In every other diretion lay darkness; dese, eable aspect I wore. I forgot al, save my dog whined -again; otberelue all wras stut- I dd net even how I dhouN laion swept- byr A$he Ih wind; silence news, even my oWVtehgness;*Wiee 40aSy sEM 'At h m questIo "Four emndsmmnee IS far soe at a UMu ne howling .-ar- haltd or to tak lengthemboldened tf reash, mNan. which ]Paes that the hiep sneered; and at a wad b of stAyed w until Is.. zilence, I-crept And stob along-ap daua esuasves with vlaf e watch f1natght have ben te tIn at the bd. fasa4 aGd uwebma- 4manase. Whffe as0 mles from Pari. thetdoowaYthe lodge sage, seeking the way down. and met my -atkqrin-iaw'a gaae of The passage was and board NamIa as wab,-.dhe hs 26.. For very misery I sobbed I na disgust and aato dark, every aloud.. and on which I stepped shrieked the alaim. But in6c vwn I entered the longer knew where I was; nor, -had I He was Just of the nIght turn, and met me I felt my way to the landing at the head Of pard, thOgh bib rataia iss known, had I the strength to return.- Ex. on the threshold. I saW beyond him the the stairs, and was gold-a...aea about to descend when -and In a bade oitement had carried me far, but at last I grinning faces of the unger porters. But I some Impulse, I know not what-perhaps a tie ser ahts oust I had fury i felt the weakness of utter exhaustion, and had that to tell which Aill me. I from s11tal at me, the passion alc and upheld shrinking the dark parts below, to rot the-witightfte wave the velvet cosat in his aching craved only a hole in which threw up my hands. % I which I *as about to entrust myself-moved race, and cry my errand beford them all. to lie down and die. Wortunately at this "I know where they arq" -I cried, breath- me to open one of the shutters and peer out. Heaven moment I met the wind, and the less. "I can take knows at that there was such a caught you t9; tiem!" I did so, cautiously, and but a Ulttle, and sudden pause and about-faces as must have scent of new-mown hay; and stumbling He gazed at me, dumb rith surprise and found myself looking, not into the garden made the stolen had it been forward a few steps made out a low build- rage; and doubtless a lees reputable son-in- through which I had but into the there dog laugh I law than I have passed. Monseigneur in high excitement ing looming through the night. staggered appeared wopid been hard one beyond the alley; and there on a scene bade them bring me in to him, the secre- to it, and discovered that it was a shed, to find. "Pig! Jackal! Gu ter-bird!" he cried. so strange and yet apropos to and with flt or I my thoughts tary my ear that he had a entering my hands extended "Begone! Begone! wilLhave you flayed!" that I paused, gaping. elcak that would replace the one I had the hay under my feet. With a sob of "But I know where theydtre! I'know where On a of four men I I plat grams were stand- Icst. a valet told me that my wife had thankfulness sank down upon it, but, In- they have him!" protested. ing, two and two; between them, with nose gene to her father's, a second me stead of the soft couch I expected, fell on His face underwent W"Atartling change. and brought the upraised scenting this way and that, food and nudged me to remember him, angular body of a man, who with a He darted forward with:ainimbleness won- moved a, beautiful black-and-tan spaniel. others ran and fetched me shoes and a savage curse flung me off. derful in one of his bullc#nd caught me by The eyes of all four men were riveted to cap; and all-all, from the head clerk, who IIapyrigbt. 1SM by Stanley G. Wey-rin.) "To the Chatalet with him!" he cried, This at another time would have scared the collar. "What!" he s31d, "have you seen the dog, which, as I looked, walked sedate- was most Insistent, know spit- me to but was so the downward, would PART 1. ting out a tooth, and glaring at me through death; I far gone in dog?" ly first to the one pair. and then, as if dis- where the dog was. the mud on his face. "He'shall for wretchedness that I felt no fear and little "The dog?" I cried. "14; but I have seen satisfied, to the other and then But I had even It was about a month after my swing him pair; again then the sense to keep mhar- this! He tried to break in! I call you to surprise. I rolled away without a word, the king! I have held in my arms! He stood midway and sniffed the air. The my-secret, and would tell my story only to fiage-and third clerk to the most noble witness he tried to break in!" and, curling myself up at 'a dlstence of a is--" men were speaking, but I could not catch the bishop. He heard It: in ten minutes he the biskop of Beauvais, and even admitted "Ay, to the Chatalet! To the Chatalet!" few feet from my fellow lodger, fell in a He released me suddenly and fell back a even their folces, and was reduced to was his coach on his way to the house. on occasions to write In his presence and cried 'the crowd, siding with the stronger minute fast asleep. pace, looking at me so oddly that I paused. drawing what Inferences I could from their t me with him. His presence and the But Thee a mased When I awoke the sun it he said, "You have Getpped UF prepare lis minutes, who should marry if party. He was my of Beauvais' stew- daylight, though "Say again," slowly. appearan!e. food they had giveiPme had sobered me Shoulder. ard; I was a guttersnipe and dangerous. A was not up, was beginning to creep Into the held the--" Of the two farther from me, one was my somewhat; and I trembled as we went I might not?-4t was about a month after dozen shed. I bone I had I "The king! The king!" I cried, him one of the ladies came forward, nurs- hands held me tightly, yet not so turned; every ached; impatiently.. rascally bedfellow, the other a crooked vil- ing the dog in her arms. my marriage, I say, , that the tightly but that a coach passing at that remembered yesterday's doings, and groan- "In these arms. I kno* where they have lain, almost In rags, with one leg shorter ed. me rustled, him, or at least where the robliers are." than. ALI" The cardinal looked. "Unph!" he said. thunderbolt, to which I have referred, fell Imoment and driving us all to the wall, I Presently the hay beside the other, yet a face bold and even Ard he looked again, and shattered my fortunes. I rose one managed by a jerk-I was desperate by and over the shoulder of the mass against His double chin fell and his red face lost handsome. Of the nearer pair, who had I frowning. this which I I made out the face of a man, "Poor devil!" he said, still staring their did not know then why the queen took irorning-they were firing guns for the time, and fierce as a wildcat, to snatch lay color. backs to me, the shorter, dressed In heed even of his looks. and I started when victory of I remember, so that it myself loose, and in a second ias peering at me. I felt a thrill of fear, and at me. "They Jiave driven him mad!" black, wore an Rocroy, speeding "But-" I cried. "Are not ordinary aspect; when, she cried pettishly: "Well, Sir, what no?"' must have been eight weeks or more after down St. Antoine with the hue and cry stared back, spellbound; I had not yet you going to---" however, my eyes traveled to his compan- The cardinal his the behind me. broken with every habit of nor He waved me off and retreated a ion they it was was pursed up lips. death of the late king, and the glorious suspicion step paused. He, plain, The bishop could bear it no longer. "He rising of the sun of France-and who so I have said I was desperate. In an hour could in a moment recollect that I had hastily and crossed himself. "Jacques!" he the chief of the party, for he alone was will but which exclaimed. "Move him off! him say presently," he cried, snorting happy as I? A summer morning, monsieur, the world was changed for me. In an hour nothing rags to lose. In silence Move off, covered; and. thoagh I could not see his with indignation. "that it is not the and The I had broken with tradition of safe neither again broke much as a mo- do you hear, man?" face nor more of his than he dog!" bright, and I had all I wished. every by-so I figure .that shrugged his shoulders very river as it sparkled and rippled against the and modest life: and from a sleek scribe ment we waited gazing; while *the light In "But, I tell you," cried, fiercely, "they was tall and of handsome presence, it slightly, and turned the palms of his hands piers of the Pont Neuf far below, the wet be-come a ragged outlaw flying through the the mean hovel grew and grew, and minute have stolen the king! They have stolen his chanced that as I looked he raised his outward. "Oh." he said, "if her is roofs that twinkled under our garret win- streets. I saw the gallows, I felt already by minute brought out more closely the majesty, and I-" hand to his chin, and I caught the sparkle satisfied." the lash sink like -molten other's be he answered. of a dow, were not more brilliant than my lead into the features. "There, there, calm,' superb jewel. "M'dieu!" the queen cried angrily: "What lord's fortunes, and a3 is the so is quiveting back; I forgot all the danger, I At length I knew him, and almost at the "They have stolen .the queen's dog, that is That dazzled me. and the presence of the do you squirrel lived own mean'"' But she turned to the lady the tail. Of a certainty, I was happy that only on my feet, and with them same moment he recognized me and ut- true. But have it your way if you like, dog perplexed .me. and I continued to who held the dog. and took it from her. morning. I thought of the little but un- made superhuman efforts. Fortunately, the tering an oath of rage rose up as If Jo only go.' Go from here, and quickly, or it watch. Presently the great man again "It is the she said. der the wood at and -fa- light was failng, and in the first dash I at throat. But either becatise I will be the worse for you; for here comes raised his hand, -nd this dog!". "Do you think pine Gabas, my distanced spring my time it seemed that I do not know my own? Flore! Flore!" ther cobbling by the unglazed window, his the pack by a dozen yards. did not recoil-being too deepset in the hay monseigneur, the bishop, to wait on her to me that an order was given, for the ~" And I had no she set the dog on ft feet. It turned nightcap on his bald head, and his face plan now-only terror added to move-or for some other reason, he only majesty, and if he sees you you will-. There, lame man started into action and moved to her and wagged its tail eagerly. plastered where the shard had slipped, and wings to my feet; and the end of that shook his claw-like fingers at me, and held make way, make way!" he continued,. ad- briskly toward the wall which bordered the "Poor Flore!" said the cardinal. "Floret- I puffed out my cheeks to think that I had street gained, I dared blindly down another, off. "Where is it, you dog?" he cried, find- dressing the little crowd that had assem- alleir-and consequently toward the house It went to him. climbed so high? High? How high might not and vet another, with straining chest and ing his voice with an effort. "Speak, or I bled. "Way, way, for monseigneur, the in which I stood. My companion of the that "That Man found he exelatened. "Certainly its anae is Flore," he con- a man climb who he.d married the daughter legs began to fail, and always in my will have your throat slit. Speak, do you bishop of Beauvais!" night Interposed, however, and apparently It," tinued. sulkily. "But it used to die at the of the queen's under porter. and had some- ears the yells that arose around me as fresh hear? What have you done with It?" As he spoke the bishop and his train turn- would have done the errand himself; but alcng lest the villains had some disappoint- word of command. I think?" times the ear of my lord, the queen's min- pursuers joined in the chase. Still I kept He was the man who had passed the child ed out of SL Antoine and the crowd attend- at the word he stood nulkily and let the went yet in store for me, lest the closet iRe "What It did It will do" M. de Beauvals ister! My lord of Beauvais. In whom all ahead, I was even gaining; another turn, to me! I watched him heedfully, and after ing him eddied about the Palais entrance. found empty. -But a whine, growing Into cried scornfully. But I see that ardt with I was and out of a your esi- men saw the coming master of France! night thickening, I might hope a moment's hesitation I told him that It hustled swept the way; howl, greeted us on the threshold, and nence was right in one thing you said." My lord whose stately presence beamed on to escape, if I could baffle those who, from had been taken from me, and when and and, luckily escaping notice, found myself the closet door being forced in a trice, the The cardinal bowed a world still chilled the dead time to time,-but in a half-hearted way, where. a few minutes later crouching In a blind al- dog was rimong us. by hand of not "That I should be envied!" the bishop Richelieu! knowing if I were armed-tried to stop "And you 't know the man who toolk lEy that runs 1eside the Church of St. Monseigneur clapped his hands and swore continued with a sneer. And me or me and a crust of he glanced But that morning, that very morning, I trip up. it?" he screamed. Jacques-crouching wolfing freely. "Dieu benisse!" he cried. "It is the around the circle. There was a general was to learn that who climbs may fall. I Suddenly turning a corner, I had gained "Not from Adam. It was dark," I said. bread which one of the men with whom I logyou, surerascal!"enough!he criedeHere,inFiore!good Fiore!"humor. titter; a great lady at the queen's elbow went below at the usual hour; at the usual a quiet pa-t where blind walls lined the In his disappointment and rage at re- bad often talked in the lodge had thrust Then, as the dog Jumped on us and lick- laughed out.' hour monseigneur left, for the alleys-] found a man running before me. this I thought that he into my hand. I ate it with tears; in all ed his hand, he turned to me. "Lucky for attended, At the same ceiving answer, et, "Flore," said the queen. "die! die, good council; presently aU the house. was in an instant the posse in pursuit would fairly fall upon me; but he only Paris that day was no mcre miserable out- and your desk again!" dog. Do you hear, m'dieu! die'" uProar. My lord had returned and called quickened their pace in a last effort; 1 in choked and swore, and then' stood scowl- cast. What had become of my wife I knew "There shall be fifty crowns In your pock- But the dog only gazed Into her face for Prosper. I fancied that I caught even answer put forth my last strength, and in ing, the picture of despair, until some new rot, and I dared not show myself at the and wagged Its and she a dozen - tail; though cried then paces I came up with the man. his to father-in-law was hard- I "But the - something ominous in the sound ,of thought pricking him, he threw up bishop's ask; my --'- .-. I gaswL reward, monsei to it again and angrily, it made no attempt my name as it passed from to He turned to me, our eyes met; desperate arms afresh. ened against me, and at the best eur?" I stammered. to lip lip, and I read again, and cried out "Oh, thought obey. On which a deep-drawn breath I hastened. seared, to the chamber. But myse!f, equal terror in his, but be- mon Dieu, what a fool I was!" he me mad; I had no longer home or friend, He bent his blak brhs. "Reward! You ran round the circle: one looked at fore I could reason on I another; fast as I went I did not go fast enough; himself the fact, he bent screamed. What a craven I was! I had a and-this at the moment eut most sharply- villain!"For yo "Iswages,it not doenoughyou a score of heads were thrust forwa-4, and one thrust me on this side, another on that. forward as he ran, and with a fortune in my hands, in my hands, fool, the gorgeous hopes in which.I had indulged that I spare You the gallows? Reward? some who had seemed merry the The steward singular movement flung a he car- a few before were as last enough cursed me, the head clerk ried parcel and I threw It away!" moments year's moment before looked grave as mutes now. stormed at me. the secretary waited for into my arms, and. wheeling abruptly, I thought of my own case-I was snow! thnk, except to do work? And *you "It used to bark for plunged ino an on bitterly py France, and growl me at the door, and seizing me by the neck alley his left. not much afraid of him now; I began to I crouched and shivered. In St. Antoine, youraskrewardperil. besides?Look to Go and hang yourself!he is for Spain!" the cardinal continued in his ran me into the room. "In. rascal, In!" think that I understood him. "So had I, at the mouth of the alley, a man was pub- Cr rather," he continued,him, Bonnivent,grimly, "stir at scftest voice. "Perhaps-" he growled in my ear, "and I hope your PART II. yesterday morning," I said. "You are in lishing a notice, and presently his voice "France!" the queen cried harshly: and she skin may pay for it:' It was done in a moment. Instinctively* no worse case than others." caught my attention In the middle of my L rogueto In himgrain; and bring himif with me stamped on the Geor. "France! France!" Naturally Iby this time I was quaking. I caught the burden, and held it, but the "Yesterday morning?" he exclaimed. lamentations. I listened, at first idly, then toHirethe ante-chamber.asic questions,Heir andmajestyhemayanswerde- But the dog only retreated, cowering and Monseigneur's looks finished me. He stood impetus with which he had thrown it sent "No, last night. Then, if you like, you with my mind. "Oyez! Oyez!" he cried. dismayed; and at a distance wagged Its in the middle of the chamber, gnawing the had. But yesterday morning? Fortune "Whereas, some evil person, having ro fear them,kinow howwell!toHedealshallwithstillhim."have the fifty tail pitifully. nails of me reeling to the right, and the lane being of God or the law before his his left hand, and scowled at me, narrow I and you, scarecrow! Go hang yourself!" eyes, has impu- rowns I promised him. If not-I shall France!" cried the queen The his handsome fell against the wall before I He at me for a and stolen desperately. fa.ce pale and sullen. "yes,"' oould steady myself. As luck would have looked gloomily moment, dently-. feloniously treasonably dog cowered. he said. curtly, "that is the fellow:" with his arms crossed on his chest and his from the Palais Royal a spaniel, the prop- At that, and the reversal of all my "I am afraid, my lord, that it has lost it, however, that which should have de- face "Who are he erty of I Cried Errand Before Them AlL a sare wcrd recalled them to their duty; "Wretch!" the head clerk cried, seizing stroyed me was salvation. darkly set. Then, you?" queen regent's My hopes, I fell Into my old rage again, and Its accomplishments-4n your company!" me by the ear and it my I happened asked, curtly. majesty-that is to say, that any one"- )nevenwhichhis servantsthey hustledlooked me offatwith untillittle the twisting until I fell to hit the wall where a doorway broke it, other proceed; who, when he had all but oddly me, cardinal said, a faint smile curling his on my knees. "Imbecile! Or more likely he the I told him. When he learned that the rab- rumble-rumble-rumble-here a passing disappeared-<:n so little a thing it turned! lips. did it on door, lightly latched, flew open under had in been coach drowned some and then I biding her face, On that I did not see purpose." the impact, and I fell Inwards. I ble that had alarmed him fact sentences, --below the level of the Intervening walls, The bishop let drop a smotbered oath. "Bribed!" said the secretary. in alighted pursuing me, so that his fright had been caught-"five hundred crowns, the same to looked up and of me at the exactlyeremony.whatandhappened,the less forfor thather ladieswhichflock-they "It is the he cried "He should darkness on my bands and knees, heard he broke into fresh execra- caught sight ieoch and went by the Rue Martin and dog" passionately. be hung up!" the steward a stifded as of a and in a groondless, window. lhad before shown me. WhileSt. the bishop, But the queen turned to him sharply, her cried yelp dog, second, tions, and those so that I began ed round theher with crieshis that echoed hers, "1 truculently, "before he does further though I could see nothing, was up and had violently marrying todogthein arms, mounted his face crimson. do not agree with you!- mischief. And if my lord will give the the door to feel a sort of contempt for him, and PART IV. and byways Palais Roya which we she replied. "And more, my lord," she con- word-" closed behind me. as " Then; and not till then, I even plucked up spirit to say that he he gave the for in an reachedSt. Antoine, histheyrunninghurried footmene by shortcamecutsIn tinued with vehemence: should be glad "Silence!" the listened, pant- seemed to be in as evil case as I was. Apparently glarm, The approach to the gate was If you bishop said, with a dark Ing and breathless, and heard the hunt go instant the eyes of all four were oi me. light. block- would explain how you came into glance at me. "What does he plead?" the He looked at me askance. "Aye, as it door, took the form of excited cries of possession of this dog. A dog so nearly re- raving through lane, and the noise die turns "But see the I hung a moment in sheer surprise; then. The head clerk twisted my ear until I in the distance, until only, the beating of out," he said, grimly. "Flare! Flare! Oh, the darling!" and the sembling my dog-and yet not my dog- streamed. "Ingrate!" he cried. "Do you my heart broke difference, Idiot. You are a poor fool, as the lame man and his comrade sprang ed by a great crowd of people and for a could not be found in a moment, not with- hear the close silence of the I a his speak to yoU? Answer!" roem in which I stood. When this had beaten from pillar to post; played for to the door In th'e wall, with the evident like.mnomentA fewI wasoldfondmenenoughwho stoodto imaginenearestthatthe out some foul contrivance." "My lord," I cried, piteously. "I have lasted a minute or I great stake. I have lost; I have lost," he Intention of I the shut- they had to do with my affair--and I "It has forgotten Its tricks," the dome two, began to peer continued, his voice rising almost to a yell, engaging me, flung bishop nothing! Nothing!" about and wonder where I was, and re- ter close, and, cursing my curiosity, fled shrank back. But the steward with a said. "NothIng?" half a dozen echoed. "Noth- membering the dog, moved "and we are both in the gutter. But It I down the stairs. theirthrust eyebrowsof his kneeandagainstthe officersmy standinghich "Nonsense!" the queen retorted. lng!" the head clerk steathily to had won-if I had won-man-" me added, brutally. "Noth- find the latch and escape. As I did so the I had done better had I gone back to the withshowedthe colorsthat byhe hadthe doornot forgivenwore fallenmy A great many faces had grnwn grave by ing, and you added a cipher to the census to which He did not finish the sentence, but flung windpw which I Blow. urged me forward, and from what this time. I have said that the room was of Parts! bundle, through all I had clung, himself down on his face in the and by had entered; for all Nothing, and your lying pen led moved In my arms. hay below was dark, and at the foot of the pased around me as we pushedin through illed for the most part with bishop's sup- my lord to state the to be bit and tore it in his passion. A mo- theturedpress,colorsI had arrivedthatwita the hour "At population five of I I almost dropped it; and then held It ment I staircase I stood, unable In my panic to re- erom Flanders,gatheredand wire beingorepresentedcap- porters. any rate, know nothing about millions Instead of five hundred thousand! from me with a viewed him with contempt, and member the to be. fairly carried away by the queen's it. That man found it!" he exclaimed, swift movement of re- him a a position of the door. A key wip- Nothing, and you sent his grace's iulsion. It stirred thought poor creature for villain. in the lock told me told ing his brow and to me, between to the to again; it was warm. In Then the skirt of his over as grating that, but pointing council be corrected by low clerks an Instant the truth flashed on me. coat, curling it me too late. Almost on the instant the to the queen. anger and discomfiture. and people, and made a It was he groveled and writhed, disclosed some- If ten Rocrcys had been won. laughing stock for a child! door flew open, a flood of light entered, a openThe partcourtyardof It confirmedand much this,pressedfor Inon theby "One of my lord's servants," the cardinal the and-" thing that turned my thoughts in another cardinal, Hot as I had been before, the sweat rose cry warned me that I was detected. I said, easily. "Silence!" said the b!shop, on me at the channel. Crushed under his leather -girdle turned to but I the curious; whothr thathe we "Oh!" -the aswered, with a world of fiercely. thought. For I saw agaii the was a little or a of that go back, stumbled before pecting each moment to be arcades,called for- queen "Enough! Take him away and-" man's face of livid and that cape, garment had mounted six steps, and as I staggered foundstained,a freshtroop fromof horse,the Flandersplumed andthe mudThe meaning; and she looked at me with eyes him!" terror, guessed kind, of so lustrous that it shone road. "Hang cried the steward. he had stolen the child, and I feared the velvet, up again felt a weight fall on my back Offters who bore the trophies we overtook before which I quelled. "Is that true. fel- but where I saw it, as the eyes shine. in a toad. "N% rascal; have him to the court- worst. He had taken the rabble hooting at and the clutch of long fingerp close on my on the stairs near the door of ante- low?" she said. "Are you in my lord's serv- yard, and let the grooms fog him through for Nor it only; before he rolled over and hid I Felt the Cluich of Long Fingege on throat. I screamed, however, felt the fin- ice?" the my heels the avengers of blood, and I embroidered on one corner of gates, And have a care,'' he continued, had been only toQ thankful to rid himself It, spied 31y Throat. gers close In a deadly grip, cold and mer- thechamber.threoholdBurningbreakwithinwardrageto giveas I,place,wae I stammered an alirmative. addressing n.e. "that I do not see your face of the and the velvet a stiff gold crown! ciless-and then In sheer terror I swooned. and strung to the last pitch of excitement, "Then I wish to hear no more," she re- again, or It will be worse for damning fact, escape! I barely repressed a cry. Cold, damp, be paid by monseigr eur, the bishop of Weau- while several voices whispered: "Mazarin!' your' And now I had It, and had as much, or of the council!" When I recovered my senses I found my- I yet remember that I thought it an odd plied, haughtily. "No. my lord. Enough!" I flung myself down and would have aching, I felt the heat run through me vais, president self a time to ap- moe, to fear. For an instant the impulse "And to it!" snarled a voice propped In chair, and for a time sat As I lookedpush heIn carnewith ain,dog;andbutpausingmonseig.t( she continued, raising her voice to drown his pealed against the sentence, but the like wine. A crown! A little purple cape! glad pay qtate neur did not seem see wheth- bishop, to lay the parcel down, and glide out, and Then last I had carried close to me. I started and looked up. Two wondering hazily where I was. I recognized to this. Whether protestations; "I do not care to know between rage and discomfiture, was piti- so be of was night-last night. with a return of terror that he took a certain pleasure in the er you were more sinned against than sin- less, and before I could clear it, strong upon me. And men were talking at a window above my sharp shook belittling utter three words, a that I think is what the ordinary man, head. me to the soul that I was still in the hall mewartheparty,opportunity-whichto whom he wasI hadopposed,never en-or n!ng; or a greater fool and your adviser a dozen officious hands plucked me up and of the house. That merely knew his he went take creature were lcwever brave, would have done. But for "Yet it is a high price for a dog," the other empty brought back ground well, on. knave; pray your away. thrusting me to the door. Outside one thing, I was desperate. I knew sneered. other things, and with a shudder I carried 2oyedthrustingbefore-ofthe militairesviewing himasidenearwithat handslittle Doubtless, in a very short time I should worse things awaited me. A shower of not, when outside, whither to go or where to "But low for a queen. Still, it he. my hand to my throat and tried to rise. A andceremony,in a andmomentas everyit flashedone wasuponas quickme- have discovered the cheat for myself. I kicks and caffs and blows rained upon me; save and for buys hand put me back, and a dry voice said in to give to him as he was to think I see a difference now. But, as It is, vainly struggling and and seek- myself; another, my clerk's And thi3 is Richelieu's France!" place advance, wits were already me My ear: "Be easy, M. Prosper. I am afraid in a moment we were in the ante-chamber. I am greatly indebted to his eminence for ing still to gain his ear,I was busy showing how, "Was!" the other said, pithily. ".*ln, shrieking,bustled along with luck, I might use the occasion and you know the proverb: 'A is bet-. that we put you to some Inconvenience." Monseigneur, with his chaplain and pages his aid-and sagacity." the passage to the court " living dog I yard, and there avoid the risk, might discover the parents ter than a dead lion.' looked dizzily at the speaker, and rec- at his shoulder, making in his stately way She brought out the last words with with- dragged, amid brutal jeers and laughter, to without ognized him for one of those I had seen thatfor theit wasfartherhe whose hack I had seen, and ering and amid silence. the and and, suffering for the theft, re- "Aye," his companion rejoined, "gut I in door, met M. de Chateau- emphasis. profound fountain, flung in. When I scram- store the child. Beyond that I saw a vista have a that the garden. He had the air of a secretary, whoseneuf, anddazzlingpausedrirgto speak.had blindedWhen heme es-it The bishop, too wise after the event to bled out, they thrust me back and fancy that dog's name is spelled or-as again of pardon, employment and reward! neither with an 'F' for was he stood rubbing his chin and look- thecapedgarden!from him a dozen clients, whose ob- persist longer in the dog's identity, still again, until, trembling with cold and rage, Flore-which down at me with a tried to utter a word of excuse: I at Suddenly the dog whined again, close to the whelp's name, was it not?-nor a 'B', for ing saturnine smile-of sequious bows rendered evasion impossible, desperately last evaded them, only to be hunted and that decided me. a physician. I read in his still but the queen. whese vanity had received round the yard with me, I had found the Beauvais; nor a 'C' for Conde; but with an eyes something delayed him, and I had grown cold, leathers and bridles latch already, and now I warily drew the cold and not too human, yet It went no and hot again, end he was still on his a serious wound. cut him short with a curt- that cut like knives, and drew a scream at door a farther. His manner was and his kok unkindlywhen upon him. But the bishoi and freezing dismissal, and stroke. I open and In mcment was in the "For Mazarin!" the other answered, suave, Progress the Inner door opened, half immediately every doubled like a hare; more lane, looking up and down. I saw "Yes, voice, when he spoke again, as well calcu- a dozen voices cried: "The turnint to the cardinal requested him to in- tl:an oroe I knocked a nothing sharply. if he find the dog. But was No full of his successqueen!"and uplifted~and an half dozen men to alarm me; darkness had completely fall- Beauvais is in possession-- lated to reassure as his words were to sur- usher with a silver wand passed down the troduce to her the officers who had the dcwn; but I was fast growirg exhausted, en, no one was prise me. byrcomthe presence of his friends that hen colors In chatge. when some one moving, the neighborhood "Rocroy shook him." and ranked the company on either more prudent or-less cruel seemed to be of the I "Still "You are better now?" he said. "Yes. couldside-notnot containsomehimnself. "HA! the car- It may be Imagined how I felt. and- what than his fellows, the quietest. made up he is in possession." without struggling and once terrors opened gates and I my mind to take the bold course. To re- "So is my shoe in posseseion of Then I have to congratulate you. Few a fier-e oath and twice a smothered I experienced during this struggie; darted into the street. turn my foot. men, M. few outcry. since it required no great wit to infer that I was with and at all hazards to St. Antoine, seek And see-I take it off. Beauvais is totter- Prosper, men, believe me. sobbing rage pain, drip- my father-in-law at the gate of the Palits ing, I tell you. It wants bt were ever so lucky. You were lately, I PART V. the bishop, If defeated, would wreak his png, ragged and barefoot-same rogue had a--" think, In the service of could speak: "I hope your eminence has vengeance on me. Already a dozen who prudently drawn off Royal-where he had the night turn-and I heard no more, for they moved away monseigneur the Of the bevy of ladles in attendance only my shoes.ln the scuf- throw the child and myself on his protec- from the window; but left bishop of. Beauvais, president of her maj- been as zealous In her majesty's service bad attended his levee were fawning on the fle. It was a wonder that I was not at- they me a differ- esty's council?" halfas I ahavedozenbeen."entered, for a few pacen with- cardinal, the qteen had turned her shoul- tacked and chased the tion. ent man. Urged, less by the hope of reward the throi'gh strtets. Without doubt, it was the wisest course than by the desire for I fancIed that a faint note of irony in doorway the queen stood etill to re- .der to him; a great lad5-. over whom ho Fortunately, opposite my lord's gates open- vengeance, my clerk's lurked In his words. bent to hide his chagrin, talked to him In- ed th3 Icudchoose; an sin those udays the wits awoke once more, while the very des- I kept silent. ceIve my patron, who advanced to meet mouth of a little alley. I plunged of Paris. even in of "And yesterday were dismissed," he con- her. It deed. but flippantly, and with eyes half into it. and In the first dark corner streets the district of the peration my affairs gave me the courage seemed to me that she was not closed. For all dropped Louvre and Palais Royal, were ill lighted, I soisetimes lacked. I recognized that I tinued, easily disregarding my astonish- to see and these slights, and! the more exhausted and lay panting in the mudl. I had ment. "Well, you shall pleasedis rcot given tohim,all to viecertainlywith yourher voicelord- real defeat which they indicated. I foresaw who risen and a network of lanes and dark courts to do, not with a king, but a dog; and that today be rein- rang loud and peevishly as she cried: hadi so happily a few hours be- encroached on the most fashionable none the less stated--and rewarded. Your business here, ship in affairs.'' that I should pay; and. mn a panie, I slid fore! I who had climbed so high! I who had parts, that way lay .revenge. I. "What, my lord! Are you here? I came to back and strove to steal and favored secret access to them, I fore- rose up slunk again into St. Antoine.Angd I believe, was to recover her -majesty's receive the trophies fram itoc'roy, ax'd did away through the a wife new-married in my garret at home! saw no great short and apd dog?" crowd. I thought of her, and all I difficulty, of the mo- I Started and Looked Up. through the crowvd and up the Rue do rot expect to r e you at this hour." I reached the bad nment when I might stand out in the St. Martin and by St. a I remembered that the wretch whose "I own excuse. doner in safety, and even suffered since E left her arms, and with lignted the king! the king of France in arms. Merri, dirty. ragged marks were bring m~y madame," he the head uf the sairs. Buit there a hand lodge and exhibit my rags. But my evil my barefoot rascal from whom people drew finger still on my throat might answered, unabashed. "Rave I your maj- new boldness I turned. and, sore and aceh- star was still above the horizon. I had I no longer found it hard to understand their skirts. be within hearing, and I tried to utter a the qpeen. "The bishop has done me a gripped my shouild~r, and the steward ing as I was, stumbled back to the place -of the man's terror of or his esty's leav-e to present it?" he continue~d, thrust his face, white with rage, into mine. yesterday, grief Once I halted, the risks and denial. greatwith aservice,smirk andHe ahaslowrecoveredbow. my dog," my shame. and despair this morning. He had in- whether I weighing He wave~ It aside politely. "Just "Not so fast, Master Plotter," he hissed in The steward and two or three should not take my knowledge to so," she"Isatidcametartly.eto receive the cohors," she retort- ear. "If of his uin- deed played for a great stake, and risked the cardinal. But I knew nothing definite, he said. "W'ell, thie dog Is in that closet; ed, still fr~wning. my your hide does not pay for derlings were standing in the gateway, and torture and the wheel; and lost! and lost! and, hardening my and on two conditions It is at your ser- this-if y~u are rot lashed like a cog, until saw me conme up, and began to jeer. The I looked at with new and a sort heart,.I went on, until I "I bring your majesty something l'fe Is out of your body! If for I do hini eyes, reached the alley between the blind vice." to your liking," he replied. equal!y tihis high gray front of monseigneur's hotel, of wonder; and had scarcely time to com- It was walls. before, I stared at him now In a rot-'' three sides of a noon; the alley was empty, the neigh- .Amazed Then I think she caught his meaning, the command." square, towered up behind pose my face, when, the paroxysm of his boring lane empty. I looked this stupor of astonishment. sweredher gaily. "Your majesty's dog-" "By queen's said a quiet them: the steward sprawled his feet apart fury past, he rose, and looking at me way and "You are for proud, handsome Hapsburg face voice In my other ear; and a hand fell that, and then-went slowly down to the door surprised?" he said. "Yet the cleared woinderfully and she clapped her anwl set his hands to his stout sides, and askance, to see how I took his grovelings, at which the man case is of the simle~lst" We stole the dog, also on that shoulder. jeered at me. "Here is the lame leper from asked me sullenly whither I was hadi baited, but to which, and hands together with a gesture of pleasure The steward glanced at his rival. "He going. as soon as he knew that the game was therefore we cannot restore it without almost childish. "What?" she the Cour des 3Miracles!"~ he cried. "Have a "To monseigneur's," I said, cunningly. he not Incurring suspicion. You, on the other exclaimed. is the bishop's man!" he crlcd. throwing care or he will lost, had been heedful not to return. "Have you- out his chest; and me give you the evil!" Had I answered "To the Palais Royal"~ he There, seeing all so with hand, who are known to the bishop, and gripped "Good sIr, the swill tub is open," cried an- would ha ;e suspected me. quiet, the green did not steal inadamme""Yes, madame,"1b. egrimahe said,aagwergdsmilingwit gal- "And the bishop Is the queen's!" was of a tree showing here and there above the It, may safely restore it. I lantly. "Bonnivet!" the curt other. "Help yourself!" "To -be beaten again?' he sneered. wall, I to need not say that we divide the reward; reply: and the stranger, In who'n A third spat at me and bade me begone for I said nothing to that, but asked him began blench and wonder how I But Bonnivet had watched his moment, I recognized the man who had delivered was to take the next step; and for half that is one of the two conditions." and before the name feli clear of his a pig. The passers-there were always a whither he was going. hour, I dare an "And the other?" I stammered, mas- the dog to me,quietly put him by. "Her maj- knot of gazers opposite my lord of liea'.- "God knows!" he said. say, I sneaked to and fro, ter's- lips was beside him, and with bent esty has committed this person to the now In sight of the door and now with "That you refresh your memory as to knee laid the vais' palace in those days, when he had the , When I went -out, however, he accompa- my the he dog tenderly at her majesty's cardinal's custody until Inquiry be made back to it, afraid to advance and past," answered, lightly. "If I have feet. She uttered a cry of joy and into' the truth of his story. In the queen's ear and bade fair to succeed Riche- niled me; and we slunk silently, like the pain to retreat. ashamed the tale rightly you saw a man convey a stooped mean- lieu-stayed to stare, of night birds we were, through lanes and At length I went through the to caress it, her fair ringlets failing and time, if you have any complaint to make, alley, and seeing how quiet and dog to this house-an empty hiouse In a can make It to his "I want my goods," I said,.trembling. alleys until we were fairly in town again, respectable lonely suburb.' You watched and saw the you eminence." "Your goods!" the steward answered, By that time the sun was up and the It lay with the upper part of the After that there was no more to be sad. market visible at intervals above nlouse man leave, and followed him; he took The steward, baffled and swelling out his brawny chest, and smiling people were beginning to enter the city tihe wali, I took, the alarm, fled and dropped in his flight the bursting wIth at me over it. "Your goods indeed! Here and there I found curious eyes on me, at last, heart of grace and tried the door. the courtiers pressed round them, and rage, fell back, and the stranger, directing Begone, It stood so firm dog's coat-I -think I see it there. On that all that reached where I stood by me a to and be thankrful you have escaped so well" and, thinking of the company I was in,] that I despaired, and, you hurried with the coat to me, the by gesture attend him, descende "Give me my things from and wondered after listening, and looking to assure monseigneur the stairs and, cross'ng the court yard, en- my room," I trembled, that the-alarm was self that my- and gave him the address of. tifle house, maid, stubbornly, and I tried to enter. not abroad and the bells proclaiming us fron the attempt had not been eb- and-" tered St. Antoine. I knew not now what He moved sideways, so as to block the every tower. I was more than content served, I was about to move away, when to expect from him; ror whether, overjoy- I espied the edge of "And the dog!" I exclaimed. wall and farthest from the raised ed as I was at such a deliverance, I passage. "Your goods? They are mon- therefore, when my ccmpanlon halted be- the ring of a key pro- "No. Let monseigneur come and find the queen might seigneur's," he said. fcre a small mean door in a blind wall, oven jecting from under the door. Still all was dog for himself," he not be courting a worse fate in this In- "My wife, then!" another quiet; a stealthy look rounti, and I had answered, smiling. quiry: sa grim and secretvve was my against small, mean door In a like the seemed key out. To draw "In the closet." t'aces; but nine-tenths of the crowd guide's face, and so much did that -lHe winked. "rour wife?" he said. "Well. wall. back now was to write I felt the blood tingle through alf my somber true, she Is not monseigneur's. But she will "Do you stay here?' I said. myself craven all my and with a dress-which gave him somewhat of the life, limbs. "But If he comes and does not find dielight and congratulated one another character of an do for me."- And with a coarse laugh he He swore churlishly. "What is that t< shaking hand I thrust 4he wards Into the it?" I cried. as inquisitor-add to the mys- he logi, turned them, and in another moment tery of his silence. However, when we bad wrinked again at the crowd. "Stay," be cried, panting. you?' said, looking up and down. "G< Th.e stranger shrugged his shoulders. "He Suddenly, while I hung in suspense, crossed St. Antoine At that the pent-up rage I had stemmed your way, Idiot." stood on the other sides of' the door in a will find it," he said, And ex- and entered a lane so broke out. a scarcely reached the end of the lane, and r eat garden, speckled coolly. slightly leading to the river, he halted and turned long He stood head taller still I was glad to affect a like ill-humor, shrug With sunshine and raising his voice, he called "Fiore! Flore!" I heard a thaen I, but with a scream I sprang at his 'was hesitating there, uncertain which my shoulders and on shade, and all silent. ward, little stir at my elbow, to me. way to turn for the shortest course, when ged lounged without For answer the dog whinedbehind the door and, -looking to the side, saw the knot as "There looking, back. But my brain was on fire. I remained a full mlnue, flattened against and scratched the panels and whined are twenty crowns." he said, a babel of voices broke on my car, lights The king, the four-year-old king! What the door; staring feaiuiAat the blh- again. abruptiy; and he placed a purse in my swept round a distant corner, and I found was 1fronted mansion The stranger nodded, as well pleased. hand. "Take them and do exactly as K myself threatened with a new I to do? To whom to go with my knowl. that Syld the gardn "There," he said. "You have it? It Is danger. I edge? And then-even then, while I looked down on me with tweve great eyes. bid you, and all will be weiL. At the Qual did not wait to consider whether this band, paused But there and will be there. And I think that speak to the foremost of the officers gave de Notre Dame you will find a market with their torches hesitating, I heard steps running behind me all remained silent, sand-observing pres- is all. Only. keep two things in mind, my and weapons, had aught and turned to find him at my his ently that the were shuttered, 1 boat starting for Rtouen. Go by It. and at to do with me-my nerves were shaken, the elbow, face window4 friend. For the first, a person will claim the Ecce Hofto in that you will pale, but his eyes burning, and his whole took courage to move, ad slid aside under our share of the reward city find streets of Paris were full of terrors, every a tree and ai at the proper time; your wife and a hundred crowns. corner had a gallows for me-but demeanor changed. breathed for the second. I would be careful not to though now he wore his IUve I turned "Stay!" he cried, panting, and seizing Still I looked and e&fearfully, for cardinal's robeE there quietly and In a month aoply for and. fleeing back the way I had come, made 'me the is tell monseigneur, the president of the coun- and then had been very simply dressed- work at the chancery; It will be gliven you. a hurried effort to find the by the breast on my shirt. "The man whi silence seemed to ~ch' me; but noth- cil"-again I caught a faint note of irony rest K house w'hich ing happened and ever I saw The lies with you. have knawn men.** had sheltered me. Failing. in one or two tripped you up, fellow-you did not see ig tended -"the true story, lest a worse thing hap- he continued, with a puzzling smile. "who him?" to prove the house emo'I grew holder pen!" And the stranger with a trials, and seeing that them lights were real- and from very ugly started at a desk in that chancery and ly coming that way, and that in a moment "it was dark," I answered, curtly. -"I toli sneaking bus tobush, reached smile touched his throat, Her majesty, it seemed to me, did not lived to rent one of the you I did not know him from Adam." the door at last, and a backward "I will not!" I said, great farms." I must be discovered, I sprang across the between ,jt shuddering. I tried to find words to thank him. lane and dived into the alley by which the "But had .he-" he gasped, "you heard glance courage i d desperation, "Then-then, I think that Is all," he an- "There is no need," he said. "For what child stealer had him run away-was he lame?' tried it.- swered briskly. "And I may say vanished. I could not an It was farewell. you have done it is not too much." I had, not taken ten steps before some- repress exclamation. "Pai locked, but thaZI ardly noticed; Until we meet again, adieu, 1K. Prosper!" And now I agree with him. Now-though unseen dieul" I said. "Yes, I had forgotten that for, as my hand left the latch, from some And on his hat with a polite dinal!" he thing, in the darkmess tripped me remote of setting ges- cr:ed; and, before the queer his words came true to the letter, and to- up, and I fell sprawling in the mud. In the He was. I remember I heard his feet g< part the house came the long- ture. he turned his back to me, went .out day I one of the great farms en fall my burden rolled cluck-clack, cluck-clack as he ran." drawn whine of a dog! inte the sunlight, passed to the left beold an front my arms, and became I anid second term-I, too, think that it was not was instantly snatched up by a dark His face burning red and he stag stood, listening and turning hot and cold vanshed. I heard the garden door close too much For If M. de Conde won Rocroy figure, gered. If ever man was near dying fron in the surshine; and dared not touch the. with a crash, and then, "As which, rising as by magic beside me, was latch lost silence-silence, zealous, assuredly," the cardinal for his party in the held,.the cardinal en gone into the gloom almost as quickly. I hlood in the heed, It was that man! But ir again others should hear the broken only by the faint whine of the answered, meekly. "As effective? Alas! it that day won a victory no les eminent at a moment he drew a long breath, and goi noise. Instead, I stole. dut- of the doorway dog, as moved in its prison.* got up llmpihg and flung a curse after both; and it; court; of which the check administered to but the lights already shone on the mouthi the better of it, nodded to me, and turnec .crept round the hopse, and round the Was K alone? I waited awhile before M. de Beauvais-who had nothing but a of the alley, and I had no time to lose if 1 away. I makd, however-for I stood a house again, hunting for a back entrance. I K dared to move; and even when K found But titis-thoragh I detected no smaci .good presence. and collapsed like a prieked would not be detected. I set off running- .moment, watceing-that b6 did not go bacd found none; but at last, goaded by the re- courage tc rise, stood listening with a of irony in the tone--did not seem to please bladder, becoming within a month the down the pmage, turned to the left at the to the door at which I had left him; but fleotion that fortune would never, be so near- beating heart, expecting a footfall on the most dIscredited of man-was the St after looking round once and espying me ly withi.n my grasp, I a window on sta'r's or that -something-I knew not what end, and aslong a lane, thence into another the first mairked movement. Within a month the seada ot With a Seseana N Spring at His Thveat lane and a wider road; I step uil took a lane on the right and disappeared, floor, and in the side of The house, -would rush on me from the closed doors the Importaes the bishtops party were ner-di by which, It seerhed to I might'enter. A of this mysterious house. But the silence is throat. and, with the very surprise of the I had left all signs and sounds of pursuit mulberry tree me, "He a happy man, and the happy christened-were in prison or exiled, and attacek, get him down and heat his face with behind me, PART III. stoiod by It -and it 'lacksed a endured; the sparrows outside twittered, must look to be envied." the cardinal an- nll France ecognised that It was in a But I knew, op that I shutter; and other trees veiled thespot. To the cricket' renewed its chirp, and at my dets. Him feflows, as moon as they re- The place in which R'eame to a stand'at thought kusw, al be. brief, in two I mate.'. hand, and that the mantel et govered frees their a=a=o=1shm==t, tore me last was a piece of waste land,amprfy now, and the moment he was out of sight minutes had my knee on length drawing courage from the sunlght "Your eminence never liked Flore!" the Richelieu, wIth a double portion of the eff; but by that tian I had am insrked hisa hn-the abore of -the eipF, Min the slll, and, sweating with terrer, forced I amaved forward and lifted the dog's coat quzeen exclaime.a. eayal favor, had fanlen Ian Mamaim's shuld- - K that the blood -re dess his face. He JetI esofM ai1kt ertoir- freih-4e '-loor.- live minates later was - You- never :made a greaterm=-=Itekn era. -I need sosrelyp add that,. lang hdr ==m==mie hi ~i the igesenof tab th-aemn I-ndor fehontl fpr in thia'tia om my' .way -to the ~bs he had ebough to tp feet, pantM urem, lng gMoema ay; g. usual empa.= the degis heen happy aenswersa hi ata trimgha em -eadiha. abon= fm tima WilleinkrMssinian g ."Flore-bet s..e. ennlbs tr . nPem a an iraem mrilof velvet tuoked- muder hnna I tes."