25th AM,\HVERSAR}' )' o,~~ C/nns MORNING NE\i'SrA~E Dam outflow waxes · to record heights ... Offioals estimate that an Cocllran. IIWUIpT of Concord CWI' lom CI n re on nd t t in increased outflow of 25,000 Cora Iville a ••he mo".d all th cfs, which may res ult (rom doth. out of b r ltor onday. We' had our tor optn, but 1 • further rams, could mean up w baY n' had any bUllnell for a to three feet of additional Ii t. know." • wa ter for some areas CuU laid th 25,000 era ouUlo Further do",nltrllm in Iowa prediction it poNibl , but th ttt i City, city work re and volun ra i downstream. aau.rJlinc a wo . 0 . work d runolaly to .andbai th Jon Vat -WI ot me onderin,,· uld city'. water·treatm nt pllnt. Mark Pet.enen, owner of P n "W 've n tellin peopl' fol' • The Daily Iowan lroo Ilnd Metal on &cond A nu It that w,'v, 'D cone roed Revil d predlctionl indlcatin, in CoralvUl . O[ don't think anyun about th to on: ctl IU r· lh, outflow {rom the CoralviU know. "hat'l lOin to happen. It'l lDtend nt of the Iowa City Water • Oam could reACh 25,000 cubic teet ,oin, to do whal It'. oio, to do. rreatm nt Plant Ed Moreno ea.ld per nd later thia had re.l· You can't me.. with Mother -D peOdlD 00 what h ppena on • d nte and bu.ine.. ownera alon Nature.- CI aT Creek. lh w r could CXlm the Iowa River Icramblln, for AI the wat rI rOil alon. the up p tty qwckJy h .- bl,h r ground Monday. CoralYill, .trlp Monday, that Official. aT tryin to prey t a According lo Joho Ca.t1e, park becam. avid nt. lituation . imller to that hlch manager for the Coralville Lake, -I want out of her ,•• aid L aa OUTFLOW, P 6 ... while bottled water supply wanes • Tory Brecht cootammated.- aolweriol machine layio that The Daily Iowan Mor.no .ked Iowa City reei· Iowa City ml,ht 10 • i water," , dent.. lo contlnu conaervin. water Ih .. d. -I'd rather .ali than Rumon that fl ood waten ould and .. id tbat .tocltplJinl il not lOrry." lOOn engulf the Iowa City water· 0 ary. John Dalton. a d .trlbutor for , treatmen! plant, r~.uWn, In • "Our lotection f. to pro t our Cry tal o.y r Wa , d h, bad .butoff Ilmllar to tbat In Dee tr atm nt plant,· b la d. Ir e mad num 1'0 d i ri all a r Momel. ot Iowa City ident.. to get io troubl I w,'U let p api' tho city. crooery .tore. lD aearch of bottled know. We will continu to,;v tb P pi are ly tockiilr up on water Monday. M anwhil , at tb city potable water. whattv r hap- it,· h said. ·W, can't even 10 waler plant, operations CXlntinued peJlJ.- th to without peopJ bU)'lllllt •• normal and employe... aid At t.h N,,, Pion r Coop. 10 • from WI . Th. helv on t.h .to there wa. no reuon to panic. City r ident Alliaon Galat.ad wu are .mpty, they can't It p ...a r In '"The water i. fin•. We hay pi 11' 6.Illol h r mini·van with four larp .tock fol' mo than a (, boun- OMci ,..., I The O.tily Iowan ty of it,- .aid Ed Moreno. actin, jUi' of drioking wat.r. S h laid Dalton laid he d llv red yen or .uperint.odent of lhe plant, "We're . b e didn't ant to take any ibt trow, cb caJT)'lft1350 pl. VoIunl and employ of Ih Str t Depart· Wal r Tru tm nt Plant. Around 10,000 andbagt pretty well lacked·in with .and· chamel. lona of.ater. IMnt, Publ Work , and the ConSftVal1on Corp we'e piKed In an atlrmpt to keep the ri ins lOIn bap. The water i. oat . hut ofT or - [ j u.t ,ot • mn ..,e on my SUPPlY, P 6 worked ide by side Monday at the Iowa City River aWilYfrom the city'. drinklng.wa1er upply. Des Moines left dry Businesses by weekend flooding kept afloat Mary Neubauer tM 15-foot.hI&h earthen I. and Associated Pr unclbq elike. protectint the 0.. by sense ~ Moine. Water Woru about 3;30 DES MOINES - Th.y can't take a.m. Sunday, c:ontaminatin, the aha n. They can't wub clothea. wat.r filler1 and pumpe. They can't ftu.eh the toil.t. It wu th Brat tim, the ",.t.r of humor · But. one of th. big.t probleJDA plant bad ftooded. and Dee Main.. joIlY.tea fWIlI Ed and Mary Conlo after W" the flrat major ci ty to . uffer ftoodt knocked out the city'. water­ The Daily Iowan .uch a municipal cata.troph, in Dr. Video . aY I it will remain treatm.nt plant d potty tr&iDiot the .u.ady NCOrd·break:i.aa Oooda for their 3-year-old, t.ve. open "until the COtrI ftoat bome.~ 01 1993. AI many u 250,000 peopla A aign ouuide the waterloged "We could go back to diapers, but. In D .. Main.. , 10 lurrounding 4stodMed ,.,.... hil tniniQl ",ould go backwardJ,· Taco B.U in Coralville ••YI the towna and two rural wat.r diatncte ImpotUnt Flood In~tion reetaurant it "worth wadi.nc Cor." uid Ed Conlow. ar. without. water or will M .. • A billboard acMrtislng drinking water pierces the Des MoInes sIcy­ Met a lilt of (]au Mows And at the K.I-Welc:o Pow.r The t.ape went. dry in Dee Moina IOOIl U ~ backup tanka line. The city. water supply was COIltmliMted by the ftooded be­ and tIlOIt of Jtt nburbe wh.n the *'ap1 Tooll I: Fut.enere at.ore on South l coon River Sund.1y, leaving2S0,IJOO without drinking ~. ",ollen Raccoon Riwr awpd over See DES MOIMS, P. 6 Gilbert Street in Iowa City, a mar· quee WIJ'DI pa.uera-by not to flab in their park;inr lot. Coralville Dam Outftow AllSENCfS EXCUSE: For buin ... ownera alOQl the u of 9p.m. MoDday Over 1,200 Iowa River in flood'r&vqed lo ... a City and CoralYille, the ri.lng water. have hurt bu.in... but tum out for Classes relocated due to deluge they haven't dampened apirite. in tM ri.... leveL • "You have to keep • gooctMDII Lesley Kennedy of humo.r about it: .aid Mik, The Dally Iowan The UI al.eo 8JlDIJUDCI!CIla.te Monday that the Union early voting foot bridp will be doted indefinitely u a wety pre­ Edwards, a c:uhi.r at the Sinclair UI student. t&king clute. located in low-lyibl cautian. in Coralville. 'There'a reaDy not.b­ .,.... will be relocated to other parta of the campua. A.uociat. Provofi Leodia D.via hu formed a t.uk ing .t.. you caD do, jut pt out Joel Donofrio " continued floodiAc hu cloaed leveral buildinp the aandbap and keep your chin The Daily Iowan force to deal with atudent. and departmente that have indefinitely. been cliaplaced by the flooding. Student. who have up'- A. poll. open today for th. The UI .d.miniatration hu tried to relocate u lIWly miNed claaeea or tate in oth.r d.partm.nt. due to Or, in Edward.' c .... your dJnoeaur'. When Iowa City Cit.y Council 'plelal cl..... U poNl'ble. Director of Univ.rsity Relationa the fIaodII can F to room III in Jeaaup Hall, where chin. ftoochrat.en firat hit the Coralvill, atrip 1ut election betw.. n Bruno Pigott Joanne Fritz eaid, addi.nc that the Art Bllildinl hu they will be adn..d on how they caD make liP any Tu.. day, lomeone - Edward • and Kathy Moyen, a record • uff.red the wom floodint on the west tid. of cam­ claaeee 01' t.ta. number of early balloh have pld. Vice Pnleident for Uniftnlity RelatiODl ADD Rbodea doean't know who - put. life alrudy been cut. "In the lower level, lOme cluerooma. the ceramic uid there wu a lituation Monday when oDt 01 the jacket on the popular ..mc..ta. tion ma.cot. It wa. • mov •• According to Tom Slackett, atudio and metal .nipping have been flooded,- .h. pumpe puJDJJing water out of. Iteam tunDeI .... the JOhDlOb County auditor and laid. '"l'hoee ...... are DDt pjnc to be able to be uaecl UnioD WJecl. Edward ••aid, that w •• well· conuniuioner of electiona, 1,250 fora while.· '"Ihia demonetratea that the eituatioD ia precar­ ncetved. .un there a Floods of 1993 ........... ................ 2 wten have voted early, with 807 The Art Mueum hu auffered aome eeepap in the the said. -rbe water went the tunnel "It .... rood WMk: be ioue: throuth Hid. -We lOt • lot of comm.Dt. , h1et1o & Iowa .... .. .......................3 casting belJ* at ODe of the _tel· lower 1..-11 u well, but anythinJ in daDpr of beinI .." qaick1y. It &bow that we ca't pt. complacent. about it. M08t people thoUfbt it , Arts & Entertainment.. ... ............. 4 lite vutiq atatiooe, 322 votinI at flooded hu been DMmICI to the main floor, eccordinI to We need to be very c:arefu1 with the people in tboM the auditor'. office, 96 votinc b, Fritz. Hanch.r Auditorium and the Muaic BW.ldinl buiJclinp in danpr.- wu pretty funDy: ~ teJIII t Calendar I News of Record .........S Video cnmer Frank Schmidt mail, and 25 taStinI early ballota have alto auffered minimal aeepap.
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