Com- Munity Plan. I>Ub
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AMERICAN ARCHITECTS DIRECTORY FAHR Univ. Kans. City, Mo, 53-54. Eubj. Taught: Arch. Design. Lectures: Com EWING, UPTON C* (AIA) munity Plan. I>ub. Serv: City Plan. Comm, Independence, 47-51; Chmn, Munic. 3362 Minorca Ave, Coral Gables, Fla. Light Plant, Independence, 47-54. Gov. Serv: U.S. Army, Corps of Engrs, 42-46; Councilman, Independence since 47. Mag. Articles: Missouri, (Pub. EXERJIAN, MANOUG.* (ALA) of Mo. C of C). 40. AIA Mem: Kans. City Chapter, Sec, 40-41; Treas, 54. 5 Bond St, Greal Neck, N.Y. Chapter Collaboration w Design Prof. Comm, 54; Rels. w the Constr. Indust. Comm, 55, EYERMAN, ROBERT A(LEXANDER). (AIA) EVERS. ALBERT JOHN. (FA'JV) Office: 54 Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Home: Bear Creek, Pa. Office: 268 Market St, San Francisco 11. Home: P.O. Box 113, Roes, b. Wilkes-Barre, May 25, 08. M. 32, Children 1. Educ: Cornell Unlv, B. of Calif. Arch, 33. L'Ogieve Arch. Soc, 33. For. Trav: W. Indies, Cent. Amer. Prev. b. West Side, Iowa, Aug. 17, 88. M. 16, Children 3. Educ: Univ. of Calif, Firm: Ind. Practice, 33. Present Firm: Robert A. Eyerman, Joseph W. Hoban, B.L. 11. lor. Trav: Cen. Europe, Eng, & Asia. Sr. Archt, (Peking Union Jr, Assoc, Reg. Archts, org. 52, Founder. Reg: Pa. Prin. Wks: Pressed Mod. Col), Rockefeller Foundation China Med. Bd, 16-21; Draftsman, Bliss Steel Co. (Bldgs), Wilkes-Barre, 42; Sen. T. N. Wood Res, Lake Twp, 48; & Kaville, 07 (Vacations, etc), 14. Prev. Partnership: Ashley & Evers, 22- Wise Potato Chip Co. (Bldgs), Berwick, 50-55; Cooper Med. Clinic, W-B, 53; 28. Present Firm: Meyer & Evers, org. 04, joined 45. Reg: Calif, Wash. Control Tower, Wilkea-Barre Scranton Airport, Avoca, 54, Archt. Assocd, Prm. Wks: 320 Calif, Off. Bdlg, San F, 45; Noriega Home Sch, San Francisco, George M. D. Lewis; Mt. Top Bank, Mt. Top, 54; all Pa. Gen. Types: 1,2,3, 50; Home Insur. Co, San F, Off. Bldg, 51, Archt. Assoc; T. H. Engelhardt; 4,5,6,7,9,12,13,16,17. Mem: Delta Tau Delta, Chapter Pres, 32; Moose, Womens Barracks, Yountville, 52; Burnett Sch, San F, 54; Lucky Lager Eagles, Amer. Legion. Pub. Serv: Mem. Art Commission, W-B, 36-55; Sec, Breweries, San F, 55. Con. Archt: Anheuser-Busch Brewery, Los Angeles, Bldg. Code Comm, W-B, 50-55. Gov. Serv: U.S. Army Reserve, 32-42. AIA 53-54. Gov. Serv: Dir, Fed. Home Loan Br. of L.A, 37-46; Arch. Super, Mem; N.E. Pa. Chapter, & Pa. Soc. of Archts. Chapter Sec-Treas, 49; Pres, F.H.A, 34-36; Exec. Dir. San F, Housing Author, 38-43; Asat. State Dir, War 50. Pa. Soc. of Archts, Dir, 54-55. Chmn. Chapter Pub. Rels. Comm, 52; Manpower Commission, 43-45; AIA Mem: N. Calif. Chapter; Reg. Dir. Sierra Leg, 53-55. Pa. Soc. of Archts, Leg. Comm, 54-55. Nevada Dist, 36-39; Sec. & Pres. State Bd. Arch. Exam, 8 yra, (Pres, 2 yrs.) FYRING, JOHN FRANK. (AIA) EVINS, WILLIAM HAMMOCK." (AIA) Office: 3505 Fait Ave, Baltimore 24, Md. Home: 2233 Chesterfield Ave, 1846 Anjaco Rd, N.W, Atlanta. Baltimore 13. b. Baltimore, Md, Oct. 26, 96. M. 27, Children 3. Educ: Deichmann Inst; EVISON, I, EL AND LEWIS. (AIA) U.S. Coast Guard Acad; Md. Inst. Art Sch; Arch. Sch, Univ. of Pa. For. Trav: Office & Home: 1444 Poppy Peak Dr, Pasadena 2, Calif, Europe. Draftsman, E. G. Blanke. Present Firm: John F. Eyrlng, org. 37. b. Burnett Jet, Wis, Aug. 10, 03. M. 34, Children 1. Educ: Univ. of S. F:eg: Md. Prin. Wks: Sacred Sch, Hall & Admin. Bldg. 33; Weiskittle Mfg. Calif, 26; B. A. I. D, 28; Art Cent. Sch, Los Angeles, 32. Draftsman, Myron Plant, 34; H. J. McGrath Packing Co, 35; St. James Sav. Bk, 37; St. Francis Hunt, 37; Marsh Smith & PoweLl, 38; Wayne McAllister, 40. Pres. Firm: of Assisi Ch, 54; Liberty Fed. Sav. & Loan Assn, 55; all Baltimore. Gen. I.eland Evison, Archt, org. 45. Pres. Occup: Chf. Archt, John N. Douglas, 55. Types: 2,3,4,5. Mem: Former Mem, Bd. Gov. Efficiency & Economy Comm, Reg: Calif. Prm. Wks: Kenofoel Res, Oakmont (Glendale), 46; Piller Store, 51 & 52; Mt. St. Agnes Col. Bd, 55; Bd. Mem, Sch. of Nursing, St. Josephs Pasadena, 48; Bernard Res, & Beltz Res, Hollywood, & Vore Res, Pasadena, Hosp, 55; K of C. AIA Mem; Baltimore Chapter. 50; Filler Dept. Store, Eagle Rock (L. A), 54. Super. Archt: Taylor & Taylor, L.A, 46; Douglas Ainsworth :• Freeman, Pasadena, 53; Buttress & McClellan, L.A. 54. Gen. Types: 1,2.4,5,1,9,12. Hons; 3rd Award (West.) NAHB, 52. Small House. Mem; Presb. CI"., Trustee, Deacon, since 40. Educ. Activities: Occasional lecturer, E, L. Angeles J. Col, Univ. of Calif, L.A. Mag. Articles: F Arch. Products Mag, 49: Progressive Arch, 54. AIA Mem: Pasadena Chapter; Program Comm. Chmn. FAERBER, NELSON A(RTHUR). (AIA) Office: 629 Eighth St, S. Naples, Fla. Home: 1179 N. Broad Ave, Naples, EW'ALD, LAURENCE. (AIA) b. Wash, D.C, May 11, 27. M. 47, Children 2. Educ: Cath. Univ. of Amer, Office: 22 E, 25th St, Baltimore 18. Home: 609 Cathedral St, Baltimore B. Arch, 51; M. Arch, 53. Amer. Inst, of Arch. Stud. Chapter, 49-51; Beaux 1. Arts Soc, 47-51. For. Trav: All of Carribean, W. Ind, & most of S. Amer. b. St. Louis, May 31, 07. Educ : Various, ind. study In St. Louis, N.Y, &. Design Sect. Tech. Staff, Veterans Admin. Hosp, 50, part time; Assist. Chf, Paris. For. Trav: Fr, Eng. Draftsman, Theo. Stelnmeyer, St. Louis, 25-28; Eng. Off, U.S.C.G, 1st Eng. Dist, Boston, 51-52; Assist. Chf. Arch, Fed. Hous •lames W. O'Connor, N.Y, 28-31. Present Firm: Laurence Ewald, Archt, ing Admin, Wash, D.C, 52-53. Prev. Firms: Assoc. Archt, Fon ,1. Montgo org. 33. Reg: Md, Pa. Prin. Wks: Glenangus Farms, Md, 51; Sch. 106, Gym. mery, Arch, Wash, D.C, 53-54, Present Firm: Faerber & Nick, Nelson A. Bldg, Baltimore, 52; Bowie Race C. Renovation, Md, 52-55; Bland-Bryant Faerber, AIA, org. 54. Reg: D.C, Fla, Md. Prin. Wks: Tropics Drive-Inn, Bldg. Renovation, Spring Grove State Hosp, Md, 55. Gen, Types: 1,3,5,6,7,17. 54; Downing Res; Cochrun Res; River Pk. Sulxliv. Apts, & St. Ann's Eleni. Sch, Mem: Baltimore Mus. of Art since 33. Educ. Activities: Instr, Md. Inst, 49- 55; Naples Recreational Cen, all Naples, Fla, & F & N. Gen. Types: 1,2,5,6. 51. Subj. Taught: Arch. Drawing. AIA Mem: Baltimore Chapter. Mem: Lions Club Inter, since 53; Naples Recreation Bd, V.P, 54. Pub. Serv: Conslt. Archt. to City Planners for Council. Gov. Serv: U.S. Coast Guard EWART, THOMAS E(DWIN), JR. (AIA) Eng. Dlv, Boston, Mass; Fed. Housing Admin, Wash, D.C. AIA Mem: Wash.- Office: 2014 Arcadia PI, Jicksonville 7, Fla. Home: 3638 Walsh St, Metro. Chapter, (Trans, to S. Fla. Chapter). Jacksonville 5. b. Jacksonville, Oct. 11, 24. M. 46, Children 3. Educ: Univ. of Louisville, FAGNANL LEON NELLO. (AIA) (Navy V-12), 44-45; Univ. of Fla, B. Arch, 50. Gargoyle, 49. Draftsman- Office: 901A Orange St, Wilmington 1, Del. Home: R.D. 1, Wilmington 1. Designer, Reynolds, Smith & Kills, 50-54. Present Firm: Boardman, Ewart b. Westchester Co, N.Y, July 27, 10. Educ: Univ. of Penna, Sch. of Arch, & Meehan. org. 53, joined firm 55. Reg: Fla. Prin. Wks: Med. Clinic, Has B.A, 35. For. Trav: Can, Ice, Eng, Scot, Hoi, Bel, Switz, Ital, Fr. w Walter tings, & Mather Furniture Stores, Jacksonville, 53; Doctors Offs. & Clinic, Carlson, FAIA, 35-40; E. L Du Pont Co, Arch. Div, Eng. Dept, 40-45. Pres Haines City. & Off. Bldg, Palatka, 54; Town & Country, & Pearl Plaza Shopping ent Firm: Leon N. Fagnani, AIA, org. 45. Reg: Del, Pa. Prin. Wks: Show Cens, Jacksonville, 55; all Fla. Gen. Types: 1,2,4,5,7,11. Mem: K of C, Room & Serv. Bldg, Mjddletown, 47; John W. Morris Res, Wilmington, 50; Warden since 52. Gov. Serv: USNR, 43-45. AIA Mem: Fla. N. Chapter; Chmn. Matthews Bros. Store & Off. Bldg, & Continental Can Co, Dryer Bldg, & Ch. Pub. Rels. Comm. of God in Christ, W, 53; Community Fund Bldg, W, 55; all Del. Gen. Types: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,12. Mem: Univ. of Penna. Alumni Assn; Del. Soc. of F.A; Wil EWING, ALEXANDER.* (AIA) mington Drama League; Rotary; Brandywine Hundred; Del. State C of C, Bd. Office: 1720 Western Saviag Fund Bldg, Philadelphia 7. of Dirs, 53-54. Educ. Activities: Instr, Brown Vocational Sch, 40. Subj. Taught: Blueprint Reading. Pub, Serv: Chmn, New Castle County Bldg. Code EWING, GEORGE M(ALLISON), SR. (AIA) Comm, 51, Zoning Comm, 53; City Plan. & Traffic Comm, 52-53; Wilmington Office: 1720 West. Saving Fund Bldg, Philadelphia 7. Home: 112 Colum Bldg. Code Comm, 52. AIA Mem: Del. Chapter; Sec, 46-48; V.P, 53-54 & bia Ave, Swarttimore. Pa. since 54. Exec. Bd, 46-51 & since 54. b. Philadelphia, Aug. 4, 88. M. 15, Children 2. Educ: Drexel Inst, of Tech, 08-12. For. Trav: Europe, Africa, w. Karcher & Smith, 14-38. Prev. Firm: FAHEY, THOMAS R(ICHARD). (AIA) George M. Ewtng, Archt. Present Firm: George M. Ewing Co, Partnership, Office & Home: 4760 Stuart St, Denver 12. org. 43. Reg: Del, D.C. Ind, Ky, Mo, N.J, N.C, Ohio, Pa; NCARB Cert. Prin. b. Colorado Springs, Colo, Aug. 24, 96. M, 27. Educ: Detroit Arch. Atelier, Wks: Del. Co. Inst. Dist, Lima, Pa. since 40; Phlla.