔ੈĭਜࢻܖཊĭДᅸ చ၄ი৮ၵཕܹ٢֭ڌࢎֶచ၄ތৠĭቓվན؏֭э૯ܽތ࡛७ ҝიಋĭ൦ތ౸ĭಚД৮ၵཕܹ٢֭ᆱ౮ಋg࡛؄ಋ္ތິ ࢺݜĭ၁൦ܡཊ௧ڌቜ֭ධ৮िᅢhచ၄܅ལۺచ၄ ቜ୅ೀ֭၏औh ࠪ๾ੳྣന߾ᄻಱ಄֬ჯఁӶེܹ֭ࡷ෶ᄥh܅చ၄ಚׯന߾ᄻಱ

07 08 2009 Social Responsibility Report



๡٢൜ ᇾ္ᆿћܖ ර֭ఁິ܌؛ ৮ၵཕܹ٢

ݛႽሯӉДᆼᅁᆼ੹ ! صᅢĭ൷ ಲᆏᆻྣݛࡍሯჿᆧҮĭҝიཕܹ  ଴තቁه႓ĭࡺॊ܊Дᅸ൯ӎሯჿ ခიנᆧҮᇍׯĭҝიႽܹҎໆ֭ ಮග܅ࣤ႗ĭ၏ٍ଴තĭԿᄷऄ၄ࠗ ჼٍ ڱᆧ ߾ĭሹᇾԿྕĭД߁ߔ࣪ ခัĭል฽ࠀЙĭഐЙ๬ࡁЙўތ  ज़࠷๯೎ ࢳେࡰஎ  ϰ٨ υಎ഻Ӊ

ቜପ ᇾ႗၄༈൴೎܅ර ᇍׯ݇ᅫᇍ؏ĭ฼ԣ܌ൔཋݛႽሯӉДᆼᅁᆼĭຣഇ صቜࠀ ৮ೖቁ܅ћሡĭފĭऒ࢒ᇾ၄ĭ฼ാచ၄֭ ћĭᇍׯ॑ܚᇕৠࢺ ݛሯໆ ݛࡅࣱᆢ৷ĭࠚࠦᆻྣݛࡍࢳେࡰ ЙĭഐЙ๬ࡁЙў ࣲሯӉ൴ၵ੹ எᆧҮĭൔཋ੻೬ᄖ႗ ݛႽሯӉДᆼᅁᆼ੹

ᇾ႗၄༈൴೎ صර ሡಚࠫ൐֭྘༗௄੥ĭׯఁቄ٨ĭ ৮ೖቁ܌ĭԃ࿋฼ۢࠪ๾ܚຣഇᇕৠࢺ ૌܪ൴ၵ վ߾ײܪ୕؏Й۩ĭ ڹཊĭໟࡺࣤ႗ĭᆮڌࡖᆼĭࢎֶ ቁሯӉࣲߵЙ੹ ײܪ ܪ৮ ܪЯࣲߵЙ੹ ಋၵײܪചග

੹װ๥మގօўվ ী׶܅߾ĭׯఁᆂिᆷ܅৳ᅢେ৷ĭໃ߁ჼ Ӷه฼ۢࠪ๾फ़ԃ࿋ നДҝД੹ ๡ಃ֩ĭ࿎ܖӶӑࠗ ߾ĭࢁ৳Ӗ๡֭୅Ҏތ৮ڦاۿ܊ಋၵĭ฼܅ ܅ჼ ன࿦๯೎܅ቜߔ࣪ĭൔ Զன࿦ ჼ܅ࡺॊυಎ֭܊߾ĭ฼ օўվ߾ၸϋග܅ᆷ ގჵ໛ߌಽاཋ

ॢ߄྘Ⴐ௧࠱ ๥ĭގ๡ĭက۴ੳྣܖიॢ߄૩ౕ ڣᇑႲࡖ৿֭Ӊ௞ĭҊؖ฼ۢ܊฼ ؏߄઩ၱॢ ༈྘༗ڣӉ௞֭ھچ܊ቜ ฼ގ߄ ༈ᇑਐĭ௤ֱ߂৮ॢ ގ๥ੳᄇ੹

๥ੳᄇ੹ގ ੸ٍ݇ĭࢁ৳ӑ ၄༈ณஙĭۢҲ߾༅ĭᅹ๯ћĭಸٍތቖ൷഍၄֩֫ ႓഍ගਐ܊ ๡ĭׯఁቄ٨ܖႛ Ӑ࢔ੈܓቜܹ༪ĭൔཋ߂৮ގ႓഍ ఁ௤ֱ֭܊

ࢁྀၸĭҝიന౽ལପࢁ ന౽ࢁഩ๯೎ܓװД߁ന౽ߔ࣪ĭդ࣑ന౽࣑Ҍĭᆮ మ صၵटᅄ܌ ๡ĭिᅢ৻ߓࠋ׶ܖၵൡ၄ĭແന౽Կᄷऄ၄ ഩĭׯఁ܌ന౽ ԃന߾ ࠗ߾ ҝი֭ന߾቎ᆶ

ྀ߾ଈӳ ྀ߾ಱᆷ

ᇗݛ၀ࣉࢁഩྀ߾ ߾ӑ֎໒

߾ӑ֎໒ڴ ߾gᇗݛచ၄ࡍྀ߾ގᇗݛచ၄৻

ᇗݛࢁህ၄ྀ߾ Ӑ༈ৠൡ֎໒

ᇗݛᅹћ๯ћྀ߾ ߾ჼ֎໒

߾ӑ֎໒ڴ చ၄ܽৠྀ߾܅ᇗݛൈ

߾ӑ֎໒ڴ ӹ഍߾܅ປӽЏ؛ᇗݛ

߾ӑ֎໒ڴ Ӊ௞࣑ԣ९഍߾אᇗݛࠗ

ӹሮ࿠ྀ߾ ߾ჼ֎໒܅ᇗݛݛࡅ

ᇗݛݛࡅ๯ሯդ࣑߾ Ӑ༈ৠൡ֎໒

၄ྀ߾ Ӑ༈ৠൡ֎໒܅ᇗݛۙ๕

߾ ᇾ༤๾֎໒ގᇗݛঈ၄৻

ᇗݛࣉඓ࿘߾ Ӑ༈ৠൡ֎໒

၄ྀ߾ Ӑ༈ৠൡ֎໒܅ᇗݛႽ೬ࣉඓ

ᇗݛυಎ഻Ӊྀ߾ Ӑ༈ৠൡ֎໒

ປࣤ࠾ીၦ๬ࡁ࿘߾ ৠൡ֎໒؛ᇗݛ

ᇗݛࢁህ၄ྀ߾๬ࡁል၄ໆჼ߾ Ӑ༈ৠൡ֎໒

ᇗݛ୅Ҏഴࡁྀ߾ ৠൡ֎໒

ৠൡӑ֎໒ڴ ᇗݛᄷᇄྀ߾

ᇗݛ߾ࡁ࿘߾ ৠൡ֎໒

රྀ߾ ৠൡ֎໒܌ᇗݛҕ༈ 09 10 ሄൟࣀ໋ধܓᅢهԃ࿋Կྕ ᅢᄻಱهज़࿘

נᅢܼĭࠫ൐ه୕ĭݛࡅࣉಽ຺ࠗԃ࿋জೣપငĭᇗ၀ࠪ๾ᄥࠦແচ଼gကव֭ྡ൥༷ĭയ೎݂Ӧઓൔज़࿘  ᅢง൥ĭهނལࣤ႗၄ࠣДԃ਍ۺഇܽৠ෕ᇑĭۇތᅢᅦઃĭࡎঁ๿࣑చ၄ሏྠĭ౅ሊ൯ӎࠗუĭվ৷ࢎЯᅁེهᆤ ׯਜ࡜ൔ֭ࠖԬhוᅢቁପћهແuࢁഩखႽݛࡅࣱᆢ৷֭ൟࣀ၊ੈచ၄ࠪ๾v֭


ࢁތచ၄֭݇ߋgॆһgഩࡁގරᆵ၊ĭቜແᇾ္ӽࢁ٢ҝიਜ࠳޴෶Ⴝᇗݛվྠۙ๕৻܌ӹӽЏ܅ᇗ၀ࠪ๾൦ಎ౷ቓվ֭ ގ༈ļიۙ๕చ၄ࢁ৳ਜໟׯg࣍૩֭ڣgໃࡧֱuಎ഻ଉᇣఁvۇg࠷܅һgሮ࿠gഩࡁgൈॆ܊చ၄฼ގແۙ๕৻ܜഩĭେ ཌਜᇟ္৷ਐhܒᅢهቜĭແ๿࣑Ӊ၄ގᇝྡ൜֭اቜࠌϼܹ༪ĭिᅢਜ


ӹቁӽЏĩ,7*ĪၣࠫखႽሯЯᄖቜ֭ࢁ܅ӽЏཧ܅ӹӽЏ၄༈ࣤ႗٢൜ĭൔཋਜႶ֎Պ֭ൈ܅୕ĭᇗ၀ࠪ๾Ҋؖຑᅢ  ӹӽЏ܅ࡎᆼĭ฼ാۀӹࣤ႗֭ࣤ࠾܅༈ĭ฼ۢڣ႓ਅ֭܊ഩၕ࢔ĩ);Īgࢁഩࣤ႗ၕ࢔ĩ)6;Ī٢൜֭ሏѕĭ৷౸๡ݞಎ ࣤ႗ེၵhތ၄༈֭ᄖ႗ེ੹

ུᆱൕ ӹ֭ᇑਐgυ܅ӽЏ؛ቜĭѱ܅༈ֱڣg൳ᄖྣ܅gൈܛӹལପ֭ഩࡁgҘ܅๥ᄇׯĭӽ֌ގӹቁӽЏచ၄χᅾ܅ቁӽЏĻ*7, ᄻhڽఁgᄷࡖ܅ಎg

ތĻࢁഩࣤ႗ၕ࢔ĭ࠯၄ᇾ๡ݞำ࿀ಋྀၸĭ൹ಋమᄇచ၄ӽ֌ལପĩᇾ္൦ࠖԬഩൈལପĪ֭ಽሯgഩࡁgࢁᄷgࣤ႗;6( ৠ֭ߵЙĭำ࿀ఁ઩޲ގໃ߁ֱӶЯĭѱࠎ֬ތႰĭႶՖߵ൴ལପ֭๯ሯgࣤ႗ٶལପ֭൘Ⴐᆈ൴಄ۆໃ߁ĭᄥ݇ׯ֭ำ࿀ఁ୅ཧ ལପࢄၕ࢔ߵ၄ᇾh

රቓվ܌ӹ࠷ඔႽན܅ᄷལପ൦ᇗ၀࣠ӼۇϋৰĻ໼ঈ႗९ংްϸാ࠱ TTඨࠗࡗংްϸӔĭӔ٤ࢁህ ལପྕࢁਜۆቁӽЏལପĭ*7,֭ ຫᇟਐպ֦ܚຫ؝ĭӔ٤ۙࢺ௤٢૤ĭഩЩቁᇟਐࣕا૳ࠚպ֦ຫ ؝hྕࢁ഻Ӊཔ֭ᅉࠗ࿒Ⴐ֫ݛ:4::PLTHN࠷ඔĭۘ؏պ֦ا 25TTĭቓվᅉᇍ৷ແ25ĭᅉࠗ஭Ⴝࠗྈ࿪༷ሕᇊތ၉ ϸް؏࣑ྣ࣢ಚ७ᇍhۙ؛࿪࿪༷ĩ(.*Īሕᇊĭफ़


11 12 2009 Social Responsibility Report


ࣤ֬ሆ൯ӎ॑ယ֭܊୕ĭᄥݛ୅ۙ๕ྣ၄ൻ֦ݛࡅࣉಽ຺ࠗကᇟԒࠔ൐ĭᇗ၀ࠪ๾ሊሆۙ๕Ӊ၄ാ࠱ߘօྻ౸ĭ๡ݞ฼  ၄ࢁഩණ௤֭฼ۢh܅༈ĭࠚࠦդ࣑໩ݛ၀ࣉڣތ࣑࠷ඔgӉ௞༽

บߌ൱֭ۢهTۢਫ਼gݛ୅ቓվĩ؝Ī֭ຊਨሏਫ਼gሹᇾခ ࢁഩਜൟࣀቓվۢਫ਼oo೴ۙތර༽޲ഩࡁ܌ࠪ๾ ၤ഻Ӊཔֱh܅ຫ؝୕Īቓվ֭ޫঈ౷๾ਅᲟࠗoߵሏဳಎ౷ഩࡁӉਐĩތT֭ݛ୅ቓվഖࢺࠗྠվೀࠚ࢒ਫ਼gং؏ແ૤15

රӽ֌ഩࡁ֭ൟࣀቓվ܌ӹ࠷ඔႽན܅ϋৰĻ ୕ᄍĭႶᇗ၀଺٢ ਫ਼൦ପవൟࣀഐᅥׁቓ࣍ՠĭۢۆTۢਫ਼ࢁӶ๯Ӊh ਫ਼oo೴ۙۢ ӹࠪݛ୅ປۢਫ਼ਇ๕֭ቓྕ࠷ඔࠫሕЩჇ၊܅ӹh܅Ӊେቓվ֭ਇ๕༪๬ ӑގၤੈӹĭၣࠫ࣢ਠgਫ਼เቀ܅v֭๕഻ۙӉ׀เĭҘႰਜu၊֦ܿ ဦரՀg(.:ેటࣲھਫ਼g>:.ߔДᅇԱৠgڌ൸g7>ປಟ൜ಫ ሕЩhތልࡍ༪๬ֱ࠷ඔތ၊เሹ׶ߌ७ᇍאgೠאهߌgჍ࿪ Tۢਫ਼ රӽ֌ഩࡁ֭೴ۙ܌ӹ࠷ඔႽན܅ᇗ၀଺٢

ਜखႽሹᇾᆱൕӉಋ֭บߌهරሹᇾခ܌ӹ࠷ඔႽན܅ϋৰĻᇗ၀࢒ସ ༪ਡ࢒ਫ਼ೀࠚվg๯ሯീgེ੹ۆྠ༪ਡ࢒ਫ਼h૤֭15? ൱ۢ g७ᇍණ௤ۢgߔДණ௤ۢĭ൦खႽᇗݛำ೬֭ྕ၊օվྠߔД࢒ۢ ྠվೀ૤15 ቞hЏছ ࢒ਫ਼Ⴝྠۆᄥࢁ֭ތਫ਼ĭପవၠ๯Ӊ ӹĭჇ ୕ᄍ܅ӹĩᶓაಉ࢒ߌ܅ᄷიজࢁۇࠚ࢒ਫ਼ᄥ୅֭σۙ࠷ඔ ӹvh܅ᇣ୕uϬལࣤ׍᳥࣢௞ಸಎ૳๯ӉĪĭ಼ࠎྕᇗݛӶ৳ ૤ บߌ൱֭ۢهරሹᇾခ܌ӹ࠷ඔႽན܅ᇗ၀࢒ସ վೀࠚ࢒ਫ਼ྠ15֭


࠷ඔႲތ٢૳֭ࣤယ܅ᆤ൯ӎ٢ཧĭ௥ࣁᄥվྠࢁህൈנݛ୅ۙ๕๯ሯԃ࿋༷߉֭ကवྡ൥ĭᇗ၀ࠪ๾ࠫ൐gݜׁؖ؛૳ ལގమඏਜվྠቀڱѡი଺࣠gൎࡍሔֱׁ٢ಮ૾ᆧٻࢁഩལପĭގቜྕ଎൜ĭ՞ౕۢؒ೎Ӵ൯ቀގgచ၄gႇྣڱ൥ĭࠚࠦธ෴ᆧ ൯ӎѕߌ֭େ৷h؛੦gเცӎֱܾ૾ࢁལପĭ࣑၊Ҍ฼ۢਜࠪ๾႓܌ၸh๥൐ĭᇗ၀ࠪ๾վ৷ຑᅢ൯ᆧ֩੦gۢූྀهପӑఁि

ལପۆ౞ྕ౽൯ᆧࠖԬഩൈĭޠၩჵࢁഩᇰݢϋৰĻᇗ၀ࠪ๾๯ሯ ܅౞ྕ౽൯ᆧ֩੦ࠫܽັޠĭЏছᇰݢৢ܌௤٢૳ࠚᄇۊڵӹ܅ ӹh܅ܼࣧތӹgֵω

౞ྕ౽ܳஏ᳥൯ᆧࠖԬഩൈལޠಸĭᇰݢ୕ᄍ  ପఛ׶ၖ൜ ӹӽЏ൯ӎ܅ຑᅢݢປ

།ٻቜແॼݛࣤ႗֭ำվྠచ၄ࠪ๾ĭᇗ၀ࠪ๾৭ধᇟ൲ݢປ၄༈֭ຑᅢĭҊؖ฼ാݛࡅߌණ௤h ୕ĭᇗ၀ࠪ๾ᄥಲᆏ ᅢhପవĭᇗ၀ࠪ๾ᆦᄥൔൈ֭ݢهӹӽЏ၄༈࿩ූ܅ປ؛ӹӽЏ၄༈֭ຑᅢĭ܅ݛࡅ൯ӎྡ൥֭ࠖԬഐĭሊሆࠗუĭࡎঁݢປ ౽ĭњࠫ໼վᇥhׁތ۹ݛࡍ ӹӽЏལପ ۹ĭധࠫϠࠖබดgႎ؏gಸЯgࡎମվgϠ༎g֫ݛg଺٬ֱ܅ປ


ᅢ֭ᇟ္Дᅸhᇗ၀ࠪ๾ࡎঁൔൈuቄԣಈvᅦઃĭχᅾuၣࣉඓঈӉ௞ແᇾĭၣݛهԑቈ֭ࣉඓঈӉሯჿ൦ݛ૾ࣤ࠾फ़ԃ࿋ ๕ঈሯჿgႽ೬ࣉඓঈӉሯჿࠫ٬ࣉඓሯჿĭሯჿ֭७ᇍൔ৷֦֬هແᇾv֭၄༈ׯ໒ĭվ৷िه୅༖ಔሯჿແᇾĭၣ࣪ປሯჿि ਜཉᇿᅁౄh يҌهࡎঁݛ୅ປሯჿि

ĭᇗ׀ལପhࢱᇈ ୕ه୕ĭᇗ၀ࠪ๾ၣႲߌࠪ๾ᄥݛ୅ປ֭ሯჿᅦઃҋऍແሪဌ׌ĭ࣑၊Ҍࡎঁ๿࣑ݛ୅ປሯჿि  ၩ؝ĭఋᇗ๦gୣֱሯჿ֭ԭਐ໒ऊݛ୅ތၩ؝ѡແၩ؝gٻ၀ࠪ๾ᄥ࣪ປႢႽ๕ঈg๦ঈgୣ᪮ঈֱჸঈሯჿਐ ၩ؝ĭѱखЩތၩ؝gၩ؝ѡແٻచ၄֭వਡļᄥ࣪୅ႢႽ๕ঈgఫྒঈgٕบᇑ၂ဃֱჸঈӉሯჿਐه๥৓ሯჿि େ৷h܅gఫg๦ֱࣉඓ֭၀ਇࡎྒ

ჼԣ༤ਜ೓଩ལପৢӹП౱׍ၖܺڱቁৠࡡঈ၄Ҏӑ7\RH ;LT\फ൞ֱᆧڴϠҋ࿸ྕ࠳୅࿸ތቁৠৡॠౄڴϋৰĻ ୕ᄍĭݛ༈ᄅ ቜћᇅྦྷལପhގቜӶࠣĭᄩძ೓଩ལପແᇗϠ܅ᅢ٢૳֭هൔཋಎ૳फ़ԃ࿋ތ൜ĭۢ؏௧ࡖਜᇗ၀ࠪ๾೓଩ལପ֭๴௭ྦྷ࣑ᅢ

ቁৠ౜ౕ໖໡೓଩ལପಮჼ Ϡҋ࿸ྕ࠳୅࿸೓଩ୣ᪮ལପ)(:(4<2၀ਇӔڴৡॠౄ

଎൜هႁׁᇍၚԿྕሯჿि gቇਯࣤ႗gهቜिގቜ٢൜ĭପవၠࠚৎᆸࢬ๯ሯgގ଎൜იهĭᄖႰԿྕ֭ሯჿिهᇗ၀ࠪ๾࡜ԃ՞ሯჿ෶ᄥݛ֭ൔࡅԣ ࠎ಄େ৷࣑၊Ҍ฼ാhهᇝ଎൜ĭሯჿिاgݛࡅીၦgໆຉࣤ႗ܽৠֱ܅ӹߘሯჿgӉ௞യࡎ܅

13 14 2009 Social Responsibility Report


࠷ඔĭྗފ၄܅ལ၀ࣉاරᅯ໬ਜ܌࠷ඔ֭Ⴒ൥ཧሕЩᇍᄷ਽ჟ֭ငഭĭࠪ๾܅ൈތၤ࠷ඔ܅ሕЩᇍᄷ၄༈൦ᇗ၀ࠪ๾၀ࣉ ഩЩĭѱखЩࢨౄ֭ഩЩӶาେ৷ĭၠࣤӶແ໩ݛ၀ࣉഩЩݛӉߌ֭ᇾ৷ळhྗފ഻ӉखႽሹᇾᆱൕӉಋ֭၀ࣉܜେ

ུᆱൕ ইܚᅧࢺא੦ొ਋g܌၄ი૾Ⴐࢁህg๕੦܅ĭЬׁ݄ٟ႓Ⴐᄥܚࡹ৽ࢬֱ৽ࢬؿӶ֭ࢺܭ৓ۙғĭҘႰݷࢬg࣍ۺĻႶܚࢺۙ ࢁഩֱ਽ჟh܅൲๡࿧෻gݢဤൎႺ௤ฃgႺటܽཔࠫӴ൯൯ᆧࢁഩgݛ٥ळא෻ࡗg݄Ѵאࡗgඃѕ


࠷ඔ֭Ӊ၄ߌgӉ௞ߌĭ၀ࣉഩЩᇍᄷେ৷࣑ྗފތሕЩቁӶແᇾĭࡎվሹᇾᆱൕӉಋތҎࡹྗފ୕ĭᇗ၀ࠪ๾ၣᇍᄷ  ຫฃาhތຫ؝ ѡແٻຫฃาĭ཯ਐތຫ؝ѡպ֦ٻၖ७ഩЩ֭Ӊਐތ७א၊Ҍ֦֬฼ാhಎ୕ࠗྈഩЩg պݛࡍӶาඃԣĭћᇅሪ໩ݛهᅢᇗվݛӶาඃԣĭߖൔཋਜཧಸЯֱهֱ؏ሕЩҊ࣏ൔཋਜཧϠ༎gႎތuᇗ၀ᇍᄷv֭࠷ඔ ࣑Ҍhތ၀ࣉഩЩᇍᄷණ௤֭ᇟվ๴௭

ഩЩԱჇݛࡅ਽༽ණ௤ྗފ၄܅ϋৰĻᇗ၀ࠪ๾ԣ९֭Ӷาۙ๕ gሹྣഩࡁهරሹᇾခ܌ӹႽནᄻಱ܅Ⴖᇗ၀ӑ็ݛࡅ ތഩЩooྗފ၄܅պݛࡍԣ९֭Ӷาۙ๕هĭ໩ݛ൶ՙཧ֭ ੹ڌ൳Ӣ੘ވڽĭৗފTഖࢺࠗಎ૳๡ݞྦྷେ॑ ބ೾۫ ނᆿћ֭ൟࣀቓۆ ĭඟྕਜ࿪༷࣏ڽᄥ ஊ֭ᇾԖ ණ௤ĭ֦֬၄ᇾ֭ۢ؏௧ࡖh

ྎ྘ۓধ֭֭ه၄ᇱ൜߾നཧᇗ၀ӑ็܅ಸЯሆႾࣉඓ ਽༽ׁ໒֭ܚДԃۙࢺ

܅ᅢେ৷ĭ഻Ӊ݇଎g൯ӎᅥႽၣࠫه၄༈ܚᇍᄷ഍ĭ ୕ĭᇗ၀ࠪ๾ሊሆࠗუĭ࣑၊Ҍᅁౄۙࢺܚቜແᇗݛቓվ֭ۙࢺ υሕ࠷ඔၠࣤպ֦ݛࡅණ௤hތၤ࠷ඔණ௤ᄥݛ୅ࡇ࿋Дԃ਽༽ׁ໒ĭཕ֚ගਐ֭ᇍᄷ

ࢁഩܚϋৰĻᇗ၀ࠪ๾ҝიݛࡍเცӎuଡ଼ӟvۙࢺ ܚ౽ۙࢺײᇗ၀ࠪ๾ҝიਜݛࡍเცӎuଡ଼ӟv ӹᇗ႓ႰਜखႽሹᇾᆱൕӉಋ֭܅ࡧұĭᄥތυሕ֭ ഩࡁᇍܚൟࣀ༽࣑ණ௤֭ݛࡍ࠱վॼ؏४࡟ັ۴ۙࢺ ቜgυሕྕ࠷ඔĭແսᄷu࣢௞ଡ଼ӟvቛԣਜᇟ္ܒ ཌh


රӽ֌ਜഐݢൟѸ߾ᇾ฽܌ϋৰĻഐݢЗ၀ࢁഩႽན ౽ײਜ໴૳༪๬ॼ؏վĩڣᇗॠ܅ӹhൈ܅ܚࢺܾۙ ૤վॼ؝ĭ༎౽ແ ॼ؏૤ĭ၊᢫ᢊࡗቓᇟպ ᆄཔඨ෴४࡟ᅮཇᢊࡗเ༪ĩॼ؏ऊݛ୅ᆵ൶ĪĪ؏ ٢ᄩۺ࠷ඔ଼׌ĭႛ֬ਜൟѸऍ၄ᇾgቁЏֱ܅ൈֱ ൔ৷ĭݺൔਜݛ୅਽༽gܚ௧ĭᅬཉਜЗ၀ۙނތძ ௞ஏhܚݛࡅ၊ੈ֭ಎ౷ߌۙࢺ


ϋৰĻᇗ၀ࠪ๾௥ࣁྮް֭࠷ඔൔ৷Ӷແྕࡎ௩ൄฯ ೴ଈൃൟࣀߔ౷ႝӴལପ֭ቁӽЏ഍ࠫଈൃൟࣀۙࢺ ܅ܚఁ࣍gۙࢺ܅ਜڣᇗॠ܅Џ഍hൈٻӹᆿׯ܅ܚ ᄞg࠷ඔ଼؏վĩఋᇗڷ႞gᄷྠྕܚࢺܚӹݫଏࢺ ૤ĭ֎᢫ᢊࡗᇟ૤ĭࢱ૳ۢ؏ ᢊࡗቓվॼ؏ िўဠh܌ՙൻ֦၄ᇾ֭ا؝Īֱচ଼ĭ


15 16 2009 Social Responsibility Report


ሯЯᄖቜ֭ຣᆤӉ၄ਅႲ൥ĭҊؖࡎঁ٤ׁӉތܛgҘ܅߰ഩࡁgൈهᇗ၀ࠪ๾࡜ԃࣤ႗௞ஏ๬၊g౽ჟҋऍႲߌ֭Үઃĭ చ၄hهߔࢳࣱ֭ᆢେ৷ĭ৷ᆢӶແݛ୅၊ੈ֭٤ׁӉिۺࡖᆼਅهĭᅁౄ٤ׁӉिيᅢҌه၄༈

ቜֱႽ৮๐ࡹĭᇍׯ਺ࠋ֭Ӊ௞ގᆧచႇތ৮ႰᆧҮႌ֥ٻ୕ĭᄥݛ୅٤ׁӉྣ၄൯ӎѷ׶ࢨվ֭౮ঋ༷ĭᇗ၀ࠪ๾ԑ  ၩჵĭ๥صຫ௤٢૤ĭ๥йᅁӑ  ĭమᄇ཯ൺᅦઃĭౄߌܽৠࠗᇍĭ಄֬ਜࢨվ֭๴௭hಎ୕٤ׁӉమᄇ཯ൺ૳ࠚ ལପҊ࣏ࢎֶਜهh၊࠱๺ׁिৢ܌௤٢ၩჵĭ๺ׁᆤৠ૳ࠚ ۹ĭቁ๯ሯལପه hྕమվྠ๺ׁ၊࠱िйᅁӑ ၠ࣑ࣤ೎Тهᅢେ৷hପవĭᇗ၀ࠪ๾֭٤ׁӉिهཊĭؿ౗ແࠪ๾փধਜ݇଎ེၵĭᅁౄਜࠪ๾फ़ԃ࿋ڌ֭هࠪ๾٤ׁӉि ௞ஏhه٤ׁӉि֭؏ഺძიࢨۢᆱଈނ۹Ӵ൯ĭuᇗ၀ᇊ၄vӶແརႽ਍ا࣠gഐݢg็࣋g଺ֱ࣠


ᅢ֭ᇟ္୅ೀhᇗ၀هໟׯ྆ތഇ૾഻gໃ߁ന߾ۇഇӴ൯ᇗֶ൴೎ऊ૾֭ऊሆ๐ࡹĭ൦ۇӹg܅ࡎঁࢁഩДᅸྦྷυऊ ຣᆤӉ၄ه৮ႰሹമखЩ٤ׁӉिٻ൘ଉიᄻಱĭࠚ݂ࠦӦݛࡍܹჇࢁഩДᅸྦྷሆ٤֭ᅦઃྦྷऐնĭԑ֭ڽࠪ๾൛ᇜুࡂࡢ ଎൜ĭᄥࢁഩДᅸྦྷሆ٤֭๥൐ĭൔཋਜᇣѐ஭าഩൈ֭Ⴝهgచ၄gႇྣvೠ٢߂Д֭िڱӴ൯ᄖ႗Ⴒ൥ĭҘ಄uᆧތਅ ཌhܒ๥๿࣑Ӵ൯ߌĭ฼ۢऊ૾഻ࠋණ௤ቛԣਜࠚࠦܓĭແهिེ

ལପ ۹ĭቁࢁህ૳ࠚهि܇ၩჵĭӶࡁܓ؏صվ഍၄ႇྣДᅸྦྷሆ٤ልལ൹྘ۺĭᇗ၀ࠪ๾ࠎ֬ਜ׀ࢱᇈ ୕ ຫ௤٢૤h 

༎ৼ߅հࣤ࠾൩Ⴐ٤ޒරӽࢁ֭଺࣠܌୕ᄍĭᇗݛᇗ၀იᇗݛ୲၄ႇྣgᇗݛႇྣgᇗݛ ᇗ၀ᇊ၄Ⴝནᄻಱ  ၩჵಮແصࢁഩႇྣg࢔๡ႇྣֱݛႽශվႇྣమඏቁ ቜྀၸގ૾у֭Дᅸྦྷሆ٤྘ֆ

ུᆱൕ ཨgࢁഩћሡg཯ൺࡖ۴ࠏቇࣉћሡĭखႽന߾Дᅸྦྷ؛႓܊ནׯ֭܊৓Дᅸݞӹᇗ෶฼ٻᇗֶ൴೎ࡍ๞ൔྣ؛ᄥڱДᅸྦྷሆ٤Ļᆧ ᇑ֭ሆ٤hЏছ਎ན഍௞ሆ٤gࣤ࠾൩Ⴐሆ٤gᆧҮྦྷቇਯሆ٤ֱh Social Responsibility Report 2009


ቜແၣᇄ၄ແᇾ႗၄༈֭ᇗလచ၄ĭᇗ၀ࠪ๾ႢႽࠪᄷᇄgᇍࢅgᄷᇄࠗྈgഩЩυሕgႎඟЏሕg഍ીgሹ႗࣑ԣ९gᄷᇄ ຫჵĭࣲሯӉ  ĭᇄ၄ࠪ๾ቁሯӉպ֦׀ࡍhࢱᇈ ୕ර܌ሸܪແ၊เ֭ᇄ၄ࠪ๾ĭ༷ഩಎሯࠫ७هਧׁࠖि ຫ؝ĭ୕Ӊਐຫ؝hࡁᇄࠫᇄϸĩࢅϸĪ୕Ӊେᄇގຫჵĭ 

୙ĭѱಎ૳ઓۈำ೬ĭࠪ๾ᄥݛ୅ቓᄲ฼ԣਧᇄ၊เߌތᅢ֭ᇾ฽هᅢᆵ੦v൦ᇗ၀ᇄ၄ࠪ๾هuսᄷ੻೬ᇄ၄ĭቄफ़ԃ࿋ ၄଎܅഻งތ༆৮Ⴐቓվߌgሯჿߌĭχᅾ࿞ߔࣤ࠾ٴᅢ࿞ߔࣤ࠾ĭದهൔĭ࡜ԃቄ႗ਧ༽ྣĭࢁഩიߔДѱᇟ֭֩੦h၊൦վ৷ ܚ൦ႲߌӉ၄ࢺم৮Ⴐਅ๐ĭൔཋచ၄ࣤ႗იߔ࣪Д߁֭uඨႛvhގ൜ĭᄥႽེ๿ྣߔ࣪ܽৠเ༪֭ࠖԬഐĭҊؖငӑሯჿ֭ቀ ĭܚᆤჸਠࢺנ৮֭ႽࠗӉ၄ਅ๐hೠ൦՞ჿ๰७ᇍि൛ĭज़࿘ܓ഻ܓ၄Ӊ၄ਅĭྡӶ߂҈߂׶g܅জվ഻งތĭঠӑܚӉ௞ࢺތ िԿᇍࢅᄷᇄ֭ۢྕ࠷ඔ๷࣭ĭແచ၄Կᄷࣤ࠾ތၤgྕഩЩҊؖธ෴ࡰ౦໲ಡ܅ࠚࠦ৮Ⴐᄤ഻ሯჿिᅢӉ௞ԿྕĭႰྕ࠷ඔgྕ ӹ֭ಎ૳ൔൈĭൔཋਜచ၄՞Զ๬ᄷᇄཧཋօᄷᇄ֭ሏѕh܅ၵĭྡӶచ၄uሯჿgӉ௞gᄤ഻ሯჿv֭਍ྦྷ࿞ߔhਧᇄ၊เߌེ

ݛތ޹࣎ษgࡑ౱ਧgᅃ౱ޫgߵ਍პֱ֜ ࡍ਽֥ಮ༽޲൲һݞᇗ၀્৮ᇄ၄ࠪ๾ĭ޹ ࣎ษᇾ༤ᄥ൲һᇗ၀્৮ᇄ၄܅၄჻൐ऄᆿ ൡĭ୎૔၊ׯނԣuᆋ൦၊ࡹ৮ݛ৮૾֭վ ္࡜ԃ༷ಈvh

17 18 2009 Social Responsibility Report


ࠟਣ֭ݛࡅࣱᆢĭތᅢ֭վ౼൥هූٮൟࣀज़࠷؛၊഻Ӊ৷ĭ൦๿׶ಮ৓໛଄࣑Ҍ֭۲ଉ৷ਐh૳׃ज़࿘࠷ඔ൦ ĭ࡜ԃྗފ୅ೀĭሇᇟၣ൯ӎແ֥ཧgၣ๴௭ܹࡷ࠷ඔແྗފᅢቁᅦઃ֭هᇗ၀ࠪ๾൛ᇜ࡜ԃၣuԿྕ฼ാvແచ၄ ᅢ֭֩੦hهgཕ߂դ࣑gཕ߂ގज़࠷࣑Ҍĭቄԣਜ၊๐Ӊခࢺތ࠷ඔԿྕ

௃Կྕྠచ၄ĭѱႽم׃߾ଉଈແݛࡍ܅ᄍĭᇗ၀ࠪ๾Ьݛࡍज़࿘࠷ඔҎgݛ༈ᄅݛሯໆgᇗ߇ಎݛቁ୕   ࡍሸ܌රЬ൹ვᇗ၀ࠪ๾Կྕྠచ၄ӳބh

ݛࡍԿྕྠచ၄ஏነ ᇗ၀ࠪ๾Կྕྠచ၄ஏነ



ᇗ၀ࠪ๾ᇍׯਜ{ᇗ၀ࠪ๾ԿࢁԿྕྠచ၄ћሡ|ĭࢁ৳ਜuݛࡍ࠱ĮീҎ࠱Įࠪ๾࠱vೠ࠱ज़࠷Կྕ௤ฃhႢႽݛࡍ࠱చ၄࠷ඔᇗ ӹ࠷ඔခࣶᇗྗ܅ӹ࠷ඔခࣶᇗྗ ۹ĭႢႽീҎ࠱܅ׁࠖ  ۹ļႢႽݛࡍ࠱هခތ۹ĭࠪ๾࠱࠷ඔᇗྗ ۹ĭീҎ࠱చ၄࠷ඔᇗྗྗ ۹ĭݛࡍ࠱ഩࡁခࣶᄅ ۹h ܚࠗهቜᅧ ۹ļඳ൞࿘໒൹ვ׌ ۹ļႢႽݛࡍ࠱ခ܅۹ļႢႽീҎ࠱ൔယ൱ ۹ļႢႽѸ൞޲ज़ခ 


ࡁߋĪལପĩॣ฽Ī ལgݛࡍज़࠷ᆮӲࡁߋལପĩॣ฽Ī ᅢࡁߋĩه୕ĭᇗ၀ࠪ๾ࠎ௃ᇾԃݛࡍज़࠷Ҏݛࡍۢ࠷ඔခࣶ  ལhज़ခལପڱໆgሆࢁҎgߔДҎֱҎໆज़ခལପ Ⴭལļࠎ௃ᇾԃׁ٢ᆧۇهལgज़ခᄅ෶ልལሯࣉལପལļࠎ௃ᇾԃݛࡍҕᆧҎg


රი౪߇վ࿘g༎υࢁህज़࠷վ࿘gᆌࢆվ࿘ֱ܌ѡແഐݢЗ၀ࢁഩႽནٻࢊལĭֱمᇗ၀ࠪ๾ ୕ࠎ֬ݛࡍज़࠷࣑Ҍࢊ ܌ӹ࠷ඔႽན܅༝࢒یරიσ೾߇ค܌ӹ࠷ඔႽན܅ᇗ၀࢒ସތໟׯྦྷܹࡷ࠷ඔခࣶი႓ႰvལପܚቜຣӶ֭uཋօۙࢺގ֎໒ ႓Ⴐvལପhਾປĭᇗ၀ࠪ๾ࠎ֬ ୕ᇗݛތه༝࢒ႌ࣑࠷ඔ཰ߌ༓൴s၊๐ੋtिیቜຣӶ֭uގරgТ࣠ज़࠷վ࿘ֱ֎໒ ལh ࢊལĭೠֱࢊֱم๕ྀ߾gᇗݛࣉඓ࿘߾၀ࣉज़࿘࠷ඔࢊལĭఋᇗۙ Social Responsibility Report 2009


൶༤࠷൅ᇍĭྡӶਜႽ৮ჇԿྕ֭ಮҔࠗᇍĭၣಮތĭࢁ৳ਜ൶༤ልࡍᇍގ໛ߌԿྕ࣍૩ࢺތᇗ၀ࠪ๾ࢄ࠷ඔԿྕgܽৠԿྕ ज़࠷ಮҔ۝ĭႢႽᄥ׀ӶແԿྕྠಮҔhࢱᇈ ୕܅ჼ֭اۿ৫ܥཌ֭ज़࿘ࡍĭܒҔ๿׶చ၄֭ಎ૳ᆚྞhࠪ๾ᇟࢊቛԣ๴ԣ ଈh ଈĭ࿘൞ଈļႢႽѸ൞ଈĭඳ൞ಮჼهଈĭఋᇗĭज़ခि

༝࢒࠷ඔიഩЩݛࡍᇟվႌ࣑g཰ߌ༓൴ݛӉߌs၊یරu܌ӹ࠷ඔႽན܅ϋৰĻᇗ၀࢒ସ ࢊֱم๐ੋtལପv಼ࠎ ୕ݛࡍज़࿘࠷ඔ࣑Ҍࢊ

ߔДೠվႲތၤĭखႽࢳେg฼ۢ࢒บᇑਐ܅༝࢒v൦ପవൟࣀഐ၊ལ༽࣑֭༝࢒یu ༝࢒࠷ඔᴶമൟࣀ༽࣑ණ௤ĭ಼ࠎݛی༝࢒࠷ඔഩЩݛӉߌĭ൘໩ݛ֭یལପൔཋਜۆ׌h าĭૌ୕फ़༝࢒ལପպیරഩࡁࠏቁӽЏ֭܌ࢊhପవᇗ၀࢒ସֱمࡍज़࿘࠷ඔ࣑Ҍࢊ مຫ؝ĭࡰஎ࿽ӫຫ؝ĭࡰஎຫ؝ĭࢳᄇႰે ຫ؝ĭࢳᄇႰණߵ൴ᆝఢਐ ຫ؝h ဦߌทمဦߌ੃ ຫ؝ĭࡰஎ



هٻĭԑގĭࠚࠦ๿࣑ज़࠷იࣤ႗֭ࢺٻᇗ၀ࠪ๾യ೎݂ӦݛࡍᆱൕӉಋᅦઃ္ۜ࣢ലĭࢄᆱൕӉಋቜແࠪ๾ᆤเᅦઃ֭ᇟ္቎ӶҎ ৠେܽތ߰൯ӎᄥज़࠷ሯჿ஭ᇊᇗ֭ࠖԬቜႰĭࡎվज़࠷Կྕ๯೎ĭႌ֥చ၄Ӷແज़࠷Կྕᇾเĭվ৷฼ۢᆱൕӉಋ֭Կᄷg႓ႰgД߁ Ⴝ৷ᆮԃh܊ᅢ฼هූঁތ࠷ඔĭແࢁഩԿྕྠచ၄ྗފህᆱൕӉಋႲ൥ĭྡӶ၊௃ႢႽሹᇾᆱൕӉಋ֭ܚ৷ĭႽᇟ׌gႽҌᇯׁ

Ӊ၄ߌශ۹٢૳ĭ൛ᇜ࡜ԃϤࢁഩԿྕྠచ၄ቜແᅦઃପћĭϤफ़ތᇗ၀ࠪ๾֭ᆱൕӉಋᅦઃᇾ္຾಩ᅦઃभҮgज़࠷Կྕg਽ळಮҔ ᅢgႌ਽໋هࣱᆢ৷ĭเཋሹᇾԿྕgᇟ׌ॼᄈgᆮӲގࣤ࠾ज़࠷ᇍۢ׌ቜແᅦઃᇟ׌ĭಎ૳฼ാచ၄֭ቀبᅢቜແᅦઃ٢ཧĭϤᆢهԃ࿋ ᅢᅦઃ٢ᆔhهধ֭ज़࠷

ቜĭᇍׯਜ{ᇗ၀ࠪ๾ᆱൕӉಋܽৠ݇ׯ|ֱ၊༪ਡܽৠϿٍhৠධᆱൕӉಋܽৠเ༪ĭྡӶਜಋ܅୕ĭࠪ๾࣑၊ҌࡎౄᆱൕӉಋ  େ৷ĭࢎֶໃಋӶЯĭႽེػᇍ౛ಋތৠgभҮज़࿘gᆻྣධӖg࡛؄Ⴝ৷֭ᆱൕӉಋܽৠเᇍĭ୵৷฼ۢሹ໩ໃಋ֭ၱൕގ܅ٻᄻ၊ᇉg ྣແh

 ļྕഫ౰ል৮ග՞  ࡹĭᅁӑਜ  ࡹᅁࡎᇈ ୕֭ ୕֭୕ᇈ ୕֭୕࡟ĭᇗ၀ࠪ๾ႢႽ֭Ⴝེል৮ග՞ሹ  h ࡹᅁࡎᇈ ୕֭  ࡹĭᅁӑਜ ୕֭ ļྕࠎ൹ಋል৮ග՞ ࡹĭᅁӑਜ ୕֭ ࡹᅁࡎᇈ ୕֭ 19 20 2009 Social Responsibility Report


ഫ౰ል৮֎໒ĩࡹĪ ൹ಋል৮֎໒ĩࡹĪ Ⴝེል৮֎໒ĩࡹĪ

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ҋ֭ᇗလచ၄ል৮౮ঋஎଈᇗĭᇗ၀ࠪ๾ೠལᇾ္ᆿћஎଈरऊჇလచవਡĭఋᇗĻ ୕؏ৎࡁႢႽႽེ൹܌ᄥݛ༈ᄅݛሯໆቓྕ ୕ഐാ ଈĭഐඕೠལᇾ္ᆿћஎଈरࢨ׃ଈĭ ୕؏ྕࠎ൹ಋል৮ऊလచ׃ଈĭ ୕؏ྕഫ౰ል৮ऊလచ׃ಋል৮ऊလచ ਜ۹ଈՙh


ഫ౰ል৮လచஎଈ֎໒ĩଈĪ ൹ಋል৮လచஎଈ֎໒ĩଈĪ Ⴝེል৮လచஎଈ֎໒ĩଈĪ

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Ӊ၄ߌେތࣱᆢ৷ĭ൛ᇜၣ൯ӎແ֥ཧिᅢज़࠷ԿྕĭҊؖ฼ۢज़࠷Ӷݜ֭ሏߌେ৷ྗފᅢ֭هᇗ၀ࠪ๾࡜ԃၣज़࠷Կྕቜແచ၄ ༽ལခࣶࢺݜၠպ֦ݛࡅ਽اౄվ֭࠷ඔᆮԃhପవĭᇗ၀ࠪ๾֭܊ݢປ൯ӎ฼ތ৷ĭϤ࠷ඔႲ൥ሏߌແ൯ӎࣱᆢႲ൥ĭແिຑྕྞ൯ӎ ႓ႰჇݛࡍᇟվࢁഩལପᇗh܇ණ௤ĭѱӶ

౪߇վ࿘g༎υࢁህज़࠷վ࿘gᆌࢆվ࿘ތර܌ϋৰĻ ୕ഐݢЗ၀ࢁഩႽན ໟׯྦྷܹࡷ࠷ඔခࣶი႓ႰvལପĭခܚቜຣӶਜuཋօۙࢺގ֎໒৭൐ ୕ֱ ࡹഩࡁৠઊ٢૳֭४Ϫĭᆤเպ֦ݛࡅ༽࣑ණ௤ĭѱܚࣶӶݜ้҈ਜݛ୅ᄥྕྠ ࢊhֱمࠎݛࡍज़࠷࣑Ҍࢊ಼

႓ႰਜՖལ࠷ඔ݄֭ᇤྕϪᄑࠗӎݼᅧ੔ ჼ܅Ӷӑᄻಱ

၊ሯჿ֭ৠ୙ĭ݂Ӧݛࡍuቕᇟী׶gቕᇟᆱൕgቕᇟಮҔgቕᇟԿᄷv֭खเ္౸ĭ࡜ԃၣಮແ׃ᇗ၀ࠪ๾ѭԃಮҔ൦ ী׶ܹ༪h྆ތࢁܚ๥Ӷӑቜແచ၄֭ࠖЯᄻಱĭܓიచ၄֭܅ᅢࠗ߾ĭൔཋჼه௤ֱ֭܊฼܅ಋၵgແჼ܅ЯĭࢄД߁ჼ

ᇗ୷ྦྷᅥ h܅ᆷ۝ಮļᄥ܅ᆷ۝Īļᄥ܅ಮĩҊݫݢປჼቁගແ܅ĭᇗ၀ࠪ๾ჼ׀ࢱᇈ ୕





ໟׯh྆ތᆧҮĭդ࣑ਜী׶ܹ༪֭܅௤ֱg٬ఎ൲֭ী׶Ⴐྣړಋၵĭٍގ܅ᇗ၀ࠪ๾က۴ቖ൷Ⴝܹী׶ٍ੸ٍ݇ĭࠚࠦໃ߁ჼ ऄ၄ಋၵhᄥդ഻࣑Ӊࣤ႗֭๥൐ĭ֭܅ĭДᅸਜჼ۝Ҋ༷܅նൈĭДᆫచ၄ҊҒჼgჼ؛ࣉಽ຺ࠗĭࠚࠦҘ಄႓؛୕ĭᇗ၀ࠪ๾૳  ԗֈუhྐ֭܅൴೎௤रᅁӑۢჇന߾௤रණ௤ĭДᅸਜჼ܅ԗĭჼྐ܅ჼ٪هࠪ๾χ൐


ಮ܅ჼۊڵĭڂ๥ގࠪเװ۹ మ ᆵࡍ܅੹ແ ĭӶ৳ᆷۊڵ߾߾ჼ܅۹ĭ߾܅৳ࢁ ࠚࣉ܌ތࢢ଴ന߾Дཊص๐ χ൐ቈৠߌࢁၸގ฼ԣ܅ჼ ؏փྐ୕ྰࡔᇍ܅ࡹ ᇍׯѱಲᆏᆻྣჼࡹĭϿࢺ฼ϋ ᆷօ߾൴֦฼ϋ ᅢࠗ߾ه௤ֱ֭ᆷ၄܊๥ԗĭ฼܅ ଻୷๥ िൔൈ੹ແ܌చ༈ ఎ൲ތ൜֭ౄ௯ী׶ྡލಱ؛ĭٙ܅੹ࣕ ،य൘Ⴐ๨װ๥మގী׶


օўվ߾ᇍ؏hಚ܅ᆱ౮ಋgҝიಋgഴၸಋg࡛؄ಋֱಋၵĭҊؖԿྕᆷ֭܅ໃ߁ჼތර຾಩ઓൔ܌ᇗ၀ࠪ๾໻ݹॆһခࣶᄅႽན օўᅥచ၄օўቁග֭ h܅๥ގg܅gਪ൐܅ ĭ୲૾օўቁග֭܅օўᅥచ၄ჼ܅஭йৰĭᆏᆦቛ֦၊པჼٻօўಮග֭܅Дჼ hٻօў֭၊Ҏ܅ҝი࣑ধĭӶແჼڂେၣ௤ֱ֭മ؃ර֭ࢁഩᆈ܌ĭದܚ൘చ၄૾ᇾܽৠಋ৷֭ࠗྣ܅օўվ߾ᆏᆦӶແჼ܅රᆷ܌൘

21 22 2009 Social Responsibility Report


هჵߌ֭ا܊฼܅໒Ҩቜେ൵ĭ୵৷ແჼ۝ތᅢĭᇉ৷Ⴧࡎౄࣤ႗ܽৠ๾ؚࢁഩĭվ৷னဩል၄࠷ඔಮჼه֭܅ᇗ၀ࠪ๾ۢ؏ᇟ൲ჼ ᅢ४࡟hهঞ݄֭ތᅢ๡֩


ಎ౷ࣉಽ຺ࠗփধ֭कվ࿪৷ĭᇗ၀ࠪ๾࡜ԃੳྣ؛୕ĭ૳  ന߾ތᆂhቜແݛࡍಮ৷ሯჿބդ࣑ऄ၄֭ڱന߾ᄻಱĭࠚࠦཡ႓ᆧ රແۢྲྀ܌ДᅸҎಚׯ֭൶௃ۢྲྀр၄഻ऄ၄ࡶ༥ׁࠖĭ ୕ࠪ๾ ৓႓ࣅр၄഻ۺࢬ൴ܓ໒Ⴭ۹ĭಎ୕۝ࡶ༥܊р၄഻฼ ಮĭՖປന߾ᅹ௟ಮh

ᇗ၀ࠪ๾ࠎ ୕uТ࣠ۢྲྀр၄഻ऄ၄ϬࡌႰಮ֎໒v hބᇾv಼ძӳܮϞࣅᇗݛվ࿘഻ቓࡌ׃uތ

۲ࠗᇍhᆦ൦௥ۇࠟ৫ތ۹਽ჟ֭ಮ৷ሯჿܽৠเ༪ۺֱهಮҔ࿒ϡgེࠣܽৠgྐԗܽৠgன࿦िۊପవĭᇗ၀ࠪ๾ၠࣤࢁ৳గݬ ᅢཋਜᇗ၀௞ஏᄥٻ௫ख༓ႌ৷֭ಮ৷ሯჿܽৠࠗᇍĭႛ֬ਜվ࿘഻ಝเ֭௼њ౥ᩭĭԑތ௞ஏྡཨ֭ނࣁᇗ၀ࠪ๾Ӷඋ֭చ၄໛ߌg਍ ႝཡ৷hތᆂ৷ބվ࿘഻ಝเᇗ֭ތྲྀۢ


ᅢແሿه༈ࠪ๾ڣቜ൛ᇜၣ܅ᇗ၀ࠪ๾࡜ԃಮҔౄచᅦઃĭன࿦ ࠱ܽৠgႁғൈࢥٻᇃĭၣᇗ၀ಮҔ࿘ᄅgᆷ၄࿘ᄅແ၏ຉĭࢁ৳ਜ ಎ٢໒ன࿦เ༪h ୕ࠪ๾ҝࡎன࿦֭ࣤ႗ܽৠಮჼgज़࠷ಮ֭ ಮՙhպ֦ܓҔg࠷େಮҔֱৎࡁ

৮Ⴐᇗလ֜ྲྀgݛࡍྣᆧ࿘ٻᇗ၀ࠪ๾ၣᇗ၀ಮҔ࿘ᄅແᇾĭԑ ࠱ܽۢތ࠱ܽৠಮჼ֭ன࿦ۢ؛ݛࡍ߾ࡁ࿘ᄅֱன࿦ಃ֩ĭ቎ᆶތᄅ ӹඳ܅ӹѸ൞g܅ĭൔൈގৠ޲ЩಮҔ֭ன࿦hࠪ๾ࠚࠦიۢྲྀ৻ ལପܽৠಮჼݛࡅߌ഍༈ႏნன࿦ĭތ൞g4)(g,4)(ֱል၄ன࿦ ഍ܽৠࠫ࿘৭g࿘໒ࢥცಮՙպ֦܅Ӷჼ֎໒࣑ྣ֭ۺ୕ࠪ๾ࠫ  ֎໒֭ۺಮՙhࠪ๾ߖྡӶਜၣᇗ၀ࠪ๾ᆷ၄࿘ᄅແᇗྗg๡ݞ  ഥ֭ۢ࠷େಮҔன࿦เ༪ĭᆷ၄࿘ᄅᇾ္ࠪڝ࠷ྲྀgன࿦ᇗྗಎ٢໒ ᄻڽර࠷ྲྀgன࿦ᇗྗ܌ሸۺ࠱࠷൅ĭۢތ౽ჟĪன࿦࠷൅ٻᇗĩࠏ රແਜ฼ാܽৠණ௤gսᄷེۢ๾܌༈Ⴝནڣᇗ၀Зۙ࠷ඔ ࠱࠷൅ሯۢތĭखႽ࠷൅׀ன࿦ĭࢱᇈ ୕֭܅቎ᆶԢgᇗgۢ࠱ ϳ቎ӑഩࡁਜແఁ็֭เယ൜ຑᅢன࿦ॣӹhތؚĭແቜ၄ӑ ಮh ۴ಮගպ ᅢهᆷ၄


هo၊϶࠷ඔခیܨᄥ࠷ඔಮჼ٢૳ĭྡӶਜ՞ݛࡍ࠱ልࡍĩᄅ൞gݛࡍॆһഩࡁվ൅Īo ࠪ๾൶༤ልࡍoచ၄࿘ज़փ๰ಮg࠷ඔ ᅢ๡֩hᄥ࠷େಮҔ٢૳ĭࢁ৳ਜࠪ๾൶༤࠷൅gಎݛ࠷ඔେ൵gᇗလచ၄࠷ඔେ൵gᇗ၀ࠪ๾࠷ඔେ൵gۢ࠱࠷൅g࠷هಮჼ֭ฃࢰ൜ ໒େ৷ሯ۴ಲᆫhᄥఋ෸ܽৠಮჼ٢૳ĭ቎ᆶѱ฼۝౪߇վ࿘िᅢਜϳ቎ӑܽৠގᅢ๡֩ĭ๥൐৻هᆷ၄֭܅gԢ࠱܅gᇗ࠱܅൅gۢ࠱ ቜh܅ފഴތ৓ል၄࠷ඔᆷӳ௧ׯۺ࠷ඔಮჼ֭ࠚࠦྦྷĭ቎ᆶਜތ׶ል၄נĭѱފ॑ތ৓ᆷ၄ሯ۴ன࿦ۺҝი܅щ္๐ࡹĭᆮԃჼ܊

ำඁ࣋๔ልࡍಮgݛڱӹᄅᄅ൞ಮgརൻݛ༈ᄅᆧ܅ᇗႽݛࡍ࠱ज़࠷ಮҔ ಮĭఋᇗݛࡍ܅ᆷ۝රᄥ܌ĭࠪ๾׀ࢱᇈ ୕ ĭఋᇗࠪ๾൶༤࠷൅  ಮĭಎݛ  ֭܅ᆷ۝ ಮĭᅥᄥ  ࡍ࠱ϬబຫಮҔಮgಎݛॆһഩࡁվ൅  ಮļࠪ๾࠷େಮҔպ֦ ࠷ඔେ൵ಮĭᇗလచ၄࠷ඔେ൵ ಮĭᇗ၀ࠪ๾࠷ඔେ൵ ಮh


ຣഇਜތ৳୕Ӷ৳ਜᆷ၄࠷େࡳׯᆿ֥ᇗྗĭࢁᇗ၀ࠪ๾Ⴧ ቜᄖྣࠗᇍĭिᅢᆷ၄࠷େࡳׯĭ๿ྣݛࡍᆷ၄ሯ܅ࠪ๾ᆷ၄࠷େࡳׯ ࡍ֎໒ऐϿਜاቜĭ༽޲ᄥ܅֎໒ᆷ၄࠷େࡳׯۺ۴ᆫඈᇍ؏hແࡎౄ ଈh۴॑௧ჼގன࿦ܓᆷ၄࠷େࡳׯ॑௧ჼன࿦ϳĭ

රႢႽݛࡍ࠷େಮҔன࿦൝ׁٛࠖ۹ĭႽࡍ܌ĭࠪ๾׀ࢱᇈ ୕ ཌࢊhܒ֎໒ࠎ֬ݛࡍ࠷େಮҔன࿦๴ԣ


ҎಱႰഐ࡜ԃیਐಮҔ֭ᇾ္ћሡĭᄥޡ၄ࠣቜແތԿᄷྦྷh࡜ԃϤ௞֫gେ৷ތࠚࠦྦྷ֭܅׶ჼנࠟ৫ࠗᇍĭފࠪ๾ࢁ৳ࡺಎ॑ hފ࣑ྣ॑܅Ҏჼی۝ᄥ؛৓֭॑௧٢൜ĭٻ࠱ٻu֫ҔࡡЩĭၣ֫ແ༽v֭ჸᄽĭҘႰ

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ീҎ࠱ࢊ৫hތལݛࡍ࠱اቜgᆢԿ༽࣑ĭ ୕ࠎ֬ਜ܅୵৷܅ჼތᇗ၀ࠪ๾༷֭ඓ֎໒



ࠎࢊ֎໒ࠏ۹ಮ ൹ვ֎໒ ބძӳ಼

ऴgᅽᇅධgཷ࿘໛gကվᇥgӹѱౄgજࢁ߇ ݛ༈ᄅھ ಎݛী׶଎ٛ


ࠎࢊ֎໒ࠏ۹ಮ ൹ვ֎໒ ބძӳ಼

߾܅ර ᇗ߇ಎݛቁ܌Ⴝནޒරgᇗ၀ᇄ၄ႇ܌ӹႽནᄻಱ܅ಎݛ໼၊ী׶ࢊሙ ᇗ၀ӑ็ݛࡅ

߾܅߾਍gৡ࣓஽gၦྞݛ ᇗ߇ಎݛቁ܃ ಎݛ໼၊ী׶ࢊᅫ

රٓ໗ۢϳ቎gഐݢЗ܌ٻශࡧྱ׃ර܌༈Ⴝནڣᇗ၀Зۙ࠷ඔ ර܌ൟѸᇾ฽ܾལପҎgᇗ၀࣠มࢁഩႽནܚරۙ܌၀ࢁഩႽན ߾܅ᇗ߇ಎݛቁ ބڋ༽ಮ܅ಎݛ රࢁህ܌Ⴝནڂܪӹ࠷ඔ܅ӹལପҎgᇗ၀೟ָ܅൶ۙ࣠ม࢒ߌ රශӚӢ࡟܌ႽནڂܪӹഩࡁҎgᇗ၀્৮ᇄ၄܅

׶ᇗݛۓ໒uྕᇗݛӶ৳ၣধ ߾܅໒u൐օ਽஥ᆈoo જຫණ ᇗ߇ಎݛቁތಮ༆v ಎݛቓखႝཡ৷ী׶଎ٛv

ಎݛ࣢ല໛଄ࢁഩ༽࣑֎໒ ᇗ၀ࠪ๾ࢁህခࣶቁᄅ ᇗလ໛଄ໆ

৻ہಎݛೠϞޫఓ൵ ઍඈ ಎݛ

߾܅৮ႰӔ᫉ቜ၄౽ᑡ಄ϳ቎ ᇗ߇ಎݛቁގරቀ܌ᇗ၀޸ਗ਼֣Ⴝ೬ࣉඓࠪ๾Ⴝན ۝ћѩ܇ࣆᖬࢁ܅ಎݛ୷ᆷ

රgᇗ၀܌ӹ࠷ඔႽན܅රgᇗ၀࢒ସ܌ӹ࠷ඔႽན܅ᇗݛؾ٫ ಮ৷ሯჿތന߾Дᅸ රgᇗ၀࣠มࢁഩႽ܌၀ࢁഩႽན്مරgᇗݛ܌ᇗလచ၄༽࣑ࠪเ ൔࣺࢁഩႽན Ҏgݛ༈ᄅݛሯໆ ན܌රgᇗ၀્৮ᇄ၄ࠪ๾Ⴝན܌ර

ಮ৷ሯჿތന߾Дᅸ ᱮᆧgᒻѤgৡᅮၼgಱ໇gϪ৷gލᇗလచ၄ী׶଎ٛ ອᇙ࿄gৡ஽gቃࢁ߱g ߾਍gຮ࿘ಝ Ҏgݛ༈ᄅݛሯໆ܃

ގᇗ߇ಎݛ݊ݛ߇్৻ ಎݛ్్݊ण༽࣑۹ಮ ޭཞಝg๊໗ޫ ൱܌߾gݛ༈ᄅ్༈Ͽ Social Responsibility Report 2009


ቜ࠷େhᄥդׁ࣑֚ऄ၄֭๥൐ĭվվজᅢਜ֚܅ތ෕ᇑ֭܅ĭ୵৷฼ׁ֚ۢჼ܅ᇗ၀ࠪ๾ᄥݢປࣤ႗ᇗĭ࡜ԃႲ༽ᅹ௟൘Ⴐׁ֚ჼ ಮh܅Ⴝݢປჼܓර܌ĭࠪ๾׀ᅢhࢱᇈ ୕هӶӑ४࡟ĭդ࣑ਜׁ֚ࣤ࠾֭֭܅ჼׁ

ϋৰĻu ໩൦Ϡࠖබดዞ੦ᆮീ঑෻൯ಮĭჇ୕ᄍࡎ೎ᇗ၀ሯჿि ӹ൅Ӷӑ܅ࡧྱ֭ࠗྈތᄻ഻ӉഩЩໃ߁ڽරĩ49+3Īĭ՞၊۹܌Ⴝནه ৠன࿦ĭѱܽތර቎ᆶ֭၊༪ਡ࠷ඔ܌ແ࿒ঈӔϠ٢ࣤৠhᆋఁ࡟໩ࢬൻਜ ߰ĭൔཋਜಮ഻ࡖهٻᇗݛվྠঈ೾చ၄ҝܼ࿘༥ĭሹ࠵֭శେ֦֬ਜԑڳ ᄉhvٮᆼ֭



ಮĭᅥჼا܅Ⴃׁ֚ჼܮර೾պॠ๦ࣉঈལପ܌ϋৰĻᇗ၀๦ྒႽན රႽࣕ܌h ୕ĭ܅Ⴃਜࣕଈհ૾ቛਪ൐ܮරߖ܌ ĭ ቁග֭܅ ĭऐϿ؛vன࿦؛ᇝன࿦ĭఋᇗu൅๶ࢺۺҝࡎਜ܅ಮՙׁ֭֚ჼ  ࠷ඔಮތϠ٢ܽৠ؛ՙĭᄇಮՙҝࡎਜႶᇗ٢ልࡍ৓ன࿦ϳࢋ቞ۺ ჼ֭ன࿦h

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ࢾౖ͘᫟݈቎೟ ፨ϴீ ྇٭ጻࢅ Ԅ؝ ᥙেኇϳ অ݌ѠጤǍݞࢅ Ԅ؝ ᤑբ݌᫚ؤ᫟݈Ԅ؝ Ӿ఑ᬺࣝ᫟Ѡᯍ঳ ԉ࿧ ٘ॡ͘О᫟݈բ ֎͘গ͘᫟݈Ԅ؝ ٘ॡঅଏ ጪᝂଛԁβӲ ͘Ԍόగ֎ ݌᫚٘ॡБnj᠉֎݌᫚٘ॡࢅ ࠊԁ࢖Бnjగ֎ ੼ᄃ ٘ॡ Бnjᠩ᝝િᩴ݌᫚٘ॡࣁ ঵૰Ǎݞ ᫟݈ᅅং ᬺζ͘ᥓՌࢅ Ԅ؝ࢨ ۡϳ ϻ֎ಿդ ͘েኇϳ ϻ֎ޭ ᦟǍොߤ͘᫟݈Ԅ؝ ᣕݞ ෾ ৥ईભǍ٭ભةћ ٘ॡᣎႼోౖᣫεႼోሡ ሳ͘ߍৢϳ ෾ћ ٘ॡࣚԄ؝ ᅅᝅ

ਜةശ Ѿͦݒঠ ᓱղߣિᩴሸ ᣪр ᏼ

ࢅ Ԅ؝ ࣚᏼকᥓnjᏼॡБnjᏼӾ٘ᣗᛊϳؤগݒঠ ᓱղߣ͘᫟݈׽ ԈᝂӲ Ǎ͕ډఐિᩴᦟ͔؁͘ت ਜةᠩ᝝િᩴ͘Ԉᠩ᝝િᩴᏼ


׀ঝߪ ٘ॡᅅབྷᑰ͘ᣗίෝஷ؁आ͘ߍৢ ᫟݈ᅅԸᐧօ ͘཭؁όԫ᫟݈ߪօ ։ৢйρ ద֮ে᝜͘᣼ᣎйρ ద֮ՙ హ৔ᬺ᫟݈ᅅ ᫟݈ᅅപ਑ኊϵօ Ǎ

хςಙ׉ਝᡲିൟ хςಙ׉ᐿ೻

сӑ ᠲ هÿδ੯Āಙ׉ ϏԿЙ ԙ

႙ڮ ᤂтಙ׉ ϏԿ

ဇ૩ಙ׉ ϏԿє౟Ѭ᏿ உǓnjǒϏԿٿ ǒϏԿ Й Ǔnjǒ/%%6+/'5Ǔnj ࣍ԕػق ؛ϏԿ ᰯݼᒢ፛ உէιᒢ፛ ͘᫟݈቎೟ ᲋ౖة࿱݂ ϊ఺ᬍਅ բϳ ᯍ঳ ፮ίǍډԂၶ%%/٭ࢅ Ԅ؝ݞ еӁ᜞nj፟ᖮၸ ਩njйρ ጔሢؤ٭йρ ద֮ে᝜ѹ᫟݈ Ͽ ద֮Ǎ૫ᒿগ঩͘Ԉಪࣁࢅ Ԅ؝ ᣉբϳ Ԃݒйρ ద֮ে᝜ሓᔳ׉ћ ᅅഗԲǍ٭ࢅ Ԅ؝ ৬૝ဤ ԍဂᓫᅅࢅ ద֮ؤ֓

࿱ډശ Ѿͦόԫࢳ ϗে᝜ಪ᪶Ԅ؝ ૿ᤁÿ᜙ᥓ᧞ԞĀဂᓫйρ ద֮

࿱Ǎόԫࢳ ϗሿ ଓÿᓪډόԫࢳ ϗে᝜ಪ᪶Ԅ؝ ੌ፣ஷྞйρ݂ ֽߦগ৬૝ᅅဤ ဂద֮ጔሢ͘૿ᤁՄϳ ÿ/%%û᜙ᥓ᧞ԞĀ ᣗԈᠢĀϒപ਑еӁၸ ਩ᅅద֮ѠጤǍÿ᜙ᥓ᧞ԞĀ౬Ь ໱׭ద֮ϒᑓةᔩ߽బ Ā͘ݵଡ଼ ÿᣩฯ ׈ᠲĀ͘৬૝ϳЬ ÿ᝵ࢳࢥ Ҡ͘ ࿱Ǎډ ಅᅅйρ

ॱ͘ࢨ ૝ϳ όԫద֮ᢗភᭈኪϷ؁ਅహᣗआǍಪߦዜᅫ ԉహ᩿ᛪహׄሕ ׽ό߯఑মᩰ૰Ꮒ؃গ͘όԫ᫟݈йρ ద֮ে᝜ ÿᠩՄ׷Āᡍద֮ᇈ ቪኳλᭈᇈ ቪǍ٭࿱ډॱ͘৉आϳ েኇόԫ؁ଐᇈ ቪ૝೩

ႼມᅅখᛏǍগ͘᫟݈ϕևϳ ϭ჋आnjᓑфnjዧၶ᠜ኳదѠມ٭όԫ᫟݈ᯍ঳ ᦜᜡ٘ॡᅅద֮Ⴜມ͘֏օࢳၠ ٘ॡॡѧ ֍͘ύ࣌ϳ ঝߪ ٘ॡᅅρѤ Ⴜມ͘ஷᯍϳйρ Ըᐧօ Ǎ

Մѫ਑όನᏗᅅෘĀϒ ڽόԫ᫟݈ᮈऀᐢॡᣑ֍фᏦฆၶ᠜ όԫᣚᨋଔ಻ॡቕ ᐻзಪ᪶Ԅ؝ ϕᛊϳЬ ÿ ϓᭈᅅÿጶෘфĀ

27 28 2009 Social Responsibility Report


ࢶ૰ಭ֊สখϒᅦ ഗ͘θ٭៮ᦞډόԫ᫟݈቎೟ ᡓᛊÿ᝵Ҡሕ фϒಹ͘ࢶ૰༼પ ϒᕣĀᅅ፟ᖮၸ ਩͘ݵଡ଼Ь ஷᯍЇ ૝ᩯǍةѧԉጤ͘֏օࢳၠ ᫟݈θࢶ૰ᅅԈئ Ԍࢡࢶ૰েኇϳ ÿѫόಪ૞nj૞όಪѫĀᅅጨ࣊٭ сߦᧁ᧞йρ

ന ഡ֤ٿډਠ॑ԓᅯ

͘ᣕϒсߦᧁ᧞йρ ͔ࠑͦεຽࢲᧁnjए᜙߬ᧁnj༒׋໌ᧁnjঝσ ᬨᧁnjၰຽጊᛴౖة᫟݈Ԅ؝ݞ ׺θݒԕϓ᜚ᧁ᧞йρ ে᝜ᅅ ኳ͕ஷ҄ϳ ÿዎnjႾ njԐnjҦĀίѠ֮ᅅᧁ᧞ଔ಻ಭ֊Ǎף׋᣼ᧁ٭njࢦਐ ᮎᧁnjएσ ోᧁnjྨؖ ᯬࢲnj฼ ᔙই ࢲףύᧁ

֊ശ Ѿͦϒεຽࢲᧁஷ҄ίѠ֮ಭ

όԫ᫟݈Ԃቕ ׺θϳ ࢲᧁίnjϷnjδ಴ॡቕ ᅅে᝜͘Ԍόδ಴ॡቕ ᅅ᝜ᝂ׽఼ॡԂᥓჄԄ؝ဤ ኇଓଳǍόԫࢲᧁଔ಻ಭ֊ಪ᪶ ߟдᅅҦߠդ ѧͧݑѠরৌ࿽ ࠑډ᝜ߟᅅ൜ ҦͧߟףԄ؝ Ϸֽߦগ೓ ϒࢲᧁஷ҄ÿዎnjႾ njԐnjҦĀίѠ֮ᅅಭ֊֧͘୏ͦԂ ᧁ༃nj᧞༃ᅅߞၸ ֧ͧ୏᧞ᡑnjԄᡑnjสᡑݞ ԕᅅߪ ᥓՌᅅᣑᢵಭ֊ͧྊቶᇄ ኸᎁଥኳǍࢲᧁᬊϓ᜚ႼЇजћ ᅅ٘ॡԂᥓჄό ĀǍ ۆԫ٘ॡଓଳǍ᫟݈Ԅ؝ ᛪࢲᧁᝢϒÿૣკ҄ন


ᧁ᧞ ތࢶ૰ᝢеͦࢲᧁnjᬖᧁnjෞᧁnjఄᧁኳԹϞ ૴ಪόݒߪ ό ೓ ᛓଉ ҠૡભឹҠࣚ͘όԫ᫟݈ᅅࢶ૰ಭ֊፨ϴϳ؁йρ ᥙئᐥ ᯍ঳ ᝢеǍ ԓᄧഡ֤ອ৩܋ಀ

ዎၸդ঳ Ǔ͘୞ࢯλᩰಿೠ ࣚࢶ૰ᣗᛊ፮ίዎၸ Ǎ᫟݈েኇϳࢨ ۡᅅԂၶಭ֊Ѡጤঘݞ ۆόԫ᫟݈դ ࢯϳ ǒόԫ᫟݈ࢶ૰׽҄ন ߟдډጻఎ ᤁnjߟ ׀᝼׽᝜ߟ ٻᝍnjଔ಻λࣁެ٭ ղᇈ ቪnjଛЇఋଡ଼ںনࢶ૰᜚ฯ ͘ϒࢶ૰ஷ҄ڑಭ֊Ꮒྜྷ͘ਥᤀثںݤ᝜ಪؤξბ নኳԂᬍጤ፮ᅅಭ֊͘༼ᠸຽԕߤࢶ૰ᅅߦഩ ֮᫱ฯ Ǎ҄

ശ Ѿͦόԫ᠜ᣢॡቕ ଔ಻ᐻзಪ᪶Ԅ؝ েኇ9GD ᣘቕݞ ፏࢶಭጤ፮

গ͘όԫ᠜ᣢॡቕ ଔ಻ᐻзಪ᪶Ԅ؝ ϒϳ ಢ ࠏ ᅅಭ֊Ԃၶࢶ૰͘৔ᣗϳ9 GDᣘቕݞ ፏಭ֊ጤ ፮Ǎ᝿ጤ፮ࢶ૰ኑ௼ ѧ೟ ԌወҒ ؐ͘᜚ᑰεᏂࣰᑰᢡ όԫ᠜ᣢॡቕ ॴᅅᣘቕఋଡ଼ Ǎ؃ೝᖅ

ϒ༼ᠸॡቕ ᓱྜྷఐৌϊБр ੤ౖ᩹٭ࢶ૰ᝢеͦόԫЋ᝵ॡቕ ଔ಻ಪ᪶Ԅ؝ ᅅ٘ॡݞ ᥛᧁࣄ׭ೞॡቕ όЬ ࢶ૰᫱᜚ϒӶ ᅅಭ֊પ ᝤ ᅅడρ ጔሢᠢਅϳ ᥛᧁࣄ׭ೞॡቕ ୞୮ᥓÿίລᅅଔ಻͘ίລᅅಭ֊Āᅅᯍ঳ ᝢеǍ

ᤇ᫒ڮ చ ᴬЏ֟֩

៮ᦞ͘ಹᆆÿеബ͘៮ᦞĀ׿т͘ÿ᝵Ҡ͘ಭ֊ĀԈᠢᅅ፟ᖮၸ ਩͘Ь ÿηϵеബನќ͘њฯ ៮ᦞನࠏ Āډ᫟݈Ԅ؝ ᯍ঳ ᦜᜡЇ ᝵Ҡᅅಭ֊Ǎ٭ډᅅׯ ՗͘ϒԂၶࢶ૰ஷ҄т៮ᅅЇ

៮ᦞࠃ Ꮗդ঳ډശ Ѿͦόԫ֯఺ॡቕ ଔ಻ಪ᪶Ԅ؝ࢨ ۡ᝜ᝂЇ

៮ᦞࠃ Ꮗࢳ ఼ፖ՗ǓǍ᝿ډ៮ᦞપ ᝤ͘όԫ֯఺ॡቕ ଔ಻ಪ᪶Ԅ؝ Մؖϳ ǒ᝜ᝂЇډϒ։ৢ ៮ᦞዎၸ ॡѧ͘Ԃᬍஷᯍ٘ॡᅅЇ Ԃগ᝜ᝂ៮ᦞቱՄᅅϊБ፨ϴࠃ ֓ݬ ӊՄϳ ౟ᇪᅅᜟࢯǍ٭៮ᦞᩴᭈᅅߞᏇډǒፖ՗Ǔࣚ᝜ᝂЇ

29 30 2009 Social Responsibility Report


׀ၟ߇ θԂၶถҳ؅֮ᩴᭈ४ ፟૝ϒݒ᪮ሕ фঝ๸ԉ๾ ᅅᦜ᜚ᝎᭈǍόԫ᫟݈቎೟ নࣚၟ߇ θԂၶถҳୢૣ࣡͘ஷ ᇞ ޭ٭ᬭ఑ኻᜟࢯ͘։ৢ ᓱᑰԵ஛ᅅፔፗᬺࣝؤ͘ᝅᅸ ៵৶ଅᛊݒࣁ ᓱᑰԵ஛ᅅخआ఺؁ᛊρ ၟҝ สখѧϒйρ ᅅૣკ ሕ фে᝜ӊՄϳ቎೟ ៧၄ Ǎތnjၟ߇ ׾ࠏ ތआ͘ϒ᠉༟ᓱጺ؁ ዎၸ ͘ணᣗќᇿ ፟ອ

ϏԿ ᰯݼᄏࠊಭ᫣


आ᜞ ᓱᑰԵ஛؁ݵଡ଼ ቂ࢖

ᤁሳሕ фθಷ೓ ҝ ଥၟ߇


όԫ᫟݈։ߪ ၟ߇ҝ ଥॡѧօ঳ ͘቎೟ ៵৶ᖵࢳ ݒࣁ ಪԉᥓᩰᅅᅫ ԉ఑ኻ᜚ฯ Ǎগ͘Ԃᬍࢨ ૝ϳ ݒ֊᪼ݒ᠉࠳ ζᣉᅅᓱᑰ ᑰᐉกগζ᪵͘ᠱᭋࢨئᑰᐉกগζ᪵͘ॡρйρ βӲ ЇӁᎈئԵ஛୞ഗ͘Ԍόᬊॡρйρ βӲ ᖮρ ఌԁᎈ ᑰᐉกগζ᪵ᓱᑰԵ஛ዎၸᅦ ഗǍئ૝ݒ᠉࠳ ζᣉᅅβӲ ᖮρ ఌԁ͔ЇӁ͕ᎈ


ᑰᐉ͔׉ћ ͦػ ഗ࿅ βӲ ͕ 62 ஊ٦਌ĥ֊໎ķؙĦئβӲ ЇӁᎈ

2.5 35000.00   2 30000.00 

1.5  25000.00

1   20000.00 0.5 15000.00

2007 2008 2009 2007 2008 2009 ͕ ᓱᑰᦞᝂዌ͕ %1&஛ఐᦞ͔׉ћ ͦػډᑰᐉૡЇئᓱᑰᦞ͔ॡρйρ ୠЇӁᎈ

׉ћ ͦβػ ഗ࿅ ͕ 30000͔ 200   150  25000

100  20000 

50 15000

5  10000

2007 2008 2009 2007 2008 2009

๾ ͦ%1&஛ఐᦞߍ ᩯׯ ݆౬ፊρ ᫟݈ζईᏗ՞ ຨፊԄ؝ গଛԁႼЇ׽ׄ ߫ॡቕ ଔ಻ಪ᪶Ԅ؝ $16ଓ֧ส֊ॡቕ ৬૝ᅅǍ


ᩴͦόԫ᫟݈౬਷ഩ ৉आၟ߇ҝ ଥॡѧᅅͫ θন؁ आ࣡͘ணᣗᛊρ ၟҝ ଔ಻ᅅᇈ؁आǍόԫ᫟݈ᓀօϸғ ᣗ፟ອሕ фθႼਰၟ߇ ᅅׅវ؁ኺͦႼਰၟ߇϶ ԉБዼᅅႼࢋ θ आ͘؁ ͘৉ାၟҝ హ॰ݧ͘ணᣗќᇿ ፟ອډ͘՞Ⴞ ᫟݈ᅅଔ಻т֗ߪօ ணঝᓱᑰၟҝ హଔ಻njహЇخआ఺؁Ⴞ ѧϒ᫟݈ᅅૣკ आӊՄϳ቎೟ ៧၄ Ǎ؁ ৬૝ϳဤ ဂᅅၟҝ Їρ ֮т֗͘૝ϒйρሕ ф៩жᅅቱՄဂᓫ͘ϒғ ᣗ૞ݒၟҝ϶ρ


όԫ᫟݈ᝅᅸ ៵৶ၟ߇ ዎၸ ఺ᦫ͘቎೟ ৉आၟ߇ ዎၸ Ѡጤে᝜͘᫟݈ζईϷጻԄ؝ݬ ᣼ᣎϳ+51 ၟ߇ ዎၸ Ѡጤᝅ᝟Ǎ


গ͘όԫ᫟݈դ ࢯϳ ǒᓱ ᑰᅦ ഗ៩жᝢеᏽപᝂՌᛓǓ͘໚ᅠ ᬺࣝઉԪ٭ϳ ᓱᑰᦞnjᓱᑰॡѧፔፗ ኳ఺ᬍ͘ಪօ ணᣗϳ ᓱᑰԵ஛ॡѧǍ

ᐰᐳѬ᏿ ᑊᡘማ༶Ѭ᏿

ࢅ Ԅؤ όԫ᫟݈׽ζईࢅ Ԅ؝ݬ েኇϳ গ͘όԫ᫟݈᜚ฯ Ⴤйρ ϓ᜚ᬺࣝϒኪί៩жБᅅᓱᑰ ؝ ψബୠ࿇ݒ᠉࠳ ׽ੌᥓᜟࢯ᜚ฯ ͘ Ե஛ॡѧᬺࣝࣤ ፔ͘ঘ᝜ኇϳ ᓱᑰԵ ࢯ಴߃ଦǒᓱᑰԵ஛፮ᝂᅝຫ ᛓǓ͘ ஛ዎၸ ॡѧই ᝜ಿೠ ࣚ͘ᓱᑰԵ஛ዎ ঘ࣡Ԍፆԁই ᜟᅅዎၸ ॡѧ͘ঘଦᣫ ၸᅦ ഗᣗᛊ᣶ጻՌᜱᖵࢳ ࣡͘෾ίᬭ ᒿੌᥓǍ जћ Ǎ٭ж֊ᖵࢳ բБ

31 32 2009 Social Responsibility Report


όԫ᫟݈቎೟ ৉आᓱᑰԵ஛ॡѧ͘ηషেኇӌԂᓱᑰԵ஛ॡѧᩯఓ ಿդ ͘ଡ଼ ፺։ߪ ᓱᑰԵ஛᠉ᦟଛԁ͘ଗÿᓱᑰԵ஛nj஢դ ฾ ԫᦟᛊρ٭ নႾ ͘ғ ᣗ᫟݈ᓱᑰԵ஛፷ఓ٭؁ ഁnjќᇿ ፟ອ Ā៵ቯϸ తϊᧁ᧞ଔ಻ಭ֊ᣎቕ ό͘᣼ᣎ᝜ߟಢహЬ ׽ᓱᑰԵ஛ଔ಻ᅅᇈ Ǎ ׀ᓱᑰԵ஛สখᅅ׿ஷ

ശ ѾͦÿహѤᧁ༃ྰ ᩻։ॡߞၸ ׽᫭஛ఐᬭᅦ Āᛪݒࣁ ၟҝ ᥓଐԲϒÿၟ߇ ฾ഁ ᪢๨ θ਋ ၟ፟ອ ଔ಻ሓᔳॡቕ Ā

ѧᣑᖮ͘᝿ᬭئ ᬭᅦ Ⴤόԫেኸᇈ ቪੌ᪼ಪ᪶Ԅ؝ θహѤᧁ᧞ᐻзಪ᪶Ԅ؝ ՞Ⴞ ᧁ༃͘؅রϒࢲ͘ᅸ ෛࢳၠ ᧁ༃ᅅÿ᫭஛ఐĀ͘ԌᦘႾ ᅅئᅦ݄ ఌরᧁnjᎈ ᧁ༃ߞၸ ॡᓭЪᛓϳ όݒϖᒿξბᧁ༃ߞၸ ᬺާᅅᢧᯍสখ͘ϒݒԕॡρйρ ၟ आᤗᡑǍ؁ᓱᑰԵ஛டጧϳ ί೒૝ֈ ᅅ٭ ҝ๨ၸ

ॡቕ ଔ಻Ԅ؝ݞดႾ েኸ᝜ᝂόᦘႾ ݤ༟ྰ ຆnj߬᪣ᑰ՞Ⴞ ኳᎋᓫেኸଔ಻͘ᒼϓؤόԫ᫟ֽ݈Ռᦜᜡᇈ ቪ૝೩ᢔ֮নႾ ͘ζई ᕣᖅÿόݒেኸᓱᑰԵ஛ֽߪ ᎋᓫඋᅢ Ā቏؜Ǎ׳ ᝜ᝂে᝜ᅅόԫ᠜ᣢߪ


आ਋ ၟ፟؁ आ᜞ϒ୞ࣝ͘Ь ஷᯍᑰ༟՞Ⴞၕ ϒപ਑͘ߪօ؁όԫ᫟݈቎೟ ៵৶ᖵࢳ ᓱጺ᠉༟njҝ ଥၟ߇ ᅅޭ ಹݒኻ͘ݵଡ଼Ь ቂ࢖ ᪵͘ќႼЇ૝ಹǍڑອ ͘Оഫ ಹε᪵ќᑰ༟᠉༟ໂᐉ͘Եࣥၟ߇ ৴

आ਋ ၟ፟ອ؁ ശ Ѿͦόԫፊρ ᨉ๥ ಪ᪶Ԅ؝ߪօ

ଛ᠉ВӲ ͘ে૝ࠄػ ߫ᅅᇽ݄ ఌጤ፮͘ᜱԩᱯᕖຨᱷ໙฾ഁᩴᭈǍᅦ ղ෾߫ߞၸ ᱷ໙ݑ৬࿽ ػ ͘հ Եث Ԅ؝Ӷ Մߦጻᤁፊόส؁৉ث ό਑͘Ӷ؁ᅅ฾ഁ៦ᕮ݄࣡͘ ఌᅅྫᇽԙႾϸ ႼЇ͘෾গϒйρ ᪵ќ૝ಹߦβӲ ǍԄ؝ ে૝ݒࣁ ጻଔ಻৉ आஷ҄ϳ ଔ಻ҝ ᫓Ǎ؁ एσᅯ ቂଔᣗෝࠃ ͘ᕣᒱÿԂݒϼ ί֕֍ࠃ ထĀ͘ϒ਋ ၟ፟ອ٭ Ⴞ ኳίଐᤁፊᓱᑰԵ஛ଔ಻͘ᖅਅϳ ݒࣁ݄

λρ ֮ᅅଔ಻݈٭ݩྻ ྫଔ಻ ވശ Ѿͦόݒ੟ᖞॡቕ ଔ಻ಪ᪶Ԅ؝ ୊ಪ໱׭ᅅ ᣑᖮݒԕί٭ݩྻ ྫॡቕࢳ ᡓ᮫፟͘ᑰߨ᝜ᝂnjে᝜ ވ᪜͘቎ ጪϳ ֽѤগᅅ ݩྻ ྫᬭᅦ ͘ ވǍᅦ ղ४ ૝ֈ ᝜ᝂϳ ϊݒԕף Ⴧ؁ྫ ݩྻ ވລnjݒ᪮ ᬺӶ ᅅ Ԃ אϒػ ߫͘٭ੌ ݩߞၸ ᑰօ ވݩྻ ྫᬭᅦ ͘ᣖЀᬭᅦ ᅅ ވ୊ಪϊ$16 ᅅᣒδ૝Ǎ٭ੌ ݩߞၸ ᑰօ ވݩྻ ྫᬭᅦ ވ४ ে૝٭ݒݞ ে

ࢳ ಅף Ⴧ؁ྫ ݩྻ ވ $16ද৑ᣑѧएσ ࣞ ശ Ѿͦόԫׄ߫ॡቕ ଔ಻ಪ᪶Ԅ؝Ь616 ͘᝿ॡቕ ᝜ᝂోߞၸ ฾สβػ ͘ᦘႾϳף ฾สߞၸئ॰ᎈޟӷ ໱঳ ߞၸ ጤ፮ॡᓭ͘౬ݒࣁ ׽ए٭ย͗ย֮๘͗ᔁᔔ༙ݤĀשÿ σᅯ ᦜྜྷᓱᑰԵ஛ॡቕ ͘ᛪՕϒݒࣁ ၟҝ ੌࣺ ணঝሓᔳॡቕ Ǎᬭ ᅦ ᅅে૝ࣚϸఎ ۡएσᅯࣤ ໶๥ ລާᅅၟ߇ ထԪԍಪֽՌᦜ᜚ᅅ ѧႾ Ǎ


ᓩࠏ ᅅႼਰၟ߇ ౬БዼႼࢋ ጰᛋᅅޭ ᇞǍόԫ᫟݈ݞ ፟ᖮόψബᤢࢥ ቮถ฾ഁnjর࿽ ஛ఐኳၟҝᅫ ԉᅅ๵ਁ๵ᜟ͘቎೟ ৉आၟ ҝ ࢷшެᝍ͘։ৢ Ⴜਰҝ ଥॡѧ͘ғ ᣗ૴ݞ ݤᅅႼਰၟ߇ఎ ۡǍ

ശ ѾͦόԫᏗ՞ ፊρ ᫟݈ಪ᪶Ԅ؝ࢳ ఼೦ፊίѠ֮ॡቕ

ੌ όԫᏗ՞ ፊρ ᫟݈ಪ᪶Ԅ؝ݞ ૞ݒ᜙ᥓ᭕๖কౕ ᅅᒡബᦛ๖ཋ ݤং ͘Ԃᬍ৉आϳ๨ ๖ᤁ೦͘ࢳ ఼ϳ ೦ፊίѠ֮ॡቕ Ǎ᝿ᬭᅦ ౦ ᤝભח֍ϳ ᤀႼ೦ޭ ݤে᝜፟͘ف ೦ಶ᠉༟͘૿ᤁ೦njຨnjፊЇρ ᨐ͘૿ᇖε་᠉༟Ⴐ ᬼǍগ͘Ԅ؝؁ଛ᠉ВӲ ͘᣼ᣎ৉ आᎋᓫᤁፊᅅԎᔳǍ؁ຫ ᦞБॡᤁ೦ᬍ቎ ᣉβЉ͘૝ϒ૞ݒ᜙ᥓ

όԫᏗ՞ ፊρ ᫟݈ಪ᪶Ԅ؝ ॡρ ݋తѠݓ

ഗឆ͘Ԅ؝ ԕᏂεш௳ nj٭ശ Ѿͦεຽࢲԫে᝜ಪ᪶Ԅ؝ݞ গᓱᑰࢷшٞມ֍ό͘ߪօ ࢷшᓱᑰԵ஛ᅅᦜ᜚੅͘᣼ᣎ઀ଢ଼න঍ ৙៺ၟҝ ࢷш჋ኳ৬৑͘ஷᯍ٘ॡᅅၟҝપ ᝤ͘ҷࣝ٘ॡϒᓱᑰԵ஛njၟ߇ҝ ଥӊ៧၄ Ǎ

ѹႾ ͘ணᣗևԄᒼ֍֮ে᝜͘֏օ Եࣥډ ևԄႾ٭ όԫ᫟݈቎೟ ҷࣝᎋᓫևԄၸ ਩͘ஷᯍԂѠ٘ॡᓱጺપ ᝤ͘ҷࣝᓱጺสnjჇ ዼфᝎǍؤ

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࣯ԓᅯЏ ᤂт

आᅅޭ ᇞǍόԫ᫟݈ᯍ঳ ᦜᜡ։ৢ ࢦԂႼЇዎ؁ឨӌস٭ आᅅᦜ᜚೒д͘౬йρ؁ࢦԂႼЇ౬ݒࣁ ፟ອ njሕ ф቞ ࢯ ๨ၸ Ā఺ᦫ͘ηషࢨ ۡࢦԂႼЇዎၸ Ѡጤ͘ᝅئआĀၸ ਩͘࠮ፘݵଡ଼ ÿࢦԂኪίnjᬸ᪢ϒϓnjᎈ؁ၸ ͘቎೟ ҷࣝÿࢦԂ ǍݎឨࢦԂᅅԕᥓผ٭आᖮᤁ؁ࢦԂႼЇዎၸ สখ͘֏օ ϒ᫟݈ቂ࢖ ׀ᅸ ৉आࢦԂ៮ᦞഗԲ֮ে᝜ॡѧ͘቎೟ ஷ


йρࢳ᪮ ͘቎೟ ணᣗࢦԂႼЇ៩жդ θᩴ៩դ ᅅಪಿ፣ئआ͘ೠ েࢦԂႼЇᩯఓ ಿդ Āϒപ਑͘፣؁όԫ᫟݈Ь ÿݵଡ଼ ࢦԂ ԩդ Ā͘Սࢳ ଚࠏ ࢦԂႼЇॡѧǍ᫟݈ࣼࣼᖵࢳ ࢦԂႼЇ៩жդ ͘৬૝ࢦԂႼЇ៩жᨐǍগ͘᫟݈ع͘ݵଡ଼ ࢦԂႼЇÿίረئ θζई૴ಪϷጻ׉ћ ៦៩Бݬ ዇ᝃϳ ࢦԂႼЇ៩жϭǍ

೩ᅅ͘ୠ࿇ÿ݂ثၠࢋݞ ᅅᩴᭈǍࣚη៦៩жᤁ૝؁ႼЇລቕ ᅅࢦԂ஢դ ͘ࢯ಴ᣗᛊࢦԂႼЇ൜ ഋ͘׽ౖ٭᫟݈ψബᬭᅦ ॡত ηఐᣎĀׯ ՗ࣚ͘϶ ఒ៩жБݵԩψᐬߞၸ Ǎগ͘᫟݈Ԉፔፗϳ ්ࢦԂႼЇߪ൜ ഋມ֍͘؄൜ࢅ Ԅ؝ࣁ ්͔͕͘൜ ഋॡݤ ͔ႼЇᢏ͕᩹ϊǍ

গ͘᫟݈Ԅ؝ ৉आϳ ࢦԂ៮ᦞഗԲ֮ມ֍͘Ԉಪϊᬭᅦ ᛪᝢϒഗԲ֮ॡݤ͔ᢏ͕᩹Ǎ

भቴ᡺ ϶ÿ݂ ηఐᣎĀׯ ՗ͦ϶ ఒׯ ݆๙ഋ໶ηఐᣎ͘ ఒ៩ж᏿๙؄բߞၸ ηఐᣎ͘Ꮮс๙؄բచ ᑆη ఐᣎ͘᪢ᔳ஥ ఼๙ಪᖵࢳ ηఐᣎǍ

ᕣᖅগ঳ όԫ᫟݈ࢦԂ៮ᦞഗԲ֮ॡݤᅅόԫেॡᦜঠ ঙሳदѝ ࢣॡቕ

όԫ᫟݈դ ࢯϳ ǒόԫ᫟݈ੌଓ֧ᬭᅦ ዎၸޭ ಹև๵Ǔ͘౟ᇪᜟࢯݞ ॡቕ ᬭᅦ Ռ֧ૡ֕֊Ռౖ֧͘਒ᬯᣱ୎ ԍߟࢦԂႼЇ ॡቕ ᬭᅦ ಿೠ ਒ᬯেኇБ٘जћ ៩жդ ͘ᣗᛊࢦԂଔ಻Є঩nj ۆ೒дૡᅫ ন᠉៮ᅅ׉ћ ͘዇ᝃࢦԂႼЇዎၸ ׅᝎ͘ঘ᜚ฯ Ռ֧ ࢦԂచ ᑆnjᅝᆏ൜ ഋኳ͘ҝ ᝟ॡቕ ఼ॡࢦԂǍ Social Responsibility Report 2009


Ⴜၕ Ā؁ឨϒᕣͧݵଡ଼ ᬸ᪢ϒϓ᪵͘ќ϶ ఒ٭όԫ᫟݈ί៵ᦜᜡஷᯍ٘ॡᅅᐢρ ӌসࢦԂสখ͘ᇪኇϳ ÿ҅๵ᅝዎ͘Ь Бϒಹ͘ ᅅᐢρ ӌসࢦԂॡѧ఺ᦫ͘েኇϳ ᢧϒࢨ ۡᅅᐢρ ӌসࢦԂዎၸ ѠጤǍ෾গ᫟݈ࢯ಴ፔፗԂѠ٘ॡᣗᛊᐢρ ӌসѠ൜ ͘֏օఎ ۡ٘ॡ आஷ҄ϳ؁ᢊ Ѡӌস͘ғ ᣗ᫟݈ࢦԂ٭͘ϒҝ ଥ٘ॡႼ٧ࢦԂډ ϊБ᪢ଥႾ٭ॡѧၟ߇ ͘቎೟ ։ߪ ଛԁ͘ᥨߟᅫ নᅅ᪢ଥᛯߟnj᝜఼ ಪօҝ ᫓Ǎ


όԫ᫟݈׽ԌζईԄ؝ݬ েኇϳ ႼЇࢦԂ϶ ఒন੃గ ீᬸശ ዎၸ Ѡ ጤ͘᎝դϳ ႼЇࢦԂ϶ ఒλᬭন੃గ ீᬸശ ͘૝ኇϳగ ீࣤ ፔ͘ηషߍ ዼ϶ ఒᅅߞᏎᑰօ Ǎؤࣚ ৢ

ئগ͘᫟݈Ԅ؝ ։ߪ ন੃గ ீॡѧଛԁօ঳ ͘᎝դ ૡҦᝃᎈ ᬸശ ϊnjλᬭᬸശ ϊnjၠ ݧᬸശ ϊ͘ঘಪᦫࣚ੅ݤ৉आϳ ߦ ්ন੃ཉ ፓǍ

όԫ᫟݈ζईԄ؝ ৉आন੃ཉ ፓ ࣯ԓಙ׉ਝᡲ

आĀnjÿࢦԂ៩жᦜϸ ຃एĀᅅၸ ਩͘ݵଡ଼ ÿࢦԂॡѧ͘చ ᑆӶ ᛊĀ͘቎೟ ৉आࢦԂႼЇࢷшచ ᑆ؁όԫ᫟݈࿺ݑടኇÿࢦԂ ມ֍͘ߍৢ ᫟݈٘ॡࢦԂႼЇપ ᝤǍ

গ͘᫟݈Ԅ؝ ፔፗࢦԂެᝍ಴͘׺։ެᝍБ්ͧࣚహᣗБ٘ᣗᛊࢦԂႼЇδጻచ ᑆ͘ОੀઞεnjଔᑰεஷᯍࢦԂ௼ ѧ ፥ᆆÿᫎ੼๨ၸ ͘᪢ᔳ϶ ఒĀϓᭈፔፗ৉आϳ ÿࢦԂႼݎ͘᫟ౖ݈ةႼǍθො؁สখͧ։ৢ ࣚဂቁ ѧρ Б٘ᅅࢦԂዎၸ ͘᪢ේ϶ ఒ ǍݎЇ಩ Āມ֍͘֏օ ᖮᤁÿԉ࿧ Ⴜ٧njԉ๾ ࢦԂĀᅅผ

भቴ᡺ ၴ ፔࣚహᣗБ٘ᅅచ ᑆມ֍Ǎ٭ Ϸጻࢅ Ԅ؝ njδጻࢅ Ԅ؝ؤδጻచ ᑆͦ୞ ࢾ݆ጦѧρ ᅅБ٘Ǎכ ᝜఼ᅅࢦԂಪᦜߪݎဂቁ ѧρ Б٘ͦ୞ݞ ႼЇᣎቕ όᅪ஡О϶ ࣚ௼ ѧ᏿ಹБ࣬͘Ԍ౬ࣚУБ׽ٞ

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ѧ͘ఋଡ଼ሕئόԫ᫟݈ݞ Ԃၶ፟ᖮό͘ݵଡ଼ ҅๵᝵Ҡ፟ᖮ͘ψബᤢࢥ ૴ݞ ݤᅅ๵ਁ๵ᜟ͘ᦜᜡθ՞ ᅘᅫ ԉ఺ᅅ๘᣼Єລθখኳ ឨξბ៧၄օ ᦞǍ٭आࣣ͘ᦜ০ݤద֮֙͘ϸ ଓଳйρ Ԅด ៩ж͘቎೟ ϒে᝜؁ֹ


ᒌҷ়చ ᑆ͘ҝ ᫓᫟݈ႼЇ፟ᖮᅅᬮ՞ ৉आǍ؀֮ όԫ᫟݈ψബ᜚ฯ ૴ईйρ ҅๵᝵Ҡ፟ᖮ͘։ৢ ጾ൜ ᅝ࣒ॡѧ͘ৢ


όԫ᫟݈ݞ ႼЇ፟ᖮόࣚ͘ࢶ૰ݵଡ଼Ь ᝵ᅫৼ ͘Ҡࢥ ន᜶͘ऌᛊន خ᝵Ҡ͘٭ ᜶ͧࣚሕ фݵࢥ ଓន౬ᨉ͘ᡓន౬ᦟᅅၸ ਩͘Ⴞ ᫟݈ᅅࢳօ ಭ֊Ǎ૫ᒿগ঩͘᫟݈׽ζईԄ؝٭ډሕ фஷ҄༼પ ᅅЇ٭ࢶ૰ Ԉಪࣁйρ ᛪᝢࢯϒÿ###ጻҠႾйρ Ā͘μߦࣁ ζईԄ؝ ᣚ፺ᖅਅ ࢥ ҠႾ Ā###ጻ቏؜Ǎةئÿᦜ


όԫ᫟݈ᯍ঳ ᦜᜡጾ൜ ᅝ࣒ॡѧ͘গ᫟݈૝ኇϳ ᅝ࣒ᥓ͘։ߪϳ ጾ൜ ᅝ࣒օ঳ ͘Ԃগഋߞᣙ๵ᣙጾശ дд͘፣ശၕ Ǎ

ᡊᡦᅝᆏ ᅅ৬৑৉आᝢ؃Ϲ ஄ᬭᅦ ᦘ٭᫟݈Ԅ؝ ᦜྜྷৢ ֮ϳఓ ᑰᅝ࣒ॡѧ͘গԈኇᬭᬭ͘ঘᣱ୎ Ԍόϊᦜྜྷnj᫚ྜྷ ࢵ͘ஷՄᅝ࣒েᝎ೒͘ᅪ஡ߍ ։፟ອఓ ᅘβӲ ͘୶݄ ፟ອ ஄߱ βӲ ͘ᓱጺ᠉ᦟВӲ Ǎ


ᬸ᪢ᒌ៫Ѡጤগॡ٭ όԫ᫟݈ᝅᅸ ᖵࢳ ǒেኇӌԂગ๨ ᅫ ԉᐢᑰᥓᩰᬺࣝፔ૝ᅅॡѧᬺࣝࣤ٭ѧᜟՓǓ͘૝ኇϳ Ⴤϓ᜚ᬺࣝ ρ ᠅᠇ઉԪᣗۆፔ͘েኇϳ ÿίज׿៩ĀᲖଚԈዎᅅॡѧಿդ ͘ፔፗࣚ ᛊᒼഋᒼጴǍ

ᒌҷ়λᭈଦُݧ͘׺։Б٘Б؀গ͘᫟݈৉आ ৉आᝀሓnjശ Ѿచ ᑆݧ͘׺։Б٘Б්͔͕ͧ᫟්݈͕͔ͧ ጻᬺࣝকᥓԈ዇ᝃ៩жϭз͘዇ᝃ়ຎଓនϭз͘ᬺࣝБؤ ᣥ়ᝎ়Б්͘৉आឡ᝷ஷᦍБ්͘ᝢᝎnjᏽപࢅ Ԅ؝ ᬺࣝ٘ ᒌҷ়ᝀሓచ ᑆߪ ф؀ে᝜ಪ᪶Ԅ؝ؒ ৉گόԫЋ ၴࢅ ϊ්͔͕Ǎ Ϻਿԓᄧԕທ

ឨሕ ֹ͘ғ ᣗ০ݤࣰρ ͘ҝ ଥ০ݤద٭आĀᅅၸ ਩͘ടኇϻ՞ Ԉᠢપ ᝤ͘቎೟ೠ ে؁ةόԫ᫟݈ݞ Ԃၶ፟ᖮό࠮ፘݵଡ଼ ÿᤁሳ০ݤnjԈ ᤘᣨ͘ғ ᣗߦӲ ద֮Єລ͘ಭ֊Ԅсnj݄ ଦሕ ф͘ᝅᅸ ऌᛊԂၶԄด Ϛ֊Ǎ֮

Ҭஈಙ׉ᩄᨔ וᣀዣڏൖਝ

቎೟ఋଡ଼ ᬭᅦ ૴ݞ ݤᅅሕ ֹে᝜͘ѹйρ θ ๾ ᦜҝ ଥᬭᅦ ૴ݞ ݤద֮ᤘᣨ͘ҝ ᝟ᬭᅦ ৉ ে᝜ηᇖݱ০ݤᅅద֮ᤘᣨǍ؁ आǍ؁ة૴ݞሕ ֹԈ


ऻς ࠫԃ ಙ׉Ќ༯ޙҠᨁਿ ݤֹ᭕ةద֮ᅅЄລࣣ͘ᦜηةຽߤ፟ᖮό៵৶Ӵ Ռ՞Ⴞ ০ݤ֕֍օ ᅅੀ ๾ ᦜғ ᣗη ઞ͘ୠ࿇০ݤಪԉ๵ᜟnjᤢ਋ ࣰᣒࣰݤᅅ Қϫજ ͘։ৢ όߤద֮๘᣼͘ঘ࣡Ԍѧϒй ׯ ՗᫠Ѭ٘ॡǍ ρ ద֮ᅅᦜ᜚ԕࣃǍ

նሖሩԚಭᯀᎍ ᩴͦόԫ᫟݈ϒГϙᦜᜡᬭᅦ ૴ݞሕ ֹে᝜ͫ आ͘Ϸ᏿࣊ ηؕ ՌǍ݆ො͘᫟݈Ԅ؝ݞ Ԃၶᣑᖮό͘ᯍ঳ ᦜᜡғ ᣗ૴ݞ؁आ҅᠘ϸ Ԍ૴ݞሕ ֹᅅ؁٭ ኺͦόԫ᫟݈ᝅϒ͘йρ ᅅႼࢋ ૝ᩯǍةሕ ֹࣽด ᅅࣰρ ͘ғ ᣗద֮Єລ͘቎೟ অ֎ሕ ֹে᝜ࢨ ۡޭ ᇞ᝜఼͘ҝ ଥ০ݤᤘᣨ͘ఎ ۡ০ݤࣽด Ⴜມ͘ѹйρ θሕ ֹԈ

ίϊሕ ֹĀശ Ѿԁᣱό߯йρ тሻሕ ф៩жࢳ ᡓശ ѾǍةίϊ႓ ಶ͘ةগ͘᫟݈Ԅ؝ εଦᅅόԫ႓ ಶÿ

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ശ Ѿͦόԫ᜙ཪᆿρ ಪ᪶Ԅ؝ҝ ଥׯ ѝด ద֮ᤘᣨ

όԫ᜙ཪᆿρ ಪ᪶Ԅ؝ћϸ ཪߪ՞Ͽ ᅅ5KPQ᧞ᆿ ᬭᅦ ֹާಪߪ ᦞׯ ᖸ ࣽѝᅅण ຖ͘ᆺ߲εᅅթ჋͘٭ᆺՉnjᆺ࿯njᆺՈኳ͕͔ ܭด ѹႾ ᣎᅅᆺ ᣎᅅ៤ߛኳǍϒҝ ଥᣖЀద֮ᤘᣨ͘Ԅ؝ ᐦថᏽ؋λࣁ ֹࣚާᣗᛊវأ ၠ ᅅᤘᣨᣗᛊҝ ଥǍ؁ഋࣚ͘

ण ᆺթ჋

ശ Ѿͦόԫ᧲᨜ಪ᪶Ԅ؝቎೟ғ ᣗ০ݤࣰρ

όԫ᧲᨜ಪ᪶Ԅ؝೎ ᣉ᧢᨜ᆿ ᬭᅦ४ ᐦႾ ५఺٘ॡБ͘ଷస៤ଷዹ Ⴞ ॡБఢ ᅅאႾ ॡБ͘ةئ५఺٘ॡᅅ͘Ԍό אॡБ٘͘ ͘ߪߪఎ ۡϳ ০ݤᅅࣰρ ၟ߇ ͘ାࣄϳ ࣰρ ༁ᤗ͘ғ ᣗϳ ০ݤ፟ອ ᅅ आ͘ஷᯍϳ ५఺٘ॡᅅႼມสখǍ؁



ѧ͘ғ ᣗйρ θئѧԉጤ͘࠮ፘݵଡ଼ݞ খኳϻ՞ׯ ՗ޭ ᇞεθ՞ ᅘᅫ ԉ఺৉आ࣊ Սئόԫ᫟݈ᯍ঳ ᦜᜡθ՞ ᅘᅫ ԉ఺েኇᓩࠏ ᅅ आǍ؁ة఺ᅅԈؤ


ѧǍݞ ݒԕ͘θݒࣁ ಪԉئόԫ᫟݈ᯍ঳ ᦜᜡθಪԉ఑মᥓᩰ৉आ ॰ҝ ᫓ޟ॰ޭ ᇞ᝜఼ে᝜njޟᥓ࠳ njݤ఺ᅯ ॰ࣰ॰఑ॡቕ njᢑᤗЄ᣼ኳ ѧͧݞ ݒߤ͘θ५ޭئে᝜ኳߦϊᬺާ৉आૣკ؁੅ѝ૳ ে᝜nj᠉༟৉ ᠉సݾnjཪߪ՞Ͽ nj५᜙ኳݒࣁ ఑মেኇϳ ᓩࠏ ᅅԉጤ͘ঘݞ ০ݤ৉आ ԫᦟॡቕ ଓ֧ኳρ ֊Ǎ٭؁༟৉

গ಩ ో͘༒֯ᅯ ఑মθόݒԫᦟቂॡᐻзಪ᪶ ѧу ѓԉጤവ೸ׅᝎئԄ؝ ዇Ꮠϳ Ԃᬍ ѳل᫓ឰളൖ

ᨉᛊnjόݒᣗՄ؊ᨉᛊnjόݒে؁θݒࣁ ৉ث গόԫ᫟݈Ӷ ᝜ᨉᛊnjόݒᨉᛊኳࣁ ݒԕϓ᜚ᨉᛊᣉ૝తѠஔҠׅᝎǍ

গ᫟݈Ԅ؝ ᖅਅ ஔҠੌᭋВӲ ͘ᢧεগߍ ։В ஔҠੌᭋᅅ͘ᢧεগஷᯍϊ אӲ ͘ԌόҠႾ ஔҠВӲ ͘ ং ੤៦ӀੌᭋᅅกѾᣉբ͘៨֊቞ ࢯ੅ᣗא֊ᅃ Ռྜྷ͘ᩯ಴Ӏ ίෝ։ৢ Ǎ

গ಩ ో͘όԫ᫟݈θόݒԟρ ᨉᛊؒ ৉ᨉй ѧॡѧфᝎئ

ѳلς ه

ةѧϒξბৢйρ ͘᫟݈Ԅ؝ ಹᆆÿখኳᒼ઴͘ϻ՞ ϻઓ ͘Ԉ ѧ͘֏օࢳၠ т֗ئρйρ ᅅૣკةआĀᅅׯ ՗ηష໱֮θݒԕߤ؁ ϻᛒ͘ϻ՞ ԈᠢǍ

όԫ᠜ᣢॡቕ ଔ಻ᐻзಪ᪶Ԅ؝ θࢲᰮᆺ๧ᧁዎಪ᪶៩ ѧׅᝎئжԄ؝ ዇ᝃૣკ ࣼಯᤂтᫌᤌ

ॡࢦԂᅅҝ ଥ͘ঘݞ ᦘ៳ό٘٭ࣚ٘ॡೃᅘ ۆ᫟݈Ԅ؝ ݵଡ଼ࢳ ఼៩жᦘ៳͘ݞ ᦘ៳όݵଡ଼ ԄখnjԄෛnjԄ৉ׯ ՗͘๾ ᦜ҄ন ݵଡ଼ ၟҝ ᜚ฯ ͘ҷࣝᓱᑰԵ஛͘ࢳၠ ׿఺ᅅϻ՞ ԈᠢǍ

भቴ᡺ ಭ֊౬᭯ؽÿ៩жĀᅅ͘٭ډ᜚ฯ Ԃᬍᚡԁйρ ᅅᦘ៳Ԃᣎቕ ό͘Ьҝ ᝟йρ ૴ᦘ៳ᅅЇ٭៩жᦘ៳ͦ୞࣡ऌᛊሕ ф៩жᅅၸ ਩ Ϫ ᇪҝйρ ᅅᦘ៳Єౡᛊϒ౬៦៩ᅅǍౖة

ዎၸ ۆശ ѾͦόԫЋ᝵ॡቕ ଔ಻ಪ᪶Ԅ؝ ։ৢ ҄ন

ዎၸ Ҡ੤ጤ ۆন҄٭ ࢳ ᛊЬρ ֊ೞݴ֮ዎၸ ϒϓᅅδጻዎၸ ද৑͘েኇϳ еബఢ ஋ধۆόԫЋ᝵ॡቕ ଔ಻ಪ᪶Ԅ؝ ࣚ҄ন Ǎ ۆ፮͘ݵଡ଼ ෾গᝢᣱтሻ ҄ন

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आǍ؁ ͘ং ֍০ݤйρ ૝ᩯ͘ғ ᣗ০ݤ፟ອ ۆ᫟݈Ԅ؝ݞ ຽߤॡቕ ᬭᅦ όݵଡ଼ тӶ ᣱ୎ ০ݤ҄ন


Ǎ ۆθଓ֧ ۆಹݤᦘ៳ͦࣷؕ ᑰݤࣜ଒০ݤབྷݞ ᅅ҄ন ૝ኇహйρ Ǎئआ͘ᅪᒿᐥ؁ ᣬ᠉៮ᅅ০ݤйρ ౖ͘অ֎ಹݤйρئݞ ଒ηբԍಪͦ ۆθଓ֧ ۆᑆಹݤ҄নެ आǍ؁ आͦᓀօϸఋଡ଼ ᬭᅦ ֹާԕθρ ֊ᬊᅪ஡ᅫ ԉᅅйρ؁ ఋଡ଼ ᬭᅦ ֹާԕԌࢡйρ

၏ ੯ዣѐԕሖ

όԫ᫟݈ሿ ଓÿଛ᠉ίߞ͘ᤁሳί఺Āᅅၸ ਩͘ྰ ਑׺θሕ фԄᅘມ֍Ǎগ᫟݈ሕ фԄᅘ஁ීԈᝂβӲ Ǎ


ᅅ྇ ֹБด ᅅగ྇ ᛊ֍ࣷ͘ᒼ३૴ᑰঅ֎؄݌ݤֹᏞс௛ᒃ݌߇ ͘ᦜেࣁ ݋Ǎڑ᫟݈Ԅ؝቎೟ఋଡ଼ ᤟؄ݤ᫵njؖ ᭕ኳ྇ ࢾ৴

ਗ਼ ߠᬭᅦਅ բݒࣁ ᬺࣝБᅅᯍ঳ ᠟ଉث ശ Ѿͦόԫ᫟݈ଓেᅅ྇

಩ ో͘༆ࣁ ࢲੌၸχ ්բόԫ᫟٭ో গ಩ ଓেᅅσ ఺่ ᢖಿಪ᪶Ԅ؝ ᦜেᬭᅦ ॡݤિᩴόԫࢳ ϗে݈ ᝜ಪ᪶Ԅ؝ ίፏ٘ॡ͘ឍͦÿѫЯ ᢽᔩϳ ͍ભឹѫЯ ϒݒࣁ ᦜেӊՄ቎೟ ៧၄ ͍Āث ྇

༆ࣁ ࢲੌၸ θόԫࢳ ϗে᝜ಪ᪶Ԅ؝ ᖽ϶ ᩯჃᦝݞσ่ ॡݤ ЎՍ஻ૺ

গ಩ ో͘༆ࣁ ࢲੌၸ բ਎ ᪣σ่ హޭ ݤ൜ ഋ୞ ਗ਼ ߠᦜেॡѧ͘િᩴόԫ૝ॡে᝜ಪ᪶Ԅ؝ ٘ॡ͘ঘث ࣝ྇ ቏᠟όԫ᫟݈ॡቕ ে᝜ਥ͘៮ᦞࠏ Ǎ

༆ࣁ ࢲੌၸ θόԫ૝ॡে᝜ಪ᪶Ԅ؝ ᖽ϶ ᩯቕ ঘৢ ЎՍ஻ૺ Social Responsibility Report 2009


୮ᒼᢊ т֗ϒঅ؁᫟݈ᅅࢳ᪮ ͘٭ࢯྜྷଏ ៱׸ئឨሕ фᅅ఺ᦫ఑ኻ͘ጨ࣊ ፣٭Ԃᬍՙ ে٭؁নݒࣁ ಪԉଏ ៱৉ڑ όԫ᫟݈቎೟ ֎៱݌ݤֹᒃ៱ӊ៧၄ Ǎ

ശ Ѿͦόԫཪߪ՞Ͽ ஢ᐻಪ᪶Ԅ؝ ϒׯ ᖸด ஷ҄অ֎

όԫཪߪ՞Ͽ ஢ᐻಪ᪶Ԅ؝቎೟ ଛᢊ ০ݤሕ фԄᅘ϶ρ ͘ݞ 2QKPV 5COUQPেᩊٞগມ֍ό͘Ԅ؝ ᣫ׷ཪӲ ᠟֎ᦟ͘ Ǎډঘϒཪߪ՞Ͽׯ ᖸด ᣫ׷ϳ Ⴜມ਒᫱

ሕ ֹࢗࢅ ି๥ ก᠜

௤ ᤣ֨ࣞ

᫟݈Ԅ؝቎೟ ᓀօϸ ஁᠉֎ ࢖ມ֍͘গԈ஁ᠠ֎ ࢖᠉ᦟ βӲ Ǎ

ᮎᆺࣤ ࢖஁ීЭ৑خ όԫׄ߫ॡቕ ଔ಻ಪ᪶Ԅ؝ ੻କᓠ៙֧

ౖ֊᫟݈Ԅ؝቎೟ ׺θਜ ઴᏿ᛊ֍͘߼၄ሕ ф͘ಭ֊ߪ сǍগ͘᫟݈Ԅ؝ ׺θਜ ઴ಭ֊Бఢ ԈᝂБ්͘ਜ ઴ಭ ᩹ࣤ ౖǍ

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आnj։ਥᢔ؅؁ಿnjҝଡ଼ ፟ອ খ቞ ᢧਥכগ౬Ԃၶ፟ອ ৬֗҅྾ߠೂߦ؅ᅅίগ͘౬૞ݒ፵፺নࣚݒ᪮ ᦟᚡ आᅅᦜ᜚ϛগǍᬍࣚ໱թ؅֮ᅅݒԕߤ፟ອሕ фၟ߇ ͘όԫ᫟؁आ఺৑ᅅԉᨷίগ͘౬όԫ᫟݈ࢳၠଡ଼ ፺቞ ࢯ؁ ፟ອ आ͘Ԉᨋξბಷ೓ Āᅅሕ ф៩жၸ ਩͘Ь ៦៩ж؁ୢૣ͘፵፺ሿଡ଼ ÿଡ଼ ፺ՙ హ٭आ᜞ϒ୞ࣝ͘ᅪᬍಿᤑ؁࣡Ь ቂ࢖݈ आǍ؁ᅅ఺৑ண֍йρ θ፟ອ njሕ фnjၟ߇ ᅅଡ଼ ፺ׅវ

፥ᆆÿে᝜ԍಪݒ᪮ ኊϵօ ᅅξბίລйρ ᫟݈ĀᅅੌѠᅦ ഗ͘Ь ÿӊৢ ӊߪйρ Āϒޭ ಹᆆᆅྜྷ͘໱ݎ૞Я ࣡ ॰خዼ᠉༟ؤ٭ आηఐೝ͘᫟όБօ nj࿽օ؁ ԁ៵৶ᖵࢳ ݒ֊᪼ݒ᠉࠳ ஷՄᅅÿӊৢ ϓρߍࢳօ Āᅅ᜚ฯ ͘ݵଡ଼ ϓρ आ఺৑͘৉ାహᅅρ ֊ᬺާ͘ߍ؁͘૞Я ᣕ࣡቎೟ វతЇρ ፣ೠ ͘ᢔ؅ౖةݧղಅࠏ njᬸ಴ఌᅘࠏ ᅅϓρ ᫟όǍθො आᅅᑰօ Ǎ؁йρؕଡ଼ ፺ৢ

͘ηషࢨ ۡᒼϓՙ హѠጤ͘ᣗίෝӌԂᒼخआ఺؁आహᠳ֗͘Բᇪଗ஻ᛊρ ಷ೓ វత؁૞Я ࣡ጨ࣊ ᡊᡦԂၶቂଔ ؁օ঳ ͘օ ϵݞ ᛊρ ቂଔ؁͘ৢ ֮ଔ಻᠉༟ԈЊ͘։ߪ ԉᨷଔ಻ᅅ৉ ލϓՙ హᅅᩯఓ ಿդ ͘֏օ ૿ᇖйρ ԕᅅଔ಻ߒ आ఺৑ஷ҄ৢ ಪօ ᅅቂଔఋ௫ Ǎ؁ ጻnjᢔ؅፟ອ ׀դ ᯍྜྷ͘ঘӊࠏ ଔ಻Ӛ ߟ͘ϒ᫟݈Їρ ፣ೠ т֮אआόତ

ጺ೐ಿդ ͘཭٭๵ೃᅘ͘ӌԂБૻެԐಿդ ͘ࢨ ۡБૻ཭֓ئ૞Я ࣡፵፺ሿଡ଼ Бૻ౬ኪί᠉༟ᅅၸ ਩͘ᎁଥ٘ॡ ίፏၴ ፔᩯኳϼఋ٭ঝߪ ٘ॡᅅಊઽབྷօ ͘ᆆᦜ։ৢ ᬺࣝၴࢅ njӾᅅޭ ࣼፔፗ៦៩БnjቂଔᬺԞБૻnjᬭᅦ ፟ၸ Б؁ ૝ᩯᅅᓩࠏ ϻ֍ബࣺ Ǎة॥ݑ٘ॡθйρ Ԉ٭᪜мে᝜͘৬૝

สখ͘቎೟ ϒࢶ૰ՙ ᤁеӁ͘֏օࢳ٭ ࢶ૰ಭ֊ᑰօ ׀ࢶ૰༼પ঳ ϒᅦ ഗ͘ηషஷ٭៮ᦞډ૞Я ࣡ݵଡ଼Ь ஷᯍЇ आǍ؁ةԈ٭ ࢳၠةឨᅅࢶ૰ԉጤ͘ᅸ ෛࢳၠ ᫟݈θࢶ૰еӁᅅԈ٭ ၠ ᫟݈θࢶ૰ᅅϻ՞ Ԉᠢ͘৬૝ಢ։ጨ࣊

૞Я ࣡ݵଡ଼ ଗၟ߇ҝ ଥѧϒ᫟݈Ԅ؝ ᅅίᬭᦜ᜚ॡѧই ଚηૌ ͘፵፺ணᣗၟ߇ҝ ଥᅅᩯఓ ಿդ ে᝜͘ࢨ ۡᓱᑰԵ ၟ߇ҝ ଥ፷ఓ Ǎ ׀आ਋ ၟ፟ອ ͘։ৢ ᠉༟ᓱጺ͘ηషஷ؁ ஛ዎၸ Ѡጤ͘։ৢ ၟҝ Бૻ᪜мে᝜͘ߪօ

आᅅၸ ਩͘ОψnjОፖnjОࢳ ଚ؁๨ၸ Ā఺ᦫ͘࿺ݑടኇࢦԂئ૞Я ࣡፵፺ᝅᅸ ៵৶ÿࢦԂኪίnjᬸ᪢ϒϓnjᎈ ៮ᦞዎၸ ॡѧᣏεహؖ ᪦Ǎ٭ࠏ ࢦԂዎၸ ॡѧ͘֏օࢳၠ ࢦԂ៮ᦞԂ٘ዎၸ ͘ண֍ࢦԂႼЇ

ឨξბ٭٭ឨሕ ф٭आ͘ྰ ਑ሕ фԄᅘ͘֏օ݄ ᭽ሕ ф͘ϒೠ ে؁ֹ ૞Я ࣡቎೟ ऌᛊԂၶԄด ៩ж͘ғ ᣗ০ݤሕ ቎೟ ៧၄օ ᦞǍ

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૞ᝅᅸ ᪈បϳ όݒԫᦟቂॡ᫟݈ಪ᪶Ԅ؝ ǒগሕ ф៩жଦُǓ͔ወ቏ǒଦُǓ͕͘ၠ ӊՄࠑζᝢеͦ


ॱϳ ኪίзሕ ф៩жଦُ͘Ӵ Ռᛓ؁ ηϗ͘ѧϒ෽Ԅ؝ ᅅόԫ᫟݈Ϫ ૝ֈثॱᮈзሕ ф៩жଦُϛ؁፵όݒόԫ ে᝜٭౟Ԅ؝ εζࣚऌᛊሕ ф៩жᅅᯍ঳ ᦜᜡǍОǒଦُǓό૞ЯؕЬ ᅴբ͘όԫ᫟݈ѧϒόݒԫᦟᛊρ ᅅࠇޭ ᏿ ఼ॡж֊͘ϒహόݒԫᦟᛊρ٭आϒ३ж͘ࢨ ૝ϳ ݒࣁ ᅅᧁ᧞ে᝜ᬭᅦ ᅅ࣒֟nj᝜ᝂ؁٭᏿͘Ьఋଡ଼ ݒࣁ ᅅጰᕣ ݒࣁ ᬺࣝБᅅᯍ঳ ᝢе͘૝ϒόݒԫᦟᛊρ ᅅᮤӝǍ٭ؘ੅ᅅ៧၄ ͘ᠢਅϳ ԹЪӾצ आӊՄϳ؁ᅅ᭛ᤀ

आ᜞ϒ୞ࣝ͘ᝅᅸ ៵৶ᖵࢳ ݒ֊᪼ݒ᠉࠳ ǒԉϸ ό߯йρ ऌᛊሕ ф៩ж؁ᣗԁహξጾЬ೓ ͘όԫ᫟݈ݵଡ଼Ь ቂ࢖ आnjቂଔՙ హnj٘ॡ૝ᩯnjࢶ૰ಭ֊njၟ߇ҝ ଥnjࢦԂႼЇnj؁ᅅ୞ࣝપ ᜝Ǔ᜚ฯ ͘Ԃᬍऌᛊйρሕ ф៩ж͘ݞ ቂ࢖ ਅϳ ᓩࠏ ᅅρ ፷Ǎ؃ಪఓ஥ ఼͘؃ឨαϊ఺ᬍ౟ᇪॡѧᅦ ഗnjࢨ ۡዎၸ Ѡጤnjᦘ٭ሕ ф

ߪሕ ф៩жॡѧᅅఋଡ଼ҝ ᫓ѠጤǍ᪒ᦚϳ Ԅ؝݂٭ ৬૝ᣎቕ٭ǒଦُǓԂᬍନᬁϳ Ԅ؝ሕ ф៩жၸ ਩ᅅੀઞ೓ ༟ ୮ᒼᢊ т֗͘؁ᤁፊρ ֊ኳ఺ᬍ٭؁njᛯߟդ ᤁnj૳ ݤЇ৉؁࣡ሕ ф៩жၸ ਩ᚡԁйρ ᅅᣑᖮ͘ݞ ॡቕ ଓ֧nj᠉༟৉ आᅅᦜ᜚֍օ ͘ЬӶ ᣗᅅၟҝ ଔ಻ணᣗЇρ ᅅќᇿ؁ ѧϒйρ؁౧ϳ Ԅ؝ ࣡ቂଔ৉؀आᅅтሻࢳ ᡓǍ؁ఋଡ଼ ፟ອ ӌস आᅅ૝ֈ ፟ᖮද৑Ǎ؁ة՞Ⴞ ǍМ፝ϳ Ԅ؝ݞ Ԃၶ፟ᖮόᓀօϸғ ᣗ০ݤሕ ֹθйρ ᅅԈئ༟ᎈ᠉٭आ؁


ǒଦُǓԕࣃύ࣌njదࢊ ወຎnjᤋᢴ໶ಆnj࿰৑᝜ᝂႼ֍njؕ ប੅ৢ ͘ԂᬍМ፝ϳ όԫ᫟݈ᅅሕ ф៩жၸ ਩njࢳ ᡓ ݒ᪮ሕ ф៩жଦُᅅϓລᠳ֗͘౬ίзԍಪᢧᯍสখᅅሕ ф៩жଦُǍ٭ ݒ֊᪼ݒ᠉࠳ ᅅಪԉ᜚ฯئዎၸ Ѡጤ͘ኦ٭


ͦ օ ͘েᝎԄ؝ڑ৴٭ ሕ ф៩ж፷ఓ׀ϒᣗίෝғ ᣗόԫ᫟݈໱ԁ৉आሕ ф៩жॡѧ͘ஷ

դ঳ ѠጤǍ٭ኪί͘ᣗίෝࢨ ۡйρ ᅅሕ ф៩жዎၸ ፔፗѠጤ

ࢳ ᡓᑰօ Ǎ٭ኪϷ͘ߪօ ணᣗйρሕ ф៩жࢷшެᝍॡѧ͘ஷᯍԄ؝ ᅅԂ٘ሕ ф៩жપ ᝤสখ

Ԃၶᣑᖮՙ ᤁಢࠏ ᅅၟ߇ Ǎ٭ ތօ ͘ϒйρ ᅅૣკᢔڑйρ ᅅݒ᪮ ৴׀ኪδ͘቎೟ ׺θݒԕߤሕ ф៩ж϶ ֊͘ஷ

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2009 Social Responsibility Report 2009 Social Responsibility Report

Report Description

This Report is the first social responsibility report released by China Metallurgical Group Corporation. To facilitate interpretation and reading, “China Metallurgical Group Corporation” shall also be referred to as “MCC”, “MCC Group” or “we” in this Report. Some MCC subsidiaries have changed their names before the release of this Report. In this Report, the names of MCC subsidiaries follows those on December 31, 2009. 1 Scope of this Report 4 Language and Publication

Organizational scope: This Report covers MCC and its subsidiaries. This Report is published in both Chinese and English. If there

Time period: From January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009, plus some events are any discrepancies between the two versions, the Chinese occurring outside this time period. version shall take precedence. For questions and comments about any of the information in this report, please contact us by Release cycle: This Report is released annually. phone or mail at:

Department: Secretariat of Board of Directors, China 2 Report Compilation Basis Metallurgical Group Corp. This Report has been written based on the “Social Responsibility Guidelines for Address: No.28, Shuguangxili, Chaoyang District, Beijing State-owned Enterprises” issued by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Postal Code: 100028 Administration Commission of the State Council, the “Sustainability Reporting Guidelines (2006)” released by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), and the Ten Telephone: 0086-10-59869189 Principles of the United Nations Global Compact, and according to MCC’s actual Fax: 0086-10-59869164 practices and experiences. Email: [email protected]

3 Data Declaration This Report is released to readers in two formats, an environmentally-friendly printed version and a readable PDF This Report is an actual reflection of how MCC performs its economic, version which is available at MCC’s website environmental and social responsibility and how it achieves comprehensive, (http://www.mcc.com.cn). balanced and sustainable development. The information and data contained herein comes primarily from MCC’s official documents and statistical reports, as well as from the subsidiaries’ statistical reports with regard to their respective social responsibility practices. Financial data is sourced mainly from MCC’s 2009 financial reports, while other data can be appropriately traced back to previous annual reports. Unless otherwise specified, all financial figures are quoted in Chinese yuan ().

Social Responsibility Report 2009 Table of Contents

President’s Message 01 Responsibility for Employee Growth 22 Safeguard Employees’ Interests 22 Key Performances 03 Facilitate Employee Growth 23 Assist in the Development of Overseas Employees 26 About Us 04 Care for Employees 27 Company Profile 04 Corporate Culture Building 27 History 05 Corporate Governance 06 Responsibility for Customer Service  Full Life Cycle Services 29 Social Recognition 06 Improve Global Services 30 Improve Product Quality 30 Social Responsibility Management 07 07 Concept of Social Responsibility Responsibility for Environmental Protection 31 07 Social Responsibility Assurance System Environmental Performance 31 09 Participation of Stakeholders Reinforce the Management System 32 Encourage Energy-saving and Emission Reduction 33 Responsibility for Scientific Development 12 Develop a Cyclic Economy 33 Engineering and Construction Services 12 Protect the Ecological Environment 34 14 Resources Exploitation Responsibility for Production Safety 35 Equipment Manufacturing 15 Reinforce Safety Control 35 Property Development 17 Professional Health and Safety 36 Paper-making Business 18 Improve Emergency Plans 36 Responsibility for Technological Innovation 19 Enhance Safety Awareness 36

Improve Proprietary Innovation Capabilities 19 Responsibility for Social Harmony 37 Reinforce Intellectual Property Rights Protection 20 Act with Integrity and Good Faith 37 Forge a World Leading Technical Enterprise 21 Global Citizenship 38 Cooperation for Mutuality 39 Responsible Procurements 40 Commitment to Social Well-being 41

Outlook for 2010  2009 Social Responsibility Report

President’s Message

In the past sixty years since the founding of the new China, we have created a long history and realized our dream of building the country’s steel and iron industry. Over the past three decades, we have witnessed the economic wonders achieved in the reform and opening up of our country. Throughout this time, MCC has become the founder and cornerstone of the industry. A long-established and highly specialized enterprise in China’s iron and steel industry, MCC has been implementing a scientific outlook on development across-the-board, abiding by its business philosophy of “Corporate Integrity and Customer Satisfaction”, and extensively performing its social responsibility. It has been committing itself to the development of the global market, with unremitting efforts in improving its international competitiveness through technological, managerial and cultural innovation, while continuously striving for better and greater performance. In 2009, with an operating income of 176,611,573,000 yuan, we ranked 315th in the list of the Fortune Global 500 Companies, stepping up 65 positions from the previous year, and 8th among the Top 225 Global Contractors. We were also recognized as a national innovation-oriented enterprise, and received numerous awards this year, including two national second prizes for scientific and technological progress, one gold medal and five silver medals for “national projects of excellence”, and seven “Lu Ban” awards for Chinese engineering projects, making 2009 one of MCC’s best years in terms of awards and recognition.

In 2009, we made active efforts to cope with the global financial crisis and continued to develop in a scientific way.

In 2009, with an operating income of 176,611,573,000 yuan, we were ranked 315 th in the list of the Fortune 500 Firms, stepping up 65 positions from the previous year, and 8 th among the world’s 225 largest engineering contractors. Despite the extremely difficult economic situation, we strove to innovate new models of EPC contracting and continuously strengthened our status as a leader in the field of project contracting. We witnessed a remarkably enhanced capability for resource acquisition and control by further accelerating ongoing resource development projects at home and abroad. We made significant progress in exporting metallurgical equipment and technology, exporting assembled equipment to developed countries such as Japan. We constructed social welfare housing, making full use of our own complete industrial chain for real estate development and our advantages in urban operations. This made an overall positive contribution to the improvement of residents living standard. In addition, we incorporated MCC Paper Group Co., Ltd. (MCC Paper Group), which further led to considerably increased levels of business management and increased capabilities for preserving and increasing the value of state-owned assets.

In 2009, we strengthened our scientific and technological innovation with the aim of improving our core competitiveness. We constantly improved our capacity for independent innovation and worked towards more scientific and technological achievements, to provide powerful technical support for expanding the emerging markets. In addition, we further enhanced our strategic cooperation among our production, training and research units, and accelerated the pace of industrialization of scientific and technological achievements while also prioritizing intellectual property protection. All these are in line with our objective of providing effective support to the building of innovation-oriented enterprises and competitive multinational companies.

In 2009, we continued to support the career development of our employees by putting people first. We also continued to fulfill our basic responsibilities in protecting employees’ rights and interests, providing them with equal development opportunities, and allowing them to grow together with the enterprise, all in the view of creating a harmonious labor relationship and enabling them to work with dignity.

In 2009, we continuously strengthened our management and customer service. We made unrelenting efforts to improve product quality and increase the level of customer service. We have established close partnerships with many enterprises and clients and growing together with them.

In 2009, we also doubled our efforts to promote environmental protection, focusing on the application of new technologies. In response to the country’s call for energy conservation and emission reduction and in response to the global climate and energy challenges, we enhanced our energy conservation and emission reduction management, increased our financial investments, and strengthened our capabilities in research and development, in an effort to develop a recycling economy, enhance resource conservation and contribute to the building of a resource-saving and environment-friendly society,

In 2009, we strengthened our system building in a bid to ensure production safety. Our efforts to create a safe and harmonious environment for scientific development include: advocating the idea of “safe development”, constantly improving the management system related to production safety, enhancing safety management, paying attention to occupational health, increasing levels of emergency management, and fostering a culture of safety.

In 2009, we adopted practical measures to promote social harmony. During our global operation, we endeavored to contribute to the creation of a harmonious society by operating on the basis of good faith, paying attention to communication and mutual cooperation with our stakeholders, supporting community development, respecting local culture, and fulfilling our responsibility as a corporate citizen.

To implement the scientific outlook on development in a way that highlights the performance of social responsibility, we gradually established and improved a social responsibility management system, organized a social responsibility leadership team, and maintained a social responsibility department under the BOD Office. These efforts provided an effective organizational safeguard for boosting corporate social responsibility and also promoted the formation and improvement of long-term effective mechanisms for performing social responsibility.

In the future, we shall continue to cooperate with all stakeholders and, centering upon the strategic objective of “constructing a world-class, internationally competitive enterprise group”, adhere to the philosophy of social responsibility and develop our industrial, technological and overall competitiveness, in order to make lasting contributions to the coordinated development of the economy, society and the environment.

President’s Signature:

01 02 2009 Social Responsibility Report

Key Performances

The table below shows a histogram.

Performance Item Indicator Unit 2008 2009 comparison

Operating 10,000 yuan     income

Gross profit 10,000 yuan    Economy

Total assets 10,000 yuan    

Tax paid 10,000 yuan      

Patents licensed Item  

Environment Energy consumption Ton of coal per 10,000 equivalent/      yuan in output 10,000 yuan value

SO2 emissions Ton     

Society Employees Person   

Donation 10,000 yuan  

improvement Reduction Social Responsibility Report 2009

Corporate Governance System Responsibility Promotion Management System The corporate governance system provides the organizational The responsibility promotion management system is responsible for basis and safeguarding mechanisms for the advancement of the internal publicity and dissemination of the group’s social responsibility group’s work in the area of social responsibility. At present, the philosophy and guiding principles. It is also responsible for the company’s social responsibility leadership group is the coordination of various departments within the company on relevant decision-making body for all matters involving social requirements for implementation, with the goal of the actual responsibility, while the subordinate social responsibility work performance of social responsibility. office is in charge of specific organizational implementation of projects.

Risk Management System Stakeholder Participation System

The risk management system not only involves control over Stakeholders are not only the targets in the implementation of the operational, financial and legal risks, but also stresses and group’s social responsibility; they can also serve as evaluators of the strengthens the monitoring and management of social and results. Strengthening stakeholders’ participation in management, environmental risks, with the aim of optimally avoiding and promoting communication and exchange between the enterprise and its reducing enterprise risk and guaranteeing the smooth stakeholders, understanding and responding to stakeholders’ implementation of company projects. Enterprise risk requirements and expectations, protecting stakeholders’ right to know assessments are also the basis for determining the group’s as well as rights to supervision and participation are all key points in the social responsibility policy. implementation of the group’s social responsibility. 07 08 About Us

Company Profile China Metallurgical Group Corporation (MCC), an extra-large enterprise group under the supervision of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC), is the pioneer and constructor of China’s metallurgical industry. It shouldered in succession the tasks of constructing the country’s major steel industry bases including Baosteel, Anshan Steel, Wuhan Steel and Panzhihua Steel, making great contributions to the development of China’s metallurgical industry. MCC is also a major force in the country’s capital construction and overseas project contracting. It is a national key resource enterprise, owning production enterprises and mine resources for iron, copper, gold, nickel, cobalt, lead, zinc, aluminum, etc. It is also the sole state-owned papermaking enterprises which develops both domestic and foreign markets and uses both domestic and foreign resources. MCC is one of the country’s largest equipment manufacturers. In addition, it is also a major real estate developer, with the brand “MCC RE” enjoying great popularity in China’s real estate market. As an internationally renowned contractor, MCC has opened up markets across five continents, and has built a number of influential and cost-effective projects which have earned high recognition in the countries where they are located.

With a combination of research and development, consultancy and planning, surveying and mapping, supervision and design, construction, real estate development, equipment installation, equipment manufacturing and assembly, development. resource development, industrial production, technical service, and import and With its commitment to build an internationally competitive export trade, MCC is an extra-large multidisciplinary, multi-industrial and world-class enterprise group, MCC vigorously promotes the multinational enterprise group. synagy development of its five main industries, actively offers MCC has constantly increased its corporate competitiveness and sustainability value-added services through constant innovation, engages thanks to all its hard work in programs that link restructuring to mechanical in “win-win” and “multi-win” cooperation on the basis of good transformation, advance internal reform, make autonomous innovation, faith, and adheres to its social responsibility philosophy of enhance corporate vitality, optimize business structure, improve modes of “continuous innovation and development for a better future”. business operation, enhance business functions and improve the quality of

Major Development Strategy Sustainability and Prosperity Through Overall Objective: Continuous Innovation and Expansion Building an internationally competitive world-class enterprise group Raising the level of innovation is the core of the company’s strategy Management Philosophy: and the engine of development; Corporate Integrity, Customer Satisfaction: Sustainable growth is the company’s core development strategy; Corporate Beliefs: Long-term prosperity and safety is the shared vision of all MCC’s Engagement, Faith, Unity & Enterprise employees 03 04 2009 Social Responsibility Report













In 2009ĭMCC received ample recognition from various sections of society. The following are just some of the honors and accolades that MCC received in 2009.





Social Responsibility Management

Concept of Social Responsibility


Internal Source of Responsibility Meaning of Responsibility Corporate culture focusing on for MCC “Corporate Integrity, Customer Responsibility for scientific Satisfaction”; scientific outlook on development development, etc. Incorporate Responsibility for scientific and into MCC’s technological innovation social Responsibility for employees’ responsibility career development External Source of practices Responsibility for customer Responsibility service SASAC’s Social Responsibility Responsibility for Guidelines for State-owned environmental protection Enterprises and other related Responsibility for production policies and laws; domestic and safety foreign social responsibility Responsibility for a standards and guidelines, etc. harmonious society The Meaning of Social Responsibility for MCC

Social Responsibility Assurance System


MCC Social Responsibility Work

Responsibility Corporate Risk Stakeholder Promotion Governance Management Participation Management System System System System

MCC’s Social Responsibility Assurance System 2009 Social Responsibility Report

Participation of Stakeholders

List of Stakeholders Expectations from the Stakeholder Company Method of Communication Key Indicators

Ratio of capital maintenance and ! Ensure the supply of resources to the Diligently carry out the nation’s resource appreciation of state property market, maintain healthy development, policy, participate in relevant policy Total taxes paid obey all laws and regulations, pay formulation, participate in the Number of employees Government taxes according to the law, create investigations and research of relevant Investments in science and employment opportunities, innovate, ministries and commissions, report back technology and protect the environment on special topics, report statistics, and Energy savings and emission host official visits reduction Production safety

Ensure capital maintenance and appreciation of state property, improve Prime operating revenue corporate governance, focus on primary Formulate rules and regulations, put Total profits business, improve international forward working objectives, formulate Return on equity SASAC competitiveness, actively implement the assessment criteria, report on work and Value preservation and country’s policy on energy savings and report statistics increase of state-owned assets emissions reduction and realize green operations

Prime operating revenue Total profits Improve corporate governance, Timely and accurate information Earnings per share consistently increase company value, Shareholders disclosure, regular visits, annual Total assets return-on-equity reduce risk, ensure stable operations reporting, shareholders’ meeting Capital return-on-equity and pay out dividends Minority shareholder interests

Ensure sustainable development, Form labor unions, periodically convene Labor contract signing rate protect employee rights and interests, workers' conferences, establish Social security insurance rate Employees provide bonuses and room for growth, unobstructed internal communication Investments in employee training provide a healthy and safe working channels, promote training Workers’ conference frequency environment and create multicultural surroundings

Provide high-quality yet affordable Communicate closely with customers, Customer credit ratings products, continuously increase service strictly abide by contract terms, provide Customer satisfaction Customers quality, ensure mutual and beneficial abundant product and service Contract enforcement rate cooperation information

Adhere to good business ethics and all Business negotiations, high-level Suppliers relevant laws and statutes, establish dialogues, bidding, daily exchange and Contract enforcement rate long-term cooperation built on equality, communications, and periodic visits Total number of suppliers realize win-win

Protect the community environment, Sign co-development agreements, Investments in community promote community progress, support participate in community project construction Community public welfare undertakings and create construction, communicate periodically Public beneficial donation employment opportunities and develop cultural and social events amounts Social Organization with which MCC is affiliated

Organization Position

China Metallurgical Construction Association President

China Enterprise Confederation China Entrepreneurs Association Vice President

China Construction Industry Association Standing Director

China Tendering & Bidding Association Member

China Association of Construction Enterprise Management Vice President

China International Contractors Association Vice President

China Chamber of Commerce for Machinery and Electronic Products Import and Export Vice President

China Association of International Engineering Contractors Member

China Council for International Investment Promotion Standing Director

China Iron and Steel Association Standing Director

China Mining Association Presiding Organization

The Chinese Society for Metals Standing Director

China Non-ferrous Metals Industry Association Standing Director

China Association of Work Safety Standing Director

Statistical Society for Foreign Economic Relations and Trade of China Director Statistics Special Commission of China Construction Standing Director Industry Association

China Institute of Internal Audit Director

China Paper Association Deputy Director

Accounting Society of China Director

China National Association of Finance Companies Director

09 10

Responsibility for Scientific Development

In 2009, despite the extremely difficult economic situation as the international financial crisis continued to spread, MCC saw a good momentum of development in various operations thanks to its in-depth implementation of a scientific outlook on development, timely adjustment of its development strategy, acceleration of its enterprise transformation, seizure of market opportunities, cost reduction and management improvement efforts. All these efforts laid a solid foundation for realizing the overall development goal of “Building an internationally competitive world-class enterprise group.” Engineering and Construction Services

As one of the world’s largest contractors, MCC participated in the planning, surveying, design and construction of almost all large Chinese steel complexes. It is capable of providing steel complexes with “total life cycle” services including survey, consultancy, design, construction, technological transformation and maintenance. It has established stable and close partnerships with Chinese steel enterprises and has carried out cooperation in diverse forms, contributing greatly to the development of the industry. Actively Attempt New Modes of Contracting

In 2009, MCC continually expanded into different modes of contracting and realized a shift from mere construction contracting to EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction), BT (Build-Transfer) and BOT (Build-Operate-Transfer). This was done in an attempt to increase the added value of project operations and the operational efficiency and profitability of engineering contracting by means of providing total supply chain services.

Knowledge EPC: Acronym for Engineering, Procurement and Construction, a mode in which according to contract terms the contractor undertakes the design, procurement, construction and commissioning of a project and is responsible for the project’s quality, safety, construction period and cost.

BOT: Acronym for Build-Operate-Transfer, a mode in which the employer of a project (mainly infrastructure projects) authorizes the contractor through a concession agreement to finance, design, build, operate and maintain the project, collect fees from users of the project within the specified concession period to recover costs of project investment, operation and maintenance and to obtain a certain remuneration, and then transfer the project to the employer after expiry of the concession period.

Case: China Minmetals Corporation’s wide and heavy plate upgrading project in Yingkou is the largest EPC project of China Jingye Engineering Construction Contraction Corp. (CJYC). The project built a 4,800mm double-stand wide and heavy plate plant with a building area of more than 240,000 sq. meters; the gross weight of equipment was nearly 70,000 tons, and the steel structures used in the plant buildings weighed over 60,000 tons. The rolling mills for the new production line adopted SMS-Siemag’s technology, with rigidity of up to 9,500KN/mm and a maximum rolling load of 120,000KN. They are equipped with mechanical hold-down devices and AGC (auto gauge control) devices, providing precise control over the thickness of steel plates. China Minmetals Corporation’s wide and heavy plate project, with CJYC as the EPC contractor.

11 12 2009 Social Responsibility Report

Continually Improve the Level of Metallurgical Construction

In 2009, as the domestic steel industry suffered massively from the international financial crisis, MCC actively contributed to the increased level of metallurgical construction in China by identifying the needs of the upgrading of the steel industry and providing market-proven, advanced technologies, products and services.

MCC has designed and constructed the world’s largest blast furnace, the 5,800m3 blast furnace for ; the largest domestic dephosphorization converter (300t); the self-developed high-capacity coke oven (JN70-2) with a 6.88m-tall coking chamber; the 5.5m-wide sintering machine, the largest of its kind in the country; the hematite palletizing grate-rotary kiln production line with the largest capacity (5 million tons/year) in the world, etc.

Case: In October 2009, the 5,800m3 blast furnace of Shagang Group, the world’s largest and designed by WISDRI Engineering & Research Incorporation Ltd. (WISDRI), went into production. The furnace is currently the world’s largest capacity and most compact iron-making project. With a combination of the latest blast-furnace iron-making technologies and equipment at home and abroad, the project adopted the steel production processes featuring “one bottle for all”, as well as such technologies and equipment as fine feed, integrated furnace-body longevity, PW outside combustion stove, environment-friendly WSG001 slag treatment, 3 oxygen-rich injection, AGS gas purification, top-pressure recovery turbine The 5,800m blast furnace in Shagang Group, designed by WISDRI. (TRT), EIC control systems and expert systems.

Case: ACRE Coking & Refractory Engineering Consulting Corporation, MCC (ACRE) has independently developed the proprietary JNX70-series coke oven with a 6.98m tall coking chamber. This series of coke ovens are new-generation large-sized environment-friendly coke ovens with Chinese characteristics. These coke ovens feature high capacity, lower investment, high efficiency and high levels of control and environmental protection. Currently, there are 38 ovens already in operation or under construction. The technological transformation and expansion project (Bayuquan Coking Project, put into production on April 21, 2009) of Anshan Steel, which The 6.98m-tall JN70-2 coke oven, independently adopted a 6.88m JN70-2 coke oven, was hailed as one of the “Top 100 developed by ACRE. Classic and Excellent Projects” over the 60 years since the founding of the new China.

Open Non-metallurgical Markets

In face of the harsh domestic situation in which steel investments slid down continually, MCC adjusted its market direction timely and decisively and actively attempted new modes of cooperation with governments, enterprises and banks relying on its experience and technical strength in construction of large buildings. Starting with urban construction projects, it entered into long-term development agreements for large integrated projects with local governments in Nanjing and Shijiazhuang. In the meantime, MCC made great efforts to develop civil projects such as municipal roads, expressways and stadiums, leading to a further enhanced capacity for coping with market changes. Case: MCC has invested 12.6 billion yuan in constructing the municipal infrastructure for Hengqin New District of Zhuhai. Covering an area of about 106 sq kilometers, the project includes municipal roads, pipeline networks, dike and landscape works.

Ceremony for the unveiling of the Hengqin New District of Zhuhai and the start of the municipal infrastructure project held on December 16, 2009. ,_WHUK6]LYZLHZ*VUZ[Y\J[PVU4HYRL[Z As an extra-large transnational enterprise group, MCC has always paid attention to the development of overseas operations, and has seen a continuously increasing level of international operations. In 2009, based on a careful analysis of the international market situation, MCC took up opportunities to accelerate its development of overseas contracting operations, leading to rapid development in its overseas contracting operations. At present, MCC is working on 129 overseas construction projects across five continents, involving 87 countries and regions including Pakistan, India, Japan, Canada, Brazil, Germany and South Africa. Resources Exploitation Ample metal mineral resources serve as an important guarantee for the sustainable development of the national economy. MCC accelerated its “going global” strategy and vigorously developed iron ore resources, non-ferrous mineral resources and nonmetallic resources according to its business positioning of “giving priority to metallic minerals, locally rare resources and overseas resource development,” resulting in significantly enhanced control over resources. (JJLSLYH[LYLZV\YJLL_WSVP[H[PVUH[OVTLHUKHIYVHK In 2009, MCC further accelerated resource development projects at home and abroad, with a view of optimizing its strategic distribution of resources. By the end of 2009, MCC owned vast amounts of raw mineral resources overseas including 2,114 million tons of iron ore, 534 million tons of copper and 143 million tons of nickel. The company is one of the largest owners of copper and nickel reserves domestically. MCC also owns mines in China which contain 71 million tons of iron ore, 20 million tons of lead and zinc and 70 million tons of vanadium carbon shale. MCC is capable of smelt processing zinc, lead, copper as well as other metals.

Case: In November 2009, State Council Vice-Premier Li Keqiang, Papua New Guinea Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Mines Sir Puka Temu and other officials attended a ceremony for the Ramu Project, giving high appraisal to MCC’s ground-breaking progress. The officials praised MCC for achieving comprehensive sustainable development in the project, and stated further that the Ramu project is symbolic of the relations between the two countries.

Chinese Vice-Premier Li Keqiang expresses his sincere Ramu nickel-cobalt project, BASAMUK smelting appreciation to the staff of the Ramu Project plant in Papua New Guinea 13 14 2009 Social Responsibility Report

Innovate Resource Development Modes according to Local Conditions

Finding and working with countries where resources abound and applying novel resource development modes and cooperation methods, MCC currently practices a variety of modes including direct investment, cooperative development, lease-based management, engineering for resources, deep-processing of products, international trade, and management on a commission basis, with further enhanced capacity for resource development and acquisition. Equipment Manufacturing

Equipment manufacturing is an expansion of MCC’s superiority in metallurgical technologies and construction technologies into the field of equipment manufacturing. Already a driving force in China in the localization of metallurgical equipment, MCC has mastered multiple industry core technologies and is capable of producing complete sets of proprietary metallurgical equipment.

Knowledge Steel structure: A structure of various steels put together by welding or fastening, widely used in such fields as industrial and civil buildings, railways, roads and bridges, power plant frames, power transmission and transformation towers, radio and TV communications towers, offshore oil platforms, oil and gas pipelines, municipal construction, national defense and military industry.

Improve Capacity for Metallurgical Equipment Manufacturing

In 2009, MCC focused on core parts manufacturing and equipment assembly. It strengthened industrialization and translation of proprietary technologies into products, while further enhancing its capacity for the manufacturing of metallurgical equipment. For that year, it manufactured 143,700 tons of mechanical equipment and 10,300 sets of electronic and instrument control equipment, with sale volumes of 145,800 tons and 11,600 sets respectively. “MCC-made” technologies and equipment were exported not only to large developing countries such as Brazil and India, but also to developed countries such as Japan, marking the momentous breakthrough and progress in China’s metallurgical equipment manufacturing.

Case: MCC exports internationally advanced complete sets of core equipment for the steel industry

Independently developed and designed by Changtian International Engineering Corporation (CIE), the export of the 185sqm. No. 5-2 sintering machine to Japan’s Wakayama Steel Works marked the first time a company in China exported a complete set of steel industry core equipment to a developed nation. The equipment passed all performance tests, with 100% operability and a cooling load trial run air leakage ratio of 16.5% under 19,000 cycles of master drawing negative pressure. The ratio set a new international standard for the Japan Sumitomo Metal’s letter of acknowledgement industry, and received high appraisal from the customer. to CIE Maintain the Lead in the Field of Steel Structure

As China’s largest steel structure producer, MCC took advantage of a critical point in the nation’s construction of large-scale steel structure bases to further strengthen its development capability in steel structure business operations in 2009. Its production scale, market share and technological skill level all continued to hold leading positions in the domestic industry, with a great number of manufacturing and installation technologies already up to international standards.

Case: MCC participates in steel structure construction for the National Stadium (the Bird’s Nest).

MCC was charged with the installation and testing of the steel structures in the eastern section of the “Bird’s Nest”. In addition to utilizing new installation techniques during construction, MCC applied its world-class, proprietary, national grade long-span spatial lattice steel structures in design and manufacturing, helping to forge a “Bird’s Nest of utmost quality.”

Bird’s Nest

Case: Shanghai Baoye Construction Corp., Ltd. (SBC-MCC) constructed the steel structures for the Theme Pavilion of Expo 2010 Shanghai China. During construction, SBC-MCC overcame a series of technical difficulties such as the immense span of the roofing system (the span of the east section is 144m; the truss weighs up to 80 tons; the west section is a 126m-span broken-line double-string truss system, the largest in the country). The project earned SBC-MCC praise and high regard from the Bureau of Shanghai World Expo Coordination and the general contractor. It revealed the strength of SBC-MCC and reinforced its first-class global steel structure brand. Theme Pavilion of Expo 2010 Shanghai China

Case: MCC was chosen as the general contractor of Universal Studios Singapore located within Resorts World Sentosa on Sentosa Island, Singapore and also as the designated subcontractor for steel structure construction of Resorts World Sentosa, thanks to its profound technological strength. During construction, MCC surmounted various difficulties such as the tight construction period as well as the technical complexities of steel structures, and was openly praised by the owner several times. Universal Studios Singapore, Resorts World Sentosa, Sentosa Island.

15 16 2009 Social Responsibility Report

Property Development

Sticking to its strategy of having a uniform business brand and optimal regional distribution, and bringing into play its advantages of having a complete industry chain from design, construction and procurement to capital operation, MCC has constantly accelerated the pace of its property development and enhanced its competitiveness in all segments of the value chain, striving to become a top-notch real estate developer in the country.

In 2009, despite large fluctuations in the domestic real estate industry, MCC was able to take full advantage of favorable policy conditions and government-enterprise-bank cooperation to formulate a flexible product strategy and strengthen its management mechanisms. Total contracted sales area for the year reached 1.241 million square meters, a year-on-year increase of 105%. At the same time, total contracted sales volume reached 11.294 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 179%. The company signed agreements for five land development projects worth a total of 71.826 billion yuan, with the total land consolidation area reaching 25.42 square kilometers. Class A land development projects not only served to reduce the risks of the company, they also brought advantages of scale and enhanced the company’s ability to forge ahead with sustainable development. MCC’s property development business unit currently has a presence in 60 cities including Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin and Nanjing. Its property development brand, MCC Real Estate Co., Ltd. (MCC RE), enjoys a solid reputation and is well-known in the market.

Special Topic: Keep in mind the mission, develop social welfare housing Accelerating construction of social welfare affordable housing projects and improving the living conditions of medium- and social welfare urban residents is crucial for improving people’s well-being and maintaining the harmonious and stable development of the society. MCC has always kept in mind its mission and responsibility to society. In an effort to actively implement the country’s strategic move of constructing social welfare housing, MCC made full use of its complete industrial chain in property development and its strengths in urban operations. With the development mode of reciprocal “government-enterprise-bank” guarantee, it has realized an effective development of peripheral auxiliary facilities while constructing social welfare housing projects, making an active contribution to promoting urbanization and improving the people’s standard of living.

By the end of 2009, MCC had obtained a line of credit from major commercial banks amounting to 45 billion yuan for social welfare housing project construction. It has also successfully developed 29 projects with a total building area of 13,258,000 square meters.

MCC signs social welfare housing credit agreements (35 billion yuan Lianhua Village affordable housing in Hexi District, Nanjing, in total) with the four major state-owned banks, Agricultural Bank of constructed by MCC Real Estate Co., Ltd. (MCC RE). China, Bank of China, China Construction Bank and Bank of Communications.

Knowledge Social welfare Housing: Housing, provided by the government in the course of social security by classes for medium- and social welfare households, with restricted supply targets, construction standards, selling prices or rental standards, including commercial housing with restricted selling prices and apartment types, affordable housing, policy-related housing for lease, etc. Social Responsibility Report 2009

Paper-making Business

As a state-owned enterprise focusing on the paper business, MCC incorporated MCC Paper Group, a combination of papermaking, pulping, papermaking machinery, equipment installation, printing and packaging, trade, import and export and the development of papermaking forest bases, consisting of 7 wholly-funded and controlled subsidiaries. By the end of 2009, MCC Paper Group had total assets valued at 16,484,484,000 yuan and net assets at 3,634,987 yuan, with an annual capacity and production of combined paper and pulp (pulp board) of some 1.5 million tons and 1 million tons, respectively.

“Building a green papermaking industry and taking a path of sustainability”, a forest-paper integration concept first raised in China, is the development theme and characteristic of MCC Paper Group. MCC Paper Group has practiced the concept overall and given equal importance to corporate development and environmental protection. It has made great efforts to: i) develop a recycling economy that would maximize the utilization and recycling of wastes and, according to the mode of recycling economy and ecological industry and on the basis of effectively promoting the environmental management system, continually extend the comprehensive utilization of resources so that waste production in the process of enterprise production is minimized, reduced and recycled and both economic and environmental benefits are thus achieved; ii) optimize industrial and product structure, extending the ecological industrial chain by applying eco-economic principles and gathering materials, energy and information together, so as to form an organic industrial chain of balance, interaction and co-development; iii) adjust the raw material structure in a scientific manner starting with controlling the sources, actively use renewable resources for product innovation, and apply new technologies, processes and equipment to explore new and more advanced technologies for pollution reduction and papermaking, creating economic profits for the enterprise and forming a benign circle of “resources, products and renewable resources.” The across-the-board implementation of the forest-paper integration has led to a shift in China’s papermaking industry from traditional to modern papermaking.

Hu Jintao, Jiao Qinglin, Hui Liangyu and former Vice President Zeng Qinghong visited MCC Meili. In their visit to MCC Meili’s Industrial Park, President Hu Jintao said, “This is a great deed for the good of the nation and the people; you must persevere in it.”

17 18 2009 Social Responsibility Report

Responsibility for Technological Innovation

Science and technology are the primary productive force and function as the revolutionary force that pushes human civilization forward. Facing the tense international competition and the general trend in which the world’s science and technology develop rapidly, MCC has carved out a path featuring combined production and research which promote each other, by sticking to adopting “innovation-driven improvement” as the core of its overall strategy for development, focusing on market orientation and the tackling of key technologies and persevering in technological innovation and advancement.

In July 2009, MCC was jointly recognized by the Ministry of Science and Technology, SASAC and the ACFTU as one of the country’s second group of innovation-oriented enterprises, and 28 subsidiaries were named the innovation-oriented enterprises of MCC.

Plaque of National Innovative Enterprise Plaque of MCC Innovative Enterprise

Improve Proprietary Innovation Capabilities

Establish and improve the technological innovation system. MCC has formulated the MCC Standard for Establishing an Innovative Enterprise and formed a “national, provincial & ministerial group” three-level technology innovation platform. It currently owns 1 national-level enterprise technology center, 18 provincial and ministerial-level enterprise technology centers, 22 group-level technology centers and R&D bases, 4 national engineering research centers, 13 provincial and ministerial-level engineering research centers, 3 provincial and ministerial-level laboratories, 4 postdoctoral workstations, 4 master’s degree granting points, 4 national R&D centers, and 10 national design and research institutes. Strive actively for national research projects.

In 2009, MCC was approved to preside over 3 projects (tasks) under the Hi-Tech Research and Development Program (863 Program) of the Ministry of Science and Technology, 1 national science and technology support plan project (task), 4 projects funded by scientific research academies, over 10 ministerial-level research projects of the Ministry of Finance, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the Ministry of Environmental Protection, as well as 15 research projects funded by local governments. Win science and technology awards.

In 2009, MCC won 2 national second prizes for scientific and technological progress: for the project of “Research and Application of Key Technologies on Stability of Modern Steel Structure” completed by SBC-MCC in cooperation with Tsinghua University, Xian University of Architecture and Technology and Zhejiang University, and for the project of “Digestion, Development and Application of Imported Coke Dry Quenching” completed by ACRE in collaboration with Anshan Huata CDQ Engineering & Technology Co., Ltd. and University of Science & Technology Beijing, respectively. In addition, China Iron & Steel Association and the Chinese Society for Metals conferred 12 awards for metallurgical science and technology on MCC, including 4 second prizes and 8 third prizes. Social Responsibility Report 2009

Give high priority on the development of innovative talent. MCC combined together technological innovation, management innovation and cultural innovation. It established the chief specialist system and chief mechanic system, forming a talent mechanism conducive to innovation. MCC amply rewards scientists who make outstanding contributions to the development of the group, and encourages more employees to become innovative talents. By the end of 2009, MCC had retained 14,351 scientific and technological talents, including 2,716 R&D personnel, 130 doctors, 2,456 masters and 7,935 bachelor degree holders.

Case: ACRE Coking & Refractory Engineering Consulting Corporation, MCC (ACRE)’s project for the importation, absorption and localization of coke dry quenching technology and equipment won the second national prize for scientific and technological progress in 2009.

This “coke dry quenching” (CDQ) plant currently features the most advanced coke quenching technology in the world, with three major advantages: energy savings, enhanced quality of coke and environmental protection. The project realized the localization of CDQ technology and equipment and made China one of the world’s leaders in the field of CDQ. At present, 126 CDQ projects designed or delivered on an EPC basis by ACRE each year reclaim 66.92 million tons of steam, save 60.22 million tons of water and 5.35 million tons of coal, and reduce emissions of 21,000 tons of smoke gas, 193,000 tons of sulfur dioxide and 18.74 million tons of carbon dioxide.

CDQ Plant

Reinforce Intellectual Property Rights Protection In its effort to implement the spirit of the National Intellectual Property Strategy Compendium, MCC saw intellectual property as an important part of its overall strategy, actively promoted the combination of technology and management, and gave full play to the fundamental role of the market in the allocation of scientific and technological resources. It also increased investment in technological innovation and directed its subsidiaries to become the main bodies of technological innovation, with the aim of improving its capacity for the creation, application, protection and management of intellectual property, and of forging its intellectual property advantage step by step. Currently, it has formed a group of core technologies with independent intellectual property, providing effective support for the building of an innovative enterprise as well as for rapid development. MCC’s intellectual property strategy centers mainly upon four aspects, i.e. strategic decision-making, scientific and technological innovation, leading talent and industrialization. MCC is always dedicated to improving its overall competitiveness in a way that adopts the building of an innovation-oriented enterprise as the strategic goal, takes sustainable development as the strategic direction and sees the competition for economic and technological leadership as the strategic key point. This demonstrates its strategic guiding principles for scientific and technological development – independent innovation, breakthrough in key aspects, supporting development and leading the way to the future. In 2009, MCC further enhanced its work on intellectual property, and formulated a series of management measures such as the MCC Intellectual Property Management Regulations. It also rationalized its intellectual property management system and formed a system that features consistent authority and responsibility, rational division of work, scientific decision-making and effective enforcement and supervision, with a view of improving the awareness of and capacity for intellectual property protection, lowering associated costs and curbing acts of tort.

In the four years from 2006 to 2009, MCC’s patents in force rose 281% to 2,338 in 2009 from 614 in 2006; patent applications rose 1,577% to 2,046 in 2009 from 122 in 2006; and patents granted rose 1,050% to 1,012 in 2009 from 88 in 2006. 19 20 2009 Social Responsibility Report

MCC's Patent Status

Patent Applications Granted Patents Patents in Force

3000 3000 3000 2338 2500 2046 2500 2500 2000 2000 2000 1366 1093 1339 1500 1500 1012 1500 703 1000 1000 533 1000 614 297 500 500 500 122 88

2006 2007 2008 2009 2006 2007 2008 2009 2006 2007 2008 2009

According to the latest rankings by SASAC for patents held by state-owned enterprises, MCC is among the top enterprises in terms of the aforesaid three indicators. In 2009, its patents in force ranked 10th, its patent applications ranked 3rd and its patents granted in the year ranked 4th, all raising 3 spots from 2008. Patent Rankings of MCC among State-owned Enterprises

Patent Applications Granted Patents Patents in Force

6 3 7 4 10 1 9 1 10 1 12 13 11 11 18 11 16

21 21 21 31 31 31 31

2006 2007 2008 2009 2006 2007 2008 2009 2006 2007 2008 2009

Forge a World Leading Technical Enterprise

Adhering to innovation in science and technology as its core competitiveness for corporate development, MCC has always carried out technological innovation oriented towards the markets and continuously improved its capacity for transformation and industrialization of scientific and technological achievements. With the aim of changing its technological advantage into advantages in market competition, MCC thus provides powerful technical support developing emerging and overseas markets. Currently, a large number of MCC’s research results have reached the international leading level and have been successfully applied in the country’s major construction projects.

Case: In 2009, SBC-MCC completed nine years of cooperation with institutions such as Tsinghua University, Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology and Zhejiang University on the “Research and Application of Key Technologies on Stability of Modern Steel Structure” project. The research results filled the domestic gap in the theory on design of new members, reached international leading levels and won the national second prize for progress in science and technology.

The new terminal at Baiyun International Airport, which applied the technology. Responsibility for Employee Growth

Adhering to its belief that human resource talent is the primary resource, MCC implements the country’s specific requirement of “respect for labor, knowledge, talent and creation”, puts its people first, and shoulders the basic responsibility of protecting the rights and interests of its employees, offering them equal development opportunities and enabling them to develop together with the group, with the aim of creating a harmonious labor relationship.

By the end of 2009, MCC had 166,547 employees (excluding overseas employees) in all, including 141,027 in-service employees (23.4% of them are female) and 39,535 out-of-service employees.



  Age breakdown of full time employees Education level of full time employees Above 56 51-55 46-50 Post-graduate Undergraduate Junior college High school, secondary school, technical school 41-45 36-40 Under 35 Middle school and below Safeguard Employees’ Interests

MCC strictly abides by all relevant labor laws and regulations, actively upholds the lawful rights and interests of its employees and pursues equal and nondiscriminatory employment, in an effort to promote a harmonious and stable labor relationship. In 2009, despite the financial crisis, MCC guaranteed the employment rights of employees by taking active measures and ensuring no lay-offs. While boosting production and management, it released salaries on time, with their employees’ average income growth higher than the social average.

Efforts Made to Protect Employees’ Rights and Interests in 2009 61 collective contracts were signed, covering 100,442 employees Social insurance and accumulation funds were paid in full Set up 555 labor unions, covering employees on a 100% basis; set up 328 as scheduled staff centers Formulated and conscientiously implemented the system Employees raised 5,654 pieces of rationalization proposals of paid annual leave for employees The Workers’ Congress received 882 motions and handled 700 of them Practiced equal pay for equal work, regardless of gender The transparency of enterprise affairs was 85% offered equal career development opportunities Labor contracts were signed on a nearly 100% basis No employment of child labor; no forced labor and discrimination in any form

Case: Wuhan Surveying-Geotechnical Research Institute Co., MCC Group (WSGRI) practices democratic management

To ensure and protect the employees’ right to know and rights of participation, review and supervision, WSGRI has made constant innovation in its workers’ congress. At present, its representatives of grass-roots employees account for 50% of its total employees, and the representatives of migrant workers, temporary workers and contract workers account for 10% of the total, making its workers’ congress a true representative body through which the employees can exercise their power of democratic management on an equal footing.

21 22 2009 Social Responsibility Report

Facilitate Employee Growth

MCC prioritizes the development of its employees, commits itself to strengthening the management team and vigorously fosters specialized technical personnel and specialists. It strives to provide its employees with diverse development paths and broad room for development.

Employee Recruitment

In 2009, in face of the immense pressure posed by the global financial crisis, MCC persevered in performing its social responsibility and responded actively to the government’s call for the promotion of employment. As one of the first bases for university graduate internships approved by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, in 2009 MCC provided more than 1,000 internships for university graduates, received 5,038 graduates, and recruited 4,322 persons from the society. MCC was honored in 2009 as one of the “Top 100 Employers for Beijing College and University Graduates” and one of “China's Top Undergraduate Employers.”

Currently, MCC has established a human resource management system and incentive mechanisms covering various fields such as promotion, performance management, salary administration and training. MCC is widely favored by college and university graduates because of its established corporate culture, good brand image and attractive human resource management mechanism, fully demonstrating the charisma and influence of the MCC brand among the college and university graduates. Employee Training MCC adheres to a strategy of corporate invigoration through human resource development. With a belief that training is done for the benefit of the development of the group, MCC has established an all-around training system based on the MCC Human Talents School and the MCC Training College, featuring level-to-level management and the training of students in accordance with their aptitude. In 2009, 77,767 persons across the group, including managers, specialists and skilled workers, participated in training.

Based mainly on the MCC Human Talents School, MCC organized the training of executives and those in reserve by making full use of such training channels as the Party School of the CPC Central Committee, the Chinese Academy of Governance and the National Accounting Institutes. In alliance with colleges and universities, MCC provides professional training such as Doctor of Engineering, Master of Engineering, MBA and EMBA programs, as well as international business English training for project managers. In 2009, 3,138 persons across the group received various training courses. MCC has also formed a senior technician training system consisting of the MCC Training College, which mainly trains technicians and senior MCC Baosteel Technology Services Co., Ltd. (BTS) designed technicians in a centralized way (or by regions), and the technical schools and a two-day experiential outward bound training course for training centers of the subsidiaries which preside over the training of junior, operation heads and team leaders, with the aim of improving intermediate and senior workers. By the end of 2009, the number of employees their level of management and forging high-efficiency teams. qualified as technicians or senior technicians had reached 3,840 persons. Career Development

MCC places high emphasis on the career development of its employees. It has established multiple channels for career development and forged a professional, high-quality workforce, laying a sound foundation for employee development.

MCC has formed the career development paths from ordinary researcher to enterprise academic leader or technical elite, group chief expert and to national-level expert (academician or national exploration & design master), and from junior worker to intermediate worker, senior worker, technician, senior technician, MCC technical expert, state-owned enterprise technical expert, national technical expert and to group chief technician. At the same time, MCC works with Tsinghua University in the management ability certification of its team leaders. For the other management personnel, MCC provides conditions necessary to support their participation in various professional trainings and assessments, and organizes the assessment and examinations of various professional and technical certifications to boost their enthusiasm.

By the end of 2009, among all of MCC’s in-service employees, 122 persons were national-level technology talents, including: 1 CAE academician, 112 technical experts entitled to receive the special government allowance, 3 persons listed in the National New Century Bai Qian Wan Talents Program and 12 national-level exploration & design masters. Its technicians have reached 35,558 in number, making up 25.21% of the total in-service employees, including 32 group chief technicians, 21 national technical experts, 10 state-owned enterprise technical experts and 110 MCC technical experts.

Enhanced Vocational Skill Certification In 2005, to carry out vocational skill certification and push the country’s vocational qualifications certificate system, MCC set up a vocational skill certification center, and established and improved the group’s operating mechanisms for vocational skill certification. To strengthen the vocational skill certification among its subsidiaries, it conducted vocational skill appraiser training courses at a number of its subsidiaries, with 540 appraisers qualified after training.

By the end of 2009, MCC had 2 national-level exemplary bases for training of technicians, and 2 subsidiaries won national awards for outstanding contribution to technician training. A scene from the vocational skill competition

MCC has established complete incentive assessment mechanisms to drive employee initiative and innovation. It strives to emphasize moral character, ability and performance as the primary criteria in employee assessment, and abides by the principle of "leading with both ability and integrity" while adopting hierarchical classification methods to assess employee performance.

23 24 2009 Social Responsibility Report

Employee Recognition

In 2009, MCC’s subsidiaries and staff won a great many national, provincial and ministerial honors and awards.

A List of MCC’s Award Winners (Units and Individuals) in 2009 National Honors Honorary Title Award Winner (Unit or Individual) Presented by

Fu Jun, Zhao Zhishun, Xiao Xuewen, Yan Dazhou, Cheng National Model Worker State Council Bingqiang and Ma Jianhua Provincial & Ministerial Honors Honorary Title Award Winter (Unit or Individual) Presented by

National Labor Day Certificate Changtian International Engineering Corporation , MCC, CC Paper ACFTU of Merit Yinhe Co., Ltd.

National Labor Day Medal Geng Huiliang, Li Yinpeng and Yi Xingguo ACFTU

The team headed by Fan Weigao, the 4th Overhaul Branch Company of MCC Baosteel Technology Services Co., Ltd.; the Theme Pavilion project department of Shanghai Baoye Construction Corp., Ltd.; the National Pioneering Worker Shougang Jingtang coking project department of MCC Jingtang ACFTU Construction Corp., Ltd.; the architectural design department of CISDI Engineering Co., Ltd.; the 4th workshop of MCC Meili Paper Co., Ltd.

100 Most Reputed Figures since the Founding of New China; and 60 Ma Wanshui ACFTU Trailblazers of the Year: - China’s Most Influential Model Workers

National Advanced Unit for Spiritual MCC Group Central Research Institute of Building & Construction Spiritual Civilization Civilization Building Steering Committee

National Woman Red-banner Luo Shu All-China Women's Federation Pacesetter

National Woman Contribution The extraction team for comprehensive indium utilization, MCC Huludao ACFTU Pacesetter Post Nonferrous Metals Group Co., Ltd.

China ENFI Engineering Corp., ACRE Coking & Refractory Engineering Consulting Corporation, MCC, MCC Shijiu Construction Co., Ltd., China Ministry of Human State-owned Enterprise Advanced Resources and Social Collective 20MCC Construction Co., Ltd., MCC Jingtang Construction Corp., Ltd., Security, SASAC MCC Meili Paper Industry Group

State-owned Enterprise Model Wang Zhongxu, Li Peng, Zou Jianhui, He Duzheng, Xi Bin, Li Zhaoyi, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Worker Ren Wei, Bai Li, Geng Huiliang and Wang Xuequn Security, SASAC

All-China Federation of National Advanced Individual of Returned Overseas Hou Xiangqun and Tian Weihong Chinese, Overseas Returned Overseas Chinese Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council Social Responsibility Report 2009

Assist in the Development of Overseas Employees

MCC gives priority to hiring local people during its operations overseas, with a view of improving their skills and technical proficiency. While promoting local employment, it has greatly expanded the development space for local employees and boosted the development of the local economy. By the end of 2009, MCC employed a total of 3,742 overseas workers.

Case:“I’m a native of Quetta, Balochistan province of Pakistan. I joined MCC Resources Development Co., Ltd. (MRDL) in October 2002. Starting out as a mechanical engineer responsible for equipment maintenance and overhaul, I have now become the overall Pakistan manager for the concentration plant. In the meantime, I have undergone a series of technical and management training organized by the company, and joined a study tour to large mining enterprises in China. I feel my potential has been fully developed and I’ve greatly improved my quality of life.”

————Ramzan Ali Pakistan Manager for MRDL Concentration Plan

Case: MCC Tongsin Resources Limited (MCCT) hired 1,500 local employees for its Saindak copper gold mine project, with locals accounting for 83% of the total workforce. The company also employed close to 200 local villagers as temporary workers. In 2009, nearly 4,900 local employees participated in various training, including 271 "mentor-student pairings", 531classroom training/lecture sessions, and close to 100 sessions in which Chinese experts trained local management and technical personnel.

25 26 2009 Social Responsibility Report

Care for Employees

The leadership of MCC gives great importance to caring for its employees, and a “help-the-poor” system has been established across the group. The group gives active assistance to its subsidiaries that encounter difficulties or disasters. In 2009, MCC invested 19,244,980 yuan in helping the needy employees, including 7,384 persons in need, 552 persons with financial difficulties in schooling of their children, and 6,158 persons with diseases; it also condoled 4,107 families of impoverished employees. Moreover, Under the leadership of the group, a number of subsidiaries improved their mutual-aid mechanisms and established mutual funds. In addition, MCC also conveys a happy birthday greeting to each employee on their birthday, thereby enhancing the sense of belonging and identification the employees have towards the group.

Case: Console retirees on the eve of National Day

On the eve of National Day in 2009, MCC and its subsidiaries visited and extended regards to 12,945 retired comrades, workers and Party members, and gave gifts of money or goods worth 4,207,300 yuan in value.

Corporate Culture Building

MCC vigorously strengthened its corporate culture building, employing innovations in corporate culture to drive the group’s development, enhance cohesiveness, activate vast employee potential and further increase the group’s core competencies.

MCC Corporate Culture


“Three-core” culture MCC shared values Responsibility culture MCC brand Passion culture /%%%QOOWPKECVKQP 5[UVGO MCC Weekly, MCC People, MCC TIMES, MCC website and the periodicals and websites of the subsidiaries Corporate culture building has led the group and its subsidiaries to a high degree of unity in terms of values, business philosophy, entrepreneurship, and MCC brand. At the same time, the group encourages its subsidiaries to form their own unique subcultures. By the end of 2009, 42 subsidiaries were up to the standard as national exemplary units of corporate culture building.

Case: MCC Shijiu Construction Co., Ltd. (Shijiu) forges a characteristic corporate culture brand, “Western Iron Army”

Shijiu has established its brand as “MCC Western Iron Army”, a corporate brand based on a profound culture, by extracting its unique cultural spirit formed over the past 40 years. Working hard in pursuit of excellence, Shijian has formed a cultural system with the core values of “integrity and co-development.”

In 2009, MCC achieved new breakthroughs in forging its corporate culture. News reports from media outlets such as Xinhua News Agency and the central government's web portal announced that MCC had completed the second phase of research on its corporate culture, firmly developing and establishing the MCC brand as well as cross-cultural studies and other monographic studies.

MCC attaches great importance to the cultural life of its employees and strives to help them realize a balance between work and leisure. In 2009, MCC carried out numerous recreational activities such as painting and calligraphy exhibitions, dance parties and basketball competitions. These activities helped to form the group into an even more cohesive force.

Badminton match of the 1st MCC Workers’ Games CCTEC Engineering Co., Ltd. (CCTEC) held the “Red Song Party” with the theme of “Singing the most beautiful song in your heart.”

27 28 2009 Social Responsibility Report

Responsibility for Customer Service

MCC keeps to the management philosophy of “Corporate Integrity Customer Satisfaction”. Adhering to the objective of improving product quality and the level of customer service, it has established close partnerships with many steel enterprises and other clients, striving to achieve co-development side by side with its clients.

Full Life Cycle Services

While participating in the construction of the main steel enterprises in China, MCC has also provided integrated steel technology services (equipment management, operation, maintenance and repair) to numerous steel enterprises, including Baosteel in Shanghai, Taiyuan Iron & Steel (Group) Co., Ltd. in Shanxi, LY Steel in Hunan, Iron and Steel Group Company Ltd. in , Aoyufeng Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. in Zhuhai, Masteel in Anhui, Rizhao Steel in Shandong, Yantai Lubao Steel Pipe Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Changbao Precision Steel Tube Co., Ltd. and Nantong Steel.

Case: Providing integrated services to Baosteel

MCC participated all the way in the construction of the project phases I, II and III of Baosteel, and it independently shouldered the design and construction of Baosteel’s phase III project. Over the past two decades, MCC Baosteel Technology Services Co., Ltd. (BTS) has provided Baosteel with the integrated management, operation, maintenance and repair services, including: i) plant-wide equipment overhaul; ii) restoration and manufacturing of spare parts; iii) treatment of solid waste such as slag; iv) majority of railway, road and water transportation services; and v) construction and maintenance of furnaces and kilns. Baosteel’s non-major production posts are all occupied by MCC employees. MCC has been a “strategic supplier” for Baosteel.


Customer Feedback: Almost all Chinese large and medium-sized iron and steel complexes, including Baosteel, Anshan Steel, Wuhan Steel and Panzhihua Steel, have sent a letter of commendation or acknowledgement to MCC for its excellent customer service. Improve Global Services

MCC formulated the “MCC Customer and Supplier Management System” and designated a special body to conduct unified management of customers. It has established a sound global service system consisting of worldwide after-sales service centers which respond rapidly to customer requirements and provide them with comprehensive and systematic services, such as pre-sale research, production support and training, technical expert consultancy, equipment upgrading and transformation, and supply of spare parts, with a view of satisfying the diverse needs of customers at home and abroad.

Case: CISDI Engineering Co., Ltd. (CISDI) serves its customers with Web1800 remote on-line service system

In 2009, CISDI brought in the Web1800 remote online service system to better serve its global customers. The system features exceptionally easy client operations, allowing the client to obtain remote support from CISDI engineers as long as the client has access to the Internet.

Customer Feddback: Employees of Capital Engineering & Research Incorporation Limited (CERI) earned the high recognition of “top-class technology and service” from the wide and heavy plate project headquarters of Echeng Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. for their customer-focused service awareness and dedication.

Improve Product Quality

MCC attaches great importance to product quality. Adhering to the principle of “best quality and competitive prices”, it offers global clients high-quality products and sincere services.

Case: MCC Northern Engineering & Technology Corporation (NETC) improves its reward and punishment system on product design quality

NETC introduced the Reward and Punishment Rules on Product Design Quality to enhance quality management and improve the product quality awareness of its employees. The Rules contain explicit provisions on punishment for design quality problems and rewards for outstanding design quality.

29 30 2009 Social Responsibility Report

Responsibility for Environmental Protection


Supervision according to law

Keep to a scientific Energy saving outlook on development and emission reduction

Benefit society and the future Environmental protection

Environmental Performance


MCC Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction Performance

Energy consumption per 10,000 yuan in output value SO2 emissions(Unit:Ton)

2.5 (UnitͦTon of coal equivalent/10,000 yuan) 35000.00   2 30000.00 

1.5  25000.00

1   20000.00 0.5 15000.00

2007 2008 2009 2007 2008 2009 Energy saved (for industrial enterprises, calculated according to energy consumption per 10,000 yuan in output value or the amount of energy saved) COD emissions(Unit:Ton)

200 (Unit:10,000 tons of coal equivalent) 30000   150  25000

100  20000 

50 15000

5  10000

2007 2008 2009 2007 2008 2009





Organizational System Statistical Supervision System


Encourage Energy-saving and Emission Reduction

MCC is actively engaged in energy saving and emission reduction. It constantly establishes and improves effective long-term mechanisms regarding energy saving and emission reduction, continues to increase investment in the field, and pays attention to “energy saving and emission reduction, pollution control and low-carbon economy” throughout its technical services. It also commits itself to equipment upgrading and to the research and application of technologies on energy saving and emission reduction, with the aim of improving its energy saving and emission reduction performance and the level of energy saving and emission reduction in the metallurgical industry.

Case: “Slag soaking treatment and zero emission project of Xinyu Iron & Steel Co., Ltd.” is recognized as an “exemplary technical project for environmental pollution prevention and control and recycling economy” by the Ministry of Environmental Protection

This project is co-operated by MCC Group Central Research Institute of Building & Construction (CRIBC) and Xinyu Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. It recovers and comprehensively uses slag, and truly realizes “zero emission” of slag. The slag treatment technology adopted for the project is the leader in the field of slag treatment in China and in the world as a whole, providing a successful path for environmental management and energy saving and emission reduction among Chinese industrial enterprises.

MCC attaches high importance to the transformation and application of research results. Its engineering subsidiaries adopt green building technologies in civil engineering design, including ground source heat pump and solar technologies. The CISDI Building, designed and built independently by MCC, was honored as one of “China’s Top 10 Green Buildings in 2009.” Develop a Cyclic Economy

MCC actively implements the basic national policy of resource saving and environmental protection. It vigorously develops a cyclic economy by sticking to a scientific outlook on development and focusing on increasing energy efficiency, with a view of lowering energy consumption and reducing environmental impact as well as production costs.

Case: MCC Paper Yinhe Co., Ltd. develops a cyclic economy

With an investment of 210 million yuan MCC Paper Yinhe Co., Ltd. has built 4 sets of 150t/d alkali recovery systems to solve pollution problems caused by the black liquor of wheat straw pulp. The systems process 600t of solid content of black liquor each day, cutting the pollution load by 90%. The recovered sodium hydroxide is reused in production, which reduces costs by more than 8 million yuan each year. Its national-level technology R&D center has developed in succession a series of prize-winning papermaking energy saving and emission reduction technologies such as reusing recycled water, providing a technological guarantee for the development of a cyclic economy.

Case: With more than 10 years of practical experience in waste incineration projects, ENFI has the proven waste incineration technologies as well as a specialized technological team, able to design, build and operate internationally leading waste incineration power plants. So far, ENFI has successfully designed 20 waste incineration projects in China and owns 2 projects on a BOT basis. The combined waste treatment capacity of these projects is 24,000t/d, nearly a third of the total waste treatment capacity of waste incineration projects in progress and already built in the country.

Waste Incineration Power Plant Case: Huatian Engineering & Technology Corporation, MCC (HTC) operates, on a TOT+BOT basis, an urban sewage treatment plant in the city of Shouguang, Shandong province. The project treats 120,000t of sewage a day with the processes of “anaerobic + oxidation ditch + reed wetland” and advanced treatment. It is a major energy-saving and emission reduction project in the country and was listed as an exemplary project by the former State Environmental Protection Administration. The completion of the project has great significance for improving the environmental condition of the Xiaoqinghe River in Shandong.

Protect the Ecological Environment

A benign ecological environment is the foundation for subsistence and reproduction of human beings. In its global operations, MCC strictly abides by local laws and regulations on air pollution and waste discharge and actively conducts environmental protection promotion and training. These are part of its efforts to enhance its work of ecological protection and promote the improvement of local ecological environments.

Case: MCC Meili Paper Group Co., Ltd. (Meili) attempts the integration of forestation and papermaking

Meili launched years ago the desertification control and forestation campaign in the windy and arid Tengger Desert located in western China, with the aim to achieve the integration of forestation and papermaking. With a total investment of 4.5 billion yuan, the project was intended to remove the bottlenecks in upstream resources by developing forest resources and forging an industry chain of forestation, pulping and papermaking. Meili started the development of a fast-growing forest tree base. The satellite remote sensing revealed that .the area of forestation has reached 160,000 mu. The project has become a model of green papermaking in western China.

The Industrial Park of MCC Meili Paper Group Co., Ltd.

Case: During the Energy Efficiency Promotion Week of 2009, SBC-MCC gave vigorous publicity to the importance of energy saving and emission reduction in such forms as hanging banners and slogans and posting picture posters about environmental protection on its intranet. These are a part of its efforts to enhance its employees’ environmental awareness and advocate their contribution to energy saving, emission reduction and environmental protection.

MCC firmly advocates green office principles. It endeavors to raise the employees’ water conservation awareness, advocate water, electricity and office supply conservation, promote automation, and cut down on unnecessary meetings.

33 34 2009 Social Responsibility Report

Responsibility for Production Safety

Safe production is an important condition for the stable development of the national economy and society. It is the foundation for the harmonious and healthy development of enterprises. MCC attaches high importance to production safety management, actively advocates the concept of “safe development”, and keeps to the guidelines of “giving equal priority to safety, precaution and comprehensive management”. It constantly improves the management system relating to production safety, earnestly deals with safety quality standardization, and actively increases the level of production safety management, striving to create a harmonious and safe environment for the scientific development of the group.

Reinforce Safety Control

To ensure that it performs its production safety work well, MCC actively promotes the combination of the responsibility system and the accountability system on production safety by focusing on “adhering to safe development and building long-term effective mechanisms for production safety” and by taking into consideration the actual condition of the group, and by practicing the “one-vote-down system” in terms of production safety. The group implements the production safety responsibility system on every level, forming a chain of production safety responsibility. In 2009, it signed the production safety responsibility statements with all leaders of the subsidiaries.

MCC strictly exercises safety control over the work procedures and production processes. It also conducts safety inspections on a regular basis to detect problems as early as possible. If a breach of duty leads to accidents, the responsible persons will be severely disciplined according to relevant rules. In 2009, the group organized 10 major safety inspections, with 59 subsidiaries and 90 construction sites (workshops) inspected.

In 2009, MCC launched a safety quality standardization campaign, during which 60 projects were recognized as standard construction sites (workshops).



The Xingfuling housing project in Chongqing, honored as MCC’s safety quality standardization construction site in 2009. The project was undertaken by China Metallurgical Construction Co., Ltd.

MCC has formulated the MCC Measures for Management of EPC Projects, specifying the selection, location, subcontractors with production safety conditions or qualifications, the signing of production safety management agreements, and the requirement that subcontractors must establish their job responsibility systems, make technical clarifications on safety, carry out safety education, supervision and inspection and ensure construction safety. Social Responsibility Report 2009

Professional Health and Safety

MCC pays consistent attention to improving the professional health and safety level of its employees. It has established its professional health and safety policy as “law-based, people first, pride in harmony; prevention and reduction of accident incidence”. It has also formed a sound professional health and safety management system. It organizes regular physical examinations for all employees each year, strives to improve the working environment, increases investment in protective devices, facilities and individual safety items. All these are part of its effort to effectively protect the employees’ health and safety and promote the safety development of the group. Improve Emergency Plans

MCC and its subsidiaries have all established a management system regarding emergency plans for production safety accidents. They have also formulated special emergency plans and set up rescue teams, with the aim of constantly enhancing their abilities to deal with various accidents.

In 2009, with its strengthened efforts in terms of emergency rescue, MCC formulated or revised 19 overall response plans, 177 special response plans and 391 on-the-spot response plans. MCC also organized a number of emergency drills accordingly. Emergency Drill in a subsidiary of MCC Enhance Safety Awareness

With a firm belief in “safe development” and “safety responsibility as the foremost priority”, MCC gives great importance to safety education and actively develops safety propaganda and education, so as to enhance the employees’ safety awareness.

In 2009, MCC organized 3 sessions of safety training catering to 160 persons. It conducted three-level safety education for newcomers to enhance their operational safety awareness, and strengthened the safety management of personnel in special operations to prevent accidents. In the meantime, based on the theme of "hidden risk management and accident prevention", MCC developed and launched the “production safety month” with the aim of building an atmosphere of “cherishing life and valuing safety.”


Three-level education: Education of newcomers for three levels, i.e. tier-2 subsidiary, tier-3 subsidiary and team. Personnel in special operations: Those engaged directly in operations involving major safety hazards towards the operator, and more especially to others and surrounding facilities.

35 36 2009 Social Responsibility Report

Responsibility for Social Harmony

In its global operations, MCC operates in good faith, strictly abides by local laws and regulations, prioritizes communication and equal cooperation with stakeholders, supports community development, respects local cultures and shoulders its responsibility as a corporate citizen, doing its part for a harmonious world. Act with Integrity and Good Faith

MCC strictly requires its subsidiaries to operate lawfully and in good faith. It has strengthened its disciplinary inspection and supervision and enhanced its anti-corruption and integrity education, with to the aim of ensuring the group’s smooth operation.

Operating in Good Faith

In its production and operation, MCC commits itself to offering products and services to the satisfaction of customers and the society in a manner that demonstrates good faith and keeps and fulfills its word. By the end of 2009, 11 subsidiaries across the group had been rated as “AAA Credit Enterprises”, and a number of subsidiaries had been honored as “AAA Credible Enterprises” for several years in a row.

Disciplinary Inspection and Supervision

MCC attaches high importance to disciplinary inspection and supervision. In 2009, it set up a supervisory division to reinforce its work of disciplinary inspection and supervision. In addition, 15 lawbreaking and principal-breaching cases were investigated and handled throughout the year, with a 100% rate of settlement.

MCC placed emphasis on efficiency supervision. Of 378 projects approved for 2009, 100 key, difficult and at-a-loss projects were chosen and evaluated in the form of follow-up supervision, with 681 supervisory proposals raised. The move directly resulted in an increase in economic benefit of 48,739,700 yuan, a reduction of economic loss of 6,549,300 yuan, and a generation of additional saving funds of 540 million yuan. Anti-corruption and Integrity

MCC seriously implements the Work Plan on Establishing and Improving the Corruption Punishment and Prevention System (2008-2012). It set up a work leadership group consisting of major leaders and relevant department heads, established the work mechanism of “one post double duties”, and organized the investigation and correction of commercial bribery.

In 2009, MCC organized 142 sessions of special lectures on anti-corruption and integrity, bringing together 9,997 participants. It provided 382 sessions of cautionary case education, with 22,337 participants. The leaders across the group signed 1,878 responsibility agreements and 2,411 letters of integrity commitment. In addition, 2,468 leaders reported on their integrity performance, 780 persons MCC Jingtang Construction Corp., Ltd. holds the received cautionary talks, and 78 subsidiary leaderships were appraised and anti-corruption & integrity conference assessed. Global Citizenship

In its global operations, MCC conscientiously performs its obligations as a global citizen, enhancing its mutual-benefit awareness, building harmonious communities, promoting local employment, protecting local cultural relics, promoting multi-cultural exchange, serving the public and repaying society.

Build Harmonious Communities Protect Cultural Relics Actively support the development of local Pay attention to the protection of local cultural communities to achieve co-development of relics, and ensure zero destruction of local the enterprise and local communities cultural relics during project development and construction

Support Community


Promote Local Employment Multi-cultural Exchange Hire local labor forces in overseas operations Promote multi-cultural exchange, respect local abiding by relevant local laws and regulations habits and customs, enhance cultural communication and include it as an important part of corporate culture

Stakeholders’ Q&A

Q: Why does MCC give so much importance to local community development?

A: In its global operations, MCC’s survival and development relies on and is closed linked to the development of local communities. Therefore, the group attaches high importance to the employment of the residents of the local communities, promoting cultural exchange, helping communities improve infrastructure, protecting local cultural relics, improving the living standards of local residents, and enabling the group and communities to develop together.

In 2009, the Ramu project “One Ramu, One Community” was selected as an example of exceptional conduct in the area of social responsibility in the state-owned enterprise category.

37 38 2009 Social Responsibility Report

Case: MCC Mining (West Australia) (Pty.) Ltd. protects the indigenous cultural relics

In the Sino Iron Project area in Australia, where MCC Mining (West Australia) (Pty.) Ltd. is located, there are large quantities of stone artifacts (including stone knives, stone gallets and stone chisels), grottoes, rock carvings and shell utensils used by the indigenous people. To protect these cultural relics, the company engaged experts to survey the area and protected the discovered relics.

Rock Carvings

Case: Promote local employment

The Duddar Lead-Zinc Project of MCC Tongsin Resources Limited (MCCT) hires 485 Pakistani employees, including 372 Lasbela natives, making up 22% of the total work force, with 105 of them hired as contract workers, accounting for 22%. This has greatly improved the local employment environment, broadened the local employment opportunities, boosted the local economy, and raised the living standards of Pakistani employees.

A Chinese worker tutors Pakistani employees

Cooperation for Mutuality

MCC attaches great importance to the establishment of a good cooperative relationship with stakeholders and always cooperates with them on the principle of equality and mutual benefit, with a view of promoting development side by side.

Cooperation with Governments

MCC attaches great importance to the cooperation with relevant government departments. In China, MCC has established strategic cooperation with central and local government agencies in many fields such as infrastructure, social welfare housing and resource development. Overseas, it has established good relations with governments of countries including Pakistan, Australia and Brazil, and operates locally in the fields of resource development and metallurgy.

The provincial government of Hubei and the Metallurgical Corporation of China Limited (MCC Limited) signed a partnership framework agreement on December 21, 2009. Cooperation with Financial Institutions

In 2009, MCC successively concluded credit agreements with 10 major domestic banks, including China Development Bank, Export-Import Bank of China, China Construction Bank and Bank of China.

In the same year, MCC acquired 20.37 billion yuan in loan and credit, an increase of 65.9 billion yuan from the previous year. It acquired a line of credit of 147.3 billion yuan, making up 72% of its total liabilities, 10 percentage points up from the previous year. The ratio of long-term liabilities to the gross interest-bearing liabilities reached 61%, demonstrating a more enhanced financial stability. MCC and the Agricultural Bank of China held a bank-enterprise cooperation conference on November 11, 2009

Cooperation with Businesses in the Same Trade

As one of the world’s Top 500 Firms, MCC enhanced its strategic cooperation with other domestic and foreign enterprises in the same trade on the basis of “equality, voluntariness, mutual benefit and co-development”, striving to achieve advantages in complementation and reciprocal development.

CISDI and Baoji Petroleum Steel Pipe Co., Ltd. entered into a strategic cooperation agreement Responsible Procurements

MCC practices responsible procurement in a way that is just, fair and open. It stresses the suppliers’ protection of employee rights, interests and safety, as well as environmental protection, energy saving and emission reduction.

Knowledge Responsible procurement: The inclusion of the concept and requirement of performing corporate social responsibility in the total process of procurement so that the products and services procured are “full of” responsibility and that the behavior of procurement is responsible.

Case: CERI enhances supplier management

CERI manages its suppliers on three levels, mainly according to business segments. It has established a price database and a supplier management information system. In addition, it gives recognition to its outstanding suppliers each year.

39 40 2009 Social Responsibility Report

On procurement for overseas projects, MCC gives first priority to local suppliers, with a view of helping local enterprises to develop and of promoting local economic development. MCC’s overseas procurement policy Local procurement: Identify potential local suppliers and contractors as much as possible. Foster local suppliers and contractors: Help local enterprises develop and establish joint ventures when no eligible local enterprises are found. Support the development of other enterprises within the project area: Assist in the development of enterprises in the project area which have no direct connections with the project. Commitment to Social Well-being

MCC commits itself to “benefit the place where it invests” and enthusiastically participates in public welfare activities. In 2009, its public welfare donations amounted to 9,991,000 yuan. Support post-disaster reconstruction

MCC provides active support to disaster relief in areas hit by disasters such as earthquakes and typhoons. MCC gives as much assistance as possible to relocate the affected people and reconstruct their homes.

Case: MCC highly praised by state leaders for its post-disaster reconstruction projects On January 25 and September 29, 2009, Premier Wen Jiabao extended his regards to the employees of MCC Shijiu Construction Co., Ltd. twice for their hard work in the reconstruction of Dongfang Turbine Co., Ltd., saying “Thank you for your painstaking contributions to the post-disaster reconstruction of the nation.”

Premier Wen Jiabao shakes hands with Tian Ye, Board Chairman of MCC Shijiu Construction Co., Ltd., at the construction site of Dongfang Turbine Co., Ltd.

On September 25, 2009, Premier Wen Jiabao inspected and directed the post-disaster reconstruction of Dongfang Turbine Co., Ltd. in Deyang. He extended his gratitude to the employees of MCC Chenggong Construction Co., Ltd. and praised MCC for its rapid and good quality construction.

Premier Wen Jiabao shakes hands with Cheng Bingqiang, Board Chairman of MCC Chenggong Construction Co., Ltd. Social Responsibility Report 2009

Help the poor

In its active response to the national policies on poverty alleviation and the building of a harmonious society, MCC uses its strength to help uplift impoverished areas out of poverty by closely combining the actual conditions of the deprived areas and the group.

Case: MCC Australia Holdings Pty. Ltd. provides aid to the indigenous people MCC Australia Holdings Pty. Ltd. actively devotes itself to local public welfare. At the 100th anniversary of the founding of the town of Point Samson, the company donated 9,000 Australian dollars and distributed daily necessities to the indigenous people.

Children’s tug-of-war

Donate to schools

MCC actively donates to schools. In 2009, it donated a total of 2,615,500 yuan.

Ceremony of donation by Huatian Engineering & Technology Corporation, MCC (HTC) to Mashi Elementary School Volunteer Action

MCC actively participates in volunteer activities to repay the society. In 2009, volunteers across the group numbered 3,187, providing 9,854 hours of volunteer service.

41 42 Res l po ia n c s o i S b i l i t






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t 2 Outlook for 2010

The year 2010 is still a complex and volatile year in terms of the global economic situation. It is a crucial year for China as it continues to cope with the international financial crisis, maintaining steady and fast economic development and step up its transformation in the pattern of economic growth. It is also an important year for MCC to achieve continuous and stable development. Faced with the changing domestic and foreign socioeconomic environments as well as opportunities and challenges, MCC will continue to be guided by the outlook on scientific development, adhere to its social responsibility philosophy of “continuous innovation and development for a better future”, and responsibly boost the continuous and harmonious development of the enterprise, economy, society and the environment.

We will comprehensively implement the SASAC’s requirement of “enhancing strength by performing the primary business”, make unremitting efforts to develop our primary business, and bring together manpower, materials and other resources to develop business with good market prospects and anticipated yields, centering upon our overall objective of “constructing a world-class, internationally competitive enterprise group.” At the same time, we will actively adjust our industrial structure, transform the pattern of development and expand operational fields, to further enhance our capacity for sustainable development.

We will keep abreast of the latest global trends in science and technology and maintain an accurate grasp of the future adjustment and development directions of the industries we operate in. We will constantly improve our independent innovation system and further improve our effective long-term mechanisms for independent innovation. We will also strive to break in-house technical barriers, strengthen the sharing of technological resources, and strengthen the development of key technologies to forge our edge in industrial technological development while ensuring technology reserves. We shall do all these in order to provide effective technological support to the group’s industrial structure optimization and upgrading as well as to the transformation in the pattern of economic growth.

We will continue to view our human resource talents as our primary resources, uphold the lawful rights and interests of our employees, improve training, incentive and constraint mechanisms, and inspire their wisdom and potentials. We will lay further emphasis on the building of five teams – leadership, grass-roots Party leaders, technological leadership talents, project managers and team leaders. We shall form and reinforce benign interactions in the development of our employees and the enterprise.

We will stick to our goal of improving product quality and customer satisfaction. We shall constantly improve our level of customer service, actively create value for our clients, strive to achieve reciprocal cooperation between the group and the clients, form closer and more harmonious customer relations and truly realize co-development of the group and clients.

We will make unremitting efforts to protect the environment, continue to advance the building of long-term effective mechanisms for environmental protection, improve our energy saving and emission reduction management system, strengthen the building of our environmental protection team, vigorously develop a cyclic economy, make further efforts to save resources, and constantly increase our environmental protection performance.

We will continue to conscientiously implement the guidelines of “giving equal priority to safety, precaution and comprehensive management”, further enhance our philosophy of safe development, conduct safety management in a serious, careful and practical way and strive for total safety quality management, bringing our production safety and quality management to a new level.

We will actively perform our responsibility as a global citizen, promote the development of local communities and repay society, and thus contribute to a more harmonious society and a better world.

43 44 2009 Social Responsibility Report

Expert Comment

(by Ms. Chen Ying, Board Member of the UN Global Compact)

I have thoroughly read China Metallurgical Group Corporation’s (MCC Group) 2009 Social Responsibility Report (hereinafter known as “the Report”), and as such submit the following appraisal:

1. Report characteristics

Not long after MCC Limited’s published its first Social Responsibility Report (SRR), its parent company MCC Group also published its initial SRR, thus fully displaying the high importance the group places on fulfilling its societal duties. The Report showed that in order to support the nation’s continued development, MCC Group, as a foundation builder and constructor of China’s metallurgical industry, has completed 90 percent of its steel construction project tasks in surveying, design and construction. The group has made historical contributions to the rapid development of the nation’s metallurgical industry, winning high appraisal from several generations of Party and national leaders and becoming the pride of China’s metallurgical industry.

Since the start of the new century, MCC Group has adhered to scientific development as a guiding force and diligently implemented the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council’s requirements on Guidance for State-owned Enterprises in Fulfilling Social Responsibility. To fulfill its duties, the company has comprehensively implemented enterprise social responsibility concepts, established clear objectives, improved management systems and adopted effective measures in seven areas including scientific development, science and technology innovation, employee growth and development, customer service, environmental protection, safety in production, and social harmony and stability.

The Report spelled out the origin of the company’s social responsibility concepts, formative processes and the support guarantee systems for its work in four major areas of social responsibility. It explained that the company has integrated social responsibility concepts with enterprise operations, and utilized its advantages in EPC contracting, natural resources development, equipment manufacturing and property development to support outstanding practices for the healthy development of the economy. The Report reflected the company’s belief that scientific and technological development is an important driving force for enterprise development, as well as its support for using advanced, environmentally friendly technology to push forward the development of the low carbon industry and the integrated utilization of key resources. The Report also introduced the company’s successful global management model of devoting itself to promoting the joint development of the local community and the enterprise.

2. Report Appraisal

With its rich content, succinct writing, clear logic, dynamic design format and strong readability, the Report fully introduces MCC Group’s social responsibility concepts, practices and management systems. It is high quality SRR that adheres to the requirements of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council as well as current trends of international SRRs.

3. Suggestions

In order to further raise the effectiveness of MCC’s implementation of social responsibility practices and make a strong impact on society, the company should accomplish the following:

First, further improve the enterprise’s social responsibility management organization system and institutional system.

Second, vigorously push forward the promotion and cultivation of enterprise social responsibility, and raise employees’ awareness and practical abilities in the area of social responsibility.

Third, actively engage in social responsibility work at home and abroad, promote the enterprise’s influence internationally and create an improved environment for the enterprise’s strategic transformation as well as its global operations.

United Nations Global Compact Board Director Director of the Beijing Rong Zhi Institute of Corporate Social Responsibility Director of the Center Office of the Global Compact Network China Reader’s Feedback Information

MCC values your opinions about this report. Please send us your comments and sugges- tions so that we can further improve this report.

Please answer the following questions and fax this form to: +86-10-5986 9164.

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Name: Department: Secretariat of Board of Directors, Company: China Metallurgical Group Corp Postal Code: Address: No.28, Shuguangxili, Chaoyang District, Telephone: Beijing

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Secretariat of Board of Directors, China Metallurgical Group Corp.

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