DOWNSTREAM Page Number 15 Small Wonder Dragonflies and Damselflies Beautiful and Benificial

A voracous insect hunter with little fear of people, the 12- spotted Skimmer makes for good company when visiting riparian areas. Photo, Dave Small

Summer days lie ahead. Many of us will find ourselves outside enjoying nature at a pond, on a nusual rojects river, or near some other water feature. More U P often that not we won’t find ourselves alone. Along the Way to Insects of all kinds will pay us a visit to see what Water Quality we are all about. Some are pests, but others will merely capture our attention as they go about The preeminent goal of the DCR office their daily business. Two such creatures are of Water Supply Management is to dragonflies and damselflies. They tend to be provide the highest quality drinking bold, sometimes friendly, wishing to hitch a ride water. Science and society agree that the on the bow of your canoe or the top of your best way to achieve this end is through shoulder. This can make the squeamish jump, but careful land management. These efforts these daring creatures almost always escape include conservation and preservation of unscathed. The adventurer who can resist the the natural environment. One might urge to react will have the opportunity to observe wonder what exactly constitutes this an amazing array of colors and patterns these practice. The following stories give an creatures display. And while each of them may inside peek at some of the unique and have certain “fashion” appeal, all of them live a unusual things done to ensure the very unique life and are voracious predators for highsest quality water from the DCR NUMBER 15 many of the aforementioned pests. reservoir system. Spring 2006 SMALL WONDERS - SEE PAGE 4 UNUSUAL PROJECTS - SEE PAGE 2

In This Issue:

Springtime is here again and that Dragonflies and Damselflies 1 place for the snow shovel is now occupied The basics on these special critters by gardening tools. Old outdoor projects Unusual Projects 1 resume and new ones are undertaken. In Some odd things we do for water quality it’s own way, nature makes this transition Please don’t feed the animals 2 as well. Little creatures that were just a Reasons to let them make their own way memory a few short weeks ago are back. Where the Dragonfly Roam 5 Department of Conservation Activity recently frozen solid not long ago, A visual dragonfly guide and Recreation has come alive again. In this issue we look Recreation Options 6 Division of Water Supply at some of natures unique contributants, as A quick guide for adventurers Protection well as some of DCR’s efforts to protect the Kids’ Corner 7 environment. What’s to find in heathy pond water? waterSupply.htm DOWNSTREAM Page2 Spring 2006

Wildlife Needs Good Habitat, Not Handouts UNIQUE PROJECTS -FROM PAGE 1 Side-Scan Sonar Project While deer may look gentle from afar, they are Elevated levels of mercury were always poised to protect discovered in 1986 in the tissue of fish themselves from danger. taken from the Wachusett and Quabbin If this deer were to Reservoirs. A subsequent report perceive a threat in this assessed potential sources of mercury; situation, this home- one possible source was abandoned, owner could find himself submerged structures. A follow-up in serious trouble. investigation was made to test this hypothesis. The study compiled maps to create a mosaic of the bottom of the Wachusett Reservoir, identifying Photo, DCR/DWSP locations of historic manufacturing buildings. These locations were used to Winter and early spring can be a difficult are often nutritionally deficient or direct sampling to the areas most likely to time for wild animals, and our instinct is to unsuited for wildlife. For example, white- retrieve contaminated material. try and offer a helping hand. However, tailed deer gradually adapt a high fiber To improve sampling accuracy, sidescan consider the following information before diet of woody browse, leaves, etc., during sonar was used to take images of the you start feeding the neighborhood the winter. Providing high carbohydrate bottom of the reservoir. The sonar is wildlife. food (bread, corn, and grain) can angled so that the sound waves produce overwhelm the digestive system because Feeding wildlife can spread an image similar to aerial photography. it doesn’t have the right bacteria in place The images confirmed that practically disease. to process the food. Animals congregating at an artificial food every structure within the reservoir area source can lead to overcrowding, and this Feeding wildlife can lead to had been demolished or moved before close contact can encourage the spread of harmful behavior. inundation. For example, cellar holes diseases. Diseases could include rabies, Animals that are fed by people often loose were evident where homes once stood. Lyme disease, bovine tuberculosis, their fear of humans. Although the The biggest discovery, however, was two chronic wasting disease (currently not in animals may appear timid, nearly all steel trestle bridges, bent but intact. The ), distemper, and wildlife has the potential to injure humans Sawyer Mill and Scar Hill Road bridges in roundworms. These diseases are harmful or pets and conditioned animals may Boylston were the only structural to wildlife and some may be dangerous to become aggressive. Behavior between humans or pets. animals may also change. Crowding often leads to physical aggression among Supplemental feeding is not animals, and larger individuals will exclude beneficial to wildlife. weaker ones, causing either physical harm Wild animals are well adapted to surviving or preventing feeding. harsh conditions, and their digestive systems are best suited for processing Be cautious when feeding wild natural foods. Foods provided by people birds. Although birdseed is nutritious and wild birds do not loose their fear of humans,

dirty bird feeders can cause the spread of Photos, DCR/DWSP disease. Conjunctivitis outbreaks in house finches are associated with dirty These feeders. Feeders should be cleaned with a images mild bleach solution, and the ground show the old Scar under the feeder should be free of moldy Hill Road seeds and bird droppings. bridge. Side-scan Dan Clark - - DCR/DWSP Wildlife Biologist sonar data taken in November, 2000 through 70’ of water is shown at top. While a hand-out may sound like a The black and white photo shows the good idea, wildlife favor feeding bridge over the Nashua River in naturally on their preferred foods in a Boylston from 1890s. safe, healthy habitat. Photo, DCR/DWSP UNIQUE PROJECTS - CONTINUED PAGE 3 DOWNSTREAM Page3 Number 15

UNIQUE PROJECTS -FROM PAGE 2 Building Demolition remnants found below water; there is no recorded information regarding why these In its efforts to protect bridges were left standing. watershed lands, DWSP occasionally acquires The investigation ultimately found no properties with buildings submerged sources of mercury. It was or other structures that A DCR site determined, and has since been require demolition. To before (above) corroborated by other studies in New ensure that these and after (right) England, that the source was atmospheric properties do not become restoration. Photos, Robert Lowell deposition. The most likely source is from environmental risks, DCR coal, which contains small amounts of has each site inspected by a licensed mercury. When the coal is burned for industrial hygienist to check for the Structures slated for demolition are often power in the Midwest, the wind carries the presence of materials such as asbestos, in isolated areas and thus can be an mercury through the atmosphere until rain lead, and underground storage tanks. If attractive shelter for trespassers. The carries it down to the watershed’s streams hazardous materials are found, DCR hires peace of a once charming camp acquired and ponds, where it bioaccumulates. licensed contractors to remediate the site by DWSP in the Ware River watershed Bioaccumulation is the process where prior to demolition work. continues to be enjoyed by squatters that minute amounts of substances are have truly transformed the structure – ingested by small organisms, which are A building is safe for demolition after all porcupines! The porcupines have then eaten by larger organisms, that hazardous materials have been removed consumed most of the interior of the eventually impact larger fish and other and underground storage tanks are house and surrounding trees, converting animals higher on the food chain. extracted (ensuring that the soil is free of the wood products to a biodegradable end contaminants) and the subsequent hole product which they are storing in the To learn more, see ‘Picturing Our Past,’ a is back-filled. After building structures house. Their digestive efforts have been compact disc of images and data compiled are dismantled and loaded into waste so productive that residuals from the during this investigation by Douglas containers, the foundation is either converted structure and surrounding trees Levin, Ph.D. It is available at the Boylston removed from the site with other building nearly fill the basement and the first level and West Boylston Public Libraries. materials or is crushed to pieces of six- of the house (now affectionately called inches or less and then compacted and Vincent Vignaly - DCR Project Engineer “The Porcupine House”). Fortunately, the buried under grade. The demolition industrial hygienist found minimal contractor completes grading the site to a hazardous materials on the property, so smooth, natural contour; DWSP then for the time being DWSP is encouraging makes sure that erosion control measures the porcupines to complete their work are adequate and restores the site to a converting the structure to pelletized natural state. compost. Robert Lowell - DCR Civil Engineer

The amount of birds roosting on the The Bird Harassment Program uses reservoir depends on what time of year it pyrotechnics from both shore and boat to Photo, DCR/DWSP is, ranging from several hundred to prevent birds from congregating near the Gulls spotted by the Cosgrove intake. several thousand, although rarely over intake. This action directs the birds to the 5,000. During warm weather the birds opposite end of the reservoir. Fecal The Bird Harrasment Program spread out over the many bodies of water contamination is not considered a water throughout the region. As the cold quality threat from these locations The Wachusett and Quabbin Reservoirs weather progresses, the reservoirs -which because the reservoirs’ size provides the are the unfiltered surface water supply are some of the last bodies of water in the time and space to kill-off harmful const- system that serve the metropolitan Boston region to freeze- become the only place for ituents before it reaches the intake. area. These large, open bodies of water the birds to roost. have become a home for a large quantity The most active time of day for the Bird of both transient and resident waterfowl Bacteria and viruses from bird feces is a Harassment Program is from late afternoon (primarily gulls, ducks and geese). These threat to contaminate the water supply. In until dark, when birds arrive at the birds typically spend the day feeding response, DWSP has implemented a Bird reservoir for the night. The typical season wherever a food source is readily Harassment Program. The program’s for these harassment activities begins in available, such as landfills, dumpsters and success is a key component of the September until freeze over (usually parking lots, and then come to the watershed protection strategy that helps January), resuming for the months of reservoir to roost at night where they are these source waters meet drinking water March and April. safe from predators. quality regulations. Larry Pistrang - DCR Aquatic Biologist DOWNSTREAM Page4 Spring 2006

SMALL WONDERS - FROM PAGE 1 Dragonflies and damselflies are on our stream or wherever you want to sample. the dragonfly begins to develop its adult side. The next time one stops to visit, take Invert the net and gently dump the color. a moment to appreciate this insect friend. contents into a bucket or pan. A shallow, lightly colored pan that floats, such as a What dragonflies eat. Dragonflies and damselflies come in many plastic dishpan, works really well. Let Dragonflies are voracious predators both sizes and color patterns, from the everything settle out for a minute or so and in the larval stage and as adults. They somewhat drab Frosted Whiteface to the then look closely for any movement. have mouthparts especially designed to more colorful Darners and Jewelwings. Usually the nymphs are found crawling catch and hold prey. In the larval stages Most people recognize these insects, but slowly along the bottom of the pan. they eat other small insects, worms, few people are aware of the many different tadpoles, salamander larvae, and even types found here in Massachusetts, how Dragonfly larvae or nymphs are usually small fish. As adults, they are excellent to correctly identify them, and where they brownish in color with a somewhat hunters. Dragonflies are sometimes called prefer to live. These very common insects flattened abdomen. They tend to be sewing needles or darners – there is even belong to the order Odonata. Odonates stocky in appearance, and have 3 pairs of the myth that they could sew up portions depend on wetland ecosystems for legs located towards the front half of their of human skin if they landed on you. reproduction and survival while in the body. Damselflies larvae are more delicate Dragonflies, in fact, may slightly pinch larval (juvenile) form. Depending on what in appearance and have a narrower your hand, but they only hunt small, soft type of dragonfly or damselfly it is, adults abdomen. The easiest way to differentiate bodied insects. Dragonflies are actually lay their eggs either on the surface of the between dragonfly and damselfly nymphs very beneficial and can eat many insect water, inside a slit cut into vegetation, in is to look closely at the end point of the pests; flies and mosquitoes need to be mud, or on the surface of vegetation. The abdomen. Damselflies have 3 feathery gills concerned, but not people! eggs hatch, beginning the longest stage protruding out whereas dragonflies have 5 How to identify dragonfly and of the insect’s life. Some dragonflies very short spine-like projections. damselfly types. remain in the larval stage for only a few There are some excellent books on months, such as those found in vernal dragonflies, including A Field Guide to the pools, whereas others are larvae for up to Dragonflies & Damselflies in 5 years! Damselflies may spend as many Massachusetts published by the as 3 years in the larval stage. Department of Fisheries and Wildlife’s How to tell the difference between Natural Heritage & Endangered Species a damselfly and a dragonfly. Program (go to Dragonflies are stocky and large in While both come in many sizes dfw/nhesp/nhpubs.htm for more appearance. They tend to hold their and colors, dragonflies (above) information). Many common species may wings out to their sides when resting and rest with their wings outstreched be observed using a good pair of they are excellent powerful fliers. and damselflies rest with their binoculars. Try looking in different areas Damselflies are small and slender when wings folded back. such as along streams, near ponds, or in compared to the dragonflies. When at the woods. Vary the time of observation rest, they hold their wings over their body to find a larger variety of species. If you or slightly open to the sides. All four are really serious about dragonflies (they damselfly wings are the same size and can become somewhat addictive), get a shape. The pair of forward wings differ in large insect net. Try to scoop the shape and size from the hind wings in the dragonfly or damselfly from the back then dragonflies. Finally, damselflies tend to be quickly flip the net so that the insect is weaker fliers. They may be observed trapped inside. Dragonflies are quick and flittering about whereas the dragonflies often hard to catch but, with a little tend to fly in a more determined, As the nymphs grow larger, they practice, it can be done. With the swooping fashion. basically outgrow their outside covering dragonfly in hand and using a field guide, called an exoskeleton. The exoskeleton is try to match up the body shape and How to find Odonate larvae and shed and replaced by a larger one. When colors. For more hints on catching and what they look like. the nymph reaches adulthood, the exo- identifying odonates, see the reading list Dragonflies and damselflies can be found skeleton is shed one last time. It climbs at the end of this article. in virtually any healthy wetland from out of the water and attaches itself to a vernal pools to flowing rivers. All you small branch, piece of wood, a rock or any Threats to dragonfly and damselfly need to look at one close-up is a net, a other suitable structure. Immediately after populations. bucket, and the willingness to get a little wiggling free of the exoskeleton, the Because dragonflies and damselflies begin wet. With a net, scoop up a small amount dragonfly pumps fluid to its new wings their lives in water and must reproduce in of the detritus (otherwise known as goo, which are iridescent and soft. Within a water, habitat degradation and loss are slime or muck) at the bottom of the pond, few days the wings lose their shine and CONTINUED ON PAGE 7 DOWNSTREAM Page5 Number 15

Where The Dragonfly Roam... This page shows typical dragonfly and damselfly habitats. The top of the page The photographs on this page have been taken depicts a vernal pool, the middle area, a stream and at the bottom of the page a pond by Dave Small, a member of the DCR Quabbin staff and an avid dragonfly enthusiast. environment is shown. The Painted Skimmer favors in vernal pools and grassy ponds. Noted for it’s golden color they hunt in open fields and may travel great distances from water.

The Slaty Skimmer is a common deep blue dragonfly. The males are very territorial and will clash often. These hunt along forest edges.

The Maine Snaketail, noted for the The American intricate pattern on its tail, is uncom- Rubyspot, an mon and prefers clear rocky streams. uncommon damselfly, prefers moderately flowing streams. The Widow Skimmer is common, and named for its black wing markings.

The American Emerald, noted The Eastern Pondhawk is a for its striking beautiful powder blue color. It green eyes, is prefers open lakes, vegetated particularly ponds and slow streams. It is common to a particularly good hunter. interior Mass. They hunt along forest edges. DOWNSTREAM Page6 Spring 2006

Recreation Options These website addresses provide detailed ƒ Wachusett Greenway portion of descriptions for recreation opportunities in the Mass Central Rail Trail In The DCR Watershed Area the area surrounding the Quabbin and (Sterling, West Boylston, Holden, Wachusett Reservoir: Rutland; ublic access on or around Quabbin and P ƒ DCR Division of State Parks and Wachusett Reservoirs, due to their unique Recreation: nature as a source of drinking water for Swimming forparks.htm ƒ Lake Arcadia (Belchertown Town over 2 million Massachusetts citizens, is ƒ Mass Wildlife: carefully regulated and controlled. Human Beach; dfwele/dfw/dfwrec.htm departments/rec/ activity on or near source waters serve as ƒ MA Office of Fishing and Boating potential routes for the introduction of town_beach.htm) Access: ƒ State Park disease causing agents, so recreational pab/index.htm opportunities are limited, primarily to (Shutesbury; 413-367-0317) ƒ Trustees of the Reservation: ƒ Philip Weihn Memorial Swimming hiking, wildlife watching, and fishing (in season). Many popular activities, such as Pool (Clinton; 978-365-4684) ƒ Mass Audubon Society: ƒ swimming and dog walking, are prohibited. The exact rules are different (Worcester; 508-755-6880) ƒ Mt. Grace Land Trust: ƒ Rutland State Park (Rutland; 508- for each watershed; details of the DCR/ DWSP public access policies are available 886-6333) on-line at The following are some favorite places in Canoeing and Boating waterSupply/watershed/pacc.htm. the region that allow the activities that ƒ Greenway DWSP does not permit on its watershed State Park (car top boat access in There are, however, many other natural property. Unless noted otherwise, the areas close to both reservoirs that offer several locations, including facilities are managed by DCR Division of Sunderland, Hatfield, and diverse opportunities to enjoy the State Parks and Recreation, and more outdoors. The Office of Watershed Northampton; 413-586-8706 x12) detailed information can be obtained at ƒ Lake Dennison Recreation Area Management is part of the Department of Conservation and Recreation, which also (Winchendon; 978-939-8962) operates State Parks throughout the Dog Walking ƒ Streeter Point Recreation Area region. The MA Department of Fish and ƒ (Sturbridge; 508-347-9316) Wildlife maintains property across central (Leominster; 978-874-2303) Camping Massachusetts that allow hunting, ƒ Mt. Holyoke Range State Forest ƒ Barton Cove Campground at fishing, dog walking and other outdoor (Amherst; 413 586-0350) Northfield Mountain (Northfield; pursuits. Non-Profit environmental ƒ Wachusett Mountain State or 413- organizations, such as The Trustees of Reservation (Princeton; 978-464- 863-9300) the Reservation, Mass Audubon, and the 2987) ƒ Erving State Park (Erving; 978- Mt. Grace Land Trust, are private ƒ (Wendell; 544-3939) stewards of open space that allow the 413-659-3797) ƒ Lake Dennison Recreation Area public on their property. Many (Winchendon; 978-939-8962) communities also have town land set Bicycle Paths ƒ Norwottuck Rail-Trail ƒ Otter River State Park aside as conservation, swimming, or other (Baldwinville; 978-939-8962) recreation areas. (Northampton/Amherst/Hadley; 413 586-8706 ext. 12) ƒ (West Townsend; 978-597-8802) ƒ Tully Lake Campground (Royalston; or 978-249-4957) Family fun and ƒ Wells State Park (Sturbridge; 508- adventure can be 347-9257) found close to home on lands managed by Information on reserving a State Park any one of several campgrounds can be found at state agencies and; local organizations call either 1-877-422-6762 (U.S. and Canada), 518-884-4959 (Outside U.S. and Canada), or 1-877-620-0833 (TTY).

Maria Beiter - DCR Quabbin Visitors Center

Photo, DCR/DWSP DOWNSTREAM Page7 Number 15

SMALL WONDERS - FROM PAGE 4 Kids’ Corner Some of the creatures you will find on your Pond Probe are shown affecting some dragonfly species. Filling below, listed clockwise from top or polluting wetlands, fragmentation of Probing the Pond left: Sow bug, Scud, Mayfly larva, habitats, removal or alteration of Dragonfly larva, Damselfly larva surrounding vegetation around wetlands, Ponds are full of animals that we and the introduction of invasive species see regularly, like frogs, turtles, all take their toll on aquatic species. Altering the habitat used by the adults fish and ducks. Many people also has detrimental effects. Clearing of are not aware of the interesting forests, increased building pressures, creatures living in a pond that insecticides, road mortality (checking the support the visible animals. You grill on your car may be an easier way to can find a variety of strange get samples than with a net!), and even boat traffic all destroy some dragonflies. animals, including the larvae of Massachusetts has approximately 166 many insects, by carefully species of odonates and 32 of those are at exploring a pond with a net. Illustration, J Taylor population levels which have caused reason for concern. If you are interested Materials you will need: A dip net with small mesh or a large kitchen strainer in finding out more, go to the Natural for collecting animals; a white dish pan for observing; a white plastic spoon; a Heritage & Endangered Species Web site. magnifying glass; and a “pond life” book (a good example is Pond Life, by George K. Reid & Herbert S. Zim Golden Press, New York, NY, (1967) or visit Paula Packard - DCR Aquatic Biologist your local library for more choices).

Procedure: Find a pond with a gently sloping shore that has some vegetation close by. Look along the shoreline for pond animals, such as frogs, turtles, snakes or insects. Also look for the tracks of land animals that may have visited Further Reading the pond before you. A Field Guide to the Damselflies Look on the surface of the water and into the pond to see if you can find and Dragonflies of Massachusetts. creatures moving around. (2003) B. Nikula, J. Loose and M. Next, carefully sweep the net through the water close to the plants or along the Burne. Massachusetts Division of bottom of the pond. Holding the net over the water, let it drain back into the Fisheries & Wildlife. Natural pond, as there are many microscopic plants and animals that will slip through the Heritage & Endangered Specie net or strainer. Program. Look closely at the contents of the net to see if any creatures are moving. Gently Stokes Beginner’s Guide to remove them from the net using the “creature extractor” (the white plastic spoon) Dragonflies and Damselflies. and place them in the dish pan that has been filled with pond water. Try not to B. Nikula and J. Stone. (2002) get many plants, mud or leaves in the pan because it makes the animals hard to Little, Brown and Co. observe. Use the “pond life” reference book to figure out what it is you found. Dragonflies Through Binoculars. After examining your “catch,” carefully place the material back into the pond. S. Dunkle. (2000) Oxford University Press. Try a few different places along the shoreline to see if you can discover a variety of animals. Be careful not to handle frogs, tadpoles and salamanders too much, An Introduction to the Study of as they have very sensitive skin. Insects. D. Borror, C. Triplehorn, and N. Johnson. (1989). Harcourt Release Ceremony: The animals should be released back in the pond where Brace College Publishers. they were collected, as it is their home. Gently tip the basin so the water and creatures slip into the water. You can also say this poem: …or on the internet… Odonate Info Network Swim away, float away, dive away, leap You’re free to go, I’m not going to keep You from living your life. A Beginner’s Guide to Dragonflies You deserve to swim free. Thanks for sharing this time with me. Beginners_Guide.htm Jim Lafley - DCR Education Coordinator DOWNSTREAM Page8 Spring 2006

Quabbin Reservoir Water Flows For 60 Years Far Left: The fills to nearly full capacity and the spillway re- leases water for the first time in 1946.

Near Left: The Quabbin spillway today, releasing water back to the Swift River 60 years later. Technically the reservoir was not full on that day, having reached only elevation 528.66’ Boston City Base (the top of the spillway wall - which represents full capacity - is 530’ BCB). Nevertheless, it was an opportunity to celebrate the completion of a 20 year process of reservoir planning, design and construction. Quabbin Reservoir did not reach true capacity until April 1947, when water first flowed over the top of the spillway wall.

Photos, DCR/DWSP Since that time the reservoir has released water over the top of the spillway wall 24 June 22, 2006 marks the 60th anniversary of Swift River. Dignitaries at this event times, most recently winter of 2006. It the first release of water from Quabbin included Mrs. Frank Winsor, widow of the was only the second time the reservoir Reservoir. In a ceremony on that day, Chief Engineer on the Quabbin Project was at 100% capacity on January 1st, water was discharged down the spillway who died suddenly in 1939 before spilling 385 million gallons per day at its channel Photo,DCR/DWSP back into the original bed of the Quabbin Reservoir construction began, peak.

DOWNSTREAM Department of Conservation & Recreation Division of Water Supply Protection Office of Watershed Management 180 Beaman Street West Boylston, MA 01583

(508) 835-4816 ex.363

Downstream is produced twice a year by the Massa- chusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation, Division of Water Supply Protection. It includes ar- ticles of interest to residents of the watershed sys- tem communities. Our goal is to inform the public about watershed protection issues and activities, pro- vide a conduit for public input, and promote environ- mentally responsible land management practices.

Governor: Mitt Romney

Lt. Governor: Kerry Healey

EOEA Secretary: Stephen R. Pritchard

DCR Commissioner: Stephen H. Burrington

DWSP Director: Jonathan L. Yeo

Downstream Editor: James E. Taylor