
25th AM,\HVERSAR}' )'

o,~~ C/nns MORNING NE\i'SrA~E

Dam outflow waxes · to record heights ...

Offioals estimate that an Cocllran. IIWUIpT of Concord CWI' lom CI n re on nd t t in increased outflow of 25,000 Cora Iville a ••he mo".d all th cfs, which may res ult (rom doth. out of b r ltor onday. We' had our tor optn, but 1 • further rams, could mean up w baY n' had any bUllnell for a to three feet of additional Ii t. know." • wa ter for some areas CuU laid th 25,000 era ouUlo Further do",nltrllm in Iowa prediction it poNibl , but th ttt i City, city work re and volun ra i downstream. aau.rJlinc a wo . 0 . work d runolaly to .andbai th Jon Vat -WI ot me onderin,,· uld city'. water·treatm nt pllnt. Mark Pet.enen, owner of P n "W 've n tellin peopl' fol' • The Daily Iowan lroo Ilnd Metal on &cond A nu It that w,'v, 'D cone roed Revil d predlctionl indlcatin, in CoralvUl . O[ don't think anyun about th to on: ctl IU r· lh, outflow {rom the CoralviU know. "hat'l lOin to happen. It'l lDtend nt of the Iowa City Water • Oam could reACh 25,000 cubic teet ,oin, to do whal It'. oio, to do. rreatm nt Plant Ed Moreno ea.ld per nd later thia had re.l· You can't me.. with Mother -D peOdlD 00 what h ppena on • d nte and bu.ine.. ownera alon Nature.- CI aT Creek. lh w r could CXlm the Iowa River Icramblln, for AI the wat rI rOil alon. the up p tty qwckJy h .- bl,h r ground Monday. CoralYill, .trlp Monday, that Official. aT tryin to prey t a According lo Joho Ca.t1e, park becam. avid nt. lituation . imller to that hlch manager for the Coralville Lake, -I want out of her ,•• aid L aa OUTFLOW, P 6 ... while bottled water supply wanes • Tory Brecht cootammated.- aolweriol machine layio that The Daily Iowan Mor.no .ked Iowa City reei· Iowa City ml,ht 10 • i water," , dent.. lo contlnu conaervin. water Ih .. d. -I'd rather .ali than Rumon that fl ood waten ould and .. id tbat .tocltplJinl il not lOrry." lOOn engulf the Iowa City water· 0 ary. John Dalton. a d .trlbutor for , treatmen! plant, r~.uWn, In • "Our lotection f. to pro t our Cry tal o.y r Wa , d h, bad .butoff Ilmllar to tbat In Dee tr atm nt plant,· b la d. Ir e mad num 1'0 d i ri all a r Momel. ot Iowa City ident.. to get io troubl I w,'U let p api' tho city. crooery .tore. lD aearch of bottled know. We will continu to,;v tb P pi are ly tockiilr up on water Monday. M anwhil , at tb city potable water. whattv r hap- it,· h said. ·W, can't even 10 waler plant, operations CXlntinued peJlJ.- th to without peopJ bU)'lllllt •• normal and employe... aid At t.h N,,, Pion r Coop. 10 • from WI . Th. helv on t.h .to there wa. no reuon to panic. City r ident Alliaon Galat.ad wu are .mpty, they can't It p ...a r In '"The water i. fin•. We hay pi 11' 6.Illol h r mini·van with four larp .tock fol' mo than a (, boun- OMci ,..., I The O.tily Iowan ty of it,- .aid Ed Moreno. actin, jUi' of drioking wat.r. S h laid Dalton laid he d llv red yen or .uperint.odent of lhe plant, "We're . b e didn't ant to take any ibt trow, cb caJT)'lft1350 pl. VoIunl and employ of Ih Str t Depart· Wal r Tru tm nt Plant. Around 10,000 andbagt pretty well lacked·in with .and· chamel. lona of.ater. IMnt, Publ Work , and the ConSftVal1on Corp we'e piKed In an atlrmpt to keep the ri ins lOIn bap. The water i. oat . hut ofT or - [ j u.t ,ot • mn ..,e on my SUPPlY, P 6 worked ide by side Monday at the Iowa City River aWilYfrom the city'. drinklng.wa1er upply.

Des Moines left dry Businesses by weekend flooding kept afloat Mary Neubauer tM 15-foot.hI&h earthen I. and Associated Pr unclbq elike. protectint the 0.. by sense ~ Moine. Water Woru about 3;30 DES MOINES - Th.y can't take a.m. Sunday, c:ontaminatin, the aha n. They can't wub clothea. wat.r filler1 and pumpe. They can't ftu.eh the toil.t. It wu th Brat tim, the ",.t.r of humor · But. one of th. big.t probleJDA plant bad ftooded. and Dee Main.. joIlY.tea fWIlI Ed and Mary Conlo after W" the flrat major ci ty to . uffer ftoodt knocked out the city'. water­ The Daily Iowan .uch a municipal cata.troph, in Dr. Video . aY I it will remain treatm.nt plant d potty tr&iDiot the .u.ady NCOrd·break:i.aa Oooda for their 3-year-old, t.ve. open "until the COtrI ftoat bome.~ 01 1993. AI many u 250,000 peopla A aign ouuide the waterloged "We could go back to diapers, but. In D .. Main.. , 10 lurrounding 4stodMed ,.,.... hil tniniQl ",ould go backwardJ,· Taco B.U in Coralville ••YI the towna and two rural wat.r diatncte ImpotUnt Flood In~tion reetaurant it "worth wadi.nc Cor." uid Ed Conlow. ar. without. water or will M .. • A billboard acMrtislng drinking water pierces the Des MoInes sIcy­ Met a lilt of (]au Mows And at the K.I-Welc:o Pow.r The t.ape went. dry in Dee Moina IOOIl U ~ backup tanka line. The city. water supply was COIltmliMted by the ftooded be­ and tIlOIt of Jtt nburbe wh.n the *'ap1 Tooll I: Fut.enere at.ore on South l coon River Sund.1y, leaving2S0,IJOO without drinking ~. ",ollen Raccoon Riwr awpd over See DES MOIMS, P. 6 Gilbert Street in Iowa City, a mar· quee WIJ'DI pa.uera-by not to flab in their park;inr lot. Coralville Dam Outftow AllSENCfS EXCUSE: For buin ... ownera alOQl the u of 9p.m. MoDday Over 1,200 Iowa River in flood'r&vqed lo ...a City and CoralYille, the ri.lng water. have hurt bu.in... . but tum out for Classes relocated due to deluge they haven't dampened apirite. in tM ri.... leveL • "You have to keep • gooctMDII Lesley Kennedy of humo.r about it: .aid Mik, The Dally Iowan The UI al.eo 8JlDIJUDCI!CIla.te Monday that the Union early voting foot bridp will be doted indefinitely u a wety pre­ Edwards, a c:uhi.r at the Sinclair UI student. t&king clute. located in low-lyibl cautian. in Coralville. 'There'a reaDy not.b­ .,.... will be relocated to other parta of the campua. A.uociat. Provofi Leodia D.via hu formed a t.uk ing .t.. you caD do, jut pt out Joel Donofrio " continued floodiAc hu cloaed leveral buildinp the aandbap and keep your chin The Daily Iowan force to deal with atudent. and departmente that have indefinitely. been cliaplaced by the flooding. Student. who have up'- A. poll. open today for th. The UI .d.miniatration hu tried to relocate u lIWly miNed claaeea or tate in oth.r d.partm.nt. due to Or, in Edward.' c .... your dJnoeaur'. When Iowa City Cit.y Council 'plelal cl..... U poNl'ble. Director of Univ.rsity Relationa the fIaodII can F to room III in Jeaaup Hall, where chin. ftoochrat.en firat hit the Coralvill, atrip 1ut election betw.. n Bruno Pigott Joanne Fritz eaid, addi.nc that the Art Bllildinl hu they will be adn..d on how they caD make liP any Tu.. day, lomeone - Edward • and Kathy Moyen, a record • uff.red the wom floodint on the west tid. of cam­ claaeee 01' t.ta. number of early balloh have pld. Vice Pnleident for Uniftnlity RelatiODl ADD Rbodea doean't know who - put. life alrudy been cut. "In the lower level, lOme cluerooma. the ceramic uid there wu a lituation Monday when oDt 01 the jacket on the popular ..mc..ta. tion ma.cot. It wa. • mov•• According to Tom Slackett, atudio and metal .nipping have been flooded,- .h. pumpe puJDJJing water out of. Iteam tunDeI .... the JOhDlOb County auditor and laid. '"l'hoee ...... are DDt pjnc to be able to be uaecl UnioD WJecl. Edward ••aid, that w •• well· conuniuioner of electiona, 1,250 fora while.· '"Ihia demonetratea that the eituatioD ia precar­ ncetved. .un there a Floods of 1993 ...... 2 wten have voted early, with 807 The Art Mueum hu auffered aome eeepap in the the said. -rbe water went the tunnel "It .... rood WMk: be ioue: throuth Hid. -We lOt • lot of comm.Dt. , h1et1o & Iowa ...... 3 casting belJ* at ODe of the _tel· lower 1..-11 u well, but anythinJ in daDpr of beinI .." qaick1y. It &bow that we ca't pt. complacent. about it. M08t people thoUfbt it , Arts & Entertainment...... 4 lite vutiq atatiooe, 322 votinI at flooded hu been DMmICI to the main floor, eccordinI to We need to be very c:arefu1 with the people in tboM the auditor'. office, 96 votinc b, Fritz. Hanch.r Auditorium and the Muaic BW.ldinl buiJclinp in danpr.- wu pretty funDy: ~ teJIII t Calendar I News of Record ...... S Video cnmer Frank Schmidt mail, and 25 taStinI early ballota have alto auffered minimal aeepap. Rhodes laid .mployees located in buildinp Dr. ray 41# ~es ...... 5 CaciDc said be decided to poke at the at nuning hom... Slackett eaid -A hie problem it not onI, the eeepqe inaide, but potential danpr are m09ing thiDp to a higher len) tun 6 aituation if. all he i:'':: Nation & World .. ·d· .. ··.. ·· ·.. ·.... ··· .. that. Friday's Senior Center Vot­ alto the aeceu to the buiJdinp,~ abe Aid. "ODe 01 the to prepare for the worat.cue ecenario. bec:aU81 about QriIIf. Comics I Crosswor ...... 6 can do. ing Station and Saturday and I'8UOJlJ we're keeping buildinp cloeecl it beeau.ee 01 Tonigbfl Summer Rep penormance, which .... to Classifleds ...... 8 Monda,.·1 low. City Library the uncertainty of the lituation and the difficulty of See (lAS5I5, 6 Sports ...... ~ ...... 10 See EUCnON, ,.. 6 Pttinc people out ebou1d there be an abrupt ch.aDI' p. 2 - The Daily Iowan -Iowa Oty, Iowa - Tuesday, ,u 13, 1993 ASK Flood of 1993 IOWA SUMMER .­, REP 93 WOODBURN'S ..• ·• WILL ITS TAPES ·• Evacuation displeases Mayflower residents PLAY IN MY VCR? - lynn M. Tefft fuJed by the evacuation procedures cook anything: Ihe eaid. -And the flooding would pt bad enough The Daily Iowan that ahe opted ror a hotel room as un! I ant to t out ewry day, to necellit.te the evaculltion of III yet another poignant deeerip­ well. I'm goin, to have to buy a meal Mayfl.ower. tio~ of this season'l nooding, UI "There .. ere bUI going b.ck plan: She .dded that she has .ero· ever in my wildect dream.a did m.hman Ravi Paudel swnmed up and Corth but. it. took two hours,- mul.ted leveral p.rkin, t.icket. I think this would happen,· Dop­ his 'feelings about being evaeuated he said. "Some or my friend. and I becaWle ahe DO Longer hae • guar­ pelt said. -r didn't even think about. from Mayflower Residence Hall parked our ear and tried to walk to anteed parking pot. it. Now all I want is my stuff.- FINAL ancf forced to pend the rest of the th building. The ter ~ For Mark Katz, Ilttending sum· Katz agreed. ..PASSAGES BU$ner in Rienow ResIdence Hall. d p.- mer ac:hool at lbe Ul bu become "I knew they closed off part of IULY 13, 14, J& AI , PM "It sueb,· he wd. Still without over hair of her leu conftnient than he thought it Dubuque Street, but I didn't think !'BI.UUA Pawle} aaid he was out of town belongings, Doppelt laid abe haa would be. He said since he is from it would pt WOJ"M,. he said. mn.lrr~ for the Independence Day end had to buy items like eh ta and a Rock laland, Ill., he figured it UI Director of Residence Services and returned to find that he had to new alarm clock. would be easier to take c1 in Georg OroD Will unavailable for -na " JHpI,frc,... !' - PIi&d~1pIU btftoUtr mo . *I'm kind orp' low. City than to ,pend the Ium' comm nt Monday afternoon. "1 was really mad,- he said. "We -N. you can see, I oniy able to mer .t Miami (Ohio) Univenity, got into town around 7 p.m., but by tab the really important thinp.­ which he attend. during the year. the time we ~ out wh t. as She uid Rieoow just. doeso't -rm not too crazy about it.,· he Flood moves as of July 12 going on it WaB 11:30 p.m. I spent compare to the eeommodatiONl in laid or the move to Rienow. "The 5:00 p.m. Mayflow r. evacu.tion w •• organized, but ~ the first night in a bote"- UI aophomor Raehel Dopp It I don't have my own b.throom ruahed.. • Art iIIKI Art HmO?' HEAVEN DeVft' 01C:60 (both 5edJon51 EllO SSH ONEAKl'B Panasonic PV-22 saill she Celt so p~ and con· or kitcheo anymore and I can't All three said th y thoupt t. 01f1lO7 W206 SSH JULy II, 14, 1ht , PII PalmcordEr- 01F;10S 468 PHBA "m.UD. W fn1 010.110 (Hu, aft 3S1-29681 W207 SSH U1"..".. BaJIdUt.I 1.1U.cJ~ Camcorder Ifti "if}"llI 0IH:004 mil di 1 22' ~ ti_ •..., '- Am,lIIJ4tMrr • Audio Vlst.al DutltlioJ ldt Zoom with 01H:016 (Ire. mil d I 203 CSB 01H:148 mII .J 105 EP8 .",.... oftnuA..· EVF Display Policy holders check flood insurance 011\:004 8-12 M,W 468 PHBA • 1 Lux Low l~ Sensltivly COl (Hu, CilI3S 1-29681 ,181 Nrif YOUIR • High S. $hlAter BrtJlS1 01l:034 Arts & en ~, IMU Thom W~t h explllined, insurance entl try Ave., e.:pl.ined th.t there II .. (1/4,OOHI1IXlh ~) • hal be The Daily Iowan to do everything pcNlIibl . standard five-day waiting poUey on 01l:101 Arts & Cr c.ntl'l", IMU The "You'd always like to Cand a way all new in.ur.nce politi.. th.t PrilItm.1IlIl18 cd))]·5768 • 5 watt Color fnharam roUnd With thi' ye.r', nood bringing to cov r it if you can: Runck said. would mue It. impouible for peo­ School 01 Music: • Htrdlon Rerncie ~l unprecedented dam.ge to real· "If you find out you can't, you jll8t pi to get iJllUl1lllC8 after the dam· 25013 July 8,9 213 PHBA • • th : d nta and bUlin own ra, many 25 :151 Potpm~ ; del 10 III MH "".l.AIPMasanic bave to Iw.l1o h.rd and tell • is done. Their bett .dvice· tab ~ ...... _I.L""_ d"i, •• 81'1 jll8t now attempting t.o fmd out. them.- picturea or everyt.hina and co.ntact 25 :160 156 VAN • 'lliol 25 :)01 if they bave Oood h\JuranCl. Qu 'ona reprdina 11' r beck- your agent lOOn u pouible. 220NH ,..---Includes --, Craig Re.rick, m.n.g r of the 25 :115 9-10&m. Th,F • Me upt and ground .ter pag hay NeT, • aervi provider for more Farm Bureau InluMance ney on 1S02 Musatine A~ been common Cor inauran ag ntl thu 40 in.urmce companl • out FREE carrYing 2130 Mormon Trek Blvd, 25'240 :M6JH lately, although Rearick explalDed of Rockville, Md, had this advic xplain d th t dual flood intur­ that co erag van (rom policy to 25:321 472 PHBA case & for water·w ary inaurance kera. 25:301 472 PHBA .nce il only .vail.ble to p opl policy. 25·245 ~8ndeAud . FREE who liv in d ignated nood zon -Keep all nood·d.mBI d itema On the po.ltive lide, if a car is 25082 Carol Tl!omti' home noon - 10m thing they would be m d engulfed by water, there', a good together until an official aciju ter can uamine them. a 351-6987 ri • w.re of before th y v n buy th chane that insurance will cover 25:101 ~ndeAud . II~ __ ..Iu1t ..... u.J ..., house. He .aid that ordinary I Tile C th dam." Rearick said. -Tue picturea or lave nmples 25: lOS 704 4th Ave. PUce, Cot~I'v.11e be ""_10 10.. PfOI* homeowners' or rentera' inaur&nee If a CIlf ia driven into water, of dam ged property tb t abeolut.e­ 1135.... 6]7 "Affordable Excellence ... Con usually won't cover floodinJ. dam., , c.n u,ually be covered Iy mutt be thrown ....y . 2S:106 212 EP8 You can Count Onl" a I "Flooding just isn't a named per. under colliaion in.urance, he 2S:107 101 FH SUPPORTED BV: M &. T 7:30-8 pm; m n) -Save d tail d receipts of .ny U und r th typet of inluranee: expl.lned, while park d carl ~a tehfousal Conrp\JON1 United T, W. F 7:30 am-5:3O pm; • rorc d m rg ney repain, IUch e1ec:tr1. Sat , 0 am-U2 - uZOOROPA"1 *GIN BLOSSOMSI 120 N. Dubuque St., room 206) tlCleanup information pertaining to insurance claims *RADIOBEAD! *VAN MORRISON! , Cleanup packets available UI Flood Hotline 353-1993 or 335-3055 ext. 800: FUGAZI! ($8.97 CD) Cleanup questions answered tlProvides information about the flood pertaining to *FlSHBONE! * , orps of Engineers Coralville Lake Data 354-4466: the UI Updated information on the outflow from the Coralville Road Closing Usting (City Une) 337-7000: Dam tlFor a complete list of roads closed in Iowa City and hnson County Department of Public Health Coralville 56--6040: Sandbags: Free tetanus vaccinations tlCoralville 351-1266 or 351-6154 Free drinking water testing (private supplies only) tllowa City 356-5181

of questions. Communications Center, Iowa City, STAFF RfCYCUNG Notices that are commercial adver· Iowa 52242, daily except Saturdays, Calendar Policy: Announcements tisements will not be accepted. Sundays, legal holidays and university Publilher ...... William Casey ...... 335-5787 The Daily Iowan uses soybean for the section must be submitted to Questions regarding the Calendar holidays, arid university vacations. Editor ...... _ ...... _ ... _ ...... Loren Keller .. _. _ ...... 335-6030 ink and is often printed on recycled The Daily Iowan newsroom, 201N mlumn should be directed to the Second class postage paid at the Iowa ManaainI Editor ...... _ ...... Femando Pizarro ...... 335-6030 newsprint. We encourage our read· 8rad Hahn ...... _. __ ...... _... 335-6063 Communications Center, by 1 p.m. Metro editor, 33~3. City Post Office under the Act of MetJo-EdItor ...... _ .. _ ...... _ ...... ers to recycle their newspapers. one day prior to publication. Notices Comctions: The Daily Iowan Congress of March 2, 1879. POST· VIewpoints Editor ...... _._...... Jonathan Lyons ...... _._ ...... 335-5863 may be sent through the mail, but be strives for accuracy and fairness in the MASTER: Send address changes to FeidureJ Editor ...... _ ..... _ ...... Jon yates ...... 335-5849 'SUre to mail early to ensure publica· reporting of news. If a report is wrong The Dai1y Iowa, 111 Communica· Sports Editor .. _ ... _.__ ...... IOOn Shipley ...... _ ...... _...... 335-5848 tion. All submissions must be clearly or misle3din~ a request for a correc· tions Center, Iowa City, Iowa 52242. Copy Desk Editor ...... Tasha Robinson ...... 335-5856 printed on a Calendar column blank tion or a dariflCalion may be made by Subscription raIft: Iowa City and Arts Editor ...... __ ._ ... _...... Tad Paulson ...... 335-5851 (which appears on the classified ads contacting the Editor at 335-6030. A Coralville, $15 for one semester, $30 Photo Editor ...... _ ... _ ...... _David Greedy ...... 335-5852 pages) or typewritten and triple­ correction or a clarification will be for two semesters, 510 for summer ~ Editor ...... OIivia Ferguson ...... 335-5862 spaced on a full sheet of paper. published in the announcements sec­ session, $40 for full year; Out of Business Manapr .. _...... _ ...... Debra Plath ...... 335-5786 Announcements will not be accept· tion. town, $30 for one semester, $60 for Adwrtisinl Manapr ...... Iim leonard ...... 3 35-5 791 ed over the telephone. All submis­ Publishing Schedule: The Daily two semesters, S15 for summer ses­ Oaslified Ads MiIMpr ...... Cristine Perry ...... 3 35-5784 sions must include the name and Iowan is published by Student sion, $75 all year. Circulation Manapr ...... Francis R. lalor ...... 335-5783 phone number, which w;1I not be Day Production Manapr ...... Joanne HiBBins ...... 335-5789 Publications Inc., 11 i USPS 1433-6000 .published , of a contact person in case Ni&ht Production Manapr ...... Robert Foley ...... 335-5789 I •. 1]. 199)- 3 Metro & Iowa


rly an· ...... p~ rri (ilrry :. on I. McEn r ~ throu h nood w~t ." TRAFFIC CONGfSTION INCRlA\ING • Gor in 0 1 by air; proml• tanc · .... Wria Hickey Daily Iowan " Toe Commuting in Iowa City uaed t.o a br teo Now, du to flooding, m ny area resid nt. are beini • forced to tak th long y hom , • and th y'r not very happy about. It· : The bUI • can't g t out her , nd if you d n't have a c r or • bike • iC. a real ha Ie; Hid UI .tud nt • CIne KeUy, who Jiv in lh Cliff. Apartments by Mayflower R .i­ i d ce Halt. Althou h ,h wa fin lIy ab) to g t h r car out of lh garage, KrUy d th numb r of detoura ode ACC-- hope ofa quick tnp anywh W, have to go the lon, way Belt ... ,""", ... $1 ().$15 ..und town,· h aid. ue to th road doein,. and t IC hI. the Iowa City Tran­ Earring "',.,",., 5 20 it Sy,tem hu had to do .ome uti1\i. Necklaces .. , , , , $3· 1 0 In tead of u ing a bu. on it. -IC. ch otic and rally h rd to viII High rou ,lh tranait Ii rmly d n't CO out d I with; h added Ti , , ~ 10 , , , , ,'1 :Relief efforts akin to Hurricane Andrew cleanup • Sara Ep tein ''We hav I h allhy U f c m· • The Daily Iowan munity upport. It'. ncour gin ,. h ld. -Of coune, w can a1",a urricane Andrew, th natural don tio . We' houain di .t r that d vastat d areas in about ight to a dOl n flood victlDU "FlMid 1 t year, h s r turned - 8 night .0 far, but. th ",at r i. , In ille thou htl of people conlnbul- g ingup." In to flood·reU ( fforta. Wal-Mart Di ount to ,1001 way communiti aero.. the Highway 1 W t, n on t.o \.hat " 1\.8te are pulling tog th r to ist hal mad a .i'l8ble contribution. flOOd victim i. similar to the itua­ A .istant tore ManlIer Dave I UOO in , id Dan Ekstrom, Dulaney .aid the comp ny i. ju t J bnJon County coordinator of the PLUStyr tryinr to h Ip th area It rv • Amencan Red Cro... And despite ·We contacted th hom office. M 109 flood water ,he aid he i. b cause they have a fund maan­ rP'tOfl!.~UcnalQu.a[;,t!l and c£tytl!. opUmisuc. tained (or uch PUrp0ee8," h aa.id, ·We've alway. b en fortunate, of the $1,000 donation to th Red pec1ally with Hurricane Andre Cro ·We did IOmethin, irollar 124 E. Washington Sl (319) 351·3500 and al\ the people that gave for in Florida - it haa to be relatively OPEN MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 9 AM- 6 PM • that - it was more than expected,. catastrophIc." • h4lo aaid. ·We're optimiatic even if Hy-Vee Food Storn. Inc. ha. the situation here geta wone. J contribut d $100.000 to the Red , t!unk we'll contmue to bav people CI'08I to aid in r 'onal Oood'reli ( give.- efforts. The mOD y will be used to • l:katrom aald busine ses have di.tribute food voucher. both to , been very g neroua In making flood victilJl8 and volunt.ee . donations, and several local resteu­ "An mcreaaing number of re rt.a , r nta have donated food. from store managen prompted th owa.ter will What you can get for $2.75. Bruno!.

''During this campaign I've advocated or specific ide~ to open up government, encourage thoughtful growth, and make Iowa Gty more affordable. ''For example, 1 welcome neighborhood a packD,e of lunch meat a completl meal from the participation, I favor environmentally RIver Room sensitive zoning, and I oppose a new airport '1've listened to you and discussed the River Room Nightly Specials issues with you. OnJuly 13, it's your Vote Early. tum. Vote for the candidate of your attheLbay . choice and encourage your friends to Monday - Thursday," - 7pm Everyone who lives in Iowa Specials include an entr6e. vqetable, potato or rice dish. vote. 1£ you have a question, please call City can vote in the special and a dinner roll or gartic toast. me at 339-1968." election and everyone can vote LA ScudentlFacukylScaf!d's accepted. early this Monday at the Ie IOWA MEMORIAL UNION Public Library. Just visit the library between 10 am and 5 pm. Councl 4 - The Daily Iowan -lava City, Iowa - Tuesd.ly, July 13, 1993 Arts & Entertainment 'd"tj41l"A'_ UI cast does justice to powerful 'Cycle' T ha Robinson tic flat are ,which is also occasion­ The Dally Iowan ally di.tracting. His lighting design, bowever, makes up for Th who canllDl rrmnnlNr 1M what the let lacu; the ri~hneas jKJ$t an cond~mMd to rrPNt it. nd variety of moods and Though each of the nine individ· ambiancea created solely with light ual a gmenta of Robert effect is a tounding. The play's Sch nkbII's ~ Kentucky Cycl .. biggest expenditures, howe er, ba ~ n ..signed an individual m to have gon into the elabo­ quote in the Th ' program, m rate period costuming, ~lhich does thil quote from George San­ dd a great deal to th how. tayana'i Life of Reuon" beat But the play' real dJ'llw is in i encap ulate the wbole. The pro­ object. matter. While I mtenae dUction, a two-part, lu·hour pro­ and focu d than P ag I ," the gre ion foUowing th intertwined play i fa cinating becau of ita histori • of thne K ntucky fami· more complex natur . The cyclic Ii.a from 1775 to 1975, II in progre ion of th n and fall of ea enc a dramatic warning an a orlm nt of Iiv a, from the against the dangen of ignoring Ro n fami)y'a bloody berinnin,. history. to its trali~ ending, carries a Like "Final Paualel,· h avy wight. Each nt of th chenkkln'. first play and th play d ai, with eith r a Ro en'l opening production of thil y ar's If-creatlOo out of tb depthl or inal playwright Summ r Rep fe - pov rty and d fi t, or destruction, th'II, "The Kentucky Cycle" emotional or phy leal, at the handa xplore th cau and re ulta or of otb . cb n family J d r Zooropa carries U2 \;'01 nee and hatred, and poaita th to pow r or fortun by kllling th ory that violent actl alwaYI or braalung tho around him or lead to other violent acts. Unlike her. only to be thrown down by "Pa .. "Cycle- tak thi. Id a to new level of wei rd m 0 - in b I v- from one ge down into the next, inl behind the eeds of tbe new Tad Paulsoq he crui ea through many of following it through a maze of gen ration th t will kill or b Zooropa's longs lounding Uk a hatr dl, pr judlc s, and acts of killed, break or be broken. It's a Th Daily Iowan vengeanc and count r-v ngeance vldeo-proc I d helium balloon .avage, ugly wb I, but one that i. Mo tune, int Uig nt, rabulo~ that'l acre hing and ugging all ap nning v n nerations or peo- iob renUy fascinating in Its detail. ly rich rock stal'll would be taking over the plac b cau e it'l b en pI who only m to rem m r th The play'l wont problem, ho . luanne C~an I UniW'lSlty It lations pa t wh n it involv an in It or a vacation in Bora Bora or Tahiti popped. Whil his voice has n Vet ever, il itl gradual 10 I of thl. Co Iminer Tommy Ja k on (Todd Wm. Ristau) and his wife Mary humiliation to be av n . • right now, wearing gold-lac d been stronger, it'll been a lot more focu throughout -K ntucky Cye! Annt! Rowen Jackson (Liz Davi) hare a quiet moment in the second Iwlm uitl and lipping 20-ounc The result I a graphic, violent. lIou](u1 ond emotionally chorg d 11 ." ~ th story appro h a mod­ part of Robert h nlebn' srrhe Kentucky Cyde," the centerpiece of Kamikazel - or in thil CBlle , on put albums. hich m y di ..p­ orten painful, al aye intriruin, ern-day setting and the outalde the Iowa Summ Rep '93 ~ tival at the UI. do ning gallonl of Guinn II point l ome fana looking for th exploration of the ba .t human world ncroac:he on th Rowen Stout. Let'l b riou , after an bloodcurdling "With or Without emolionl - hatred, Ir ed, rag , and th ir pi of arth, th focUi own torie, and t.hu Ie detailed. draw together elements of lhe xhausting, technologically utopi­ You" wail or the galloping anger j aJousy, lu t, t. cetera, d infini­ neceslarily sbifts outw rd and With th intrusion of doz ns of oth­ entire work and guarantees that an U.S. tour in IIUpport ora mntlh of "Sunday Bloody unday" Th tum. Schenkkao diaplaya a b com s more diffu e. Inste d of er ch ract ra on lhe l eene, the per p ctive. In a ense the most r m rk bl gift for developing album that culminated an a ren campy ch sin 81 of &no'. "Zoo­ intra family or jnt rfamily ItriCe, Row DB and th ir decisiona become powerful part of th play, the final goliated r cord d al worth about TV" al r-ego Th Fly i. till alive characterl in great det il over n th &wena fa a I focused, I di tinctly wat r d down, to the cene takea a relatively innocuoua $50 milhon-plul, U2 dt trUtl a and giggling, however, a. ia his short period of time, using them to priva thr t - b in in point where iL" unclear exactly storY and pack.B iL WIth irony. Vir· v cation. But are th y taking on 1 new EUropean tour penona, provoke iotens emotion - from and corrupt indu.try consid r - why, for in nc , th di ~r that tually every word out of th char· Naw ... and th ok God, for th t -MacPhisto,· a white-faced Nazi­ mpathy to loathing - In th audio tion . The enemy gradually befall. Jo hua i his fault, rather aClers' mouths hearkens back to matter. like min. tr I with high-h.eled enc , and th n thoroughly reven­ b comes fac I II - m n Ilk than an unlucky TO ult of an hon­ earher Ie n ,earlier events. And Caught. up by the momentum boots and gold sequin d luitl. ing that emotion through a fe Andrew and James Talb rt-Win- e t attempt to help Lho e around their complete blind ignorance of and bur ting en rgy that lay And com on, has ever really d f\ .ven... . "&Uer coaster" d n't ton, th mining bo , are conv him. If we are meant. to blam him, what th audi nce knows - what residual in its wealthy veins af\er had a bad. vocal peTformanc 1 b ,in t.o describe tb IP ed and nient tar , but they're not. n r­ the character flaw that msk him bappened in their own pa ta and IMt y ars "Zoo-TV" tour, and not Zooropa's title track opens tb vanety of up and downs in this ly so much to blame for their guilty is unci ar; if we're not on th very land under th ir reet - play. really wanting to wail. anotber album with a .crombl d SOup of actions 88 their pred n w reo m ant to blame him, lus pain is provides a compelling message five years befor pacing into th TV and radio voicel chattering For the moat part, the Univenity The cbaracten, too, becom I unfound d, emptying tbe second about th nature of history and again, U2 ha ov r a Iwooning, mountinl waU of Theatre 'production d ju tic to w II-developed and harder to ba1fof"KC 11" of much ofi'" mean­ what it truly meana to not learn t ,uddenly r I a d i ... eighth and keyboard chord , then breaks into the work. A atrong ensemble c und rstand u the play PtOllre88CS ing. anything from it. moat monumentally weird album a delcending I ctronie field of playing a wid. variety of rol s - In -K ntucky Cycle I," the ph hta Granted, thia change foUowl cer· Taken in i ... entllety, "Kentucky many acton playing their own chilo to date, Zooropa . And while the ehi rping guitar. Bono softly of young Patrick Rowen, torn tain historical p r pective which Cycl ~ il not a play to be mi sed. new album rna to draw a lot of chants a litany to hia band's con­ dren, ,randchildren and great­ between hia parent., and of Jed would label the problema of today Epic in length, scope llDd subject i i piration and im gery from tinuing voyage. into the vid. o­ grandchildren - lenda trengtb to &w n, trying to d al with both a al I • simple, Ie cut-and-dried, matter, compeUing in storytelJin, tbe band's multi-media jigs in drama (·Zooropa .,. Oy the fri nd­ an Iready.powerful work, and large war he doesn't. undentand than the problems of our forefa­ atyle and gripping in ita realiza· front of 50· foot video screen" it" Iy ski I Through appliance of eei­ brings those highly d ve10ped char· and a 1m 11 war he'. been groomed then. And there's no denying that tion , this play is for the most parl no tour album, and It hnB nowhere ence I We've got that ring of confi. atten to life ffectively. A number to fi,ht, are clear and powerful. thJI play has a great deal to aay larger than ita own weaknes near the overbearing pretentious­ denc ). "Zoorop • tr8ll!forma into oC outstanding performances in dif­ Both men are well-thougbt·out, about hi torical penpective in gen­ And hopefully it can teach u. ne s of tbe LP·movie Rattle and the pornographic nur ery rhym ferent rolee ar up cially I en finely crafted characters tbat eral. From an audienc perspec­ enough about our own history that from Ron Clark, Adam Whilner, Hum, which gave the astounding of "B byface: 0 enchantingly d mand ympathy and at the same tive, however, the progression II we're not doomed to r peat it. '87-88 tour a really bad name and twisted love lOng in which th H... Jam s Finney, William Watt, time in.pire animolity - a para­ limply a guarantee of dilappoint. 10 t. U2 a sitable chunk of their Lener can almo t e Bono on the Sarah Salisbury and Tiach Jones. do ntm to the pi y, and reapon- ment a tb production gradually Ticket. to -Kentucky Cycle- Pfr· The production delign is low­ fans. -Zoo-TY" stage crooning to giant, ibIe for much of ita trength. I Iteam. formafll!~ are ,till availablt; how. Zooropa, inatead, is a logical, abuddering image of Marilyn key , aometlmel annoyingly 110, as But later characters, like Joshua What validate th ploy'. second are subject to cancellatlon due to highly entertaining progreasion Chamben and John HolmN. when the actora are forced to mime &wen. hi, wif. Margaret and his half and mak s it a neceaaary part flooding. Gall the Han.cher Bolt acHontl around nonrn.tent prop• . from th group', 1991 LP Achtung Otber prime cuLa include the eon Scott, are 1 the fOCUll oftbe!r of tbe whole lS the ending, which Office, 335-1160, for information. Baby, moving away from the Dal F. Jordan's eet is a minimali.. aforementioned "Dirty Day, ~ a vio­ - I h avily political, IOlid guitar-rock lent homage t.o th piri~ and sound of the earlier albums and poetry of Charle. Bukowski, upon contlDuing into a new keyboard· which Edge unleOllhea hia only Flicks portray never-ending search for heaven infused techno-territory that owea truly schizoid guitar riffs on the I u much to the band's new vi ion album and Bono'a voice cracks Just don't lik to talk about it. this one on any heavy drugs. Pooh" 's Eeyore. He's a character of itself 811 it do I to the handl· with sticky irony ("If you n ed Ian Corwin work of producer and ghost memo The Daily Iowan For those who would like to pro· "Heaven" 's overall effect is one full of curiosity, grappling with I I aomeone to blame ... Throw a rock voke viol nt fiat fights bet.ween of lurprising charm. It' included fear of the unknown that we've all ber . in the ir I You're bound to hit EverYbody wants to go to h av­ Indeed, much of the credit for Eastern and We tern thinkers at \n my personal vldeo lIbrary and experienced at one time or 8J)l>tner. IOmeone guilty'"); and ·Stay (Far­ en, if only to be able to an wer the their next. cocktail party, I .ugg t I've seen it many times, aimply Zooropa's sound goes to Eno, away, So Close)," a IweeUy melod· unanswerable qu tiona m life. whose keen ear for washing, raiding the local video boutique because [ can't get enough of the ic and winlOme tun. reminiscent Ia there a God? Am I afraid to and acaring up the foUowing t.iUea: people in it. They're strangely exot· densely atmospheric keyboard of old Velvet Underground and die? Do we reincarnate? It's awful landscapes was integral to 1984'a Heaven (1987) and Defendin, ic, funny in a Franz Kafka kind of Achtung Baby' "One: to think about, but mayb Ill: Unforgettable Firt and Achtung Your LIle (1991) are two difTerent way, and you probably wouldn't , eel And then, of courae, there'a Shirley MacLaine il right, flicks with some very whacked mind sitting down and talking to a Baby. Eno's presence on the new ·Lemon" - a eveo the moat and we're aU on a kind di, LP is much more forceful - in ideas about what happens when we few of them (if only to pound some faithful U2 fan could never antici­ ahuffle off this mortaJ coil, but sense into their heads). fact, it's present wiLhio every pate hearing. Taking cues from cr song. He even takes a backup they're both good for a laugh, as "Defending Your Life" is the la~ Eno's stranger work with David weU as excellent fodde.r for discus­ e t fforl from that cerebral .w­ to vocal credit on the album's best Bowie, "Lemon" is a shimmering, M cut by far, a little ditty called sion. zle-stick Albert Brooks, who graced uplifting dash of colors and key· "Heaven" i8 a pet directing pro­ the Earth in 1985 with a brilliant "Lemon" (I'll get to the actual board wavea who musical chutz­ re BOngS in a moment). Ject of actress Diane Keaton, and it low-key comedy called -Lost in pah is matched only by Bono's is probably one of the weirde6t America" (8 separate column alto­ hE Ail for the band itaelf, there' a creamy falaetto lead vocal •. th lot of unexpected role-reversal films ever perpetrated (yea, perpe­ gether, kids). "Defending Your Sounding 1ike a cross between of eternal carou.el, dying and trated, aince it seems like a bizarre Life- doea for the Afterlife what re going on that signifies U2 IS mak· Prince and Slim Whitman, Bono being reborn until we get it right. ing every conceivable attempt to joke while you're watching it). "Lolt in America" did for "Easy is at maximum cheese-level here, To quote Woody Allen, "if we come It doesn't do that narrative Rider." keep things interesting and fresh, pulling otT linea like "She's gonna back, that means I'U have to sit both for itaeII and for its legioD8 of thong, but rather strings together It's kind of a "People's Court" for make you whisper and moan I but through the Ice Capades again." a series of interviews with street. reincarnation buffs. Brooks' char­ .a loyal listeners. For one thing, when you're dry I She draws The horror. Zooropa is dominated by the auraJ crazies, Salvation Army members acter is killed in a car wreck, and • p( water from a atone" with an The bottom line here ia that and evangelists, all of whom when he seeps back into a groggy explorations of eclectic guitarist· engaging gusto, then backing off speculation about life in the Great pianist-keyboardist , appear to be quite comfortable half·consciousness, he ftnds him­ Diane Keaton • tastefully 88 Edge and Eno chime Beyond isn't neceaaari.1y a morbid relating with one another. These self in Judgment City, which looks ~ who takes co·producer credits in with tbe chorus and piano­ hobby. Sure, if you're thinking St., (with Eno) for the first. time and real-life cbaracters expound at like Los Angeles Been through a When Brooks meets Meryl laden bridge. It's difficult to teU about it more than school, your job, length on death, heaven and God Better Homa & Gankns filter and Streep, who is a1eo awaiting judt­ • Iyh allO takes writing and lead-vocal whether to laugh or anort 00 or SeI, then you should probably credits on the LP's first single, the witb more entertaining results populated by yuppie Hare Krish­ ment, the film bursts into hiah A eight-ball when hearing "Lemon: make an appointment to see lOme­ than Sartre or Camus could have nas. gear. Streep's character is one step sluggishly ethereal -Numb.' • 1oW~ but it clearly defines the rompy one - but now and then, pll88ing a ever hoped for. Here, he meets his otherworldly below sainthood, and when BrooiII Edge's dominant place in U2 b8tI • Me mood of Zooropa. rainy afternoon in search of eternal The interviews are intercut with defense council (Rip Torn), who begins to com pare how both o( never been disputed, 88 he has atE No review of Zooropa should truth can be fairly amusing, if not non sequitur stock footage from old explains that he is being judged them are treated by the cogs aJWI been responsible for mapping out end without first giving honorable somewhat self-defeating. much of the band's musical terri­ moviea, ranging from Lang's based on how much he let fear rule wheels of the Universe's MachiDI. • mention to its dosing cut, "The DilcUlsion on the topic is lOme­ "Metropolis" to -rhe Horn Blows at his life on earth, Those wbo have his worry about his 0 itua • IoWa! tory with hia alternately jagged Wanderer" - a song, as the liner thing else entirely though, the cat and moody guitar work. But this Midnight: and even a sequence conquered their fear, explains increases hilariously. lal ~ Ave notes 80 aptly announce, "atarring quality of said metapbysical bull from the Spencer Tracy clusic KA Torn, get to move on to a higher Both of these flicks a ~ time around, Edge seems to be Johnny Cash." It'a an odd tune session depending heavily upon standing on an equal level with Guy Named Joe: set to the Love" plain of existence - those who tively light· hearted approachli (IOrt of like techno-western disco) who you are with and what beliefs Rockets tUDe "Everybody Wants to haven't ... get. to go back and try death and God, which u far 88 lead singer-lyricist Bono - a feat with a whiakey-filtered lead vocal they hold. Obvious traits to look for to be admired. Go to Heaven.· There's also some again. concerned is the only way to by Cuh, and it will seem way out in a aolid diacuaaion companion are really bizarre footage from an Brooks takes his character from with weighty subject matte~. ' • In addition, baaaist Adam Clay· of place to moat liatenen, but heU intelligence, finn convictioD8 and a C< ton demonatrates a apurringly evangelical film made in the '60s "Broadcast News" and ampliftes mean, if the Universe is keepiJlf ... they can afford it, and wbo's willingnesa to believe in the Lost that features a dwarf ainging his worrisome quirkiness by 20, this death thing a secret from.u­ rhythmic, walloping bravado that going to complain? That'a aU I'll Continent of Atlantis and Bigfoot. has been all but abIent on U2's hymns, giving praise and pleading corning up with a cross between us, then let's do a little giggliJC say. But lOme people, believe it or not, to be "taken up.- No, don't watch Woody Allen and KWinnie the behind ita back. to keep it busy. • I past albUIDB, and his bass lines Zooropa's no Joshua Tree or drive many of Zooropa's lOngs to War, that's for aure, but if you're , heights they might not have looking for the old Bono then why , 801 attained had he remained in the not just dig out the old tapes and Playboy, Disney videos tantalizing summer video buyers : Bry, woodwork as usual. Clayton's listen to him? Don't penalize U2 • sse rumbling performancell on the for getting bored and moving with Associated Press 3. "Beauty and the Beast,"(Dis­ ered Country,· (Paramount) Ss( VIDEO SALES scathing "Dirty Day' and the enthusiasm into a new techno­ Here are the weekly charts for ney) 7. "McLintock!," (GoodTiJnes) :: ~ thrashy "Daddy's Goona Pay For landscape IOrely in need of invigo­ the nation's most popular videos as Copyright 1993, Billboard Publi­ 4. "Disney's Sing Along : 8. "Dancea With Wolves,· (0ri0ilt 30; Your Crashed Car· may be the ration. That's what big rock stars they appear in this week's iNue of cations Inc. Friend Like Me,- (Disney) I Me. beat ofhia recording career. 1. "Pinocchio,· (Dilney) 9. "Playboy 1993 Video Playmd are supposed to do anyways, Billboa-rd magazine. Reprinted 5. "Playboy Celebrity Centerfold: I "pt And as for the amorphous Bono, aren't they? with permission. 2. ·Playboy Playmate of the Jeaaica Hahn," (Playboy) Review,· (Playboy) - add Year,· (Playboy) 6. ·Star Trek VI: The Undiscov 10. -101 Dalmatians,· (Dimey) Cost of special election debated ayor Darrel Courtney .:. belIeves the election could have waited until avember.

Car Accid nt - Al I • t on m tori t wa ide Drive Monday afternoon. Th .cdd"t injunct during II th ~ide KC,dent on Ri - rem n under in ti "lion. $40,000 given back to 1993.-94 VISA budget

~P~ick Th Dally I n

ill be

r. ViSA Viee Pr"ldenl MII:ab 1I0b Tt Id that he II v th Register u e lb w gr a t print M nday n any ate to d

., ...... T.Scott~ /TIwO ~ ~ 3.n .ut t ic Jr..~, CAMY OUT Readying (or Round Two - UI Phy ical Pl.nt employee Mill BarnyS A" ...... EJIi lin up pall of andb g for u e at H nch r Auditorium n MOIII Monday afternoon. Grill FlUO $3.99 ~ Conglomerati W() CllAUD~MU', ON (JUTY CAUNl>AU "1 Looting doesn't concern TODAY PI.w, 540 [. Jet. -u lec:h dl III RADIO Des Moines police chief 910 RIdo!t' • Mik Glover flood dub ,Mould r laid pohu As iated Pr w ren't, bothering WIth many rou· I (f .... 91.n - The w. tine law-enforc m nt chor . But OYmber Or ra: An all·V",_ldi pro- DES MO INES - Though big they had few indlcatlonl of am condu ~ by n lof P'rack, wull • ction. of th city weT flooded increued crinunal actIvity. ItUI n K.u. hi Y,lOhiw, 7 p.m. and without power, ofliciaI. report· -Wy. ltibbn .. IiMxuaI hopIa' "W have no had a I num­ ed almost no looting and 88id they Union ¥o111 hoId.1n outreoKh nd ~ppGft - WSUI tAM 910) - 5pN e,s Com« berofcalls,· 'd Mould r. • didn't expect any. group olt Tnnaty Pbc ,Gil rt and M.r­ plot- PM U : A fin - ·We expect there will be lome Moulder conceded that the large I., str ,t 8 pm. nd Adventure,· noon. BBC World of Books, 8:30 p.m .. • crime, but it'. not a popular thing number of National Guard troop TONIGHT to do,· uid Polke Chief WilUam patrollin, the flooded aeruons of Mould r. the cIty cODtribut d to a I ck of BINGO Moulder said there had been two crime in th area. BI}OU reports of looting related to tb About 300 Guard men are on CHEAP BEER & heavy flooding which ha swept. duty In the city, and many ofth m POOL TOURNEY the city Sunday, and arreeta are 8nlgned to ecuraty dulie -us TOO. a ~pport -The Odd Couple 119681, 7 p.m. .._wr,..11) re ulted in both instanc . keeping sightseeu and others who h.1Yt! been dl.1 ('o'E 11 '11210 With officials preoccupied WIth away. caocer. ¥o n ~ In the MQ'\UIE!v - law of DHin (19871. I) p.m 7k******* PiOts· 1.25 Bass Ale ' _T1IEFrr-,., EVE 110".3) :-.:==~ No Cover .... LIE Of,. til) · EVE 700"30 POLICE Open cOflt.iMr - Dani I O. H~u­ MARRIAGE den5ch11d, 36] . Riverside Drive, fintd WI ACT1OII ..,..11) APPLICATIONS M.100'~30 • S5 , P.1lriciol 1\. loluer. Joliet, III, iined MK:NeI •. 1udIIer, 21 . 626 Ba.wry S50; ey A. Schou, 525 5 JohnllO/l Cr~ A. Michel and P.urid.a M. -- St., wt\S chirged WIth keeptng a disorder· St., Apt 4, fined S50 . sley of Hills. Iowa, and lowol City. $1.50 Pitchers • Iy house on July 11 at 7:23 p.m. Criminoll trespas - Eno I. Ini.1m.1, respeclJ\ • on July 6. 9-Close TlEF.-tIQelt;I?' MMII~ , 29, address unknown. W.ashlnglon D.C.. fmeet $25; Vincent J. DmcI I(. Faler .. Karen M. Brock M.t:45U4$ Vogelsang, add unknown, fined $50. • w.ts charged with public intoxiauon at both of Liberty on IUIy 6. EVERYDAY AMEllJCAN WIIIT'I um lIT TI. WI11 n r Memories, 928 Maiden l.lne, on July 11 WNG Public III"iIWion - Iason T. ~. Roger E. HoIfMr MId Donn. D. ferTeI • ASSOClATION (I) EVE 1.00 U-"D at 6:30 p.m. 52] E. faarchdd St., fined S50. bachofOt .1.on)u6 t of/ow. kyle R. White, 27.830 Bowery St., Interfere nce wi th offici.1 ut - Anthony l. Sri&hton .. Eliubeth E. NO COVER intoxi- • Wt\S chi WIth operabng while Ke¥ln J Lenart. 303 Rr. rsede om.-e. ~ bach ci K.1Iona OIl July 7 cated the 100 block or lowol tined S25. Aven Iy 12 .. t 1 :54 a.m. Thomu C. Rauch and Muy H. Providin, ~I co hol to m inors - Snod&t bach of Iowa Oy on J 7. Theodore E. Mart • 716 N. Dubuque COMpiled Tho", .. Wa".' by St., fined S50. Lonnie D. Ha llins and IC.Ire n K. Simpton both of I a City on luly 7. TONIGHT DitorcImy houR - Sat.1 J. ~. COURTS 225 E Washington St., Apt. 2OG, fined Anthony J. ler.nek and MAry K. HuI boch of Oxford, Iowa, on July 7 Club Hangout ~25 . Theft, fifth·de"ee - Meache M. Geoffrey E. Elli s a"d Wendy E. Myles, 1926 St., Apt. C, fined Wiliams of Menlo Parle, Calif., .lnd Iowa featuring 1I.J. $50; Betty J. Thomas, Ced.1r Rapids. Oty, respectiYeIy. on July 7. Public intolliulion - Herbert l. fined SSO. EJIon I . SmidI Jr. and ~ E. Miller • Bowers, Hiawatha, Iowa, fined S50i both of Iowa Gty on July 8. EARL·E Bryan H. Brinning. Brighton, Iowa, fined ., S50i Paul A. Cox, North Uberty, fined Irian N. Albrecht and Melinda S. T~ boch ci Iowa City on July 8. WED. Cosmic Psychos 50 . $"100. S50; Mich ael A. Hellman. Sturgeon Pitchers of Beer ~. Maajpw .. 011 die rocb • lalce, Minn., fined $50; KevIn J. Lenart. Kurt A. Anclaseft and IC.Itherine E. TlfUR. CapIain Barney tsltw*n1. u..J 303 N. Rive rsi de Drive, fined S25; Prohibited Uti - Raymond Paetz both of Iowa Oty on July 8. FRL Bent~· J Meache M. Myles, 1926 Broadway St., Graykowski, Geneseo. III., preliminary IS S Pmr W. Church and Denise L CIockvIerk Onrlge to p.D1. • Apt. 6, fi ned S50; Joseph F. Van hoe, hearing set for July 19 at 2 p.m. p. addrs unknown, fined S50; Vincent J. both of Iowa City on July 8. SAt Civil' Duck 115 F!st College ~3000 ~ng. ~ unIcnown, fined S50. ~olllpiid by Dne Str.Ji •• 6 - The Daily Iowan -Iowa City,lowa - Tuesda • Ju 1], 1993 OUTFLOW Nation & World =... -. e tried doing some sandbag­ Continued from Page 1 much of a change.------~------~------~------Castle said the corp ill be ging in the hot lpols, but it JU8t happened in D Moine , wbere monitoring the ituation at th didn't ork." h ·d. ej can't 2 KILLED Br MOB Oood waters entered the treatment water plant to try to keep nood keep up. It eam like. losing U.N. launches plant, hutting down the city'. aters out of th city'l water sup­ CA~.· water supply (or up to a ply. If flood waters com tDO cloae Hayworth added that although air attack "The Army Corp of Engineer. to the plant. th corps may opt to th flood aten are cau ing prob­ Joumalists attacked u.s. Cobra and Blackhawk ca.me down and helped WI de ign 10 th fiow of water out of the lema for I' ident and bUlin • Icopters red m let and the wall," Moreno said, referring to dam's ga . ownera along the river, one strafed targets wTIh 20mm cannon the .·foot-high barricade of land­ -rb water plant is probably our h dacb the city will not have to • at tar~1s near Oigfer Hospita/ In Mog8diSt\U. hap that now 8UlTOuDia the plant. bi eoncern right now; b said. worry about is th ir drink:.ing ater near warlord's base "We're expecting to the high "'If 'e're in daqger of Imoeklng out becoming contaminated. ~tnn8port water levels on Thursday." the water supply in 10 City, we • All the weill are on very high Angu ha rted journaIi. in ears to th Monday'. ouUlo reached 22,000 will ha to do 80m thing.- po and th plant is on hill, Associated P De tD inapect the damage. ds, a 10 pereent increase ov r Sun­ Any gat chang made by the wll h 'i no probl rna with our Suddenly, the journaIi ta weI' day'a total and about 4,000 era L corps to control the outflo ould ·.ter upply,· h aaid. OGADI HU, Somalia - An ot at and th n rarmed over by than what corp officiall said ia be temporary in natur , Cude 10 a City officials alao warn d angry mali mob kiUed an 1- more than 100 angry Somalia pouible if th is rain this k. dded He did not rul out shutting Monday that beeaUBe of th ruing ated Prel photographer and a armed with guna and kni\' . Som Reuters photograph r on ~onday , Late In the afternoon, the corp th gate compl tely and allowing waters, th city anit.ary wer .ya­ journall t ped away under fire, decreased th outOo temporarily th ateT to 00 trietly ov r the m w placed under atrain. They aft r U.N. helicopt r fir d can­ but \'eral were cut off. to 20,000 era, a rate that will lowly apillway. d residenta and bUlin _ in nona and mi il t n r negade Somali interpreten emplo by increase the lake fill with "'I don't know what the dynami or n ar flood-pron are that uni­ warlord's camm nd nt r. The " oci t d Pr 8 r turnea to Aneth r R ut rl photogr ph I' water. are" Castle said. "If 11' do cl th tary wer diac:harging may accom· the area and reported eeing t e Officiall have been estimating gatel, there'd be an imm di t pany the Oood aten. and a tele\'i ion oundm n er body of Han i Krau ,a 30'ye mi ing and rear d dead in the that for e ry 1,000 cis increase in reduction in the outflow down- Dam from sewer diaeharging old AP photographer from Ger· ..... 'DMral' ... the outnow from the dam, th tream, but it would ri again lat­ may be limited by placing a h t mob attaclr.. Two oth l' journali til m ny, Th body of photographer water level down.tr am rises er.- of pI tic and a ndb g over floor auffi red tab and bull t 1tIound . Dan Eldon, a U ..-British citizen Supportera of warlord Mohamed approximately Bix inch . In Coralville, city work en drains 11' U as in ba . ment toi- 'ho 'orked ror Reuters out of 73 It is a fonnula that can be h lp­ att mpt d to build ever I dike l and inks. Farrah Aidld claim d Som Ii Kenya, 81 recovered by U.N. ful, but Culle said wat r levell lat Sunday and early Monday in With rain .howen pou lble died and 200 11' re ounded in the fan: . He appeared to hav been will vary d pending on wh re you an att mpt to k ep ater out oC throughout th week, offici II in .N. at ault, But U.N, officiall beaten with ItOn I and rille butta. are located on th riv r. bUltne es and off the road, but both Jowa City nd Coralville are aaid th ir troop counted 13 de d Somali employees for Coreign Somalia and 11 wound d after the ·Th re'. no one number: h, City Admani trator Kelly Hay· aming re identa to be prepared n WI agenci 8 id they a 11' the id. "Scm pIa It will n v ry worth id their effortl were for th orst 17-minute auack by U.S. heli­ bodi of two oth r foreigners out- quickly,oth r pI ce will not unauc:c:euful. coptera Ilnd IOldi ra. ide the villa. Two oth r Kenya­ A U.N. apoke. oman, Maj. b Reut ra employee , photog­ I.e n.n . ko ki, id damage raph r H D. Mama and sound· SUPPLY was confined to villa bemg UI d m n Anthony Macharia, were as command enter. missing, but th a ney said it h d Continued from Page I "Everybody ell aay. to go g t re id nta. Aidid's Ifunmen bave been not confirmed tb bodies were ·People , e what happened in water, 10 ['m g tUng water: Ihe Moreno aaid p ople fearanlf n blamed for attack that kill d 35 thein. imminent Ihutdown of th tr at­ Des Moin and y, Tm filling up eaid. ·We bought jUlt four gallona U.N. soldiers and wounded 137 in Mohamed haffi, a Reuters t le­ menl plant bave litUe to worry my bathtub and buying bottled to bru h our teeth and cook with, th ISlt fiv weeki, plunging vilion cameraman, was stabb d, water: • h id you can drink oth I' thmga." about. Mogadishu back into the chaol .hot in the I g nd mne-d, but waa "W want to pro rove in our At. th Eagle grocery tore on Night crew Manag r AI Mangin that pr v il d before a U,S.-Ied abl to re ch a U. . Army field ho . commuDication," he said. "Th re Highway 1, people were \jnin, up aid tb store had old about 700 military foret> Int rv ned in D . m­ pitaI. to fill juga with purified water. gallons of water by Monday re Iota of erron UI rumors. Pee­ bel'. U.N. troops b g n trying to Shaffi told hi gency that -Y pI with questions can call the hawn J n n, an Cowa City re - evening. He added that many pee­ re rt control in arly Jun ,after thought '" 'I'm not gonna die on ident said h w buying water to pi from De Moin w re in town plant during regular bUlinell gunmen believed to be under the ground.' So I got up and ran. I be on the fe ide. buying wat.er, a. were Iowa City houn." Aidid'i control kill d 24 U.N. Pak­ jUlt kepi running. 1 law pickup i tani pe cek pen. truck in front of m ,10 ] dived into In , a group )oyal to Aidid th b ck." DESMOINES i u d tem nt saying hi mili­ tone-throwing m n pr vented v Continued from Psg 1 The Conlowa haven't bathed One hitch: it ItOpp d r ining tlam n would continue fighting th truck from reaching the hospi· cut on hill he d in an earli r mob until all U.N. troo I ve Somali . run dry. lince Saturd y morning, although unday morning and no r in al tal, it dumped Sham in front of t ck. by Monday leveral friend. had eIpeeted before late Monday night. Aidid h aceu d U.N. OffiClall or the ho Iud by foreign journal­ Eric Cabanls, an Agenc France:7 L.D. McMullen, water works xt.nded invitation for them to "We don't really h ve a choice, so favoring hi riv I in th civil war i ,nd coU ague took him to th Pre se photograph r, aid that .... general manager, said the water make Ihower visits. They are I don't even alk the question, tbat ravaged tbia impoverilbed hOlPltal, hid. the m dia convoy approached the should be running again by the end bru.hing th ir t eth with bottled 'What are we going to dor • Conlow country. Scott P t r on, an Am rican V1Ua "th crowd was thick nd ho . of the week, but he guesaed it water, and Conlow is fut learning laid. "We both have jobs, 10 we'll After the U.N. attack, p ople r port r for TM Daily Telegraph of til . People hi t lh car. [ would be a month before pipes can the beat way to flush a toil t manu· keepgomg." claiming to be Aldid lupport r London, was treated ror a machet men." be disinfected and the water is safe ally. Where th 1're going right now is to drink. Pour the water directly into th out of town. The flood. forced Con· Conlow, a legtslat.ive r archer bowl, he lays mock·solemnly, and low to reloc:at a long-plllnned fam· Doone bury BY GARRY TRUDEAU for the Iowa House of Repre nta­ th force of tbe water cau es the ily reunion thiS week from hi. tivel, played with Steve and 6- toilet to fluah hou e to a rel.tive'l houl in t . ye r -old Kate outaid his Des Health officiall are remindIng P ul, Minn. H. laya the family is Moines hom on Monday becauae residents that any kind of wat leaving and he'll ju t a ..ume the Steve' day-care center wa clo d. even from ponds or Iwimming wat.er will be on when they get Itjul couldn't operate without toi­ pooll - can be used to nusb toi­ back. leta, Conlow said. I tao Th y also urged people to put ~[ think if we have bathing "I feel like w 'r in a ThIrd World bucke und r downspouts to catch water, people Will 00 a lot joUi r,­ country; Conlow said. "W 're lur­ rainwater, which hal 1'1 in more h ald. viving. That'l it." than ampl lupply lately. ELECTION Age Breakdown of Iowa City Voters Continued from Pag 1 voting Italions were ~.wamped· 35 with rly voters. ·I'm very ncouraged by the record early voting, I just hope it .run's Journal by Tun m ana til people are going out m force to choo their Council l' pre- My fr.e~ ~ ..v. ~Q s-,d ~~ "'''I 1- told NIW\:r ~ St',cl. ·'CoW'. entativ tomorrow,· Slockett aid. elich,t ~~tl1 OM, ~ ~ Before tod 1's election, the previ. "''''t by tod ..,,- 'OtW\' ·h "~ri\,,, it'll oua high of 483 early votes was aet fIl"'it 'toW'" ht fie' \\ "t CoM, ", ,,..~t +l.~!" during the Nov. 5, 1991, Iowa City "it\- h,s /r'."~S. .to,"" • election. That eleciion also et a ,.. high mark for overall voter turnout ...... '. ".... """" in a local election, with 24 percent \a of Iowa City'. registered votera casting 9,648 ballots. In s pecial t( elections, the mo t vote. and arly votes were CAst on June 25, 1991, when 436 early votera and 6,406 ~ overall voters defeated the sporta complex proposal for Napoleon Park. While Slockett said the record number of early ballots ·certainly shows there' a lot of interest in Crossword Edited by Eugene T. Maleska No. 0601 thia campaign; he alao attributed 18-24 25-29 30-49 50-64 65&up it to the negative conditions of high ACROSS ~Hautboy II Moved Age Breakdown of Voters amoothly on Ice Oooding and uncertain weather - tAroma • Bingo reIa1rIe IOSimpielon two factors that could decrease lLowftmM .~Irtverin toda1's overall turnout. voIc:eI Sc:01land It TtIIe -In my 17 yean as county audi­ uation and the rain forecast for today's election. Nearly one-third " TUfklah ~J . Fonda· II Allr.ltala tor, there's never been .0 much election day, I would be totally of these are of coUege age, a group c:tIambeq C. AobeI1soII Lawful film: 1963 a uncertainty over bow many people amazed if the 24 percent turnout that both candidates acknowledge 14 Cupola .. Sprouted 4t Tikllan«! 0/ \he will go to the polls; he said. "With was duplicated. will probably not vote in large tlWlllfwtlMl N.H.L .. Youngilif. much of the university community There are 36,616 Iowa City vot­ numbers. II ..1ldcIn dOIlat aharal .. Uka old tub. home for the summer, the flood sit- ers who are eligible to vote in tHrickIe aCommedia If D.C. group t I VarbaJ IxatTlI dIU'- .. Repeal ... -Bingll DOWN .. O. ReedoJ. (Crosby) HUMOR Oerekfilm: 1951 41 F1oc:k rnembeq t - Illdends CLASSES IJ Kind o/lI\aI1I 4IU... ldMoiog IAr.... ,.. . Continued from Page 1 Copperfield Continued from Page 1 first sidewalk," she 8aid. "We are ... River In rod Colombia 3 LNve out land bagging the west aide of the "It's just the way I feel about .. Blttll memanlo be held in the Theatre Building, .. Malden • Drove bacII building, but tbe water is not as far things, I guess, he laid. -A lot of -Complain has been canceled for aalety pre­ .. ROAI}'pwt as it 11'88 when it crested last people laugh. It's just something II R. Russell-C. I ReIalJng 10 ~ cautions, 'he said. UPertonn Gr~lr~m: 1940 electrode week." for people to laugh about." Fritz agreed that the UI admin­ Jim Howard, associate director I NIviga1ion Take, for instance, Schmidt's list syllam istration is very concerned about of the Physical Plant, said Phyaical of popular rentals for the week, ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZL£ '7 Salver safety. Plant employees were busy sand­ titles like "A River Runs Through I Some paulbngs "We have taken all precaution8 bagging the Union Monday. possible in protecting the build­ It, "River's Edge: -rhe Boat, and, .WlOdowpwt "The dock, patio and dooI1l are 41 In a mad way MCapllaJof ings,. she said. of courae, ~rvoir Dogs." :+':~I-:-f.~ "Wagnerian work II One favoring at low-lying areas so there is a Down the road at the Boubin ...ir. :-F-t:+=+= _iBF-T.:iii..... " E1nbeIhsh one-p8rson rule 4' Famed ex·Bruin .. Challenge Beginning today, UI Hospital8 IfI II Certain potential danger for flooding .. Assislants II Solemn _sent and Clinics will alao concentrate on Muftler and Brake Shop, Manager *-~Ef.H tl.A.hardwood Investmenll there," he said. Loren Landsgard, whose store wsa 10 Disguise 11 Evelgleen tl ..t safety when it offen a tetanus Physical Plant employees are ~~ti "U.S.-Qnl- ,. Sicilian volcano immunization service for Oood vic­ open for the first time in over a c.n.Is at Dined uGlammy. II Game.-. also still taking on the water sur­ winning country malch tims. The service, offered from 9 week, prepared to shut down again It CaYier U SmID ctlddten rounding the art campus and the singer _ Native of HE a.m. to 4 p.m. in Clinic B of Boyd Monday Ill! flood wateI1l rose along ~~~H II Heighten »Whale tDUriSI Printing Department, according to the strip. .;F.~F-f.~ II Two-handed may drOp a -fixe Thailand Tower, will be provided at a Howard. card game ,. CopycIb reduced rate. Physician referral is On his storefront sign, a message "We're doing a lot of pumping: read "Can't drown that Coralville .;r.~t:'t~~ II Gave ,. SwefYI. _' Gel answers to any IhrH clues not required and no appointment is presc:rlbed Ihlp he said. "'AI. the water level contin­ Pride." by touch·tone phone: 1·900-420- necessary. ues to rise, which it likely will, it amounIa .. Prlttling "If you don't keep a positive atti­ 11 utterances 5656 (75C each minute). In addition, Mercy Hospital will will make our job much more diffi­ .::.J.:~.a=J ~.... offer free tetanus shots from 2-6 tude, you'll never open up again," cult. The Printing Department has Landagard explained. p.m., Tuesday through Thursday. been re-sandbagged, but the river The Union i8 another building And, with outnows form the level ia up and it's backing up Coralville Dam expected to rise The Daily Iowan that is still facing flooding prob­ Clear Creek again." lems, but the water is not as high through ThUl'llday, all thoee inter· The Physical Plant is making viewed agreed that the .ituation as it was last week, Union Director plans to ensure that the Water Jean Kendall said. 11'88 not funny. Plant and Power Plant can eontin­ It doesn't hurt, though, to keep 8 ·We Itill have water over the ue operating. " sense of humor. • n· • Tuesda), 11, 1993.7

Sports NEVER A COVER ~ . ()I '1/ .\ \ \\\1 R

ca lI' Pft CI u. T_ lGIt $ z·s-s LM 1 4-U ~·So.s 1 }os LM 1 n·I' 1 l~'" .... S ISo2l 1 5--5 '-- 1 14. S- ..... 1 1~21 J I -) 1 J4 .... 1 129 ...a-toM .... '-- 4 AMIII 50 19 1·2 ...... 1 1-.2 So5 1 19 z~ LM 1 1l.l'6 L "'-t G8 U. ~ G8 U. "- 4''* 41 Sl) ,.... 1).17 21·14 l .) ~II )0.1 Z-.!~ 44 41 12 1 ,..... li-ll 1~11 . ,., .,. 14-11 T ... 41 .J1l I .1 n·" 21· 12 ...... lHO "·21 ...... J z 11-10 1~14 11 }OS 14-"li-11 U·2I_ CMomia 4, 4) I .... 20 15-21 ,. r·7.) o.w...I HI z-.s-s l ..U fl·ll S ,.) ~ I). 16 • ~ lU6 ).1 1.. 1. 1 .,31 ., 4' o. • .. u·n I ...... The Mill Restaurant 120 E. I!urt"*1I'I Steaks. alads· Pizza • PastR. FISH FAY TONIGHTI Our regular flth dlnlW But tonight Idd ai, the extra $635 portions of nah you wish t Tomorrow lIf1a TOil ImRn


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•U ..,607 U )7 U IT U71,1)) • usa • ) 11 •U5I ,IJ6 I US) J U I /I\[)I R'i SlJAJ)lO UU $12J,G41 I H I'd. UH,;7U 42 11» )91 1222.4H SI 96 )/)2 unl ... 10) no .211.111 ,.1 104 .I4t $111 .'17 18-20 S. CLINTON 5S 112 14) 41 ...... _"" $110 II 11 ') H. UIO,l • 351-9821 46 101 1)1 1101,)" )' 9'1 HI :E~:"" noun S3 '10 m Tomorrow Nite at Jakes'!! KAROKE NITE starts at 9:00 PM • 25e Draws • $1- Bottles • '2'D Pitchers

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PAGLIAI'8 PIZZA Frozen pizzaJ Alwayt Available 11· s-.itc. a.cr, ~ ~ a- Suckin' wind SER.VING BEER Be WINE Fonner ICMI H~ and IoIIDn CrItIa No. 1 draft pidc Ade Urt IDes FamIly o'tl'llCld ---. JO ,ani GAIIIHM. a !Me thef SuncS.y at Bolton' rooIdeIfree -cenc c.unp held a•• ~ 'CboIcn the best eat· in piua in rown.· 87 lO4 51 110 J95 Unlwnlty in Waltham, MAS • 11 11l lS 91 .)29 UI Student Poll " 27} 43 ., .326 U 321 61 lOS .321 301 B. 'BloomiolfOG St. I ""'" AIuk . Woo .... fod. 4 os ' 20'-'22 7) 284 59 91 .310 9 I'hoIippe t.o.MoI. Fr...... ONCE • 21 , 107,2lO Opea 1 DaY' • Week 4:00·12:00 16 325 60 10) .317 10 sc..p...... c....A.4)O 79.n4 351-5073 84 348 49 TlO .J" ,I II ~m."".~ 4 31 , ,71 Il '7'""0'1' 15,. 7'J 2901 47 9) .J 16 11 IjaIne 0enmM\. ~ 4 ~ SllO,6lT .5 )19 60 100 .3Tl I O\ooty fr-.... 4S 0.; .1 l IS 41 .. T1 1169.141 , 14 ..... OoIpdo, ,5 09 11 ... C4 5 Whv, T_, ,,; MoIiD, T_, " ; 15 CorMd .... f,/otU ...-. S 1) p • ,_. 6); lOfton. ~. 62 : a-­ . '42.UO ...... 1140)91 61 ; Croff.." It, SullIe, 60; PIIiII'P', ~ . 21 ""-' MojIo, Cob..t.a. 5 .. 1136.914 27 lMG ~ Plano. T '04 ... F1e1dor, DIII1uoI. n; T 0W0iII. 7]. 1134,2lO 49 Mdy~ . ,CGIo.l ," . 1)2,71 ...., ~ 12; 0I0oI Don-. • '" ,~T_. 110; ~ Itn.alCiIy. 10) s-. Y_, ...... , II16,S1' 5'0 A T sell. F I 110; MofIor, T_. 107. lDfIDn. ~ lOS; 1l5 ...... ~1IlO II15.1'S ....., CIewhnd. 10). Griffey J,. s..attI«. 10): 147 IInChu. tlurbam,MIth. 12 29 112Ull 212 S. Clinton Street. Iowa City, Iowa. 337·6787 ..."., TooonIO, 100, I'hApo. 0.-.. 100 ' 110.... ~ T-. J7; WIIb, '-, ~ SllO.I" The moM'\' ....den on 19U lP'CA TOut .., a-c..d. 11; CnIIey Jr. 5e1111e, 21.; Pudo· ...... 1l'.t17 fI-.,jo tho You:,... w_ a-c...... m tnd­ ... _12; ._bodwilh 21 ~"'''''''1 tr.tur... Js huon,I 29 ...... 25 ~ SlU,l" "lIIyll 'TJar\.fS-{Jahnoon. 1JIoato, 9; HuW. ,_ I ; 2, IlS "-'-d II1Ul1 T...... ,. ~, CIe¥eIond . 7; CuyIe" Ddtoo 7; M, 31~'46 fhclud'"f- 1"~ IS .,69. 61 ,,--Qy, IG-4 •. ,U. 1OO ]] Homf*!I. B) hovtJtVr I : ...... , ...... on the "fP TOlil 17 . ","T~ 1161,4.54 1CWUl~ SYde. 111 ; ~ 3' Soandn, 7 34. 1~ 1a DownCoe-Jonos "IS .161,467 Tl4; Honoon, SYde. 107; /lftIfMt. ~ $6 o.r-., 9 os ~ 11 .444,2J6 U .'51. Il Or. lOS. I'Bu, New YorI!. 104, fftey, ~ 61 Y_,4], l~ 1I,ll4.275 "1O.~ HoIioStKy 14 . ISl.o25 1lI4 ; $~1. ••. Ioutr. 11-o1 . 4~ 11.1".909 21 . r ...... IS 1151,55' =SI\ • "--Cily. 25. 0I00n. .. 135 AndmI, 16 I r.. 5.51$i~iI 11 ,101.15' u~ IS .14'1. ....) ...-;;: D ; -.1l ; OWMi. T_ 4.~ 1755.'69 2J 0 Ii '1Gdwtt 14 .1...... ' Ia. u, • 0IId0nd. 21; ...... -.. 10; 1 .~ ~ , 6J 14~ ,llS,4ll ..... Y..... " . /I \ "\ • .... do~ 1557,1$4 lS. u..W.... 15 .136,7)0 ,~ S549,1lt " . 26~ IS '127,394 '-,~\~~",me ((II IU){ {R \\( E Io.~ 1526,291 17. ~ lJ .126,161 11 . w~ 1524,429 2. AmpIau 14 '12I,16l Man. Bar DrinkS...... $2.00 12 ~ S461,504 29. PJIIrdey .4 .117.252 tI.~~ Tl. ~ ~5J,069 ...~ 1:to 1Tues. Import Beers ~ .. .$1.75 lCI.~ Il 1109,'" 14. worA..... ~5I'01T 1. ShoIt,11omIin IS .IQ!1,o1S CIoIe Wed. Killian's ...... $1.25 15~ ~T4,1M6 32.~- .5 • I OS,os I ~ Ii Codild'iolitto U78,262 3l '~ 1) "01.965 Thura. Mini Margaritas ...... $1.50 •• ____. 1346,814 34. VaISIIme 110),626 11. --- illS"'> )5. IIoIhOInioI "15 191,674 18. ~ SDS,)lO 36. CincIJIIorid! 197,225 19. . 1131.07. 11. """*P-- "IS '91,666 ~ . ~ U2• •,." 31. NiatItlaJNn I. SI9,lSl 11' Rid!~ UlI,s1l )' . ~ W .I" 2J ' ~~----- .nl.l" .,r ., ..... " -,4.50 • "'-"'-L Sln',1!N 41 AI.anNie""", " SIII. ....

-- • 8· The Daily Iowan • Iowa City, Iowa· luesd.)', Ju 13, 1993 • Sports ...... • ~ ,. SportsBriefs Racing star crashes helicopter Blue Jays coach stable , NBA ,1 NASCAR driver Davey after automobile crash 0IRney signs with Bullets :, . LANDOVER, Md. (AP) - The Allison in coma after . ted Press Lambert Airport to bill home in : • washington Bul~ on Monday ST. LOUIS - Toronto Blue BeUeville, m., 15 miles IOUthealt · ~ their top draft choic:r, Calbert crash ats~vvay JaYI coach Rich Hacker waa in of St. Louil, the Blue Jays said. : • 0Ieaney of Indiana, to a six-year con- rioua but stahl condition Mon­ The team was off for three daY' : ' JayIftWS day with i.Qjuri au.etained in IlD for buebaIl'. AU-Star break.. , IriICL Associated Pres5 . Tenns of ~ agreement were not automobile acddent, a ho pita) Seven membe,. of the Blue Jap BIRMlNGHAM, Ala.- NASCAR disclosed. spa man said. and manager Cito Galton, in ~81- • The Bullets used the sixth pidc driver Davey AlJieoD wu in very aacker "'al In the intensive timon for Tuesday' H-Star. critical condition Monday ni,ht overall in ~ NBA draft to srIect care urn at St. Louis University game, learned of the a t late (heaney, who was named 1992-93 witb a bead il\iury after bia heU· Ho&pitaJ with a head injury and a Monday morninll. eop~r era.hed on the infield at fractured right. an.k.le after being I College Player of the Year by The Talladega.Supenpeedway . • I . AssoCiated Press and Sports illustrat­ dmiUed at 1:36 • . m. Monday. "1 gathered the players toga 11' I AlJilOn, 32, underwent .urgery man Dilg and told them what happened;': ' ed. He also won the wooden .00 apak Marl said. to reli pr1lIIIUJ'e on his brain and Naismith awards as the nation's top a cker's car was atruck h d-on Gaaton aaid. "Thi is kind of: was to be tranJferred to the oeuro­ about ll:.s p.m. Sunday while he dOWDer day fOT us in that lellJle. It, • player. logi"al inteDaive care unit, .aid .a on hia way from St. Loui ' pula a real damper on tbinia-· ' Cheaney, a 6-foot·7 forward, is the David Smitherman, ••poke man all-time leading scorer in Indiana and at Carra ay Methodilt Medical Big 10 history. Cenwr in Birmincbam. Alliion al.o IUltaiDed a lUDg BASEBAll i.Qjury and broken pelvis wheD th helicop r, whith abo earned v t­ AJou named NL Player of eran driver , went Aeromedial flip' cnw rMn\bers wheel Win ton Cup stock car driwr D~vt')' Classifieds theWeek down Dear the ,ara, area whUe AIhon Into the erMrJe'1C)' room of Carraway Method t Medial Center In 111 Communicatlona Center • 335-5784 Lakin, off aboul 3 p.m. Farmer'1I lirmlnPm, Ala.. on Monmy after he ilfId wterMl drivfl Itrd Fume- ~ NEW YORK (API - Moises AIou of ~uri were not life-threatening, injured when the helicopter AIIiton wu pilotinS cr bed on takeoff. the , who hit si home acconlina to Smitherman. runs and drove in 11 runs, select· "The next 24 to 48 hOUri are Hia rather Bobby wu critically In bi.a ninth a80n on th Win· ed ~ National league's I'tayer of the going t.o very erUiesl for him," il\iured in a 19 eruh at. Pocono ton Cup circuit, Allieon haa career Week for July 5·11. Smitherman Nid of AllUon. AUed Raceway and had to retire a. a dri· earDlngll of *6,726,974 to stand AIou set an obscure major league whether Alliaon would recover, ver after 84 car er victories - 10th all·tim . record for "most hits, aII home runs, Smitherman said that waa "10m le.ving him tied Cor third on the He haa enjoyed some of his consecutive games" with six homers thing we ju.t can't ••y at thil NASCAR Win.ton Cup Ii t Lut bigg t wina at what he calli hill and no other hits in (our games Uuly point.· year, D.vey'. YOUJJier brother Clif· hom track, winrung three WUlBton 6-9). Smitherman .aid Alli.on .ur­ ford wa. killed in a wreck at Michi· 500. and one Die-Hard 500. He He also scored nln~ runs and had a fered an ".cute .ubdural gan International Speedway. alao hllll won vera! ra there on slugging percentage of 1 .07" h matoma," a v re, d p bruise AllillOn finished third in the Slick ARCA and International Race of Oth~r nominees were Houston's ofth brain. 50300 on Sunday at Loudon, N.H., CbampioIUI circuita. luis Gon.ulez, who hIt .368, los Farmer, who won hia first ra in to move Up to fifth in the Winlton Allilon allo won third of the Angeles' Mike Piazza, who hit three 1949 and baa more than 700 vic:to­ Cup ltandinp, 323 pointe behind four Win.ton Cup majorl, the home'l, and San Diego's Tony riet on other circuita, IUltained a lead I' . He ha. ftn­ Coca-Cola 600, in 1991. Gwynn, who hit ."78. broken rib, colla.rbone and no e, iahed third overall the lut two Allieon and bi.a wife Liz have two according to Smitherman, who uJd yean. children. Krilta Marie. 3, and Farmer wu critical but. .tabl and Johnaon lAid AllilOn and Farmer Robert, who will turn two later this Cincinnati's Larkin given expected to recover. flew to Talladega to watch race dri­ month. Clemente Award "Red crawled out and th y w ver Neil Bonnett'l IOn David, who At Robert Yate Racing in Char­ tryin, to a t Dav y out, but th y wa. le.ting a BUJCh Grand Nation­ lotte, N.C., memben of Alliaon'. BALTIMORE (AP) - Barry larkin had to get mergeney unita to cut al car on the 2.66·mile tri-oval in racing team grimly went throuih o( the Cincinnati R~ on Monday 11\1 L PI\I C:\,,:\( \ II S him out,· Carolyn Yate laid after eaat Al.b ma, their p c Monday they waited ,,:\<; was given the Roberto Clemente talking to her husband Robert, who Alliaon wu acheduled to race in for the lateat newa on the condition CONfiDENTIAL 00UNIB..ItQ Award, presented annually to a major Ownl the Ford Thunderbirda dri­ the Die-Hard 600. to be held at the oftheir driver and friend. w.... ln: ..·w~ ~ 1. T & TH 2-6 and 7-8. or cal league player (or his charitable work. lpeedway July 25. Yatea WBI preparing to fly to ven by AllilOn on the Winllton Cup 351~ larkin, a 29·year-old shortstop, circuit. "Th helicopter hit a fence AllilOn, continulng the tradJtion Monday night along with gives primarily to the Caring Team of of th ao-called - crew chief Larry McReynoldll and Concern for Women and It turned upside down.· ~ ~RrrES Athletes and the Caring Program for The Federal Aviation Admini •• comprised of his (ather, his uncle team apokesman Brian VanDer­ Children, in which playe'l jOin with tration had a team of investigaton Donnie Alliaon, Bonnett and cook. corporate sponsors to contribute to on the Beene trying to determine Farmer - h .. riun quickly "All you have to do i look at BIRTH CONTROL throuah the ranka of NASCAR them - they don't have to say lnformltlon , ServIcM young people, many of whom are the C8UH of the craah. di bled. Sponsors make donations John.on s.id Allison, who haa Winston Cup racing. much," VanDercook .ald of th • 9Inh ConraI PIk (or each of his hits; he has raised He ha. 19 victoriel, including team. "You don't 8pend leven days • 0iIIphnIgmI had a pilot'a licena for aeveral • c.McaI rTlC)(e than $~oo,OOO SInce 1990, and the 1992 Daytona - th moat prell' a week, 52 weeki a year at thill c:.p. yeara, purch eed the helicopter WII' Women GyMeoIogy ServIcM ~ the money has gone to pay h alth only three weeb ago_ He had flown tigiOUI race in the lerles. He n arly unle you love it." costs (or more than 1,700 children. won the race four years earlier, fin· The team wa. holding together • y~ tac:I 01.. F.... . 3M-17.o. ~ from Birmingham to th Tailad ,a Rlcord. Dlparlment, UIHC. 31 • pre­ lahing a very doae .eeond to hi. much like the Allison family, he ·p. The award, in its 23rd year, is track. • FfM P~ T.... MAC. Th. UIIIYerJ.ty oA lOw'" lin' sented by the commissioner's office It wa. jUit the latelt tragedy to father, a three·time Daytona 500 S81d. • ... ___ AbarionI ECIUIIi ~ A!ImIatM,ACtfon·. to "the player who best exemplifies strike Alabama's Drst family of rsc­ winner. "Dav y'lI a fighter - we know --- EmpIor!r. " Alliaon is coming off his that," he said...... _" GOLDa ..... CLINIC FOR WOMEN NOW HIRING- Sludlnl.IOt pall, . the game of baseball both on and off ing. On July 19, 1992, AllilOn wa. t sea- ._.v\n ...... eus~~-o.:::l He tied career·high by win­ VanDercook uid Allison haa the fteld ." involved in a Bpectacular wreck at IOn. a 227 N. DubUque =~~. shills. ttkendI....i. The five-time AlI·Star, hitting .319 Pocono Internation.l Rac way in ning flv rac:ea - including anoth· never wanted sympathy for his er mlijor, the Winllton 500 - last family's hardshipa. L~~~iiii~P~.~r1I~"'~"~WeIcIOI~~m~.. ~~~~~~~ CIS' ~HoopIIai ~. In poiwI'W' " this season with eight hom rs and 48 Lon, Pond, Pa. Hi. car touched PAINTI"" CLIANrRl. ~ RBis, is in the second season of a five­ another and began apinning wildly, year and earned a career·belt "They have been through a ...... hJllWld pao1-Iwne ...... $1,955,628. tremendou. amount, but Davey ~~~---:---:-:-- hour&. PlY COIIIlMIISUrall ""h ..J year contract worth $25.6 million. flipping 12 timee and leaving Alli­ pItIenCe. tppIy In ~ 203 ~ larkin joined Pete Rose (1976) as .on with a broken right arm, bro­ AllilOn W8ll rookie of the year III bas al ways said other familiell go Av •. Room 203. Monday- FN4'~ • 1987, when he won two racea. He through the same lUnd of things." 1.30-6~. , the only Reds to win the award. It ken riba and a concU18ion. PAIIT·T1MI janrtorill help naedtdl. h8ll won at least one race in leven VanDercook IBid. "His trials are no was established after Clemente, an After apending five nighta in a AM IWld PM. "WIY 3~ consecutive aeuons. Only four different than the people in Des Monday- F~ • hOlpital, he qualified hi. car for s.Mce 510 E. ~ CltYj outfielder with the Pittsburgh Pirates, active driven have current streaks Moine8, Iowa, or anyon who loees died on Dec. 31,1972, wh n his the race the following weekend at Talladega. in uce.. of that. a brother. He's never asked, 'Why plane crashed en route to aiding vic­ me?'" tims of an earthquake in Nicaragua. demente later was elected to the Hall of Fame. NL umpires get OK for late Friends remember starts BALTIMORE (AP) - National BIRIHRJQHJ League president Bill White said Drysdale at service Monday that umpires made the right FtwPo ...... ,T .... decision in allowing a game between ken Peten lighter moments from Drysdale's ConIIItn ... Coun ••tIt the Philadelphia Phillies and San Associated Press life. Diego Padres to start at 1 :28 a.m. GLENDALE, Calif. - Give Don -I remember the first time Don ...... Aher rain delayed the first game of .4$".... 1 __...... -, Drysdale a baaeball and be Will an touched me; it was right here," TaW ___ a doubleheader at Philadelphia on intimidator, an intenae competitor Uecker said, pointing to a apot. on July 2, umpire Dana DeMuth allowed !IlIA ..... who gave no qWl1"ter. Off the field, his neck where Drysdale - who hit M. ... the second game to begin early in the be was warm and friendly, a devot­ a major league-record 154 batten CM.&...... moming on July 3. Just a few thou­ ed family man who loved to laugh. during hjs career - nicked him 1."'*­ sand people remained in Veterans That wu the portrait painted by with a bruahback pitch. .... StJdium, and the game ended at 4:40 thou eulogizing Dryldale at Uecker, the broadcaater who a.m., the latest ending to a game In memorial lervicea Monday for the gained more rame with tales of hja major league history. Phillies officials Hall of Fame pitcher. undistingui.bed baaeball career criticized DeMuth for not postponing There were IOlemn tributea, with than be did playing, recalled how, the game. many, including Dodgen pitcher in his final ~or league game, he "I support his call," said White, Orel Herahiaer and broadcuter faced Drysdale_ who didn't retum telephone calls last Dick Enberg, unable to fight back "We had been out together the week on the issue. "He did the right tears. night before and, before the game, thing In starting the game." "He wal a modern·day bero," I found out that 811 Drysdale wu White, speaking before the All-Star said Herahiaer, who in 1988 broke going over our lineup card, he saw workouts, said the National league Dryadale'. 20-year·old major my name and ..ked , 'WhO'1 that?, constitution and rules were "nebu­ league record for conaecutive ecole­ That aggravated me .... The fint \1 I 1\ I'" I I lous on that point" and that games less inninga. time up, I singled, right between .... 1' I{ 1\(, I'" 1\ Reading a letter he bad written his legs. Then I atood on first base Former Oodsers pitcher Sudy • would continue to be allowed to start .111 'lie.. that late, if necessary. to Dryadale'. children in memory of and apologiud to him .... He had a Kout.u. a teMllIIWe of the Inr Don American league president Bobby their father, Herabiaer, his voice great, great lenae of humor; he DryscWe, leAves a mernorW service Brown said his league wouldn 't allow breaking, laid: "He not only wu a loved to laugh and have a good held in Drysdale's memory Monday. great pitcber, but hia very being time. .. games to start that late unless it was about W88 hie family. He was penonified greatness. Everyone in Dryldale, 56, who started with the last day the teams were sched­ devoted to his family.If uled to meet in the season. this game needs a mentor, and rYe the Dodgera in Brooklyn berore Vin Scully, Drysdale's partner in had one of the grea~lt one. you they moved to Loa Angeles, died of the broadcBlt booth for the TOUR DE FRANCE could ever bave." a heart attack. Authorities said Dodgen, said: "He lived the stuff of Dryadale greeted Henhiaer .. be Dryadale apparently died the night dreama. In God'i eyea, Don lived a Spaniard takes lead came off the field after breakinJ of July 2 in his Montreal hotel complete game, and it was a victo­ the record and congratulated him room. His body wu found the next ry." LAC DE MADINE, France (AP) - for keeping the mark in the day. With a lide-arm delivery that Two-time defending champion Dodgers Family. More than 1,000 people attended made him particularly tough on Miguellndurain of Spain took the EnbeJ'l, who worked with Dry8- the servicea Monday, including a right-banded hitters, Dryadale was lead in the Tour de France Monday dale after the pitcher retired and crowd of lOme 150 fans gathered 209-166 with a 2.95 ERA in 14 sea- by winning the ninth stage time trial. moved into the broadcaat booth, behind ropel outaide the Forest 10M with the Dodgers from 1956- Indurain, unbeaten in long individ· laid: "'lbere was an expreAion he Lawn chapel. 69. Hill bellt year Willi 1962, when uaI time trials in nearly three years, uaecl over and over - 1f you hurry Dodgera manager Tom Laaorda he had a 25-9 record and won the toured the 37-mile route in 1 hour, in and out of the clubbou.ae, you'll aaid at the aervice: "I think God National League's Cy Young 12 minutes, 50 seconds. Two-time hurry in and out of the game. You needed a battery, because he ,ot Award. have a reeponaibility to your team· one of the beat that heaven could BtI4 MerkI!!s SIriIIt.." ,.." world champion Gianni Bur> of He pitched in five World Serie8 ,2J(X).$3fOO prr _III phis kNfits .. Italy was Indurain's closest competi­ mates and to the fana.' ever have accepted." and eight All-Star gamee. ~ tor, 2:11 behind. 'To lOme or ua, he may have hur· Laaorcia recalled the last time he In addition to hiB widow, who w ... Merkttac; Our".., ~ mjap."",.., , ried in and out of life too lOOn and IBW Drysdale, the night before hi. JoIlan Museeuw of Belgium had was a (ormer baaketball atar at IIIIJfS tf$3·00 prr IDIr phIs ....- ( n2 prr""" """"If), the leader's yellow jersey and a 3:17 didn't give ua enough time to ten death, UCLA. Dryadale ia lurvived by him that we loved him. .. . "We were talking and laughing ~M"? 'tWt~"""QJI'yadllirJw""'" lead OYer Indurain entering the time 10M Don Jr. and Darren, daughter -~ fWIiIW,~"",-"" ~. and we talked lOme about Montre­ trial. Museeuw lost 6:19 to Indurain And there waa humor, aa Bob Drew; and a daughter, Keny, from For _ &pR_iIIII, a//Itct lIS., ECOSYSTEMS 216 IJI .... and fell to sixth overall. Uecker, at the requeat of DrYI­ al, where we both got atarted," he a previoua marriage. Qn/a6, IA 522(1. (319) JJl-mJ. clale'a widow, Ann Meyers, recalled aaid. "But moatly aU he talked


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r 8 \\ HO-\\ H ·\1·\\'H1 'J ... 8 a.m. and 3 pm., ESPN ."PORTS QUIZ Today's Baseball Friday's BasdJalI' Where dId the Beaties -All-Star Game, 730 p.m., CBS. - LM ~eight Ktion. Thursday 8 - Roc:kieul Cubs. 2 p.m., Q play their last official (X)O. p.m., ESPN. -Pirates at Bra . 6:35, TB5. Thu~s BasdJalI cert? c Golf -wtllte Sox at Breo.-.efS. 7 p.m., - Pirates at B~ , 6:35 pm., TB5. ~answeron '.1...... ,.ports - British Open, II'5t round .. Thursday 8 WCN. " oRoddes al Cubs .. 7 p.m., WGN. Boxing a.m. and 3 p.m., ES • _Teams to be announced, (,;30 and - British Open. second round., Friday 9'30, ESPN 111E [).\Jl) I()\\ ·" 0 Tl l 'f)·H , Il n I" IIJ'H Baseball's Gaston sets starters the Blue Jay way; insanity in IenWIIbr Associated Press c full swing BALTIMORE - Cito Oaston ( pulled out hie lin up c:a.rd and reed ( For ran. of 15 M~o r League out loud: I bueball teams, the 1993 lIOn Leading off, of i ••taning ita run throu,b th th Blu Jays. bOrM latitud . That.'. over half Batting ~ond, Paul Mohtor of the t.eamI in the I ague waitina th Blue Jaya. for a kind wi nd to blow tbem Batting fourth, Joe Cartv of th tbroUJh 88 utterly meaningl I Blu JaY'. p.meI. It on't happen lOOn. Batting fifth, John 0) rud of th And they wond r why no on ia Blu J aya. watclunc· Then he paUMd. A. e ait in the eye of the All­ "So I gue • I bave aome quit· Star break, there an 14 teaml tiona to answer,· the Toronto man- WhOM c:haneea Ii raaid. • of winning r;::::===~ Welcome to thia y ar'. All- tar their divi.ion. gam . Beat ofth Blu Ja)'l v•. t.b are comparable of the National Leagu . to the poNibill· In all, Gaston ia taking Yen of 1.1 t bat the his Toronto pl.yen to Tueaday dead wiU again night'. gam . That'. one-quarter of walk the earth. th American Leagu J'OIJter which, I do not includ by the way, d not incJud mo tbe New York lhan two m mbera from any other Met. because team. at 29 lamll "One thinl about thi. job you behind the will I ern," Guton laid of manag­ Philad Iphia Job" ing in th AlI·Star ,ame, people Phill " their Sbiplty will criticize you." bop. of win­ He heard it from tbe •• 110ut nin, the NL era d at Camd n Yarda, too, wh n Ea.t are IV n more remote - h was booed by t.b ran. who had rougbly equal to tb cbaneea of com to wakh batting practice. Nip ..y RUllell becomin po t "It d n't both r mao rm uaed to laureaUl. it," he said. "Lilt I'v laid, ill: of Of the 15 team.. without a hope tho e guy. ar orld champion. of winDIng a pennant, 12 toil in and the other guy (Molitor) I. a the National League. Dieharda Hall of Fam 1'.- may argue that no American One .Iugger who WII mining Le8lUe team i, out oCit. Th Mil· WI. 0 troit', Mickey T ttl ton, wauk Brewera and Minn IOta who lead. with tha AL with 24 Twins are th wora .. team, in th homen and i. "cond with 73 AL, but the Brew ra are only 10\ RBII. He WII off while Molitor back in the Ea.t and the Twina (.307, 10 hom ra, 66 RBIa) mad it. are .till within 8 ~ in the W st. "T to ton i. a eakb :r and Moli­ Dettoit' Cedi Fieldef wat has the ball after he hits ~y duri ng the hitting contesl part of 1M All-Star GarM Fesliviti in Baltimore. For th e fans I weep. KnOwing tor i. a deai,nat d h tter and a your tum it out of it at the All· At leut Outon did not pick Blue on th that'. not playing awfully IllAI1BI r Bobby Cox of AUanta haa The firlt batter Langllton wHl fint baseman," Outon said Mon· Jaya pikher Pat Hent, n to atart ll.· Buvet, mo.t amoni NL lie will be Montreal's Marqui. Star break it a drag, but wat.ch­ day. n. ing your team hover within .tnk. a. the AL tries to extend a five· True, the Blue Jay. won th teams. Orilllom, playing in place or Or perhap. Baltimore relieveT ,ame winning Itreak, ita 10Dl tin World Seri last year. And, at 49- Seven tim in the last nine All· il\lured Andy Van Slyke. The NL ina diatan.ce i. torture. Oregg Olson (23 88V ,1.24 ERA) Cut your loaae ,fri ndt, it ain't a serl it trailI37-25-I. 40, they have th best record. in the St.ar game. the AL manai r hBl batting order: Grissom cf, Barl1 in8tead oC Toronto'. In.tead, California'. Mark league thi. Y' ar, d pite 100illi 10 pick d more of hi. own players Bonda If, Gary Sheffield 3b, JOM going to bappen. (22 .avel, 2.17 ERA). Or mayb Torture could be the fate of Langston will face Philadelphla'lI of the lut 11. than anyone else'•. Krult Ib, Barry Larkin II, Mark Oak1and outfi Ider Rickey Hend r­ Terry Mulholland. But not .ince Cincinnati manag­ Mulholland will .tart instead of Orace DR, David JUJJtice rf, Darrea Atlanta Brav Cana, whOle Ul m son (.307, 28 .tolen buell) rather ia 9 gam in back or San Fran­ "He knew, obvioully, wben he er Sparky Anderson brought ven th three AUanta pikbera that Cox Daulton c, Ryne Sandberg 2b. than Toronto'. D von Whita (,289, picked a ven Blu. Jay there', of . to the 1977 pm have brought to Baltimore. Th Phillie The AL batting order: Alomu c:l1CO but haa I gitJmate shot at 198B). winning the NL Weat. It's even going to be a lot or comment on .0 many playen Crom one team left-hander will get hit third 2b, Molitor DH, Ken OrifTey Jr. cI, Alomar, Olerud and Carter were that," AL Pre ident Bobby Brown been picked.. chance t.hia year to fac !Ome of the Carter, rf, OIerna lb, Kirby Puck· more likely for St. Loui. fan., elected lIt.aJWra by the fans. Outon whose Cardinals are good enough laid. "But th n ian't any Blue Jay Pickin, your own players, bow­ Blue Jay. hitters. ett If. Cal Ripken Jr. II, Wade Bot added the other four Toronto play· ever, is a perk of the pDlition. NL "ab, Ivan Rodriguez c. to (mish over .600 but not good era. enough win the NL Eut. Watch­ ing the relt of the leason sbould be like having to go to the bath­ room for three montha. All-Stars dig Camden The way the baseball lIOn i. composed requires that fanll Aoociated Pr right. there on top of you, and il.'l .. appreciate the game ltaelf, BALTIMORE - To National perfect. It's great that baseball It regardless of who wina or 10 e •. Leagu rs more accWltomed to llter­ getting back to parka that the plAt The IeUOn it half over, yet th re ile .ynchronic:ity, Oriole Park at era and fans can really enjoy" are Itill more tban an entire Camden Yards i. a wondrou. new Orace and teammate Sandberr NBA .eason'lI worth of gamea treat. And tbey love it. play in one of bueball'l most st0- left. You could fit 5\ NFL regular They've played baseball for ried ballparks, Wrigley Field, yet Ie880na into the rest of the base­ years, yet Ryne Sandberg, Barry even they appreciate Baltimore'. ball year. Bonda and the other NL player. I!2citing new toy. This il not to imply that, IIY, couldn't atop talking Monday about "We see!O many round, concrete Tampa Bay fans aren't wat.ching Camden Yards, the aite of Tuea­ stadiums, it 'll great to play ill • football afler Thanksgiving. But day'. All-Star game. It'l a nearly ballpark with a lot of character lib it's certaily euier to watch the new yet old-style stadium that'. re­ Wrigley Field ," Sandberg aaid. "11.'. Buccaneers play fi ve or six games energized baseball in Baltimore high tech, cement and steel, yet ie. to kiU orr a season than it ill to more than a string of pennant win­ got auch an old time feel to it. It'. wakb the Cube play 88 of them. nera ever did. got a lot of good, fun things about There are certainJy thole of UII Oriole Park'lI cozy setting, inti­ it." enough to do it, but auch willina mate .igbt lines and endl char­ The National Leaguers' only Tu allegiance is not nec:ceuarily an acter are remarkable revelationa to regret is the only time tbey'll .. admirable trait. It ofte n accom­ wa playerl accustomed to, and !Ome­ Camden Yarde, unIells they're trI4- fro paniea unemployment. limes diaguated by, the endle.. NL ed. or they sign with an AL team, II But tbat'. the beauty of bue­ ia circuit of character-Ie .. concrete the once-in-a-career All-Star a.. rea ball - the sport baaica1Jy . pita in Ihell. - Philadelphia, Pittlburgh, or . the eye or all that il lIane. Not Cincinnati, Sl Louia. "It's great that baseball i. IIIGf'o only does a fuji lIuon Tequire Ult's unbelievable, thie place La ina into the future by going back. II 162 gamea, but there it no time two yean old and already it should the put," Orace said. "There'. oatr limit on those games. They play be conlidered a shrine," the Cuba' one way to deac:ribe thia place: (III" nine innings, none of which have Mark Orace said. "Tbe fans are feet." a time limit or IIlaugbter rule, and if at the end of tbole nine AsIociatM "'­ innings no team is ahead of the NIA star Michael jordan lUes battins practice Monday durin, the A11·Star Festivities at Umden Yards in BaltlIIKIft. other, they continue playing until !Omeone is - tiU the end of time if they have to. Even more beau­ Jordan steals All-Stars' thunder tiful is the fact that someone once had the idea to play two of Associated Press hurler in the 1980., happUy gave up Jordan'. first these gamea in one day. Ask the BALTIMORE - Al Kaline .heepiably aaked for a bomer at Camden Yardi. Philliea and Padres about IUch souvenir picture. Ken Oriffey Jr. came over to rub «Jie took me out of Camden Yarda, now I want to logic. They recently lltarted the houlden. Reggie JacUon whispered hitting tips in take him l-iln·l ,· Swagerty aaid with a laugh. second game of a doubleheader at hit ear. Fans and cameramen followed hie every ltep. Jordan, who pitched. in higb acbool in Wilmin(tOn, 1:30 in the morni ng. I defy an At the showcase for baaeball stan past and PJ'l!llellt, N.C., and waa recruited to play baseball at Clemaon NBA or NFL game to start at the center of attention wa. a 6-foot-5 right-hander and South Carolina, kept hia feet together and his 1:30 a.m. Baseball doeln't even who gave up baaeball in high achool. banda back - a style more IUitable for !Ot\ball than bluah at such nonsense. Ria Chicago White Sox uniform bad No. 23 and the bueball. National League president Bill name Jordan on the back. Ria tongue shot out after Jordan moved. to second base and took a few ground White laid Monday that he .up­ every swing, carefully licking bia top lip. Sweat trick­ bal1a from JacUon, yelling insulta at Rashad II he ported tbe deciaion of umpire led down his forebead. Icooped up grounderl. Wherever be went, micro­ crew chief Dana OeM uth. Even on a field loaded. with Hall oC Famel'1l and All­ pbones were shoved in his face. "He made the right call,· White Stars, the loudeat cheers were for Michael Jordan. Then baclt to the batting cage for 96 more l winga told reportel'1l at Camden Yards. Fresh off a weekend golf tournament, Jordan tried his and another homer. And then - DON'T READ THIS, All things conaidered, you'd luck in a celebrity home run derby and added !Ome PHIL JACKSON - Jordan took the mound and think they more willing to play in IWlter to Monday'l festivities on the eve of the All­ pitched to BeJuahi The tongue jumped out afler every the rain. With one shoe on. Pig­ Star Game. pikb. gy-back. Wearing blue sborts, a white golf shirt and black SeUd who batted once in 'Pring training with the It wouldn't be much manger buebaU spikel, Jordan took batting practice with Detroit Tigers, W88 tbe ravorite beading into the than aaking thousandl and thou­ ac:t.ol'1l Bill MIUT8Y, .run BeIWlhi and Tom SeUeck and celebrity home run derby that alao included the NBA'. I8Jldl of fans to lift through 88 former wide receiver and current NBC commentator Patrick Ewing and former Olympic: sprint champion uerciaea in futility, any of which Ahmad Rashad in the moming. He IIW1lIlg a black Florence Griffith Joyner. could lut two daya and atart at Reggie Jac:k.aon model bat. But when the game'. on the line, don't underesti­ dawn. AfteT 25 linen and grounden and foul balla, he hit mate Jordan. Selleck hit the only homer, but Jordan Bueball, you've got to love it. one into the third row of the left-field leata. hit enough long fly ballI to earn $3,600 for charity to TheTe's a new slogan. Here's a "JWlt getting warmed. up now," he yelled. at Jack· top the celebs. He fared much better than Ewing, who Allison crashes better one: BOD, hia peraonal tutor for the day. "I need !Ome golf baa perhaps the bigelt strike zone in baseball hiatDry "Ba.. ball i. a sport, not 18 pikbea to tee it up." and barely got the ball out of the infield. lace car driver was critially injured Monday whet! c:IeuIy insane people .~ Batting p1'l¢ice pitcher Bill Swagprty, an Oriole helicopter he was plod", crashed in Ilrmlnpam, Ala.. See story, pip &.