Pathogens and Pandemics© Evelyn E

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Pathogens and Pandemics© Evelyn E NATIONAL VETERINARY LABORATORY P.O. Box 239, 1Tice Road Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417 877-NVL-LABS (877-685-5227) NEWSLETTER Out of Africa: Pathogens and Pandemics© Evelyn E. Zuckerman, Editor Fall 2014 Vol. 13, Number 4 In This Issue: Likewise, there is evidence for the evolution of Again we have just returned from a wonderful Bartonella species with their animal hosts. African safari, this time to South Certain Bartonella species are only found in one Africa and Botswana, and the animal species (B. bacilliformis in humans) while Fall 2014 issue of the NVL others, such as B. henselae, have adapted to Newsletter will discuss several species (cats, dogs, humans). Bartonella, FIV, FeLV and the With the advent of modern current African Ebola epidemic. Bartonella, FIV & FeLV in African Leopards transportation, the spread Southern Africa is one of the Animal Bartonella FIV FeLV of microorganisms among most diverse areas of the world with unmatched Leopards Yes Yes No and between species has plant kingdoms and rare and threatened animals. become extremely efficient and rapid. Last Introduction: year on our flight home Once again Evelyn Zuckerman and I (Dr. Hardy) from Kenya and Tanzania were seated on our transatlantic flight home, after I read David Quammen’s book “Spillover,” about an exciting African safari to South Africa and the origins, in animals, of most of our new Botswana, when I began to think of a subject for zoonotic diseases. Approximately 80% of human our Fall 2014 Newsletter. This year we saw, and pathogens have originated from animals as Bartonella, FIV & FeLV in African Cheetahs photographed, descendants of the lions, leopards zoonotic infections. As he forecasted, a new re- Animal Bartonella FIV FeLV and cheetahs that we tested, almost 20 years ago, emergence of the current Ebola virus epidemic Yes Yes No for the feline retroviruses, FeLV and FIV, and for occurred in West Africa this year. Cheetahs 1,2 Bartonella. We visited East Africa last year and were now traveling during the major Ebola The Pathogens: epidemic occurring in West Africa. African animals and their pathogens evolved together. Endogenous retroviruses were transmitted across species and then evolved in their new species. FIV-like viruses evolved in HIV origin 1920s Congo many African, and other wild cats worldwide, and became non-pathogenic in most cats.6 Unlike Ebola origin Bartonella, FIV & FeLV in African Hyenas 1976 Congo & feline lentiviruses, the human HIV lentivirus, Animal Bartonella FIV FeLV Sudan derived zoonotically recently from chimps, has caused a worldwide epidemic killing millions of Hyenas ND Yes No Present Ebola people.7,8 Bartonella is also found in several outbreak species of African wildcats, many rodent species, West Africa bats and other animals and seems to have evolved separately in each species.9,10 Although not a feline pathogen, the canine distemper virus killed Our safari many lions in the Serengeti in the 1990s and bovine TB continues to take its toll on African The African continent gave birth to mankind but lions.11,12 Following is a list of pathogens, in recent years has been the site of major threats common in domestic small animals, that are also Bartonella, FIV & FeLV in African Wild Dogs to the human race with the origin of HIV and the found in free-ranging African carnivores.13-17 Animal Bartonella FIV FeLV Ebola virus from African animals. Both viruses All animal pictures © by Dr. Hardy Wild Dogs Yes ND ND originated around Kinshasa in the Democratic 3,4 Republic of the Congo. Evolution has been the FeLV: To date, no FeLV has been found in any mechanism for animal divergence and variety but free-ranging African wildcats although there have it has also fostered the co-evolution of been several infected with FeLV while living in microorganisms along with their evolving animal captivity.13-17 The endogenous FeLV sequences are hosts or reservoirs. Some of the animal reservoirs present only in the members of the genus Felis and have become vectors enabling the more rapid are not found in African wildcats.5 Similar evolution of pathogens to adapt to new animal sequences are found in rats whose ancestors must host species. A good example of this Bartonella, FIV & FeLV in African Lions have infected an ancestor of domestic cats after phenomenon was the origin of FeLV, probably Animal Bartonella FIV FeLV they diverged from the rest of the cat family. somewhere near Egypt, by the trans-species Lions Yes Yes No* Domestic cat DNA also harbors RD-114 transmission of an endogenous retrovirus of an * FeLV has been found in 2 captive lions that were ancestor of the rat, millions of years ago.5 exposed to domestic cats. endogenous sequences obtained from baboon of protein in areas where wild animals are in Conclusion: One Health- Africans and the ancestors in ancient Africa. short supply.19 They are often shot and then sold world must develop disease surveillance systems, covered in blood. Chimpanzees and gorillas are medical and veterinary infrastructure and personnel FIV: The FIV-like virus found in African cats to respond to the inevitable future new and re- (FIV-ple) is similar to the one we found in emerging zoonotic diseases. Safe and available food cougars in North America and quite different alternatives to “bush meat” must also be developed. from the pet cat FIV.18 FIV-ple is endemic in 9 Felidae and one Hyaenidae species.13-18 The References: 1. Osofsky, SA, Hirsch, KJ, Zuckerman, EE, and prevalence varies depending on the geographic Hardy, WD, JR. Feline lentivirus and feline oncovirus location and appears to have evolved along with status of free-ranging lions (Panthera leo), leopards each cat species. The virus is non-pathogenic in (Panthera pardus), and cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) in these African cats, much like we observed in the Fruit bats, the reservoir for the Ebola virus, roosting Botswana: A regional perspective. J. Zoo Wildl. Med. pumas in British Columbia, Canada.18 In in the dinning area in our lodge in Botswana. 27: 453-467, 1996. collaboration with Drs Steve Osofsky and Karen 2. VandeWoude S., O'Brien, SJ., Langelier, K., Hardy, Hirsch we found 8/31 (26%) lions, 3/18 (17%) also known Ebola virus vectors who will die from WD, JR., Slattery, JP, Zuckerman, EE, Hoover, EA. leopards, and 1/4 (25%) cheetahs infected in their infections. However bats do not die from Growth of lion and puma lentiviruses in domestic cat cells and comparisons with FIV. Virology 233: 185- Botswana in 1996.1 In 2003, with Moritz Van Ebola virus infection, thus they maintain the virus in tropical forests. Local people will often eat 192, 1997. Vuuren, we found FIV infection common in free- 3. WHO Ebola haemorrhagic fever in Sudan, 1976. ranging lions in Kruger National Park, SA 18/22 dead primates found on the forest floor and thus Report of a WHO/International Study Team Bull World (82%), Botswana 20/22 (91%), Zimbabwe 7/22 may become infected. Contact with these Health Organ 56(2):247–270 1978. (32%) but in none of the 18 lions from Hluhluwe- infected animals transmits the virus to people and 4. Report of an International Commission Ebola Umfolozi, SA.14 the zoonosis begins. There is serologic evidence haemorrhagic fever in Zaire, 1976. Bull World Health that the Ebola virus infects dogs in areas were Organ. 56(2):271–293 1978. epidemics have occurred but, unlike humans, 5. Benveniste, RE, Sherr, CJ & Todaro GJ. Evolution of Bartonella: type-C viral genes: Origin of feline leukemia virus. Bartonella have evolved with their animal hosts there has been no disease occurrence observed in infected dogs and they have not transmitted the Science 190:886-888, 1975. (co-evolution) for millions of years. In Africa, 20 6. Troyer, JL, et al., Seroprevalence and Genomic bats and many small rodents are infected disease to people. Divergence of Circulating Strains of Feline reservoirs for numerous Bartonella species. Immunodeficiency Virus among Felidae and Bartonella have been found in African ticks and One Health: Ebola & Veterinarians Hyaenidae Species. J. Virol 79:8282-8294, 2005. fleas in all countries sampled. Interestingly, fleas The One Health effort is of great importance in 7. Hahn BH, et al. AIDS as a zoonosis: Scientific and are not often found on large carnivores and combating the Ebola epidemic in West Africa. public health implications. Science 287:607–614, 2000. 8. Faria, NR, et al. The early spread and epidemic herbivores in Africa but are common on rodents. Dr. Steve Osofsky, Executive Director for ignition of HIV-1 in human populations. Science 346: Of course ticks parasitize numerous large African 56-61, 2014. animals and they often are infected with various Wildlife Health and Health Policy at the Wildlife 9. Molia, et al, Prevalence of Bartonella infection in Bartonella species. Studies have been done on Conservation Society. Our friend and previous wild African lions (Panthera leo) and cheetahs the prevalence of Bartonella in free-ranging collaborator, Dr. Steve Osofsky, gave an (Acinonyx jubatus). Vet Microbiol 20:31-41, 2004. African big cats. One study found serologic insightful interview on CNN recently and we will 10. Pretorius, A-M, Kuyl, JM, Isherwood, DR, and evidence of exposure in 19/113 (17%) African paraphrase his recommendations. Simply put, Dr. Birtles, RJ. Bartonella henselae in African Lion, South lions and 23/74 (31%) cheetahs- the country of Osofsky says we can be infected by viruses from Africa. Emerg Infect Dis 10:2257-2258, 2004. 11. Roelke-Parker, ME, et al., A canine distemper virus origin was not specified. 5% of 58 lions and 6% wild animals when we kill and eat or trade their body parts, when we capture and trade live epidemic in Serengeti lions (Panthera leo).
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