ABSTRACT Angola’s president João Lourenço is on an official visit to from 22nd to 23rd August 2018. Since it is factual that Angola’s ruling MPLA-regime is but a proxy server of a few Western nations accountable for the belligerent occupation of the territory of Cabinda since 1975; for the misappropriation of the Cabinda people’s own means of subsistence; and for the consequent genocide of the native Cabindans at home and abroad; the Presidential College of CNM (Cabindan National Movement) cannot help referring once more the legal-political difference between Cabinda and Angola to both the German people’s and government’s sense of justice and of international responsibility. Ever since the mid-1990s, CNM has tirelessly demonstrated, also to the German “Auswärtiges Amt,” the fact that Western instigated illicit occupation of Cabinda by Angola is the major contributing factor to the political instability and insecurity in Central and Southern Africa, inasmuch as it cannot help frustrating the free functioning of democratic institutions in Cabinda’s neighboring countries. The harmful consequences of the occupation are such that life expectancy at birth has dropped from 75 years in Portuguese colonial era to 48 years nowadays; and child and maternal mortality rates are among the highest in the world. Cabinda, whose nationals do not exceed two million, is rich in oil, uranium, manganese, phosphates, iron, diamonds, gold, hardwood, and so forth. In oil alone, Cabinda is being CABINDA AND robbed of over 35 Billion US dollars per year. Accordingly, the goal of president Lourenço’s visit is to dissuade Germany from siding with the oppressed people of Cabinda, in our legitimate struggle to regain political and economic sovereignty, by offering lucrative business opportunities to German entrepreneurs and GERMANY bankers interested in. But if Chancellor Angela Merkel ends up yielding to the pressures of economic interests, we will then have Cabinda’s Petition to German People and Government a repeat of the fatal strategic mistake made by Bismarck in 1884. Bartolomeu Capita (Mr.) Presidential College, Cabindan National Movement Berne - Switzerland, July 22nd, 2018

Cabindan National Movement • Facebook/Bartolomeu_Capita • Twitter/@BCapita • LinkedIn/Cabinda_Independent

Cabindan National Movement Bartolomeu Capita Refugee under UNHCR mandate C/o Christkatholische Pfarramt Kramgasse 10 / CH-3011 Bern Tel.: +41 (0) 765 178 321 [email protected]

Berne, 22nd July 2018

To Her Excellency Dr. Angela Merkel Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany Bundeskanzleramt Willy-Brandt-Strasse 1 10557 / Deutschland GERMANY

Issue : Cabinda and the First Official Visit of Angola’s President João Lourenço to Germany.

Dear Madam Chancellor, Angola’s president João Lourenço is scheduled to be on his first official visit to Germany on August 22nd-23rd, 2018. As you certainly know, the belligerent occupation of Cabinda by Angola was conceived by France and the United States of America; made viable by the latter’s stage-managed men, i.e. Dr. Mário Soares (Portugal), Mobutu Sese Seko (Zaïre, now DRC), and Henriques Tiago Nzita (“Cabinda”?); and made a reality by Angola’s ruling MPLA-regime with the financing of the West, and the military backing of both Castro’s Cuba and the Soviet Union.1 Therefore, on the occasion of such a visit, it is my task and duty to petition the German people and government for an irreversible end to the Western genocide by proxy in my native country, i.e. Cabinda. I spare you the catalogue of the facts that legitimize the struggle of the oppressed people of Cabinda to recover political sovereignty, and all at once our own means of subsistence, for I have been acquainting the German Foreign Ministry with the ins and outs of the legal-political difference between Cabinda and “Angola” ever since the mid-1990s. In the afternoon of August 21st, 2002, I did have a personal interview with Mr. Stefan Delfs, a high-ranking German government official, in Berlin, i.e. Auswärtiges Amt. During this consultation, which lasted one and a half hour, I demonstrated, among other things, the resolute fact that Cabinda’s attainment and maintenance of self-determination, self-esteem, and self-defense constitute the sine qua non for a long-lasting political stability and security in Central and Southern Africa.

1 Bartolomeu Capita, Cabinda: Petition to European Christian Churches, Switzerland: May 25, 2018. https://cabindacitizenship.files.wordpress.com/2018/05/petition-to-european-christian-churches1.pdf 1

On July 13th, 2005, the then Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Italy, namely His Excellency Mr. Michael H. Gerdts, gave me the opportunity to speak to Dr. Feeke Meents, then head of the political section, about the harmful consequences of the criminal occupation of Cabinda by particular Western nations through Angola’s ruling MPLA-regime. At this conference, I outlined my understanding of the prevailing situation, specifically the roles played by the principal parties, and the elements needed for a constructive resolution of the problem. I also clarified issues related to the historical development of this very question and the place of my organization (CNM) within it. In conclusion, I insisted that the German people and government, in partnership with Portugal, is the Western entity better placed to help solve the Cabinda issue, and to help the entire Africa make the type of progress that time demands. On December 15th, 2005, the German Prof. Dr. Benedikt Steinschulte, then head of the Pontifical Council for Social Communication, gave me the occasion to visit the Vatican City and, at the same time, to speak to him on the subject of the overlooked refugees from Cabinda, who are scattered from place to place in the bordering countries. After that, precisely on January 25th, 2006, I was given the opportunity to shake hands with His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI in the Vatican City. However short my interview with the German-born Pope was, I could acquaint Him with the unjust and cruel treatment being inflicted by specific Western Christians on the segregated Christians of Cabinda. By the end of 2006, I went back to Berlin. Here, I acquainted the main political parties and related Foundations with the malicious occupation of my native country (Cabinda) and the resulting arrogation of our own means of subsistence by a bunch of Western “democracies” through Angola’s MPLA-regime, to which president João Lourenço belongs as well. Among the countless German public figures who I met and spoke to about the obligation to stop Angola’s political repression, economic exploitation, and social degradation in Cabinda, I mention Mr. Klemens Moemkes, then Head of the International Office (CDU); Mrs. Annette Schwarzbauer M.A., then Head of the Team Africa and Middle East at Konrad-Adenauer- Stiftung e.V.; and the then global Leader of the “Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker” (GfbV). On November 25th, 2007, at Saint Hedwig Cathedral of Berlin, I was given the chance to familiarize His Eminence Cardinal Georg Sterzinsky, His Excellency Archbishop Dr. Jean-Claude Perisset, Apostolic Nuncio to Germany at that time, and His Grace Archbishop Wolfgang Weider with the Cabinda issue. On November 29th, 2007, by way of the aforementioned Apostolic Nuncio to Germany, I exhorted once again His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI to overtly side with the ill-treated people of Cabinda in our lawful quest for justice and peace, in pursuance of the UN Charter and relevant UN GA Resolutions. On January 7th, 2008, at some point in His wonderful Address to the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Holy See for the Traditional Exchange of New Year Greetings, Pope Benedict XVI expressed concern over African regions in the grip of conflicts, injustice, and violence as follows: “The is not indifferent to the cries of pain that rise up from these regions. She makes her own the pleas for help made by refugees and displaced persons, and she pledges herself to foster reconciliation, justice and peace.” Enthusiastically demonized, mainly in the West, by those who want an Africa merely regarded as a “vile body”2 on which an assembly of politic birds of prey freely sit down and make a comfortable meal, the Pope resigned, with Him the pleas for help made by the refugees and displaced persons that Cabindans also happen to be. The fact remains that a comfortable workplace in the middle of Berlin, precisely at the heart of the Palais am Festungsgraben - Am Festungsgraben 1 - 10117 Berlin, was charitably put at my disposal. This was a palpable diplomatic support from the caring people of Germany out of solidarity with the oppressed people of Cabinda, inasmuch as the office was actually my meeting place with a number of diplomats and businessmen positioned in Berlin. This was/is a tangible illustration of German people’s and government’s

2 Dr. Elfi Bendikat, Imperialistische Interessenpolitik und Konfliktregelung 1884/85, Wissenschaftlicher Autoren-Verlag (WAV), Berlin: 1985, pp. 77-80. Or see: “The Scotsman” of October 16th, 1884. 2 great sense of responsibility. Although deprived of the prerogatives enjoyed by the permanent members of the UN SC, Germany is everywhere prepared to take responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security. My diplomatic approaches, while making use of my fortunate office within the Palais am Festungsgraben, comprise a set of applications to the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, i.e. Your Excellency Dr. Angela Merkel. Throughout the German European Union Presidency 2007, I had the privilege of imploring you to carry out a multilateral diplomacy consistent with the provisions of Article 35 of the Charter of the United Nations, inasmuch as the legal-political dispute between Cabinda and Angola is of the nature referred to in Article 34 of the very same UN Charter.

What is Angola’s president going to do in Germany?

1. Since the lawfulness of the right of the people of Cabinda to reclaim political sovereignty, and all at once to regain our own means of subsistence, is undeniable; and since the United Nations has reliably issued statements supportive of or consistent with Cabindan self-determination and independence;3 in order to keep the illegal occupation of Cabinda and the gigantic ransacking it entails going on, the mercenary government of Angola (MPLA) and its Western guardians must necessarily bribe specific nation-states with alluring business opportunities to abstain from fostering justice and peace in the oil-rich Non-Self-Governing Territory of Cabinda. Western raiders of Cabinda’s natural wealth and resources are tenacious to keep Germany far away from the right of the people of Cabinda to recover political and economic sovereignty. Hence, they must do everything in their power to bribe Germany by way of their stage-managed man, i.e. Angola’s president João Lourenço. The bribery is planned to have two facets―economic and political.

The economic facet of the bribery will inevitably be performed by Angola’s head of State in the form of influence peddling. Since it is widely known that German politicians are not open to bribery, Mr. Lourenço has no further option but offer bribes through German bankers, as well as food, arms, and cars manufacturers. Attractive business prospects will be given the latter through the German-Angolan Economic Forum. In exchange, the beneficiaries of the extremely lucrative business opportunities will commit themselves, under oath, to carry great weight in the political balance in order to dissuade the German political class from bringing the Cabinda issue to the attention of the UN General Assembly or of the Security Council, in line with the provisions of Article 35 of the UN Charter.4

The political facet of the bribery will consist of the visiting president’s official speeches, anything but propaganda, meant to be later used by German politicians to justify Germany’s ever closer relationship with Angola, thus burying once again under the national carpet the fact that president João Lourenço’s regime is carrying out an illegal occupation of an African country which has no common border with

3 Through its 17th Session of the year 1962, the General Assembly of the United Nations clearly makes common cause with the people of Cabinda by: a) Hearing the then representative of the Cabindan liberation movement, i.e. H.E. Mr. Luís Ranque Franque, as a petitioner ― Doc. of the 17th Session of the UN GA – 4th Committee A/C. 4/SR 1391 – 20 November 1962; UN Official Documents / Point 54 of the Agenda: Non-observance by the Portuguese Government of Chapter XI of the Charter of the UN and of Resolution 1514 (XV) of the UN GA: Report of the Special Committee for the Territories under Portuguese administration (A/5160). b) Adopting the following Resolutions as response to the petitioner from Cabinda: 1807 (XVII) of December 14, 1962; 1808 (XVII) of December 14, 1962; 1810 (XVII) of December 17, 1962; and 1871 (XVII) of December 20, 1962. There are also those adopted by the UN SC, like: 180 (1963) of July 31, 1963 [S/5380]; 183 (1963) of December 11, 1963; 218 (1965) of November 23, 1965; and 312 (1972) of February 4, 1972. Also the ECOSOC’s Report/Document E/CN.4/2005/101/Add.2 of February 21, 2005. 4 Art. 35 (1.) of the UN Charter asserts: Any Member of the United Nations may bring any dispute, or any situation of the nature referred to in Article 34, to the attention of the Security Council or of the General Assembly. 3

Angola, i.e. Cabinda. It goes without saying that said occupation militates against the United Nations ideal of universal peace, inasmuch as it involves the plundering of the native people’s own means of subsistence and resulting extermination of the genuine holders of the legal and inalienable title to the oil-rich territory of Cabinda. In Germany, Angola’s president João Lourenço will sing his own praises, in an attempt to convince the German public opinion that he is a democrat and a trustworthy head of State committed to fighting corruption and criminality in his own country.5 And yet, neither can he be a democrat nor a president devoted to honesty and rightfulness, for he is a hostage of the ruling MPLA-party which was designed to be the International Commissioner of the Congo, i.e. a mercenary entity in charge of easing the ransacking of the Congo basin’s natural wealth and resources.6

In 2008, for example, the so-called “Memorandum of Understanding” that was negotiated by the Angolan government with a Cabinda native previously suborned, i.e. Mr. António Bento Bembe, on July 15th, 2006, in Congo-Brazzaville; and later signed by the same Bento Bembe and the Angolan minister for Interior administration, namely Mr. Virgílio de Fontes Pereira, in Angola’s southern port city of Namibe on August 1st, 2006; was extensively trumpeted by the crook government of Angola and its Western caretakers as the ultimate and long-lasting solution to the thorny problem of Cabinda. As a result, a number of Western governments hit by Angola’s well-oiled propaganda abstained from paying attention to the truth and integrity CNM is representing up until now. In the earliest days of the year 2008, Dr. Dr. Rolf Friedrich Krause, answering in behalf of Dr. Angela Merkel to a letter I addressed to her on December 17th, 2007, did brandish said Memorandum of Understanding. Yet, more than ten years after the signing of this Memo, the MPLA-regime’s criminal use of the State and the economy is recurring with ever-enhanced intensity.

2. According to US president John Adams, “there are two ways to enslave a nation; one is by the sword, the other is by debt.” After we (Africans) were kidnapped, cruelly thrown into ships’ holds, enslaved, and traded for goods or money for hundreds of years, owing to the might of specific Western nations’ sword, came the time for the very same Western nations to enslave us (Cabindans and Angolans) by debt. The debt incurred by Angola’s despotic regime consecutively represented by António Agostinho Neto, José Eduardo dos Santos, and now by General João Lourenço, is an undeniable “odious debt.”7 It is an explicit “odious debt” for the populations of both Cabinda and Angola, since it was contracted not for the needs or in the interest of these populations, but to strengthen the despotic regime of the debtor, and to repress the populations that fight against it, i.e. the dictatorship. Hence, Angola’s debt is neither an obligation for the nation of Cabinda nor for the nation of Angola; it is a regime’s debt, a personal debt of the power that has incurred it. For the reason that no State succession has occurred in Angola since the country’s independence in 1975, international legal obligations in respect of State debts are automatically transferred to the State newly restarted by president João Lourenço.

3. The visiting president has two additional aims in Germany: 1) to guarantee Western mightiest nations and international monetary institutions, e.g. World Bank and International Monetary Fund, that as representative of the successor State he will never ever shirk his predecessor’s obligations as concerns the State debts contracted by the latter; 2) to enter into additional debts meant to enhance the strength of the MPLA-led kleptocratic regime, and to bribe a set of western military-industrial complexes by placing with the latter extremely valuable orders involving an exciting percentage of commissions and

5 Rafael Marques de Morais, Angola’s Killing Fields: A Report on Extrajudicial Executions in Luanda - 2016-2017. https://www.makaangola.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/EXTRAJUDICIAL-KILLINGS-IN-ANGOLA-2016-17.pdf 6 Dr. Elfi Bendikat, op. cit., pp. 132-134. Also The Economist of October 18th, 1884. 7 Prof. Robert Howse, The Concept of Odious Debt in Public International Law, Discussion Papers: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, No. 185 - July 2007, UN/Geneva, p. 2. 4

retro-commissions for both the sellers and the buyers; in return the bankers, arms manufacturers, and politicians thus corrupted will commit themselves to secure greater longevity for Angola’s kleptocracy, i.e. rule by thieves. As a matter of fact, there is political change or regime change in Mr. Lourenço’s Angola. He is therefore far, very far from being a democrat and a trustworthy head of State committed to fighting the criminal use of the State and the economy in his own country.

4. Since Cabinda’s oil alone is the source of 80% of Angola’s national budget, in addition to the obvious fact that it is from Cabinda that Angola earns nearly all of its foreign exchange,8 in Germany, Angola’s president João Lourenço is expected to sadly beg the postponement sine die of Cabinda’s attainment of self-determination, self-respect, and self-defense. And yet the deferment of Cabinda’s recovery of political sovereignty signifies endorsement of the extermination of the people of Cabinda in progress, and the daylight robbing of the Cabinda people’s own means of subsistence all at once. And yet such an endorsement implies deliberate violation of the rule enshrined in the 1966 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and the 1966 International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights according to which: “All peoples may, for their own ends, freely dispose of their natural wealth and resources without prejudice to any obligations arising out of international economic co-operation, based upon the principle of mutual benefit, and international law. In no case may a people be deprived of its own means of subsistence.” Angola’s president João Lourenço intends to use Cabinda’s natural wealth and resources as guarantee to the creditors of both the predecessor and successor States. As it is about “odious debts,” the German people and government should not endorse the enslavement and the genocide of the people of Cabinda by way of the “odious debts” incurred by Dos Santos’ regime as well as by Lourenço’s.

Germany should not redo Bismarck’s strategic mistake!

1. The Federal Republic of Germany is the Western European nation better placed to help the West as a whole to discuss their own ability to uproot from their midst signs of intolerance, signs of violence, and self-destruction on the path toward moral regression. In other words, Germany’s moral-political authority is authentic enough to bring Western influential nations down on the right side of human rights and international law. The fact remains that abiding by international law and fostering the rule of law form part of the content of equity as “a general principle of law of civilized nations.” Hence, concerning Cabinda, the German people should not give in to the pressure of the economic interests bribed one way or another by Angola’s mercenary regime, nor succumb to Western propaganda that is selling João Lourenço as a democrat and a reforming leader. A democrat worthy of the name can neither confiscate by military means the political sovereignty of any country whatsoever, nor deprive the associated people of their own means of subsistence! In the event that the Germans give in to the aforesaid pressure, it will be the repeat of the fatal strategic mistake made by Bismarck in 1884.

Bismarck did definitely walk into a trap set by Germany’s long-standing imperialistic challengers, who managed to have him give in to the pressure of a number of German manufacturers and bankers. The latter pressed for the grasp by Germany of a noteworthy sphere of influence in Africa destined to be a better-quality environment for their private investments. First, in April 1884, Germany got settled in the southwest African coast; after that in Cameroon; finally, in eastern Africa, north of the British

8 Dr. J. Peter Pham, Cabinda: The Forgotten Conflict America Can’t Afford to Forget, World Defense Review (USA), published on July 5th, 2007; http://worlddefensereview.com/pham070507.shtml 5

settlements.9 These German acquisitions in Africa immediately opened the door to acid controversies between the European imperialist nations. If truth be told, the rivalries became ferocious in central Africa, chiefly in the Congo basin, where the German quest for an enhanced sphere of influence had all at once Cabinda, Angola, and the then known as Belgian Congo (now DRC) in mind. Bismarck’s mistake was determined by the fact that the German ruling class and businessmen stopped being loyal to the unprejudiced soul of the German people, inasmuch as the German investments in Africa went as far as to disregard the interests of the native populations. And this is exactly what Western nations and related monetary institutions are thus far and justly blamed for, when one takes into consideration the imbalance between the devastating poverty all over Africa and the mountains of billions of €uros that Western imperialist nations are yearly stealing from African children.10

2. German people’s unbiased soul is authenticated by the outstanding African-American journalist and writer Roi Ottley. He said: Since racial bias against Negroes is not in the German history or character, racial prejudice in Germany is something that one can turn on and off at will. The unprejudiced soul of the German people is likewise verified by the fact that Germans were the only Western nation, as far as I know, that got the courage to provide the ill-treated African peoples with guns so they could fracture the Western imperialist yoke. On this matter the complaints of Germany’s challengers are reported in a British newspaper of 1885 as follows:

The German interest in Africa is her own export trade, which chiefly consists in providing the natives with gin and firearms. (…) The German interest of course prevailed, and the protection of the native against gin and of the European settler against armed natives remains a pious wish.11

If truth be told, in the aftermath of WWI, racial prejudice in Germany was turned on at will by the “victorious” delegates at the Paris Peace Conference in January 1919. The Conference resulted in the harsh Treaty of Versailles, which forced Germany to pay heavy reparations to the Allies. As planned, this ruined the German economy, leading to depression, and eventually provided the pretext for the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazis.12 Everything was planned earlier by said delegates, their foremost goal at that time being the WWII that we were subjected to, as black-skinned people were but mere cannon fodders on both sides. Lying beneath these racial prejudices and wars are cunning policies by politicians and businessmen inclined to sacrifice human lives on the altar of money and profit. It must be pointed out that Germany’s long-standing contenders are, one way or another, stage-managing the corrupt regime now personified by president João Lourenço.

3. “2017: Africa’s Year for Germany” is the headline of an Article published by the Portuguese section of Deutsche Welle on January 3rd, 2017.13 As said by Mr. Pelz, “Africa is likely to play an important part in the political agenda of Germany, as the interest of the latter in strengthening ties with African nations is on the increase.” In the article, Germany is said to have in mind to chart the most suitable mechanisms to magnify economic development in Africa. With respect to the German-headed “G20” Summit that took place from July 7th to 8th, 2017 in Hamburg, the article announced that the focus was scheduled to be on “creating improved environments for private investors in Africa.” As it is first and foremost a task and duty of African Sovereign States to generate better-quality environments for

9 Pierre Renouvin, Histoire des Relations Internationales, Tome VI: Le XIXe Siècle, 2ème Partie: De 1871 à 1914, l’Apogée de l’Europe, Chapter V - Le Choc des Impérialismes Coloniaux, Paris Hachette: 1953, pp. 79, 90-91, 284, 288-290. 10 Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten (DWN), Frankreich kann seinen Status nur mit Ausbeutung der ehemaligen Kolonien halten, Germany: 2015; https://deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/2015/03/15/frankreich-kann-seinen-status-nur-mit-ausbeutung-der- ehemaligen-kolonien-halten/ See also Siji Jabbar, in This Is Africa: http://www.thisisafrica.me/city-life/detail-1603/How-France-lives- off-Africa-with-the-Colonial-Pact 11 The Manchester Guardian of February 26th, 1885. Also Elfi Bendikat, op. cit., pp. 192-194; 12 David Livingstone, Black Terror, White Soldiers: Islam, Fascism, and the New Age, Sabilillah Publications, USA: 2013, p. 238. 13 Daniel Pelz, gcs, 2017: O ano de África para a Alemanha, Deutsche Welle, January 3rd, 2017. 6

both domestic and foreign private investors, the suitable cooperation between Germans and Africans is that which prevents the German ruling class from being induced to become a mere instrument of unprincipled corporations here and there in Africa; a cooperation designed to enhance among African peoples the spirit of self-reliance. In this connection, president Kim Il Sung, one of the saviors of the African people who gave positive help and guidance to them in their national liberation struggle, once declared the following:

If it fails to build an independent economy run by its own resources, technology and cadres, no country can frustrate the economic pressure by imperialists and defend its political independence in the long run.14

4. Ever since the early 16th Century, the leading European imperialist nations are competing to grab territories across the African continent in what is usually known as the “Scramble for Africa.” Millions of Africans were slaughtered or starved as the European armies rivaled each other to loot the immense resources. Back then, the European powers justified their criminal conquest and theft with a “civilizing mission” ― the notion that the white man was bringing morality and democracy to backward black people. Thanks to the Western imperialist nations’ “civilizing mission,” millions of Africans ended up being kidnapped, cruelly deported, enslaved, and traded for goods or money for hundreds of years. Today, another pretext for the conquest of Africa has been found, with this time around the United States joining the Europeans. The motivation is the same as during the colonial- era “Scramble for Africa.” It is to dominate African countries in order to exploit their natural wealth and resources―this time under the seemingly noble guise of helping Africans to combat terrorism.15

West Africa is seen as one of the new untapped oil regions of the world. It also has immense mineral wealth, from precious metals, such as gold and silver, to the raw material for nuclear energy, uranium. But for political and legal reasons the Western powers cannot just pile into Africa in a naked venture of plunder. And this is where the alleged “terror threat” becomes a fitting cover for what is otherwise naked imperialism. If Germany succumbs to the alluring business opportunities offered by Angola’s colonial president João Lourenço, and thus shirk her international responsibilities regarding the illicit occupation of Cabinda by Angola, by means of which Western nations deprive the people of Cabinda of our own means of subsistence, it will be but the proof that Germany’s performance is compatible with what we are told by Dr. Rath Health Foundation, we quote: The European Union is controlled by corporate interests whose chief goal is to conquer the world using political, economic and—if necessary—military force. Towards this end, they are systematically destroying the democratic legal system in all regions of the world, including Africa, and are replacing it with Nazi-fascist dictatorial law.16 It will likewise be the confirmation that the German ruling class endorses the French Colonial Pact, by means of which France steals from her former African colonies 440 Billion €uros per year.

14 The Reunion Black Family, President Kim Il Sung North Korea Immortal Contributions to African Liberation, May 27th, 2017; Website: http://www.reunionblackfamily.com/ 15 Paraphrasing Finian Cunningham, Western New Scramble for Africa, November 4th, 2012. http://www.veteransnewsnow.com/2012/11/04/wests-scramble-for-africa-terror-pretextin-mali/ 16 Dr. Rath Health Foundation, The Nazi Roots of the ‘Brussels EU’: What You Always Wanted to Know about the ‘Brussels EU’—But No One Dared to Tell You, Germany: 2010, pp. 19, 28. 7

Appropriate pathway Germany should keep on!

1. Regarding the right of the people of Cabinda to enjoy all-inclusive self-determination and permanent sovereignty over our own natural wealth and resources, it is a matter of urgency that Germany retrieve her allegiance to the fair-minded soul of the honorable German people. This is a call for compassion, amidst frightening cries of pain,17 of a people being sacrificed on the altar of money and profit by the very same “civilized nations” that sacrificed Patrice Lumumba to corrupt and stage-manage Mobutu Sese Seko, and sacrificed Viriato Clemente da Cruz to pervert and maneuver successively Agostinho Neto, José Eduardo dos Santos, and now João Lourenço, who is soon in an official visit to Germany. The cries of pain that rise up from Cabinda, by extension from Africa, merge with those that rise up from Germany, as we perceive them in the momentous book by Freda Utley titled The High Cost of Vengeance. If you are able to imagine yourself in the shoes of those innocent German civilians on whom the so-called victors of WWII inflicted the less-talked about inhuman treatment, then you are capable to make decisions in line with the philosophy of the German-born Pope Benedict XVI, quote: If you want to cultivate peace, take care of the creation. To rejoice we need not only things but love and truth.

2. In her recent visit to Portugal, Chancellor Angela Merkel was quoted as saying: “Africa is an enormous challenge.” It is a big challenge, indeed! Hence the oppressed people of Cabinda challenge Dr. Merkel, together with the German people and government to honestly foster the much hoped for appropriate application and implementation of international law in Africa, especially in the Non-Self-Governing Territory of Cabinda. Not long ago, Portugal was justly considered by Chancellor Angela Merkel to be a privileged partner that can contribute, in partnership with Germany, to the full development of the African continent. Dr. Merkel’s relevant view concurs with the Cabindan National Movement’s, inasmuch as we are long since and tirelessly urging both Germany and Portugal to play a critical role in the settlement of the Cabinda issue, as well as in the integral development of that country. Since Africa has been turned into a mere backyard of Germany’s long-lasting opponents, instead of entering Cabinda and Africa at large by the “back door” as the latter did, we advise Germany to get the place she deserves so much in Cabinda and Africa through the “front door.” This consists, not in disposing of Lumumba and assisting Mobutu’s seizure of power and his consolidation of control, but in making sure international law prevails against the irrational principal of “might is right.” So coming in by the “front door” is the pathway Germany is asked to keep on.

3. As it is self-evident that “Western Europe’s very existence depends on the resources of Africa and the continued control exercised by the Western European powers over the African continent,”18 we think that saving Africa and Europe is rescuing the World as a whole. Thus, in my work Cabinda: Obama’s Challenges in Africa (2013) I am declaring that as long as there is no «Economic Plan» designed to reconcile the dependence of Western Europe’s very existence on African natural resources and the right of African children to live prosperous lives thanks to their individual countries’ natural wealth and resources, there will never ever be peace between the two continents, and by extension the world as a whole. In an interview with Ms. Céline Camoin (Roman Catholic News Agency: MISNA), which was published on February 14th, 2003, we begged the European nations and institutions to embrace

17 Bartolomeu Capita, UNHCR Office for Switzerland and Liechtenstein is functioning irresponsibly, July 13th, 2018. https://cabindacitizenship.files.wordpress.com/2018/07/unhcr-swiss-burean-is-acting-irresponsibly.pdf 18 Conversation between Dr. Paulo Cunha, Portuguese Foreign Minister and the Honorable John Foster Dulles, US Secretary of State, in Foreign Relations of the United States, 1955–1957, Volume XXVII, Western Europe and Canada, Document 148: Memorandum of a Conversation, Department of State, Washington, November 30, 1955. Related link: http://history.state.gov/historicaldocuments/frus1955-57v27/d148 8

the “Economic Plan” that we proposed. The question arises as to whether or not white supremacists, who chiefly rely upon their weapons of mass destruction, are willing to get rid of their egotism and, next, together cause such a Plan. Either realistic and law-abiding African leaders opt for such a Plan or African peoples are bound to absolutely disappear in the not-too-distant future, consistent with Dr. Henry Kissinger’s National Security Memo 200, dated April 24th, 1974, proposed to NSC.19

Obliged to take matters into our own hands!

1. From 1975, the year when Angola occupied Cabinda with the military support of the Soviet Union and Castro’s Cuba, and with the covert backing of France and USA, up to now (2018), the people of Cabinda are but subjected to political repression, economic exploitation, and social degradation. Life expectancy at birth has dropped from 75 years in Portuguese colonial era to 48 years nowadays; and child and maternal mortality rates are among the highest in the world. As verified by a number of NGOs and UN specialized agencies, rampant corruption and the criminal use of the State and the economy have proved to be the distinctive nature of the MPLA-regime, which was José Eduardo dos Santos’ and is now president João Lourenço’s. From the Non-Self-Governing Territory of Cabinda, in oil alone, president Lourenço’s regime gets over US $35 Billion per year in royalties, paid, among others, by Chevron’s wholly owned subsidiary Cabinda Gulf Oil Company Ltd. (CABGOC), which is Angola’s largest foreign oil-industry employer up to now. No reasonable person, nor government, can justify the extreme poverty throughout the territory of Cabinda, whose population does not outdo two million, nor justify the frustrating absence of road infrastructure, of transport facilities, of proper schools and hospitals, of clean water, of suitable airport, of industrial and trading ports, of welfare services, of health care, of housing project, of fitting farming, of electrification, and so on.

2. The general principle of law is that a right cannot arise from a wrong. Therefore, Angola’s violation of international law in occupying Cabinda can only lead to the regrettable performance tangible above. Hence, we people of Cabinda are required to take matters into our own hands without further delay. Since Portugal has yet to fulfill her legal obligations to respect Cabinda as a political entity, i.e. with the right to regain political sovereignty, and in view of the German nation’s eagerness to push for the establishment of a more just and realistic international political and economic order, we have exhorted both the president of Portugal, H.E. Mr. Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa (with the support of H.R.H. the Duke of Braganza) and the German Chancellor, H.E. Dr. Angela Merkel, to act in accordance with the proviso of Article 35 of the Charter of the United Nations.

3. In consideration of the legitimacy of the right of the people of Cabinda to regain political sovereignty, in line with the UN GA Resolution 1514 (XV) of December 14th, 1960; considering the legitimate right of the people of Cabinda to permanent sovereignty over our own natural wealth and resources, consistent with the UN GA Resolution 1803 (XVII) of December 14th, 1962; and bearing in mind the provisions of the 1966 Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, we have urged specific subjects of international law, including the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, to use their legal power so that, from the above USD 35 Billion, USD 500,000,000 be annually available to us, refugees from Cabinda, until we ultimately regain our political and economic sovereignty. This amount of money is so far bold enough to decrease the anxieties of our host-countries’ taxpayers. For five years, USD 5 Billion per annum must be given to Cabindans at home under the auspices of the

19 Dr. Kissinger’s US foreign policy: http://www.rense.com/general59/kissingereugenics.htm 9

Portuguese and German governments (and related civil societies), so we can develop and sustain full self-government, self-respect, self-defense, and all together promote to the utmost the well-being of the inhabitants of Cabinda.

In its Art. 1, the 1966 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights sustains that all peoples, i.e. including the people of Cabinda, have the right of self-determination. The Covenant explains: “By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development. All peoples may, for their own ends, freely dispose of their natural wealth and resources without prejudice to any obligations arising out of global economic cooperation, based upon the principle of mutual benefit, and international law. In no case may a people be deprived of its own means of subsistence.”

An illustration of social degradation in the oil-rich Cabinda Angola’s president João Lourenço

Dear Madam Chancellor, thank you very much for your time and help in the above matters.

Yours faithfully,

Bartolomeu Capita (Mr.) Presidential College, Cabindan National Movement


Tiago Yeze Luemba Isaac Tchibassa Madeca

Anthropologist Egyptologist CNM Member CNM Member


Fátima Chilongo Laura Ieze Mataia

Psychologist Sociologist CNM Member CNM Member


Sebastião Tito Baiúa Margarida Sabá Salomão

International Relations Historian

CNM Member CNM Member

U.S.A. D.R.C.

Gabriela Pitra Malonda Casimiro Benge Púcuta

Secretary General Nuclear Physicist/Student

CNM Member CNM Member