Join us at The Sacred Bee Saturday, December 8 th @ 2:00pm asasas OBERON ZELL-RAVENHEART and MORNING GLORY ZELL discuss The Grey School of Wizardry followed by a book signing of Oberon's new book A Wizard's Bestiary

Oberon Zell-Ravenheart is a renowned Wizard and elder in the worldwide magickal community. He co- founded the , a Pagan church with a futuristic vision, and is the creator and publisher of Green Egg , the award-winning NeoPagan magazine. Oberon was instrumental in the coalescence of the modern Pagan movement. In 1970, he had a profound Vision of the Living Earth which he published as an early version of “The Gaia Thesis.” Oberon is the primary artist of The Mythic Images Collection, producing beautiful jewelry and altar figurines of Gods, Goddesses, and mythological creatures, and is author of for the Apprentice Wizard , Companion for the Apprentice Wizard , Creating Circles & Ceremonies (with Morning Glory), and A Wizard’s Bestiary . He is also the Founder and Headmaster of the Grey School of Wizardry.

Morning Glory Zell first vision quested in 1968 and was ordained as a Priestess in the Church of All Worlds in 1974. She helped develop Sacred Wilderness retreats and the Living Unicorn project. She founded the Ecosophical Research Association in 1977, and was elevated to High Priestess in 1996. For over 20 years she has traveled, lectured and taught college courses on Neo-, the Gaia Thesis and Goddess re- emergence. She is a Goddess Historian, Loremistress and Ritual Priestess of the Great Goddess in Her many guises. She is a published poet, songwriter and author, with short stories included in two volumes of Marion Zimmer Bradley’s Sword and Sorceress anthologies; and she was an acknowledged consultant for MZB’s The Mists of Avalon . With Oberon, she co-authored Creating Circles & Ceremonies . Saturday, December 8 th @ 2:00pm at The Sacred Bee 1451-A East Main Street, Grass Valley (530) 272-6427 -