A Deep Dive Into Bhutan
www.thebhutanese.bt VOL 08 ISSUE 02 SATURDAY 12 JANUARY 2019 NU 10 Leading the Way A deep dive into Bhutan ISBS leads to a ‘Bhutan Studies’ in its own right and a better insight into Bhutan on its own terms Tenzing Lamsang/ Oxford over 80 countries taking part in 12 sessions in various diverse s any Bhutanese will fields, three plenary sessions be acutely aware, and two key note addresses. ABhutan is broadly Each session in turn had an defined in two ways. One, is average of three speakers with that of a small but strategically a time of around one hour and important country lodged in 30 minutes. between two giants along with The sessions were about its various implications and cutting edge research complications. into linguistics, ecology, The other definition of anthropology, law and Bhutan can be seen in travel international relations, GNH, articles and magazines of being development, food, education, a ‘Shangri-La’ or romanticized history, Buddhism and Kingdom in the clouds. governance in Bhutan. As a result, there is limited The speakers and scholars international understanding presented their in-depth papers of the real Bhutan and its followed by usually spirited people, given the two dominant and in depth questions and narratives above. comments that made it both Even in the world of The former Prime Minister Dasho Tshering Tobgay who led the Bhutanese delegation spoke an academic exercise and also international academics, at the opening of the conference a collaborative event with the Bhutan, so far, has been studied University made the important Some speakers highlighted with the potential to be audience.
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