The Magazine of 3-Dimensional Imaging, Past & Present
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THE MAGAZINE OF 3-DIMENSIONAL IMAGING, PAST & PRESENT November/December 7 995 Volume 22, Number 5 A PuMiition of NATIONAL STEREOSCOPIC ASSOCIATION, INC. Final "Unusual" Selections ile we wait by the mailbox for submissions to arrive for W"the "Weather" assignment, we present the final selections in the "Unusual" assignment. Newkt~~nt: This category is really wide open. It could involve obvious views like snow scenes or wind damage, or things like close-ups of rain or dew covered leaves, ice encrusted flower buds, mud pud- "Maggie" by Martin Simon of Los Angeles,CA, is an attempt to make an actual stereo dles, flooded fields, dry cracked photograph in which all the infonnation is given by stereopsis rather than intensity, at earth, etc. Any image of "weather" least at first glance. It is similac in this sense, to julesz random dot stereograms and other itself in action (hypers of lightning hidden image stereograms. or a tornado would be ideal!) or ... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. images in which the effects of least slightly beyond a calm sunny The Rules: weather have had a visible, short or overcast day. Anything from a As space allows (and depending on the term effect (this means other than rain shower to a hurricane or a reswnse) iudges will select for publication formations created by centuries of light frost to a blizzard would quai- in iach issue at least two of the best views normal erosion) are what we have ify. Deadline for entries in the submitted by press time. Rather than tag images as first, second or third place win- in mind. On other words, "weath- "Weather" assignment is July 7, ners, the idea will be to present as many er" here refers to conditions at 1996. good stereographs as possible from among those submitted. Prizes are limited to the worldwide fame "Self Portrait" by Derek Leath of St. Louis, MO, was shot in 1993 using the half lens cap and glory resulting from the publication of technique on a Realist, with ambient light plus fill flash bounced off the ceiling. While not your work. Anyone and any image in any every trick stereo would necessarily qualify as "unusual", the props employed in this one print or slide format is eligible. (Keep in made it irresistible. mind that images will be re~todu~edin black and whii.) Include ail relevant cap tion material and technical data as well as your name and address. Each entrant may submit up to 6 images per assignment. Any stereographer, amateur or profession- al, is eligible. Stereos which have won Stereoscopic Society or PSA competitions are equally eligible, but please try to send views made within the past eight years. All views will be returned within 6 to 14 weeks, but Stew World and the NSA assume no respon- sibility for the safety of photographs. Please include return postage with entries. Submis- sion of an image constitutes permission for its one-use reproduction in Stereo World. All other rights are retained by the photog- rapher. Send all entries directly to: ASSIGNMENT 3-D, 5610 SE 71st, Portland, OR 97206. 00 Volume 22, Number 5 NovemberIDecember 1995 THE MAGAZINE Of 3-DIMENSIONAL IMAGING, PAST 61 PRESENT Nineteenth Century Tourist Views or the Near East ..... 4 by Bert M. Zlickeman The 3-D Film Career of Ernie McNabb ..................... 10 by Don Marren f Directors 4ndy Criscon1, Chairman Historical 3-D Re rint Revives 1894 Text ................. 15 Paula R. F lerning Review by George A. Therne is David Hut:chison !' *-em- Dieter LI JlrllL Kinnard's "3-D"Tri~od .............................................. 16 T.K. Trea dwell I Bill C. h'alton by David Starkman NSA Ofi -. --, reter t. ralrnql~ist, President The Hart of Railroad Stereography ........................... 18 Larry Moor, vice President Review by john Dennis lohn Waldsrnith, Via! President, Acti Larry Hess, Secretory Under ound London ............................................ 20 3avid Wheel6 by LlavicF Starkman 6 Susan Pinsky jtereo Wo John Denni 3-D Hope for the Hopeless: The Ultimate ~ree-viewingGuide .. 24 Dean Jacobowitz, nJJuwurc Lutrur Review by lohn Dennis Kal.en White, As sociate Editor Tirn White, Ass ociate Editor Sin le-Image Stereogram Update .............................. 26 rdark Willke, I Irt Director by7 ohn Dennis Lois Wa~ldsrnith, Sub scription Manager North America's Historic Buildings .......................... 27 by Neal Btillington NSA Membership (New mernbersh~ps,renewols & address changes) Rnl: 14801, Columbus, OH 47714 Call for Stereo Theater Programs .............................. 31 Concerniing Subsc riptions rry Hess, (215 9) 272-5431 ~cereoiwor~a BacK Issue be (Write for ovoilobilily & prices.) P.O. BI3x 398, Sycamore, OH 44882 Editor's View comments and Observations, by John Dennis .................................2 StereoI World Editorial OF Fice I thr editor articlrs & colrndar 11s figs) Letters Reader's Comments and Questions .................................................... 3 7206 Newviews Current Information onStereo Today, by David Storkman & lohn Dennis ......... 28 dLb, 9eo World Advertisin (Classified &display ads) Classified Buy, Sell, or Trade It Here ..................................................... 32 P.O. Bo, ( 14801, Columbus, OH 4 & .... (Insen flyers auction ads) Calendar A Listing of Coming Events 34 lettrey Kraus, 1 Lauren Dr., Cardiner, NY 12525 ...................................................... Stereo World Re! jular Feat ures , YU.",. I "Survey Work In Progress" documents lunnel~ng The 50,ciety work during expansion of the London subway sys- Norman 6. P'atterron tem about 7907. The anonymous stereoviews were ~odlawnAve., \nlesleyv~lle, PA 16 discovered in the archives of the London Transport ....... The Unkr 'IIJWn.5 Museum in preparation for a 7990 "Tube Cente- Neal Bull~tigton nary" historical exhibit. With the help of David Bur- ~ndonDr., Travc ,r$e C~ty,MI 49684 der, nine of the views were published as large ........View-M aster anaglyphs to commemorate the occasion. Our feo- wolrgang 8 Mary Ann Sell ture "Underground London" by David Starkman oadvrw Dr, C~nc~nnati,OH 45 and Susan Pinsky is the first publication of these ter Wendell Holme images in stereo pair format. scopic Research Lib (Affibated w ith thr Norionol Stereoscopic Assc Eastern College, St. IIavids, PA 19 Stereo World(ISSN 0191-4030) is published b~monthlyby the National Stereoscopic Association, Inc., PO. Box 14801, Columbus. OH 43214. Ent~recontents 01996, all r~ghtsresewed. Mater~alIn this publication may not be reproduced w~thoutwrltten perm~ssionof the NSA, Inc. Print- Stereosc:opic Soci ety of Am ierica ed In USA. A subscr~ptionto Slereo World Ir part of NSA mernbershlp. Annual membership dues: $26 th~rdclass US, $38 first class US, 138 /Affilial~dW, lth the Notional >ler~oscoptcArsc ~c~alionl, Canada and forelgn surface, $56 ~nternat~onala~rmail. All membersh~psare based on the publish~ngyear of Stpreo World, wh~chbe Ins in March E. jack SMtarthout, Mernbersh~pSecretary and ends wlth the JanuaryiFebruaryIssue of the next year. All new memberships rece~vedw~ll commence w~ththe MarchiADri issue of the current calendar year. When applying for membersh~p,please adv~seus ~f you do not des~rethe back ~ssuesof tlhe current volum 12 Wc~odrnere Dr., Par~s,IL 61944 Member, International Stereoscopic Union - --- - Inside the NSA turn up anyway. (I can recall no later, during one of the late uestions are sometimes asked instance in which more than one nighttearly morning sessions in regarding the day to day func- person volunteered for any posi- which the Calendar material gets tioning of the NSA-how does tion at a time, and often the lone entered into the computer, I com- it w rk, who makes the decisions, volunteer suffered from a slightly pletely missed seeing (or feeling) Q twisted arm for the first few days.) the folded L.A. Image Show etc. In fact, it's fairly simple, direct and informal. The volunteer board The NSA exists to serve the inter- announcement when I grabbed the of directors locates/drafts/selects ests of its members, and the more material for the Vol. 22 No. 4 Cal- volunteers willing to do the jobs feedback and/or new volunteers endar. Apologies are due everyone that keep the whole thing going. coming from the membership, the involved (as organizers, dealers or These people-the president, the more completely that aim will be customers) with that major show VP, the secretary, the treasurer, the achieved. and its significant stereographica activities VP and of course the element. A specially flagged An Apology to L.A. reminder sheet to watch for the Stereo World staff function largely Unlike many photographica on their own without the complex next L.A. Show now resides in the show promoters, organizers of the calendar file. rules and frequent meetings or annual L.A. Image Show have votes required by many organiza- alwavs made sure an announce- Speaking of the Calendar- 1 tions far smaller than the NSA. It men; of that show was mailed to unlike the above glitch, the doesn't always run perfectly, but Stereo World for inclusion in the most common reason that items like any small corporation, the Calendar section. Due to Stereo sent in for the Calendar don't more energetic and imaginative World's less than clockwork publi- appear there is one of simple tim- the people filling the key positions cation schedule, on at least one ing. Almost every week, one or two the better things will go. In an age occasion in the past two years show, exhibit or meeting of information, work and expecta- information about the show announcements arrive in the mail tions that move faster and faster arrived just barely too late for the for events scheduled only a couple with every software update and most appropriate issue, with the of weeks (sometimes days!) from every corporate downsizing, the following issue ending up being the mailing date.