Plane Crashes; Fire at Boardwalk by WAEREN RICHEV He Said That When He Tried Along Rt

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Plane Crashes; Fire at Boardwalk by WAEREN RICHEV He Said That When He Tried Along Rt One of three in existence Takes Willys-Knight to wedding LITTLE SILVER - Many brides might dream of being But yesterday, the antique car had the happy chore of driven to church on their wedding day In a horse-drawn transporting a lovely bride to her groom oo their wedding carriage, but Michelle Ambroalno had the next beat thing. day. Wat Afflbroalno, now Mrs. Patrick Hamilton, rode to The bride is the daughter of Hr. and Mrs. Joseph her wedding at St. Anthony's Roman Catholic Church In Ambroslno of Silverwhite Road, Little Silver. Red Bank yesterday In a IMS Willys Knight three door She Is a graduate of Red Bank Catholic High School and coupe sedan. Is employed at Interdata, Inc., Oceanport. Tbe car Is one of only a few like it in existence, and it The groom, Patrick M. Hamilton, is the son of Mr. and may be one of only three In the United States. Mrs. John Hamilton of Virginia Ave., Jackson. It's owner, Robert Hayes of Colts Neck, Is uncle of the The bridegroom is a Jackson High School graduate and bride attended Ocean County Vocational School. He is also em- ployed at Interdata, Inc., Oceanport. The car's shining black body and sparkling chrome will appear In Herahey, Pa., next month for judging in a The couple plan to honeymoon in Florida before making national antique car competition. their home in Ocean Township. Mrs. PatrtrkHi The Daily Register SS&&. VOL. 101 NO. 58 SHREWSBURY, N. J. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11,1978 15 CENTS Plane crashes; fire at boardwalk By WAEREN RICHEV He said that when he tried along Rt. 71 he found that he hill, and at that point he said MARLBORO - A 45 to turn the engine back on af- was unable to gain altitude and he "decided that I wasn't minute routine test flight last ter completing what pilots call was In fact losing altitude. going anywhere and I decided evening almost ended In trag- a routine "engine out pro- Mr. Gelier, traveling at to plunk It In." edy when a twin engine Piper cedure," his engine failed to about 90 miles per hour 150 feet Mr. Gelier said, "I just Apache crash landed in a corn turn over. from the ground, then tried to didn't want to hurt anybody or field off Rt. 71 less than a half Mr. Gelier, who In 1971 flew raise his landing gear to re- hurt myself, so when I saw I mile Iran Marlboro Airport. 5,800 miles solo over the North duce air resistance and facil- wasn't climbing out right I The pilot, Seymour Gelier Atlantic during the Victoria, itate a climb In altitude. turned in." of Morganvllle, was alone and B.C. to London Air Race, said With the landing gear only The pilot, who has a wife, uninjured during the 6:15 that he attempted to land at halfway tucked into the under- three daughters and a grand- p.m.Incident; however, his Marlboro Airport with only the belly of the wings and the daughter, said he began look- W.000, HA a Apache was single engine, but he said his plane still losing altitude, Mr. Ing for a safe, flat landing area heavily damaged first approach was too high so Gelier said he realized that . "I know where the com field Mr. Gelier, a pilot for » of he decided to circle and try he'd be unable to get back to is and I know where the flat Us 51 yean, said he was prac- again. the airport. spots are," he said explaining ticing flying with only one en- He said that when he The East Brunswick at- his knowledge of the farm- gine shortly before the emer- started to circle after passing torney was forced to turn his lands surrounding the gency landing. over the electric power lines plane to the south to avoid a Marlboro Airport. He said he flew over a grove of trees, slowed his re- maining engine, and then cut the engine as he slid less than 100 feet to a halt In the com Blaze started in tunnel field a couple hundred yards By MARK GRAVEN Firemen chopped a square Chief Cook, still wearing his from Rt. 79. LONG BRANCH - hole In the boardwalk to get at green and white soft ball uni- "You either decide to fight Firemen extinguished a blare the blaze which started among form, number 54. It or Join it, I think I chose the yesterday evening In a tunnel some debris In the tunnel, and Michael Hornung, 375 safer of the two," he said, under the boardwalk at the the fire was put out before 7 McArthur Ave., an employee standing uninjured near the Amusement Pier before it p.m., according to Fire Chief at Junior's Restaurant, said he wrecked plane. could spread to businesses lo- Ray Cook. was one of the first to spot the The plane came to a rest cated above Passers-by stopped to sniff smoke. with Its tail tilling 45 degrees In UNINJURED PILOT — Seymour G.lier, a 2S-y«ar tt»W yntaritay. Mr. G«lt«r wo» unln)ur*d during Youngsters were reported- the smoke by the hole In the Mr. Hornung and Plet Van the air with a ruptured gas veteran pilot, Inspects the damage to his Piper the landing. The plane was ruined. ly playing In the tunnel which boardwalk which was roped Derwolk, the manager of tank, Its nose gear crushed and Apache after a forced landing In a Marlboro corn used to run from the beach to off, but business went on as Nun's, jumped over the back with damage to tbe engines tbe old Columbia Pool located usual while the M firefighters, of the boardwalk to attack the and wings. across tbe street when the fire aided by three pumpers, smoke with a fire extinguisher. The passenger compart- started at about 6 p.m. brought the fire under control. "We started pulling two-by- ment, which is capable of seat- Police are still Investigat- Shoppers and fun-seekers fours out of the way to keep the Ing five, was Intact. Bell: Vm man of destiny The Morganvllle Independ- ing the case and no charges were not bothered by the fire from spreading," said Mr. By MARK MAGYAR "I may be only one senator to listen," Mr. Norcross said. Mr. Bell showed that he has ent Fire Company and both have been brought. smoke, which was blown out of Hornung. "The whole OCEAN TOWNSHIP-Jef- In Washington out of 100," he "But to say simply that history shed much of his summer Marlboro police and Colts "I have a list of names but the tunnel by a large fan. boardwalk could have caught frey Bell presented himself to said. "But we're in a period and the man appeared togeth- awkwardness In ribbing Ben- Neck State Police responded there all five or six-year olds," In the San Tropei Mall, fire." Monmouth County Re- when one senator in the right er is insufficient Bell made jamin H. Danskln, county Re- to the crash. said Patrolman David Smith, shoppers continued to peruse Mr. Hornung and Mr. Van publicans last night as a man place at the right time can be the tax-cutting Issue his own publican chairman and target Police reported that despite The tire sent smoke up the racks of clothing ,and next Derwok were aided by Gordon of destiny in the vanguard of a in the vanguard of changes' long before It was popular, and of last night's "roast" by the the ruptured gas tank the through the cracks In the door at Nun's, patrons sipped Dreher, who also works at swift new American Revolu- that will shape our nation's campaigned (or it articulately Monmouth County Federation plane did not catch fire. boardwalk In front of the San their drinks nonchalantly. Nun's. The trio reported that tion. future for decades to come " in upsetting Case. of Republican Women. Tropex Mall and Nun's Bar "six kids, ages about 7-10, took- Asked If he was planning to "The fire would have taken "I've come to the realiza- Mr Bell faces an uphill bat- "The Case upset made him But the young conservative and Cafe off down the boardwalk." buy another plane, the, pilot a long time to spread," said tion that significant, historical tle against BUI Bradley, but if a national figure, and if he Impressed his audience most commented, "If my wife let's changes can happen quickly," he wins in November, state pulls a second upset against with his not-very-conservatlve me." asserted the 34-year-old Bell, Republican Chairman David Bradley, he will be a national message that real, historical who gained nationwide recog- Norcross agreed, he will Im- figure to be reckoned with," change caa occur overnight. Chief says: nition by riding the tax-cutting mediately become "a national Mr. Norcross said. "And I'll "The people of New Jersey Sheplans Issue to a stunning upset of figure to be reckoned with tell you — I've never seen a are ready for fundamental Sen. Clifford P. Case In the "He's a man who believes candidate improve as much as change — not a 10-polnt plan Just did Republican Senatorial prima- he has the answer, running at he has. He's getting better on for progress by 1985." Mr. Bell to stay ry. a time when people are ready his feet all the time." See Bell, page 3 catch it ABERDEEN - Firemen friendly extinguished a blase last night Summit moving, but in fits, starts ATLANTIC CITY (AP) at the home of E.
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