Social and Health Services in Friuli Venezia Giulia

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Social and Health Services in Friuli Venezia Giulia Federazione Friuli V.G. ATLAS SOCIAL AND HEALTH SERVICES IN FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain. If I can ease one life the aching, or cool one pain, or help one fainting robin unto his nest again, I shall not live in vain. (Emily Dickinson) ATLAS SOCIAL AND HEALTH SERVICES IN FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA We thank for their cooperation and for their valuable daily activities all operators of regional health systems and community health, together with general practitioners, pharmacists, associations of patients and their families, volunteers, unions and all other subjects of “Network for Health in Friuli Venezia Giulia “. Scientific Committee: Presidente, Vice Presidente e Componenti Comitato Direttivo Scientific Coordinator: Giorgio Simon Editorial Coordination and Comunication: Tiziana Del Fabbro Edit by: Federsanità ANCI FVG - piazza XX Settembre, 2 - 33100 Udine [email protected] - Printed by Tipografia Tomadini, via Sabbadini 55 - 33100 UDINE Updated on 15 March 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS PRESENTATIONS .................................................................................. 5 FEDERSANITÀ ANCI FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA ........................................................8 HEALTH IN FRIULI VENEZIA GIULIA IN SHORT ..............................................10 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................15 Scope of this Atlas ............................................................................................... 15 THE INSTITUTIONS .............................................................................16 ACCESS TO HEALTH SERVICES ................................................................17 GENERAL PRACTITIONER ............................................................................. 17 PRIMARY CARE paediatrician ...................................................................... 18 EMERGENCY AND FIRST AID NETWORK ............................................................ 19 Non-stop assistance physician (formerly known as “guardia medica”) ................................ 20 THE PHARMACY NETWORK .......................................................................... 25 THE DISTRICT AND THE PRIMARY CARE SERVICES .......................................27 HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES CALL CENTER ...................................................... 29 DISTRICT SERVICES AND FACILITIES ................................................................ 30 Single access point (PUA) .................................................................................... 30 Home services .................................................................................................. 30 RSAs .............................................................................................................. 31 Hospices ......................................................................................................... 32 Services for the elderly ........................................................................................ 32 Public personal assistance authorities (A.S.P.) ............................................................ 32 Day care centres ................................................................................................ 33 Residential facilities ........................................................................................... 35 Telephone helpline and assistance .......................................................................... 48 services AND AIDS available to ALL CITIZENS ................................................ 48 SERVICES FOR THE DEVELOPMENTAL MATERNAL/INFANTILE AREA AND DISABILITIES .... 49 Family services ................................................................................................. 49 Multidisciplinary territorial team for children in the age of development / disabled ............... 50 Child and adolescence neuropsychiatry .................................................................... 50 GENERAL service - MEDICAL Registry OFFICE ................................................. 51 REHABILITATION SERVICES ........................................................................... 51 Sociomedical services or activities .......................................................................... 52 Comunity and social services or activities .................................................................. 53 IRCCS E.Medea La Nostra Famiglia, Regional Pole of Friuli Venezia Giulia ............................ 56 CISI – isontine consortium for integrated services ........................................................ 59 CAMPP - consortium for psychopaedagogic medical assistance- ....................................... 61 3 ADDICTION SERVICES ...........................................................................63 MENTAL HEALTH .................................................................................64 Mental Health Centres ............................................................................................ 65 Rehabilitation services ............................................................................................ 66 Psychiatric diagnostic and treatment service (SPDC) ........................................................ 66 Voluntary services ................................................................................................. 67 Company services .................................................................................................. 67 MENTAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT ...............................................................67 PUBLIC HEALTH AND THE PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT ................................72 Public hygiene and health ........................................................................................ 73 Food safety and nutrition ........................................................................................ 74 Working place safety and prevention ........................................................................... 74 Veterinary assistance ............................................................................................. 75 Forensic medicine ................................................................................................. 76 HOSPITAL AUTHORITIES AND FACILITIES ....................................................82 Access to the hospital ............................................................................................. 82 Regional hospitals network ....................................................................................... 82 “Ospedali riuniti” Teaching Hospital Authority of Trieste ................................................... 84 “Santa Maria della Misericordia” Teaching Hospital Authority of Udine .................................. 86 Transplantation network .......................................................................................... 88 “Santa Maria degli Angeli” Hospital Authority of Pordenone ............................................... 89 “Gervasutta” - Udine - Medical and rehabilitation institute ............................................... 92 CRO - Aviano - Oncological reference centre.................................................................. 93 “Burlo Garofolo” - Trieste - Institute for Scientific Maternal-Infantile Hospitalization and Care .... 95 Other regional hospitals .......................................................................................... 96 Accredited private hospitals ..................................................................................... 96 WEB SITES INFORMATION...........................................................................................98 4 PRESENTATIONS DOTT.SSA MARIA SANDRA TELESCA, REGIONAL MINISTER FOR HEALTH, COMMUNITY HEALTH, INTEGRATION, SOCIAL AND FAMILY POLICIES The President of the Regional Government of Friuli Venezia Giulia, Mrs. Debora Serracchiani and the regional ministers place the citizen’s needs at the heart of the local community health and social system. As you know, nowadays the global economic crisis has caused many difficulties in different sec- tors of the public services and we are all compelled to manage and use public resources appropriately. In my opinion, the global crisis should offer the opportunity to reform the health system on the basis of a profound reflection. The key words ought to be : accessibility, transparency, synergy, sharing, subsidiarity and equity. We need to change the cultural approach to the challenges that the new international context presents us; only in this way could we re-build a more equitable and, in particular, a more sustainable future. We have to solve, among other things, problems relating to the health and social sectors, and especially those regarding the residential facilities, by fixing homogenous and unvarying standards. We have to simplify access to services and the relevant procedures. We will give new impetus to community and social health services. All this work requires, first of all, statistics and data on which we could develop considerations and discussions. This Atlas clearly gives a precious source of useful information for all citizens to properly ap- proach and use the existing regional services, and at the same time it is also a valuable source of informa- tion to develop simplified, homogenous and operative ways to direct us all in times of need and illness. Thank you
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