Professor Discusses Sex Slavery on NBC Ment's Liquor License

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Professor Discusses Sex Slavery on NBC Ment's Liquor License THE The Independent Newspaper Serving Notre Dame and Saint Mary's VOLUME 42: ISSUE 61 WEDNESDAY. DECEMBERS. 2007 NDSMCOBSERVER.COM Campus gangs up on Zahm in snow fight Club23up 500 students participate in frozen matchup; quads set rivalries aside, join against the Rabid Bats for sale on Cavanaugh Hall. By JAY FITZPATRICK But the Zahm residents News Writer would not fold. Craigslist Zahm freshman Scott There on the frozen tundra of Wilkinsen was confident in his North Quad, Zahm stood dorm's performance in the Owner says shooting against the world. early goings of the fight. The combined forces of North "We're taking it. It's not ter­ of students not afactor and South Quads - traditional rible," he said. "It's fine if they enemies in the annual snow­ want to come and get us - By MARCELA BERRIOS ball fight that accompanies the we'll take them anywhere, any­ Associate News Editor winter season's first accumula­ place. We went over there and tion of snow - numbered an started stuff, and they came Club 23 owner Mahmoud estimated 500 hurlers early back here. It's kind of dissipat­ Hussein has put the bar he has Wednesday morning and ing. We're taking it to them I owned for more than 20 years up backed the "Zahmbies" into think." KELLY HIGGINSfThe Observer for sale - on Craigslist. the corner that separates their Students play outside Dillon Hall early Wednesday morning. The asking price for the bar, dorm from neighboring see SNOW/page 3 About 500 students engaged in a campus-wide snowball fight. located on 744 N. Notre Dame Ave., is $695,000 and will get the buyer the tavern's 2,500 square feet of space, the building itself, the 57 -car parking lot, the furni­ ture inside and the establish­ Professor discusses sex slavery on NBC ment's liquor license. John Veit, a bartender at Club 23, confirmed by phone Tuesday Carr, human trafficking victim talk to MSNBC, 'Today Show' about forced labor in America night the listing's legitimacy. The Observer could not reach Hussein for comment, but he told waitresses in Virginia Beach WNDU that the August 21 shoot­ By KATIE PERALTA while they learned the lan­ ing of two Notre Dame students News Writer guage, but instead, two outside the establishment had human traffickers - Alex nothing to do with his decision to The story of a 20-year-old Macksimenko and Michael sell the bar. Hussein said he was Ukrainian woman and her Aronov - picked them up at tired of the late nights, WNDU months of forced labor at a the airport and took them to reported. strip club in Detroit shocked Detroit, Carr said. Seniors Matthew Collins and attendees at a Notre Dame The men imprisoned Katya Mitchell Depree were shot by an panel on human trafficking in and her friend in a house with unidentified man outside the November, and now it reached 15 other slaves, Katya said. bar's front door while they were audiences across America. Their captors forced the waiting for a ride. Depree was MSNBC and The Today Show women to work 12-hour shifts shot in the leg, and Collins sus­ aired reports Monday about as exotic dancers in Cheetah's, tained life-threatening injuries slavery in America, featuring a strip club. from bullets to the abdomen and the young victim - who "We would go to work, work leg. assumed the name "Katya" for 12 hours a day there. And, Though both Collins and privacy purposes- and Notre and the end of the shift, [at] 2 Depree recovered, Hussein told Dame law professor Bridgette a.m., [the captors] were wait­ The Observer in early September Carr. ing for us outside of the club he feared students were "boy­ Carr and Katya, her client, in the car. Sometimes they cotting" Club 23 because they told cameras that three years raped us there," Katya said didn't feel safe in the neighbor­ ago Katya and a friend left the during the MSNBC documen­ hood anymore. JESSICA LEEfThe Observer Ukraine to study English tary "MSNBC Undercover: Sex Professor Bridgette Carr speaks at a panel on human trafficking on abroad. The two young Contact Marcela Berrios at Nov. 5. She was featured on an MSNBC documentary on the subject. women had plans to work as see SLAVE/page 4 [email protected] COUNCIL OF REPRESENTATIVES 'Loyal Daughters' gets 'Rock the Vote' ca111paign planned male angle in co-writer Members hope to improve participation in student government elections past stories from original By AMBER TRAVIS writer Emily Weisbecker and By JOSEPH McMAHON News Writer Van Mill, who co-wrote this News Writer year's production. A man will be in charge of A physics and film, television Troubled by apathy and a "Loyal Daughters and Sons" and theatre student, Preston lack of participation in student next year when sophomore will take on Van Mill's duties govcrnnwnt affairs, the Council Devin Preston assumes the role and conduct a new round of of Hepresentatives announced of co-writer of the play, which interviews with victims of sex­ Tuesday its plans to launch its focuses on sexuality and sexual ual assault. Using findings own "Hock the Vote" campaign abuse at Notre Dame, from from the interviews, he will to encourage a bigger turnout senior Sarah Van Mill. produce the scripts for any in the upcoming student gov­ "I was really honored and new vignettes that will be ernment elections. grateful that [Van Mill] thought added to the program. The campaign will begin Feb. that I was capable of such an Preston, a former Observer 4 and last until the primary important position," Preston sports writer, said he was election day, Feb. 10. represen­ said. struck by "Loyal Daughters" tatives said during the In his role as co-writer - a and admired its ability to bring Council's meeting Tuesday. singular position - Preston to public discourse sexuality, a Only :~.492 students voted in will be in charge of any new subject he says is taboo on the student body elections last WU YUEfThe Observer material included in next campus. COR members discuss a "Rock the Vote" campaign to increase the year's production. The rest of see COR/page 4 number of student voters during their meeting Tuesday. the program will consist of see DAUGHTERS/page 4 page 2 The Observer+ PAGE 2 Wednesday, December 5, 2007 INSIDE COLUMN QUESTION OF THE DAY: WHO WILL WIN THE BCS NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP GAME? Allegory of the dor111 Socrates: And now lP.t me show in a figure how far our natun~ is enlightened or wwnlightened. Behold! Michael Eardley Bryce Ramos Teresa Hancock Sara Schreiber Students living in a single sex dorm. Mary Kozelka I lorn they have bmm since their fresh­ freshman sophomore junior senior junior man year. They St. Ed's Farley off campus off campus Farley have had their Joey King drinking games "Saint Mary's. "Notre Dame. I "The University dismantled, Viewpoint Editor "OSU can't win. "Breen-Phillips tlwir boor bong Because Jim Probably." Interhall like to think of Oregon, eonliseated, and thnir time and money assigned to Tressel wears Football team. positive." because their fines and community service. sweater vests Go Marina!" mascot beat the All around thP.m are better options; and Uggs. " crap out of other and you will see, if you look, a couple of " apartnwnt eomplexes within walking mascots. distance, as well as numerous houses only a short bike ride or drive away. Glaueon: I see. Sm~rates: And do you see the crowded study halls turned resideneies? Glaueon: You have shown me a strange image, and they are strange prisoners. IN BRIEF Sm~rates: And now look again, and see what will naturally follow if the prison­ The Rosary will be said at at ers are relnased and disabused of their the Grotto at 6:45 p.m. today. on-nunpus residency. At first, when any The Hosary is said daily. oftlHllll is libmatnd and compelled sud­ denly to buy J.,>Tocnries and dean the Campus Ministry is hosting a bathroom, he will sutler sharp pains; the celebration of Our Lady of chores will distress him, and he will be Guadalupe. Prayer serviees unable to sen tho world of which in his held to obtain speeial graces l(wrner state he had seen.only the bub­ are being held in St. Edward's ble; and then conceivo someone saying Hall Chapel at 9 p.m. eaeh to him that what he saw bnfore wa..<; night through Sunday. Tho okay lilr awhile, but to be moved on eelebration is eosponsored by from - what will be his rnply? Will he the Institute for Latino not fancy that the bathroom which he Studies, La Alianza and OLA. liwnwrly usml was cleaner than the ono used now? There will be NASDAQ Glaueon: Far dmmer. training sessions tonight SmTates: And whm1 the poliee eome from 6 to 7::Hl in the Eck to break up his party instead ofthe HA. Visitors' Center. The event is willlw not have regrets? lie will not available to students only. irnrnndiatnly appreciate his additional Today's topie is "Defining fmndoms. Your Customer Market and Glaueon: Not all in a moment. Competition." Socrates: lie will require to J.,'TOW accustomed to the workings of the WU YUE!fhe Observer The Take Ten program will slightly-more-real world. At first he will Though it's past 5 p.m., sophomore Dan Coyne, left, and freshman How Eun Lee wait sponsor loeal children at the soc tho old habil'l best, then he may to see their advisors in the Coleman-Morse Center and register for classes next Robinson Community stock a bar, then he will gaze upon the semester.
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