Rockland Gazette
^taxrfe anil |o ft g tin H a j. £lje lurklanfo fettle, PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, BY Haring every facility, in PresseB, Type and other material, and the experience oi many years in the WORTMAN & PORTER, business, we are prepared to execute, in superior style, and with despatch, every description oi Job Office, No. 5 Custom-House Block. Work, such as Catalogues, By-Laws, Town Reports, TERMS: I f paid strictly in advance—per annum, $2,00 Ciroulars, Bill-Heads, Blanks, If payment is delayed 6 months 11 not paid till the close of the year, *.,50 CARDS, PROGRAMMES, LABELS CF No paper will be discontinued until ALL ar rearages are paid, unless at the option of the pub Hand Bill., Shoe Bill*, Paster*, h e . lishers. , , _ Particular attention paid to XT- Single copies five oents—for sale at the office and at the bookstores. sEJ All letters and communications must be ad VOL. 23. ROCKLAND, MAINE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 1868. NO- 6. PRINTING IN COLORS. dressed to the Publishers. BRONZING, h e . E. E. WORTMAN, JOHN B. PORTER. Passengers in a runaway train, on a always holding on to the brass rod, and of that dear old critter, that I couldn’t prisoners were leaving for the North, devolved the reasons, which seemed to ately returned. Paul was indeed the fa ‘At last I have it! Oh, Paul, your tatal black and moonless nigbt, and with in another moment, was moving the I j^lp taking on and crying about it right on transports, it was announced that him unanswerable, in favor of such a vorite of the Fates.
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