2013 Hate Crimes Report: Submission of Information
Brussels, 25 April 2014 k OSCE-ODIHR 2013 Hate Crimes Report: submission of information Dear Madam, Dear Sir, ILGA-Europe, the European branch of the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association, is an umbrella organisation with a membership of more than 400 European, national and local level NGOs in Europe. On the ground of the data and the expertise gathered by our secretariat and by our members, we are hereby sending you the following submission, in preparation of the OSCE/ODIHR 2013 Hate Crimes reports. A number of our member or partner organisations contributed actively towards the submission, and should be considered as co-submitters: çavaria (Belgium), Coalition SHRMC (Macedonia), Estonian LGBT Association (Estonia), Galop (United Kingdom), GenderDoc-M (Moldova), Hatter Society (Hungary), ILGA-Portugal (Portugal), Kaos GL (Turkey), KPH (Poland), Labris (Serbia), LGBT Pro Albania (Albania), LLH (Norway), Nefes LGBT (Azerbaijan), LGBTI Resource Centre (Italy), LGBTI Support Centre (Macedonia), LGL (Lithuania), Mozaika (Latvia), OLKE (Greece), Pink Armenia (Armenia), Pink Embassy (Albania), Sarajevo Open Centre (Bosnia and Herzegovina), TENI (Ireland). ILGA-Europe is happy to facilitate contacts between the ODIHR and these NGOs, should there be any questions or need of complementary information. The document below will provide the ODIHR with factual country-by-country data on homophobic and transphobic incidents recorded in 2013 in many countries of the OSCE region. The sources we quote include a variety of reports published by LGBT organisations in 2013 and 2014, as well as some press releases. When relevant, the sources are explicitly mentioned. As is happened in the past years, ILGA-Europe is still expecting additional data to be communicated by some member organisations, who publish their annual reports on hate crime later than April.
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