One of three in existence Takes Willys-Knight to wedding

LITTLE SILVER - Many brides might dream of being But yesterday, the antique car had the happy chore of driven to church on their wedding day In a horse-drawn transporting a lovely bride to her groom oo their wedding carriage, but Michelle Ambroalno had the next beat thing. day. Wat Afflbroalno, now Mrs. Patrick Hamilton, rode to The bride is the daughter of Hr. and Mrs. Joseph her wedding at St. Anthony's Roman In Ambroslno of Silverwhite Road, Little Silver. Red Bank yesterday In a IMS Willys Knight three door She Is a graduate of Red Bank Catholic High School and coupe sedan. Is employed at Interdata, Inc., Oceanport. Tbe car Is one of only a few like it in existence, and it The groom, Patrick M. Hamilton, is the son of Mr. and may be one of only three In the United States. Mrs. John Hamilton of Virginia Ave., Jackson. It's owner, Robert Hayes of Colts Neck, Is uncle of the The bridegroom is a Jackson High School graduate and bride attended Ocean County Vocational School. He is also em- ployed at Interdata, Inc., Oceanport. The car's shining black body and sparkling chrome will appear In Herahey, Pa., next month for judging in a The couple plan to honeymoon in Florida before making national antique car competition. their home in Ocean Township. Mrs. PatrtrkHi The Daily Register SS&&. VOL. 101 NO. 58 SHREWSBURY, N. J. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11,1978 15 CENTS Plane crashes; fire at boardwalk By WAEREN RICHEV He said that when he tried along Rt. 71 he found that he hill, and at that point he said MARLBORO - A 45 to turn the engine back on af- was unable to gain altitude and he "decided that I wasn't minute routine test flight last ter completing what pilots call was In fact losing altitude. going anywhere and I decided evening almost ended In trag- a routine "engine out pro- Mr. Gelier, traveling at to plunk It In." edy when a twin engine Piper cedure," his engine failed to about 90 miles per hour 150 feet Mr. Gelier said, "I just Apache crash landed in a corn turn over. from the ground, then tried to didn't want to hurt anybody or field off Rt. 71 less than a half Mr. Gelier, who In 1971 flew raise his landing gear to re- hurt myself, so when I saw I mile Iran Marlboro Airport. 5,800 miles solo over the North duce air resistance and facil- wasn't climbing out right I The pilot, Seymour Gelier Atlantic during the Victoria, itate a climb In altitude. turned in." of Morganvllle, was alone and B.C. to London Air Race, said With the landing gear only The pilot, who has a wife, uninjured during the 6:15 that he attempted to land at halfway tucked into the under- three daughters and a grand- p.m.Incident; however, his Marlboro Airport with only the belly of the wings and the daughter, said he began look- W.000, HA a Apache was single engine, but he said his plane still losing altitude, Mr. Ing for a safe, flat landing area heavily damaged first approach was too high so Gelier said he realized that . "I know where the com field Mr. Gelier, a pilot for » of he decided to circle and try he'd be unable to get back to is and I know where the flat Us 51 yean, said he was prac- again. the airport. spots are," he said explaining ticing flying with only one en- He said that when he The East Brunswick at- his knowledge of the farm- gine shortly before the emer- started to circle after passing torney was forced to turn his lands surrounding the gency landing. over the electric power lines plane to the south to avoid a Marlboro Airport. He said he flew over a grove of trees, slowed his re- maining engine, and then cut the engine as he slid less than 100 feet to a halt In the com Blaze started in tunnel field a couple hundred yards By MARK GRAVEN Firemen chopped a square Chief Cook, still wearing his from Rt. 79. LONG BRANCH - hole In the boardwalk to get at green and white soft ball uni- "You either decide to fight Firemen extinguished a blare the blaze which started among form, number 54. It or Join it, I think I chose the yesterday evening In a tunnel some debris In the tunnel, and Michael Hornung, 375 safer of the two," he said, under the boardwalk at the the fire was put out before 7 McArthur Ave., an employee standing uninjured near the Amusement Pier before it p.m., according to Fire Chief at Junior's Restaurant, said he wrecked plane. could spread to businesses lo- Ray Cook. was one of the first to spot the The plane came to a rest cated above Passers-by stopped to sniff smoke. with Its tail tilling 45 degrees In UNINJURED PILOT — Seymour G.lier, a 2S-y«ar tt»W yntaritay. Mr. G«lt«r wo» unln)ur*d during Youngsters were reported- the smoke by the hole In the Mr. Hornung and Plet Van the air with a ruptured gas veteran pilot, Inspects the damage to his Piper the landing. The plane was ruined. ly playing In the tunnel which boardwalk which was roped Derwolk, the manager of tank, Its nose gear crushed and Apache after a forced landing In a Marlboro corn used to run from the beach to off, but business went on as Nun's, jumped over the back with damage to tbe engines tbe old Columbia Pool located usual while the M firefighters, of the boardwalk to attack the and wings. across tbe street when the fire aided by three pumpers, smoke with a fire extinguisher. The passenger compart- started at about 6 p.m. brought the fire under control. "We started pulling two-by- ment, which is capable of seat- Police are still Investigat- Shoppers and fun-seekers fours out of the way to keep the Ing five, was Intact. Bell: Vm man of destiny The Morganvllle Independ- ing the case and no charges were not bothered by the fire from spreading," said Mr. By MARK MAGYAR "I may be only one senator to listen," Mr. Norcross said. Mr. Bell showed that he has ent Fire Company and both have been brought. smoke, which was blown out of Hornung. "The whole OCEAN TOWNSHIP-Jef- In Washington out of 100," he "But to say simply that history shed much of his summer Marlboro police and Colts "I have a list of names but the tunnel by a large fan. boardwalk could have caught frey Bell presented himself to said. "But we're in a period and the man appeared togeth- awkwardness In ribbing Ben- Neck State Police responded there all five or six-year olds," In the San Tropei Mall, fire." Monmouth County Re- when one senator in the right er is insufficient Bell made jamin H. Danskln, county Re- to the crash. said Patrolman David Smith, shoppers continued to peruse Mr. Hornung and Mr. Van publicans last night as a man place at the right time can be the tax-cutting Issue his own publican chairman and target Police reported that despite The tire sent smoke up the racks of clothing ,and next Derwok were aided by Gordon of destiny in the vanguard of a in the vanguard of changes' long before It was popular, and of last night's "roast" by the the ruptured gas tank the through the cracks In the door at Nun's, patrons sipped Dreher, who also works at swift new American Revolu- that will shape our nation's campaigned (or it articulately Monmouth County Federation plane did not catch fire. boardwalk In front of the San their drinks nonchalantly. Nun's. The trio reported that tion. future for decades to come " in upsetting Case. of Republican Women. Tropex Mall and Nun's Bar "six kids, ages about 7-10, took- Asked If he was planning to "The fire would have taken "I've come to the realiza- Mr Bell faces an uphill bat- "The Case upset made him But the young conservative and Cafe off down the boardwalk." buy another plane, the, pilot a long time to spread," said tion that significant, historical tle against BUI Bradley, but if a national figure, and if he Impressed his audience most commented, "If my wife let's changes can happen quickly," he wins in November, state pulls a second upset against with his not-very-conservatlve me." asserted the 34-year-old Bell, Republican Chairman David Bradley, he will be a national message that real, historical who gained nationwide recog- Norcross agreed, he will Im- figure to be reckoned with," change caa occur overnight. Chief says: nition by riding the tax-cutting mediately become "a national Mr. Norcross said. "And I'll "The people of New Jersey Sheplans Issue to a stunning upset of figure to be reckoned with tell you — I've never seen a are ready for fundamental Sen. Clifford P. Case In the "He's a man who believes candidate improve as much as change — not a 10-polnt plan Just did Republican Senatorial prima- he has the answer, running at he has. He's getting better on for progress by 1985." Mr. Bell to stay ry. a time when people are ready his feet all the time." See Bell, page 3 catch it ABERDEEN - Firemen friendly extinguished a blase last night Summit moving, but in fits, starts ATLANTIC CITY (AP) at the home of E. Monteleone, tian delegation said the sum ferred by telephone with the which lasted nearly 15 - Kylene Barker pposes le- 775 Lake Shore Drive, before CAMP DAVID, Md. (AP) - mlt was moving slowly and of Iran. minutes, hours after it took galliatlon of marijuana, any serious damage was done, he Mideast summit, now In that there had been no break- Carter lent the Shah his per- place thinks the Equal Rights police report. Its sixth day, is moving ahead through sonal support but also called Iran is considered a force Amendment goes too far, "It could have been bad, in fits and starts with no sign of for more "political liber- for stability in the Middle East Isn't terribly Interested In but we caught It In tbe nick of a major breakthrough in re- After taking Begin and alization" In the troubled coun- and Persian Gulf. Carter, in politics and promises a non- time," said Fire Chief Fred solving sharp differences be- Sadat on a Sunday tour of the try. telephoning the Shah, reaf- controversial reign as Miss Stringer, of the blaie which tween Israel and Egypt. Civil War battlefield at Get- firmed the U.S. commitment America. apparently started In a back Although progress on some tysburg, Pa.. Carter met for The White House press of- fice announced the phone call. See Summit, page 3 The 11-year-old daughter bedroom. key Issues has been reported an hour with the Israeli prime of • Galax, Va., super- Mr. Monteleone, his wife, by an official spokesman, minister at Camp David. The market meat cutter, told re- and two children escaped unin- there has been no formal con- two leaders were joined by key porters the Sunday after her jured, Chief Stringer said. ference of the three major advisers. selection as the 51st Miss Both the Cllffwood Volun- summit participants since last Begin made his optimistic America she considers teer Fire Company Inc. and Thursday. comment about the meetings The Inside Story herself to be "like the girl the Aberdeen Township Hose There was a widespread ex- when he encountered re- THKWKATHKR next door" and wants "to be and Chemical Company re- pectation that the discussions porters during the battlefield Variable cMtTtaess today laroaga i»morr»» tthk a friends with everybody " sponded to the alarm, which involving President Carter, Is- tour. was sounded at about 5: SO p.m. raeli Prime Minister Men- "You can see they are going caaace el rala. particularly tomorrow ('•mpirtr "A* Miss America, I'U achem Begin, and Egyptian repartee page 1. have to be careful how I The fire was all out within 20 well," said Begin minutes, Chief Stringer said. President Anwar Sadat will answer questions," the continue at least until mid- He seemed to be referring to The chief declined to com- Gluts epea ip. lese aevway 11 • former cheerleader and week. the evident rapport among the Detail twlrler said. "I just ment on how the fire started. Yaaks wta, tie fir first 11 Begin said Sunday the sum- participants rather than to the might refuse to answer some "There were many things Beard OKs keneless chUdrra 4 mit was "going well" but other Arab-Israeli dispute Itself questions" about hotly dis- we came across, so we turned sources offered more cautious Weiunan was more cryptic puted Issues. It over to the detective bu- Bridge Advice 17 DAILY REGISTER assessments. than the prime minister when Mia* Barker, who holds reau," said Chief Stringer.. Baslaess. 7 PHONIC Nl'MBKRS "We need another two or be was asked, "How are you tbe double distinction of Damage was confined to Classified 14 If Mala Olflce 542-49M three days to crystallize doing?" being the shortest Miss the back bedroom, which was Cemles 17 Tell Free (71-tttt things," said Eier Welunan, America since 1916 and the "completely Involved," the "We are doing," the defense Cresswefd Panle 17 Tell free WIN the Israeli defense minister, first to be chosen from the chief said. minister responded. KdKtriils « Classified Dept 542-ITN who again met separately with state of Virginia, said two of One wall was completely Before the Gettysburg trip, Kilntalamrat II ClrceUOea Dept S4Z-49M Sadat during the weekend. tbe persons she admires charred, a matress and bed Carter attended Protestant re- Herestfoc 17 Spans Dept MJ 4W4 moat are Jacqueline OnassU were destroyed and a hole was Sources close to the Egyp- ligious services here and con- Lifestyle M MfcUHswaBwtam - t7l-8M "for her fashion Innovation" burned In the rug, the chief Make A Date. FreefeaM Boreas. oi-zin and actor Burt Reynolds. reported. Ofctaarte*.. 4 Ue«BiiartB«rmi raeen Stern. , Hi) stmbmr rtf»..... "I love all hi* movies and The Chief said he told the ..MMaUtn It isn't too warm. I would like to meet him," family they could return to their home last night If they Resle O'Grady's Bahrs Rwtaaraal Hlrtlaids tbe petite blonde told re- It isn't too cold. wished. Jack Hill Trio, Tues -Sat Rt Enjoy Lobster at its.Best. 1% IHome Improve 55. Eatontown "But they didn't know what It's just perfect... Ib. Lobster, KK. Mia* Barker defeated « Twta Lebtter Duuer 17.15 they wanted to do," said the ...for improving your home. SUray's New ResUeraat otter atate contestants here chief. Wharf Pub, Shrewsbury Ave., Saturday night for a tM,IM Highlands. J91-57H. Come out early tonight for scholarship and more then Sgt Stanley Parrlsh Is In See Home Improvement pages sliced roast sirloin with soup k IH.9M la personal ap- charge of the police Investiga- Sal's Tavera Restavaal salad bar. Enjoy the football tion Into tbe case, the chief in tomorrow's Daily Register. Soft Crabs are back. Serving game on Color TV 41 Ave. of lee She ataas page 1 Mlu America run* on bnach lunch a dinner two Rivers. Rumson, M1-1J15 MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 11,1978 Say tax People NEW YORK (AP)-Sen. really like revolt Edwari bawdy returned "A lot of people thought here Sunday from a visit to she (Patty) kidnapped the Soviet Union, and an aide herself or ran off or some- y Bufalino tabbed IIoffa tal Service In what was described as an growing said the Massachusetts thing," she said NEW YORK (AP) - Jimmy Hoffi's Informal session. John Rogers, spokesman Democrat would comment Patty Hearst has served murder spptrently was ordered by Russell for the federal mediation service, said spe- •y FAITH BOCKMAKEB oa the trip at a news con- 17% months of a seven-year BafaUoo, and the killing was set up by cial mediator James J. Healy would meet Asssdatea Press Writer ference Monday In Washing- term for participating In a Aathony "Tony Pro" Provenuno, says with the three union chiefs again late Mon- New Jerseyans are joining ton. San Francisco bank robbery witter Steven Brill In a new book. He said day morning at the mediation service the state's estimated m anti- Kennedy, a staunch sup- • •• Proveaiano underlings actually killed headquarters In Washington The Sunday tax groups to support a Propo- porter of national health In- SPRINGFIELD, Mass. Hotta and got rid of the body In a giant session, Rogers said, lasted about ift sition lHype referendum In surance, attended aa in- (AP) - As a veteran of M akrcdder-compactor-lnclnerator In Ham hours. He described it as informal, without the Garden State, and are ternational World Health Or- years In the news business, tramck, Mich. The shredder has been used the usual staffs and attorneys present. showing they agree with An- ganization meeting in Soviet CBS newsman Deaglas Ed- to the disappearance of at least 10 thony Festa of Vlneland, a Asia and conferred Saturday wards says he has seen gangland killing victims, Brill quotes sn 4 teens die in crash member of People for Tax Re- ' for two hours with Soviet "taboos fall by the wayside, FBI document as saying Brill said that form. President Leonid Brezhnev. with little or no regret. based on FBI reports and Interviews with DENVER (AP) - Four teen-agers "We are fed up (with high Upon arrival at Kennedy Even so, network broad- some of the figures involved, he has been were killed and to Injured when an auto- taxes and government spend- Airport, the senator declined cast news Is better than able to put together what he calls "the mobile driven by a schoolmate slammed ing) and we are not going to ' to talk to reporters. when he went on the air in most likely sequence" In Hoffa's July JO, Into a parked car, plowed Into a group of take It any more," explained The aide said Kennedy 1MB, Edwards said, although 1175, disappearance The FBI has said that. people and bit two other vehicles. "I just Anthony Festa of Vlneland, a was "totally exhausted from network television has Its Jtfca C. DakBager It Investigated Information that apparently looked up In my rear view mirror and law member of People for Tax Re- the long flight from Moscow "dark side." Bah let* lad to Brill's conclusions, but has dis- him coming at me about 50 miles an hour," form. to New York with one stop In As an example of fallen of Henry Ford," in which he counted the theory. The author wrote that said Jimmy Vigil, IB, who was driving one Some, like state Senste Ma- Frankfurt." taboos, Edwards told a details his contention that he Bufalino and other alleged organized crime of the can struck by 18-year-old Ralph A. jority Leader John Russo, D- meeting of New England Ra- Is Ford's illegitimate son. figures wanted the former Teamsters un- Crowe's automobile just after midnight Ocean, have said they believe CHICAGO (AP) - When dio and Television News Di- Neither the Ford family ion chief killed to prevent his coming back Sunday. Crowe was arrested for Investiga- New Jersey municipalities will Beb Hepe honored a picket rectors Association that nor the auto company be to power In the union. Brill aald tion of vehicular homicide, police said. "He escape a potentially crippling line set up by striking main- when he started In network founded has ever com- Proveozaoo, the New Jersey Teamsters rammed right Into me," said Vigil. "I was property tax cut like Califor- tenance workers at a Chica- radio news In 1M2, rapes mented on Dahlinger's boss since convicted of murdering a union mad because he hit my brand new car, but nia's because of the success of go hotel this weekend, It may were not carried In news- claims. rival nearly two decades ago, had been an "caps" — growth limits on then I got out and saw about six bodies just have been a first for the co- casts, ••• enemy of Hoffa's since the two men government budgets in New laying on the street. They were mutilated median, according to a long- Edwards said "the dark PROVO, Utah (AP) -r dashed while In prison In 1M7. Jersey. Also, the New Jersey real bad." The six victims were having a time associate. side of this exciting busi- WhenWayseOe«eai\ofthe constitution has no provision party In the middle of a dead-end road near Hope's conductor, Geof- ness" Is that television must singing Osmond family, for a statewide referendum on Stapieton International Airport, said De- frey Clarkson, said Hope re- accept some responsibility learned of the birth of his Begin, Sadat at Gettysburg tective Donald Curtis of the Denver Police the issue by popular lnlatlve. fused to cross a picket line GETTYSBURG, Pa.(AP) - President for declining literacy among son, he went on a shopping Department. Citizens' group spokesmen Friday night at the Mariott American children. spree for baseball and foot Carter toured this Civil War battlefield and others have said they feel Hotel where he was sched- Sunday with Israel's Menachem Begin and Television's pluses are Its ball gear. Train hits house, kills 3 a reduction of property taxes uled to appear at a black-tie role In entertaining and In- Steven Wayne weighed Egypt's Anwar Sadat during a recess In by referendum will succeed hi fundraiser for the National their summit discussions aimed at secur- forming the elderly and six pounds, 11 ounces and MIAMI8BURG, Ohio (AP) - Two New Jersey If the Legislature Committee for the Preven- handicapped and Its success was II inches long when he ing peace In the Mideast The three heads women and a month-old baby were killed will put the referendum on the tion of Child Abuse. of state drove 1! miles from the summit In bringing politics to the was born Wednesday to when a Conrall freight train derailed and November ballot or amend the When Hope arrived at the people, said Edwards, who Wayne and Kathy Osmond at site at Camp David, lid., to visit the bat- crashed Into a two-story house, authorities constitution to allow popular hotel and saw pickets, he re- tlefield where, Carter noted, his native also believes television "con- the University of Utah Medi- said. Seven people suffered minor injuries. Initiatives. turned to his own hotel and tributes to the longevity of cal Center In Salt Lake City, South took a terrible drubbing during the Aaae Hearst One freight car stood inside the ruins of the They cite a federal report taped a monologue that was the elderly." said family spokesman Ron that showed New Jersey has presented at the dinner, house where the bodies were found and Edwards celebrated his Ing men and women." It Clark. the 13th highest property tax Clarkson said. Clarkson another was part way Into the structure. SOth anniversary on CBS tel- mentioned that as governor, Kathy, a former Miss rate In the nation. could not recall a slmlliar Other can In the 20-car train were piled evision Aug. IS. Benson had Involked state Utah, married Wayne in Incident In all the years he nearly as high as the house. "They just David Myers of Cherry Hill, and federal laws to allow 1975 The couple have a has accompanied Hope. *' ••• slacked up like a car wreck," said Police a long-time tax rebel, said striking labor union mem- daughter, Amy, who will be 2 Negotiations to remove Chief Ronald licBride. "They squeezed levies can be raised despite the ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) - bers te receive federal and In November. the picketers, who want the together like an accordion." caps. Myen said sympathizers "It's a bunch of nonsense," state benefits "Wayne was so pleased company to recognize main- The dead were Identified as 4-week-old have "given notice we won't said 82-year-old former Min- It also told how he called and excited about his new tenance men as members of Michael Joseph Call and Kathy Barkalow, support any candidate who nesota Gov. Elmer Beasea, out the National Guard dur- son he went out on a shop- the International Union of 17, both of lilamlsburg; and Linda hasn't gone on record In sup- after paying SIM to see 1,142 ing a timber workers' strike ping spree and came home Operating Engineers, ap- Humertck, M, of Germantown, Ohio. port of Proposition 13." pages of documents the FBI In northern Minnesota, settl- with a load of baseball and parently broke down before Republicans, a minority of collected on him after 1131. ing the strike in less than one football gear," Clark said. Carter backs Shah...aimost Hope arrived. officeholders In the state, are "I'm ashamed for my hour. listening. government," to spend so CAMP DAVID, Md. (AP) - President ORONO, Maine SAN FRANCISCO (AP) much time collecting it," Carter lent his personal support Sunday to State Sen. James Wallwork, (AP) — Best-selling novelist - Patty Hearst's 22-year-old Benson said Saturday at a DETROIT (AP) - A the Shah of Iran while also calling for more R-Essex, has called a taxpayer Stephen Hag, known for sister, speaking publicly for luncheon In his honor. man who claims to be the "political liberalization" in the troubled revolt "Inevitable If the Demo- such chilling books as "Car- the first time about the Im- About 500 supporters, Illegitimate son of Heary country. A carefully worded statement was crats continue their spending rie" and "Salem's Lot," has prisoned heiress' ordeal, several of them former Ferd said he is auctioning Issued by the White House press office as ways without curbing spending returned to his alma mater Begin, Sadat, Cettytburg cannon the president resumed his Mideast summit and making sure the money's predicts that people will members of the Farmer-La- his mother's estate, includ- bor Party, also com- ing what he said are Ford's to teach creative writing. CMi War. The Georgian, showing his conferences by holding a meeting with Is In the budget." someday be "shocked that after what she went through memorated the 10th an- own baby crib and other "I taught English at guests a monument to the southern troops Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin. The United Taxpayers of she could be convicted." niversary of the founding of gifts to his mother from the Hampden Academy for a who were overwhelmed, said they could Carter, in telephoning the shah, reaffirmed New Jersey and the Feder- the U.S. commitment to the embattled Henry Wallace's auto pioneer. couple of years and I en- have won, "with tanks." Carter, wearing a ation of New Jersey Tax- In an Interview with monarch, according to the statement. At Progressive Party. Benson Jtki Cete DaaUager has joyed It," said King, a native gray sports Jacket, showed Begin and payers are trying to coordinate KPIX-TV here, Aaae Hearst the same lime, the president backed re- said the effort to free her was national party chairman been trying for three months if Durham and a 1170 gradu- Sadat several of the high spots of the 1W3 form in Inn by expressing "the hope that action, and two state senators In 1*48, shortly before the to sell the estate, a 37-room ate of the University of campaign ki which Southern forces lad by have introduced legislation sister from prison was the movement toward political liber- helped by the admission by party toMed. mansion In suburban Dear- Maine at Orono Gen Robert E. Lee were repulsed with alization would continue," it said. that would allow voters to peti- Benson read from "one of born Heights valued at fits "I'm looking forward'to heavy casualties In their second and last tion referendums. Te bills stil William and Emily Harris two weeks ago that they kid- the more Interesting pages" million teaching on a college level effort to Invade the North. "They could are In committee. of the FBI documents, one An weekend auction fea- because we can focus more have used President Sadat, Hoshe Dayan napped Patty Hearst. Kamikaze frogmen were set Meanwhile, anti-tax groups "I'm very glad they came that contained "at least a tured 600 Items including the on creativity rather than and Eier Weliman," the president quipped chip away at local budgets. few truths." two dozen which Dahllnger grammar." WASHINGTON (AP) - Japan had a out the way they did, as vi- to reporters trailing behind. Dayan, the Cumberland County free- The document said that says were gifts from Ford to His fourth book, due out force of 800 kamikaze frogmen trained to ciously as they did. I thought Israeli foreign minister, and Welzman, the holders have said popular sup- as governor of Minnesota his mother. In November, Is called "The blow themselves up alongside American It was good for some of the defense minister, are both former generals port for tax-cutting measures from 1936-38, Benson "knows Dahllnger, 55, is the au- Stand" and Is reportedly set ships during the closing months of World people In this country to re- and heroes of Israeli wars with Arab neigh- was a reason they decided not that the power of govern- thor of a book published last In the Victorian castle In War II, according to secret documents ally take a took at the Har- bors. The sightseeing, which White House to buy a new recreation cen- ment can be used for work- February,"The Secret Life which he lived last year. released by the National Security Agency. rises and see what they're press secretray Jody Powell said was ter. prompted by Prime Minister Begln's in- The documents also Bald the Japanese terest In the Civil War, extended the week- navy recruited 1,000 "human torpedoes" end slowdown In Mideast summitry. who would sit on torpedoes and guide them into the hulls of American warships. The She plans to remain friendly Plane hits bridge, sinks secret documents were recently released The 5th gallon by the NSA to the national archives and (continued) son, but said she never got a giggle. MACKINAWCITY.Mich (AP)-DI- were reported on by the Washington Post. pearance bookings that go Involved with politics. "I feel that I am a typical Whan you buy 4 vers temporarily gave up a search on One cable sent to Japanese military com- with being Miss America. Miss Barker, who de- American citizen," she said. gallons of any Sunday for an airplane which clipped the manders near the end of the war Instructed Her talent performance signed many of the outfits " I think Miss America Olympic product fog-hidden liackinac Bridge and fell Into that "the emphasis in training will be on of an acrobatic dance to she wears, said her ambition should look like an all-Amer- the chilly waters of the Straits of liackinac Improving suicide aircraft and surface and "Rocky" and "Feel So Is to open her own ladles ican person, UNtOhe girl next at regular price. below. "It was a smaller, single-engine underwater suicide strength. Air strategy Good" treated the audience apparel shop In Roanoke. door, and notjnmeone su- plane traveling In a westerly direction," Is to be based on total suicide air attacks." of 18,000 at Convention Hall "Now that I'm Miss perficial that people are MONMOUTH BUILDING CENTER said state trooper Daniel Yake. "It struck Another decoded Japanese cable says at afraid to touch. I 't want to a spectacle of aerial America, I might open the 777SHREWSaURY AVE. SHREWSIURY above the road surface on the bridge and least two human torpedoes were used hi an cartwheels, splits and store on Worth Avenue In people to put me on a pedes- bit the suspension cables. We don't know attack on the destroyer USS UnderhUI. The backward sommersaults. Palm Beach," she said with tal." how many people (were aboard). We know Underbill was lost off Okinawa on July 24, • li there is debris on the bridge. The plane is IMS. The documents said the Japanese Miss Barker, who said apparently sunk. "We're just at a loss here. navy was ordered to equip all submarines being genuine Is the most The waters are real cold," he said. "The and destroyers with as many as five of the Important quality Hiss current is strong. It doesn't look today like suicide torpedoes. These torpedoes were to America should have, said we're going to have any clue to that lost be used as a main line of defense against she "enjoys the advantages Monmouth County airplane. I'm sure we're not going to have attacks on the Japanese coast. of being a woman," like hav- any survivors on this one. People are call- ing men open car doors for Ing In with more and more possibilities and House listens for shots her and being taken out to we're checking them out." The bridge Is dinner. "I don't get upset HIGH SCHOOL SB feet above the water and connects WASHINGTON (AP) - The House As- when someone calls me a Michigan's Lower and Upper Peninsulas. sassinations Committee Is studying the re- girl," she added. sults of acoustics tests designed to show Regarding the ERA, she FOOTBALL '78 said she probably would vote Dollar tough on yen whether three gunshots or four were tired Our readers look forward to this one. All the at President John F. Kennedy when be was for It, but she has reserva- tions about matters concern- teams will be reviewed — the coaches and TOKYO (AP) -The U.S. dollar opened slam. The tests could provide an answer to players. Included too, a complete schedule of sharply higher at 1H.M yen on the Tokyo one of the most Important questions linger- ing Social Security and the draft. 1978 games. Handy tabloid size. Don't miss foreign exchange market Monday. It ing from the assassination in Dallas on it. you're sure to enjoy it. stayed strong in early trading, ranging Nov. a, IMS. To make that determination, "I wouldn't like to go to from 113.30 to 193.80, compared to Friday's the committee hired the acoustics firm of war and wouldn't want my dose of 111.06. Dealers said the Increase Bolt, Beranek and Newman of Cambridge, daughter to go to war," she was due to Friday's announcement of a Mass. They were to present their findings said. in public testimony today as the committee drop In the U.S. wholesale price index. The Virginia Tech gradu- began Its second week of hearings on the "For the time being, the trend (to a lower ate In apparel design and Kennedy assassination. dollar) has been broken," one dealer said. fashion merchandising said SPECIAL SECTION "The dollar won't go down (but) it can't go she never has smoked mari- coming up much either." Say Vesco tried, failed juana and doesn't plan to Say Carter seeking summit WASHINGTON (AP) - White House start press secretary Jody Powell said late Sun- "In junior high school, I FRIDAY, SEPT. 22nd ATLANTA (AP) - President Carter day that fugitive financier Robert L. Vesco did a research paper on her- will seek a summit with Soviet President tried but tilled to win help with his federal oin and other harder drugs," Look for it at your newsstand , Leonid Brethnev before the end of the legal problems from key advisers to Presi- she said. "I feel that If you or call 542-4000 for home delivery year. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution re- dent Carter. Powell said representatives of start out with marijuana, -wrted In its Sunday editions. The report, Vesco approached Cyrus R. Vance, the then you could eventually go (ran the newspaper's Washington bureau, secretary of state, and apparently sought to the harder drugs." said that "authoritative White House out Attorney General Griffin B. Bell. -In The green-eyed swim- ADVERTISING DEADLINE sources" said Carter deckled "to go for the addition, he said a would-be approach to ming enthusiast said religion summit" at a secret meeting of the Na- Hamilton Jordan, the presidents principal should be an important part TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 tional Security council In the White House adviser, was deflected by Richard Harden, In life for American youth. on Sept t A White House spokesperson, a lower-ranking Carter aide. Powell made When asked If she was a Call 542-4000 Today these statements to reporters here after aaktag not to be named, said there would be rehgious person, she said, "I syndicated columnist Jack Anderson re- no comment on the report. am a Christian and I was ported Vesco directed a "high pressure lobbykag campaign" at Jordan and Atlanta Postal meeting is informal attorney Charles Kirbo. Carter aides Miss Barker said she did not vote n the last election WASHINGTON (AP) - Postal union branded the Anderson report a "be." An- The Daily Register derson's column, appears on page 6 of because she inlwsfd a prom- leaden met Sunday with a special federal ised ride home from college. MONMOUTH COUNTY'S GREAT HOME NEWSPAPER r and a represenutlve of the Pos- toUiyTDitly Register She described herself as a ONE REGISTER PLAZA • SHREWSBURY "fairly conservative" per- SHREWSBURY. hl.J. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 11.1978 Urges summit consider attack tradition to France on tra»d BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - Syrian gunners blasted teat by the leftist Lebanese nurses, but some would be and tax evasion charges, Christian leader Pierre Christian neighborhoods of Moslems and their Palestinian fighting men. cktlms to have arranged tie Gemayel appealed to the Beirut with more than 2,000 allies. The Syrians stayed to "We plan to bring Innocent exchange of Robert Thomp- Camp David summit to take rockets Saturday night and police the armistice that ended women and children from son, convicted of spying In the up the new Lebanese crisis as early Sunday. Christian the war, but the Christians Beirut to Israel if necessary to United States for East Germa- the Syrian army's latest attack sources reported three persons have refused to disarms their save them from the Syrians," ny, lor an American Im- on Christian militiamen In killed, M wounded, 22 buildings militias and surrender their he said. prisoned In East Germany and Beirut went Into its fifth day. set ablaze about M0 apart- areas to Syrian control be- Flatto-Sharon, whose elec- cause the Syrians have not an Israeli pilot from Mozam- Gemayel and former Presi- ments damaged by shell holes tion to the Israeli Parliament lorced the Moslems,to disarm. bique dent Camllle Chamoun, whose The Syrians opened up gave him Immunity from ex- militias the Syrians have been again Sunday afternoon with The Syrians also are an- trying to bring under their con- heavy artillery and rocket gered by the Christians' accep- trol since February, charged grenades, damaging more tance of Israeli support in that the new offensive was an buildings, the Christian radio southern Lebanon. Summit A spokesman in Beirut for attempt to sabotage President Voice of Lebanon said. to Iran. Israeli financier Samuel Flat- (continued) Carter's meeting with Israeli Syrian snipers fired all day Considered a quiet friend of to-Sharon said plans are being to the embattled monarch. Prime Minister Menachem Be- at key street intersections in Israel and Is Its principal made to raise $10 million and Anti-Shah demonstrators gin and President Anwar toe Christian areas, hindering source of oil, Iran has strong recruit 20,000 volunteers to turned up at the press center Sadat of Egypt. civilian traffic, the broadcast ties with Egypt. help the Lebanese Christians In Thurmont, Md, six miles "There is no justification said. The three summit leaders From left, McLoone, Danskin, chairman Addy Lubkert against the Syrians The from Camp David, on Satur- tor this escalation of hostilities Syrian troops Intervened in traveled together to Get- spokesman said many the vol- day and called for an end of by the Syrians," said Cha- the Lebanese civil war In 1171 tysburg In Carter's bullet- unteers would be doctors and massive U.S. arms shipments moun. "The Syrians are trying to prevent the Christians' de- proof black limousine. Blue Laws Bell to undermine the Camp David The Georgian, showing his summit." guests a monument to the referendum (continued) dent of Freehold Raceway, The Syrians gave no ex- southern troops who were ov- asserted "Changes In history w*< roastmaster for a panel planation for their latest at- PBA's representatives erwhelmed there, said they very quick Most of the "»» Included "Monseigneur" tack, which began Thursday could have woo, "with tanks." is favored New Deal was enacted In less —Richar " d* ~Da y and' Dr. John But Syrian President Hafei Carter showed Begin and NEWARK (AP) - Almost than two years, the programs Motley of Spring Lake; Assad opposes the Camp probe budget, Sgt.'s case Sadat several of the high spots three-fourths of the residents of Johnson's Great Society in Frederick C. Knlester of Up- David meeting .and Sadat's of the IMS campaign in which polled In 10 New Jersey coun- less than one. per Freehold; Betty other efforts to make peace By MARK GRAVEN Sgt. Nadler was cleared of The PBA contends that the Southern forces led by Gen. ties where Sunday shopping Is "The tax cuts that tax- Haberstroh, county GOP sec- with Israel because he fears KEYPORT - Represent- all charges against him for borough is spending money to Robert E. Lee were repulsed restricted favor a referendum payers want today need not retary; Agnes Cordes, Mr. the Egyptian will not get Israel atives of the local Policemen's being absent without leave, the fight the policemen in nego- with heavy casualties In their on blue laws, according to a take years," he said. "Proposi- Danskin's real estate agency to withdraw from the Golan Benevolent Association (PBA) letter notes. tiations which could be used to second and last effort to In- poll commissioned by a depart- tion IS, the Kemp-Roth bill and secretary; and Mr. Norcross. Heights, which it seized from plan to ask questions about the The PBA wants to know pay for officers to fill shifts. vade the North. ment store chain. other Republican tax-cutting Mr. Day, who Mr. Danskin Syria in the 1M7 war. police budget and the case of how much It cost the town in "Do you know how much Mrs. Carter, daughter Amy A telephone survey of 719 Initiatives point the way for nicknamed "Monseigneur" Sgt George Nadler at to-attorney fees, court steno- the borough Is spending to and Mrs. Begin also made the residents was conducted by the Republican Party, the par- years ago, stole the show by night's Borough Council meet- grapher fees, transcripts and fight the police department?" tour, as did Israeli Foreign the National Center for Tele- ty of human rights, to regain appearing In a Monselgneur's No ing, according to Detective loss of insurance money to the letter asks "the taxpayers Minister Moshe Dayao and phone Research, a division of Its heritage as the majority robes at the roast. Louis Tomasello, PBA presi- pursue the Nadler case, the of Keyport." Wetanan. Louis Harris and Associates, party", "Ben's the modern-day dent. letter states. "It has been brought to the Meanwhile, there were Inc., In the counties of Bergen, Mr. Bell castigated govern- Wrong-Way Corrlgan," Mr A list of the questions the Detective Tomazello said Council's attention that all the these comments on the sum- Cumberland, Essex, Hudson, ment policies which have Day said. "I flew with him to PBA plans to ask tonight was PBA was not attempting to money they have spent to fight mit: Middlesex, Monmouth, Morris, erected barriers between hu- Florida once, and wore out two byl7,000 sent to the Daily Register in "negotiate in the papers," by the Police Department so far -Sen. Henry M. Jackson, D- Passalc, Somerset and Union. sets of granite Rosary beads. I man effort and Its Just, eco- TRENTON (AP) - About the form of "an open letter to asking the questions. Is well over what It would cost Wash., predicted that Egypt should have known better A total of 73 percent said nomic reward — a disincentive |3.2 million in New Jersey the borough of Keyport" The PBA and the council if they had settled with the will not be satisfied unless Is- when he ran out of gas in his they favored a referendum on he blames for the "slow property tax rebates has not Mayor William A. Ralph re- have entered binding arbi- police officers In the beginning rael produces "definite move- own driveway so many times." the blue laws while M percent growth rate ol the economy" been paid to an estimated vealed at the last council meet- tration with a representative of the year," the letter states. ment" in Its stance on Mideast said they opposed the restric- and subsequent under- Mr. McLoone listed Mr 17,000 owners for a variety of ing that the borough may be from the Public Employment The council has offered the peace. tions and 70 percent said they employment of a majority of Danskin's many accomplish- reasons, says Division of Taxa- getting Into a financial Relations Commission to settle PBA a five percent increase In shop on Sunday at businesses the nation's high school and ments as county chairman. tion Director Sidney Glaser. squeeze, because its insurance their 1178 contract. salaries. But the policemen "Under Ben's tutelage, we allowed open, such as super- college graduates. At least 12,000 persons who carrier refuses to pay a Two weeks ago, the PBA want a 10 percent Increase |ot two-party government in markets. Bruce G. Coe, Republican haven't received checks will workmen's compensation filed a grievance with PERC, plus fringe benefits. Monmouth County," Mr Of toe Sunday shoppers, 54 Congressional nominee, said "eventually get paid" the claim to Sgt. Nadler, who has charging that the council was I OFFSET McLoone said. "Democrats percent said they "go to open that Mr. Bell's victory over checks that average I18» each, been out of action since he was engaging In an the lifting of all started getting elected. Ben malls In nearby counties," the Sen. Case and the passage of Glaser said, but It could take injured in an accident at police police suspension of all police COLLEGE XEROX COPIES helped elect the county's first poll reported. Proposition U In California are six weeks as the state double headquarters on Christmas overtime was an unfair labor alack freeholder — un- "Obviously the public is Just the crest of a wave of checks their applications. Eve. practice. INSTANT frustrated," said Abbott Gom- public disenchantment with fortunately, he wts a Demo- The letter states that the Detective Tomasello claims S.A.T. crat too. And we all know what The reason for delays on berg, senior vice president for ever-increasing taxes at a time the checks that were mailed to mayor and council are trying that special officers are now PRINTING sales promotion at Bam- when many government pro- ae did for Ray Bateman's to make the people believe that being used to fill In for regular REVIEW campaign" most owners in July inclulde Classes Start berger's, the company that grams are not working. wrong Social Security num- It Is Sgt. Nadler's fault that the officers' duties, contrary to an While You wait commissioned the poll. "The Issues are with the Insurance company Is not agreement made by the police . Od 1,0AM to 12 Noon bers, late claims, wrong ad- H*M*t Half of those opposed to Republican Party this year," dresses. paying the claim, "when in committee last year. ft wolf press m'c Sunday openings said they Mr. Cae said. "Everywhere I Say Carey Another 4,000 taxpayers fact it Is because the mayor The PBA contends that the 170 Monmouth Strati would support a referendum go, people ask me where I claim they filed for the re- and council suspended Sgt. borough Is nit getting proper Red Bank, 741-9300 on the Issue. stand on Proposition IS. I've bates, but division records Nadler that the insurance com- police coverage under such Call 2224704 or 681-6009 Fvmtflf Gttnl The poll was taken the last never seen such public con- favored don't show they did, Glaser pany has stopped payment." circumstance!. weekend In August, several sciousness of government In a said, and another 1,000 persons days before the Newark-based real visceral sense. By The Associated Press have been denied checks. firm launched a "You deserve llln timing, Bell Is right." Democratic voters In New Persons who claim they the right to shop on Sunday" be said. "Maybe it's been York and Connecticut will pick tiled and did not receive a campaign at Its stores in the building for many years, but gubernatorial candidates In check must now sign an af- restricted counties. public sentiment against gov- primary elections Tuesday, fidavit and file It. Property The campaign asks cus- ernment spending has sudden- while Minnesota voters seek a owners who have been denied Mr. Businessman: tomers to urge state as- ly burst forth In a wave of candidate to run for the late rebates have to wait for rul- Hubert Humphrey's Senate semblymen to pass a bill In- outrage that will decide elec- ings by the Division of Tax seat. troduced by state Sen. Frank tions throughout the nation this Appeals. Graves, D-Passalc, which calls November." New York Gov. Hugh for a November referendum. Mr. Coe attacked his oppo- Carey Is favored to win re- The Senate has passed the bill. nent, Rep. James J. Howard, nomination over bis former for refusing to debate until late lieutenant governor, Mary Ann You are invited to do your banking October, noting that Mr. Brad- Krupsak, and state Sen. with one of the finest Full Service Seeking killer ley has agreed to debate Mr. Jeremiah B. Bloom. The win- Bell 8 times ner faces Assembly Minority Banks In New Jersey. of N.J. woman Incumbent Republican Leader Perry Duryea, the un- THE VALLEY, AnguUla Freeholders Harry Larrison opposed Republican whose ex- (AP) — Search warrants have Jr. and Ernest G. Kavalek tensive television advertising been issued to police on this noted that control of the Board has been aimed against Carey. tiny Caribbean Island as they of Freeholders is at stake this year. Connecticut Gov. Ella continue a week-long manhunt Grasso also Is expected to sur- for the killer of a New Jersey Mr. Larrison pointed out vive a challenge by her lieuten- tourist. No arrests have been that the county tax rate has ant governor, Robert Killian nude. been lowered the last two The Republican gubernatorial Police said the body of Bet- years with the board under Re- candidate, Ronald A. Sarasln ty Jane Insabella, of Irvlngton, publican control, while Mr. Is unopposed. N.J , was discovered Tuesday Kavalek quipped, "We're buried In a wooded area not going to run this year on the A lively campaign tor the far from the Rendetvous McDonald's slogan, We do It Democratic nomination to fill Beach Hotel where she had all for you.'" the rest of Humphrey's Senate been vacationing with a friend, Mr. Danskin's alleged re- term between Rep. Donald Robert Fiotrita of Newark, luctance to pick up a check, his Fraser and businessman Rob- N.J. golfing skills, his flying abUlty, ert Short comes to a close with Authorities said the dis- and his political leadership - Minnesota's elections. The Re- covery was made about H including, of course, his role In publicans have a five-way race hours after Ms. Insabella, said Raymond Bateman's dis- for a shot at the Humphrey to have been In her early 20s, astrous campaign for governor seat. The featured combatants was reported missing last Sun- In 1177 — all came In for a good In that election Include party- day evening, Sept. J. deal ol "roasting" during a endorsed David Durenberger "There was no evidence of two-and-a-half hour onslaught and former University of Min- sexual assault," a police of- by his "friends" last night. nesota President Malcom "Central Jersey Bank Land" Moss. ficial said during an Interview. Joseph V. McLoone, presi- in New Jersey's Monmouth, Ocean. Middlesex and Union Counties, offers your firm an exceptionally Weather: Cloudy, rain hospitable business climate Monllc Cly « 41 cdy unparalled in New Jersey. Vesterday'a algk tern be south to southwest at ten to •emmort n ii c*r l0^ peralmr at the Register's 20 knots Monday and Monday Btrmlnohom tl «t .01 c*y THIS WEEK'S totton 10 47 ctfv Let our business development weather suttoi was 71 aid the night. It will be partly cloudy BUffOlO 71 n 43 c*» with House Dressing. pcralare was M degrees. Monday. m it cir you realize the full potential of 01 73 It cdy Role. Butter. Coltw (SERVICE There was a trace tf preclplta- • a cir your business. -fflDES I! n M rn BANK, Uta la the Mhears eadssg at I n at *dy a.a». May. There were •• SANDYHMk •I It clr • 73 cdy dMM IfKWi Inm M.W CMoag degree days yesterday, TODAY - High 3:37 p.m. 71 M clr and low 10:14 pm M 47 rn Sunday Dinntn II tar Ike Math It tale aad 11 75 m from 12 noon KSfwtaeseasM. TOMORROW - High 4:11 MilaMM *0 4S cdy II « cdy There will be variable a.m. and 4.45 p.m. and low mxi si r • 74 01 rn 10:30 a.m. and tow11:1 4 p.m. Ntw OrMOTi 71 41 cdy cloudiness through Tuesday, NMrYtrt II 70 cdy Wtwra Banking I* Easy For Red Bank and Rumson 10 7) 1.41 rn with a chance of showers Tues- 71 17 cdy day. The highs Monday and bridges, add two hours; Sea m 70 clr Bright, deduct II minutes; as Tuesday will b* from 71 to M nuWM The Iowa Monday night will be Long Branch, deduct IS » *° '"» Richmond U H » rn I In the upper Ma. The chance or minutes; Highlands bridge, St. Louli u 40 03 clr add 41 minutes. It. *, Tonw 11 M cdy CENTRAL JERSEY RANK rain will be M percent Monday SMI Lot! n 44 rn and Monday night. Winds will lDto H 70 m 71 1» .00 rn ifiollp Jittfjtr AIMD TRUST COMFV\NY be southerly Monday at tan It 40 Clr « 44 .11 clr miles aa hour or lass. Ocean M 14 ill cdy Jnn 41 41 «cdy MEMBER FOIC water tcmptntuTM are In the Wakway 35, M lank low 70s. Coastal torecfiT 29 CONVENIENT OFFICES • MKXXESEX • MONMOUTH • OCEAN • UNKX Manuquan to Cap* Henlopen, (Ml) 747-3500 toM miles offshore: Winds will SHREWSBURY. N J. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 11,1978 KIIMIMIMIIMIIIIIIUIIIMKtHHIMMIIIIHMMHtlMIIHMHHIHHHHHIHIHHW Board OKs Obituaries homeless IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIMMimiHIimMIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIMIIIIIIIIMII Ill IIMllH children FREEHOLD TOWN- Jack L. Warner, SHIP - The En/ing family still hasn't been able to find a new home, but then- four movie pioneer school-age children can at least start school now. HOLLYWOOD (AP)0 - been hospitalized since Aug. Despite some early ques- Jack I Winer, one of the It tions about whether the fam- four ligendary Wirner Warner, a dapper man with ily living tn two tents In Tur- brothen who pioneered the a pencil-thin moustache and a key Swamp Park are really en of talking motion pictures flamboyant , sandwiched township residents, the and produced such movie clas- tennis games and high-stakes township Board of Educa- sics as "The Jan Singer" and casino gambling between such tion has agreed to accept the "CtMbUnca," is dead at age deals as buying the film rights children here. ML to "My Fair Lady" for »5 5 million and signing an un- Friday morning was reg- The last of the movie Jack L. Waraer moguls who ruled Hollywood known Errol Flynn for $150 a istration day for the stu- during Its golden years, dents-to-be, when a school Warner died Saturday of an Jack Leonard Warner was 6th arrest employee visited the wooded inflammation of the heart at born Aug. 2. 18*2, In London, campsite to complete the Cedan-Slnal Hospital He had Ontario, Canada. registration process. reported in And starting today , a school van will drive down Dr.Ignazio DelFAira, the park's gravel-and-dlrt theft wave roads, and pull up to HAZLET - A sixth arrest campsite BIO to take Rose, was Holmdel physician has been made in connection Edward, David and Lisa to HOLMDEL - Dr. Ignazlo brothers, Dr. Ferdinand, Leo with a spree of a car thefts and class. breaking and entertngs involv- •oeWof rM •» O» to* DelPAIra, 17, of Holmdel and Alexander Dell'Aira, all of Mrs. Nancy Ervlng ing at least eight municipal- than one month. The four older children were sched- Road, died yesterday at Rlv- Italy, and a sister Miss Lillian doesn't know what schools FREEHOLD FOREST FOLK - Mrs. Nancy Ervlng ities In the county, police re- uled to start classes in local public schools today, ervtew Hospital in Red Bank. Dell'Aira, also of Italy. her children will be attend- gathers her five children outside the family's ported The Day Funeral Home in ing, but she's glad to have makeshift home In Turkey Swamp Park, Freehold leaving four-year-old Donna and her mother to hold Born in Naro, Italy, be lived Daniel W. Tremper, 18, of Township. Edward, Donna, David, Lisa and Rose down the campsite. In Hazlet before moving here Keyport Is tn charge of ar- the school problem resolved. rangements. M Park Ave., Matawan, was She has been house- have been Hying with their parents here for more three months ago. arrested by Matawan police Dr. Dell'Aira was a general hunting with her husband Mrs. Ervlng says the fast approaching back in this But park rangers have said the family Income Is too Mrs. Margaret Friday night and then turned ever since the family lost Its high to qualify for welfare, practloner of medicine, over to local police, who family plans to stay In the remote and sparsely-settled been "fantastic" in helping educated at the Unlvanlty of Hightstown home to a mort- park for the time being, be- corner of the township, but the family get by while but the Ervlngs probably are McConville charged him with breaking gage foreclosure, but they eligible for food stamps. Palermo, clan of 1M7. He and entering Bradlee's De- cause 'It's the only prospect Mrs. Ervlng says her chil- they're living in the park. haven't been able to find Mr. Ervlng is employed served In the Italian Army as OLD BRIDGE TOWNSHIP partment Store, Route 35, on we've got. dren have been staying "They stop by to see if anything suitable yet. at Meadow Lakes, a retire- captlan during World War II. - Mrs. Margaret Qulnn Mc- Aug. SI "We want to get back to healthy while living out- everything's alright; they ment village In Hightstown, He came to the U.S. in 1147 Conville, H| of 11 Euclid A South River woman of- Mercer County, If it's pos- doors. deliver messages, they're re- Mr. Tremper was released and earns about 18.500 per and to the Hazlet ana In 1M0 Road, died Saturday In the fered to let the family use a sible," Mrs. Ervlng says, The sole exception to that ally great," she says ap- pending a court appearance on year. Dr. Dell'Aira was on the Holmdel Nursing Home, Sept. 19. two-bedroom-trailer, Mrs. noting that It's easier to find is a "bug" that was caught preciatively When the children start staffs of bayshore Community Holmdel. Three Juveniles and one Ervlng says, she couldn't bousing there than in Mon by 4-year-old Donna last The family has been en- off to school, three of them Hospital In Holmdel, Riv She wu born In Lurgan, adult had previously been ar- squeeze all seven family mouth County. week, but Mrs. Ervlng says camped here for more than will have to attend special ervlew Hospital, and Mon- Ireland, and had lived here rested In a cooperative in- members into such a small She's hopeful that the it wasn't caused by the one month now, and wide- classes, Mrs. Ervlng says. mouth Medical Center In Long eight years. vestigation by Hazlet, Mid space. family will be able to find weather. spread publicity has brought One child has a learning dis- Branch. She was a member of St. dletown, Matawan, Eaton- The family also looked some housing soon, and she "The kids feel cooped up in offers of assistance from ability, another has a behav- Surviving are his widow, Gabriel's Roman Catholic town, Shrewsbury, Aberdeen, into renting a house in Roo- appreciates any help or sug- in the rain," she says. "But as far away as California ior problem, and the third Mrs. Amalla Dell'Aira; a Church, in Marlboro Town- Keyport, Old Bridge, and At- sevelt last week, but the |335 gestions concerned persons when the weather's nice, and Nevada. suffers from a hearing and daughter, Miss Tberesa ship. lantic Highlands police per month cost was too high might offer. they have plenty of ground to A spokesman for the speech affliction Dell'Aira, at borne; three Her husband, John J. Mc- At least two more arrests for the family, she says. Autumn's cool weather is roam on." county Welfare Board has Conville, died in 1»48. are expected In connection CharleH G. Brower Surviving are a son, James with the crime spree that hit K. McConville, Old Bridge; a businesses located along WEST LONG BRANCH - daughter, Mrs Elizabeth Routes 35 and M during Au- Gordon, Shoreham, L.I.; six Suspected disease victims up to 97 Charles G. Brower, 78, of 21 gust. Oceanport Ave., died Saturday grandchildren, and two great- Mr. Tremper was picked up NEW YORK (AP) - Re- also died. 75,000 employees in the 300 persons with samples of the disease. CDC researchers at Rivervlew Hospital, Red grandchildren. at 8 p.m. Friday by Detective cent publicity about an out- Dr. Paul Caswell, deputy garment district, an area In garment district workers. at found that the disease Is Bank, The Higgins Memorial Robert Phelan and Sgt. break of Leglonnais disease director of operations for the the shadow of the Empire During the weekend, Dr caused by a bacteria, and may He was born in Little Silver Home, Freehold, is In charge Carmen Messina of Matawan. here has resulted in discovery Legionnaires Disease Task State Building. William Foege, director of the be associated with water or air and lived moat of his life here. of arrangements. Stolen goods, Including several of (7 suspected cases of the Force here, said the rise in Caswell said testing tke National Center for Disease conditioning units. He retired as chief electri- watches from Bradlee's, were disease, health officials said suspected cases — the figure area's environment would con- Control In Atlanta, arrived cian for If onmouth College in Joseph Altobello found in Mr. Tremper's Legionnaires disease takes yesterday. went up by 25 yesterday — was tinue, but washing streets aid here and said tests on garment Its name from the outbreak of 1174. He wu also previously possession, police said. district workers have in- associated with Arthur Nelson KEANSBURG - Joseph Officials have confirmed "a result of the publicity given a subway station in the area the Illness In Philadelphia at Altobello, «5, of 38 Ocenvlew six cases of the disease, which in recent days" about the out- stopped yesterday. He said the dicated that their blood con- the time of an American Le- Electrical Contractors, Long tains antibody levels "higher Branch Ave., died yesterday at have resulted In two deaths. break. next step Involves comparing gion Convention in 197t. Twen- Bayshore Community Hospital Man held than we would expect." He was ex-chief and former One person suspected, but not The actual and suspected blood samples taken from a ty-nine persons died In that inHotmd*.. secretary of Fire Company confirmed, to have the disease disease victims are among the healthy control group of 200 to He said that Indicated that outbreak. Bom in New York City, he No. 2, former president of the in assault "the organism (Legionnaires' moved here 30 years ago. disease) has been around the Mayor Edward Koch urged Board of Education, and chart- ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Mr. Altobello was a self- garment district for some New Yorkers to remain calm, er member and ex-captain of — A Leonardo man has been Say firm stalled on $180,000 employed mason. time. There's undoubtedly saying there was no need for the First Aid Squad, all here. arrested and charged with people to get "regrettably hys- Surviving are his widow, ATLANTIC CITY (AP) - money has been missing and missing money may have re- some sporadic disease trans- Surviving are his widow, atrocious assault and threaten- terical." Mrs. Rose DIGrigorio Jlesorts International Hotel some officials privately con- sulted from inexperienced em- mission going on." Mrs. Doris Venable Brower; a ing to kill his common-ln-law Altobello; two sons, James Casino was violating state ac- cede some state controls were ployees, a shortage of licensed The CDC takes samples of However, he added, "One son, Charles D. Brower of wife, police reported. Altobello of Brick Township, counting rules and knew not Wowed, the newspaper workers or accounting errors. body tissue and fluid to find out Millstone; two daughters, Mrs. lady called and said her dog Nicholas Altobello of Hazlet; a Thomas G. Sergeant, 23, of $180,000 was missing from the says. Investigators are unsure If someone is suffering from Janet Finnegan of Mid- had Legionnaires disease." daughter, Mrs. Mary Cosen- 3 Center Ave., Leonardo, was East's first legal casino, but "There are strong Indica- whether the missing money dletown, and Mrs. Betty Ann tlno of here; two brothers, arrested Friday and charged failed to report the disap- tions that Resorts knew of the was skimmed as an un- Tomalnt of Ft. Lauderdale, Frances Altobello of Long Is- , with beating his common-in- pearance quickly, say sources problem and didn't tell us im- authorized profit, stolen by Fla.; It grandchildren; and land, N.Y., and John Altobello law wife, Carol Boman, who close to a state investigation. meldately," said an uniden- employees or the result of slop- one great grandchild. lives at the same address, po- py bookkeeping. of Hollywood, Fla.; four sis- The sources also say the tified source. , The Woolley Funeral lice said. Authorities, meanwhile, are ters, Mrs. Ida Hauseman and missing money never may be "That in itself would be a l Home, Long Branch, Is in Mr. Sergeant has been re- checking interviews with em- Mrs. Carmello DeBella, both recovered, the Star-Ledger of violation of the certificate of ' charge of arrangements. leased, pending a court ap- ployees before deciding what of Florida, Mrs. Rose Mallzza Newark reported in yester- operation. We have gotten con- pearance before Municipal to do next. of West Keansburg, and Mrs. day's editions, The newspaper flicting explanations of what Mrs. Charles Gilda Cositore of Rockland Court Judge Norman Peer, po- was going on as far as con- Sources say the investiga- lice said did not identify its sources for Wallace County, N.Y., and eight grand- the story. trols. It appears there were tion should be completed children. Patrolman Timothy Dun- many violations," said the within a few weeks. Criminal can responded to a call at 4:11 Jackson — Mrs. Elinor The John J. Ryan Home for Casiqo officials denied source about the two-month- or civil charges could follow. a.m. that reported a woman Kocher Wallace, 70, of 25 Funerals Is in charge of ar- withholding Information about old investigation. Resorts International has screaming near Center and Larisa Lane, died yesterday In rangements. the shortage, but admit some Resorts officials say the been ordered to pay I3..000 in Doctor's Hospital, Staten Is- Bowne Avenues and found Ms. fines for unrelated Internal land, NY. Boman lying unconscious in a controls violations. Robert J. Flavin weeded area off Center Ave- She was born In New York Manhunt for tourist-killer nue. City and had lived In FORT LAUDERDALE, THE VALLEY, Angullla AngulUa's fledgling tourist Hackensack before moving Fla- Robrt J. Flavin, 52. of Mr. Sergeant allegedly beat (AP) - Police on this tiny trade. TOWNSHIP OF here In 1*79. 9277 Northwest 3Jth Ave., died the victim until she was un- Caribbean island continued a Police say they have not MIDDLETOWN conscious and left her, police She had lived In Saudi Ara- Saturday at Broward General week-long manhunt yesterday nued out the possibility the said. TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE bia from 1K2 to 1M7 Mrs. Hospital. for the killer of a New Jersey murder or murderers came Wallace was a member of the Born In Long Branch, N.J., tourist, identified as Betty from a boat. At the time of Ms. MEETING Suffer!) New York Presby- Jane InsabeUa Isabella's disappearance, he moved here nine years ago. Arrest man September 12, 1978 terian Church, a graduate of Mr. Flavin was an operat- Police said the body of Ms. there were some pleasure Columbia Presbyterian Hospi- craft in the bay, authorities BUSINESS PORTION: ing engineer with the Interns- InsabeUa, of Irvington, N.J., I. Public Heorlrto on Ordlnonce tal School of Nursing and Mtd- in theft of noted. * 1363 — Amendment, Fire Zone tlon Union Local 675, here. was discovered Tuesday . Ordlnonce dlebury College. She was a He was a Navy veteran of 7. Introduction of Propoled Or burled in a wooded area not Police say there have been dlnonces: member of the National World War II and a member of silver bars_ far from the Rendezvous • 1203 — Stop Slons: Conovcr Nurses Association. no arrests, but informed Piece ond Hendrlckson Ave the Elks MO7, here. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS Beach Hotel where she had • 134? - Amendment Fee Sched- Surviving are her husband, sources report search war- ule Ordinance: Electrical Sub- Mr. Flavin was also a mem- — A borough resident has been been vacationing with a friend, Code Charles S. Wallace; two ber of the Loyal Order of the rants have been issued. "1443 — Capitol Improvement arrsted and charged with Robert Fiotrlta of Newark, Edit Keonsburg Area Road Re daughters, Mrs. Joyce Clark of Moose «1» and the Fraternal construction stealing a number of oneounce N.J. 3. Administrator: Warrenvllle, III., and Miss Order of the Eagles. Pair charged A. Street Light Request GET silver bars, police report. 4. Resolutions: Wendy Wallace of Staten Is- Authorities said the dis- Surviving are his widow, Robert N. Calzza, IB, Cen- A. Cancellation Sub standard land, N.Y.; two sisters, Mrs. covery was made about 26 Lien Mrs. Roberta Bell Flavin; a ter Ave., was arrested in and in vandalism Hilda Coltlsan Margaret Nozell of hours after Ms. InsabeUa, said Townsnlp Clerk YOUR son, Donald Flavin of Denver, charged with larceny In con- Clearwater, Fla., and Mrs. to have been jn her early 20s, HOLMDEL - An 18-year- Colo., a sister, Mrs. Mildred nection with a theft reported Marie Murrin of Albuquerque, was reported missing last Sun- old Marlboro man and a 17- Van Brunt of Long Branch, Aug. 4 at the residence of ACT N.Mex., and two grand- day evening, Sept. 3. year-old Juvenile have been ar- and an aunt, Mrs. Ann O'Neil Theresa Darke, S4 Seventh rowan* niMsaaun children. rested and charged with of Eatontown, N.J. Ave. Police had no specific home The Higgins- Memorial The Flock Funeral Home In address for either the woman malisclous damage to a car TOGETHER The silver bars are valued owned by a resident, police OOGGEDTOILETS Home, Freehold, is in charge Long Branch Is in charge of or the friend. at under $200 dollars, police report. AT ACT II of arrangements. arrangements. said. "There was no evidence of Mr. Calzza has been re- sexual' assault," a police of- John D. McCarron, 18, of We're Me most popular am. successful men's mi leased and a court date of Sep- ficial said during an Interview. Marlboro, was arrested Friday women's flj/rcuffers around. (2 million rerjr The Daily Register tember 11 set, police said. Cause of death was said to and charged with malisclous togetner people in 4 years tore had bWr tear be severe bead wounds made mischief and released on his styled by us.) Because what we do, we do best. by a "machete-like" instru- own recognizance pending a And stiH only tl2 for a complete shampoo, cart, The Sunday Register Vandals wreck ment. court appearance Oct. 2, police and Wow-dry styling. FuMltDed by The Rod Bonk Register said. The Juvenile was re- EsloWttfteo In lin by John H Cook ond Henry Clay vets monument its. InsabeUa was seen sun- bathing near Rendezvous Bay leased to the custody of his WaOltlll OCEAN - Vandals have parents, pending an ap- 21 Broad Strotrt R«d Bank 747-7770 Orw IttflMtr Plan. Urantury. N.J. Illtl destroyed a monument at — where the assault reportedy •Vent* Offices occurred - shortly berore she pearance in juvenile and II. HI ». WkMletown, N.J. tim Firemen's Memorial Park, Hmmmito Cownfy Courttwvse. FrotftoM, N.J trm disappeared. domestic relations court. m Irooomr. Loot Ironcn. N.J. 0IN0 Lake Drive, dedicated to de- MNMUM. Trenton. N.J. MUS ceased members of the Residents of the island, Apprtxioately 1300 In Meifol of Hst AMMKIoM Press The Assoclatef Prtii ll entitle** •KIMJWIV to tlte uee et all me local news pr inted In the Nwimtr oi wall Wanamassa Fire Company, which is a British Associated damaqe was done to the vehi- fl Ml l AP nowf dNpoMwp t police reported. State In the Leeward Islands, cle, a 1174 Ford owned by Rob- TOILAFLEX- slwHMi ol me American NewMMpor Publishers Assoclotlon, ttii AMU The vandals reportedly were generally reluctant to ert Pascalar, II Malvern tvreauof ClrartotWn, mo Now Jersey Pr*»s Association. ToiUl 1 pushed over the monument, talk about the crime this week- Road, police said. Mr. McCar- Second Clou pwto»e pol« ol Red eonl, N.J OHofond at Uladlttmn. MM BOX. pVfflMt N.J. W PlMMM luMoy Itirough FfWoy Wall SUMcrlptlens In valued at several thousand end. ron and the Juvenile were re- •sepoy WMT to n>Uo» bock or «•»•• dollars, breaking it into pieces. 'This is a terrible thing for portedly arrested at the Wit* IWkSn the lull pram perw Term Dolly SwMMV The vandalism occurred be- the Island," one hired-car Marlboro High School by town- through the clogllng mill aisd It. 10 MI.-7 PM4 Wat, M, *« » •wkkakan. Only Onlv »J«J«jjr tween 1:30 p.m. Thursday and driver said, expressing con- ship police with the assistance 'tat Nat SWMIM TSMOVJIM' •tHIKANCNTS o CONIMTIOtWMo • fHOITIHO Hern Silver, »T Ce»rier - (W I y ond %Jtn •» cent. • wee*; Wnooy 8:30a.m. Friday, police said. cern at the possible impact on of the Marlboro police. (2*> AT HAMwAM fTOM* lUHllnmiriiiiilii nnlli •Tnnlirm "--*- ' IKLAXMe • dOLOMM * HDMU • TUf WORK* SHREWSBURY. NJ MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11. 1978 Monmouth CETA program given highest rating FREEHOLD —The United "The Monmouth CETA "eligible (or Immediate fund- good to know that we have the CETA program," Mrs. Clay- experience. A total of 41 fiscal year 1(71 is for longer SUIM Department of Labor sponsor (The Board of Ctesen Ing," which was received by Mr. Larrtson praised the best people doing the best job ton said. percent of participants leaving term training In higher skilled has given the Monmouth Freeholders), successkilly II and VI. Titles II and County CETA Administration.. possible under the circum- "However, one rarely reads the I program enter em- occupations. Proposals from a CETA Program Its highest rat met program goals, cretting VI attempt to place the hard- "I am gratified to say that stances," Mr. Larrison said. the negative newspaper stories ployment, with the overall large number of service de- Ing (or the administration of more than 1,100 employment core unemployed in mean- the faith placed in Mr Wenner, Freeholder Jane G. Clay- about Monmouth's program. economy a major factor affec- liverers have been solicited," Titles II and VI during Fiscal and tralnlng-jopportunities for ingful employment," Mr. Lar- Karl V. Fox. deputy CETA di ton, in whose department Even Congressman Jim How- ting this statistic. Mr. Wenner Ms Sawyer said Yew 1178, according to Free- "economically* disadvantfced rtson said rector, and their staff by the CETA is located, also ex- ard, in a recent tour of some said that the average for the Mr. Larrison and Mrs. holder Director Harry Lar- and youth unemployed In the Richard C. Wenner, CETA freeholders and the residents pressed praise tor the Admin- CETA projects, termed our New York region in Title I is 47 Clayton also praised DOL's rtaonJr. County," Ms. Sawyer wrott director, said that the Mon- of Monmouth County has been istration of the program. management 'first-rate'," percent. federal representative, Jac- The evaluation was re- According to Mr. Larrl(on, mouth CFTA program re- completely justified," Mr. Lar "More and more frequently Mrs. Clayton said. "While these problems are queline Elder, as well as Peter ceived by Mr. Larrison Tues- fiscal year 1978 was the fjrst ceived approximately risonsaid. we read In the newspapers of Ms. Sawyer, In her report, significant, I have found that Arencibia, who immediately day, from Janice M Sawyer, time that the Monmouth Coun- $20,000,000 In fiscal year 1(78. "We all know how difficult the severe problems encoun- Identified some problems in substantive steps have been preceded her, and Ms Sawyer, Associate Regional Adminis- ty CETA program has Ire- The amount that the program it is to deal with complex pro- tered by other counties in the the smaller Title I program, taken to remedy them in the their supervisor, for the splen- trator lor Area Operations tor cetved DOL's highest overall will receive in fiscal year It79 grams, whether they be feder- New York region dealing with which deals with classroom upcoming fiscal year. The de- did working relationship and the Department ol Labor rating. The highest rating! Is will be determined by the Con- al, state or county, and it is the administration of their training and short-term work sign of classroom training for professional assistance. No sluggish students during first week By JULIE WOLF mood of the campus. ly heard compliment to Mon- in the science area, particular- "You're just a number in a asweU. WEST LONG BRANCH - "It feels good to be back, mouth College. "The campus ly computer science and engi- school like that, but here you "Two days of classes tor Classes began at Monmouth said Paulette Davis, who is re- is just so beautiful." She said neering, which we are strong get-lots of attention," he said. the first week are enough," College last week amid hot and turning for her last semester she enjoys being located near in," Dean Espey explained. He said he also likes the living Miss Davis sibd. humid weather, but there were of undergraduate studies. The the shore He said the projections are conditions. ' "My dorm has Jane Schoener, director of no sluggish students to be seen 21-year-old Bridgeton resident Miss Davis said there ap- for 520 freshmen and 470 wall-to-wall carpeting and air- public information, said stu- on campus. Is majoring in business admin- peared to be more freshmen transfer students to register conditioning and I have a dents were busy enjoying their The tanned and fashonably istration and political science students on campus tills year. this (all fridge, color television and "last romp" the past week. dressed young people attend- and plans to attend law school David S. Espey, dean of"regis- Karen VeUekamp, a 17- stereo set," he said. He said he "We had a barbecue and a ing the first day of classes after she graduates In Decem- tratlon, said that although reg- year-old freshman, said her would like to work as a parole frisbee contest and Wednes- seemed, for the most part, to ber. istration Is still going on and first impressions of the college officer "or something In that day, the day before classes be excited at the prospect of She said her first few clases there are no final figures, were good. She said she is in- line," when he graduates. began, was a free day for eve- returning to school. were "pretty good; mostly I'm there appears to be a five terested in education. She said "I'm really looking forward ryone to enjoy themselves," The non-freshmen were glad to be back In the dorm percent Increase in regis- although she had only spent a to this yeer," Jane Pongracz, Ms. Schoener said. particularly glad to return to seeing old friends," Miss Davis tration. short time with her roommate, II, a sophomore, said. She said Among the other events at friends and dormitories, while said! "We recruited well this "they matched us up pretty she had enjoyed working over the college was an activities newcomers said they liked the She paid the most frequent- year and there Is a resurgence good." Miss VeUekamp said the summer as a keypunch op- night, where each campus or- the dormitories are "beau- erator. But she was glad to be ganization set up a stand to tiful." back at school, as a change of recruit students to Join. There scene. was also a baseball game be- Middletown man is indicted Like other students, she Miss Pongracz was one of tween the Jim Jenson CBS Al- was not worried about going the few students who admitted Istars and the college's alumni back to the routine of school that she got a little restless team. A mixer was held on in loansharking operations work. "I'm really looking for- during her first few classes, Friday night, she said. ward to it." She also said the "because It was hot In the Ms. Schoener said the NEWARK - A Middletown The indictment was filed the borrowers failed to make hot weather wasn't a problem, building " However, she said weather was bad, "but that's man has been arrested after Thursday, but kept under payments on time, they and because most classrooms are •••War Mwt* IV Cm Ptrhn she was sure that as soon she how It is every year." She said an extensive undercover In- wraps by a federal Judge until their famUiss were threatened, air-conditioned. gets used to being this year's students "appear to WANT tO JOINT — Monmouth College students vestigation of a loansharking FBI agents could arrest sus- the indictment says. consider joining Gamma Sigma Sigma during ac- "U takes time to realize back,"things will be great." ,be a very purposeful group." ring ranging from Bergen pects authorities feared might After federal authorities you're not home, but I'm glad From Branchburg, Miss Pon- the bustling group of stu- tivities night at the college last week. On the left is County to the New Jersey Lorraine Lifts of West Deol and next to her is Lauren flee found evidence of a loanshark- to be back. We have a lot of fun Jracz Is majoring in computer dents around campus certainly Karlnta of Rumson. Shore, according to U.S. At- Other suspects named in ing operation, a woman under- here and meet a lot of people," science. seemed to fit that description. torney Robert J. Del Tufo. the Indictment were Robert cover agent was used by the Richard Pinto, a 20-year-old Most of the students said But, by the end of the first day, Frank "Tony Canero" La Fishetti, It, and Fiorando FBI to pose aa a "friend," of sophomore, said. He is major- the first few days of classes some of them began to look a Guardia, SO, of Middletown. "Chlckle" Nardone, 45. both of one of the female victims and ing in social work and trans- are not too strenuous, as most little weary. Fort workers pick was arrested and released in Union City; Louis "Lou Rob- was used to make payoffs to ferred from Rutgers In New of the professors lay out their "I'm glad the first day is 125,000 bail after being indicted erts" Pascalli, 66. of some suspects, court docu- Brunswick, because it was course plan for the semester. over. I must admit I'm a little by a federal grand jury in Rutherford, and William ments show. "too big. And the students feel It's just tired," Miss Davis sighed. loansharking operations, of- David, 42, of North Bergen. bargaining agent ficials said Mr. Flshcetti and Mr. FT. MONMOUTH - Civil- were voided and one was Mr. La Guardia is one of David were also released on ian employees of the Com- challenged the three out of five suspects $25,000 bail each. Mr. PascaUi munications Research and De- arrested on charges of making and Mr. Nardone will be or- Make a Date velopment Command during Employees also decided "thousands of dollars" loans dered to &ppear for arraign- A paid directory of coming events for nonprofit organiza- SEPTEMBER II union elections Thursday Thursday that both pro- and charging interest rates ment later. tions. Rates: f2 00 for 3 lines for one day, $100 each St Agnes 1'TA Flea Market, school parking lot, West selected the National Feder- fessionals and mm professional ranging from three to five Assistant US Attorney V. additional line; 13 00 for two days, 11.25 each additional line. Highland Ave, Atlantic Highlands. 10 AM to 4 P.M. ation of Federal Employees would be contained In the percent a week. Grady 0'MaUey of the Or- 15 for three to five days. $150 each additional line; to 00 for Spaces indoor/outdoor $5 Rain or shine 291-3081.291-2679. Local 471 as their bargaining same bargaining unit. Ol the ganized Crime Strike Force 10 days; $2 00 each additional line. Deadline noon 2 days Details of the alleged Middletown Reformed Church Flea Market-Craft Sale, agent. 400 professional employees In loansharking were disclosed said the defendants face up to before publication. Call The Daily Register. 542-4000. ask for the Date Secretary. 123 Kings Highway, 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. Rain date, Sept 23 Of the 8KCORADCOM em- CORKDCOM. 87 employees Friday when a sealed federal three years In prison and fines For a $5 table, call 671-4695 or 671-3317. ployees, 173 voted for the voted in favor of a joint grand jury indictment were re- up to $10,00 each If convicted. NFFE, 56 voted for the Ameri- bargaining unit and 85 voted leased charging the five with Charges In the indictment SEPTEMBER 11 Stroke Club win meet at Rlvervlew Hospital, Red Bank, can Federation of Government agaimi one unit. Four ballots conspiring to "make and col- list a series of meetings be- Middletown Township Historic Society will hold a meet- East Wing. 4th Floor Solarium at 10:30 A.M.. Sept. 16 Employees Local 1904, 75 were tolded and there vas one lect extortionate extensions of tween the five and alleged ing Mon., 8 p.m., will also discuss Tenth Anniversary' Picnic will follow - short business meeting. No charge. voted for no union, 10 votes unresdved challenged ballot credit." loansharking victims. When concert. Middletown Library. New Monmouth Kcl. Mid- Parking available Family & friends welcome 741-2700, dletown Ext. 426, for further information.

BYAA Family (Children. Adults, Friends) Skating Par- Back to School Sale. Sneakers, Converse Pro Keds, ty, Eatontown Roller Rink, 7-9:30 P M. $200 per person, NBA and others from $2 and up. Also children's storm boots skates included. For ticket information, call Pat, 291-2249 and school supplies Sponsored by East Keansburg PTA. All Purpose Room. East Keansburg School. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. SEPTEMBER 12 Parents without Partners Bayshore Chapter 644 Gener- SEPTEMBER 17 al meeting will be held at Don Quixote's, Rt. 34, Matawan Parents Without Partners. Bayshore Chapter (44, will Cash bar & dancing featuring "FOUR HIT & MISS " hold a FUND RAISER at Don Quixote's. Rt 34. Matawan Orientation given to new members and guests Informa- Cash bar It dancing,, live music Members and general tion: 566-0170 public invited For information rail 566-0170 Great time will be had by all • come join in the FUN. Shrewsbury Business & Professional Association will Craft & Flea Market. Red Bank Hadassah. $5 spaces hold a luncheon meeting at 12 noon, Shadowbrook Restau- Sears parking lot, Middletown, 10-4 p m Hobbiest, dealers, rant. Guest speaker will be Police Chief Raymond "Bucky" 291-2123 or 671-3295 Sept 24th rain date Mass. Reservations call Mrs. Barberio, 741-5212. 15.50 per Country & Western benefit Jamboree for Kathi-Jo person. Mocik, Sun. Sept 17. 4 PM to closing Cobblestones Restaurant, Hwy 35, Middletown Donation: $3.50 includes The next meeting of the National Association of Retired buffet. For ticket information call 741-8344 Federal Employees, Middletown Township Chapter 1S33, will be held on tues , Sept 12. Croydon Hall. Leonardo at 1 "Story Time Theatre," live children's show, slated for A GREAT WAY 1* SAVE MUARS PM Sun , Sept. 17 at 2:30 PM at Thompson Park Theatre Barn, off Newman Springs Rd , l.incroft Tickets $1 00 available SEPTEMBER}, 12, U. 21th at door or by calling Monmouth County Park System Monmouth Civic Chorus will hold general auditions at 171(283 Mon - Fri. 8 AM - 4:30 P.M. 0UR CASHIER Wlbh TARt Embury Methodist Church in Little Silver at 7; 30 p.m. Call SEPTEMBER 1st !S George Sumrall for information, 922-3177: Choraliers of Eatontown will hold auditions for voices at Meadowbrook School, Wyckoff Rd . Eatontown. 7:30 ANY COAT 64S i SEPTEMBER 13 p.m.. Sept 18 and 25 Male voices needed Information Chinese Auction. Port Monmouth First Aid Ladies 229-1124 Auxiliary, Buck Smith's. East Keansburg. 7:30 PM Dona- SEPTEMBER 19 • tion; $2.00. Tickets at door. Parents Without Partners. Bayshore Chapter No. (44 Cocktail Party & Dance. HIDEAWAY, 2 Fearey PL, Monmouth County Audubon Society monthly meeting Morgan. Cash bar 4 free buffet 8 30 PM All members 1 Barbara Schwartichild speaks on "The Ecology of the guests welcome. INFORMATION 566-0170 T THIS EHAMIM.E ... Tundra, Prairie and Desert Habitats of North America." Trinity Episcopal Church, W. Front St., Red Bank. 8:15 SEPTEMBER M p.m. Admission free. The Ladies Auxiliary of the Wayside Fire Company, 900 Greengrove Rd is having a Chinese Bazaar at 7 p.m. Donations SI 50 Prizes and refreshments SKITKMBKK 13,21,27 The Monmouth Conservatory Opera/Operetta Society SEPTEMBER 23 is rehearsing the November production of "The Student The Middletown Jaycees will hold their 3rd Annual ". New chorus members for the Society will be Health Fair at Middletown Shopping Center The fair is auditioned every Wed.. 7:45 P.M.. Church of Nativity. free to the puUc For information call 787-1888 or 2(4-4939 Hance Rd., Fair Haven For more information call Mon- Christian Brothers Academy Woman's Guild will hold a UW PRICE mouth Conservatory of Music, 741-8880 luncheon fashion show at Squire's Pub, West Long Branch, Sept 23rd. 12 noon Fashions by Belmar Fashion Corner SEPTEMBER 14 Tickets are $8 50 For tickets contact Inge Pontolillo, 10 Big The Sisterhood of Temple Shalom, 5 Arymont Lane. Brook Terrace. Colts Neck Matawan. will hold a Rummage Sale at Temple Shalom. An Evening In Rome. St. Agnes School Cafeteria. Thurs, Sept. 14. 9 AM until 12 noon. Included in the sale Atlantic Highlands Homemade Italian food. beer, wine win be household items, clothing, toys. etc. included Music by Joe A The Continentals, strolling musi- cians. Tickets: $8.50. Deadline Sept 16 For information PtMIQ -VQuest, weekly forum for single adults. You bring me call 8721490 or 291-4959 conversation and conviviality and we provide the free and SEPTEMBER N forthright discussions on subjects of interest to single, Middletown Pop Warner Fifties Dance featuring Bop separated, widowed or divorced people. Refreshments and Shoo Bops, $10 00 per person. Independent Firehouse, M/l* \ dancing afterwards. $3 donation. Non-sectarian, 8 P.M Hwy 31, Belford Hot and cold buffet. 4950758 or 787 2283 Hftfc* UHTtU Thursdays. Unitarian Church, 1475 E. Front St. Llncrott OCTOBER I Organlnng Painting Tour to Rutland, Vermont. ( Meet the coaches of Fall sports presented by Mid- days, $229 includes Instruction and critique by local artist dletown South Booster Club, 8 PM, Middletown South Meals, bus and motel Call 922-2124 Commons, all parents Invited. OCTOBER 15 SEPTEMBER IS Ayelet Chapter, B'Nai B'rtth Women will hold its Flea The Baha'I Community of Middletown Informal dis- ' Market at Stralhmore Shopping Center, Rt. 34. Matawan, cussion on progressive revelation; The Evolution of Re- 9-4 p.m. Spaces available at $7.50. For information call ugion. 8p.m First Ave . Hilton Park, Naveslnk 29I-4JM 787-8875 or 583(943 Rain date October 22. The Daily Register Jordan, Kirbo linked in scandal testified that Southern Ven- iiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii continue the extradition effort Established in 1H78 - Published by The Red Bank Register By JACK ANDERSON tures was established to was made within the Justice President Carter's two launder the millions that the Department. The prosecutors closest confidants, top aide Georgians expected to get ARTHUR Z. KAMIN WASHINGTON felt they had exhausted the Hamilton Jordan and Atlanta when they cashed in their PRL President and Editor attorney Charles Kirbo, have available avenues for bringing been linked to a $10 million SCENE Vesco back, Bell said. He in stock. slsted there had been no pres- The flight records show Thomas J. Bly, Executive Editor William F. Sandford, Associate Editor political fix. Both men em- phatically deny any knowledge 111 I INIINII sure from the White House in that on the following Feb. 7 of the deal. had Vesco's expert personal Vesco's behalf. Lee and Herring flew to Wash- 6 SHREWSBURY, N J MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 11. 1978 But letters, telephone touch. According to the sworn tes- ington from Georgia. Tele- messages and sworn testi- So far, the Georgians timony, Vesco wanted the t phone messages and cor- mony tie them to a Georgia haven't been able to cash in Carter administration "to get ANDERSON respondence in our possession Every rule has an end. group which sought a $10 mil- their stock. It has a paper val- Todman off his back " Docu- tra»sformed a $42,500 payment Indicate that Lee spoke to lion slice of fugitive financier ue of $12 million, but they of- ments In our possession show int« a multlmlUloR-doUar stock Hamilton Jordan about the Robert Vesco's stolen fortune. fered to sell it to liquidators In the two ringleaders of thede|l. PRL deal In a letter to Jor- In return, the Georgians al- the Bahamas for $10 million. Georgia group were R. L. Her- Witnesses reptrUhat Vesco dan, Lee also reported that legedly promised to fix Vesco's This was the figure they had ring, now in jail under $500,000 outlined the complex stock •the necessary arrangements legal problems in Washington been led by Vesco to expect. bond awaiting trial on undea- l to the Georgians In Costa have been made to protect our No one has more influence Meanwhile, the Justice De- related fraud charges, and Rica on Jan. 15, 1»77. Flight interest In Nassau." with the president than do Jor- partment suddenly dropped its Spencer Lee IV, who claims he records show that they flew to merely acted as Herring's at- Both Jordan and Lee deny dan and Kirbo, who are known efforts to extradite Vesco This Ctsta Rica In a private jet on that the documents are aborted a move by American torney. Herring had the con- In political circles as Mr. In- Jin. 14 and retimed on Jan. authentic. They have been ver- Ambassador Terence Todman nection with Vesco, and Lee side and Mr. Outside. But they IB. Both Herring and Lee were ified, however, by independent deny ever using their Influence to persuade the Costa Rlcan was a close personal friend of listed as passengers. sources, Including the secre- to help Vesco. government to return Vesco to Jordan. Vesco promised to deliver tary who typed and mailed the United States for thai. Herring has sworn under , The latter has been de- to the Georgians through a Lee's letter to Jordan. Todman, now our am- oath that he arranged with Lee scribed In a biography as "the series of minlpulations $12 Footnote: We have been- In- largest international swindler bassador to Spain, acknowl- to get Hamilton Jordan to In- million worth of stock in his vestigating the allegations of our time." He allegedly edged that he had been prepar- tervene. Declared Herring: prime corporation. This Is a against Hamilton Jordan and looted a mutual fund of a stag- ing a new extradition request "Spencer said he called Hamil- creation wlich he calls Prop- ton, and everything would be Charles Kirbo for several gering sum estimated as high and that he had made his erty Resources Limited. Fed- all right. He also said Hamil- weeks. We have tracked down as |50O million. But he denies views on Vesco known In- eral Investigators refer to the ton told him that they would the details from Costa Rica to stealing any money and claims formally to the Costa Rlcan company Utterly as "Plunder, authorities. maneuver Todman out." Both Nassau. We have also made to be a victim of U.S. harass- Rape & Loot." In financial ment. Jordan and Lee deny that the repeated trips to Georgia. We "We hoped he would be re- circles It is known simply as turned to the United States," approach was ever made. have spoken to downs of wit- Like all Vesco's dealings, PRL. this caper is enormously com- said Todman. "But Justice In any event, Todman was nesses, takfn several af- plex. For a nominal J42.5OO never got the whole thing to- "transferred out of Costa 'Rica A fey days after Lee re- fidavits and/Obtained a raft of payment, front men for the gether. We still wanted him in April of 1977. Vesco took the turned from Costa Rica, he documents. (Herring was ques- Georgia group wound up own- returned, but we never got the abandonment of the extradi- flew to lie Bahamas to set up tioned under oath for 14 hours. ing a bloc of stock in Vesco's formal request from Justice to tion effort and the removal of a corporation called Southern He provided painstaking de- corporate flagship This was present the request." Todman as a signal that the fix Venture Limited. The flight tails, which we have largely accomplished with some Attorney General Griffin was in. Shortly thereafter, he record* show he arrived there confirmed from Independent adroit sleight of hand, which Bell told us the decision to dis- began the machinations that on Janj 27, 1»77. Herring has sources The routes of the young to lose their acne they also lose By JIM BISHOP liaillllllllllMIIIIIIIIHIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII sure they won't emulate them. their Inhibitions. If there is a consistent re- To be a parent of growing chil- Peer pressure becomes im- train through the ages, It de- THE dren is to be cautious, con- portant. At school, when the picts a distraught, teeth-grind- servative, worrisome and fear- head honcho shows up ing father growling: "The REPORTER ful of the future. These are barefoot, it becomes an over- younger generation Is going to separate worlds. night fad, even If the students the dogs." I made a list of the mad must walk on sharp stones. Those words were uttered i > i fads of Big John's generation: Sex has become the fore- In ancient Athens, imperial My God," he mumbled Ouija boards, flappers, home- most fad. This generation in- Rome and modern Tokyo. "Jenny, what have we done to made gin, the Charleston, vented it. A high school girl They will endure as long as this boy?" He sniffed. "And Flaming Youth, seances, rac- who says no Is a lonely girl parents become conservative what's that damn perfume?" coon coats, flagpole sitters, BISHOP She's the one who Invites girl with advancing years and "Lilac vegetal," I said. six-day bike races, marathon See? I fall into the same friends home for pajama growing children become ad- "It's an after-shave lotion." dances, the two-step, talk- parties. A historian would critical syndrome. In the past dicted to fads: He put on his small pitying athons, eating goldfish, hobble have to go back to the decline Nixing the gas tax hike few decades we have had When I was 17,1 dressed for smile. skirts, chain letters, straw of Rome to locate an age when beards, rock music, Friskees, Gov. Bryne has denied reports that In the cutting process, the gov- a date. My old man looked at "Son," he said, "you're hats, miniature golf, the the act of human procreation going to be picked up. Ar- rumble seat, one-way rides, no brassieres, hula hoops, jog- he is considering adding a 5 percent ernor said it would have to be done in the finished product and be- dominated the minds of men to came apoplectic. He stared at rested. The cops will figure the Stutz Bearcat. ging, tranquiliters, picketing, the exclusion of all things, In- areas which would not cause local state sales tax to the price of gasoline me and leaned on the dining you're a radical. Or a fairy. And, of course, Doc Coue. foreign cars, Elvis, Hare cluding welfare. in order to meet an anticipated state property tax levies to rise. Don't mention my name. who arrived In America and Krishna, tennis, protestors, ex- room table for support. A decade more, and this budget shortage next year. The governor would not be specific "Are you — are you going I loved this man, but In taught everyone to mumble: trasensory perception, flying "Every day in every way, I'm saucers, discotheques, tram- jazzy generation will be We're pleased to learn that vre will about what programs might be re- out like that?" he whispered. some ways he was a klutz. He getting better and better." polines, streakers, feminine mature. There will be children He glared accusingly at my wore a blue serge suit, black and diapers and shopping and not be saddled with this tax hike, duced, but it is known that he thinks Also a bottle of Beef, Iron and lib, skateboards, hang-aiders, mother. I nodded and ducked. high-laced shoes, skinny rent, jobs and Insurance and which was opposed by motorists and some changes should be made in the Wine for pale ladles who were judo, unkempt hair, college My black hair was parted In trousers, red suspenders, a new responsibilities. Like oth- gasoline service station owners. new Pharmaceutical Assistance Act, a the middle. I wore a gray her- white shirt with detachable victims of the vapours. revolutionaries and health A dismal age indeed for a ers before them, they will not Apparently realizing the mood of program in which senior citizens can ringbone suit — three button ->• cuffs, a high stiff Marlboro col- freaks. wants dredge up the foolish with double-breasted vest and lar which could saw his head young man. Now I am much, the voters, the governor said there purchase medicines for $1 a prescrip- The characters, young and lads onhe past. pearl buttons. My shoes were off at a tennis match, and a much older and find myself no appears to be no sentiment in the old, remain the same, fhe fads The children will grow. A tion, with the state paying the rest of broad and thick soled, scotch string tie. happier with the fads of the change. It Is part of fie great stout father, a bit gray at the legislature to increase the state in- the real cost. Individuals who earn grain brogans. The trousers It isn't solely dress which following generation. I am dis- scheme of things thai parents temples, will roar: "The come tax or to change any other tax. were 22 inches wide. keeps the generations apart. enchanted with enormous feet less than $9,000 a year and couples usually resent twigs breaking younger generation is going About estimates from some state of- The shirt was blue oxford The Immature are brave and and young ladies who destroy who make less than $12,000 a year are from the tree. It is odious that straight to the dogs." ficials that the budget shortfall at the with button down collar. The radical. Defiant. Often, they the graceful line of the leg with able to enroll in the program. Its cost tie was gray-and-blue striped. study their parents to make shoes that look like water skis. the moment youngiers begin They don't, really.., end of the fiscal year next June could to the state, originally estimated at $5 range from about $60 million to $200 million a year, now appears to have a million, the governor would only say price tag of about $35 million. More that they were purely conjecture. stringent eligibility requirements Although promising to try to bal- Mongolism column appreciated seem to be a definite possibility. ance the budget without any new tax- Shrewsbury limiii i iiHiiiiiiiniiiiii prectation for the fine...article. the Red Bank Regional High es, the governor did admit that he There are some hard decisions To the Editor: If we may ever be of service to School. (As an aiide, you were Our wars ahead for our legislators. It will be expects there will be a budget deficit. The Monmouth Association FROM OLR you in any way, please do not invited and did) t attend.) At Howell Township - Because of that, he said it will be interesting to see if there is a belt- lor Retarded Children was hesitate to call on us. With all that meeting, liOO commuters To the Editor: With elections on the local necessary to carefully scrutinize all tightening, and, if so, what the reac- very pleased with the article good wishes. showed up and 'or four hours the commuter was heard. level In the offing, it would state programs to determine which of tions will be among the beneficiaries headlined "Mongolism is Com- READERS W. Ray Cowan mon" that appeared in the re- Prior to that meeting, Jim, we, behoove us all to remember them can be reduced or eliminated. , of the affected programs. that the success of one party cent edition of The Daily Reg- Ml mil mini Illllllll Tax burden as lone Individuals, trying to be over the other on local Issues ister In the "Here's to Health" to offer counseling Information heard was like lalklnt to a wall. We were totally ignored. will ultimately have a decided column. We found the informa- or certainly assistance for pa- Little Silver Since that meeting, we, the effect on the outcome of the tion not only to be accurate but rents of newborn handicapped To the Editor: Bruee Catton commuters have kept our presidential elections In 1980 A well done and certainly children. As you probably Open letter to State Sen. S. plight before the public, state brief summary of the historic Potomac led by General Joseph tastefully presented. know, we offer a wide variety Thomas Gagliano: "The men in Richmond de- and federal legislators and platforms of both parties is As a point of information, of programs and services and As you no doubt have termined that the Army of Northern Hooker, who had abandoned himself to some action has been taken on perhaps In order. we feel that our Association mention this only with the heard, citizens all over the a paralysis of spirit, Catton found our behalf. In the first half of this cen- Virginia must march to Pennsylvania, for Retarded Children, which thought that sometime In the country are getting sick and tury, the U.S. had five Re- and there it did march, pulling the there "a moral issue, finally—a test of serves more than 250 men, future you might find this in- tired of the ever Increasing In your case, Jim, you final- publican presidents and no Army of the Potomac after it—a fated, inner integrity and manhood." women, and children every formation helpful. government and ever Increas- ing taxes. The citizens of many ly got the message, have re- wars, and three Democratic Men, Catton understood, were best day, Is also an agency qualified Once again our sincere ap- tragic march that led to the nation's states are taking a cue from acted an* tried to help. As I presidents, and three wars. most unforgettable single moment of measured against the resources that California and endeavoring to pointed out in my last letter, It Such a succession of eight tragic drama..." circumstance provided. With that in- cut down the tax burden. only toot you seven terms, but coincidences under the laws of you finally took your first step. With such simple prose, Bruce sight, perhaps more than any other Maine, North Dakota, Colo- mathematics would occur rado and quite a few others are Now you seem to feel you are once in 256 times. Even it Catton, journalist, public official and, historian of the nation, he was able to already Involved. entitled to all the credit for against such odds this fact write with a tragic vision of ig- what is happening on the most eminently, historian, set many of We, in New Jersey, have an could be considered a coin- his narratives on the march. As with nominies and heroism. N.J XL -and that is just not cidence, the Democrats are even more serious problem true and you know It. that prelude to the Battle of Get- That sense combined best, per- with our tax-and-spend gov- still condemned by chronology. They have no alibi of Inheriting tysburg, in "This Hallowed Ground," haps, in his many perceptions of the ernor; this in spite of the race Concerning the refurbished tracks, the lottery and the these wars, which "broke out" Mr. Catton did not merely recount an Confederate General Lee, whom Cat- cars: The credit for these casino gambling. should go to N.J. DOT, not to respectively, In the fifth year ton considered essentially a heroic event. He gave it a place in the uni- I sincerely hope that there Jim Howard. They did all the of Wilson, the ninth year of verse. figure. While admiring the part of the Is some move afoot to help our work., were kept basically on Roosevelt, a||the fifth year of By his three careers, Mr. Catton, man that was greatness, however, Mr. predicament as otherwise the schedule because they had to Truman, breach case there governor will get the Im-submit weekly progress re- was ample time to avert war whom death has claimed, followed a Catton never romanticized the tragic either by policy or prepared- pression he can keep on taxing ports to the commuter groups. familiar path in American letters. His force of history which Lee and the ness, or both. Mathematics and hiring more deadwood at Somehow, Jim, you and your style and ubiquity certainly can be Confederacy were unable to com- will. thus clearly suggests that the state party cronies arranged behind-thescenes leaders ol credited to his broad experience. prehend and which delivered them Henry S. Germond that all the four new completed defeat at the hands of "an upheaval of the Democratic Party have a He saw that history, stripped of Railroad cars cars would be put together on strong predilection for solving mysticism and abstraction, could be terrible infinite forces that would go one train - the 7:8 a.m. out of their problems and fulfilling told as the contest of individuals. Such by no rules ever heard of and would Mlddletown Bay Head on Aug. 7 and you their obligations through wars. would ride It. Why were only history follows a classical mold and forever change the people who were To the Editor: , The second half of this cen- Democrats invited? Was the Open letter to Congressman tury is sadly but predictably was, in many respects, not suited to fighting it." date picked because you would Howard: following the same pattern. the academic bias of the times toward In these terms, Mr. Catton desig- be home that weekend? The Your old pen pal is back The economy Is in terrible nated not only the combatants of his whole thing was set late Fri- economic and social interpretations of again...I feel strongly that you shape again, and McGovern, of day and Saturday, August 3 events. many Civil War narratives, but also are utilizing progress made on aH people, Is suggesting we go and 4th. Why weren't the com- Whatever their force, in Mr. Cat- the American people whose union was the North Jersey Coast Line to back Into Indochina and muter group* touted? It would Carter thinks our boys belong finally welded at Gettysburg in "an your own political advantage ton's profoundly human view, events have only taken three addi- which is totally unjustified. In the Illegally occupied terri- never overshadowed the achievements act of fate, a three-day explosion of tional phone calls. TUk about tories of Palestine. These and failures of the men who com- storm and flame and terror, coming First, Jim, I submit that partisan politics, Jim, yW *** Ideas are, of course, absurd, what has happened on the manded them. At Chancellorsville, inevitably (as the war itself had the one who Is cloudlng\tbe unless you reflect on past his- North Jersey Coait Line tory. when General Lee's feint and come)...out of the (Mugs that hard- issues, not the commufW basically all started with the groups... pressed men had done in the light of 'We're getting into autumn. Stonewall Jackson's parry distracted 1 DOT-Conrail conference town E.J. Toner Jr. William E. Melter and crushed the superior Army of the imperfect knowledge." How long will he be this sluggish? meeting held on March 14 In Xyeteterae n of Korea* Vietnam SHREWSBURY. N J MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11,1978 Inflation now threatens nation's morality

iy SYLVIA POUTER remains unchanged or rises only slightly, but you, the con- It Is only human of you to try to protect yourself in any Ou prowl nation it tut becoming a land In which deceit sumer, get less for your money than you did before. Women's transaction against the awesome risks of ever-cUmbing prices •tntMte, tte way we conduct our economic affairs with each tennis dresses once came with matching panties but no longer. and a dwindling buying power of the U.S. dollar by constantly other - a* Individual!, In business, at all levels of government. Warranties on cars and TV sets cover much less than a mere 10 4t"»iM«»e a bit more or offering a bit less than you otherwise The ralemiess, devastating Inflation of these put decades It YOURMONEVS years ago. Solid walnut or oak furniture has been replaced by might demand or offer. •roding our moral values, undermining our honesty, to a point plywood or particle board covered with a hardwood veneer. The Much as you mistrust our federal, state and local politicians, where BOW "nothing that Is stated about dollars and cents any pages of books are seldom stitched together with thread but are and Ironic though your attitude may be, It Is only logical of you longer means what It says," observes Dr. Henry Walttch, one of hound with glue, and newspapers as well as magazines have cut (both as Individuals and business owners) to turn to government the matt astute governors of the Federal Reserve Board, and a WORTH printing, paper and postage costs by reducing the size of their In search of a security you cannot provide for yourself In an lifelong analyst of Inflation, Its evils, possible solutions. pages. economy so cursed by Inflation. "Everybody mikes contracts knowing perfectly well that At the same time, our politicians follow policies that, if not We have gone far beyond the stage when our concern can be they will not be kept In terms of constant values," he recently openly dishonest, are not honest either. A politician who makes focused only on regaining control over the wage-price spiral So told graduates of New York's Fordham Business School. "We do or. If they can be shown to exist by appropriate accounting promises that he knows cannot be met in real terms Is surely pernicious has Inflation's Impact been on our nation's moral not know whether the most valuable part of the contract may adjustments, are not backed up by cash flows, adds Wallich. "In dishonest. The politician Is making the promises In full recog- structure that we must be equally concerned with regaining a not turn out to be the paper It Is written on. addition to misleading the stockholder and the public, these nition that, as the government at all levels overspends In futile perspective on what Is right and wrong. There are no easy "Inflation Is like a country where nobody speaks the truth." conditions push business Into becoming more speculative." attempts to keep the promises, the value of the benefits It is solutions but there are solutions! THe documentation Is widespread and horrifying: Candy bars are smaller, paper towels contain fewer sheets supposed to deliver automatically shrinks. So let the Carter administration and congressional leaders A lull I million Americans hold part-time Jobs or otherwise of paper, and seats on some jumbo Jets are narrower and Yet, despite this shocking evidence of the extent to which he warned: Unless the. battle against inflation is fought with earn money which they don't report on their Income tax forms, packed closer together, reports my Washington associate, Inflation Is pushing us toward "deception" as a way of life, how more courage and originality than It has been up to now, we, the estimates Peter Gutmann, professor of economics and finance Brooke Shearer. can any long-term commitment In absolute dollar terms be people, are moving closer and closer to taking our own destiny at Baruch College In New York. The phenomenon of "downsizing" or "packaging to price" Is reached between buyer and seller, employer and employee, Into our own hands. The rage of the IMOs then may be child's Taxes and dividends are paid from profits that may not exist just a subtle form of hidden inflation. The price of the item lender and horror, in a prolonged phase of a wage-price spiral? play against ths fury of the IMOs. Townhouse hearing Thursday Upjohn fills the bill •y JULIE MCDONNELL man of VATH, says he will be Mr. SegaU is being repre- SegaU proposal wasn't to be UTTLE SILVER - The presenting VATH's position to sented by Elliott Vernon As- heard until after It p.m., and Zoning Board of Adjustment the members of the Little Sil- sociates of Shrewsbury. the attorneys requested a post- will bold a special hearing ver Republican Club on The bearing process got ofl ponement until August in order Thursday to consider a con- Wednesday, the night before to an abortive start two to make the entire presenta- for 1-year-old grandson troversial application to build the hearing. months ago, when the de- tion at one meeting. townhouses off Eastvlew Ave- "None of our questions veloper's application was The residents objected to imiiiiiiuiiiahmiHliHMii By David R. Sargent nue. were answered at the meeting withdrawn at the July meet- the postponement, however, 4 — Could you help me by suggesting an appropriate And the neighbors who op- we had with the developer's ing, sending about 75 residents and while the zoning board stock for our year-oM grandson? I would like a solid blue pose the plan promise to be out attorney," Mr Stone said. home angrier than they were was trying to decide what to cMp growth stock to be held until he goes to college. Abo a In force to register their objec- "And more questions were when they arrived. do, the applicant withdrew his company that will reinvest his dividends In additional SUCCESSFUL tions. raised." The problem was the the request. shares. C.L. Florida. The group, known as VATH A - Ethical drag producer Upjohn Co. (NYSE) should (Voters Against TownHouses), All the bill. This company offers Investors a dividend INVESTING has collected 100 signatures on reinvestment plan which Is tree, with Upjohn assuming all petitions opposing the proposal Bendix employees OK contract brokerage and bank costs. The company has also achieved of Edward SegaU to construct a 14% per year annual rate of profit growth over the last M townhouse units on the 10.4 EATONTOWN — The 484 wage of IS. 56 per hour would employees in which the com- five years, In spite of two years of no progress in earnings acre bid. employees of the Bendix Cor- be Increase by M cents the pany allocates five cents per in the 1171-7. period. selling I am prepared to he patient, but do you think I A variance Is needed since poration, who have been on first year and by 51 cents each hour of wort per employee Sales for the current year will probably hit 11J billion, should hold on? L.V. Arkansas. the property Is now zoned R-3 strike since Aug. 11. voted Fri- of the remaining two years of Into a fund from which the 15% over the 1177 figure. Anti-lnflammatories for arthritis A — This huge merchandising company lost ground In (or one-family houses on one- day to accept a negotiated the contract, a union spokes- employees can withdraw on a (steroids and Motrin) account for about 14% of sales, recent years as It changed pricing strategies to meet rising half acre lots. three-year contract and were man said. quarterly basis. competition. Earnings growth from its Allstate Insurance The spokesman said the antibiotics (mainly the Uncocln-Cleocln family) 17%, other The project, called Sliver to return to work this morning. Other benefits in the con- subsidiary appears to be leveling off, and the expense of a contract includes a dental plan drugs 14%, health services 10%, Industrial chemicals M% Lake Village, calls for one and The contract, approved by tract Include increased vaca- costly new pension program is also hurting current results. for all employees and a pen- and agricultural products 11%. Forward progress is very two-bedroom townhouses lo- a two-thirds majority vote, of- tion allowances and three new However, the Utter is expected to ease off In the final half sion plan with a per month good In all areas, and there Is an impressive roster of new cated In clusters around the fers members of the Interna- holidays to up the total number of this year. contribution by the company products In the research pipeline. Strong future growth property. The units would sell tional Union of Electrical, Ra- of holidays during the three- of |8, $9.25 and 110 per month seems in prospect. Buy. But, the stock's deflated price seems to sdequately from 160,110010 180,000 dio and Machine Workers an year period to H Q — I am 71 years old, retired, and have enough Income reflect these various problems. The shares are selling at Neighbors on Parker Ave- average 10 percent wage In- during the first, second and from pension, Sodal Security, stocks, etc. to take care of only an anticipated net of $2 70 a share. I don't expect quick nue and other adjacent streets crease over three years. third years ol the contract. Union members will also be necessities and a few luxuries too. But I have a problem. improvement In operating results or the stock's price, but object to the density of the According to the contract, The contract also Includes payed for labor day, the union The Sears, Roebuck (NYSE) shares I Inherited from an would definitely hold this "blue chip" Issue for recovery proposal, as well as to the pos- the average Bendix worker's an Income security plan for spokesman said. older brother have dropped a lot from where they were and further long-term growth. sibility of increased traffic and drainage problems. Charles Stone, a co-chair- Senate OK is seen NEW YORK (AP) - Sen. "It would definitely hurt the toward It. Of the 18 un- Henry M Jackson, D-Wash., United States In connection decldeds, most were Demo- Buy it... predicted on yesterday that with our financial responsi- crats, many of whom have re- the natural gas deregulation bilities worldwide," Jackson cords of supporting the admin- compromise would be passed said. "You would see the istration on big votes. narrowly In the Senate, mainly dollar take a real plunge (and) because something has to be have a real Inflationary add-on tit Red Bonk done, and lit opponents offer come January, when the OF RIO BANK you'll like it! Y MDlHANCt. no alternative. OPEC countries meet." • *M The compromise would ef- Jackson made the com- fect gradual deregulation, with ments on NBC's "Meet The ... f*H tOf VOflOV*

controls on new-found natural Press" television program. preiKta rtiot.*! It Hw Plonnlng gas Ufled entirely by 1985. Ute last week, An As- s Some liberals want complete sociated Press survey showed mr mm landNJS «A<*. regulation and some con- The Sunday Register 38 senators against the com- l servatives back deregulation. promise or leaning against It, ft-trfftcy cypproprtcrtloni cngtaO In- Jackson, chairman of the and 34 favoring It or leaning tMuooMJ «aliar»i aM Ihroa por cant of Senate Energy and Natural M total oaoraita oa»/o»rMtlw M tM MtRtdBonk Resources Committee, said he . THERE inolMal did not think Congress could OHOIMANCI. fTffJ#l lfO# wrfSrtivDly COfi urrM) M M accwrwMC* win N. J S. afford to "look bad" by ad- «A:44S. lie) patiitoo bt moot to tnt journing with the compromise tocwl PMkm bH H> »• cnatton ol 2a •n oaaraprtotton lot forth In In* pro defeated, and no alternative In om3ThtrwM to accwrdoricd wlM Iho You get 5 main sections plus a Its place. The rest of the world, V Aii OHMTWMCV awrwsrkrtlon bt colorful (4 colors in lact) mag- ond mt ian« l> h*riOy mo* lor Plon Jackson said, would see the nlno Board. ONwr •Mpontoi In th* azine section. 6 pages ol the amount miW United States as unwilling to 1. Thwt Sold omor«tnt» oppr o<« to most popular color comics; a face Its energy problems. tlon trwll bo pravWMtor In hill In th» week's listing ot TV, a mini- 'IS rfto ilatornonl roaulrvd by page lor children, leading col- M Lacd FtooMt iw»rd has bton HWd 231 Little Silver with HM Ctork and a copy ttmtot will 'ummsis and. ot course local, tMtrontmlrtod to HM Local Fwwnco county, state, national and in- Bgx^r 4. That tVoo contflod coplti of Itilt ternational news That's why OrdtoaKO to Mod win nw Local F|. TM ouMtrMMa to IMOKO tht we say. The Sunday Reg- t*w wctMinf wwl Vwdaotl by Iht ? TMt OrdMonc* moll tott dfhet lo«« m Lot 7. Stock M o InchittoA of «laa* wno frftfi 11/1) ol aBor appravol ol mo Local Flnantt ister Buy it — you'll like it •ulna) Of •» Barouah ot UHlo SIK.r • lawmotiltolrili wot dMlM br Mlloard ol M|l»t< PUBLIC NOTICE li horabt *«• ftw •opUcatMi ol KalMoon «••! Mol ttio ImiiTm Or«Mnc« wa» *»• f • Mrtonct Mi promrm known a traduced Of* oooftM on Hal rooobia on ot a, Stock l> oa Hio Mi tno> of tM Sopt t. in M will bo conaMoratTtor tndvcod oMtaoHd an flrat raattol »n * *LllttolllvtrwMirwiMbr Hot. 4. Itnand will aocomWtridlor ol Mlintmonl final PO»»oa« or»d adiorlin at« raaiiWr aaMlcotlon ol OovIO ond M >oroucn of Hod twit, Comity •! motHnt of th* Mayor ond Cwmcll ot Wllllomt tor 0 «orto»ct on M—niwWt. SMo ol Now ww. I* bt M worauati of »td Sank, Ctunty ot Lt MJIk UI htWbtrW MuMCIM Moll. l5 Mon- MI Itto f H J to b mourn Straw), Hod M on Mai It. W7I at 1:00 P.M. whan •atactloni. II mouth Satt, Rod Mnk an Soot t. ly. to IM eouogt ol an will Do HM ot I 00 P.M. wftwn owocnaru, If racMvoa. ony. to m* pauag* ol lomt will bo tttrAory MARTIN C. McCUE of Adlustmtnt MAKTIN C. MCCUE, Barouak Clork W.JO ONLY 25' HOME DELIVERED OR AT YOUR NEWSSTAND for home delivery, call 542-4000 or mail coupon

FourWfeekPlanning a room, choosing colors, and s Sign up now and you'll know how to accessorizing are all part of our four part style a room! Come to decorating series. Formal, contemporary with a friend! and country themes are explored. Your Call: The DAILY and SUNDAY REGISTER 4-part Ethan Allen personality, your family's interests and lifestyles One Register Plaza. Shrewsbury. N J 07701 are evaluated to determine the kinds, of rooms 671-6000 Seminar. that are most liveable in your home. DI would like to subscribe to the Sunday Register It S tree! It's free in our idea-filled Ethan Allen Date: DI would like to subscribe to both Daily and Sunday 90* Gallery.. . just thr place to learn how weekly beautiful home decorating begins. September 21 NAME- 7:00 P.M. ADDRESS. TOWN EthanAlfcnGallery . PHONE- APARTMENT. ifW lit JS, Mdfcwwn. NJ (101) MI-WOO * Mas*stC*lsit« Low tar claim

Dear AM linden: I >u antrkial U MC twt geveri- •eat Kteiee reieirckeri ANN LANDERS caM. I knew May -.— • ftnm canal eeataae i pack have ectarrea became ef Jatt • eay 1 tfce "M« towUr "hatiUiteaigala. i false sense of tenuity be- tab kM at aager. lit a •tra- dprtttea wttfceat apaareat Wkat IS the train, aayway? cause of this recent report." de ay katbaad baaal been rtak. Thai refUUj rehilet Ike -HaaAiTfccDkkeai Conclusion: The tobacco Barfee* GcacnTi report tf Dear Dtckent: I im not an lobby U rich and powerful. It la TnkbmtRl temal yean ag* wktea Bade tutbortty on the subject to my not about to let It* clients go Mia i p M uadurj far cigarette wad doesn't mean anything. I down the drain without a right. lea. My tdrtvtaghts tmtftit U pat a wanlig u do have accett to the latest, The truth it - the only safe ef atanattf eaek pack laying, "Wiriiag: however, and thlt It what the cigarette Is one that U unlit Tke Sargtea Geasnl Rat De- experts «ay: Dear Ana Uaaen; My ha* ii unfit —T ''— *— temiaed tkal Cigarette Saek- Dr. Julius Richmond, the hand m a kkta ana Iheaghttnl yea? I need year keh> - Un- •K It Dugrrm la Year nation's top health officer, •aa, hat I live ks fear laat tar itraagWHe stated: "While tome tf these days ke wll Ul •* Dear WUt: Yon area! My knkaad. wae kat em- cigarettes are leu haxardous ana the ehHrea - ar mac alone If all the wlvea who had pkyteau aad heart treahle, than others, there It no data •aeeeat pentn. Ne - he's net this problem were lined up, wat lakj by kk nectar net U anywhere In the large body ot •ealaBy B. He weaMat tklak they'd reach from the enter tattke. lie q«K Itar yean age scientific evidence on the dan- •f ewatag a weapaa, hat k»'U gency ward of Cedars of Leba- kat dace lab aew repert ke gen of smoking that holds out •• II with ab car non in Lot Angeles to the any hope that there It a 'safe' Wkea he gels kcklad Ike Manhattan Morgue. cigarette." wheel he beeaaut a afferent Half of my readers are Lifestyl Dr. Robert I. Levy of the perata - aggretttve, hmpa- men. To you I say, tt yon see AAUW Heart, Lung and Blood In- Heal and uheUevakly vmlgar. yourself in my column today, stitute tald, "Unfortunately If •••Urr driver fab U give cool tt, before you become a people who have ttopped him tke rigkt el way, he "geU murderer or a suicide - or welcomes smoking may start again with even" ky both. MEMBERSHIP MEETING — Mrs. Katharine Elkus Siegfried, Red Bank, center, membership vice pres- White, Red Bank, left, who will be hostess Wednes- ident, and Mrs. Sharon Franks, Fair Haven, study day at 8 p.m. for a coffee and dessert meeting group coordinator. Mrs. Siegfried or Mrs. Bruce members planned by Northern Monmouth County Branch of Hay, Llncroft, may be contacted by women college RED BANK - Mrs. the American Association of University Women, graduates Interested in attending. Katharine Elkus White will be completes plans for the event with Mrs. Rosemary batten at "Elkridge," her home here on Harding Road, Wednesday at I p.m., at I col- lee and dessert meeting (or prospective members of Northern lionmouth County Branch of American Associa- tion of University Women. Pleasing Peking beefMrs David Siegfried, here, membership vice president, or Mrs. Bruce Hay, Llncroft, mty be contacted by women col- lege graduates Interested in at- DEAR POLKS: tending or wishing additional fer cleaning tlalalest steel thermes bellies, theagk II Information about AAUW. OKI — I give in. In answer to your numerous requests, we thaaU werk an ether types tf victim battles as weU. At the meeting, Mn. Blake are reprinting the recipe for Peking Roast Beef. It tint ap- I pat twt UMetpeeai ef a predict made especially lo clean Wittenbarger, Fair Haven, peared In the column yean ago, and was in Instant hit. eaffee pttt U tke themes aad pear belllag water hi Ike bottle. branch president will lead a One dear lady even tent me a yellowed copy of the recipe Lei Ike ttntton remala far eae-half hear er tt (la the sink), thea discussion of local and national the had clipped from tiie original column, which she said was rinte Ifeereaghly. AAUW programs, Including much uted She thought It was to good she wanted me to share It Tat battles leek terrific, with ae eder aid it stalls. - such topics at "Women as again with our readers. Raterta Riaek Agentt of Change," "Redefin- LEAGUE'S FINANCE DRIVE - E. Darrell Smith helps kick-off the finance It It good. Just wait until you smell It cooking, not to ing the Goals of Education" drive of the League of Women Voters of Holmdel-Colts Neck, with a check presentation to Mrs. Doris Kuebler, right, finance chairman, and Mrs. mention now terrific It tastes when done. And most any cut of DEAR HELOISE: and "The Politics of Food." roast, Including the cheaper ones, can be uted with fantastic At Ike nether ef a reeeat bride I kave I sieeess stery te Marian Maybach, president of the unit. The women are of Holmdel, as Is Mr. Abo to be discussed are the Smith, artist, and proprietor of the E. Darrell Smith Art Studio on Main results. share wnk all brides U-be. branch't II study-action Te decorate the aewlyweds' ear, I beaght white aad yellow Street, Holmdel. The League of Women Voters It a non-partisan organization groups, the spring Used Book which works to promote political responsibility through Informed and active ayka net, a yard ef etch, aid made the isaal pompoms Sale, the bridge tournament, Thea I staples Ike pemptms, alleraallag colors, to wide participation of citizens in government. The finance drive opens officially and the new fun-fund raising Sept. 16. HINTS FROM HELOISE white ribhea and taped the ribbea to the ear. activities of the Education At It tprtikled rail jast as the happy ceiple drove away ea Foundation Program to pro- their aeaeyawaa, we were glad we kadi't ated the anal facial So II you would like to try cooking your next matt by the vide fellowships, grants and ttatae'ilewen." following method, here's the recipe for whit I call "Peking trnnitrthlpt. Nat inly did the ael stay perky, bat my daughter saved Ike Rout Beef." Free monthly meetings, pempems aid started tat ker married 111e wth a geed tapply ef focusing on a variety of topics, Take any three-to-five-pound roast and use a large knife to kitchen aids. - Barbara Wagner cut slits completely through the meat. Insert slivers of garlic will be held In the church and onion Into these slits, or, if you do not like the taste of garlic, THIS COLUMN is written for you.,, the homemaker. If you house of the Presbyterian onion alone may be uted. have a hint or a problem write to Helolse In care of thlt Church at Shrewsbury .and are Put the beef In t bowl and pour one cup of vinegar over It, newspaper. Because of the tremendous volume of mall, Helolse open to the public. AAUW making sure the vinegar runs down into the little slits. Place thlt Is unable to answer Individual letters. She will, however, answer members and guests mty Join In your refrigerator for M to 48 houn. your questions In her column whenever possible In the day and evening study- When ready to cook the roast, pour the vinegar off and place action groups that meet in meat In t heavy pot (an iron one if possible), and brown In oil COMPASSIONATE FRIENDS members' hornet. until very dark on both tides. Then pour two cups of strong, HAZLET - The Com- Another New black coffee over the roast. Add two cupa of water and cover. passionate Friends of the Mon- Cook thlt slowly for six hours on top of the stove. If your mouth-Ocean County area,' a Elaine Powers Figure rout is cooked too fast, or, If the lid on your pot Is not tight self-help organization for COLLEGE BOARDS enough, you may need to add additional water, but never add bereaved parents who have more than one cup at a time. suffered the loss of t child, has TUTORING Salon! Do not season with anything else until 10 minutes before scheduled two meetings: Mon- AT THE serving and then add salt and pepper. That'i all. day at 8 p.m. In the Point Gals, your roast will fall apart with the touch of a fork no Pleasant Hospital, and Sept. 18 RED BANK YMCA matter how tough the meat was originally. at 8 p.m., here in St. John's And wilt until you taste that yummy black gravy. It may be Methodist Church. Details STARTING 8UN.SEPT. 24th thickened or left as it. If you want more gravy, add a little about the organization are water to it. available by addressing cor- CALL 462-7374 I've been cooking my roasts this way for quite a while and respondence to P.O. Box 485, the pUtter Is licked clean every time. I think it will be at your Toms River, 08753. table/too. - Kisses, Helolse

DEAR HELOISE: We Bve In a small, elder,kene with limited cletet space. It Another Lean line fad, ear baby daaghter's ream dteta'l even have a ckwel. Tt tttve Ike prebleni ef where It haag ker dresses, I suspended a kali beep by stirdy yara fren a haek la the celHag and Pound'Story. In etc earner ef the reest. Tab "circular cletct" net »tly provides the teeoed kaaglag "' was always depressed about my physical appearance and a tagging self Image. space, bat will make a eeterfal mm decerallM as well, wkea After joining Lein Line and losing 6S ne toager aeeded le ktag chttkes. — Breada pounds, I found mat I'm not afraid at minors or DEAR HELOISE: FORT LEE After eiperuneattng fer tome time, I've finally feaad a e tried everything. g, stretching, even starvation diets. NoBSnfi worked. Washington Bridge Center In tact, she would usually end up gaining back more than she lost Deciding that 209 pounds was enough, she joined 947-3377 <•aH4.Qua.lM, Lean Line and found thafthe smartest place to start a diet Is in your head R.P. 'Cause we teach you in your head, how to lose weight In your tummy. WHAT Of in your nips, or your bottom, or ISHOULD YOU KNOW all over. We teach you psychologically how SAVE I ABOUT MEDICINES? lo lose weight physically wittran for the cofnplete Your Ml sOTk* pr exclusive university tested "Behavior Modification Technique.1' •Iwtyi Instruct you verbally as to when tad how lo Backed up by an easy-to-lrve with 13-week program lake t drat, what foodi or drup may be Incompatible diet that even lets you eat spaghetti, During our Grand Opening you can join any area with H and If then arc any acltrUy restriction! suck as bagels. toxawfpeeW butter salon at a «Dcdal4rimmed-down price! Elaine Fbwcrs or drinkbif. So come to Lean Line like Paulette and be among those who have lost where others have Figure Salons, the world's largest figure control sys- Sow products HIM be taken oa u empty gained. tem, has helped thousands of women with our proven tioouch; tOBM an rtadtied totally Ineffective by 8rlnginthhadaodpayor»^J5.00 dalrj product!, whife Hill otbrn mutt bt laktn wkfc short-term program of exercise and sensible eating. milk. When you prtwnt a praaiptioo lo • pharaaacM Now's the time to see for yourself what the Elaine h our phirmicy, you can bt tan thai yoi will bt fully adviud about thai nedkiM before you leave the Powers' personalized approach can do for you! Come to our Grand Opening—and save 1/3 on 13 weeks OR YOUR DOCTOR. CAN PHONE OS of fun and accomplishment! when you need » dellvrrj. We will deliver promptly without extra chirre A (real nuny people rely on us for their health needj. We CaD Now For A Free Figure Consukation! welcome request! for deliver; service and clurce account* %, • »*"•••«« 'wmtHMieri Shrewsbury Pharmacy nrsnGwsiuiv SHOPS Elaine Powers # Figure Salons IMP ST. wi-ttn uiY 11 auniCJwre fufocuvnr •MWIIO.II « iiSZrcSSSs^tiTitiJaMi '" SHREWSBURY BRICKTOWN Stoewttwry Shopping Plaza Bay Harbor Plata mi m • • ir««iil.nnMim 544-1773 255-33M I W.»—. m»U m > T:HM^ W»* 7:11Mi. r SHREWSBURY, N.J. MONOAY. SEPTEMBER 11,1978 The OtalyRcgidcr 9 Greeley-Darrow Pacitti-Biancamano Weddings MIDDLETOWN - In Westminster Presby- LONG BRANCH - In Holy terian Church here Aug. 26, Hiss Jacquelyn Trinity Roman Catholic Ruth Darrow was married to Robert Craig Church here Aug. 27, Miss Pa- Bemard-Neuhaus Greeley. The Rev. Harlan C. Durlee officiated tricia Ann Biancamano, PRINCETON - Miss Lorna Erin Neuhaus Edward H Morgan ofdclated at the outdoor at the ceremony, which was followed by a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. An- tad Aatbooy Carl Bernard were married Aug. ceremony. There was a reception in the church reception at Independence Hall, Belford. thony J. Biancamant, 41 II to Weaterty Road Church here. The Rev. hall Parents of the bride are Mrs. Nancy Dar- Shrewsbury Ave., Red Bank, row, 7 Pineridge Ave , and Earl Darrow, Or- was married to Vincent Pacit- Parents ol the bride are Mrs. Irene Neu- ti, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert haus, Ocean Avenue Sea Bright, and William ange. The bridegroom is the son of Mrs Ed- ward Greeley, 180 Seventh St., Belford, and the Pactttl, 73 Parker Ave,, LltUe Neuhaus of Wbeaton, IU. Mrs. Gloria Bernard, Silver. (M Brookside Drive, Belford, and Carl Bernard late Mr Greeley. of Rumson, are parents of the bridegroom. Attending the bride were Mrs. Robert The Rev. Michael Allegro Nelson, matron of honor, and the Misses Genie officiated at the ceremony. Miss Wendy A. Neuhaus was maid of honor Eaton, Debra Allen, Laurie Vanderbilt and There was a reception In William Santos was best man. Suzanne Smith, bridesmaids Christie's, Wanamassa. PATKICIA PACITTI Mrs. Bernard is a graduate of Middletown Prank C. Buckley was best man. Douglas Attending the bride were Township High School and of the Katharine Greeley, Kenneth Greeley and Peter Cun- Margaret Biancamano, maid played by Liberty Mutual In Glbbs School, Montclair. She Is employed as a ningham were ushers. of honor, and June House and surance Co., Tinton Falls. He secretary at the Woodrow Wilson School of Mr. and Mrs. Greeley are alumni of Mid- MR. AND MRS. ROBERT GREELEY Marie PacltU. is employed by the Great At- Princeton University. dletown Township High School. She attends David House was best man. lantic * Pacific Tea Co., Little Brookdale Community College School of Nurs- Jersey Insitltue of Technology. He is employed Marc House and Anthony Silver Mr. Bernard, an alumnus of Middletown ing, Uncroft, and Is employed by Thrift Drugs by Perth Amboy Hospital Biancamano were ushers. After a wedding trip to the Township High School, is in his senior year at here. Mr. Greeley, an alumnus also of After a wedding trip to Niagara Falls, Mr. Mr and Mrs. Pacitti are New England states, Mr. and Trenton State College. Brookdale Community College, attended New and Mrs Greeley reside in Leonardo graduates of Red Bank Re- Mrs. Pacitti art residing in L. . After a wedding trip to Schroon Lake, NY., gional High School. She Is em- Elberon ML AND MM. ANTHONY 1EBNARD Mr. and Mrs. Bernard reside in Plainsboro Dworak-Camerato Collinson-Becker COLUMBIA, Mo. - In Sacred Heart Ro- as J. Dworak The Rev. Raymond A. Dunnyer BALTIMORE, Md - Miss officiated at the ceremony, O'Brien-DeVito man Catholic Church here Aug. S, Miss officiated at the ceremony. Karen Suzanne Becker and which was followed by a recep- WEST LONG BRANCH - In St. Jerome's Domenlc DeVito, 22 Hendrickson Charlene Ann Camerato was married to Thorn- Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Joshua Collinson Jr. tion in Sparrows Point Country Roman CatboUc Church Aug. 11, Miss Donna Place.became the bride of Robert Patrick William Camerato, 250 Grant Ave., Eatontown, were married Aug. II in the Club in Sparrows Point. Marie DtVlto, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. N. J . and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dworak of First Unitarian Church here. The bride is the daughter of O'Brien, 128 Cold Indian Spring Road, Wayside. Omaha, Neb. The Rev. Frederick Rutledge Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Becker. There was a reception in Christie's, Miss Terre Ann Dunscombe was maid of Johnstown, Pa. The bride- Wanamassa. honor Dr Milton Zadina was best man. Ushers groom Is the son of Dr. and Attending the bride were Sharon Ann De- were Dr. Philip Dunlven and Dr. Victor Roze- Mrs. Daniel J. Collinson, 28 Vito, maid of honor, Marilyn DeSptrito, Eliz- boon. Riverside Ave., Red Bank, abeth O'Brien and Margaret O'Brien. Mrs. Dworak has an associate degree in N.J. Michael O'Brien was best man and the nursing from Central Methodist College, The bride was attended by ushers were Randal Grander, Frank Kennedy Fayette, Mo. She is a registered nurse with • Miss Alice Dempster, maid of a*d Alvln Robinson Columbia Visiting Nurses Association. honor, and Nancy Becker, Mrs. O'Brien was graduated from Shore Lynn Garvey, Tracey Rob- Regional High School, and attended Stuart Dr. Dworak received his medical degree inson, and Janet Franks, School of Business Administration, Asbury from the University of Omaha, Neb. He is bridesmaids Jenna Kaufmann Park, and Brookdale Community College, Lin resident physician in radiology it the Univer- was flower girl. croft. She Is employed at Fort Monmoulh. sity of Missouri here. John Collinson was best Mr. O'Brien la an alumnus of Ocean Town- Dr. and Mrs. Dworak are residing in this man. Ushers were Mark S. ship High School and attended Brookdale Com- city, after a wedding trip to Nebraska and Becker, Gregory Cook, John inanity College. He is a U. S Air Force veter- DR. AND MRS. THOMAS DWORAK North Dakota KABEN COLLINSON Babcock, Jeffrey Cubbage and an. Ellis Doscik After a wedding trip to Hawaii, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Collinson are MR. AND MRS. ROBERT O'BRIEN Mrs O'Brien reside in Ocean Township. graduates of Bucknell Univer- Christianos feted on 50th anniversarysity, Lewisburg, Pa She is a EATONTOWN - Mr. and bration for family and friends Fifty guests attended, in- New York Athletic Club, Cen- graduate also of Saucon Valley Riccitelli-Cirincione Mrs. Joseph Andrew Chris- yesterday here in Old Orchard cluding the couple's honor at- tral Park South. High School, Hillertown. Pa., PARK RIDGE - In Our Lady of Mercy married to Steven Louis RlcdtelU, son of Mr. Uano, 3M Bath Ave., Long Inn, on occasion of their 50lh tendants, Mrs. Raoul Faralla Politically active, he was and he is an alumnus of the Roman Catholic Church here July », Miss and Mrs. Louis Riccitelli of 27 Colby Lane, Branch, were feted at a cele- wedding anniversary. Sr., Long Branch, who was Instrumental In Initiating the Kent (Conn.) School Joan Christine Cirinclone, daughter of Mr. and Hazlet maid of honor at the wedding Torchlight parades in the After a wedding trip to Eu- Mrs. Joseph Cirinclone of Park Ridge, was The Rev. Raymond McKeon celebrated the Sept. 2. l»28 in St. Jochins shore area. He is a member of rope, Mr. and Mrs. Collinson nuptial Mass. There was a reception in Apple Catholic Church, New York the Elks, Long Branch, Holy will reside in Denver, Colo. Ridge Country Club, Mahwah. City; Chris Christiano, New Name Society of Holy Trinity, BOARD MEETING Linda Clrtncione was maid of honor. Also York, who was best man, and Amerigo Vespucci association FAIR HAVEN - The ex- attending the bride were Deborah DelNobile, Mrs. Joseph DiMaggio, and the Knights of Columbus. ecutive board meeting of Fair Bea Vetrano and Carol Clrtncione. Elberon, who was flower girl. Among toe guests were Haven PTA, which is open to Richard Riccitelli was best man. Ushers Mr. and Mrs. Christiano Mayor Henry Cloffi, Long the public, will take place were John Bingman. Ronald Riccitelli and were surprised by the presen- Branch, and Bobby Colts of the Thursday at 8 p.m. in the Nicholas Riccitelli. tation of the late Paul's cable television variety show. Knollwood School library Mrs. Riccitelli Is an alumna of Park Ridge Papal Blessing, and a Presi- High School, and received a BS degree In dential Proclamation for their accounting from Fairlelgh Dickinson Univer- anniversary. sity. Teaneck. She is employed by Lehn & Fink The couple, who have a OUR 53rd YEAR Products Co.. Montvale daughter. Mrs. Philip Spallet- Mr. Riccitelli attended Rarltan High ta. Long Branch, and a grand- School, Hazlet, and Fairleigh Dickinson Uni- daughter Dina Spalletta, re- versity, Teaneck, and Is employed by Metpath newed their marriage vows Laboratories, Teterboro. Sept. ] at a Mass in Holy Trini- After a wedding trip to the Poconos, Mr. ty Roman Catholic Church, fabulous savings MR. AND MRS. STEVEN RICCITELLI and Mrs. RtccitelH reside in South Hackensack Long Branch. Mrs. Christiano, nee LAMPS t Margaret Eleanora DeMicco, Club marks was bom in Philadelphia. She LAMP SHADES retired from the accounting Choos* tram our taauMul wkc- department of First National non of cokxtul and (Mcoutiv* anniversary Motion Pictures In New York, md sftaoes perfectly de- LITTLE SILVER-In cel- MR AND MRS. JOSEPH A. CHRISTIAN! where movie stars George signed to co-otdmate with any ebration of Its 20th an- Raft, Pat O'Brien and Helen niversary, the Evening Mem- SEARCH unit starts season Hayes were among the celebri- ••« ovr aetoctfon of— bership Deparment of the ties with whom she conversed. AOArTOS • CUSS CHMNfTS • IUUS • HAIK Woman's Club of Little Silver, DEAL - The SEARCH trip, there will be luncheon at will have a dinner Sept 14 in Auxiliary for Autistic Children Bahr'a Restaurant Highlands Mr. Christiano, born in • MSI lAUK • TBISOt IAM» • MM HOtt the clubhouse. Rumson Road- will open its season with a Mn Joseph Hage. Tinton Brooklyn, Is a former men's OPEN DAILY 110 5:J0, M. «l • and Church Street. meeting Wednesday at 10 M palls, and Mrs George F clothes model. He worked as 32 BROAD ST. RED BANK a in in the home of Mn Vin- Lambert, West Long Branch, general manager for J. P. Mrs. Coert Engclsman. cent Lobbats, Ronyon Avenue •re chairmen Carey. New York, and was chairman, is being assisted by The auxiliary membership Future plans Include an self-employed as a con- 41-7500 • Mrs. George Maxwell, enter- will have a "Set Sail for Oil 11 bus trip In .Miami City, cessioner and barber at the tainment, and Mrs. Joseph SEARCH" benefit boal outing Mi- GeorgeBrucker.West Ambrosino and Mrs Kdward Sept. IS aboarbd d iw Jack BaW. Long Branffl. i* Belt, decorations Following the two-hour boil \uxiliar\ pmidenl Special guests will include Mrs. Joseph N dardiner. Point Pleasant. Fifth District GET A HEAD START vice president; Mrs -Allan White. Oceanport. State Fed- MR. AND MRS. JOSEPH ACQl'ARO eration KM!) southern vice ON LOSING WEIGHT chairman: Mrs. Qeorge Jacobsen. Toms River. EMD WITH A GIFT Golden wedding southern assistant to the project chairman: Mrs James WORTH L1TTLK SILVER - Mr. and Mrs Joseph .Uquaro. 55 Hull. Oakhurst. EMD Fifth WEIGHT] Maple Avc., celebrated their 50lh wedding anniversary wiih a District vice chairman, and renewal of their wedding vows in'St. Anthonys Roman Catholic Miss Donna Kaufman, Long Church. Red Bank. Msgr. WvatOlt Dil.oienzo officiated at the Branch, community improve- $ ceremony The Papal Blessing was bestowed ment program chairman. The'celebrants were feted at a parly in the American The EMD will have an an- INANEW Legion Hall, Neptune, given by their children and their spouses. niversary ball in the clubhouse ir Mr and Mrs Andrew Acquaro. Oakhurst. Mr. and Mrs Carmen Sept. 30 Leone. Brick Township, and Mr. and Mrs. John Chonia. Fair Join Weight Watchers now (between September lOand' Matin and Joseph Acquaro « ere married April 29. IMS in St. PLACE. September 30,1978) and get Lucvs Uonian Catholic Church. New York. They resided on MRS. OKA We're pleased to announce a $2.50 discount off registra- Shrewsbury Avenue. Red Bank, for 28 years, and moved here 22 HOMOSCOM tion and first meeting fee. vcars ago 'lie isretired from Atlantic Highlands Manufacturing RIADIR • ADVISOR a new time and place Attend 8 consecutive weekly Company, and she la retired from i'odolls Dress Co,, Long •MHTUAUST to learn Today's meetings between Septem- (Mm* MMC* on all or any ber 10th and November 18. ' Xli and Mrs. Acquarn have 11 grandchildren and two great' proMtmi nu HI have. Alto, Weight Watchers Program Paka and Tere» Card reading. 1978 and receive Dr. Stuart's grandchildren. • the best we've ever 283-9832 important new book that offered! shows you how you can meet Margaret Cross HAZLET the challenge of problem Stay Thin will help you Marantha Baptist Church _ eating by gaining control of supplement what you learn at SCHOOL OF DANCE DIAL THE 665 Holmdel Road youi moods, your thoughts, Weiyht Watchers meetings. Tueedav - 7:30 P.M. yourself. You. not the food Retail value $8.95. BALLET • TAP* TOE • JAZZ CLASSIFIED (Starting September 12) will be in control. Losing Lifetime Members and (children Irom 4 years) Regular Tueaday claatei weekly wci(|hi r, ..Hi naquMtiorioj Senior Citizens. Call about BALLROOM thereafter. mlridovei "Act Thin, TODAY! For Information on other claaaea near you call oui special offer for you, too. LADES' TAP & BALLET CLASSES 364-5511 or Toll Free (800) 242-5*66 REGISTRATION 542-1700 24 Hour Service WIDNtSDAT kTHUKDAY WEIGHT Offer good in participating areas only. • SIPT. 13114 The For details and class nearest you call: ISO - 5:30 364-5511 or Toll Free (800) 242-5866 AT Daily The Authority ST. UO THE GREAT SCHOOL Register I Ut *WteH!*UlCrtfltSM1liMl«MU. UNCROFT W 1Q ThcDtAyRegMer SHREWSBURY,NJ MONDAY,SEPTEMBERii,i97B Mariboro

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EAST RUTHERFORD - The scored M points on the Dallas Cowboy defense here yesterday. The New York Giants lost, M-24. That didn't matter to many of the 73,265 buffs in atten- dance. The Giants had beaten the 11^ point spread and had made money for their backers. Others were just plain happy that the Giants had opened up their offense, throwing 37 passes for 243 yards. However, the Giants lost to what Coach John McVay called "the best third down team In football" and to the man he dubbed "the king of the quarterbacks." That guy is the exsallor, , and he completed 18 of 28 for 212 yards. More Important, Dallas converted I of 13 third down plays Into first downs. The Giants have not bran known in recent years for their eagerness to put the ball In the air, so tha 37 passes came as somewhat of a shock to the faithful. Joe Ptsarcli said, "We wanted to control the ball on the ground, but when you're behind, you have to throw. We didn't want to alt back like Baltimore did against Monday." The 343 total yards the Giants amassed at least proved to the rest of the that the Cowboys are human. Baltimore proved yesterday that it is moribund by again losing, 42—0, to Miami So much for Monday night legends "We were probably much more aggressive with our offense," McVay said, "but when you run a high-risk offense, you get turnovers. I thought we were well prepared for the game." Turnovers did hurt the Giants, leading to two Dallas touchdowns and thwarting a Giant drive that could have made the score 27-24 at the time. But the first two Dallas touchdowns were legitimate - each an 90-yard drive after Dave Jennings had punted into the end zone. Staubach completed three passes In the first drive, and the Giants contributed 15 yards with a face mask' penalty, before Billy Joe DuPree snagged a four-yard aerial ahead of Brad Van Pelt for the score. It took Dallas 13 plays, two more than the first drive, to go the 80 the next time. Staubach was again on target three times, and dove the final two yards. Maybe Dallas was satisfied with Its efforts, or maybe the Giants Just got angry, but they responded with a M yard 'touchdown march of their own. Actually, it was 104 yards because of a holding penalty which almost killed it. The big play was an out pass to Jimmy Robinson which wound up being a 51-yard gain when defender fell on his imimr n»w » pin m«mii face. Ptsarctk's third completion in the assault was for four TOO LATE — Giant safety Beasley Reece (28) was too late to prevent South yards to Al Dlxon in the corner over . River's Drew Pearson from making an acrobatic catch of this Roger It was still the first half, and it was still a football game TROUBLED WATERS — Safety Charlie Waters (41) of the Staubach pass for a 17-yard gain. The Cowboys scored their third touchdown Then the first of the crucial turnovers occurred Pisarclk stopped Giant running back Doug Kotar for a two-yard loss on this play. The four plays later. See '(Hints' page II Cowboys remoined undefeated by winning an offensive duel, 34—24.

Mets bruise Sports Buc hopes, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11.1978 11 take all 3 Todd hits NEW YORK (AP) - Pittsburgh Manager Chuck Tanner is looking forward to a couple of shootouts In Philadelphia — just as soon as he forgets about the blowouts in New York. The second-place Pirates venture into Philadelphia tonight Barkum for for a two-game series with the Phillies, trailing the National League East Division leaders by four games after dropping three in a row to the last-place New York Mets. 9 "The Shootout starts tomorrow," Tanner said after witness- Ing the Pirates drop an 11-1 see-saw game with New York. "It's lucky win going to be fun going there (Philadelphia) and being In the pennant race. We're gonna put the best we have out there and BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) - It's not October yet but there was start rolling. We can beat the Phillies." an air of Halloween about the New York Jets' 21-20 victory over Tanner wasn't the only Pirate looking forward to the series the Buffalo Bills In National Football League play. with the Phillies - and trying to forget about the Mets. "Anyone want to believe we weren't lucky?" asked coach "We lost a chance to capitalize today (Sunday) because the Walt Michaels, whose team scored the winning tuchdown on Phils lost," said Dave Parker, who went Jfor-5 and knocked In Richard Todd's three-yard pass to tight end Jerome Barkum two runs during the Pirates' three-run fourth Inning. ''Playing with 50 seconds left. toe Phils, though, may shake us to start playing good ball The connection capped a cliff-hanging, 77-yard drive which held together because a fourth down pass play clicked, wide That's exactly what the Pirates failed to do against New receivers Wesley Walker and Derrick Gaffney made Im- York all weekend. probable catches and referees ruled that what appeared to be a The Pirates took a 2-0 lead in the first off Met starter Jerry Gaffney fumble was an Incomplete pass. Koosman on Bill Robinson's RBI single and Manny Sangulllen's Gaffney said he couldn't say If he had possession of the ball. sacrifice fly. Then the roof started falling in. "It could have gone either way," he said. "Buffalo played a New York picked up four runs in the bottom of the first on good game. They wanted bad, but we wanted it more." run-scoring doubles by Elliott Maddox and Steve Henderson. The victory left New York unbaten after two outings and They added two more runs later In the Inning when Willie •>- dropped the Bills to 0-2 on the season despite a 13 point outburst Montanez circled the bases as second baseman PhU Garner In the fourth quarter committed a pair of two-base errors on his popup down the right The Jets placement specialist Pat Leahy calmly drilled the field line. winning point after Barkum's second touchdown grab of the Cardlials I, Phillies I HOME THE HARD WAY — Thurman Munson of the glove In the second inning of last nights game at evening PHILADELPHIA -The Philadelphia Phillies open a two Yankees goes flying over home plate after tripping Fenway Park. Munson was not injured, but the Tom Dempsey, Lahey's counterpart on the Bills, missed the game series tonight against the Pittsburgh Pirates, but Phillies' over Red Sox catcher Carlton Flsk's outstretched throw was in time for Fisk to tag him out. point after Buffalo's second touchdown, leaving the Bills down manager Danny Oiark Insists tha two games won't put anybody 14-13 at the time. away. Buffalo, inspired by the frenzied defensive play of linemen The Phillies lead the runnerup Pirates by four games, each 'nil Dokes. Dennis Johnson and Sherman White and cornerback with 20 left to play, Including the final four of the season against Mario Clark, scored 13 points In the fourth quarter as Joe each other in Pittsburgh. Ferguson threw topuchdown passes of 11 yards to tight end Oiark appeared to be trying to low key the meeting of the Yanks sweep series, feuben Gant and 32 yards to Larry Walton. two National League East contenders and intense tntrastate Buffalo's Charles Romes opened the scoring In the second rivals. quarter when he picked off a Todd pass and returned it 85 yards. • Despite Ozark's outwardly ho hum attitude about the two The Jets tied It up 7-7 before Intermission when Todd found games, they could go a long way toward settling the East Barkum with a 14-yard pitch. The touchdown occurred because Division championship. Buffalo safety Doug Jones ran headlong into Clark, and the ball A sweep for the Phillies would leave the Pirates six back bounced out of the hands of both and into Barkum's with 18 to go. Even Pittsburgh's super optimist, Chuck Tanner, tie Boston for first The Jets went ahead 14-7 in the third quarter on a 36-yard would say that was a tough lead to overcome. pass play from Todd to rookie wide receiver Derrick Gaffney A Pittsburgh sweep would bring the Pirates within two and BOSTON (AP) - The current New York Yankees hardly charging into a tie for first place for the first time this year Romes capitalized on a break before the second quarter make the race to the wire some kind of photo finish. A split can be compared with the Bronx Bombers of yesteryear, but They're compiled a 39-14 record, with six victories in a row. It in turned sour on the Bills, pulling off the third longest would appear to favor Philadelphia, but still leave the Pirates they're still the Damn Yankees to the Boston Red Sox. their last 18 games and 21 in their last 26 return in team history He stepped in front of the receiver at the within striking distance. The Yankees employed solid pitching, a sound defense and a Boston, 37 games over 500 and eight games in front two Buffalo 15-yard line, gobbled up Todd's waist-high pass and Oiark has his ace, Steve Carlton, not having the best of bunch of seeing-eye bats in leaving the Red Sox, and countless weeks ago—on Aug. 30, has hit the skids, winning just two of its romped down the right sideline. seasons with a 13-12 record, ready to pitch the first game. New England fans, In a state of shock with a sweep of a four- last 11 starts. Now they've been shaken by New York's first The second-year defensive back turned inside at the 8-yard Carlton has been bothered with bursitls In his pitching shoulder. game series, completed with a 7-4 victory yesterday. four-game series sweep in Fenway Park since the 1M3 Yankees line to elude Bruce Harper, a running back who chased Romes Righthander Larry Christenson (11-12) Is slated to work the New York's 1977 World Series champions came into Fenway took a five-game set. nearly 50 yards second game for Ozark. Tanner Is countering with rookie Don Park last Thursday night, trailing the Red Sox by four games in The Yankees are playing with obvious confidence The Ked The Jones-Clark collision on the goal line was the first lucky Robinson (12-5) against Carlton, and says he'll use John Can- the American League East. They left all even with the Red Sox Sox are Jittery. New York Manager Bob Lemon, who replaced break for Todd, who completed 14 of 26 pass attempts for 171 delarla (10-11) tomorrow night, although Candelaria has been —each 86-91 with 20 games remaining, including three meetings Billy Martin in July, explained his team's performance Said yards. quoted u saying he has a sore arm and won't pitch again this In New York next weekend. Lemon: "We were loose when we came in here, and we're even Gaffney scored his six-pointer in another collision of Buffalo The Red Sox, who had sole ownership of the division lead •son. looser now." defensive backs Tony Greene and Keith Moody knocked each since May 24, were destroyed in every phase of the game, other loose from Gaffney as he caught the ball on the 13-yard The Phillies rallied from a 6-1 deficit to tie the Cardinals In The Red Sox were stung by the sweep, but old pro Carl although they matched the Yankees with 10 extra base hits. In Yastnemski, still a defensive whiz in left held at the age of 31, line and the speedy receiver spun to his right for the touchdown. the ninth, only to lose when rtghtfielder Bake McBrlde missed a the four games, the Yankees outscored the Red Sox 42-t. shoestring catch on a drive by Ken Keltz In the 10th. refuses to throw In the sponge Gant. who wound up with six pass receptions for 100 of the No fewer than 14 Boston pitchers were raked for 67 hits, 213 yards which Ferguson accumulated through the air, also Reds J, Glails I Yastnemski, who correctly called the Red Sox' Impossible including 18 singles in the series wlndup. they also walked It, was snakeblttten. Gant lost two potential game-breaking recep- CINCINNATI - Cincinnati Managtr Sparky Anderson, who Dream pennant in 1M7. rarely makes predictions now How- while a snaky defense committed 12 errors. ever, he made on Sunday, saying "Damn, we're still going to tions totalling 5» yards because tackle Ken Jones of the Bills won, wasn't happy with Baseball Commissioner Bowie Kuhn. Manager Don Zimmer of the Red Sox put it simply: "We was called for holding And San Francisco pitcher Ed Hallcki, who lost, tossed down win this thing-because we've got a better team " took a shellacking this series, so now we've got a 20-game Buffalo appeared to have control of the game with a 29-14 the gauntlet to Anderson. "It's really not a M-game season because we've got more aeries." lead and ty minutes to play when Clark Intercepted a Todd games on the road than them ' Bolon catcher farlton Flsk said. Anderson on Kuhn: "I want to see what the commissioner Zimmer added: pass at the Bills' 40 has to say about this. Probably nothing." "However, I think we can snap out o( it We'll take a hold of "I don't know what the hell Is happening to us, but New However, another 10-yard holding penalty on Ken Jones Hallcki on Anderson: "I don't like the man and I don't things and get going " York It doing everything a good team should be doing. Seven prevented the Bills from moving the ball and a 34-yard punt by respect toe man. Besides that, Sparky don't bat, unfortunately." weeks ago we were doing the same thing and they were Asked if he could explain the New York sweep. Fisk said: Rusty Jackson left the Jets with 77 yards to cover and five The bad blood was stirring as the frustrated Reds and floundering. Now we're floundering." "After the 20 win (at Baltimore), we came back here minutes to do it In. Giants were unable to gain any ground on the division-leading TfetJUd Sox appeared to nave the division flag wrapped up, emotionally high for the Yankees. It's alays like that when they Us Angeles Dodgers. ••" Midway through the 11-play drive Todd send Scott Dterklng particularly on July II when New York ws 14 games back. come here. Then they blow us out and we're on an emotional out of the backfield for a 4-yard pass reception on fourth down - Despite the Reds' seventh victory in 10 games, Anderson low. We're Just going to have to bounce back." See'B«lM»rUgs'pagel2 However, since that day, the Yankees have been on a tear, one yard more than New York needed. 12 The DkjtfyRegister SHREWSBURY, N J MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 11.1978 Connors clobbers Borg; Chrissie routs Shriver NEW YORK (AP) - BJorn Borg's Grand Slam dream and It," exhulted Connors, who achieved a measure of revenge for Pun Shrtver's Cinderella story both, ended as tennis' love the t-2,1-2, (-2 beating he suffered against Borg two months ago match, former sweethearts and current "good friends" Jimmy at Wimbledon Cannon and Chris Evert, waltzed off with the big prizes at the It waa Connors' third U.S. Open title. He won in 1174 and 1(71 US. Open. and was a beaten finalist in 1(73 and 1(77. Connors was at his fiery, fist-shaking, foot-stomping best in "I won the Open on grass, I won it on clay, I won it here (on trouncing Borg, who was bothered by a blister on his right a fast artificial surface, Deco-Turf II, at the new National thumb, M, 1-2,12 for the men's title Tennis Center)," said Connors. Now I've shown I can win on Hours earlier, Evert sent the 14-year-old Shriver back to any surface. I'm riding on a cloud rightnow. " school with a 7-5, J-4 tennis lesson In the women's championship Before the tournament, Connors had vowed to go "to the before « record crowd of 18,537, Including 18,012 paid, and an ends of the earth" to stop Borg's Grand Slam bid - the French, International television audience. U.S. and Australian opens and Wimbledon, all in the same year. "I came here to play tennis, to win the U.S. Open — and I did Borg already had won the French Open and Wimbledon, but Instead of the ends of the earth, Connors was able to halt that streak In New York. "It seems I play my best tennis when I come to New York," Connors told the crowd, which often has rooted against him in Angels jolt his matches here and which had mixed allegiances. "Whether you like me or not, I like you." - Borg, meanwhile, couldn't give his best effort because of a painful blister on the thumb of his racquet hand. The injury occurred Saturday and was treated with ice packs, oral medica- Royals, 13-3 tion and spray antiseptic in the 24 hours before the match. Twice the racquet flew from Borg's hand as he attempted to serve, and on other occasions he seemed to mishit the ball after ANAHEIM, Calif. (AP) - The California Angels, who apparently losing his grip. Although Borg insisted the blister appeared dead and gone just a couple of days ago, are allying hadn't bothered him during the match, his coach said otherwise. and kicking. And more. "It was very obvious that It bothered him," said Lennart The Angels, who dropped 3ft games off the pace of Kansas Bergelin. "He was in pain. Anyone could see that. He couldn't City In the American League West when they suffered a (-7 hold the racquet." setback to the Royals Friday night, won their third in a row by Whether a healthy Borg could have handled Connors, the pounding the division leaders to advance to within one-half way he was playing Sunday, Is questionable. game of the top spot. "I hit the ball real solid and real deep throughout the "We really have It going," said Nolan Ryan, who scattered match," said the 28-year-old Connors. "I was fired up when I nine hits, walked only one and struck out 12. "There Is such a was out there. I don't know If I've ever played a match where I thing u momentum In baseball and we have It, just like the started so well, so aggressively, and kept It up throughout." Yanked". One reason Connors was so fired up was a videotape he had Don Baylor drove In five runs with a first-inning grand slam seen of a couple games from his Wimbledon match against homer and Ryan was in command all the way In raising his Borg. record to 7-12. The fire-balling right-hander, who has been "It made me sick," said Connors. "I said to myself, 'This Is bothered by an assortment of problems this year, now has an ridiculous — how can I let myself be so tentative?' I knew I had 18-8 lifetime record against Kansas City. to be more aggressive." "The Angels did what they had to do and we didn't," said And he played very aggressively. He charged the net with Royals' Manager Whltey Herzog. "We've got to start hitting. assurance, served well and returned Borg's serve superbly, George Brett Is swinging good again and maybe that will help." often sending the ball back faster than it came. "The three games have given us momentum," said Ryan in Connors broke service in the fifth game and held the rest of toe Jubilant California clubhouse. "We needed it going Into the way In taking the first set, then broke again in the third Texas where we have had all those disasters over the last two game of the second set. After that, It was all Connors as he dealt years. We'll have to be aggressive there." Borg his first defeat In 50 matches, not counting a pair of The Angels have won only once in 11 games at Arlington defaults due to Injury. Stadium over the past two years and are 0-4 there this season. "I never let up," Connors said. "I got on top of him and I California opens a four-game series against the Rangers to- stayed there." night. Connors compared the match to his first Open title, when he Twin 1, Brewers 1 whipped,Ken RosewaU t-1, »-0, 8-1. BLOOMINGTON, Minn. - Dave Goltz Is getting "I played then like I played today," he said, "like a crazy philosophical about winning and losing close games in his old man." •p. Borg, meanwhile, took the loss In stride. The Ztyear old righthander, one of the veterans of the "For sure I'm disappointed," he said of losing his bid to Join Minnesota pitching staff, has received only seven runs from his Don Budge and Rod Laver as Grand Slam champions. "I was teammates In his last five starts, but he made a one-run lead very close. I won two and was in the finals here. But there's stand up for five Innings In the Twins' victory over Milwaukee always next time." "I've been used to it this year," said Goltz, whose earned There should be plenty of next times for Shriver, the lean J- fun average entering the game was a sparkling 2.93. Goltz, footer who lent a breath of fresh air to this tournament with her however, won for just the 12th time against 10 losses, thanks on-court play and off-court charm. The youngest Open finalist largely to three separate periods of Inactivity due to Injuries. ever, she was to begin 11th grade classes at McDonough High "I'm glad it's this warm," he said, referring to the 02-degree School in LutherviUe, Md. today. beat and the wasted season. "Otherwise I'd have fall fever and "My only worry was that I'd get blown off the court," said I'd want to be hunting." the youngster who had beaten top-seeded Martina NavratUova When asked If It was any easier to accept the low number of In the semifinals. "But I didn't. I played pretty well. I'm happy KING AND QUEEN—The reigning monarchs of the Borg to pnnex the men's title, shattering Borg's victories because of his superb ERA, Goltz shook his head. with my game." U.S. Open Tennis Championships were crowned Grand Slam hopes, while Chris Evert (bottom "No way. It's better to win a lot. They don't pay you for your Her strong serve and volley game was not enough to stop yesterday at the National Tennis Center In New photo) eliminated Pam Shriver In straight sets to ERA," he said. Evert from becoming the third woman to win the U.S. Open four York. Jimmy Connors (top photo) defeated B|orn net the women's honors. Milwaukee, which got a four-hit performance from BUI years In a row. Molla BJurstedt did It in 1(15-18 and Helen Travers, took a 1-0 lead In the first when Cecil Cooper doubled Jacobs in 1(3.35 and scored on a single by Larry HIsle It was Hlsle's 102nd RBI of the season. "In my mind, there was no way I was going to lose," said But reserve catcher Glenn Borgmann, playing In the shad- the 21-year-old Evert. "That's the only way I can win, by putting Bouton brings bad blood ow of Butch Wynegar despite Wynegar's subpar season, drilled that kind of pressure on myself." a two-run homer off Travers In the third to give the Twins, and Evert was more aggressive than usual against Shriver, Goltz, the lead. coming to the net with confidence because she knew the (continued) The Dodgers scored plenty, thinks mainly to Monday's bat. "I faced Travers last year and had pretty good success youngster's passing game was not a threat. Shriver volleyed was miffed that the Atlanta Braves started 3(-year-old Jim The Dodger outfielder belted two homers and drove in lour runs against him," said Borgmann. "I hit a high fast ball for the well, but In the end the combination of Evert's strong baseline Bouton against the Dodgers. Bouton was ripped for five runs in as the Los Angeles crushed the Atlanta Braves and spoiled Jim home run." game, her passing shots and her frequent forays to the net one Inning and lost 11-5. Bouton's return to the major leagues. Goltz scattered eight hits and held the potent Brewer proved too much. "The commissioner took a stand on Vlda Blue and Hank The triumph, coupled with Cincinnati's victory over San offense at bay until the eighth, when he got an Insurance run Bob Lutz and Stan Smith won the men's doubles title, BUlle Aaron and Pete Rose. Now he's got to go down In black and Francisco, gave the Dodgers a four-game bulge over the Giants courtesy of Willie Norwood, who singled in Bombo Rivera. Jean King and NavratUova won the women's doubles, and Betty white on this," said Anderson after the Reds' 8-1 victory over going Into tonight's opener of a two-game series in San Francis- Last season, when Goltz won 20 games, he received good Stove and Frew McMUlan captured the mixed doubles. San Francisco. co when Vlda Blue, 16-7, faces LA's Doug Rau, 13-8. support. But last year he had Larry HIsle on his side, as well as Total paid attendance for the first Open to be held at the By winning, the Dodgers were able to widen their lead over Monday tanned when he faced Bouton In the first inning but California outfielder Lyman Bostock. National Tennis Center, foUowing the move from the West Side second place San Francisco to four games and keep the Reds then drilled a three-run homer, the 200th ol his career, "I was wondering what It would be like to have HIsle back Tennis Club, was a record 275,300 for 21 sessions. 8ft back with 18 games remaining. "He's got to have an answer for this," said Anderson. on this team," said Goltz. "I read smeplace where someone said NEW YORK t AP) — Final rMUltl In the U 5. Open ttnnli championship! at tilt Notional Tennll Center: "We're 6% back so we don't have a real complaint, but the he'd probably, have 120 RBI's by now if he was still a Twin. MIN't SINGLES Certainly other pitchers couldn't pitch around Rod Carew so Jimmy Connors. United Slatn. Oct. B|orn Borg. Sweden, 6 *. 6 2,6 2 Giants were three back and they (the Braves) pitch a guy like WOMEN'S SINGLES that. Why not just bring Satchell Paige In?" much if HIsle was hitting behind him." Chrll Evert, United Stotei. del Pom Shrlvir. United Slant. 7-5, • 4 Milwaukee remained 4ft games behind Boston and New MEN S DOUILES Dodgers 11, Braves 5 Bob Luli-Ston Smith. United Stotei. del. Marty Rleuen-Sherwood Stewart. ATLANTA — "Our concern Is the pennant race," said Rick York In the American League Eastern Division race. New York United Stottl. 14, M.M. MIKED DOUBLES Monday of the Los Angeles Dodgers. "It doesn't matter who the beat Boston for the fourth straight time to pull Into a tie with the B«t1y Slovt. Netherlands, and Frew McMillan. South Africa, del Bllllt Jean stumbling Red Sox. King, Untied Stotei, and Ray Rulten, Amtrollo, e-1,74. opposition pitches, we've still got to score runs." Register Carrier of the Disarmed gorillas are safer on boat Week They say that the African gorilla is really a very shy and striped bass, and Frank Adams of Union caught three gentle creature, and fishermen are finding that life is much blueflsh up to 13ft pounds. safer out on the blueflsh grounds these days now that a lot of SEASONS STARTING MAD ZIMMERMAN them are disarming their gorilla rigs. While woodchuck, raU, gallimile, and crow seasons are A fisherman's gorilla rig Is a six arm metal device with HENRY already open, all of the Important migratory bird seasons MRogtrAm. two lures on each arm and a thirteenth lure attached to the wUl start next month. Lincroft, N.J. center. It differs from an umbrella rig, which has four arms, Migratory bird regulations released by the state show the and a coat hanger rig, which has only one arm. In all cases sea duck season starting Oct. 2, Canada goose Oct. 3, north Brad is a ninlh grade stu- the rigs simulate schools of fish. They are highly effective SCHAEFER zone woodcock Oct. 4, duck, coot, snow goose and snipe Oct. denl at Middletown South and very popular. 14, and south zone woodcock Oct. 28. and delivers 33 daily and Fully armed, meaning with hooks attached to every lure, The ruffed grouse season starts Oct. 4 north of Route 70 Sunday Registers. He has they are also dangerous to fisher-persons, many of whom and Oct. 28 south of Route 70, raccoon and opossum season been a Register carrier lor have been wounded by the wildly flaUlng hooks when two, opens Oct. 7, archery deer Oct. 7 and squirrel Oct. 21. one year. Brad collects ' three, or more blueflsh are heaved to the deck and are In view of the fact that a lot of blueflsh lately have been The regular small game season for pheasants, rabbits, coins and plays soccer thrashing about. very large, people have been reducing the number of hooks quaU and other species begins on Nov. 11. and baseball and puts his Theoretically, a fuUy armed gorilla can catch up to 13 fish In their rigs to avoid the possibility of having several Jumbos Additional deer seasons will be In December and Janu- earnings in a savings ac- at a time, and whUe I have never seen this happen, I have on at once and the chance of losing the rig. count. often seen three to a half dozen blues, weakfish and smaU They are expensive. The Division of Fish, Game and Shellflsherles started striped bass come aboard on one of them. Big blueflsh won all three prizes In the weekly contest mailing the migratory bird regulations to Ucense agencies II you would like a carrier which ended at Long Branch Pier yesterday. Bruce last week. like Brad to deliver the Victor Galgano, the maker of the extensive Spider Tackle Register to your home line of rigs and lures, regularly supplies his six arm rigs with Schneider of Elizabeth caught a 14ft pounder, Bob Niejako of Once again, the 100-polnt system will prevaU for ducks Middletown an eight-pound three-ounce fish, and Ken during the split season, the dates for which are'Oct. 14-21 and please call 542-4000 and either seven tubes and six teasers (no hooks), or completely ask lor Circulation. unarmed. Desmond of Freehold an eight pounder. Nov. 21 - Jan. 2. The only 100 point bird is tbe canvasback. He noted the trend away from fully armed rigs. Possibly Ron Slckler Jr. of Monmouth Beach caught 10 blueflsh Rated at 70 points will be female mallards, black, wood and toe most popular today are rigs carrying hooked lures on the weighing 10 to 15 pounds apiece. According to Arthur Glgllo, redhead duck, and hooded merganser. Drake mallard, gold- ends of the arms and a longer hooked lure suspended from a Sea Bright bait and tackle man, he caught the fish from a eneye, bufflehead, greenwlng teal, ruddy and ringnecked leader at the center. Teasers (without hooks) are connected small boat just beyond the surf on Friday evening. duck are 29 points. The Daily Register to the centen of each arm. Joe Pace of Little Sliver caught a 15-pound blueflsh and Ten-point birds will be bluewlng teal, plntaU, gadwaU, Frank Micallzzi of Frank's Boats, Atlantic Highlands, Tony MUano of Long Branch caught a U*4 pound bluefish. shoveler, scaup, oldsquaw, scoter, American and red- reports that a lot of fishermen these days use teasers only in Glgllo also reported that Don Brezney of Ridgewood on breasted merganser, and wlgeon. The Sunday Register the rig and depend upon a single armed lure suspended from Saturday caught seven striped bass, the largest .weighing The Atlantic City Expressway marks the boundary line a three-foot leader at the center to catch the fish. 18ft pounds. between the north and south Canada goose zones this season. The center hire, if it is suspended from a three-foot or Hank Rauer of South Plalnfleld weighed a 12ft pound North of the expressway the Canada goose season will be Monmouth County's GrearHome Newspapers longer leader, If most apt to be struck. Most people use a weakfish at the store on Saturday. Dave Blue of SomervUle Oct. J-M and Nov. 22-Jan. 2. South of the expressway the larger lure In thii position to give an Ulusion of a big fish weighed a 11% pound striped bass which he reported taking season will be Oct. 3-Nov. 4 and Nov. 22-Jan. 17. ONE REGISTER PLAZA • SHREWSBURY a school oUiltle ones. Tbe bluefish. or the bass or on a Polaris plug. The limit In tbe north zone will be three daUy and six hi usually grabs the "chaser." George Finnegan of Sea Bright caught a 10ft pound 542-4000 Sports SHREWSBURY, N.J. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 11, 197B 13 Giants open up offense, schedule SthelasUc Schedale Freehold Today Tt*ay la-PacalMllJklCMg. mmaaf Daal ICanaal) GHsTeaab Mlu Honcvt Girl IgVaaMkdPjl t IKs*» TypMan (Gontl St John at St. Thomas MUay Mgcartj lAptctl allddletown South at HoweU Cardinal Angut (Plllanl please fans despite loss M Brick at kUddletown North IMWTMI •rval lOaanarl ArtMaadlMadtl»ar)... (continued) Newhouse got his second touchdown, from the 1, but Rafael Mater Del at Monmouth Mask AIM .. IM «M ILHtll TO Intercepted by Benny Barnei, who returned to the NewSeptien hit the left upright with his conversion kick. M-•*•»• at SUBiaaBS. •ayat Aggadt (Hatty) 4-1 Iaa Teaerrew HaW Mat N (VamBma) •urn lataaiAptcai.,.:::::.::::::!: s-i liall|lldBai(P»ia1i). ... U ««» «, and all plays later Staubach lofted a two-yard The Giants tried to come back, but Larry Csonka, whose IW Cnt» IMarrkl Patna PataattTltadrlvarl IM Mctlaai Lai (Flltan) ... H UwchdowB pau to Jay Saldl In the corner. efforts for the day resulted In five yards on three carries, iMhSMck Vkar IMauMatila) (.. Doctar Hartkrap talk—Man 15-1 ktiilBtiHMH l OOk»t I(tutor) H-l Long Branch at Matawan •k - Paca IM aKUOO CM*. OarlVsparH ICraanG ) IH The OlanU could have died right then and there, but they fumbled at the Dallas 28 to kill the drive. That was early In f 1 rkH (Ha avh/arl Mctya IfflBMI 3-1 Scatty Ja KiHgM IkaoK Jrl » Creei Csaatry IcM Sara ISaWa) t Harvati IFagJUyam) dMnt They came back to outtcore the Cowboys In the the fourth period, and when the Giants got the ball back, ui tattan Itkartayl Noiman Brown lApkal. Mk))-rg»)Bl.MBL4JBC Long Branch at Matawan •Ilk Jady IParaaW ,. Man Pram iCraaril S-l " i Oraaan IPaaanaM) ... H Mcoad half and even got rido l a nemesis, defensive end Plsarclk's pass to Kotar was picked off by Waters, who H - Tnt i M nua wu Wovtog EddM ICaanakW) 11 mySaMIPMIaajl ...M , In the process Martin was tossed out of the returned 12 yards to the Giant 19. Gtrb-CnasCeutry Tuna Up IGMaii(OMill M F»Ha RgMar IMairlmtWil M Nitty Daaa (Flllanl ..S-l Long Branch at Matawan Caaual Pawat (Smith Jrl S-l Boran Oaarga IFIIIanl i» I . -> Lakt lOUall •UN Just before the end of the half for kicking Giant running That was a piece of cake for , who carried p A Scrap trap (DalllSontll f-l Vldac ICiliiattl) IS-I Zarra J IGaaUardtl Sauth Janay lOlllltl S-1 •» Saptr Am IVktd) back WUlle Spencer. three straight times, the last for a three-yard touchdown. Glris'Teuls Hake Thomat IMargan) • ) Cum What N I IMItckalll s-l PraalMyar <•'•»»««") Satact ipaad ISim.llr.1 .... 101 Llttla Jarry RICH I Flllanl M Oaun. Ctrlan IVIIkaMI It took the Glints Just IM of the third period to narrow Dorsett carried 14 times for 111 yards, and his longest run Point Boro at Raritan Snara IHancack) .... IS 1 the score Doug KoUr carried a pass il yards, and Bobby was for 1J •BBk Ph —— - • JL« ga Jgajft f k —l.^ t— Manchester at Southern •Mi — PVM 1 M lliON CWMH'...1-1 SELECTIONS Hammond swept 11 yards for the touchdown. His touchdown made the score, M-17, but the Giants still Ocean at Manaaquan BlltDoii^ Hil Rhyfnl (Turcottem (Nodriver) ) S-l 1 - CanUaal AIIJU, Typkwa, Avuili Ripping Charti* (Flitonl 0-1 Things looked even better when SUubach's first down had one fling left,-and a 45-yard gain on a Plsarcik to Gary Keansburg at Shore •yt tvtTlmtMi (Ho*) 4-1 > - H«M Nek N, Snake Stack Vicar, AftM Baaker ptat after the kickoff was picked off by rookie cornerback Shirk post got them moving. Jimmy Robinson made a good Neptune at Marlboro Breti Gem ICohManH) 4-1 •lemk Ryan INo driver) .... IS-I I - Tue Up, Casial Fewer, P A Scrap I rag Terry Jackson and returned 26 yards to the Cowboy M. But grab near the flag for a 27-yard advance, and rookie Dan Middletown South at Moral Star N (fteocny). IH 4-Daatty lUylam, Bltti HDJ, Rip*lag Caarlk W.ktomWoy l all the Gluts got out of that was a 41-yard field goal by Joe Doornink piled in from the 1. Manalapan M-PMilMUJM S - Star MUer N, Wtrtkleta T, LKUe Rrvariiae Dueto to Inch closer at 11-17. That was it - a last hurrah as Dallas killed the last 2:42 Star ftutMf N (Gower Jr) SI Matawan at Middletown North Little Rlvaitlmt (No driver) 3-1 I - Skaacy, PMu N, Luster Deal It was the closest they came. Dallas boomed back with of the game. And Pisarcik wrote the epitaph. "A great game Long Branch at Freehold Worttttnt T (Rliio) M 7 - Pcdte Mat, Ark M —i, R*yal Appeal Hertxjri Vlteue (Flllon) S-l mother It-yard drive with Staubach connecting four times. is winning," the quarterback muttered. "We didn't win." Township Final Rush (King) 4-1 I - Vfcrtac, Mere Pref H, Neman B raw g WDlfl Foil,! (Contol) .... 10-1 Wall at Asbury Park Apoche Marvel (Mattci) .... IM I - Leintt Cask, Little Jerry Rich, Gcess Waal N Holmdel at Rumson Sean Potrltk (Kelly) .... IS-I M — Yetag Italy, Cap Hwser, Jmbt Captala 4M, — Pace 1M CMM CffMf. Monmouth at Lakewood Shanty ff SYefHl 4fw Flying Duck (10S) Asmuuen 5-1 Ploy The Potoce (117) Me My ... > i Oat-FC Picaroon ICockralttlckl Bul-Ramai IS pan Inlfrctptlon lUomaMTl, Rloalntlll D|erld (117) Sierra 1 Zopper Illfl Arellano 10 1 Navy Vic (111) Ll*«ly io i 14 1 • ii'ij Cla—FGCacfcraft)? (Oampaayklck) Girl Guide (117) Srocclalc Coron Bloke (119) No Boy 10 11 Cyn Way (114) No Bay < i Sweat Number Gamei-.. ..IM DtlpMM-CaXh ilart, Mlu Ocalo 0171 Nltd Sprltier (1131 Cottaneda (VI Big Train (111) MocBeth M Sea George (111) Mlie ...II NYJ-Barfcum U pati tram Todd ...4-1 UBBS 1I«I (LaaKy kick) hUl 14 14 f 14-41 Jolly Best (110) J. Castnda 1 Kitten Col (Hf) Arellano 1S-1 Linda's Taylor (115) Hernandez 4-1 Bald Drlrtar (11*) Arlitone Master A.J. (Ill) Brocclole S-l Sir JohnC. (110) Asmuuen ...M FlrMaowni 11 10 HYJ Gattn.y 31 pan from tooa Clnomon Swirl 1117) Solomone Oelto'i PromlH (lODGonialei 13-1 Mlu Info (1U) Klldtta n *M - UJM Clm 1 Ye A Up (NJ») 1 M * Nlte Port (117) MacBatti ..4-1 Fieri awi U ILaahy kick) Mlo Ihomoi S3 pou Interception COM of Honey (117) Tanner ...M 11 a Hi 37-lat But-Gonl II HUfrom Ftrouwn (Kick (Yeprtmton kick) Perfect Splrol (117) Patterson Hub Wct.Bote MM) MIM 11-1 HI plain pete (112) Tonnver •agnni yardt III •Mlneyardi UI IH Mlo—Moore S pau from Strock Playmate (117) No toy Shlabtn inti Tanntr 11-1 Best Bidder (112) DINIcola IM Mow Yr Ticket 017) Nlad n MIM VrnlMHna EtolM (lit) Coshmeda IS 1 tug 4- •ahrnyoroi II II) ftul-Waltan 1} poll from Farguion (Yeartmkm kick) Ronsytarb (117) Solomone 1 t*3 14 1 IJH1 UJ1 1 Mlo—Hardy 3 pou from Strock ** - BUM Oaf,« Wm. I V» * U» Atom Heort (lif) No Boy M-l SELECTIONS i 1-44 (Dampaayklcfcl 1-1 4-1 1-41 7<4t NYJ BoJkUir.Spoul.omtoailLoh.y Horp-r Ml. Buffalo. Gont 4 100, jofwion B»n|omln 1-1 I13. Baltimore. Troup Heavenly Wind (US) AwnusMn 1-1 PR- Hor r li 1 run IGarala kick) •ah kick) VN, MllltfJ-H 1S-3J-S IM, Klrkpond 3-4-1-11 Transactions Koraka (113) BrocclaMr S-l 36 MAIN ST. KEANSBURG ZlpQuMUI>MacB«m M A-4M77 NYO-Hammand 11 run (Donala kkh) RECEIVtNG-Miaml, Davit 4-39, BENERAL HVC-FGOon«k>41 !•»+*. RtiUlM JMl O.Morrl* 3-39, Tlliman 3-34, L.Harris 1-57. Succttt pattern (111) Thomot 4-1 AMATEUR ATHLETIC UNION-An CorMBt (111) Uvoty : ioi Ual - N««rhauM 1 run (kick foltad) 111 14- M Boltlmore, Doughty <-*•• Corr 4-44, McCall nounced the following appolnrments to the FktffeWM II M Dol-Dartttl 1 run (Saptlan kick) 7 14 7 1 - U Watongo Mlu (114) Aimmuti II O**en Chtefs Shrti US Olympic teomi men's frock and field Mtiry Native (111) Tonnet VI Rw**liiw*> »w «o m NYG-Oaarnlnk I run (Donalo kick) Phil Wo*itraM akrkH aiiu Rlvan el 4 I I i Bwrlttn u Jill Faqualt. It S031 RMIIIar ct 43)1 Advertisers: •Mir rt I 11 g Lynr, cf 1 > I I McRoa an 1 I 0 I Lonitm Ik 5 I 11 How They Stand RixUph » 4 11 • Rlc. dn 4 110 LaCack Ib 3 10 0 Mdwnr pt 0 0 0 0 MMWlaa (. s 11 g Vatruni II 1111 AMERICAN LIAOUB Ponart Ills Fairly Ik 0100 •AST R J«l« A III! Flak c 4 111 Crloa II Illl goihKk rt S 1 > I • AIT St L Pet. OB PtAtaHa rt 2 113 Honccfc ri 3 0 0 1 Otli ct 3 11 0 Baylor an S 1 1 S W I Pd. Ot CMnbll Ib 4 11 g SScatt Ib 1 I C I Botton (t U *N - PtillodtlpMo 71 44 Wt Wiltan cl I g I • HUM II Illl Pimbwrgti 74 41 .S3) 4 Nafflailb 4111 NataX 4111 OBratt 3b 11 1 I Landrail It 1101New York SUt S4t alt404 For the duration of The New York Chicago 71 7) SS3 4Vi HWnllt It 4 11 g Ramy Ik 1111 Sllvarla It till R JOvi Ik Sill B II S71 41 Dantai 111) Brakmr Ib 1 0 1 0 Cawamrt 111! Cholh Ib Sill Bolllmor. M 41 Stll 44 Monlrtal 17 77 441 II TgM >>M7 law Dill Datralt 77 7 433 MMl t SI. Loult 41 n 411 17 Gaudai c 1 I 0 I J Aortn u Sill Na»Vork » BS 410 X •MatTan 111 III lit-/ UWigrn Ib 4 I 11 Hmphy c 4 S 1 I Clavaland II » 411 14» irnii tig 111 i • t- 4 TI»OMO si m m ii WIST Fvrhlta Ib 1111 LatAngalat IS H SM - I-PUk. CnamUNa. DP-Na» Yard I, {Mrku Illl •BI Baatai 1. LO*-Nao Yart 13. Boiton S. IB SonFranclKO II II SU 4 Newspaper strike, we have added TaM » I » I TaM 41 ll 1411 KomatClly 77 44 Ml Cincinnati TI 44 Mt Hi MtBian, Flak, arahafnar. HP-Lynn Cn> in no II l-i Calltornio 71 44 Ml rt III) SB Rlvtd. Dart. Rondolpn SF Otoga 71 71 S» I1M .us us ill l i « n Twst n 71 *) rn 41 7S .471 17V, E-JAndtrion 1. Poqurll.. Oakland at 77 441 II 41 II Ul 71 H IO UWaahMgtan. wiltan. FWMIa. O>-Kon Mlnnnoto 41 P> 441 II NgaYan tat City 1, California I. LOB-Kontat City Chkogo 41 II .417 17 SI.Loulll. Phllod.lphl«4, l QW.I4t 4 I. California I. IB-CBnlt. RMIIItr. Saofrla S3 17 171 un 1 LonMerd. HR-Boylor IS) Ntw York ll.Pimooroh? Chicago4. Montrtol3 > •• •• 1O l«rawlL>l 111)14 0 Clavaland 7, Datrolt 4 Cincinnati I. Son Froncltco I Haataacity Lot AngaMrt 11. Atlanta s BStonlty J N) 1 1 I I Splltort 0 4 S S 1 0 Naw York 7. Botfon 4 HaaiUr IM 4 1 I I I Chicago l.StottM I HoutMnl. SanDltgol Bird i 1J 10 7 • I 1 TadniOaaMt Dn«a il l o o 0 o IIJ I I 1 I I More distribution Lag ill i o • l o Toioa|.1. Oakland 11 St. Lavla (Danny II-10) at Montrool IGrlmtlay 17 •). 7:3Sp.m. Sava-Gaauga in). T-l H A-RyonW.7,1 t t 3 I 1 II CalHemka IL Kanaaa City 1 Ontrgamatlchaaulad Pittsburgh 10. RoMnion 17 11 ot Phllo- Otlphlo (Corltcn 11-11),7:13p.m. Today lOarnti Chicago (Lamp 4-11) at Ntw York IAN FP.AH CINCINNATI Toronto IKIrkwood 1-3 and Jf Marian IBruntrr J-tl, I Up ni gkrkM Ltpaa» 4 111 Roytlar • 110 1 Mllwovkoa ISarantw 14-10 ot Saotilo Chicago ot Ntw York, l:0J p.m • •IB 4111 Soutonp Illl (MtLowghlln 1-41,10 33 p m. Altontool SonDltgo. llp.m. OgtEru ion Ctianay ph Illl Onty gomat tchadulad Lot AngaNn ot Son FronclKa. Ills Oannmct 1410 Laaa p 111 g llgp Illl •agaap 1000 KHndrti* llgl Stall ph I I 0 I a* •ollolr ii 0 0 0 0 Tata. II I 7 1 T*M II 0 f f TaM ti II u II TaM a 11 s tatPrmcHc* ••• oio 0«>-1 Ckei fctHI fit Ml IS •- I ill ill ii i- II I-IUkUttoer, Hollckl. DP-ClncIn ill in ill- s no extra cost. no*t 1. LOB-Son Franclftcet, Clnclrtnotl 3. DP-I.O1 AMtttl 1. LOB- Los Angel W-HIH, CMWpckkn. Clark. HR-Madlack i IL Atlanta 3. M-Garvey Burrovghi (IS). Mndi (fll. SB-Drleueo. Bench. SF tttumtjn. « HRModaHR-Mondayy 13 (I)(II).. Buurr rough. IB). Local (14). Murphy (HI. Homor (a). SB-Oorvay S-Stltton 1 SF M ii an SB to MOIIOI L,M 7 3 3 114 IP I IIIIIH Curtll 14 1 4 4 1 I ttonW.1410 I 7 S S 1 1 Mil 1 I S tasvatW.W.ll-1i 4 7 4 I I I 3 H 4 1 1 1 I > I I I I 1 11-11110 0 5000 MORE Sava-Solr Wl. T-1:I7. A-41,77t OaTa I 17 110 PITTUUMM ekrkW afcrbW IT. LOUIS PHILA • M 4 14 1 Florei rf t 2 t 0 gkrkM aarUW ...C* SI 10 EMod«3b S3I3 Tmotlrr u Soil McBrM rl S 1 I S Parker rf i 1 > 3 SHndrw It Sill MpKryrt 1011 Bawo u HIS BKbnen » 4 0 3 I Montni Ib J J I 0 HMrcli rt Sill OMdda ct Sill 04VH*r» 4MB »¥«»»•« 5?'> SJmmooi c 4 I 1 0 Uiilnttl It 1 I 1 1 lajnauln in 3 111 OMrmn rt 3 113•arnty pr Sill MorrlM pr I S S S SwIaSarc Sill ISIS all of it in Monmouth County StarpVll Ib 10 11 Mwillll Cf t • 1 • Mm 3b 3 130 yntbidlb 31 0 I KHratu It HIS llaantr Ik 4 S I S Mmerph 1 1 1 1 Fallu !••) lara If Illl Umltti pr 1111 M«n*>t3b Illl F*rrer3b 0000 LltMlp IISS MCOraop SB 10 tfamtft BOOO nyiw w 4110 Oarratfph Illl McCrvr pk I s 11 Fmtarp Illl Raadp ISIS , « kMtip SSSS ScktndlB 4SIS ; J Raltilk Illl (agnac ISIS txr":::: R Tytaa » sill HsrtiHi pr S S S s r/TgWiff4W47 K9CtW9f tMf iHf JMaVHrup til I Faattc JSSS Lapup SSSS Utamar » i • I I si', ti.: ssm '\\\TIcattH IISS LaWorgp ISIS 9»fy Harness Racing In HtttJtmft MdcMpK HIS Camtrap Bill •rmilat p SSSS IPJMtwap BBSS Dtrtaon ph ISO! •rrtpk ISIS Eaatwckp ISIS ...and you can watch all ths action liom our alt conditioned The Daily Register OGnlli ph I S S S MPMP BIBS % Qtandstand or luxurious Dining Tsrracs 11 exciting races onsk ins Carggnllh ISSS AtsaMrar SSSS TOM ami TaM aim dally stilting with our brand nsw tit Rico Trliecta, then 9 • Ml St. Lea* Stl Sit SSS 1-1 Exact* Raoes and the big finish...the 11th Race Trlleclal Ot"! TaM HIIHI rtmiiBjiit in ••• in o-i tit IBS HS-t Post lime 1 P.M., be therel .Van 4IIJS1 Ill-f K-IMadaM. .HtatVrin. Manlanai. tofgpi SNMROMI I* Sowa. 3w—welti. Every Thursday FREE ADMISSION for iht ladlnl Fty«>. H» NarrMn II). Wajar IS). II- & HaSk-kk im. LaMaakl IW. SB- """••VTII HiSai'l1. LMtfrH' .lyKa Ikarillaaaj , a-UHgnmti. The Sunday Register H I •• •• H> I 4 1II S I S I II IM 7 I S I I I I • S • • I 14 I S I I I 4 4 I I S UBaH I SII1S II 1 I I I 0 IMM 7 r I 4 M 0 I I I I N i I I S I ONE REGISTER PLAZA e SHREWSBURY • 542-4000 i i a t i s t I 4 4 I I .Rial Fallow Hum 33 UK to FraahoM "acaway 1 1 • SSS id). h«l •trlaWi I M ? ! } Trig Oardstt SpoL..wMra raiirM I * 31 meelf —T. T t S S S I I •MLM I 1 I I S S l.Htlp Wonted ) Help wonted 14 SHREWSBURY, N.J. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11. 1978 Tiger 2. Autos Cor Sale 5. Autos For Salt

CHEVELLE Iwjo - Fouf-ooor DODGE CHARGER It77 — SE. Powor • EDIT MANAGER - Part-tlmo, W tt*irln|/brok*t. air condlllon. o'lmottl, Iw. hour. Jallyjk»n. a.- I Autos For Sole •oroo. Hot u tacraflco Call if Mcatearv Contact Lloyd CMEVRLOLET IMAPLA - atst* Norwood Dlitrlbutori, Inc. AMC MATADOR WAGON Wit - Eu mi Power steering/I rolot. o. !« VOHt. AM/FM redte. IIW mIM. Far •It by prt»oHO ROSS1NO OUARD AWLICATlQW IINE IMCWAMIC -.-ifartaacw - > r. CM M4-U71 Now being received. Inquire Lltth rs nsrraj*IN ttT4- Front end- da~m VROLET CAPRICE CLASSIC - E LOORADO 1*71 - Fully leaded, food ivtr PoilceiDepl , «N Prospect Ave. Hit wttklonlM «l>i««O>ll wntMtott UJM ivr be.l offer Yoll IHIe Silver. 8X4t v fll Ai d n»1143 *to •Wft ELIVERY PERSOM - E»onl«o« l •UICK ESTATE WAGON H71 - Nine mu.1 Kovl own cor AMM> In porun MASONS *"<>i»»2!S. lir.J!23- MMOMtr, AM/FM, elr, ptwtf CHRYSLER NEWPORT IM? - Four low,, Pliio 1 lubTV Avon LoM deor. automatic, o4f, tow brunt. new m-JI43, fttr • p m Ittlo Sllvor •UICK SKYLARK I«7I - Very food ttTM. food canttHltM, HJH original FIAT SALES ANO SERVICE - Levlne ELIVERV PIRtON - Port llmo cewdWot., rvet wHh wMtt vinyl roof. Mln.G«*< trorttpofftrtter. cor iJ7S Motor t Cors , Maple Awe , Red Bond o*r tftodu. DM NB-H tires. Fo« wog IM jni, before I OA* offer 4 o m wnoets, AM/FM ttfktWk itefte, ••jBs«mixa *Mr new ieMMi ipeoktrs. 11.700 One owner L ow mltMM FIAT PEUGEOT DEALER drllon Vtry pood cor «.7D0 Coll BILL LANZARO S AUTO SALES INC ELI PERSON - Exporlmco "oto« •7117W 334 Main SI lor. Full llmo. Motowon oroo Coll ECHANIC - PgllUmo. 0 it««i dining bucket teat.. 314Mmlto.. Atfe- .nlol loam 4V> oovi. no ovonlm. or ./MM Monv extra parti tiJOO or belt otter ng tum. Coll Darlene. Monday HONDA CB 1*7} - SOOCC, like new. lo« rarti Chrysler Plymouth, 141 W nd reiumt lo PC*. Bo» IS3. Rod STEADY WORKERS 747 4)04 ing/brakei, AM radto. IMIUMC Interior hfoupt. FrWy, M p.m., S44-OH. mlleoge, brown. Front St., Red Bonk Excellent condition UlUorbett otter. Coll 134-4470, afternoon. CORVETTE IfW - 454, convertible, FIAT - Xlt 1*74 Beoutltul OPEL W3S33S. OLDSMO1ILE ft - IMS Claulc Con AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC IETARV - Food service Supervisor white with saddle Interior, two tops, CT, im. Both eictilenl, mutt wrl- verilWe Foctory olr, original block HONDA 90-S 1*44 - Closslc. Mint con Mwsl be skilled In complete outomooli r nursing home. $8.05 Per Hour Vjm miles. 747 3010 (Iti, Btd plcfc up HW-tlH. talnl, Of tfliftai red Interior II5O0 firm dltlon 3400 mllet U» Coll m-UV repair Very busy shop Five-day wor HOLSEY PONTIAC ' after 4 p.m^ __^^ CADILLAC Wot - M> OtvllM. oil CORVAIR - ItM, oood engine Best FORD MUSTANG MACH I — 1*74, V-4* fI 5740 wttk. Excellent pay plon ond benefit) ^ coii m-tno iTE U UH-JWt EATONTOWN Apply in person or call Circle Chtvrt ISHWASHERS'SHORT OBOER four ipctd. manual Iran.mUtlon, INTO 1*77 — Hatchbock. tourtpted, HONDA - 1*74. Ct 3401. 5000 mllet, OOKS - EKDorloncid only nood app- JAGUAR 1*73 - XKE V 11, collector i rebuilt. MOO or best offer et Company. 441 Shrewsbury Avt train. No .« AM/FM ttireo, new rodiait, excelUnl cor, power steering/ brokvi. AM/FM, new tire., USB. Shrewsbury, N.J. 741 3110- Ask for NIc condition fteotonable Call XMI34 1*1-1*73 Coll WI-OT30 caii no-ini. . Imct nocouanr- Call CAMARO — Itn, partially CORVETTE 1fT3 - Excellent condl two tee*, wire wheeli, 33J00 mllei, Trtuchto, Service Monogtr. ISHWASHER - Full tlmt tor Coun — imolio, mutl wll. No rtoaon FORD CUSTOM FOUR DOOR SEDAN HOMO llrm. 74I-7BSI. •LYMOUTH VALIANT - 1974, INDIAN MOTORCYCLE - WCC, for 739-0377 I ratlloM. Coll UIW tton, low mileage. Call after S. dirt or rood use. Aiding 1650, Includes AUTO MECHANIC - experience and Club JEEP WAGONEER rt*4 - Need* a •rlnc. oots necessary Apply In per"" 717 HU. bumper roefc. Coll after 4, 74U19O. MM1J1. CAMARO H74 - It.M mllo» V* CORVETTE 1*71 - Red, T toet, outo Unit work. 1300 KAWASAKI 1*74 400 — Excellent con- Schworti Chrysler Plymouth. 141 RIVER'S HELPER - Must be over NUCLEAR PLANT WORKERS powor Mooring, FM/AM iloroo lopo. 717*77* PLYMOUTH FURY 1*71 - Good con Front St, Red Bank. Must hove drivers license. Full- p lo two years odVonced Navy Train- rod wtlli Mac* vinyl root. ,4MMJ. matlc. oif, full oo« FORD MUSTANG II 1*74 - Four dition, tow mileage, MS0. t?500 or bert offer •peed, tour cylinder, S2.1U or beil ol KITION CHEVROLET tO. dHlon. bell offer over UttO AUTO BODY PAINTER - E> it Apply In person, GELCO, Hwy. It qualified Excellent opportunity 7474071 Co.l7e7-1713 , wonamatso ont milt north of ^et Into the field of Nuclear Energy CAPRI It74 - Feur-epeed. tour CREDIT PROBLEMS fer. Call 741 Jin, after i M or weeh Hwy U Eatonlown perlenced only. Top pay Coll Tony, a cylinder, AM/FM, only Tl,MO mile* Ml 1000 'LYMOUTH SATELLITE 1*70 - Good KAWASAKI 450 1*71 — All e«lros, low M7.#4i; soury Pork Circle ost advancement, mony benefits and ttl7S or beat otter. Coll lfl-M0f ofte. No coin? It you're wording, we can mileage, mutt sell. oodpay Coll your Navy Recruiter In: help to get you financed No money FORD VAN ItJl - New DraMl, Iron* LINCOLN CONTINENTAL - lf!4, running condition. Si.000 original AUTO AND TRUCK PARTS ASSIS IVER — Commute Red Bank N.V miles Ins. Coll onytlme, Wl JOU 3*41543 oreos In compony limousine on com rd Bank Chief Cwtlck pd to lull your mit,!on, clutch, llrei, good running two-door, like new condition. Low TANT MANAGER - Experience 1 »t71 Dolvlt, V4, __. Ouollty UHd KAWASAKI 400 1975 - Mutt tell. Mov- only. All benefits Schworti Chrytle pony Ilmt Require valid driver . condition, >10CP or betl ofter. 741 -MtT mileage. Must sell. 741-0112 or 741 im, LYM ing 1475 or best otter Iconse. No accidents lasl three years eehold Chief Snyder AM/FM stereo, su—n rooft, rear wllr Cor* to chooM from. Coil Mr Freder FORD Ifn — Pinto, took, goad and good c Plymouth International Truckt. 141 W 1-1070 dltioiNi, DJOO miles Eicellenl Ptto, m Broad St., LINCOLN 1?;| - Continental. Front St.. Red Bonk. alary open Overtime required Cal runtaood MtMt Mil. WOO Of be*! ofter. coii m r HomVi»-»4M1e1. ' Brunswick - Chief Oliver dltlon SMflt, Ml-lur. KAWASAKI 115 cc - 1974. On oft rood AUTO MECHANIC - Experienced 13130 w vn , i ^^*- htB.i.v low * n'l ,FVI CHCVELLEim^ U-40I. IFOH). Tur CUTLASS SUPREME - 1*74, 1IJ00 door, olr, power brokei, power *teei cycle With e«trov I4J 7040 Certified A I 6 Mechanki earn 1300 t RUG CLERK - Full time, en- bo-4M IronvnlMlon ]7S h p , air condl mllet, tour-door, tape dtck, oralr con- FORD MUSTANG - If Tl. Moch I, V «. MANTA OPEL If74 — Four new tires, ng. good ifotton cor, im %41\tQ7 MOTORCYCLE ANDMOPfcO INSUH MOO weekly General certified A Me erlence preferred, advancement As lion. Hi an lift., wMoli. point. Ml dttlonlng, electric window*, deluxe awtomatic, oood condition 11571 or OOOd running condition .1*00 Coll ANCE — Reatonablc rates. Grosilnger thanks, to 135,000 yearly You tel th y In person. Fomlly Phormocy. 134 NURSE lory. Now teoatn. Marl UiPm nil trim, •Kcelltnl condition, HIM belt offer. Call 717-tSfS. Ml-WM otter # p.m. RAIIIT - "You've got to drive II to ond Heller Aoency. IS Wlkotf PI.. Red pace, we train every mechanic lor 2-4 -Ighton Avt.. Long Bronch All lor .lorry. FORD VAN - lf»7, belt offer over believe It." SHREWSBURY MOTORS, montht Excellent pay plan with a INDUSTRIAL R.N. MERCURY MONTEGO 1*74 - Station INC , 741 l»0 Bank 741 ?10V fringe benefits ond pension plan. Appl YNAMIC. AGGRESSIVE SALES Jl tlmt epmlno on »ltady Imt Wiirt tl CHEVROLET VEGA - lf/S Hatch CUTLASmUri S SUPREME - 1(77, IIJOO 1100. Wagon. 1700 YAMAHA 1977 - 400CC engine, 3,004 EOPLE - To grow with one ol Mon m lo mldnlBhO Prtvlowi (nAntrlM back Four ipeed, new rodloli, mil... mini condition. T« 7414UJ RAMBLER AMBASSADOR - lw>7. n person. See Jim Matthews. He mouth Country's largest outo dealers Coll 471-234* offer * p.m. I2S0 or belt otter. nllet, mull tell Excellent condition Bank Volvo, 119 Eatt Newman Spilng fl*nc« a mint, Good typing thill* AM/FM itoreo, air, tow mlleoge. tlfOO itrlplno and mowing. A FORD GALAXV - 1H7 Pour-door 1*50 457 5337, onytlme Eves. Rd , Red Bank. xcellent earnings potential and bene nor y Storting Mlary and wot king radio.Imo aniui or: MERCURY MARQUIS 1*73 - Four 73M4TI ts, Including outo. Apply In person, ofHtltloni tucilltnt, In oddltloo I* Ctaulc Foctory air, original block door. Loaded. Law mlleaae. 13900 QMS FORD, Hwy IS, Keyporl HEVROLET MONZA I«S - CUTLASS SUPREME RROUGHAM - point, pomptred. WO llrm W) 1740 RAMBLER 1*71 - AMC Hornet 1ST AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE ADVISOR - ompltt* btrwfll pochov*. For Im good running condition GM experience. Large volume .hop EHptrl cdlaii contWcraHwi, t»M rttumt 117), air, AM/FM, powor wlnOowi. FORD LTD WAGON - 1V71. Ten p« Union I 3rd. Ave' -Long Excellent pay plan and benefits Plea* LtLECTRICIANL I KILIAPISI -— ~ cxpetianinj m flood condition Low mllooBO. MWO Mnger. full power, air, eicellenl condl SSf. sZo Call 3*1 son Brvnch-nf lioo tsldtntlacsldtntlal wiring Sleoddy work. Mospl toll ovonMgi. Uv3i\ ant working conditions Coll Jl CHEVSTTE IfTI ~ Four wood. EKlro tton. 11300. Call after e, itMOlt. RAMBLER STATION WAGON 1944 - MtMullon, Service Manager, for op uNiallon, pen.Ion plan, vocation, paid BOX H-396 DODGE POLARA - im Four-door, Rebuilt corbwratof. Now wire*. Year polnlment. 741-09)0. RUSSELL OLDS oltdoyi. Top poy. Coll 351-lSSe. "loFw vinyl rool, fullv Mulppnl AWIng I1U0 FORD GRAN TORINO 1*73 - Wagon. MONTE CARLO - 1*77, loaded, ex old boWfY. »'* or btlt offer 071 1301 Auto WOBILE CADILLAC. Ntw"" XPERIENCED GLAZIER — Mln- tt Dolly Rcglittr, Shrvwibury. N.J. W7S or beit offer. l Rd., RtnHonfc. N.J. mum one year experience. Morris CHEVROLET IMPALA 1*71 - MIM RED BANK VOLVO Services/Parts n EQOQI Opportunity Employf M/F m^km HMO Coll ofltr S See-3311 tote Gkm Co. Phone 741 ,043 URSE — RN or LPN, port time, 11-7, FORD TORINO WAGON 1?73 — VI, NOVA IS - \m. now aabil. Poll lour HARDTOP FOR CORVETTE -lfolon AVON Illtd nurslna facility. Good worhlna automatic, power iteerlng/ brokei, WWOd, UO tnglnt. AM/FM. Bait ofttr UP, U50. BE YOUR OWN BOSSI EXPERIENCED FULL ondltlons Monmouth Convatescent CHEVROLET IMPALA IM - E> "1/FM tope, air, SI.0*0 DIM. REDIKERSHERMAN e95-«3153 Run your own successful business as a CHARGE MANAGER enter, 2Jt Bath Ave., Long Bronch ollonl running condlllon Piwtr >l«r U11. DODGE PEUGEOT Avon Representative Sell during It. r retail health and toeouty aides, tor M~00 ____-. lna/wlndow«. FM okiht-track Uoroe ro iffil . 14-Woll Townthlp—449-JIOO VOLKSWAGEN 1*61 - Frame ond en IV73 — Four-door, powor •toorlng and tours you want. The more you sell, Ih the Red Bonk areo 671-O7M lor ptrson URSES - LPN, 11 7, full lime. EH- dS. Sno» Urn. Arfing U00 »7«1M FORD TORINO WAGON - 1*73. RENAULT S 1*74 - Excellent condl glne. Extra parts. 1100. more money you earn. Sound good I interview. DODGE DART IM- Llkt now condl Powor ttoorlng/broktt, oulomollc, bra*of, olr conditioning, outomotlc tlon. Low mlieoge. Must sell. Best of Xoll 471-5»H Call Mrs. Hammond, 671-43*1, Mrs tllent btntflh Apply In person, Mon.- CHEVELLE - IH7, hlah porformonct, lion, IMO. air, vory cloon, 50.OOC mllot. SIU0. Coll E«ctllonl condition. S1R8. SU-MU fer. After e, 741*504. Koneluls. 566 52t3 or Mrt. Archer XPERIENCED - Medical office, ., 10-4 p.m., Arnold Worter Nurslno W. m mlloi on motor MJ3 lour Call MI-IOT 741-3770. W45JI general medical office procedures In me, in South Laurel Avt., Belief vood. 411-11 toll poll rnr, cuitorn OLOSMOaiLE 1*74) - Dollo M. El RITTENHOUSE 6 Auto Rent/Lease ludlng forms, filing, phone, billing Morlor, two now llr«» and rlmt. N € CORONET WAGON 1*7] - FORD - It75 LTD Brougham Two. collmt tamlly cor. Air. powtr Moor LINCOLN MERCURY, Inc. BAKERY - Lunch room ond kltche S K hours per week. Permanent Re- URSES'S AIDE - Experienced only 4 mlloi. 1700 Including tKtra door, tullv toulppod, ticolltnl condi- Ing/brafcot, crulw control plus more HWY. » m-ISOO Oceon Twp. RENT A VAN - Low, low rolet. Coll help Full or part time. ply to Box M Ml, Tht Dally Register, I shifts tor nurses i aides immedkrfe brand now tiro W tl77 tion. Mm! loll Toll 171-M0S. Low mll.i U7H ITOHOS. Marly, TOM'S FORD. Hwy. 35, Key 471 itrewsbwry, 07701. tenlng. Kitchen workers, oil shirts SHORE MOTORS apply at Cllttslde Health Care port, 344-1400. ; BARTENDER - M/W. Full tiff Volvo-Triumph Dealer ULL TIME STOCK PERSONS - All . .i?r*0 Center St. Cllttwood 7. Autot For Salt 2. Autos For Sal* 2. Autot For Sato 2. Autos For Sale Hwy. M, MonoMiuon S» 7S0Q nights Experienced only. Apply In pe ompony benefit! Salary plus com Beoch 7 Auto Insurance son, The Pour House, Tktton Falls. nl.olon Apply Nichols. Rt. 34 and STATION WAGON -1971 OldtmobTte BARTENDER - M/W. Full lime day loyd Rd., Aberdeen- ES AIDES - Full Ilmt ond port all power, new tires AUTO INSURANCE Experienced only. Apply In persoi me day shift. Hilltop Nursing Home, good running condndl(lonU . Interior am Th« Pour House, Tlnton Foils. ULL TIME - Apptlanct Salesperson. 14177 In Monmouth exterior excellent condition. Just BARTENDERS M/W — On call li II compony benefit. Salary plui com passed Inspection. MOO. Call 191-4930 llislon. Apply Nichols, Rl. 34 and URSES AIDE - 3 11 btti tlm*. In- after S. termlttent to work at Officers Clui loyd Rd., Aberdeen. COMPUTERIZED QUOTES One-year experience. For further li quire In ptrson, King Jamts Nursing STEIN CADILLAC ANY CAR DRIVER AGE formation call Mrs Longlols, Ft. Wo AL/GUY FRIOAY - WHh minimum ome, 400 Hwy M, MliMleiown URY AVE.. ASBURY PARK CALL 747 WOO seven years experience In retail salts J, REID HARRISON AGENCY mouth. S3J2433; l:»2:» dally. URSE - LPN tor doctors office, RATES REDUCED FOR MANY EOUQI Opportunity Employer M/F uperlenct necessary, with rtltrences STRAUB BUICK — OPEL all.3644400 offer I) noon. Mon. DRIVERS - Chech our discounts ond BARTENDERt • n*piinma Ao S.•* M/UJ^libA**^F —, Waitress* > Frl NINE ACRES ol New and used Car* low dtwn paymtnts. Free quote. GAL/GUY FRIDAY - Port time. Ktv HWV. 35 H4-4000 Keyport (M/F) Experienced only. Apply I port orta Hour. I ami p.m.. tivt 364-3017. Phoenix Brokerage, 4* Hwy. perton, Trade Winds, 1305 Oceon Ave URSES AIDE - Full tlmt ond port STRAUB BUICK OPEL 3o, Ktypori. tea Bright. oryt- Mint bt txptrltnctd, ftltphont. me, tvenlng shift. Hilltop Nursing NINE ACRES ol New and Uted Cart yplng. knowltdgt ol adding machlnt , 47IOI7J Hwy35 3*4-4000 Keyport BARTENDER M/F - Experienced •ply P.O. BOM I, Knyport, N.J., 077M 10 Wanted Good salary. Apply Butionwood Man 1L BURNER MECHANIC — En Muller THE FINEST SELECTION - Of n or, Rt. 34, Motowon. 546-6M0 GAS STATION ATTENDANT - Mint ptrltncod. No. 1 Iwtl oil. McConntt and used cars In Monmouth Cour bt ntat In apptoronct. rtlloblt, houri utIOII Company W.-MBO. Automotive 1 p.m., apply in ptrson, Matawar Over 100 air-conditioned new cars I IEAUTYTULTURE INSTRUCTOR AINTERS WANTED - Apply In per- JUNK CARS WANTED — Highest Licensed or will train. Experienced hell, fit __ MlddltKx Rd., Motowon Chevrolet - BMW ET FREE GIFTS, TOYS ANO JEW son between 4:10 ond 5 JO, 45 Hen prices paid. 24-hour towing. B ft Coperator. Call Miss Spence, 443-4007 Ickson PI., Fair Haven. Towing, »1 5*93 BOOKKEEPER-ASSISTANT - Mui LRY - For Itttlng ui dtmonttrolt a type, five aayi. All benefits Schwor orty in your homt. MtrchondlM ART TIME — Ever earned M0 In THUNOERBIRO - 1*75, excellent JUNK CARS rlctd rtosonablt. TIME LIMITED! ree hours? Show beoutlful candle de condition. 14400. IMMEDIATE CASH PAID Chrysler PPlymouthI , 14) W. Front St or. Easy ond profitable No Invest Aberdeen Twp. J^Sf •714304 Red Bonk. oil Ifl-smor WS79J3 CALL ROCCO, 717 33S4 ent or delivery. Colt HI 233* or TOP TRADE ALLOWANCE - Superb BUS DRIVERS - Must hove service OOWNES PONTIAC, 43 Low- JUNK CARS WANTED driver's license ond experience. Coll 1*1-1300 Go NAVY ART-TIME DRIVER- er Mam St., Matowan U* 779* 741 1079 115 per hour. VOLKSWAGEN 1973 - With air, orl TOP DOLLAR CAR WASH HELP - Apply In person •43 TWO Rt. 34 & S. Atlantic Ave. FOR USED CARS Country Sudser Car Wash. 1900 HWy Coll alrwl owner, DJ3S or best offer. Call p £MM4?u. afternoon LIPPIN MOTOR CAR CO., INC. 15, Mlodletown. ART-TIME - Counttr work ond cotit <> EN DAILY TILL 9 P.M. Rt. 15 SovrtvHH, N.J. 717.31 • Chief Cutlck dtcorotlng 10-2 *" M,. tfirfft doyt a VOLVO 1*e* - Four-door, very good CARPENTERS - An established Mid wwk. Somt Saturday!. Apply In ptr Htlon, 11,100 USED AND JUNK CARS WANTED - dletown builder Is in need of t, m Carvtl. Airport Plow. Hlohwoy WED. & SAT. till 6 p.m. . 741-40*7 TOP PRICE PAID jttlenod help. Call 3*1-04*4. CALL 7411341 _____ CARPENTER - Part-lime, to assls WANTEO and advise homeowner In finishing A-l used cars. Top dollar paid basement. 747 WO,, Mon. Frl. t-Spm PART-TIME OASIS MOTORS (Mil 731-71 We ore looking tor on experienced VOLKSWAGEN 1941 - Yellow Ghla CERAMIC TILE MECHANIC - Full o salesperson tor port time work selling converitot*, «m WE NEED USED CARS xift time, experienced only, Co GROUNDS MAINTENANCE - And quality homt decorating Must bt ot»e 1941 rod Ghla Sedan, 1495. 33 Wo.hlna Top dollar paw. MULLER CHEVRO Ml-6951 between 7-e P.m. only ondstoping work. Must hovt own i wort nexlbte hours, may lead tt fwtl LET, Hwy 34, Matawan, SoMOOO. ronsportafion. Drivers license will be ton St., Rumson. CHAMBERMAID M/F - Good pay me position Coll tor on appomtnent, helpful. List three previous rtftrtncts Mr. Weoktand or Mr. LunlnTr41-4OtO. Preview Showing VOLKSWAGEN 1973 - Super Beetle, WE BUY USED CARS AND TRUCKS port time, sttody work. Coll tor op Must bt at least 30 years old, Send AM/FM stereo, automatic, stick 11450 SCHWARTZ Chrysler Plymouth ointment, Trade Winds Mote tsume to BOM G 107, The Dally Reg ART-TIME - Eiperltnced htlp 7417330 Red Bonk, 747-0717 EI3-H37. iter, Shrewsbury, N.J. 07701. needed. Cocktail and Lunch WaltrIIMI M/W, Bussers Apply In perton. LOM VOLKSWAGEN - 1*74, yellow, ex- CLEANING MAINTENANCE - H< WARDS - Retirees welcome. MM toLMllBo^BlvorHtghlondr cellent condition, runs well. Must sell. and offices. Mutt have reliable car. Ittown area. Phone, car,clean re t.WO. Coll Roy, WMMB. __ otter highest earnings, got allowonc oecessory. 44*-07ft. ART-TIME SALES - All leads pre hospltalliatlon, paid holidayt an Ided, training. Nallonol consumer of the Totally New VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE - 1964, good vacation Coll Oave Dlmech, nor" GUARDS - Many full ond part tlmt service compony on TV. Eves ond tires, good tor parts. First 1100 takei it. after 5 p.m. Million* ovolloblt Applicant mut weekends In Rwmson -greater Rod Ban* Call 717-9033 rlv*n llconu ro cond . AM radio. XR-7 Decor Grp . Appearance Brougham option. Decor oplion. Appear Grp ttown Btllord. oTI aw. Gfp. tinted glass P W light group cast tinted glass dual racing mirrors. P W. light grp LAWN TECHNICIANS - Lawn MOO, OJM-KM aluminum wheel, rocker panel mldg. 8.693 wire wheel covers 10 842 miles LIST PRICE has Immtdlolt potltloni ovallablt lo miles LIST PRICE S8144 VALUABLE COUPON pooplo lo train at chtmlcal o| 16 OfMOHSTMIO* 1971 S7927 plkatort Mult bo mtchonlcolly In ElMM. CMOl N.J. drlvor'i Iktnio. Co S4M700. MODE 15 AVAHAIU 50 CENTS OFF LEOAL SECRETARY - Enplrlonc , CMOKt Of mootis- DEMO PRICE - ONLY DEMO PRICE - ONLY '6535 trrtd Stono and InMng Call lo TtlhM '6850 ilntmonl. on. lor OW SB 1131 - COIOR Your Next LPN - Evonlna shin. J,ll:«. Port llmom , two-r DAIY REG6TR OASSHED AD otltlllyi t Ttlhw By presenting this coupon Mp.m When placing your classified ad WI-MH (Sorry, not good tominti fimllf Ad LO»aRro«cJi. or Contract MniUnit) LUMBER YARD REGISTER AD MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE In Monmoulh County tm nctllnl op portunlty lor tiqwloncad. •orMMb Call 542-1700 •atn ponon for rtMl Itaro. Mon- CLASSV1ED MoH checks to:Th t Dally RtalsWr S^^WUTIJV DtfytSuntey On* Rtgtatsr Ptau, Shrtwtbury. N.J. 07701 MAINTCHAKE PERSON - Homo SI. Help Wanted I. Htlp Wonted Nubbin SHREWSBURY. N.J MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11.1978 The D*iVRegMcr 15 71. Merchandise 71. Merchandise 71. Merchandise For Salt For Salt For Sole !EC»CATIO« WOBKU - Far w LAZY'MAN - Barbocu*. propane. Ilk* TWO BOYS JACKETS - Wit II. One PART-TIME dondbelg«m*foi, corduroy, nVet?lece wit. slit • Top s, excellent condition (I aju I I>J ar*rr Ikra* FrKaTir^la (Tartar condition IIS each tor (ockeh, I2S tor ' w arnica M It nine Kama, in i. um AM . DINING ROOM - SI* piece Medlttr LAZY BOY LOUNGE CHAIR - Four monttti old. 11 SO. WIND OEFLiCfc7R"RJ»eroial" Twt B1ATION HELP-Faf man'! aitf ranton, inclwdes server, oval table and lander en ten*, on mirrors. Htyword jmma. Ox ayaulm • ntt. lour upholitertd chair.. Call 47MIS4 __^ pool IIHer with hair and linl before U noon. _ LEVOLOR RIVIERA BLINDS »*-3BI.__ VERTICAL BLINDS DINETTE SET - Vtdlttrronean, WINTER* JACKET - Vafi'tTitVo ntw • ECEPTIOHIST ovai, Frultwood, I7S SI* chairs, two WD, OFF LIST! BMt art lalaftftlm. lama IH Free deilvery, Elenby Products C MI, Hit 4t, with parka. By ».¥. maalnn auHk ta™ lypina. orm, lour Hoe, 10 years old, *.» Vtry M. Cajlj^i-MTtr I condition. tfu*l *•[' 1'l?*?*:_ TIMt - IKMkfMi. WW »S:» Slertijaar haur YELLOW "BEDROOM SET - *TrtpMi tminmiM wart lit ACe EMPLOYMENT AGENCY DINING ROOM CHAIRS -~Four Coun- LIVING ROOM - Rtd velvet sola bed dresser, corner cheit. full slit bed with vwOTun^w^p. will Me* rrgifi- » Tliamaa Ava. Hm« ttrM try French Provincial, with matching ond orm choir with hassock. Slate B spring end maftress Goad condl sideboard, all like ntw. Sacrlllct loaned cotlte tablt and two end tables n UU 513-1171 ofttr 3 p.m. RECEPTIONIST MIS4M _ Siet PART TIME - Uwmi nnliw ama trpta(aM clarlcal wr*.. Kauri ZltVQAR DRUMS I DIRT TOPSOIL - STONE LIVING ROOM SET - Couch, two Excelltnf condition, 1X0 ACVESPLOYMI:NT»G?NCVS " Y LAND CLEARING chain. Excellent condition, plul 717 71ft PARTI COUNT!* PERSON - Hatoav » Tlwnw Am. W-laM lUrawtturt 2*1 1417 rocktr^UtJtJW^ PMIHK I>M«I o Mil mm^tH*. ouall EOISTEREO DIETICIAN CONSUL- MAGNIFICENT ~ dining room set. IM atf UMfUKCM WM Ml Krtkl ANT - Far nutting Mm. Una ,a Disposable Diapers l«l«Mlll.. CaMoct BUI Ca» «M1 caualar. grill, ale. Aptly to 3 p.m. Five day week. Apply in dim P*' «••*• Light housekeeping ond 43U Frultwood frames. Excellent condi- sorted turniturt, mangle Iron, rug rtm «'«»»• aig All. Lang Bronch Slkulkyy Restaurant, Hwy M, B care lor convalescent mott Must tion Replacement cost. *l'Seoch Aik nonts, Chrlslma* Tree ond ornaments, • essenilol Good workining condcor i N o phone calls- pieot* have cor and references Shadow Lake Disposable Diapers ng 145 each, full rug. floured In gold, dd AfghonAfh i - ied to tell PERSON TO WORK - In FIM Mara IALESPCRSON - Eiportwcod, lull lorn. Uniforms » II Wt ii ro* delivery or pickup Buy a cas*. jreen ond brown, foam backing. Ask . «. Cor AITRESS- 7a.m.-3p.m..Mon -Frl 50V Slihtl il Cll Into, tor krodtna chlMrtns ttoihlna WANTED - GeneroT hous*worker to MM9 • Ijlinrv. MMM unlll ) &3 lor*. Coll W l*i kd f Ei only Appl c i* In. Very small family, own room MOVING - Four rugi, varloul slits RAINED OUT SUPER YARD SALE - m mar nssw ° E«|UOl Opportunity Employtr M/F tner. 45 Monmoulh St.. Rd Bank a both, unit tooling Ul *7X ond colors, master bedroom set, sola. art llmt. with llconso or will train, AITRESS M/W - 7 ami p.m., ELECTRIC GUITAR - with cose, US. Prices negotiable Call 1M 40*1 after ansburg PERSON -TIMMaparala latt • ESTAUP.AHn T HELP - CoUilan. but JEHVICE STATION ATTENDANTS - .pply In porson, ft Htttrlch 1 Sons, 103 •Kporltncod, noot appear anc«, 14 hour Mon.-Fri., weekends oft Eiptrlcnce Lik Cll •Wfllrli, dlthwatlM't. waltrataat South Laurol Av., Wwl ElConsburg nly Apply In person lo heod waitress, Situations Wanted v?_?iir__- m/w. Apply In ptrtan anly. Gartruda oporatlon, all shifts avollabU Appl yI Inn ENCYCLOP"E^7A~ BRITTANICA"- MOVING - Contents et home 77 Pets And Livestock In ptTMn only 6*rtrud« ttrson, Rtd lank TOK 3« he Palace Diner. 45 Monmouth it , Rd WANTED - Port i Sycamora Avi , Tlnlon SCHOOL BUt DRIVERS - Imrrwdlot* ponk. Female tf7i edition, all up-dates. WOO or best Colt otter * p.m. oooningt. good pay ond baMflts Apply khrtwsbury Av* . Rod Bonk W1UM Advanced And Bealnntrs ^otontowtTioord Oi Edwcallon. Grant SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT - AITRESS/WAITER -Apply *n ptr- BABYSITTING - For wording moth Avo.. Eatontown, N.J. rs in my East Keonsburg home NEW - Two-piece Qu-_ _ PHYSICAL THHAPIST - Part ar Mil time Experienced only Apply In on ol Roiiy Reilouront, 77} Broodwoy, tionol ond TV heodrest Rust color. DOG TRAINING tlma. MaBWara* H.J A.p T A ta wart iCHOOL BUS DRIVERS - Desirable person, Tony's Mobil. Broad SI 1 Ma ong Broach unchesond snacks provided 717HI! IMS Call 671 3*74 or f77-0O4 Clauei tvts ond Sat afternoon! In nunjSTSiirl. Salary a»an. HUM hours lor heustwlvtt, shift workers. if Avt., Rtd Bant. WAITERS-WAITRESSES JABYSITTING — In my home, all Boyilwrt Companion Dog Club ages Close la all Malowan schools EXTRA-LARGE - Spanish d college itudenls. rttlrtti. Sptdal JERVICE STATION ATTENDANT - CAPTAINS BUSBOYS M'W table, china closet. All dark woo 6F>TCE~EQU~PMESf"- Tf77 MInoiTo PHYSICAL THERAPIST •river's license needed We will train J Experienced only should apply ^ llent core, references. S** 37H 101 Copier Like new It.ffS Call Roger BEGINNER"DOG - Obedience, nine Call Von Nortwlck Brother.. 7I7OTM ort llrn« Experienced, referencei lth d roght i Th Full tlma ttoti maroplil wHh N.J. rag Apply Mobil Station, corner Newman Coll W-Ull leaves. Si* chas Me clouts, twice weekly. Sepl 11-Oct f liliollon ar .IIjTblllly Minn JECRETARY/RECEPTIONIST -Or ~ rings Rd. WAITERS/WAITRESSES - Sandwich bedroom - full bed. dresser, bureau OFFICE FURNITURE - Including re- iperienctd instructors U4 hodontlc office Experience prt 'twibury ond salad makeri, dishwasher, lull and two night tables Colonial dining o ception room furnishings, bookcases, .orden State Manor 71 ttrrtd. Excellent salary/benefits Con jTOCK ORIVER - At retail teocher part lime Apply In person, DIET secretarial desks, two eltctrlc healers, FREE TOGOOD HOME~-^o«r ytor Jersey ihwi OYOA. Solory com Van traocktt identlal Stnd resume U P.O. Box 57], CHILD CARE IN MY HOME - Full € manual typewriter ond rugt. Pitas* Rd., Holmdel store Full time or part time Monday VORKS RESTAURANT, MS Branch pad time and after school. Co iole Irish Setter Moving, needs ntw err. Red Bonk through Frldoy. BenctlU. 471 SSU Llttlt Silver. 14] 7077 from *4 30 p.m. RN —11-7, fult lime, •xctlltnl b«ntllt. 164-71*1. FENDER STRATOCASTER - E tdlory UN WMkly. Apply In pt-von SECRETARY - Good typing skills el WAITER/WAITRESSES M/F - tun CREATIVE PLAYGROUP - In mytrie gultor. EMCtlient condition I FREE ^~615b^~HbVE - Ftmolt. senllgl Mutl be able to hoodie busy aund. Full ond part lime opening* Coll otter jQ^-}*2'i]l7- seven months old mut. *on Frl . I0-4 p.m., Arnold Woltn •none Must wark well with little tu STOP!! he, by experienced music teacher tof »ing Homo, in South Lauroi Avo tervlslon Send Resume lo BOH H IW. Vpply Beacon Hill Country Club 10-1. Hotmdel orea_Wjl0g. FIVE-PIECE -Pearl drum set, ti < ELDE RS - All positions, some MIG sets ol large, medium ond smoll c. ONA~NVNGINE -~ mm. rist Dolly Register. Shrewsbury, N.J. OPPORTUNITY ADY - Would Itk* day's work. Refer bois Complete with stond Plus drum diti CE~R~MAN~S*HEPHER'D PU"PPIES i RN - 11 7. wookonOi only. (Frt -SoU 0/701. ermonent, benefits Apply In person enc*s. AKC rtglsttrtd, block and ton Shots. txctlltnt Mnttiti. Apply In pcrton °^V_co^]f VanawJ»rg_Rd . MaMboro I seat Good condition USO 717 1440 or formed, ont ytor guarontet, from PIZZA MAKER - And praparatton IECRITARV — Full tlmi, stono ond j4fS-.fOl__ , Mon.-Ffl, KM p.m., , Arnolo d WaltWalttt r KNOCKS WORK EVALUATOR - Prtvocatlonal ri vote Ixteoer 717 Sm __ parMfl. AM4V In panari oWar 4:10 a.m. lurtlng Homo, *5l l SSootth LLourol AvtA . typing required Write stating ex QUALITY CLEANING FIVE PIECE - Bedroom «t beige kad BontPlin. IS Norrh BMOot Avt perronc* to BOM H-JM. The Dolly Rog i tis,M0 110,000 or mort a ytar "Ogrom for retarded odulti Degree In IIS WEEK HORSE "TRAILER -^Hortmon Deluxe ster, Shrewsbury, H.J. B/W) your very first yeor We will send you nycrtology or special educoilon Scad CALL MORNINGS Ml dill •00 Goad condition thoroughbred horse frailer Current ROOFER - EKftorloncod. Mutt hovi lo school tar two Mweefci expense poid. esumt. Work Evalualor. BOH J». __Coll »£ttlt PAINT FOR SALE - Factory Irtlh, 13 Pa Inspection At condition Electric PLUMBER - Jobbing, asparlancad iiptrtmc* in thlnolo* ond built up SECRETARY - Exciting opportunity, train you In the Held selling and str vie Shrewsbury, NJ 07701 FORMAL DINING ROO-V - Mtdlttr lo UU o gallon. broke* Two-door UU) *** *1» afler t oodng Coll AT Mllti CK « enllrt industry, good Utter Ing established business occounts Situations Wanted onean, IQ-pltct. mint condition, olio Call 717 31*4 or 717-11*7 rf and basic math skill,, plui typ Must have good cor, bondoble. am WRECKER OPERA 55 no Ail benefits Stnd resume to BOH bilious and spoils mlndtd Hospl OR/ATTENDANT - Nlgtitt Apply in Male PIANOS ORGANS HORSE - Block quarter horse gtidlttf. PLUMBER - .. ALESPERSON WANTED - Ei G1_ HiI , Tht Dolly Rtglittr. Shrewsbury. talliation and profit snoring person. J4R Sunoco. 1*0. SI. Hwy 34. REEZER" \7~C\I. «., -Too", Arc lamp Many used trode-lni. spintts, consoles, or English Excellent with StaaaV wart. Plaaaa c_ ktrlenctd only. Call for Interview a) leitord. N.J. ALL AROUNO YARD WORK - Ti uprights and grands Most major also lead pony Can T_47-«n N.J. om\. brands unlimited rental! from M SO an-im polntmtnt, Jim Schwarii. 747*717 SECRETARY - Ta director ol health, Equal Opportunity Company M/F cut Gutters, garoget. etc . clean* HORSE - Appaloosa Wore, sound. WRITE YOUR OWN Free eillmoles 741-4905. month Guaranteed lowest prli PLUMBER OR HELPER - Minimum City ol Long Bronch. Interfiling, re FREEZER - 20cu.f1.Ge. Ilkt ntw Coggini best ofltr over ISO0 Coll sponstbtt position Fine opportunity Call For Appolnltmtnl PAYCHECK $ E 175 *S THERE A FORMULA tor sell starter with good typing and ATI 3174 stenographic skills Salary com PLUMBER'S HELPER FOR SUCCESS mensurate wltti quallflcolloni Con F. GETZ WE NEED 12 FURNTTURE - Brond" new dining REEHOLD MUSIC CENTER 13. Only three left ExprrtaMad toct. H. Fred Schuiler Jr. J*4 Brood CAREER-MINDED oom table wlm tour chain. IJSO Col W4M1 or SO JaM way. Long Bronch, NJ. 07740. IM-7OO0 741-6742 let tablt and two tnd tobies, excellent PEOPLE ondltlon. UO0 Polr of rust colored LUMiirl""-"" PRESSMAN IM/FI - Cwtl Jl E> Call Bttwttfl a p m V p.m. 61 Business Blcyclts/Mlnl Klanca a muat. Fullllma poilllon TO ADVANCE WITH Ivlng room chairs, flU Two love rain cieoner, six SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS — K Opportunities eats, ISO each. Call after S p.m., fJf-OW* SECRETARY through II Fxperience not ntcetury COMPANY OOL TABLE - FIMwr Emptrt VIM. Bikes PRESSMAN M/W - Part lima aayt or Musi be avallatlt dally Send resume ACCOUNTING AND TAX PRACTIC full slate top, excellent condition Vov- aval., muni IHO Wt art seeking a secretory with good to Michael H Clerfi. Hoilet Board ol t you or* over II, have your own coi WANTED — Or association with neo FURNITURE" ng, must socrlflct UOO Coll 1*1 JtOO typing and iteno skills to work In our Educotlon, tl lemony Rd.. Hoilet ond ore wining to work hard, coll between f a.m.-4 p. Coll 747 HIS sales win odvoncet corporate office Minimum two ytort retirement practitioner Reply BOH fS Furniture at a troctlon above cost. Any ond Income at «S MO • • . 077» Eost Brunswick, N.J 0MU name brond ovalioble. such as Ben PRESSMAN M/W - Thorough knew experience requited Wt ofttr •« 739-0377 •ICYCL6 - Schwlnn. CoMonplchtr. adga M AB Dick Ma and Mum IJ» cellent working conditions, company SUPERINTENDANT - For smal COMPLE nlngton Pint, Pennsylvania Home, prauw. Call m-nn You can quality Check paid btneflts ond a good slortln garden apartments. Mutl be able to do equlpmin Htitl, Heritage. Htnrtdon, Baktr. I run with gale, UO0 Coll 717 liM » Ho* front ond rear shocki. Good Good Car SOtory • small repairs Apply Sutton Park 1 Babysitting/Child good loci homoivlllc. Century and many, many Ser » p.m. condition._»«t Mil J3i_Co» »?•»•' PRIVATI PARTY — Nat* drlvar ta • High School or bttttr Aportmonts, Red BanBonkk , IS pp.m.m , r**'a ~ more For mart Information, call BICYCLES - Hercule*. English light Haw •nBrand trip. Parl llmt Alia t, call 741 Wi Care polntment. 771 *72t Wed weekdays. 12* p.m. naad txcMianol part-time halo hara Sport Minded ICECREAM PARLOR/RESTAURAN weight, three speed, M0 Ambitious, looking tor O career, no SURVEYOR'S HELPER — Part I00S RELIABLE PERSON - To watch At Mlddletown Crossroodl Ntw t 721-6666 »trar»r«ai Wrllt Aevanuatr P.O |u»t ••work" turei. excellently decorated, it-par a Ba< •», Mary Part. N.J. ontl -' weekdays, mutt hove lull knowl In FURNITURE CATALOG • lKESu 9468500 and experience running transit port* room, top line Ice cream Gro phantnumbar. CONSIDER THESE FACTS; - Ing US,000 For SERVICE OF NJ. li. Keyport ItiroOwnv Tronsportotlon. Ml S470. QUALIFIED GYM INSTRUCTOR - We're over o halt century oM orooniia all futures .. . IING ON tlon with annual income near a quarte - Experienced with tron 100V RELIABLE PERSON -To* G*G Realtori. U IEMAVMOPED - >f7»*" Far anarclM praqram. Apply In | Wlllon ddllors a year We ore top role TRIANGLE MRll - Check the USED , ODGERS DRUM •an. Trada WlmtUiaS Ocaan Avt , ro yeor old. In r TEROF RED BANK Fine furnllurt fl ondltion Asking Brond new. Aiklng USO In our Industry II 741-ONI, • * ouflh Sat S JO a to 10 M am 7«lf4O Brljnt. You'll be guaranteed 1 weeks tralnlnc INDUSTRIES INC. O*'mi Traoniportotion W 1-SoTO eis. 197 Shrewtbury_Avt P.O. BOK •». Holmdel, N.J. SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR - 3-1 : QUALIFIED OYM INSTRUCTOR — Immediate high earnings to storl equipment Coll 719-9167. ;AS"HEAT!R " 30~H'M«~ WIIt• •b, mom WOPED provtn sole* method do Duilnesi pto Equal Opportunity Employer, M/F PQfM nf SItodv ork BABYSITTER - Responsible * 150. Printer s light tobit trome (wood), USO Far aiarclta pragrom. Apply In i ' ' " * to car* tor infant In my Widdi NURSERY ICHOOL — Pr» n 7 7 •on. Troda WlndOW Ocaon AM., -1 profVulonoll. business hours home, M p.m., four doyi per dergarttn Day Cart. Ltd needs lights and glass. tlS. Voriable i _°yi if your day spent selling, no TELEPHONE CALLERS - Part time speed, reversible motor for printing OPED SECRETARY Coll from your home, or our office own car. recent reference, pieoie Bavinore orea Stale xeis. US, old coil Iron pitcher pump. EARS - While electric washer, 1100 MOPED 1977 - Sliver ond block P«h 671 Jttt, otter * p.m. ihildren Wnt« to Bo Q 3. t nor. I7S. Three yean old, best offer Woil Sport Eactlltnt condition REAL ESTATE SALESPEOPLE - YOUCAN AkDVANCE toiler In si Fu se ypg evenings Pay hourly * commission 4* high, ISO Cast Iron gluing preii I72-OWI Saury phia tor rMhl IndlvWuol •» Your commissions build year by year Call in Rumvon ortoier Red Bonkorek o BABYSITTER - FrIOoys. 1 a r to Register. ShrcwtOury, N J O77Q1 US Brail tl lent butltr, 170, needi Matt long hour*, Rord ward ond lot International company RESTAURANT AND DELI — Ind we keep training you to move up, no fit Coll 741 «|4, fclp.m p.m., must have own tro trtollon ilng 14" ranch oak sofa, block. arawtti oppartvnlty. Call Mr. Prattan limit an now lost or far you con ' rencei Call *71 477* pendent fronchlw Proven conce \, ton, gold plaid, very good coi EWING MACHINES - One Slngei Touch k Sew, occeiionei. cablntt 13 Swimming Pools progress Call For Appointment Only TOOL AHO DIE MAKER - Four year New location, reody and opei dlllon, 1100 All ftemi open to otter minimum experience. Light, clean, In Bo«J77. Bra*}**. Beach N.J 077W Coll 671 OUt after * p.m weekday!, hair. 1H0 One Sears automatic Zl< REAL ESTATE SALESPERSON - with i tfrrem POOL" IUU, fiiTeT,"fodder ond cov- Malmod Raalty hoi Immtdtatt opanlng Coll Haw For Appointment terestlng work. Good pay. overilmi SMALL BUT GROWING BUSINESS anytime wttktnds_ . occtfturlti, coblnel. 1100 Call ond benefits. Including benslon ond home, two dayi a week Light laundry White btdroom set. dresstr, er. USO lor bright. oggrtulv*. rtllobla o own transportation Call *t For wle II tntereited Coll MS nil F. GETZ profit shoring ENGINEERED PRE *fS 374S. oner 6 p desk ond choir, night table. Beit .offer sVE^TS""OF~tfo"RRUOATED PAP~ER rarilMNi and compltlt training 'pr' 591-9590 CISION CASTING CO.. 471 1424 tOARD - ideal lor Camp. School t POOLS - Warehouse Inventory SECRETARY - Good typing skills. 53 Domestic Help GIRL S ~F~RENCH~ >ROVINCiAL~~- •cout. Church and Buslntis protects 264-2400 good with detail ond figure work. Fr TRAINING Ahlte btdroom turnlture, 4f dresser. (Sixgrowers). 44 desk with Choir, with sun dtck, ...filter. , fencing and full REAL ESTATE - Soltt OIMKIO trwe benefits Include dental plan Call y's Army can ( CLEANING PERSON - Fulltime, toi »INK -'And vonVty, white base and inttollollon AskinilngUJg f Fullllnonclng twontad for ono of MMdlatown' I Itodl ng (2-7474 th core (utility (four-drawers), U0 tor both Vust bt ink, rtd formlco top, M «» -H , ooanclai. Copoolt at handling Hool Op(H>^unllr Compony Coll «4*4tfl sold as set Cojljrfttr _7 p m , 7I7-117J. 'table Call J •cullvt cllanlalt. lull tlma on SECRETARY co d coe, q Knowledge of itono necessary Good delay training up to Mi days RequU CLEANING AND LAUNDRY HEL Merchandise For GUITARS FOR SALE - Cuttomlted IX-PIECE - Olnlng room let, solid Llcania o mult. EKparlanct htlprul SALES MANAGER Army enilitmeni Call your Army re IW2 Gibson SG Special and cu.tom lied nat nacauory SapMitlcaMd nwka typing. Excellent benefits. Hours WANTED — Three or tour morninas naple, 1100 Four chain, Mbit ond 13 CBs/Electronics lilfrS. Stort IIJO resentoitve, listed In Yellow Paoei u week Own tonsportotlon and refer Sole Fender Stral Coll for detain, 791-4317 hlno closet Con 471 OUi Ing ond training praorom OVOIMbl Actlvo ftol aikrto oltlco waking gual dor "Recruiting ". Red Bonk. M0v9rn oWlc# wiln oil w%wtlol toe1 Had panon to taka complala charga ACE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY ewes required 6714145. GulTAlT-EltCt lcIt PouPou l cocoppy » Thomas Av. 7*7 MW Shrewsbury EXPERIENCED - Houiekeep* 7t~ VcVcoCdiffv "SNO"\iV""BL6VV"iRS JEEP CHiROKEE VtAGON mat. Motnbar at MLS. Call Foulk Oppoftunltv to bacoma corparota port 741-5930 bWck, look,, goodd a d * good wiwitt h Prnlon Agoncy. Mr canlManllol I nar All InQultlai confMMKIIOI Wrl SECRETARY/RECEPTIONIST - wonted Two days p*f week to care to c hl di tdd hift li tarlvaw. Powlkl-Pratton Agancy to. Ban M-3B). Tna Dolly Raglita Part-lime, • I Five days a week, in TRACTOR TRAILER DRIVERS opartmenl Lovety couple, no children I?.! ?_ _°!! ^?t_ _ »7l Ml 1 waaoMnd. MWdl.ioin thrtwitury, N J . gn»l orthodontist office Coll Ml 104* Must hove three years experience, u no pets Must have two recent rctei HAMMOND & BALDWIN tow Hwp, full benefits BH-1710 ences I7MTO SERVICE STATION ATTENOANT - '"3r LINES PIANO AND ORGAN 51 Help Wanted 51 Help Wanted Fulltime Experienced, neat and re EXPERIENCED - Three mornings CENTER Merchandise Monmouth St. Chevron, week, general housework, own trans TRAINEE pcDotion U on hour Call after 4 5 DAYS Wonted 671-sm Holmdel Good Itorllng loloiv. oold holldoy: ™_JkAA - LibufbATrTu"NWA^l7fb vocation! ond unllofmi luppHcd FULL TIME - Dolly. ... $3.00 lo J a m he Register FAWILY ADS can ANTIQUES. JEMELRY. RUGS, FOR 51. Htlp Wonted Howfj avollablt OTO' I p m l relerences Salary open. Col We Are N.j.'S. CASH Apply In parwn only. Mr Hoelllr^ otter J pm your unoeedn) Itemi tor you Quk SOFA - Cheat, itove. re^iaerator LUMBER SALES barwaan lOo.m ond] p.m DUNKlli Wwchoftdi.e tor ioie ONLV Largest and Oldest NTERNATIONAL GALLERIES metal link, two carr load etc 74114ft ISf E Newman Springs Rd OONUTS. M0 Bcoodwoy. Well LLong HOUSEKEEPER - Live in tor elder Originating from houtehold, not Piano Dealer after_4_p.m. Bronch. tody, light housework, little cooking ce*ding a »ole price ot 1100 pat on Moson and Horrlin, Klmball. Sohrre FREEHOLD LUMBER Witt own room ond bam Call 171 7011 •RICE MUST BE MENTIONED £ SOLID MAPLE"* BED - Complete TRUCK MECHANIC - Olatal t! Baldwin, Kawal. Knobt. Everett, Cu Freehold Lumbar. Hwy 9, Howell, has an immediate HOUSEKEEPER - Retontlolt person oddltional line, tl 00 No discoun rler, Hardman ond Player pionoi Full tU Solid maple chest drowtri ALL LIONEL TRAINS HWINO parlanca and tools nacrHory. Apply I canceled before enpltotlon Ol_ Crystal mlrrof, n*S*. US. 471-UM opening tor an aggressive individual with a sound back- uiion Sthwotii Inlvrnoflonal, 141 w capable of taking Over for workln No Chongei In copy LARGE DISPLAY OF Front It., Rad Bonk parents Live lr> Must hove driver STEREO EQUIPMENT - Dyno FM J ANTIQUES - Anything Old Furniture, ground in mlllwork and lumbar Duties Include sales, license 74>-i7f4. tning (Q tell' Phone GRAND PIANOS. PDt. Dual lOlf. EV7A polr, SBT If WE HAVE WMtOAlE JO6 OPEN china, glau. dollt, lewelry, rug* Top . .IUCK MECHANIC - Olrwl ]00 VAIN STREET cosh paid Vory Jone Roostvtlf. lOf E purchasing. Inventory control, pricing and merchandising. INGS FOR 17 27 YEAR OLD AGH parlenca McConnal Fwtl Oil Compon HOUSEKEEPER - Tvtl througr. ASBURY PARK. NJ 07711 t t Rm < 1J Jt ltlJM Sot , 10-3, must have own transporlo STTEIREG7 SPE AKERS" Flshtr wltt ? * Z5 2 ^*? l PtMae call k» an appotnbnefll SCMOa GSADUATES M OF'ER ANTIQUES - GATEWAY AN- GUASANItiD IKAMNS OOH tlon to central Rumson 14? 7401 130 watt amplifier, attochoblt legs foi HOUSEKEEPER — Five mornings | THE DAILY Open doily f to f Sot till S i?f ? •od_™bJfi'_**"_ ???1^Z TIQUES. RI 3* and HomtSteod Avt.. PAY AND AN ASSOCIAIE DCGBl 1 Le©norao_Jf..J2M _ week In Holmdel Own tronsporlailo Opeo ^w*^ ***?!*-! STOVE -V Tappon Gas Range. ISO 462-1660, Mon. through Sat. HOI* 1* COMMUMIV CaLEGf prelcrrtd Call 1MMH HUMMELS - Wonted, oM or new, Of IK AH) FOOCE CHECH US TYPIST - Accuracy a must. For bus REGISTER i HARDCOVER - Health ond Vedlc figurines, piotei. belli Nttditworki. doctor's office Send resume ti ~ I Encyclopedia II volumes. 170 SB.L OUI' m '«• "a T «n«.« <^ *•»* CLASSIFIED ADS powtr vike. used two weeks. U0 STUTUDENC T KNEEMOLE DESK - An tqvl opportunity •mptojwr G 30* The Dailally BRcglittf. 1 Reglste Lioht no*. 1 Curlli Vothli, IS color console. CON1ACI Pkua, Shrewsousburyr , H.J 07701 AIRXONDITIONERS - SOO0 BTl Pint. n drawers, (ormica top. good KILN Po.teiom or ceromk. Coll children, ages land I Four or flveday , shape, »400 or best offer Call onyt> i otter ipm, Wallar Kugalman WAITRESS - Walter, three tnor per week Five hours per day In i il.OOOBTU Storting at Iff New u| ! ask for Get, 4fS-0IU experience, an call Intermittent croft. Coll 7411\46 newdomogtd Ovtr SO0 In stock V... . •1(201)741-7141 work ol Officer* Club For further In HOUSEKKEEPER - Live In or ou aeMver and mitall Call 4f3177. ,BW TYPEWRITERS NAN ~JOH t~SON formation cotl Mrs Longlols. For Five day week. Two In family Serw AMERICAN DIAPER SERVICE CO - I RENTAL 111 M per me BUYS AND BUYS Monmouth. WMU. I »1 » doAily resume, to Boi N KQ The Dal From on entire household ts a single lt >isposoblt dloptrs. irregular 11} fj Rtnt_wlth^ptlor^to buy 172 032 LE - Dining or conference item AnliQut furnlturt. lewtlry, in Equal Opportunity Enpioyer Mf -'*l' Shrewsbury. N J 07701 m C re Parsons itvlt. Burl wood top, ven Wf* M i G'rQnd' Ctntro?'^" JEVEIRY - To ltttH tltott Worn w immediate coth Top donor ot.ol.tte N J | tn'l diamond and assorted rings Gold IDrge. S4xl», opening lo 174 E.ceuen MEN/WOMEN 51. Help Wonted SZl!.r..t j broctlet, platinum and diamond ouoilly ond condition Moving, mu* 51. H«lp Wonted ANTIQUE - Round oak toble. old.' bracelet, dlomond Hud earrings, otht socrifkt U00 Chair*. Regency tlyltd OLD FURNITURE - Antiouts. china, lined Excellent condition Call, mserled |twelry. Vutl lell Col Bamboo turned, eight lldt Chair*. ISO glassware, ort objects ond brlc-o-broc each, lour armchair*. I7S toch. like Immediate cosh 1a< anything ond eve ntw. Coll MJ 3*00 between f a rythlng Ruscll'S. 1) E. Front St REVLON EARN UP TO SOFTWARE SYSTEMS SUPPORT MANAGfR A N T i QuE OAK FUR~NlTURE - KING SIZE MATTRESS - ISO Frenc Area s largtsl and finttfinest selectioseec n 17) Provincial ntodboord, •qvonkum Ytllowbrook Rd , Fa-r 7URlT "V"bUR ~61A V ON DS~ 1N fO IS NOW accepting job applications for •90 MKROPROSSESOR PROGRAMMERS . ngdaic, neit to Howell Park DOLLARS - Convert Old Jewelry to McLAINWIn?! ^Tjiay I KITCHEN SINK - And counlertop. 11 Cash DON PONS JEWELERS Will A WEEKEND I a piece Kitchen Aide dlshwoiher ANALOG DESIGNERS ANTIQUES - Bookcostl. OOk mirror, ctlltnl condition. ISO 747 117? £?!*»• af-W!'*- •"•'•towfWo1'ruB K.ICHEVSVT V >» " "chairs. Good pan-time earnings tor We operote in oil aspects of Ir tttion ond of* he opportunity lo ntw, 1100 Can LIGHT mala and female 17 years rtallie yo«jf true career potential in the growing wwoMo d ol micro BABY CARRIAGE - Perego. two In 49i IM] TOP SOIL AANTED procciion K you quality, you will operate at our modern facilities In T snow plow tor Chevrolet truck or older One weekend per attractive suburb providing th* ideal setting tor these exceptionally , T£-JB74 KNIVES - Pumo ond Case tor collet month Prioi Service per chalenging opportunities ton, Investment NEW BEDROOM - Flvt-l llv] j tfMMI T*o BLUE - Dlrtctlonal loveuati ASSEMBLERS aonnel can earn even more If you hove at least three y*ars ciporltnc* • ASSEMBLER FORTRAN ng room. 11JS Mattresses _ • | LAMP" - Spa"1** ChondeHer. eictlitnl condition. Halns on l More Classified to start PL 1. or hove background in programming jnd systems (or mini com ~—rtorj. Cotl otter 1 pm backs, two bay s IhrM *Mtd blcydtS putcrs we wont to hear from you • tiT-T Double. Hi Green air, I Voll S3*-44». otttrnoon RtOMnoblt otter Call M*>BS77 on Next Page lilSkltt. 7A.M.toS:30IMI. Skilled fob and management 111 victorlon corner choir:'»" Send resume In complete confidence to training included Learn and 2nd Shift: 3:30 tM. le Midnight . morbietop Earn! tovch, tob It. 3rd Shift: Midnight to 7 A.M. Box G-314 J4j-ll>t. CLASSIFIED JOLENS - 3V-. h p snow blower. ,121, JOIN THE Ttie Dally Regleltf, Shrewabury, N.J. 07701. «ort It" electric chain MW. US. Niw Mini Skifti: 9 *J«.-S:SO PJ*., 6 M.-Mldiil|ht Jocooven electric itort lawn mower, 7S. tl> foot hydraulic cylinder. HO. NJ. ARMY wood Move ond plot*, like new. *7S. *„*, daa> >x**Nng Salurda, I AM. Noon tat blower. 1M n p . HS (.on *Ji JOM NATIONAL GUARD JOXES - Corrugated Packing tup-' fBMOMNB. DCPT. Xle* lor Industry ond Moving Ond. • BUSINESS DIRECTORY RL 27 4 TatMdgs Road la KD RANK Coll ito/oge Coll ^*l*Hot 4*1 4673 N.J. HELPWANTED BUNK BEDS ~- Complete *eti, mot rtssti ond (odder Flrsl quality Mo A DAILY GUIDE i aim 747-0797 ue, plnto^walnut. (>«n• liK ?M »«• MALE OR FEMALE 'AWERA - Kodok MA Super • loom Branch driver for Red Bank area. Must ken. movie Cost, light*, five roll* Him. Of BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR NEEDS have serviceable auto. (Van or Station vcreen. wrliMtrop US Trailer hitch with I* ball 111 Troller mirror*. 110. Wagon preferred). Call ADDING MACHINES DRIVEWAY PAINTING A . mom CARPET DISCOUNT TYPEWRITERS CONSTRUCTION DECORATING Warehouse salt. Sove «s to to> From UW la yd Installed Cholet Of ADDERS - Typawrltari. Cakulolori CONCRETE Bkxktop work tor oil XTERJOR PAINTING - teouftfwi THE DAILY/SUNDAY REGISTER decorator colors Fret shop at home HM. tradrd, rapolrad point iot» «one by Eddie I .crape otd btryict _Budgtt_termi_ »7i J«00 ^ DISCOUNT prlcn •ami ofl wlndowi ond wash Mom SKILLS? JOB? Circulation Department SEDPICO'S 141 refore repainting I recoulk alt tpvrs CMILOCRAFT - "Crib with sTmmons ASPHALT CONCRETE DRIVEWAYS and loin* that ne*d it i work neol. and 542-4000 mattress. HOB Wlk ft d i F oui house will look beautiful, new MHirt _ ALTERATIONS I white trim For free e»tim«tt DIPLOMA? Ask for BobMcKnight CHILDREN S CLOTHf S - » ctnTt. ADDITIONS Roottng. siding, (.eromlc DRIVEWAYS Eddl. 01471440] _ -_ NEED 13. Sttrto. IfS. solo. 1» tile Complete line orremodeling Cotl Aspholt drive*, co:oncrti _ EXPERIENCED PAINTERS Rich Malmbergtrg.. 717|7f 3*4? Serving Mon U_*n-fUl_ polios Free tstlmo_ imotel s Our 73rd Reasonable rates CRAFTSMAN ~H~ -' R.dlng lawn ty 11 y ART CO PAVING 1* Call 747*477 mower, * h p.. excellent condition YOUNG WOMEN- YOUNG MEN MOO Coh H4 U44 ALTERATIONS - General construe MO PAINTING - Interior ond Ci lion, corpentry masonry, insulation MISCELLANEOUS tortor Guaranteed and fully insured Daily-Sunday and palnling JOHN L BUCHANAN. Con *n H4B MEN-WOMEN SR W I1M or W »1| CUSlOM WELDING lff-21 YEARS - OUT OF SCHOOL No |ob too small PAINTING ANO DECORATING CUSTOM "CARPENTER WORK If) Met offer 1 p m MI ft Jones Fully Insured Openings now REGISTER For tree est.motei can m MM CERAMIC TILE WORK PROFESSIONAL PAPERHANGING Classified Ads HOME IMPROVEMENTS Ad«i General ConstriKllon And Rtpatri Coll noMw for free eitlmatet tions. dormtf*. florooe tonversioni. Con Him* after 1 10 M HORAN in the 00th finished basemefin repoi't Frveesti Train at a as low as motes 747 7004 CRAWFORDS FLOOR WAXING WAI L V i PAINTING Ittt lonltorlal service Rug EXPERT CRAFTSMEN Training Division. HOME IMPROVEMENTS Con W «S* interiors Our Speciality Ctnerol Conilrvctlon And Rtpairt ltl Itti. AFTER t P M Right new. the Army Reserve has openings in this proud 41 cents Call Ml 40ff of»»' ) JO tLCAN YARDS ptr Una. par dor CellarI and oarogts Training Division Ibmad on Ifrooy Intarlioni MOVING&STORAGE ROOFING & SIDING It you quality, you'll have unusual leadership op- con nynm Job Corps Center ROOFING AND SIDING Fret till portunities as you leach others Ihe line points ol close order For FAST RESULTS MOVE WITH NICK - For less f r»» HANDYMAN - Residential ond com •notes Otson Rooting ft Siding C» Coll ettlmotet Senior rott. olio will •nercial. oppllonces. heating, plumb dn* and military courtesy AT LOW COST mim E*t \m MAKE NEW FRIENDS- GET YOUR DIPLOMA IfWrtl. Coll onyllmt. SM f 1*4 >ng and electrical repairs Reasonable First, you take your own Basic and Advanced Training rate Don. 471 JOJf HOOFING General Construction And Repairs You come home in a tew months lo a part-time tob with your phone LANDSCAPING LAWN CoH UHm oWtr ) 30 local Army Reserve unit You put in 16 hours a month Plus GARDEN MAINTENANCE sS ROOFING two weeks Annual Training that s spent Warning others REGISTER AIL lAWNl AND YARDS Cle«n LIGHT HAULING - Yard* ondctil Pay is good So are promotion opportunities You also up*, tertlining, mowing, weeding " T'tei cut and rttrlatrot DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK OR i$ n Learn a Skill earn retirement nenelus Classified Ads RtMNISHING O* ANTIQUES Check into this chance to become a leader—right now PLUMiING 4 mee4dlrodltt«n (SELECTED) Mosttr 542-1700 HEATING WHM Contact - Your Call Army Reserve Tell Fret from Wotowan Area PLUMBING PROIlfMS* " Mt J Potttfst* Fo• •!' " ing end Ntw Vork Outline twcbotcooltto . l*houf doortron, TV satur Fantastic low-loan ouumpllon Large colltnl condition, liking ll.fM. Cip«. sn-am or va-atu 3, b*tw**n f-S. Mondoy through Ity1,, •wlminlni g pool, touno, morlno, LcVOMN-\MM safT.iesaTfT.iter** oo tour bedroom Colonial with roomy eat •rl'Dtt O* iTTl'4BT0. CUT! APARTMENT - Furnlthad. In kltchtn, formal dining room with YOOA~ - "•NKIful "i«|ioflinct" 1 ol_JMH wnOargrourKw ) porklng Rantol ot offlc* In active itrltl p moppini g centet r on ir WINNER 1t73 -" excellent condl SdiaduiltMMi cksHiacksHiM to/to dov anandd eves with OCMn vlow. J '. roorrt and both ticl * op4Mi wvan doyi o wNt Coll lob busy Hwy M Plenty of parking Call boy window and winding staircase, all aoH. Arlant Mohlman. MS, Carpatad 1X0 ptnon only KEVPORT - Colonlol Mansion on the lorge entrance foyer, convenient to Hon. anly HO hours, IN h.p. Merc »!^«ltnln«t bay. ontbtdroorr oportmtnti. 1211 schls shopi ed tportation Cruiser, laeal fWwtfl ar ittllng, oil HIGHLANDS - One two bedroom ond up Includes oil utilities Suitable «(wlpnian(. Sjaim^ttr 7, •POrtmanh^woftrfront. (For appoint 33 N*Ti SLOOP - Ilh.p t~ngln*.mol« and lib, haad, aalicys, many tatra*. in KEYPORT - III Cklll living, kldt. op* osl 34*7400 Hwy. U;JBr^:MiJtt_ room oporlmtrti Couplt prtftrrad No RED BANK - 111 Brood Sr, three n \m SILVERTON FIBERGLAS - Colts Neck reserves the right to waive MATAWAN - Ktn Gardtni, big ont pcti^Coll IV 1SAI office suites avolloble ranging Irorr Twin 135 Chryslers, very good condl any Intoi molltlei. ond to r*|tcl any or and two-Dtdroom opartmtnti Darting SMALL APA W TrVfc HI - IW Hull on* room at It 15 per month loan entire MIDDLETOV.N - U3.SO0 Mint condi- lion, priced for quick sole. sVfOO Call oil bids. at UH Carptllng throughout. Air con- fVonmouth Rd , Port Vonmouih, NJ floor o) 600 iq ft. ot MOO per month Air tion, three-bedroom, two-bath, large M. Welntr. weekdays, M, 747-3414, Each bidder mutt deposit with his KEANSBURO - Thrtt roonu ditioning Lolt of parking Swimming Badroom. hltchan/llwlng room orto. conditioning, carpeting, docoroltng. modern kitchen, dining room, den with bid. security In th* amount of not less lufnlihto, maturt odultt only, ant both »!«• piui alactnc No ptti ol- otl utllltiei Included Ample on-iltt wood burning fireplace, new wall-to- 37" 1H1 WHEELER - "TWO^IIO Ivp. than ten par cent (WX t of the Bid. In the monthi rtnl and ucurlty. ovollobi. parking Minimumone-yeor lease Call wall, greot locotlon, owner owns two Interceptors. S3' Poctmokar, two, IBS form of o certified check or bM bond. owner, Mailer Zlmmerer 1 Son. homes. PAUL P. BOVA, INC., RE- h.p. Crulsoders. lt». 10' Egghorbor, No bidder moy withdraw his bid for o oci_i_n;_noo. * tT END - Lorija 3'A, roonii. Air V46- 340(j OrW^«l! ALTOR, 47IJS44. two, 135 h.p Chryslers, U0O0, lti» 27 period of thirty (30) days otter the « KEANSBURG » Two-bodroom, holt conddltlon*l d oardad n •portmant. SSIM Chris Croff. two, 100 h.p . 1)300. lMt. tuol dot* or the bid opening MMi l»i p*r month Call Al. HEW -"•"•outilurc'oBdo'.TowtT HMt, Indllvlduol l poflo Inciuoat parking. RED BANK - 157 Brood SI, Red OCEAN TOWrNSHIP - WoysTd*(hoods 1 15' Chris Croft Covoller. 115 h.p., MM. The successful bidder shall be re tffWU.^O.nv OMoM tvll^ _ . RH Bank. Two bedroomi, I /-, bothi, btoch ocoon. Adulti. No Mti. Bank i neweii financial 'profassional and Long V quired to furnish a surety company toiol * roomi plut f inpioct, atlochtd G an^AvaApt 3^B^n-il« center, nearlng completion and ready homes from KEANSBURG ~- FurnTihtd ant- bond, satisfactory to th* Board ot oorae« and vltw I72J ptr month. Oct. for occupancy All suites air condi- ONLY 1105,000 - For prime Holmdel Education, equal to one hundred per tMOVoam. first floor Adulti prtttrrtd roccupancy Call Ml 125 1713 ofltr i *EST END~- Cador Forail Gordan tioned, carpeted and decorated Avall- MJntl«l4nI Furnlihad ond unturnlihad. Ona anil location. Three bedrooms, IV; baths, cent («0NI of the contract pric* os £.rn.j>r all_da^ Sol.^Sun. two bedroom apaftmanli, till ond up oble space remaining rongei Irom one- full basement One acre and central air provided for m tht tpociticoiloni KEANSBURG - Eatitldt IwV room offices at 1100 per month to ISO0 conditioning tool B* sure to call on this By order of the Colts Neck Town 239 Red Bank OCEANPORT - OnYbtdreonT. lUIno Haot, hot wolar ond cooking pot pro sq. ft. wltcs. Ample on-slle parking. btdroom. Oo»«ood PI., nidi oh., only room, dining room, kltchtn. both vldad Saa Raildani tVonoaar, at 73 BLUEJAY SAILBOAT - Excellent ship aoord of Education, Cedor Drive 1171. coll lodov. Minimum one-year leaie Coll owner, School. Colts Neck, New Jersey T Landlord poyi htot and waltr t2M p«r ftolter Zlmmerer 1 Son, 946-1400 or CENTURY 31 COZENS. Realtors condlllon, reodv to soil. Asking US0 wuu il*_ J_"i!!I*i-» »kr. moth Avalloble Oct I, Coll afttr 4 JO. ^•^^•.'^f' If. nMm Independently Owned 171-OSM after 4 Shirley Zeisel 37*»W 94*4711 111 River Rd Faaiir Haven RED BANK - Prim* office space with 741-7 "" "BOA f TNSU R AHC e ~ 101. Commercial RED BANK - Brand ntw TWo on llle parking, In prestigious century RED BANK - Charming Dutch Colon! bMroom aporintnl, working flrtploce. old building close to public transporta- Rentals VMS, htai Included. 471 47M, ofltr 7 AEST END - Lavish two -badroom, 01. Four bedrooms, master bedroom NOTICITO firfWoce, Irtc heat. Xtfas, kids o.k., tion ond shopping - entire floor. Single 11x31, V/i bath Living room with fire- «E IT ORDAINED BT THE Nf]c"TtiOHLA"NDS" HtTga "fe Parkway), now completing ultra- homes APPLEBROOK REALTORS, 1 BJlva., Com Hack TawnaMa, Raw Jar. until Itwlr tuccaiaar* ara duly 131 Houses For Sale iwust. lomlly styla, fraa ultimas, 1st modern addition, Immediate occ- 113 Ave. ot Two Rivers. Rumion, *^i **2 Jl'tl'i-H™.! : Dr Ive7CtMfdl > N*dTfMmehi»i l , 1 t tlaclad. floor, UO0 cupancy. Unlimited parking; beau- •43 3900. "DISCOUNT™ sey, during reawtar business hours ot lartiati ) Ha M7-M34 _STATJE_RENTALI Bkr. tifully landscaped. Space available for t:« o m. untfTTjO p.m. f roposoli COTTAGE - On horsa torm. Conva- any medical specialty, will finish lo Ship's Store mutt be enctoeod In a MOM envelope nlantly located. Living room, of the TtwntMp of Celts Neck eweTmutt ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS badroom, lar^a klkhan, 1190 monthly, (Oil S4V44U cleorly Mt foVfci the contract pric* on SEA SCAPE SCENARIO own utllHlai, Immadlata occupancy TINTON FALLS - Four-five the predial form, The bwt must be ™jta^Sdart"at-|«a"t2!KS" uvoon. bedrooms, ]•>. baths, roomy split level. «comport ted by 0 certtned check, 109 Buildings/Garages Gofoeooi ** acre treed lot, unique catMen etwek or bM bend payable to Sactlan 4. No manbar ikM f Hillside I'etreal with sweeping ocean and river views Features EAST KEANSBURG - Two btdrooms, FLAGSHIP MARINE the) Towneftip ot Cotti Neck as a guar- all«Wa M haM ma ottlct af CM.I 3 bedrooms, 23'x16' combo living room and dining room, 2 kltchan, big living room, anclosad Municipal Marine Botln antee that H tht contract or agreement Mtia hoi nal tarvad pravlawtly at HIGHLANDS ~~i»b sq.~fr"garoge. Atlontlc Hlghlondt delightful terrace lawns with Sandpebbte barbecue Brand porch, U« par month. Vtimed Agan Sultoble auto body or repair, 1300 per TtNTON FALLl"- Brono"new "three- is awarded to the Matter, thai the bid- FUit Daauty ChW month plus utllltiei. Security required, tour badroom homes, IV. n. 10S down, dec wilt eft tor into a contract therefor. lion ! Na manear akall M new fisting at $85,000 W4,*00-$4f,t00 RIVERSIDE AGENCY 291-5600 n\jj\. **•_. __ i to how Iht afflca aTFIril EATON fdwN~ - ""Nio"r~iVoTt7 Tlirte- U*C;_ T4j7JMa4. _ _ Chlal wha hat nal aravMwa- INCOME PROPERTY bedroom, \'A baths, carpated, NO OCEANPORT - Dry garog* ovolloblt PETS. Available Oct. I or lotar. Sacur- for storage T*6~ FAMlCv ~ ~ ilf,H0 MatlacaMDaagfrChlat LARGE PROPERTY Two bedrooms, kitchen, living room, SflH0^ both In each unit Presently rented. HERRESHOFF AMERICA - Dll »H iglbt* to hold iht With Karate studio Two apartments, two car garage Brand HAZLIT~- Two bedroom, lull base tlnctlve flog sale.* h.p. Johnson. 1»U> TamMp at Colt? Hack raM< new at $42,500. men), U3S per month. 671-1W after i U0 Wanted To Rent mushroom ond rode. Heod, dinghy, lots right la walva any Intor molltlti In v lo raTactunvanaallbUl. WALKER * WALKER of jxtrov <*MO-J*o'l*?2:*i*2. LOVELY HAlTif "^tVriVbedroomr^tnlng •ROOKDALE^STUOENT - "Looking Bldt moy nat ba wllMrdwn within REALTORS HIGH PERFORMANCE-Day Sailor Ihlrty {Ml don attar day ol laid opan 2-bedroom home with country kitchen, tongue and grooved room, family kitchen, walk to New for roomate. female, to share efficien- Shrewsbury Office 741-S3I3 York bus. Security, references re- cy apartment Prefer tomeont In Com l I Wlddlelown_0fflM__ __*Z. J?l Knotty Pine throughout plus efficiency cottage at $31.600. gulf ed I4S0 o month plus utilities. munlty Health Field Call 747 SS*J. at MM »ef_?_p.m WANAiVASSA HOB IE CAT 14' - With frailer and Oaorga Hondio hitch, very good condition, 1)000 Call Clark HAZLET - Four bedroomi, IV-. bath, CLEAN LIVING"- Middle aged gen- Mlchaal CapBBiara, basement, oarage, U7S per month. tleman looking f*r unfurnished one $69,900 Maimed jkaen£v 6/NSi50. badraam or studio oporlmenl Central KEYPORT MARINE SALES aapt. II 1 HWY. 35, HAZLET JACKSON -~ Nice little one bedroom Wonmouth area Heat ond utilities Your house hunting will itop when you >ee this three-bedroom bl-levil In 739-3S30 or 944-7174 BAHRS home, free utilities. Just S3U. Von furnished Sole nelgnborhdhood Nov occu#oncy_ •**; ml move-In condition IW fcTiTidbY *!'<*« 5 Pra rnouth_Renlol s- 7741OJ_S«> Bkr • -USJ ee. HOUSE FOR MNT - Needed by Sept INTERIOR FEATURES REAL ESTATE K6ANSBURO COTTAGE - IvTrooms. Wh. At least two oedfooms. got age or • Paneled dtn with fireplace tuilobte tor one. 111V per month Call batament. Keyptrt High School ar*o • Large eat-In kitchen, fully equipped LENTZE MARINA - For Rorlton Bay Roferences avoHotlt Short term. Call with all new appliance* bti I t bthi l l arty time. IMPilfl. • Formal dining room 1 MY AVI. HIGHLANDS 872-1600 KBYPoSf* - F"lve-room house, me • V.OII to wall corpetlng throughout bath ond shower Appliances Included Prmic7A~N~" D*nr ei M»oce~for"iij"ii One month's security. One child atctp • Central air ury outomatii* Rwmson/ Fair Haven • Two-Zone heating system LYMAN - MAKO, Moroull. Sobre. ***?- ?.•*"-* \Pl _°_ _'* tM1!. Hu ^ «_" • Two-car garage ana more Duronoutli, Boston Whaler. Johnson, LEONARDO - Two bedroom Cope PROfESSfONAL - Male looking" for Home Is located on corner lot Mr- OMC, EZ Looder. li Cod, gos heat, furnished or un efflclancr In ReRd Bank orto Coll rounded by o nice variety of massive furnished l)J5 per monih Con MUST »LL - fu-cyllwltr Pelm*r a»i-im SENIOR cifllKif N COUPLE - Look LONG BRANCH DUPLEX - House mg far apertmant or small house Low IMake It Yourself x like twe bedroom, bring the kids, only -T-JL rant PtaaM can *7i n*i IIJL move In I VVHELAN Ntw jtr««y't * UfHU ITATIJIINTAL.S fekr REALTY GROUP REALTORS Complete Warlne Ctnt«r LONG BRANCH - Coiy tmTfim M2-7565 WEST LONQ •RANCH'- Available by i *1SO pays otl fVonmouth Ren > e. living room, combination hltch»n4lnlnf WANALArAN ACtEAOE - Big four 111 House $ For Sole room, full unrinlihod tore* For Boys V Girls bedroom, two-bam, garoa*: firepiote. ltncd In bocKyora Privacy, ortot every xtr«, call. ttJaTlaV »U¥«»M|M"|POIT" Pactf. poulblllll.i u/.SOO Itum. WWi _ STATIJINTALS Bkj aH Part) analne, llarllng trailer with OCTOMR 1 "TVM JedrVeffT. two battery operot "n »d wench Less than M 132 Condominiums la tka * twthaj. full k«M«nent Unlurnlshed UW hours on entire boot. SJfOO Coll sec e^ejAvn plus ufi i tites Leo so o**o 4*>U7*._ SHADOW LAKE VILLAQI - iaRWA mini ! mtpflty roeulreo C A ARVSTHQNC A FANTASTIC MOCHURB -*"at VarlOM models LAWLEY k homes In (Vanmouth County I Its your i SERVICC CENTER KUfVSON - Caianloi with three M yoti write Of Call t*lsy Rot* Agency, SHADOW LAKE - Two bedreoms. bedraamt, dlnlns raam, aaf ch. oorof • llf Rt. U, Keyport, N J Q7J1S Vhon* watfter/dryer, ilthwoiMr. rtfrhj- M Ha prapaaal. Ma bWdar Kioli + Visor caps and long scarves e>c*ll*n) location U» W Hv or orator, s*lt cleaning ovan. enclesad Discount daKrttatahllZTcanpMadalalllM i (.over youngsters wjrmly ABEROeJEN T6*NSHI> balcony wtth ruj wins tmd dro»«s. wall' Him Brand ntw cutlem ranch to wall carpeting, lust e yter old i The caps are a whirl of three St A BRIGHT - Elite V. home, three Own*' transferred M4.Mf Call FLAGSHVP'VARINE aMInMtalhalkaa aeeVMmt, |Mt bullti KMi, pen o.k , Ttvat badfpowis. llwlna room, dining Mill Munlclpol Vorln. lailn -fc colors crocheted in six sec tree utilities, more roam, kitchen, ottochti garage, -aif A^HJjMM + (tons, long, (ringed scarves ta-wotl carpeting throughout, dish 747 MM *l*Jt RENTALS Bkr woshar Vary convenient orto, SUi* 1)1 Income Property Open Six Days aurtuanTk ChapMr » al Iht Publi -ft are one color Crochet sets TINTOH FALLS "tSSXf dellghlt" St .ocrassfram MghKhooi La* dwwn ...SUSS. J«it Otl very modern, ooiy to heot, ffynont. Mo'ttfoe* Investors Realty. Jfced.jnt)_Prl. "•LU>m.- AB ca»»aigll«iia ar parMantUpt The tfM Mfupwlw Mit In lint * ol synthetic worsted. Pattern all xtrai rfjiiiaiiig (a MM within natlca la US- enoM ntjiwlwtt Flr»t IT MMMV Braftort'£aoatratla£ n Inyltey d Two on* bedroom apartments, lovely RANOCR-H 1*74 - Fully oqulKMd tor mtUemt DepvTy C * 509: Sizes S. M, I included. WMU tTATI MNTALS Bfcr ABERDIfVABERDIfV - ThroTh t bedroomsb ,, ffire area, ample parking, walking distance a^rtMTMrnMi o tMomant tatttoa racing ond crultlng. Chrysler To h.p.. • 1. Nominations tor ChW UNION BEACH - Lovvobl* thrt* place,, enclosel d heatehtdd porchh, lo buses ond shopping, UlSBO. Call soUor motor, tl« toll«1ltt-1750._ badraam, brln« the kldt IColl Von ftumftumbwrb n siding. 7S-100 lot. Ut.SOO. ttacxhaldari In the corparotIon or t l (41011 only bt mode r STfeNLlNG VCCAVCCANNN . REAL ESTATE I^OKERSMNM • J1.50 for each pattern Add *IST END - Lovely two-bedroom. I^OKERSM-NM. 135 Commercial ^zs\rjnas *40f each pattern lot first-class tueptoce. much more Juil UJS Von •'.•.. «i,ACR«I tatmit Property __ mwj*h_R*ntal*-774JllS0;Bkr-:US lee_ FFou r ttarge bedrooms, three >uli batht TANZER » - Chryiier U.f engine, Tha TawMMp Canwnmaa at mo •airmail and handling S«MJ To: 14' dining room, it' science klkhen. u roller Genoa, depth sounder. Call TawntMii ol Com Nock ratarvn ma gomeroom, IS utility room, full recre- SHREWSBURY - Two residents build- rloht to wolvo any Marmotlllaf hi or to Houston, M3;*343. rtlKtonyandollbkk. 103 Rentals To Share ation bosement, two-car garage, major ings on three commercial ion*d loti WANTED - ~\T V-boltom aluminum Term rental, only »9SO0 per year. Ask cor-top boat and tqulpment. Bldt moy not bo withdrawn within AGENCY Ina 1100.000. Principals only. Write to Ihlrty in) doyt aflar doy ol taM aaan T*O GIRLS - Shoring beautiful con P.O. BOM 3*7, Shrewsbury, N.J., 07701 * Laura Wheeler domlnum In HlaMandi. need third to m-im TE T " Mill: l 1 „". or_col 1_ B42-SSM. N»edl.cra«t Dipt. 61 ^1 Z*5L?l?2!*P!! ?'*i 2 : 7 3 137 Lots & Acreage The Daily Register 104 Winter Rentals ?-*1*l-Ji__J! lXP?r! L ?" * MIchmlA. Copotworo * BOB AARNCKE ASSOCIATE? HAZLET* - ~Cholcel)u"liding" Tor "Will 154 Recreational 300 Hwy. 3S, Vlddletown build to suite. REALTOR 747-701 Vehicles badroom home, Furnished. iM Sept IS. Near tennis court. No pell. _ J7^ 2]} Folonlown * la 1(1, OH CMMI SU., He. OIJIW-OHI^ ask k>r_ £tonne. B0VoR™sTtC~^WWnT»i"thiJuuh "itnTar MOTOR HOME" * tort, NT 10011. Print NuM, on affiliate of the largest real estate For rtnt, it**pt elphl, PUdIC NOTICE POINT PLEASANT - Beautiful two company In the world-Century 21 _ tully equipped _67M»4. _ bedroom home Furnished, Winter r»n- By Rttakttlan ol Augutt I, im, mt * M*m Sp, ratttra N»mtm Coitm Realtor, 741-76U, Multiple llst- VIDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP - Four R"v VCH1CLE INSURANCE Eotontawn Board of Adluitm.nt J NEW FOR 1979! NEEDLECRAF! «£0»^_ , 7SN100 lots, (four) 100*100 lots. Sewage E tes and bid b h arantod e vorlonct la Eotontown Roc SEA~ BRIGHT"" Newly "carpeted, ond woter. Days, 741-1556, eves., quttcioct, Inc.tocoflth-uctondapanito X CATALOG-Hundreds of beauti BUY A PIECE OF HISTORY - H*rt'S X CATALOG-Hundreds of beauti furnished, efficiency apartments ona a reasonably priced Century Home 391-3530. 0 rocquot rtcrtotlon facility an tht X ful thmjs to make! 3 free .„" motel units. Dally/weekly/monthly with true* bedrooms, big eat-In kitch- 30' PROWLER - 1173. tandem axle, prtmltat locotod on South Sfrtat and rotes. Void service/all utilities. Trade UNlON "B6ACH*- "Vwo"7orne7ToTs. dnlgnatad at Lot 13 In (lock M on mt en, large dining room and beautiful Good location. • double dinette, tully self contained, ex- X patterns inside Send 75< 509 tt [ntfsVotel^ U3 1I37._ _ grounds, lust to mention a tew assets ceptionally well cored for. Call after 4 ta< mop ot IM Boroofh. Tho gronllng Asking 1H.500 E. A. ARMSTRONG p-m^ *71-403O._ 01 the vorhnct woo condltlonad upon * AGENCY, Realtor, SS5 Prospect Avr, tht opptlconl obtaining llnol tilt plan $ Llltl* JllVtr: 741;4W0. »• SUPE"RIOR"MOTOR~HOME "*- 105 Summer Rentals 138 Mobile Homes Fully self-contained, awnlnu, large re- COUNTRY CARRIAGE HOUSE frigerator, good slit bath. Call IVOUNVPOCONCT Paurba»Mrri, Ing on Auoutt IS. Iff77, th* Board of rA.TKcltanba,« Would set the scan* to seclusion and GARl>iN>ARirMOBlLEH6VEl 471-5141. Adlustmtnt opprovtd tht oppltcant'i al ana mambar tram Printed Pattern • two-both Chalet Fireplace. Private Bethany Rd.. Hailct. Adult park. Walk golf course. Unnli courts, beach ond Sylvan pool. Harmony of house ond CONTrNENTALTRAILIlTwT- SeTf- garden with garden room opening onto country club. Close to all resortl. 1 contained, II. excellent condlllon, Eafontown Racquet Club, Inc. has 223-SSU. ferroce Five bedroomi, 3 -'. baths, en- MOetLE~HOME INSURAliCE rtOMnoUt. M4-SI71. not mod* application to tht Board of dow truly gracloui living. S19l:000 FREE quotes ond binders by phone. Adluitmtnt tor on additional sti month RUMSON 35*LTY^I4J-1W*. £*_Li J°tl-_F_RiB J*^™- _ f Z "*7 parted ot time within which to apply for ; Body Conscious! COZY COTTAGE 120 i a building permit and an additional six 106 Furnished Rooms SCENIC PARK - Living room en- months tntroofttr within which to com- Three bedroomi, bath, dining area, tension, excellent condition, M*00 Coll tti IAY&Nf6ftN~ AREA~""Furnlihed kitchen, carpttlng, oppiloncei, treed I72J113* W_739-0413. ith kith iil! Cll lot. con't last. FOR RENT - Tm »' Wolor Hontt. MEL/VED AGENCY 139 Cemetery Lots Borough Hall to contldtr IM appll- A7VSU0 _ _ _ _4«-l«00 cent'i roquttt lor an txttntlan olITmt. ELLEN S. HAZELTOt£~REALTOR FOURGAVE Ceme*y WIN! WINNIE 1»7] - K.000 mllN. Documamt and atom Iliad by tha appll- 9175 Member Reoi Estate Exchange Fair View Cemetery, Red Bon tHHlltnt condition, compltttly corn art ovallablt Mr Inipocllon byTht _ JM2-3 J00_ conhilntd. m-_flt. public during raawler butlnou hourt al • BODY CONSCIOUS in the ESTATE AREA ' " UO j nil Borough Hgll, Eotontown, Ntw TWO GRAVES - Shoreland Memorial WOTOR HOMES FOR~ itENT * most beautiful, flattering wav- One-year-young, four large bedroomi, FREE WILKAOE 4 INSURANCE 10' master bedroom suite. 16x15 gueit Pork, Hailet. Nice location. Bargain CALL ANO CHECK OUR LOW, • bands bisect high gathers above RED BANK - Ce 1 1375. includes perpetual care, tfte paid bedroom, 2 /-. IUH baths, 2S living LO* RATES; m-wrr * lifted waist, flaring skirt. Sen roam,, formal dining room, 17' iclence kltchtn, 10' gomeroom, full dry recrea- TWO" GRAVES"-^ Tn~Sho7elo'nd"A7emo- RocKvtooD wmT-HowETmt - a J this short 01 long. tion basemen,. walk-In closed, two-cor rial Gardjins, Hailel. Last Supper sec- Duol-olr. HQ0Q mull. SIMM SU. Ex- garage, luxury corpttlng, mo|or no nlltnt condition. Coll O\Im. Printed Pattern 9175 Misses toyiy «' tm TIOOA - MW motor homt. tln*M J Sizes8. 10.12, 14,16, 18.20. ]uVf"'J 108 Commercial PII°W*ELMED AGENCY 1U Hailet I Sue 12 (bust 34) takes 3 1/8 «° Rentals 471 i*M 4*1.1*00 140 Real Estate anted X yards 45 inch fabric. FIREPLACE UO's ¥& AfljiNTnCHIGHL~AlilDS'^«, Custom built, three-yean-young, four ECLlNsTHAIELTONR*oTtor, -w suitable retail, warehouse, office or bedroomi, two full luxury baths. 21' Member Real Estate Exchange. Quali- Call otw 11 a.m.. M4-MM. gome room with firtplac*. utility fied Ilillngsdtslred. Belford, 717-7500 light manufacturing. Air conditioned, RmjonJ|4^00 * Sen. SI.» tm sac* „ i wctjlMHocrilonjMeoie coM^f t-OSOO. room, gorag*. central air, carpeting, applioncei. * Ml 40. hi atca rattan •" ATTRACTIVE ~ Vodern^Sict*in re- LISTINGS OF BETfER HOMES- In March center. Red Bank- Available In WEUWED AGENCY Koonsburg-W Iddl* town-Hailet • * fintdaal mailaimall, BMaKRi••-*•--. Hoimd*l orto. THE SMOLKO AOEN- two. three, four rooms or larger units. 7V»^ Q Uwren^. J^l^se^vkei^T^KBW^ __ ERSNEED LISTINGS imito. BEAUTIFUL - Office space, Brood Kerr Agency, Inc. 210 Lost A Pound * St., Red Bank. Professional building. HAZLET REALTOR COST "5^7 MioiM l«noi> "ui. •ROAD ST.t - Red Bank. Modern LOVELY SPLIT COLONIAL - In Aiwwto to tht namt "Soiho". vtclnl- offlc* suites. I7S per month. Corpet, Rorllon Volley. Four bedrooms, ]V; 10 I HUMAN MARTIN lorge prlvot* parking area. Wott at- baths, targe living room, dining room, 152 Boats* ?Ii !•&"""' *"""' """*'*•>"' « rotltrn Dwpt. 420 kitchen ond lomlly room, on o quiet 741-3113 before I p.m. Rocor Company, reildentlal street Close lo shopping, Acceuorlet LOST 6S ^ 41 Vonmouth St.. Red Bonk, schools ond transportation Included * Th» Daily ore wall-to-wall carpeting, dish- washer, walwolll overtoven,, refrlrefrigeratort " , cen- 13' SPEED BOAT - Utility type, flat Iroi air. All this for only bottom, trailer Included. Aifelng MM. i 135. Commercial * H air. All this for only S7],M0. b 7 CLOVER REALTY Z?L*5*5 ^a**H tll Property Hwy II, Keypvrl U FIBCRQLAS - R UMT - * IV IM IM St, He* M, FOR SALE KEANSBURG REALTOR PICK YOUR COLORS - B/ond new U' MOBIE CAT - Good condition, lorge thre*-bedroom ronch, Two baths, covtr ont now IrolMr. »I100. * «& W, SIB mt STYLE format dining room, quiet residential LOST y street. Finani aollobl to qalifid It. M t MM Slrttl ( buyer. Only UK' KMT, MOTOR AND TRAILED * Ltts be prtctiol-rD. tet KtflM#wtr|> Ntw ittMy - Oood condlllon FIMrgkn. With * more for less S when you sew! S3f,fO0 ikUi and iKtru^UOO.J^all «f*IJ._ g$gg«!W Free standing 8400 sq ft Perfect Dorter or retirement home. LOST - *httTmlr.KFtvr. icidl., Rnt J Send la »e» FMiWINTER Two-btdroom ronch with living room, 14- fTARCRAFT - Vlltll coiMr con- Ofr WOUMMV ATM M NfanWlll. AH- T FASHIONS TO SEW CATALOG H» building 1 plus acre site eat In kitchen and 15x14 tornlly room or wit. m lip. Johiwi and nil trolltr. LOST - VtcKity H in— mti, MJTrtt. Parking apprx. 50 cars. In- third bedroom. Maintenance-tree an- podWcipt.llOOl t\,m. Coll '_<'_«)' nv ond nHm at. Man lo 1 $1.50 cwpon to tm part terior, aluminum siding Enclosed II' SKI tOAT - »im U H P., Cnryiitr "••Try". PhMM nil nt-Htl or spect, oroperty & call 91-4MS. Hi WWII. X tim ot jow dace ttf owner. 211 Special Notices ualiritd buyers (212) 669-2142 14" FIBERGLAS BOAT 1174 - 1177 ALL~D«1vE~R«lN»U«ANCE - L*w CLOVER REALTY Long Trailer, good condition. 1700 mm. MM h W74OO Hwy JS. Ktyport firm. 344-7574. t Snuffy. Smith Dennis the Menace SHREWSBURY,Nj MONDAY,SEPTEMBER ii. 197B The DWiyRegfcter 17 UH--THAR'S ONLV LET'S FLIP Crossword puzzle ONE MORE OATMEAL FER IT, COOKIE LEFT, MAW PAW ACROSS 29 Kind of taw 47 Seasoned 25 Threefold 1 Pew 33 Accumulate sailor 26 Caen coin S V*gr*nl 34 Whip SO Sen tor 27 Pupil's 10 Degree of 36 Year: Sp. leas gadget excellence: 36 "You've 54 Incentive 28 Positive abbr. got -of ofakind pole 14 Soviet sea nervel" 56 Scratched 29 Food for 15 Mutineer 37 -deafear out Miss Muffet 16 Major or 38 Do 57 Item for a 30 Pirogue Minor others. " bullfighter 31 Before 17 Sue or nick 39 Comedian 58 State 32 Kit's 18 Kind of Sparks firmly contents angle 40 Eat away 59 Visionary 34 Repeat 19 Author 41 Kind of 60 Heavenly verbatim Bagnold sport saucers 37 John Wayne 20 Incisive 42 Hairdos 61 Dormitory movie REMEMBER TVI/S MORNINO YOU 22 Covered 44 Fights off items 38 Boxing blow WELL, IT MADE AND FAMILY with locks 46 To- 62 Late: Sp 40 Outside: WERE GRIPINg ABOUT HQWMANY ME THINK1 OF HOW WHAT BUCKET, 24 -dowell lexactly) 63 Camp sight prel. 26 Not now 46 Counterpart 41 Parched TIMES YOU VE /-VEAH,MUST MANY MEALS iVE DID IT PLEASE. 26 Uproar of a dam DOWN 43 Fisherman's TAKEN THAT (BE OVER 3,000 FIXED.,, MOW MANY" AMOUNT 1 Court bench BUS VD V\ORkT?>-l, TIMES. DISHES I'VE TO? Yesterday's Puule Solved: 2 A Roberts 44 Conundrum 3 Aforesaid 46 Famed WASHED.,. 4 Distinct golfer 5 Seismograph 47 Clean the markings deck 6 Be repeated 48 Roof over 7 Adjoin hang 8 Dealt with 49 Geriatric 1 9 Too much ones If W EVER SEE MAIBAR£TAG^,TULH£R TO KEEP CM AN 10 Certain 50 Addict bees 51 Traveler's FEED FT SOME FLIES, AN' I'LL TAKE CARE OF IT SOON AS 1 11 Samovars rest stop Mary Worth E 12 Sale phrase 52 — my word! 13 Woman 53 Kind of I AM PLEASED I HOPE YOU NO PROBLEM.ANNE! f A CALL FOR KXJ,\HOWABCXIT^ The Familv Grew By Bil Ream- 21 Gel a tube BUT NOT CAN STU MEET ANOTHER* 50,000 MR. cwwroRiy 1 THAT?THE return 56 Nabokov I'M SURE YOU WILL BE HAPPY SURPRISED- THE MORTGAGE IN LOTTERY MONEY IS •••FROM MR GARY BANK WANTS 23 Take five heroine TO KNOW, MILDREO THAT LAST MR CRAWFORD! PAYMENTS ON k AT THE NATIONAL/TO BORROW NIGHT I DONATED»ES,0O0TO THIS HOUSE. \ BANK.' J V FROM MEM A FOUNDATION WHICH GIVES FRANK.! SCHOLARSHIPS TO MINORITY »a r ^ STUDENTS/

The Wizard of Id

"Borfy won't hold his toil still."

COME OFF IT, MATE,YOU ) Your horoscope, birthday CX&NTMARRV ME TOR'S MYW4VS-Y0U MARRIED call now. Take advantage MEFORMYAf£4/VS MONDAY, SEPT. 11 for you tomorrow, find make this a day to remem- JUST ABOUT of the situation. ENOUGH Born today, you are a your birthday and read the ber. Share memories; be a highly emotional individu- corresponding paragraph. willing listener at evening. TAURUSIAprll 20-May 20) al. You do not enter into Let your birthday star be CAPRICORN(Dec. 22- - Absence, you will find, anything half-heartedly. your daily guide. Jan. 19) - Tact is necessary has made the heart grow Whether you detest or de- TUESDAY, SEPT. 12 to the furtherance of your fonder. A reunion at eve- light in a project, you will VIRQO(AUfl. 23-Sept II) - career. You can increase ning proves all you hoped. let your feelings be known - • Seek out those who can chances for promotion QEMINI(May21-Juna20)- - certainly, and without comfort you in a mild now. • Don't allow worries over hesitation. Never shy, you grief. Don't try to hide money to spoil your plea- may at times be too much your emotions from loved AOUARIUS(Jan. 20-Feb sure today. Enjoy your the opposite. ones. II) - Banish all thought of fellows; take part in activi- ties. You stick to your princi- LIBRA(Sapt. 23-Oct. 22)- failure; otherwise, you may unconsciously influ- CANCER|June21-July22) ISMTTHAT ples regardless of the in- Exercise is essential to ITS THE MOST 6EMJTIFOL ence yourself in that direc- - Allow family members SUMOISE IVE EVES SUM' ABSOLUTELY J centive to foresake them. your physical and emo- soaseous ' There is nothing of a mate- tional well-being. Take tion. an opportunity to direct the rial nature that could in- care that boredom doesn't PISCESIFeb 19-March family project. Co-workers duce you to go against your add stress. 20) - Family members clash on the employment better Judgment. SCORPIOIOd 23-Now make it easy for you to scene. 21) -• Pay more attention to change your mind about LEOfJuly 23-Aug. 22) - Alao born on this data your own health and less to basic issues. Seek - and Postpone consideration of ara: 0. Hanry, American another's if you would gain find - help. a change on the home author; Robert Karr, ((ni- in the long run. ARIESIMarch 21-Aprll 19) front. Take your time; al- ter Irom Oklahoma. SAGITTARIUS(Nov. 22- - You have another's re- low present situation a To see what is in store Dac. 21) -• Close friends sources at your beck and chance

Sheinwold's bridge advice Bast dealer Neither side vulnerable By Alfred Sheinwold ders could win no further tnck DAILY QUESTION NORTH except in trumps.'Moralh also • A2 ecoejusreor tM THBCOOORS Every defender is taught not saw that leading the 13th Partner opens with one umis six, JOE gmSEDTOPO CfUSHT IN to lead a suit thai dummy can heart, and you respond one VAKQ986 mm tmeouroNA diamond could do no harm and O 10 9 5 team ABOUTITTTFACB TMfFCJIX ruff. If he learns enough aboul might help. spade Partner now bids two . bridge to play for tho world MARES QUEEN hfaris. and it is once more up OUOfAGm.? AUCBGEP championship, however, he will When East led the last diam- to you. holding: 4> K J 9 7 6 WEST EAST \ _ fms/cuw. sometimes sec a reason 10 ond, West threatened to ruff Alfred Eatt Soulh Wett North lead that clubs were hopeless hand was played in the recent Sheinwold is available Gti Pass Pass Pass Is? If West's clubs were headed by World Open Pair Championship your copy b> MOding II 2S to Pats 1* Pass 2<5> K-Q he would lead the king in New Orleans the Swedish he Red Bank Register. I'D Pass 2 • All Pass rather than the queen. defense earned a very fine Box looo l.os Angeles, Calif PONT BAT It was clear (hat the defen- tournament score. *10M ) Opening lead - • Q BPS. TOO MOT FORA IT LOOKS LIKE YOU'RE MOT// PLANNING TO KEEP TRACk OF 50METHIN6, BUTNATl/RALl'iWarRE N0TGOIN6TOTELLME!


AS I AM TO SEE you; 18 The Dtofy Ifegfeler SHREWSBURY, N.J. MONOAY. SEPTEMBER 11,1978 fShowboat:' A mixture of quantity an quality •y NARVBKTH ALLEN skill, is believable as the star of the play within a play which takes place aboard the showboat Immortalized by RUMSON - Accenting the positive, "Showboat" has novelist Edna Ferber. tome memorable musical selections, some truly dramatic The show Is set In a day when black and white are not to moments, and a trio of especially talented performers: mix; and, when It becomes known that Julie, who appears Deborah Thomas, Betty Jane Shaw, and Calvin McCllnton white but has black blood within her veins, Is married to the Accenting the negative, it suffers (particularly during white Steve (portrayed by Hal Oglesby), the production the first lengthy act) from a notable lack of depth on the reaches a dramatic hlghpolnt. ••> put of many of the actors. Then, too, there are so many Following the confrontation with authorities, Steve and young people In the cut that It's not unlike a high school Julie leave the showboat — leaving the showboat without a production: daughter appears about the same age as mom leading actress. EUie, a supporting actress portrayed ap- and dad — and, later on In the production, a can of gray peallngly by Charlene FarraU, campaigns for the job but it spray Is the aging agent for them all. goes to Magnolia, the seemingly shy daughter of the ship's The musical, which will be repeated at B: 31 p.m. Friday captain. and Saturday, 2 p.m. Saturday, and 4 p.m. Sunday, is a Ms. Thomas excels as the gentle, caring "Nola." She mixture of quantity and quality. acts convincingly, sings well, and speaks volumes via facial Lots McDonald, director, has assembled a large cast of expressions. She Is at her best during a quiet dramatic many aspiring actors (many of whom have potential) as moment when she receives a letter from her hard-gambling well as a few mere seasoned performers. As a result, the husband In which he states that money Is enclosed but that, production offers audiences the thrill of seeing a relative or for her own good, he Is leaving. friend on stage — plus the opportunity to witness some Also Impressive is the scene in which the husband, genuine talent. Gaylord, as portrayed by Martin Orubman, sings his Those attending — no matter what their sentiments farewell to his small daughter, portrayed by Pamela Muise about Individual performers — know the difference ... and via applause they signal recognition of the best. Although he appears too young, Paul Kellogg does well Mr McClinton, who Is also stage and musical director, as Capt. Andy and, during scenes with Jodi Leitstein, who has a rich, resounding voice which is just right for "Old portrays his wife, he has the opportunity to use his comic Man River," a selection which adds both life and drama to flair. Also of comedlc value is Daniel Koellhoffer's the show portrayal of the backwoodsman attending his first play. It's His performance Is understated and appears easy. He an Interlude which Is an ingenious bit of fun. moves slowly and, for an Impressive conclusion to the Although she sings in only a whisper, Monica Fairfax number, sinks to one knee at center stage. For it, he earns earns applause for her portrayal of Queenie. Kudos also go ALL ABOARD — The stage at The Barn Theater, repeated at 8:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday. applause which Is sincere rather the merely polite. to Bill Brisley for his dancing and to Marge Hansen for Rumson, Is a sea of performers during presenta- Matinee performances are also scheduled. Ms. Shaw, who belts out lyrics and exhibits dramatic performing a minor role well. tions of "Showboat," the musical which will be ...I fSoap' starts second year with a lot less uproar By JAV SHARBUTT This Is the gospel according he said he thinks the reason judgment made by the public said. when each "Soap" began by shows," Thomopoulos said. He position ABC is going to be No. LOS ANGELES (AP ) - to Anthony D. Thomopoulos as "Soap" Is returning with little was that the Clitics were Among them, he added, Is advising that certain of Itsgave no details on how many 1," said Thomopoulos, whose ABQ'a atx-spice "Soap," lam- he begins his first full season public uproar is that the show wrong." WJZ in Baltimore, the only top "dialogue and situations may episodes Travolta would ap- network officially starts Its basted by religious and as ABC's programs chief. He "has been fairly well-received And, In contrast to last fall, 50 market station last fall to not be suitable (or all members pear In during the 1979-80 sea- new season tonight. homosexual groups when It began there last February and accepted." when It ABC affiliates either say no soap to "Soap," which of the family," there'll be no son. began last fall, Is starting Sea- when Fred Sllverman de- He said he feels that when aired the series late at night or chuckles about such matters such advisory now except But he said Hiss Fawcett- son No. 2 with almost none of camped to run NBC. viewers finally saw the half- refused to put It on at all, vir- as homosexuality, infidelity when ABC's censor feels It Is Majors, when the suit against the criticism that preceded Its In a wide-ranging chat re- hour sitcom after all the tually all ABC stations will air and the Mafia. warranted, he said. her was dropped, agreed to do cently with eight scribes here, hullabaloo last year, "the it this season as scheduled, he And unlike last season, On another Item, he was three more "Angela" episodes asked If he felt Fred Sllverman next season. shuffled NBC's new schedule The graying, 40-year-old ex- at the last minute to avoid tak- ecutive grinned when asked to ing on top-rated ABC early In predict which networks would Television Today the season, In effect stalling be No. 2 and 3 In the ratings for time until he can get shows this season. He declined to haz- New York Channels — 2, I, 5, 7, 9, 11, IS * he thinks will be hits on the au- ard a forecast. to challenge ABC's top shows. "I'm just going to take the DAYTIME MOVIES CD IN SEARCH Of (111 LET'S MAKE A DEAL (I) W ONE DAY AT A TIME ifiiola (80 mine.) Thomopoulos diplomatical- 10:00 CD CAROL BURNETT AND When e flu stricken Ann lets an HONEYMOONERS CD MOV* 111) JAMES MICHENER'S eager co-worker help with a - THEATRE IN AMERICA ly said he didn't know why all ; ATUNTIC HIGHLANDS FRIENDS WORLD 'The Youno Lovers' Part I. preaentatlon, ehe finde her The Time ol Your Lite' Set In e the shuffling, he'd have to be Queete: Steve Lawrence, Lily 'larael: A Seerch lor Faith' The CINEMA WIQUaPi .30 ILj ILOVTLUCV co-worker le aiming lor her lob wslerlront esloon. William Sar- hletory of lereel ae eeen oyan'a play la a blend ol social at NBC to understand Silver- IVININGS 7:00 end 9:00 IT) AM PHILADELPHIA (R) IJS.OOO PYRAMID through the three rellgloue conaclouanese and poetic man's motivation, and added: 1:00 HOLLYWOOD SQUARES herlfegee of the country: dl ® LOO GRANT aymbollem around the theme ol "I could make a lot of as- CD MOVIE JKWLVWED GAME Judeiem, lelem end Christianity, making the most ol III*. (2 O NEWS Lou deflea a CIA request to lay •Remarkable Andrew' le etudied (60 mine > hr.l sumptions, but It would be un- ( MACNEIL LEHRER off a local eeplonege story. (R: (T) MOV* — _ S:30 fair." All Thai Heaven Allowi REPORT IftM X) (H) GOOD TIMES QD(H>O NEWS CD CD NEWS Two other matters: John Everyone get! into the ect when _ 4:00 CD® THE JEFFERSONS W W THE PALLISERS 12:00 Travolta and Farrah Fawcett- Willom, the Eveni lemily end CD MOV* Qeorge'e old Navy buddy Marriages ere plenned end torn QD ALFRED HITCHCOCK Irlende put on a variety show to Majors The Pink Jungle' ehowe up el the house. He epert: Phlneee Finn promises to W TWILIOMT ZONE raiee money for e dey cere 4:30 lovee George, but lovee Loulee wed hie childhood sweetheart, 12:15 Travolta, the "Welcome inter. (R) ID MOVNE even more. (R) after which Laura Kennedy CD MOVIE (DRAMA) •"* Back, Kotter" co-star who hit MERV GRIFFIN 'SoloHere of Fortune' CD 3) LITTLE HOUSE ON THE enlists his aid In leevlng her "Breakout" 1858 Richard TO TELL THE TRUTH It big in the movies "Grease" EVENING PRAIRIE husbsnd. Also, the aged Duke Todd, Richard Atlenborough and "Saturday Night Fever," The Ingelle limily movee Irom of Omnium proposes to British soldiers In Italian POW CD CD CD CD m NEWS Walnut drove to the town ol X® M.A.S.H. Madams Max. a prospect Lady camp execute dsngerous day will return to "Kotter" this MONMOUTH MONMOUIN (E BRADY BUNCH Wlnofce neer where Mtry le One of Radar'e anlmale Glencors sets out to evert. (60 light escspe (2 hre.) season, but only appear In ARTS J1,IIDUN« GD CONCENTRATION teaching at e school tor people become! cruclel to a problem mlns.) , 12:30 eight episodes. CENTER 747-KrtO W MOD SQUAD who, like heriell. are blind In plegulng Hot Llpe. while _, 1O:SO (11) MOVIE -(DRAMA) "<* W TODAY IN DELAWARE Winoks, Cherlei encountere • Cherlea finde hlmeelf In a (it) BEST Of OROUCHO "The Virgin and the Gypsy " Miss Fawcett-Hajors, who W ZOOM little orphen nimed Albert, who dangerous predicemenl 10:40 1870 Josnns Shlmkus, Franco left "Charlie's Angels" to try MO makee hie way with lies and beceuie of hie blundering ep CD KINER'S KORNEK Nero. A girl tails lor a vagabond $ CD me NEWS petty thievery. (Season proech to a disturbed patient 11:00 gypsy end sutlers the con for a film career, then was eequencee. (2 hra.) (B I LOVE LUCY Pxemifre; 60 mine.) W (1) CD CD 90) NEWS sued for leaving her show, will (I) ABC NEWS (I) (1) MONDAY NIGHT AT (B HOOAN'S HEROES be back In "Angels" this sea- 1 (T) JOKER'S WILD (7) ONE-HOUR THE MOVIES (?) MOVIE (COMEDY) •"•* (J)(4> TOMORROW son, but only for three (It NEW8 The Crlticel Lief Slere; Lloyd "Holiday" 1(36 Katharine Host: Tom Snyder Quest: _, 7:00 • SPECIAUNew Bridges, Robert Wagner A Hepburn, Gary Grant A non- immed All (60 mlns.) episodes. SATURDAY ROCKHUOSON CD CBS NEWS hoepitel director eeperated conlormist man conlronts a I LOVE LUCY Will they return to their WAMMUW Night/New Season stuffy New York City society JOE FRANKLIN SHOW (1) NBC NEWS from his pregnent wife becomes r series next season, too? NIGHT 20 involved with the eecrelery ol a femily and finda hie metch with (I) BRADY BUNCH "Welcome Bock CD CD NEWS tkouand successful medlcel melprac- l. (2 hrs) (J) TtCTAC DOUGH 3) MARCUS WELBY, M.D. "There are plans to have lonsol Kotter" tlce lawyer, who, in turn, ie in 000 COUPLE FEVER" icy It trail (E ABC NEWS (I) MOVIE -(ADVENTURE) them come back on a limited Mr leegue with e phyelclan on the ABC CAPTtONED NEWS II) BOWLING POR see hospitals ststl. (PI I ol s t> DICK CAVETT basis if we do proceed with the ID 17) WELCOME BACK, "Adventures ol Don JIUH>" ODD COUPLE KOTTER two-part episode; 2 hre.) rSHOW CD (B MONDAY NIOHT Quest: Joe Venutl. ISH W DICK CAVETT SHOW The Sweethoge. led by Vlnnie CD THOUGHT'FOR TODAY FOOTBALL violinist. , $IS5OTM- 2:3O P.M. FOR Quell Jo* Venuti. jlll fierberlno, decide to breek up fell end eeek their fortunes outelde Denver Broncoe vs Minnesota 11:30 STARRED)*) FEATURES 7*0 the welle of Buchenen High Vikings (2 hrs., 46 mine) (X) 9S> CBS LATE MOVIE NEWS CD MUPPETS SHOW School when they learn thet Mr. (II) BILLY GRAHAM I Want To Keep My Baby' PRAYER Quest Milton Berle Kotter hat accepted e promo- DE Stars: Susan Anepech, Jack ® MOVIE -(MUSICAL) "V, tion to vice principal (Seiion OPERA THEATRE Rader. The drama revolves "Site's Back on Broadway" (4) IN SEARCH Of Premiere; 00 mine.) The World of Victor Herbert' A eround a 15-year-old girl who 1963 Virginia Mayo, Slave 1:3O-3:3O-5:3O-7:30-_»:30 CD BASEBALL eumptuouely-s:eged ex discovere thet she is pregnent Cochren. Two beauties are , • TORNADOS-With Chlcego Cube ve New York travagama ealutea the com- and makee the declelon to have metched egalnat one another "REVENGE OF THE HEAVEN the baby and raiae It herself. lor one man's affection and the Uonatd Nimoy^ Mete poeer of auch early 20th- century operettaa ae 'Naughty (R) 'McMillan And Wile: The honor ol becoming the toest' of PINK PANTHER" CAN WAIT Marietta,' 'The Red Mill.' Game 01 Survival' Stars: Rock Broadway. (116 mine.) Sweethearts1 end others, tea' Hudson. Susan Saint James 1:90 luring hie songs performed by MM Cfl) NEWS Cenedlen soprano Barbers 8) (D THE TONIGHT 2:46 Shuttleworth with caet and SHOW 0D MOVW -(DRAMA) ••• chorus (DO mlns.) Quaet hest: Qeorge Carlln "Career" 1969 Shirley Ma- Onto) Th« Slop A Shop ComptniM 9:30 Guest: Joel Grey, Joe Gar cLalne, Anthony Francloaa. THE BUDDY COLOR PORTRAIT HOLLY STORY WW AT 11E 35 DnlVE-m RADIO SOUND ASK ABOUT OUR CLASSIC PORTRAIT At the movies nw m mm MM* iwrt •• tm C* in *m PIA1A-I MONMOUTHCOUNTY Hooper (PG)7:x,f:3O 14 Print ABERDEEN TOWNSHIP COMMUNITY II — Ti»a:Mr:ie,«:ie CHSBMAM- Avokmctn{PG| ;».»» BECOMES A R«v«net or tttt Pink Panther IPG) EATONTOWN DRIVE-IN - NIGHTMARE OF muni»»»*»»i»j«i |PI; »:»•:• JO»I IIIPGI 1.11:15, Car Woiti (PC) 10 Jfi Super ITMATHMORI CINIMA I — PRBBHOLD DESTRUCTION I SELLERS In JeMlllPCIl.t.u MALL I- 1*011. RBViUQEOFTHI 1T«ATMMO«S CINIMA II -* or tht Pink Panthtr (PC) RT. U DRIVE-IN- HEAVEN TlwChNpD«tKtflv« COLONIAL - Hoo<»rlPG>>:X.»:J0 Saturday Nloht Ftv»r IR)7:»,»:» •ATONTOWN KEVPORT 2 - 8xlO's COMMUNITY I - HAZLIT STRAND m Autoblogropny ol Fin IX) I], 2, 4:30. WW HEAVEN 6:50, »:M; A Coming or ot Ano«l (XI 1.1:05, 5:». IB. NX 2 - 5x7's * LONg BRANCH CAN WAIT Get together at Arthur Murray's MOVIBII - 1A WALLET H«ovtn Con Wall (PGI ?:».»: X and learn DISCO. MOVIES II — i«" SIZE ThfSmddy Holly Story IF>GI 7:45.t:4S Makes you feel sogood— UA MIDDLBTOWN I - ENTIRE PACKAGE.$10.94 Animal Hou»IRI7:»,l:» Q C Makes you look so great— UA MI00LET0WN II - LESS DEPOSIT 98 The only way to AvaMncMIPOIT.t UA MIDOLITOWH III — plus tax BALANCE $9.98 move is to Tht Buddy Holly Sterv (PG) 7:30,»:» OCEAN TOWHIHIP ENTIRE PACKAGE IEAVIEW HUARE CINEMA I - Hoavin Con Wolt (PCI 1:30. J:3e. 5:10. ORDERS ONLY 7:30.»:» ALL AGES SEAVIEW SOUABE CINEMA II - FAST DELIVERY The coordinated Tnt Bvddy Holly Snry IPGI 1, <:«, •clf-eipneiion for two. MIDoilBROOK MOVIBS I — Youtl tx fall of Jow» II IPGI I. IS IUDDYHOUYSTMY SATISFACTION ALWAYS OR DEPOSIT REFUNDED MIOOCEBROOK MOVIBIII — energy and rhythm Avotonct»(PO|7 «.» 30 whin you learn RED BANK MONMOUTH ARTICBNTBR - TUES THRU SAT. SEPT 12-16 the Duxv Dancei tatwrdevNlsMF«vor(RW Ii, t JO CHA-CHA MOVIBI III- TOUCH HUSTLE GrMM(POI7:U,f: