Mammals in Wiltshire
Mammals in Wiltshire Second Edition Version 1 (3rd March 2017) Editors: Gareth Harris & Purgle Linham March 2017 Wiltshire & Swindon Biological Records Centre, Wiltshire Mammal Group & Wiltshire Bat Group Acknowledgments All maps were produced by WSBRC and contain Ordnance Survey data © Crown Copyright and database right 2017. Wiltshire & Swindon Biological Records Centre are thanked for all their support throughout this project, as well as their historic and ongoing support to Wiltshire Mammal Group and Wiltshire Bat Group and Wiltshire’s recorders. Purgle Linham is thanked for her expertise in producing the maps in this publication. The key contributors and authors of the species accounts are acknowledged and warmly thanked; Chloe Delgery, Ben Welbourn, Ben Mitchell, Rosie Jackson, Jasmine Walters, Kathryn Hand, Jenny Bennett, Ben Williams, Grace Elwood, Paul Wexler, Adam Harper, Lis Weidt, Andrew Barrett, Jim Mullholland and Keith Cohen. We are grateful to Professors Fiona Mathews and Patrick Dillon for sharing their thoughts in the foreword. The Wiltshire Natural History Publications Trust is thanked for financially supporting this project. With huge thanks to the many recorders and mammologists who contributed data, information, expertise and enthusiasm. This is your Atlas! Front cover; brown hare on chalk downland © Nick Tomalin In memory of Anne Cozens – Wiltshire mammologist who contributed considerably to our understanding of mammal populations in South Wiltshire and North Hampshire. Fondly remembered. Passed away, 2015. Mammals in Wiltshire, 2 nd E d . V1_20170305 II About us Wiltshire & Swindon Biological Records Centre Wiltshire & Swindon Biological Records Centre (WSBRC), based at Wiltshire Wildlife Trust, is the county’s local environmental records centre and has been operating since 1975.
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