2013 Annual Report Contents

Chairman’s Report...... 3

Chief Executive’s Report...... 4

Key Performance Indicators...... 5

The Year in Brief...... 8

The Company...... 10

Artistic Report ...... 12

Community Engagement Report ...... 14

Philanthropy Report...... 15

Corporate Development Report...... 20

West Australian Orchestra ANNUAL REPORT 2013 2 Chairman’s Report

The West Australian Symphony Conductor. This position is a new For the year 2013 the company Orchestra experienced another initiative launched by the Orchestra recorded a profit of $52,885. challenging but rewarding year in to support WASO’s commitment Throughout the year WASO 2013 as the organisation continued to emerging West Australian presented more than 200 to strive towards its vision to touch conductors. As WASO’s first Assistant performances, reaching an audience souls and enrich lives. The company Conductor, Christopher was given in excess of 180,000 people around continued to grow, with the unique opportunities to develop his Western Australia. introduction of a new Community skills and gain invaluable experience On behalf of the Board, I would like Engagement department to help by working with WASO musicians to acknowledge and thank all who support this expanding area. and staff. have made it possible for the West At the end of 2013 we farewelled During 2013 the Orchestra delivered Australian Symphony Orchestra to Principal Conductor , a fantastic musical program featuring present another year of wonderful whose tenure as Principal Conductor an impressive list of guest conductors music to the Western Australian drew to a close. During his five and soloists. A number of conductors community. We are particularly years with the Orchestra, Paul was made their debuts with WASO grateful to the Federal and State deeply committed to making classical including Douglas Boyd, Michal Governments, our Principal Partner, music accessible. In particular, Dworzynski and Paul McCreesh. Wesfarmers Arts, Platinum Partners Paul was instrumental in widening Soloists to appear with WASO for the Chevron, City of Perth, Ernst & Young the Orchestra’s reach through the first time in 2013 included violinist and Lotterywest, and our many use of new technologies, such as Baiba Skride, pianist Denis Kozhukin other partners, patrons, donors and webcasts. In early December WASO and cellist Pieter Wispelwey. In subscribers all of whom are vital to celebrated the end of Paul’s tenure November, world renowned violinist the ongoing success of the company. with two gala farewell concerts. On Pinchas Zukerman conducted and Thanks must also go to our musicians behalf of WASO I thank Paul for performed in two gala concerts, and administration staff for their his outstanding contribution to the receiving rave reviews from both ongoing dedication and commitment. Orchestra and to the West Australian audiences and critics. community. I also acknowledge the tremendous The Latitude New Music Series support given to me by my fellow I would also like to acknowledge continued in 2013, with two concerts Board members, and thank them for WASO Chorus Director, Marilyn at the Astor Theatre featuring seven the time and effort they contributed Phillips, who left the company after Australian premieres, as well as the throughout the year. eight years in this role. Marilyn world premiere of a new work by worked tirelessly to raise the standard young Western Australian composer of the Chorus and I thank her for the Jared Yapp. This series continues enormous contribution she has made. to bring new audiences to WASO. The WASO Chorus had another Janet Holmes à Court AC successful year in 2013, contributing Symphony in the City continues Chairman to a diverse range of repertoire from to be an annual highlight for the Verdi’s to The Lord of the people of Perth, and in 2013 the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. concert was held at Langley Park At the end of the year we announced for the second year. An audience the appointment of a new leadership of around 20,000 people attended team for the Chorus, comprised the event with many more watching of Christopher van Tuinen, in the via the iiNet webcast. The concert position of Chorus Director, and was also broadcast on the Westlink Andrew Foote, who was appointed Channel with special screenings held to the new position of Vocal Coach. in Albany, Kalgoorlie, Esperance, Margaret River, Port Hedland Early in the year the company also and Broome, all part of WASO’s announced the appointment of commitment to bring classical music Christopher Dragon as Assistant to all corners of the state.

West Australian Symphony Orchestra ANNUAL REPORT 2013 3 Chief Executive’s Report

As I reflect on 2013 I cannot help (supported by John Holland) at the extraordinary commitment of our but be proud of the achievements Princess Margaret Hospital for Children community of supporters, and I wish of WASO in the delivery of concerts reached more than 1,200 patients to echo the thanks of our Chairman of outstanding artistic quality, as well across the year. A new initiative in the to the Australian and West Australian as programs that continue to stretch program now known as Harmony Governments, our sponsors, donors the reach of the Orchestra across the Music, provided an opportunity for and valued audience members. In community and the state. I’m also the children involved in the special particular I would like thank Richard immensely proud of the financial educational needs choir at Leeming Goyder and the team at Wesfarmers achievement of the company in Senior High School to perform with for the leadership role they play 2013 in delivering a modest surplus a WASO string quartet. These very in supporting the arts in Western at a particularly volatile time in the special programs are wonderful Australia. Wesfarmers has been Australian and West Australian illustrations of WASO’s vision in action. a strong supporter of WASO for economies. This was not achieved a number of years and I’m proud WASO’s commitment to taking our by luck, but was a result of a lot to have them as our Principal Partner. programs to regional communities of hard work by the team at WASO, in WA continued in 2013 with three I would also like to thank the Board and the extraordinary commitment WASO on the Road tours to the of Directors and in particular Chairman from our community of supporters. Pilbara, Midwest and Great Southern Janet Holmes à Court for their strong WASO is honoured and humbled Regions. For many people these tours corporate governance and wise by the support it receives from the provide their first experience counsel. Last but by no means least Western Australian community of classical music, and the workshops I would like to acknowledge the through ticket sales, sponsorship and we deliver in schools are an Orchestra, Chorus and administrative donations. This support is crucial to extraordinarily valuable teaching staff who make up the WASO team. WASO achieving its vision to touch resource. We thank Chevron Australia, Without the collective and impressive souls and enrich lives through music, Mitsubishi Corporation, RAC and the talent and creative endeavour of all and to our very survival. As such we Water Corporation for their support our people we would not be able do not take their support for granted, of these programs. to serve the community of Western and will continue to strive to honour Australia in the way we do. I thank WASO takes its role in the and earn their support every day. them all for their outstanding development of the next generation contribution and dedication Artistically, 2013 was a strong year of orchestral musicians, composers to the company. for WASO with the return of a and conductors seriously. As such, number of cherished guest conductors WASO again undertook a number such as Simone Young, Vladimir of young and emerging artists Verbitsky, Otto Tausk, and Principal programs in 2013. Our Orchestral Conductor Designate Asher Fisch. Training Program provides one on one 2013 also marked the end of Paul mentoring opportunities for young Craig Whitehead Daniel’s tenure as Principal Conductor musicians to work with experienced Chief Executive and Artistic Adviser, and I would members of WASO. The program like to personally thank him for his (which is supported by ConocoPhillips) commitment and contribution over provides the students with a greater his five years at WASO. I would also understanding of the commitment like to acknowledge the contribution required to become a professional made by Marilyn Phillips as Director at orchestral musician. Similarly our the WASO Chorus over her eight years Composition Project provides a in the role and wish her well for her number of young composers with the future endeavours. opportunity to write a composition for WASO’s EChO ensemble and to Our community engagement and be mentored by esteemed Western education programs continue to be Australian composer James Ledger. a priority for WASO, and in 2013 we expanded these activities. Our Of course none of the success of 2013 wonderful Hospital Orchestra Project would have been possible without

West Australian Symphony Orchestra ANNUAL REPORT 2013 4 Key Performance Indicators

Outcome 2013 Target Achievements


• External Review by Limelight Magazine, 1 other external reviewer invited • Clear improvement in performance standard Artistic quality and • Positive assessment by Incoming Principal overall and in individual sections noted from excellence of craft Conductor 2012 reviews • Improvements noted by returning guest conductors

• Achieve no less than 80% • Average renewal rate for 2013 Audience engagement subscription renewal rate subs was approximately 85% and stimulation • 92% of total market research sample • 94% of total market research sample aware of WASO brand aware of WASO brand

Australian Works: World Premiere James Ledger: Golden Years (Violin Concerto) Jared Yapp: The Ecstatic (Viola Concerto) Iain Grandage: Footlights Australia Works performed: Roger Smalley: Close to the Edge Lior and Nigel Westlake: Compassion new work commissioned for 2014 season; New work to be premiered in 2014 by Lachlan Skipworth; James Ledger commissioned for 2015 season.

International Works: Australian Premieres: Curation and development • 2 new commissions started and of art form 2 new works presented Steve Reich: Radio Rewrite Emily Howard: Solar David Sawer: the greatest happiness principle Julian Anderson: The Discovery of Heaven Nico Muhly: Seeing is Believing Helen Grime: Night Songs Toru Takemitsu: Signals from Heaven I: Day Signal Charles Ives: Orchestral Set 2: From Hanover Square North International Works Western Australian Premiere: Toru Takemitsu: Signals from Heaven II: Night Signal John Adams: Slonimsky’s Earbox Thomas Ades: These Premises are Alarmed

Service Level Agreements for 2014 with the WA Opera and the WA Ballet are in place Pit Services and are continuing to develop. More work By latest 30 June 2013 for 2014 activity Arrangements will be done in this area during 2014 as the orchestral training programme continues to develop.

West Australian Symphony Orchestra ANNUAL REPORT 2013 5 Key Performance Indicators Cont.

Outcome 2013 Target Notes


• WASO performed 209 performances, presentations and workshops. The total • 197 performances performing to 191,000 audience reach for 2013 was just under target at 186,486. Total paid attendances Maximise access and people. 86,000 paid attendances. were 88,666. Attendances were lower than diversity of audiences • 7 regional community performances anticipated across all art forms in 2013. • 7 community concerts and presentations were performed in three centres across Western Australia.

• Due to budget constraints only 3 of the 5 planned for the year were able to be produced. • 5 productions webcast • Symphony in the City was broadcast to several locations, both metropolitan • 1 production broadcast and regional, in December. • 95,000 online viewers of our webcasts • For the webcasts in 2013, approximately Access through live and on demand. 43,513 viewers were recorded. This is lower digital platforms than anticipated due to the reduction • 1,300 Twitter followers. of webcasts from 5 to 3 for the year. • 3,500 facebook friends. • There are 1,840 followers as at • 105,000 visits to the WASO website December 2013 • To date we have 5,887 facebook friends • There have been over 117,000 visits to the WASO website as at December 2013, 80,358 of these were unique visitors.

• 44 Performances, 7 Workshops and 22 in school presentations across metropolitan Perth, the Pilbara Region, Wheatbelt-Great Access through Southern and Geraldton/Dongara. 45 Education performances education programs • Free Resources for education programs available to download from waso website. • Improved links to WA Curriculum across K – 12 education program.

West Australian Symphony Orchestra ANNUAL REPORT 2013 6 Key Performance Indicators Cont.

Outcome 2013 Notes


• Artistic collaboration with West Australian Opera (4 productions), Perth International Arts Festival (1 production), West Australian Ballet (2 productions), Fremantle Arts Centre (2 performances), Tura New Music (2 performances). • WASO hosted the 4Arts Performing Arts Make interconnections with • 10 artistic collaborations Education Festival in 2013. This festival other companies/artists brings together WASO, West Australian Ballet, West Australian Opera and Black Swan State Theatre Company to offer a free 2 day program of performances and workshops catering for K – 12 students. The 2013 program included 4 performances and 17 workshops of which WASO presented 1 performance and 4 workshops.

• Assistant Conductor position created • Lachlan Skipworth undertaking Early Career Residency supported by the Australia Council • 50 Young artists supported and mentored Development of artists • Young & Emerging Artist program mentored • 95% satisfaction 26 students and a collaboration with the Perth International Arts Festival saw 37 students from the WA Youth Orchestra perform on stage with WASO.


Reserves ratio • Reserves maintained in excess of 20% • The Reserves Ratio is currently 21%

Working capital ratio • In excess of 1.3 • The working Capital Ratio is currently at 1.3

• The Operating Margin for 2013 is 0.3% Operating margin • In excess of 1.5% due to lower than expected ticket sales and corporate sponsorship.

West Australian Symphony Orchestra ANNUAL REPORT 2013 7 The Year in Brief

WASO presented 209 Subscription Performances performances, workshops No. Performances Attendances and artist development 2013 2012 2013 2012 activities to in excess Masters 16 16 20,323 21,742 of 186,000 people. Classics 16 16 19,322 22,277 Morning Symphony 6 5 8,266 7,199 Chamber 6 3 1,931 2,115 Family 4 3 6,052 4,580 Latitude 2 2 693 851 Total 50 45 56,587 58,764

The number of attendees at subscription concerts in 2013 was lower than 2012. There appears to have been a general downturn in sales across many of the art forms during 2013. The Contempo series was replaced with special events which were sold without a subscription base. The number of attendees for the 2012 Contempo series was 11,619 and these are now shown in the Specials line below. In spite of lower sales overall, the subscription ticket sales continued to be strong across all series and increased by 5% overall. Conversely, the single night ticket sales for these performances were 19% lower than 2012 levels. Subscription tickets represented 59% of tickets sold for subscription performances.

Other Performances, Workshops and Artist Development Activities No. Performances Attendances

2013 2012 2013 2012 Specials 16 12 23,767 19,925 Hires 3 5 6,600 11,651 Joint Venture 3 3 7,772 6,027 Education 66 74 16,213 16,052 Opera 19 15 36,535 29,698 Ballet 25 25 17,188 20,182 Free and other community 20 12 21,212 19,882 Artist development 7 2 612 1,209 Total 159 148 129899 124626

Special concerts have continued to be a successful avenue for increasing ticket sales across a variety of genres. WASO hosted the 4Arts Performing Arts Education Festival in 2013 bringing together WASO, West Australian Ballet, West Australian Opera and Black Swan State Theatre Company, offering a free two day program of performances and workshops for students from Kindergarten to Year 12. WASO continued to maintain a strong presence in education and community engagement projects throughout Western Australia, visiting several towns and their schools within three regional centres. Additionally, ABC Classic FM broadcast 16 WASO performances during the year, and WASO broadcast three performances via web streaming including the Symphony in the City performance which was also broadcast direct to six regional centres.

West Australian Symphony Orchestra ANNUAL REPORT 2013 8 The Year in Brief Cont.


9.31% 9.31% 25.23%25.23% 11.30%11.30%

5.82% 5.82% 62.57%62.57% 50.84%50.84% 20.47%20.47% 1.67% 1.67%9.32% 9.32%


West Australian Symphony Orchestra ANNUAL REPORT 2013 9 The Company

Paul Daniel Principal Conductor & Artistic Adviser Conductor Laureate

Orchestra Double Bass Management Relationship Marketing Manager Andrew Rootes (Principal) John Chaplain Jessica Bovenkerk Violin Joan Wright (Associate Principal) Orchestral Operations Manager Graphic Designer Giulio Plotino Christine Reitzenstein David Cotgreave Kirsty Chisholm (Concertmaster) Louise Ross Production and Technical Manager Digital Marketing Coordinator Margaret Blades Andrew Tait Alistair Cox Annie Loo Orchestra Manager Marketing Assistant (Associate Concertmaster) Mark Tooby Semra Lee Wee Ming Khoo Sava Papos Customer Service (Assistant Concertmaster) Flute Music Librarian & Sales Manager Noel Rhind Josie Aitchison Graham Pyatt Andrew Nicholson (Principal) Orchestral Operations Coordinator Customer Service Coordinator (Acting Principal First Violin) Mary-Anne Blades (Associate Principal) Zak Rowntree Beverley Trolio Business Service Customer Service Coordinator (Associate Principal 2nd Violin) Piccolo Peter Freemantle Alana Arnold Kylie Liang Chief Financial Officer Michael Waye (Principal) Customer Service Officer (Assistant Principal 2nd Violin) Daniela Antulov Margaret Daws Sarah Blackman Payroll Officer Oboe Customer Service Officer Fleur Challen Andrew Chew Vacant (Principal) Vicki Prince Customer Service Stephanie Dean Systems Administrator Vacant (Associate Principal) Officer Dorothy Ford Angela Miller Cor Anglais Debbie Silvester Rebecca Glorie Accountant Leanne Glover (Principal) Customer Service Officer Beth Hebert Svetlana Williams Robyn Westbrook Shaun Lee-Chen Accounts Officer Clarinet Customer Service Officer Akiko Miyazawa Anna O’Hagan Allan Meyer (Principal) Community New West Australian Lorna Cook Ken Peeler Engagement Symphony Orchestra Melanie Pearn Bass Clarinet Cassandra Lake employees: Louise Sandercock Community Engagement Manager Alana Arnold Jolanta Schenk Alexander Millier (Principal) Hannah Clemen Customer Service Officer Ellie Shalley Education Coordinator Hannah Clemen Jane Serrangeli Bassoon Corporate Education Coordinator Jacek Slawomirski Jane Kircher -Lindner (Principal) Annie Loo Bao Di Tang Adam Mikulicz (Associate Principal) Development Marketing Assistant Cerys Tooby Contra Bassoon Marina Woodhouse Executive Manager, Corporate Marc Missiaen David Yeh Administration Development Relationship Marketing Manager Chloe Turner Viola Sharmini Poulsen Executive Office Corporate Relations Manager Principal Contrabassoon Giovanni Pasini (Principal) Craig Whitehead Luci Steinhardt And farewell to: Berian Evans (Associate Principal) Chief Executive Officer Corporate Relations Executive Kierstan Arkleysmith Susan Brannigan Prue Ashurst Megan Lo Surdo Education Manager Nikola Babic Executive Administration Officer Functions & Events Coordinator Alex Brogan Vanessa Costanzo Ellen Wisdom Private Giving Marketing Assistant Katherine Drake Human Resources Manager Alison Hall Alecia Benzie Hilary McKenna Rachael Kirk Artistic Planning Executive Manager, Private Giving Marketing Coordinator Jane Clare Allan McLean Evan Kennea Sarah Gallinagh Fundraising & Philanthropy Officer Annual Giving & Bequests Helen Tuckey Executive Manager, Artistic Planning Sarah Gallinagh Coordinator Stephen McAllan Annual Giving & Bequests Artist Liaison & Chorus Sarah Murphy Cello Coordinator Administrator Human Resources Manager Rod McGrath (Principal) Ashleigh Perrella Louise McKay (Associate Principal) Claire Stokes Marketing Program Manager Corporate Development Executive Shigeru Komatsu Kelli Carnachan Alan Tyrrell Brendon Richards Oliver McAslan Executive Manager, Marketing Program Manager Tutti Violin Xiao Le Wu Lisa Westcott Tim White Eve Silver Orchestral Marketing Manager Principal Percussion Fotis Skordas Management Paula Schibeci We thank them for their Tim South Public Relations Manager Keith McGowan professional and personal Nicholas Metcalfe Executive Manager, Orchestral Marc Missiaen contributions to the company.

West Australian Symphony Orchestra ANNUAL REPORT 2013 10 The Company Cont.

WASO Chorus Katherine Langdon Susanna Fleck John Murphy Ciara McCaughey Diane Graves Andrew Paterson Marilyn Phillips Stephanie McGann Anne Hatten Ross Retallick Chorus Director Marie McKinnon Jill Jones Rey Rombawa Lea Hayward Joanna Morrison-Mayo Serena Kay Chris Ryland Accompanist Gemma Mullaney Gaylene Kelso SOPRANO Elysia Murphy Shew-Lee Lee Stephanie Parkinson Diana MacCallum BASS Valerie Bannan Natalia Robayo Clare May Justin Audcent Catherine Bapty Ann Robinson Lyn Mills John Bath Lisa Barrett Gosia Slawomirski Margot Morgan -Hill Marian Birtwistle Katrina Stanley Lynne Naylor Roger Blazey Anna Börner Ruth Sutton Deborah Pearson Adrian Bowen Annie Burke Vickie Swift Deborah Piesse Paul Brayshaw Kathryn Buselich Claire Taylor Liz Rombawa Ryan Bunney Alinta Caroll Magdalena Todea Neb Ryland James Devenish Sophie Chapman Dana Tonello Julie Summers Geoff Garside Rebecca Cooper Rebecca Tynas Louise Sutton Ken Gasmier Belinda Cox Margaret Warburton Rennae Van Der Laan Stephen Hastings Lisa Daffen Olga Ward Ian Hill Sian Dhu Brian Kent Moira Westmore Ceridwen Dumergue ALTO Benjamin Lee Jacquie Wright Casey Edwards Nicole Zago Andrew Lynch Bronwyn Elliott Irene Alberts Tony Marrion Davina Farinola Lisa Barz TENOR Benjamin Martis Amanda Fimmel Cheryl Bell John Beamish David Mathias Lindsay Foster Llewela Benn Michael Champion Patrick Melling Louise Gillett Daniella Birch Peter Clay Peter Ormond Kath Goodman Patsy Brown Jim Dormon Daniel Price Pauline Handford Mhairi Cameron James Gleeson Viv Read Heather Hannan Sue Coleson Rod Gonzales Jim Rhoads Victoria Hogg Jeanette Collins Ian Gordon David Riley Blanche Holzman Kay Dewar Allan Griffiths Steve Sherwood Rachel Jenner Catherine Dunn Peter Handford Chris Smith Michelle John Julie Durant Joel Huang David Webster Penelope Kimble Kaye Fairbairn Don Moore Paul Wilkins Maya Kraj-Krajewski Jenny Fay John Moreton Andrew Wong

West Australian Symphony Orchestra ANNUAL REPORT 2013 11 Artistic Report

This year was the last of Paul Daniel’s stunning reading of the Prelude and Other Artists tenure as Principal Conductor and Liebestod from Wagner’s great opera, Lior, James Clayton, Milijana Nikolic, Artistic Adviser, and we celebrated Tristan und Isolde. Daria Masiero, Angus Wood, Fiona with performances of some of the Campbell, Sara Macliver, Phil Doncon, great works from the orchestral In 2013 great Israeli violinist Pinchas Zukerman made his WASO debut. Eddie Perfect, Justine Clarke, Peter repertoire: Mahler’s Symphony No. Rowsthorn. 7, Berlioz’s Symphonie Fantastique, Appearing as soloist and conductor, his supreme musicianship made an Tchaikovsky’s Symphony No. 6, and WASO Musicians Strauss’ Four Last Songs. Paul Daniel’s indelible impression on both audience No WASO season would be complete tenure was characterised by his and members of the orchestra. without highlighting the exceptional adventurous and daring programs In 2013 our Chamber Series was talents of our musicians in concerto and 2013 was no exception: music by presented at Government House and other solo performances: Toru Takemitsu shared the stage with Ballroom in Perth and Fremantle Mahler, John Adams’ Slonimsky’s Town Hall, broadening our reach and Giulio Plotino, Giovanni Pasini, Earbox preceded Strauss’ Four Last showcasing our exceptional musicians Andrew Nicholson, Margaret Blades, Songs and a very rare performance to new audiences. Our new music Allan Meyer. of Charles Ives’ Orchestra Set No.2: festival Latitude returned to the Astor From Hanover Square North set the Theatre in Mount Lawley in August. Assistant Conductor scene for Gershwin’s Concerto. The two concerts of new music from A new initiative in 2013 was the Building ongoing relationships around the world included one world establishment of the position of with some of the world’s great premiere and six Australian premieres Assistant Conductor. Young Western musicians is crucial to bringing great and featured an outstanding concerto Australian conductor Christopher performances to our audience. In performance by Principal Viola Dragon won this coveted position 2013 we were delighted to perform Giovanni Pasini. after a successful audition. During his first year with the Orchestra, with returning and regular guest We introduced an International he conducted in the Masters conductors including Principal Recital series, allowing our audience Series, Latitude New Music Festival, Conductor Designate Asher Fisch, to experience another aspect of Symphony in the City, Family Series Conductor Laureate Vladimir the artistry of our visiting guest and was mentored by Principal Verbitsky, Simone Young, Arvo soloists. We also celebrated the great Conductor Paul Daniel and numerous Volmer, Otto Tausk, Yan Pascal marriage of music and film with two guest conductors. This new position Tortelier and soloists Ingrid Fliter, Piers live cinematic extravaganzas, Pirates is supported by the Simon Lee Lane, Sol Gabetta, Alban Gerhardt, of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Foundation and Symphony Services Jean-Yves Thibaudet, James Clayton, Black Pearl and The Lord of the Rings: International. Sara Macliver and Fiona Campbell. The Fellowship of the Ring. Making their WASO debut were NEW MUSIC conductors Douglas Boyd, Rory AUSTRALIAN ARTISTS WASO is a leader in Western Australia Macdonald, Pinchas Zukerman, As one of Australia’s great orchestras, for the performance, support and Ludwig Wicki, Richard Kaufman, Paul we are privileged to collaborate with promotion of new Australian and McCreesh, Michal Dworzynski and many of this country’s outstanding international works. In 2013 we soloists Baiba Skride, Orla Boylan, musicians and performers. In 2013 marked the 75th birthday of one Lior, Denis Kozhukhin, Daria Masiero, we were delighted to work with the of Australia’s great composers, Roger Amanda Forsyth, Milijana Nikolic, following Australian artists: Smalley, with the Perth premiere Pieter Wispelwey and Thomas Gould. of one of his major orchestral works. Conductors Some of the highlights of the 2013 We also celebrated Western season included Mozart’s final three Nigel Westlake, Vladimir Verbitsky, Australian composers and brought conducted by Douglas Simone Young, Benjamin Northey, the best new music from Australia Boyd, an exhilarating performance Peter Moore, Christopher van Tuinen, and around the world to Perth of Tchaikovsky’s Violin Concerto Christopher Dragon. audiences. by Baiba Skride and Asher Fisch’s

West Australian Symphony Orchestra ANNUAL REPORT 2013 12 Artistic Report Cont.

New Australian Works a former participant of WASO’s featured in Symphony in the City. World Premiere Composition Project and we are At the end of 2013 we bade farewell delighted to extend and deepen his to Chorus Director Marilyn Phillips James Ledger: Golden Years - Concerto artistic association with our orchestra. after eight years. During her time for Violin and Orchestra Jared Yapp: The Ecstatic [Viola Concerto] with the WASO Marilyn prepared the BROADCASTS Chorus for performances led by such acclaimed conductors as Paul Daniel, First Western Australian The ABC supports WASO with Simone Young, Jaap van Zweden, Performance regular broadcasts of our concerts Martyn Brabbins, Marin Alsop and Nigel Westlake: Compassion throughout the year. A total of 25 . Roger Smalley: Close to the Edge broadcasts of WASO performances Lachlan Skipworth: Afterglow were heard on ABC Classic FM around Australia and around SYMPHONY IN THE CITY New International Works the world. WASO webcast three Symphony in the City was performed Australian Premiere performances live via iiNet, which for the second time at Langley Park are also available on-demand. with approximately 20,000 people in Toru Takemitsu: Signals from Heaven I: Day Signal Selected webcasts were screened attendance. The inclusion of fireworks Steve Reich: Radio Rewrite at the Northbridge Piazza and from the top of the orchestral shell Emily Howard: Solar James Street Amphitheatre and made Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture David Sawer: the greatest happiness the Symphony in the City webcast a spectacular and colourful finale. principle was also simulcast at theatres in The program included highlights of Julian Anderson: The Discovery Albany, Kalgoorlie, Esperance, the forthcoming 2014 season and of Heaven Margaret River, Port Hedland and featured both Principal Conductor Nico Muhly: Seeing is Believing Broome. It was also broadcast live Paul Daniel and Assistant Conductor Helen Grime: Night Songs at Community Resource Centres, Christopher Dragon. Making his including Tambelleup, Augusta, WASO debut, Australian comedian First Western Australian Boyup Brook, Williams, Bridgetown, and actor Eddie Perfect hosted the Performance Nannup, Dalwallinu, West Arthur and concert. John Adams: Slonimsky’s Earbox Kununurra via Westlink. Toru Takemitsu: Signals from Heaven II: Night Signal COLLABORATIONS Thomas Adès: These Premises are WASO CHORUS West Australian Opera Alarmed The 2013 season saw the Verdi Rigoletto [Opera in the Park] WASO Chorus perform a varied Conductor Brian Castles-Onion Early Career Residency repertoire. Highlights included Verdi La Traviata In June 2013, West Australian their performances in two live Conductor Joseph Colaneri film extravaganzas – Pirates of the composer Lachlan Skipworth was Mozart Don Giovanni Caribbean: The Curse of the Black awarded an Early Career Residency Conductor Brian Castles-Onion grant from the Australia Council for Pearl and The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, in which they Puccini La Bohème the Arts and will work with WASO Conductor Joseph Colaneri through 2013 and into 2014. This were joined by the boys of the St Georges Cathedral Choir and Trinity project will see WASO workshop and West Australian Ballet perform three new works by Lachlan College Choir. Paul Daniel conducted the chorus in his Farewell Gala (Verdi’s Herman Severin Løvenskiold La Sylphide which will be recorded for broadcast Conductor Wolfgang Heinz by our colleagues at the ABC. One of Requiem) and in the Australian Kurt-Heinz Stolze after these works, Lachlan’s new Clarinet Premiere of Charles Ives Orchestral Tchaikovsky Onegin Concerto, will be premiered in the Set No. 2: From Hanover Square Conductor Myron Romanul 2014 Latitude New Music Festival, North. The Chorus also collaborated performed by clarinettist Ashley Smith with great French conductor Yan and conducted by Swiss conductor Pascal Tortelier to present the first Baldur Brönnimann. Lachlan is WASO performance in 19 years of Poulenc’s Gloria and they again

West Australian Symphony Orchestra ANNUAL REPORT 2013 13 Community Engagement Report

At the end of 2012, the West Australian Symphony Orchestra restructured the administration and created the Community Engagement Department. This significant move has resulted in expansion of the Community Engagement and Education program with a goal to make meaningful musical experiences available to people of all ages and circumstances.

Education to James Ledger for his ongoing The company schedules education commitment to the Composition programs throughout the year, Project. His contribution to the some of which are stand-alone program over a 3-month period is initiatives; others are supplementary invaluable. Composers are mentored to the WASO subscription series by James and WASO musicians while concerts at the Perth Concert Hall. they write a new piece for a 15 piece More than 16,000 young people ensemble. Guest artists who shared participated in or enjoyed WASO’s their expertise with instrumental Education program throughout the students as part of our International year including our lively Education Artist Masterclass Program included Chamber Orchestra (EChO) Pieter Wispelwey (cello), Denis performances, Primary School Kozhukhin and Ingrid Fliter (piano) concerts, Open Rehearsals, Morning and Baiba Skride (violin). Nine Symphony concerts, Backstage Pass instrumentalists took part in a 3-week on the Starlight Children’s Foundation concerts and our WACE performance intensive Orchestral Training Program. TV network. As a new initiative in our of the School Curriculum and Mentored by WASO musicians, Castlereagh & Friends program, we Standards Authority list of Designated this program helps bridge the gap provided an opportunity for students Works. New initiatives in our from music graduate to professional in the special educational needs choir education program included Auslan musician. at Leeming Senior High School to interpreters at a Primary School perform with a WASO string quartet. concert. Community Outreach WASO on the Road tours send small WASO remains committed to In 2013, WASO hosted the 4Arts ensembles to regional and remote presenting free public performances Performing Arts Education Festival. areas to present a series of workshop and engagement opportunities in Unique in Australia, this event programs, incursions, and school community settings around the brings Black Swan State Theatre and community performances. String Perth metropolitan area, as well as in Company, West Australian Ballet, ensembles toured the Pilbara region regional community centres. West Australian Opera and West (Karratha, Dampier and Onslow), Australian Symphony together under Now in its sixth year, our Hospital Wheatbelt - Great Southern region one roof to present two days of Orchestra Project (HOP) program (Cunderdin, Corrigin, Katanning, free performances and workshops has reached more than 1,200 Northam, Narrogin, Mt Barker to Kindergarten - Year 12 students. students in care at Princess Margaret and Albany) as well as Geraldton More than 5,000 students attended. Hospital, the state children’s hospital. (Dongara and Northampton). For Each performance or workshop some students and adults, WASO Young and Emerging Artists programme includes ward visits by on the Road is their first experience Our Young and Emerging Artist members of the Orchestra to children of classical music. Some audience programs are free for aspiring who are too unwell or physically members were invited to play along professional musicians and offer unable to attend the theatre with WASO musicians in a fun unique hands-on training experiences performance. HOP performances are adaptation of Leopold Mozart’s Toy for participants. Sincere thanks broadcast live throughout the hospital Symphony.

West Australian Symphony Orchestra ANNUAL REPORT 2013 14 Philanthropy Report

We are touched by the loyalty of our growing community of Patrons who support WASO through their gifts and we thank everyone who made a gift ...

Each year philanthropic partnerships 2013 making possible the purchase Thank you to the 2013 Patrons continue to grow in importance as of a celeste and set of five German & Friends Committee: an income stream for the Company. trombones. Robyn Glindemann, President We are touched by the loyalty of our • Our Beethoven Circle members growing community of Patrons who are major donors who together Barry Neubecker, Vice President support WASO through their gifts and contributed $100,000 towards the John Isherwood, Secretary we thank everyone who made a gift 2014 Beethoven Festival. Glenda Campbell-Evans in 2013. Patrons & Friends Events Heather Rogers Our Patrons belief in what we do Margaret Marston inspires all of us, musicians and Each year we hold a number of special Graham Mahoney administration staff, to continue to events for our Patrons and 2013 was strive to do our very best to live our no exception. Alongside these events Gina Humphries we also hold a series of events for the vision to touch souls and enrich lives Wolfgang Lehmkuhl whole Patrons and Friends community. through music and to take this vision Christine Reitzenstein (WASO to as many people as possible. Thank you to our Patrons & Friends Committee who helped to create musician representative) Overall philanthropic income increased a calendar of events for our broad Alecia Benzie (WASO management by 60% on 2012. This was made communities of patrons and friends. representative) possible through several philanthropic Events in 2013 included: campaigns including: Volunteers • Movie at Luna Cinemas Our Volunteer community grows • Annual Giving - this continues to be • Meet the Double Reeds each year and play an important the foundation stone of the WASO • Meet the Double Basses role at WASO. In 2013 the volunteer Private Giving program raising $446, community provided an enormous • Four WASO in Rehearsal events 730 in 2013. 1488 hours of support. From helping • Our inaugural Giving Catalogue • A two night sell out event of out with mail-outs in the office to provided meaningful opportunities Andrew and Ali at the Ellington being the smiling face that greets to donate to the value of an item Jazz Club the thousands of WASO audience or experience from our Community • Patrons & Friends Christmas Party members at our concerts, we are Engagement & Education program deeply grateful to all our volunteers All proceeds from these events • Reach Out is a campaign that for their contribution. go towards the Friends of WASO supports our growing Community Scholarship which supports It is important that our volunteers are Engagement & Education programs. professional development supported by WASO and since 2012 Special acknowledgement goes opportunities for musicians. In 2013 we have held an induction program at to the McCusker Charitable this Scholarship was awarded to the beginning of each concert season Foundation for their ongoing Principal Viola Giovanni Pasini to to update volunteers on roles both in support, enabling WASO to build undertake conductor training and to the office and in the Perth Concert and develop quality programs for Principal Trombone Joshua Davis to Hall. We have also increased the tertiary musicians. further his orchestral arrangement number of volunteer in the Hall at all • The Celeste & Brass Campaign studies. our concerts. successfully generated $81, 640 in

West Australian Symphony Orchestra ANNUAL REPORT 2013 15 Philanthropy Report Cont.

Thank you to all our volunteers Heather Rogers programs. who helped in the WASO office Christine Rtshiladze Prue Ashurst and Perth Concert Hall Sue Rule Andrew & Nicola Forrest Mary Azzopardi Calvin Snyders The James Galvin Foundation Brigitte Bauer Jan Stacey Barrie & Jude Lepley Pam Bennet Edel Taylor McCusker Charitable Foundation Glenda Campbell-Evans Ruth Thorn Simon Lee Foundation Margaret Walker Sandra Carruthers STRADIVARI CIRCLE Stan Vicich Annette Cottee Patrons who have made a special Valerie Vicich Val Ferreira contribution or donated substantial Robyn Forshaw Andrew Yuncken amounts over a number of years Pat Gallaher And thank you to the 60 volunteers to the Orchestra. Robyn Glindemann who worked tirelessly at our 2013 Dr Peter R Dawson Pauline Handford Symphony in the City. The Taylor Family Regina Hansen We thank the following patrons THE WASO SONG BOOK Annie Hood for their generous contribution to the We gratefully acknowledge the Gina Humphries 2013 Private Giving Program. support of the following individuals John Isherwood ENDOWMENT FUND FOR who have commissioned new music Colin Kennedy THE ORCHESTRA since 2010: Barbara Kent The Endowment fund includes Janet Holmes à Court AC Colin King major donations from individuals Peter Dawson Jo King and bequests. Funds within the Geoff Stearn Eric Lawson Endowment: Anonymous (1) Judy Leembruggen Tom & Jean Arkley Wolfgang Lehmkuhl Janet Holmes à Court AC CELESTE AND BRASS CAMPAIGN Russell Lejeune ESTATES Chris Louthean Special thanks to Patron Robert May who gave a generous $20,000 Brian MacFarlane WASO is extremely grateful for the bequests received from the Estates donation to start the campaign. Many Graham Mahony of the following benefactors: thanks to the following Patrons for Margaret Marston their donation: Mrs Roslyn Warrick Verna McLeod Bernard and Jackie Barnwell Nicky McLaughlin SYMPHONY CIRCLE Shirley Barraclough Julie Mews Patrons who have made a provision Tony and Mary Beeley Nelson Mews in their will to the Orchestra. Dr G Campbell-Evans Marina Murphy Anita Clayton Mary Carroll Mary Napier Judith Gedero Cheng Family Val Neubecker Wolfgang Lehmkuhl Barry J Cobb Barry Neubecker Tosi Nottage (In memory Edgar Gina and Neil Davidson Dusty Peck Nottage) Paul Duncan Pam Platt Judy Sienkiewicz Shirley Egan Sue Poli Sheila Wileman Ken Evans Heidi Polome Anonymous (16) Jenny Fay Brenda Pullan REACH OUT J M and J A Fetherston Jeanette Robertson Toni Frank Patrons who support our Education Audrey Rogers Pat Gallaher and Community Engagement

West Australian Symphony Orchestra ANNUAL REPORT 2013 16 Philanthropy Report Cont.

Elaine Gimson The following Patrons donate Tim & Lexie Elliott Robyn Glindemann to our Annual Giving Program Robyn Glindemann David and Valerie Gulland and their support is gratefully Sylvia & Wally Hyams Dale Halnan acknowledged: Keith & Gaye Kessell Peter and Pauline Handford Michael & Dale Kitney PRINCIPAL CONDUCTOR’S Penny Herbert (in memory of Bryant Macfie CIRCLE Dunstan Herbert) Mrs Morrell Mary Hillman Gifts $20,000+ Dr W B Muston Helen Hollingshead Janet Holmes à Court AC Anne Nolan Rosemary Howarth Jill Mulheron Ron & Philippa Packer Gina Humphries Brian and Nancy Murphy John & Paula Phillips John Isherwood Patricia New Ms Elizabeth Sachse & Dr Lance Risbey Helen Jekabsons IMPRESARIO PATRON Kavanagh Family Ros Thomson Gifts $10,000 - $19,999 Joy Kay M and H Tuite Gay & Bob Branchi Barbara Kent Ian Watson Tony & Gwenyth Lennon Rosalind Lilley Joyce Westrip OAM Joshua & Pamela Pitt Bryant Macfie Ken & Jan Williams Anonymous (1) Dr Andrew Marsden (in memory of Trish Williams - Strategic Interactions Dr Jane Talbot) MAESTRO PATRON Andrew & Marie Yuncken Gregg and Sue Marshman Gifts $5,000 - $9,999 PRINCIPAL PATRON Nancy Mitchell Jean Arkley (In memory of Tom Gifts $1000 - $2,499 Hilary Monck Arkley) Gail Archer SC & Patrick O’Neal Mary Napier Bill Bloking Margaret Atkins OAM Sean O’Brien Don Conroy Colin & Eve Beckett M and D Peters Ian and Elizabeth Constable Tony & Mary Beeley Pamela Platt Bridget Faye AM Suzanne & David Biddles Andrew and Suzy Poli Gilbert George and Associates John and Sue Bird (in memory of Brian Rettinger Dr Patricia Kailis Penny Bird) James Rowlands Margaret & Rod Marston Kevin Blake Martin Ryan-Macmahon Robert May & Daniel Lee Shing Matthew J C Blampey Judith Sienkiewicz Kong Mr John Bonny Jansje Slobbe Spinifex Trust Mrs Debbie Borshoff Peggy and Tom Stacy Peter & Jean Stokes Dr & Mrs P Breidahl Geoff Stearn Sue and Ron Wooller Jean Brodie-Hall AM Jean and Peter Stokes Anonymous (3) Gavin Bunning Leonie Stubbs Marilyn & Ian Burton VIRTUOSO PATRON Stan and Val Vicich Dr G Campbell-Evans Patricia Weston Gifts $2,500 - $4,999 Dr S L Cooke Ann Whyntie Prof Fred & Mrs Margaret Affleck Arthur & Nerina Coopes Ian and Jean Williams Neil Archibald & Alan R Dodge AM Hon June Craig AM Janet Williams Sally Burton Gay & John Cruickshank Trish Williams William Carr Norman & Denia Daffen Vanessa Woolley Mark Coughlan & Dr Pei-Yin Hsu Russell & Susan Dixon Anonymous (21) Stephen Davis Margaret Dobson

West Australian Symphony Orchestra ANNUAL REPORT 2013 17 Philanthropy Report Cont.

Julian Dowse Alan Pedersen (in memory of Hilary Elizabeth and James Brown Don & Marie Forrest Owens) C & K Brownlie Dr Andrew Gardner Charmian Phillips (in memory of Ann Butcher & Dean R Kubank Roger and Ann Gillbanks Colin Craft) Nanette Carnachan Graham & Barbara Goulden Pamela Platt Claire Chambers and Jannette Gray Andrew & Suzanne Poli Dr Andrew Shoebridge Sandra Gray Dr Leon Prindiville Lyn & Harvey Coates AO Joe & Deidre Greenfeld Chester Reeve Agatha & Alex Cohen AO Penelope Grosjean John & Alison Rigg Brian Cresswell Jacqui Grove Maurice & Gerry Rousset Gina & Neil Davidson Roger Sandercock David and Valerie Gulland Lesley & Peter Davies Dr R & J Schwenger Brian & Romola Haggerty Frances Davies Margaret & Roger Seares Richard B Hammond Jop & Hanneke Delfos Eve Shannon-Cullity Michael Harding Rai & Erika Dolinschek Julian & Noreen Sher Warwick Hemsley Lorraine Ellard Anne & Frank Sibbel Shigeki & Hinako Hirano Mrs G. Ewen Judy Sienkiewicz Michael & Liz Hollingdale Farghaly Family Laurel & Ross Smith Jim & Freda Irenic Annette Finn Dr Paul Smith & Denham Harry Joan Gagliardi Cynthia Jee Gail & Tony Sutherland George Gavranic Lilian & Roger Jennings Richard Tarala & Lyn Beazley AO Elaine Gimson Anthony Kane &Jane Leahy-Kane Gene Tilbrook Isobel Glencross Bill Kean Mary Townsend Jacqui Grove Anthony & Noelle Keller Dr Robert Turnbull Prof Des Gurry Dorothy Kingston Maggie Venerys Pauline & Peter Handford Dr Rob Kirk & Sarah Gallinagh Stan & Valerie Vicich Douglas M & Regina Hansen Stephanie & John Kobelke Watering Concepts Prof Alan Harvey Irving Lane Alan Whitham & Dr Paulien de Boer Ledge Finance Limited Freddi Wilkinson Richard Hatch Paul Lee Jean & Ian Williams AO Dr David & Annie Haultain Rosalind Lilley Dr Peter Winterton Dr Penny Herbert (in memory Graham & Muriel Mahony Anonymous (14) of Dunstan Herbert) Gregg & Sue Marshman Helen Hollingshead TUTTI PATRON Jennifer & Arthur McComb John Isherwood Betty and Con Michael AO Gifts $500 - $999 Catherine and Bernth Johansson Vicki Mizen Gloria & Ulrich Geoff & Joan Airey B M Kent Kunzmann Catherine Bagster In memory of Dr Brenton Knott Hon Justice S R Moncrieff Merle I Bardwell Trevor & Ane Marie Lacy Jane and Jock Morrison Bernard & Jackie Barnwell George Lipton Lynn Murray Shirley Barraclough Megan Lowe Val & Barry Neubecker P M Bennet Dr M E MacDonald & Dr Phil & Erlene Noble Michael & Nadia Berkeley-Hill Mr Michael Pauly John Overton Robert & Judith Bower Mrs Carolyn Milton-Smith (in loving The Family of Hilary Owens Diane & Ron Bowyer memory of Emeritus Prof. John Michael & Lesley Page Dr Vin & Diane Brennan Milton-Smith) Associate Prof Tim Pavy Kay Brice S B Monger-Hay

West Australian Symphony Orchestra ANNUAL REPORT 2013 18 Philanthropy Report Cont.

Dr Peter Moss Larissa Carpenter Lynne Naylor (in memory of Paul F Donald Casson Naylor) Steve Davey Marianne Nilsson Beth Duncan Marjan Oxley Christopher Edge Graham & Hildegarde Pennefather Simon Edmunds Bev Penny Kim Gibson Adrian and Ruth Phelps Julie Hammond Alpha & Richard Pilpel OAM Rosemary Hart Sheila Pinch Leonie Hicks Thomas & Diana Potter Peter Hogg Alison & John Price Margaret Holbrook Clarissa Repton Rosemary Howarth James & Nicola Ridsdill-Smith Jeremy James Nigel & Dr Heather Rogers Thelma Kahl Judith E Shaw Rob Lewis Hendrick Smit Elizabeth McGlew Michael Snell & Vicki Stewart Margaret McKay Peggy & Tom Stacy Veronica McLoughlin Elizabeth Syme David Millar Harvey Tijou Sharon Molloy Mrs Joan Tonkin MBE JP Peter Moore S R Vogt Michael Nichol Adrienne & Max Walters Michelle O’Dea Diana Warnock Anne Watson Ann Ohlsen Joy Wearne Guy Park Dr Chris & Mrs Vimala Whitaker Cynthia Playford Thank you Ann Whyntie Marion Plozza Violette William Solomon Raiter Janet Williams Roberta and Barry Chapman Judith Wilton and David Turner Judith Roberts Patricia Wong Heidemarie Saenger Yalambi Farm Stud Roma Simmonds Anonymous (14) Leon Tang Christine Thorpe FRIENDS Rhondda Tilbrook The following donors have given Adrian Truscott between $40 and $499, and we Patricia Turner thank them for their support: Izaak Wesson Dorothy Archer Betty Whincup Diana Atkinson Judith Whitaker Ann Barter Sandy Williams Peter Bath Meryl Wilson Cameron Boyle Barbara Wilson Brian and Diana Osler Doreen Yeap Brian and Joan Saleeba Anonymous (2)

West Australian Symphony Orchestra ANNUAL REPORT 2013 19 Corporate Development Report

This year marked the second year of an exciting Principal Partnership with Wesfarmers Arts. Wesfarmers Arts confirmed a new five year agreement in 2012

WASO’s corporate and government a new, vibrant and younger WASO to present Symphony in the sponsors are vital to the ongoing clientele, many of whom are new City at Langley Park. viability of the Orchestra. WASO comers to WASO. • Lotterywest provided support continued to generate a steady • RAC, along with The Water towards WASO’s Chorus, growing level of growth in Corporate Corporation, partnered with WASO the Community Engagement & Development revenue throughout on the Road - Great Southern. In Outreach program and Symphony 2013, achieving $2,881,919, a 5% 2013, a WASO string trio ventured in the City. increase on the previous year. This on a road trip throughout the Great • ConocoPhillips continued included a combination of grants, Southern region, visiting schools in-kind contributions and cash supporting the Orchestral Training and communities in Northam, Program, allowing for continual sponsorships. WASO offers a broad Narrogin, Cunderdin, Mount Barker range of programs to audiences and growth of young and emerging and Albany. Along the way the artists. the community, which would not WASO team, in addition to show be possible without the continued casing their musical talents, also WASO also acknowledges the State support of WASO’s corporate partners. provided education on driving safety of Western Australia through the Department of Culture and the Arts, This year marked the second year and water saving, in line with the Lotterywest, and the Commonwealth, of an exciting Principal Partnership support of both partners. through the Australia Council, for their with Wesfarmers Arts. Wesfarmers • Skywest was bought out by ongoing and vital support. Arts confirmed a new five year Virgin and with the support of agreement in 2012 to build upon Skywest/Virgin, WASO was able WASO would like to take this a partnership that began in 1998. to successfully transport numerous opportunity to thank every one of its Over the past 15 years the partnership artists and staff, which assisted corporate partners for their generous has grown into an extensive WASO to provide world leading and valued support in 2013. Their relationship which sees Wesfarmers concerts throughout the year. ongoing commitment ensures the Arts support the Orchestra across its Orchestra can continue to enrich lives WASO also thanks the following core activities, community, education through music and provide the people major partners whose increased and outreach programs. Wesfarmers of Western Australia with a state support in 2013 enabled the Orchestra has championed the arts for three Orchestra of international quality. to continue to improve and develop decades, working collaboratively with programs: premier arts organisations to foster the cultural life of the Western Australian • Chevron Australia’s support enabled community. WASO is thrilled to align WASO to further develop its with Wesfarmers Arts in this mutual regional tour to the Pilbara. endeavour. • Mitsubishi Australia’s support WASO welcomed the following new enabled WASO to undertake a sponsors to the Corporate Partners second tour to the mid-West region, family in 2013: including free community concerts at Geraldton and Dongara. • City of Stirling whose partnership with WASO assisted bringing the • Water Corporation, whose Latitude New Music Festival to partnership supported WASO the Astor Theatre again. Latitude on the Road (Great Southern), combines WASO with the best 4Arts, and family concerts. Australian and International new • City of Perth and the Department music and has been supported by of Culture and the Arts enabled

West Australian Symphony Orchestra ANNUAL REPORT 2013 20 2013 Corporate Partners

2013 Corporate Partners Lotterywest AECOM M2 Technology Group Alessandrino Property Group Marsh Pty Ltd Allion Legal Mitsubishi Amcom Mitsui & Co Australia Apache Energy Mitsui E&PAustralia Aquinas College Moss Wood Cape Mentelle Penrhos College Chevron Australia Perron Group City of Perth Pianohaas City of Stirling Pierro Margaret River Vineyards Clairault Wines Placer Management Group Commonwealth Bank RAC ConocoPhillips RICOH Department of Culture and the Arts Shell Development Australia Ernst &Young Singapore Airlines Gold Corporation - Perth Mint Skywest Grace Removals Group Stella Bella Wines Hamelin Bay Wines Stott & Hoare Happs Wines The West Australian Howard Park Wines Ultimo Hutton Wines UMAMU Estate Japan Australia LNG (MIMI) UWA John Holland Group Vasse Felix Juniper Estate Water Corporation Leeuwin Estate Wesfarmers Arts Lepley Properties

Hospital Orchestra Project

West Australian Symphony Orchestra ANNUAL REPORT 2013 21 WASO Holdings Limited ABN 22 122 779 739 West Australian Symphony Orchestra Pty Ltd ABN 26 081 230 284 445 Hay Street, Perth WA 6000 Po Box 3041, East Perth, WA 6832 Office P 08 9326 0011 F 08 9326 0080 Box Office P 08 9326 0000 F 08 9326 0099 waso.com.au